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~he Engineering.-~
of. 7C!il.jO
V .Tift
Dams ~~1

Part I {
. Engineeri1tlf Consultant,

Formerly Deputy Chief Civil Engineer,

The Hydro-Electric Commission, Tasmania,


A Wiley -Interscience Publication


London • New York . Sydney . Toronto













I am greatly indebted to Sir Allan Knight, C.M.G., M.E., B.Sc" B.Com., F.I.E.
I Aust., Commissioner of The Hydro-Electric Commission, Tasmania, for mak­
ing available the records of dam building by that Commission, to its former
Chief Civil Engineer, Mr. G. T. Colebatch, O.B.E., B.E., F.I.E. Aust.,
M.I.C.E., and to my many friends within the Civil Engineering Branch who
have in various ways contributed to and encouraged me in the preparation of
this book.
Dam building Authorities throughout Australia and many leading
Engineers across the world have made available special items of interest that
have greatly enhanced the volume. In listing them below I wish to express my
I sincere gratitude to each for information and photographs furnished.
Department of Public Works, New South Wales

I Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission, N.S.W.

Blue Mountains City Council, N.S. W.
Lithgow City Council, N.S.W.
Metropolitan Water Sewerage and Drainage Board, Sydney, N.S.W.
Hunter District Water Board, Newcastle, N.S.W.
The City of Hobart, Tasmania
The City of Glenorchy, Tasmania
State Rivers and Water Supply Commission, Victoria
State Electricity Commission, Victoria
Irrigation and Water Supply Commission, Queensland
The Northern Electric Authority of _Queensland
Australian National Capital Commission, Canberra, Australia
Australian Department of Housing and Construction, Canberra
I Public Works Department of Western Australia
Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Authority, Cooma, N.S.W.

Engineering and Water Supply Department, South Australia

Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Canberra,

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation,
'\ Australia-Division of Cloud Physics
Ministry of Works, New Zealand
Prof. J. D. Lawson, University of Melbourne, Australia
I Dr. Jai Krishna, University of Roorkee, India
E. Polak, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Australia
M. G. Speedie, Engineering Consultant, Melbourne, Victoria
I John MeG. McIntyre, McIntyre and Associates, Townsville, Queensland
Coffey and Hollingsworth, Adelaide, South Australia

Sinclair and Knight, Sydney, N.S.W.

Gutteridge, Ha.skins and Davey, Melbourne, Victoria

James M. Antill, Consulting Engineer, Sydney, Australia

Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation, Cooma, N.S.W., Australia

ttl _ !:ft'.·'I. 'e'''; " ,f. j-:
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Dr. Ing. R. Urbistondu, Ministerio de Obras Publicas, Madrid, Spain

Dr. M. Rocha, Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil, lisbon, Portugal
Dr. Ing. E. Fumagelli, Instituto Sperimentale Modelli e Statture, Bergamo,
Dott. Ing. G. Gentile, Torino, Italy
Dr. Ing. A. Rebaudi, Venezia, Italy
Dolt. Ing. G. Torno, Milano, Italy ,~
Dr. G. Lombardi, Locarno, Switzerland ;.l
Imprese di Costruzioni Specializzate, Milano, Italy
Motor Columbus, Baden, Switzerland
Electricite de France, Paris, France

Coyne & Bellier, Paris, France

Compagnie Industrielle de Travaux, Paris, France :t

Sato Kogyo, Tokyo, Japan
Strabagbau A-G Koln, Germany
Cementation Company of India
Cementation Specialist Holdings, Croydon, England reI
; ..
Harza Engineering Co., Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. L
The United States Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
The U.S. Dept. of Army, Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Miss. r-
California Department of Water Resources, Sacramento, U.S.A. L·
Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
North of Scotland Hydro Electric Board, Edinburgh ,­
Swedish State Power Board, Stockholm I
D,epartment of Water Affairs, Johannesburg, South Africa I
Secretariat d'Etat a I'Hydraulique, Algeria
Hydro Quebec, Montreal, Canada
Empresa de Energia Electrica de Bogota, Colombia
The Japanese National Committee on Large Dams , .. :
The Australian National Committee on Large Dams
The American Society of Civil Engineers i_~
South Mriean Institution of Civil Engineers
~ :.
The Institution of Civil Engineers
The Institution of Engineers, Australia t1



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'I, Foreword I
L, In the long term, one of the most important problems facing the world today is
i the provision of adequate supplies of fresh .water for industry, for agriculture

and for the very continuance of mankind. Inherent in this problem is the

avoidance of waste, one serious aspect of which is the loss of valuable water

carried regularly to the sea in floods. In all countries the ultimate objective

must surely be to conserve and control all fresh water in order that what is so

freely provided by Nature might be applied efficiently and effectively for the

future wellbeing of mankind. Coupled with this is full recognition of the

seriousness of our rapidly diminishing reserves of fuel such as coal and oil­

:1 so vital at this time for the generation of power for industrial and domestic

...J use. Unlike fossil and liquid fuels, water is not el<pendable; the supply by
Nature may vary from season to season and from year to year, but there is no
general diminu tion.
These factors and others highligh t the importance of water and the need to
apply maximum engineering skills to its conservation. Mr Thomas, in this ex­
cellent book, has set out to guide engineers in the art of dam engineering.
While fully conscious that safety is of paramount importance, he has in.c
traduced many novel features that will surely encourage them to apply in~
itiative and ingenuity to this fascinating phase of civil engineering.
Recent advances in technology, permitting the construction of dams of
much more ambitious heights than ever contemplated a few generations ago,
places great· responsibility on the engineers entrusted with their design and
construction. Today, dams el<ceeding 150 metres in height, often associated
with difficult foundation and structural conditions, are by no means uncom­
mon; in fact the world is now seeing dams that exceed 300 metres. Failure of
dams of such dimensions could be expected to cause enormous loss of life and
property. We have indeed entered into a new era in the design and construc­
tion of large dams~ne that calls for the maximum of skill and el<p,ert
knowledge--hence the value of such a publication as Mr Thomas has now
made available to the engineering world.
I have kept closely in touch with Mr Thomas throughout his engineering
career. From his association with some thirty large dams he is indeed well
equipped, as an expert of wide el<perience in his field, to undertake the task
that he has now completed. I commend this book to the profession.
W. Hudson, K.B.E., F.R.S.,

F.I.C.E., 1l.SC.(llNG.)

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'The Art is long and Life is short, Experience is fallacious

and Decision difficult.
Dam building is a challenge. It was a challenge 4000 years ago when 'The
Sadd-el-Kafara' was built near Cairo;' it was a,challenge 2000 years ago when
the Romans built what we believe to be the fIrst arCh dam; it is still a challenge
today! The twentieth century has brought sophistication: the computer .to
make possible our present designs, and modern machines to translate these
designs into structures. However, the overall harnessing of the forces of
Nature is still an Art; the final decision will be a personal one for someone. It
will be his responsibility, and it will live with him and after him.
It is fundamental for the Engineer to realise that no matter how strong he
, '1
may build a dam there will always remain .some risk-however small-that
j unforeseen forces may cause .it to fail. He must recognize the various u~­
desirable events that may occur, and. assess the probability of their
simultaneous occurrence. To accept the possibility of some damage under the
worst combination of adverse conditions may be both acceptable and
economical, but the Engineer must understand the risk that he takes.
It is obligatory for an Engineer to know his subject; it is a legal respon­
sibility that his work should at all times conform to the 'present state of the'
Art', a state that is continually changing and always advancing. Safety is of
paramount importance, and to ensure safety the Engineer must combine the
latest techniques of investigation and design with the best available methods of
construction. He must investigate every detail but never become so involved in
I , the intricacies of design that he fails to visualize the project as a whole. The
effects of a new reservoir on the lives and habits of people, fauna and flora
deserve the same attention that is given to the mathematical analysis.
The materials to be used must be und:erstood. If our objective is to store
water, then we must follow through to the effects of such storage--pore
pressures, uplift, piping, corrosion and perhaps induced seismicity. if we are to
build on a foundation, we must look beyond the rock itself to the properties in
situ, particularly when saturated and loaded. If we are to use concrete, then we
must comprehend its properties. What will be its strength in the particular
,! dam? It is certlrinIy not the stress at failure of a small, laboratory prepared,
uniaxially loaded cylinder. If we are to tninimize settlement and creep in rock­
fill, then we must satisfy ourselves on the properties of the rock, the voids ratio
and modulus required in the embankment, and the construction procedure
necessary to obtain the required consolidation.
,. ,1 A dam must be understood in its three dimensions. What is the true
significance of an isolated tensile stress? It will probably be relaxed by creep,
by the opening of joints or even a crack that can be acceptable in certain cir­
cumstances. On the other hand, a zone of tension will usually be a matter of
grave concern that may warrant a complete redesign. ,,'-'


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Weather modification by Man may well change the whole subject of Y-1\
Hydrology, impact on the environment will certainly be a major factor in pro­ : !i
ject planning, and the possibility of seismic activity being induced by the fill­ U
ing of large reservoirs may be vital in some .localities. Modern methods of !
analysis will make it mandatory to consider the dam and its foundation as a
three-dimensional problem, even including the dynamic behaviour of the
,j i
water in the reservoir during an earthquake. It is clear that the engineering of
a dam is a complex undertaking. ;"]
The International Commission on Large Dams has recently published a u

report on accidents to dams. Some of these are discussed in Chapter 3. It is dis­

turbing that so many failures have occurred in countries that are credited with q
wide experience. Errors of omission rather than of commission have led to ~~
many of these disasters. The failure of a dam is usually a catastrophe--the


responsibility of the Engineer is therefore great.

The world is at present seeing a proliferation of technical papers and the
subject of dams is no exception--certainly more than 1000 articles appearing ::
each year. Improved systems of information retrieval may provide the
Engineer with thousands of references but most Engineers will not have time

to read sO many articles even if they were available to them.

Based upon a career in dam engineering and supported by many good
friends throughout the world, I have therefore endeavoured to gather together

in one book many of the facets of this subject. Some unique structures are
reported, some novel designs are described, some warnings issued and some in­ .' -.
novations suggested. My purpose is to guide Engineers along safe paths but at j
the same time to provide stimulation so that they will treat each problem as a
special one to be solved with initiative and ingenuity.
It has been my aim to present the subject matter in simple language. Ade­

quate references have been provided so that each topic may be studied to the
depth desired for the specific project in hand, or beyond into the realms of q
research. My purpose will have been served if I have encouraged Engineers to ~J
use initiative, to think creatively, and above all to apply common sense to all
their work. It has been said that the Universities may give degrees but it is
God who gives us comm'Jn sense. Let us never neglect that gift.

Hobart, 1976

Reference '1

1. Norman Smith, A History "OJ Dams, 1971, Peter Davies, London. ::'.J


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Foreword (By Sir William Hudson K.B.E., F.R.S., B.Sc. (Eng.), Hon.
F.I.E. Aust.) Formerly Commissioner, The STWWY Mountains
Hydro Electric Authority, Australia ....... . ix
Preface Dam Building-A Challenge to the Engineer--an Art or'a
Science? . . . . . xi
Introduction xvii
1 Engineering Responsibility
1.1 The Chief Engineer and the Team 1

:1. -
1.2 Experience and the Computer 1

1.3 Responsibility in New Concepts . 1

1.4 Responsibility-Moral and Legal, 2
- .'
1.5 Lex Romana and Insurance 2
1.6 The Contract . . . . • . . • . 3
: 2 Planning

'!, 2.1 Water Resources-National and International 6

2.2 Reservoir Utilization 8

2.3 Life of a Dam 10
1 2.4 Environmental Implications 13
2.5 Multi-disciplinary Approach 29

1· 2.6 Finance • . . . . • . . 30

.1 2.7 Contract and Day Labour Construction 31

2.8 Decision Making . . . . . . 32
3 Accidents to Large Dams
3.1 Consequences of Failure 35
3.2 Statistics . • . . --. -'-.--." 35
3.3 Security v. Failure . . 36
3.4 Examples ....• 37-~ ~--_
\4 Loading and Factor of Safety
4.1 Static Loading .....•...... 55

J 4.2 Dynamic Loading . . . • • . . . • • • 58

i 4.3 Behaviour of Concrete under Complex Loading 60

4.4 Load-carrying Capacity of Dams 62

i· 4.5 Model Representation 63

4.6 Factor of Safety . • . . . . • 64

5 Investigations
5.1 Preliminary Investigation and Reconnaissance 70
5.2 Time and Money for Investigations 74
5.3 Basic Concepts 74
5.4 Basic Data 75
5.5 Height of Dam 82

: ~
,5.6 Selection of Type of Dam • . 83
S.7 Deep Outlets and Controlled Filling 95
x5.8 River Diversion. • 96
6 Hydrology , ~

6.1 Hydrology and Meteorology 99 ,j l

6.2 Storage Requirements
6.3 Floods
6.4 Freeboard
lj i

7 Geology
7.1 Regional Geology 139
7.2 Local Geology • • 141
7.3. Recording and Presentation 156
7.4 Seismic Activity • 159

7.5, Valley Wall Stability 163

7.6 Mining .• . 166

7.7 Materials Investigations 166
8 Foundations
8.1 Properties of Rock 170
8.2 Testing 176
8.3 Sliding 182
8.4 Permeability 190
8.S Foundation Improvement 199 1
8.6 Instrumentation •
9.1 Basic Requirements ••

:: J
9.2 Constituents •. 212
9.3 Concrete Mix Design and Grading 227
9.4 Physical Properties of Concrete 228
9.5 Strength of Concrete 232
9.6 Curing' 236
9.7 Cracking in Concrete 237 ,,1.
9.8 Special Concretes 240
10 Gravity Dams
10.1 Evolution •• 245
~.-' \'
10.2 Design Concepts and Criteria 249
10.3 Uplift •.. . 252
10.4 Stresses in Gravity Dams 256
,. 10.5 Contraction Joints 260
Galleries • • ••
Apl'urtenant Structures
Prestressed Gravity Dams
10.9 Special Gravity Dams 278 "1)1
11 Arch Dams ,j "
11.1 History . . • . . . 283
11.2 Design Concepts and Criteria 294
11.3 Valley Shape • .• 301
11.4 Abutments-Stability and Deformability 302
11.5 Shell Geometry 373
11.6 Methods of Analysis 320
11.7 Contraction Joints 333

I,, ,
). ~
11.8 Foundation Treatment 339
11.9 Prestressing 340

> 11.10 Modern Arch Dams

12 Buttress Dams
12.1 Concrete Slab Deck 354 ,!
12.2 Massive. Head Buttress
12.3 Multiple-arch Dam
355 !
12.4 Buttresses
12.5 Uplift and Sliding
.. 369
372 I
12.6 Spill-over Buttress Dams 372
12.7 Prestressing 374 ,~:

~3 Embankment Dams
13.1 Evolution 377 ~
13.2 Types of Embankment Dam 379 n
13.3 Design 381

13.4 Homogeneous Embankments 393

13.5 Tailings Dams 396
13.6 Earth-Rockfill Dams . 399
13.7 Decked Rockflll Dams 417 ~
13.8 Foundation Treatment 440 ~
13.9 Settlement 447 Ii,.
14 Spillways i"f
14.1 The Handling of Flood Waters 457
14.2 Uncontrolled Spillways 468
14.3 Gated Spillways 484
14.4 Spillway Chutes 500
14.5 Energy Dissipation 5.fJ8
15 Flow Through and Over RockfIn r:
15.1 History
15.2 Experience
I 15.3 Research and Development
15.4 Conclusions

16 Construction~enerru
1.·.1 ·16.1 Economical Construction 548 ,~

. I
Organization .
Decision Making
552 ,~
I 16.4
16.6 Inspection and Testing
16.7 Plant 555 ,~
16.8 Cost and its Control 556 ~
X 16.9 River Diversion 558 %
17 Construction--Concrete Dams it
17.1 Preparation of Foundations 581
IJ 17.2 Aggregate Production
17.3 Concrete Production and Handling
17.4 Concrete Placing, Consolidation and Curing

I ,l!
j 17.5 Clean-up of Construction Joints
17.6 Formwork
603 1

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•~ i

17.7 Built-in Items • • . • 604

17.8 Cooling of Concrete . . 614

17.9 Economical Construction 615

~18 Construction-Embankment Dams f.'11

18.1 General • . . . • . 621 ~'. ~
18.2 Foundation Preparation 628

18.3 Materials . . . . . 637

18.4 Quarry Development and Haul Roads 645
18.5 Material Compaction 646 lJ
18.6 Earth-Rockfill Dams 656
18.7 Decked Rockfill Dams
19 Models
19.1 Topography 673 'I
19.2 Site Geology
19.3 Structural Models
" ~
19.4 Hydraulic Models
20 Safety and Surveillance
20.1 Reasons for Surveillance and Legislation
20.2 Safety Legislation . . • . . .
.' 701
702 C':":II
., . ~

20.3 Inspection and Monitoring 705 :!

,: .-"
20.4 Observations and Instrumentation 710
21 Repair, Strengthening and Raising
21.1 Reasons for Modifications 725 ,J
21.2 Inadequacy of Spillway 731
21.3 Inadequacy of Structure 731 "1
21.4 Deterioration of Foundation 745 u
21.5 Raising for Increased Benefits 748
22 The International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD)
22.1 The International Commission 763 ~]
22.2 National Committees 766
:,v ~
: ~,

Index 769 : .j




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A large dam has been defined by the Inter­ It was there that the Romans built some of their
national Commission on Large Dams as either: rmest dams, at least two of which are still per­
A dam above fIfteen metres in height, forming their useful functions.
measured from the lowest portion of the The same author covered the world scene with
general foundation area to the crest, or A History of Dams 1971.' This provides an in­
A dam between ten and fIfteen metres in triguing story from 'Sadd-el-Kafara' built south
height provided it complies with at least one from Cairo between 2950 and 2750 B.C. to dams
of the following conditions: of the twentieth century.
Possibly the fIrst arch dams were those built
(a) the length of crest of the dam to be by the Romans in the fIrst century A.D. in
not less than 500 metres; Northern Italy and Southern France. Ponte Alto
(b) the capacity of the reservoir formed arch dam 1 was built some 5 metres high from
by the dam to be not less than one 1611 to 1613. In 1752 it was raised to 17 m
million cubic metres; curved to a radius of about 15 m, with a
(c) the maximum flood discharge dealt thickness of 4 m. In 1824-5 it was raised to
with by the dam to be not less than 25 m. In 1847-50 further additions were made to
2000 cubic metres per secondj bring it to a height of 33 m. The fInal stage of
; (d) the dam has specially difficult foun­ 3 m was added in 1887 and the dam still stands
dation problems; or at a height of 36 m. It appears reasonable to
(e) the dam is of unusual design. assume that the original builders selected a good
Although this book has been prepared for In the Australian continent dam building is
application to dams of heights 30 m to 100 m, perforce of the modern era. As a developing
the text will generally be applicable to smaller country considerable ingenuity was displayed to
dams. On the other hand, any dam exceeding conserve water at minimum cost. Australia is the
e'l 100 m in height must be considered as unique. world's driest continent and it was very soon
"I Every aspect of its design and construction must after settlement that the incidence of droughts
be treated as a problem specillcally related to threatened the very existence of the early settlers.
that particular site. Naturally the ftrst dams were of earthflll, often
""I At this time in history, when advances in consolidated by the feet of sheep driven back and
technology are so rapid and when the flow of forth across the dam. Possibly the dams that fIrst
technical papers is so great, the Engineer should provoked world interest were the thin arch dams
pause and carefully study some of the monumen­ built in New South Wales at the end of the
I tal hydraulic works of the past. He may be sur­ nineteenth century. 2 Typical of these are Medlow
prised how often our forebears adhered to prin­ dam (Fig. 1) and Wollongong dam (Fig. 2). These
ciples now credited to the twentieth century. represented a boldness of approach that is still
, I A prestige publication was prepared in 1970 evident in Australian dam building. Restrictions
by Norman Smith for the Spanish National Com­ on capital expenditure both then and now have

I mittee on Large Dams to mark 'the crossing of

the barrier of its 500 completed dams'. Under the
title The Herilage of Spanish Dams, it presents the
brought forth considerable originality, not un­
duly influenced by custom.
Although a history of dam building, in
<1 history of dam building on the Iberian Peninsula. Australia has not yet been written, an excellent


bibliography has been prepared by the Institu­ construction he may find that the final stresses
tion of Engineers Australia. J bear little relationship to the values derived from
Turning to the mid-twentieth century, we find his sophisticated analyses; in some cases serious
many dams exceeding 250 m in height and a few damage has resulted from unforeseen construc­
over 300 m. When dealing with such dams the tion practices.
Engineer has three basic problems-the strength In 1964 the International Commission on
, 1 and safety of the structure, the adequacy of the Large Dams authorized a study which was com­
foundations and the manY"and varied effects of pleted by its Committee on Failures and Ac­
both the high pressure and the weight of the cidents to Large Dams and reported to the 11th
stored water. International Congress held in Madrid 1973.
Another factor of increasing importance is This report is divided into the following sections:
that in the more developed ~countries many of the
Evolution of Design and Construction of
best dam sites have now been utilized. It is
therefore incumbent upon the Engineer to deter­
Major Dam Failures and a Major Reservoir
mine the best and safest dams that' can be
i Failure
adapted to the remaining sites. Whereas the dam
.[ is of prime importanc;e when the foundations are
Reported Dam Inciden ts
Special Incidents . associated with Dam
good, it is often the strength and stability of the
foundation that are now ofmore concern. There
is thus a move from the rigid type of dam to
Conclusions and Recommendations.
those of more flexible design (whether they entail This is good basic reading for the dam
loose blocks of concrete, rockftll dams with flex­ Engineer since it covers the development of dam
I ible decks or internal cores or buttress type dams) design and construction and describes the
! I all of which can accept some deformations numerous ways in which dams may fail. It
1 without failure. emphasizes that many failures have resulted

1I The handling of materials is basic to dam

engineering. The high cost of labour in some
countries has led to the development of very
from ignorance, poor workmanship and lack of
attention to details either in design, in construc­
tion or in maintenance. One's greatest worry is
sophisticated equipment, and to justify such high that some item has been overlooked whether it be
capital investment great emphasis has been in the assessment of the design flood, interpreta­
placed on the speed of construction. This, in tion of foundation conditions or in the assumed
itself, has introduced problems: heat generation loadings that may be imposed upon the dam.
in concrete, high pore pressures in earthfill and Correct determination of all the design criteria is
continuing settlement in rockfill. All such factors basic to sound engineering, especially for dams.
have a direct bearing on the premises of design. Since there are today in the world many dams
In other countries many very large dams have which were neither designed nor built tc modern
been built almost' entirely with hand labour, for standards it is urgent that they be reviewed and
. I instance the Nagarjunsagar Dam (123 m), the either approved, modified or condemned for
I Srisailam Dam (142 m) and the Tang-e-Soleyman removal. Many States and countries have legisla­
Dam. Such methods of construction though tion relating to the safety of dams,' possibly the
generally selected to suit the economy of the most comprehensive in recent times being the
country have in fact avoided many of the adverse National Dam Safety Law passed on 8th August
effects of over-rapid construction. 1972 in the U.S.A. whereby the Corps' of
The real safety of a dam depends upon the ac­ Engineers was made responsible for the continu­
tual stresses and strains in the completed struc­ ing safety of all large dams in the United States
ture. Unless the designer's. mathematical models of America.
take cognizance of the methods and sequences of Future provision should also be made for the
adequate surveillance of large dams. The extent
of monitorillg will depend upon the size and im­
Fig. 1. Medlow Dam, Australia-1907 portance'of the dam-the minimum should be
Fig. 2. Wollongong Dam, Australia-1902 that which will convince the public that the dam
iii." '**"p,,, , .m h 4

is safe. Beyond this it will be desirable for more design or methods of construction. The Author
extensive observations to be made on large or acknowledges the assistance of dam building
novel dams so that design and behaviour may be Authorities and many famous Engineers
more closely correlated and engineering techni­ throughout the world. Withou t this cooperation
. ques thereby improved. it would have been impossible to provide as many
The purpose of this book is to assist Engineers examples of modern practice. It is hoped .that this
to discern the problems associated with the collection of experience will encourage Engineers
engineering of darns, whether these problems be to bring both enthusiasm and ingenuity to the
in the field of hydrology, geology, the premises of exciting field of darn engineering.


1. Nonnan Smith, History of Dams, 1971, Peler 4. ASCE Symposium, 'Public Supervision of Dams',
Davies, London. Trans. ASCE VoL 98, 1933 p. 827.
2. L. A. B. Wade, 'Dam Construction in New South 5. F. M. Lea and M. G. Speedie, 'Earth Dams in Victoria-A
Wales', Proc. I.C:E. Vol. CLXXVIII 1908-9 Part Historical Review', 4th Aust.-New Zealand Conference
IV. on Soil Mechanics atid Foundation Eng., 1963.
3. I.E. Aust. 'Bibliography of Dams in Australia',
Journal I.E. A utI. Vol. 42 No. 10-11, Oct.-Nov.
1970, pp. N 97-N 108.

• j







, I

Engineering Responsibility

I 1.1 The Chief Engineer and the Team judgment. He must do so even if it meant departing
from what academic findings might indicate. He
The title of this book was chosen deliberately
should not hesitate to overrule academic
to emphasize the complexities that face the
calculations, however positive they might seem to
Engineer in dam building. These have mUltiplied
be, if in his practical judgment there was any ele­
as the heights of darns have increased; they ro­
ment of doubt about the safety of the reservoir.
q~ire a multi-disciplinary approach and call for
I tee effort rather than decision-making by a Harsh words maybe, but truly emphasizing the
single Engineer, as in earlier times. ultimate responsibility of the Engineer. Who
11ie-'Chief Engineer will, however, carry the could forget the experience of William
ultimate responsibility for his structure. He must Mulholland of California in 1928 when the great
rely upon specialists in such fields as surveying, 5t Francis dam failed with disastrous results and
hydrology, geology, geomechanics, and proper­ fatalities to the conununities below the dam?
ties of materials, as well as in the mathematics of Mulholland stood up and declared, 'Don't blame
design and in the safety, method, speed and anyone but me. The responsibility is mine. I envy
economy of construction. only those who are dead'. This was the
To these engineering aspects must be added pronouncement of a great man and an engineer
the effects on the environment-on people as of highest integrity.2
well as on ecological balance. Botanists, bi­
ologists, conservationists, economists and others
have an important part to play. The Engineer 1.3 Responsibility in New Concepts
must recognize the professional competence of
The Royal Commission into the disaster of the
such people, and amalgamate their factual sub­
West Gate Bridge, Victoria, Australia, on 15th
missions with his own professional opinions so
October, 1970, included in its report the follow~
that the project will be both viable and accept­
ing statement on the Engineer's responsibility
regarding new developments:
Engineers engaged on the design of major bridges
1.2 Experience and the Computer cannot stand still. It is part of their duty, not only
At this time in history we have a versatile tool to their clients but to the community as a whole, to
advance, to develop new concepts of design, to
in the electronic computer. It permits a rapid
adopt new methods of calculation such as the com­
study of alternatives whether they be in matters puter and to encourage the production and use of
of pure design, in scheduling of construction, in improved materials such as high-tensile steels and
effects on the environment, or for financial prestressed concrete. These advances have led to
modelling of the project. The Engineer must be ever-increasing spans of bridges, to lighter and
able to interpret the output of the computer, more economical structures and novel methods of
realizing that this can only be as reliable as the design to in combating the forces of Nature.
input. Only with experience will he know what It is, however, necessary to emphasize that when
'looks right'. I would quote Mr J. A. Banks:' leading designers are working as pioneers, only JUSt
within the bounds of the Engineers' knowledge,
Guided as he would be by technical knowledge, the
Engineer must, in the end exercise his practical
some slight misjudgment or failure to' appreciate
every aspect of a new problem miy ~rove dis­

..,e , , '" : ., . . ~""""''''',.,. . .


astrous, and bring tragic and fatal results. Under various forms of trouble, eacb of us will always do'

these conditions, it is more than ever essential to well to have a brutally frank appreciation ofour in­

employ really adequate margins of safety and to en­ dividual ceiling of competence and experience. The

sure that they are not eroded by various unexpected tendency towards specialization in professionalHfe

and accidental factors including, of course, im­ is 'an inevitable product of the development and

refinement of knowledge. In his own interests tbe

ponderables and human fallibility.

professional man should refrain from doing work

Simply substitute the word 'dam' for 'bridge' and that is above his. ceiling. I sometimes wonder

we are again warned of the Engineer's special whetber people are sufficiently frank in their

assessment of their capabilities.

responsibility in advancing the science and art of If a person holds himself out as possessing par­

dam engineering. tieular specialist qualifications in a field of

professional work, he promises tbat be bas and will

1.4 ResponSibility-Moral and Legal exercise~' the skill that he claims to bave. The

measure of bis contractual liability to his client is

The Engineer has responsibility both moral that he must exercise tbe skill to be expected of an

and legal to the community. The first implies that average practitioner of that particular specialty.

he must act with integrity, giving due consider­ The duty to possess and use reasonable skill in the

performance of any. contract for professional ser­

ation not only to the particular purpose of his vices applies generally, but the degree of skill will

..' project but also to the ultimate effects of his vary from case to case, depending upon .11 the cir­

project on his fellow human beings. His first cumstances. Any representation that may be made

responsibility is safety. In Chapter 3 examples by the practitioner concerning his qualifications

are given of some 'of the catastrophie. that have .will be an important circumstance.

Attempts are sometimes made to exclude liability

followed the failure of dams. At the same time, for negligence in the performance of a contract.
the Engineer is also responsible to the community While tbere is no reason in law why a professional
for the cost of the structure. There is always a adviser may not contract out of liability for n
. 1
limit to the fmance available, so the Engineer negligence there are, obviously enough, sound prac­
~. j
must be fully conscious of any risk involved in tical reasons why he may not wish to do so. At all

events, any attempt at contracting out is always

cutting costs. Dam building must therefore be critically scrutinized by any court that maybe

regarded a an Art: some risk will always be called upon to pass judgment upon its efficacy. Ade­

present and the true assessment of that risk is the quate words must be used, and in tbis connection

measure of competence of the Engineer. the standard of adequacy is strict

The Engineer also carries a serious legal The common law was never in doubt as to the

contractual liability of a professional man wbo gave

responsibility. I am obliged to the Hon. T. R. F. negligent advice for reward.

Hughes, Q.c., M.P., for permission to quote at Every person wbo practises a learned profession

length from his addr~ssJ given to the New South owes a duty quite irrespective of any contract and

Wales Council of Professions on 7th October, quite irrespective of the receipt of any fee to possess

1971. This may not be of world-wide application and to exercise reasonable skill and care in the per­

formance of his professional work. Care must be .

but Mr Nathaniel Rothstein' provides support

exercised as much in the performance of a gratu­

with a quotation from the case Bayne v. Everham. itous undertaking as in the performance of one for

It will therefore serve to warn Engineers that reward

they are responsible at all times for both what Tbe common law has developed a principle, now

well entrenched, concerning the existence of a duty

they do and what they say:

of care in relation to physical acts or omissions. Tbe

Everyone who undertakes to perform for reward duty depends upon tbe relationsbip that eXists

services requiring the exercise of skill and com­ between one person and another. The relevant

petence implicitly promises that he is possessed of relationship may be described as being one of

those qualities to a reasonable degree and that he proximity: any person owes to another whom he

will bring them to bear in the performance of his . sees, or ought reasonably to foresee, as likely to be

contract. Tbe law does not require that sucb a directly affected by his act or omission, • duty to

person sbould possess and exercise the highest stan­ exercise reasonable care to prevent physieal harm

dard of expertise or else be found Hable for damages from accruing to that otber as.a result of any such

for breach of contract if something goes wrong. act or omission.

Generally speaking,' tbe relevant standard is tbe fJ

ordinary skill of the average practitioner of tbe 1.5 Lex Romana and Insurance
particular profession.
If, as professional men, we are to keep out of This old' la,w stated that anyone who in- '.

troduced into his land anything likely to be mis· years before settlement are no credit to man's in·
chievou5 if it escaped did so at his own peril and telligence or integrity. A plea is therefore made
was primarily responsible for all damage caused for greater simplicity in Contracts. When dis­
as a consequence of its escape. To this, modern agreements do occur there should be provision
legislation added, 'Such an owner can only ex· for arbitration by an independent Engineer or
cuse himself by proving that the escape was Tribunal before it becomes necessary to resort to
caused by a third party or the consequence of costly and attenuated litigation in the Courts.
i I supreme power'. The following notes" are included solely for
I i This' old law has found application in the
failure of dams, and it has been used for the
the general information of tlie Engineer inex·
perienced in Contract Law. They are by no
Engineer to be named as the third and co-­ means complete, but will serve to indicate the
defendant in such cases. Thus, under common responsibility of the Engineer in the matter of
law, the consequences of a. dam failure may lie Contracts:
I with the owner and perhaps the Engineer, that
I is,. those who suffered fmancialloss must look to A contracti. a legaUy enforceable agreement or a
him or them for compensation. It is obvious, set of promises the law will enforee. The law of con·

I however, that except possibly in the case of

nationalized Authorities supported by the
tract is that branch ofthe law which detennines the
circumstances under which a promise is legally
binding on the person making it. Such a promise is
resources of the State, compensation might well a declaration of assurance made to another person,
be so vast as to be beyond the ability of the owner stating that a certain state of affairs exist, or that
and/or Engineer to pay. the maker will do, or refrain from doing, some
specific act, and conrerring on the other the right
This then raises the question of the need for to require fulfilment of that declaration or assur·
some form of compulsory insurance to protect ance. The promise must be more than a mere stat...
the public. The need for such protection has been ment ofintention for it carries with it a willingness
on the part of the person making the promise to be
I recognized by the British Parliament in the case
of hazard created by nuclear reactors. Under an bound to the person to whom it is given.

II Act of 1959 the owner of a reactor was required

to cover himself by insurance up to a limit of five
A contract comprises a promise or a set of
promises for the breach ofwhich the law provides a
remedy or the performance of which the law
million' pounds. Beyond that figure Parliament recognizes as imposing a duty. A contract is.. an
would provide compensation. agreement giving rise to legally enforceable
Since there are in existence some 10 000 large obligations. Contractual obligations are dis­
dams with 1000 under construction it has been tinguished from other legal obligations in that ihey
are based on the agreement of the contracting paI"
suggested that the establishment of an Inter­ ties.
national Insurance Fund might well be justified. > It is necessary that the mutual assent be in the
. I
This was attempted some years ago but lapsed nature of a bargain-an agreement whereby
through lack of support and possibly the dif· something is given by one person in exchange for
I ficulties'of implementation. However, the Inter­ something given by the other person. There must
be a price to be paid altbougb the price need not be
national Commission on Large Dams, following in money. A gratuitous promise will not be en­
the Congress in Montreal, 1970, set up an ad hoc forced, nor will bargains tbat are not intended by
committee under chairman Edward Gruner of the parties to be legally enforceable. e.g. promises
Switzerland to report on the insurance of dams. binding in honour only. The law of contracts
presumes that parties do not intend their domestic
and social promises to be enforced by the rigour of
I 1.6 The Contract the law.
A contract depends partly upon the actual agree-­
The Engineer must exercise great care in the ment of the parties, partly upon the rules of law
[1 handling of contracts. In recent years we have
seen :.'the unfortunate' swing from. simple
which determine whether the parties have reached
agreement and partly upon obligations imposed on
arrangements where a man's word was his bond the parties by law. The sanctity of contractual
to the intricacies and implications of legally obligations is an expression of the principle that
once a contract has been freely and voluntarily
worded contracts, often in words and phrases entered into, it should be held sacred and enforced
scarcely understandable to the layman. Court by the Court if broken. The reason why contracts
cases involving millions of dollars and lasting were held sacred was that the parties bad entered

,-"" '-._"
- Ii"'W'mrs 1t.

4 "1'
,; ji
into them of their own volition and settled the would probably result from the breach is likely to
terms by mutual agreement. be uncertain, the difficulty of proving the extent of
Standard form contracts are becoming one of the the actual damage at the trial ,of the action for
major features of the modern law of contract. In breach. A stipulated sum will be classed as a penalty
most of these cases there is agreement only in a very where it is in the nature of a threat flXed in terrorem
narrow sense. The terms are imposed by one party of the other party.
and the other mUst either accept them or go The Courts implement the intention of the par­
without. From the very nature of the case, such ties in the case ofliquidated damages by holding the
terms are likely to be more favourable to the plaintiff entitled to recover the stipulated sum on
supplier than to the receiver. The organization has breach, without requiring proof of the actual
every advantage over the individual. It usually has damage and irrespective of the amount, if provable,
the advantage of large resources, ready legal advice of the actual damage.
and draftsmanship, of being able to litigate, if
The Courts refuse to implement the intention of
necessary, without the same worries of legal costs
the parties in the case of a penalty. The plaintiff is
and knowing that the individual, squirm though he
held entitled to sue and recover for such loss as he
may, cannot really do without the services.
can prove in the ordinary way. "
On the other hand standard forms do save time,
trouble and expense in bargaining over terms. They
have the advantage that a dispute arising over one
The wording used by the parties is of marginal
importance. Though the parties to a contract who
matter, particularly if there is a legal decision, will use the words 'penalty' or 'liquidated damages'
often provide a guide Obviating disputes in other may prima facie be supposed to mean what they say,
similar situations. It is, however, important in yet the expression used is not conclusive, The Court
drafting such documents to ensure that these con­ must find out whether the payment stipulated is in
tracts are not drafted with the interests of only one truth a penalty or liquidated damages.
party. in mind, and similarly when examining such A stipulated sum is a penalty if it is extravagant
a document prepared by the other party to ensure and unconscionable in comparison with the greatest
that not only his interests are protected since it loss that could conceivably be proved to have
followed from the breach. Otherwise it is liquidated •1
must always be remembered that the classical prin­
ciples created under the influence of the concept of
freedom of contract compel the Courts to treat
damages. This is the principal test for assessing the
nature of the sum, i.e. whether pre-estimate or sum
these contracts with the same sanctity as would be fixed "n llltTorem. For, as Lord Dunedin said, 'It is
due to them if the whole contract had in truth been no obstacle to the sum stipulated being a genuine :L
fully negotiated between the parties, pre-estimate of damage, that the consequences of ,1'
The parties to a contract may, as part of the the breach are such as to make precise estimation
agreement between them, fIX the amount which is to almost an impossibility. On the contrary that is just
be paid by way of damages in the event of breach. the situation when it is probable that pre-estimated
In some cases this amount will apply to all damage was the true bargain between the parties'.
breaches, in others only to particular breaches. In Lord Deplock in a more recent judgement said:
some cases it will apply to breach by either party, in Nevertheless the courts would be doing an ill turn
others only to breach by one particular party. to those whom the rule about penalty clauses is
Whether the agreed sum is recoverable from the designed to protect if they were to apply it so as to
party in breach depends upon whether it con­ make it impracticable for parties to agree at the
stitutes liquidated damages, when it is recoverable, time when they enter into a contract on a fair and
or a penalty, when it is not. easily ascertainable sum to become payable by orte
The law has been restated for today in a number party to another as compensation for the loss which
of authoritative decisions of the House of Lords and the latter will sustain as a consequence of its
Judicial Committee between 1905 and 1915 breach. It is good business sense that parties to a
culminating in Dunlop Pneumaric Tyre Co. v. New contract should know what wiII be the financial
Garage and Motor Co. (1915) A.C. 79. Lord consequences to them of a breach on their part, for
Dunedin in that case reframed in a series of rules . circumstances may arise when further performance
the principles for ascertaining whether a stipulated of the contract may involve them in a loss and the
sum is liquidated damages or penalty. Upon these mOre difficult it is to prove and assess the loss
cases and upon these rules the modern law rests. which a party will suffer in the event of a breach,
Where the parties to a contract, as part of the
agreement between them, fix the amount which is
the greater the advantage to both parties of fixing
by the terms of the contract itself an easily ascer­
to be paid by way of damages in the event of a tainable sum to be paid in that event. Not only does
breach, a sum stipulated in this way is classed as it enable the parties to know in advance what their , 1
Iiquated damages where it is in the nature of a
genuine pre-estimate of the damage which would
position will be if a breach occurs and so avoid
litigation at all, but, if litigation cannot be avoided, U
probably arise from breach of the contract. The in­ it eliminates what may be the very heavy legal costs
tention behind such a provision is generally to of proving the loss actually sustained which would
"avoid, wherever the amount of the damage which have to be paid by the unsuccessful party. il

I ..,


1. J. A. Banks, Discussion on 'Dam Disasters' (E. 4. Jacob Feld, ConSlructio. Failure, 1968, John Wiley,
Gruner, Paper 6648, Proc. I.C.E., 24, Jan. 1963) New York.
Proc. I.C.E., 27, Feb. 1964, p. 345. 5. E. M. de Saventham and C. A. Muller,
2. Adolph J. Ackerman, 'The Art of Creating a Dam', 'Comprehensive Insurance of Dams, Its Scope and
World Dams Today, 1970,. Japan Dam Association, Feasibility', 10th ICOLD Congress, Montreal,
Tokyo. 1970, Q38, R2!.
3. T. R. F. Hughes, 'Legal Responsibility for 6. J. l. Phelps, Address given to the Tasmania
Professional Negligence', Journal I.E. AuSl., 44, Division, The Institution of Engineers, Aust., 4
No.9, Sept. 1972, pp. 8-10. Oct. 1971.


Ma" W. Abrahamson, Engineering Law and I.C.E. R. E. Coxon, 'Dams and Third Parries', Water Power and
COlllracts, 3rd edn., Applied Science Publishers, Dam Construction, June 1977. p. 33.
London.. J. P. Garmond, 'Insuring Dam Risks',loc. cit., p.60.
E. H. E. Barber, 'Engineers and the Law',journal I.E.
Aust., May-June 1976, pp. 23-26.




The engineering of a large dam goes far beyond populated valley (Fig. 7.21). The computer makes '1
the mathematics of design and difficulties of con­ possible II rapid assessment of the effect of 1
struction. Even though a reservoir may be change in factor of safety on cost and time to
created to. ~erve a single purpose, there will be construct. It cannot, however, make the vital
some effects on the environment. Control of a decision as to what additional cost may be
river will affect the lives of people-especially justified to ensure public acceptance of the pro­
those living in the valley above and below the ject.
dam-in general, a few must be inconvenienced
to benefit many. Fauna and flora may be 2.1 Water Resources--National lind Inter­
destroyed; the weather patterns could be altered; national
natural stock boundaries may be lost by drying
Water is probably Man's most vital com­
up a river and the landscape will be changed. In
modity; its optimum utilization will be of prime
these days, therefore, the planning of a project
importance in our expanding civilization. Plann­
becomes a multidisciplinary study which the
ing in the widest sense is therefore most desirable
Engineer should be fitted to direct. T. W. Lambe,
prior to the development of a particular site. For
in presenting the 7th Terzaghi Lecture' described
preference the ultimate potential of the whole
the Integrated Civil Engineering Project, evolved
river basin should be envisaged, its stage develop­
during the last decade at the Massachusetts
ment conceived and each unit undertaken to best
Institute of Technology. Its objective is
advantage. The greatest obstacle to this is usually
'to create and utilize a constructed facility to meet the unavailability of finance for the comprehen­
specified criteria of function, economy, life, safety sive investigations.
and comparability. All tbese criteria except com­
patability are well understood by tbe Civil Engineer. The Hoover Dam, Fig. 10.02, stands as a
Tbe term comparability means tbat tbe constructed monument to dam engineering of the early 20th
facility must barmonize witb and complement its century. It was built to control the flow of the
environment. It must not offend Nature and Life
near the facility; it must obtain public acceptability.'
Colorado River, U.S.A., to generate electricity, flLj,
and to ensure a continuity of flow for irrigation
In order to obtain a facility that meets the and other purposes. Besides fulfilling its primary
specified criteria it is essential to integrate the function the impoundment of flood waters has
components of the project-.-the need; the plan­ already avoided damage estimated in hundreds of
ning, the effects, finance, investigation, design, millions of dollars. By retention of silt it has
construction, operation, surveillance, main­ improved the quality of water in the lower
tenance and future alteration. This is a com­ Colorado. On the other hand, the development at
prehensive list, but· programmes have been that time at 'that site necessitated the installation
developed that will provide for a wide variety of
input to the computer; the facility is therefore
of two mighty spillways each incorporating four
automatic drum gates. With subsequent
i]. .
available to change any or all items of the input developments upstream as well as environmental
and obtain the various outputs for comparison. restrictions on the method of operation of the
As an example, normal practice may require a reservoir it now appears uulikely that these gates

certain factor of safety for a dam but it may be will ever be needed. Such occurrences are un­

prudent or mandatory to provide a greater factor

of safety if the dam is to be bnilt in a<"-.·densely
,,' ,'- -,
avoidable when part only of a river system is

de,:eioped, i.e. when the economy of the country ,l



requires that the 'best' damsites be exploited would improve water quality and the gradually
. , first. It would, of course, be desirable from the increasing control of the river would facilitate
. ;
engineering viewpoint to start development high and lower the cost of the downstream stages.
up in a river and then progress downstream. This However, in the headwaters, there is usually less


o 3D 60
I ! !


0 ~;
c ;.~
11 I --<


, I
I Fig. 2.01 Tasmania, Australia-River basin development

.- I
nmmr_ m
, 1 L

'. '.M.

f j

8 :lr
u' :
potential (energy or storage), access and con­ development. For the satisfactory allocation of
struction costs are often higher and the benefit to costs it is desirable, if not essential, that a basic
COSt ratio is generally lower. However, planning programme for the full development of the river
of the whole river basin to the limits of the basin be evolved and accepted. 4•5 Development of
resources available will indicate the ultimate the Euphrates River in Turkey' commenced in
potential and permit orderly development. !:'or 1966 with the uppermost dam-Keban. Within
example, in Tasmania, the island State of Turkey the Euphrates River has a catchment of f]: ."r
Australia, four major river systems have their 128 428 k.m' and twenty-two plans were for­ ,:

sources in a central plateau some 1000-1300 m mulated for the multipurpose development of the "
above sea level, Fig. 2.01. The rainfall varies basin. One was selected in 1970; this provides for
from 1200 to 1500 mm per annum. Ten dams three new reservoirs with a total capacity of
and power stations have been built in the 25 840 million cubic metres and total surface
Derwent River catchment, seven in the Mersey­ area of 680 k.m'. About 27 000 people in 66
Forth catchment, three for the Gordon River villages will be displaced. Water will be diverted
development with sites for more, whilst four for irrigation of the Firat plains, an area which
dams are under COnstruction in the Pieman once produced food for ancient civilizations but
catchment. is now largely used for the raising of winter ..

Although primarily conceived for hydro­ grains in a two-year rotation and for grazing of
electric power generation, secondary benefits cattle and sheep. The area receives only 500 mm
have ensued for water supply, irrigation and of rain each year; most of this falls in winter and n
flood mitigation. Since storages have never the land lies fallow in summer. It is estimated
been full when major floods have occurred, con­ that for ·power development alone the
siderable flood damage has been averted by benefit-cost ratio over 75 years will be 2 to 1 ex­
ponding part (up to 30 per cent) of the flood pressed in terms of present worth at 8 per cent ~- -
waters. This is a factor that should not be interest. The internal rate of return should be ,; :

overlooked when any project is being evaluated. 12.6 per cent. When the 700 000 hectares ofland
The overall benefits from planned development are fully developed the gross value of agricultural
are well illustrated by the work of the Tennessee production in a single year might well be more
Valley Authority, U.S.A. This area has been sur­ than half the total cost of constructing all the ,.
veyed and studied for 100 years but in 1933 the irrigation facilities. It is from such comprehen­ "J'
·.Authority was established with a mandate that sive studies that the greatest benefit can ul­
can be summarized as the 'full development of timately be derived, and public acceptability en­
the Tennessee VaIley--engineering, agricultural sured. ;D

and social'. At the end of 1971 cumulative flood
damage averted by the T.V.A. system exceeded 2.2 Reservoir Utilization
$392 million whilst land values had increased by
$150 million. The total cost to 1971 was $281 2.21 Single-purpose Resel"lJoin
million made up of $190 million capital cost and
$91 million operating costs. The area protected These are created mainly for industries such as
exceeds fifteen times the area inundated and mining where the life of the dam will depend
tourism has increased sevenfold in twenty years. upon the resources of the mine, for town water
On a larger scale the major rivers of the world supply or for beautification and recreation.
Typical of the last is Lake Burley Griffin, Fig.

often form international boundaries--or they
2.02, created within Canberra, the Capital city of
rise in one country and flow through several
countries. Outstanding present-day international Australia. The essential feature for such a lake is
agreements are those that concern the Mekong maintenance of a practically constant water level
River, the Danube, the Euphrates' and the regardless of flash or major floods--see Chapter
Columbia.3 To ensure the smooth functioning of
such agreements it is essential that attempts be Fig. 2.02 Scrivener Dam, Australia. Beautification
made to put a value on each of the benefits as and recreation for Australia's capital-Canberra
well as On the disadvantages of the ultimate .Fig. 2.03 Talbingo multipurpose project, Australia
I .

14. It is, however, rare that single-purpose reser­ dry periods; for (v) the reservoir level should be
voirs remain as such. kept low in order to have storage available for
Many darns have been built solely for water part or whole of the flood inflows, whilst for (vii)
supply, their catchments being protected to en­ the public desire a constant level in the reservoir.
sure high-quality water. Agricultural and even Resolution of these conflicting requirements is
urban encroachment into the catchment area involved.
have gradually introduced pollution; treatment Talbingo Darn, Fig. 2.03, forms one unit of
of the water for human consumption has become the Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Project,
necessary and that being so, the lakes have then Australia. The power station includes three nor­
been opened for recreational purposes. mal turbo-generators and three units for pumped
It is also of interest to note that the operating pondage operation. The highly variable discharge
procedures for many reservoirs have been is regulated in a downstream pond whilst
modified by outside influences after completion seasonal regulation of the water for irrigation
of the project; in one instance a reservoir is purposes is obtained in the Blowering reservoir
drawn down regularly to permit the regrowth of further downstream. In view of the low
food for fish; the T.V.A. reservoirs are varied by probability of these reservoirs being at full
0.3 m on a weekly basis so that mosquito larvae supply level there is considerable potential for
will be regularly stranded and killed, whilst flood mitigation. The reservoirs are also n
many reservoirs are maintained a little below full recreational and tourist centres of increasing im­
supply level so that flood peaks can be decreased portance.
and even delayed to permit warnings being given Although some benefits are intangible it is n
to the residen ts of the valley below. reasonable to put a value on them. Ifrecreation is
worth, say, one dollar per person per visit for the
2.22 M ulzipurpose Reservoirs general health of the nation it can amount to a
For many years dam building Authorities have considerable annual amount. In U.S.A. the
been aware of the great benefits which result Federal Government does in fact make grants to
from the development of water resources. 6 It has dam owners for development of recreational
not been easy, however, to gain public recogni­ facilities. With computer facilities it is simple to
tion of and a willingness to pay for such benefits. include a value for such benefits-even though
With the advent of environmental impact studies
it becomes mandatory to list all benefits and dis­
each may be small and variable. Tourism would
be in this category, though spill over a high arch P
advantages and to endeavour to put some value darn, Fig. 2.04, cali be a big anraelion.
on these. The most common usages of multi­
purpose reservoirs are for: 2.3 Life of II Dam
If a darn is faithfully built it will have a very
(i) Water supply, domestic and stock as well
long life--many dams are in existence that were
as industrial.

built 1000 years ago. Gravity and rockfill dams U

(ii) Irrigation, for food production.

at least must qualify for long structural lives.

(iii) Silt retention, to improve water quality.

Thin arches, multiple arches, or buttress dams

~(iv) Transportation, mainly for low-cost move­

may have more limited lives, especially if they re­

ment of materials.

tain aggressive water. However, cores drilled

(v) Flood mitigation, to protect life and
from the 50-year-old Miena multiple-arch dam

(Figs. 21.1 0 and 21.11) showed no corrosion of

(vi) Electricity pollution-free source of

reinforcement although the cover to the steel was

generation, energy for domestic c0m­

fort and industry.

only about 30 rnm. q [I

One of the thinnest darns in the world would U~
(vii) Recreation and for a general improve­

be Faux-la-Montagne, France, Fig. 2.05. This

beautification ment in the standard of


Fig. 2.04 Devils Gale Dam-Tourist altraction

For (i), (ii), (iv) and (vi) the aim is to keep the
reservoir fun
.; .. -.'.­
to ensure continuity of supply in Fig. 2.05 Faux-la-Montagne Dam, France .r 1,
• 1


me ,,"
2 &1111 eN ", M WEd

multiple-arch darn was built with pneumatically For purposes of design the total annual sediment
applied mortar over dou ble reinforce­ load (suspended and bed load in nearly equal
ment-Chapter 12. It is only 140 mm thick proportions) has been estimated as 295 000 m3
at its base and 80 mm thick at the crest. When
examined after 20 years service it was in ex­
but has been increased by 50 per cent to give a
yield of 350 m 3 per km' at Polyolla barrage
cellent condition. * (catchment area 1300 km'). Cotton· comments
The Sirinimu Dam, New Guinea, is of rockfIlI
with a steel plate on the upstream face. Very
little corrosion is occurring-but such dams are
that 'the Yellow River in China carries as much
as 40 per cent solids'; this high silt load is due to
vegetation due to overgrazing--especially by
usually built for a specific purpose and for a
limited life, i.e. for mining purposes or at sites
where they are likely to be submerged by a larger
dam at a future date. .
goats that do much more damage than sheep.
Rates of sediment movement in Australian
rivers are generally low compared with those in
other countries,· being about 25 m' per km' per
Although the structural life of the dam may be year for the east coast rivers compared with a
great, its economic life may be considerably less, world average of about 150 and high values ir.
i.e. for a mining project. Asia up to 450 m' per km' per year.
It is usual to finance the building of a dam on An estimated life has been given for reservoirs f1d
the basis of repayment of its cost over 50 or 60 of the Snowy Mountains Projecf as in Table 1.


years. After this time the only cost will be for

maintenance--though something of continuing
value to the nation will remain. It is unreal to
Table 1 [j
overlook this permanent value, even in the
planning stage. On the other hand some dams Reservoir
Estimated life due to
siltation (years) rtJ1
become obsolete for their intended purposes; by
virtue of their location they have little value for Eucumbene 10000
the general public and their removal may be Tantangara 10000
necessary for reasons of safety. Tumut Pond 4000
The life of a reservoir may be prejudiced by Tooma 4000
the amount of silt carried by the river. It is ex­
pected that Lake Mangla, Pakistan, will lose
1 233 million m' of its capacity every 20 years The Ord River in Western Australia drains an
and, to counteract this, provision has been made area of 3700 kro' which has in the past been
to raise the dam at a future date. seriously overgrazed. From sampling done prior
Lake Nasser, behind the High Aswan Dam, to construction of the Ord River Dam the annual
has a planned capacity of 164000 million cubic sediment load would approach 600 m' per km'
metres of which 39000 miUion is for sediment per year but it is planned to decrease this by con­
storage over 500 years. ' trol of the catchment.
The Euphrates River at Keban, Turkey, Although pessimists foresaw the silting up of
carries 21 million cubic metres of silt per the Norris Dam, U.S.A., in 50 years,IO the deposi­
year-Qr 1050 parts per million of average dis­ tion is averaging about 230 m 3 per km' of catch­
charge--a removal of 325 m' per km' of ment (120 to 360 from various parts of the
catchment. At Hirfanli Dam in Turkey the an­ catchment). The life of the reservoir should
nual silt load is 36 million m' per year. therefore be about 4000 years.
The Mahaweli Ganga is the largest river in At Hoover Dam, U.S.A., about 4000 million
Ceylon, having a catchment area of 10 420 km'. tonnes of silt has been deposited in Lake Mead in
Its length is 328 km, the lower half being across 24 years-but the amount has decreased as other
the plains. Annual rainfall varies from 5080 mm dams have' been built upstream.
in the mountains to 1650 mm near its mouth. It
discharges 74 000 million m' of water per year.
A study in Japan has shownl! that at around
60 years, which is considered to be the life of a
dam in evaluation of worth, only about one-fifth
* Private communication from Electricite de of 1 per cent of reservoirs show sedimentation n. 1
France. reaching 40 per cent of their capacity. (Note that ~l



ent as a generalization these figures refer to small a monetary value on them. However, there were'
ua! reservoirs.) many individuals and authorities who were con­
m' In the planning stage the life of a dam is cerned with the wider picture; one outstanding
'e a __ usually considered to be the term for repayment example being the launching in 1933 by the U.S.
'ago of its cost. On the other hand a life of 100 years Government of a unique demonstration
~ntb J may be given to a dam when assessing the unit
uch cost of electricity generated at the site. The To build a better way of life for the people of the·
Tennessee Valley. This revolved around a carefully
t'/ phy~ical life of a dam can always be extended­
Chapter 21-usually with II heightening of the
coordinated plan which regarded all resources, not
as competitive entities, but as totally integrated
!p. structure to provide greater benefit. There can parts of a grand unisphere we call environmetj,,I'
li~1 therefore be no definition of the life of a dam.
e 1_ The fact to be remembered in planning is that Unfortunately more than three decades were to
per ,the Nation will continue to benefit long after the pass before the wider implications of such a pro­
:h "~I dam is paid for. The Engineer should therefore ject were to become of live concern to the
s i: ensure the highest practicable quality in his laymen. Around 1960 a realization dawned that
structure. there was more to life than a monetary benefit­
oirl to<ost ratios. In fact the 1970s might well be
:1 2.4 Environmental Implications remembered in history as the decade when Man
rebelled against pollution and desecration of the
Engineers in all ages have endeavoured to environment. The words of Lt. Gen. Clarke of
I build dams of aesthetic as well as utilitarian the u.s. Corps of Engineers" seem appropriate:
value. Arising no doubt from pride in his struc­
: to 'What is happening today is nOt simply the injection
ture the Engineer has spent money on its
architectural treatment and in most instances in of a new factor, tbe environment, into planning. Its
not even the emergence of new sources of opposi­
re-establishment of the area after construction. tion to or of new criteria for evaluating develop­
In general, dams are not in aesthetic conflict with ment project proposals. It is ratber the evolution of
th'eir surroundings--concrete structures har­ a new way of looking at resources and their
monize with rocky mountain gorges (Fig. 14.75), management, new concepts of planning. Nobody,
earthfill dams with wide valleys of the plains. not even those most energetic in bringing it about,
can define this new concept with any precision. It is
The 228 m high Oroville Dam, U.SA., is hardly something we must all work out together.'
discernible in the countryside (Fig. 14.72). The
:en Khancoban embankment, Australia, was curved That there has been a world-wide reaction was
iOI ' on plan so that the grass<overed downstream borne out by the subject being selected as Ques­
ua~-l face would blend in with the gentle hills of the tion 40 for the 11th ICOLD Congress, Madrid,
m2 valley, Fig. 2.06. 1973. Fifty-nine Papers were submitted, which
In 1 Except for strictly single-purpose dams, it has
been general practice for the Engineer to con­
discussions and the General Report form
1 of the Proceedings.
of sider the side benefits likely to accrue from con­ The Engineer should, therefore, be introduced
si:1 struction of the dam. It is unfortunately true that to at least some of the matters that warrant
:h- ,; during the past half<entury the dominant con­ attention if his dam is to be acceptable to the
he cern in water resources development has been public.
.ld --I engineering feasibility-not only by Enginee,rs
but by the taxpayers who clamoured for quick
2.41 Effects of Ihe Reservoir
and tangible returns; the rapid industrial expan­
sion and pressure from competitive business 2.411 Land. Creation of the reservoir will inun­
,: J
placed undue financial restraints on the Engineer. date land-frequently good land-and it may
As a result, great interest centred on economic cause people to be displaced. Both these factors
nd analyses, and benefit-to<ostratio became a catch­ lead to loss of productivity and personal
s cry. Techniques were developed and economic hardship.. Land adjoining the lake may be
'th evaluation was of dominant public concern, In­ affected by the permanent raising of the water
In tangibles-whether good or bad-were omitted table; whilst marginal land may also be affected
,at from the studies since no one was prepared to put during and following floods; if inadequately

Fig. 2.06 Khancoban Dam, Australia farmers abandoned the new land allocated to
them by the Government.
j drained such land can quickly become sour and
infertile. 2.413 Wildlife. The filling of a reservoir may
When relatively flat areas are inundated, the drown many animals. as they become stranded on
operation of the reservoir will often expose un­ temporary islands; on the other hand it may
sightly mudflats. The Northumbrian River become a sanctuary for waterbirds. It is a healthy
Authority, U.K., in its proposed Kielder Reser­ sign, however, that people throughout the world
voir scheme, has made provision for the COn­ were sufficiently interested to finance the
struction of a 20 m high gravity dam near the massive 'Operation Noah', a gigantic effort that
head of Kielder reservoir. The level in the upper rescued wildlife as the water rose to inundate
reservoir will be maintained reasonably constant, 4400 km' of land above Kariba Dam, Rhodesia.
but the water would be available therefrom in an That some species of life will be destroyed is
emergency. The Kielder reservoir will fluctuate almost inevitable but prior studies should resolve
to meet demand, but with water against the whether such species are unique to the reservoir
Bakethin dam and steeper sides of the valley, Fig. area; only in rare cases would this be so..".
2.414 Archaeology. An obvious effect of a' new
reservoir would be the inundation of items of
archaeological value. World-wide reaction to
such losses emerged prior to the ftlling of Lake
Nasser (High Aswan Dam); an international fund
made possible the $50 million removal to higher
ground of the temple of Abu Simbel.
. The siting of Alcantara Dam, Spain, was
largely influenced by the desire to retain a
i Roman multiple-arch bridge, Fig. 2.08.
i Fig. 2.07 Kielder Reservoir proposal-Northum­
brian River Authority, U.K.
2.415 Anthropology. In many countries there is
The inundation of slopes and the raising of the also active opposition to the destruction of items
water table through steep gorges of a new reser­ of anthropological interest, especially evidence of
voir may cause instability of the hillsides. This past cultures, such as the rock paintings and
necessitates careful geological investigation­ artifacts of the Australian aboriginals.
Chapter 7--since landslides can be dangerous
and at least a disfigurement of the countryside. 2.416 Beauty. Beauty is of course in the eye of
, the beholder, and rarely will two people agree on
2.412 Dislodgment of People. In Eastern AnatoHa its assessment. Lake Pedder, Tasmania, Fig. 2.09,
the Keban dam on the Euphrates entailed the was a shallow morainal lake surrounded; by
barren moorland and mountains, Fig. 2.10;,.
!, dislodgment of 30 000 people" as well as reloca­
accessible only to hardy bushwalkers or light air­
tion of 300 km of roads and 48 km of railway.
Expropriation in this case cost more than the craft but famous for its summer beach. I ts inun­
dation into a much larger lake, Fig. 2.11, raised
!, dam and power station but it is understood that
the whole process acted as a stimulant to the sharp protests. The new lake has covered :the
economy of the region. On the other hand, in bleak moorland country but the beach has been
Ghana . the Volta River project had been lost. Operation of the new lake is restricted
developed primarily for electrical energy; it in­ a
within a range of 1.5 m; it is accessible by good
volved 'the relodging of 80 000 people and highway and is rapidly developing as. a tourist .
although this movement was started .two years area.
I before the first filling of the reservoir it was not
solved satisfactorily in the short term." This was 2.417 Silt. In Section 2.3 the effect of siltation
evident from the fact that 40 per cent of the on the life of a reservoir was discussed. It is,

L " .t
77 7


however, necessary to consider the effects in the the valley of such a disaster. The consequences of
valley below the dam of detention of silt in the failure of many dams have been studied both
reservoir. Normally the silt would enrich the mathematically and with models-for example at
lowlands in times of flood. The complexity of this Roselend Damn and El Atazar Dam.'"
problem is illustrated by reports on the effects of
the High Aswan Dam. These have revealed that 2.42 Effects of Storage on Water Quality
silt-laden water flows only during the flood
When a river is dammed the water can be
season and more than 88 per cent of the silt is
affected in many ways." On the benefit side the
carried into the sea. Thus storage in the reservoir
reservoir will reduce turbidity, reduce hardness
would never deprive land owners of more than
by algae assimilation of carbon dioxide and sub­
12 per cent--especially as fine suspended matter
sequent precipitation of calcium carbonate,
would still be carried over the spillway. It is es­
reduce colour and RO.D. and average out con­
timated that loss to the farmers could be made
centrations of pollutants. However, there are
good with 13 000 tonnes of calcium nitrate fer­
adverse affects such as less mixing and aeration,
tilize! each year. This can be manufactured with
increase of algae. problems and thermal
power generated at the dam for $600 000 to
$800 000 per year which is only one-third of the
former costs of dredging and removing silt from
2.421 Eutrophication. The Organisation for
canals... There is also concern regarding possible
Economic and Cultural Development (OECD)
degradation of the river bed downstream from
had defined Eutrophication as the enrichment in
the Aswan dam, effects on the Nile" delta and
stagnant and partly stagnant water bodies of
the coastline and on the sardine industry by
materials which have plant nutrient properties.
decrease in nutrients.
The result is an excessive growth of planktic
algae and rooted aquatic vegetation with conse­
2.418 River Regime. When a river is dammed quent adverse effects on the quality of the water.
and the water is diverted to a power station or This can be a matter of considerable concern es­
another valley, there will result a length of dry pecially in lakes that receive domestic and in­
river bed below the dam. This is aesthetically dis­ dustrial wastes that accelerate the process. Weed ~-.~

; l,
pleasing. At the same time a river may constitute growth in reservoirs is a very definite adverse
a national frontier or a property boundary. It has :j
ecological effect of damming. The Committee for
been relied upon as a barrier for animals. In some Coordination of Investigations of the Lower
locations it is convenient to build quite small Mekong Basin has found that most methods of
weirs in the river, Fig. 2.12. A small release from weed control also lead to adverse side effects. 20
the dam will keep the stream clean, improve The use of fish is a possibility but it has not been
the appearance of·the river and retain the stock proven. Associated with eutrophication is the
barrier. generation of gases from the decay of vegetable
On the other hand the river may be in a tourist matter. These gases can permeate the rock and
centre where a release-:-say twice daily-will
provide a scheduled spectacle for tourists. This is
done at Tully Falls, Queensland, and in the Fig. 2.08 Alcantara Dam, Spain (Roman bridge
Aratiatia rapids, New Zealand, Fig. 2.13.
Fig. 2.09 The original Lake Pedder
2.419 Fwod Warnings. Alteration of the natural
flow in the river can be serious to inhabitants as Fig. 2.10 Lake Pedder-Surrounded by moorlands
and mountains
well as to animals and fishlife. Irregular dis­
charges from a power station can introduce a Fig. 2.11 The new Lake Pedder-One metre below
hazard to life and it is not unusual for a limit to full supply level
be placed upon the rate at which the river level
Fig. 2.12· . Weir for beautification and animal barrier
will be permitted to vary.. As discussed in Chapter
20, the possibility of collapse of the dam should Fig. 2.13 Aratiatia Rapids, New Zealand-Water
be considered and a study made of the effects in release for tourism


: j

, .~







'j ;

..- ­






o i

find their way into tunnels and shafts and can be may be due to chemical action since in the cold
lethal in their effects. hypolimnion the percentage of dissolved oKygen
can drop to almost zero. Under this anaerobic I.
2.422 Thermal Stratification. 21 The fact that condition, iron and manganese are reduced and ,, 1'­ ­
water has its temperature of maximum density go into solution, sulphates are reduced and :

above freezing point brings about, in lakes eK­ hydrogen sulphide is formed; excess carbon dioK­ :);
ceeding 30 m in depth, twice-yearly periods of ide occurs and the pH value is lowered, Water
uniform water temperature and corresponding drawn off through low level can therefore be
seasonal vertical circulation. As air temperature adversely affected especially as regards colour,
increases, heat enters the -water and is mixed odour and temperature." Unless multilevel 'out­ : ;
downward by wind actiori resulting in an upper lets are provided it may be necessary to introduce
·1 layer of water of relatively uniform temperature. methods of destratificationP This can be -done,
, ~

This is known as the 'epilimnion'. Beneath this is at a cost, with pumps and air lifts; it will lower
a layer in which the temperature decreases the temperature of the lake and decrease
rapidly--and density increases-with depth. evaporation; on the other hand, by circulation of
I This is the 'thermocline', through which the algae it can improve fish growth but impede the
temperature drop may be as much as 1.5°C per operation of water-treatment plants.
metre. Below this thermocline lies the 'hypolim­
nion'. Water temperatures_ in Lake Barrington, 2.423 Quality. The following criteria are im~~­
Tasmania, are shown in Fig. 2.14. From winter tant in assessi!1g the potability of water. In view
I of the wide variations in the chemical composi­
I Reservoir surface
tion of water in different parts of the world,
rigid standards of chemical quality cannot be
established. The limits designated 'acceptable'
10 apply to a water that would be generally accept
able by consumers; values greater than those
listed as 'allowable' would markedly impair the
20 potability of the water.
However, these limiting concentrations are in­
- : dicative only.

(i) I lQ·69
Max, acceptable Max. allowable
® 6-11 -69 :i Substance concentration concentration
40 @ 9·12·69 I
@ 29-1-10 Total solids
1500 mg/l ,
@.221.10 Colour
5 units'
50 units'
50 Turbidity
5 unitst
25 unitst
, Unobjectionable
Iron (Fe)
0.3mg/l 1.0mg/l

60 Manganese (Mnl
0.1 mg/l
0.5 mg/l
Copper (Cu)
1.5 mg/l
10 20 Zinc (Zn)
5.0 mg/l
15 mg/l
Temperature toe} Calcium (Ca)
75 mg/l
J j
50 mg/l
150 mg/l
, Fig. 2.14 Water temperature, Lake Banington,
Tasmania Sulphage (SO.)
II to summer the temperature in the epilimnion
Chloride (CI)

pH range

600 mg/I
Less than 9.2 or

greater than
varies from 6°C to 19°C; there is a rapid drop in
)j temperature through the thermocline in summer

whilst the temperature is almost constant in the • Platinum-cobalt scale

hypolimnion. Note a small increase in t Turbidity units.

III temperature near the bottom of the lake. This

Reference: World Health Organisation, lnrernall'onal Standards
for Drinkillg-warer1 p. 29.

~'~~<:II' P"'-"'-"""-""!!,.II'!!','"""III_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..;._ _ _ _ _ _ _iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii__==="­


2.424 Fish-Nitrogen Problem. At Dworshak 3 to'3,7m

Darn, U.S.A., it has been found that spilling '" ,

highly aerated water produces some supersatura­ Ll

tion of Nitrogen in the river downstream. Some
measurements indicated 119 per cent super­
saturation, when the flow over the spillway was
1150 m'/s and 123 per cent when the flow was
,6300 m'/s. However, with 2800 m'/s through the Fig. 2.15 Fish pass--Overfall type
power station plus the same flow over the
spillway the figure was about 110 per cent. This dividing walls between the pools, Fig. 2.16. The
latter type has proved most successful at
condition had also been noted on the Columbia
River, but the effects do not appear to be as bad Pools
as were first imagined." Such measurements do, 4.5 10 5.5 m long
however, confirm that the natural equilibrium is 2.4 to 3.0 m wide
fragile and must be carefully studied.
1,8 to 2.1 m deep ~l
.:.:.2 ;1

2.425 Water-borne Diseases. These are serious in

some countries, particularly in large rivers subject
to large seasonal floods. The mosquito problem in
the reservoirs of the Tennessee Valley was solved Fig. 2.16 Fish pass-Orifice type
by a regular weekly variation of reservoir levels
of 0.3 In. This is sufficient to disrupt the life Pitlochry Dam, Scotland, Fig. 2.17, the Clunie
cycle of the mosquito, the larvae are stranded,
their food supply is disturbed and they are ex­
Dam, Scotland, Fig. 2.18. The ladder at
Pitlochry was built in 1951, it is 311 m long and
n. ,
posed to predators,'2 has thirty-four pools including three large
resting pools, Fig 2.19. The rise from pool to
2.43 Fish pool is 45 em and the required flow is 1 m3/s.
Based on twenty-two years experience the
The free migration of fish in rivers may be im­ operator at Pitlochry has noted26
portant commercially or 'for sport. In England
legislation for the protection of salmon and trout (i) Where there is a ladder or pass fish are
has been in force for centuries. Section 9(1) of generally cleaner and freer of disease;
the Hydro Electric Development (Scotland) Act, (li) On ladder-assisted rivers the numbers of
1943 required that the North of Scotland Hydro salmon have increased relative to counts on
Electric Board 'shall have regard to the natural rivers;
desirability of avoiding, as far as possible, injury (iii) Salmon are found on tributaries above fish
to fisheries and to'the stock of fish in imy waters'. ladders where no salmon fishing existed
This type of legislation is now common in many before;
countries and fishing authorities should be con­ (iv) The death rate of salmon in natural rivers is
sulted in the planning stage of a dam. If provi­ greater than on fish pass assisted rivers.
sion must be made for the passage of fish Electronic counters installed at Pitlochry have
upstream and downstream past the dam then recorded the. average number of salmon and
some form of ladder or lift will be required. If a gri1se ascending the pass over seventeen years
power station is incorporated in the dam then was 4500, the highest recording of 7665 being in
screens will be necessary both at the intake and 1972. At Kilmarock Darn the average recorded
the outlet from the turbine. 2s •26 One of the over five years was 8400.
earliest fish ladders was built at Hury on the
River Tees in 1883. It has no less than 80 pools
each with a rise of 37 cm. Fig. 2.17 Orifice fish ladder, Pidochry Dam
There are two types of pool pass, the first with Fig. 2.18 Clunie Dam, Scotland-Fish ladder in
notched weirs between the pools, Fig. 2.15, and foreground ,,
the second with submerged orifices in the Fig. 2.19 Fish ladder, Pitlochry Dam j
i.l •


··PC Xifi·· :nt

Construction of either the orifice or the over­ sorting and fmgerlings can be retained and
fall type of fish ladder is expensive since the protected until sufficiently grown.27
difference in elevation of adjacent pools is only The entry of fish into the draft tubes can be
30 to 45 em. This led to the development of the prevented with mechanical or electrical . 1 :

Borland fish pass, Fig. 2.20. By this means fish screens-but to date electrical screens have not .i

can be raised or lowered past a dam-with com­ proved successful to stop descending fish from
pletely automatic operation. At Orrin Dam, entering intakes to turbines. " ",'

: ~ j
Scotland, where there can be a variation in reser­
voir level of 21 m, four Borland passes have been
2.44 Forest Fires
installed. The pass that is in use when the water
in the reservoir is at its maximum level carries Once access to a reservoir is open to the public
fish up 41 m from river to reservoir. The flow there is a great increase in the risk of forest fires.
through each pass is about 140 I/s. Each fIre depletes the country's timber resources.

Max. water lever! tm

f o, 5 10
4.6106Jm molt for O.3em
Single sluice foMn. woief level 0 !

Seole melres

1.2 m wide overfull
sfulee gote

Max. foilwoter level

Min.toilwoter level

Fig. 2.20 Borland fish pass

If the filling of a new reservoir will inundate However, a secondary effect of intense burning
spawning grounds it may become necessary to on a catchment is evident from the hydrograph
provide fish hatcheries or artificial spawning of flood flow in the Y arrangobill y River,
channels. The latter was done at Aviemore Dam, Australia28 following severe forest fires in 1965,
New Zealand, Fig. 2.21. This channel is 336 m Fig. 2.22. The very rapid run off will cause ero­
long and is supplied with 700 I/s of water from sion from the catchment; this will impede
the turbines or the cooling system. The water regrowth so that further erosion will occur fl ..,
velocity in the channel is 0,45 mls. The fish are cuhninating in denudation of the catchment and U
attracted into the tailrace area and climb the fish complete change in the river regime.
ladders 0.3 m at each jump to reach the spawning On the other hand the creation of reservoirs
channel. Spawning of anadromous fish below should minimize the spread offorest fires. Proper
Shasta Dam has been enhanced by the creation management plans for new reservoirs must be
of a spawning bed in the Techama-Colusa irriga­ developed by the dam owners. .!
tion canal which is supplied by the Sacramento , j :

River. The facility provides for maximum

management of the hatching environment; the Fig. 2.21 Aviemore Dam, New Zealand--Fish
gravel bed can be flushed, fish can be trapped for spawning channel

, j

_.... _....J



6r---~----------------, they can lead to erosion and consequent turbidity

in the river. The excavation of trenches, pits and
adits, as well as surface sluicing, should only be
5 carried out with proper specification for en­
vironmental protection. '!.
2.472 River pollution will occur due to

Waste water from excavations;

The construction and removal of cofferdams;

Wash water from concrete and aggregate plants;

Oil leakage and waste disposal;

Sewage and stonnwater;

2 Hot water effluents;

Soil erosion during reservoir clearing.

Of prime importance, therefore, is prevention

where possible and water treatment where

necessary. At Auburn Dam, U.S.A., the bid for

the diversion tunnel included half a million

dollars for turbidity control of water effluent,

9th 10th
October 1965
and at least two more water treatment plants

Fig. 2.22 Yarrangobilly River at Hospital

would be added for the balance of the work. Side

Flat. Typical flood hydrograph after March effects must be controlled, i.e. excessive chemical

1965 bushfl1'es-Catchment area: 228 sq. km deflocculation to decrease turbidity can be lethal

to fish.

2.45 Induced Earthquakes

2.473 Erosion can be limited by prohibiting con­
Increased seismic activity consequent to the fill­ struction activities outside prescribed limits, by
ing of large reservoirs is discussed in Chapter 7, working along contours with proper drainage, by
but is mentioned here as a real factor to be con­ r)
prohibiting heavy machinery where light : '.
sidered in any Environmental Impact Study. machinery could do the work, by protecting and LJ
revegetating disrurbed areas and slopes as soon as
2.46 Climatological Change possible. Slopes steeper than 1 on 2 should
preferably be treated by hydro-mulching, care
Although not universally proven, there are being taken that the binder used is not toxic.
claims that the creation of large reservoirs will That erosion is a natural phenomenon should not
affect the climate of the district. This could be be overlooked; a comparison should be made
serious in proximity to centres of population, i.e. between erosion likely to result from floods dur­ I
if fogs were intensified over an airport. It is a ing construction and that resulting from man's ~:-1 :
subject for study by meteorologists and in special activities.
locations the possibility should not be overlooked. UI
2.474 Aesthetic appearance should be preserved
by a continuing programme of clean up and
2.47 Construction and the Environment protection of narural features. Storage and works
The whole process of building a dam must affect areas should be clearly delineated and
the environment29-from the first access track arrangements made for removal of spilled
for investigation to the removal of the last equip­ materials.
ment from the site. Our objective is to minimize
2.475 Fire risks are always considerable around
the adverse effects by careful planning.
Fig. 2.23 Auburn Damsite, U.S.A.-Access tracks
2.471 Access roads and tracks may be extensive, for investigations (By courtesy U.S. Bureau of
Fig. 2.23. If not properly located and drained Redamation)



.J. ii PC

28 ~} t
a construction area. Provision should therefore 2.48 Environmental Impact Studies
be made for adequate fire-fighting equipment In many countries it has now become man­
and the training of personnel. Public relations datory for such studies to be prepared before
programmes concerning the dangers of fire are approval for a project will be given. On January
essential. .
1, 1970, the President of U.S.A. signed the
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (PL
2.476 Air pollution can be lessened by control of 91-190). In this Act Congress declared a national
engine emissions and the proper storage of
,fl, .
volatile substances. Open burning should be u
minimized and electric air power used where 'to encourage production and enjoin harmony

between Man and his environment; to promote ef­

practicable. forts which will prevent or eliminate damage to the

environment and the biosphere and stimulate the

2.477 Noise pollution can be both a nuisance health and welfare of Man; and to unleash the un­

and a health hazard. Action is necessary to derstanding of the ecology systems and natural

decrease noise at its source, to isolate the source, resources important to the Nation'.

to insulate and to protect the individuals. Max­ Implementation of such policies will necessitate a
imum noise exposure levels should be determined study of alternatives, both for engineering
for various areas and action taken with plant feasibility and cost as well as for impact on the
'c manufacturers to ensure that all equipment, in­ environment. Undoubtedly Man has awakened to
cluding construction vehicles, emits less than 88 the importance of his environment, but the pen­
dBAat 15 m distance. Since the noise level of dulum has swung so violently that most legisla­
crushing and screening plants usually exceeds tion has become both confusing and unduly
100 such plant should, if possible, be located restrictive.' An average multi-purpose project will
behind some natural noise screen. If near dor­ require at least two additional years for the ac­
mitory areas, where noise level should not exceed cumulation and assessment of environmental
45 dBA, the times of quarry blasting should be data-with the essential requirement that ade­
restricted. Visitor and recreation areas should be quate funds are available sufficiently far in ad­
located at least 200 ni from 80 km/h roads which vance of approval of the project. Whilst being
carry construction traffic. sympathetic to those who wish to maintain the
It is now known that noise-damage to hearing status quo it should not be overlooked that a
can be cumulative in its effect; attention should ·changed ecosystem may be just as satisfactory to
therefore be paid to symptoms that may appear Man.
amongst the workforce: 30
Abnormal behaviour;

2.49 Public Participation.

Digestive troubles;
The purposes of fostering public participation31

Imbalance in bodily organs;

are to

Heat imbalance;
Achieve a better plan;

Peripheral circulation.
Increase the probability of implementation;

·Increase the likelihood that potential bene­

2.478 Light spillage from construction areas ficiaries will in fact receive the proposed
should be minimized by correct design and loca­ benefits;
tion of light sources. Care should be taken on Ensure that what is done is in the best interests

such secondary effects as reflection from roofing, of the community.

