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Question 1 :
a. Describe the seven steps in the selling process. What would be thư two most difficult
steps for most salespeople and why ?
The sales process consists of 7 steps: first step, prospecting, finding and identifying qualified buyers
or leads. The second step, called preapproach, is to get to know the customer about everything that
can be related to the product. The third step, named approach, creates a relationship with potential
customers. The fourth step is presentation, this step is where you present the product based on your
personalised needs and desires for your functional goods. Step 5, raise objections, after you introduce
your product, your customers may have some questions, concerns or objections. The sixth step, which
is the closing step, is where the salesperson receives signals from individual customers, including
questions and comments, to go to an order step. Finally, tracking is tracking and maintaining the
relationship between the customer and the seller to ensure customer satisfaction, maintain customer
satisfaction, and help develop new customers.

Of the seven selling process steps, there are two that are most important, the first step (Search) and the
last step. The second step is to find the right potential customers for your product. This step must be
filtered to determine the current needs of the buyer. The last step is important because after the sale, if
they don't track how the business is doing, or keep a relationship with the customer, they won't know
if they are satisfied with the current situation or not. but change for the better.

b. What is the follow-up step of the selling process? Why is it important ?

One of the most critical aspects in the selling process is the follow-up following the sale. It is a
continuance of the seller-buyer connection that assures customer happiness, sustains client loyalty,
and helps prospects for new consumers. At this point, the goal is not to continue selling, but rather to
maintain the current connection.

Question 2 : Today, most salespeople are well-educated, well-trained professionals who work to
build and maintain long-term
Salespeople need to have the following qualities: good communication and negotiation ability,
flexibility, sensitivity, Mastering information about products and services for sale, Voice,
Withstanding pressure, Always keep a smile on your lips With a well-groomed appearance, the sales
staff is a person with a high level of bravery

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