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Enim Regency Historical Estuary

Enim regency historical estuary during the occupation of the Dutch East Indies, while the structure of governance in the region still form clans, along the three rivers that flow there are several clans of government, in the path of the river Enim for example, includes the clan to clan mas tamblang ujan river cane, while along the river Lematang includes clan to clan tamblang patang semendo twenty cam, everything before joining the administrative region "Onder Lematang ilir department." Muaraenim district is located and subject to "section palembang sche Boven Landen" by led by a resident assistant based in grave. Resident assistant in addition to supervising the department Onder Onder Lematang ilir also oversees the department with capital grave Lematang ulu, Onder efdeling high cliff with a capital of high cliffs and Onder Pasemah department with capital Pagaralam, during the Japanese occupation Onder department administrative area renamed kewedanaan with regional coverage a wider, then the clan territories were divided into two regions kewedanaan; kewedanaan Lematang Ogan middle, and kewedanaan Lematang ilir Ogan Lematang kewedanaan middle with the region include stereotyped Rambang clan, a clan of four petulai Curup, petulai at me four clan, clan river cane (which previously was added clans ilir Lematang region), central axes Rambang clan, clan lubai one tribe, clan tribe lubai two (previous entry Ogan region ulu), clan alai, Lembak clan, clan Djakarta Mulya, gelumbang clan, clan ferryboat kelekar (previous entry ilir Ogan region) as well as clan and clan penukal abab (previously entered wlayah Sekayu) Meanwhile kewedanaan Lematang ilir include land semendo clan, clan panang sangang twenty, panang selawi clan, clan panang accomplished twenty, mace south clan, clan tamblang coral king, twenty-cam patang tamblang clan and clan tamblang ujan mas, every clan under the head of government named Pasirah, at the time of independence, based on the courts of the residency of Palembang on 20 November 1946, the region kewedanaan Lematang Lematang Ogan ilir and middle combined into districts Lematang ilir liot Ogan was abbreviated with the capital of estuary geochemistry.

Based on the regents KDH tk sk ii liot 47deshuk1972 number dated 14 June 1972 is set on 20 November 1946 as the anniversary of the estuary Enim regency ago by sk ii estuary Enim district level 2642b1980 number dated March 6, 1980, effective from 1 April 1980 the district name returned on behalf of liot se the district level initially ii Enim estuary, where it has been stated in the emergency law number 4 of 1956 (Republic of Indonesia-ln ri, in 1956), martial law number 5 of 1956 (ln ri in 1956 number 56 ) and emergency law number 6 of 1956 (ln ri 1956 the number 57) concerning the formation of regions including the municipal level ii regions within the southern Sumatran i rate uu conjunction with number 28 in 1959 (ln ri in 1959 number 74; additional lnri number 1821) about the establishment of emergency uu above as a law (uu .) Muaraenim city itself is located about 400 km from the city of Palembang, the city is both a district capital Muaraenim, halved the area of the river; Lematang river (which flows from
the direction bengkulu) and Ogan river (which flows from the direction of Lampung). the

two rivers that form a kind of met you-estuary, and blends in river geochemistry, geochemistry of the river is one of the creeks in the city of Palembang musi, thereby Muaraenim district is the watershed (das) three river-fed, well, it Enim regency history estuary is taken from various sources

Sub-District Kecamataan Estuary Geochemistry

sub-district kecamataan estuary estuary Enim kecamatankabupaten Enim is a county located in the province of southern Sumatra, Indonesia, the capital city is located dimuara Enim district, this district has the breadth of the area 7,466.82 km and a population of approximately 600,000 people

Estuary Enim district consists of 22 districts namely

1. 2. Tanjung Agung Muara Enim

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Rambang Dangku Gunung Megang Talang Ubi Gelumbang Lawang Kidul Semende Darat Laut Semende Darat Tengah

10. Semende Darat Ulu 11. Ujan Mas 12. Tanah Abang 13. Penukal 14. Lubai 15. Rambang 16. Sungai Rotan 17. Lembak 18. Penukal Utara 19. Benakat 20. Abab (Penukal Abab) 21. Kelekar 22. Muara Belida