;- -'1
silos and water surfaces. All welding operations Many Authorities have endeavoured to interest , \
should be shielded. the general public in developmental works. The ~J
U.S. Corps of Engineers mounted an intensive ; 1
2.479 Dust can be reduced by surfacing or grass­ ·programme under the title 'Fish Bowl Plan­
ing and the requirement that all bulk handling ning',32 The great difficulty encountered in such d
shall be by closed systems. Haul roads should be efforts is the general· apathy; a few people will
regnlarly cleared of debris and watered as re­ offer .constructive ideas, a militant few· will i 1
quired. usually be destructive in their criticism, bunhe J



majority are not prepared to give the time and ef­ as a joint venture that involved thirty-five dis­
fort necessary for a meaningful interest. The ciplines, namely:
Engineer, however, must not relax in his efforts Civil Engineering Hydrology
to interest the general public in his Sanitary Engineering Hydrography
proposals-for ultimately the public will pay for Hydraulic Engineering Meteorology
the project. Structural Engineering Soil

, 2.5 Multi-disciplinary Approach

As an introduction to this involved subject I
Construction Methods
Electrical Engineering
lllumination Engineering
',i would quote Prof. S. Taira and Prof. M. Kunugi,
I Air Pollution Engineering Range
! co-Chairmen of the Editorial Committee of the Acoustic Engineering Management
International Conference on Mechanical Demography Fish
Behaviour of Materials, Kyoto 1971: History Wildlife
J !
'As we work with each other across traditional field
lines, we become more aware of the overall im­
Landscape Architecture
Landscape Planning
Remote Sensor,
plications of what we are doing in our specialized Traffic Photogrammetry
fields. Each of us finds that tbe approacbes and Transportation Cartography,
specific" findings of our colleagues in other dis­ Ecology Systems .
ciplines can somehow be blended with our own to Geography Programming
add another dimension to tbe way in which vie in­ Environmental Engineering Mathematical "
terpret the data we collect. It is tbis interchange of
ideas and methods. which stimulates creativity in in­ Geomorphology Modelling I
dividual scientists and engineers in botb university Geology
and industrial settings. The report occupied six volumes and was sum­ I.
If the scientific approach to life is going to make
a contribution to the future of mankind we must marized by the Bureau for issue in December
share OUr ideas, try to understand each other across 1971.
disciplinary as well as lingual and cultural barriers As opposed to consideration by disciplines a
and forge together new hopes for the solutions to study was made of the environmental effects of
world-wide problems of humanity in our time'. the Teton Dam. This was analysed with respect
i to:
We have undoubtedly reached an era when the
Engineer must cooperate with members of other Aesthetics and scenic beauty; j! :
)\ .
disciplines, if a project is to be completed for opti­ Harmony with Natural' surroundings;
mum benefits an!4 rtlinimum adverse effects. It is, Flora, fauna and fishlife;

howeve", believ'e~ that decisions can only be Geological and morphological features;

made by Il relal1w1y small multi-discipliilary team Watershed management;

made up' ofst;atesman-like individuals represent­ Erosion, sedimentation and channel regimen;

ing the l\1~r interests involved. Since such a Flood control;

group could only handle a limited number of Archaeological and historical considerations;

alternatives there must be a lower level of Socio-economic and cultural impact;

screening-and at this level there must also be Water quality

. and wastes disposal;

wisdom and impartiality. It is, of course, advan­ Human health;

tageous to interest the general public at this level Recreation and tourism.
at a very early stage. Unfortunately, to exercise The resulting - environmental 'improvement
impartiality in the face of biased pressure groups
features of the Teton Dam project added nearly
can often be too great a responsibility for this 14 per cent to its cost.
lower echelon. Whichever approach is taken it is quite ap-'
, An example of what can be in.volved in an en­
parent that a thorough investigiltion of environ­
vironmental study for a major project is seen in mental impact will
,that authorized by the United States Bureau of
,Reclamation in February 19(1 relative ,to the Involve many people, departments and dis­
Auburn Dam. The work was d,One by three firms ciplines;

'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ """=========__,

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....................
-rye­ -- 1M r 5n .J


Cause delays, the effects of which will become have been built under movable shelters to
cumulative in many departments and hence to ensure continuity of work under adverse
.;. j
many projects; weather conditions, whilst quarries and
Cost· money, both for the investigation and for aggregate production have been installed
the resulting modifications. underground for the same reason;
(ii) Pre-tendering conferences with selected

The Engineer must realise that, as initiator of tenderers can ensure that all tenders are

the project, he is responsible for its planning 'for based on the same premises. In some cases

the benefit of mankind'. very useful suggestions are made that will

modify the specification;

(iii) The actual need for security deposit or per­

2.6 Finance
formance bond should be reviewed. If con­

The Engineer is not usually responsible for sidered necessary it should be of minimum

procurement of finance for a project; he must, rather than arbitrary proportion;

however, provide data for economic evaluation. (iv) Joint insurances by owner and contractor

Justification will vary with the job-a dam as can result in considerable savings;

part of an hydroelectric project can be justified (v) Provision should be made in the specifica­

on the relatively short-term financial return from tion for variation in costs that are beyond

the sale of electricity; a dam built for an irriga­ the contractor's control;

tion development is often justified on a much (vi) Interim financing-<!specially for es­ n
longer term, i.e. its value progressively increases tablishment-will lower cost since the ;~
:'. J
as the area under cultivation increases-though Owner can usually borrow money under
overall benefits will depend upon markets and more favourable terms; ,;. ,I
lponetary values; on the other hand, a dam bnilt (vii) Retention money should be invested by the ,I
for recreation or beautification is justified solely Owner for the benefit of the Contractor;
on the taxpayers' willingness to pay. (viii) Retentions should be minimized and maybe < 1
The method of financing an approved project applied only to the first half of the con­ ;..I'
will have a considerable effect on the final cost. 33 tract;
Some departments rely on annual grants; this (ix) Retentions should be released at substantial
can be a very severe handicap; it can restrict in­ completion of work to reduce such funds :]
vestigation and design and influence both qUality progressively;
and cost of construction, i.e. a tendency can (x) Where possible a boous for early comple­

develop to make do with old plant, despite higher tion should be offered;

maintenance costs rather than outlay capital for (xi) Prompt decisions should be given at all
new plant. The cost of delays resulting from levels, i.e. an instruction to remove a few
breakdown of old plant can be considerable but it yards of suspect rock and replace it with
is rarely evident from the costing system. Under concrete will cost a definite amount
the contract system, the soundest tenders will be (usually in hundreds of dollars). Delay
received when the least number of items of un­ whilst the matter is referred to higher
certainty remain with the Contractor, and the authority may cost thousands of dollars.
financial gaps between hi·s incomings and out­ Delay on a large dam may cost the contrac­ , 1i
goings are kept to a minimum. 34 The sharing of
the cost of engineering uncertainties is men­
tor as much as $50 000 a day; .
(xii) Time between submission of claims and

tioned in Section 2.7, but as regards finance the
payments should be minimized; this calls

following points should be considered:

for site agreement on quantities and close

(i) The job should be planned to avoid ex­ liaison in the office;

cessive peak demands for either labour or (xiii) Acceptance of sub-contractor's work by the
equipment. Seasonal weather often controls . Owner and arrangements for full prompt
a programme, but the overall economy of payment of sub-contractors will addhar­
the job warrants a very detailed study of mony to the job and ensure lower prices; f '
the reality of the limitations; several dams (xiv) Partial payment should be made on dis- LJ

_ __

puted claims, only witholding the value of In earlier days, contracts were not large and
the disputed item. variations could be handled by the Engineer.
However, the present trend is towards very large
contracts, often handled as joint ventures by
2.7 Contract and Day Labour Construction several contracting firms. This has advantages
but it often removes decisions from the Engineer.
In the past the contract system has been It necessitates 'watertight' specifications which,
adopted so that the owner would know, at the with greater sophistication in. design and keener
signing of the contract, that the job would be economic conditions, have become voluminous
done for a certain price and if not completed document$--Qften not clear to the respective
within the specified time the contractor would be Construction Engineers and frequently the bases
liable to a penalty. Unfortunately the industrial for arguments by the legal profession. There is
climate of 1975 nullifies both these. premises. therefore a great need for the rethinking of the
Day hibour construction (all work done by Contract system,particularly with regard to the
employees of the owner) has been the practice in Owner-Engineer-Contractor relationship.'s.
many countries where the socio-economic The main purpose of the Specification is to
! benefits of maintaining a viable work force in
continuous employment outweigh other factors.

define clearly the work to be done by the

Contractor; it is axiomatic, therefore, that un­
It is espec,ially advantageous where the owner un­

dertakes the investigation, design and construc­

knowns should be kept to a minimum. Many

specifications contain such clauses as 'the
I tion of the project; undoubtedly the Engineers
tenderer shall inform himself fully concerning
I i can feel a great personal involvel)1ent under this
conditions at the site ..• and accept all respon­
system. Given equal expertise, and often with sibility ...'. Relevant data collected by the
greater knowledge of local conditions, the cost Owner-maybe over several years-will have
I should be lower than by contract. However, a been included in the speclfication but without
Government department will usually have less
freedom of action than a contractor, both in
interpretation. The tenderer is then expected to
interpret the data-and with one or two short
ability to offer incentives and to dismiss un­ visits to the site accept all responsibility. The
satisfactory employees; each of these can amount that he allows as a contingency may lose
I seriously escalate costs. him the contract or make him bankrupt.
I Day labour work permits changes in design If the Owner expects to receive a sound tender,
either for greater economy or as may be dictated he should share a conunon interpretation of the
by changed conditions at the site. Although con­ data with all tenderers and be prepared to pay for
J I struction should not be commenced before the any mutually agreed change that may be .neces­
.,1 investigations have been completed, many in­ sary as work proceeds. This would apply to
stances have occurred where the opening up of
'I the foundations has necessitated a change in the
type of dam. Such a change would complicate a
foundations, borrow areas, and other uncertain
features such as the capacity of the river diver­
·i contract and probably lead to greater costs than Provision might. well be made for 'value
! the same change handied by a day lahour engineering' ,'6--engineering wherein a contrac­
organizati6n. On a smaller scale, temperature tor can suggest an alternative method of doing a
effects can cause cracking in a concrete dam; a particular part of the work, the saving in cost
simple solution may be to proceed in 'half lifts' being shared by the Contractor and the Owner.
over a critical weather period. Such a change Value engineering has been defmed as a means of
would mean little to the day labour organization securing better value at the same cost Or the. same
but could easily lead to costly compromise with a value at a lower cost and may well justify the
contractor. If day labour-with a uniform level extra administrative costs .involved.
of employment--can be supplemented by con­ Particularly at difficult sites, there may be
tracts to meet peak requirements, or to under­ advantages in dividing a project into separate
.take specialist work, then the owner can develop contracts for (i) river diversion, (ii) the stripping
expertise adequate for the wise administration of of the dam foundation area, the borrow pits and
such contracts. quarry areas and (iii) the actual Construction of

the dam-with the Owner undertaking the estab­ In any of the above contracts there can also be a
lishment of basic services such as· access roads, bonus and penalty clause with respect to comple­
initial accommodation, water and seWerage facili­ tion time, whereby the contractor receives or pay. a
stipulated sum per day or per week for finishing
ties. Although such a procedure may prolong the the work ahead of or later than the specified date.'
job, each contract would contain fewer unknowns It is inevitable that disputes will occur; they
and should therefore be done at truer cost. can, however, be minimized by
I am obliged to Professor J. M. Antill for the
following definitions of the forms of contracts:"
A closer relationship between Owner, Engineer
'Schedule of rates COnlracl! are those in which the and Contractor;
contractor offers to carry out various clearly Extreme care in the issue of instructions that in
defined classes of work at stipulated unit rates. The any way modify the contract;
work to he done is scheduled as accurately as the
Provision in the specification for the Engineer to
quantities can he estimated,· but the actual quan"
tities are measured in the completed work and paid determine variations at the time when theyoc­
for at· the prices stated in the tender. These are cur;
therefore tbe fairest type of contract for .both par­ Written agreement between parties at the tbne of
ties. any variation if settlement is to be deferred.
Lump sum e<>nlraClS are those in which the contrac­
tor offers to do the whole of the work specified and Whenever possible provision should be made for
shown on the drawings for a total stipulated sum of the appointment of an independent arbitrator to
money. In these contracts it is essential that the determine disputes without legislation; he
scope of the work he clearly defined and drawn,
although to cover any possibility of el<tension or would seek advice only on matters of law and
recommend court action only when necessary.
reduction of the work shQwn it is usual to include a

schedule of prices to .enable such additions and

deductions he assessed. It should he clearly stated
Both parties shOuld accept that cooperation does r

not mean compromise but rather that there is

as a lump sum contract, and if a schedule is re­ to be an equal sharing of responsibility with
quired it is usually stated that this is for progress
payments and variations adjustment only, and that competence, mutual confidence and equity,
the quantities are not part of the contract.
Cost plus a percontage contracl! are sometimes
adopted, but the system is .fundamentally bad for
there is no incentive to economize; the more the job 2.S. Decision Making
.costs the more the contractor receives. In this type
... of contract the contractor is paid the actual cost of Decisions relative to the purpose of the project
the work, whaiever it may be, plus an agreed and the type of dam are basic for success. Care
percentage thereof to COver his overheads and
profit. The ptactice arose because of rapidly chang­
ing conditions, labour and material shortages, and
other factors which made accurate estimating im­
must therefore be exercised that they cannot set
the stage for a train of circumstances that could
prove undesirable; any uncertainties that might

~. '.

possible, during the Second World War. later be unfavourable should be avoided. It is
only with proper application of initiative and
Cost plus fixed fee rontrael! overcome the objections
to the foregoing type by providing a fIXed sum to he maturity that these decisions will remain good
paid to the contractor in addition to the actual cost decisions over a wide range of possible future cir­
of the work. Thus there is the inducement to speed cumstances. J8
and economy, for every delay keeps the contractor The scheduling of a job should be undertaken
from another job,· ties up his plant, and increases
in the earliest stages of planning. This first
his overhead costs which he must meet from his fee.
This type of cOntract has the advantage on difficult schedule should dc:fine dates when decisions will fl'
be required and by whom they are to be made. .: I
and hazardous jobs, where the risks are great, that , Jl,
tenderers . n.eed not bid high to cover themselves Adherence· to such a programme will establish
against P;!Issible loss. It also lends itself to the inclu­ con.fidence esprit de corps amongst per­
sion of aiilOnus and penalty clause, whereby the fee sonnel at all levels; this can be a major factor in
is increased or decreased in proportion· to the com­
pletion of the job at less or mOre than the agreed es­ the success of the project. On the one hand there
timated cost; in this case it is then called a target es­
Iimale contract.
will be specialists whose ambition for perfection
so often neglects the importance of tbne. On the u
• 1




other hand the policy .makers cannot act until The Specification should require the tenderer
they have data; if this is not available on time to submit a schedule of construction with his
their attention is diverted from the particular tender so that it will become part of the contract.
job. It is therefore most desirable that a Project The Specification should make clear the rights of
Engineer be appointed at the earliest possible the Owner in the event offailure by the Contrac­
date. His first responsibility will be adherence to tor to adhere to the COntracted programme.
the timetable of decision making by all con­ Vmations will occur due to unforeseen dif­
cerned. ficulties or circumstances; the programme should
Completion of the Specification, invitation to therefore be updated regularly-but always
tender (preferably to pre-registered tenderers), remaining part of the contract. The reasons for
examination of tenders and the award of the con­ each change should be carefully documented and
tract can each be a time-consuming operation. preferably agreed to by both panies at .thetime.
Once a contractor becomes interested he ac­ Prompt and firm decisions are the basis of a
cumulates charges which must ultimately be met successful project. Indecision and delays not only
by his clients. Prompt decisions at this \tage can cost money but also destroy confidence without
create an atmosphere of confidence which' will which no job can be brought to a satisfactory
affect the performance of the contract. conclusion.


1. T. W. Lambe, 'The Integrated Civil Engineering II. K. Takase, 'Statistic Smdy of Failure, Damage
Project', Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foun­ and Deterioration of Earth Dams in Japan', 'fIrh
dations Division, Proc. A.S.C.E., 98, No. SM6, ICOLD Congress,.xstonbul, 1967, Q.34, R.I, 111,
June 1972. p. 14.
2. K. Dolucca and W. Pircher, 'Development of the 12.. R. A. Elliott, 'Consequences on ·the Environment
Euphrates River Basin in Turkey', Waler Power, of the T.Y.A. Reservoir System', 11ih ICOLD
February 1971, p. 47. Congress, Madrid, 1973, QAO, R.15, 1, pp.
3. M. L Nelson and D. M. Rockwood, 'Flood 191-216.
Regulation by Columbia Treaty Projects', Journal 13. F. J. Clarke, 'Interdisciplinary Planning to meet
of Hydraulics Division, Paper 7798, Pro<. Environmental Needs', Journal of Professional
A.S.C.E., 97, No. HY.l, Jan. 1971, pp. 143-161. Activities, Paper 9262, Proc. A.S.C.E., 98, No.
4. J. W. S. James, 'Example of the Application of a PP.4, Oct. 1972, pp. 497-503.
Computer to Water Resources Development', 14. R. ReUehalls and D. Gill, 'Evaluating the Impact
Proc. I.C.E., Paper 7204, 43, June, 1969, of Large Dams on the Environment', 11lh
pp. 273-287 with discussion Nov. 1969. ICOLD Congress, Madrid, 1973, Q.40, R.48, 1,
5. W. K. Johnson, 'Use of System Analysis on Water pp. 773-782.
Resource Planning', Journal of Hydraulics 15. E. N. Kumi, 'Environmental Effects on the Yolta
Division, Paper 9174, Proc. A.S. C.E., 98, No. River Project', 11th ICOLD Congress, ¥adrid,
HY.9, Sept. 1972, pp. 1543-1556. 1973, QAO, R.56, 1, pp. 907-922.
, 6. A.S.C.E. Symposium, Paper 2412, 'Multi Purpose 16. (a) I. Z. Kinawy, T. A. Wafo, A. H. Labib and W.
Reservoirs', Trans. A.S.C.E., 11S, 1950, pp. K. Sl;!enouda, 'Effect of Sedimentation in High
780--908. Aswan Dam Reservoir', 11lh ICOLD Congress,
7. I. Z. Kinawy, et aI., 'Effect of Sedimentation in Madrid, 1973, Q.40, R.54, 1, pp. 879~898; (b) Y.
High Aswan Dam Reservoir', 11lh ICOLD M. Simaika, 'Degradation of the Nile due to the
Congress, Madrid, 1973, QAO, R.54, 1, p. 879. Interception of Silt in the High Aswan Reservoir',
I 8. W. C. Boughton, The Institution of Engineers,
Australia, Quumland DifJuion Bulletin, 14, No.6,
7th ICOLD Congress, Rome, 1961, Communica­
tion C7, IV, pp. 639':-656.
. I
May 1973. 17. French National CoJnmittee on Large Dams,
9. J, A. H. Brown; 'Some Environmental Con­ 'Measures Taken for Facilitating the Protection
siderations in the Design and Construction of a of Population Downstream 'of Dams in
,Ii Large Hydro Electric Scheme', Ciflil Eitgng.
Tram. 1. E. AWl., C.E.16, No.2, 1974, pp.
France-Regulations and .Calculations of
Submerged Zones', 11lh ICOLD,
130--137. Madrid, 1973, Q.40, R,42, 1, p. 661. .
10. B. J. Witzig, 'Sedimentation in Reservoirs', Tram. 18. L. Y. Gomez, 'Calculation of Flood Waves sup­
AS.C.E., 109, 1944, p. 1047. posing EI Atazar Dam were to Break', 11th

, i
L s
·ij: .

ICOLD Congress, Madrid, 1973, Communication 28. J. A. H. Brown, 'Hydrologic Effects on a BushflfC
C5, IV, pp. 835-849.
19. W. C. Ackermann, G. F. White and E. B.
on a Catchment in South Eastern New South
Wales', J. Hydral., Amsterdam, IS, June 1972, pp.

Worthington (Eds.), 'Man-made Lakes-their 77-96.

Problems and Environmental Effects', Geophysical 29. 'Control of Pollution in Concrete Dam Construc­
Monograph Sems, 17, American Geophysical tion', being Session III of Engineering Founda­
Union, Washington, D.C. tion Conference, 1972, on The Economical
20. D. J. Tumer, 'Dams and Ecology---(:an They be CotlSlt'Ucllim of Concrete Dams, Special A.S.C.E.
Made Compatible?' A.S.C.E. Civil Engineering, Publication, 1972.
41, No.9, Sept. 1971, pp. 76-80. 30. J. Ferjoo and F. Fz. Fole, 'The Noise in Construc­
21. W. C. Huber, 'Temperature Prediction in tion of Dams', 11th ICOLD Congress, Madrid,
Stratified Reservoirs" Journal of Hydraulics 1973, QAO, R.51, I, pp. 831-849.
Division, Paper 8839, Proc. A.S.C.E. 98, No. 31. G. E. Willeke, 'Citizen Participation-Here to
HY.l, April 1972, pp. 645-{i66, with discussion, Stay', A.S.C.E. Civil Engineering, Jan. 1974, p.
99, No. HY.3, March 1973. 78.
22.. F. H. Posey, Jr., and J. W. de Witt, 'Effects of 32. H. 1.. Sargent, 'Fishbowl Planning Immerses
Reservoir Impoundment on Water Quality', Jour­ Pacific North West Citizens in Corps Projects',
nal of· Power Division, Paper. 7041, Proc. A.S.C.E. Civil Engineering, 42, No.9, Sept. 1972,
A.S.C.E., 96, No. PO.l. Jan. 1970, pp. 173-185. pp. 54-57, with discussion Jan. 1973, p. 59.
23. J. E. Teerink and C. V. Martin, 'Artificial 33. E. J. Parker, 'The Planning of Project Finance,
Destratification in Reservoirs in the California Proc. I.C.E., 43 June 1969, Paper 7197, pp.
State Water Project', Trans. A. W. W.A., 61, No.9, 261-273•.
Sept. 1969, p. 436.
34. J. Fondahl, Cash Flow and Bid Prices, Western
24. H. A. Smith Jr., 'A Detrimental Effect of Dams
Construction, U.S.A., May 1973, p. 44.
on Environment-Nitrogen Supersaturation (?),
11lh ICOLD Congress, Madrid, 1973, Q.40, R.17, 35. Engineering Foundati0n Conference, 1972, The
1, pp. 237-253. Economical Construction of Concrete Dams, special
A.S.C.E. Publication.
25. L. Aitken, 1.. H. Dickerson and W. J. M. Menzies,
'Fish Passes and Screens at Water Power Works', 36. N. L. Scott and C. T. McCreedy, 'At Hydro
Plant-Value Engineering Saves $600000',
Proc. I.C.E., 35, Sept. 1966, Paper No. 6928,
pp.29-57. A.S.C.E. Civil Engineering, March 1973, p. 73.
26. G. A. Bonnyman, 'Fishing Requirements' (Chapt. 37. J. M. Antill and P. W. S. Ryan, Civil Engineering
XXIVJ, Hydro Elecmc Engineering Praclke (2nd Construction (4th edn.), Angus and Robertson,
Ednl, Volume 1, Guthrie Brown, B1ackie, Lon­ Sydney, 1974, pp. 6 15-{i 16.
don, 1964. 38. S. O. Russell and W. D. 1.. Finn, 'Evaluating the
27. E. L. Armstrong, 'Dam Construction and the Impact of Large Dams on the Environment', 11th
Environment', I11h ICOLD Congress, Madrid, ICOLD Congress, Madrid, 1973, Q.40, R.48, 1,
1973, Q.40, R.16, 1, pp. 236. pp. 773-782.


11th lCOLD Congress, Madrid, 1973, 1, Q40, 'The Hydraulics Division, Paper 7650, Proc. A.S.C.E.,
Consequences on the Environment. of Building 96, No. HY.ll, Nov. 1970, pp. 2185-2200.
Dams'. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Hydrology Branch,
Commissioner, United States Bureau of Reclamation, Sedimentation Section, Sediment in Large Reser­
Final Environmental Statement, 1972-Puehlo Dam "oirs, March 1962.
and ReseTflOir, Dept. of Interior, Washington D.C. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Hydrology Branch,
Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Authority, Calch­ Sedimentation Section, The 1965 Sedimentation
ment Protectwn in the Snowy Mountains, April 1967. Survey of Angostura ReseTflOir, South Dakota, Jan.
R. 1.. Urie, 'Environmental Aspects of Dam Construc­ 1967. .
tion', ANCOLD Bulletin, No. 37, Feb. 1973.
B. M. Maclean, 'Model and Prototype Research on
R. W. Bond and E. G. Warrell, 'Catchment Protection
Fish Ladders', Journal Power Division, Paper 2856,
Works on the Snowy Mountains Authority', I.C.E.
Conference on Civil Engineering Problems OfJlJl'seas, Proc. A.S.C.E., 87, P02, July 1961, pp. 57-{)s.
June 1966, pp. 119-137. E. M. Krokosky and C. L. Dym, 'Noise Con trol and
H. E. Dann 'Planning for Water and Power
Utilisation' Proc. Ecological Society of Auslralia, 5,
Civil Engineering', A.S.C.E. CMI Engineering,
. May, 1974, pp. 45-49.
Jan. 1971, pp. 8!-85. H. A. Smith, Jr., 'Spillway Redesign Abates Gas
Shih-Tun Su and A. H. Barnes, 'Geometric and Fric­ Supersaturation in Columbia River, A.S.C.E. CMI
tiona! Effects of Sudden Releases', Journal of Engineering, Sept. 1974, pp. 70-73.



------~,~ -


Accidents to Large Dams

3.1 Consequences of Failure However, lest we become over-confident in our
present abilities, this chapter will be devoted to
The. failure of a large dam is a national
some typical accidents to large darns. It is rarely
catastrophe! It happens with fearful rapidity, and
possible to pin-point the initial cause of failure
usually with litde warning. Unfortunately no one
but in each case there are lessons to be learnt.
has yet come up with a design for a dam that
The words of Edward Gruner! sum up our
·1 would show clear signs of impending failure. in
progress in dam engineering and serve as a warn­
the way that an elastic structure usually does.
When' the Oros Dam failed in Brazil in March,
1960, between 30 and 50 people were lost and 'The evolution of each type of dam was accom­
100 000 people were evacuated; some 730 panied by ehanges in its inherent factor ofsafety. In
million m 3 of water was released in 34 hours with the case of a novel design, the tria1-and-error aspect
a peak flow of 9600 m3/s. The flood front in the was inevitably present. With increasing knowledge
and experience it was possible to achieve economies
Jagnaribe River reached the Atlantic Ocean, 340 and this might in time tend either to routine design
kilometres away, in 4 days, the peak of the flood procedures or to undue boldness In design which
arriving 2t days later, and the tail not for 13 might ultimately end in disaster.'
days. It is not difficult to visualize the devasta­
tion along that 340 km.
That we learn from our failures is un­
doubtedly true in all phases of life-but it is a
method that we cannot afford to adopt in the 3.2 Statistics
building of darns. Many ancient dams failed It is interesting to study some of the reviews
through lack of knowledge on the part of their that have been .made of the causes of failure of
builders, but in recent times it has usually been large darns. In 19332 the main causes were listed
an omission that has led to failure. Our aim must as:
be to visualize all the factors that could affect the
dam and to assess their importance and Embankment dams
likelihood of occurrence at the particular site. 30o/'".--imidequate spillways
In the first half of this century lO%--inadequate cutoffs

Dams have been built bigger in height and ConcreUi gravily dams.
I volume, but observations on darns and models
have increased our understanding of the load­
319'o---inadequate cutoffs

129'o---faulty design

I carrying capacity of dams; 129'o---faulty construction.

The electronic computer has made possible most

II sophisticated methods of analysis and has thus
increased our knowledge of stress distribution;
In 1959 a list prepared in U .SA attributed two­
tltirds of all failures to geological causes.
In 1961 a review in Spain 3 considered 1620
I ConstrtJction teChniques and equipment have
been improved to keep abreast of the rigid
darns of which no less than 19 per cent had been
subject to 'serious incidents. Of'these:
specifications required for the sophisticated
designs; and 40% related to foundations,

Darn engineering in all its aspects has become 23% to inadequate spillways,

subject to better organization and control. 12% to poor construction.


£ '.,",


In 1963 Sherard et al.4 gave analyses of 214 'Lessons from Dam Incidents'. This includes
cases of unsatisfactory perfonnance, mainly in historical sections dealing with the evolution in
U"S.A., with the following summary: design and construction of the various types of
dam, with major dam failures and reported dam
41% attributable to seepage,
incidents. In toto 466 incidents were studied, of
28% to overtopping,
which about 140 could be described as failures.
11% to slides of various kinds.
This report should be basic reading for all dam
In 1967----on the other side of the Atlan­ engineers.
tic--Gruner suggested5 that Table 3.01 quoted from the ICOLD Report
highlights the preponderance of incidents with
1/3 of failures could be attributed to foundation

earthfill dams, and the high proportion of in­


cidents related to inadequate investigation and

1/3 to inadequate spillways, and

1/3 to other causes.

In his continuing interest in this subject Gruner

presented his 'Classification of Risk" the

3.3 Security v. Failure
statistics of which might be summarized as:

The statistics of failures of dams are somewhat

45%-hydraulic conditions (floods, seepage, alarming, particularly the number of incidents
piping, uplift) that have occurred to dams built in couritries
30ru-type of structure and construction where expertise was available. It would appear
(hydraulic fill, seepage through poor con­ that a great proportion of failures have occurred
crete, inadequate design) where the dam height was 40 to 60 metres.
7%-geology Maybe these have been taken too lightly in an era
6%-environment (frost, ice, earthquake, when dams of 250 m height are being built.
decay, hostile action) As will be evident from the examples of failure
6ru-consequences (decay, abandonment, in­ in the following section, there have often been
duced earthquake). errors of omission that have had serious conse­
The above percentages are purposely tabulated in quences, i.e. insufficient study of possible floods,

order to emphasize the need for care--par­ inadequate examination of foundations and inac­ ..1
ticularly in our investigation of hydrology and curate knowledge of the behaviour under load or
geology. Since 1965 the International Commis­ saturation of materials of the dam or its foun­
sion on Large Dams has made a continuing study dation.
of Failures and Accidents to Large Dams With a relatively small dam a higher percent­
culminating with a report prepared in 1973 on age of the cost is required for investigation and
this is often difficult to procure, particularly
Table 3.01 before a project has been approved. Once
approval has been given the pressure is usually
Number ofincidents on to get started with construction. However, in­
vestigational work should persist into the early
A B G E R M Total stages of construction for frequently it is only
when foundations have been opened that one can
Exploration 9 5 6 49 2 1 72 assess their true value. Although it will cost
Material 1 2 8 11
Layout 1 4 17 3 25 money, it is never too late to change.
Design 4 6 13 48 3 2 76 The cost of security can be estimated with
Construction 1 1 2 32 5 41 reasonable accuracy if proper investigations have
Operation 5 1 6 been done. The cost of failure is intmeasurable.
Supervision 1 1 3 5 Damage to property may be assessable, damage ,1
to the environment is less tangible but no less d
Total 16 14 27 162 14 3 236 real, but loss of life is a matter of personal suf­
A-Arch; B-Bultre$S; G-Gravity; E-Earthf1l1; R-RoduJll; fering. ~'l
M-Miscellaneou$. The Engineer must be continually aware of .J

possible consequences--water can lubricate clay water rose to the designed maximum level and
seams, it can adversely affect the physical proper­ the darn cracked horizontally, Fig. 3.01; a section
ties of most rocks, it can act as a colossal , 250 m long carried away to a depth 10 m below
hydraulic ram, it can erode and corrode, it may the crest and 150 people were killed. Un­
induce earthquakes. If a dam should fail, water doubtedly the cracks admitted water causing
will devastate and destroy. uplift within the darn and ultimate failure.
When so much attention is being given to en­ In discussions at the time it was pointed out
vironmental impact studies, it may be opportune that both Habra and Bouzey Dams were subject
to consider the overall risk to the community of to high temperature differentials that could cause
any vast storage of water. Can any oc­ serious cracking. The concept of curving gravity
currence--earthquake, sabotage, or structural dams was silggested as a means of defeating this.
degeneration-lead to a disaster? If frnance is not
available for guaranteed security, there may be a Significant factors were
case for rejection of the proposal.
Cost is of vital importance to the Engineer, DESIGN

but security must always be paramount. Innova­ UPLIFT

tion in design and construction is to be com­

mended ,but only after thorough examination of 3.402 Habra Dam' was built in .Algeria
1 the con~,equences of departing from established 1865-1870. The dam was 324 m long and 36 m
practice. high. An inadequate spillway caused flood waters

2 9.35 2 11,35 4.40

0 5 10m
I , . . . [ •• " I

1 & 3 Height of water at times of rupture

2 First rupture

4 Second rupture ,.:

5 Part destroyed
Fig. 3.01 Bouzey Dam (After M. Mary; reproduced by permission of
·'1 Dunod, Paris)

3.4 Examples to raise the reservoir level until water was 5 m

above the maximum design level. The additional
3.401 The Bouzey Dam in France was built in
water pressure is believed to have caused cracks
1878, its designers assumed stress limitations of
11 0.14 MPa tension and 1 MPa compression but
which athnitted water to the body of the dam.
Uplift pressures extended the cracks until shear
r neglected the 'middle third rule'. In 1884 with
water 2.7 m below maximum level the darn
stresses in the uncracked section were excessive.
J cracked; the reservoir was emptied and repairs INADEQUATE SPILLWAY
were carried out. The reservoir then filled and it UPLIFT
stood with only a few leaks until 1895 when SHEAR



3.403 An outstanding example of failure due to 3.404 In 1850 the Woodhead Dam, U.K.,
uplift is described by Mary.' The Gleno Darn in collapsed; whilst there is no certainty as to the
Italy was originally conceived as a masonry struc­ cause of failure it seems most probable that the
ture and the base for a gravity dam was ,con­ water percolating through the grits under the
structed. However, between 1920 and 1923 a dam undermined it. The Holmfirth Dam built on
multiple-arch darn was built on the base--ap­ similar grit met a similar fate in 1852.
parently with no provision for the relief of uplift.
The distribution of uplift pressures as shown in
Fig. 3.02 would have been sufficient to move the
resultant outside the base of the structure and
3.405 The Dale Dyke Dam, U.K.,8 was built in
even to make sliding imminent. The dam failed
1858 to supply water to Sheffield. It was 380 m
on 1st December, 1923, due to uplift and high
long and 29 m high; its thickness at the crest was
shearing stresses at the base.
3.7 m; slopes of the faces were 1 on 2.5 and the
maximum base thickness was 150 m. The clay
puddle core was 1.5 m thick at the crest, 5 m
thick at the base and extended 18 m into the
foundation. The upstream and downstream parts
of the datil were shale and rubble excavated from
the bed of the reservoir. On 11th March, 1864,
the reservoir filled for the first and last time. A
crack appeared on the downstream face and the
dam collapsed. A flood of 1200 m'/s bore down
on Sheffield at 30 krn/h-250 people were killed
and 800 houses destroyed. The results of the en­
quiry were inconclusive, although it was
generally agreed that the structure was 'a very
poor piece of work, the core wall was too thin,
the embankment much too loosely built, wrong
materials were used and the spillway capacity
was inadequate'. It is interesting that the official
report recommended that 'all dams and reser­
voirs in Great Britain should-by Act of
Parliament-be subject to frequent, sufficient
and regular inspection'.

3.406 The St. Francis Dam, U.S.A.,9 was built

in an arid area of Southern California in 1926; it
was a curved gravity dam 60 m high. Seepage
from the abutment was noticed during 1927 and
the dam failed without warning on 12th March,
1928. Five hundred lives were lost and the
1 Resultant without uplift damage to property was in excess of $10 million.
2 Distribution of uplift to overturn the. dam The concrete structure suddenly broke up; a
3 Base upon which uplift assumed to act single piece remained standing whilst the rest
4 Resultant with uplift
slumped to the valley floor and was swept
Fig. 3.02 Gleno Dam (Mter M. Mary; reproduced downstream. BlockS of concrete weighing
by permission of Dunod, Paris) thousands of tons were carried more than a
!J ;

i 39

I kilometre down the canyon. The reservoir of

46.9 million m' was practically full at the time.
City) found that the structure had been well built
and that the prime cause of failure was the
The upper right abutment was underlain by a progressive weakening of the fault zone and the
conglomerate ,shale, rock of low strength even conglomerate, some samples of which were found
when dry; samples tested at about 3.5 MPa un­ to disintegrate after soaking in water for 15 min.
confmed compressive strength. There was a fault It was found that this 'rock' was cemented partly
zone of material crushed to gravelly clay-about with gypsum and partly with clay minerals. The
I 2 m wide-:-half-way up the abutment. Underly­ gypsum was soluble and the clay minerals easily
I ing the fault and extending beneath the river bed softened. In the original arid conditions the con­
and left bank was medium to low strength mica glomerate remained as 'rock'; under saturated
schist. Two Commissions of Enquiry (State and conditions it weathered rapidly and failed. There


1 !

! _1--!~1.50m


f 95


,1 85


! I eo

I 75

Fig. 3.03 Malpasset Dam

i ~.: I

, j

was also reference to the possibility of movement the rock caused by the fault, the rupture which
along the fault which may have contributed to occurred in the ground beneath the foundation was
failure, but this was not proven. caused by poor local mechanical strengtb of a gneiss
with disseminated sericite in a zone where the
FOUNDATIONS stresses to which the dam bas been subjected were
GEOLOGY A team of engineers and geologists later offered
the explanation illustrated by Fig. 3.04:
3.407 Malpasset Dam 10 was a thin double cur­
vature arch structure in Southern France. It was
60 m high. The crest thickness was 1. 5 m and
base thickness 6.76 m. The concrete was of very
high quality; its compressive strength ranged
from 32 to 54 MPa and Modulus of Elasticity
from 21 to 29 x 103 MPa. The dam failed on 2nd
December, 1959, when the storage was within
28 em of being full for the first time, Fig. 3.03. N.,u,./
Four hundred lives were lost and the town of
Fre;us was wiped out.
The rock at the site was sericite schist with
unconfined strength ranging from 30 to
50 MPa. The rock was very seamy and jointed.
The seams were minor faults up to 300 mm
thick-with soil properties-probably of silty
clay sizes. They were not, however, found during
the investigation stages. The in situ modulus
was very low-1 MPa-but calculations in
retrospect showed that this high deformability
alone was probably insufficient to cause failure.
Calculations were made for Ee/Er of 0, 1, 5 and
10. The Report of the Commission of Enquiry Fig. 3.04 Failure of Malpasset Dam
concluded that
'the mOSt probable cause of the disaster should be 'On the left bank there was a continuous seam

attributed either to the presence of a slip plane or to parane! to the layering of the schist, and another

the higher upstream .fault described in the report. continuous seam breaking out to the surface

The already high deformability of the foundations downstream. These two seams intersected beneath

was locally increased by the presence of this slip the abutment to isolate a wedge of rock of

plane. The structure was unable to adapt itself to triangular cross-section sloping steeply towards the

this increased deformability.' river. Experimental work showed that, under load,

highly jointed rocks sucb as the schist show large

Jean Goguel, Chief Engineer for Mines, stated in decreases in permeability. According to Londe the

his report dam thrusts ranging up to 2.5 MPa were sufficient

to render the shaded portion in Fig. 3.04 relatively

'If today it is impossible to analyse cu:ar1y the impermeable. Hydrostatic forces could then build

system of faults which appear in the sides of the up slowly against tbis 'underground dam' and the

Reyran Valley, the same must certainly have been wedge of rock between the two seams reacted by

true before tbe construction of tbe dam. These creeping upwards and downstream. At a certain

faults were not discernible in the natural conditions stage cracking could have occurred due to extension

of the outcrops. Exploratory drillings would have at the upstream ,earn, and this crack would bave

been of no avail, as the resulting break in the cores provided a direct connection to the reservoir; the

would have been uninterpretable. Without extreme resultant of tbe dam thrust and tbe 'hydrostatic
care--which is not usually exercised when drilling iJ
in gneiss--it would have been impossible to obtain
mylonite cores (examination of which would cer­ ,
tainly have been Cause for alarm). It seems to me !
Fig. 3.05 Malpasset Dam-A considerable part of ,..1
tbat, rather than by the mechanical discontinuity of the right abutment remaining

~ '.M# .. po£!!

pressure' resultant would have been sufficient to The Report" stated

cause rapid sliding out of the wedge. The arch at­
tached to the rock wedge turned like a door and 'the reservoir met a sudden death following loog­

cracked away from the right abutment which term development of displacement on its foun­

remained relatively intact. Fig. 3.05.' dation. Although the activity which precipitated the

collapses was not attributable to earthquakes,

Since grouting was carried out but was movement was concentrated at faults which were

stopped when the rock did not absorb planes of foundation weakness.'

appreciable quantities of grout, it is also probable

It is believed that the porous concrete drain
«that this could have assisted in the formation of
was damaged by early small movements at the
tbe 'underground dam'. Jaeger10• reviewed the
fault and leakage water found its way into the
findings of the enquiry showing that the dam was
fault. These earth movements were mainly
well designed and not overstressed:
caused by land subsidence locally concentrated
'Near the higher upstream rock fissure, the founda­ along the fault which was a weak plane. During
tion rock appears to have been more deformable the life of the reservoir, erosion probably took
than elsewhere. Because of its rigidity, the arch place in the fault under the undamaged bitumen
could not be deformed as much as required to trans­
blanket and partially damaged drain. The narrow
mit to the rock in this area the calculated thrust.
That part of the thrust that was not taken by the
foundation rock was transmitted by the arch to the
width of the fault permitted the porous concrete
drain to span the openings that were developing.
two ends of the zone, increasing substantially the These occurrences were gradual and progressive. 1
stresses on these points, extending the zone towards
the top of the abutment which became
progressively overloaded--and towards the hottom,
The perviousness of the fault permitted water to
disappear into the hill without emerging from 0
The Commission estimates that these slow the abutment. Movement occurred along the
changes in this redistribution of stresses in the dam fault on 14 December, rupturing the blanket and
shell (first phase of the rupture) might have lasted admitting full reservoir pressure to the fault and
days or even weeks. . drainage system for the first time. Flow and ero­
The second phase was a rapid rupture of the sion increased rapidly, a cavernous opening piped
whole dam within a few seconds. Traces of
overstrain and displacement of concrete block. of through the abutment, the overlying foundation
the right abutment indicate that just before the and embankment collapsed into this opening and
final collapse the arches worked as "falling the reservoir drained quickly and completely.
3.408 Baldwin Hills Reservoir was a four-sided
basin partly carved out of a hilltop but involving
six embankment&-the highest being 50 m. The 3.409 Frayle Arch Dam, Peru, a thin arch dam,
hill was underlain by sediments of Tertiary and 70 m high, Fig. 3.06, suffered a severe incident"
Quaternary age. Some of the materials were on 13 April, 1961. An earth tremor on 1 January,
approaching rock in their properties but some 1960, caused cracks to open on site, huge rock ,
were still soils in the engineering sense--very falls and the fracturing of the diversion tunnel
low density sands, silts and clays, all easily under the left abutment. The collapse of the left
erodible. abutment--due to infutration of pressure
The site of the failure was 300 m from a well­ water-was imminent, Fig. 3.07. An early
known major fault and several minor faults were suggestion was to provide a strut across the
found to cut through the site. The area is one of valley but none of the specialists was willing to
known land subsidence and earthquakes. A flex­ predict the load that might come into such a
ible structure with a watertight lining and strut during an earthquake. Inclined buttresses
elaborate system of drains was therefore adopted. were therefore built from the left abutment to
The structure lasted over 12 years and failed on the base of the right abutment, Fig. 3.08. The
14th December, 1963, with only a few hours
ground was then grouted and a drainage system
was installed in the abutments.

1...2 .

•, ,. r , .-.... ~.,


~ 7.40 :;:; 2ml

, .








Fig. 3.06 Frayle Dam (After
M. Mary; reproduced by per­
mission of Dunod, Paris) Fig. 3.08 Frayl. Dam-Remedial buttresses

thickness 3.4 m and base thickness 227m.
Because the joint system was unfavourably
4000 orientated in relation to the arch thrusts, both
abutments were stabilized with prestressed steel
3990 cables 55 m in length. Creep movements of the
mountain above the left bank were observed in
3980 1960 and 1961, and were carefully monitored::
iJ 3970
Movements up to 30 ern per week were measured,"
one early slide involved a million cubic metres of
material. In October, 1963, creep changed into a
u .
,.' '.' 3960

sudden slide that reached a speed of 25 mls. A
rock mass of approximately 250 million m', the
main part of which was situated on horizontal

o 3940
bedding planes, the minor part on the slopes of'
Monte Toe, was shifted over a horizontal distance
of 400 m, Fig. 3.10. It jumped over a 90 m wide

u Fig. 3.07 Frayle Dam-Une of cracking

3.410 Vaiont Dam, Italy, is a remarkable

gorge and displaced 40 million m' of water from
the reservoir." This water went up to a maxi­
mum elevation 260 m above the reserVoir on the

o double-curvature arch dam, 265.5 m high, Fig.

3.09. Its crest length is only 190.5 m; its crest
right bank-the wave passing over the darn
causing the deaths of 1900 people in the valley


helow. The arch dam was practically undamaged. 3.413 Many steel-faced dams were built
around 1900. IS Sealing the base of such dams
was difficult. The Hauser Lake Dam, U.S.A.,16 of
maximum height 25 m was constructed on rock
foundation at each end but upon gravel across
JA 11 Another interesting example of land the 90 m width of the river. A steel sheet pile cut­
Tl}ovement-but on this occasion brought under off was driven 10 m into the gravel and an
,~ntrol--occuITed at Gepatsch Dam, Austria. upstream blanket of fine material 6 m'deep ex: -­
,'his dam is 153 m high and was completed in tending 30 m upstream from the dam were in-,
.1,966. However, during initial filling in 1964 stalled to prevent underflow.,
, lovements were observed on the western slope The dam was completed in 1907 but failed in
;'~er a length of 1000 m and 350 m above the the following year due to the inadequacy of the
valley floor. Interstitial pressure--a buoyancy foundation provisions.
, ~ect-was recognized as the cause that led to a
_.!duction of stabilizing forces at the toe of the
slope which had an average inclination of 35°.
: ihe slope gradually adapted itself to the
,~iodified conditions of equilibrium through a 3.414 The Vega de Tera Dam, Spain, was
corresponding deformation. 33.5 m high and was built at altitude 1500 m. It
" Regulation of the reservoir level allowed slope was of the hollow gravity type with triangular­
'lovements to be kept under control. During shaped buttresses and a rectilinear upstream face
fillings in 1964-65, 1965-66, and up to made up of the joined heads of the buttresses,
'eptember, 1966, the slope centre had undergone Fig. 3.11. The batter of the upstream face was
,j deformation of 7.6 m vertically and 11.2 m 0.10 and of the downstream surface of the
horizontally Y buttresses 0.75.
LANDSLIDE The buttresses and the outer waterproofing of

'j.412 Very similar failures occurred at two

reh dams in U.S.A. in 1926. At the 16 m Moyie
Dam a very unusual flood overtopped the dam,
'lndermined and then washed away the spillway
'!hannel. This exposed the soft rock abutment
which, in turn, was washed away. Lake Lanier
,l'am-19 m high-failed through simple under­
,bining of the cyclopean masonry abutment
',which had been built at the left end to replace '8
'jnsound rock.
'I I t is interesting to note that in both cases the
'SedlOrl A-A
'thin concrete arch dams stolld up under the
'lressure of the water which in one case over­
'bpped and in the other reached the crest of the
dam, even after one abutment had been
:.1.' estroyedY

, fig. 3.09 Vainnt Dam, Italy-After the 'surcharge


of October 1963 (Compare Fig. 11.16)

fig. 3.10 Vaiont Dam, Italy-The landslide of
, .gctober 1963 Fig. 3.11 Vega de Tee. D.m


the upstream head were of masonry-a type of sion in the concrete slab that formed the
construction not uncommon at the time of design upstream face of the dam."
(1952) in high mountain areas subject to frost
cracking of concrete. The upstream facing was
made of an inner part in concrete which varied in
thickness from 1.30 m at the crest to 3.07 m at
the foundation. The buttresses had a uniform
thickness of 4.25 m and were 8.50 m apart. Two
buttresses and the facing were to function 3.415 San Fernando Earlhquake---Van Norman
together with joints in the facing at 17 m inter­ Reservoir. This earthquake occurred on 9th
vals., The foun~ation rock in the glacial valley February, 1971, causing the loss of 64 lives,'8
COnsists of gneiss whose crystalline formations and the partial failure of the Lower San Fer­
dip vertically with strikes parallel to the valley. nando Dam.
In the rock mass there were also softer masses The earthquake occurred in an unexpected
containing mica. The quality of the foundation locality. Although only 6.6 on the Richter scale,
appeared good and safe for a 30 m dam. Only a it developed unprecedented ground accelera­
tion~f only short duration, 12 to 16 seconds
very general geological investigation was per­
formed and no borings or other methods were -though felt for a minute. In the 3 days fol­
used to test the rock. This was quite common at lowing the main shock more than a thousand
the time of the design. aftershocks were recorded. These were of magni­
tude 2 or greater, the largest being 5. At Pacoima
The design of the dam was based on the
Dam 6.4 km away, Fig. 7.27, and nearer to the
hypothesis of a uniform specific weight for con­ : 1
epicentre (still 13 km away) an acceIerograph ; .;
crete and masonry of 2.4 rim' and of uniform ;j i
located on bedrock at the left abutment recorded
'.' susceptibility to elastic deformation of concrete,
a short duration peak of 1.01 g horizontal and
masonry and foundation rock. In this, there was
0.7 g vertical. These were highest accelerations
serious disagreement between hypothesis and
recorded in California. An accelerograph on the
crest of the Lower San Fernando Dam toppled
Construction was carried out in the summers
of 1954, 1955 and 1956. In 1957-58 the
into the reservoir, but when recovered had :1
recorded a maximum horizontal acceleration of ,• .1'
grouting between the blocks and the concrete
0.5 g and more than 0.1 g vertically.
rock contact zone was completed. Destruction of
Originally built in 1912-15, the Lower San
the dam occurred on 9th January, 1959. The
Fernando Dam was raised by various methods
reservoir had been at maximum level for a few
until its height was 44 m and its length 663 m. It
days only. In 1957 it had reached 5.75 m below
can be described as essentially an hydraulic fill
maximum and in 1958 to 1.75 m below max­
embankment capped by a potpourri of waggon
imum level. A microseismic shock was recorded
dumped and rolled fills, founded on alluvium
at Coimbra in Portugal almost coincidental with
with three cut'<lff trenches to bedrock. The ~""it
the failure. Seventeen buttresses on the left of the
upstream face was on a slope of 1 on 2.5, whilst .. ]1 i
spillway were carried away, and 8 km' of water <
the downstream slopes were 1 on 2.5 and 1 on ,I
was released-a wave front 6 m high descending I
on the village of Ribadelago, 8 km below the 4.5. It was faced upstream with lightly reinforced '1 '
dam. Although 170 lives were lost, a catastrophe concrete, with aim high parapet wall. The bed­
rock comprised marine sedimentaries. At the

to the heavily populated district below was

avoided by the ponding of the flood wave in the time of failure the reservoir level was 11 m below
morainal Lake Ribadelago. Various calculations, full supply level. Some 615 00'0 mJ of the em­
after the failure, indicated the possibility of ten­ bankment, along a length of 550 m, slid into the
sions at' the upstream face of the concrete screen reservoir, Fig. 3.12. One outlet tower cracked at
of 4.9 MPa and compressions at the downstream
face of 5.4 MPa. These appear to confirm that Fig. 3.12 Lower San Fernando Dam-Damage by
the failure at first filling was not due to founda­
tion inadequacy. but rather to the excessive ten­
earthquake (Reproduced by permission of Depart­
ment of Water Resources, California) ! ~ ~ ~i
i-J .I.'iJ
1 ;




its base and broke off 7 m above the base; the crete spillway the bank was 43 m high founded
other did not suffer noticeable damage. on bedrock of fairly hard metamorphic rock with
The dam was examined by testing the sandstones and shales dipping aimost vertically
materials of its construction and by analysing by with strike diagonally across the line of the dam.
the conventional method, using a seismic coef­ A central vertical core of reinforced concrete was
ficient of 0.15 as recommended at the time. provided, Fig. 3.14. The clay wall, of very stiff
Assuming the reservoir to be drawn down by 8 m puddle, averaged 9 m thickness at natural sur­
the calculated factor of safety was 1.01. However, face, Construction was prolonged over 12 years
the reservoir had been operated to maximum so there was time for consolidation to take place.
water level for more than 6 years. The reservoir filled and spilled to a depth of
Liquefaction was evident by the horizontal 1.3 m over the spillway in October, 1928. With
movement of a steel tower by some 22 m. An heavy demand for irrigation the level fell by
analysis was made for an embankment 40 m high 16 m by April, 1929, when without warning the
subject to a base rock motion having a maxi­ rockfill on the upstream side subsided suddenly
mum acceleration of 0.42 g and frequency and the concrete core wall was exposed over a
characteristics similar to those induced by the length of 367 m to a maximum depth of 8 m, Fig.
earthquake. The computed maximum crest 3.15. The exposed top of the wall showed deflec­
acceleration was 0.38 g and that at the toe was tions as much as 1.4 m. Movement from 1929 to
0.41 g which are in reasonable agreement with 1933 was slight and until 1938 totalled an ad­
the recorded values, Fig. 3.13. ditional 50 mm.
The Enquiry, Board" concluded that the sub­
Cresllevel350m 0.389
sidence had arisen directly as a result of the ac­
tion of the clay wall; that the clay had acted as a

stiff fluid and pushed the rockf!ll out into the

;;:W {i:\
, "w"",
... 0/;;:
:::=-­ water and at the same time had exerted great
pressure downstream causing the concrete wall
Fig. 3.13 Accelerations computed by response analy­
sis-Lower San Fernando Investigation to deflect. Although there was little leakage
through the concrete core wall, the clay underly­
The Upper San Fernando Dam, of similar con­ ing the downstream rockfill was very wet and
struction, moved generally downstream-the there was considerable apprehension as to the
crest slumped 1 m ,vertically and 1.5 m risk of entire failure. Remedial action'O was
downstream. If the earthquake had lasted a few proposed and completed as per Fig. 3.16.
seconds longer-sufficient to fail this dam with
consequent flooding into the lower reser­
voir-then it would have been a disaster.
The Lower Van Norman bypass dam on the
west side of the Lower San Fernando reservoir
3.417 The failure of Sheffield Dam on 29th
was of rolled earthfill and was undamaged except
June, 1929, has been examined by Seed et al."
for limited superficial cracking of the asphaltic
This was a catastrophic slide failure of an earth
concrete lining.
dam due to the effects of an earthquake of
The Pacoima arch dam, on rock foundations,
magnitude 6.3. The dam, 8 m high, was con­
was apparently undamaged though a measurable
structed in 1917 near Santa Barbara, U.S.A. It
decrease occurred in its chord length at crest
was built of soil from the reservoir, silty sand and
level. As a precaution, it has been taken out of
sandy silt. The upstream face was covered with a
service until the left abutment is reinforced.
1.2 m thick clay blanket that extended 3 minto
LIQUEFACTION (Hydraulic Fill) the foundation to serve as a cllt-{)ff. The clay
EARTHQUAKE blanket was overlain by a 12.5 em concrete
facing. Seepage had been noted from the toe of
3.416 Slip Circle I'n Eanit Dam. In 1929 a par­ the dam before the earthquake. The maximum
tial failure occurred in the original Eildon Dam, ground acceleration was 0.15 g and the duration
Australia. In the river section abutting the con­ of significant shaking was 15 to 18 seconds at

, 49
:'1' frequency 3 Hz. Analysis showed that the dam core was built of clayey soil. The downstream

J would not have failed under an acceleration of

0.10 g. The dam probably failed due to liquefac­
part was fonned in sound rolled layers with the
use of water spraying, the upstream part without
I, tion along its base. compaction. The upstream face was built on a
slope of 1 on 4 under water and 1 on 2.5 above
water. Sand forming this slope consisted of
1 EARTHQUAKE less than 0.3 mm-20%
I 0.3 mm-1.2 mm--6o-70%
I; 3.418 Liquefaction. Dams built of homogeneous
material are susceptible to liquefaction if sub­
jected to dynamic loading. This has been
greater than 1.2 mm-about 10%

The uniformity of the material represented a

evidenced by the failure of several hydraulic fill quick-sand effect and liquefaction was initiated
dams that have been subejcted to earthquakes. by nearby blasting.
The Lower Svir Dam, U.S.S.R., of height
28 m failed during construction in 1935. The LIQUEFACTION

o 25 m
Full supply level
,0· •
Concrete ~
• Clay Level 01 dote
core woll • wall ot subsidence
• "0/ Upstream rack fill
Natura! surface, Nolu(ol surface,
-~ray-~rying grovei

" 'Bed rock

Fig.3.14 Typical cross-section of embankment, Eildon Reservoir,

as completed in 1927

Concrele""--' _~__~
core won Waler level ot dote
Upslream (}f subsidence
Downstream rock fill rock fill
Noiurol surface ~ Noturol surface-...

Fig. 3.15 Typical cross-section of embankment, Eildon Reservoir-After

subsidence, April 1929

Top section fo be added oftcr _ _ _...., Roiseo section. If and

completion of upstream bonk where reQuired
(not COfifinuous)

Fig. 3.16 Typical cross-section showing additional rockfill proposed by Board,

Eildon Reservoir and completed
50 J
3.419 Piping. The Morwell No.2 Fire Service Fig. 3.17 Morwell No.2 Reservoir, Australia­
Reservoir, Australia, was filled hurriedly in Piping failure
December, 1968, to give fire protection for the
summer period. A leak developed,22 discharging
approximately 450l/min within 2 weeks of Fig. 3.19. A cut-offwall was built integrally with
fllling; Fig. 3.17 shows the cavity formed at the each wing wall to extend 1.5 m into the core
downstream toe. The two holes were each about material. The specification made clear that
0.3 m diameter. Water entered the upstream face plastic clay was to be consolidated against the
of the embankment at the base of one of the piers concrete cut-off walls, surrounded by two
supporting the access bridge. thicknesses of filter material. Unfortunately the
A modified homogeneous darn was adopted materials as placed did not conform to
because the readily available earthfill showed specification, Fig. 3.20. Deflection of the
little variation in permeability-the grading upstream part of the right wing wall provided
limits being as shown in Fig. 3.18. The upstream ready access for reservoir water into core
portion of the bank was compacted to a density material, the water followed the concrete and dis­
at least 98 per cent of standard maximum den­ placed clay into filter and filter material into the
sity, the balance being to 95 ± 4 per cent. Tests transition zone. A sink hole 1.7 m deep appeared
indicated that the soil was dispersive and hence in the crest of the dam-fortunately it deepened
should be compacted at moisture conditions close progressively and the reservoir could be lowered
to standard optimum moisture content.
However, the drought of 1967-68 dried out the
to avoid an accident. A shaft was sunk to remove
all material from around the cut-off wall. Backfill []

borrow pits so much that it was difficult to attain stricdy to specification was placed together with
the desired moisture conditions. The circum­ a row of steel sheet piling to extend the cut-off as 'l
stances that contributed to the failure were: a factor of safety against future fracturing of the ;j
clay zone.
The dry borrow pit resulting from drought;

An interruption to construction for 3 dry

The necessity to fill the reservoir hurriedly;
The dispersive nature of the soil.

3.421 Tailings Dams. The disaster at Buffalo
Creek, U.S.A.," in February, 1972, is a distinct
warning of the danger of non-engineered darns
built of mine wastes; some 125 people were killed
and 4000 left homeless. Dumping of mine waste
(low grade coal, shale and some sandstone along
with general mine rubbish) began in 1947. By
1960 the dump had grown to a height of 45 m
and a length of 365 m and was burning. In 1960,
in order to comply with stream pollution re­
quirements, the Company chose to clarifY waste
water from its plant by discharging it behind the
large waste bank, allowing water to seep through ']~~ .

to the face.
Shortly afterwards strip mine coal was
0.001 0.005 0.01 0.050.1
Pcrticie size (mm)
processed through the plant and the waste bank

Fig. 3.18 Morwell No. 2 Reservoir-Material became watertight, a large pond forming behind

3.420 Piping. At Rowallan Dam, Australia, the Fig. 3.19 Rowallan Dam, Australia
central core of a rock!tll dam abuts on the con­ Fig. 3.20 Rowallan Dam-Incorrect zoning of
crete wing walls of the centrally located spillway, materials adjacent to concrete cut-off



52 :, ~:
.: J

it. A second and third embankment were built of only the finest material on the face of the
upstream from the original dump to receive mine dam.

Heavy rain feU for 3 days prior to flood rains. TAILINGS DAMS .,

Water behind the upper impounding structure . "'

rose steadily during the week prior to 26th
February.. Between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. on that day
water rose over the graded crest of the bank and
3.422 OveT1Opping of Rockfill. Cascade Dam,
forced its way through piles of ungraded waste
Australia, was a concrete faced rockfill dam built
that stood 1.1 to 2 m ahove the graded crest. The
in 1924-1926, Fig. 3.21. The rockfill was of
crest was cut by longitudinal cracks that ad­
granite, stones ranging from 3 to 5 tonnes.
mitted water and the bank gave way by slumping
In October of the year of completion there was
of the downstream face and liquefaction of most
quite an appreciable flood. Water passing over
of the dam. The second dam then overtopped and
the spillway flowed over and through the general
failed. Water reached the burning waste and ex­
rockfiU on the downstream face of the dam, a
plosions occurred causing destruction of the
practice that had been in use at the nearby
original dump. It was unfortunate that an
Frome Dam for some 18 years. Other floods oc­
attempt to improve the environment reaUy led to
curred in 1926 and 1927. The spiUway was
a disaster.
proportioned on the assumption that 125 mm of
. .: The upper bank failed due to:
rain could fall in 6 houts and 250 mm in 24
Non-preparation of the foundation;
Lack of zoning and compaction of material;
The Cascade Dam failed on 4th April, 1929,
Lack of water control facilities and adequate
with the loss of 14 lives. During the day
spiUways; preceding 9 a.m. on 3rd April, some 175 mm of
Lack of collars or baffles on a pipe under the rain were recorded at Derby, a nearby town, with
bank; a further 360 mm in the next 24 hours. Five
Discharge of waste water from the plant at the gauges surrounding the region recorded 400 mm
head of the pool resulting in an accumulation to 500 mm in the same period. At 4.30 p.m. a
1 .~ i '

Cascade Dam (1926 1929)



830mmfrl O.5'3m




Lenqtb 01 crest - 137 rn

L~"qlb $pillway - 71 m
Deplb spillwoy-O.53m
o! 10

Fig. 3.21 Cascade Dam, Australia


witness saw the dam fail. There appeared to be circular, with diameter 50 m. The discharge
two big waves moving down the reser­ below each dam reached about 8500 m'/s.
voir-maybe 1.5 m high. It is considered that Where the Ruhr empties into the Rhine,
these waves shot over the spillway and impacted 150 km below the dam, the water level rose by
on to the rockfill with sufficient force to dislodge 4 m, some 25 hours after the catastrophe. The
the stones and cause failure of the dam. The breach in Mohne Dam was closed in 1943.
nearby Frome Dam suffered damage but did not The Sorpe Earthfill Dam, 69 m high and built
fail-probably due to its smaller catchment from in 1935, was also subjected to aerial bombing in
which the discharge was 15 m'ls per km2• 1944. The concrete core wall was broken in two
places, the reservoir was lowered but kept in ser­
vice until 1956 with some repairs. It was fully
repaired in 1962:-;some 4350 t of cement and
1700 tonnes of clay were injected plus substantial
3.423 Sabotage is not unknown in the destruc­
amounts of synthetic material.
tion of dams. Gruner in 1964 1 stated:
Although not sabotage in the sense" of enemy
'The earliest record of a dam was to be found in action, the disaster at the South Fork Dam,
(.! Sura 34 of the Koran which stated "so we sent U.S.A}' in 1889 was due to inadequacy of the
'! upon them the flood of Irem". The scene of this dis­ spillway and later interference with the dam.
aster was first visited by a Frenchman in 1843. It
lay in the Yemen, 300 kID nortb of Aden and con­ Construction of the earthfill dam was completed
cerned the Mareb Dam. The dam was built about in 1853. Its purpose was to store water to ensure
1700 B.C. and according to the records which had adequate flow for the canal system between Pitts­
been banded down it was breached about A.D. 100. burg and Philadelphia; however, the extension
The dam was 3.2 km long and bad a height of
of railways made the canal system uneconomical
and the dam was purchased by Pennsylvania
During the Spanish Civil War an unsuccessful Railroad. A serious break occurred in 1862 and
attempt was made to blow up Ordunte Dam near the dam remained empty for 20 years. The
Bilbao--a concrete gravity structure 40 m high. property was later sold to become a Hunting and
Fifteen tonnes of explosives were placed in the Fishing Club. During the repair of the dam the
gallery and detonated without achieving the centre portion was lowered 0.9 m to provide suf­
desired result. It has been reported that in ficient width for a carriageway over the dam.
December, 1938, a party of German army offi­ This unfortunately lowered the capacity of the
cers visited Aswan Dam, Egypt, to study the best spillway, decreasing freeboard on the dam from
I method of encompassing its destruction. Had it 3 m to 2.1 m. The capacity of the spillway was
I taken place some 4.9 thousand million cubic further reduced by the construction across it of a
'metres of water would have been released down timber trestle roadway.
the Nile. On 30th and 31st May, 1889, some 168 mm of
In" September, 1941, the Soviet Army rain fell on the catchment. The present estimate
retreating before the German advance took the by the U.S. Weather Service of the lOO-year
drastic step of destroying the Dnjeprogues Dam. flood is 102 mm in 4 hours and about 140 mm in
Some 90 tonnes of explosives were detonated in 24 hours. The 1889 storm was therefore
the inspection gallery. This destroyed the upper probably one of 25-year return interval.
part of the dam over a length of 200 m. The The drainage area was 124 million m2 and the
flood reached a peak of 36 000 m'/s--which ex­ lake area only 1.7 million m2 •
ceeded by 7.5 per cent the estimated extreme The dam failed by overtopping; the reservoir
flood in the river. emptied in 45 minutes, with a peak flow of
1 In May, 1943, the British Royal Air Force between 6000 and 8500 ml/s. The flood
bombed the Moeneand Eder Dams causing con­ descended upon Johnstown with the loss of 2200
i siderable breaches in the upper parts of the struc­ lives.
.J tures, both of which were built of masonry. The
breach in the Moene Dam was in the shape of a INADEQUATE SPILLWAY
trapezium 22 m high wit~ a base of 70 m. The INTERF ERENCE WITH DAM
breach in the Eder Dam was almost semi­ OVERTOPPING OF EARTH DAM

¥ P;P Jau' ".~ .. t t#

References pp. 1-48; (b) Engineering News Record, 97, No. 16; ;0;-1
(cl Reference 7. :l
1. Edw.rd Gruner, 'Dam Disasters', Proc. I.C.E., 15. C. V. Davis and K. E. Sorensen, Handbook oj
24, Jan. 1963, pp. 47-60, Discussion, 27, Jan. Applied Hydraulics (lrd edn.), McGraw-Hili, New
1964, p. 344. York, 1969.
2. 'F.ilure of Dam", Trans. A.S.C.E., 98, 16. Engineering News, 58, No. 18, 1908, p. 491; No.
pp.838-840. 20, p. 501.
3. Revist. de Obr. Publicas, 1961, Madrid, Spain. 17. M. F. Bolio, Dr.Ing. Eicep, Technical Sludy oj rh.

4. J. L. Sherard et aI., Earth and Earlh-Rock Dams, BUrs/ing oj Vega d, Tera Dam, Technical Director

john Wiley, New York, 1963. of I. Societe de Recherches et Geographiques,

5. Edward Gruner, 'The Mechanism of Dam Spain.

Failure', 91h ICOLD Congress, Istanbul, 1967, 18. California Dept. of Water Resources, Sacramen­

Q.34, R.12, 11, pp. 197-206. to, Division of Safety of Dams, Interim Report,

6. 'Le Rupture du Barrage de I'H.bra', Le Genie May 1971, Effects oj lhe San Fernando Earthquake

Ci"il Trans., XCII, 1928, No. 11, pp. 256-259; on the Van Norman Reserwir Complex.

No. 12, pp. 283-285. 19. Reporc oj Elldon Weir Enquiry Board, 1929,
7•. M. Mary, Barrages-VOUltS, Historiqut Accidents Government Printer, Melbourne, Australia,
,I Incidents, Dunod, Paris, 1968. 20. R. G. Knight, 'The Subsidence of a Rockfill Dam
8. Norman Smith, A HiS/ory oj Dams, 1971, Peter and Remedial Measures Employed at Eildon
Davies, London.
9. (a) Committee Report for the State 1928, Causes
Leading 10 Ihe Failure oj Ihe SI. Francis Dam,
California State Printing Office, Sacramento,
Reservoir, Australia', Journal I.C,E., March
21. H. B. Seed, K. L. Lee and I. M. Idriss, 'Analysis of
,.- I
Sheffield Dam Failure', Journal of Soil

U.S.A.; (b) F. L. Ransome, 'Geology of the St.
Francis Dam Site', Econ. Gool., 23; (c) R. F.
. Mechanics and Foundation Division, Proc.

A.S.C.E., 95, No. SM6, No. 1969, II!

Leggett, 1962, Geology and Engineeri7/fJ, McGraw­ pp.1453-1490. ,
Hill, New York, pp.492-494; (d) T. Clements, 22. J. p, james and R. T. Wickham, 'The Failure and ,i
1972, 'St. Francis Dam Failure in 1928',
Engineering Geology ojSoulltern California, Special
Rectification of Morwell No.2 Fire Service Reser­
voir', ANCOLD Bulletin, No. 31, July 1970,
Publication of the Los Angeles Section of tM pp. 20-34. I
Association of Engineering Geologists; (e) L. C. 23.W. E. Davies, 'Buffalo Creek Dam Disaster',
Hill et aI., 1929, 'Essential Facts Concerning the A.S.C.E. Civil Engineering, July 1973, pp. 69-72.
Failure of St•. Francis Dam', Report of A.S.C.E. 24. See Reference 8; 'Report on the South Fork Dam,

Committee, Tram. A.S. C.E., 94.

10. (aJ P. Londe, 1967, Panel Discussion"":'lst
Trans. A.S.C.E., XXIV, No. 477, June 1891;

A.S.C.E. Civil Engineering, Aug. 1974,

"I 1i
, I
, I
Congress of the International 'Society of Rock pp.61-62.
Mechanics, Lisbon, Proc., 111, pp.449-453 I
(French); (b)·Commi<sion d'enquete du Barrage de Bibliography ," j :!
Malpass.l, Rapporl. deFnitif, Ministere de L.l 1
. I'Agriculture, Paris, 1960. Translation from F. Stenger, Bibliography "of Dam Failures, Technical j,
French ·puhlished by Israel Program for Scientific Education Branch, Office of Engineering
Publications U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Reference U.S.B.R., Denver, U.S.A., Bibliography
Washington D.C., U.S.A.; (c) 'Dam r'o.242. .
Disasters'~Reference I-Discussion, Proc. A. O. Babb et aI., Calalog oj Dam Disa"ers, Failures

I.C.E., 27, 1963-1964, Feb. 1964, p. 351; (d) C. and Accidencs, P.B. 179243 (1968), U.S. Dept. of

jaeger, 'The Malpasset Dam Report', Waler Interior, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

'Power, umdon, ' Feb. 1963; (e) M. Mary, Jorgensen, 'Record of 100 Dam Failures', J. Elect.,

Barrages=-Vauus, Histon'que Accidents el Incidents, March IS, April 1, 1920. .

Dunod, Paris, 1968. 'Failure of Gravity Dams', Engineeri7/fJ, Aug. 20,27,

.11. State of California, Sacramento, U.S.A., Depart­ 1937.

ment of Water Resources, In'l!fmigalion qf Failure 'Ringedal Dam', ingineering News Record, 17th Nov.

oj Baldwin Hills Reservoir. 1932, p. 498.

12. G. A. Kiersch, 1964, 'Vaiont Reservoir Disaster', 'Lessons Learnt from Dam Disasters', Engineering,

A.S.C.E. Civil E7/fJI'neering, March 1964, 197, No. 5117, May 1964, p.861.

pp:l2-37; also Reference 7. A. D. M. Penman, 'The Failure of Teton Dam',

. 13. ' H. 'Lauffer; E. Neuhauser and W. Schober, 'Uplift Ground Engineering, 10,6, Sept: 1977, p. 18.

Responsible for Slope Movements During the Failure of Teton Dam-A Report of Findings April
Filling of Gepatsch Reservoir" 9lh ICOLD 1977, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Eng. and Re- U
Congress, Istanbul, Q.32,R.4, 1, pp.669-694 . , search Center, P.O. Box 25007, Denver Federal
.14. (a) R. E. Glover, 'Arch Dams--Review of Ex­
perience', Journal of Power Division, Paper 1217,
Center, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. 80225.
Cause of Teton pam Fai/ure, Dec. 1976, U.S. Govt. ,'Ll
Proc. A.S.C.E., 83, No. P02, April 1957, Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.

Loading and Factor. of Safety

In many engineering structures it is po~sible to and the foundations withstand 'such loads.
calculate a definite value for the factor of safety; Every effort should be made to comprehend the
it is the ratio of the stress at failure to the max­ order of the factor of safety, but beyond all
imum working stress in a particular member. mathematics the Engineer himself must be con­
Although this can be modified by secondary vinced that no mechanism can exist by which the
stresses, these are usually amenable to calcula­ dam could fail under any combinations of
tion or reasonable estimation. loading that he can foresee.
On the other hllnd, a dam is a three­
dimensional structure. Despite assumptions, it is
not homogeneous and its integrity is much in the 4.1 Static Loading
hands of the builders. The dam stands on foun­ The following loads and factors must be
dations that are neither isotropic nor truly considered.
elastic. Concrete and rock are both brittle
materials, although elastic theories are applied in
Headwater. For,the basic calculation of
stress calculations. The dam and the foundation
stability the level in the reservoir will be assumed
will, in due course, become saturated with vary­
at or above the level required for the passage of
ing effects on the materials of which each is com­
the design flood. The amount above the level of
posed. The dam will be subjected to water load
the design flood will reflect the conservatism of
and daily and seasonal temperature cycles that
the designer. In many instances it is required that
can often induce stresses comparable with those
the dam be designed for water at the highest level
due to the water loading, as well as to a variety of
of watertightness of the dam. This is often the
minor loads--both determinate and indeter­
top of a concrete parapet. If the probabilistic
minate. Some will occur simultaneously, others
loads were then added directly to this water load
are more akin to random events and their coinci­
I it would be unreasonably conservative.
dence becomes a matter of probability; amongst
these would be floods, waves, seiche effects,
earthquakes, ice formation and other natural Tajlwater. In some cases water is ponded ,
downstream from the dam. Assistance from' this
water may be assumed' but it must not be
The factor of safety required in a dam must
primarily be related to its structural strength, its overlooked that, in the case of an overflow dam,
stability and its durability, but consideration flood waters passing over the dam might well
must also be given. to the magnitude of the evacuate such water from the face of the dam.
economic loss and personal hardship that would
result from its failure. In any case its safety must Vertical Water Loading. Such loading is im­
be constantly reviewed taking into account the posed on any sloping surface ,of 'the
age of the dam, any modifications made to it, and dam-usually the upstream face, but also on the
i progressive developments in the valley below the downstream face for overflow dams. In the latter
I dam. case allowance is made also for dynamic effect of
The aim of the Engineer must be to reduce the the water passing over the' crest (reduction of
number of uncertainties, both as'regards loading pressure on the crest) or through the spillway dis­
on the dam and in the means by which the dam sipator (usually an increase). '


Water Density. Although, for determination of Calculations for a large reservoir in which the
the above loadings, the relative density of the fetch is 38 km would indicate the values shown
reservoir water is assumed to be one it should be in Table 4.1.
realized that some rivers in the world carry a very
heavy silt load in seasons. In fact the failure of Table 4.1
Habra Dam, Algeria, 1927, was partly blamed on
Return period Wind speed Set-up
the failure to recognize the density of the muddy (yrqrs) (km/h) (m)
water in the reservoir at the time of the collapse.
1000 160 0.75
Reservoir Behaviour. Wind and other natural 100 125 0.45
10 95 0.26
causes will induce movement in the reservoir 5 88 0.22
water-as· waves, reservoir set-up or an undu­ 2 77 0.17
lating -seiche effect. Wave patterns will depend
upon wind speed and duration as well as on the
fetch and depth of the reservoir. Fignre 4.01 is Seiche effect is an undulation in the reservoir
a metric representation of Fig. 18, p. 276 of water due to natural causes, intermittent wind,
Engl'neering for Dams, 1944 (Hinds, Creager and variation in atmospheric pressure, earthquake
Justin, Vol. 11). This indicates the order ofload­ and motion of the Earth. Though normally less
ing likely to be imposed on a dam by wave action. than 0.5 m, an undulation of 2 m has been
The actual loading will depend upon the shape of reported in Lake Geneva.
the dam, the slope of the upstream face and other Waves, set-up and seiche effects could be
factors as discussed in Chapter 5. cumulative but on a probability basis.

