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14 of the Best Online Businesses

You Can Start Now

Cait Mack Aug 11 · 6 min read

#1 is my favorite, #3 is the most fun, but #14 is (probably) the most lucrative.

Austin Distel

The world is digital, as if you didn’t know. The future is gig work, you
might’ve heard. Now, I don’t fully buy into that. I think the move from full
time work for one company to all gig work will be slower than some
anticipate. On the flip side, while I love my full time job, I’m also a big
believer in side work.

Here are 14 of the best online business opportunities for those of you
willing to put in a little extra work.

1. Write for paid sites

What is it?
It’s exactly what it sounds like…you write for a website that pays you for
your writing. Medium is an obvious example, but there are tons of other
sites that will pay you to write for them. Actually many sites now will pay
you for good content. Think of a site you enjoy reading and see if they
accept new work.

Learn more:

2. Self-publish books
What is it?
Self-publishing refers to an author who completes the entire publishing
process on their own or with their own resources, including printing,
editing, proofreading, formatting, cover design, and book marketing. This
is accomplished without the assistance of a typical publishing house or
publisher. Pro tip- write about what you know, don’t prattle on about things
that aren’t in your wheelhouse.

Learn more:

@car_elanie (Instagram)

3. Create handmade goods

What is it?
Setting up your own website/virtual storefront is one option if you wish to
sell handmade items online. Using social media platforms such as
Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to sell. Selling on a third-party e-
commerce portal such as or Amazon’s Handmade. I have a friend
who is an incredible creator of art pieces, both her choice designs and
requested custom work. She has built herself a strong online business by
utilizing Instagram and Etsy, and her talent, obviously. Check her out:

Learn more:


4. Create an app
What is it?
Native apps are usually created by a developer using the platform’s own
programming language. These apps are downloaded to the smartphone
from the relevant app store and saved in the device’s memory, making them
available for usage at the touch of a button. You can now create apps for
free (Appy Pie App Builder is a popular choice). Of course the market is
saturated, but what market isn’t? Be mindful that most apps don’t make any
money at all. So make sure you have a good idea, good design, etc.

Learn more:

5. Sell other people’s products

What is it?
Reselling isn’t anything new, but it’s still lucrative. You can find things at
yard sales, flea markets and thrift stores then clean them up and resell
them. You can purchase popular products from China for cheap and resell
them on Amazon for a hefty profit. Affiliate marketing is another technique
to make money by selling other people’s items. Affiliate marketers promote
products from a variety of companies in exchange for a commission (a
percentage of the total sales price). This can be accomplished through your
website, social media, or paid advertisements.

Learn more:

6. Create an online course

What is it?
An online class is a class that takes place over the internet. They’re usually
run through a learning management system, which allows students to
monitor their course syllabus and academic progress, as well as connect
with their classmates and instructor. I’m actually thinking about doing this
with a course in personal finance for people in their 20s. Do you write a lot
about the same topic over and over, from different angles? Then you could
combine everything into one valuable course that people pay for.

Learn more:


Campaign Creators

7. Start a paid newsletter

What is it?
Paid newsletters are email campaigns that users subscribe to for a cost,
usually on an annual or monthly basis. They’re a terrific way to
complement your business, as well as a useful tool for people who wish to
generate money by promoting their own brand. You could also create a free
newsletter and sell advertising spots, which might be simpler to start with.

Learn more:


8. Internet domain selling

What is it?
Buying and selling domains is a lucrative business that you can run from
the comfort of your own home. It’s basically the process of you buying
domain names, then selling said domain name to a buyer who wants it.
When buying and selling domain names, there are trademark concerns to
consider too.

Learn more:


9. Open a dropship store

What is it?
Dropshipping is a fulfillment method in which a store does not stock the
items it sells. Instead, the retailer buys the item from a third-party vendor
and has it delivered to the buyer directly. As a result, the seller is relieved of
direct product handling.

Learn more:

10. Curate subscription boxes

What is it?
In a nutshell, a subscription box is a regular physical delivery of curated
niche-oriented products wrapped in a box designed to create an experience
and add value beyond the products themselves. It’s not only about the
items that are provided; it’s also about the experience that comes with
them. Think of some popular niches- pets, health, self-care, etc.- and build
a box around it.

