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Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Mathematics
MA11004 - Linear Algebra, Numerical and Complex Analysis

Assignment -1 Spring 2022

Total Marks=25

Dead line: 10.05.2022 at 11:59 pm

Late submission carries no marks. Any form of malpractice will be dealt with

1. Let Pn be the set of all polynomials in the variable x with real coefficients and degree less
than or equal to n.

(a) Prove that Pn is a vector space over real numbers with usual polynomial addition
and scalar multiplication. Also prove that Pn has dimension n + 1.

(b) Let {a1 , a2 , · · · , am } be m (≤ n) distinct real numbers and Am ⊂ Pn be the set of all
polynomials with a1 , a2 , · · · , am as roots. Prove that Am is a subspace of Pn .

2. Let Mn×n be the set of all real n × n matrices. Let U ⊂ Mn×n be the set of all matrices
with trace (the sum of all the diagonal entries aii ) 0. Let Eij ∈ Mn×n be the matrix (ers )
defined by (
1 if r = i, s = j
ers =
0 otherwise .

(a) Prove that U is a subspace of Mn×n .

(b) Prove that {Eij (i ̸= j), E11 − Enn , E22 − Enn , · · · , En−1n−1 − Enn } spans U , and the
dimension of U is n2 − 1.

3. Let V be a vector space over complex numbers of dimension n. Then show that V is
a vector space over real numbers of dimension 2n.

4. Let P3 be the vector space of real polynomials of degree ≤ 3. Define a map T : R4 → P3

by T (a, b, c, d) = 2a+(b−d)x−(a+c)x2 +(a+b−c−d)x3 . Find the matrix representation

of T with respect to the standard basis of R4 and the basis {1, x, x2 , x3 } of P3 . Also find
the null space of T , and the rank of T ?

5. Solve the system of equations using Gaussian Elimination method

x−y+z = 8
2x + 3y − z = − 2
3x − 2y − 9z = 9.

6. For what value of a, the system has a solution.

x − y + 4z = − 2
2x − y + 10z = − 1
2x + y + 13z = 4
x − 2y + 2z = a

In this case, find the solution.

 
4 2 2
7. Let A = 2 4 2 . Find the eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors of the
2 2 4
matrix A. Is A diagonalisable? If so, find an invertible matrix P and a diagonal matrix
D such that P −1 AP = D.

8. Prove that the eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix are all real.

9. (a) If λ is an eigenvalue of A, then prove that λm (m is a natural number) is an eigenvalue

of Am .

(b) Let A and B be two square matrices which are diagonalisable by the same eigenvector
matrix P . Prove that AB = BA.

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