Wave pressure tim Silt. Although 'at the time of the investigation
5 7 9 eo 100 the river may be carrying no appreciable silt, it is
, 20
, 40 60
essential to look to possible future development

G 'I' I'



within the catchment area. A changed land usage
might well result in increased erosion. The crea­

tion- of the reservoir will cause deposition of
5 I / 5 silt-the location of deposition depending upon


I ~i$i"
I +;­
,.. E
the particle size of the silt in suspension at entry
to the reservoir. The Engineer is obliged to assess
the possibility of siltation during the life of the
I '"
~ '"
~"(f/ dam--giving special attention to the location and

)L'--I--.;§"/ design of low-level outlets if they are to be
provided. Unless very deep deposits of silt are
l-~/ likely, it is adequate to assume a triangular load
V V I,
V::: c; ¢3
allotting an appropriate relative density to the
fluid. This would have a maximum value of 1.4.
,, I
,I Ice Loading. It is normally assumed that ice
I I I I I o
2 4 6 8 10 15 20 40 6080 may occur when water in the reservoir is at or
Felch {Kml below the level of the spillway crest, that is, sheet
ice will not form and- exert pressure on the dam
Fig. 4.01 Wind speed, fetch and pressure on Dam
(After Hinds, Creager and Justin; modified; repro., at times of maximum flood. A great deal of
dilCed by permission Wiley, New York) research has been done on the loading likely to be
imposed on a dam by the formation of ice in the
reservoir. The slope of the upstream face of the
Reservoir sel-up is the- result of continuing dam as well as the slope and roughness of the
wind--one end of a reservoir may be at a higher valley walls will influence the magnitude of ice
level than the other. loading. Even wind blowing down the reservoir

, -,

at 50 km/hour may increase the ice loading by 4 National Committee on Large Dams and
to 5 tim of exposed face. provides a guide to pressures likely to occur
Older texts' suggested the' adoption of an under conditions of nsmg temperature
equivalent horizontal loading of between 15 and neglecting the effects of solar radiation. If this is
30 tonnes per lineal metre applied to the dam at included the pressure would be increased, by
water level. A symposium on the subject was amOl,mts from 20 per cent to 30 per cent.
prepared by the American Society of Civil
Engineers2 from which it is noted that in 1947 uplift (see also Chapter 10). Uplift is a general
Rose showed theoretically that thrusts of the term to cover hydrostatic forces acting within a
order of 7.5 to 30 tim were possible under North dam and its foundation including interstitial or,
·i American climatic conditions; a figure of 15 tim pore pressures. Some Engineers are satisfied to
was commonly used in Canada; Norway in rely on drainage to prevent the occurrence of
earlier years adopted 45 tim but has uplift, but before this can be done it must be
progressively decreased this to 5 tim for dams proved that the drainage system will remain fully
with sloping upstream faces; in Sweden it was effective during the life of the dam. Normally
practice to use 30 tim. The U.S. Bureau of safety regulations call for the inclusion of some
Reclamation carried out tests at Eleven Mile provision for uplift in the design. There is no
Canon Reservoir near Denver,' Colorado, at generally adopted distribution of uplift pressure.
elevation 2600 m above sea level, and the highest When drains are provided in the dam and the
seasonal thrusts were in the range 20 to 30 tim foundations it is usual to adopt a distribution of
depending upon ice temperature. pressure as shown in Fig. 4.03. The pressure at
Research at McGill University in 1932 showed
that ice expands with rise in temperature, and
being plastic it flows under sustained pressure.
Consequently the yield strength is far below its
quick crushing strength. The rate of temperature

rise and its duration are therefore important fac­
tors in determining the pressure likely to be ex­
erted on a dam. Fig. 4.02 is reproduced from the
tl'L[ Gollery ~=.--L
i Revised Criteria for Dams, 1970 by the Japanese '-t-----"---,-'"

I\ I
I ­
E 1.0
I 2

h /
I' 3 2'

/, /
bI I . I

r W[h + k (H-M]

.!l / //
/ // L Fig. 4.03 Uplift assumption
,/ /
~/ / /_ _ Non-reslroiot oj the drains is a matter for individual
«,'/ ./ . reservoir bonks
decision-related to damsite, the grout curtaln
'/"'" FuH restroinj ot
reservoir bonks and the drainage incorporated. Based upon ex­
-, o 10 20 30
perience, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation nor~
Icc pressure 11 m mally uses a value of k =0.33; the Tennessee
Valley Authority has used 0.25, whilst the U.S.
1-Temperature rising at 2.8 per hour Corps of Engineers adopts what is considered
2-Temperature rising at 5.6 per hour
3- Temperature rising at 8.4° per hour appropriate to the site--between 0.25 and 0.50.'
Special foundation conditions may necessitate a
Fig. 4.02 . Approximate ice loading higher value than 0.50.

c,. ' .... ~'-""'!! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _iiiiiiii_iiii_ _ ==_____==__=======, _="""""'''''''=0

XL,.L __ _


Weight of Dam. The unit weight of material could cause failure or dislodgment of large rock
to be used in the dam should be determined as ac­ masses. Careful surveys should be made of the
curately as possible, as soon as possible in the in­ orientation and inclination of fauits, joints and
vestigations. With modern methods of quality cracks, and analyses carried out relative to any
control during construction it should be quite blocks that could be unstable under such internal
realistic to adopt for the design a figure only hydrostatic forces.
marginally below that determined by the
laboratory tests. An underestimation by 1 per Tectonic Forces. Quite apart from seismic forces
cent will represent a considerable additional cost discussed later, there may exist significant tec­
on the dam. tonic stresses within the Earth's crust at the
site. These can be upset by deep excav,ations or
Thermal Effects. Concrete dams in particular saturation of the countryside following the filling
will be subject to loading from temperature vari­ of the reservoir--see Chapter 10.
ations within the dam caused by hydration of the
cement as well as by daily and seasonal cycles of
4.2 Dynamic Loading
temperature. As described in Chapter 2, reservoir
water at depth maintains a reasonably const,ant The Earth's crust is in a state of stress. When
temperature. Water temperature in the upper the stress is great enough and the crust weak
layers changes with the seasons. Exposed surfaces enough adjustments will take place. These
of the dam ,are subject to variations of air tem­ adjustments may be small and frequent
peratures and direct solar effects. The result is (microseismic) or large and infrequent (seismic)
often a skew loading-reflected in the observed depending upon the geological structures
of the structure. present. The energy released in an adjustment
causes shock waves to be propagated from the
Construction Loads. The designer must take epicentre. These will be of varying wavelengths ~

, 1

cognizance of the method and speed of construc­ and frequencies. With increasing distance from .J
tion. Concrete dams of cupola and buttress shape the focus the short-period waves attenuate more
offer good resistance to water loading when com­ rapidly than do the long-period waves. Because
pleted-,but during .construction it is frequently the short-period waves have predominant fre­
necessary to control the rate of cOnstruction and quencies within the range of natural frequencies
to include reinforcement in overhanging sections. for dams, they are apt to produce conditions of
resonance in the dam. Consequently design
Direction of Force,. The direction in which a engineers are more concerned with the possibility
of moderate earthquakes occurring within 80 to
force acts may often be of more significance than
120 km of the dam than with larger earthquakes
the magnitUde of the force. At certain locations it
occurring outside this limit. 3 How serious the
may be appropriate to increase the radius of an
effects of these shocks will be will depend upon
arch dam and accept higher stresses within the
the magnitude and intensity of shock and the
dam in order to ensure a better angle of incidence
type of dam. .
of the resultant thrust with the abutment. The
Mainly in connection with high-rise buildings,
direction of resultant forces is equally important
many countries have defmed zones of varying
for gravity and buttress dam&--especially on
seismic activity. Codes are then issued specifying
stratified rock.
the seismic coefficient to be inclnded in the
design of structures within each zone. This
Hydrostatic Loading within the Foundation or approach is not recommended since records and
Abutment. Faults; joints, or cracks are present in general knowledge of earthquakes are far from
most damsites. Even the loading of a large dam complete. For example, the State of Tasmania,
may cause cracks to appear in the rock upstream Australia, was considered to be earthquake-free
from the dam. This being so, there exists the until a review of local newspapers over the past
danger that water under reservoir head may enter 100 years revealed references to 2000 shocks.
the cracks and exert serious jacking loads that None of these caused serious damage but they



had been felt by people. Who can say that larger Zoning. Many countries were adopting the
shocks will not occur in the future? It would principle of seismic zoning.
appear to be unwise to neglect the possibility of
Seismic Coefficiencs. A coefficient offrom 0.1 to
seismic shocks reaching any dam. As mentioned
0.2 was commonly used.
in Chapter 7, there also appears to be evidence
that the filling of large reservoirs may trigger Seismic Waves. Analyses had been made by
seismic activity-but it is at present impossible applying sinusoidal or modified earthquake
to forecast such reactions. records-but actual earthquake records had only
To decide what factor should be incorporated been applied in rare cases for dynamic analyses.
in the design of a dam is not easy. Any provision
Propercies of Macerials. In some countries
will cost money. Table 4.2 shows the order of the
research had revealed the different mechanic al
increase in concrete volume in a gravity dam
properties of various materials when subjected to
designed for the same factor of safety but with
static and dynamic loading.
different seismic coefficients adopted, in the
design. Loads Considered. For dynamic water pressur,e
1. the formulae of Westergaard,' Zanger,' and the
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation were in use.
Table 4.2
Allowable Scresses. In many cases the per­
Approximate increase
Vertical in volume of dam missible compressive stress under dynamic
coefficient coefficient (per cent) loading was increased by up to 30 per cent above
the permissible static stress. Factors of safety for
o o o arch dams were usually 4 based on compressive
0.10 o 14 stress and 1.2 minimum for fill dams.
0.12 o 19
0.15 o 22 Deformacions. An embankment dam (New Don
0.10 0.10 24 Pedro) which employed dynamic analysis was
assumed to suffer 5 per cent axial strain.
Models. These were popular for arch dams and
These figures could be reduced if each monolith
were used for some gravity dams. There was a
could be designed as a separate unit and given a
tendency to employ model tests for fill dams.
different slope to the downstream face, but this is
unlikely both for aesthetic and construction In Sicu Tem. Some arch dams were shaken by
reasons. vibrating machines to study natural frequency
In October, 1969, the Committee on Earth­ and modes of vibration.
quakes of the International Commission on
Seismographs. In a majority of large dams
Large Dams (ICOLD} sent questionnaires to all
seismographs were installed.
member countries. From their replies the follow­
ing would summarize 1969 practice.
In the years since 1969 a' great deal of research
Design. For gravity'dams a horizontal coef­ has been focused on the behaviour of dams under
ficient was generally adopted and applied as an seismic loading6- 8 and upon the interaction
additional static load. Vertical effects were taken between the dam and the reservoir water.' T.!)
into account in very few instances. Dynamic neglect the compressibility of water in such
analysis was used by very few. For arch dams the studies can lead to serious errors. The reservoir
dynamic effects received greater attention with causes a significant increase in the resonant
both model tests and in sicu testing by vibration period of a dam. This lengthening of the reso­
of the dam. A theoretical analysis was being nant period depends upon the depth of reservoir
developed. For embankment dams additional water and the modulus of elasticity of the dam.
horizontal static loads were considered; dynamic For a practical range of values of elasticity a full
analysis was being developed and closer attention reservoir may cause an increase in the fundamen­
was being given to the characteristics of fill tal resonant period of 25 to 50 per cent.
material. In February, 1972, ICOLD issued its Guide

and Recommendations on Aseismic DeSign (Ten­ severity of earthquake likely to occur at the site.
tative), stressing the importance of the above A coefficient of 0.2 is now finding fairly wide n
items and recommending that a design by con­ acceptance in areas that are known to be subject U
ventional methods, i.e. additional static loading, to earthquakes. The world's highest embankment
be supplemented by dynamic analysis. dam-Nurek in U.S.S.R.-will be 317 m high
Most recent studies have shown very good and its stability has been studied under an
agreement of results from finite element dynamic horizontal ground acceleration of 0.45 g.
analyses and the testing of models under dynamic It is not unusual to consider the probability of
loading. an earthquake occurring concurrently with all
At many dams accelerographs are being in­ other loadings on the dam and to accept a
stalled to study seismic activity. In Japan, some reduced factor of safety for such a contingency.
such installations are. connected directly to the The 1965 Japanese Code specifies the maximum
Central Research Institn te of the Electrical allowable compressive stress in an arch dam as
Power Industry so that immediate comparisons 0.25 times the 91-day strength of the con­ ,
can be made between the behaviour of dam and crete-but under earthquake loading this stress "1
1 :~
model. would be permitted to rise to 0.325 times the 91­
It is essential to stndy the components of an day streogth.
earthquake in three directions. Any vertical On the surface of the earth the value of the
acceleration will reduce the effective weight of acceleration due to gravity-g-varies between
the dam and for low dams the vertical component 9.77 and 9.83 mls'. Within Australasia it varies
of ground motion can have a greater effect than from 9.782 at Port Moresby (TPNG) to 9.8 at
the horizontal component. Each dam must be Melbourne, Victoria. By definition, the kilogram
considered as an entity; for instance, horizontal force equals 9.806, 65 Newtons, and the figure
ground acceleration may seriously damage a 9.8 is therefore finding general acceptance in
buttress dam that is not adequately braced engineering.
between buttresses but may have little effect on a
gravity dam.
4.3 Behaviour of Concrete under Complex
At Honenike Dam, Japan (built in 1930 to a Loading
height of 30 m) an earthquake of intensity 4
caused a crack in the centre arch near its junc­
4.31 Volumetric Strain and Time Effect
tion with a buttress. Leakage also appeared at the
left abutment which was founded on weak rock. The study of the fracture of concrete has not
The resulting damage was repaired by grouting. developed to the same extent as that on metals,
The behaviour of some dams under earth­ glass or near homogeneous rock. lo .!! Concrete is
quake shocks has been discussed in Chapter 3. It heterogeneous and its behaviour depends upon
is a form of loading that cannot be the properties of the cement paste and the
neglected-the possible severity of such loading aggregates. The cement paste, being mainly com­
at a particular site can only be assessed after close posed of silicates, may be likened to silicate rocks.
liaison between geologists an,! engineers. It must The mechanisms responsible for the high com­
be remembered that during an earthquake a dam pressive strength of cement paste are still uncer­
will be subjected to strains, firstly due to its own tain, but may be related to the fibrous crystalline ;1
resonance and secondly due to impact of the structure of the paste which would inhibit crack ,; !~J.

reservoir water. This dynamic loading is nor­

mally of short duration. Concrete displays
growth. The aggregate in concrete is usually con­
sidered to be chemically inert. If there is no :1
remarkably high strength under instantaneous chemical reaction between the aggregate and the i 1
loading whilst fill dams can usually be designed cement paste the physical bonding forces
to be self-healing should minor cracking occur. between them will be lower in magnitude than
Seismic action will induce stresses within the those within the cement paste. A typical
dam-whether they can be absorbed into the stress-strain curve for concrete loaded in com­
'factor of ignorance' can. only be determined by pression is shown in Fig. 4.04.
dose examination of each individual dam and the Concrete, even before loading, contains


fact, be much lower than the strength of similar

stress concrete tested under normal laboratory
sirain "- LOnqihJdinol
4.32 Biaxial Loading
Under uniaxial compression micro-cracks tend
to grow generally in the same direction as the
Stmin compressive stress, whereas under uniaxial ten­
sion the micro-cracks grow in the direction nor­
mal to the direction of tensile stress. It can
Fig. 4.04 Typical stress-strain curve
for concrete loaded in ,unial<ial therefore be expected that under combined ten­ , '
compression sile and compressive stresses at right-angles the
effects would be additive and the stress to cause
shrinkage cracks and air and water voids in the failure would be lower.
cement paste at the aggregate surfaces. On An experimental study of the strength of con­
loading internal stress 'concentrations arise from crete under combined tensile and compressive
the differing elastic properties of the components stresses was made by McHenry and Karni 12 using
and also due to shrinkage cracks and voids. Local hollow concrete cylinders loaded by internal
cracking under uniaxial compression can occur hydrostatic pressure and axial compression. The
at stresses of the order of 3.45 MFa, Fig. 9.33. following general results were obtained:
For short-term loading, the stress-strain curve
is practically linear to about 50 per cent of the ul­ Tensile strength is ~educed by ~n orthogonal com­

pressive stress and vice'versa. Very roughly, when

timate stress. At this point macro cracking com­

either stress is at' SO per cent of the ultimate for

mences and in this condition the concrete is that stress alone, the resistance to the stress of op­

susceptible to failure under loads of prolonged posite sense is reduced by about 50 per cent. The

duration. The time dependence of the fracture principal stress at failure appears to be independent

limit under these conditions is shown in Fig. of the sequence in which the stresses are applied.

4.05. It is of interest to note that the long-term

strength is approximately equal to the stress at 4.33 Triaxial Loading
which volumetric strain decreases.
This is a warning that the strength of concrete The behaviour of concretelJ under triaxial
in a dam subjected to long-term loading may,in loading is illustrated in Fig. 4.06.
Ifh is zero then the loading is biaxial; if1, is a

tensile stress equal to 0.05 Ie then it can be seen


that the ratio h to I. is 0.8. If, on the other hand,
both J, and I, are tensile equal to 0.0510, tlien the
E 0
0 '0
N !2 ...
ratio 11 to 10 may be of the order of 0.6.
~ ~ ~
Since stress conditions vary throughout 11 dam
it would appear that the actual strength of the
~ concrete will vary accordingly. With double cur­
0 vature arch dams and other dams of speciar

shapes tensile stresses may occur during the con­
!i! struction period due to structural overhang or in­
~ ,~ duced temperature gradients. The seriousness of
·-1 0.
orthogonal stresses both during construction' and
• ,~
at various stages of the filling of the reservoir
0: 0 must be realized. In many cases construction
51 rain under constant load stresses will be counteracted by subsequent
I loading such as joint grouting, but analyses are
I, Fig. 4.05 Indicative stress-strain
necessary to ensure safety and structural in­
curves for concrete under constant
J load for various periods of time tegrity of the dam at aU stages.

'n if •. E 2 BF
62 r~
, I

strength for a weak concrete (170 kg of cement

per cubic metre) and for stronger concretes (280,
340, 400 kg/m'). It is interesting to note that the
stronger concretes suffered a greater propor­
tional reduction in strength with increased
size--i.e. exhibited a characteristic of brittle
The comparison of change in concrete ~l,
strength with cylinder size for the case of max­ U
imum aggregate size, and for the case of max­
imum aggregate size a fIXed proportion of the
cylinder size are given in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3. Effect of Cylinder Size on Strength of

Strength compared with 150 mm X
300 mm cylinder (per cent) n
!..J ~,
Maximum Maximum
fc ::: Ultimate compressive strength
under mono~axialloading
Fig.4.06 Chailge in compressive strength on triaxial
Cylinder size
(mm xmm)
aggregate size
x cyt dia., or less
aggregate size

loading (Mler 11th [COLD, Vol. 4, p. 666. R.s.12­

French Committee) 150 X 300 100% 100%
200 x 400 96.5 86.2
300 x 600 91.2
4.34 Test Cylinder Size 4S0x 900 86.5 82.7
600 x 1200 84.4 80.3
The apparent reduction in strength of con­ 900 X 1800 82.2
crete test cylinders with increase in size has been
known for years and confirmed in many Source Ref. 14 Ref. IS ,
countries. The investigations were mainly 'J
directed towards determining the strength of
mass concrete with large-size aggregates as in Although the strengths of 150 mm x 300 mm
mass-c.oncrete dams. cylinders may be used to control the quality of
A number of tests on concrete cylinders in the concrete in a dam, it must be realized that
diameter range 150 mm to 600 mm, with. a wide strengths indicated by such tests do not represent
range of mix proportions, was undertaken by the the strength of concrete in the dam.
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,14 Fig. 4.07 from
that paper shows the effect of cylinder size on 4.4 Load-carrying Capacity of Dams
E 100 Cement It has been usual, for many years, to analyse a
E 170 kg 1m3 unit width of a dam and from this determine the
factor of safety against sliding and overturning. q
Although informative, such simplicity fails to U
represent correctly the true state of affairs. The
dam, whether of concrete or rockrlll, is a three­
Cemen1 - average of dimensional structure through which both
26.0,340,400 kg 1m3
80~ primary and secondary stresses are transmitted
to the ground. Gravity dams have been curved in
150 300 450 600 plan, their contraction joints have been rebated
Diameter (mm)
and grouted 'under pressure. Earth-rockfill dams
Fig. 4.01 Effect of cylinder size on strength of con­ have been curved in plan in the hope that more
crete (Mter Higginson") positive contact pressures will be developed lJ


.' I


between the core material and the abutment. (tensions of the order of 0.05 Ie) then a further
These have been intentional moves to develop factor of 80 per cent could be introduced.
three-dimensional benefits and provide what is Although the author does not suggest that
sometimes referred to as a factor of safety against these effects can be compounded in the conven­
ultimate failure. None of these can be justified as tional dam, it remains as a distinct possibility in a
being necessary--but if such actions can increase dam of bold design--especiaUy those that inco~
confidence at little extra cost they should not be porate pre-stressing. The factor of safety­
overlooked. thought to be 4--may in fact be nearer 2.
Resistance to sliding is not a simple Janas and Sawczuk17 have presented the quite
mathematical figure; it is dependent upon the different modes of failure in arch dams of simple
materials that comprise the dam and the proper­ conical and cylindrical shapes. These studies
ties of the foundation upon which it is built. The emphasize the difficulty of visualizing the actu:al
rock in itself may be adequate, but whether infill­ mode of failure of a double curvature dam in an
ing in joints is dry, saturated or under pressure unsymmetrical and irregular valley, see Chapter
and whether it is of clay mineral, clay size par­ 1~ .
ticles or brecciated material will govern the Swaminathan and Rajaraman 18 have published
overall sliding characteristics of the foundation. an interesting method of calculating the ultimate
Equally important-for stability of the dam and load-carrying capacity of arch dams. By
of the abutments downstream from the mathematical analysis they have reached con­
dam-are the orientations and inclinations of elusions that agree reasonably with the results of
faults, joints and bedding planes relative to the model tests,l?-21 that is, that an arch dam will
direction of thrusts from the dam. It is often ap­ not be fully ruptured until the applied loading is
parent as excavation proceeds, that the coef­ five to seven times the design loading.
ficient of defonnability of the foundation varies Microcracking of structural models will occur at
along the axis of the dam. If variations are abrupt a fraction of the load required for ultimate rup­
the unequal reactions may cause unacceptable ture of a model,22 but microcracking of the
stress concentrations in the base of the dam. upstream face of an actual dam would permit the
entry of pressure water with a consequent and
Abrupt changes in proflle along the excavation
can have a similar effect initiating cracks in the serious change in the loading pattern on the dam.
Although excellent work is being done to cor­
relate mathematical analyses· and' model tests
The growth in strength of concrete with age
with prototype behaviour, it is essential for the
has been a characteristic that provided additional
Engineer to confirm that both primary and
confidence in the load-carrying capacity of con­
secondary conditions that will occur in the
crete dams. Unfortunately the current trend is
prototype are faithfully. ineluded in such
for cement manufacturers to produce cement
analyses. .
that will provide early strength in the concrete;
this is suitable as ready-mix concrete for
buildings, but the sacrifice of long~tenn strength
increase is a. matter of serious concern to dam 4.5 Model Representation
i· In Section 4.3 it has been indicated that the The subject of models is dealt with in Chapter
I strength of concrete in a dam subjected to long­ 19, but it is appropriate here to refer to the deter­
,i term loading may be considerably less than the mination of factor of safety by model testing, An
; strength of concrete tested in 150 mm x 300 mm arch dam is undoubtedly a safe structure.
i cylinders under. laboratory conditions. Modern methods of analysis can take account of
iI Endersbee 16 has suggested that extrapolation of quite complex loadings, determine their dis­
I I proven scale· effects combined with long-tenn tribution, and indicate the resulting stresses,
loading may result in an in situ strength as strains and defonnations within· both the dam
I 60 per cent of the above cylinder strength. If, due and the foundations. In the past there has been
1 i
to external loading and internal stresses, the con­
crete can be subjected to adverse triaxial stresses
some. difficulty in simulating boundary con­
ditions in small-scale models. This has led to in­

'",:' . s. "-!Ii
::: ~:



accuracies in stress determination. However, convinced of the adequacy of the structure. That
with present-day geomechanical models is the art of dam engineering.
endeavours are made to reproduce actual founda­
tion conditions in the model, resulting in more
accurate assessment of stresses at the concrete 4.6 Factor of Safety
rock interface.
Many models have been tested to destruction 4.61 Gravity Dams (see Chapter 10)
by applying loads in excess of those cor­ A gravity dam must be designed to be safe
responding to working conditions. Quite fre­ against overturning and sliding. For the former it
quently the loading at rupture will be six to ten is usual to dimension the dam so that the resul­
times the load for which the dam was designed. tant of all forces intersects the base within its
This 'factor ofsafety' of 6 to 10 is therefore very middle third. This will provide a factor in excess
different from the factor of safety calculated as of 2.
the ratio of strength of concrete to the maximum The ratio of the sum of the horizontal forces
working stress in the concrete. to the sum of the vertical forces is referred to as
Model tests--scale 1 to 50--were made at the the sliding factor. This is usually about
I.S.M.E.S., Italy, for the 38m high Moogerah 0.65-but must not exceed 0.75. These fignres aiJ'
Dam, Australia,22 Fig. 4.08. This dam is of represent the range of the coefficient of static
double curvature with considerable overhang. friction normally encountered at the site of a
The ratio crest length to height is 4.2, the crest gravity dam.
thickness 2 m, base thickness 4.9 m and max­ The strength of concrete in shear is approx­
imum thickness 6.8 m. Calculations indicated a imately one-fifth of its strength on compression.
factor of safety of 4 against buckling for the crest Due to the non-linear distribution of shear stress
arch--but rather large areas of the dome to be through the section,. the maximum shear may
under appreciable tensile stresses. It was reported equal twice the average shear. It is desirable,
that: therefore, to limit the average shearing stress to
about one-twentieth of the compressive strength
Several cycles of loading, with peak values two to of the concrete.
seven times the hydrostatic load, were applied to At or in the foundations the horizontal loading
the model which was unloaded at loads of three and
five times the normal load to permit measurement will be resisted by cohesion and friction. The
of permanent deflections. Residual deflection was ratio of the total resistance by cohesion and fric­
detectable at three times normal load, and became tion to the total horizontal load is termed the
decidedly more marked at five times normal load, at shear friction factor. Most countries accept 4 as a
which load a crack fullowed the perimetral joint at minimum value. In practice the foundation is
the upstream face and a horizontal crack occurred at
16 m below crest level across most of the usually prepared in steps or is sloped upward in a
downstream face. The whole base course appeared downstream direction to provide resistance to
fractured and crushed at five times normal load but failure far in excess of the above figure.
final collapse did not occur until seven times nor- . It must, of course, be understood that these
mal load, with failure of the thrust blocks and calculations refer to planar sections through the
crushing of the abutment.
dam. A large dam will resist overturning and
sliding in a three-dimensional manner; it may act
The design of the dam was based on a maximum
as a thick beam spanning the valley or inclined
compressive stress of 6.9 MPa and the concrete
arches may be activated within the dam to trans­
mix was designed for five or six times that ,
mit part of the load to the abutments. The fmite
To nominate definite figure for the factor of
element method may be used to determine the
stress distribution through a gravity dam aod
safety of this dam would be quite unreal. Up-to­
this should be done for dams exceeding 60 m in
date methods were used by a leading Consultant
to check the design, model tests were conducted
by experts; the Engineer then assessed all the in­
formation available-bearing in mind the
significance of any assumptions made-and was Fig. 4.0£ Moogerah Dam, Australia



- -- , -
- _. . "------~--- - - ._-­ --


4.62 Concrete-Arch Dams (see Chapter 11) The calculated savings are shown in Table 4.4.
From these studies it was concluded that 'if the
As mentioned earlier the commonly used
factor of safety is to be reduced it is definitely
definition of factor of safety-for an arch
more advantageous to keep the concrete strength
dam-is the ratio of the compressive strength of
constant and reduce the volume of concrete than
concrete to the maximum calculated compressive
to keep the volume constant and reduce the
stress in the dam. The compressive strength
strength'. This should be qualified from the prac­
referred to is usually the strength of concrete
tical viewpoint since it is most unlikely that
at the age of 91 days when tested in 150 mm x
working stresses of 11 and 16.5 MPa would be
300 mm cylinders, all material in excess of
acceptable with factors of safety of 3 and 2
37.5 mm having been wet screened from the mix. respectively. "
It seems reasonable to consider a figure below the
If the factor of safety was retained at 4 but the
average of the measured strengths--having due
working stress allowed to rise from 6.9 to
regard to the coefficient of variation of the
11 MPa then a saving of 4 per cent would result.
testing. Previous discussion has raised doubts as
The consequent increase in cement content
to whether this indicated strength is in fact
would, however, introduce greater secondary
representative of the strength of concrete in the
stresses due to extra heat generation.
dam under the existing stress conditions.
The design criterion adopted by the U.S.
Bureau of Reclamation is for a faCtor of safety of 4.63 Embankment Dams (see Chapter 13)
4 based on the strength of concrete at 1 year. Ex­
Although concrete-arch dams are often
cept for extreme loading combinations the max­
designed with a factor of safety of 4, embank­
imum compressive stress is usually limited to
ment dams are acceptable with a factor of safety fl
6.9 MPa.
against sliding of less than 2--often less than
The Japanese Code requires that the factor of
1.5. One must ask how two such dams compare
safety-defined as above and related to the 91­
for overall safety. ,. .,

day strength--should be 4 for the dam under tJ

If in the latter case cohesion had been assutued
normal maximum static loading. However, under
as zero and a coefficient of friction had been ,
the rapid loading imposed by an earthquake, this
factor may be reduced to 3.
derived from a great number of tests (and an '1
~ ,

Engineer usually adopts a figure conservatively U

Using the Mossyrock Dam, U.S.A.-ISS m
below the average of such test results), then it is
high-for the purpose, an interesting study was
almost inconceivable that the same material in
madei3 to estimate what savings would result
the dam could have a coefficient of friction of 'fJ"
from a decrease in the factor of safety of a large
two-thirds or half of the (conservatively)
arch dam. The two methods of doing this would
measured figure. The factor of safety for a fIll
be to:
dam, therefore, appears to be more realistic. The
Maintain the same volume of concrete--but use most important thing with an embankment dam
less cement-i.e. operate with a lower strength is that all parts of the dam should be at the same
but with the advantage of lower heat genera­ 'distance' from failure. This calls for good con­
tion and lower secondary stresses, or trol during construction of the dam, as well as
De,;rease the volume of concrete, thereby in­ foresight by the designer in providing for par­
creasing stresses in the dam. ticular conditions at the site.
Examples of minimum factors of safety for
Table 4.4 embankment dams would be:
Factor of safety 4 3 2
Saving in cost by reducing cement 0
Upstream Slope
4% 8%
content Immediately after completion with
full constru~on pore pressure 1.3-1.5
Saving in cost by redudng volume 0 12% 22%
of concrete with ultimate Following rapid drawdown (slip
strength of concrete limited to
33MPa circles between high and low
water levels 1.2-1.3
,- , 1


Downstream Slope value of this ratio found for any point in the foun­
Earthquake and Reservoir full 1.2 dation being the Factor of Safety of the foundation.
Reservoir full-steady seepage 1.5 This can be visualized as the weakening which
the material of the foundation must undergo for
In an area subiect to earthquakes the following failure to take place under the action of the
factors are indicative of acceptable values: design loads applied to the dam and foundation.
Seismic coefficient 0.1 F of S 1.8
Seismic coefficient 0.3 F of S 1.15 4.65 Probability Approach to Safety
In recent years many papers have· been
However, . each site must receive special con­ published2>-29 recommending that the concept of
sideration bearing in mind the materials available safety be based on the probability of incidence of
for construction, i.e. would the filter material act various loads and the probable resistance of the
as a self-seal if a crack occurred in the core? whole structure to carry such loads. Into this
system can be woven the effects of catastrophic
I failure. The full complexity of such an approach
4.64 Abutments and Foundations
has not as yet been covered by research workers;

i It is essential that the rock mass supporting for that reason the Engineer responsible for a
the dam be thoroughly investigated for any dam must remain conscious of the fact that he is
possible mechanism by which it may fail. This dealing with something· the failure of whiCh
11 usually involves the identification of all joints, would probably be a national disaster rather than
faults and seams and tests of any infilling an accident.
material. Rocha has suggested24 a reasonable Before any serious decrease can be made in the
definition of factor of safety as applied to factor of safety, for the sake of economy
abutments as: Engineers must have a very clear concept of the
The ratio of the shearing resistance available to the overall stability of the three-dimensional struc­
maximum shearing stress predicted, the lowest ture and its foundation.

i References

1. Harrison, Trans. A.S.C.E., 75, 1912, p. 142. 8. T. Hatano, 'Dynamical Behaviours of Concrete
2. Symposium, 'Ice Pressure against Dams', Tram. Under Impulsive Tensile Loads', C.R.l.E.P.I.
A.S.C.E., 119, 1954, pp. 1-42. Tech. Report (6002, 1960).
3. George C. Rouse, 'Response of Concrete and 9. N. Kumakawa, 'Analysis and Experiment of
Earth Dams to Ground Vibrations', A.E.C. Hydrodynamic Pressure acting on a Dam having
Technical Symposium on Safety, 7th Nov. 1968, a Parabolic Sloped Upstream Face During Earth­
Washington, U.S.A. quake', 10th ICOLD Congress, Montreal, 1970,
><.4. H. M. Westergaard, 'Water Pressure on Dams Communication Paper No. C5, V, pp.481-510.
During Earthquakes', Tram. A.S.C.E., 98,1933, 10. J. R. Rydzewski (Ed.), Theory of Arch Dams,
p. <!l8. Pergamon, Oxford, 1965, Paper 'Structure and
S. C. N. Zanger, 'Hydrodynamic Pressure on Dams Engineering Properties of Concrete' by K. New-
II '
due to Horizontal Earthquakes', Proe. Exptl.
Stress Analysis, 1953, 10, pp.93-102; Also
Engng: Monograph No. 11, U.S. Bureau of
man, pp.683-712. .
11. J. R. Rydzewski (Ed.), Theory of Arch Dams,
Pergamon, Oxford, 1965, Paper 'The Influence of
Reclamation, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. Microcracking and State of Stress on the Elastic
6. S. Okamoto, K. Kato and M. Hakuno, <a) 'A New Behaviour and Discontinuity of Concrete' by
Method of Dynamic Model Test of Arch Dams', G. S. Robinson, pp.713-721.
Tram. Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 75; (b) 'A 12. D. McHenry and J. Karni, 'Strength of Concrete
Method of Dynamic Testing on ArCh Dams', 4th under Combined Tensile and Compressive
Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Stress', Journal A.C.I., 29, No. 10, April 1958,
7. T. Hatano, 'Dynamical Compressive Deformation pp.829-839; Proc. A.C.I., 54.
and Failure under Earthquake Load', Central 13. Report of FrenCh National Committee, 11th
L Research Institute, Electric Power Industry, ICOLD Congress, Madrid, 1973, R.S.12, IV,
Japan, Tech. Report <5409, 1950). p.666.
- ,-­


14. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Concrete Manual, Load Capacity of Arch Dams', Proc. A.S.C.E.,
7th edn., 1966, pp. 581-582, Washington D.C., EM4, p.21, Aug. 1966.
U.S.A. 22. A. M. Fraser and A. E. Wickham, 'Moogerah Arch
15. E. C. Higginson, G. B. Wallace and E. L. Ore, Dam Design', I.E. Aust. Queensland Di'Visio"
'Effect of Maximum Size Aggregate on Tech. Paper, Vol. 4, No.7, Aug. 1963.
Compressive Strength of Mass Concrete', Paper 23. R. P. Wengler, 'Effect of Safety Factor on Cost of
No. 11, Symposium on Mass Concrete, Denver, Arch Dams', Proe. of Engineering Foundation
Colorado, 14-15 March, 1963; A.C.I. Special Research Conference, 1970, A.S.C.E. Publication
Publication, S.P.G., pp. 219-256. Rapid Construction 0/ Concrete Dams, pp. 249-261.
16. L. A. Enderbee, 'Brittle Fracture in Concrete and 24. M. Rocha, 'Mechanical Behaviour of Rock Foun­
RocKs', I.E. Awt. Symposium on Concrete Struc­ dations in Concrete Dams" 8th ICOLD Congress,
tures', 22-23 May 1967, Paper No. 2260. Edinburgh, 196.4, Report R.44.
17. J. R. Rydzewski (Ed.), Theory 0/ Arch Dams, 25. A. C. Cornell, 'A Probability-based Structural
Pergamon, Oxford, 1965; M. Janas and A. Sawc­ Code', (A.C.I. Committee 348, Structural Safety)
zuk, 'Some Aspects of the Load-carrying Table No. 66-68, Journal A.C.I., Dec. 1969.
Capacities of Arch Dams', pp. 627-640. 26. A. M. Fredenthal, 'Safety and the Probability of
18. K. V. Swaminathan and A. Rajaraman, 'A Structural Failure', Trans. A.S. C.E., 121, 1956,
Method of Estimating the Ultimate Load p.1337.
Capacity of Arch Dams', Water Power, Feb. 1970, 27. P. D. Cady, 'Statistical Evaluation of Concrete
pp.54-62. Strength Test', Journal of Construction Division
19. G. Oberti and L. Auletta, 'Evaluation Criteria for A.S.C.E., PrIX. No. J45J, March 1963.
Factors of Safety: Model Test Results', Symp. 28. K. O. Kemp, 'Concepts of Structural Safety',
CMt. Dam Models; Paper No.3, Oct. 1963. Civil Engineering and Public Works Refliew, Feb.
20. M. Rocha and L. Serafun, 'Rupture Studies of 1973, p. 132.
Mh Dams by Means of Models', Water Power, 29. H. L. Kreuzer, 'A Probability-based Safety
pp.92-95, Feb.; pp. 145-152, March 1959. Approach for Arch Dams', Warer Power, Dec.
21. E. Rosenbleuth and J. Bustamente, 'Ultimate 1973, pp.458-463.



, ""

-. j -An untouched, often grandiose sit~ a truly monumental scale, an OP"'
tion which. by the very nature of things, one cannot help but assert.
Here, more tban anywhere, truth is arbiter and unless: one humbly
accepts to go along with Nature, with her laws, her sometimes secret
preferences and even her moods, in Ii word, if one wiU not understand
and love her, the immediate aim, the purely technical objective ;s
doomed to failure.'
Andre Coyne. 1953
~ J Most of the failures described in Chapter 3 were the various dillciplines--it must remain the
due to Ii!.,,~ of appreciation of how the particular Engineer's responsibility to know what to look
damsite woullreaci:' lothe superposition of the for and to ,ensure that he receives data adequate,
dam and reservoir. In other words, the overall for the decisions that he must ultimately make.
engineering investigations were inadequate. Fre­ In the planning stage possible damsites for
quently extensive field investigations have been development of the whole river basin will have
undertaken but, due to lack of)iais(jJ! with the been selected from contour maps or following
designers, they have been misdirected and have re£on.!!.aissance on the ground or from the air.
failed to reveal the basic weakness that led to These selections will be based primarily on
failure. - - , topography. Ideally one ~e.~s a narrow
It is therefore emphasized that all phases of in­ gorge-hoping for minimum quantities in iIi~
vestigation must be carefully planned, and be dam-and a valley opening out upstream from
, .!
specifically orientated towards confirmation of the dam to provide the required storage. On this
the--safety offhe'aam and correct functioning of preliminary basis-with at least approximate
the reservoir. They must not become self-centred levels along the river-it is possible to divide the
academic exercises for the particiE-il:!lts. Since the river basin into regions for development.
Engineer is the one who understands the loads However, there may be alternative sites along
that will be applied by the structure and what a length of river within a region-the further
will be required of the reservoir, it is for him to downstream the greater will be the cl!.!shment
plan and direct the work to best advantage. area and hence the flow. The value of this ad­
Although it is recognized that each phase of ditional water and the greater head for the same
investigation has now become a highly full supply level must be balanced against the in­
specialised subject-best handled by experts in creased ,cost for a higher dam, Fig. 5.01.
, I



Fig. 5.01 Alternative damsites

- -.~ --"". .~~-~--------------.--~~~.~.~-

._- --.­ - -- - --~- ­



Investigations must be undertaken at each site to veyors, geologists, geophysicists, hydrologists

the extent necessary to permit a fair comparison and engineers into areas difficult of access. One
being made of the likely costs of different types small- and one medium-sized helicopter form an
of dam on the alternative sites. economical team, Fig. 5.02. It is most important
that professional men spend as much time as
S.l Preliminary Investigation and Recon­ -possible on their professional work rather than in
naissance walking through difficult country, Fig. 5.03.
Even small helicopters can transport
In these days topographical and geological
prefabricated buildings, Fig. 5.04, diamond drills
regional maps are usually available and these
and other equipment as may be necessary for the
form the first data upon which the Engineer will
construction of such items of access as a
work. Photographs from the Earth Resources
haulageway or suspension bridge, Fig. 5.05.
Technology Satellite launched in July, 1972,
Transport by helicopters and boats will cause
have added another dimension to photo­
minimum disturbance to the environment.
interpretation, especially when the photographs I
Features that should be sought during early
are printed with colour differentiation. The ex­
reconnaissance include old and potential
tent of major geological lineaments revealed in
landslides, geological faults and major joints
the vast coverage of these photographs can often
parallel with the valley; these are often the result
improve on interpretations made from the ex­
of stress relief during erosion of the valley, Figs.
amination of geological exposures or from nor­
5.05 and 5.06. Such joints may be open or in­
mal aerial photography. Of special significance is
filled with products of decomposition. They may
the assistance that this new facility can provide
present construction hazards or if intercepted by
in identifying major fault systems and landslides
other joint systems may provide leakage paths
on a regional scale. Where maps are not available around the dam.
it is expeditious to employ specialists in
Examination along the beds of the river and
photogrammetry to produce them in reasonable .. 1
tributary streams will indicate the strike and dip
time. However, there are still many locations
of rock formations-features particularly rele­ -!
; l
where the Engineer must rely on the resources
vant to the stability of both the dam and the
available to him. The old fashioned plane
abutments. Any springs or underground water
table---assisted by modern electronic measuring
should receive close attention in case they could
equipment-,-can still be most efficient. Basic
provide paths for leakage from the reservoir. The
maps can be produced quickly-the surveyor
depth of alluvium or soil should be determined as
and geologist continually adding their informa­
early as possible to indicate the excavation re­
tion as it becomes available.
quired and probable quantity of materials in the
Aerial reconnaissance is of prime importance.
dam. It is recommended that models be con­
The Engineer can appreciate the topography and
structed as early as possible in the in­
form an opinion of the probable hydrological
vestigation-see Chapter 19. These will be
characteristics of the catchment; with the
topographical for the location of access roads and
assistance of the geologist he can select alter­
native damsites, and with the construction
engineer he can study access to sites and possible
sources of materials. An interesting example was
the ability of the Engineer for the Geehi Em­
Fig. 5.02 Helicopters-Light and medium
bankment Dam, Australia, to select from aerial
photographs those areas which appeared to be Fig. 5.03 Gordon Gorge, Australia
topographically suitable and which from his
knowledge of the weathering patterns of granite Fig. 5.04 Prefabricated camp transported by heli-
;-_" were likely to provide material of the required copter
eli ,,'quality. Each site so selected was then visited
Fig. 5.05 Haulageway and suspension bridge-­
until satisfactory materials were located. Components transported by helicopter
If available, helicopters will great! y expedite
the..,-work of investigation by transporting sur­ Fig. 5.06 Major geological faults


·....•..•....... <> .••..

• <
,; ,:i
': ':;1

~ -1


; 3








5.05 0



I: .





dam building facilities and geological for the un­ Ultimate safety of the present or future in­
derstanding in three dimensions of what' is habitants of the valley;
revealed by field investigations, core drilling, etc. Finance-its availability and constraints;
Such models must be regularly updated, so that Environmental impact-lacustrine, riverine, es­
the accuracy of information depicted is con­ tuarine, socio-economic;
tinually improved. The field investigations can Quality of water, chemical and biological;
thereby be concentrated in areas of special Physical factors such as hydrology, geology,
significance. topography;
Availability of resources, both materials and
5.2 Time and Money for Investigations
In order to avoid premature unilateral
Two problems usually confront the
decisions, it is essential that all phases of in­
Engineer--the availability of time and money
vestigation proceed concurrently-the ac­
for investigations. It is essential that each be ex­
cumulating information being made available
pended to best advantage. To quote from the
progressively to all parties.
Aberfan report: 1 'Responsibility begins with
If the location of the dam is changed due to
Management', but Management cannot be ex­
circumstances revealed by the detailed in­
pected to understand what is necessary unless it
vestigations-even to just beyond the limits of
is well advised. The Engineer must therefore
those investigations--the new site must be
possess knowledge and experience in dam
studied in the same depth as the site vacated. It is
engineering. If he fmds that insufficient time is
unwise to extrapolate into the unknown, when it
available to conduct the necessary investigations
was probably unforeseen conditions that made
or"that unreasonable restraints on finance might
the move necessary. The additional work will add
influence him to omit certain studies, then he
to the cost and may delay the project, but it is too
must have the courage to say 'not enough in­
great a risk to assume that the additional in­
vestigations are unnecessary.
The amount of money required to investigate
It cannot be overemphasized that adequate
a damsite will depend upon the site and the type
time and money must be available so that all dis­
of dam. A department, with past experience and
ciplines involved are given the opportunity to in­
with its own staff of hydrologists, geologists, sur­
vestigate and report.
veyors and engineers, may produce sufficient in­
formation-related to its own territory-for an
outlay of 2 or 3 per cent of the cost of the dam. 5.3 Basic Concepts
On the other hand, the figure of 6 per cent could
A dam must be stable against overturning and
apply in remote locations where basic data are
sliding, either on or within the foundations; the
not available.
rock must be competent to withstand the
It is by no means unusual to spend 3 years on
superimposed loads without crushing or undue
site investigations. This will, of course, depend
yielding and the reservoir basin must be water­
upon the location and size of the dam, but time
tight. For each type of dam considered the
must not be underestimated. To meet stringent
Engineer must visualize all possible modes of
requirements for environmental studies and
failure and then assess the factor of safety against
public opinion polls could easily add 2 years to
such failures.
the time and several per cent to the cost. "
It should be his aim to keep open as many
Investigations will normally include considera­
alternatives as possible for as long as is
tion of the following:
acceptable. Bias towards a type of dam with
National or International policies,; even the type which one is experienced is natural and
of dam may be influenced by' such policies sometimes justifiable. More often than not, it is
rather than by minimum cost; an error of omission that leads to an ac­
The purpose of the dam and how it fits into ex­ cident-and one can easily omit something when
isting or future plans for water conservation working in a particular field where experience is
and utilization in the region; minimal.

The concept of hydraulic gradient must be then very detailed studies will be justified. Some
always to the forefront, i.e. what hydrostatic formations are cavernous and can lead to serious
pressure can act over what length of path from losses, others may be sealed by folding of the
the reservoir to atmosphere? There may be long rock series and therefore be of no consequence.
paths through karstic or pervious zones or Chemical analyses of water from the river" below
relatively short paths through, under or around the damsite and in streams tributary to the
the dam, Fig. 5.07. The hydraulic gradient storage may give an indication of the presence of
through the core of a rockfill dam will be much limestone in the reservoir area. Careful explora­
steeper-maybe 2 on I-than that through a tion along the beds of creeks and streams shouid
homogeneous embankment, maybe 1 on 3. therefore be one of the earliest stages of
Similarly that under the plinth of a decked geological in vestigation.
rockfl1l dam--or cut-off trench of a buttress
dam-usually between 7 and 20 on I-will be
many times steeper than that under a gravity 5.4 Basic Data
dam-maybe 1.3 on 1. For the preparation of a feasibility report basic
data must be available, relating to:

. • !MdluinsJ

A0 B

Meteorology and hydrology;

II io) Homogeneous eqrlhfill ' Gmul--L('

el.lriaID A
! ...."'--­

Geology and seismicity;

7 \ t e ) 6uUress

Grou,-t!~ Preliminary environmental assessment (Chapter

1 (b) Ceolrol cure rockfill curl(lin r

"-ff A,,"
Although each subject should be handled by

experts, the Engineer must be sufficieritly

G"""-V knowledgeable to understand the processes in­
curlOIn A' curloin A' volved and the information submitted. In the
te} De.cked rockfiU past two decades tremendous technological ad­
Fig. 5.07 Hydraulic gradients vances have been tuade in all fields, but the
Dams involving steep hydraulic gradients, degree of sophistication to be applied must be
such as decked rockfill or buttress dams, are related to the size and importance of the dam.
often built on sound rock where grouting can en­
sure an adequate cut-off. However, these dams
5.41 Topography
are also suitable for poorer foundations and great
care is then needed to avoid seepage or piping. Surveys will be required in three maln ar~as,
The acceptable hydraulic gradient can only be and should be organized with these in. mind:
decided having regard to the geological for­
The storage basin to determine the volume
,: mations and the properties of the materials
available below various" levels, and the ex­
thereof after saturation.
istence of any low saddles around . the
It is equally important that the hydraulic
i gradient through the abutment, either around or
The damsite to determine quantities of excava­
1 under the dam, be acceptable. The actual quan­
tion and material in the dam, for layout of
I" tity of water lost by seepage may be of little con­
sequence but the pressure that it can exert within
plant and access roads, and for the setting out
of the dam; and
the rock mass is of vital concern. It can induce
On to the completed dam to verify that it behaves
piping and erosion or even dislodgement of abut­
in accordance with design.
ment rock.
Watertightness of the reservoir basin is a Although an isolated dam can be built entirely
fundamental requirement. Research should to a local datum, it is most desirable to consider it
therefore be made of regional geology. If there is as part of a total development of the "river; levels
any possibility of the occurrence of limestone should therefore be related to mean sea level, and
- - -- .
~Jl :

'.,: I:
, ,

76 ~J :

planimetric surveys to the National Survey assembled by orientating each print along the
,grid. This latter will necessitate secondary azimuth line on the mosaic board and matching
triangulation, which in the past has involved detail between successive prints. To reduce
precise angle measurements, but is now usually further the effects of the various distortions, only
done by distance measurement with electronic in­ the area ofeach point that is immediately adjacent
struments-,-the work often being 'expedited by to its principal point is used. In this area, the dis­
the use of helicopters for rapid movement of tortions are a minimum.
observers and assistants. A new presentation of topographic features is
Advances in electronic distance measurement now available in the form of an orthophotograph
have been rapid in the past 15 years and are still which is the equivalent of the orthographic
continuing. Accuracy has been improved and the photograph taken from above. It is made by
weight of equipment has been reduced in some removing the effects of tilt, relief and many of
cases by 90 per cent. Many instruments are the lens aberrations of standard perspective , '1:,
, !

available to operate over a range of 2 to 3 km photographs. This can be accomplished in special .~j :
with an accuracy of ±1 cm. Greater accuracy is devices designed for the purpose--the important I
available with such instruments as the property being that features that are straight
Mekometer, Fig. 5.08, where resolution has been Jines appear as straight lines on the
improved to 0.1 mm and under favourable con­ orthophotograph. This can be particularly im­
ditions accuracy of 0.2 mm ± 1 part per million portant in the extrapolation of fault lines
has been attained. The Geodometer 8, using a revealed only interrnittendy on the aerial
neon-helium light source, can be used in daytime photographs. The orthophotograph is in fact a
or at night up to 50 km with an accuracy in stan­ photo-map, from which distances can be scaled
dard operation of 5 mm ± 1 p.p.m. of the range. and angles calculated accurately. ," 'I' ;
Using precise methods-that require 30 min for The major break-through for geological mapp­
an observation compared with 3 min for the stan­ ing of damsites came with the introduction of the "J'
dard observation-an accuracy of! mm + 1 p.p.m. phototheodolite. Photographs are taken from ,J
is attainable. Such instruments are therefore ad­ each end of a short base line with a camera built
mirably suitable for both major triangulation and into the theodolite. The resulting photographs
the, direct measurement of deformation of dams. form a stereoscopic pair that can be processed
Field investigations are greatly facilitated if through an autograph in the same manner as for
the Engineer can be supplied with aerial vertical aerial photographs. The spatial ~·l :
photographs--preferably arranged as mosaics. relationship of geological features can be es­ iij'
The uncontrolled mosaic is usually quite ade­ tablished, whilst the features themselves can be
quate. For this, the photographs are brought to a identified on the photographs.
When dealing with near vertical rock faces,
common scale, and any existing control or map
containing large areas of overhang, Fig. 5.09,
,.data may be used to maintain a reasonably ac­
such as the Gordon Damsite, Australia, Fig.
curate picture of the terrain. The effects of tilt
5.03, the conventional contour plan becomes
and topographic relief tend to pull a mosaic in
cluttered with crossing contours and it is almost
one direction or another when control or map
impossible to interpolate information essential to
data are not available. To counteract this tend­
the design engineer. In such instances it has been
ency, an approximate azimuth method of compila­
found advantageous to draw lines, referred to
_tion may be used. The photographs are laid out
within the Hydro Electric Commission as
by strips in their proper order by matching image
isometrons, 2 passing through points on the
details. A straightedge is placed so as to pass as
natural surface an equal distance away from a
close as possible to all the principal points in the
predetermined vertical datum plane.
flight strip, and a straight line is drawn across
the assembled photographs. A sirnilarline is
drawn on the mosaic board. The line on the
This type of topographic presentation was
used extensively in the design of the Gordon J
photographs is extended across each print and is
transferred to any prints in the flight not in­
cluded in the original laydown. Thec'llllYsaic,·;s'''''lfig. 5.08 The Mekometer

n , I

2 :.:--­

, :


Dam. The photographs must be taken with the become scattered and suitable landing places
camera axis normal to the predetermined datum could be selected for the helicopter.
plane and the plotting is performed in either the The photo-points, at which several detail
Wild A40 or A7 Autographs, depending on the points were surveyed, were fIxed by tellurometer.
photographic equipment used. On the map sheet, In the gorge, height control was provided along
at a selected interval, lines normal to the datum the river by spirit levelling for the model centre
plane and lines indicating elevation, preferably at points.
the same interval, are drawn. With the aid of this Commencing at the southern ,end of the run,
grid the isometrons can be easily related to the the first of the high-flight models was set up and
horizontal reference plane, i.e. Mean Sea Level. a plan was drawn at the 1 to 1200 scale with
Another example of unorthodox approach was 16 m contours. At this stage the Engineer con­
that adopted for production ofcontour plans ofthe cerned with the project was called in to select
Franklin River Gorge, Australia.' This valley is likely damsite locations in this area. Details iden­
SOO m deep, the sides being densely timbered, tifIable on both runs were then selected in .their
Fig. S.lO. Maps at a scale of 1 to 1200 Were re­ appropriate positions to serve as control on the
quested including contour intervals of 3.1 m. In low flight and their machine coordinates were
order to complete the work in one season it was recorded.
necessary to use helicopters for access-and then Proceeding in this manner, some . SO per cent
landings were only possible outside the gorge. To of the models on the low run were eliminated and
supply the necessary contour information for the did not receive any further consideration.
dam location a strip of some 6 km would have to Finally, the requested 1 to 1200 plans with
be plotted at the above-mentioned scale. The dam 3.1 m contours were produced from the low­
location could not be pin-pointed any closer flight photography using control obtained from
because suitable maps were not avallable. Due to the higher flight.
the nature of the terrain and timber coverage, When contours are derived by photogram­
the plotting would have had to be done from nor­ metric means, their accuracy will be influenced
mal angle photography and at a flying altitude of by the vegetation-its density and height. It
1370 m above ground level, some 15 models is most difficult to assess the ground position
being required. The effort and cost involved to for 5 m contours if there is a dense forest
provide photo-control for the strip did not make cover of trees 70 to 100 m high along the banks i
this a practical proposition and, on the other of the gorge. This may not be serious in the com­ I
hand, triangulation at that altitude with normal putation of the storage of the fInal reservoir. It I
angle photography could present problems in has, however, been the author's experience that
relative orientation, particularly when critical serious overestimation of volume usually occurS I',:
surfaces are considered. when the volume of the bottom of the valley is so I
A strip of photogrllphs was flown over, the determined to ascertain the storage behind a I'
general area at 3100 m above ground with the cofferdam.
Wild RCS Camera ;using a wide-angle lens, The essential thing in all topographic survey­
together with two strips flown at an altitude of ing is to determine in advance the' accuracy re­
1370 m above ground with the normal-angle quired in the various measurements and to use "
lens. These two strips were placed in position to instruments and procedures that will provide
cover the areas required to be mapped. Four that accuracy at minimum cost. 1.1. must not be
I models from the high flight were enough to cover
the area involved and these were rigldly con­
overlooked that sophisticated instruments re­
quire sophisticated operators. If maintenance or
trolled. This did not present a serious problem repairs require that an instrument be returned to
because outside the gorge the timber tends to its maker, then such an instrument would be
most inappropriate in remote parts of the world.

Fig. 5.09 Overhanging quartzite cliff 5.42 Meteorology and Hydrology

Fig. 5.10 Franklin River, Australia At any particular site the Engineer will be in­

, .!
;, ,!


terested in the flow characteristics of the river: farmer recollect that his father had moved the
barn uphill after the flood.
The average quantity of water available;
.It is essential that all hydrological data be to
The minimum flow, both as the absolute
the best possible accuracy-whether it be in
minimum and the minimum average over a rainfall recording (preferably by· pluviometer),
period of a month or a year; river level recording (preferably by continuous
The maximum flow that has been recorded and recorder), stream gauging, estimation of missing
estimates of what might occur in the future. records and data processing.
Variations in flow will determine the storage
Such information is basic for the dimensioning of necessary and hence the height of the dam to full
the dam, but it is also of vital concern during supply level; flood flows will determine the
construction of the dam. spillway arrangement and freeboard required for
When records are of short duration or are of flood routing through the reservoir; and wind
doubtful accuracy, correlation should be velocities will determine the behaviour of the
attempted with rainfalls and flows that have been body of reservoir and the additional freeboard re­
recorded· in surrounding catchments. Hydro­ quired to prevent overtopping of the dam by set­
meteorologists can advise on what might happen up, seiche or wave effects. Each of the
in the future, i.e: from a study of known hydrological factors has some influence on the
occurrences . and a knowledge of possible height of dam and hence the cost of the project.
meteorolbgical conditions they can estimate the It is therefore most desirable that meteorological
maximum rainfall that could probably occur on and hydrological stations be installed near the q
the particular catchmeilt. The Engineer' should, site at the earliest possible date.
however, consider other factors-even if they are
of remote possibility-i.e. the precipitation of
, ']

maximum probable rainfall on snow cover--or 5.43 Geology and Seismicity

the rapid succession of two' major floods. He may
,consider it to be economic a'nd expedient to 'build The stability of the dam on its foundation and
~aller' and accept some damage to ancillary the watertightness of the reservoir are the items
works on rare occasions. If he so chooses, he of vital concern to the Engineer. An experienced , I
must assess the damage that would occur, and be Engineering Geologist should therefore be ap­ j
convinced that it could not lead to a catastrophe pointed to the investigation team at the earliest
by secondary effects. possible time.
During field reconnaissance some irrefutable After making himself conversant with what in­
evidence of past high floods is often found. All formation is available on regional geology and
field staff should therefore be alerted to report seismicity, he should accompany the Engineer on
such evidence to the Engineer. preliminary reconnaissance, preferably using a
In the Franklin River, Tasmania, a sawn pine slow aircraft or helicopter. Any evidence of an­
log 0.7 m diameter and 5 m long was sighted in cient or incipient landslides can be impor­
the branches of a eucalyptus tree that was grow­ tant--one does not relish a repetition of the
ing on the bank of the river. The pine log was Vaiont disaster (Chapter 3)! On the other hand, if
13 m above the river-and in this wilderness it remote from the dam and reservoir, and if it can
could only have been put there by the river. be excavated safely, the material in the landslide
Many years ago a train driver read the gauge is often suitable for an earth-rockfill dam.
on the Pieman River, Tasmania, as his train Any indication of limestone will justify
crossed the bridge each morning. One day debris detailed investigation, since a dam that holds no
was sighted in the steel truss--some 25 m above water is an expensive exercise (Chapter 8)! The
the river. Apparently a flash flood had caused the pattern of jointing in the rock mass and the
river to rise 25 m and fall again within the 24 depth of weathering in the joints is particularly
hours. ' relevant to the stability of an arch dam. The ex­
The importance of checking all evidence is in­ istence of major faults may indicate seismic ac­
stancedby an unbelievably high flood mark on a tivity but their significance, can only be deter~
barn door. Only under close examination did the mined from a study of movements that have oc- u

curred. At the earliest possible date a model must exercise greater ingenuity and then give
should be constructed so that geological informa­ closer attention to detail if novelties are in­
tion can be superimposed progressively. This will troduced. A dam that can be raised at a later date
permit the concentration of effort-particularly may be politically "expedient, even though not
drilling-in difficult and important areas. It will economic in the ftrst stage. If future raising is a
save cost and expedite interpretation, as well as possibility it could influ"mce both the location
supplying readily understandable information to and the type of dam; for a cockfill dam it would
Management. involve selection, location and dimensions of the
It is most important' that geologiCal in­ sealing membrane; for a concrete'dam provision
vestigations should continue, not only through would be necessary to ensure future monolithic
the design stage but also into the construction action of the two parts of the fil:tal dam.
stage of the project. Careful logging of all ex­ The rate at which money can be expended will
posures is essential, whether they be in road cut­
also influence the design, i.e. one involving high
ting, trenches, shafts, adits or drill holes. Colour
early capital expenditure for construction plant
photography of cores (in their boxes) is may be less attractive than one with a· high
recommended for a permanent record. This labour content. In the overall economy' of a
should also be employed to record all excavated country there will be a multiplying effect (as high
surfaces that will later be covered by the dam. as three times) of money paid out as wages; 'on
Photographs should be taken before and after the other hand, money spent to import heavy
any treatment of the foundations. plant will have little effect on the internal.
Although the region may be regarded as free economy. Local conditions will also effect the
from earthquakes, the possibility of seismic dis­
choice of type of dam, i.e. high cost of cement on
turbances should not be overlooked. Of the 2000 the site, a shortage of skilled artisans, or the un- .
tremors reported in Tasmanian newspapers availability of adequate supervision at all levels.
(Chapter 4.2), none exceeded magnitude 4, but There is thus the possibility of political or
the fact that they had occurred could be of economic expediency overruling a decision made
significance and an extensive network of on an engineering comparison of costs.
seismographs was installed.
In the preparation of comparative estimates'
Since modern theories relate microseisms to
the Engineer must be aware of the significance of
possible seismic activity, it is advisable to install
contingencies that he may feel obliged to include.
seismographs near a proposed damsite some years
If eXperienced in concrete construction he 'should
before construction of the dam. Arrangements
be equipped to derive reasonably accurate costs
must be made for the reporting of all man-made
events, i.e. quarry blasting, within say 100 km;for the components of a concrete dam-the
biggest unknowns being the foundation excava­
once correlated, such events are easily recognized
on the charts. If possible, the site seismographtion and any treatment such as grouting: On the
should form an integral part of a national other hand, his lack of experience in quarry prac­
network so that the epicentres of disturbances tice, haulage and rock placing may influence him
to include a high contingency factor in the es­
can be determined. It is most important to record
and report any seismic activity, a recurrence oftimiltes for a rockfill dam; tills would be to cover
which might necessitate modification of the dam,the unknown effects of weather conditions as
well as his own inexperience. When dealing with
or might induce landslides following the filling of
the reservoir. Such records would provide a large quantities, a small percentage added to unit
valuable background should seismicity occur rates can result in a big increase in total cost, es­
after filling of the reservoir. pecially if overhead charges are added as a
II percentage on prime cost. To prepare truly com~
parative estimates is a difficult operation-best
handled by a designer with broad experience
5.44 Economics assisted by a construction Engineer;
The method of financing a project and the When it is necessary to provide reports on en­
money available may influence the selection' of vironmeIltal impact, ihe dam designer may be re­
type of dam. Ifmoney is limited the Engineer quired to compare the cost of his dam project

- - - .


with a quite different alternative, i.e. if a dam is for freeboard, namely 'the vertical distance
proposed for hydroelectric development, it may between the top of the dam and the water level
be obligatory for the proposer to submit the cost for the condition for which the freeboard is
of a comparative thermal station. For such com­ stated such as "freeboard above maximum water ; :!
parisons it is necessary to go beyond simple surface" (in flood) or "freeboard above normal
capital outlay and annual charges to more com­ reservoir level".' I have elected to use the latter
plex studies of cash flow during the different definition, but employing the term 'full supply
lives of the alternatives, as well outlined in An level' instead of 'normal reservoir level',
Introduction to Engineering Economics, published Fig. 5.11.
in 1969 by the Institution of Civil Engineers.
- - - ' - ' - - r L - n - - - T o p of Dam

--L-~~.J~Spi1lwoy crest
\ (full supply level)
5.5 Height of Dam :r: \

. Although dealt with in greater detail in

Chapter 6.4, the various factors that detehnine
the height of the dam must be considered in the
feasibility studies.
(0) Ungated spillway
The structural height of a dam has been
defined by the International Commission on
H = Structural height
Large Dams' as 'the overall distance between the F = Freeboard
lowest point of the foundation surface to the top
of the dam. (The top of the dam excludes kerbs, Flood -,----'--- . . - - - - . . - - - Top of Dam

level - - Full supply level

parapet walls, camber for settlement, guardrails,

penthouses or roadways that are raised to clear
navigation locks.)'. The lowest point of the foun­
dation is controlled, both by the quality of the
foundation and the type of dam to be built on the
site (erosion channels, faults, soft seams, etc.,
being considered as dental treatment). (b) Gated spillway
Construction of the dam will decrease the fre­
Fig.5.11 ICOLD definitions offreeboard

quency and normally the intensity of floods (Asadopted by the Author)

downstream. However, creation of the reservoir

will raise the upstream water level permanently
with a further increment of inundation during If a dam is not to be overtopped, then provi­
floods. The height and duration of this increment sion must be made above full supply level for the
can seriously affect the value of neighbouring effects of
land. Both factors will therefore have an in­
Ponding during the passage of the design flood; :r-.

fluence on the permissible height of the dam---or

Seiche effects in the reservoir;

more correctly on the full supply level.

Wind set-up of the water in the reservoir;

Full Supply Level (or Normal Top ·Water

Waves induced by wind;

Level) is defined by ICOLD as 'the maximum

Waves induced by earthquakes or their after­

storage retention level when the reservoir is full,

effects such as landslides.
corresponding to the level of the spillway crest
for an ungated spillway, or to the water level for Estimation of each of these can only be inexact
which the dam IS designed taking into considera­ both as regards magnitude and frequency of
tion the necessary freeboard for a gated spillway'. occurrence. Considerable judgment is therefore
Full supply level can be determined soon after necessary for their assessment bearing. in mind
the survey information becomes available. It is that each metre added to the height of the dam is
the level required to provide the live storage really added at the base of the dam. For a·damlike
necessary for the chosen degree of regulation of Thapanzeik in Burma, with a length of 6 km,
the river. ICOLD provides alternative definitions this can be particularly important. At the

feasibility stage-and unless there is a very large (v) Availability of materials. For Sirinumu
expanse of water in front of the dam-it is often Dam in New Guinea the cost of transport
sufficient to adopt an allowance above flood level of materials to site was very high. A rockfill
such as is suggested in Japanese standards, Table dam with a thin steel plate on the upstream
5.1. face was adopted. '"

(vi) Unavailability of skill. At many sites

Table 5.1. Allowance Above Flood Level
neither skilled contractors nor artisans are
Minimum Allowance (m) available. This can preclude the adoption of
Height of dam dams that require intricate formwork or
(m) Concrete dam Embankment
very high-quality concrete. The embank­
Less than 50 1 2 ment type of dam or a masonry gravity
50 to 100 2 3 dam may then prove most suitable.
Greater than 100 2.5 3.5
(vii) Seismicity. Finite element. methods now
make possible the analysis of the behaviour
Such figures can serve for comparing alternative
of dams under dynamic loading. A rockfill
i dams, but for the fmal design more detailed ex­
dam provided with filters, material from
amination will be necessary as discussed in
which could move into and seal cracks in
Chapter 6.
I:, the core material, appears to be one of the
safest types in earthquake regions.
i However, for the 215 m high Tocktugal
5.6 Selection of Type of Dam
1 Dam on the Narin River, U.S.S.R.,> a uni­
The Engineer should proceed on the premise que· design was adopted. With earthquake
r) that every damsite is unique. Many factors may
affect the selection of type of dam.
intensities measured at 9 on a 12-point
scale, and with weak laminated limestone
.I 1 abutments, it was considered necessary to
(i) Environment and public opinion. One

I; large dam was proposed as a central core

rockfill dam. Core material was available
only in thin beds and to obtain sufficient
would have despoiled a very large area of
carry as much of the load as possible into
the lower foundations. The river section of
the gravity-type dam is a very large
monolith, constructed on units 32 x 60 m
with layers 0.5 m to 1 m thick. Joints
11 beautiful land. Public opinion was a maior
factor in the adoption of a thin arch
between the three monoliths on each bank
were fanned out downstream and the dam
r:1 dam--despite difficulties with the foun­
dations. axis was curved slightly towards the
(il) The fundamental function of the dam. A In Italy two gravity dams have been built
r tailings dam is built to dispose of waste
materials from the mine. Although a
rockfill starter dam maybe used, the dam
as an assembly of large concrete blocks
separated from one another laterally by
gravel filling in the joints; this should per­

I: itself must be built of the tailings.

(iii) Early conservation of water may be essen­
mit relative movements of parts of the dam
(Chapter 10).

Ii tial. This influenced the adoption of a con­

crete dam for Manicouagan 5, Fig. 5.12,
(viii) Geology-The existence of joint patterns in
an abutment (their orientation, inclination
where it was deemed impracticable to place
I 30 million m3 of material when time for
and infilling) may indicatethe possibility of
instability under loading from an arch dam
placing was limited by the cold 'season.
and reservoir water. Such a site would

;1 (iv) Time and money may be unavailable for

sophisticated investigation and design, as
probably be satisfactory for an embank­
ment or even an adequately dimensioned
apparently caused the abandonment of an gravity dam.
arch dam for the Blue Mesa site, U.S.A. Where the possibility exists of differen­

c·, '

Fig. 5.12 Daniel Johnson Dam. (Manicouagan 5), height, Le. to cofferdams and to the lowest
Canada part of the main dam sufficient to protect it
during construction to such a height that
head is provided for, flood waters to be
tial deformation of the foundations along forced through the diversion tunnel
the axis of a dam, a gravity or arch dam without further overtopping. Where 'wet
would require very detailed attention but a season' high flows occur, an embankment
buttress or embankment dam would dam will require special and, detailed
probably be satisfactory (see Chapter 12). protection (Chapter 18), whereas a concrete
dam could be overtopped with little
(ix) Hydrology--The possibility of inundation
damage. For the Julius Dam, Australia, this
by floods during construction may favour a
factor-and hence cost-,influenced the
concrete dam. Although means are now
adoption of a multiple-arch dam rather
proven whereby the downstream face of
than the rockfill dam originally proposed.
rockfill dams can be stabilized against over­
topping (Chapter 15), such practice has, as (x) Cost-Site conditions naturally influence
yet, been limited to dams about 30 m in the cost of various types of dam. For the

I: Eorth fil! Noturol $U(


ROCk toe

\ ,,­! "

" :OO--Firm in silu soi I CQnCfCle grout cop

Rock level Excavated

~r1 ¢. Spillway chute

1~i\---\-'rTop of embankment

~ ~~dius 457.2 m -Y--j\--.4_...LI

Access bridge·
"I ~-.-

= =
Fig. 5.13 Typical homogeneous embankment-South Dandalup Dam,


·106 m high Crystal Dam, U.S.A.,· the relies on its weight for stability, Fig. 5.17. The
tenders for a rockfill dam were considered dam is usually roughly triangular in cross-section
to be too high and the design was changed with its base width so related to its height as to
to a free overfall double-curvature arch. ensure stability against overturning, sliding or
foundation crushing.
5.61 Definitions
Curved Gravity Dam. Will be used by the
The various types ofdam have been defmed by author to describe a gravity dam that is curved in
ICOLD.4 plan but does not rely upon arch action for its
stability, Fig. 5.18.
Embankment Dam. Any dam constructed of
natural excavated materials placed without addi­ ArCh Dam. A dam with upstream curvature
tio.n of binding materials other than those in­ which transmits the major portion of the load or
herent in the natural material. Embankment pressure to the abutments rather than to the bot­
dams.. are usually referred to by type such as tom foundation, Fig. 5.19. In general, an arch
Earthfill, Rocklill, Hydraulic Fill. The term em­ dam has abase thickness less than 60 per cent of
bankment dam is used to indicate a zoned fill its height. Dams of greater thickness are con­
dam involving selected areas of rock, gravel, sidered as arch-gravity or gravity dams.
earth and impervious zones, or a homogeneous
earthfill dam which is not necessarily zoned. Arch-gravity. Will be used by the author to
describe a dam where the load or pressure is
Earthflll Dam. An embankment dam con­ transmitted to both the abutments and the
structed primarily of compacted earth in either bottom foundation, Fig. 5.20.
homogeneous or zoned areas containing more
than 50 per cent of earth, Fig. 5.13. Buttress Dam. A dam consisting of a water­
tight upstream face supported at intervals on the
Hydraulic Fill Dam. An embankment dam
constructed of earth, sand, gravel or rock
generally from dredge material conveyed to the
site of placement by suspension in flowing water.
[Mine tailings dams come under this Fig. 5.14 Eucembene Dam, Australia~Central core
. rockfill 116 m high .
Fig. 5.15 Risdon Brook Dam, Australia-Concrete
Rockidl Dam. An embankment type of dam decked rockfill (By courtesy G.H. & D.)
dependent for its stability primarily on rock. As
rockfill dams must contain an impervious zone, Fig. 5.16 Salta de Vitlarino, Spain~Asphaltic can­
usually of selected earth with filter zones com­ crere face on rockftll-July 1968
prising a substantial volume of the dam, the term Fig.5.17 Warragamba Dam, Austra1ia~137 mhigh
Rockfill dam usually represents dams that con­ gravity dam .
tain more than SOper cent of compacted or
dumped pervious rockfill. Fig. 5.14. Rockfill, the Fig. 5.18 Avon Dam, Australia~Curved gravity
interstices of which are hydraulically sluiced full dam-1932
with. earth or sand or silt, are generally classed as Fig. 5.19 Place Moulin arch-gravity dam, Italy~
earthfdl dams. [Decked dam is a term now being Height 155 m
used for a rocklill dam, the impervious zone for
which is on the upstream face; it may be of Fig. 5.20 Arch-gravity dam-Clark Dam, Australia
cement concrete, Fig. 5.15, bituminous concrete, Fig. 5.21 Inglebum multiple-arch dam, Australia
Fig. 5.16; or other impermeable material, i.e.
plastics-Author.] Fig. 5.22 Lednock Dam, Scotland-Massive buttress
Fig. 5.23 Allr-na-Lairige prestressed dam, Scotland
.J Gravity Dam. A type of dam constructed of (Reproduced by permission of North Scotland Hydro­
mass concrete or stone masonry, or both, which Electric Board)

, ,1


;' '3







downstream side by a series of intermittent sup­ 1.5---only slightly less than the angle of repose of
ports termed buttresses. Buttress dams take many rock.
forms; multiple arch, Fig. 5.21, multiple dome, Since very few valleys are triangular, Sarkaria6
plank, flat slab, deck, hollow gravity, cellular has proposed a valley shape factor to take ac­
gravity, solid head, Fig. 5.22, or bulb head'dams count of the width of the valley floor, Fig. 5.24,
are all essentially buttress dams.
b + H (Sec ¢. + Sec ¢2)
Prestressed Dam. Will be used by the author H

to describe a dam wherein external forces are

applied to the dam before the reservoir is fIlled, IfK=4and
b = the base width = HI2
in order to counter undesirable stresses that
would develop in the absence of the prestressing then the slope of the abutments will be approx­
forces--or to increase the stability of the dam, imately equal to the angle of repose ofloose rock.
Fig. 5.23. ' A simple factor of 3.5 or the Sarkaria factor of
4 will indicate a gorge topographically suited to
an arch dam.
5.62 Valley Shape
The Kariba Arch Dam, Rhodesia, is in a valley
Perhaps the simplest definition of vaney shape where K = 6. As the factor increases beyond 6
is the ratio of the width of the valIey at erest level the proportion of load carried by arch action
of dam (W) to the depth of the valIey below crest diminishes rapidly. For relation of valley shape to
level (If). Thus the following definitions are in arch dams see Chapter 11.
use: .
5.63 Rock Quality
A gorge when W/H is less than 3;
A narrow valley when W/H is from 3 to 6; At a possible dam site r<;>ck quality may dictate
A wide valley when W!H exceeds 6. the type of dam; it is not unreasonable to remove '"1
10m of decomposed material for the founding of . ~

Thus in a symmetrical triangular valIey where ; l'

a concrete dam; for a dam 100 m high the foun­
W/H = 3.0, the abutment slopes would be 1 on
dation should be capable of withstanding the
following stresses with an adequate factor of

Gravity dam ­
Buttress dam ­
Arch dam ­
3 to 4 MPa

5 to 7 MPa

7 to 10 MPa.

.p,<35" .p, >35' Most hard massive rocks will have crushing
"2<35" 1>~ > 35'
¢r <15'" strengths well in excess of these values. It is
4>2< 15" V-Shope:
therefore the existence of joints, bedding planes,
U-Shope NOHOW Wide
and faults that will control the load-carrying
capacity of the foundation, i.e. if the infilling rJ
material in joints is readily compressible then the
effective deformation modulus of the rock mass
may be too low. It is usual for rock quality to im­
prove with depth and this may be assumed for a
gravity dam; for an arch dam this may not apply
since it is the joint pattern that is vital-not only
b <2H b > 2H
as regards compressibility but also for sliding
'" > IS' ¢l > 35* along the joints.
</>2> 15" 4>2 > 35' ,"J.
Composite U- V shope Wide volley
5.64 Rock Joint Pattern
Fig. 5.24 Valley shape factor (After Sarkaria) The sluicing of debris from a proposed damsite


will reveal bedding planes and joint systems. It is with prominent bedding plane shears which is
I essential to check the stability of the dam against above a massive lower quartzite. Near-vertical
..J sliding on joints or bedding planes. Meadowbank jointing subdivided the abutment rock; calcula­
buttress dam was built on sedimentary rocks don and in situ testing then revealed the probable
, (Chapter 12); in situ and laboratory testing was instability of this block under loading from the
'j therefore done on the infilling material on sub­ arch and uplift pressures, Fig. 5.25. The
horizontal faults and the dam and foundations proposed arch dam was abandoned. Since the
were stabilized with inclined pre-stressing cables. diversion tunnel was already completed it was
An arch dam was proposed for the 106 m desirable to fit a dam between the tunnel inlet
Cethana Dam, Australia. The topography and and outlet. A rockfill dam with a concrete deck
C;'I general surface rock condition (exposed by was selected and constructed, Fig. 5.27.
sluicing), Fig. 7.08, appeared very favourable for I am obliged to the Engineer-in-Chief of the
an arch dam, but detailed sub-surface in­ Engineering and Water Supply Department of
vestigations' revealed weak and planar bedding, South Australia for the following explicit
plane shears and joint systems in the foundation description of the change in type of dam for the
rock. This i~ composed of hard metasediments, Kangaroo Creek Site,s Fig. 14.69:
quartzites and quartzite conglomerates on the
'(1) In 1960 the dam site was explored geologicaliy

upstream limb of an anticline which strikes obli­ to determine whether the site was suitable for a

quely across the river so that the beds under the 43 m arch dam. The investigation utilized COnven­

, , dam dip upstream. Among the many facets of in­ tional diamond drill methods, that is with standard

! vestigation which emphasized the need for double-tube core barrels where the core is subject to

thorough underground exploration and in situ the washing action of the drilling water. The con~

elusions drawn were that the site was suitable for a

testing were: concrete arch dam and that very little excavation

(i) The deceptive appearance of the almost con­ would be required to found the dam on sound rock.

tinuous outcrop in the quartzite on the sur­ (2) In 1964-65 the decision was made to raise the

face. This was due to small downward dam to 61 mhigh. As experience with hydraulic­

rotations of blocks of rock that closed the feed drilling equipment and triple-tube core barrels

had been obtained in the interim, it was appreciated

surface expressions of the bedding plane that the results of the original drlliing programme

shears to a fraction of their thickness as may have been misleading and it was decided to un­

revealed in the adits. dertake a new programme of foundation in­

(ii) The large differences in shear strengths in vestigations making use of the new techniques.

the remoulded and undisturbed bedding Briefly this consisted of:

plane shear material exposed in the adits. PHASE 1

The left abutment, Fig. 5.26, is composed of con­ (al detailed geological mapping
(b) seismic refraction traverses
glomerate overlying an upper quartzite band (cl drilling and water testing using a machine with

an hydraulic feed and incol1'orating triple-tube

Core barrels, and

(d) laboratory testing.