Enim District Borders the Estuary

Northern district of Musi Banyuasin, Banyuasin district, south of the city palembang Ogan Komering southern flank, Kaur district (provincial bengkulu) west Musi Rawas district, county grave, natural fences city mur ti Ogan Komering ulu, Ogan Ilir, King city mulih

Muaraenim district profile

Muaraenim district profile estuary Enim district is one district in southern Sumatra province, the district capital is located in Muara Enim, estuary Enim district in the northern district bordering Banyuasin, the ti nut bordering Ogan Komering ilir while the west is bordered by Musi Rawas

district and the south by Ogan Komering ulu, an area of 9575 km2 Enim regency estuary which is divided into eleven districts. coal mining is a commodity that contributes quite large in promoting economic growth and regional income estuary geochemistry, production that reached about 10 million tons per year largely consumed by steam power electrical activity, while its reserves are about five billion tons is enough for dozens of years fore, beyond the potential for coal and gas as a power that did not last long, the economic potential of the estuary geochemistry can still rely on agriculture and tourism of the area of 957.5 thousand hectares, of which 96.9 percent is dry land and the remaining paddy fields, can be said to grow rice is not the first choice of the population, but on the plantation, plantation sub-sector has a rapidly growing opportunities may even shift the dominance of the mining sector the next few years, especially if the former coal mining area reclaimed and planted with plantation crops since three years ago, in addition to the main farm commodities, other plantation
crops such as patchouli plants began to be developed, opportunities to develop patchouli is used as an ingredient of medicines and fragrances in estuary geochemistry is more wide open because of this high value crop in the world market, while in the field of tourism, Enim estuary has the potential of natural and historical attractions, such as tranquil waterfall waterfall in the village district bedegung great promontory, ge hot water sources in villages penindaian muhak semendo district, waterf ll a ambatan great promontory of the island in the district, lake district segayam in gelumbang and enshrinement garden complex laws hindu religious backgrounds in the sub -soil brother, who is not less interesting, when we entered the estuary enimdari palembang city will be found sights like jakarta travel peak, along the way there are huts vendors selling fruit by harvest, such as sapodilla, orange, pineapple and watermelon

Official name: Enim regency capital estuary: estuary Enim provinces: the southern Sumatran region boundaries: north: the southern district Banyuasin: Ogan Komering western flank: Musi Rawas district and the district grave nut ti: Ogan Komering Ilir district and the city of Palembang area: 9575 km population: 717,741 inhabitants (2000 census)

seven upper teeth brown means that the earth liot (Lematang ilir Ogan center), at that time consisted of 7 (seven) districts. yellow wing eight strands that bound the center with white wheels and shield bracelet that reads estuary estuary geochemistry geochemistry beritikat symbolize holy people who were tied up and collected in a good governance, dynamic and authoritative, will fly towards the goal unitary republic of Indonesia in a fair and mak nut. rice and cotton kemak symbolizes prosperity in the country as a whole unitary Republic of Indonesia which is also a source of income and wealth of the region, a string of twenty-six grains of rice symbolizes the unity of twenty-six genera and seven representing the seven districts of cotton and rice and cotton strands which together symbolize that society in all respects Enim estuary is in harmon disorderly lines as much as eight pieces of blue

on the left and right small shield each of the four fruit means that the estuary of the river flow is contained Enim, Lematang river, stream geochemistry, penukal rivers, streams belido, lubai rivers, streams Rambang, lengie rivers and streams that can be used to mimic improve the welfare of the population lives. white small shield shows the power pemeirntahan law founded on the purity and sanctity of his subjects, and a black isosceles triangle depicts derrick and coal, the potential is dominant in the estuary area of geochemistry at the three corners where there are natural resources that generate foreign exchange which is very great and always a concern of government in particular and local income on u mumnya namely petroleum in the pavilion and the King mulih and coals in the foreland Enim cultural values

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