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“Good times are even better when they are shared”

When feeling unwanted and unimportant, one particular person can shift your

mentality. Dark times bottle up your thoughts and for all we know causes overthinking. A

particular phase of my life was like this. Due to Covid-19 a lot changed, especially being

stuck at home. At the time it didn’t feel comparable, however as school started everything

was reciprocated. Online school was not pleasant. One tool that made an impact on me was

this game called “Among Us”, a very enjoyable game. There was a new concept introduced

there and you could chat with people around the world. On a wistful night, I was playing a

normal game and this one character in the game captured my attention. It was an intense all

pink with a light pink bow. Like the character, the name was also eye-catching, “Jungkook”.

That name immediately made me grin, due to it being my favorite person’s name. I chatted

with the person and had no indication of how much that late night conversation will change

my life.

During that time I was anxious about building a friendship with a stranger. I keep my

life principally private as well as not talk much. Well that’s what I thought, until I met my

soulmate. Jennifer, a beautiful, kind, and brilliant girl. Even though she is a year younger than

me, still to this day I obtain a portion of my knowledge from her. At first, I thought to myself

that there is no way this girl is real. How can someone understand me so well behind the

screen? How is she so understandable and non judgemental? On a rough day, her text would

make my whole day. I could text her throughout the day and feel all the love along with

reassurance just from my phone. She impacted my life so much without even being with me.

What’s even crazier is that I just met her in September of 2020, right in the beginning of

grade 11. She understood me more than my real life friends and always provided quality time

out of her busy schedule. We have never met each other in real life as she lives 2222 km
away from me, and all the way in Ontario. The day we meet up will be the best day of my life

and I can die happily after.

Although I don’t get to see her everyday, I know all the little details about her day and

how the day went. Her life is entirely divergent from hers and that’s what has been keeping

me happy, knowing that I can live life from someone else’s eyes. Talking to her never feels

tiring and my mind gets all worked up to just talk to her about my day.

Jennifer taught me that I am not alone and what I feel is okay to feel. It feels

tremendous to know that someone in this world looks up to me, cherishes me, waits for my

messages, and would do anything for me. I have been through a lot of friendships but never

have I met such a selfless person like her. I don’t overthink anything that has to be with her. If

I had to pick one person I would happily die for is Jenni. I treasure our friendship in my heart

and the memories will stay with me forever. Willingly my kids in the future will be listening

to me talk about her non stop considering that she saved me from this horrible world and

gave me hope for life.

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