(aJ exploratory adits , !
(b) large in situ rock testing.
(3) During the Phase 1 stage a double-curvature

arch dam was designed, the excavation limits being

Secfion xx
based on a reassessment of the 1960 drlli core

T - Thrust from dam

W Weight 01 rock

Pw - Hydrosta~ic pressure on rock

U - Uplitt on rock
(4) At the conclusion of the Phase 1 stage it was evi­

N ­ Resultant normal to plane dent that the foundation limits would have to be ex­

R­ Resultant along plane tended on the left abutment and also there was

evidence of large block slides in the same area. A

Fig. 5.25 Cethana Dam (proposed}-Instability of core hole drilled just upstream from the site on the

abutment left abutment confirmed this evidence. The arch





dam was redesigned and a structural model test was same--within the accuracy of the estimates. In
carried out at I.S.M.E.S. general, foundation treatment for an arch dam
, ,i can lead to unforeseen expenditure that may
(5) At this time the decision was made to drive the
diversion tunnel as it was possible to obtain a cheap not be required for an embankment dam. The
price for the work as the Department held other cost of foundation treatment cannot be assessed
tunnel contracts at the same time. The length of the accurately before the job is done. Besi.des ad"
tunnel was based on the arch dam layout. ditional direct cost, any delay to the job· will in­
-j (6) The Phase 2 investigation conf1In1ed the
presence of thick clay seams (up to 5 em) and these
volve further charges.
At one site, after comparisons were made of
persisted up to 50 m' into the abutment. the probable cost of a gravity dam incorporating
(7) The conclusions reached as a result of the Phase an overfall spillway with a rockfill dam plus side
2 investigations concerned with the left abutment channel spillway, the gravity dam appeared to be
were: cheaper and the contract was let. Later surveys
(a) The soft clay seams could deform plastically located a peripheral saddle that would have
under load.. provided a very low cost· spillway and hence
(b) The weak foliation planes had combined with
joints perpendicular to the schistosity to form a would have made the rockfill dam much the
series of triangular wedges which dipped steeply cheaper project.
downslope towards the River. This situation At another site an overfall arch dam was
had resulted in tension relief by slight opening selected. When the river foundations were ex­
up of the joints. This had permitted mechanical cavated they proved to be unacceptable for the
weathering to penetrate into the seams up to
overfall spillway; it was then necessary to provide
>. I 30 m from the surface.
a spillway through the steep abutment, a facto~..:
(8) Because of the excessive excavation re­ that raised the cost well above that of a rockfill
i] quirements and also the doubt as to whether the
rock mass in the left abutment could safely support
dam and similar spillway.
the thrust from an arch dam, it was decided to It can be quite misleading to draw over­
abandon the concrete dam in favour of a decked simplified conclusions from restricted explora­
rockfill dam which could still be constructed within tion and ins ufficient testing.
-j the portal limits of the diversion tunnel.'

5.7 Deep Outlets and Controlled Filling

i 5.65 Comparison of Type of Dam
The important thing is to have time available In the past it was quite usual to install outlet
.• I
for comparison of acceptable alternatives. At cer­ works in the base of a dam, either to make full
1 tain sites it may be expedient to select a simple use of the storage or to pass silt-or, hopefully,
type of dam--either simple to design or simple to to prevent silt deposition in front of the dam. For
[2--::) construct. This, however, may· not be the safest the latter purpose many installations failed; the
j dam for the particular site. silt was deposited,. an inverted cone was scoured
A very high dam-..such as the Auburn Dam, through it whilst the valve was open, but this
U.S.A., can justify the expenditure of a great rapidly filled when the valve was closed. In some
amount on detailed investigations, whereas for a cases consolidation was so rapid that further
dam one-third the height there may be very operation of the valves was nullified.
limited funds. However, if both were arch dams As dams increased in height the cost of bottom
they could each have the same problems since outlet works increased rapidly; besides this, '. :
maximum stresses may be much the same. higher dams usually resulted. in bigger reservoirs
It is often found that the first estimates for an and the question was therefore raised as to
arch dam and an embankmen~ dam are the whether circumstances would ever arise to
necessitate emptying such large reservoirs. One
Authority adopted the view that it would con­
Fig. 5.26 Unstable abutment at the site of a proposed
stitute an extreme emergency which, in itself,
arch dam would necessitate rapid emptying, but that a
Fig. 5.27 Cethana Dam, Australia'--Concrete deck
costly operating installation could not be justified i ~

,I rockfill for such an unlikely event. Its solution was to in­

',Xl,s q.z


stall a steel bulkhead in the plug in the diversion Dam they were installed primarily as spillway
tunnel, the connecting bolts being specially outlets, but to control the filling if required,
designed for easy' demolition with small explosive Fig. 19.13.
charges, Fig. 5.28. In the 'extreme emergency' Whether bottom outlets are to be provided is a
the bulkhead would be blown off, the size of the subject for decision in the investigation stage
outlet having been deteinrined -as a balance since it is allied to -river control, safety, and
between the rate of lowering the reservoir and possibly environmental requirements.

Explodoble bolts

\ -
Steel bulkhead


Fig. 5.28 Emergency outlet-Explodable bulkhead

the safe flood capacity of the river downstream. 5.8 River Diversion (See Chapter 16)
A drain pipe was provided through the plug for
regnlarly sampling of the water and for injection The cost of river diversion can be a very
of corrosion inhibitor as required. significant item in the cost of a project; it must
High-pressure operating outlets can be very therefore receive adequate consideration in the
expensive since it is necessary to ensure long lifeinvestigation stage. Much more expensive works
and reliable operation when the inlets are below are required-based on _a large construction
practicable diving depth at the site. However, flood-to provide proper protection for an
with modern corrosion-resistant - materials and earthfill dam under construction than would nor­
greater confidence in valves and their mally be necessary for a concrete dam.
mechanisms, there is a trend back to the incor­ Unless the valley is narrow and steep-sided, a
poration oflow-Ievel outlets in high dams. These concrete dam can usually be built between two
would be justified as multi-purpose units: cofferdams, the river being carried across the
area in an excavated channel, flume or other con­
For use during river diversion;

duit. The channel would be dimensioned to

To control the fate of filling;

protect the area of river excavation and base con­

As part or the whole of the permanent spillway

creting-for the time required and in the season

,.,discharge; or
available. Thereafter, floods would be permitted
To release bottom water from a stratified lake.
to pass over sections of the dam intentionally left
(This action may be desirable to remove foul
low until the permanent outlets were installed.
water from the bottom of the reservoir after
In the past it has been axiomatic to provide a
initial filling-but it can be temporarily nox­ diversion tunnel around the site of an embank­
ious to people and lethal to fish for a few
ment dam. The tunnel size can be minimized if
kilometres below the dam.)
the downstream face of the cofferdams and the
In some cases, large outlets have been provided lower portions of the dam are reinforced to
at an intermediate level in the dam; at the withstand the passage of occasional floods over
Gordon Dam, Tasmania, such outlets were in­ or through them-.,.-Chapter 15. With greater ex­
stalled as a temporary installation to control -perience and hence more confidence in this
reservoir filling, Fig. 16.22. At Cabora Bassa technique it may, in the future, be possible to dis-
j i
I ­


pense with the diversion tunnel for some em­ that one is willing to purchase for the risk that is
bankment dams-with a very large. saving in involved. A high premium is justified if the dam
cost. is to be built above a centre of population. One
The length of the tunnel will depend upon the can assess the damage likely to be caused by the
type of dam and the nature of the rock in the overtopping of the, cofferdam and the partly con­
valley. A decked rockfill dam will require a diver­ structed dam by floods of various magnitudes
sion tunnel oflength say four times the height of (intensity and duration). The probability of oc­
the dam. An homogeneous embankment currence of such floods during the critical stages
dam""'-due to its flatter face slopes-would re­ of construction can be derived statistically. One
quire a tunnel maybe eight times the height of must then decide the premium that is justified
the dam. On the other hand, an arch dam can be for a certain degree of protection at the par­
built with quite a short diversion tunnel--{)r ticular site. In general, it is cheaper to build a
with an in-river diversion. The tunnel-generally higher cofferdam than a larger tunnel, but there
parallel with the river--must be located suf­ is always a limit to this. Failure of a large coffer­
ficiently far under the surface to provide ade­ dam under an unprecedented flood may, in itself,
quate cover, firstly for safe working conditions involve an unjustified risk. The type of dam
and minimum support and secondly for water­ should therefore be decided before the diversion
tightness, having due regard to the necessity for works are authorized, but the cost of diversion at
and cost of concrete lining. a particular site may well influence the Choice of
Determination of the diversion capacity dur­ type. The two must therefore be considered
ing construction may be likened to the insurance together at the investigation stage.

1. Reporl of lite Tribunal Appoinled 10 Enquire in 10 5. K. K. Kouzmin et aI., 'Construction of High· Ii
rhe Disasler 0., Aberfo.n on 21st OClober, 1966, Concrete Dam in Narrow Deep Gorge', 10th
H.M.S.O., London, 1966, p. 81. ICOLD Congress, Madrid, 1973, Q.43, R.I0, 111,
2. O. C. Gibbins, 'Searching for Hydro Electric pp. 1113-1126.
Power Schemes in Tasmania', Cartography, 7, 6. I. D. Kim and G. S. Sarkari., 'Influence of
No.2, Dec. 1970, pp. 59-68, The Australian In-' Canyon Shape on the Design of Concrete Dams',
stitute of Cartographers, Canberra. Civil Enginaring and Public Works Review, SO,
No. 585, March 1955, pp.281-284.
3. J. W. S. Linton, D. M. Jenkins and A. Apsenieks, 7. N. O. Broughton and G. E. A. Hale, 'Foundation
Mapping Control for Hydro Eleclric Development in Studies for Arch Dam'; 91h ICOLD
Tasmania, April 1967, Colloquium held at Congress, Istanbul, 1967, Q.32, R.10,
University of New South Wales, Australia, May pp. 143-163.
1967. 8. 'Kangaroo Creek Dam, South Australia',
4. 'Dam Terminology, 1970', ICOLD, 22 and 30 AUJlralian Civil Engineering, 8, No. 10, Oct. 1967,
Avenue de Wagram 75, Paris 8, France. pp.17-18.


Frederick J. Doyle, 'Photogrammetry and the Future', H. Edvardsso, 'The Model S Laser Geodimeter', Paper
XIIth Congress of lite Im,rnarional Sotieiy of No. 12, Conference Olt Eleclrt»lic Distance Measure­
Photogrammetry, Ottawa, Canada, July-Aug. 1972. ment, 1968, University of New South Wales,
P. Berthon Jones, 'Review of Recent Developments in Australia.
Electronic Distance Measuring Apparatus', Paper G. W. McQuistan, 'An Airborne Laser ProfIle
'No. 10, Conference on Electronic Distance RecOrder', Paper No. 19, Conference on Electronic
Measurement, 1968, University of New South Distance Measurement, 1968, University· of New
Wales, Australia. South Wales, Australia.

James C. Owens, 'Geodetic Application of Lasers', F. B. Slichter, 'Influences on Selection of the Type of
Paper No.8, Conference on Electronic Distance Dam" Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation
Measurement, 1968, University of New South Division, Paper 5224, Proc. A.S.C.E., 93, No. SM3,
Wales, Australia. May 1967, pp. 1-8.
O. Visentini, 'Varying Conditions Affecting Dam O. Dallaire, 'Electronic Distance-11leasuring Revolu­
Design--Some Experiences', Dams Today, 1970, tion Well under Way', A.S.C.E. Civil Engineering,
Japan Dam Association. 44, No•. lO, Oct. 1974, pp.66-71.




An understanding of the basic principles of precipitation; Mathematicians can provide means

hydrology is essential for the dam engineer. For of correlation and statistical analysis but Nature

his purposes it is a science of prediction-the has only to add one bigger event and the whole

likelihood of recurrence of natural events-an probability will be altered.

:.1 inexact science that must be exploited to the full The average yield from a catchment must be

by whatever techniques are available. At the one evaluated, based on past history of the particular

r"l. extreme our land is parched by drought-at the area and of surrounding areas. The low flow

.. other it is ravished by floods. In between are the characteristics of the river will control the

average conditions that provide the resources storage required and hence the normal full

that we are to develop. Hydrology may be a new supply level of the reservoir. High flow records

science but Man in all ages has been conscious of and flood furecasting techniques provide the

his need for water. Along the River Nile may be basis for design of the spillway, and hence the

seen marked stones that were undoubtedly used flood storage required above normal full supply

in the centuries B,C. to record the history of the level. Meteorological records will assist in the

Nile. From ancient times philosophers have prediction of reservoir behaviour (wind set-up,

speculated on clouds, rainfall and evaporation; seiche effects, waves, etc.) and hence the ad­

.' basic observations were made in the 15th and ditional freeboard required above flood level in

16th Centuries by men like Leonardo da Vinci the reservoir. Whilst acknowledging that

but it was not until the 17th Century that the hydrology is a specialized science, the author has

first scientific measurements were made, i.e. prepared this chapter to introduce the dam

Perrault in France measured the flow in the Engineer to some of the basic facets of the dis­

River Seine and estimated that it represented cipline. This is necessary so that he will know

'I only one-sixth of the precipitation. The next cen­ what data he requires, where it should be sought,

tury saw an expansion of measurements and the and then be able to assess the order of accuracy

beginning of hydrological studies on a quan­ of the information that will be supplied to him. :1

titative basis. Such experiments were modernized He will be faced with conflicting conditions;
through the 19th Century and the foundations safety of the dam musf be paramount, but i
were laid for the science of hydrology. finances are never unlimited. Whatever dimen­ "
The early 19008 produced hundreds of em­ sions he may select for the dam and spillway

pirical formulae, whilst around 1930 the concept there will always be some risk. Assessment of the

of the unit hydrograph was suggested, inflltra" acceptable risk is the art of dam engineering.

J tion was evaluated and a statistical approach was

developed. In the past 20 years sophistication has

6.1 Hydrology and Meteorology ,
appeared in measuring equipment and in our
I '] ability to solve mathematical complexities with 6.11 The Hydrological Cycle .i ,r;
the computer. Each hydrological event is,

however, an occurrence of Nature and is un­ The hydrological cycle can be illustrated in

predictable either as to magnitude or time many ways, but that published by the National

of occurrence. Whilst scientists are assiduously Resources Committee, U.S.A., provides a very

studying weather patterns of the past, physicists clear picture, Fig. 6.01. It involves precipitation.

are demonstrating their ability to modify rainfall . as snow, rain or hail, movement of water on or


-- -' ----- - -- ,


Fig. 6.01 The hydrologic cycle (Adapted from National Resources Committee)
\']­ '

through the earth-and evaporation back to the the life of the dam. In order to extend the
douds. It is a continuing operation but not one of period of records scientists have explored many
regular predictable pattern. channels beyond meteorology; for instance,
•. 1

The dam Engineer is interested primarily in studies have been made of the ring growth in cer­
the flow in the river and the accuracy with which tain trees; the annual record of growth can be
it can be measured and predicted. However, precisely dated whilst the ring width and texture
there will be many sites where flow records are might be calibrated against climatic conditions at
not available or are oflimited duration. It is theneach site o~er recent years. Research upon
that records of precipitation are important._ Eucalyptus delicatensis in the Snowy Mountains
Similarly, a knowledge of infiltration and evapo­ of Australia_ and upon the softwoods of North
transpiration will- assist the Engineer in es­ America has, however, indicated that the growth
timating losses and hence the base flow in the rings are more affected by temperature and soil
river. moisture stress than by direct rainfall.
Weather [ important to the dam
builder and close cooperation -with the weather­
6.12 The Weather Pattern
men is recommended. If future seasonal weather
Much scientific attention is being directed to could be accurately predicted it might _well in­
climatic research and to modelling of the weather fluence the decision as to type of dam, i.e. too
pattern in order to forecast both natural and in­ short a dry season may preclude the economical
advertent weather change. The Global At­ construction of an earthfill dam. Even forecasts
mosphere Research Programme (GARP), an of short duration can be of direct benefit, par­
International organization, is one such effort. ticularly in planning the details of river diver­
An important limitation to present modelling sion. It is now common practice for
attempts is that they are dependent upon meteorologists _to compare satellite photographs
relatively short historical records of climate. of cloud patterns-with past records in order to
Considerable evidence has accumulated that the. predict what might occur in the near future. A
climate of the' historical period is significandy weather station should therefore be.established at
different from that of. the I'ast. A lengthened a proposed damsite at the earliest possible date.
record 0[, say, 200 to 3QO years would probably _ .Records of temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind
permit modelling that would be appropriate over and air. pressures can materially assist the

\ 1 101

'1, :I meteorologists in synthesizing storm patterns­

one step in the process of maximum flood
gauge. It is essential, therefore, to adopt the stan­

dard gauge of the country if correlation with

estimation. other records is to be attempted.

J' 6.13 Precipitation

Whilst on the matter of accuracy it should also

be realized that even the standard gauge may not

'\ truly record the precipitation-at best it is only a

Precipitation includes all forms of moisture spot reading.

I emanating from the clouds and falling to earth. Considerable experimentation is in hand on
II Besides the presence of condensation nuclei there radar assessment of rainfall and monitoring

, ,I
must be a cooling of water vapour. Cyclonic
precipitation results from the lifting of air con­
verging into a low-pressure area, or cyclone.
Most general storms in plains regions are of this
techniques, but until these are developed to an
acceptable accuracy and are introduced to
provide extensive coverage, all estimates of areal
r: type. Convective precipitation is caused by the
natural rising of warmer, lighter air in colder,
precipitation must rely on extrapolation from
spot readings. Gross inaccuracies can occur due
i [ to varying topography of the catchment. Ad­
denser surroundings. The difference in
ditional rain gauges will improve accuracy but
temperature may result from unequal heating at there is an economic limit to the number of such
the sufface, unequal coolhlg at the top of the air installations that can be justified. The visually

r layer, or mechanical lifting when the air is forced

to pass over a denser, colder air mass or over a
mountain barrier. Convective precipitation is
read rain gauge provides information on total
precipitation--whether for a day or a longer
period. It does not, however, provide information
rl spotty, and its intensity may range from light
showers to cloudbursts. Orographic precipitation
on the intensity of precipitation. Pluviograph
records are therefore of far greater value .10 the
:] results from mechanical lifting over mountain
barriers. In rugged terrain the orographic in­
Engineer. 'Continuous records from such, In­
struments can be computerized, anal yseo. and the
fluence is so marked that storm precipitation information stored for use 9n demand. It is I'
patterns tend to resemble that of mean annual
precipitation. In Nature, the effects of these
strongly recommended that pluyiographs, rather ii;
than rain gauges, be installed-their detailed

various types of cooling are often interrelated,

, location being decided in cooperation'Yith, the

I and the resulting precipitation cannot be iden­

"\ Meteorological Services. Although the estimation

tified as being of anyone type.

I' Instruments for measuring precipitation have
been standardized in various countries. In
of probable maximum precipitati<!n is a matter

for expert hydrometeorologists, the Engineer

:. J Australia the '8-inch' raingauge is being retained; should study all the available records of rainfall

on or near the relevant catchment. He will be

it consists of a bevelled brass ring 203.2 mm

11 diameter mounted on a cylinder, the top of the concerned with the rate of precipitation (and

hence run-oft) as well as the total run-off du.ring

I ring being 304.8 mm above the ground. The

plane of the ring must be horizontal and the any storm. Depending upon the size of reservoir,

gauge must be so located that it is not exposed to his greatest interest may be in tbe flash precipita­

I high winds or air eddy currents; its distance from tion of, say, 3 to 6 hours, or in the continuing

r the nearest obstruction should exceed twice the

height of the obstruction. A 50 krn/hour cross­
wind can cause a deficiency of 40 per cent in rain
rainfall over a period of days or even months.

The second factor. of concern is the total, rain

that will fall on the 'catchment during a par­

IJ catch ,'and 60 per cent in snow catch. ticular storm; usually the larger the area of.the

Experiments in many countries have , catchment the lower the average precipitation

I) emphasized the need for standard installations.I,' per unit of area. As an example these factors are

At Lake St. Clair, Tasmania, tests were con­ plotted in Fig. 6.02 for a catchment in Tasmania.

I ducted some years' ago. Gauges of different The indicated depths of rainfall are, of course,

diameters were set up at different heights above much lower than wouId occur in tropical regions:,

rl the ground-but all within a rectangle 10m by

20 m. The precipitations recorded varied ±15
It'is scarcely meaningful to quote maximum

rainfall intensities since these vary across the

,! per cent from that recorded in the standard world; advice should be sought from the nearest

1 II

", ,!

10000 Subsequent precipitation as snow accumulates to

j­ form the snow pack progressively through the
.. \ \\ , ,
winter. The Spring thaw commences with the in­
1---­ ,
\ \\\ \ crease of solar radiation, higher air temperature
\ \\\ \ \ i
and precipitation in the form of warm rain.
\ \ \ \ I \ Most snow falls as fine flakes with a water con­
\ tent between 0.7 and 1.55 rnm per em of depth.
However, this undergoes rapid compression and

\ \\ .. \
density increases to about 25 per cent soon after
the storm. Within 3 or 4 days it reaches 35 per
cent and gradually thereafter increases to 45 per
cent or even to 65 per cent under certain con­
\ \ ditions.
• I I ... \ \ Measurements of the depth of the snow pack
\ \\ \ \ \ will reveal the total water held in 'storage', but
- ' " 1­
" ~.. ,~.. ..:~.-.~ estimation of the water equivalent or how it will
be available is not simple. In Australia snow pack '1,
0 0
o '" '" '"
<l ~ ~ ~ <II <I' <II \II conditions rarely occur below elevation 1400 m. : j
Snow cover below this elevation appears more as
I, \\ i a discrete event and should be considered
10 o. 200 300 separate from the snow pack. The presence of
Maximum overage depth of rainfall (mm) snow can have the following effects:
Fig. 6.02 Maximum depth-Area curves, Tasmania, To retain precipitation as snow or free water in a
August 1970 snow pack;
To delay time of concentration of run-off;
Meteorological Services. However, a few samples To melt rapidly (by heat or rain) and add to the
are given in Table 6.1. volume of ruIKlff.

. Table 6.1 The energy required for snow melt is derived

Duration (mm) Location Solar radiation;
Conduction and convection transfer of sensible
1 minute 1
31 Unionville, U.S.A., 1956 heat from the overlying air; . j
8 minutes 126 Burma, 1920 Condensation of water vapour from the overly­
15 minutes 198 Jamaica, 1916 ing air;
42 minutes 305 Holt, U.S.A., 1947
2h 10m 480 Rockport, U.S.A., 1889 Conduction from the underlying soil;
2h30m 880 Smethport, U.S.A., 1842 Heat supplied by incident rainfall.
6h 567 Mt. Pelion, Queensland
I day lt70 Philippines, 1911 It is the last that represents particular danger fur
I day 780 Queensland, Australia the dam. It is unwise to accept that rainfall and
I day 760 Western Australia
2 days 1300 Queensland, Australia snow are discrete events. At least one example is
4 days 1800 Queensland, Australia known where the maximum probable precipita­
5 days 2850 India tion (calculated from meteorological conditions
that were thought to preclude the occurrence of v;'Ili
snow) actually fell on a light snow cover, Fig.
6.03. The rapid run-off caused the design flood
6.14 Snow to occur before construction of the project was
In many countries the snow pack follows a completed.
similar history each year but varies in magnitude
and time distribution. Initially the ground is Fig. 6.03 Rainfall on light snow cover may cause
cooled by Autumn frosts and the first snowfalls. the design flood

.' .

. ~

~ .
• ..
. 1 ' • ..:
... ....... '

...~ '-:-. ~..


..•... . .. ;:

,. ....'


-- ~---- ~----
------ -------- - -- "


At New Bullards Dam, U,S.A., the computed the earth and from plant transpiration, will be
Probable Maximum Flood has a volume of
920 Mm3 inflow over a period of 120 hours. Its
balancing factors.
Only a small proportion of the water absorbed

peak flow is 6400 m'/s and is estimated to occur by foliage and the root systems of vegetation
40 hours after commencement of the flood. Com­ remains in the plant tissues--most is discharged
pared with the maximum flood on record to atmosphere as water vapour-the process
(December, 1964) at the site, the peak flow and known as evapo-transpiration. Infiltration is the
volume of the Probable Maximum Flood are 145 flow into or movement of water through the soil
and 43 per cent higher, respectively. In other surface. It will depend upon the nature of the
words, the Probable Maximum Flood assumes a surface, whether it is sandy, rocky, grassed or
faster build-up to the peak flows than the historic paved-together with the actual porosity of the
floods. This is justified on the assumption that an soil. Sometimes a small change in losses may
intense warm rainfall can occur following heavy mean a large change in yield. From the Uganda
snowfall in the Sierra Nevada, resulting in catchment of the Owen Falls basin the run-off is
massive snowmelt contribution to the run-off on only 6.1 per cent of the total rainfall. If the losses
the North Yuba River. changed from about 93 to 90 per cent, through
afforestation or other activities, then the run-off
would become 10 per cent-an increase in yield
6.15 Yield of 50 per cent.
Run-off is that part of precipitation that
The diagram of the hydrological cyde in­
appears in surface streams; it will be composed of
dicates that a proportion of the precipitation will
be intercepted by foliage. Another portion falls surface run-off, sub-surface run-off and ground­
on to the ground or ocean and is returned to the water flow. Base flow in a stream is defined as the
clouds by evaporation. A further portion passes sustained or fai, weather flow; it is composed of
into the ground. The flow in a strearu will groundwater flow and delayed sub-surface run­
therefore result from overland flow of water not off.
absorbed into the ground or lost by evaporation
plus a proportion of ground water that finds its
way to the stream.
The dam Engineer requires an understanding
of the laws and principles governing precipita­
tion and yield as well as the factors controlling
the magnitude of and fluctuations in flow in
streams. For this purpose he must comprehend a
the principles governing surface and sub-surface
movement of water before it reaches the strearu.
Q 20

Evaporation will, of course, depend upon "'

temperature, altitude and exposure. From a large

lake in Tasmania, latitude 42°S, altitude w
1000 m, the annual loss is almost I m. This is
due in part to the constant prevailing winds. On "~
the other hand, annual evaporation can amount
to 2500 mm in the arid zones of the world. The
estimated average loss from the Hendrik
Verwoerd Reservoir, South Mrica, is 2000 mm t,
Averoge flow 176 m~/s
and the loss from the lake surface during drought
2240 mm. Evaporation loss from shallow reser­ I
voirs can be serious. However, when a new reser­
voir has flooded moorland country there is often
0.1 0.2 0.5 I 2 5 10 20 50 JOO 200 300
Average time in days per yeor tor which flow is equalled
or exceeded

no discernible change in totallosses--'direCt rain­ Fig. 6:04 Ord River, Australia-Flow duration
fall into the lake, together with lower losses into curve
The curve that illustrates the variation in flow in a year or it can be reduced to the average
in a stream is called the flow' duration volume of water from unit area of the catchment.
curve--normally it shows the percentage, of time As examples of the former:
that a particular flow is exceeded. It does not (i) The Orange River, South Africa, has an
show the manner in which the variations occur, average yield of 7180 million m 3 per year. I

The flow duration curve can be drawn to show The maximum recorded yield in a year (Oc­

the number of days per year that a certain flow is tober, 1924-September, 1925) was 19431 I
exceeded, as in Fig, 6.04. In order to facilitate million m 3, whilst the river has stopJl!;d ii."


Showing comparison of 1971 flows to 1957- 1970 period
,j "
1957-1970-----Averoge 26·6 m3 /s


1971 Averoge 51 ml Is
8 r-­ Maximum recorded flow' (May 1969) 270

Maximum flaw 1911' 5270 m3 /s I

I_ Ii





2! 6





'= i


z \
~. . ,j

\ \
\ \

\. "-
"- '-.,
'-, .........
_.. r-.

"' .1

- .....


-- -- ~
80 100

Percentage of time

Fig. 6.05 South Esk River, Australia--Flow duration curves

comparison with other rivers the ordinate may flowing six times in 60 years. The maximum

peak discharge recorded is 15 300 m~/s.

I denote the relationship to the average flow, as in
Fig. 6,05. (ii) The Ord River, Western Australia, has an


The yield of a catchment can be expre~sed as average yield of 4230 million m 3 per year

the total volume of water that floWs past a point from a catchment area of 45 600 km'.


~ -------~


(iii) The Burdekin River, Queensland, Australia, stimulation of the rain-making process were
has an annual yield of 9000 million m 3• The reflected by the fact that the first Technical Note
maximum recorded yield was 28 700 million of the World Meteorological Organisation was on
m3 in 1958 and the minimum 190 million m 3 this subject--culminating in Technical Note No.
in 1935. The maximum instantaneous flow 13, Artificial Control of Clouds and Hydrometers,
recorded is 40000 m3/s and the minimum 1955. ;J
zero. Although still a matter for scientific experts
the possible benefits are so great that Engineers
To accept the present-day behaviour of the
should be aware of the state of the art. It is un­
catchment as an unalterable pattern for the
doubtedly possible to increase precipitation when
future may lead to serious consequences. Much
suitable climatological patterns occur. This
research is being done on the effects on catch­
means that the natural pattern of rainfall can be
ment yield of forest cover, crops and increased
changed, resulting in a changed regime of river
paving. The Engineer should examine the catch­
ment closely to assess future changes that might
occur, i.e. encroachment by suburbia, conversion
flow-not necessarily proportional to the rain­
fall. The shape of the mass curve-Section
6.21--<:ould be altered with consequent

from forest to pasture, destruction of vegetation

modification of storage requirements for river '1
by fire, etc. He may decide that the present-day
yield could be subject to considerable variation,
regulation. This might lead to smaller dams, i.e. ,1
lower cost and less impact on the environment.
up (lr down. The Melbourne and Metropolitan
The Engineer must therefore keep himself in­
Board of Works, Australia, has conducted
formed on the science of weather modification or
,,'research on a catchment that was denuded by
'cloud seeding' as it is commonly described. As
forest fires. Before the fires the forest consisted
explained by Dr. E. J. Smith of the Com­
ofabout 100 mature trees per hectare; after the
monwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
fire, re-growth of Mountain Ash provided 1000
Organisation, Australia:
trees per hectare. The yield from the catchment
decreased by 30 per cent. However, there will be 'Clouds fonn as a result of condensation of water
a period following a severe forest fire when run­ vapour upon tiny hygroscopic particles which are
always present in the Earth's atmosphere in con­
off will be rapid, Fig. 2.22, and erosion will oc­ centrations which vary from place to place and time • 1
cur, accompanied by silt deposition in the reser­ to time. The cloud droplets are initially small and
voir. If vegetation does not recover quickly the must increase in mass some millions of times if they
are to be large enough to faU to the Earth's surface
catchment can gradually deteriorate, resulting in
much higher peak floods. as rain. Their growth may result from the collision
Experiments have been conducted in Australia
and coalescence of many single droplets or it may
be accelerated when an ice crystal fonns hIgh up in

to measure the difference in yield from similar a cloud where it grows gradually before falling and
catchments afforested with different trees­ collecting other ice crystals or water droplets in its
namely Radiata Pine and Eucalyptus.' It path.'
appears that interception was higher and run-off Prior to 1930 laboratory attempts were made
lower, from the pine-covered catchment. in Europe to stimulate precipitation. In 1933
Similar type of work was reported to the Inter­ Bergeron presented his conclusion that the
national Symposium on Forest Hydrology, simultaneous presence of ice crystals and super­
1967" cooled water drQPs were essential for the forma­ , '1
tion of rain. In 1946 Schaefer discovered that U
6.16 Wealher Modification solid carbon dioxide produced ice crystals in
great numbers in clouds of supercooled water
It is now prayen that under suitable conditions drops. Later that year Vonnegut found that
Man can modify the weather pattern. Disposal of silver and lead iodides could do the same. In 1947
fog over airports, prevention of hail damage to
crops, amelioration of the effects of cyclones and
losses from drought, have provided the incentive
Fig, 6.06(A) Cumulus cloud above Wagga Wagga,
10th February, 1956

and finance for the necessary research. Tne Fig. 6.06(B) Heavy rain 40 minutes after cloud
economic and social importance of artificial seeding




, :




before $,'cdiHl.:!

i minutt's

38 minuh's

nncl' ~ct'din~

": .

79 minutt-s
after seeding


," ;.;

42 minutes. q
after s.eeding
cloud) .
6.07 Q




the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial

lResearch Organisation initiated research in
'Australia. Early trials were with dry ice and in " I

February, 1947, what is believed to be the first .i!

',man-made rainstorm in the world fell to the
) ground near Bathurst.
Research has progressed in many countries
I with rather confusing claims of success. Efforts
: have been made using pyrotechnics from the
ground; solid carbon dioxide proved to be too ex­
t pensive and silver iodide smoke injected into
[ suitable clouds from aircraft is now most com­
monly used.
i On lath February, 1956, a large cumulus
: cloud near Wagga Wagga, Australia, Fig.
6.06(A), was seeded with silver iodide. Rain A - Target area (seeded)

i started 20 min later. The heavy rain after 40 min B, C~ 0 - Control areas {unseeded)

! is seen in Fig. 6.06(B). Cloud seeding on an

Fig. 6.08 Cloud seeding areas, Tasmania,
operational basis began in New South Wales in
i 1965. The Rainmaking Control Ace, 1966 came
, into operation in the State of Victoria in 1968. (cl It is possible that seeding caused, a rainfall
, Quite wisely this work is only carried out by reduction in the eastern half of the target
i Australian Government agencies. area in summer but the evidence does not
i On 7th February, 1969, silver iodide was shot justify a conclusion to that effect.
into a cumulus cloud near Char/eville,
Queensland. The top of the cloud before seeding The Engineer is, of course, primarily in­
was at 6000 m, but it rose rapidly to 12000 m a terested in the run-off following precipitation
few minutes afterwards. The change in cloud for­ and the Hydro-Electric Commission, Tasmania, '
mation leading to heavy rain after 42 min is undertook a study of resultant stream flows from
shown in Fig. 6.07. the areas. 6 Bearing in mind the naturally chang­
Strictly controlled experiments were con­ ing weather patterns over the period of the tests,
ducted in Tasmania between 1964 and 1971. To the only conclusion was that the results tended to
,I suit the prevailing westerly winds a suitable show an increase in yield in the western part of
I target area was selected. Three control areas the target area during the wetter-than-average
, i were also chosen, Fig. 6.08. Seeding was carried
years when seeding took place. Although not con­
' i out on selected clouds during 1 year-with no
clusive it tends to support the results of the rain­
seeding the following year. By random selection, fall analyses.
seeding periods of 10 days and non-seeding The evaluation of the effectiveness of cloud
seeding is complicated by the many variables in­
'",f periods were chosen. Rainfall records were
, collected and analysed by the C.S.I.R.O. which volved and the results of one experiment could
submitted the following conclusions: 5 certainly not be applied to a different site under
different conditions. This is very evident from a
(a) Cloud seeding caused an increase in rainfall study of the articles in the bibliography.
of 15 to 20 per cent in autumn and winter; However, it has been proven in many countries
(b) The increase in the eastern half of the target that Man can modify the weather pattern and it
area appeared to have occurred in autumn is a subject that may become of vital importance
whilst that in the western half probably to dam Engineers in the future.
occurred in both autumn and winter;
6.17 Streamflow Measurement and Recording
Fig.6.07 Cloud seeding 7th February, 1969, Charlo­ So that he may be able to assess the order of
ville, Australia accuracy of information supplied to him, the dam
: "1

110 ; ~

Construction and installation af

recording and measuring equipmenl

Application of roting curve to ~_.-J

water levels 10 give dischorqes

U .'I
Fig. 6.09 Measurement and recording of river discharge )j
Engineer should understand and preferably have
(iii) Gauge readers are often unreliable and are
some experience in the process of measurement
usually unavailable in times of flood.
of stream flow. To measure the volumetric dis­

The usual instrument is a graphic recorder

charge of a stream would rarely be practicable

producing a continuous graph of the river level. 1

and always expensive. It is therefore determined
by inference-i.e. the level of the water surface is
recorded and sufficien t measurements are made,
. with the stream at various levels, to derive the
, },
relationship between river level and discharge. 300 .j
This can be presented as a Rating Table or
Rating Curve and Equation. The sequence of ; -.:~
: '1
1 •
events .is depicted in Fig. 6.09. ~,-J
The relationship between the level of the sur- .
face of a stre&m and the discharge is controlled 'DO n'1
either by the physical characteristics of the ~J
stream in the vicinity of the gauge or by some
artificial structure, such as a weir, built
downstream from the recording site. If the
'control' changes then the relationship will
2400 hours
change. It is essential, therefore, to maintain a
Fig. 6.10 Wilmot River, Australia, 18th-19th
U ,I
February, 1956
check con . the relationship by a. continuing
programme of flow measurements. The siting of
a recording station is important. It should be
Derivation of instantaneous flows from the chart i
located to fulfil the primary requirements of
may be done manually, but much time is saved !
; 1
by automation. Discharge integrators were La!
stabiliry and sensitiviry of the control rather than developed but were displaced by digital conver­
to minimize cost of installation or difficulties of sion units that produced a punched tape suitable q
access. The automatic continuous recording of for direct treatment by a computer, Fig. 6.11.
;: i
water level is essential for good records since Some modern level recorders produce a
(i) A gauge read once each day may fail to punched tape that can be fed directly to the com­
record a flash flood-Fig. 6.10; puter. The disadvantage of this type is that the
(ii) The gauging station can be located at the person servicing the instrument cannot readily
desired site without regard to availability of
. a reader; Fig. 6.11 Digital conversion unit

Woter level
recording instrument

Flood peok ,•./ "
~U - I
Flood level Level dolum
Gaug& boords

Top~~~~:_ -----~----------


Fig. 6.12 Float-operated recorder well type gauging station

Recorder house
Double cobfeway for spans exceeding 70m
'7.6 mm eire)

~ '1

IOmm 0.0 x 5.5 t.O polythel'1e tube : ~

i '
!. ~
.. -1
; '1

pressure sensing unit outlet



Fig. 6.13(A) Gas purge type operated gauging station

sight the behaviour of the stream and check zero reliable results, it is simple to understand and
settings. A current trend is to provide two in­ maintain and gives an open scale of record. The

struments at each site--<lne to produce the cost of the float-well may, however, be high.
graphic recoro, the other to produce the punched Attempts have been made with mechanical floats
tape for computer input. The cost of the extra and electrical contactors in sloping pipes but for
unit is only incremental to the cost of the whole many reasons these have not been satisfactory. .. I
-: ~

installation; it can easily be justified on the The pressure type is operated by a pressure cell L..:
grounds that it will usually eliminate the located in the stream, the varying pressure due to
necessity for estimating 'missing records'--a the rise and fall in the stream being conveyed by ,i
procedure. that must be followed to complete tube to the recorder where a pressure diaphragm : !
l ~
tapes before computer processing. operates the recording arm. The cost of the in-
There are three general methods of recording rl
water levels in graphical form--the float-wire,
Fig.6.B(R) Leupold-Stevens A.35 recorder coupled

the pressure and the gas back-pressure in­ to Hydrological Services D.P.30 gas purge unit
stallations. The float-type instrument is probably
the most popular, Fig. 6.12. It gives accurate and Fig. 6.14 WrecJ,ed recorder house

stallation is lower and it can be located at any Water velocities are measured in vertical sec­
convenient position on the stream bank. Its dis­ tions at regular intervals across a stream, Fig.
advantages are its limited gauge height scale and 6.16; the number of sections and the number of
its inherent inaccuracy due to the necessary measurements at each section will depend upon
amplification through levers of the small move­ conditions. When these are steady a large
ment due to pressure change. . number of sections is justified. When the river
The back-pressure type relies for its operation level is changing during the gauging it is
on the pressure exerted by the head of water in necessary to decide whether the changing level or
the stream on gas bubbling at a uniform rate the number of measurements will have the
from a small nozzle located in the stream, Fig.
6.13(A). This pressure is transferred back to the
instrument through a small supply tUbe, and by
using either a pressure cell or a manometer, the
variations in pressure can be converted to river
levels on the chart, Fig. 6.13(B). Maintenance is
important since gas leaks nullify its operation.
It is not so reliable as the float-type installation.
The level recording station will generally be
installed many years before the construction of
the darn, i.e. when very little is known of the
characteristics of the river. Care is therefore
Fig. 6.16 Subdivision of a stream--Cross-section
necessary in locating the station. One effect of
underestimation of flood level is illustrated in greater effect on accuracy. Reference to Fig. 6.17
Fig. 6.14. Replacement of the station costs will show that whatever procedure is adopted for
money, but nothing can replace the vital lost measuring and computation there will be inac­ , 1
: 1
records. In another river basin sophisticated curacies, i.e. neither the stream bed nor the water : j
, J
recorders were installed on tributary streams velocity varies linearly between sections. Repeti­
with automatic radio transmission of the levels to tion of observations will, however, gradually im­
the flood-control office: Unfortunately, within a prove the average figures and confirm the Rating
year of their installation, almost all of them were Curve.
destroyed by a major flood. The Hydrographic
Engineer should therefore study the valley for --I l- Mean q


signs of past floods, and provide some factor of d

safety above these--even though the cost of the
installation may be high. It is the detailed
behaviour of the river during floods that is of
particular value to the hydrologist.
River cross-sec.tion Velocity distribution
The calculation of discharge in a stream relies
on the measurement of water velocity at a point Fig. 6.17 Discharge measurement
and the application of that velocity to some area.
Velocities in a streain are affected by the vaHey Velocity measurements can be made by several
shape both in plan and cross-section--even in a methods:
concrete-lined canal the distribution of velocity is
Wading is possible in shallow streams, it being
rarely uniform, Fig. 6.15.
remembered that it is usually unsafe if the
product of water velocity (m/s) and depth (m)
exceeds unity;

Fig. 6.18(A) Cableway and recorder house

Fig. 6.15 Unsymmetrical flow-Velocity contoul'll in
canal Fig. 6.18(B) Double-wire cableway


From cableways of single- or double-wire suspen­ stalled, preferably fitted with a V-notch to en­

sion, Fig. 6.18. The operator usually travels in sure sensitivity at low flows.);

the cage, the meter being held in position in Frequent measurement of flows to confIrm the·

the measured section by use of a stay cable Rating Curve--plus every effort to measure

upstream. Under certain conditions it is ex­ flood flows; and

pedient to suspend the meter from a pulley Meticulous attention to equipment by operators

that travels on the main cable; in this case the who should be men of high integrity and in­

operator remains on the bank, traversing and itiative.

lowering the meter as required. This

procedure cannot be as accurate but is 6.18 The Double Mass Curve
justified for very wide rivers or under high As applied to hydrology, the double mass curve
flood conditions; consists basically of the plot of two hydrological
By the use of floats. This is an approximate elements in such a way that the summation value
method that depends upon the relationship on one ordinate of one element for a particular
between velocity of the float--either on the period of time is related to the summation of the
surface or below the surface--and the mean other element on the other ordinate over the
velocity. It can be useful in early in­ same period of time.
vestigations and in floods. It has been It is used to confirm the .basic quality of obser­

developed along many lines, the latest being vations or to indicate the necessity for investiga­

the application of photogrammetric methods tion of the records for a change in conditions;

for locating the floats at any particular time. this could be a change in river regime, movement

Such work in the U.S.S.R. was reported to of a rain gauge or other indeterminable factors

.the International Symposium on Floods, . relating to persistent instrumental or obser­

Leningrad, 1967. Measurements by this means vational errors. It is a very useful tool of war­ r],­
in the Tumut River, Australia, 7 when the flow ning, but care must be exercised as incorrect con­

was 422 m'ls, indicated that the technique clusions may easily be drawn without adequate

might give results within 5 per cent if the river investigation.

characteristics were measurable; If accumulated seasonal rainfall for one sta­

Slope measurements of the river surface can also tion is plotted against the accumulated seasonal

be used for approximate determinations of the average rainfall for several stations surrounding

.' discharge. It is necessary to know the the first, the relationship will be near linear. If at

characteristics of the section of the a certain date there is a change in the slope of the

river-such as the hydraulic radius and the graph, then there is cause for investigation of

discharge coefficient. The latter will probably what might have happened at that time. A simple

vary with depth of flow so that extrapolation conclusion would be that the rain gauge had been

from low flows will introduce errors. moved or that obstacles had been placed or had

grown too close to the gauge.

The accuraey of measurement of stream flow

Accumulated discharge from a river may be
will affect the determination of the storage re­
plotted against accumulated rainfall at a nearby
quired and hence the heigh t of the dam. It will
station, Fig. 6.19. From this it is apparent that
also be of importance to hydrologists in their cor­
something happened around 1933. This would
relations and extrapolations. The prime re­
necessitate a careful analysis of the Burnie rain­
quirements are therefore:
fall figures as well as a study of the history of the
Continuous records extending over as long a gauging station, i.e. the occurrence of floods that
period as possible; may have changed the control or the movement
Location of the recording station near the dam­ of the gauge boards. (A simple example of the last
site, but clear of any future construction ac­ is the rebuilding of a bridge where a daily-read
tivities; gauge---of no great significance at the time--was
A recording site so selected that the control is on a pier of the bridge and was moved without
both stal:>le and sensitive. (If natural con­ reference to the Water Authority. The reader of l, 1,
ditions are not satisfactory a weir should be in­ the gauge' was semi-literate and saw no . 1





20 -


0 10

'" o 10 20 50 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 rio 120 150 1~6i50~16!-;:0--:1::!:70::-:::18!-;:0--:19:!:0C-::::2oo

Accumulated discharge of Emu river m:3/s years

Fig. 6.19 Typical double mass curve

,f I
! ' significance in the movement of the gauge board, flow of 375 m3fs, Fig. 6.21. The storage required
hence it was not reported.) is then represented by the intercept between the
Once reasonably satisfied as to the cause of the highest and lowest peak. If regulation of'the
change, modifications can be made to the records river is to be, say, 80 per cent of the average floW
before or after the relevant date. It must, then a depressed line can be drawn from the
however, be emphasized that to change records is highest peak to represent this flow of 300 ml Is.
a serious matter and should never be permitted The greatest intercept below this Ilne will be the
without independent checking. This is especially storage then required.
true if the records are to be filed within a com­
i raooo
6.2 Storage Requirements 16000
-;; 15000 ,,'
The storage required in a reservoir may be ,: If·

determined in a variety of ways. In tropical 0E, 14000
regions it may be decided to store the whole run­ ~ l3000

off from precipitation for one season. Whether '"! 12000

this would ensure continuity of flow would de­ "
~ 11000
pend upon the season selected and the seasons oc­ ""
,~ 10000
curring later. It may be decided to provide suf­
ficient storage to ensure continuity through a :E"­ 9000
,. ! repetition of past history. For this purpose a mass E0 aooo
curve must be produced. This is a cumulative

'" 7000
plot of river discharge against time, Table 6.2, 2~ 6000
Fig. 6.20. A straight line can be drawn to repre­ "x" = Required slorag.a
sent the average discharge, in this case 375 ml/s. 2725 m3/s~monlhs
, 6 3
I'" At any time the vertical intercept above or below 4000 ~ 7063 '10 m

this line represents the excess or deficiency of

water. To determine the storage necessary to
maintain the average flow from the reservoir
throughou t this period it is necessary to measure
the vertical intercept between the limits of the a Z 3 4
Period (years)
mass curve---the value X in Fig. 6.20.
For convenIence the mass curve may be Fig. 6.20 Typical mass curve--Colurnn 3 v. Column
.. 1 plotted as a cumulative difference from the mean 1 of Table 6.2

~~ 119
~ ...4Jl~... , 'I' .5ooot
For this hypothetical river the storage capacity period. He may therefore decide to adopt a more
required to provide 100 per cent regulation severe critical period. This is sometimes done by
would be 2725 m3/s-months or 7063 million adding to the recorded critical period the driest
m3• This would be 60 per cent of the mean dis­ complete year' on record. One hydroelectric
charge. For 80 per 'cent regulation the required Authority has adopted a much more severe
capacity would be 2415 m 3/s-months or 6250 criterion by assembling the twelve driest months
million cubic metres, this being 54 per cent of on record into a synthetic year which was then
the mean discharge. It is interesting to quote the added to the natural critical period. This would
regulation requirements of a few large rivers, viz, be a very severe extension that could rarely be
the Indus in Pakistan needs storage of 40 per justified economically.
cent of the mean discharge for 80 per cent Whether it be for water supply, irrigation or
regulation, whereas the Vaal River in South the generation of electricity, the owner will be in­
Mrica requires 200 per cent. The White Nile and terested in the unit cost of water delivered. If too
the Blue Nile vary between 20 per cent and 60 severe a critical period is adopted, the cost of the
per cent whilst the Euphrates requires 100 per dam will be unduly high and the whole project
cent. Many Australian rivers require storage could be uneconomic. If, on the other hand, the
1 capacity in excess of the mean annual discharge principle of rationing on rare occasions is accept­
for 100 per cent regulation. able then the cost of the project can be reduced
I appreciably. It is for this reason that some water
supply authorities now use a 'reliability'
,1 '"" c
0 Critical period approach, 8 i.e. an assessment of the percentage of

time that a certain level of demand could be met
without restrictions. The reliability of the system
E' is calculated from a simulation study of the
\ c 1400
Storage required
2725 m3/s montll5 operation of the system using a digital computer.
; 7063)( [0 6 m3
II. '
1200 This technique is more useful than the dry
1000 period concept in that it permits an analysis of
800 the relationships between factors that may vary
m 600
the demand-the percentage reliability at

~ 'different levels of supply and the financial

m 400
0 resources required to meet different degrees of
:c 200 reliability.

'0 -200
E a
Mean Flow 375 m3/s
Simulation of system operation on the com­
puter is essential in an electricity supply system;
.2 whether an hydro station or a thermal station is
'I; ;'-


the next development will change the storage re­

• quired on the system. The reliability approach

-800 may therefore offer a reasonable means of assess­
E -1000
2 3 4 ing the risk incurred by economizing on storage
Period (years) provision for the period until the next power sta­
Fig. 6.21 Alternative mass curve-Column 5 v. tion becomes operative.
II Column 1 of Table 6.2

6.3 Floods
In Fig. 6.21, the 'Critical period' is the time
between the highest and lowest points on the 6.31 Approximate Formulae
graph; this frequently extends'over more than 1
The simplest formula for expressing run-off is
year. By adopting the storage required to ensure Q = C An, which has been used extensively as the
continuity of the desired flow through this Jarvis-Myer formula:' '
critical period the Engineer would provide no
margin for the future occurrence of a drier Q=CyA



. ;.~:.} -4b 52
120 i

This was developed to provide an envelope for parison of discharges from various catchments.
flood discharge of The 'Creager coefficient' of 30 is a little above
Q = 10000 v' A the envelope of floods recorded in Tasmania up
to 1970. McIlwraith (1954) has suggested a curve
where Q is the run-off in cubic reet per second, near the Creager 100 coefficient for the design of
A is the catchment area in square miles. spillways in Australia. This appears to agree with
Creager rearranged the formula. to modern estimations of probable maximum floods
in Australia; however, a new edition of
Q = lOOp v' A
Aumaiian Rainfall and Runoff to be published in
so that a family of curves could be drawn with
1976 will update such conclusions.
different values of p. These values have been
Some design floods are listed in Table 6.3 and
accepted in many countries to assist in the com-
shown on Fig. 6.22.

Table 6.3
Basi. of Catchment area Peak flood
No. Site determination (km') (m'/s)

Upper Yarra Prob.Max. 325 4360
2 Wyangala Prob. Max. 8200 16800
3 Warragamba 1/500 8650 14 000
4 Jindabyne Prnh. Max. 1170 6050
5 • Ord Prob. Max. 46000 71000
6 Wolfgang Ck. (1916) Actuajlo 810 11 000
7 Googong
Prob.Max. 875 4530
8 New Bullard, Bar, U.S.A.
Prob.Max. 1270 6400
9 Mica, Canada
Prob. Max. 21300 7000
10 Oroville, U.S.A.
Prob. Max. 9260 20 200
(1/10 000)
11 Brisbane, Australia
Aetual1974 13 500 9500

r ·i


....' 20

0 10:




Effective cafchment area (square kilometres)
Fig. 6.22 'Creager' discharge--Area curves i.

, ..... , .... --_.- .


It will be noticed that many of these are near the French mission originally deduced a 3-monthly
Creager 100 curve--i!xcept for the outstanding run-off of 68 x 10' m' as the flood of probability
Ord River. once in 1000 years. It accepted, however, the
Although the Creager coefficients are not Irrigation Department's suggestion of 65 x
applicable to formulae in S.l. units, they have 109 m'. The first flood during construction-in"
been shown on the curves in Fig. 6.22 for con­ March, 1957-approached this figure and the
venience of those Engineers conversant with Consulting Engineers recommended an increase
, them. to 75 x 10' m'. In 1958 a flood discharged 28 x
The rational formula for run-off introduces 109 m' in the month of March and 62 x 10' m'
the intensity of rainfall to become in 3 months--Fig. 6.23. A further revision in the
light of the floods of 1957 and 1958 raised the es­
:, I Q = C i VA timated 3-monthly, 10 OOO-year discharge to 86
x 10 m • A design flood of 150 x 109 m'/s was
9 3
whereiis the intensity of rainfall. This is applied
1 as an average intensity of rainfall over the therefore adopted. The 1963 flood was the
:! catchment, although it is obvious that point in­ largest recorded to 1965 and carried 93 x 10 m
9 3

tensities may greatly differ from the average. in 3 months. If-by virtue of future 'ex­
In some countries specific run-off is defined periences--it is deemed advisable to increase, the
for various regions, but rigid adherence to such design flood again, arrangements will be mad.e to
factors can prove dangerous. In Japan the draw down the reservoir before each flood

: suggested probable run-off for various regions ' season.

,l,.'j varies from 6 to 20 (or more) m'/s per km!. It is, . These examples are quoted to warn the
however, usual to assess what damage might Engineer that flood prediction is not an exact
occur for a flood 20 per cent in excess of the science. Having decided upon the magnitude of ,
figure adopted. the flood to be used in design, the Engineer
At Zerbino Dam, Italy, during a cloudburst on should investigate what would happen if that
13th August, 1935, the rainfall exceeded any flood were exceeded by, say, 20 per cent. So long
f] previous intensity recorded in Italy and the run­ as no disaster would result he should sleep
off was equivalent to 398 rom with a peak of soundly.
30 m 3/s per km'.
'1 The Kaddam Dam was built in India in 1951,
13 m high. The spillway was originaIly designed 6.32 Estimation of Design Flood
for a peak discharge of 3560 m'ls, but when the
There are two methods now commonly used:
dam was three-quarters built a flood slightly in
excess of this occurred. The hydrology was (i) The statistical analysis of past floods with ex­
reviewed and the flood peak was estimated at trapolation to estimate the magnitude and
7150 m'/s. The dam was just completed when a probability of occurrence of future floods,
flood occurred of 15 400 mlls; this overtopped and ,

the parapet by 0.5 m and scoured the

(ii) The estimation of probable maximum
downstream face. The embankment was
precipitation on to the particular catchment
breached in three locations.
under the worst meteorological conditions
At Kariba Dam on the Zambesi River,
i j likely to occur over the catchment, followed
Rhodesia, II the catchment area is 656 000 km'.
by an estimation of the run-off that would
For estimation of the design flood empirical for­ result from such a storm. l !
" mUlae could not be applied to such a large .1
: ,i
catchment; similarly extension of the unit If statistical analysis of past events indicates that
hydrograph was difficult to apply due to the there"is a 1 in 1000 chance that a flood of certain
problem of subdividing such a large catchment magnitude may occur in a particular year, then
with such variable climatic and meteorological this can usually be understood by administrators.
conditions, coupled with the paucity of (They should, of course, be warned that this does
meteorological statistics; extrapolation of records not mean that such a flood will only occur once
was influenced by their extent anct"accuracy. The in any 1000 years.) On the other hand, they
.- ~

may have reservations about the ability of possible rain that can fall in certain areas over
meteorologists to synthesize probable maximum varying lengths of time. The results of such
precipitation and of hydrologists to convert that studies in Australia are shown in Fig. 6.24, which
to peak run-off--especially from a large or a relates to a time interval of 24 hours and a
topographically varying catchment. medium catchment area. Fig. 6.25 refers to a
The determination of the probable maximum time interval of 1 hour and a much smaller catch­
[ .. 1
precipitation (P.M.P.) for a particular drainage ment area. Such maps, however, should only be
basin is a job for experts and req uires a com­ used as an introduction to the subject since
prehensive study of major storms on record in altitude, general topography and the direction of

Ii, :I the region along the following lines:

(i) Analyse precipitation data and synoptic
prevailing winds must have some influence on
the precipitation of rain, i.e. the rainfall on the
western slopes of a mountain range may be quite
situations of major storms on record in a
different from that on the eastern slopes.
region surrounding the basin under study,
The Clermont (Fig. 6.24) storm lO of
in order to determine characteristic com­
December, 1916, was one of the worst in the
binations of meteorological conditions that
history of Queensland, Australia. The peak dis­
result in various rainfall patterns and
charge of Wolfgang Creek exceeded the Creager
duration-depth-area relations.
100 curve, Fig. 6.22.
(li) On: the basis of an analysis of air-mass Measured rainfall intensity-durations are com­
properties and synoptic situations prevailing pared in Table 6.4 with probable maximum
during the record storms, estimate the values calculated for two catchment areas within
amount of increase in rainfall quantities that the region of the storm.
would have resulted if conditions during the
actual storm had been as critical as those Table 6.4. Clennont Storm December, 1916
considered possible of occurrence in the
region. Clermont storm Maximum
rainfall thunderstorm
(iii) Estimate the modifications in meteorological Catchment (mm) model(mm)
conditions that would have been required area
for each of the record storms to have oc­ (km') 6h I2h 24 h 6h 12 h 24 h
curred over the drainage basin under study, 512 328 515 635 426 525 635

considering topographical features and 1280 320 495 620 416 457 560

t,' "1 locations of the respective areas involved.


(iv) Taking into account the increase in rainfall
'quantities that might have resulted from It is evident that the Clermont storm equalled
m().re severe meteorological conditions dur­ the predicted maximum for periods in e"c~ss of
ing the record storms, and the adjustments 12 hours.
necessary to transpose the respective storms Renard 13 describes peak run-offs from an ex­
to;, the basins under study, select the es­ perimental catchment in New Mexico from 1955
timates that would represent critical :rainfall to 1968, and concludes that 'the current U.S.
duration--depth-area relations for the par­ Weather Bureau maximum point rainfall values
for 6-hour periods are too low and probably
I ticular drainage area during the various
seasons of the year. represent no more than the 2-hour values'.
According to Gillman l4-the former Head of
The end-product of such a comprehensive study the Hydrometeorological Section of the U.S.
is the histogram of average catchment rainfall in­ Weather Bureau--estimates of probable max-"
tensity for the storm period. imum precipitation represent 'the best judgement
Meteorological Services in most countries have of the meteorologist of the realistic upper limit of
now endeavoured to forecast the maximum the precipitation that can occur'. The experience
of scientists is therefore a major factor in the
applicability and accuracy of this approach.
Fig. 6.23 Zambesi River, March 1958 In 1951 Jamieson J5 maximized all pertinent

140 '50




, I
120 13Q
Longilude - Eo,1
140 150
: I
Fig. 6.24 Ge!leralized estimates of maximum possible rainfall-Area 1300 km'; time 24 hours JI
1.1 I
~, I

.20 130 140 150

f] II

20 20


~ I


229mm ~
Brisbane -,'~
"'--------:, '! ;~
20. -,20 ;: •

130 140 150
Longilude ~ East
Fig. 6.2.5 Generalized estimates of maximum possible rainfall-Area 26" krn'; time 1 hour Ii.!
i 125
factors, such as wind, snow, rainfall, infIltration cent of the probable maxIDlUm precipitation
and then added 25 per cent. In most cases such flood.
conservatism would increase the cost to such an The statistical approach is usually han­
extent that either the project would be aban­ dicapped by the short period ofrecords available, ..
doned or a probability factor would then be in­ i.e. the mathematician has difficulty in determin­ ! ;<

troduced to discount the simultaneous oc­ ing a definite distribution function that fits the

currence of all adverse factors. events and which would permit forecasting of the

An outstanding sidelight on the complexity of 10 OOO-year flood from, say, 50 years of records.

'. ,i proper maximization was revealed in the studies Benson!' has suggested that 48 years of
for the Hendrik Verwoerd Dam, South Africa. 16 records could only define the 100-year flood
The meteorological aspect of the problem was within 25 per cent and that 115 years of records'·
carried out on behalf of the Consulting Engineer would be necessary to approach 10 per cent ac­
by the Meteorological Office of the United curacy. Cole IS has suggested that regional
Kingdom. Table 6.5 gives the predicted max­ analysis overcomes the sampling error to improve !
imum depth of rainfall over the catchment for a the quality of the result. Thus he considered·that I
series of time intervals. I i;
'data from n stations, each covering the same period

of y years, are equivalent to n measurements orthe

same data, provided the stations are in a

Table 6.5. Hendrik Verwoerd Dam hydrologically homogeneous area';

Time interval (hours) 6 12 24 48 120

One. must, of course, ask whether any two
Maximum stations could in fact meet this condition. Due to
precipitation (mm) 90 50 150 200 350 concern regarding the accuracy of a
mathematical conclusion based on data, each
item of which is subject to error, there is some
It was noted that the crucial factor determin­ reluctance to accept extrapolations far beyond
ing the maximum possible precipitation was the the 1 in 200 year event.
sea temperature off Madagascar. It so happens However, the statistical approach has received
that for the meteorological conditions existing great attention over the past 50 years. Goodrich
'···1 over South Africa it is in this area that the in 1927 19 devised the pertinent probability dis­
L moisture is taken up into the atmosphere and tribution and related probability paper with its
subsequently deposited inland. The source of log scale for the variate and a log-log scale for
Orange River is at altitude 3048 m. probability. This provided a simple method for
It has, however, been suggested by many extrapolation of floOd frequency data. Alex­
Engineers that the probable maximum precipita­ ander'· (1973) has discussed various distribution
tion method is too conservative and has resulted functions with strong support for the frequency
in the progressive increase in estimated design approach. It is appropriate to note that he states
floods. For this reason there is now a tendency to 'A reliable estimate of a 10 000 year rainfall
compare such estimates with values derived by provides an upper limit to the 10 OOO-year flood,
I statistical studies-with a leaning to the adop­ the error in the estimate of the loss being small
tion as the design flood of an event equal to or compared with the rainfall'.
less than one that has a probability of occurrence Thus the analysis of rainfall events appears to
in any year of 1 in 10000. offer more scope than that of flow records,par­
The term Standard Project Flood has been in­ ticularly as rainfall has usually been recorded
troduced to recognize, in part, the degree of im­ over a much longer period...For this reason,
probability of the probable maximum precipita­ methods of correlation have been developed, i.e.
tion flood ever occurring and that a lower value statistical methods are utilized to extend a short
might well be applied to less critical appurtenants period of records at the site by comparing con­
to the dam. The rainfall adopted to calculate the current records at another station that has been
Standard Project Flood is often taken as 60 per operating over a longer period. It is often ex­ .; .
cent of the Probable Maximum Precipitation, pedient to include other factors in order to im­
and results in a discharge a little less than 60 per prove the accuracy of the relationship.


-_. ----~ ~ - - -- -- ---- _.. ---- - . . :;


Coefficients must be determined in the general is made complex by insufficiency and inherent
equation inaccuracy of data. Whilst hydrometeorologists Ll '
. and mathematicians are doing brilliant work to
Y = aX, + bX2 + ... xX. + e
present a picture of what might happen in the 1
where Y is the variable to be predicted, future, the Engineer is faced with the conflicting 1
X are the variables' to be included, Le. requirements of safety and economy. He is
rainfall, river flow, etc. therefore obliged to use to best advantage the
e is the regression constant. data and procedures that are available, i.e.
From the occurrence of simultaneous events Statistical analysis of past flow records at the
the coefficients are determined and the . sitec-and extrapolation;
equation-frequently in logarithmic form-is As above, but with. extension of the flow records
: .~ ,

then used for extrapolation. by correlation with flows from adjacent

Whether rainfall can be accepted as a com­ catchments;
pletely random collection of discrete events must Statistical analysis of site rainfall records and ex­ [1
be queried. At both professional and amateur trapolation;
level we hear much of the changing seasons. The As preceding, but with extension of data by cor­
effect of sun-spot activity on rainfall on the relation with other stations;
Earth has claimed the attention of many scien­ Correlation stodies including both rainfall and
tists. Sancha21 has .drawn attention to the great flow records;
sun-spot activity in 1957-59 when some of the Estimation of 'maximum possible' rainfall by
greatest floods in history occurred in various Meteorological Services and application of
parts of the world-Table 6.6. such data to the estimation of 'probable max­ . \.,
~ ., '

imum flood' from the catchment;

Table 6.6 Comparison with known events and other
designs adopted for the region by the use of
ment Average mated such means as the Creager coefficients.
area flow flood
Date River (km') (m'/s) (m'/s)

Aug. 1957 Caroni 25000 5300 17000



1958 Zambesi . 640000 1200 16000


1959 . Rio Negro 40000 525 16000 700

April Rio
.1959· Uriquay 240000 4600 37500 600

.500 Inflow

The French NationiII Committee of ICOLD G:

has recently reviewed" the various methods of 400

determining design floods with different types of
usable data, i.e. direct knowledge of discharges or 300
indirect methods of estimation based on

pluviometrical and climatic data, the regional

hydrological syntheses and methods: of
geographical transposition. It came to no' fum 100

conclusions, but indicated the possible conser­

vatism of'some calculations of probable max­ 24 . 25 26 27
imum flood .. -Time days

,/ At this time, therefore, we have a subject that Fig. 6.26 Flood routing'-Lake' Barrington


ii Top of embonkmen1 ~--------­

Top flood level - - - - - - - - - - ­

Crest of auxiliary spillway, - - - ­ I

I .


c 90 - - I - - Crest of main spillway


1.05 1.25 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 5000

Recurrence intervol (years j
i Fig. 6.27 Ord River Dam, Australia
, ,! , \,

Assisted by all the above, the Engineer will ul­ based on a 3000-years sequence of monthly'
timately make his decision on experience and his stream flows from a monthly rainfall sequence
judgement of the risks involved. developed by Monte Carlo Methods. As 'seen
from Fig. 6.27, it is anticipated that the aux~
mary spillway will only operate once in 265
Ll 6.33 Flood Routing years.23
Operational studies based on routing flows'for
When a flood enters a reservoir it will cause
the water level to rise, with consequent discharge the period 1904 to 1966 through the reservoir,
over the spillway. The reservoir level will con­ assuming an irrigation usage of 0.74 x 10' mJ
per year indicated that .
tinue to rise until the free discharge over the
spillway equals the inflow at time 'X' on Fig. Only for about 1 year in 10 did the water fail to
6.26. Spillway discharge will then exceed inflow pass over the spillway;
until the reservoir level falls to spillway crest Within the period there was a 25-year sequence
level. of continuous spillway flow;
This basic operation can, of course, be For 60 per cent of the time the spillway flOW was
modified when spillway gates are installed. equal to or greater than the discharge rate of
Provided' an adequate warning system is ,0.74 x 10' m3 per year.
available, the spillway gates may be opened in ad­
vance of the peak of the flood. The rate at which The concept of sequential storms was adopted
they can be opened and the extent to which they for Gordon Dam, Australia. The probable max­
can be opened will usually be governed by per­ imum 5-day storm ws estimated and, using unit­
graph methods, the' corresponding maximum ': :
missible river rise conditions downstream. There
probable inflow was determined. It was also con­
is, of course, the danger that the flood inflow will
sidered that flood studies should make provision
not reach the volume anticipated; in that case
for possible high inflows foUowingthe probable
water will have been wasted from the reservoir,
maximum 5-day storm. To provide for thisi'the
or a flood of unjustifiable size may have been ar­
30-day inflow having a probability of exceedance
tificially created in the river downstream from
once in 2000 was determined. The final inflow
the dam.
i As mentioned in Chapter 14, the Ord River hydrograph was then synthesized as follows:.
! Reservoir, Australia, has remarkable character­ (a) the storage inflow resulting from the 5-day,
istics. The 62 years of records were used as the probable maximum storm was assnmed to
basis for probability stqdies; the. anaJ.ysis being occur at the beginning of a 30-day period;


" , .. 1'
• t il!!
), :
< _i ~-'


(b) The storage inflow during the remainder of It must be emphasized that none of these is sub­

the 30-day period was adjusted so that the ject to precise mathematical determination. The

total inflow oyer the 30-day period was equal· best methods available should be used for their

to the 1 in 2000 event. The distribution of evaluation but in most cases the results obtained

inflow following the initial probable maxi­ will be based on past experience extrapolated by

m)lm inflow was assumed to he similar to that various mathematical processes. With this in

experienced during a wet period on record; mind further allowances are often added:

(c) the flood inflow was tapered off over the To cover lack or inaccuracy of data;

following 10 days making a total 40-day For a dam of special height or importance, i.e. if

design period. located above a large centre of population;

The type of dam, concrete or embankment.

The final dimensioning was therefore based on

Some Authorities introduce a further allowance
Storage Volume at FuJI to cover the possibility of malfunctioning of
Supply Level -11.6 X 109 m 3 spillway gates.
Flood Storage Volume -0.7 x 109 m3 Other events may occur that could cause a
Power station diversion surge in the reservoir, i.e. an earthquake or a
capacity - 270 m'/s landslide into the reservoir. The possibility of oc­
Total inflow for 39 days 1.15 x 109 m' currence and the possible effects of these should
Inflow from extreme flood - 0.43 x 109 m' be investigated for the particular site.
hIlt with the power station inoperative for 10. It is therefore evident that no precise value can
days. be determined for freeboard. It will usually he reservoir will possess different some statistical combination of the values
characteristics; it becomes a matter of economics estimated for each of the above factors,
to compare the cost of extra height on the dam to appropriately weighted after assessment of
store some or all of the flood waters or a lower damage that would result from overtopping of
dam with adequate spillway capacity to pass a the dam. Undue conservatism will involve un­
flood that will be acceptable in the valley below . reasonable expenditure; on the other hand, any

the dam. serious underestimation may prejudice the safety

of the dam and even lead to its destruction.

6.4 Freeboard 6.41 Flood Surcharge

The following ICOLD definition of freeboard The Design Flood hydrograph, Fig. 6.26,
will be used: delineates the peak inflow and the total volume of
The vertical distance between the top of the dam water expected to enter the reservoir over a par­
ticular period of time. The routing of this water
and the full supply level on the reservoir. n· ,
The top of the dam is the level of watertightness
through the reservoir will cause a rise in the · ,
reservoir level which will depend upon the lake
of the 'structure and may be the top of a parapet
area at the time and the discharge characteristics

that is watertight throughout its length. Full

of the spillway. The hydrograph will have been

supply level is the level adopted in design for the

determined from past events-both as regards

maximum Oper'ation of the reservoir. To deter­

height and shape-and consideration of the

mine a value for freeboard the following must be

probable maximum precipitation. A variation in

either the height or the width of the graph will

Rise in the reservoir surface due to routing of the affect the calculated peak discharge over the

design flood through the reservoir; spillway. It is therefore advisable to examine the ·· ,j
Seiche effects; effects of changes in the hydrograph, i.e. main­
Wind set-up of the. water surface; tain the same peak but change the volume of the Ii
Wave action; flood, or maintain the volume constant but
Run-up of waves on the dam. change the peak. This form of exercise will in- ~k


die ate the significance of vananons in these fetch of 20 km. On an 80-km fetch a wind speed
values within the accuracy with which they have of 80 km/hour must last for at least 4 hours,
been estimated. whereas for a wind speed of 40 km/hour it must
last nearer 8 hours for maximum set-up.
!, 6.42 Seiche Effect
The wind speed 10 m above the surface of a
new reservoir will be greater than that recorded
This effect refers to periodic und ulations in over the original topography and the following
the reservoir-believed to be related to or set in factors usually apply:
motion by intermittent wind, varying at­
mospheric pressures,' earthquakes or even Effective fetch (km) 1 2 4 8 12
irregular inflow and ouiflow of water. After the
generating influence is removed the oscillations Wind ratio
subside. Over water
1.1 1.16 1.23 1.29 1.31
The existence of seiches has been recognized Over land
for a long time. Hutchinson" records some of the
earliest references including those at Lake Con­
stance, Switzerland, in 1549 and those noted by
the Aztecs at Lake Taxcoco in 1519. As many as 6.44 Wave Action
15 a oscillations have occurred in 8 days in Lake The transfer of energy from the wind to.the
Geneva, Switzerland, where Schruntz" reports surface of the water will create waves. The run­
amplitudes up to 2 m. At Kingsley Dam, U.S.A., up of water against the dam will depend upon the
the undulations have been between 0.2 and height of the wave, the depth of water in front of
0.5 m. At Great Lake, Tasmania, and Lake the dam and the geometry and material of the
Eucumbene, Australia,26 values of 0.1 m have upstream face of the dam. At Lake King.William,
been recorded. Tasmania, the maximum fetch is normal to the
crown of the arch-gravity dam. As waves
iJ 6.43 Wind Set-up propagate towards the abutments they increase
in height due to beaching, convergence of boun­
This is the shear displacement of water daries and reflections, Fig. 6.28; those shown
towards one end of a reservoir by wind blowing being approximately 2 m crest to trough. The .•
continuouslY--Qr in repeated regular shape of a multiple-arch dam gravely accentuates'
gusts-from one direction. Extreme recorded the run-up of waves, Fig. 6.29. In this case the .
values are Lake Geneva 2.1 m, Lake Erie 2.5 m, still water level was about 3 m below the top of
whilst at the shallow Lake Okeechobee, Florida, the dam, but run-up in the groins between arches
U.S.A., set-up of 3.1 m was measured during a caused damage to the balustrades. With I'm
hurricane in 1949. However, the more usual freeboard, as much as 12 m'ls has passed over
values are about one-tenth of the above. the twenty-eight arches of this dam. To avoid the.
The Z uider Zee formula can be used as a guide cost of providing excessive freeboard the
for the estimation of set-up:
Engineer should assess damage that might .occur
S= V'PcosA from some water passing over the dam.
i kD . To provide the basis for calculation. of
j where S ='wind set-upe-m
probable wave heights an anemometer should. be
installed at the site at the earliest practicable ,,
V = wind speed over water-kmlhour
date. For later correlation it should be located
10 m above the future full supply level of the
D = average depth-m
reservoir and exposed to the maximum fetch.
A = angle of wirid to fetch
Short-term records at the site may then be cor­
1 k = a constant-about 62 000.
related with longer records at other stations,
Set-up of the reservoir will depend upon the although orographic and exposure features of the
period of time over which the wind blows, i.e. at respective sites must influence one's acceptance
least I hour for a fetch of 3 kmor 3 hours for a of such correlations.

. ,
r~'1 :

Fig. 6.28 Clark Dam, Australia-Waves about 1.7 m For approximate detenninations of freeboard
it can be assumed that for wave heights from 0.3
Fig. 6.29 Miena Dam, Australia-Wave run-up on
multiple-arch dam to 2 m the velocity of approach will be given by
Gaillard's aPl>roximate formula"

The Stevenson fonnula" has been used for V = 1.5 + 2Hw !-.j
I many years. Transfonned to S.L units this is where V = the wave propagation velocity-mfs.
.r:- 1
Hw 0.34v'(F) + 0.76 - 0.26 {IF (i) Freeboard for wave action can then be taken as
whereHw height of wave, crest to trough-m approximately
F fetch-km
When the fetch exceeds 20 km the above formula 0.75 Hw + 2g
can be approximated to i
This includes the assumption that the crest of the
Hw = 0.34v'F (ii)
wave is 0.75 Hw above the still-water level. This I
These two fonnulae are represented graphically is not a definite figure--values between 0.65 and I
in Fig. 6.30. Since the height of generated waves 0.75 being adopted by various writers.2,9
must be related to the wind velocity, fonnula (i) For large dams and extensive lakes more ..
has been modified to precise studies are necessary, giving attention to"
' ,. all factors affecting the wind-wave relation­
Hw = 0.032v'(VF) + 0.76 - 0.26 {I F (iii) ship,30-37 Fig. 6.31.
!' j where V = wind speed along the fetch-km/h Waves measured over a short period of time I
will have been generated by wind that preceded 'j
Values from fonnula (iii) have been superim­ the time interval. Measurements of wind velocity
posed on Fig. 6.30 for wind speeds of 20, 40, 80 should therefore extend over an appropriate time
and 130 km/hour. in each case. It is generally adopted that wind
speed will be measured 10m above the water
surface. Regular gusts ofwind can produce higher
waves than constant wind of the same speed but
such waves settle down quickly as gusts change
40 to wind.
" Since no two crests in a train of waves

necessarily reach the same height it is necessary
E 30 to define wave height. Modern studies refer to

I S the 'Significant Wave Height'-H,--this being

I ";t" 20 the mean height of the highest third of the waves
I 0
'".. in a train. The following approximate
I, '. ,
I " \ H."0,34M+O.76-0.26
relationships apply:38
10 '" 2 HW If_O.34rF
Hm••• = 0.624 H,
3 H." O.032M)+O.76-0,27VF H lo = 1.29 H,
(mean of highest 10)
o 2 4 5
Wave height (H.,,) melres Maximum = 1.78 to 1.87 H, ~ i
Fig. 6.30 Wave height v. Fetch (depending upon the number of
waves during a steady-state period)
Stevenson's approximate formula (i) is
Wave heights in a train will confonn approx­
therefore applicable for wind speeds of about
imately to the following, i.e. .
100 km/hour, which is a. reasonable figure for
many locations. It would be conservative for low Not exceed for more than
I wind speeds but would underestimate waves for 20% of time-O.87 H,
i high wind speeds. 10% of time--1.07H,
------ ~~- -~- --


" .,



I :"'1
'; Ii~
:: ,i ,
1­ Embankment slope 7 - Significant wave height, Hs
'2 - Still water level (full supply level) 8 - Wave length
3 ­ flood surcharge 9 - Run-up by Design Wave '1
4 - Wind set-up plus seiche effect
5 ­ Maximum wave height
10 ­ Run4Jp by Maximum Wave
11 Freeboard

6 - Design wave height
1.0 H s for rip rap design
1.25 Hs for freeboard

Fig. 6.31 Wave details


. ~
~ . .}

5% of time--1.25 H, and 130 km/hour. The values are generally lower

3% of time--1.33 H, than those by Bretschneider (1970), whose work , "1 i!
1% of time--1.5 8 H, applied to deep water in open- ocean waves. In the
absence of evidence to the contrary, the author
1 I!
It is therefore fairly common practice to adopt a
has assumed that Stevenson's formulae apply to
design wave height equal to 1.25 H,-accepting
that for 5 per cent of the time when there is full
the mean wave height. Stevenson values have 1I
therefore been multiplied by 1.6 for plotting on
flood in the reservoir some waves will overtop the Fig. 6.32.
dam. The reservoir depth along the path of the I
For wind speeds around 80 km/hour there is I­
waves will affect the height of waves since
very good agreement between Falvey, Saville,
theoretically the height of a wave cannot exceed
0.7 times the water depth.
Bretschneider and the Stevenson Modified for­
mulae. For wind speeds around 40 km/hour there
The theories of tangential and normal stress )
is good agreement between the first three but at
transfer _from wind to water have been in­
figures considerably below the Stevenson values.
vestigated actively over the past 50 years, chiefly
For high wind speeds-where Falvey's formula
by Jeffreys,lO Sverdrup and Munk and
does not apply-it seems reasonable to adopt
Bretschneider. lI .n The Technical Memo No. 132
Saville's figures. Secondary effects at a particular
by the U.S. Corps of Engineers, 196237 reviews
site 'will be introduced by the width of the wind
field measurements at several reservoirs and
path (i.e. topographical irregularities along the
provides graphs (in Imperial units) for the solu­
. 0 f SaVI'11 es equatIon
. 33 banks), divergence of wind direction from the
tlon ­
line of maximum fetch and variation of wind
speed along the_ fetch. It is unreasonable,
g~ = 0.0026 (~r4J therefore, to expect an accuracy better than
0.25 m when calculating the height of the signifi­
which is applicable for short fetches in enclosed cant wave.
lakes. ­ A few examples will indicate that very large
In this case waves can occur-generally supporting the
values by Saville and Bretschneider, Le. at Pearl
H, = height of significant wave-m

River Dam, U.S.A., in August, 1969, wind of

V = wind .speed-mls

96 km/hour gradually built up over a period of


12 hours, blowing directly against the face of the

and g= 9.81-mls'
dam. The fetch was about 18 km. The waves
The value of wave heights given by this formula were recorded as 'greater than 2 m'.
are plotted in Fig.- 6.32 for wind speeds of 40, 80 Bretschneider's 1970 curves indicate a significant
40 ken/hour kml hour 130 km/hour eo . ~.

