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Selamat Pagi & Good morning

Lari dan Berlari, There were children,

Kanak - kanak gembira berlari, Running around happily,


Apa itu merdeka ? What is Merdeka?

Di sini terciptanya sejarah,

Warisan nenek moyang bangsa,

Kaya dengan tatasusila,

Kaya dengan adat dan budaya.

Di sini kami dilahirkan,

Di sini kami dibesarkan,

Di sini taat setia dicurahkan,

Di sini darah ditumpahkan,

DAN di sini lahirnya sebuah cinta,

Di sini lahirnya cinta,

Di jaga rapi merdeka ini,

Simpan dijiwa disimpan dalam hati,

Merdeka ini satu anugerah,

Malaysia…..tanah air ku
The history begins here,

The heritage of the nation’s ancestors,

Rich in etiquettes,

Rich in cultures and customs.

Here we were born,

Here we being raised,

Here where the loyalty showed,

Here was the place of hardships

and , here where love was born.

Here where love was born,

Our Merdeka stayed safe,

Will keep it deep inside our heart and soul,

Merdeka is a gift,

My homeland, Malaysia.

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