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Rhod M.

Supresencia 04/25/22
11- STEM Diamond HGP
ACTIVITY 1: In the Name of Service

 Donate Clothes- I have two boxes in an empty room, and fill them with clothing and
other items. One goes to the homeless center, and one to a Rescue Mission. Right now, I
have a 3rd, filling it with items for a local church. Throwing anything out makes me
almost sick at my stomach. I know, silly, maybe, but others have needs and when we
rent storage sheds to put extra items we aren’t using, it makes no sense to me. As I age,
I am decluttering and it is amazing how I thought so many things were so needed. It’s so
fun to give blessings to others.
 Clean up drive- The experience was great and we really had fun doing the activity called
"Clean-up Drive" at Barangay Buting. In that place, I realized the value of our
environment. Every waste that we throw must be segregated so that somehow we can
contribute to the prevention of climate change and global warming. We also built
friendship within our group during the activity. It brought many advantages in the
youth. I hope there will be another activity like this.

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