1/ 4
3 ~
4 / ' /

I !II ,Ii /

i ':/ / /'
/ //1 / /' i
. ,I
/,/ ,,/
/ /'
I ~ i ill ' I
20~ !
~ ~
I 'II' • ,//
" I!
1/'/ ./t ,;.1
Seville 1 ---­ 1
I i~11 ll.// 2----­
I} Folvey
Slevenson modified 3 -----------­
Bretschneider (1970) 4 ------­

t ,
n ,! ~
2 3 4 6 7 I ~

Significant wove height H'So (m}

Hs'::: 1.6 x. meon wove heighl
Fig. 6.32 Significant wave height v. Fetch ,.,.
;,.. I
wave height of 2.2 m, whilst from Fig. 6.32 one be balanced against damage that may· occur I
might estimate 2.7 m. Incidentally, a reservoir should the dam be overtopped by waves or spray.· I Ii
set-up of 15 cm was recorded during the At Mica Dam, Canada, the possibility of a land ~1
48 kmlhour wind and 30 cm during the slip into the reservoir and consequent surge in .
96 km/hour wind of this storm. At Jindabyne the reservoir could not be overlooked. It would
Dam, Australia, on 7th May, 1973, the average have been economically impracticable to raise the
wind speed was about 90 km!hour. With a fetch 300 m high rocKfill dam to provide for such a
of 2.$ to 3 km, waves 1 m to 1.3 m were remote possibility. It was, however, feasible to
recorded. Bretschneider's curves would indicate a widen the crest of the dam and reinforce it to
significant wave height of 1.3 In. During this pass such a wave without undue damage. " ,
., storm wind gusts of up to nearly 200 km!hour ,
were recorded. 'i
6.45 Probability Approach 10 Freeboard
At Kingsley Dam, U.S.A., on 1/2 May, 1972,
winds held at nearly 90 km!hour for about 4 It is not uncommon to calculate the freeboard
hours. The lake is 40 km long. The waves were as the superposition on full supply level of the ,,
estimated to be between 2.5 and 3 m. From Fig. maXimum flood rise, wind set-up and waves ,i

6.32 one might estimate about 3.5 m for the produced by the '100-year' wind. The probability
significant wave. of all those being concurrent is very small. It may
It is obvious that the dam .Engineer must exer­ be deemed adequate to determine freeboard on
cise judgment, based upon the best information the probability of exceedance of, say, 1 .in
I 100000 in anyone year, provided that ex­
,J he can obtain of wind speeds that may occur at
the site when the reservoir is full. To assume that ceedance would do no serious damage to the dam.
the wind will blow at maximum speed exactly on If the reservoir is likely to reach its full supply
the line of maximum fetch at a time when the level once in L years, and if a certain flood rise is
reservoir reaches its maximum level during flood likely to occur once in M years, and if the wind
routing would certainly be conservative. All fac~ of a certain speed and duration is likely It) blow
tors. should therefore be considered together and once in N years, then the probability the.

Return intervals
Crest level af
opprQ(lc~ifl9 Hl wove

Woves 0.65 Hj

FS.L El.SOa.S Se1-ups ",; ,:' '"

Flood rises

ELSO? Imtiol levels


Fig. 6.33 Combinations giving highest wave cre't levels, and frequencies of occurrence

three events will occur in anyone year is the highest levels contained the highest wind speeds.
product LMN, but the probability that they will A few of the combinations are shown in Fig.
coincide is much lower since it will depend upon 6.33, and serve to illustrate what must happen
the duration of each event. for the wave crests to reach E 1.311 m. Since a
If the lake will be at full supply level for 1/r of freeboard of 1.3 m exists above this level there
a year and the flood lasts 1/s of a year, then the should be very small risk of overtopping. Should
probability of coincidence of all factors will be 1 the maximum or the design winds occur it is
in L.r.M.s.N. It is to be noted that the duration most probable that the tops of the waves would
of wind does not appear since it is considered be blown over the crest, possibly clear of the
that the relevant wind could blow at any time. dam, or to fall on to the large rockfill that com­
This line of reasoning was adopted at Scotts prises the downstream face of the dam.
'J I
Peak Dam, Tasmania. 39 The lake has a surface The approach at the Monduran Dam,
area of 250 km.' and will be operated in conjunc­ Australia, was along similar lines. The embank­
tion with another lake to furnish water to the ment level was chosen so that the freeboard on
Gordon power station. From computer studies of the probable maximum flood would be equal to
system operation it was possible to predict the the estimated wave run' up caused by a
probable recurrence interval at which the lake 40 kmlhour wind using Saville's equation. The
would be at certain levels. It was assumed that available freeboard on more frequent floods
the lake would remain within 0.3 m of the par­ would then be as in Table 6.7.
ticular level for 1/8 year. Floods with return in­
tervals of 1 and 1000 years were routed through Table 6.7
the storage for 'each of these initial levels. The
duration of the flood was assumed to be 1/11 Wind velocity to
year. The passage of wind acroSs the lake will cause wave run-up
Flood return Freeboard equal to freeboard
cause both reservoir set-up and waves; for both interval (m) (km/hour)
to occur simultaneously only winds that endured
for more than 1 hour were considered. A wave Probable Max. 0.6 40
height of 1.67 Hs was assumed, i.e. the height at­ 1000 years 1.4 100
500 years 1.8 130
tained by 1 per cent of the waves. It became ap­ 100 years 3.4 225
pan:nt that all combinations producing the

1. Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Authority, Precipitation Gauges, Internal Report, March
Australia, Investigation oj Relatiw Catches oj 1962.

: ;~


2. L. Ponce!et, Comparison of Rain Gauges, World U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply, Paper No.

Meteorologica! Organisation, Ocr. 1959. 1543A, 1960.

3. M. K. Smith, K. K. Watson and D. H. Pilgrim, 'A 18. G. Cole, 'An Application of the Regional Analysis
Comparative Study of the Hydrology of Radiata to Flood Flows', Proc. Symposium I.C.E., 18th
Pine and Eucalypt Forests', I.E. /lust. Hydrology March 1965.
. ,
Symposium, Perth, 1973, pp.91-98. 19. R. D. Goodrich, 'Straight Line Plotting of Skew
4. C. L. Wicht, The Validity of Conclusions from Frequency Data', Trans. A.S.C.E., 91, 1927,
South African Multiple Watershed Experiments pp. 1-118.
(Eds. W. E. Sopper and H. W. Lull), Pergamon, 20. G. N. Alexander, 'Estimation of the 10000-year
Oxford, 1967, pp. 749-760. Flood', 11th ICOW Congress, Madrid 1973,
5. E. J. Smith, E. E. Adderley, L. Veitch aod E. Tur­ Q. 41, R.70, 11, pp. 1327-1350.
ton, 'A Cloud Seeding Experiment in Tasmania', 21. L. Sancha, 'Discussion on Dam Disasters', Proe.
Proc. Internalwnal Conference on Weather I.C.E., 27, Feb. 1964, p. 365.
Modification Canberra, Auslralia, Sept. 1971 (83 22. French National Committee, 'Determination des
Papers). Crees de Project', (Determination of Design
6. B. Watson, C. A. Denny, 'The Use of Streamflow Floods), 11th ICOLD Congress, Madrid, 1973,
Data for the Evaluation of C!oud Seeding Ex­ QA1, R.8, 11, pp.123-144. 1
periments in Tasmania') lac cit, p. 97. 23. B. S. Sadler, 'Hydrologic Investigations for the
7. 'Photogrammetric Technique for Measuring Sur­ Ord River Dam', ANCOLD Bulletin No. 32, Dec. I
face Velocity in Streams', Research Project 72/40, 1970, pp. 14-28. !
Interim Reporl 011 II", Development of Field and Of­
fice procedures and EquIpment, October, 1973,
24.. G. E. Hutchinson, 'A Treatise on Limnology'
Vol. 1. Geography, Physics alld Chemistry, John
. ~ i Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation, Wiley, New York, 1957. . .
Cooma, Australia. 25. C. C. Schruntz, Hydraulics Bulletin 1, Vol. 2, Feb. j:

8. A. G. Robertson, W. T. Burnett and J. H. Greer, 1939, U.S. Waterways Experimeni Station,

Vicksburg, U.S.A.
'The Augmentation of Melbourne's Water Supply
System', 1974, I.E. Ausi. Conference held in New­ 26. J. A. H. Brown, Osel1/atiOn5 of Water Level 1
castle, Australia.
9. C. S. Jarvis, 'Flood Flow Characteristics', Trans.
EueumiJene, Report presented to' the I.E. Aust ..
Watet Resources Conference, Cooma, 1961.
A.S.C.E., 89, 1926, pp.985-1032.
10. B. Harman and H. E. Whittingham, A Documen­
lary and Investigation ofthe Clermont Siorm ofDec.
27. C. V. Davis and K. E. SorenSen, Handbook of
Applied Hydraulics, 3rd edn., McGraw-Hili, New
York, 1969.
1916, Irrigation and Water Supply Commission, 28. D. D. Gaillard, Wave Actwn (reprinted 1935),
Queensland, Nov, 1970. . The Engineer School, Fort Belvoir, Va., U.S.A.
11. N. T. N. Neeve and D. T. Edmonds, 'Zambesi 29. Wavts in Inland Reservoirs, Technical Memo. No.
River-Flood Hydrology and Its Effects on 132, 1962, U.S. Corps of Engineers, Wasnington
Design and Operation of Kariba Dam', Proc. D.C., U.S.A.
Symposium On Flood Hydrology I.C.E. 18th March 30. H. Jeffreys, 'On the Formation of Water Waves in
1965. Wind', Proe. Roy. Soc., London, Series A, 1924,
12. V. A. Myers, Melrological Estimate of Extreme pp.107-189. .

, Precipitation of Spillway Design Floods, U.S. 31. M. A. Mason, 'The Problem of Wave Action on
Weather Bureau, 1967, Tech. Memo. Hydro 5. Earth Slopes', Trans. A.S.C.E., 116, 1951,
13. K. G. Renard, J. C. Drissel, H. B. Osborn, 'Flood pp.1398-1415.
Peaks from small Southwest Range W.tershed', 32. C. L. BretsChneider, 'Selection of the. Design
Journ.l of Hydraulics Division, Proc. A.S.C.E., Wave for Offshore Structures', Journal of
96, No. HY3, March 1970. Waterways and Harbors Division, Paper 1568,
.1 14. C. S. Gillman, Handbook of Applied Geology (Ed.

Proc. A.S.G.E., 84, No. WW2, March 1958,

Chow), Chap. 9, 'Rainfall', McGraw-Hili" New pp. 1~37.
York. 33. T. A. Saville, E. W. Clendon aod A. L. Cochran,
15. L N. Jamieson, 'Hydrologic Studies for 'Freeboard Allowance for Waves in Inland Reser­
Adaminaby Dam', Journ. I.E. Aust., 26, 1954, voirs', Trans. A.S.C.E., 128. Pt. IV, 1963,
pp.69-85. pp. 195-226.
16. (a) J. M. Jordaan, 'Some Aspects of the Hydro­ 34. R. C. Goodnight aod T. L. Russel, 'Investigation
logical Design Considerations of the Orange River of the Statistics of Wave Heights', Journal of
.. Development Project', 9th ICOLD Congress, Waterways and Harbors Division, Paper 3524,
Istanbul, 1967, Q.33, R.51, 11, p. 899; (b) Proe. A.S.C.E., 89, No. WW2, May 1963,
P. A. A. Back, 'Aspects of the Design of the Orange pp.29-54.
River Project-South Africa', B.N.C.O.L.D. News 35.. H. T. Falvey, 'Prediction of Wind Wave Heights',
and Views (I.C.E. London), May 1968. Journal of Waterways, Harbors and Coastal
17. M. A. Benson, 'Characteristics of Frequency Division, Paper 10324, Proc. A.S. C.E., 100, No.
Curves based on • Theoretical 1000-year Flood', WWl, Feb. 1974, pp. 1-12.


36. Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology, 38. K. V. Taylor, 'Slope Protection of Earth and ~-1

Australia, Wave Heights v. Wind, Meteorological Rockfill Dams" 11 Ih ICOLD Congress, Madrid, 1
Report No.40, 1970, Melbourne. 1973, Q.42, R.13, 111, pp.215-235. . '.. J 1;
37. 'Waves in Inland Reservoir,', Technical Memo. 39. B. A. Cole and T. F. A. Bonniee, 'Scott's Peak
No. 132, 1962, U.S. Corps of Engineers, Dam-Wave Wan Design', ANCOLD Bulle/in

! ~
Washington. No. 38, Aug, 1973, pp. 88-98. iJ
, 'l
Further Reading .

..~Hydrology Handbook" A.S.C.E. Manual of Engineer­ D. M. Gray, (Ed.), Handbook on ehe Principles of
ing Praceice No. 28, (1949), New York. Hydrology, National Research Council of Canada, I·i:
R. K. Linsley, M. A. Kohler and J. L. Paulhus, 1970.
Hydrowgy for EngIneers, McGraw-Hill, New York, J. Nemec, Engineering Hydromgy, McGraw-Hill, New ,-;}:
'f'l i
1958. York, 1972. .
V. T. Chow (Ed.), Handbook of Applied Hydrology, P.S. Welch, Limnology, McGraw-Hill, London, p. 38,
McGraw-Hili, New York, 1964.
J. P. Bruce and R. H. Clark, Introduction to Hydro
Meteorowgy, Pergamon, Oxford, 1966.
1935. ~:j
C. O. Clark, 'Storage and the Unit Hydrograph', G. N. Alexander, A. Karoly and A. B. Sum, :1
Trans. A.S.C.E., 110, 1948, Paper No. 2261,
Equivalent Distributions, with Application to
Rainfall as an Upper Bound to Flond Distributions',

N. B. Lovett, 'Estimation of Maximum Possible J. Hydrol., 9, 1969, pp. 322-373../

Precipitation', Journ. I.E. AUSI., 26, No. I(}-H, World Meteorological Organisation 1969, Estimalion
Oct.-Nov. 1954, Symposium on Engineering
of Maximum Floods, Technical Note No.98.
I. Cordery, 'Antecedent Wetness for Desigu Flood
J. Walpole, Maximum Possible Rainfall over Australia, Estimation', Civil Engineering Trans. I.E. Aust., '~

Conference on Estimation of Extreme Rainfall, Oct. 1970. i

Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Dec. 1958, L. Robinson, 'Floods Predicted from Rainfall Fre­ iJ
Melbourne. quencies', Journal of Hydraulics Division, Paper
D. N. Body, Flood Estimation: Uniigraph Procedures
utilising a High Speed Digital Computer, Water
No. 9294, Proc. A.S.C.E., 98, No. HYI0, Oct.
1972, pp.1773-1787.
Research Foundation of Australia, Manly Vale, T. A. McMahon, G. P. Codner, C. S. Joy, 'Reservoir i
N.S.W., Bulletin No.4, 1959. Storage-Yield Estimates based on Historical and
C. E. Hounarn, 'Estimation of Extreme Precipitation, Generated Streamflow," Civil Engineering Trans.
Journ. I.E. AUSI., 32, No.6, June 1960, I.E. Ausl., CEI4, No.2, Oct. 1972, pp. 147-152. '.
pp. 113-116. R. .G. Quimpo, 'Link between Stochastic and
B. Watson, 'Unitgraph Derivation'; D. N. Body, Deter­
minatz'on of Rainfall Lesses, Bureau of Meteorology,
Australia, Working Paper 59/2858, June 1961.
Parametric Hydrology', Journal of Hydraulics
Division, Proc. A.S.C.E., 99, No. HY3, March
1973, pp. 461-470 (with 21 references). ~
g I,

B. W. Gould, 'Statistical Methods for Estimating the D. Tonini, 'The Unitgraph on the Forecasting and on
Design Capacity of Dams', Journ. I.E. Aust., 33, the Prediction of Normal and Exceptional
No. 12, Dec. 1961, pp.405-416.
D. N. Body, 'Significance of Peak Run-<lff Intensity in
Discharges', 11th ICOW Congress, Madrid, 1973,
QA1, R.79, 11, pp.1509-1S17.

the Application of the Unitgraph Method to Flood B. J. Mason, Clouds, Rain and Rainmaking,
Estimations', Journ. I.E. AUSI., 34, No. 1-2,
Jan.-Feb. 1962.
Cambridge University Press, 1962.
E. J. Smith, E. E. Adderley, D. T. Walsh, 'A Cloud L

W. E. Boughton, 'A Mathematical Model for Relating Seeding Experiment in the Snowy Mountains,
Run-off to Rainfall with Daily Data', Civil Australia', J. Appl. Met., 2, No.3, June 1963, ~ '1 i
Engineering Trans. I.E. Aust., CBS, No. I, 1966,
A. T. Brunt, 'Space-Time Relations of Cyclonic Rain­
pp. 324-332.
E. J. Smith, Possibilities of Arlificial Modificalion of
Precipilalion--Water Resource Use and Management,
f I
L .. I

fall in N.E. Australia Region', Civil Engineering Melbourne University Press, 1964, pp. S(}-88.
Trans. I.E. Aust., CEI0, No.1, April 1968.
Symposium ofFlocd Hydrology, Sydney Division I.E.
M. C. Williams, 'Weather Modification', University of
Wyoming Journal of Hydraulics Division, Proc. iJ

Aust, held at University of N.S.W., August 1968. AS.C.E., Jan. 1965, pp.93-104.
A. P. Aitken, The Application of Runoff Routing in 'Artificial Modification of Clouds and Precipitation',
Flood Hydrology. World Meteorological Organisation, Tech. Note No. iJ

t :'

105 by M. Neiburger WMO No.249, TP137 Division, Paper 9384, Proc. A.S.C.E., 98, WW4,

(1969). Nov. 1972, pp. 529-548.

R. A. Schleusener and E. I. Boyd, 'Weather Modifica­ R. P. Savage, 'Wave Run up on Roughened and
tion Program in South Dakota', Journal of Permeable Slopes', Trans. A.S.C.E., 124, 1959,
Hydraulics Division, Paper 9187, Proc. A.S. C.E., pp.852-870.
98, No. HY9, Sept. 1972, pp. 1515-1526 (witb 19 E. M. Wedderburn, 'Seiches', Quart. J. Roy: Met.
references). Soc., 68, 1922.
'Cloud Seeding to boost Precipitation, Reduce Hail', J. Darbyshire and M. Darbyshire, 'Seiches in Lough
A.S.C.E. Civil Engineering, Jan. 1973, April 1973. Naigh', Quart. J. Roy. Met. Sci., 83, No. 355, Jan.
An Annotated Bihliography on Weather Modification, 1957.
1960-1969, Annie E. Grimes, National Oceanic G. Chrystal, 'On the Hydrodynamical Theory of
and Atmospheric, Administration, Environmental Seiches', Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinh., XLI, Pt. 111, No.
Science Information Center (1972). 25.
L. Rundgren, 'Design Floods and Accepted Risk of G. A. Bottomley, 'The Free Oscillations of Lake
Failure', 11th ICOLD Congress, Madrid, 1973, Wakitipu, New Zealand', Trans. Am. Geophy,,'ca[
Q.41, R.ll, 11, pp. 177-186. Union, 37, 1956, p.51.
J. R. Weggel, 'Maximum Breaker Height', Journal of January, 1974, Floods, Moreton Region, Queensland,
Waterways, Harbors and Coastal Engineering Australia, I.E. Aust. Symp. Pro,., April 1974.


, ,



For the engineering of a large dam, geological measured in the laboratory. The important func­
services are required in three main areas: tion of the Engineering Geologist is to map the
boundaries within which such values can be
The safety of the dam on its foundations;

applied for design and to advise the Engineer on

The watertightness of the reservoir basin; and

the relevance of what must necessarily be small

The availability of natural materials for its con­

Seismic action has destroyed some large dams

The Engineering Geologist is therefore a key and seriously damaged others, whilst the disaster
member of the team, the wider his experience on at Vaiont Dam, Italy,! highlighted the effects of a
engineering projects the greater will be his con­ major landslide into a reservoir (Chapter 3). [1
tribution. Very close liaison must be maintained Similar landslides are not uncommon, for in­ j
between the Engineering Geologist and the stance' on 22nd March, 1959, a slide involving 3
Engineers-wmmencing in the earliest days of million cubic meters of material fell into the Mae I
investigation to ensure the feasibility of the pro­ Reservoir-Pontesei Arch Dam, Italy;' a wave : .I

ject, continuing through the design stage to es­ several metres high passed over the crest but for­

tablish the significance of all geological exposures tunately did no significant damage to the dam.

(cores, shafts, trenches, adits) and terminating There are in the world today several large
only when construction has either proved that dams that retain no water; the reservoir sites
geological conditions revealed are in conformity overly cavernous limestone formations. In some ']
with the premises adopted in design, or has made cases remedial action has extended over many ,!
possible proper evaluation of any conditions not years at costs far exceeding those of the dams; at
foreseen in the earlier stages. other sites the dams have been abandoned.
Since every large dam should be under some Availability of natural materials for construc­
form of regular surveillance for its entire life, it tion of the dam will affect its cost; where founda­
is essential that full geological records be tion conditions do not govern, the cost on site of
available. It is in the national interest that all such materials may, in fact, determine the type of '
geological information derived during the con­ dam to be built.
struction of a dam be incorporated in the records The safety, viability and cost of a dam are
of regional geology. therefore ,all dependent upon geology. Mutual
" In many instances Engineers have had ade-­ understanding between the Engineer and the
quate knowledge of rock properties but have Engineering Geologist is essential if a dam is to
failed to appreciate the significance of the rock be properly engineered. For this reason ter­
formations. Most rocks have adequate strength; minology is particularly important-they must
their weakness is in the orientation and dip of use the same technical language and records , '

discontinuities (joints, seams, fllults, folds, etc.), must be commonly understood. ~ l

relative to the loading from the dam, as well as' Unfortunately no two Sites are the same, nor
the infliling material in, and depth of, weather- have rocks the same propenies. Uniformity in
ing in such discontinuities. The strength of description is therefore a prerequisite to under­
rocks, soils and infliling material· can be . standing.
I 1


Rocks can be classified in accordance with weakness along which the rock tends to

their mechanical properties: break.

1. Uniaxial Compressive Strength Foliation. In rocks that have been subjected to

(a) Weak-less than 35 MPa heat and deforming pressures during regional
(b) Strong-35-115 MPa metamorphism, some new minerals such as
(c) Very Strong-greater than 115 MPa. muscovite and biotite mica, talc and chlorite
2. Prefailure Deformation may be formed by recrystallization. These new
(a) Elastic minerals are arranged in parallel layers of flat
(b) Viscous or elongated crystals-the property of
3. Failure Characteristics foliation. Because the rock was once deeply
(a) Brittle buried and has been uncovered, it tends to ex­
(b) Plastic pand and separate along the foliations, Fig.
4. Gross Homogeneity 7.01.
(a) Massive
(b) Layered Joints are fractures along which no movement
5. Continuity in Formation­ has occurred. All rocks are jointed to some ex­
tent and weathering occurs in these joints.
(a) Solid-joint spacing greater than, say, 2 m
They offer pathways for water, any clay infill­
(b) Blocky-joint spacing 1 to 2 m
ing offering little resistance to sliding.
(c) Broken-fragmented_
,I Faules are fractures along which movement -has ,"
It is also helpful to have some standard
occurred. They may range from rather incon­
description of weathering. The following
spicuous slip planes a few metres long to brec­
definitions appeared in the Quarterly Journal of
ciated zones hundreds of metres wide and
Engineering Geology, U.K., 1970, and appear to
many kilometres long. The movement may
be appropriate:
have formed a zone that is so crushed and
Fresh Rock: No visible signs of weathering chemically altered as to be unable to support

Slightly Penetrative weathering devel­ any weight. The presence of faults may be ­
Weathered: oped in open discontinuity sur­ recognized from such physical features as

faces but only slight weathering Offset of beds, dykes or veins;

of rock material; Slickensides;

Moderately Weathering extends throughout Gouge;


Weathered: the rock mass, but the rock is Brecciation or crushing;

not friable; Topographic features such as escarpments,
linear trenches or sag valleys, offset

Highly Weathering extends throughout

Weathered: the rock mass, but the rock alignment of vegetation-Fig. 7.02. ,I
material is partly friable; .!
Completely Rock is wholly decomposed, and
7.1 Regional Geology
Weathered: in a friable _condition but rock i
texture and structure are To plan the detailed investigations of a dam­ I
preserved; site it is advantageous to have some knowledge of I
Soil: A soil material with the original both global and regional geology. The former
texture, structure and mineral­ will provide a picture of geomorphic and seismic
ogy of the rock completely history and possible crustal stresses, the latter
destroyed. will- identify the ages of formations-Table
7.l-the location of major faults, and possibly
the date of last movement thereon; it will also
Other terminology that should be understood
provide explanation of the erosion processes by
would refer to geological formations:'
which the existing topography was formed. It
Bedding Planes are the planes marking the ter­ should reveal any glacial preconsolidation, past
mination of one sedimentary deposit and the and potential landslides, the existence of karstic
beginning of another; they usually constitute a formations and the natural processes responsible
," 1
: I




1 ,
: i

for weaknesses revealed in the local geology. Un­ presence of limestone, whilst inconsistencies
fortunately many regional maps have been corn­ between analyses or water quantities may reveal
piled from inadequate or insufficient information the presence of karstic furmations. The analyses
and care must therefore be exercised in their in­ will also warn the Engineer of possible
terpretation. characteristics that might affect his choice of
Colour and infra-red aerial photography is materials.
now possible in most countries, whilst for some,
satellite photographs with colour differentiation
are beginning to revolutionize the identification
of regional geology-espedally the extent, con­
tinuity and signifIcance of major geological struc­
tures that are not readily recognizable from
aerial or ground observations.

Table 7.1. Geological Time Scale Fig. 7.03 Possible leakage through lime­ I
Era Period Epoch Age (in years)
stone series I
Quaternary Recent 0-15 000
Pleistocene 15 000-3 000 000
At most sites, geological interpretation is by
inference and its accuracy will be proponional to
Il Tertiary Pliocene 3-20 million the amount of work done. This will apply par­
ticularly to complicated limestone areas where a
Eocene 50-70 wrong decision might well lead to an empty
reservoir. This is well illustrated by one site in
.2 Tasmania where the first exploration revealed
Cretaceous 70-135
0 Jurassic 135-190 limestone outcrops in the river both upstream
::E Triassic 190-220 and downstream from the damsite. As the whole
220-280 region was known to have suffered much folding,
u Carboniferous 280-345 a simple interpretation would be that shown in
Devonian 345-395 Fig. 7.04. Since limestone was known to be
"" Silurian 395-430 permeable, this site might well have been con­
Ordovician 430-500
Cambrean 500-600
demned as b~ing unlikely to hold water.
However, work was continued over several ,"."
~ c ProterzQk 600 plus million seasons in which time various structural in­
".~ Archaean 3000 million terpretations were suggested, Fig. 7.05(A) and
(B). Finally a combina tion of detailed field mapp­
Table follows J. Verboogen et al. The Earth-An ttJJroO.ucliott. to ing and deep drilling produced acceptable
Physical Geology, 1910, Holt, Rinehart' Be Winston, New York,
evidence' of a watertight< geological structure,
Fig. 7.06.
It is essential to establish, as early as possible,
the general geological formations of the region.
Preliminary reconnaissance should therefore be 7.2 Local Geology
concentrated in areas where rock in situ is ex­
It is important not to restrict the extent of
posed-usually on the mountain ridges and in
local geological investigation. It should cover not
the beds of streams. The possibility of leakage
only ~he damsite but the whole works area.
from the filled reservoir 'N into an adjacent
stream 'B' should not be overlooked, Fig. 7.03.
Chemical analysis of the' water in various
tributaries, and the main stream will indicate the ,. Author's, Note. The above is given only to emphasize
the need for thorough investigation; the full story of this
pa"rticular site is published in the QuarterlY Journal of
Engineering Geo1cgy, 7) No.2, 1974, 'Investigations into the
Fig. 7.01 Folded quartzite Watertightness of the proposed Gordon Olga hydro electric
, storage in,South Western Tasmania', G. T. RobertS,snd M.
Fig',7.02 Edgar fault, Australia Andric.
- -------~ ­ !


to' .

Fig. 7.04


Fig. 7.05(A)

Fig. 7.05(B)
:j .
.-. ,

Site investigation, Gordon River, Australia

Access roads in steep gorges will involve steep be concentrated in areas of greatest relevance to

batters, heavy machinery will require adequate the dam, i.e. where the Engineer indicates high

foundations, whilst the method and efficiency of compressive or shearing forces.

quarry operation will depend upon the depth of

overburden and stability of slopes.
7.21 Surface Geology
For the dam itself, I agree with the late
Professor Lugeon of Lausanne--a very eminent Of greatest relevance are the discontinuities in
engineering geologist; he stated that knowledge the rock formations, i.e. do' their strike and dip
of the foundations on which a dam is to be con­ provide possible mechanisms for failure when the
structed should extend to a depth as great as the rock mass is subjected to loading from the dam­
height of the proposed structure. This does not and when water under high pressure from the
mean that every drill hole should go to this reservoir may have permeated the discon­
depth, but that sufficient information should be , tinuities?
obtained to ensure a reasonable understanding of The extent of weathering will govern the
the rock formations to that depth. quantity of overburden to be removed. In general
It is essential that the geological investigations terms, we look for weathering problems in the :

": ,.,



I ; ~
• Possible interconnection
of limestones below' i'l
, ~

7000ff using alternative :1

posifion fOl FO\,lltm
cf. Fig t1 3000 ~

:; ! ;
1 '

.,i 5000

Fig. 7.06 Acceptable interpretation of geology

river bed in young topography hut high on the The efficacy of surface mapping will depend...·
banks in old topography. upon accessibility and what can be seen. At most
Under embankment dams it may be possible to sites the in situ rock is covered with soil and
leave in place alluvium that has been well con­ debris; the most efficient way to expose the sur­
, !
solidated---except for a zone directly beneath the face geology is by sluicing the site,' Fig. 7.08. If
core, Fig. 7.24, or beneath the plinth of a decked care is taken in this work it should be practicable
rockflll dam, Fig. 7.07. to meet environmental requirements concerning
river pollution. Joints, cracks and faults will.·be
Concrete deck, .' '
. t-offerdom OIS
evident and determination of· their orientation
\ I and dip relative to thrusts from the dam will be
Rivet gravel
In sedimentary series, Fig. 7.09, attention
plinlQ River grovel in situ
should be given to bedding planes and seams, i.e.
Fig. 7.07 Decked rockfill dam-River gravel left the infilling material may have low shear
io p"ice strength especially when saturated. However,


-'i.;~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"""'"'_'_ _ _ _ _ __

144 n

non-planarity or discontinuity of seams can make contact surfaces-<!ither of the rock foundation of
a site acceptable, Fig. 7.10. a non-integrated clay layer or of a conduit buried
Although gneiss, mica schists and associated in the embankment. The concept of hydraulic
rocks are generally satisfactory for strength and gradient must be constantly before the geologist
watertightness, any excess mica in the foliations and the Engineer when studying both lower
could drop the angle of friction from 40 to 30 foundations and abutments.
degrees, Fig. 7.1 L However, such weakness is
sometimes counteracted by intense folding of the
7.22 Geophysical
rock, Fig. 7.12; once away from the effects of sur­ i
face weathering a very sound foundation is Geophysical exploration is widely used to sup­
available, Fig. 7.13. On the other hand, quart­ plement surface and subsurface investigations,
i ~
, j!1
zose foundations can be thinly bedded and having the advantage ofbeing relatively rapid and
heavily fractured, Fig. 7.14. cheap when compared with other methods such ,~I
Dolerite (Diabase) is a hard strong intrusive
rock. Cooling cracks are usually present and
as diamond drilling or aditing. Following a
suitably planned geophysical survey more
J 1
weathering can occur in these to considerable detailed-exploratory work can be sited to best ad­ fll
depth--often over 100 m. Vertical and subver­ vantage and, in turn, the results obtained can 1. lj
tical cracks are also formed by the escape of gases dl
then be used to upgrade the original geophysical
during solidification, Fig. 7.15; Chemical
deterioration by movement of water can lead to
large-scale decomposition in these seams, and
In general, seismic and electrical methods have
proved of most value in engineering in­
, I
this may occur at any depth. vestigations, although other geophysical techni­
Faulting will also open cracks and crush the
material with subsequent weathering--often to
ques, including the gravitational and magnetic
methods, have occasional application. Specialized
plastic clay. Another common feature of dolerite geophysical methods of drill hole logging can
(and granite) is sheeting due to relief of tectonic
stresses and other causes. Frequently this is sub­
often be employed to solve specific or unusual
problems, e.g. self-potential measurements or 'l'~. t
horizontal and sometimes of 'onion peel' for­ neutron-logging can be employed to define zones
mation, Fig. 7.16. In either case it is a difficult of high water leakage. :1j
foundation to prepare, i.e. overnight a layer can ~J!
lift and become drummy. Once cleaned up the
area should be covered with concrete and
arrangements made for consolidation grouting.
Fig. 7.08
Cethana Dam, Australia-Sluiced right nl, ~1
For foundations other than rock the quickest
method of revealing geology is by trenching with
a back hoe. This is often a useful supplement to
drilling where much core may be lost, or
Fig. 7.09

Fig. 7.10
Horizontally bedded sandstones and shales

Undulating, dipping bedding planes

boulders may be interpreted as rock in situ. Care <,,'
must be exercised to ensure stable slopes in any "I:
Fig. 7,11 Laminated schistose quartzite
t.rench exceeding 2 m in depth. Although the
orientation is normally controlled by the geology Fig. 7.12 Intensely folded schistose quartzite
and topography, the grade of an exploratory
trench should be. adequate for drainage. The Fig, 7.13 A sound quartzite foundation-Abutment
faces revealed should be mapped, sampled and drainage gallery in foreground
photographed. If openings will not be within the
lindts of later dam excavation they should be Fig. 7.14 Quartz-sandstone foundation-Thinly
backfilled for safety and appearance. bedded quartz and siltstone overlain by thick beds of
For each type of dam the possibility of leakage fine-grained ashstone
must be determined. This is most likely to occur Fig, 7.15 Dolerite (Diabase) foundation--Cooling
through permeable materials if the pressure and cracks, sheeting and near vertical fault
hence velocity of water is sufficient to cause
erosion. Leakage is most common along smooth Fig, 7.16 Dolerite--'Onion·peel' sheeting
(',' '


T ..;.­

~f ,5i-,"


7,09 "]







~ '~



150 n

Seismic methods are the most highly

developed of all the geophysical techniques and
are widely employed in engineering in­
points on the Earth's surface is measured. This
potential is a function of the current, the
geometry of the electrode array, and the
vestigations. They are based on the study of the resistivity of the Earth. r1
travel paths of artificially created elastic waves in A commonly used electrode configuration is :L j
the earth. Such waves can readily be generated at the 'Wenner' array, Fig. 7.17. By increasing the
or near the Earth's surface by a percussion, electrode spacing progressively the variation of
generally with an explosive or mechanical source; resistivity with depths can be determined [1
sensitive transducers (referred to as geophones) (electrical drilling), whereas by maintaining a
are sited at some distance from the source to
record the time of travel of elastic waves through
the intervening strata. Various modes of waves
fixed array and traversing across the ground sur­
face, lateral variations can be observed (electrical
are generated by a percussion source; in "most
applications only the fastest-travelling mode, the r-------{I}-----~ ]
compression wave, is studied. The velocity of
elastic waves through rocks is determined by the
density and elastic properties of the rocks. At dis­
continuities or interfaces, such as bedding­


planes, joints, faults, etc., reflection and refrac­

tion of these waves occur. Thus by studying the
travel times of the refracted or reflected waves
Fig.7.17 Electrical resistivity-Wenner array D

between the source and the geophones a great Since the geophysical work can be influenced
deal of information about the properties of the
subsurface materials can be deduced. For ex­
by so many variables within the foundations, it
cannot be used as the sole tool of exploration. D
ample, depth of overburden, thickness and extent When used in conjunction with other methods,
of weathering, and the quality or nature of the and progressively calibrated against definite ex­ f}.
bedrock can usually be readily determined by the posures, it is a cheap method of investigation--of t ..

seismic refraction method. particular value in determining variability of

In more sophisticated applications, studies of
other elastic modes such as the shear-wave can
conditions over a large area.
D ,:
yield values for Young's Modulus and Poisson's ~
f1· }'
Ratio, providing the density of the rocks is 7.23 Drilling ;- l'
known or can be reasonably inferred. It should d
be noted that such determinations involve low This is a basic means of subsurface in­
vestigation. Power augers and percussion drills
'dynamic-loading' of the rocks and commonly
produce results slightly different from methods will remove material as a powder or slurry. Its c
such as flat-jack tests which employ large static examination gives some information concerning
loads. the strata traversed. However, errors occur due ~-l
to caving at unknown levels in the hole and
In engineering practice the most commonly
damage to the hole by removal of the drill rods.
used electrical method of geophysical exploration
involves the measurement of the variability of If such holes are washed out they can accom­ ,--,
modate periscopes or borehole cameras for in situ : ~
the electrical conductivity (inversely the U
examination of the rock formations. The Calyx
resistivity) of rocks. The electrical conductivity of
a rock-mass is primarily dependent on the drill, Fig. 7.18, permits extraction of a core. An
abrasive material-like steel shot-is fed under
'" .
moisture content contained in pores and fissures, :---.1~
although the mineral composition is also impor­ the rotating hollow cylindrical head. Chippings
tant if conductive minerals such as clay, graphite are removed in the water flush and a 'Calyx' is
or sulphides are present. " :
In the method a current is passed through the Fig. 7.18
1.2 m diameter Calyx drill
ground, usually through metallic stakes, and the ,l
potential difference produced between two other Fig. 7.19
Sandstone core--1.2 m diameter d
:: 11
.-­ ~

-~"--. -.~--

i, :
• < <

- - -


left standing at the bottom of the hole; this is ~l','

Waler end
broken off and removed as core, Fig. 7.19. This :} ,

type of drill can drill holesup to 1.5 m diameter,

the calyx being broken off with explosives. Holes
larger than 1.2 m permit access for personnel-for Pump coupling socket
~ j~

inspection or testing.
Diamond drilling probably dates from work
done by the Swiss Engineer, R. Leschot, at the
Mount Cenis Tunnel. Its aim in foundation ex­
ploration is to obtain maximum core recovery. Swivel bearrng assembly
for holding ond core tubes
Generally speaking, the more broken the ground
conditions the more difficult will be the task of
recovering good core samples. Invariably the "'
most .important piece of core is the piece that has ; J•
been lost. If drilling is to be done by contract it is
unwise to base payment solely on length drilled;
at least a proportion of the payment should be Split core lube blowout
related to the percentage of core recovered in a valve ossembfy

condition acceptable to the geologist. Core

recovery is dependent upon ,

The nature and character of the strata;

The type and condition of equipment;

The method of drilling; ,

The experience, skill and patience of the drillers.


Thirty years ago a large proportion of drilling • _'1' "

was done to recover EX cores-22 mm diameter.
1t was not unusual to lose 10 per cent of the core,
especially from clay' or brecciated zones in
sedimentary series. At Poatina, Tasmania, EX
drilling in the mid~1950's was successful to a ++-- Split COre ',

depth of 532 m, but its prime purpose was to

determine the thickness of a dolerite intrusion


rather than to derive detailed geology. Good

results were obtained at the Olga River,
Tasmania, from a hole 1090 m deep, drilled
through quartzites and mudstones, terminating
with core 41 mm diameter.
However, in many parts of the world it is now
the practice to recover 100 mm cores even
though the cost per'metre would be double that
of 50 mm cores. It is claimed that the extra cost is
Reamer sbell
justified by the better core recovery. Cores up to
150 mm are sometimes taken for special pur­
poses. D'

The original diamond drill used a simple core Core lifter

barrel; this gave satisfactory results in rock but ,rO

very poor core recovery in soft friable material.
Developments in core barrels have been rapid,­
culminating in the triple tube, split inner tube
barrel, Fig. 7.20. In this arrangement drilling
Fig. 7.20 Triple ,ube, split inner
, rube;- core barrel
·., "

fluids are delivered to the face of the bit down volves the reinforcement with a steel rod of the
the annulus between the holding tube and the mass to be sampled; the rod is encased in a
outer tube; the core is thus protected from narrow initial boring with a liquid that causes
washing and consequent erosion. The split core the whole of the core, when overdrilled, to
tube can be removed hydraulically from the adhere to the rod. Although expensive this
holding tube, laid horizontally and the top half method is justified to interpret thinly bedded
removed to expose the core. rock, the direction of dip of which may be vital to
With hydraulic-feed machines the operator has stability of the dam.
definite control of the drilling, and with cores 40
to 50 mm diameter one should expect better than
i 97 per cent core recovery in most situations. 7.24 Adits
! Some of the factors that control the length
The most positive information is obtained by
drilled by a diamond bit are size and pattern of
going. underground. In special cases the vertical
diamonds on the bit, the wall conditions of the
Calyx hole is useful, but in general an adit has
hole, rock hardness and abrasiveness, rock joint­
the advantage that it can follow geological
ing, as well as the pressures applied and rotational
features-with rises to different levels if ' re­
speed of the bit. With so many variables it is
quired. Adits of minimum dimensions-2;2 by
difficult to provide 'an assessment of the life of
1.5 m- can be excavated economically by a few
diamond bits, but figures in Table 7.2 are indi­
men with primitive equipment, Fig. 7.21. This
cative; these were derived from drilling done in
Tasmania in the past decade with NMLC bits. permits work to be done before vehicular access
to the site has been provided. For investigation of
the quartzite schist foundations of the Gordon
Table 7.2. Life of Diamond Bits Arch Dam, Tasmania, all equipment and per­
sonnel were transported' and serviced by
Length drilled
helicopter, a primitive haulageway and light
i l
; 1
Rock type Circulant (m)
cabJeways. Eight small adits were excavated of
! J Quartzite Water 6 total length 1600 m, Fig. 7.22. The cost of these
Quartzite Sol. oil-water 11
adits per metre was about. twice the cost per
Jointed quartzite Sol. oil-water
Sol. oil-water
metre of 41 mm diamond drill. holes. There was,
of course, no comparison in their relative values.
Chert Water 4.6 The walls, floor and roof of the adits can be
i Chert Sol. oil-water i6 properly mapped, Fig. 7.23, and photographed;
I' !
Jointed chert Water 2.2
7.3 the direction of strike and dip of all discon­
Dolerite Water
I Dolomite Water 7.4 tinuities can be seen; samples of the infilling
material can be taken-for both undisturbed and

Sol: oil-water
43 remoulded laboratory testing-and ill situ testing
Argillite Water 24 can be carried out at special locations. In many
Sandstone Water 40
Mudstone Water 44 instances these adits canla!5 be used for perma­
nent drainage and survCl"lli.nce of the abutments.
A note of warning1s justified concerning small
From this table it is evident that the presence adits since there is always the possibility of nox­
of joints in the rock seriously decreases the life of ious or explosive gases accumulating in dead

the bit, whereas the 'use of soluble oil in water as ends. Special safety precautions are necessary if
il the circulant has improved life by as much as 75 the depth of shaft or length of tunnel exceeds
per cent. Penetration rate has also been in­
creased, by upwards of 40 per cent, by the use of
four times the square root of the cross sectional
area of the opening. ' .
soluble oil in the circulant. To obtain 100 per ,At the site of the 210 m Auburn arch dam,
cent core recovery in which layers of drilled U.S.A., the exploratory tunnels were 3.1 m high
material would preserve their relative positions, and 2.5 m wide. They were excavated with con­
Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia, Lisbon, has ,ventional tunnelling equipment and were large
developed a special sampling process. 5 This in­ enough to permit underground testing on a large

J, ;. z:
! i


Outline of
Gordon Dam 01
foundation contact

Fig. 7.22 Gordon Dam, Australia-Layout of investigation .ruts

~• Foul! 'u'
$ " " "
NOlin wall


S00ln woll

,. "' " '!

o II! 1
5! ! ! !
Viewed f rom outside

veia or lens
c::::>q, Quarlz - '$'- Axis af anficiine Grey,dark grey.greenish,fresh hord.lhinly to
Crushed ond broken tone -·~l·- Axis of syncline lhickly foliot(ld.fjne graiMd to glossy Cllurt­
~ olong fault ar joint tt Cloy sill .life wilh mIca rich layers
~ CI(lsely joinled zone c. Crushed rock

..1lA Joint face Ih Broken rock

Green, dark green, yellow brown; slightly to highly'
weothered,soft to medium hard limonite stained,
--..§:2: Foliation oW WeIer flow

-+- V(lfficol foliation Sheal(ld in port Amphiholite

~ Joint • ® Wot(lr drlpping
ij 5 Photograph Black,dork grey, thinly foliafed SCllisf interfoll01(ld
- - - Verlicaf join! ; 'J ~71940rill hole wilh grey, dark greY,medium fa Ihit:kly foliated
?-~ Faull with sens~ of ni~~emenl' QfJor/zile

Fig. 7.23 Typical logi;ing of explor.tory arut

i I
scale as well as the access of equipment for later 7.25 Permeability
foundation improvements.
Permeability of foundations is of basic impor­
The size of adits and how they are excavated I
tance-see Chapter 8-it can lead to piping
will vary from site to site; the important fact is
under the dam, gradual erosion of material and
that they permit visual inspection and in situ
collapse of part of the dam. It can also provide
testing where required.
access for water into the foundations to cause I
uplift under the dam or into the abutments such ·1
Fig. 7.21 Small exploratory .rut that their stability might be endangered. Great

"".·.·'~'.~Al. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~4t~~. . . . . . . . . .~~_~ •
. ­
, '1


: :
: i
Crest 01 Dam
": {

: l


~ Talus

1';'"I,j Quartzite, schist

slate, phyllite
:I} Glacial drift "1,
1:".:\:;:::.:::1 Periglacial solifluction
and fluvio glacial material ":, j

: I

Fig. 7.24 Parangana Darn, Australia-Central corc rockfill on foundation ABeD

geological terms, Fig. 7.25. It is unsafe to permit
responsibility therefore rests with the geologist to
explain any possible mechanisms whereby water logging to be done by untrained personnel simply
might leak from the reservoir or prejudice the because they know the standard terms. It is
safety of the dam. equaIly important that the logging be done in
Parangana Dam, Australia, is a central core close liaison with the Engineer so that any
rockfill 46 m high. The Mersey river. eroded a qualifying 'Engineering language' can be added
deep gorge in Precambrian rocks, but this was with mutual agreement at the time. It can be un­ ,1
filled with periglacial solifluction (eroded and safe fo.r an Engineer to place his interpretation ;.J
deposited) and fluvioglacial (eroded and trans­ on geological terminology! For preference,
ported by water) materials overlain with glacial drilled cores should be retained for some years
drift and talus, Fig. 7.24. The central core was after the dam is commissioned. If it is necessary r~
continued downwards as a cut-off-Fig. for them to be taken from the site for examina­
13.68-with grouting extending below its base. tion or discussions they should be returned to the ,~_-;l

site for permanent safe storage. The cores in each

The important recommendation by the geologist
was the depth to which the cut-off and the grout box should be photographed, Fig. 7.26, LJ I
curtain should extend. preferably in colour; the photographs, copies of
log sheets and their interpretations should be
filed at the one location. Geological maps, both
7.3 Recording and Presentation
regional and local, should be continually up­
The significance of the geology must be made dated, from the preliminary reconnaissance stage . I
clear to the Engineer whose training in geology through the design stage and well into the con­ ;j
may be minimal. For this reason the methods of struction stage.
recording ,and presenta.tion· must be readily un­ It is most desirable that a geological model of
derstandal:!le to all concerned. . the site be prepared-Chapter 19. As with the
All logging-whether of drilled cores, shafts, maps it can be regularly updated. The careful
trenches, adits or other exposures--should be representation of strata, seams, joints and
done by Engineering Geologists using standard faults--together with the directions of lines of


LINE 67/33


D-3,00 TALUS
5o.nd· ~i1t wit}}
qua.rtz.irc FragmfZ.n~!to .

.3.00 - 7.60 SOilS7" qUarrZDSe

tora. brlZa.k!!ii "",dil, i.. if) tart
M W to HW,
a.Jo"fj /O/fc...hon vUH clO5l.Zly faJ~r~,
WfUJ.X fa va.ry 'Ntl.a.k,

Joinf~, .sfwp. light ane'! dark gra!:J.

raggwd, .$I:;a.inad. > 'D % ~rlZ in dj.$~ <IDmm
a1 "itrvals or Me..lC, C:c:m1. h;:nglh 160mm
a.bout "C;Om i/l CJuart.ZOS" ZLlnrz
roLio..tion d.ips Sfoin.s on .$omq Fol/cHon
..... log'a.cas .

160 10.
9fY;l,in, F tD MIf?
folhid, mod. .sfons
grfZ!J wilh .brown

10.0.0- 1!:teQ .sCJ.usT C>U""l'l:~

In p::UI; VfZr!:l clcJ.sdlJ
foIla.bu1, .11""" end dode. .
10.00 -1.!IrE!D MW_HW

"­ on.soma- toJ,ellf:m-l

surFa.t;QS ,
Cora discs !n0Ji.£ ..::JOmm
"­ let oa /z; 15.20
IJ'::::uv: ma.x. J5mrn
1.5.00 Jo;nt 15.eo- (:J.a;;
Sub v£l'fica 1
iI "" ra9~ brown
.5.}Qjni~ .

III ""

3·4 ofnd joints

dip "" 45<>

"­ "
Broken J3.f!o- 2.5,1" G:1UA.eTzrrr:.. VI2:.I'!:I Ihin ~jsJc::..s~
barJ", #kd. i:J::, a.50
.5-bJoinl5 r b:::J's'iI!f !hill/!:! fO/jt:l.t~
dip 30 -.f.5 *' .st"".g iD W"y st",,1l!}.
..5=ma. ~..
planalj btuM'1 ql'f.I.'.I'
1 ~!ain«l. t..c:u'tr mtlX J30 mm.

Fig, 7,25 Typical borehole log


I ij
____ . J
, ;






159 'I
thrust from the dam-will greatly facilitate un­ magnetic tape--together with accurate time con­
derstanding and should reveal incipient struc­ trol. Extraneous background noise, such as
tural weaknesses or paths of possible water loss. quarry blasting, must be separated and efforts
made to establish the magnitude of all natural
events, their epicentres and depths of focus.
7.4 Seismic Activity
Records should be continued for as long as
The Engineer is particularly interested in two possible--at least 5 years after initial filling of
aspects of seismic activity, ~amely: the reservoir and preferably to cover several
periods of large drawdown and refilling of the
(i) Whether natural earthquakes, of an intensity
that may cause damage to the dam or ap­
Large dams should be monitored for any
purtenant structures, are. likely to ocenr in
major events. The installation of strong-motion
close proximity to the dam; and
seismographs is not expensive. These instruments
(ii) Whether earthquake activity might be in­
do not give a continuous record but are triggered
duced by the ftlling of the reservoir-with
to record activity of predetermined magnitude;
the possibility of damage to the dam or
they can be operated by batteries-but would
liability for damage to .other structures or
not then record standard time. It is usual to in~
persons. Though the magnitude of the shocks
stall such instruments on rock at the base of the
may be low, the proximity of the epicentres
dam, on the crest of the dam and preferably on
could make the effects serious.
rock at a short distance from the dam.
The magnitude of an earthquake is an indica- ,.,
7.41 Natural Events tion of its absolute size, or total energy release. 6
Preliminary investigations should include It is measured by the Richter Scale, an arbitrary
research of earthquake history of the region. logarithmic scale which defines magnitude in
Besides official records, the local newspapers will terms of the maximum amplitude of a standard
often reveal shocks felt by people in centres seismometer at a distance of 100 km from the
remote from any seismographs. epicentre. Accurate calculation of total energy
Even though no evidence is found of past release is not possible, but a number of empirical
seismic activity it may be unwise to assume that formulae have been put forward which roughly
nothing could happen in the future; in fact the correlate estimated energy release with Richter
two largest events recorded in U.S.A. occurred in magnitude. A magnitude of 8 to Sf is a typical
seismically quiet regions. Field surveys should in­ value for the greatest historical earthquakes.
clude the recording of all faults in the region The intensity of an earthquake is a measure of
with particular attention being paid to the period its effects at a particular place, and depends on
·1 when the last movement occurred. However, both the magnitude and the distance from the
I movement on faults is not the sole form of earth­ epicentre.
. quake. Most intensity scales are related to human ex-__ ..
The Engineer must decide. the scope of seismic perience and structural damage, and there is no
investigations with due regard to their probable clear relationship between ground acceleration
cost in comparisQn with the cost of conservative and intensity, although various empirical for­
I assumptions in design, the effect of such extra mulae have been put forward. The commonly
! cost on the viability of the project, and the adopted scale is the Modified Merealli Scale; this,
damage that might occur by neglect of such in­ as described by the U.S. Atomic Energy Com­
vestigations. mission, is compared in Table 7.3 with the scale
Appraisal of the seismicity of the site should. be. used in Japan.
undertaken by experts at the earliest possible A recent example of damage by natural earth­
date. Equipment should preferably record the quake is the occurrence at San Fernando,
three components of movement direct on to California, on 9th February 1971.7 •84 There was
no warning and no foreshock. The initial shock
was felt for more than a minute but most of the
Fig.7.26 Cores available for inspection damage was done in the first 13 seconds. The

.>.,_..,."'!._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-lL·Jj

Table 7.3. Scates of Earthquake Intensity

. Ground
Modified Mercalli scale acceleration J.panese scale
I. Detected only by ~ensitive instruments O. Felt on Seismograph

II. Felt by a few persons at rest;especially on 1. Felt when standing still

upper floors; delicate suspended ohjects
may swing

III. Felt noticeably indoors but not always II. Generally felt by everyone. Slight shaking

recognized as a quake; cars rock slightly,

vibration like passing a truck 0.005 g
of window or. door
IV. Felt indoors by many. outdoors by few, at Ill. Building shakes, windows and doors rattle,
night some waken, dishes, windows, hanging objects such as electric lights i
doors disturbed, cars rock noticeably 0.01 g sway, ripple on surface of water in a
vessel noticed
V. Felt by most people, some breakage of
dishes, windows and plaster, disturbance
of fall objects

VI. Felt by all, many frightened run outdoors,

falling plaster and chimneys, damage
IV. Strong movement of buildings, unstable
objects fall and water spills from a vessel
small 0.05 g 4/5 full

VII. Everyone runs outdoors, damage to V. Grave stones and stone lantern topple,

. buUdingsvaries on quality of construc­ damage to brick chimneys and plaster

tion. Noticed by drivers ofcars 0.1 g walls 1

Vlll. Panel walls thrown out of frames, faU of
walls, monuments, chimneys. Sand and
VI. Approximately 30% of wooden buildings
destroyed, mountain and cliff slides
. mud ejected, car drivers disturbed . numerous

IX. Buildings shifted off foundations"

cracked, thrown out of plumb, ground
cracked, underground pipes broken 0.5 g

X. Most masonry and frame structures VII. Over 30% of wooden buildings destroyed
destroyed. ground cracked, raUs bent,
landslides. 19
Xl. New structures remain standing, bridges
destroyed, fissures in ground, pipes
broken, landslides, rails hent

XI!. Damage total, waves seen on ground sur­

face, ·lines of sight and level destroyed,
objects thrown into the air 5g

magnitude of the earthquake was 6.6 on the with oblique slip reverse faulting along the
Richter scale. Sixty-four people were killed and southern front oil the San Gabriel mountains
property damage was estimated at a thousand which rose 1 m and moved horizontally 0.3 m.
million dollars.
In the 3 days following the earthquake more Fig. 7.27 Pacoima Dam, U.S.A.
than 1000 aftershocks, of magnitude 2 or . Fig. 7.28 Lower San Fernando Dam, U.S.A.
greater,. were recorded in the area; the maximum . (Both photographs by courtesy of Department of
magnitude was 5. The earthquake was associated Water Resources, California)

. ",
·.. ~.



Maximum recorded acceleration was by an constitute slits at depths exceeding 3000 m-their ": .,
accelerograph located on bedrock on the left prolongation causes rock bursts-which are U
abutment of the Pacoima Arch Dam about 6 km seismic events of magQitude up to 4; .the greater
north east of San Fernando. This arch dam was part of the energy goes into fracture but some
located directly on the overriding thrust plate of passes into the earth as seismic waves. ~ i
the fault. The accelerograph recorded a short­ [
Underground Explosions. Underground nuclear
duration peak reading of 1.01 g in a horizontal : , II
direction and 0.7 g vertically. This was the
explosions have been carefully monitored and
provide a powerful source for study of seismic ,
highest acceleration ever recorded in California. '\
The chord of the arch at crest level shortened by
events. It was reported in 1969 that one explosion
n i,
triggered thousands of small earthquakes in a ,
25 mm-and it has been decided to abandon this ,~j
zone 12 km long and 4 km wide at depths of 4 to :.
dam, Fig. 7.27, until remedial measures can be un­
6 km. Observations have been made at over
twenty underground explosions and it is quite n
Although the two seismoscopes on the Lower
San Fernando Dam plunged into the lake they
evident that they are capable of triggering seismic
events. It has been suggested that they may be
~l i
were recovered and had recorded maximum
accelerations of 0.5 g horizontal and 0.1 g ver­
activating stressed fault zones that are already
highly stressed tectonically.
:; ~
tical. The original dam was b).lilt in 1912 to 1915 '3

by the hydraulic-fill process to a height of 27 m. Fluid Injection. The events at the Rocky
.Over the years it was progressively raised by Mountain Arsenal near Denver, Colorado, are '-'l
'.' various means, the final modification in 1940 well documented,'o and continue to be the sub­ U
being with a rolled-earth downstream toe and ject of study. The well was drilled over 4000 rn
berm. The dam is founded on a dense clay
alluvium with lenses of sand overlying an imper­
deep and huge quantities of fluid were gravitated
or pumped into it between 1962 and 1966.
vious complex of shales and sandstones. In 1967, Previous seismic history is lacking, but the region I:
:- 'i
on the recommendation of the city'S consultants, was one of low seismicity. In the period 1962-6.5 • •l I

concurred in by the State Division of Safety of was good correlation between the number u I
Dams, the reservoir was being operated with of shocks per month and the rate of injection. An
maximum water surface elevation 3 m below unusual feature is that during 1967, that is after ;;--1
.: :i
spillway level. Strengthening of the dam was final cessation of injection, the seismic activity U
scheduled for 1973--74. This dam was severely increased-three tremors of magnitudes greater
damaged, Fig. 7.28, and was taken out of service. than 5 being recorded.
A length of 550 m of the upstream face slid into
the reservoir--some 22 500 m l of material.
Reservoir Filling. The classic case is that of the 1

filling of Lake Mead impounded by Hoover I
'As later demonstrated' by extensive exploration
and analysis, the slide occurred when portions of
Dam, U.S.A. The capacity of the reservoir is 42
x 109 tonnes. No earth tremors were reported in ~:s. J
the upstream shell near the base of the dam li­ the region prior to construction. Filling began in
quefied. The resulting overall lateral movement of
the slide rna,s .was largely On horizontal planes and
not on a circular arc surface tYpical of slide, where
1935 and the first shock was recorded in 1936
when the water level had reached· 100 m. During
~, ,

. limiting equilibrium has been exceeded in static .1937 over 100 tremors were felt and seismic in­
cases.' strumentation was begun. The largest shock ,
.-, :;

It is.reported'b that Los Angeles will spend recorded was magnitude 5. The most important u

$30 million to replace the San Fernando dam conclusions are the pronounced variation of ,
completely. seismic activity with the annual variations of 1"1
water level and the clustering of epicentres in
rwo regions which appear to be associated with
,fJ I
7.42 Triggered Seismic Events
special geological features. It has been assumed
The. simplest cases have been documented in that the earthquakes are caused by the load im­
deep mining, i.e. in the Witwatersrand gold mines posed on the crust probably on faults or regions
where the stopes are effectively plane--about 1 of weakness. Other large dams in U.S.A. have
m high, and exceeding 30 m in length. These been instrumen ted but only at Shasta has
~: ­

pronounced activity (up to magnitude 3) been of the events large enough to be located were
observed. concentrated within a 7 km radius, on the west
The reservoir above Kariba Dam, Rhodesia, bank and upstream from the dam.
began to fill in 1958, total load being 170 x 109 The raising of Lake Pukaki in New Zealand in
lOnnes. No information was available of prior 1976 will probably cause an increase in
seismic history. Shocks were first observed 6 seismological activity in the area according to the
months after filling began-but the greatest (of Department of Scientific and Industrial
magnitude 5.8) did not occur until 4 years later Research. The DSIR and the Ministry of Works
when filling was complete. Epicentres appear to have recommended that special seismological
be mainly within the dam region in which several recording instruments be installed in the Pukaki
faults are present. Rothe (1968) has drawn atten­ area to monitor earthquake activity while the
tion to ten other dams that have shown impor­ lake is being fIlled. After Lake Benmore was
tant seismic events of magnitudes up to 6.4. created, 29 shocks occurred in the following 6
Koyna Dam, India,'2 was sited in a region years, whereas only 4 had been recorded in the
regarded as exceptionally quiet-being classified 2+ years prior to filling the lake. Half of the 29
0.1 on the Indian seismic zoning range of 0-7. shocks occurred in fairly close proximity to the
The dam is 103 m high and reservoir 2.8 x 109 lake. Some recent studies show the Pukilki region
lOnnes. The strongest earthquake recorded after could be 'overdue' for an earthquake and· the
filling of the reservoir was of magnitude 6.4; it raising of the lake could trigger this (Water
subjected the dam to accelerstions of 0.5 g under Power, May 1974, p. 154).
which it did not fail despite considerable damage. It is interesting to note that Mickey, . a
It was later strengthened by heavy buttresses. \1leismologist in U.S.A., compared seismic activity
Lake Eucembene, Australia (4.8 x 10· tonnes surrounding Hoover Dam, Flaming Gorge Dam
of water), was instrumented because the reservoir and Grand Canyon Dam.13 He states thilt at the
was created in a region of known seismicity. Dur­ first the frequency of seismic events appears to be
ing the early filling two shocks of magnitude 4 related to the level of water in Lake Mead.
and 5 occurred, but doubt is felt regarding any However, at the other two sites, the filling of the
relationship to the reservoir filling. However, reservoirs in 1962-63 apparently· caused a
since that date many shocks up to magnitude 4 dramatic lessening of seismic activity. .
have been recorded-but with no discernible At this date there is no confirmation that 'the
relationship between magnitude of shock and building of a dam will initiate seismic activity in
reservoir level. the particular area. However, it is a possibility,
Filling of Talbingo Reservoir, Australia (0.9 x and for that reason it is advisable to monitor the
region well before, during and after filling of the
109 tonnes of water), began on 1st May, 1971.
During 13 years prior to filling no tremors had reservoir, particularly if it is subject to re81;l.1ar
drawdown. . ,.
been recorded--except one some 20 km from the
site. Seismic activity commenced on 19th May
J with a very small event followed by two more in
7.5 Valley Wall Stability
I the same month.· In June,. 39 events were
recorded. A further increase in activity was noted A gorge wherein the side slopes are equal to or
in July and August with increasing water level in steeper than the angle of repose of loose rock is
the reservoir. Mter August; when the rate of fill­ attractive as a damsite; however, in such a gorge
ing dropped sharply, there was a corresponding instability of the slopes ·can pose serious
drop in seismic events recorded. All events were problems. The cliffs in Fig. 7.08 received very
of magnitude less than 2.4 but were of sufficient detailed examination before confidence could be
strength to be observed at several seismic stations established in their stability, particularly during
in the area; the epicentres could therefore he construction. Of more concern is instability that
located and the activity was attributed to the fill­ may be induced by inundation of the base of a
ing of the reservoir: Up to 1972 over 2000 weak slope as the reservoir fills, Fig. 7.29. This will
events were recorded-the strongest being of lower the effective weight of the toe of the bank
magnitude 3.5 recorded on 24th July, 1972. Most and lubricate any seams and joints in the rock
(I I
i I

~".';"".'lI'!I.,_ _ _"",.'-... . .. "~.'<!l'._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....................................=====~~_·_. __


mass. Fluctuations of the reservoir level will

cause corresponding changes in the ground water
gradient, which in turn may induCe a landslide. ,:\~k,L-+--t'-t7- Une of max. shear
in vicinity of crock


A Restraint
Fig. 7.29 Ground water level
--- from loe
).......- of apron

Some disastrous slides have been discussed in

Chapter 3. However, many cases exist of Fig. 7.31 Stresses in valley wall-Crack in wall of
building follows line of maximum shear
precautionary measures taken either to prevent a
slip or to ensure that no catastrophe to the dam
would result if the slip did occur. other side of the ravine (Rio di Bosco Nero), Fig.
From late mid-1963 to June, 1964, three rock 7.30. In 1959 a large landslide of 3 million m! fell
slides occurred immediately downstream from into the reservoir some 500 m upstream of this
the Gmuend Arch Dam in Austria (built site. IS Although a wave of water passed over the
1943--44). These were caused by progressive dam no significant damage was done to the arch
loosening of the rock mass by pressure water dam.
from the reservoir moving within the abutment. In Peru in 1974 a landslide of incredible
The dam was reinforced with a huge foundation proportions occurred. This was apparently
gravity block and the sides of the valley were triggered by the draining of some lakes high up
supported from the block." on the mountains following earth movements.
At Pontesei Arch Dam, Italy, the Rio di Bosco The slide of 1600 million m' of material moved
Nero -joins the reservoir a little upstream from downward some 2 km and laterally 7 km and
the dam. In 1957 cracks were noticed in the road dammed a river to a depth of 200 m. The collapse
tunnel that passes through the intervening pin­ of this natural dam caused a flood of 7000 m!/s
nacle of rock, and it appeared that large masses and the loss of 400 lives. Although this was a
of rock might fall. It was decided to construct a natural event it emphasizes -the need for a
concrete buttress supported by the rock on the thorough knowledge of regional geology.
Geological studies of the valley above Mica
Dam, Canada, revealed the possibility of a large
landslide into the future reservoir. Even though
its occurrence appeared unlikely it was unpredic­
table; steps were therefore taken to ensure the
safety of the dam should the slide occur. Amongst
other actions, the crest of the dam was widened '
considerably and the rate offilling of the reservoir
was under strict control.
Deep excavations into the banks of a steep
gorge may cause instability related to existing
tectonic stresses, Fig. 7.31; in this case a high
L:..'-'-'-'-'-'-L:..LJILJI Fig. 7.32 Arapuni Dam, New Zealand

Fig. 7.30 Pontesei Reservoir, Italy-Buttress sup­ Fig. 7.33 Tachien Dam, Taiwan-Owner Taiwan

port for valley wall Power Co.; design by Electroconsult


horizontal stress existed in the rock mass. undue leakage. Where the mine is under the
Pressure water from the reservoir infiltrated the reservoir there is, however, the possibility that
'bedded sandstone and the rock itself swelled with sufficient water could pass through the interven­
saturation. The resulting forces caused cracks to ing rocks to flood the mine, or at least increase its
appear in the end wall of a building-following drainage problems. Even if the rock series were
the line of maximum shear. sufficiently impermeable to impede the flow of
, I

Where the river takes a 180° bend below a water, there is the possibility that excessive inter­
dam Ii narrow ridge results, and there can be a stical pressures' could be built up--with danger
very significant hydraulic gradient between its to the mine faces. If the mine is above and adja­
two sides. Serious leakage occurred below cent to the reservoir, saturation of the hillside
Arapuni Dam, New Zealand, Fig. 7.32, but it was and change in the water table could lead to
successfully stopped by grouting. The 180 m potential instability. Seismic effects from blasting
Tachien Dam in Taiwan,17 Fig. 733, is being within the mine might then be sufficient to
built in a very steep gorge; Pitan Creek joins the trigger a landslide.
Tachia River just upstream from the dam, Since the matter of liability could be of major
resulting in such a ridge between the reservoir importance, the geological investigation should
and the river downstream from the dam. include information on both existing mines and
Wide valleys' should not be exempted from potential mine sites.
dose 'investigation for possible slip planes. One
large slide was initiated in Tasmania by a canal
excavated through country with a surface cross­ 7.7 Materials Investigations
fall of about 1 in 20. Filling of the canal, coin­ As early as possible in the general in­
cidental with rain, lubricated a very thin seam of vestigations the Engineer must be advised on the
montmorillonite clay which provided the failure availability of suitable materials for the dam, i.e.
plane.. impervious, semi-impervious and free-draining
materials for an embankment as well as sound,
inert rock or gravel and sand for concrete
7.6 Mining aggregate. The work normally proceeds in three
The existence of a mine eitber under or adja­ stages: reconnaissance, prospecting (or feasibillty)
cent to a dam will present many problems such and detailed examination.
Possible subsidence of the foundation of the dam;
7.71 Reconaissance
Loss of water from the reservoir;
In this stage an assessment is made of the types
Flooding of the mine;
and very approximate quantities of suitable
Excessive hydrostatic pressure at faces in the
materials occurring within reasonable distance of
the site. This is often based on a study of aerial
The Cataract Dam, Australia-and other photographs, reports on regional geology, the
nearby dams ofthe Sydney Water Board-have gathering of local information and possibly aerial
been built' on Triassic sandstone that overlies inspection. Uwally little subsurface work is done
coal seams some 500 m bel,ow. Studies prior to at this stage. However, samples would be taken
construction 16 led to the conclusion that a pillar for preliminary property testing, as well as
of coal 270 m diameter should be left in the mine petrographic and mineralogical examination. A
directly below the dam, i.e. a conical angle of 30° locality plan showing the sources of various
at the base of the dam. Based on coal-mining materials relative to the site would be prepared
practice, and particularly if lesser depth were for appraisal by design and construction
involved,this angle might well approach 45°. It engineers.
was also agreed that coal could be extracted
under the reservoir owing to the presence of 7.72 Prospecting
shale beds in the series-any resulting sub­
sidence would not endanger the water supply by Selected areas are more accurately. delineated


f t f


for systematic exploration, with sampling on a coarse materials requmng separation and re­
grid of, say, 100 m squares_ Samples of materials blending-for processed filters in embankment
that might be used for embankment dams are dams or for concrete aggregate--a further allow­
tested for maximum dry density, optimum ance should be made to cover losses in the split
moisture content and the likely range of shear of gradings and the waste in sizes in excess of
strength parameters. Alluvial sand and gravel requirements.
deposits are prospected to determine overburden All exploratory excavations should be logged
depths and the likely quantity of usable materials by the Engineering Geologist, in' close liaison
available at reasonable cost. with the Engineers, so that misinterpretation of
terminology will be avoided .. ' .
7.73 Detailed In'OeSEigarioltS. Normal testing of mechanical properties will
be carried out by the Engineer, but the Engineer­
The exploration techniques employed will de­
pend upon the topography (accessibility), the ing Geologist should arrange for petrographic
and mineralogical examination of the materials-
properties of the materials and the nature of the
especially to: .
deposit, particularly its depth. Augers are com­
monly used in fine materials, but bulldozer Aid correlation of geological formations;
trenches or backhoe pits will present a broader Explain anomalous behaviour or predict changes
and a more accurate picture. In coarse materials in composition or properties in the new en­
the dozer is often used above the water table and vironment;
the backhoe or dragline below the water table. Define mineral composi tion, type and degree of
Seismic methods are normally employed to alteration, microfractures, etc.;
. , supplement the information so obtained. Warn of possible alkali aggregate reaction in con­
It is usual to prove quantities of materials at crete;
least 50 per cent in excess of the volumes re­ Warn of any dispersive characteristics of soils; ..
quired for the dam; this is to cover actual losses, Report on soundness of particles, as may be
materials used for other purposes, and for related to undue breakdown in stockpiling,
possible increases in the required quantities. In mixing, or consolidation in an embankment..


1. G. A. Kiersch, 'Vaiont Reservoir Disastet­ Power and Dam Construction, Mar. 1976, p. 7.
Geologic Causes', AS.C.E. Civil Engineering, 34, 9. Effects of the San Fernando Earthquake on tfIe Van.

No. 3, March 1964, pp. 32-39. Norman Reseroot'r Complex, California Dept. of

2. R. C. S: Walters, Dam Geology, 2nd edn., Water Resources, Division of Safety of Dams

Butterworths, London, 1971, pp. 71 and 257. Interim Report, May 1971. c':
3. C. J. Okeson, 'Geologic Requirements of the 10. J. H. Healy et aI., 'The Denver Earthquakes', .
, Foundations of Large Dams', 8th [COLD Science, 161, pp. 1301-1310.
I Congress, Edinburgh, 1964, Q.28, RA, 1, pp.'
73-85. • 11. J. P. Rothe, 'Fill a Lake, Start an Earthquake',
! New Scientist, 11th July, 1968, pp. 75-78.
4. 'Sluicing for Site Investigation:r-Corin Dam­
site', Journal I.E. Awt., 37, No.9, Sept. 1965, p. 12. G. W. Housner, 1969, 'The Seismic Events at
Koyna Dam, India', Proc. 11th Symposium Rock
,I 5. L.N.E.C. Activity Sluiel, No. A.s. 401/72.
Mechanics, Berkeley, California. ! ].

6. J. C. Jaeger, 'Occurrence 'imd Effects of Earth­ 13. Mickey, New Scieltlisl and Science Journal, 1st I~
. I quakes', ANCOLD Bulletin No: 29, Oct. 1969, July, 1971. . !, '(~
pp. 2-'-24. 14. G. Horninger and H. Kropatscher, 'The Rock ~
J 7. 'The San Fernando, California, Earthquake', J. Slides Downstream from GMEUND Dam Austria :

I ~
Internal. Ass. Earthq. Engng., 1, No. 1. and Measures to Safeguard the Dam', 9th [COLD : I i

8. (al D. J. Leeds, 'Report on the 1971 San Fernando Congress, Istanbul, 1967, Q.34, R.37, 111, pp.
I Earthquake', AS.C.E. Civil Engineering, 42, No. 657-{l69.
•.. J
5, May 1972, pp. 58-60, with discussion August IS. (al Q. Zaruba and V. Marich, Landslides and Ikeir I
1972; (bl K. V. Steinbrugge and H. J. Degenkolb, COnErol, Czechoslovak Aca\femy of Sciences,
'Meeting the Earthquake Challenge--California's Prague, 1969, Elsevier, Amsterdam, London, I
.. ' New Laws', Civil Engineering, Feb, 1975, p. 45. New York; (b) R. C. S. Walters; Dam Geology, 2nd
(c) 'Remedial Action for Pacoima Dam', Water edn., Butterworths, London, 1971.


16. L. A. B. Wade, 'Dam Construction in New South 17. C. H. Wang, 'Design and Construction of the
Wales, Australia', Minutes of Prot. I.C.E., 178, Pt. Tachien Dam', World Dams Today, Japan Dam
IV, 1908-1909. Association, Tokyo, 1970.


R. E. Leggett, Geology and Engineer/ng, McGraw-Hill, Damage to Earth Dam-U.S.S.R., Water Power,

New York and London, 1939. Aug. 1972.

C. Jarger, Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Cambridge R. V. Phillips and D. L. Georgeson, 'Environmental
University Press, Cambridge, 1972. Considerations of Dam Construction and Opera­
M. Duncan, Engineering Geology and Rock Mechanic, tion in Seismically Active Urban Areas' (San Fer­
(2 Vols.), Leonard Hill, London, 1969. nando), 11th [COLD Congress, Madrid, 1973,
D. S. Parsimis, Principles. of Applied Geophysics, Q.40, R.18, 1, pp. 255-270.
Methuen's Monographs on Physical Subjects. P. M.. Mane, 'Earth Tremors in Koyna Project Area',
D. U. Deere et al., Engineer/'ng Classification and Index 9th ICOLD Congress, Istanbul, 1967, Communica­
Propertie, for Imact Rock, University of nlinois, Ur­ tion C13, V, pp. 509-518.
bana, Illinois, U.S.A., Dec. 1966. S. S. Saini, 'Behaviour of Koyna Dam-Dec. 1967
D. G. Moye, 'Classification of Rock Weathering', Earthquake', Journal of Structural Division, Paper
Engineering Geology for the Snowy Mountains 9015, Proc. A.S.C.E., 98, No. ST7, July 1972, pp.
Scheme, Journal I.E. Anst., 27, No. 10-11, Oct., 1395-1412.
Nov. 1955, pp. 287-298. UNESCO, 1970, 'Report on First Meeting of the
T. N. Burke-Gaffney, 1951, 'Seismicity of Australia', Working Group on Seismic Phenomena Associated
Journal &> Proceedings Royal Society of N.S. W., with Large Reservoirs', SC/CONF., 200/4, Dec.
Australia, No. 85, pp. 47-52 .1970.
H. A. Doyle, 1. B. Everingluun and D. J. Sutton, General Report of Yugoslav National Committee,
'Seismicity of the Australian Continent', Journal 'Grancarevo Dam', 10th ICOLD Congres',
Geol. Society, Australia, 15, 1968, pp. 295-312.
D. S. Carder, 'Reservoir Loading and Local Earth­
Montreal, 1970, Q.39, G.P.10. ,
quakes', Proc. 6th Annual Engineering Geology C. Jaeger, 'The Vaiont Rock Slide', Water Power, 11, ,I
No. 3--4, March-April 1965, and Civil Engineering
Symp., Boise, Idaho, 1968.
R. G. T. Lane, 'Seismic Activity at Man-made Reser­ and Public Works Review, July 1965, pp. L]
voirs', Proc. I.C.E., 50, Sept. 1971, pp. 15-24;
Discussion, 51, April 1972, pp. 767-784. P. Londe, G. Vigier and R. Vormeringer, 'Stability
N. M. Newmark and E. Rosenbleuth, Fundamental, of of Rock Slopes--,-A Three-<limensional Study',
Earthquake Engineering, Prentice-Hall, New York, Journal'Soi! Mechanics and Found Divn., Paper
1971. 6363, Proc. A.S.C.E., 95, No. SM1, Jan. 1969,
W. G. Milne and A. G. Davenport, 'Earthquake pp. 235-262.
Probability', Proc. 4th World Conf. on Earthquake B. Nath, 'Hydrodynamic Pressure on High Dams Dur­
Engineering 1969, 1, pp. 55-67. ing Earthquakes', Proc. I.C.E., 42, March 1969,
W. G. Milne and A. G. Davenport, 'Earthquake pp. 413--421.