Learn more:


11. Become a virtual assistant

What is it?
A virtual assistant can make anywhere from 15–30/hour and you can do it
from the comfort of your home. You can really be any kind of virtual
assistant. You’re basically helping a business do whatever they need to do,
from a remote location. This could include, but is not limited to, email
management, content creation, bookkeeping, graphic design, social media,
and the list goes on.

Learn more:


Sara Kurfeß

12. Do copy for other people’s social media

What is it?
Copywriters for social media create the messages that businesses utilize in
their posts. They spend their days collaborating with company reps, clients,
and account executives to put marketing concepts into hashtags, phrases,
and longer posts for various social media platforms. An example I’ve seen is
a husband/wife duo that charge a flat price (300/month let’s say) for a set
amount of social media posts (1 blog post, 4 Facebook posts, 8 Twitter
posts, etc.). Nothing earth shattering here, but a very solid idea if you’re
good at writing and social media marketing (free certification available
from HubSpot!)

Learn more:


13. Start a coaching program

What is it?
Coaching is a type of development in which an experienced individual,
known as a coach, provides training and advice to a student or client in
order to help them achieve a specific personal or professional objective. A
coachee is a term used to describe a student.

Learn more:


14. Build your own freelance site

What is it?
Freelancers are self-employed people who work for themselves. They are
also known as independent contractors. Other organizations use
freelancers on a part-time or short-term basis, but they do not receive the
same pay or have the same level of commitment to any one company as full-
time employees. Building your own site, publishing your own content, and
attracting high quality clients will take a lot more time and effort on your
part. But it’s much more profitable and sustainable than working on a
platform someone else owns.

Learn more:


Hope you found this information useful! Pop back tomorrow for my
“Top 5 Beer Styles to Try” article.

Stay in touch and get an email whenever Cait Mack publishes.

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Business Side Hustle Online Marketing Money Entrepreneurship

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Aug 10

How to Hack Your 4 Main Brain Chemicals

for a Better Life
24 quick tips to get to your best self, fast.

jesse orrico

You have a surprising amount of control regarding your brain function.

Happiness, depression, anxiety, etc. are all, somewhat, within your control.
You can hack your chemicals for the results you want. It’s a lot like
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Below you’ll find 24 tips covering the 4 main brain chemicals and how to
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Dopamine aka “The Reward Chemical”

What is it?

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41 1

Post a quick thought or a long story. It's easy and free. Write on Medium

Aug 9

The Best New Streaming This Week

14 new things worth watching. Yes, 14!

Erik Mclean

Ayy, we have some big changes starting this week! Two streaming services
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I’ve added Apple TV+ and Peacock, so you don’t miss anything, streaming
Streaming platforms are not disappointing us here in the second week of
August. Multiple world class documentaries land, a couple of fun movies (a
comedy and an action!) and the return of a couple of series that are beloved
by their respective (passionate) fans. Oh and a limited series from Netflix
that looks delightfully deranged.

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Aug 8

Books & Booze: 8/8/21

Your antidote to a week of chaos.

Daniel Wirtz

Man, we really did go Jaaaaanuary, Februaaaary, Maaaaarch,

aprilmayjunejuly, AUGUST- didn’t we? That meme was accurate as hell.
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Aug 6

1 Life-Changing Quote from Joe Rogan

Fix Your Sh*t: Volume 41

Source: “Young” Jamie Vernon, Twitter

I like advice that hits like a brick to the face.

We need more straight talk, less fluff.
So, love him or hate him (really?), Joe Rogan is your guy. He often gives us
a lot to unpack, which I can appreciate in a person. Anyway, I came across
this quote from him, a week or so ago:

Excellence in anything increases your potential in

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Then Won Her Back
She was hurt, instead of heard.


Hurt. Heard.
Two words that sound similar but mean very different things.
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our fault when relationships end. Or at least partially our fault.
Relationships don’t just “run their course” naturally, we make a decision to
stop caring like we used to. And it kills whatever was there to build off of.
Anyway, how did I almost lose the love of my life?
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