. I,
The foundation of a dam must be considered as rockf~ls from the abutments, any tension cracks
an integral part of the dam and therefore be will provide paths for the ingress of water under
given as much attention by designers as is given pressure from the reservoir. Pre-splitting is
to other parts.!" It is required to withstand­ therefore recommended since this will limit con­
without unacceptable deformation-the loads im­ siderably the fissuration of the rock mass during
posed upon it by the structure, both immediately excavation. Since adits are .usually excavated
after filling the reservoir and in the long term. for geological exploration,· opportunity is often
With time, deterioration by saturation and perco­ taken to measure rock stresses in the walls, floor
lation of water can occur, whilst soft rocks and and roof of such galleries. If located too deep
clays usually exhibit lower residual strengths within the rock mass, such measurements may.
under sustaIned loading than under rapid testing. provide interesting information on crustaf
In the case of a concrete dam the ratio of the stresses but will have little relevance to the dam
modulus of deformation of the rock mass to the or to stability of the valley walls. It is thelO to
modulus of elasticity of the concrete in the dam 20 m of rock immediately under the dam that is
is important-but of greater significance is any of greatest importance. Analysisof records from
serious variability of the modulus of deformation rectangular adits is neither simple nor accur.atei
along the axis of the dam. besides which excavation of the adit will have
The rock mass must have adequate strength in caused some disturbance to the rock mass, and
compression and shear; the presence of products even hand-finishing at the site of the tests will
of weathering, clay or mica in seams will rarely reach the limits of such damage.
seriouly decrease the shear strength. It Is nor­
mally assumed that a rock mass will not sustain
tensile loading-due to the presence not only of
macrocraclting in the mass but also of
microcracking within the rock itself. A
knowledge of the rock microstructure is
therefore important if high pressures will be im­
posed by the dam. It is particularly significant \ I I,

Heaving Crocks

that micro-fissures cannot be consolidated by .

grol!ting. ... . Fig. 8.0~ Possible cracking following~
Recent studies have shown that quite high tec­ excavation
tonic stresses can exist in rock very near to the
surface. The Engineer should therefore deter­ As opposed to the irregular rectangular section
mine whether such stresses are present, since ex­ of an adit, the effect of a circular opening in a
•j cavation of a large quantity of material may stress field is amenable to mathematical analysis .
result in heaving of the valley bed or inward Many devices have therefore been developed for
movement of the valley walls. Resulting tension measuring the stress at the bottom of a borehole,'
cracks can penetrate to considerable depths, i.e. a hole is drilled, a strain gauge is affIXed to
resembling natural relaxation jointing often the rock at the bottom of the hole, and the hole is
visible in gorges approximately parallel to the then overbored to a point beyond the gauge in
.. I
valley, Fig. 8.01. Apart from the possibility of order to de-stress the rock upon which the gauge



is mounted. The original stress in the rock nor­ upstream from the dam. Although these may not
c.' mal to the axis of the hole can then be calculated. cause serious loss of water they can provide paths
A further development by Rocha' consists es­ for the ingress of water that will:
sentially of:
Exert hydrostatic pressure, the extent of which
'(i) Drilling a borehole with diameter D to the will depend upon the opening of the
neighbourhood of the point where tne state joints-itself dependent upon the compressive
of stress is to be determined, Fig. 8.02; stresses and temperatures in the rock;
Act dynamically to transport material and cause
o --Elecfric coble
Produce physical and chemical changes in the
rock. Some alarming figures have been
: !
LQrge borehole pU)Jlished on loss of strength of rock following

saturation, i.e. up to 15 per cent for Syenite

and 30 per cent for some Quartzites.

Repetitive loading of saturated specimens will

lower strengths, lubricate joints and thereby

lower both frictional resistance and cohesion.

Within the matrix of joints, cracks and

'H,'I--AtohWe cylinder
bedding planes in a rock formation and the
various materials thereof, there will exist a
weakest combination of same. The Engineer

Fig. 8.02 Bore hole dilatometer (After

must pursue his investigations and testing to the
extent that he can visualize this combination and
Rocha) ,
understand the mechanisms that would be in­
volved in failure. It is important, therefore, that
(ii) Drilling a coaxial hole of smaller diameter
early investigations should be sufficient for
(d = 3.7 em) and a length of about 90 em
either a concrete or an embankment type of dam.
startingilt the bottom of the previous hole;
As investigations proceed the site conditions will
.clii) Cementing on to the wall of this hole a control more and more the type of information
plastic cylinder in which electric strain required for particular designs.
gauges are embedded, pointing at con­ Rock Mechanics'-1 is not an exact science; in
venient directions and connected by an some cases theories of soil mechanics can be
electric cable to measuring apparatus on the applied, but at very few sites will there exist
surface; homogeneity and isotropy of the rock mass.
Although given in a different context, Ter­
(iv) Taking initial readings on every strain
zaghi's advice might well apply to foundation
testing 'because of the unavoidable uncertainties
(v) Overcoring so as to relieve stress and obtain involved in the fundamental assumptions of the
a core with a diameter not less than 7.5 em theories and the numerical values of the soil con­
while keeping the cable connected to the stants, simplicity is of much greater importance
gauges; than accuracy'. With this in mind, the Engineer
(vi) Taking final readings to determine defor­ should use to advantage all the resources
mations caused by stress relief; available to him, concentrating his efforts in
zones of the foundations that may appear weak
(vii) Calculating the state of stress that existed at or that will be subject to special stresses when the
the point based on the deformation deter­ dam is loaded.
When loaded, a dam will tend to move and to
8.1 Properties of Rock
bend downstream-in either case tension cracks
may result in the rock mass immediately With the basic premises that the dam be stable


:" ("



and the reservoir basin watertight, the following limestone, gneiss, schist, siltstone, grey wacke and
properties of the foundationsmu-;t be examined: tuff only 5.4 per cent of the samples had an angle
of internal friction less than 45°. This is con­
Crushing strength;

firmed by Rocha' who guote,:; a minimum angle

shearing' strength;

of friction for sound rock of 55°. Some low

Elasticity of rock;

figures are given in Table 8.02.

Deformability of the rock mass;

Tectonic stresses;

Table 8.02. Angle of Internal Friction of Rock
Tangent of the angle
! 8.11 Crushing Strength Rock of internal friction
! Tuff
In general the compressive load from a dam on Schist Biotite
to its foundations will not exceed 10 MFa. The Limestone (reef Breccia)
unconfined strengths of some rocks are given in Limestone (medium grained)
Table 8.01. Since rocks confined within a rock Granite (weathered)
mass will sustain much higher loads, even a cur­
s.Qry examination of the foundation should..r<;,~al
The Shear strength of a rock mass may be
rocks that would not withstand 10 MFa with a
seriously affected by saturation since both co­
reasonable factor of safety.
hesion and angle of friction will decrease. At Oahe
Table 8.01. Unconfined Compressive Strength Dam cohesion of shale dropped to zero and the
of Rocks angle of friction decreased from about 20° to
10° after saturation. Material in fault zones, if
Rock type Strength (MPa)
uniformly fine-grained, may have an angle of
Siltstone 24-120 friction below 20°, though the presence of 9r~~­
Greywacke 20-30 ciated rock in the fault may. result in an angle of
Shale 35-110
I Sandstone 40-200
friction as high as 30°. Since saturation will
Limestone 50-240 affect the fault material, this latter figurewould
Dolomite 50-150 not be realistic for design without thorough
i Granite 90-230 testing.
, Dolerite (Diabase)
'! Gneiss 80-330
8.13 Modulus of Elasticity of Rock
When subjected to uniaxial compression most
The strength of the rock will depend upon its crystalline rocks exhibit a stress-strain
quality, the degree of weathering and the relationship somewhat as shown in Fig.
presence of micro..cracks, hence the wide ranges 8.04--the modulus increasing as the load is in­
in Table 8.01. creased. The initial tangent modulus is given by
The strength of the rock mass, on the other the slope of the curve at the origin-that is the
hand, will be related to the number of cracks andline 'a'. Gradually a stress is reached where the
curve becomes approximately linear-between
joints, the nature of their JnfilJillj; material and
whether there are any rock-to-rock contacts 0, and 0l' hi this region the modulus is defined
across the joints. It will also depend upon as the tangent modulus or the secant modulus.
Jllall~rity and continuity of seams and foliations,
The secant modulus is less than the tangent
Fig. 8:03. -- .
modulus since it includes the initial plastic
behaviour of the rock. Although the secant
modulus is the value often used, the term
8.12 Shearing Strength
modulus of elasticity should be applied only to
The angle of internal friction of rock was ex­ the elastic behaviour.
amined by the United States Bureau of In addition to non-linear elastic behaviour".,
Reclamation.' Of 575 triaxial tests made on most rocks exhibit an hysteresis
effect-the un~


~ t

i I


i " ­

i I
~ L ___________


",', ~'
, .i

";1 o


o R
'j :1 Strain (E 1
-II ' , Fig. 8.04 Stress-strain curve for rock in uniaxial compression

loading eUI'Ve being PQ. As the stress is decreased in Table 8.03, the large ranges again emphasiz­
to zero a residual strain, OR, is often obseI'Ved. ing the need for testing at each site.
On reloading, the euI'Ves gradually move to the
, right representing a transient creep. Increasing Table 8.03. Modulus of Elasticity of Rock
the stress will then lead to f~i1ure along the T­
CUI'Ve. In general, rocks that have an initial
Modulus of elasticity
Rock type (MPa X 1000)
"] modulus less than 60 000 MPa will have
:, i
• . j stress-strain curves that are eoncav.'! upwards . Limestone 3-27
Dolomite 7-15
Since rock is not isotropic; and usually con­ Limestone (very hard) 70
:':.j tains miero-<:racks as weI! as other discontinuities Sandstone 10-20
1 such as bedding planes, it would'be more Quartz-sandstone 60-120
appropriateto-apply the term 'modulus of defor­ Greywacke 10-14
mability' (or deformation) rather than 'modulus Siltstone 3-14


Gneiss: fme 9-13

'\ of elasticity'. However, cornman usage accepts coarse 13-23
that the property of a piece of rock tested in the Schist: Micaceous 21
laboratory may be accepted as the 'modulus of Biotite 40
Granitic 10
J elasticity'. This is in contrast to the 'modulus of
Quartz 14
deformability' (or deformation), measured in a
Gr;U1ite: very altered 2
rock mass in tim, i.e. by plate loading or slightly altered 10-20

anchored cable application of load good 20-50
If this differentiation is accepted then the Quartzite: Micaceous 28
modulus of elasticity of rock--like its com­ sound 50-80

" J pressive strength--will depend upon its Dolerite (Diabase)

Basalt (sound)
soundness, composition and origin. The order of Andesite
magnitude of such moduli of elasticity is shown Amphibolite 90
The Modulus of Elasticity of sedimentary rock
will depend upon the direction ofloading relative
Fig. 8.03 Foliation in quartzite to the bedding or stratification,
-" ..
Table 8.04.


-,I ".we. <"~" _ _ _ _' ' ' ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~_ _

"'" '''''... , ,e,,,, "'", j. 7

174 n
Table 8.04. Modulus of Elasticity of Rock. Effect of evident in field tests where the first application
Stratification of load causes excessive non-elastic defor­
Ratio mation. 1O• 11
E-paraJlel to At Karadj Arch Daml > the modulus of
stratifICation elasticity of the diorite rock was 35 000 MP •. In
the foundation there were fractures some 5 m
Rock type stratification Reference apart filled with hydrotherm-~fiy altered
rock-wherein the feldspars were kaolinized.
Sandstone (Rossens)
2.3 9 The in situ modulus of deformation of the rock
Granite Urseren A
1.3 9
mass was found to be about half the above value.
Schist (hard laminated)
1.9 10
9 The Nagawado Arch Dam-155 m high-in
Sandstone (Schistose)
1 to 1.7
10 Japan is founded on granite cut by many vertical
Quartzite (hard, little
fractures and faults more or less parallel with the
or no stratification) 1
10 line of centres of the dam. Tests confirmed the
Sandstone 1 to 1.6
Tas. coefficient of elasticity from 30 000 MPs to
75 000 MPa for samples of rock but only 3 000
MPa to 10 000 MPa from in situ jacking tests of
Values in Table 8.05 indicate the influence of the rock in situ. Thus the principal failure
stratification in sedimentary rocks, but also the mechanism studied was sliding along fault sur­
increase in modulus with increased stress. facesY
For purposes of investigation oniy, the
Table 8.05. Modulus of Elasticity. Meander Mudstone
modulus of rock in situ can often be assessed by

(MPa x 1000)
inspection, aided by a geological hammer.14 If
loose material is removed and the rock is struck
smartly with a geologists' hammer, the resulting
(a) Laboratory··
Static--nonn.l to bedding sounens a good indication of modulus of defor­
0-1.4 MP. 24 mation: L
0-2.8MPa 25
0-5./iMPa 31 A ring like .steel (frequency 12000 cycles) in­
0-8.4 MPa 28 dicates a modulus around 70 000 MPa;
Static--parallelto bedding A 'solid' ring (around 8000 cycles) indicates a
O-I.4MPa 24 value nearer 7000 MPa;
0-2.8 MPa 42 A low-pitched note warns that the modulus may
0-5.6 MPa 46 benear700 MPa; whilst for
0-8.4MPa 46
A !:IMll S~k, one should think in terms of 70
Dynamic MPa.
Normal to bedding 34
Parallel to bedding 41 Though not recommended as the basis for
design, such a simple method will provide an ex­
(b) insilu perienced Engineer with an overall impression of
Jacking-normal to bedding 17 rock quality and variability. --.~
parallel to bedding 27 :1
In order to reduce the cost of testing, much
work has recently been done on the correlation of t.J
elasticity with more easily measured properties
8.14 Modulus oj Dejormation
such as density and porosity. Serafim 15 has
suggested a correlation based upon absorptionof
The Modulus of Elasticity of rock is normally water; his results for granite at various stages of
adequate, but due to the existence of joints, weathering are shown in Fig. 8.05.
faults and seams in the rock mass-sometimes If a foundation deforms under load it will
open and sometimes filled with products of" cause additional settlement of an embankment­
decomposition-.the modulus of deformation of type dam or a redistribution of stresses in a con­
the rock mass may be inadequate. This is usually crete dam. For a particular dam there will be

ii Water absorption!: Oegree ofalferatian (%)

to the site. If considered necessary, cement
grouting can be used to increase the modulus of
2.5 » deformation, see Section 8.5.
1 i;
.1 '\. ApproxlmQfe relafive 2.3 The modulus of deformation is not something
" /densHy z:. that is subject to one clear definition. It may


be measured in various ways.
10 2 - I. 7 .~

":---... Q
l. 5 a;
EM--Modulus of Deformation in situ including
the effect of closing of any joints in the
~ IO~------------------~ rock mass in addition to 'plastic flow.' and
Fig. 8.05 Correlation between water ab­ dosing of bedding planes within the rock
sorption, modulus of elasticity and specific itself;
gravity of granite (After Serafim) EML--Modulus of 'Elasticity' in the first loading
cycle performed in the laboratory, which
an acceptable deformation; with adequate will include any plastic flow of the rock
knowledge and sufficient care a dam can be and the closing of bedding planes. The' Se­
designed to be safe on almost any foundation. cant Modulus of 'Elasticity' would include
One dam in Canada, originally known as Mission long-term creep. Strain readings at cons­
Dam, . is an excellent example of what can be tant applied stress may need to be taken
achieved by scientific study of the characteristics over a period of weeks to be certain that
of the foundations. Located on the Bridge River most measurable creep' is -recorded;
in British Columbia this dam is built on very ED-The Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity which
permeable river gravels with a highly com­ may be considered as almost equal to the
pressible'thick clay stratum below. Terzaghi's true Modulus of Elasticity of the rock (lI)
design for this 60 m dam provided for a grout
curtain to go down 150 m to bedrock in order to
make the foundations reasonably watertight. To
prevent water penetrating cracks expected to Seismic methods of measuring the coeffIcient
develop on the surface while the settlement was of elasticity or deformation involve different
occurring, polyvinyl chloride sheeting was placed techniques of pulse velocity measurements based
over an area of 1 hectare. From the studies, he on determining. the ~pagationtimeofelastic
predicted accurately that major settlement of the longitudinal (compressionfand transversal (shear­
foundations would occur, with a maximum of 3.5 ing) waves. They also include supersonic or
m. That this dam is behaving so very closely to seismo-acoustic methods. Using modern electronic
his prediction is a worthy tribute to Dr Terzaghi. short-time measuring equipment-allowing the
JI It was a most difficult and daring project and un­ measurement of 1/50000 sec--these procedures
, derstandably the dam was re::fiamed the Terzaghi find extensive use both in laboratory and field
Dam. tests. The seismic determination of modulus is
For a concrete dam the deformability of the based on the assumption of a perfectly elastic
foundation will affect the stresses in the isotropic medium. Since the effects of discontinu­
dam--see Chapter 11. Although it has been ities are not clearly understood the method is
stated' that the ratio of Ee to Ee has hardly any approximate only. Dynamic methods are those
influence on stresses so long as it is less than 4; employed for measuring modulus of elasticity
this is disRuted by some Engineers who ~ based on the natural frequency arrived at
great sensitivity to the ratio in regions of an arch through oscillation measurements, in general on
dam towards the crown at mid height. Analyses laboratory~....JI.,..Since the seismic method is
ofKariba Dam supported this latter view, i.e. for applicable to laboratory and field testing and is
the ratio Ee to Er equal to unity the calculated both quick and cheap it is generally adopted-­
I tensile stress was 4.35 MPa whereas for Ee to Ee
of 4 the value was only 0.62 MPa.
and quite frequently in literature it is referred to
as dynamic modulus. Some comparative values for
Each dam must therefore be analysed for a static and dynamic modulus for rock samples-­
range of values of the ratio Ee to Ee apjlropriate laboratory tested-are given in Table 8.06.



Table 8.06. Modulus of Elasticity of Rock. Static tI. average value, whilst for rocks such as sand­
. Dynamic Values stones it may be between 0.25 and 0.5.
Modulus of Elasticity

The ratio for either a rock specimen or a rock

MP. X 1000)
mass can be determined seismically; the value so
obtained is generally higher than that from .,
Rock Static . Dynamic physical tests, probably due to the effect of water L~

Greywacke 11 32 saturated partially decoupled interfaces Golnts or

Sandstone 13 27 foliations) on the shear wave velocity.
Shale 17 24
14 36
8.16 Tectonic Slresses
Basalt (sound)
Andesite (Hypersthene)
The fact that rock may be in a state of high in­ U

~ ,

ternal stress is often overlooked. It is common to

assume a vertical stress field due to the weight of
The values of static and dynamic properties are . overlying rock. The corresponding horizontal
equal only for compact homogeneous rocks at low stress will vary with the rock and the rock for­
stresses..When the stress exceeds 35 MPa the mation; frequently one horizontal principal
value of ·dynamic properties of homogeneous stress will equal or exceed the vertical stress, the
rocks will be 10 to 20 per cent greater than the other being much lower-indicating the ex­
static properties. For less compact rocks the istence of large shearing stresses.
dynamic to static ratio may exceed 2-but the Crustal horizontal stress increases with depth.
difference decreases with increasing streSs. In Scandinavia 17 the stress in rock near the sur­
The results of tests carried out at the 185 m face has been measured at about 16 MPa increas­
Mossyrock Dam, U.S.A.,l' are given in Table ing to 110 MPa at a depth of 1000 m, i.e. four
8.07. The foundations are on thick lava flows times the deadweight. This may be due, in some
with interbedded flow breccias and agglomerates. degree, to local causes, but such a rapid increase
in horizontal stress could prove dangerous. As
excavation proceeds and loading on the strata is
Table 8.07. Modulus Measurements at Mossyrock reduced, there will be upward changes in level in q
. l
Dam (MPa) the area. As a result of the reduction in vertical U
Test Unit A Unit B Unit C restraint the strata can no longer transfer the ex­
isting horizontal forces, but buckle upwards with
(i) In siru jacking horizontal cracking. This deformation reduces
7S0 mm dia. plate the horizontal load on the layer so that the un­
(7.4 MP. max'm) 16500 9000 5500
derlying strata then tend to carry the horizontal
(ii) Lab. core tests 30 300 20 700 24 000 tectonic stress. As a result the strata down to con­
(iii) Dynamic downhole siderable depths suffer disturbance to their
geophysical 25 000 30 300 33 800 equilibrium.
If horizontal cracks are caused, either in the
foundation or the abutments, then erosion can
occur and resistance to sliding will be decreased.
Tests (i) and (ii) probably measure the aforemen­ This may be a part explanation of some dam
tioned EM and EML whilst (iii) would be a field . failures.
deformation modulus, hence lower than ED.
However, the values agree approximately with
the indicated relationship. 8.2 Testing
, Laboratory testing of matedals can be mis­
8.15 Poisson's Rario leading in the context of foundations; the
This can be determined during tension and
compression testing of rock samples. A value of
0.5 would represent a plastic rock--O.25 is an Fig. 8.06 In situ shear test





. ,



material has been moved from its environment;

its moisture content will most likely change; it
may be classified as undistrubed but the
procedure of sampling must cause S(lme distur­
bance; it may be remoulded; it will frequently be
tested uniaxially whereas it is 'confined' in the
foundations and a scale effect will be introduced
due to the size of the specimen tested. Results
must therefore be examined critically with regard
to accuracy and significance.
In situ testing is primarily to provide a picrure
of the quality of the rock mass; it is indicative
rather than precise; each test provides informa­
tion relative to one small area and since, in
general, the tests are done quickly they may not
represent the behaviour of the foundation under
long-term loading. Care is therefore necessary in
interpreting the results of such field tests.

8.21 Compressive Strenglh Fig. 8.07 In SilU shear test

Generally it will not be necessary to test the and angle of friction can be derived. Tests should "1
rock mass for compressive strength. However, be continued to large strains and conducted :, j'
careful geological investigation is required to under varying rates of increase of tangential load
locate seams and fauUs and to assess their in order to assess the residual values of cohesion ­
relevance to the dam. 'On the one hand a mont­ and friction.
morillonite clay may be squeezed out under load,
on the other there may be sufficient- rock con­
tacts to transmit load across a breccia-fIlled joint. 8.23 Residual Rock Slresses
In all circumstances the effects of saturation and These can be measured by overcoring a strain
long-term loading must be considered relative to gauge fIxed to the wall of a gallery, Fig. 8.08.
each material of the foundation. The rock surface must be carefully prepared by
hand to a zone not significantly affected by the
excavation of the gallery. The strain gauges-in
8.22 Shear TeslS a pattern to permit the derivation of principal
These are commoniy made on 'undisturbed' stresses--are affixed to the rock and zero
s~eeimens in galleries. Success will depend upon readings taken. A diamond drill is then used to
the avoidance of disturbance of the specimen as it overcore the gauge and de-stress the rock. From n
is exposed from the parent rock. The specimen is final readings of the strain gauges the deforma­
then protected and loaded in two directions, Fig.
8.06. It is important that the axes of the jacks
pass through the centre of the zone under test,
Fig. 8.07. If the normal load is applied first, in a
stepped increase, it is possible to measure the
coefficient of deformation in this direction. The
load must be limited to avoid damage to the
specimen. For the shear test, a normal load is
applied and held until any displacement is
stabilized, the tangential load is then applied in
steps and displacements measured. By repetition Fig. 8.08 Residual rock stress measurements-­
with different normal loads values of cohesion Stress relief by drilling
Measuremenls mode only
in direction perpendiculor
to plor1e of jock,
Principal stresses assumed
10 be In this direction.

+ +
, i, I,,


I Fig. 8.09 Residual rock stress measurements

tion due to de-stressing can be obtained and developed by LNEC, PortugaV' and by Mar­
hence the original stress pattern in the rock. As tinL"
mentioned earlier in this chapter, this principle In excavated galleries it is convenient to con­
i can be extended beneath the rock surface--by duct simple jacking tests between walls, or ,,
"I affixing the strain gauge at the bottom of a small between the floor and roof, Fig. 8.11. In uniform'
hole and then overcoring to de-stress the rock material, half the extension is considered as the
,, surrounding the gauge, Fig. 8.02. The flat jack deflection of each bearing plate. If in inclined
" I can be used for determination of stress in one stratified rock then a central datum must be es- '
direction, Fig. 8.09. In this case two metal pins tablished so that the deflection of each plate can
are set into the rock face and each scribed with a be measured. The site of the test must be chosen
reference line. The distance between the lines is
measured. A saw is then used to cut a narrow slot 1 1-,-, Coble heod
between the pins. A flat jack is inserted in the ,u r'-'
slot and pressurized until the pins are again at '-­ '-­
their original spacing.

;/'A'.' 'v
8.24 Deformation Modulus
The simplest method of.assessing the deform­
ability of a foundation is the jacking test. A ~
hole is cored to reveal the strata and a cable is
anchored at the desired depth. The cable is con­
creted into a cable head that can be loaded by ~
hydraulic jacks, Fig. 8.10. A simple stress-strain f
relationship can then be derived. ,I
; ,
At the 7th ICOLD Congress, Rome, 1961,
Jaeger-in discussion of Question 25 (Vol. 11, p.
57) suggested triaxial testing of rock in situ. An
anchored cable was stressed to produce vertical
compression in the strata whilst the hole was
pressurized with water (between packers) over Fig. 8.10 Measurement of foun­

the length under test. This system has alSo been dation modulus


Fig. 8.11 Jacking test to determine modulus of deformation

so that the results will be relevant to the dam; in
fact it is the zone near the surface--possibly
damaged to some extent by blasting-that is of
sections were taken through the dam and the foun­

dation for each location where the deformation

modulus is desired. Both horizontal and vertical


. sections are used in the studies, and a twO­

prime importance. Tests were conducted along a dimensional finite-element grid is constructed to

70 m length of an abutment gallery at Kariba simulate and describe each section. The finite­

Dam. The rock modulus varied from 70 000 element technique is particularly well suited to this

MPa to 3S 000 MPa due to increased weathering problem as each zone ofvarying material properties

of the rock towards the face of the gorge. can be modelled according to its geometric limits

and its particular defonnation modulus, Fig. 8.14.

Possibly the most reliable results are obtained Loads are applied to the finite-element model
from radial jacking tests conducted in a prepared
section of tunnel, Fig. 8.12. A concrete lining is
through· the dam portion. The displacements along
the concrete-to-rock contact are plotted to show the
cast within the tunnel. Between this lining and a deflected shape of the contact. The deflection
rigid steel fonner a layer of flat jacks is inter­ pattern is a function of the varying moduli values .,
posed, Fig. 8.13. Prior to the modulus tests the
weak concrete lining is fractured by pressurizing
used to describe the geologic features actually ex­
isting under the dam. Next, the foundation material
in the finite-element model is assumed to consist of
the jacks. The modulus tests are then conducted, a homogeneous materiaL A modulus for this
recording radial extension on inbuilt gauges. idealized foundation is determined by trial such
An alternative to this was developed in Europe that the deflection pattern under the dam closely
approximates that for the actual condition. This
whereby a section of tunnel was plugged at each value is then called the "effective modulus".
end and flIled with water. The radial load was By selecting an adequate number of study sec­

applied by increasing the water pressure; in-built tions, the variation in effective modulus for the en­

gauges recorded the radial extensions. tire foundation can be determined, and ultimately

Such radial jacking installations are expensive, these values are used in the stress analyses for

designing the dam.

are complicated to ensure meaningful results, In conjunction with effective modulus deter­

and can usually be justified only for large dams mination by the fmite element method, various
on difficult foundations. Great care is necessary means of improving the foundation using concrete
with the tunnel excavation-usually pre-splitting backfill in selected areas of the faults are also being U
to proflle after the main excavation is completed, studied. Whenever one of the major raults is en­
countered, varying amounts of concrete backfill are

and removing all loose or drummy material by simulated in the finite-element model and the effect

hand methods. Since the effective zone of in­ on stresses, deformations, and modulus are

fluence of a test only extends about 6 m from the observed.

applied load, each test is a spot sample and care

must be exercised in the extrapolation of results.
In connection with the Auburn Dam a new Fig. 8.12 Auburn Damsite, California-Exploratory

tunnel for modulus tests.

method was evolved by the United States Bureau

of Reclamation for evaluating the foundations'· Fig. 8.13 Auburn Damsite, California-Radial jack­

and I quote: ing test.

(Photos by courtesy of the United States Bureau of

'To include all geologic features in the analyses, . Reclamation)

< ,



This approach is a valuable guide in determining The shear-friction factor, i.e. the ratio of total
where and how much treatment is needed. The resisting force (friction plus cohesion) to the total
finite-element studies themselves are a culmination
applied horizontal load should exceed 5. (Some
of extensive data gathering and intennediate steps
of analysis. It is not feasible to include all the countries accept 4). It is of interest that Spanish
variables influencing the modulus directly, such as Regulations cover the case of zero cohesion by ,.. ,~
very small-scale geological features. For this reason, specifying a minimum friction factor of 1.5 in
the goal is to isolate the small-.;cale variables, deter­ such cases.
mine their effects by intennediate studies, and then
incorporate these results into the finite-dement
Since the possibility of sliding is present at "1
". J

studies. most sites some solutions to the problem will be

The influence of joints and shears up to 12 mm described in some detail. "-1
on the modulus is correlated through a Joint-Shear
Index. The effects of discontinuous shears greater
8.31 Meadowbank Dam, Tasmania"
CJ Amphibolite
This is a 43 ni high massive buttress dam, Fig.
"-".'::::.....1 Faull zone
14.57. The general nature of the foundation rock

c:::::J Metasediments
_ Tole seam had been ascertained by mapping and drilling,
but it was only after more detailed investigations
E:=J Sh~or zone
Original ground surface by 1.22 m diameter calyx holes and after excava­
tion at the site that the continuous nature of the
Contilever secli'on----­
seams that existed in the foundation was proven.
Because these seams provided poten tial sliding
planes it was decided to change the design from
the gravity dam originally contemplated to a
massive buttress dam stabilized against sliding by
prestressing cables, Chapter 12. ;--1
The foundation rocks are Triassic sandstones, : 1
siltstones and mudstones which are pre­ U
dominantly quartzose but contain varying
amounts of mica, graphite, clay minerals and ox­
ides of iron and manganese, Fig. 8.15. Within the
Fig. 8.14 Auburn Dam, U.S.A.-An example of the
finite element grid for a section taken through the siltstones and mudstones the amounts of mica
dam and foundation (Courtesy of United States and clay minerals increase as the quartz grain
Bureau of Reclamation) size decreases. The beds of the different types of
, .

rock vary in thickness for less than 1 mm to more

than 12 mm will be determined and classified into a than 1 m and in some cases grade from one type
Shear Catalogue. These effects will be detennined
to another, Fig. 8.16.
as functions of thickness, fi11ing material modulus,
continuity, orientation, and spacing. As each shear The relationship between beds is complex
of this type is encountered, its effects can be ac­ because they are lenticular, and on a regional
cumulated with others occurring in discrete zones scale they are not continuous. The general dip of
of the foundation. the bedding is from 3°-4 0 ; its component along
This accumulated influence coupled with the ad­ the river being about 1 0 upstream.
justed modulus, as derived using the Joint-Shear
Index, produces a value of defonnation modulus The site investigation also revealed brecciated
used in the finite-element model. All continuous sandstone, siltstone and mudstone at various
faults and shears are accounted for directly in the levels. This breccia material occurs in generally
finite-element studies.' flat-lying zones of a curved nature which cut
through the different rock types. The breccia
8.3 Sliding zones are not cemented but are characterized by
The sliding of a dam is resisted by friction and
cohesion, either at the boundary of the dam and
the foundation, or along seams within the foun­ Fig. 8.15 Meadowbank Buttress Dam, Australia­
dation. Horizontally-bedded sandstone and shale

~ -"
;\ \




TRIASSIC Section A-A nl

o Sandstone LJ

• Mudstone -'
® Calyx hole

Diamond drill hole


,d '
, I




Left abutment
2 Spillway
3 Right abutment (rockfill)
4 Power station

5 Power station excavation

6 River diversion channel


Fig. 8.16 Meadowbank Dam-Dam layout and foun­

dation geology

s in sandslOne _
Bed dinq P\O~-==----
-----=-.-::-~. -- -8",0;"',d
140 mm ' --'--­

Limits of seam '; -';I

(cloy, mudstone etc)

' i


oI 100
200 300 400mm
! !

Fig. 8.17 Meadowbank Dam-Brecciated zone exposed in Calyx hole in

right abutment

, ~


, ,


soft zones of variable thickness containing Wedge a steel beam with curved end plates across
angular rock fragments of varying size, shape the hole to take the reaction force from a ver­
and quantity in a matrix of finer grained tical hydraulic jack;
material, Fig. 8.17. The zones were thought to Fix dial gauges at three positions on the upper
be flat-lying faults and were therefore considered surface of the core to measure vertical and
continuous as far as the dam foundation was horizontal movement;
concerned. The matrix of the breccia zones is a Apply shearing forces to the seam at each of
grey inorganic clayey silt of low plasticity; the several normal loads, and record the
liquid limit was about 30, the plasticity index movements of the core above the seam.
about 13, and it contained 12 to 25 per cent of
clay sizes. The first laboratory shear tests on this The arrangement is shown diagrammatically in
material were on 38 mm diameter undisturbed Fig. 8.18.
samples obtained from breccia zones in the first
calyx hole. Mohr circles plotted from eighteen ,
undrained triaxial shear tests gave an' average ISieelbeom
shear parameter of C' = 0.14 kg/em', tan 1/1'= Recorder--·/ .wlth curved
0.65 and a minimum parameter of C' = 0.21 /!endP!OleS,

kg/em', tan 1/1' = 0.5. Disturbed samples were ob­

.. ,
tained from any seams that were thick enough to ir-i\K::=::1b-V6flIClJ! jock
I give sufficient material for the tests. Con­
! solidated-undrained triaxial shear tests were Clay seam
carried out on the remoulded samples. Normal
consolidation was used in these tests" so any Steel rollers
cohesion due to over~onsolidation in the un­ SecHon A-A
disturbed soil was not shown. The minimum
shear parameter obtained was C' = 0, tan 1/1 =
0.5. J A
Initial undrained shear tests on undisturbed
samples of the brown plastic clay filling the joints Horizontal
in the sandstone gave a shear parameter C = 0.49
kg/em', tan 1/1' = 0.15, but desiccation near the Dial gauge .?':::::::±=:c:r'L22m dio Calyx. ,
(vertical and horizQnta!) drilled hole
surface was obvious, and the test report warned
. I
that the clay might be softer at depth. Further

triaxial tests on remoulded samples loaded more Fig.8.18 Meadowbank Dam-Arrange­

slowly, gave C' = 0, tan </> = 0.24 when normally ment of in situ shear test
The normal load was applied until the dial
When calyx drilling of 1.22 m diameter holes
gauges indicated steady conditions. The horizon­
was undertaken for visual inspection of the foun­
tal load was then applied ,in increments, allowing
dation, it was decided to carry out in situ shear
tests using the following method:'!·22 movement under each increment to cease or
become very small. Failure at any normal load
1 was assumed when an 'increment of 0.04 kg/cm2
Drill NX (53.4 mm diameter) core hole to locate in horizontal stress caused movement of approx­
seams; imately 1 mm. The in situ tests on the brown clay
Drill calyx hole to within 20-30 em of the seam seam in the sandstone of the left abutment at El.
to be tested and remove core; 56.5 also gave lower values than the laboratory
Cut annulus with calyx drill to 2-5 Cm below triaxial tests. Because the tan 1/1 of the material in
seam; this seam was low (0.25), it was decided to ex­
Remove sufficient rock from one side of the core cavate below the seam for the buttresses on that
plinth to accommodate an hydraulic jack abutment, Fig. 8.19.
between core above the seam and the side of It was found that the seams existed at frequent
,! the hole; levels, at least down to a bed of massive sand­

'.\"' .
.~ :


i i
I 187

stone below EI. 15.2, and for design purposes (il) Provision of vertical or inclined prestressing
could be considered continuous. Several of the cables;
seams were thought to outcrop some distance (iii) Change of the dam type to either rockfill,
downstream of the dam and it was calculated prestressed gravity, massive buttress with
that the weight of rock above them was insuf­ vertical upstream face, massive buttress with
ficient to prevent sliding of the supporting rock sloping upstream face, multiple arch or
before the required passive pressUres could be hollow gravity.
developed. In any case, hydraulic model tests of
Shear keys if provided alone without prestress
early spillway designs had indicated that the
would need to have extended down to El. 15.2
foundation rock might be eroded down to a level
and were rejected on the grounds of cost, practic­
of approximately El.. 33.6 quite close to the
ability and doubt as to their structural behaviour.
downstream end of th~ dissipator thus removing
The rockfill dam was rejected because of the dif­
all support above that level, Fig. 19.30. In addi­
ficulty and cost of providing a spillway for this
tion the power station. tailrace would be ex­
type of dam at this site. The design chosen was a
cavated to EI. 24.4 immediately adjacent to the
massive buttress dam with a sloping upstream
spillway. It was therefore concluded that it would
face, which had a factor of safety against sliding
not be safe to rely .upon the support of rock
of 1.10 on a seam just under the buttress .. Ad­
downstream of the spillway dissipator.
ditional resistance to ensure the necessary factor
For the spillway section, sliding calculations
of safety was provided by inclined foundation
were made for horizontal and inclined planes in
pre-stressing cables situated in an anchor block
the foundation making the following assump­ downstream of each buttress (see Chapter 12).
At any possible combination of headwater and
(i) Vertical cracks in the foundation rock at the tailwater levels and with the uplift assumptions
upstream heel of the dam and at the detailed above, the fmal design had to satisfy the
downstream end of the dissipator; following factoroOf-safety criteria for sliding on
(ii) Full headwater hydrostatic pressure acting horizontal planes and sloping planes dipping
in the upstream crack; upstream.
(iii) No resistance from rock downstream of the
spillway dissipator; Level Factor of Safety against sliding
(iv) Full tailwater hydrostatic pressure acting in
the downstream crack; Above HI. 30.5 2.0
Below HI. 30.5 linear variation from 2.0 at
(v) Uplift on 100 per cent of the area of the EI. 30.5 to 1.5 at EI. 15.2
sliding plane and varying linearly from full
headwater at the upstream end of the plane,
EI. 30.5 was 3 m below the greatest depth. of
to full tailwater head at the line of main
foundation draills and then full tailwater spillway erosion predicted by models tests..
head downstream of the drains. The forces The reduction in required factor of safety
acting in the fimil design in accordance with below EI. 30.5 was considered justified because at
lower depths there would be an' increasing
these assumptions' are shown in Fig. 8.20.
resistance from rock downstream of the dam and
At any reasonable level within the foundation from shear on the valley sides,neither of which
with these assumptions the factor of safety was taken into account elsewhere in the
against sliding for the original gravity dam calculations. The factor of safety against sliding
proposal was calculated to be less than 1.0. on horizontal planes was calculated by the
The following methods of increasing the following formula (see Fig. 8.20):
sliding factor of safety were examined:
(i) Provision of shear keys at upstream or Factor of Safety
downstream faces;

Fig. 8.19 Meadowb.nk Dam-Horizontally-bedded =

c'A + rw - U + P cos a) tan ifi'
sandstone and shale

--.."'.~. ~''''~''''''''.'"''''''i'''''. _ ..........______________...__________..............,...=--­ .......


to be one free from earthquakes, an analysis

was made including an acceleration of 0.1 g
applied to the normal operating load case.
The factor of safety at the level of the
buttress foundation was 1.49 which was con­
sidered acceptable.

'1IIillllllilllllllll'~llilllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllm At Mequinenza Dam, Spain,23-'I-a gravity
dam 77.4 m high with a central overfall spillway
(six Tainter gates each 14.5 by 15.5 m for a max­
Hu .::: UpS1ream hydrostalic force U:: Uplift on sliding plane imum discharge of 11 000 ml/s)-a somewhat
Htj :: Downs1ream hydrost01ic force P :: Prestress similar problem arose.
W = Weight of dam, rock and woler F '" Fricil(1n on plane AS The dam rests on Oligocene layers formed by
above sliding plone AS C " Cohesion on plone AS
an alternating succession of almost horizontal
Fig. 8.20 Meadowbank Dam--Forces on spillway limestones with intermediate layers of lignite and
! block marl. When foundation work began it was
thought that normal excavation depth would be

The factor-of-safety furmula fur inclined planes
was similar. Essentially this formula gives a factor
of safety on the assumed value of tan ¢'. The
adequate considering the type and height of the
dam, but when construction was almost complete
serious doubts arose as to the stability of the
foundations and it was found that sliding could
shear parameters adopted for design were C = occur along some of the lignite and marl inter­
0.14 kg/em' and tan ¢' = 0.5. layers. In situ tests were made on specimens of
The economic optimum angle for the founda­ sizes from 0.5 by 0.5 m to 4 by 4 m in order to
..:tion pre-stressing cables was found to be 35° study scale effects. All tests gave C between 0.5
from the vertical. and 0.7 kg/em' and tan ¢ between 0.6 and 0.7.
Close to the base of the buttress, the normal The alternatives considered were:
operating load case governed the amount of
prestress while at levels lower than El. 32 the (i) Inclined cables stemming from the
. ,
design flood case governed. downstream face and deeply anchored into
the foundation rock. These would have
~ _. !

In addition to the loads due to combinations of

head and tailwater levels with the above assump­ provided a supplementary horizontal compo­
tions the final arrangement was checked for the
following abnormal conditions:
nent acting against the water load-and a

vertical component that would have in­

(i) Foundation Drains Blocked. The distribution
ofuplift was taken from a flow net which was
creased the forces normal to the possible

sliding planes; n
Ll '
drawn assuming all drains blocked and the (ii) A special transverse tooth-like structure--­
grout curtain to be impermeable to its full obviously large-to be placed underneath
depth of 27.4 m. The flow net ignored drain­ the dam and conveniently anchored to it in
age to the surface between buttresses. The such a way that possible sliding could only
sliding factor of safety for this condition was occur in deeper regions.
calculated' as 1.60 above EL 27.4 with a The first was abandoned on the basis of high
linear variation to 1.25 at El. 15.2. This was cost and the existence of the thin limestone
considered acceptable because an extensive layers, with lignite and marl in between, made it
drainage system would be provided under the difficult to anchor the cables properly. It was also
dam and dissipator slab with provision for thought that long-term settlement could occur in
future redrilling. if found necessary. this foundation requiring periodic re-stressing of f!
. ,
(ii) Earthquake. Although the region is believed the cables. Li
, I


, The second was abandoned due to the very

11 high tangential stresses and tensions observed in
.e'l models at the intersection of the dam base and
Probable failure
the tooth structure and the difficulties involved
in constructing the thrust wall under the existing
, dam.
\. Limestone with lignite The scheme adopted is shown in Fig. 8.21,
in ho(izonfal layets which indicates how the potential failure line was
!0 )
moved deeper into the foundations and ad­
ditional weight was added. It is to be noted that,
although the horizontal stratifications 'were as
close as 200 mm, there were very few vertical
Joint between old ond new COnCrete lithoc1ases. The horizontal load could therefore
8' be taken on these horizontal planes.
___ I Model tests at ISMES were made to a scaie 1
to 60 which permitted many details of the 'dam
Limestone with Strengthened Failure line and the ground to be reproduced. Uplift\vas in­
in horizontal layers port cluded by modifying the tension in wire stays
!0) that simulated the dead weight. lt 'was deemed
necessary to install deep drainage under the d'Wn,
Fig. 8.21 Mequinenza Dam-Simplified drawings
showing the probable failure lines in the unstrength­ with grout curtains at both the upstream and
ened dam (a) and the reinf01:ced structure (b) downstream ,ends of the structure, Fig. 8.22.

o 5 10 15 20m
~ .. ! ! !

PorI of

I - - - - Limit of the old shliing pool




curtoln __ -1-
_--I I I
-- Grout cu,,'oin'?-I.I

1 ; --
-r-:---;($e I
I Drains ~I T ...LI~S.OO .'. Grol)t~
II I ico.n':>" qo.\\ef'l I thoin ",,'"''''---'
Oeep IQflgiludinol gallery

Fig. 8.22 Mequinenza Dam-A section through the main spillway. The dotted line shows the location
of the original stilling basin, and the galleries, grout curtain and drains can be seen (Water Power,
.1 March 1971)

" '

8.33 The Tims Ford Dam, U.S.A., was envisaged as

a concrete gravity dam. More extensive in­
At the Dworshak, 219 m high gravity dam,
vestigations revealed seams of decomposed shale,
U.S.A.," the 'Noreen' shear had been well
frequendy existing in near-horizontal bedding
defined by explorations and in itself would not
planes in the limestone and shale foundations.
have been detrimental to stability. However, the
Cores, 0.92 m diameter, were tested in the
·'Patty Suzie' shears, Fig. 8.23(A), found unex­
laboratory. The average strength of seams was
pectedly· during excavation, were not revealed
given by an angle of friction of 32° and C = 1.05
by the pre-construction exploration. The
methods considered to develop resistance against Large-scale field tests were made of rock par­
downstream sliding were: ticles sliding on a rock surface. The angle offric­
Mining out the shears and backfilling with con­ tion varied 29° and 33°, increasing with the den­
crete; sity of the rockfill in the test box.
Installing high-capacity prestressing eletllents It was decided to build a rockflil dam, with in­
. across the 'Patty Suzie' zone; and clined core and side slopes of 1 on 2.5 00 this
Constructing a buttress. site. 2 "1

The last was the least costly-and was adopted, 8.4 Permeability
. Fig. 8.23(B). The buttress is 45 m long and ex­
tends across the full width of the stilling basin. Mter completion of a dam, water under pres­
Its maximum height is about 30 m. Provision was sure from the reservoir may move through the
made for draining the shear zones, whilst the foundation, either around grains of the material
rock and ·contact below the buttress were as in sands and gravels or through interconnected
grouted. joints, seams and bedding planes as in sedimen­
tary formations, or it may be lost through natural
underground channels. In the first case, excess
flow can lead to piping and erosion of material,
with consequent danger to the structure; in the
second, water may .!lOft~l! infilling material,
F::::':::--:~ thereby reducing its frictional resistance, it may
erode soft material from seams and it will in­
troduce hydrostatic pressures that could cause in­
Excavation Hne
ror chule ond stability in the rock mass; whilst in the third case
stilling basin it may lead to such serious loss of water that the
~\ project is abandoned.
Noreen /"::::r::::::.:::::~,-~I==-­ The stat~ of stre·s;ln the rock mass will affect
sheo.r its permeability. The compressive load imposed
(A 1 on the foundation by the building of the dam will
tend to close cracks and decrease permeability.
Filling of the reservoir will change the distribu­
tion of stress on the foundation-with a
EL400m tendency to open cracks upstream from the dam
and tighten the formations at the downstream
Excavalion line
face. It has, however, been found that subsequent
for chule ond l(jwering of the reservoir can cause qulteslgnifi­
stilling basin
cant increases in permeability. If a small reservoir
is to be subject to rapid changes in water level, the
.I'ex~ of stress on the foundations may make
necessary a more comprehensive programme of
[ 81
grouting than would otherwise be necessary.
Hydrogeological· investigatioos should be
Fig. 8.23 Dworshak Dam~ U.S.A. undertaken to define any possible modes or n.




directions of leakage. Regular measurements in soils the well permeability test is ade­
.,.!, piezometric holes will reveal groundwater quate--U.S.B.R. Earth ManualEl9, 1963.
hydraulic gradients that might indicate the direc­ Almost regardless of the type of foundation
tion 'of unacceptable permeability under pressure material, it is usual to conduct water pressure
from the reservoir. tests in a large,.proportion. of exploratory dia­
Radioactive isotopes are sometimes used2S but mond drill holes; the loss of water-being ex­
dyes such as fluorescin and Rhodomin WI are pressed inJ.ugeons, i.e. 1 Lugeon represents the
quite effective in tracing water movement. The loss of 1 V~in per metre length of hole under a
last is not easily absorbed into rocks or soils and pressure of 10 atm.
can be detected with borehole instruments in con­ For the proposed Mackintosh Dam, Tasmania,
centrations as low as 1 in'100 million. the preliminary investigations indicated that a
Although it is standard practice to pressure test rockfilf darn -should be the most suitable. Gravels
drill holes for water loss, care must be exercised overlying bedrock were of such depth as to
so that the fluid pressures do not cause or extend preclude their total removal from under the dam.
cracks too fine for the later penetration by grout 'E-venoo- provide a deep trench under a clay core
but sufficient for the entry of water than could or under the plintl} of~pervious upstream
exert enormous jacking forces. face would be expensive. In order to prove the
acceptability of the site and to design a suitable
8.41 Permeable Materials •
cut-off system, permeability tests were conducted
Where dams are to be constructed' on under contract by the Cementation Co. Ltd. The
permeable foundations of sand or gravel, pump­ in situ material included talus, i.e. angular
in or pump-out tests should be conducted, see the fragments of quartz, quartzite and conglomerate
U.S.B.R. Earth Manual E18, 1963. In shallow up to 1 m in diameter in a matrix of sand and

25mm 1.0. plastic lube,

open at IOP,--_--::::".-Pressure gauge
rl--r-"'--1i~r-Gos flow ~egulolor
Valve To compressed
gas supply

I_--r-,Mercury manometer

From sialic
weter lank
200mm Qulercasing Fischer and
shown partially withdrawn Gland....... Va Ive
Porter flowrotor

: 't-ilc.- Perforations
between 3m and 5m
Valve Hand

3mm nylon lube

Level recorded of bottom

of 3mm tube
Cell tilling
shown thus
Double pneumatic packer
Gravel ~



.I Figs. 8.24 and 8.25 Mackintosh Dam-Permeability tests

192 L:'oj
clay, spread down and across the valley as a ment of water along bedding planes in sedimen­ "~]
fluvio-glacial deposit. Holes were drilled to tary formations-it being general for these to be L
receive a 200 mm diameter outer casing. Each interconnected by open-joint systems. The usual
hole was divided into cells by infilling with layers
solution is to provide several rows of holes for
grouting-the holes being staggered between
of gravel, grout and sand. The inner casing was ~'

perforated at convenient locations. Using lines. In a three-line arrangement the holes in the
pneumatic packers it was then possible to apply outer lines are grouted first-intermediate holes n I:
water pressure in any zone selected, Figs. 8.24 in the lines being drilled and grouted if deemed t!
and 8.25. Each zone was tested under constant necessary by the grout consumption or water­
head and under falling head; the results in­ pressure tests. After completion of grouting
dicating up to 1 x 10-5 m/s with an overall along the outer lines, holes are drilled along the
average of 2 x 10-6 m/s. This was considered line midway between; these are often deeper and
acceptabl~ubject to grouting under the dam are grouted at depth under greater pressure.
to intercept flow through any undiscovered There are, however, occasions when seams are
penneable zone. filled with clay or other easily erodible material.
To seal pervious unconsolidated sediments by Erosion of clay from such seams could result in
cement grouting is a difficult operation. If the settlement of the dam. It is then advantageous to
penneability of the natural sediments exceeds remove this soft material and replace it with
10-2 cm/s, grouting with a clay-cement mixture cement.
can reduce the permeability to about 10-4 cm/s. As a secondary effect of this there may be
If the original penneability is less than 10- 2 cm/s
some improvement in shearing resistance within
the grouting will be less effective; when it is 10- 3
the foundation but this is rarely relied upon.
cm/s it is most difficult to inject any cement Meadowbank Dam, Tasmania, Fig. 14.57, is
grout. It is unwise to rely on a single row of grout
founded on Triassic sandstones and shales (Sec­
holes; perferably three lines should be used as tion 8.3). Foundation improvement consisted of
described later for sedimentary fonnations. consolidation grouting to a depth of 8 m below
In order to increase the length of the leakagethe buttresses, the gravity abutment blocks and
path it is not uncommon to provide in the design the right abutment retaining wall. A cut-off cur­
"for an impervious blanket (of clay) to be spread
over an area extending upstream from the dam. In
tain was provided---extending 27 m below the
limits of excavation across the river bed and to
some .cases this has been done successfully after
filling of the reservoir by dumping clay sand
materials through the water. Clay blankets have
lesser depths along the abutments. A concrete
plinth not less than 0.6 m thick was provided and
through this, patterns of holes, inclined 20° or
been used successfully in front of dams 50 m J
30°, were drilled, Fig. 8.26. Seam washing was
high; under greater heads some have failed.
Should, th,e underlying foundation be of
effected by connecting an injection manifold to
the top of one standpipe and injecting water (and
limestone-possibly with sink holes and
occasionally air, but this can easily induce uplift
caverns-then the hydraulic gradient through
problems). Water and dislodged material were f1
the blanket may be so great that even a generous ~j
ejected from adjacent standpipes. This operation
filter layer beneath it may be insufficient to pre­
was repeated from various standpipes until a
vent its collapse into the sink holes. The same
maximum number of connections had been
danger exists if the sediments are so pervious as
made. The majority of the material ejected was
to be free draining, and this can occur by inter­
fine clay in suspension and silty material up to 9
connection between lenses of coarse gravels.
mm. Sodium bicarbonate can be added as a dis­
Before adopting a blanket for heads exceeding
persive agent to assist in loosening the clay.
75 m the foundation should be examined care­
However, there are reservations concerning this
fully, and if any doubt exists an alternative fonn
practice since any chemical left in the seams may
of cut-off should be considered.
detrimentally affect them at a later date.
The time required to establish connections
8.42 Permeable Seams
varied from 2 to 30 minutes. Jetting was con­
Precautions must be taken to prevent the move­ tinued until clear water appeared-often after 30 U


" !


Cells type 'a' Cells type 'A'

thon cells
5~111~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~ C~!l!~ol lol(!s
of in each.
cell 10 lie on Ihis line,
These holes nol jetted AU holes in each cell 10 be drilled
Elevation of upstream fOCe to some level QS cenlrol holes

03 137 ,370.3,37 137 03 - Spacing of cel! holes 10 be
-' measured normal to holes
"I 0,3 1,37 1,37 0,3 1,37 1,37 0,3

:B ~Dtf 'f if Plan

-Holes marked Ihus. ore edended where shown 10 form curlain Iype 'e'
Curtain eel! type 'A' Curtain cen type 'B'

Fig. 8.26 Meadowbank Dam--Arrangements for cell grouting

I minutes. The quantity Qf clay material remQved recQgnized Qn a world-wide basis. Karst fQrms
was nQt great-about 1000 ccs frQm each 3 m Qne Qf the preoccupatiQns Qf the InternatiQnal
cell. Cement grQuting was then dQne thrQugh the AssociatiQn of Scientific HydrQlogy (lASH) and
same holes. the UNESCO HydrQIQgical Decade. The General
CQmmittee Meeting Qf the InternatiQnal Associa­
8.43 Karszic Foundations tiQn Qf HydrQgeolQgists (IAH) held in Prague in
The term karstic appears ,to. have Qriginated 1958 set up, a special' cQmmittee on karst
from a regiQn Qf that name in YugQslavia, where hydrogeolQgy.
I surface streams are cQnspicuQus by their absence. The subject came under discussion at the 9th
i Leakage referred to. as karstic describes lQSS ICOLD CQngress, 1967, whilst at the 10th
of water thrQugh pre-exlsttng drainage CQngress, MQntreal, 1970, sixty Papers were
systems-usually associated with cavernQUS presented against QuestiQn 37 'Recent develop­
limestQne fQrmatiQns. Where karstic cQnditiQns ments in the design and constructiQnQf dams and
are known to. exist (Qne-third Qf the area Qf reservQirs Qn deep alluvial, karstic or Qther
Yugoslavia) extensive investigatiQns are unfavQurable fQundatiQns: The Papers appear in
necessary; at Busko' BlatQ Dam they extended VQlume III of the PrQceedings. Londe's General
over 20 years. 29 It may be easy to. condemn a Repon Qn these is reeQrded iri VQlume V, whilst,
site--but when water must be stQred and there is discussions appear in VQlume VI.
no QbviQusly better site the Engineer carries a The extent Qf investigatiQn and treatment will
grave responsibility. FQr instance, many Qf the depend upon the value Qf water at the'particular
dams of the Tennessee Valley AuthQrity. were site. At Vrtae Dam, Yugoslavia, a lQss' Qf 19 mlls
IQcated to. suit navigation and. as a result are Qn was recQrded and accepted, whereas fQr the
limestone fQundatiQns. Some remedial wQrk has G1ems stQrage in West Germany the whQle reser-­
been necessary at these sites. The importance Qf VQir basin was lined with asphalt. 30
limestQne under a dam or .reservQii IS now At Camarassa Dam, Spain" the Qriginal

leakage of 2.5 m'ls grew to 11.5 m3/s, but it was demn a site ,without adequate investigation,'4
ultimately controlled by grouting. On the other Water can be lost from a reservoir either:
hand, at the Montejaque Dam, Spain-built 40
years ago--it has never been possible to fill the By-passing the dam into the same river valley or
reservoir due to losses through, the banks and through karstic formations into an adjoining
floor of the valley.31 Similarly the reservoir of the valley:
May Dam, Turkey, has never been filledP This By reversal of flow in springs due to the reservoir
dam was built on limestone but the bed of the head;
reservoir consists of alluvium 15 to 20 m thick Through sink holes connecting to underground
overlying karstic limestone, conglomerate and caverns--collapse of the sink holes being in­
marl. Water seeped through the alluvium and duced by weight of the reservoir water; these
caused more than thirty-six sink holes to appear can be of structural significance if close to the
near the dam. dam;"
Through fissured zones that rarely involve
In U.S.A. the Lone Pine project was com­
pleted in 1936 and abandoned, whilst at the Ira­ stability problems and can usually be sealed by'
Price Dam excessive leakage prevented the com:­ grouting;
plete mling of the reservoir, By the water under reservoir head forcing out or
An excellent study has been made by eroding residual clay and alluvium infilling in
Therond33 of sixteen reservoirs, of which ten channels;
were affected by leakage; his summary is particu­ Removal by solution of soluble gypsum (a slight
larly relevant:, seepage at Mequinenza Dam, Spain, grew to
17 m3/s in 1 day due to solution in seams
'Out of the 16 reservoirs examined, 10 were
affected by leakage when they were filled, Le,
Camarasa, Bouvante, Monte;aque, Channine­
where lignite and gypsum were together),

Investigations must be carried out on a

Moux, Castillon, Canelle., Karaoun, Nebaana, regional basis, with efforts concentrated locally
Vouglan. and Sainte Croix, in areas revealed as karstic,'· Signs of such for­ ill
Leakage appears wholly or partly at natural mation are natural sink holes that may partly fIll
springs, that existed before impounding. The other
r~urgences appear' either from fractures near ,the
with rainwater but drain rapidly, springs that ,'1
main springs or from karst galleries On short dis­ feed water into the reservoir area, or dry river ,i, j
tances; leakage patbs 'can exist, being linked with beds, Flow from karstic" springs varies more
joint systems even though the rock' may not rapidly With rainfall than from other springs.
necessarily be karstifled. Leakage from the storage­
lakes examined re-appeared at a distance between 0
and 6 kID from the reservoirs. The farthest point of
The range of water temperature from karstic
springs may be two to three times that from
U ,;
resurgence is generally a natural spring with a not other springs, Dye tests may be performed to
inconsiderable discharge.
Leakage rates vary with the reservoirs from a few
trace the movement of water-fluorescein is
visible to the naked eye in concentrations of 1 t~]
litre. to 12 m'/., The high rates (more than 1 m'/s) part in 200 million by weight. The quantity of
reappear less than 1 kID from the lake. The leakage
rates always increase with lake level. In many cases, dye required will depend upon the underground
storage as well as upon the actual flow going

there is declogging of some pipes and the underflow
regime alters suddenly with rising lake level. underground.
: 1
In general, there is ground degradation and in­ To appraise the order of magnitude of I
creasing leakage with time. At 7 schemes out of the permeability in a" given direction through kar­ .. j
10, leakage appeared as soon as filling started. The I;
absorption zones in the reservoir can be of' very stified limestones the following should be
different types. There may be generalized infiltra­
tion over large areas, infiltration through, well
separated fractures, or leakage through a limited
]1, '
State and direction of tectonic disturbances of
number of shafts.' the limestone mass and its space relationship :! 1
It is apparent, therefore, that great risk is in­
volved when siting a dam in limestone or karstic
with the hydraulic gradients of karstification;
Magnitude, direction and duration of hydraulic
regions, On the other hand, stored water can be gradients to which the limestone mass has n;. '1
of great value and it would be unrealistic to' con­ been subjected in the past; •.1

Ul I:



I Total volume of water which flowed through the Typical of the extensive grout curtains
I underground formation. necessary in karstic regions is that at Grancarevo
Dam, Yugoslavia';';7 (1967). This double­
Hydrological studies should include:
curvature arch dam-123 m high--<;:reates a
Simultaneous measurement of the flow in the reservoir of 1280 million m3• The dam site con­
main stream and tributaries; sists of Lias limestones which are karstified to
Correlation of stream regime with those of considerable depth on the left bank. Besides a
neighbouring streams known to be free from rather pronounced stratification of the rock
karstic problems; mass, the dam site is fissured by several systems
-.' ) Piezometric surveys for hydraulic gradients. of cracks which are frequently fllled with clayey
Geophysical methods should be employed both materials near the surface. The dam abutments
for regional studies and for local dimensioning of were improved by consolidation grouting
caverns, etc. through a total length of 20 000 m of boreholes.
Once a site has been adopted certain Below the dam and in the flanks, a two-row cur­
precautions to be taken may.include: tain was built covering 60 000 m2 and reaching a
maximum depth of 150 m, Fig. 8.27. The water­
Complete sealing of the floor and banks of small tightness of the reservoir was ensured by the ex­
resenroirs; istence of a large dolomite anticline that crosses
Provision of a deep grout curtain;
the' River TrebiSnjica, but which prescribed
Provision of a cut-off wall;
limits for siting of the dam.
Provision for drainage of the dam abutments and

Rama Dam, Yugoslavia, is a rockfill embank­

foundation with provision for further grouting
ment with reinforced concrete upstream deck.
, if necessary;
The damsite lies in formations of karstified
Filling of the reservoir should be in stages, being
J.' held or lowered as required for remedial work;
calcareous rocks, limestones, and dolomite
limestones of the Triassic period. There is 'a fault
Provision of large capacity outlets;
zone of considerable size in the river bed and the
The dam could be built in stages to prove the
banks are intersected by minor faults; the rockfill
reservoir as at Karaoun Dam, Lebanon.
was compacted in. 1.5 m layers with· 10.5 t
In karstic regions it may not be possible to ex­ vibrating rollers. A grouting, drainage and in­
tend a grout curtain either laterally or in depth spection gallery was incorporated in the plinth of
to seal against an impermeable formation; the the concrete deck, Fig. 8.28.
possibility of it being outflanked should not Treatment of Keban Dam, Turkey,· has been
therefore be overlooked. described by Ie Be!,'" to whom. I am obliged for
! ,'­

. t

! 1. Contact grQuting
2. Upstream toW of groutholes
i 3.
Perimetrical join.t
Downsteom tow of 9foutholes
Conso'lido!ion grovting
Diversion tonne I
7. 8oltorn outlet NO,l
o, 50
I a Penstocks

'. I 9.
Bottom outlet No.2
Railway tunnel

Fig. 8.27 Grancarevo Dam-Developed profile of the dam and grout curtain


.. -

\ . )0
1\ ".
IT\ "-

Secfion of grout curloin

1. Dolomitic limestone
2. Faul1 ~one
3. Limestone
4. Marl and cloy
5. Contour of grout cur10in
6. Cut-off wol! with inspection gallery
7 Upstream row of grout holes
a Consolidation groutlng
9. Contact grouting
+505.88 10. ContrOl boreholes

Cross ·secfion of Dam

I. Reinforced concrete face H
2. Hond poeked roekflll
3. Rockfill
4. Cut-off woH with inspection gollery
5. Drainage gallery
"1' )
Fig. 8.28 Rama Dam, Yugoslavia
c 1

the following summary and diagrams: build an underground concrete diaphragm wall in
place of the grouting curtain in the are.s were kar­
IJ '
stification rendered the conventional grouting im­
'The Keban Dam is located in Turkey on the upper
possible or inefficient.
part of the River Euphrates. It is constituted by a The fJrst part of the foundation to be treated
rockfill dam of about 200 ni of height and is with the diaphragm wall has been the left bank
followed on its left abutment by a gravity wall of abutment of the rockfill dam and some parts of the
concrete having a maximum height of 80 m. At the foundations of the concrete gravity dam in areas
crest the rockftll is 673 m long, the COncrete wall where important outflow of water appeared
about 400 m.
dangerous. Later on, the same method has been ex·
The foundations were due to be treated by the
tended so that, presently, 20000 m' of wall have
conventional way of a grouting curtain carried out
been carried out.
from a certain number of -borizontal galleries
This wall is huilt in the vertical plane of the ex­
located in the vertical axis of the dam, and ex­
isting grouting galleries. Its thickness varies allow­
tending under the whole concrete dam and on the
ing for the conditions ofthe rock with an average of
limestone abutments of the rockftll dam.
1. 70 m; General method which is in use is
During construction, these galleries discovered a analogous to tbe stoping works wbich are in prac­
great number of cavities most often ftlled with clay tice currently in mining. The panels of wall are i.
or debris; many dissolution channels were also en­ ~-l

: I .
generally made between two galleries at about 20 m
countered. It- became obvious that tbe foundation difference of level. One starts by excavating from LJ ~ :
was a very complex karstic formation.
In a fJrst period, the Owner asked a very intricate
the outside or from an horizontal gallery one in­ , -

clined shaft at 45· situated between two horizontal

day-to-day work of exploration following the solu­ galleries, tben following operations are carried out:
tion channels, excavating the cavities and filling the
whole with concrete. Perforation and blasting on the ceiling of the in­
The main drawback of tbis procedure was the clined shafts of rock on about 2 m;
impossibility to program correctly tbe wo,k,
therefore the Owner decided since April 1969 to
The muck is sliding down to the lower horizontal
galleries for excavation;

CD Drilling stage Typical cross-section ® Mucking stage

Loodet ~ Solzgifter H.C.400

oownSl~::k: J-Jttrl~=1;Yl':~r ;. Upstream

: Stoodard woggon

@ Cancreling stage @ Typical formwork

Shoft excavoli


. ,
.. 1 lsi Sloge
2nd Stage
Wall area 8200 m~

3rd Stoge

Diaphragm woll !NOrfh} ..

Fig. 8.29 Keban Dam, Turkey


i: :;





!' '~

: '




".,. I





, '1




n, 1

~ ..


Concreting of the invert of the sloping shafts with a dam it is usual to drill primary holes to a depth of
. ,; thickness equal to the blasting of the ceiling, the
concrete will be used to raise a mobile platform
about 10 m in a general pattern wherein holes
will be at approximately 8 m centres. Each hole
for the next round.
will be located and oriented to best advantage. 1f
This method allows to excavate and build the wall there is considerable consumptiol! of grout, in­
in several locations, independent one from the termediate secondary -holes wIDbe drilled and
At Keban at the one time there were 5 sites in grouted, followed by intermediate tertiary holes
simultaneous work. This method, Figs. 8.29 and if required. It is important that-grouting
8.30, has provided an impervious barrier in place pressures be kept low to avoid heaving of the
where conventional grouting proved inefficient.' rock and propagation of cracks too fine for the , .
entry of cement but sufficient to accept ·water.
8.5 Foundation Improvement Where there may later be relatively high stress
concentrations the grouting pattern should be
Some action will usually be necessary to im­ spread to consolidate a bulb under the dam, Fig.
prove the foundations for a dam in order to
8.31. The holes should be located and oriented to
.j .
'I' ,! Less deformation under load;
-i, Greater impermeability; .
Greater resistance to shearing;
Protection against erosion;
, Greater stability of abutments.

8.51 Consolidation
8.511 The usual method for consolidating sands
and gravels in situ is by vibration. In extreme
cases the same effect can be obtained with ~­
plosives.3• At Karnafuli Dam, Bangladesh, mQ,n­
.i "soon"floods scoured the diversion channel to
Fig. 8.31 Consolidation grouting for an arch
depihs of 20 in bei~w general river bed level in dam
an area that would later be covered by the
downstream shell of the rockfill dam. To de­
, water the hole would probably have endangered
intersect as many seams as possible. In sedimen­
the side slopes of the firsHtage embankment. It
was therefore decided to dul!!J.l_ cohesionles. tary series it may be advisable to wash soft
material into the water in the hole; after so filling materials from seams and replace it with cement
and de-watering the loose material was com­ (Section 8.42). To be effective for general con­
pacted by detonating buried explosive charges.4o solidation this would be slow and expensive
i . ' ~
working, necessitating considerable checking by
I core drilling. Where the modulus of deformation
8.512 Consolidation by Grouting. In general
there will be cracks, joints and seams within the of the rock mass is low, or variable along the axis
foundation. Although the specification should of the dam, consolidation grouting can provide
considerable improvement. At Repulse Dam, I
p'rohii?it blasting within 0.5 m of the final ex­
cavation limits, there will always remain some Australia, Fig. 11.30, grouting was, done to
loosening of the rock. Openings should be in­ depths of 5 m over the foundation area..Defor­ r
mation modulus was measured by loading cables
jected with cement both for consolidation and to
anchored in the rock. The increase in modulus of

prevent erosion of infliling material in this zone

of maximum hydraulic gradient; Under a gravity deformation of the .jointed dolerite was of the
order of 50 per cent-for the poorest rock it was

improved from 2000 to 3000 MPa.

Fig. 8.30 Keban Dam, Turkey--Excavation for
diaphragm wall
It is understood that the yery comprehensive
consolidation grouting at Vaiont Dam, Italy,

~ .­


resulted in a 100 per cent increase in the defor­ termediate holes where required. The cement
mation mod ul us.41 consumption was 7 to 9 kg per square metre of
Cabril Dam, Portugal," was built on a com: surface--th e usual mixture being 6 parts of
.petent mass of. unaltered granite. Mter water plus 1 part of cement. Analysed in closer
measurements corresponding to the first loading detall it appeared that in areas where the joint
were taken it was realized that deformations in penneability was less than 4 x 10-6 mls the
the structure due to the foundation movements grout consumption was less than 4 kg/m'; for
were ~).lbstantially in excess of those predicted
,"-r' ~ _ _ _ _- .
permeabilities up to 9 x 10-6 mls the consump­
and this was attributable to settlement. A new tion rose to 21 kg/m', whilst for greater per­
programme orgrouting-;as undertaken and this meabilities the consumption rose rapidly, i.e. to
was successful in reducing the defonnations of 40 kg/m2 for permeability of 12 x 10-6 mls.
the cantilevers, Fig. 8.32. Much has been written concerning consump­
tion of grout. It will obviously depend upon the
porosity of gravels or the width of joints and
cracks in rock fonnations. More importantly, it
will depend upon the experience of the operators
and the attention given to work.

8.52 Impermeability by Grouting

8.521 Grout Curtain. To impede the flow of ,
water under or around a dam a grout curtain is
usually provided. The depth to which this should '1
E extend will depend upon the type and condition II,
of the rock mass. Simmonds (19511' suggested
D =iH + C ., 1J
where D depth in metres
H = height of dam in metres
C is a constant varying with the founda­
1and 2 - Before 9routing the
tion, the size of the dam nod the signifi­
3- After grouting the cance of leakages--say 8 to 25 m.
170~~--~--~~~~~~~~'~~ This is in general agreement with present-day
a 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
practice, i.e. a little less than half the height of
Displacements (mm l
the dam, except wbere circumstances necessitate
Fig. 8.32 Cabril Dam, Portugal-Foundation im­ special treatment. The grout curtain should ex­
provement by grouting demonstrated by less cantilever tend well into the abutments on the line of the
deflection (After Seralim) dam, Fig. 8.33 line DBCD', or it can be returned
along each abutment--drilled from above flood
Bendora Dam, Australia,43 is founded on level in the reservoir--ABCA'. The location of
quartzite formation of Silurian age. The rock the abutment curtain will be determined relative
consists of very hard strong quartzite and to rock formations and the provision that will be
silicified quartz sandstones and siltstones in beds made for abutment drainage.
ranging from 2. to 3 m thick:, with lenses of When the reservoir is filled and a concrete
friable sandstone, claystone and sedimentary dam comes under load there is a tendency for
t;;e;:;aas less than 150 mm thick, Fig. 7.14. The cracks to form in the rock upstream from the
rock mass had a joint penneability of 5.2 to 6.8 x dam. Their probable extent and location can be
10-6 mls (formula by M. A. Chapple)." Con­ determined by fmite element studies. It is wise,
solidation grouting was done over an area of therefore, to provide a gallery in the dam follow­ ,
3000 m 2 to a depth of 10 m. The holes SO mm ing and not far distant from the foundation con­ 'I
, l
diameter were drilled on a 3.1 m grid with in­ tact. Horizontal extensions of this gallery should "'......

also be driven into the abutments. These will per­ exceeding 0.01 Vmin per kPa of pressure per

mit regrouting should the grout curtain be frac­ metre depth of hole, or if the grout take exceeded

tured or prove to be inadequate. 70 kg per metre of hole, intermediate secondary

One outstanding grout curtain was that . holes were drilled and grouted. The requirement t
provided at the 117 m high Dokan Arch Dam,
Iraq." The main rocks in the area are from the
for tertiary hqles was similarly based on the
results of adjacent 'secondary holes. The maximum
bottom upwards-first a dolomite, overlying
that a thin-bedded limestone and finally a marl.
pressure used for the curtain grouting was 700
kPa for holes 30 m deep. The grout consumption Il.
The grout curtain extends into both abutments, for primary, secondary, and tertiary holes

its total length being 24 km and its area 450 000 averaged 110, 55 and 30 kg/m, respectively.

i m' with holes as deep as 200 m. Apart from this It is difficult to prove the effectiveness of Ii

i curtain some 580000 m' of rock on the left abut­ grout curtain, since it would involve many pres­

ment required grouting. In all, rock sealing and surized holes on one side and an equal number of

consolidation required 300 000 m of drilling and piezometer holes on the other side of the curtain.

,i the injection of 116 000 tonnes of cement and For this reason considerable attention has been

sand. given to the development of geophysical methods.

At Limmernboden Dam, Switzerland, there I am indebted to Mr. E. Polak of the Bureau of

was little prior evidence of leakage but the final . Mineral Resources, Australia, for the following
grout curtain covered 550 000 m'. This may comment on this method:
change an item in the contract from something
'Resistivity traversing can be used to control the ef­

envisaged as minor and possibly at a high unit ficiency of grouting in the area of water leakage.

rate into an extraordinarily large payment. The resistivity of the cement grout is lower than

::: 1,I A rockfill dam-with a cement or asphaltic that of the rock that is to be grouted. The drop of

concrete deck-has a very steep hydraulic resistiVity after grouting would indicate the percen­

gradient under the concrete plinth. It is essential, tage of voids filled with the grout. The method has

been used in Yugoslavia and Austria.

therefore, to provide an impermeable grout cur­ On one dam site located in sandstone on the river

tain under the plinth. The 107 m high Cethana San in Southern Poland close..paced resistivity

Dam Fig. 5.27, is founded on quartzite and con­ traverses were placed in the area of the proposed

glomerate. The uppermost 8 to 10m of rock was groUt curtain. A map of apparent resistivity was

. 1 plotted. The IlIl!p indicated low resistivity in' areas

! grouted for general consolidation, the average

where joints were infilled with clay. The joints were

grout consumption being 48 kg per metre of flushed with fresh water, the change in resistivity

hole. For impermeability, primary holes were
drilled at 10 to 12 m spacing along the plinth. If
showed the efficiency of removal of clay. A high­

resistivity grout was pumped and subsequent

water was lost from one of these holes at a rate resistivity indicated a continuous zone of high

resistivity along the grout bores with the gradual

decrease in resistivity with increasing distance from

the bores.'

i, D' 8.522 Grouting Pressure. The permissible I:,

grouting pressure (usually measured at the collar

of the hole) will depend on the type of rock and

the rock formations-whether bedded sedimen­

tary or massive igneous.

Grundy'" has suggested :':

P= 44D
where P is the pressure in kPa

D is the depth in metres.

Fig., 8.33 Curtain. grouting-Alternative arrange­ Zaruba" has recommended the following as

ments maximum values for sedimentary rocks:


(i). for solid rocks with steeply inclined fissures If the hole continues to take grout of 0.6 : 1 mix
it is wise to adopt a policy of stop-go, pausing
P = 30D + 2D'
for, say, 15 min between injections.
(ll) for solid rocks with horizontal fissures ..:

P = 24D + 0.5D' 8.523 Groufing Methods. Cement grout usually ..

~ -'-1
includes a high early strength cement; this
wbichgive. figures greater than Grundy's at should be passed through a fine screen (0.6 rom
depth in good rock and less in horizontally or 0.3 mm) before mixing in a high-'3peed mixer
fissured rock. Pressures in excess of 2 MPa operating at 1500 to 2000 r.p.m. The grout is
should only be applied in exceptional circum­ then passed through an 0.6 mm screen to a hold­
stances and then only under engineering super­ over agitator tank wherein a paddle rotates at
vision. abut 100 r.p.In. From this, grout is fed through
The 'rule of thumb' often adopted for grouting a screw-type pump into the delivery line--with
pressure is 25 kPa per metre depth, but this must by-pass connections back to the agitator tank.
be used with caution. For example, at Mont Cement grout will usually block in gaps less than
Cenis Dam'8 a pressure of P = 3 D caused heav­ 0.6 mm; clay-bentonite grouts can penetrate
ing of the foundation. At Giroa Dam" a pressure smaller opening~but for very fine cracks a
of 2 MPa did not seal but success was achieved at chemical grout is necessary, Fig. 8.34.
7 MPa, provided that, at that pressure, the
pumping rate was limited to 3 l.lmin.
Mattmark Darn'· is founded on alluvial and

morainic deposits about 100 m thick with a .• ~


natural permeability of between 10- 4 and 10-6 ~

mls. The principal grout curtain is formed by ten >
rows of holes in the upper layer, reduced to four , •
in the deepest alluvial bed. It extends into rock as
a thin layer. The treatment was carried out in 0.15

three stages, the first two using a clay-cement 0,3 0
'S ..· "
grout and the third a mixture of bentonite and
silicate. The average permeability of the ground



was lowered to 6 x 10- 7 mls. To achieve this it 2f- ~

• E •

(3 ~
~ ~I-
was neCessary to drill 72 000 m of holes and use
215 000 m) of grout.
4.8 "•

u ~

e e
PreSsure should not be increased arbitrarily in 5­ ;;C>

an endeavour to force grout into the rock; it is 2

better to dilute the grout. Grouting is usually Fig. 8.34 Injectivity of grouts
started with a thin mix, say 5 or 6 parts of water
by volume to 1 part of cement. If this grout is '1
consumed freely then the mix is stiffened in ac­
cordance with a programme such as Table 8.08:
To obtain a non-'3hrinking grout, methyl
cellulose may be used as an additive, 'Methocell'
in the proportion of 0.2 per cent of the cement
Table S.OS. Grout Mixtures
weight will produce a satisfactory grout with a
Maximum cement consumed
water-cement ratio as low as 0.4. Aluminium
(Water to cement
per metre of hole
powder may also be used; 0.005 to 0.01 per cent
by volume)
of the weight of cement will be sufficient to
5: 1 42
counteract shrinkage, but the consequent evolu­
4: 1 42 tion of hydrogen may· be unacceptable.
3: 1 42 Special additives are available that cause floc­
2:1 42 culation of the cement grout; this has the special
1: 1 2S0 property of blocking cracks with cement whilst
0.8: 1 140
0.6: 1 140 allowing tbe water to travel on until blockage is
complete--the grout take is reduced appreciably.


.i Since karstic foundations usually require large depth considered necessary by the grout con­
quantities of grout, Yugoslavian Engineers have sumption or progressive water testing. The ad­
developed a variety of grouts. Thus in the foun­ vantage of downward stage grouting is that the
dations of Globocica Dam four different grouts upper vulnerable parts receive multiple
were used: treatment. To meet special circumstances as may
be revealed by the drilling--open seams or
(a) Outer rows were done fIrst using
cavities-packers may also he used in this
82% Bentonite
method to isolate the zone of injection..
17% Sodium silicate
1% Activator
to act as an immediate cut-off for running
8.524 Cationic Asphalt. In certain circum­
stances, such as excessive flows of water within
(h) the second rows were the rock mass, cement grouting may not be
20% Cement and 80% Illite clay. possible. Cationic asphalt was used to seal such
flows at Morrow Point Dam, U.S.A.S! Lime was
(c) the third rows
mixed in the adi t, the mix of 1 part oflime with 4
I 30% Cement and 70% Clay.
" I parts of emulsion 'cracked' in 5 m. The lime was
I injected through a 20 mm pipe within the 40 mm
(d) the fourth row .
80% Sodium silicate with about 20% of pipe that carried the emulsion. The asphalt un­
Cement in large quantities of water to act fortunately has a high affinity for steel and gave
as an activator. considerable trouble in reciprocating pumps;
however, gravity feed or a 'Presweld' placer was
Coyne and Bellier of Paris, with the French quite successful.
fll1ll Soletanche, have experimented with aerated
cement grouts. These contain cement, sodium
silicate, water and a detergent to form a foam of 8.525 Chemical Grouting relies upon the for­
predictable properties, with no more cement per mation of a gel within the crack or seam-the
cubic metre than average concrete. setting time of the gel depending upon the
Three methods are available for grouting: proportions of catalysts and inhibitors used.
Single stage; Since the viscosity can be near that of water
Ascending stages; penetration of very fme seams is possible, and
much lower pressures are used. In general,
Descending stages.
chemical grouting is used only to decrease
The single-stage method involves the grouting of permeability since the gel offers no strength .for
the entire length of the hole in one stage. It is transference of load. The method finds applica­
restricted to low pressures to avoid damage to tion in special circumstances such as arose at the
zones near the surface. It also entails a definite 46 m high Parangana Rockflll Dam, Tasmania,
predetermined depth of hole. Fig. 7.24. The cut-off trench beneath the central
Grouting by' ascending' stages also involves core was backfilled with consolidated clay. Before
drilling to a definite depth and then grouting in completion of this clay placing it was found that
I stages-as defined by packers in the hole-from leakage paths existed along layer boundaries of
I the bottom upwards. Such holes cannot be tested the clay; these horizontal cracks were, howeyer,
after injection and the process may cause heaving too small for cement grouting. A programme of
of the surface layers. Despite the cost of the chemical grouting was undertaken; a 5 per cent
packers, it may be cheaper since the drilling AM-9 solution was mixed with suitable propor­
,: I equipment is not subject to repeated reposition­ tions of catalysts and inhibitors to provide close
ing over the hole. control of the setting time of the gel. To avoid
The method of descending stages provides for propagation of the cracks the maximum pressure
drilling of a shallow hole-maybe 10 m­ at the collar of the hole was limited to 280 kPa.
grouting under low pressure, re-dri1ling the hole Two lines of holes were used; the Jines were 1 m
to '. greater depth and re-grouting at higher apart and the primary holes were at 1 m spacing.
pressure. This procedure is continued to the Secondary holes were grouted intermediate


between these and provided an impermeable Fig. 8.36 Amahata Dam, Japan-Protection of left
barrier within the cut-off. abutment

Fig. 8.37 Devils Gate Dam, Australia-Right abut­

8.526 Drilling for Grout"ng. As regards drilling ment protected and stabilized by prestressed cables ~ "1

there was a prejudice against the use of percus­ : J

:J \
sion drills, probably related to the earlier
of abutments of arch dams in particular, Fig.
removal of cuttings by the air flush; however, , 'j
11.33. : .'
mod.ern percussion drills are fitted with water
The present practice is to excavate drainage . Lj
swivels and rods permitting the use of a strong
galleries to within a reasonable distance of the
water flush to remove the chippings to the sur­
grout curtain. Drainage holes are then drilled
face. There may in fact be a case against the use
between the galleries, with provision for
of diamond drills in that the finer slimes so
recording flows from the different zones. Where
produced are more likely to block fme fissures
a grout curtain is to be installed from under­
than the coarser chippings produced by per­
ground galleries the arrangement shown in
cussive drills. The matter of obtaining a core is
Fig. 8.35 is effective. Provision must be made for
separate and in many cases is warranted as a
re-drilling the drainage holes should they become r~
guide to grouting.
blocked, i.e. the galleries must be large enough ,1
At Dokan Dam percussive drills were used for
and access possible for drilling equipment.
the first 100 m depth and diamond drills beyond.
In some strata it is difficult to maintain the align­
ment of percussive drills beyond 50 m. 8.54 Protection
Although dealt with in Chapter 14, it is
8.53 Dra"nage appropriate to draw attention to the frequent
need to protect the foundation and abutments
Although it has been common practice to from erosion by spillway discharge or
provide drainage from the foundations of gravity
weathering, which itself can be intensified by
dams to minimize uplift-and to provide
spray from spillway discharge. Such protection
wans, if adequately anchored, can also contribute
to the· stability of the abutment. For these
reasons the left abutment at Amahata Dam,
IS: Japan, Fig. 8.36, was covered with concrete 1.5
\~ to 2 m thick:·
'In addition to placing this concrete against the

Gallery bedrock, the left abutment was reinforced with 25

mm diameter reinforcing bars: At a distance

\ approximately 20 m from the rock surface there is a

10 seam running almost parallel to the rock surface.

\ ~­
I~ Reinforcing bars were inserted into the bedrock
I piercing this seam. The bars insetted are 30 m long . I
and spaced 5 m apart. 45 mm diameter holes were

drilled, and after the bars were inserted the drill

holes were grouted with mortar.'

At Devils Gate Dam, Tasmania, similar

\%. protection was provided-but both the river
g \
" \ foundation and lower abutments were stabilized
by prestressed cables, Fig. 8.37.
Fig. 8.35 Grouting and drain­ At Oymapinar Arch Dam, Turkey,'2 the
age from underground galleries problem was to protect and stabilize the steep
,abutment on the upstream side of the dam:
drainage wells below earthfill dams to control 'This steep left bank cliff of Fatmalar limestone will
seepage-it was the failure of Malpasset Dam *Private communication dated 19th November, 1973,
that emphasized the need for adequate drainage from the Japan National Committee on Large Dam•.
.. ,





. . . m-II'"

be in direct contact with the waters ofthe reservoir. learnt concerning the behaviour of foundations
It may reasonably be assumed that in its natural under load. Apart from the research aspect, there
state, the steep cliff has a low factor of safety is a need to monitor the foundations· in the
against sliding. The water in the reservoir will ~- ."

apply a stabilizing load, but seepage into the rock interests of safety, i.e. to be assured that neither : l
would possibly reduce the joints' shear strength. untiue leakage nor movement is occurring. 'J
Furthermore, reservoir level will fluctuate every Inverted plumbobs-anchored at depth in the
184.00 F.S.L I 185.00 L...J


8uttressed _ _""
~1S:Wu \1J'tr'~-Drainage holes

Fotmolar limestone

Fig. 8.38 Oymapinar Dam-Stabilization of abutment

year between normal pool level (El. 184 m( and a foundations with floats in a gallery within the
minimum level as Iowa. EI. 131 m. Drawdown dam--will reveal any horizontal movement of
must be expected to be very rapid, by reason of the the dam.
small lake area, and this condition is a severe one
for the stability of the cliff if pressures build-up in Invar rods anchored at depth in the abutments
the joints during periods of high reservoir level and
are not subsequently dissipated as fast as the level is
lowered. The stability of the cliff has been in­
will -iildicate deformation of the rock strata under
Settlement gauges should be built into the
vestigated, and the conclusion is clear and two-fold: foundations of embankment dams if deformation
0) Water should be prevented from penetrating is likely_ to occur.
into the rock mass; Pieiometers in abutments and foundations will
(ii) The slope mUst be strengthened against sliding reveal the final water table and assist in the inter­
on the joints.
pretation of any recorded drainage. Precise geo­
The protection system is designed to keep the abut­ detic surveying can be used both within galleries
ment dry, drain it and reinforce the cliff, Fig. 8.38. in the abutments and on to the abutments for any
..§J?l!ti!!l m~vements.
8.6 Instrumentation
Water leaking from the dam or abutments
The general matter of instrumentation of should be carefully monitored, with regular
dams is dealt within Chapter 20. However, it is review of quantity, pressure and chemical
well to emphasize that there is still a lot to be composition.


1. D. O. Martin, 'Understanding and Treatment of 17, N. Hast and T. Nilsson, 'Recent Rock Pressure
Dam Foundations', Appendix A-'Lessons from Measurements and their Implications for Dam
Dam Incidents', ICOLD 1973, Paris, pp. Building', 8th ICOLD Congress, Edinburgh,
189-190. 1964, Q.28, R.32, 1, pp. 601-610.
2. B. Kujundzic, 'Methods of Exploring and Testing 18. M. Rocha, J, L, Serafun and de Silveira, 'Deform­

I Foundations', we cit., 186-187.

3. E. R. Leeman and D. J. Hayes (1966), 'A Techni­
que for Determining the Complete State of Stress
mabllity of Foundation Rocks', 5th ICOLD
Congress, Paris, 1955, Q.18, R.75, 111,
pp. 531-561
in Rock using a Single Borehole', Proc. lSI 19. H. J. Manini et at, 'Methods to Determine the
Congress International Society of Rock Mechanics, Pbysical Properties of Rock', 8th ICOLD
Lisbon, 2, pp. 17-24. Congress, Edinburgh, 1964, Q.28, R.46, 1, pp.
4. M. Roeha and A. Silveiro (1969), 'A New Method 859-876.
for the Complete Determination of State of Stress 20. L, M. Christiansen, J. L. Von Thun and G. S.
in Rock Masses', GeotltChnique, London, 19, No.1, Tarbox, 'A New Method for Evaluating Foun­
pp. 116-139. dations', Water Power, March 1971, pp. 93-95.
5. O. C. Zienkiewicz et aI., Rock Mechanics in 21. J. M. Maddox, F. L. IGnstier and R. P. Mather,
Engineering Practice, John Wiley, London, 1968. 'Foundation Studies for Meadowbank Buttress
6. G. Scbnitter, General Report on 59 Papers sub­ Dam', 9th ICOLD Qlngress, Istanbul, 1967,·
mitted under Question 28, 'Physical and Q.32, R.9, 1, pp; 123-141; 'Meadowbank
Mechanical Properties of Rock in situ-Methods Dam-Foundations', I.E. Aust., Annual
. ", of Determining and Improving sucb Properties Conference, 1967,
from the Standpoint of Design and Construction 22. H. H. Thomas, Discussion on Question 28, 8th
of Large Dams', 8th ICOLD Congress, Edin­ INCOLD Congress, Edinburgh, 1964, V, pp.
burgh, 1964, Vol, IV, 221-227.
7, K. G, Stagg, 'Rock Mechanics in Arch Dam 23. J. A. J. Salas and S. Uriel, 'Some Recent Rock
Engineering' in Theory of Dams, J, R, Rydzewski Mechanics Testing in Spain', 8th ICOLD
(Ed.) (witb 40 references), Pergamon Press, Lon­ Congress, Edinburgh, 1964, Q.28, R.53, 1, pp.
,! don, 1965, 995-1021.
l J
8, 'Physical Properties of Some Typical Foundation 24. A. Gete-Alonso, 'Tbe Security Conception
Rocks', U,S,B,R, Publication, Denver, U,S,A" Applicated to the Foundations of Mequinenza
Concrete Lob, Report, No. S.P. 39. Dam' (Frencb), 9th ICOLD Congress, Istanbul,
II 9. M. Rocha, 'Meehanical Behaviour of Rock Foun­
dations in Concrete Dams', 8th ICOLD Congress,
1967, Communication C.9, V, pp, 421-456.
25. E. Vallarino and R. Alvarez, 'Strengthening the
Edinburgh, 1964, Q.28, R.44, 1, pp. 785-831. Mequinenza Dam to Prevent Sliding', WatC1'
10. K. Terzaghi and Richart, 'Stresses in Rock about Power, March 1971,pp. 104-108; April 1971, pp.
Cavities', Geotechnique, London, 111, No.2, June 121-125.
1952. 26, C. F. Corns, Discussion on Question 37, 10th
11. Bernard, 'Measurement of Modulus of Elasticity [COLD Congress, Montreal, 1970, VI, pp.
and the Application to Design of Pressure 497-499.
Tunnels" Proc. 3rd IntC1'national Conference on 27. T •. J. Abraham, 'Selection and Design of a Com- .•.
Soil Mechanic; and Foundation Engineering, pacted RockliU Dam with a Sloping E artb Core
Rotterdam, 1952. on a Foundation with Weak Horizontal Bedding .
I 12. W. A. Waldorf, J. A. Ve1trop and J. I. Curtis, Planes', 10th ICOW Congress, Montreal, 1970,··
Q.36, R.2l, 1, pp. 339-359.
I 'Foundation Modulus Tests at Karad! Arcb
Dam', Journal of Soil Mecbanics and Foun­ 28. E, Habetba; 'Tbe Use of Radioactive Isotopes to
dations Divn, Paper 3576, Proc. A.S.C.E., 89, Determine Permeability in Connection with Dam
No. SM4, July, 1963, pp. 91-126. Foundations', 7th ICOLD Congress, Rome, 1961, ..
13, T. Fujii, 'Fault Treatment at Nagawado Dam', Q.25, R.73, 11, pp. 495-510. ..
10th IGOLD Congress, Montreal, 1970, Q.37, 29, (a) 9th IGOLD Congress, Istanbul 1967, General.
R.9, 11, pp. 147-169. Report by Yugoslavian National Committee; (b)
14. J. K. Wilkins, I.E. Aust., Tasmania Division 10th ICOLD Congress, Montreal 1970, General.
Bulletin, Sept, 1973. Report G.P.I0 by the Yugoslavian National Com­
15. J. L. Serafim, Discussion on Question 25,. 7th mittee, IV, pp. 899-908; .
ICOLD Congress, Rome, 1961, 11, p. 46. 30. H. Link, 'The Upper Basin of tbe Glems Pumped
16. D. E. Kleiner and R. C. Acker, 'Rock Mechanics Storage Scheme Sited in Cavernous Jurassic
Studies for Mossyrock Arch Dam', Journal of Limestone', 10th ICOLD Congress, Montreal
Power Division, Paper 7795, Proc. A.S.C.E., 98, 1970, Q.37, R.17, 11, pp. 287-300.
.I No. POI, pp, 11-24.
31. 10th ICOLD Congress, Montreal, 1970, General

.'-~ .hi'''? , $\
mm~~T F fi if!!
iff rr

208 r1 j

Report No. 11 by the Spanish National Com­ 42. J. L. Serafim, 'The Behaviour of Arch Dams and
mittee, IV, p. 909. their Foundations', 8th [COLD Congress, Edin­
32. I. Alpsn, 9th [COLD Congress, Istanbul, 1967, burgh, 1964, Discussion On Q.29, V; and Water
'Investigation of Water Losses at May Reservoir', Power, April 1964, p. 199.
Q.34, R ..27, 111, pp. 477-490. 43. J. K. Hill, 'Foundation Grouting and Joint Per­
33. R. Thorond, Recherche sur I'Elancheile des Lacs de meability at Bendara Dam' (Australia), Water ; I
; 1
Barrage en Pays Kamique, Editor-Eyrolles, Paris, Power, Nov., Dec. 1966, Jan. 1967.
June 1972, Collection d'Essais de Chatou. 44. A. W. Simmonds, F. H. Lippold and R. E. Keim,
34. F. Anik, 'Experience Gained in the Investigation 'Treatment of Foundations for Large Dams by
of Karst Reservoirs', 11th [COLD Congress, Grouting', Trans. A.S.C.E., 116, 1951, pp.
Madrid, 1973, QA1, R.80, 11, pp. 1519-1541. 548-572.
35. B. Palvin, 'Kruscica Storage Basin in the Caver­ 45. G. M. Binnie et aI., 'The Dokan Project: The
nous Karst - Area', 10th [COLD Congress,
Montreal, 1970, Q.37, R.13, 11, pp. 209-224.
Flood Disposal Works and the Grouted Cutoff
Curtain', Proc. I.C.E., 14, Oct. 1959, pp. '1

36. G. T. Roberts, B. A. Cole and R. H. W. Barnett, 157-181, with discussions, 17, Sept. 1960, p.79.
'Engineering Geology of Scotts Peak Dam and 46. C. F. Grundy, 'The Treatment by Grouting of
Adjacent Reservoir Watertightness', [.E. Aust.,
Conference' Papers, 1975.
Permeable Foundations for Dams', 51h [COLD
Congress, Paris, 1955, Q16, R.66.
37. 'Dams in Yugoslavia', Prepared for 11th [COLD 47. Q. Zaruba, 7th [COLD Congress, Rome, 1961,
Congress, Madrid, 1973, by Yugoslav National
Discussion on Q.25, 11, pp. 41-45.
48. R. Marchand et aI., 'The End of a Dam Founded
38. G. Ie Bel, 'Mur- diaphragme en beton dans la on Alluvium: the Left Bank Wing of Mont Cenis
foundation du barrage de Keban', 10th [COLD Dam' (in French), 10th [COLD Congress,
Congress, Montreal, 1970, Discussion on Q.37, Montreal, 1970, Q.37, R.3, 11, pp. 47-68.
VI, pp. 455-464; (b) T. Essen and S. Seyhun, 49. N. G. K. Murti et aI., 'Construction and
'Foundation Problems in Keban Dam and the Behaviour of the Grout Curtain in the Alluvial
Cutoff ,Wall', loc cit., Q.37, R.43, 11, pp. Foundations of Girna Earth Dam (India)', 10th
811-826. [COLD Congress, Montreal, 1970, Q.37, R.56,
3'9. A. K. B. Lyman, 'Compaction of Cohesionless 11, pp. 1075-1100.
Foundation Soils by Explosives', Tram. A.S.C.E., 50. B. Gilg, 'The Grouting Curtain at Mattmark
• 1
107, 1942, pp. 1330-1348. Dam', 10th [COLD Congr.", Montreal, 1970,
40. C. E. Hall, 'Compacting a Dam Foundation by
Blasting', Journal of Soil Mechanics & Foun­
Q.37, R.I0, 11, 171-190.
51. DL. R. Gebhart, 'Experimental Cationic Asphalt
dations Division, Paper No. 3160, Proc. A.S.C.E., Emulsion Grouting', Journal of Soil Mechanics
S8, No. SM3, June 1962, pp. 33-51 with discus­ and Fundations Division, Paper No. 9172, Prot.
q, ,

sions in SM5, SNi6 (1962) and SM4 (1963). A.S.C.E., 98, No. SM9, Sept. 1972, pp. 859-868. d
41. P. F. F. Lancaster-Jones, 'Some Aspects of Dam 52. F. Anik and M. Hamon, Discussion on Question
Cementation Practice', Water Power, May 1964, 37, 10th [COLD Congress, Montrest, 1970, VI,
pp. 226-231. pp. 503-505.


8th [COLD Congress, Edinburgh 1964, Question 28, H. w. Koenig and K. H. Heitfeld, 8th [COLD
1, 'Physical and Mechanical Properties of Rock Congress, Edinburgh, 1964, 'Permeability and
in-situ-Means of Determining these Properties Grouting of Rock Foundations' (in French), Com­
and Improving them with Special Reference to the munication C16, V, pp. 581-597.
Design and Construction of Large Dams'. W. V. Conn, 'Inspection and Observation of
'In-situ Investigations in Soils and Rocks', British Completed, Dams on Karst Foundations', 10th
Geomechanical Society 1970, Proc. of Conference, [COLD Congress, Montreal, 1970, Q.29, R.90, 11,
London, 13/15 May 1969. pp. 663-678.
F. Mooser, 'A Case of Exceptional Permeability at El K. Terzaghi and Y. Lacroix, 'Mission Dam',
Bosque Dam, Mexico', 8th [COLD Congress, Edin­ Geolechnique, London, XIV, No.1, March 1964, pp.
burgh, 1964, Q.28, R.48, 1, pp. 891-901. 14-50.
J. L. Seraflll1 et al., 'Aspects of the Percolation of 10lh [COLD Congress, Montreal, 1970, Q.37: 'Recent
Water under Concrete Dams and the Deformation Developments in the Design and Construction of
of Rock Foundations', 91h [COLD Congress, Dams and Reservoirs on Deep Alluvial, Karstic or
Istanbul, 1967, Communication C7, V, pp. Other Unfavourable Formations' (60 Papers).
381-406. G. Millet and A. Alvarez, 'How the Karstic Mass at




Canelles is made Impervious', Revist. de Obras T .. Svinson, 'Polyurethane Foamed Plastic, in

Public.., presented to 11 th ICOLD Congress, Grouting', Journal Soil Mechanics and Foun­
Madrid, 1973. dations Division, Paper 8947, Proc. A.S.C.E., 98,
10th ICOLD Congress, Montreal, 1970, Report on No. SM6, June 1972, pp. 579-602.
Turkish National Committee (Oymapinar Arch E. Ischy and R. Glossop, 'An Introduction to Alluvial
Dam) General Paper 4, IV, pp. 709-712. Grouting', Proc. I.C.E., 21, Jan.-April, 1962, pp.
V. Selcen, 'Karstic Studies for Oymapinar Dam', 10th 449-474.
ICOLD Congress, Montreal, 1970, Q.37, R.42, 11, 'Bibliography on Chemical Grouting', Report on
pp. 793-809. Third Progress Committee on Grouting,
M. Barroso, 'Cement Grouts and their Influence on Journal, Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division,
the Shear Strength of Fissured Rock Masses', 2nd Paper 4969, Proc. A.S.C.E., 92, No. SM6, Nov.
Congress International Society Rock Mechanics, 1966, pp. 39-67.
·1, Belgrade, 1970 (L.N.E.C., Lisbon, 1970, Memo. Ministry of Japanese Government, 'Foundation
i 364). Treatment at Kawamata Dam', 8th ICOLD
S. M. Munday and A. C. Houlsby, 'Grouting ofFoun­ Congress, Edinburgh, 1964, Q.28, R.I0, 1, pp.
dations for Dams', ANCOLD Bulletin No. 23, June 187-207.
1967, with discussion No. 25, Feb. 1968. G. Candiani, 'System of Shafts and Deep Galleries for
E. D. Graf, 'Compaction Grouting Technique and !:
the Construction of the Impervious Cut off for

Observations' Proc. AS.C.E., 95,·SM5, Sept. 1969, Pian Palu Dam' (in French), 7th ICOLD Congress,

pp. 1151-1158. . Rome, 1961, Q.25, R.114.

E. Nonweiller and M. Habekovic, 'Properties of T. Yahiro et al., 'The Development and Application of
Clay-Cement Suspensions for Grouting', 7th ! .:
a Japanese Grouting System', Water Power and
ICOLD Congress, Rome, 1961, Q.25, R.86, 11, pp.
Dam Construction, Feb. 1975, pp. 56-5.9.
'Report on Chemical Grouting', Journal SoU R. G. H. Boyes, Structural and Cut-off Diaphragm

Mechanics and Foundations Division, Paper 1426, Wails, Andrews and Boyes Ltd., Alton, England.

Proc. A.S.C.E., 83, Nov. 1957. A. Gallico, 'A Contribution to the Design of Foun­

M. C. Behre, 'Chemical Grout Stops Water', A.S.C.E. dation Systems for Arch Dams', Water Power, Oct.

Civil Engineering, Sept. 1962. 1974, pp. 323-329.


. I I, •
I .
.. ! I'




Although Portland cement concrete has been same name, will necessarily possess similar
used for many years, it is still a material about properties. It is essential, therefore, that
which the practising Engineer knows little. For thorough investigations be undertaken and that
design purposes he assumes that it is isotropic, trial mixes be made and tested before construc­
homogeneous, time independent and linearly tion starts. These mixes should be made of the
elastic. None of these is true., selected materials, processed and mixed in the
Whilst most structural materials may be same manner and in the same plant that will be
heterogeneous in microstructure, concrete is so employed for the job. This chapter has been
at macroscopic level; it is anything but prepared solely as an introduction to the subject
homogeneous and its properties vary with age, of concrete; it should, however, be sufficient to
with curing conditions and with rate of loading. warn Engineers that concrete is in fact a poor I
The Engin~r aims to produce a material that building material. It is axiomatic that good con­ . I
is sound, durable, impermeable and of adequate crete will mean a good darn; the onus therefore
strength, but he is faced with the problems of rests upon the Engineer to realize the necessity I
cement chemistry, particle shape, heat of for a thorough study of the materials available, !
hydration, diffusivity, thermal conductivity, in order that he may foresee how they will
segfegation and the possibiliJ;y of chemical in­ behave when mixed and placed as concrete in the
teraction between cement and aggregate. darn. .1
The progress and cost of a dam will depend, to
a great extent, on the quality of concrete;
9.1 Basic Requirements
regardless of its other properties it must be J
placeable, requiring only reasonable energy input Concrete for a dam should have density,
for its proper compaction. Consolidation of harsh durability and impermeability commensurate
concrete is soul-destroying for the workmen and with conditions and requirements at the par­
as a resnlt progress will suffer and costs will soar. ticular site. Its compressive strength will depend
Harsh concrete will often result in pockets of upon the cement content in the mix and the
'honeycomb', and this can be serious adjacent to water-cement ratio, whilst its tensile strength
built-in parts such as the water seal in a contrac­ should be approximately one-tenth of the com­
tion joint, Fig. 9.0l. pressive strength.
What will be required of and for the concrete Since minimum differential volume change is
in a particular dam should be envisaged in the in­ desirable, detailed attention should be given to
vestigation stage of the project. It is useless for the thermal properties of the aggregates.
the design Engineer to issue an elaborate The freshly mixed concrete should be
specification if the construction Engineer is workable so that it can be compacted with
restricted to unsuitable aggregate and possibly reasonable effort. The means of transporting
obliged to use plant that will not produce par­ concrete to the dam should be designed to avoid
ticles of good shape from the materials available. undue segregation.
The interaction of a particular cement with
the additives and aggregates that will be used is Fig. 9.01 Honeycomb concrete--Adjacent to. water f, '
complex. No two cements, or even rocks of the seal ~ J

I 1



*'" ; = .A ,•. , e tt).


Attention must therefore be given to the available for testing of cement and aggregates
following items, many of which are covered by before construction starts.
National Standard Specifications. Portland cement is made by intimately in­
The source and type of cement with emphasis On
tergrinding a properly proportioned mixture of
uniformity of quality throughout the job;
argillaceous (containing alumina and silica) and
The type and source of fine aggregate, whether
calcareous (containing lime) materials and burn­
crushed rock or natural sand; ing at 1400°C to 1500°C. The clinker is cooled,
The type and source of coarse aggregate-­ ground and mixed with gypsum and ground to
crushed rock or gravel; the required fineness. An indication of chemical
The mineralogy of the aggregate in order to composition is given in Table 9.01.
avoid alkali aggregate reaction; Table 9.01. Chemical Composition of Cement
The suitability of plant to produce aggregate of
good shape and uniform quality throughout Constituen t Range (per cent)
the period of construction; Lime (CaO) 60-67
Regular sampling and testing of concrete to Silica (SiO,) 17-25
verify uniformity of product;
Alumina (AI,O,) 3-8
Iron oxide (Fe,O,) 0.5-6
Adequate' site storage of all materials in order to Magnesia (MgO) 0.1-4
avoid' delays consequent to breakdown in Sulphur trioxide (SO,) 1-3
deliveries to the site, together with bin storage Soda and/or Potash (Na,O + K,O) 0.5-1.3
to cover breakdown of conveying plant on site;
Proper "selection and accurate control of The chemical composltlon of Ordinary
admixtures, including regular inspection and Portland Cement and Rapid Hardening Portland
testing of all automatic dispensers; Cements shall, according to the British Stan­ '1
, j
Proper facilities for mixing, handling and dard, I meet the following requirement:
compaction of concrete; The lime saturation factor (LSF) shall be
Interest and' keenness of all personnel­ between 1.02 and 0.66 when calculated from the
Engineers, supervisors, inspectors, and formula
[(CaO) - 0.7 (SO,»)
2.8 (SiO,) + 1.2 (Al,O,) + 0.65 (Fe,O,) '. J
Each symbol in parentheses refers to the percent­
9.2' Constituents
ages by weight of the total cement.
A high lime content generally increases the
9.21 Cement
setting time but gives a high early strength. Too
Great care should be exercised in the selection
of cement for a dam. It should preferably have a
little lime will reduce the strength unduly.
Each country will have its own Standards
low heat of hydration. Since this usually means a for various types of cement, from rapid
slow rate of growth of early strength, the typc of hardening-through Ordinary Portland-to
cement can easily become a governing factor in special low-heat cements. The following com­
the construction schedule. A cost-quality-time ments are therefore very general but will indicate
balance must therefore be established; the selec­ what is important relative to dam construction.
tion of a more expensive cement might well Heat of hydration is of prime concern; 'it can
result in a cheaper dam. lead to cracking and may necessitate expensive
It is desirable, where possible, to avoid high­ cooling systems. Heat is generated during the
alkali cements in· case there may be chemical hydration of the cement-rapidly in the first few
reaction with the aggregates. No selection should hours, Fig. 9.02, but continuing over quite long
be made until the Engineer is satisfied with the periods, Fig. 9.03.
compatibility of the cement with proposed ad­ There will be a rise in temperature in mass
ditives and aggregates. Since the desired proper­ concrete-depending upon the chemistry of the
ties are usually SPecified for concrete at the age cell)ent, the quantity of cement in the mix, the
of 91 days, a period. of 6 months should be dime!)sions of the pour, and conditions of ex-

f 1

U j

l' 5
;; ~~==-

High eorly strenglh
4 30

-,; 3
~ ,.......-Ordinary

c Portland
;; 2
> f-

I '"


I '0


a: 0 3 6 9 12 15 1821 24 27
Time ofler mixing (hOurs)

Fig. 9.02 Heat evolution of ce­

ments during the first 24 hours
J" 123

(After Orchard in Concrete Tech­ Fig. 9.04(A) Typical temperature rises in

. [ nology) concretes with various cements--Cement
10 per cent of concrete by weight (After
Orchard in Concrele Technology)
, I E 120
i ~


W -
~ c 218-53 .
.2 '"
0 E
o '"
-c _0
0 0

'0 150'80
<; 30
J: 20 I ! I I I
1 3 7 14 28 90 180 365
Age (day,)

Fig. 9.03 Heat evolution of cements (By per­

mission of U.S. Bureau of Reclamation)

o 2 4 5 6 7
Concrete age (doys 1
posure. The adiabatic temperature· rises of
various cements are indicated in Fig. 9.04(A). Fig. 9.04(B) Adiabatic temperature rise in mass
These will emphasize the order of the concrete, inel uding fly ash (Australian cemen t
and South Australian fly ~sh)
temperature rise likely to occur in mass concrete.
Partial replacement of cement by fly ash will
reduce the temperature rise, Fig. 9.04(B). early strength, Fig. 9.06, and more rapid genera­
Strength. The rate of increase in compressive tion of heat. As determined by 'the Blairie
strength with age will depend upon the type of method, the specific surface area of cements


cement. At age 7 days a concrete made with low­
heat cement may only have half the strength of a
concrete made with the same quantity of Or­
varies between 260 m2/kg and 500 m'/kg. Using
cements having values below 280 may result in
poor workability and excessive bleeding· (water
dinary Portland Cement. At 28 days the propor­ gain at the top of concrete due to settlement of
tionmay be about two-thirds whilst at 90 days solids prior to initial set).
their strengths will be comparable, Fig. 9.05. SupersulphateCement. This is comparatively
Fineness. High fineness increases the rate at new and is composed of 8(}-85 per cent of blast
which cement hydrates and results in greater furnace slag, 10 to 15 per cent of calcium sul­

8or--------------------, between 4 and 7 hours. Its heat of hydration is

low-about 38 calories per gram at 7 days and
42 calories per gram at 28 days, and it exhibits
high resistance to chemical attack. For these : j
reasons it may find application in certain dams · ,.

despite its higher cost.

Consistency. Some years ago it was common
practice to buy cement from several manufac­
turers and blend the various supplies. It is far
better to determine a reliable source of cement
and negotiate with that supplier for a consistent
Unfortunately the best market for cement is in
the continuing demand for ready-mix concrete
and the properties of cement suitable for such
Age (days)
concrete are not usually suitable for dams.
Fig.· 9.05 Typical strength-age relation­ Variability in the quality of the cement can be of
ship.for different cements-Cement 11 per grave concern in a highly stressed dam--regular
cent of concrete by weight
site testing of cement is therefore mandatory if
uniform concrete is required. ',.'] .

1 year
; 1
9.22 Add"tives
90 days LJ
Various additives are used to modify the
properties of concrete, and are usually defined in
a0.. National Standards. Possibly of principal interest
::!. is the stiffening or setting time. This can be
'"0.c affected by:

~ The chemistry and fineness of the cement;

The temperature of the placed concrete;

Ambient conditions of temperature, humidity

0 and wind;
The cement content in the concrete;
10 The water content of the mix, especially any
bleeding characteristics;
Method of curing;
The types of additives incorporated.
2.5 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 Site conditions or special construction re­
Specific surface (m 2 /kg x I02) quirements may necessitate the addition of an
Fig. 9.06 Typical relation.hips between com­ agent to either retard or accelerate the setting
pressive strength and specific surface area of time or 'vibration limit'.2
cement Accelerators can perform either or both of two
functions, viz., to speed up the setting of the f].
phate plus up to 5 per cent of Portland Cement.
Its sulphur trioxide content should not exceed 5
cement paste "or to accelerate strength .­
~ :
development. Any increase in the rate of hydra­
per cent; it is fmer. than ordinary Portland tion will mean increased heat in the dam-this
Cements having a specific surface area between may induce cracking or necessitate special
350 m2/kg and 500 m2/kg. It is said to be immune precautions" for cooling the concrete. Calcium
from false set, with an initial setting time chloride" is possibly the most widely" used
between 2+
and 4 hours and final setting time accelerator; in general not more than 1 per cent


La ,

of the cement weight should be used in dams. retarding effect. The best procedure should be
The use of 2 per cent could reduce the setting determined by test and adher\!d to rigidly.
time of normal Portland Cement concrete by Waterproofing. Many products are available
two-thirds with unacceptably high rates of heat that claim to waterproof concrete. Well-propor­
evolution. It would also decrease resistance to tioned concrete of low water-cement ratio, with
sulphate attack. good sound aggregate, should provide the im~
The main use for calcium chloride is to permit permeability required in a dam. To decrease slIr­
working to schedule in cold weather, but con­ face absorption special chemicals may be used,
tinuous supervision is necessary since at most either to fill the pores in the concrete or to act as
sites there can be hot days during the cold water repellants.
season. When used, calcium chloride should be Expansive Action. The addition of findy
added to and mixed well with the mixing water. ground aluminium powder will counteract
Calcium chloride should not be regarded as an shrinkage. It must be carefully controlled since it
anti-freeze mixture, although some work has involves the evolution of hydrogen. Normally
been done in U.S.S.R. using 18 per cent calcium only very small quantities are used, i.e. from
chloride plus 5 per cent sodium chloride to per­ 0.0035 to 0.005 per cent of the weight of the
· :1 mit working in ambient temperatures of minus cement. This minute quantity can only ,be
! 23°C. properly dispersed by ftrst ble!lding say 1 part of I.. ,

Other chemical accelerators are available but aluminium powder with 50 parts of~ement, this
they are selective in their reaction with different mixture then being added to the concrete to
cements. Before adopting any of these, careful provide the correct proportion.
tests should be undertaken. Expansive Cements. Considerable ,research has i:
Retarders. Calcium sulphate in the form of been done to produce such a cement. It is
gypsum is normally interground with clinker available in U.S.A. as cement Type K and' Type
during the manufacture of cement in order to S, primarily to produce a shrinkage compensated
control the setting time. Organic matter such as concrete. Creep of concrete made with expansive
sugars, starches, as well as cellulose and iron cement is about the same as that made with nor­
chlorides, also have a retarding effect. One-fifth mal Portland Cement and hence may be several
of 1 per cent of sugar can retard the set by 72 times the drying shrinkage. Some expansive
hours. Special chemicals are available such as cements contain excessive sulphur trioxide and
lignosulphonic acids and their salts that act both are therefore not capable of resisting action by
as water-reducing and set-retarding agents, sea water or sulphates. Particular care is
whilst hydroxyllited carboxylic acids and their therefore necessary in the selection of aggregates
salts can, with various derivatives, act as water­ that are free of sulphates.
reducing agents with varying degrees of retar­ The expansion of concrete will not be as great
dation. as the expansion of the neat expansive cement
The lignosulphonates can extend the setting paste/ Table 9.02.
time between 30 and 60 per cent at normal
temperatures-at the same time reducing the Table 9.02. Expansion of Concrete Made with
Expansive Cement ,
water requirement by 5. per cent ormore with
consequent increase in the strength of the con­ Mix proportions kg of expansive Relative
cement per m' of concrete expansion
The hydroxylated carboxylic acids usually Neat expansive cement
cause less retardation and reduce the water re­ 400 0.2 I
quirement by 3 to 5 per cent. They sometimes in­ 600 0.45
crease bleeding and lower the 24 hour 800 ,0.70
strength-but increase the 3 day strength. 1000 0.9
The action of the above retarding agents is
very sensitive to mixing proCedure, i.e. undue Entrained Air. ' This will improve the
delay in adding the agent after the water has workability of concrete and its resistance to frost
been added to the mix canlead to variation in the action; it win decrease segregation~nd bleeding,

'4!'i.N"" ;_, 'eaw...,


The chief air-entraining agents are natural wood 16,-----------..,

resins and their soaps, animal and vegetable fats
and oils and alkali salts of sulphonated or sul­ 14 Concrete with
phated organic compounds. Their main function 19 mm moxin"II.1ffi
is to ,reduce surface tension. Air entrapped un­
intentionally in concrete may form continuous
channels that increase permeability, but voids in­
trodueed by deliberate air entrainment are dis­ ~ 10
continuous and on an average are' less than ~

0':Q5 mm diameter. Some air is lost during com­


paction but air-entraining agents are usually "'

:;; "1
' '
': j:
proportioned to introduce 3 or 4 per cent of air. ~ No added
; j :

The strength' of concrete decreases rapidly
with increase in air voids for the same water­
cement ratio, Fig., 9.07. However, for the same
workability the decrease is less and an allowance
of 10 per cent is often made for 4 per cent
entrained air. Extreme care is necessary to ensure
the 'correct <;>peration of automatic additive dis­
pensers. 05 0,6 Q] 0.8 0.9


Water: Cement ratio
Fig. 9.08 Durability-The effects of
water..:..cement ratio and air entrainment
(By permission of U.S. Bureau of Recla­
mation-Concrete Manual 228-D-1521)
when finely divided will react, in the presence of
moisture, with lime to form compounds with
cementitious properties. Natural pozzolans in­
clude diatomaceous earth, volcanic tuffs, fl i
pumicite and calcined clays and shales (usually ..: ~~i ,

ground to a fineness about 800 m'/kg as deter­

mined by the Blaine method). Artificial materials , l,
inclUde ground furnace slag and fly ash, U
Although more commonly used in recent years,
pozzolans were used 50 years ago, i.e. pumicite at [1'
20 the Big Dalton Multiple-arch Dam, U.S.A. Ljl,
The Ministry of Works, New Zealand, has un­
dertaken many projects using natural pozzolans n:
i.j' '
to replace portion of the cement. Typical curves <,
o 10 20 of strength gain for relatively rich mixes are
Percentage {air l shown in Fig. 9.09(A). A comparison of various
Fig. 9.07 ' Effect of air voids on com­ pozzolans was made in New Zealand' with the
preSSlve strength-Constant water­ following conclusions:
cement ratio
'The diatomites are more active than the pumicites
An indication' of the improvement in at early stages.
durability with entrainment of air is given in Fig. Fineness affects the water requirements, and
9.08. With 4 per, cent entrained air and the low with diatomites the point at which maximum bulk
water'-Cement ratio used in dam~e durability density is attained appears to correspond with op­
of conCrete can be improyed "t11reefold. timum fineness at which water requirement is a
Pozzo/an. This is a siliceous material that The higher activity of the diatomites is evidenced
possesses no inherent cementing properties, but by considerable strength gain at eady ages.

70,------- - - - - - - - , large extent upon its fineness.'. The fly ash .also
contributes to improvement in workability by the
C" 372, P"41 C+P = 413 increased volume of paste and to strength by poz­
60 C:p '" 0.43
c+p '" 0.10 zolanic action.
It is, however, impossible to generalise--each
C Cement, kg/m)
product must be tested thoroughly before adop­
p", PonOio-n, kg/m~ tion, especially in countries where there is no
Standard for fly ash as an additive to concrete.
The fly ash can be added at the mixers asa dry
powder or as a slurry, or it can be interground
with cement at the cement works.
Success has been achieved with slurries· in

Japan;8 it is claimed that the mixing is more
unifonn and that there is less bleeding from the
concrete. On the other hand it is impracticable to .
90 120 150 180 210240 270300 330 use a slurry if the moisture content of the fine
Age (day.) aggregate exceeds· 10 .per cent. In Australia the
Fig.9.09(A) Effects of Diatomite (Preement (C) general practice has been to add powdered fly ash
proportions on eompressive strength (By permis­ at the mixers. Thorough blending of the cement
sion of New Zealand Ministry of Works) and fly ash at the cement works should provide a
unifonn product; in some instances the
Physical properties of pozzolanic concrete-such chemistry of the cement is then changed to in­
as tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and crease the early strength of the mixture.
'1 resistance to abrasion-increase at a similar rate to
the compressive strength.
In many countries fly ash is cheaper than
cement, so any replacement of cement is of direct
Drying shrinkage was increased by the addition
of pozzo!ans but air entrainment. reduced it to
financial benefit. However, the advantages to be
acceptable limits. gained by the use of fly ash sometimes outweigh
Pumicites are more effective in heat reduction the financial aspect.
than the diatomites.' In Tasmania-a wholly hydroelectric State--­
it was necessary to import fly ash from
Tests in the 19508 by the Snowy Mountains South Australia; its cost at the site of the Gordon
Authority, Australia, showed that there was no Arch Dam was slightly more than the cost of
significant effect on durability using replacements Tasmanian cement. However, the two were
up to 15 per cent of diatomaceous earth.
Ply ash is a by-product from pulverized black
coal-fired power stations. Depending upon the
highly compatible, resulting in imprOVed
workability with difficult (quartzite) aggregate,
lower temperatures in the concrete, a lower total
fuel and the combustion processes there can be quantity of cementitious material, and lower I
great variability in the quality, especially its overall cost. Most work to date has been done by
.. 1
fineness and carbon content. This latter can
seriously affect the strength of the concrete, i.e.
replacing 20 to 30 per cent of the cement with fly
ash. Reluctance to go beyond this percentage)s
in the range 4 to 8 per cent, an increase in the ,i. ~
i possibly related to lack of knowledge of long­ I
i carbon content of 1 per cent can cause a decrease tenn durability of concrete containing higher
.i i
of 2 MPa in the compressive strength at 28 days. S proportions of fly ash.
A decrease in the fineness,' measured by the Based on 12 years experience of the Tennessee
1 Blaine method, of 100 m 2/kg can necessitate an Valley Authority, Cannon states:?
.J increase in the cement content of 5 per cent for
ashes of equal carbon content. The fly ash acts as 'freezing and thawing resistance of concretes con­
i a sand lubricant and as a separator of the cement taining fly. ash is independenlof the fly ash propor-.
j particles; the latter property pertnits the same tions for e.qual strength and air eontents. If the
I compressive. strength exceeds 10 MP. at 14 days, I
quantity of cement' to hydrate at a lower . the concrete should be satisfactory.'
water--cement ratio. The ability of fly ash to
withhold water from the ~ement depends to a The U.S.B.R. Concrete Manual warns that

' '_ ________.,. .,.,",____=".,...". "''''.:c', :'\"
! '.!.! i

replacement of more than 15 per cent of tbe 50r------------------------,

cement with fly asb may reduce permeability.
With, say, 25 per cent replacement the early
compressive strength is lower, but it is usual for
the long-term strength to be a little higher-the
strengths should be equal at ages between 3 and
6 months, Fig. 9.09(B).

C '" Cement. kg 1m 3
F 1:1 Fly (Ish. "91m 3


C;:c206. F"'O, is• :0.55

0'---!;--+--,;;;--;7--;!;--;!;---;'~:::__;'.(1V. A)
a 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16
' Tenslle strength (spUt cylinder)
Rotlo - -per cent
Compressive strength

Fig. 9.10 The relationship of indirect tensile

C=95, F"33. C+F:::128 (splitting) strengrh to compressive strengrh
C~f ~ 0.26. C~f '" 0.84

! I I 4r-----------------------~
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
(U.S. Corp'S
Age (deys) of Engineers 1
Fig.' 9.09(B) Ellects of Fly ash (!,)-Cement (C)

proPortions on compressive strengrh-lSO mm M.S.A. ~

~ 2

In its studies of fly ash the Tennessee Valley .~ .•

Authority reported'" that the split cylinder ten­ {!!.

sile strengths ofconcrete containing fly ash were

generally more than 10 per cent of the com­
pressive strengths, the percentage increasing oL---~~--~----~--_r~--~
with decreasing compressive strength, Fig. 9.10. 10 20 30 Ipj 40 50
Compressive sfrength {M.i 1
The fact that the range of the results also in­
creased at low strengths was largely attributed to 1 Cement + Fly ash = 300 kglm'
the aggregate size and quantity. A similar trend
in the direct tensile strength was reported from Fly ash
=: 25 pel" cent
Japan8 for concrete both with. and without fly Cemen.t + Fly ash
ash, Fig. 9.11.
Tests made in Tasmania indicate indirect ten­ 2 Cement =300 kg/m'; Fly ash =0
sile (splitting) strengtb as high· as 14 per cent of
A at 7 days; Sat 14 days
the; compressive strength at early ages with 20
and 25 per cent replacement of cement by fly Cat 28 days; D at 3-12 months
ash. Research was extended up to 80 per cent
Fig. 9.11 An example of the relationship between
replacement of cement in mixes based on tensile and compressive strengrhs with and without
nominal cement contents of 255,238 and 220 kg fly ash (After Kokubu')


50r-------------------, Table 9.03. Low-cement Concrete Proposed for a

50 m High Gravity Dam (M;S.A. 150 mm)
Quantities (kg/ro3)
Gordan Dom
Tq.rget 35.6 MPo
Constituents Interior Exterior
of 91 (joys
Portland cement-C Type II 93 121
Oesign 31 MPa
at 91days
Flyash-F 72 ,52
Fine aggregate 540 540
Coarse aggregate 1940 1940
Water--W 107 107
(C + F) 165 173
FIC + F ,0.44 0.30
W/C+F 0.65 0.62

i L"
Fly ash reptocemCl'lt ' C +F . per e601
When the quantity of fly ash exceeds the quan­
tity of cement, the early strengths are very low,
Fig. 9.13. This may indicate poor durability and
possibly some difficulty in the stripping of
formwork. However, such mixes are being I ex­
1 to 4 ~ement + Fly ash = 255 kg/m 3

w {HEe,
= 0.475

5 Cement + Fly ash = 238 kg/m


6 Cement + Fly ash = 220 kglm 3

Fig. 9.12 Effects of fly ash on compressive strength

--Tasmanian cement and South Australian fly ash

I of cement per cubic metre of concrete, Fig. 9.12.

For ages greater than 28 days, the maximum
compressive strength results from the replace­
ment of 35 to 40 per cent of the cement. The
OtnJnlilics k{l/m 3
results indicated that the design strength of
31 MPa at 91 days (or target strength of
35.6 MPa) for the arch dam could be obtained
with approximately 230 kg of cement plus fly ash m~ 0.70, ;F" 0,52,~::: 1.<13
per cubic metre of concrete. This concrete gained .. (T..

25· per cent in strength from 28 to 91 days. It 20 40 60 80 [00 [20 [40 160 180 200
must, however, be emphasized that these curves Age{dtJys)
apply only to Tasmanian cement, with South Fig. 9.13 Effects of Fly .sh-Cement p~rtions
Australian fly ash and crushed quartzite on compressive stre!'gth-75 mm M.S.A.
The U.S. Corps of Engineers investigated the
use of low-cement concrete for a proposed 50 m amined mainly for their possible use in thin 'con­
high gravity dam--the concrete to be placed by tinuous layers consolidated by tractor mo'unted
cableways.1I For economy a leaner mix was vibrators. They may prove adequate for gravity
acceptable for the interior of this dam. The dams up to, say, 50 to 70 m in height. .
following were considered to be adequate mixes The replacement of part cif the cement by fly
to give a factor of 4 between the 1 year strength ash can result in "several advantages-better
of the concrete and the maximum stress likely to workability, less 'heat generation, less cemen­
occur. titious material and lower overall cost. However,

fly ash is not often subject to dose specification necessitate the building of sedimentation tanks
so its use should not be specified until exhaustive and treatment of effluent if river poUution is to
tests have proved the compatibility of the be avoided.
available fly ash with tbe cement to be used in Crushed rock can usually be produced under
the dam, and that the fly ash is consistent in close control, but the choice of crusher will have
quality. a marked effect on particle shape. A short head
: ... :
cone crusher, choke fed, will produce a far
superior sand from crushed dolerite than will a
9.23 Fine Aggregate
standard cone crusher, Fig. 9.14. In samples of
The latest Australian Standard defines Fine the same weight the gyratory crusher produced
Aggregate as 'aggregate of which not less than 90 2.5 times the number of particles in these sizes.
per cent passes the 4.75 mmtest sieve'. In the ex­ .Some quartzites will break into elongated par­
amination of aggregates the following factors ticles in any form of gyratory crusher; the centre
should be considered: discharge rod mill will usually be more
appropriate. For some rocks, rolls and hammer
Petrology-mineralogy, chemistry, surface tex­
mills are suitable but in each case maintenance is
ture, coating of particles, and shape of par­
Freedom from organic or chemical impurities;
high. It is therefore essential to arrange for trial
crushings of the rock that will be used. These
should be done in various types of crusher. An
Physical and chemical compatibility with the
apparent low cost of production should not be
the deciding factor-great savings can ac­
Thermal properties;
cumulate through the whole construction period
Strength in impact and abrasion, to minimize the
if good placeable concrete is produced.
fracture of particles during handling;
To avoid variations in concrete quality, the
Resistance to weathering;
sand should contain not more than 6 per cent
Grading and uniformity of product;
water~ee Chapter 17. This may necessitate
Quantity available and cost.
duplicate stockpiles to allow adequate time for
The two main sources of fine aggregate are drainage and/or the covering of the sand
natural deposits of sand and crushed rock; the stockpile in wet climates. For best results the bot­
former will usually only require washing and tom 1 m of a stockpile should not be used.
screening, the latter involves quarrying, crushing There are differences of opinion on the
and screening. In either case classification and desirable quantity of very fine particles in con­
remixing may be necessary. Although the crete. In Sweden it is usual for 1 per cent of the
rounded shape of natural sands is advantageous fine aggregate to be below 0.02 mm and between
for workability, the irregularity and surface tex­ 2 and 8 per cent below 0.08 mm. Norwegian
ture of crushed rock particles will usually ensure practice is to accept between 6 and 12 per cent
better bond and probably better shear strength in passing the 0.15 mm sieve.
the concrete. The latest Australian Standard states
The particle shape in crushed sands will de­
pend upon the type of rock, the type of crushers, 'For coarse aggregate and natural fine aggregate

the quantity of material fmer tban 15 micrometre,

and how the crushers are operated. Long determined as described in Section 12 of AS 1141,

splintery particles-particularly in the coarse shall not exceed 2 per cent and 5 per cent respec­

sand fraction-will result in a harsh mix. Extra tively. In tbe case of crushed fine aggregate, up to

cement may be required to combat this, with the 10 per cent material finer tban 15 micrometre may

be allowed ... providing tbe total percentage of

inherent disadvantages of higher cost, greater such material in tbe total coane and fmc aggregste

heat generation and the likelihood of cracking does not exceed 5 per cent.'

of the concrete. The alternative of adding more

water would lower the strength and result in a The water requirement will vary directly with
less dense, more permeable concrete. Natural
sands are attractive but they must be examined for
soundness since their original source is probably Fig. 9.14 Fine aggregate-shape analysis-Dolerite
unknown. The process of washing may (Diabase) rock
, ,,


". j

JI .-.


.J();' '".f;: .101 _.. IS; ,


~. \. , I '.l

., " ••~J

~ ~.. • I' ~. ,'" i'.

. , t,.,. • '-.


841 .5$ 91


,,,, ,,l


the quantity of fine material and excess water 75 nun and natural gravel of maximum size
will adversely affect the strength. The most im­ 100 mm. The former exhibits good bond but :.J
portant factor is that the fine particles are of poor particle shape, one fractured large particle
sound rock-not clay or other deleterious im­ and chemical staining (weathering) of other
purities. pieces. In the latter, three pieces of gravel have
Bulking of Fine Aggregate. There is little torn out due to inadequate bond.
difference in the volume of the same weight of Australian Standard AS 1465-1974 now defines
dry or saturated fme aggregate. However, in particle shape as in Table 9.04. The test-using
practice the moisture content of the sand proportional calipers-for quantitative assess­
stockpile will be between 4 and 8 per cent. For ment is described in Section 14 of AS1141.
fine sands bulking will occur, as high as 30 per
cent for moisture contents 6 to 10 per cent. For Table 9.04. Particle Shape
coarse sand the maximum bulking is less­ Classification Description
maybe 20 to 25 per cent, at moistUre contents Rounded Fully water worn, or, completely
from 3 to 6 per cent. This is not relevant shaped by attrition.
where the normal weight batching is used, but Irregular Naturally irregular, or partly shaped
cognizimce must be taken should it be necessary, by attrition and having rounded
for local reasons, to use volumetric measu(e­ edges.
"ments for mix proportioning at a particular Angular Possessing well-defined edges formed
at the intersection of roughly planar
site. faces.
Flaky Material of which the thickness is
small relative to the other two
9.24 Coarse Aggregate dimensions.
Defined by the latest Australian Standards as Elongated Material-usually angular-in which
the length is considerably larger
'aggregate of which not less than 90 per cent is than the other two dimensions.
retained on the 4.75 nun test sieve'. Flaky and Material having the length consider­
There is some indecision as to the relative elongated ably larger than the width aod the
merits of crushed rock and natural gravels for width considerably larger than the
the coarse aggregate in concrete. The choice is thickness.
therefore often based on cost of production,
whereas greater attention to the quality of the The previous procedure in specifying coarse
concrete might well result in a better dam at aggregate was to include a limit for flaky and
lower total cost. elongated particles of say 25 per cent of each size
Gravel is attractive since it usually gives a
of rock.
more workable mix; however, gravels often carry
The Flakiness Index was the total weight of
a coating of weathering that is not removed in the material passing the various thickness gauges
the processing and can have an adverse effect on
(B) expressed as a percentage of the total weight
bond. On the other hand, some stone, such as of the sample tested (A), i.e.
quartzite, accumulates a coating of fine dust that
is very hard to remove. Since the gravels have
been transported by water, and their source is
~ x 100 n
rarely known, they must be carefully examined The thickness gauge was 0.6 times the mean of u
for soundness and possible chemical activity with
the cement.
By close attention to all phases of produc­ Fig. 9.15 (A-Excess elongated particles), (B), (C)
tion-fragmentation in the quarry and selection
Crushed dolerite
.and operation of crushers and screens-it is

usually possible to produce crushed aggregate of

Fig. 9.16 Comparison of aggregate---I 50 mm cores.
(Al Gravel M.S.A. 100 mm; (B) Crushed quartzite
good shape and grading, Fig. 9.15 (A), (B), (C).
M.S.A. 75 mm
Cores, 150 mm diameter, in Fig. 9.16, show
crushed quartzite aggregate of nominal size Fig. 9.17 Crushed quartz passing square openings


391 . Is1


PAff r RET. i'




I 161 181 /6]

PA5] IF RET. r
401 301 151 /51


I (
9.15(C) I
·"~,·,,~.c'ec •..,",. •. ·· ", ~'-~'

., U
...j .

. ,i



. .!! ,) .V.t os. ",iiJ! """"·_B"'··"'''"l!'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _IJ_ _•_ _ _ _ _............. .........._ , .


the sieve sizes, i.e. for 37.5 to 25 mm aggregate cement content lowers the heat generation and
the thickness gauge would be 18.25 mm. A flaky decreases the likelihood of cracking.
particle was one having a ratio. of width to During the past 30 years 150 mm M.S.A. has
thickness greater than 3. been widely accepted-at a few dams aggregate
The Elongation Index was the total weight of of M.S.A. 220 mm has been used. There is,
the material retained on the various length however, a move away from the use of such large
gauges (C) expressed as a percentage of the total aggegate. Cracks tend to form around large
weight of the sample tested (A), i.e. aggregate due to differential volume change and
voids are common beneath large rocks due to the
~ x 100 accumulation of air and water during vibration.
The operation and maintenance of plant­
The length gauge was 1.8 times the mean sieve crushers, screens, conveyors, and mixers-­
size, i.e; for 37.S to 25 mm aggregate, the length becomes increasingly expensive with very large
gauge would be 57 mm. aggregate. Since such plant is very specialized .
. An elongated particle was defined as one it must be depreciated more rapidly than
having a ratio of length to width greater than 3. plant that is suitable for say 100 mm M.S.A.
The type of screen used can have a marked Considerable research was therd'ore done by the
effect on the grading. It is difficult to make U.S. Bureau of Reclamation ll to arrive at the op­
uiUformly good concrete if flaky or flaky­ timum maximum size for aggregate. Fig. 9.18,
elongated particles can get through the screens.
Such irregular shapes are common in crushed 400
quartz, Fig. 9.17. The screens--either round
holes in plates, or square or rectangular (inclined)
---should be selected to best suit the fracture 350
characteristics of the rock to be used.

9;2.5 Maximum Size of Aggregate (M.S.A.) 8
~ 250
In Chapter 17 reference is made to the incor­ ~
poration in dam concrete of very large stones
(displacers) up to 10 tonnes placed by cranes and 200
of hand'1lize stones (plums) up to 15 kg placed by
hand. Although apparently old fashioned, each
procedure has its advantages--especially at sites 150
where labour-intensive work is required. Many 9 18 38 76 150
modern dams in India---such as Koyna Max.lmum size aggregate (mm)
Dam-were built with plum concrete. It must Fig. 9.18 Effect of maximum size of aggregate
not be overlooked that such practice reduces the and cemem· COIllent on compressive strength
cement requirement and hence the heat (After Journal A.C.I., April 1970)
generated in the dam and could lead to omission
of contraction ioints. On the other hand, the in­ from the reference indicates the minimum
clusion of displacers coUld lead to troubles due to cement content to attain a particular strength in.
inequality of elastic modulus and thermal coef­ concrete with aggregate of a certain maximum
ficient of the rock displacer and the concrete. size. It will be noted that there is very little
This section is, however, confined to com­ change .in cement content for M.S.A. greater
ments on the maximum size of aggregate that than 76 mm for 34 MPa concrete as commonly
passes through the mixers. Based on the premise used in dams. The authors stated:
that cement paste shOUld coat each particle of
'While the following conclusions are based on the
aggregate, less cement and water will be required result, of the tests performed in this investigation,
when large aggregate is used. Lowering the it is believed that they may be used as a general
~. ·1
: I

guide in designing concrete mixes for average con­ 9.3 Concrete Mix Design and Grading
Many attempts have been made to proportion
1. Regardless of age of concrete or type of materials for maximum density, i.e. mfnimum
aggregate, there are three general relationships
between cement content, M.S.A., and compressive voids. These would include the formulae by
; strength: Fuller and Bolomey and the Fineness Modulus
'. methods.
(A) High strength concretes can be produced with
less cement utilizing smaller M.S.A., (B) Medium The method that has gained wide acceptance is
strength concretes can be produced with a greater that developed at the Road Research
. range of M.S.A. at approximately the same cement Laboratory,13 being based on the water--cement
content, and (C) for low strength concretes a large ratio law generally credited to Abrams. In this
....j M.S.A. is mandatory to achieve optimum cement method the mix is designed for a required com­
pressive strength. This appears to be rational
2. Concrete containing 168 kg of cement per cubic since most of the desired propenies of concrete,
metre produced the highest compressive strength
with 150 mm M.S.A. at all ages. Similarly 264 kg improve as compressive strength is increased.
concrete reached the highest strength with 75 mm The strength will be directly related to 'the
M.S.A., 336 kg concrete with 38 mm M.S.A. and water--cement ratio; the amount of water for ,an
i 390 kg concrete with 19 mm M.S.A. acceptable workability will depend upon the s.ur~·
3. I~,. general, at the same water--cement ratio, con­ face areas of the constituents, i.e. the larger the
crete with smaUer M.S.A. has greater compressive maximum aggregate size and the coarser the
I! strength than concrete with larger M.S.A., es­ grading the smaller the amount of water. ree
pecially at the lower (0.40 to 0.50) water-<:ement quired. A smooth rounded aggregate reql1ires less
I ratios.
water than an irregularly shaped aggregate hav"
4. Larger M.S.A. mixes require less water at any ing a rough surface. The effect of grading on
given cement content. workability is far greater with lean mixes than
5. Each M.S.A. concrete has a cement content with rich mixes. With lean mixes (as appropriate
beyond which the water requirement increases with for dams) the advantage of using large aggregate
the richness of the mix.' is considerable but the risk of segregation is in­
The question of overall economy by the use of Typical aggregate grading curves for 37.5, 75
very large aggregate (220 mm) has often been and 150 mm maximum size aggregate are shown
queried. At New Bullards Bar Dam, U.S.A., in Fig. 9.19. The optimum grading will, however,
1 where all coarse aggregate was manufactured depend upon the type of Aggregate (gravel or
from quarried amphibolite, the average daily crushed rock), and the particle shape.
I pla.cement rate increased about 10 per cent when
100 mm maximum aggregate was used instead of 100
the 150 mm size. ~ M.S.A 37.5 mm
To assess the overall economy of large •c 80 ••

aggregate it would be necessary to evaluate: ~

• 60
Clork Dom

The cost of production and delivery to the mixer 0
•e 40
house of the whole grading of aggregates • ~/
0. 20
II suitable for different sizes of maximum
.1 aggregate. This would include nett cost of 0.15 0.3 0.6 1.2 2.3 4.75 9.3 18.7 37.5 75 100
plant purchase, maintenance costs, and Sieve opening {mm}
"1 operating costs, making due allowance for Fig. 9.19 Typical aggregate grading curves
! reliability;
The faster placing rate with the smaller
.aggregate if it in fact gives better placeability; It is not necessary to have a continuous
. : The cost of cement (or total cementitious grading in order to obtain a minimum of voids. '1 t
material) for the alternative concretes; is often found that combining four or five
The cost of heat control for concretes of the same aggregates from a crushing plant will,' in fact,
strength in the dam. give a gap grading-as was used at Clark Dam,

! !
• I


Australia, Fig. 9.19. To produce a uniform 9.4 Physical Properties of Concrete

grading with such plant would have necessitated
extra crushing and some waste sizes-hence
9.41 Durability
extra cost. Intentional gap grading has been ad­
vocated for many years. Professor Shu t'ien Li Durability of conCrete is usually determined
has stated 14 by the number of cycles of freezing and thawing
that a standard sample of concrete can survive
'The basic principle of gap grading is to omit the
undesirable intermediate sizes lying between a before it has lost 25 per cent of its original
narrow range of the maximum allowable size of the weight. Concrete that can survive 500 cycles is
coarse aggregate and the largest admissible size of considered to be satisfactory. Many factors affect
the fine aggregate and to delete the extreme fines the durability of concrete-very fmely ground
from conventional continuous gradings. The largest cement will lower the durability, whilst the addi­
admissible size of the fine aggregate should be a
trifle less than the size of the side interstices when tion of entrained air, in the range 2 to 6 per cent,
the coarse aggregate particles are closely com­ will cause marked improvement. There are some
pacted. Any effident grading must achieve strength reports that replacement of more than 15 per
from efficient packing, such that compression loads cent of the cement by certain types of fly ash may
will be mainly transmitted by direct contact adversely affect durability. This will depend
between particles of the coarse aggregate rather
than through the generally weaker mortar, though upon the quality of the fly ash and its com­
tensile and shearing stresses must be transmitted patibility. with the particular cement. In Tasma­
through the latter. nian tests, with 30 to 40 per cent replacement,
Continuous gradings require more cement and concrete failed only after more than 2000 cycles
water and hence exhibit greater shrinkage and of freezing and thawing. The essential re­
It is in the fines that the moisture content may quirements for durable concrete are maximum I
density and a workable mix that can be well com­ , .1
vary-between 1 and 12 per cent-and a check on
this must be made if any continuous grading is to pacted with teasonable energy input, together I
be used. While the sand content of the combined I
with conscientious field control of mixing, plac­ r
aggregate in continuous grading may be 35 per cent ing and consolidation.
or more, the sand content in gap grading will be 28
to 30 per cent, so an error in the moisture content
for gap graded concrete should be a minimum.
Throughout an extended sedes of 375 mixtures 9.42 Permeability
of comparable gap-graded and continuously graded
concretes the writer and his colleagues have found The life and behaviour of a concrete dam will
that: depend to a great extent upon the impermeability
of the concrete. However, a well-designed and
The unit weight of gap-graded concrete is always well-compacted concrete, even with the cement
several pounds higher (1 kg = 2.2 pounds); content as low as 112 kg/m', can have such a low
The 28 day strength is 20 to. 40 per cent higher;
permeability that equilibrium pore pressure in
The mooulus of elasticity is 15 to 20 per cent
higher; the dam would not occur within the useful life
Creep recovery i. 30 per cent greater; . of the dam. Watertightness improves considerably
Permeability ·of gap-graded concrete was much with proper curing. The permeability of concrete
less than that of uniformly graded concrete.' depends mainly upon the number of continuous'
capillary channels through which water can leak.
These conclusions were drawn from work on In principle, watertight concrete can be obtained
concrete with M.S.A. of 37 mm but the results by ensuring that sufficient cement gel is
are in agreement with those for larger size produced to block any continuous capillaries."
aggregate used by Stewart in U.K." This can be achieved by using a sufficiently low
Gap-graded concrete is by nature stiffer and it water-cement ratio and efficient curing--TabJe
therefore exerts less pressure on formwork, 9.05. 1:1
i~ }
which may be stripped earlier; Its usefulness and In practice the permeability of concrete is ofthe ;L~J
economy on a particular dam can only be deter­ order of 5 to 10 x 1O-12m/S, the range being due
mined from exhaustive tests-. of the aggregates to the presence of small fissures and cracks in the'
and processes involved at that site. cement paste and around aggregate particles ..

Table 9.05. Curing Time to Block Continuous Capil­ " 1000,------------------,

laries with Cement Gel
Water-cement ratio
by weight Curing time
- - " - - --------:--,,-::.~-


0.40 3 days
0.45 7 days
0.50 14 days
0.60 6 months
I, i 0.70 1 year
! Over 0.70 Infinite
1'1 Wole, content (kg per~ofconcrelel
i I
! Fig. 9.20 Interrelation of shrinkage, cement
9.43 Shrinkage content and water content
I Autogenous shrinkage is the volume change
brought about by the chemical reactions, viz., weeks, 40 to 80 per cent of the 20 year shrinkage
the products of the reactions have higher specific occurs in 3 months and 66 to 85 per cent of the
gravities than the original chemicals; its extent is 20 year shrinkage occu'rs in' 1 'year. The
limited by the fact that the amount of water that shrinkage of concrete will also be related to the
can enter into chemical combination with the type of aggregate (relative compressibility of
cement amounts to only about 25 per cent of the aggregate and extensibility of the mortar), to the
cement weight. This autogenous shrinkage con­ bond betWeen mortar and aggregate, to the
tinues at a decreasing rate so long as hydration degree of cracking in the mortar, and to the con­
continues. traction of aggregate particles due to drying. In
Concrete that has dried in air will expand Table 9.06 Carlson relates shrinkage to specific
when wetted and will contract again to its gravity and absorption of the aggregate."
~: 'Il original volume as the water evaporates. Part of
drying shrinkage is therefore reversible but part
,. is irreversible. Shrinkage will vary with depth Table 9.06. Effect of Aggregate on Concrete
from the surface and with ambient conditions of '--~~~~~~~~~~
humidity, temperature and wind. Specific Absorption 1 Year shrinkage
Drying shrinkage is affected by many factors Aggregate gravity (per cent) (per cent)
such as water content, aggregate composition Sandstone 2.47 5.0 0.115
and duration of initial curing. The addition of Slate 2.75 1.3 0.068'
Granite 2.67 0.8 ,0.047
pozzolans often increases drying shrinkage ,i­ Limestone 2.74 0.2 0.041
:!-q cept where the water content has }leen Quartz

, 'J
2.66 0.3 0.032 .
;.- , appreciably reduced. The drying shrinkage of
hardened concrete is principally due to the dry­
ing and shrinkage of the cement gel that is In Table 9.07 Kordina endeavours to relate
formed by hydration of the' cement-it is shrinkage to the modulus of elasticity of the
therefore related to the cement content of the aggregate.'9 From these it can be concluded
concrete, Fig. 9.20. that the properties of any particular rock are
Shrinkage continues over very long periods. variable, and that it is best to select an aggregate
Troxell reports 17 measurements over a period of of high specific gravity, low absorption and high
28 years. Some part of the movement may have elastic modulus if shrinkage is to be minimized.
been due to carbonation, i.e. carbon dioxide in It must, however, be recognized that a high
the atmosphere reacting, in the presence of modulus of elasticity may lead to undue cracking.
moisture, with hydrated cement minerals to form Trouble has been experienced at many dams
calcium carbonate. This usually increases due to excessive shrinkage of the concrete,
strength but decreases durability. The figures attributed in some cases to the aggregate. 20 Some
given by Troxell for total shrinkage are 14-34 sandstones have extraordinarily high shrinkage
per cent of the 20 year shrinkage occurs in 2 rates-up to ten times normal. The' use of such



Table 9.07. Relationships Between Drying Shrinkage Table 9.08. Typical Coefficients of Thermal
and Elastic Modulus Expansion
Elastic Absorption Drying CoeffICient of thermal expansion
Aggregate modulus %by . shrinkage at (per °C x 10-')
type (MPa) volume I year x 10:-'
Concrete of mix
Basalt 94000 3.3 300 proportions
Aggregate Air storage Wet storage
quartz 84000 4.7 180
Crushed Aggregate ,
Dry Wet I: 4+ 1 : 7+ 1 : 4t I : 7+
quartz 23000 6.6 330 4.S
Granite 43000 S.S 290
Limestone 4.0"£ 6.1 6.3 S.8
Gravel - 1.1 13.3 12.4 12.2
River gravel Granite S.7S S.4 9.7 9.5 8.S 8.1
mixed 38000 3.2 280 Dolerite 7.7 7.4 10.4 9.2 7.6 7.7
Calcareous Sandstone 10.2 9.9 13.4 11.0 10.2 10.4
sandstone 20000 9:7 1020 Quartzite 11.7 11.0 14.7 12.7 11.7 11.8
sandstone 9400 13.6 630

sandstone as aggregate led to serious trouble in

South Mriea. 21 On the other hand, there have 9.45 Creep
been cases where the shrinkage of the eement When concrete is subjected to a constant
paste has been three times that of the sustained load the deformation produced by the
aggregate--with consequent microcracking load will be in two part~lastic deformation
within the mortar. that occurs immediately and disappears upon
removal of the load and creep which develops
9.44 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion gradually. Experiments over 20 years have con­
firmed that creep continues but at a diminishing
This will vary with the type of cement, and the rate,23 Fig. 9.21. Creep under tension is of the
thermal properties of the aggregate, but is same order as creep under compression. Ex­
u~ually within the range periments conducted over very long periods have
9 x 10-6 to 12 x 10-6 per degree C. shown indications that creep is appreciably less
in large specimens. There appears to be little
The average figure usually adopted is 11 x 10-6 difference in creep in concrete made with sharp
per degree C, though a value of as high as 14 X aggregate as opposed to rounded aggregate.· It
10-6 per degree C is reported for opaline quart-· does, however, seem to be related to the type of
zite concrete in Brazil. aggregate, i.e. Troxell et al. quotes the following
For special studies, such as the distribution of comparative values for concrete using as
thermal stresses with a dam, it is necessary to aggregate:"
measure the coefficient of thermal expansion of
the actual concrete used in the dam. For ex­ Limestone 400 X 10-6

ample, for the Gordon Arch Dam, Tasmania, the Quartz 860

coefficient was detennined as Grsnite 960

Gravel 1070

Quartzite. core . 12 )( 10-' Basalt 1250

per degree C, Sandstone 1500

Interfoliated quartzite 10 X 10- 6

When samples of concrete having different
mica-schist per degree C,
strengths at time of application ofIoad were sub­
. pam mortar 12 x 10-'
jected to a stress equal to 30 per cent of the ul­
per degree C,
timate strength, the ultimate creep appeared to
Concrete cored from dam 11.5 to 11.9 x 10-'
. . . p~r degree. C. be within a 10 per cent range, Table 9.09.
Rusch" and others" have dravin attention to the
BonnelP' has furnished some typical values for fact that concrete will fail when subjected to a
other aggregates-Table 9.08. continuing stress much less than the ultiniate
• • • < ••• <. _ _ <~_~!;L

9.46 Autogenous Healing Z"Z6

This is the precess whereby cencrete heals up

-hr II
~ fine cracks caused by .overstressing. This can
~ lOO 1


: I
.occur due·· t.o the presence .of incompletely"
hydrated cement; the presence of moisture is
-1 ,' - necessary but frequently there will be sufficient
.. moisture within the cencrete itself.
0 10
100 1000 The tensile strength across a' healed fracture

will depend upon lecal conditiens. Samples

Fig. 9.21 Creep-time relationship--Relative to broken in tension and clamped t.ogether again
dimension at 28 days immediately and cured in water can regain full
strength. However, any appreciable lapse .of time
between the c.oming together .of the fractured
Table 9.09. Creep of Concrete at Different Strengths pieces will decrease the ultimate strength .of the
Compressive strength at Ultimate creep at a join.
time of application of stress/strength ratio
I i load (MPa) 000 per cent
14 933 x 10-" 9.47 Alkali Aggregate Reaclion
28 1067
. -1
. I 42 1100 The alkali content .of cement depends upon the
,I 50 1067 quantities .of sodium and potassium; the
equivalent alkali (.or s.oda) c.ontent is expressed as
strength indicated by a test at standard loading NazO + 0.658 KzO. If this sum exceeds 0.6 per
rate, Fig. 9.22. This graph alse sh.oWS that under cent the cement is dermed as 'high alkali', and
a very rapidly applied lead c.oncrete can sustain a may react with certain forms of silica present In
l.oad in excess .of the standard failure I.oad. some aggrega~es. The aggregates generally
I, suspect include .opal, chalcedony, tridymit.e,
crist.obalite, ze.olite, glassy rhylolites, dacite,
andesite and certain phyllites. Any r.ock centain­

~ ing a significant propertien .of reactive sub­
o ~
stances will .be deleterieusly reactive. Pure
.f!:;:. limest.ones and dolomites are net n;active but
~ ~ 50 th.ose that centain opal .or chalced.ony. are•.
fi g Similarly innecu.ous, shales,
" c
o .E granites, basalts and ether reeks can be. rea~tive
" c
~ ~ '·0 I __ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 if they are impregnated .or even.coatedwith reac­
US .S' Strains tJnderconstont slress{O'..,ol
tive substances. Zeolites and menttn.orillenite­
i Fig. 9.~ Relationship between creep and ulti­ type clay minerals can augment .the supply .of
mate st~ngth (Mter Rusch) alkalies by cati.on exchange reactiens.
Delerite is usually regarded as very geed
aggregate but it can c.ontain a hannful mineral
When a large mass of concrete is heated by the chl.orephaeite which is expansive, and n.o ade­
hydration of cement it is stressed in compression quate test is available to determine its presence.
and creep will tend te relieve this c.ompression. Alkali aggregate reactien manifests itself by
When the concrete sl.owly ceels a reversal .of less .of strength and as an expansi.on. Outwardly
stress occurs leading t.o tensile f.orces which the concrete exhibits typical patterns .of cracking
would n.ot have occurred bu.t fer the. creep. The which may be accompanied by exudati.on .of
creep is greater when the c.oncrete is immature siliceous gel~. Tr.ouble has occurred at many
and as the concrete subsequently gains strength dams--Reesevelt, Parker" and Matilija Dams.
the creep to relieve the tensile stresses will not be . At .the latter s.ome movement .of the abutments
, 1
so .great and Cracking may ocCur. . . .occurred and upper porti.ons.ofthedam shewed


distress. The dam was modified by removal of the coarse aggregate. It is influenced by the ratio of
top 10 mover a width of 90 m. cement to mixing water, the ratio of cement to
In order to prevent internal expansion due to aggregate, the grading, surface texture, shape
alkali aggregate reaction: and strength of aggregate particles, and the max­
imum size of the aggregate. Since all the con­
Avoid using aggregate materials that contain
stituents vary from country to country it is only
soluble silica;
possible to indicate the characteristics of concrete
Restrict the chemical composition of the cement
in a very general manner. At each particular site
,..'so that the sodium and potassium oxide
adequate testing must be done on aU the
(calculated as sodium oxide) does not exceed
materials to be used.
0.6 per cent;
Use in the concrete adequate amounts of finely 9.51 Compress£ve Strength
divided active silica, usually introduced in the
Compressive strength of concrete is directly
form of pozzolan. The same aggregates were
related to the water--cement ratio, Fig. 9.23, and
used at Davis Dam, U.S.A., as at Parker
increases with age of the specimen, Fig. 9.24.
Dam~but at the former some 20 per cent of
the cement was replaced with finely ground
calcined siliceous shale and there was no ao.~----------------------~
trouble from chemical action.
9.~8 Bond
The various properties of concrete are related 60.
to the bond between the mortar ana the
aggregate. 28 Tests in New Zealand indicate that o
the strength of concrete made with crushed :E 50

aggregate is 10 to 20 per cent greater than con­

crete made with gravel aggregate.
Patten 29 has recently investigated this subject
by first soaking the coarse aggregate for 48 hours
in a silicone solution followed by drying at
llOoC until all the solvent was driven off. The
solution filled the pores in and provided a coating
over the coarse aggregate. The results oftests up
to age 6 months indicated a reduction in com­
pressive strength of 25 per cent (range 19 to 29), 10.
a reduction' in tensile strength of 17 per cent
(range 6 to ,28), and a reduction in elastic
modulus of 9 per cent (range 2 to 15). However, 0..5 0..7 0.9 1.1
there appeared to be no effect on shrinkage or Water-cement ratio
creep. Corresponding to the results of work by Fig. 9.23 Typical relationships between compressive
Darwin and Slate'O the, amount of microcracking strengths and water-<:ement ratios
developed iri concretes loaded to the same max­
imum'strain was essentially the same regardltlSs There is also considerable evidence that the com­
of the bond strength. pressive strength continues to increase with time
over quite long periods, Fig. 9.25. It has even
9.S Strength of Concrete been'suggested that dam designers should take
greater cognizance of this long-term increase.H
The compressive strength of concrete depends At this date it is usual to refer to the strength at
upon many factors, including the strength of the' 91 days since it is most unlikely that concrete in
mortar, the bond between the mortar and the dam would come under load in less than that
the aggregate, and the strength of the time. Concrete in the lower parts of the dam "J'

eo 50
I (1"=50MPo
'-£ = 1950 )(, 10- 6
,I" • 40
u= 30 MPo

., <." 1950 .Ivs "
.c ::;; 30
I.' ;;
~w 40: w
_(1": 20.S M?a
J'! 20 E ~ 2080 x. i(f6
w '"
u 20
10 __+-fT '; 8.7 MPa
~ <"1880.10·

o 1000 2000 3000 .

o t23 .7 28 90 Strain (e l
Age (days)
Fig. 9.26 Stress--strain curves. for. concrete
Fig. 9.24 Typical relationships between com­
pressive strength and age for various water-<:ement
ratios practice, such as inserting plywood at each end of
a specimen under test, can cause a 'decrease' in
would be much older but usually it would be
more highly stressed.
strength by as much as 20 per cent. Very rapid
loading will indicate high strength, whilst under
Stres:rstrain curves, Fig. 9.26, published by prolonged loading a specimen may fail at 70 per
Smith and Young" have particular relevance to cent of its standard strength.
concrete dams, i.e. regardless of strength of Tesc Specimen Size. Compressive tests are
various concretes they reach the same maximum usually made on cylinders of concrete 150 mm
strain of about 2 x 10-3, when tested under nor­ diameter and 300 mm long. If the ratio of length
mal rate of loading. Mechanical tests normally to diameter is reduced to 1.5 the indicated
have a qualitative control value; they do not strength will be about 3 per cent higher; if it' is
necessarily indicate the actual strength of con­ increased to 2.5 the indicated strength will be
crete in the dam. They should be made on stan­ 3 per cent lower.
dard size specimens that have beeo prepared in a For consistent reSults the maximum size of
standard manner. Testing should follow standard aggregate should not exceed one-quarter of the
procedures, particularly with regard to the rate diameter of the test cylinder. For quality control
of application of load. Deviation from standard of concrete, using 150 mm by 300 mm cylinders,



.... t"·'

'"0c, eo :
, ...
.! -.,

'I "" 20
"­ I I
10 100 1000
Age or concrete (weeks}

Fig. 9.25 wng-term increase in compressive' strength

-" ' - - - - - - - _ ..........= .....==~~~
.. ......... ...__....__...............""'."'


all material in excess of 37.5 mm must be wet­ 150 mm. In general the long-term strength of
screened from the sample. The test results, cores exceeds the· corresponding strength of
therefore, do not indicate the strength of the con­ laboratory cured specimens of 'control' concrete
crete in the dam. For a proper appreciation of of the same size.
this, cognizance must be taken of tests that have
been conducted on cylinders as large as 900 mm
9.52 Tensile Strength
diameter and 1800 mm long. The work done by
the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation indicates a Due to non-homogeneity of concrete the ten­
decrease in strength with increase in cylinder sile strength must relate to a particular concrete,
size, Fig. 9.27. For 450 mm by 900 mm cylinders to its age at testing and more particularly to the
tested by the Snowy Mountains Engineering method of testing. Specimens may be broken
Corporation, Australia, Fig. 9.28, the line of best either in direct tension, or in flexure (to give
fit through compressive strengths showed a modulus of rupture) or by splitting (indirect ten­
relationship of 85 per cent (range 82 to 96). This sion~ The last method probably gives a value
is in good agreement with the U.S.B.R. Curve fairly indicative of the true tensile strength, but
that tends to a limiting value of about 80 per it must be recognized that the method forces the
cent. Tasmanian tests, on cylinders 380 mm by specimen to fracture on a predetermined plane.
1140 mm, showed a somewhat greater decrease. In practice concrete would fail through an'

irregular interconnection of weak zones. For this
test, a cylinder of concrete is laid horizontally on n
, j,
• I
the testing machine and a vertical load is applied I
through the horizontal tangential plattens, Fig.
100 9.29. This test" is often referred to as the Brazil r]1
test. The indirect tensile strength is given by the ,I

. 'I1:,'

:," T _ 2000P iii

, - rcDL
where T, = the splitting strength (MPa)
P = maximum applied force indicated on
the testing machine (kN)
D = diameter of cylinder (mm)
;c 1:~

Fig. 9.27 Effect of cylinder size on compressive L = length of cylinder (mm) L. ,

strength-Maximum aggregate not greater than one

quarter of cylinder diameter the load should be increased at a rate of 100 ± 10
. kN/min for a standard 150 mm by 300 mm
It cannot, therefore, be overlooked that the cylinder.
strength of concrete in an arch dam may have In general the indirect tensile strength is
only three-quarters of the strength indicated by higher than the direct tensile strength of the
the 150 mm by 300 mm control cylinders tested same concrete. This is understandable since the
in the laboratory (aggregate larger than 37.5 mm method of casting the cylinders tends to produce
having been wet-screened from the mix). The horizontal planes of weakness across the direc­
presence of biaxial or triaxial tensions would tion of pull in the direct tension test. Creep tends
further lower the strength in situ--whilst to alter the modulus of elasticity and for that
strength under sustained loading is also less than reason one would also expect the indirect tensile
that under the laboratory rate of loading. and the flexural strength to be greater than the
It is now common practice to remove direct tensile strength. In the splitting test the
specimens of concrete from the dam for check
testing; the diameter of'the core should be Fig. 9.28 Unconftned compression tests of concrete ,

related to the maximum size of aggregate, i.e. a -Cylinders 450 mm X 900 mm-S.M.E.C. I
core 150 mm diameter is unlikely to 'give true
strength if the aggregate is of maximum size Fig. 9.29 Indirect tensile (or splitting) test U




236 ,j j

centre of the cylinder is under biaxial loading 4-;

. ?
and one would therefore expect the modulus of 2.0
rupture in bending to be greater than the in­ 1.9 !\ /
direct tensile strength. This is confirmed in prac­ 2-\
tice, Fig. 9.30. 5j :\ 1
1.7 I
3-\ \'
i\. ~\ A
~\~ O{~l
""...... ./

\ !
I. I,i

I.p r-. . / ,f]



65 80 125 160
Diameter of specimen (mm)
, 1 ) Concrele "c': CUfllU160 dayS (4) Co~crele "p': curing 60 days
( 2: } COl'Icrele "C'; curing 28 doys f 5 l Concrete "p': eltfing 28doys

{.3 ) ConCfClc"C'; cuting 14doys (6 lConcrele"p':curing 14doys

Splilling .jrenglh (MPc)

Curves 1,21'3 ~ Motier MS. A, 2 mm

Fig. 9.3d Approximate relationship between flexural Curves4,5,6~ Concrete M$,A,400mm

lind splitting strength of concrete (After A.C.I.)

Fig. 9.32 Indirect (splitting) strength-Effect of
Experiments in many countries have con­ specimen size (After Boretn")
firmed the, trend that the ratio of splitting
strength to compressive strength decreases with
increasing compressive strength of the concrete,
Fig. 9.31. The same trend is apparent for the 9.6 Curing
ratio of modulus of, rupture to compressive The object of curing is to prevent or replenish
strength. the loss of moisture necessary for hydration of
the cement which is rapid during the early stages.
Proper curing of concrete will improve both
strength and elastic modulus. However,
prolonged curing is not necessarily beneficial as
regards cracking, for in some cases the modulus
of elasticity increases more proportionately than
does the strength of the concrete.
'Tests indicate that a period of drying after
moist curing considerably enhances the
Compressive strength (MPo) resistance to sulphate attack-probably as a
Fig. 9.31 Indicative relationships between result of carbonation of the surface. !)
splitting strength, modulus of rupture and It is difficult to ensure proper curing of con­ U
compressive strength (After A.C.I.) . crete in a dam; whatever procedure is specified it
will cause some interference with the building
The length of the cylinder-so long as the en­ process and is therefore opposed by the site
tire length is uniformly loaded-does ·not appear workers. This necessitates close attention to
to affect the value of indirect tensile strength.
Tests by Borem et al. 34 have indicated that the
details and strict supervision. The best method of n..
curing vertical or near vertical surfaces is by con­ U
diameter of the cylinder will affect the resuits, tinuous wetting from a suspended pipe system.
Fig. 9.32--this emphasizes the need for standar­ This, of course, leads to excess water on the
dization in aU phases of concrete testing. working surface of the lift unless special


arrangements are made for drainage to remove acoustic measurements of emitted sound .and by
the curing water. X-rays.36 Robinson states:
Points to be remembered are:
'The cracking proc~s in concrete can be separated
Treatment given to concrete during the first few into two stages. In stage one, no major microcracks
hours after placing is most significant; occur but minor cracks exist; these latter are often
present in concrete prior to loading. As the load is
Although it is not usually practicable to in­ increased it is possible to detect the development of
stitute curing procedures until the concrete minute cracks, notably aggregate-paste bond
has set, care should be exercised to protect the failures. These cracks are exceptionally small and
surface from fast drying by heat or wind; their effeCt on the me.:hanical behaviour of the con­
Adequate moist curing will induce strength gain crete is nearly negligible ... As the load is further
I over a considerable period of time; increased, minor cracking continues to occur until,
. . J, at a certain load, both pulse velocity and X-ray tests
Curing under wet burlap, followed by continued show that major cracks have occurred in the
moist curing or ponding, produces better specimen ... This point signifies the end of stage
results than any other method, Intermittent one and the start of stage two which continues from
sprinkling is not so effective as keeping the major cracking until ultimate load. The start of the
concrete continuously wet; second stage is defined as the onset of discon­
Membrane curing compounds are more effective
if applied after concrete has been moist cured This may be regarded as the strength of the con­
fof 24 hours; this is inconvenient and destroys crete under sustained load, and agrees with
the construction benefit resulting from im­ Rusch's concept of sudden increase in volumetric
mediate application of the membrane. It is im­ strain, Fig. 9.33. Similarly, Poisson's ratio and
portant to apply the curing membrane as soon volume changes have been related to
as the surface film of moisture evaporates;
delay in so doing can permit excessive drying
of the concrete with possible cracking.
microcracking. For short-term static loading
Poisson's ratio remains constant up to the stress
corresponding to the point of discontinuity after

Curing and protection by insulation call for good

which it starts to increase both continuously. and ,I
significantly, say from 0.2 to 0.5.
engineering on the site. Both can be expensive
and of high-nuisance rating, but both are of con­ Slow crock Rapid crock
..! siderable value and warrant the close attention of growth growth
both designers and construction engineers. Failure
___L __ -::?,"-." Incr.eose in
_ _- , -_ _ _J..Imc::orjQf crocking
Volumetric / ' . _

9.7 Cracking in Concrete sfrain

Increase In'
During the construction of a d~ cracks may ~_~_ _ _.,-..J.I=bond crock;ng
, ., appear; every occurrence should be regarded as a
challenge to the Engineer. Small cracks may be I;
acceptable since they may sometimes heal
autogenously. Some texts suggest acceptance of
cracks up to 0.2 rum wide--but this refers to ex­
Exponslon - Strain


Fig. 9.33 Typical stress-strain curves for con­

posed structures not to dams where any crack crete under uniaxial compression
1 will permit the entry of pressure water from the
reservoir. The Engineer's aim should be to build Cracking of concrete due to thermal change
.-.' a crack-free damJ5 and that can only be done will depend upon the tensile strength, strain
'j when he has a thorough knowledge of the resistance, thermal properties of the concrete,
properties of the concrete and the conditions degree of restraint and the climatic conditions at
under which the dam will be built. It is a .subject the site. A concrete oflow tensile strength, high
], well worth the attention of a specialist. modulus of elasticity, high thermal expansion
The presence and propagation of cracks in and under full restraint may crack under a rapid
concrete specimens has been studied by variation drop in temperature of 3°C. On the other hand,
in pulse velocities through the concrete, by some concretes can withstand a. sudden' drop of

18 9 C. For example, Houghton" compares the
behaviour of concrete at Libby Dam and
Finite element analyses were made--in two
and in three dimensions--to show the stresses
'1 '

Dworshak Dam in U.S.A.: resulting from various methods of cooling. The
stresses were found to be considerably higher
'Whereas the mass concrete at Dworshak Dam can
withstand 150 millionths unit tensile strain under than those indicated in Report to A.E.I. Com­
rapid loading and 250 millionths under slow mittee 207, entitled Effect oj Remaini, Volume
loading, the concrete at Libby Dam can only with­ Change and ReinJorcement on Cracking in Massive
stand strains of 65 and 85 under rapid and slow Concrete.
loading, respectively. Therefore, for their respective A revi!!W of all concrete placed in 1973
thermal coefficients the Dworshak concrete can
withstand a rapid drop in temperature of 11 0 to revealed that no cracks had occurred when the
14·C and a slow temperature drop of 25° to 28·C computed tensile stress did not exceed 1.8 MPa.
wlten fully restrained, whereas the Libby concrete It is relevant to note the tensile stresses allowed
can withstand barely a 6°C drop induced either on concrete in the British Standard Code of Prac­
rapidly or slowly.' tice CP2007, Pt.2 Design and Construction oj "1
~ :~
At Pine Flat Dam, U.S.A., test results showed Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures Jor
that the ratio of modulus of elasticity to strength the Storage oj Water and other Aqueous Liquids, i.e. '·1
was greater for lean concrete than for rich con­ in bending 1.7 MPa, and in direct tension ,', -i '
, I
crete and, as a result, cracks that formed after 28 1.2 MPa for a 1 ; 2 : 4 concrete mix. When the
computed tensile stress exceeds 0.7 MPa in such
days turned away from the richer mix.
At Orlik Dam, Czechoslovakia concreting structures it is usual to provide reinforcement to
started in layers 2 m high. The cement content carry the total tensile forces. To set a limit of 1
was 170 ;:g/m' in the heart of the dam and MPa for calculated tensile stresses in a dam
250 kg/m3 for the faces. Cracks occurred-at­ therefore appears to be reasonable.
taining, in some cases, a width of 3 mm, and ex­ With the computer programme the Hydro
tending as deep as 2 m below the surface. The Electric Commission, Tasmania, is able to exer­
mixes were cha\1ged to 130 kg of cement plus cise a very close control; whenever it is con­
50 kg of fly ash, and 200 kg of cement plus 50 kg sidered desirable for safety against cracking, or
of fly ash, respectively, and no further cracking for economy, the spacing of the cooling pipes and
was observed.. the reticulation can be modified at short notice.
At Roselend Dam the cement content was The optimum location for the 19 mm copper
lowered from 250 kg/m to 225 kg/m , the lift cooling pipes was found to be at one-quarter and
3 3

height was decreased from 2.5 to 1.25 m and three'<!uarters of the height of the 2.3 m lift.
time between lifts was increased from 3 to 4 days. Once instituted, the omission of cooling pipes
These measures, together with a change in the from the bottom of each lift found favour with
minelalogy of the cement clinker, reduced the the site crews.
temperature rise by 15°C and no further cracks Temperature rise can be limited to 11 ° to
occurred. 39 14°C for a 2.3 m lift and 6° to 9°C for a half
At Gordon Dam, Tasmania, cracking occurred lift. The cooling procedure can be specified to
in eleven lifts during the summer of 1972-73. limit the tensile stress to about 1 MPa, see
The cracks were usually near vertical near the Chapter 17.
centre of the monolith and penetrated from the At each site consideration must be given to the q
upstream to downstream face (15 m) and altitude, latitude, temperature variations, and LJ
throughout the 2.3 m lift, Fig. 934. The con­ wind velocities. Cracking should not occur with a
crete properties were approximately: sudden drop in temperature of 6°C; it may occur
Modulus of Elasticity if the fall is 12°C and it will probably occur if
-20000MPa the fall is 17°C, In the last case the tempera­
at 14 days
-0.2 ture of the concrete must be controlled
Poisson's ratio
Coefficient of Thermal
Expansion -10.8 x 10- 6 per 1°C
(Later tests gave values as high as 12 x 10-6 per Fig. 9.34 Near-vertical crack through quartzite j
1°C for the concrete with quartzite aggregate.) concrete :.. ::'1J

, !


:, ~1

240 n

acCurately-with insula~ion if necessary, or by that site mixing of slag was in no way inferior, and
modification of the concreting procedures. resulted in concrete with at least equal qualities in
To minimize the risk of cracking in mass con­ respect of average strength, coefficient of variation,
workability and imperviousness. The use of straight
crete the foHowing precautions should be taken: Portland Cement, which complies to Type 2
US/! cement of low heat generation; American Standards, was therefore discontinued.
Experiments in the laboratories of the Council of
Use the lowest quantity of cement compatible
with the required strength and durability; the
U.S.B.R. suggests" between . 165 and
Scientific and Industrial Research with mixes of 1
cement to 6 aggregates and a water/cement ratio of ']t '
0.6 indicated that by increasing the slag content.
200 kglm 3; from nil to 80 per cent, the total heat generated was
Investigate the possible replacement of some of reduced from 35.7 to 10.9 calories per gram at 1 n
the cement with pozzolan, blast furnace slag
day, and 66.9 to 36.3 calories per gram at 7 days.
The temperature rise under adiabatic conditions at
or fly ash; 1 day decreased from 18.5° to 5.7°C and at 7 days
Design the concrete mix for a low modulus of from 34.6° to 19°C. The relative slower rate of
elasticity; heat generation is most pronounced during the first
Use the cOldest feasible concrete, above 5°C; 3 days and diminishes the possibility of having
large temperature gradients causing cracks in mass
Use large aggregate, but having due regard for
concrete structures. One of the main disadvantages
possible microcracking in bond and total of concrete made from mixtures of Portland Ce­
. overall cost; ment and slag is the loss of strength when cured in­
Adopt post cooling and insulation of surfaces as adequately. Tests indicated that in nearly all cases,
necessary for the particular site; the strengths of dry cured slag Portland Cement
Design the dam to avoid high stress con­ concretes at 3 months were not as great as those
which similar Portland Cement concretes develop
. centrations around galleries, etc. after 6 days. However, this fact is unimportant in :1
most gravity structures where high slag content

concrete could be used as hearting concrete, es­

pecially if !=<lostant sprinkling or flooding of

9.8 Special Concretes horizontal construction joints are specified and

In general, concrete for dams incorporates maintained. Tests indicated that with adequate

curing, equal strengths are obtained at 28 days. In

Portland Cement---ordinary, low heat or rapid

hardening. As a partial replacement of the
cement, pozzolans or fly ash may be used. For
the case of concrete gravity dams recently con­

structed by the Department of Water Affairs site

mixing of slag and Portland Cement has 'been

allowed with slag contents as high as 70 per cent.'

special purposes Trief Cement has been used"
i.e. a process consisting of wet-grinding blast­
furnace slag in a ball mill (in which a con­ Polymer concrete is a material composed of
siderablyhigher degree of fineness can be ob­ coarse and fine aggregates and a fine filler with a
tained with less power) and in maintaining the polymeric binder such as epoxy, coal tar epoxy,
resulting slurry in liquid form by agitation until polyester or furane resins. 43 The usual percent­
it is delivered into the batch mixer at the same age of binder has been 8 per cent, but work in
time as the Portland Cement. The chemical com­ Australia44 has established that 5 per cent is quite
position of the slag-most compatible with the satisfactory. This type of concrete is expensive
particular cement--can be accurately maintained and has been developed for special items such as
by the steel works.. It is ground to a fineness of spun concrete pipes. Special precautions and
350 m2/kg. For the hearting of Avon Dam the techniques must be adopted when handling
mixture was 70 per cent Trief slurry to 30 per epoxy resins because of possible toxic effects, the
::'"j I
cent Portland Cement. Trief was not used for the short 'pot-life' or time before hardening and the
precast blocks tnat formed the faces of this dam. difficulties in cleaning equipment. d
Similar work is reported by Du P1essis: 42 Typical properties of polymer concrete are
compared with those of Portland Cement con­
'The existing South African Standard Specification crete in Table 9.10.
for Portland blast furnace cement permits such a Polymer concrete .should be distinguished
mixture to contain up to 70 per cent slag, although,
in practice, the slag content is usually nearer 50 per
cent. The slag content of site mixture was, until
from Polymer-impregnated concrete; for the
latter a monomer with a slow catalyst is painted
recendy, limited to 50 per cent. It was soon evident on to the hardened Portland Cement concrete; it


Table 9.10. Typical Properties of Polymer Concrete mixer to impart near colloidal properties. Ad­
Average ditives may be used to improve fluidity, to inhibit
A typical Portland early stiffening or to provide some expansive ac­
polymer Cement tion. The sand for the mortar should all pass a
Property concrete* concrete sieve opening of 2.5 mm, and have a Fineness
Compressive strength (MPa) 114 35-60 Modulus a little below 2 for good pumping
Hoop tensile strength (MP.) 12 3 characteristics.
Direct tensile strength (MPa) 10 2 The minimum size of coarse aggregate should
Modulus of elasticity in be 19 mm, and therei. really no limit to the max­
tension (MPa) 9000 35000 imum size except that the objective is to reduce
Abrasion resistance 10 25
the voids to around 35 per cent and thereby
Bulk density (kg/m')
·2560 minimize the quantity of expensive mortar. It is
Coefficient of thermal essential that the compacted mass of·stones be
expansion per 10 C 2 X 20-' 6.5 X 10-' clean and free from fmc material. Aggregate
Flexural strength (beam) should be washed thoroughly before placing a.nd
(MPa) 24 5.5
it is preferable not to use crushed rock frow
* Values are- intial values, i.e. results obtained on spetirnens not which the edges will flake during packing. After
stressed prior to test.
the aggregate has been placed and compacted it
is later polymerized by a second coat with a rapid should be wetted to assist the movement of the
catalyst. This produces a case-hardening effect mortar as it is pumped in. Grout can be intruded
:'J that improves strength, permeability and successfully under water but this procedure is
resistance to cavitation in the surface layer. not necessary.
Grout Intrusion Concrete (Prepakt, Calcrete, The shrinkage of intrusion concrete is usually
etc.) This process· involves the prepaeking of less than tliat of pre-mixed· concrete but it
sound clean aggregate, maybe in a gap left depends greatly on the efflciency of compaction.
between adjacent monoliths in a dam-and the Intrusion concrete develops strength more slowly
later intrusion of cement mortar to fIll the voids. than normal concrete but the valiles should be
The mortar is usually mixed in a high-speed comparable at 90 days.


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Air Entrained Concrete', Magazine oj Concrete A.C.I., 69, No.8, Aug. 1972, pp.481-491.
Research, London, 21, No. 69, Dec. 1969. E. V. Lyon and I. L. Tyler, A.C.I. Symposium on Mass


Concrete, 1963, (including a bibliography of 8}1 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 'Preplaced Aggregate
papers). Concrete-Guide Specifications, Civil Works
P. Baumann, 'Use of Prepaeked Aggregate Concrete in Construction', C.E.HOL 03, Feb. 1959.
Major Dam Construction', Journal of Ameri<:4n 'Preplaced Aggregate Concrete for Structural and
Concrete Institute, Nov. 1948. Mass Concrete', Repnrt of A.C.I. Committee 304,
U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Journal A.C.I., No. 10, 6, Oct. 1969.
Concrete Manual, 7th edn., 1966, Denver, B. Mather, 'Use of Concrete of Low Portland Cement
Colorado, U.S.A. in Combination with Pozzolons and Admixtures
W. J. R. Alexander, 'Mortar Intrusion Concrete', in Construction of Concrete Dams', Misc. Paper
Trans. South African Institution of Civil Engineers, C-71-8, U.S. Army Engineers, Vicksburg, Sept.
Oct. 1960. 1971.



-. '·1;!

: ~ 1

l 1
l. )


Gravity Dams

10.1 Evolution Levy's 'Communication to the French

Academy of Sciences' dated 5th August, 1895,
Masonry dams that relied upon their weight
gave his famous rule that the compressive stress
for stability against sliding and overturning cer­
tainly date back 3000 to 4000 years;! both in the material of the dam at the upstream face
should be greater than the water pressure at the
! upstream and downstream faces were sloped and
the base thickness was many times the height. corresponding depth in the reservoir.
The danger from uplift had been recognized as
'I Based upon experience the quantities of masonry
early as 1882 and was considered in the design of
steadily decreased until the first half of the 19th
the 41 m Vyrnwy Dam (U.K.), Fig. 10.01(B) in
Century when certain failures (Chapter 3)
1882-1891. A system of rock drains was incor­
aroused academic interest in the stability of
porated in this dam to reduce uplift, a practice
masonry dams. In 1853 Sazilly proposed that the
that continued in many dams over the ensuing 30
maximum compressive stresses for both reservoir
years. Allowance for uplift was made in the
full and reservoir empty should be the same and
design of Wachusetts Dam, U.S.A., in
as far as possible constant over the height of the
1900-1906,' but drains were not incorporated.
In 1872 Rankine proposed that there should
be no tensile stress in a gravity dam. After the
failure of Bouzey Dam, Fig. 10.01(A) in 18952 it
was estimated that there was a tensile stress of
0.2 MPa in the dam. Much closer attention was o 10m
therefore given to Rankine's rule.

--371.95 '"

o 10m
! N

r 36051
Fig. 1O.01(B) Vyrnwy Dam-Approximate
section :'.'

In 1904 Atcherley and Pearson sparked off a

I , - - - - - - - - " 351.80 controversy on the safety of gravity dams, their
contention being that (1) it was not sufficient to
~2m 11.35m
design dams with calculations applied only to
horizontal sections and in fact it was across ver­
tical sections parallel to the axis that dangerously
Fig. 10.01(A) Bouzey Dam (After M. Mary; repro­ high tensile stresses first develop, and (2) the dis­
duced by permission Dunod, Paris) tribution of shear stresses must be more nearly

- ! ''01!IJJII.,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~=,--=,-,-:d--->-.I

parabolic than linear (see Engineering and other stability of many dams in which uplift did not
journals of that era). appear in the design. From further study evolved
In 1908 Wilson and Gore using rubber models the concept of a shear friction factOr-that is the
loaded to simulate both live and dead loads ratio of the resistance along any plane by cohe­ ;' 1
succeeded in satisfying most Engineers that the sion and friction to the horizontal applied force.
current methods of designing gravity dams were Gravity dams have normally been designed so tL
sound and that a dam designed by the classical that any vertical slice of the dam is stable against
theory would exhibit no tension except near the sliding and overturning. Many dams have
base of the upstream face. been curved, Fig. 10.1O(A), the radius to the
In 1913 Fillinger extended Levy's equations of upstream face being between 350 and 400 m.
elasticity to account for dead loads as well as live This has usually resulted in a more aesthetic
loads-his work and that of Richardson appearance and has given the designers con­
produced results substantially in agreement with fidence that a factor of safety against ultimate
, ,,
the model results of Wilson and Gore.
One of the earliest examples of drains within a
failure has been introduced at small additional
cost. However, modern analysis shows that a cur­
dam in U.S.A. was Olive Bridge Dam, 1908-24, vature of radius 360 m would relieve the can­
but it would appear that the ftrst inclusions of
drainage in both dam and foundations dates from
1911-12 (Medina, Arrowrock and Elephante
tilevers of less than 5 per cent of the wat':r
load-provided the contraction joints were J' i
, :'


properly grouted.
Butte Dams).4 As far back as 1899 Bachmann' calculated
Many investigators, Terzaghi, Leliavsky, deflections of arches and cantilevers in an arched
Harza and others' produced arguments that the gravity dam. In discussion of Wade's paper' it
area upon which uplift could act was between 85
per cent and 100 per. cent of the total area.
was mentioned that the distribution of load
between arches and cantilevers was considered in
i j
Concurrently doubts were raised whether a connection with Pathfinder and Shoshone Dams,
drainage system could remain fully effective over U.S.A., in 1905, whilst Professor Warren of
the life of the dam-maybe 100 years. As a result Sydney University suggested the action of inter­
conservative values were adopted for uplift that nal arches in the Cataract Dam.'
might be effective--as high as a linear decrease In 1909 Cain' presented his solution for prio­
from headwater pressure at the upstream face to cipal stresses in gravity dams.
tailwater at the downstream face. Following considerable work on the distribu­
.The Arizona Code 1932 stated: tion of stresses within gravity dams the U.S. 1 ~ I

Where drains are omitted a gravity dam shall be

Bureau of Reclamation perfected the Trial Load
method of load distribution for Boulder (now
designed on the assumption that uplift varies uni­
formly from 75 per cent of the full hydrostatic Hoover) Dam, Fig. 10.02. The advent of the
pressure at the heel to tail water head at the toe. computer made this method even more valuable
There shall be no exceptions to this rule. since it is a relatively simple matter to change the
input to the computer and compare many alter­
If positive drainage was provided the Code natives.
specilled uplift as headwater pressure from the The most recent advance has been in the
upstream face to the drains and tailwater application of the ftnite element method of
pressure from the drains to the downstream face.
The danger of sliding was highlighted by the
analysis.9 • lo Originally developed for studies in ,:
two dimensions this has now been expanded to
failure of Austin Dam, U.S.A., and St. Francis three dimensions-including the foundations of
Dam, U.S.A.:4 it was common practice to limit the dam and geological variations therein.
the lum of the norizontal forces to about two­ Parallel with this evolution in the design of
thirds the sum of the vertical forces, this sliding
f~tor being lower (though maybe marginally)
gravity dams there have been interesting ,· I,
developments in their structural composition.
than the static friction coefficient of the dam on · i

the foundation. Precautions such as stepping the

foundation .and providing a thrust block under , j'
the downstream toe probably account for the Fig. 10.02 Hoover Dam, U.S.A. LJ
, p

."~ sm;:t"}jj 4 il
fjy.. :



Mox, W. L (366.00 i Oam crest (368.00)

SuhhOrironfol joints []




35.10 n
Grovel-Iubricoted joints O
o, 10

conlents of 150 k9/CU m


Concrete with POllolonic cement

~u.bvertlcol I
f aClOg jOints
j 400
, '/1,..., ~.
120 ~ CortCtele with ferric~pouolonic
~ cernenl contents of 200kg/Cu m

\ I" II t'"t':I. _0

ownstreom Concrete with ferric1l02Z{)IOnic
!Wi> o"z'1 I JJ.
1 .. 0.2o
cinq eemenl contents or 300kg!cu m

J. ! I
// "
, , I

Grooves in correspOJ'Idence
to gfovel-lubricoled joinls

(imoves for sleel- foeing

joint support
Section A-A
Grooves in correspondence
10 grovel~ ll.lbricojed joints
~rooves fOf r··"".-:J,.',-b;,..b;o.brb;=br!...rI..,.J"'F~Fr~'lA
. steel~ facing ~r.' / n
join! ,support, ~::t..~~~~~~.~,o~o~~~~~~
. .


Grovel-lubricOled Subverlicol
joinls loints
5.ectiOn S~S

Fig. 10.03 Typical cross-section through Pozzillo Dam, together with

sketches showing the system of joints

Throughout the world many of the best damsites gravel acts as a lubricant to permit adjustment
have now been used, especially those of rock, Dr
Marcello of Italy originated and patented a type
of dam that has the massiveness of the gravity
following differential settlement of the foun­
dation. Watertightness is assured by a 6 mm steel
plate fixed to the upstream face; special cor­

dam and the flexibility of a rockfill dam. Pozzillo

Dam" is 58 m 'high and was constructed of 4 m
rugations permit deformability. A similar design
by Dr Marcello was also adopted for Pian Palu

cube concrete blocks (Fig. 10.03), In cross-section Dam, 12 52 m high, by Ente Nazionale per
the columns of blocks are built up in contact to I'Energia Ellectrica, Venice. Built in four stages F1

form a triangular profile buttress normal to the between 1950 and 1959 the measured
faces. The dam therefore consists of a series of movements in 1966 were 32 rom settlement and
4 m wide buttresses separated by a 150,mm,gap 18.rom deflection. r-I ,
filled with gravel and drained at the base. The On the other hand, Dr Gentile of Italy con­ L-J
. , -I

, ! r·
.: I' '

centrated on the omission from the dam of many to stresses resulting from the construction
items that impede construction and increase cost. procedures--whether these be due to overhang
At Alpe Gera Dam 13 he adopted earthmoving of the structure or heat generated by hydration
procedures to place concrete continuously in thin of the cement and the subsequent cooling.
layers across the whole valley. Contraction joints The dam can also be loaded as a strut between
were later cut with diamond saws, Fig. 17.9.
Maximum headwater
10.2 Design Concepts and Criteria
Basically a gravity dam shall be:
Safe against overturning at any horizontal plane
within the dam, at the contact with the
foundation or within the foundation, and
Safe against sliding at any horizontal plane
within the dam, at the contact with the foun­ MQ~lmum
dation or along any geological feature within tailwoler
the foundations;
So proportioned that the allowable stresses in
both the concrete and the foundation shall not
be exceeded. This is not often applicable since v,
the concrete can be specified to meet re­
quirements and the sites for gravity dams are
normally selected for the quality of the rock
Fig. 10.04 Loads on gravity dam
The loads that may act on a dam are shown in
Fig. 10.04 and include the following: the valley walls, due either to tectonic stresses as
Horizontal Loading in the Sierra Nevadas of Western America or in
Hydrostatic pressure on the upstream face:--H1; the Himalayas or to swelling of the rock mass
Excess fluid pressure due to silt against the after saturation"''', Fig. 10.05. Secondary
upstream face:--H,; stresses may also be induced from defortnability
Ice load against the upstream face:--H3; of the foundation (tilt) and both defortnability
Impact of waves, seiches and reservoir set-up and steepness of the abutment (twist).16
against the upstream face:--H,; Other factors that may cause local stressing
Hydrostatic pressure of tailwater against the and cracking are alkali-aggregate reactions and
downstream face:--Hs attack by aggressive water.
Sub-atmospheric pressure on the crest of an ill
designed overflow section;
Inertia force of water against the dam due to
seismic activity-H6;
Inertia force of the mass of the dam due to
seismic activity-H7•
Vertical Loading
Gravity acting on the' mass of the dam-Vj;
Gravity acting on the mass 'of water on the
upstream face, if inclined- V,;
Uplift forces on any horizontal plane:--V,;
Inertia force of the mass of the dam due to
seismic activity-V,.
Fig. 10.05 Modification of direction, of regional
Besides these loadings, the dam may be subjected compression in vicinity of dam

Sliding Criteria should be considered as unique, and receive in­

vestigation appropriate to the size and impor­
The Sliding Factor may be defmed as the ratio tance of the dam.
of the sum of all horizontal forces and com­ Although general practice in the design of
ponents of loadings that tend to ca~~e sliding of gravity dams requires that the resultant of all
the dam on its foundation to the sum of all ver­ forces will intersect the base within the middle
tical forces and components of loading. This ratio third, some authorities have relaxed this require­
should lie within the range 0.65 and 0.75 for nor­ ,1
ment to the extent that they would permit the I
mal loading-with a higher value up to, say, resultant to approach the one-siJ<th point of the • J

0.85 under extreme loading combinations, i.e. base under the concurrent application of all elC­ .
r;H 0.65 to 0.75 for normal loadings
treme loadings. Under such circumstances tensile "1
stresses would occur at the upstream face. The
r; V - :j>- 0.85 for extreme loadings. magnitude of principal stresses must be elC­
amined-relative to the then existing high com­
The actual value permissible at a particular site pressive stresses at the downstream face--to
will depend upon the soundness of the rock, the ascertain the likelihood of cracking and the
slope of the foundation and the keying effect probable extent of cracking.
provided. The. more generally accepted practice of
The Shear Friction Factor may be defined as representing earthquake effects by additional
the ratio of the total resistance to shear failure lateral static forces--expressed as a seismic coef­
within the dam, at its contact with the founda­ ficient-needs modification since it fails to an­
tion or. within· the foundation to the total ticipate the large tensile stresses that can be in­
horizontal load. 'This can be represented by the duced at both faces by resonance of the dam
formula (Chapter 4.2). It is necessary to consider tbe time
history of the forces and from this estimate the
S.F.F. = V tan ¢ + C.A. dynamic response of the dam. One favourable
H factor is the fact that there appears to be con­
siderable increase in the strength of concrete
where S.F.F. = the Shear Friction Factor with increased rate of application of the loading.
V"" the sum of the vertical loads (or
loads normal to the plane)
In 1940 Houk and Keener" listed twenty-five :1
basic assumptions that should be considered
A = the area of the plane of contact relative to tbe design of important masonry
H "" the· sum of the horizontal loads dams. Although some are a little outdated by our
(or loads parallel to the plane) awareness of the dynamic behaviour of struc­
¢ = the angle of internal friction tures and our computer based ability to handle
C"" the· ultimate shear resistance of involved mathematics they still form a very
concrete or rock. useful check list, i.e.
In general tan ¢ will lie in the range 0.6 to 0.75
but may be lowe~ along joints or seams in the·· ·-l;Tbe rock that constitutes the foundation and
foundation. If such are present it is advisable to abutments at the site is strong enough to
make in situ tests of the shear characteristics of carry the forces imposed by the dam with
the infilling in the joints. stresses well below the elastic limit at all
To compensate for the non-linear distribution places along the contact planes.
of shear stress it is not uncommon to adopt for C 2. The bearing power of the geologic structure
a figure about half the measured shear strength along the foundation and abutments is great
of the concrete or rock. enough to carry the total loads imposed by
The Shear Friction Factor should be not less the dam without, rock movements of
than 5 for normal loading and may be acceptable detrimental magnitude.
as low as 4 for the extreme combinations of 3. The rock formations are homogeneous and
loadings. Some Engineers, however, specify uniformly elastic)n all directions, so that
values of 4 and 3, respectively-but each site' their deformations may be predicted satisfac­


torily by calculations based on the theory of for analysing conditions at horizontal con­
elasticity, by laboratory measurements on crete cross sections above the base.
models constructed of elastic materials, or by 14. Internal stresses caused by natural shrinkage
combinations of both methods. and by artificial cooling operations may be
4. The flow of the foundation rock under the adequately controlled by proper spacing of
sustained loads that result from the con­ contraction joints.
struction of the dam and the filling of the 15. Interual stresses caused by increases in con­
reservoir may be adequately allowed for by crete temperature after. grouting are
using a somewhat lower modulus of beneficial.
elasticity than would otherwise be adopted 16. Maximum pressures used in contraction­
for use in the technical analyses. joint grouting operations should be limited
S. The base of the dam is thoroughly keyed to such values as may be shown to be safe by
into the rock formations along the founda­ appropriate stress analyses.
tion and abutments. 17. No section of the United States may be
6. Construction operations are conducted so as assumed to be entirely free from the oc­
currence of earthquake shocks. [fhis applies
to secure satisfactory bond between the con­
to all countries-AuthQr.]
crete and rock materials at all areas of con­
tact along the foundation and abutments. 18. Assumptions of maximum earthquake
accelerations equal to one-tenth of gravity
7. The concrete in the dam is homogeneous in
are adequate for the design of important
all parts of the structure. ['Homogeneous'
masonry dams without including additional
might well be changed to 'sound' to permit
allowances for resonance effects. (Although
variation of cement content throughout the
this should prove adequate in most cases, the
author recommends a close study of possiblev
8. The concrete is uniformly elastic in all parts
seismicity at each site. Close attention should
of the structure, SO that deformations due to
also be given to the shape of the upper por­
applied loads may be calculated by formulae
tion of the dam to minimize stresses due to
derived on the basis of the theory of
elasticity or may be estimated from
19. Vertical as well as horizontal accelerations
laboratory measurements on models con­
should be considered, especially in designing
structed of elastic materials.
gravity dams ..
9. Effects of flow of concrete may. be ade­
quately allowed for by using a somewhat 20. During the occurrence of temporary abnor­
lower modulus of elasticity under sustained mal loads, such as those produced by earth­
loads than would otherwise be adopted for quake shocks, some increases in stress
use in the technical analyses. magnitudes and some encroachments on
usual factors of safety are permissible.
10. Contraction joints are properly grouted
under adequate pressures, or open slots are 21. Effects of foundation and abutment defor­
properly filled with concrete, so that the dam mations should be included in the technical
may be considered to act as a monolith. analyses.
11. Sufficient drains are installed in the dam to 22. In monolithic straight gravity dams, some
reduce such uplift pressures as may develop proportions of the loads may be carried by
along areas of contact. between the concrete twist action and beam action at locations
and rock materials. along the sloping abutments, as well as by
12. Effects of increases in horizontal pressures the more usually considered gravity action.
caused by silt contents of flood waters 23. Detrimental effeCts of twist and beam action
usually may be ignored in designing high in straight gravity dams, such as cracking
storage dams, but may require consideration caused by the development of tension
in designing relatively low diversion struc­ stresses, may be prevented by suitable con­
tures. struction procedure.
13. Uplift forces adequate for analysing con­ 24. In monolithic curved gravity and arch dams,
ditions at the base of the dam are adeqUate some proportions of the loads may be carried .

Z" ........ -,~'~ .-.JAb .1;))_" ;;e::s....... utlbi. to;:


by tangential shear and twist effects, as well cording to the porosity of the rock or concrete,
as by the more usually considered arch and Fig. 10.06.
cantilever actions.
25. The distribution of loads in masonry dams
may be determined by bringing the
calculated deflections of the different
..- -­
Approximate meen

systems of load transference into agreement I

; of experiments
:,4 1
at all conjugate points in the structure.
It is interesting to note that some research has
I. ~ j!

been done into possible effects on reservoirs and

dams of sonic bangs. The increase in pressure on
, []
the surface of the reservoir would be of the order ~
0 I I I
of 15 kg/m' and the wave or seiche effects would
be very much smaller than those due to natural
.:: I I [1\

causes. 1
'" 0.4 !

I ,l]1I
10.3 Uplift (see also Chapter 4) ,

The presence and effect of hydrostatic uplift f !

forces within and under a dam has been the sub­

ject of controversy for nearly a century. Two fac­
tors directly affect the design of a dam-the in­ I~

~ ;'jl
~ U ."

tensity of hydrostatic pressure at various points

" [ "
() Ul j'
within or under the dam and the area upon 10 20 30 '
which pressure acts. Percentage voids
Although it is difficult to visualize that inter­ Fig. 10.06 Area raCl0r related to voids by
stical pressure can act over the whole area, the W. P. Creager
work .' of Terzaghi,'S Leliavsky,t9 Harza,2°
McHenry" and Creager 22 has demonstrated that It is now accepted for design purposes that

it can act over practically the whole area ac­ uplift pressures act on the full area of the section.


Waler surface

Reservoir h,



Fig. 10.07 Percolation of water under an impervious dam

", :":'-:~". j i :>.-:, "'.~ ;-'\~r1.]:-_,;'


Top or Dam EL375 m

Reseryoir water 381 ,----,~._. . -.,-f-.,-_,-,

surfoce ~''=--h

, --.-

•e '\
I \


,Tail woler

30.5 0 305 61.0 91.5 122 152,5
Distance from axis (metresl
Uplirt pressures,
meoSurements mode

during 1947

Fig. 10.08 Uplift pressures at foundation of Hoover Dam,

U.S.A. (From Kenneth B. Keener, 'Uplift Pressures in Con-'
crete Dams', Trans. ASCE, 116, 1218, 1951)
The second factor of intensity of pressure may make provision for a curtain of cored vertical
best be understood by reference to Fig. 10.07, holes 150 mm or more in diameter at 3-5 m ,
which represents the ideal case of underflow con­ spacing and located 3-4 m from the upstream
ditions for an impermeable dam with a straight face. A gallery, running from end to end ,of the
base on a homogeneous isotropic foundation of dam, is provided some metres above the founda­
unlimited depth and horizontal extent. lion and above tail water level. Drainage from the
Headwater and tailwater depths are holes is led away via open gutters, in the
represented by h, and h" respectively. The con­ galleries-measuring weirs being installed as
centric semi-ellipses represent lines of flow of necessary to record the' flow.
water passing through the foundation. The
hyperbolas, drawn normal to the lines of flow at
R.W,S. during normol
all points, represent lines of equal hydrostatic operafion
pressure within the foundation and at the base of
the dam. This network of flow lines and pressure
lines is called a flow net. For simple conditions its
form may be detennined mathematically." For II ~
more complicated conditions other means are 27451'''' \
The idealized flow net, Fig. 10.07, indicates an
G; 2440
J "':......."

I \ "

Design. assumplion

dud n9 normol
almost linear distribution of pressure on the base,
and this is the distribution for which the stability I 213
! .:: I
'-, ~
r"Ser>loif operation

of a dam should be checked if no drainage is W 18'30 i~ ,('Toil woter

provided or in the unlikely event of all drains ,
being blocked. 1525H r iI
o 30,5 6<.0 91.5 122
The earliest system of drainage took the form Distance from axis of Dem (melfes) I
of vertical shafts filled with large rubble. Unfor­
Fig. 10.09 Uplift pressures at foundation of Shasta !I'
tunately these were easily blocked and solidified Dam, U.S.A. (From Kenneth B. Keener, 'Uplift Press­
by the deposition of calcium saits leached from ures in Concrete Dams', Trans. ASCE, 116, 1218,
the cement by percolating water. Later designs 1951)




'Fig. lO.lO(A) Nepean Dam, Australia-Curved
gravity dam

Provision has been made in most large dams I

for measuring uplift pressures. At Hoover I

D Gallery
i (formerly Boulder) Dam relatively high uplift
!.--Oroins - h Toilwaler
pressures were recorded, Fig. 10.08. Remedial ac­ v.----...)~
tion was taken by grouting and the provision of
additional drains. At the later Shasta Dam much
lower pressures have been recorded, Fig. 10.09.
At Nepean Dam, Australia, Fig. 10.1O(A}-a wH
75 m gravity dam on sandstone shale foun­
dations--uplift has been recorded 14 since its
completion in 1935, Fig. 10.1O(B). It was at first
thought that the drains had become blocked, but
as this was not so the conclusion has been drawn Fig. 10.11 Uplift pressure on a gravity
that the frequent and extreme fluctuations in dam
water level between 1936 and 1942 prolonged in­
itial adjustment of the sedimentary foundations. Since small drain holes may become blocked,
Additional drain holes were provided in the dam attention has been given to larger openings. At
and the foundation and these successfully Gries Dam, Switzerland, 1.8 m shafts located
decreased the uplift pressure. 5.7 m from the upstream face have proved most
Based on experience it is now general to adopt effective" in reducing the total uplift forces
a distribution of uplift pressure as shown in Fig. within the dam, Fig. 10.12.
10.11, the value of the factor k being decided As early as 1930 Noetzli'6 offered seve~al
having due regard to the porosity of foundation suggestions involving open rather than tight con­
rock and the existence of joints and cracks traction joints, Fig. 10.13. The Sarrans Dam,
therein. The difference between accepting France, was completed in 1933 and had 80mm
k = 0.25 and k = 1.00 in the design will be about gaps between the monoliths. This idea has found
10 per cent additional concrete. It is clearly wise wide acceptance leading to the hollow gravity
to expend effort and money on a drainage system type of dam. The 112 m Albinga Dam,~5
that will function satisfactorily over the life of Switzerland, 1959, has gaps 5 m wide between
the dam. monoliths built 20 m apart.
At 67 m Robiei Dam, Switzerland25 (1964-67)
Water Jevel
! the monoliths are 17 m wide between axes--with
100 a 3 m gap along each joint. It was estimated that
90 Upfift profile -1964
a 3 per cent saving in cost resulted despite the in­
80 creased formwork necessary to form the' gaps.
Three-dimensional model tests were done to
~ study the distribution of uplift pressures across
w 60 the horizontal foundation.
'i:; 50
Uplift profile
before 1942 At Alpe· Gera Dam, Italy-see Chapter
Em 17-Dr Gentile provided special grouting and
u drainage galleries in the dam parallel with the
0. abutments to ensure their proper drainage.
::> 20
Other provisions have been made to avoid
10 uplift acting within the dam. At Ringedals Dam
0 in Norway and Dhing Mun Dam in China a
~"': 'O.6m )I"O.6m Basoltic separate screen wan was built upstream from the
rubble drains dam and supported from it by short columns,
Fig. 10.14. At Ceresole Dam the screen wall was
Fig. 10.l0CB) Nepean Dam-Uplift pressures built as a series of arches--with their axes near

440# lOO&l£.. o'Q:

Tr{lnS'IefSe section Uplift on section of level 2351

i 23B~~
Average on the secHon
: Z380 0"85H




Drainage shoft

Fig. 10.12 Gries Dam, Switzerland--Effect of drainage shaft on uplift

-" "­
I "

'f 1f

Fig. 10.14 Screen .t Dam,

Fig. 10.13 Contraction joints and uplift (Mter Fred Norway
A. Noetzli, Eng. News Rec., 4th Dec. 1930)

vertical. The thickness of these arches varied width it is a simple matter to compute vertical
from 1.00 to 1.50 m. Leakage was small, but such stresses on horizontal pi anes for the cases of
construction would be very eXpensive unless slip­ reservoir empty and reservoir fulL In general,
forming could be adapted. efforts are made to avoid tensile stresses in
the concrete for normal loadings. Compressive
stresses are not usually high in gravity dams. The
10.4 Stresses in Gravity Dams figures in Table 10.01 have been taken from the
Proceedings of the 8th ICOLD Congress, Edin­
Considering vertical cantilever sections of unit burgh, Volume 111, page 47.
I !


Table 10.01. Calculated and Measured Stresses at Some Typical Concrete Gravity Dams in U.S.A.

Vert. compo stress (MPa)

Structural Average concrete
height Dead Dead plus strength at
Project (m) load live load Measured 1 year (MPa)
JohnH.Kerr 43.9 0.96 0.87 22.4 .
Chief Joseph 70.1 lAS 1.17 16.8
Norris 80.8 1.60 1.26 2.07 47.5
Hiwassee 93.6 1.68 1.57 2.45 31.6
Pine Flat 131.1 2.96 2.03 25.7
Fontana 146.3 2.87 2.23 3.18 28.0 :'.'
Shasta 183.5 3.26 3.71 3.10 40.5

The maximum principal stress under normal downstream third of the concrete was taking a
loading is therefore unlikely to exceed the figure relatively minor part of the load. It will be noted
of 7 MPa given as a design criterion by some also that the maximum shearing stress occurred
; :­ authorities. near the downstream face in an area of minimum
\ For the usual analysis stresses normal to vertical pressure. The average factor of safety
horizo!)t!!! planes are assumed to have a linear against shear fl'iction failure for the dam as a
trapezoidal distribution. That this is far from the whole would not be representative of the shear
actual state of affairs is illustrated by the founda­ friction safety in this area.
tion pressures measured under Shasta Dam, Measurements made at Grand Coulee Dam
U.S.A., on 1st January, 1954, Fig. 10.15. At that showed a quite different pattern, Fig. 10.16.
time the reservoir was nearly full. The measured Finite element analysis of a 213 m high dam
maximum stress was 4.1 MPa at a point near the showed the stress distribution of Fig. 10.17. It is
centre of the base. The reduction to about 1 MPa significant that the maximum 'stresses do not
near the downstream face shows that the occur at the downstream toe and that there may
I be tension instead of compression at the
upstream heel. Despite variations there is some
f---"'t-'<--El.306m (approx) similarity between the measured distribution of
'1, , I

stresses and that calculated by the finite element

R.W.S, El393m Ii
;1 r- .~ Apptox"
OiSiofll;6 from upstream face - metres MP, ~ !" ~ i
8. 7 I' J:>V
I I" ! MP,
30.5 61.0 91.5 122 !!!!II +LII
MPo 0
f!iliill!iiWI!@i'!li1ffii1DUIl!I@... +g·7
Fig. 10.16 Grand Coulee Dam-Measurements July.
Fig. 10.15 Shasta Dam (William T.Lockman, 1, 1952 (William T. Lockman, 'The Structural
'The Structural Behavior of Shasta Dam', U.S. Behavior of Grand Coulee Dam', U.S. Bureau of
Bureau of Reclamation, Tech. Mem. 656, Fig. 6) Reclamation. 15 Year Report, Tech. Mem. 652, 1955)


method. Further development of design methods can be calculated" but it is often difficult to
is to be encouraged to indicate to the Engineer apply these to the day-to-day variations at the
how his structure should respond to various site.
loads. The fact that it does not always do so There is at present a trend to varying the
simply emphasizes the need for more intensive cement content in the concrete--and hence its
studies of the behaviour of prototype dams, and strength, to suit the stresses in particular zones
warns us not to accept the design of dams as an of the dam. At the 218 m Dworshak Dam,
:, '~
eJ'Bct science. U.S.A., the strength of concrete at various
elevations was specified" as in Table] 0.02.

Table 10.02. Dworsbak Dam

Elevation (m) Concrete strength (MFa)
274-305 20.6

305-335 15.2

335-381 10.3

381-492 8.3

The idea of zoning the dam is by no means

new. The original purpose was to provide rich
concrete adjacent to the faces to resist frost ac­
~ f>,_c-~--:;;,---..,.l: tion and provide better impermeability and then
.. 0 ::E
l "--..c.::::!=-o:::::::
-_JI "-i to place lean concrete in ·the heart of the dam for
As computed by economy, Fig. 10.18. Such a procedure was
trapezoidal low
As computed by
adopted in the 80 m Komaki Dam in Japan29 in
finite element mel hod 1933, the face concrete containing 270 kg of
Fig. 10.17 Gravity dam. (After cement per cubic metre and the hearting from 210
Davis and Sorensen," Fig. 33, to 240 kg per cubic metre. Richer concrete in the
pp. 9-32) lower sections of gravity. dams was provided in
the 96 m Chavanon Dam, 30 the 112 m Sarrans
It is important to check the distribution and Dam" and the 88 m Chambon Dam," all in
intensity of stress around galleries and other France, about 40 years ago.
openings in the dam and to provide adequate
reinforcement to prevent the propagation of
cracks from points of high stress concentration.27
Finite element analyses will quickly reveal how
r~ntrant shapes or blockouts induce stresses
often greater than the strength of the concrete.
Simplicity in gallery shape is therefore essential
With normal concreting procedures the
temperature of concrete may rise by about 20°C
above placing temperature. Artificial cooling is
introduced during the first few days to limit this 1.5m
temperature rise. Since crack formation depends
upon temperature gradients it is essential to
maintain day-to-day engineering control of the Heorting concrete
-[eon mass or
cooling system. However, a drop in temperature - plum concrele or
of 25°C from 3 p.m. to midnight in the middle of -displocer concrete
summer-as is possible at some sites--can upset
the best cooling programme. The only way to
combat such occurrences is to provide surface in­
sulation-a procedure that is cumbersome,
costly, and time-<:onsuming. The thermal stresses Fig. 10.18 Zoning of concrere
, ,


In more recent times the practice was adopted alternative methods of construction that might
for the Bemposta Dam l3-a 95 m high cupola avoid the high thermal stresses that occur in the
dam in Portugal-and the Alpe Gera Dam34 in more usual procedures. The VagaI'juna Sagar
Italy, Fig. 10.19 (see also Chapter 17).
Dam-123.5 m high-was built in India mainly
I by hand labour to suit local conditions. The
result was less shrinkage, no cracking, and less /"
seepage. Maybe there is a lesson to be learnt!
Should a gravity dam be subjected to an earth-, ii
q' 'ke very high tensile stresses can occur-par­
ti,'"larly at an abrupt change in section such as is
ca;:<mon near the crest of many gravity dams.
;, mdies of earthquake stresses in Koyna Dam36
% ha:e shown the stress patterns of Fig. 10.20 with
I ~3_1
'>" a c',aximum tensile stress of 8.6 MPa. Application
of lhe same seismic pattern of loading to Pine
"i;;t Dam, U.S.A., revealed less severe tensile
I :;;;'esses, Fig. 10.21. The transition in slope of the
150 kg/m 3 ,hwnstream face substantially decreased the
stresses; however, the maximum tensile stress of
5.5 MPa would exceed the tensile strength of the
concrete with consequent cracking.. The above

results were substantiated by studies of

Kolkewadi Dam in India. 37
Fig. 10.19 Alpe Gera Dam, Italy-Zoning of
I ij concrete
To minimize cracking under seismic loading it
is essential that abrupt changes of section be
The effect on stress distribution of concretes avoided and that crest designs be modified to
1\ of varying strength throughout a 'homogeneous' avoid a concentration of a large mass of concrete
structure must be queried on theoretical merely to provide a roadway, Fig. 10.22.
grounds, although tests at L.N.E.C. Portugal Analyses of dynamic behavio\}r of gravity
!i have indicated that there is small difference in dams-made possible by the computer .and the
strain at failure for concrete of different finite element method-have revealed that ten­
strengths. 3$ In Chapter 17 reference is made to sile stresses are seriously underestimated by

D--"'O.7 MPa
". (fA-v
. ·.. ·3.5
; i

~ I



-oj 4.425 sec 01

Fig. 10.20 Koyna Dam, India-Maximum principal stresses

during earthquake MPa (After Chopra and Chakrabarn")

, I
~_ J
/5,5 mQ).imvm



ot 3.775 sec Of 3.B25 sec

Fig. 10.21 Pine Flat Dam-Prin~ipal stresses during earthquake

MPa (After Chopra and Chat:ra?~rti")

than this. It is, however, essential to locate the

joints to best advantage relative to the shape of
the abutments. The protrusion of a rock ledge
(0) (b) into the monolith, Fig. 10.24(a), would almost
(bod) (poor)
certainly result in a crack in the concrete; the
arrangement in Fig. 10.24(b) would be more
satisfactory. If it is necessary to adopt the joint
location as in Fig. 10.24(c) then the shaded area
of concrete should be placed separately, and
cooled or allowed to cool to rock temperamre.
The monolith is then started from the base AB as
a cold joint.

(c) (d)
(better) (desirable)


Fig. 10.22 Crest treatment for gravity dams

.~imple beam analysis using equivalent static

'loading. A 8

10.5 Contraction Joints

(b I (C I
10.51 Transverse Joints
Fig. 10.24 Location of contraction joints
It is good practice for nonnal methods of con­
struction to provide contraction joints in gravity Although each monolith--or slice--of the
dams, Fig. 10.23. These are usually spaced about
15 m apart, experience having shown that cracks
are likely to develop in monoliths much wider Fig. 10.23 Typical contraction jOints-1952

....................,. .......................... ........,..................., . .......................______i

. . . ._.-.-.._._-_. "-'--'-,1

600mm '"
Masonry crest.
E\.458 A

'~~ m !It J
:mnw: I [)"" EI.445 l'ype Aseat
,. " Ou. ! •
Lop weld
Contraction jOint5 = ~ 37mm S
keyed and grouted f iI Const,uetio~
Formed below this line o
200 mm UfUIII~-.I Excavation '-' A o
Type C
1. I

line at o~is E revofion
(looking upstream)
sear l
I t56 1.52


Cbntraction joint
,L\ ..

9IS ;,p:~.~f.jH:~~'~_~{~·;~·~~:14~~~~~" ;.;~~

.....~ • .' ...l". """"'~f.ii
j •!,.,15mlt!···l~ ." ,.,~.~\,.:mm··~:.1·
......!': #~.. (mil'll
'• ';":'ISl?mm
·~"*otm.d w'Ii~', ", n~Omm"·.,;~;· ;;/.
silo '~i \ .: ~l
.. -,
Section D·D
Point this surface only,with
asphalt emulsion after final bend
P.-.!'., ..... ·t.~'!.~ ... ~
'n Cseol at all horizontal G,out Grout joint
Upstream "construction ioints header outlet
'~~~~~~~~ Bend into place
Just befo'e Chamf.,
second pour
Horizontal cons1ruction joints
Grout Second pour
slop (Omit in spillway)
Section B-B Type B seal

Fig. 10.25 Contraction joint, Hiwassee Dam (From Cecil E. Pearce, 'Design of Hiwassee Dam', Civil Eng., July 1940, p. 433)

If,,,.... -_ .. "'; .,
r:= ~ [;~:;J
...... =
~~ ............ r ..
. .. ~.~-----------------

·:>~ ($~, -".~ ..,.:.'.:'.....
~J r'~'iJ
........ -"'1
:~~ ...,...J
,W."~"· ,


! .....­
t· .." ";,

"" :r

··1 263

dam is designed to be stable, there appear to be time involved-an example of the Art overruling
advantages in having a structure that can derive the Science.
strength against ultimate failure from its three­ For medium sized dams it is unlikely that
dimensional shape. To achieve this it is necessary serious secondary effects would be in troduced,
to inject cement into the contraction joints after but ifit is proposed to grout contraction joints of
the dam has been cooled to a few degrees below a large dam it is desirable to analyse the possible
mean ambient temperature. For satisfactory stress distribution by the Trial load method or
cement grouting the gap should be not less than preferably by a three-dimensional finite element
0.7 mm wide. It is common practice, and makes , study. At least this will indicate the distribution
the work simpler, to provide metal stops across of loading and of any dangerous stresses that
the contraction joints at intervals of about 15 m, maybe induced in the dam.
and to arrange for grouting to be done in these Following the philosophy that a dam should be
15 m vertical stages, Fig. 11.67. built in monoliths that will shrink on cooling,
On the assumption that all joints are grauted attention has been given to other means of mak­
solid, and the abutments are rigid a straight ing a tight joint. One procedure that has proved
gravity dam in a narrow gorge can act as a successful in several countries is to provide a gap
horizontal beam. Calculations may indicate ten­ wide enough to permit the erection and dismantl­
sile stresses that would crack the dam, but in ing offormwork. The coat of this double forming
practice the contraction joints would open and is, of course, a disadvantage but the method has
redistribute the load. If the seals remained intact the advantage that the gap (say 1.5 m wide) can
1 then the only damage likely would be that caused be ftIled at a time convenient to the construction
by spalling of concrete near the joints due to ex­
cessive compression.
schedule after the monoliths have cooled. Normal
slipforming techniques can expedite this work,
It is theoretically possible to introduce the inciusion of expansive or at least non­
prestressing during the grouting operation; shrinking additives to the concrete being an ad­
however, this is rarely acceptable in the design vantage. It is also practicable to use a grout­
due to ultimate relalCation of the prestress due to intrusion process for fllling the gap. Typical gap
creep in the concrete. joints are illustrated in Fig. 1O.26-Vargforsen
Arch Dam, Sweden; Fig. 10.27-Cruachan,
('I Although not required in the design it has
Buttress Dam, Scotland, and Fig. 10.2s-:..
been customary to provide keyways in the con­ Mareges Dam, France. .,.
I' traction joints. In practice, wrongly proportioned
keyways can induce very high local stresses
:.,11 during differential shrinkage or deflection of 10.52 Longitudinal Joints
I adjacent monoliths. The depth should not eKceed
200 mm, with ends sloping less than 30 0 to the When the Hoover Dam was conceived, great
plane of the joint. At Chavanon Dam in France attention was being given to thetmaleffects in
(1926) the joints were left plane 'to prevent dams due to heat of hydration. For such a large
cracks due to non-uniform shrinkage'.'· structure the problems of cooling large masses of
At Hiwassee Dam, U.S.A.," keyways approx­ concrete were enormous. It was therefore con­
imately parallel to the directions of principal sidered necessary to limit both dimensions of the
stress were provided but only in the bottom third monolith-resulting in columns about 15 m
I of each joint, Fig. 10.25. In Fontana Dam only
l! square, keyed on all sides. Similar procedures
the bottom quarter of each joint was keyed and were followed at Shasta Dam, the 137 m
grouted, the balance being plane and ungrauted. Warragamba Dam, Australia (1948-62), Fig.
It is significant that the recently constructed 10.29, and the 285 m Grande Dixence Dam in
150 m high Guri Dam in Venezuela has com­ Switzerland (1953-61).
pletely plane and ungrouted joints. In order to lower the cost of gravity dams and
LI However, many Engineers still feel that with
grouted and keyed joints there must be some ad­
with some doubts as to the fmal behaviour of
dams built in cohimns, there is now a tendency to
ditional factor of safety against ultimate failure. decrease the number of longitudinal joints or
'I On this basis they justify the additional cost and even omit same.· o

).1i '
] ;
-,.~ iUiCW.4.1. .n h&' ) : ;

" ;
The Hungry Horse Dam, U.S.A., is 172m Fig. 10.26 Vargforsen Dam, Sweden-Slipformed
high-of arch gravity type with crest length monoliths and cooling slors
640 m, and base thickness 100 m. Only one
longitudinal joint was provided. The concrete Fig.l0.27 Cruachan Buttress Dam, Scotl.nd-Gaps
was cooled and the joint was grouted; however, left between buttress monoliths
field measurements have revealed that the two
Fig.l0.28 Mareges Dam, France--Contracrion joint
sections of the dam separated by the joint act to slots
some extent as two contiguous rings."
At Fontana Dam, U.S.A.," the three Fig. 10.29 Warragamba Dam, Australia---Trans­
longitudinal joints have been located at 31.5, verse and longitudinal joints
62.8 and 88 m from the upstream face of the dam .
and there appears to be some independence of Fig. 10.30 Alpe Gera Dam, Italy-Continuous
action between the parts of the dam. placing of concrete
In recent large gravity dams like Detroit Dam,
Dworshak Dam and Libby Dam longitudinal
joints have been omitted.
As described in Chapter 17.9, both transverse . l
• 1
and horizontal joints have been omitted from d
some large Italian dams, Fig. 10.30 shows the un­ quite high local stresses with consequent crack­
conventional construction methods adopted at ing of the concrete. Narrow galleries can be quite
Alpe Gera Dam, Italy. functional-that at Morrow Point Dam, U.S.A.,
being only 0.6 m wide. At the Gordon Arch Dam,
Australia, the gallery is 0.9 m wide. In each case
the gallery is widened and reinforced where
necessary for instrument stations and special
10.6 Galleries drilling positions.

Galleries are normally provided in gravity

. dams; in fact it is reported" that galleries were
. . . included in two dams built near Paris in 1895.
The size and location of the galleries will vary
with their purpose and the importance of the
dam. In special circumstances they have been
provided at the base of the dam across the
rock-<:oncrete boundary. In the concrete dam at
the Grosser Muhldorfersee, Fig. 10.31, the
gallery was so built in order to minimize uplift
forces on the dam, and hence decrease the quan­
tity of concrete required, as well as to observe
structural behaviour.
The normal function of a gallery is to provide
access for inspection purposes, to monitor Fig. 10.31 Grosser Muhldorfersee
behaviour of the dam, and to carry out remedial -Typical cross-section of the
work if required. It must therefore be of suf­ gravity dam and detail of slab facing
ficient height to permit easy movement of per­ on the upstream side
sonnel and. minor equipment--cr>mmonly
2.13 m-but varied to suit construction When galleries are provided at different levels
methods, i.e. 2.28 m if that is the thickness of the they can conveniently be connected by relatively
lift in the dam. small circular shafts. A spiral staircase for access,
The width of the gallery has often been ventilation, pipes for drainage and electrical ser­
1.5 m-but it should be related to the function vices can be accommodated in quite 1\ small
of the gallery. Wide rectangular openings induce shaft--1lay 1.3 m diameter.



, :1



" , 1




10.28 '"-" iJ





- - ,I


268 :l,
The shape of the gallery is important from the Fig. 10.32 Warragamba Dam, Australia-Grouting
point of view of stress concentrations. A circular

or oval shape is most desirable, Fig. 10.32. This

from a gallery in the dam


Fig. 10.33 Liapootah Dam, Australia-Precast gal·

would require a removable floor covering the lery and steps
-drains; it would involve greater height, more ex­
pensive forms, and delays in the normal con­ Fig. 10.34 Tamangara Dam, Australia--45 m high ,I

creting programme. A rectangular shape, which

is easy to form; will generally require reinforce­ Fig. 10.35 Warragamba Dam, Australia-137 m
ment above and below in order to -stop the
propagation of cracks. It is fairly common prac­ Fig. 10.36 Warragamba Dam-Upstream approaches
tice to roof the_ gallery with precast concrete stabs to spillway openings
placed in the bottom of a normal pour. It should,
however, be mentioned here that the use of com­
plete precast units of gallery, Fig. 10.33, prevents to spillway openings, Fig. 10.36, add further
the use of the gallery for one of its most impor­ complications. One method of avoiding high
tant functions-inspection of concrete quality training walls is to build the overflow section
and observation of seepage. upstream of the flanks of the dam, Fig. 10.37.
Galleries should be well lit and well ventilated.

If they extend into the abutments and are un­

lined, regular tests should be made for explosive

or noxious gases. At Gordon Dam, Australia,

ventilation is provided in such abutment

galleries-so interlocked that access is not nor­

mally possible until the fans have been running

for a prescribed time.

10.7 Appurtenant Structures

The designer must be fully conscious of the ­
full significance in cost and time of each feature

that he adds to the dam.

10.71 Spillway
Fig. 10.37 Spillway section located upstream

The gravity _dam is often selected for sites from dam axis

where it is desirable to pass flood waters over the

dam, Fig. 10.34. Although overall economy may

be indicated it is very easy for the actual cost of 10.72 Power Station

details to exceed the estimates. The placing of

high-quality concrete to correct profile for an At many sites a power station is embodied in
Ogee spillway is slow and expensive, especially the structure of the dam-see Chapter 17. This
above the limit of forming. If gates are to be in- _ is attractive from the aesthetic point of
stalled, then the placing of reinforcement, and view--especially if the spillway discharges over
aligument of hinges, can cause serious delays in the roof of the station. However, the- designer
the normal concreting procedure. The spillway should be aware of the likelihood of vibration
discharge will pass down the face of the dam at being induced into the power station through the
. high velocity. It is essential that the surface be roof as well as of the interference likely to be
. smooth and of high-quality concrete--;I further caused to -construction of the dam. The
restriction on normal practice. possibility of tilt of the turbo-generator axis
The construction of high training walls on the should not be overlooked. Any complicated con­
dam, Fig. 10.35, and streamlining the awrl:!lICheS<""'Sti'Uction" mixed with what would otherwise be :' 1

" , :
", '>.,jl",,~~,,"'M¥~rii4\'

,..... _

. .~R. ,




: .J!


straightforward repetitive work, must add both Fig. 10.38 Catagunya Dam, Australia
time and cost to the project. The Hoover Dam
Fig. 10.02, is an excellent example of separatio~ stocks on the downstream face
Fig. 10.39 Roxburgh Dam, New Zealand-Pen­
of such works, for the benefit of both. ..
On the other hand, there are considerable ad­
vailtages in having conduits of minimum length
supplying the turbines and these may outweigh dam of features that could-at little extra
the disadvantages to the civil Engineer. The cost-be made external to the dam. With this in
arrangement at Catagunya Dam, Tasmania, is . mind certain projects now assemble all appurte­
interesting, Fig. 10.38. Satisfactory hydraulic nant structures at one location-remote from the
conditions for power station operation were dam workings. At Djatiluhur Dam, Indonesia, a
provided, extra head downstream from the dam 90 m diameter tower houses the overflow
was utilized-interference with dam construc­ spillway (3000 m'/s), irrigation intakes, bottom
tion was almost eliminated and a simple central outlets and a 180 MW power station. The
spillway was provided on the dam. hydraulic behaviour of the various waterways in
the tower was the subject of extensive testing on
models by SOGREAH, Grenoble.
10.73 OUIlels
The installation of outlets near the base of the 10.8 Prestressed Gravity Dams
dam has been discussed in Chapter 5.8. Although
Credit is given to A. Coyne'" for the flISt
often necessary, the installation of steel conduits'
application of stressing by steel cables to improve
through a dam is expensive. Care must be taken
the stability of concrete dams. The original Les
with the concrete surrounding the pipes or voids
Cheurfas Dam was built in Algeria in 1882-85.
will remain. If water can move through these
In the ensuing years it suffered damage by floods
voids, external corrosion will ensue. With empty
on various occasions; in 1927 a crack was dis­
pipes there can be considerable buoyancy during
covered between the original masonry and that
concreting. Solid anchorages are necessary if the
added later. It was considered that the section
pipes are to remain in correct position, and such
was too thin and the crest was lowered 2 m. Over
anchorages impede effective consolidation of the
the period 1931-35 grouting of the foundations
concrete; If the pipe is pressurized during con­
creting, then it is probable that when emptied it was carried out together with strengthening of
will shrink away from the concrete again leaving the dam by prestressing: s Fig. 10.40. Each cable
was composed of 630, 5 mm hard parallel strands
water passages for corrosion.
Attention must be given to construction 229.25
details; if the air temperature is likely to be very
c'1ld shortly after concreting it is wise to seal
both ends of a large conduit to minimize chilling cables
of newly placed concrete by heat loss through the
Where it is necessary to have conduits through
the dam they should be designed and. located to
cause least interference to construction­
preferably in one monolith, preferably horizontal,
and where possible with their valves external to
the structure of the dam. At Roxburgh Dam,
New Zealand, the penstocks were built on the
.downstream face of the dam, Fig. 10.39.
Simplicity in the dam will result in a faster o .0 20 30 40 50",
construction schedule and lower cost: Each dam t ,

is, of course, a separate entity, but it is essential Fig. 10.40 Les Cheurfas Dam,
for the design Engineer to avoid inclusion in the Algeria
, ,

!1 t

-- -----


Axis of 00"--'1

305m I
F l. of tendons

TOp ot'lcnoroge

Twenty-eigM 28mm dio.H.T.S. bors

lensiooe:d to.37t eOCh

Bors in
open shoft

mesh steel fabric

.r " .. ,",,0 ground surface


H,T.S.bors wrapped
, to prevent bond
Granite foundation

o t,.,_ _ _
.J.,_ _ _-,I10m

Cross"'$eelion ot
anchOfoge shaft

Fig. 10.41 Cros....ection of Allt-na-Lairige prestressed

concrete darn

and was stressed to 1000 tonnes. It is interesting stresses therein. A special study was made of the
to note how loss of tension decreased with time: stress concentrations at the anchorages:'
1936--38' 14.5 tonnes Per year The reluctance to use cables in a new desigu
1939--42 1.2 tonnes per year has undoubtedly been related to a lack of
1942--45 0.4 tonnes per year knowledge concerning the corrosion of steel
cables when embedded in concrete. Engineers are
Since that time many dams throughc?ut the world
accustomed to thinking of the rusting of steel in
have been strengthened by post tensioning-but
air where the ratio of the surface area to the mass
only a relatively few new dams have been
of metal is important. It is, however, generally
designed and built as prestressed dams:9 Possibly
agreed that steel does not rust when embedded in
the 46 m Catagnnya Dam in Australia is still the
high-quality concrete or in cement grout in
highest so designed. The Allt-na-Lairige Dam,
Fig. 10.41, was designed as a prestressed dam'·
and built in Scodand 1953-56. It is 22.2 m
Fig. 10.42 Meadowbank Darn, Australia-Trial
high-founded on granite that was tested at grouted prestressing cable e>'posed by excavation from
depth for the anChorages. The prestressing was calyx drilled shaft (Photo by Quartermaine)
applied via high tensile steel bars wrapped to pre­
vent bond. Groups of bars were spaced at 6.4 m. Fig. 10.43 Meadowbank Dam, Australia-Exposed
Each group consisted of twenty-eight 28.6 mm trial cable, mortar removed to cbeck grout between
wires (Photo by Quartermaine)
bars, each bar being tensioned to 37 tonries. An
inspection gallery was provided in the dam with Fig. 10.44 Catagunya prestressed gravity dam,
a~.cess to the bars for regnlarly recording of the Australia-Sbowing prestressing beads
.' .'/:i."~' -;,: ,~:;ii;:J;/'~<'I".-'\'
· i "',



which there are no cracks or interconnected interesting that the aforementioned model tests
voids. For Tasmanian conditions this was indicated failure patterns somewhat similar to
verified by exposing samples of the reinforcing those assumed in this analysis.
steel in a multiple-arch dam built at elevation Whichever premise i's accepted for tlie design,
1000 mover 50 years ago. The concrete cover to the actual behaViour of the dam will depend
the steel was only 37.5 mm from the air face. upon the nature of. the foundation rock, any in­
The main objective in groutmg the cables is to itial stress in the rock and the effect of saturation
ensure a complete coating of grout around each of the rock mass. Some conservatism is'therefore
wire in the cable. At Meadowbank Dam, justified. Since the results are comparable it
Australia,48 it was convenient to install an ex­ appears appropriate to accept the rational design
perimental cable in a normally drilled hole adja­ proposed by Zienkiewicz," Fig. 10.45:,
cent to a 1.22 m Calyx hole that had been
previously drilled for foundation exploration and
in situ shear testing. Excavation from within the
Calyx hole revealed the efficiency of grouting the
cable hole, Fig. 10.42. The minimum space
between the parallel wires of the cable was 1 mm
and the excellent intrusion of the grout between I
the wires is seen in Fig. 10.43. I
u, I

If prestressing is accepted in the design then it
is prudent to make provision for retensioning'if I \ Unsafe position
required, replacement of bars or cables, or the in­ I \\for resuUont .
stallation of new cables. Serious corrosion of I \
cables can be detected by the regnlar measure., c
ment of their electrical resistance. As temperatur.l
variations in the dam can cause significant vari­
ations in the cable resistance it is necessary to
include in the installation a precalibrated resist­
ance thermometer extending the full length of the A

cable. The safety of a prestressed gravity dam will Fig. 10045 Loads on a prestressed dam
rely on it being impossible for the cables to pull
out from the foundation or bodily lift a portion of
From point B, the downstream comer of the foun­
the foundation. dation, draw an arc AC passing through the
Prior to the design of 46 m Catagnnya Dam, anchorage point A. The position of point C will in
Australia:' Fig. 10.44, two model tests were un­ general be outside the upstream foundation corner
dertaken in 1956-57. In the first the anchorage D at which the highest tensile stresses tend to exist,
was in a non-cohesive granular material; in the but nevertheless the line AC will correspond
approximately to the possible crack. location.
second and larger model it was in a poor-quality
Assuming this line to correspond to an open fissure,
rock. Eased upon these. experiments it was i.e. allowing full bydrostatic pressure to be
decided that it would be' safe--for the dolerite developed along it, compute tbe effective uplift
foundation under Catagunya Dam-to balance forces U, and UJ acting along AC and AB, respec­
the prestressing load with a 90° wedge of rock, tively (for calculation of the latter a linear decrease
of uplift pressure between A and B can be assumed).
with its apex at the extreme end of the cable--it
Computing tbe remaining forces acting on tbe dam
being assumed that the 'wedge of rock was sub­ and the portion of the foundation BAC, i.e. the ex­
jected to full uplift pressure. ternal water pressure on the upstream face UI and
More recently a complete stress analysis based the weigbts of the dam, W" and the portion ABC of
on elastic two-dimensional behaviour has been the foundation W" tbe magnitude and position of
the resultant force R acting on the section AB Can
carried out by Zienkiewicz and Gerstner.'Ot It is
be detennined. Clearly if tbis falls outside the point
B reliance must be placed on tensile stresses acting
along AB and stability is therefore endangered. The
,t From,'· Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book only possibility of resisting the overturning forces
Company, entirely by compressions is if this reaction R falls

within the length AB, even so admitting a certain sion was to exceed 213 tonnes. After testing the
amount of cracking along this length if the reaction holes were grouted with a cement mortar grout,
is close to the point B. To ensure,' certain factor of mixed in a high-speed mixer. A methyl-cellulose
safety it is necessary to arrange the anchorage at
such a depth that the reaction R passes well within additive 'Methocell' was added--as 0.2 per cent
the section AB. If the stresses occurring in the sec­ of the cement weight-to prevent shrinkage and
tion AB are computed according to some reasonable breaking of the grout column. To avoid any sense
assumption, such as linear distribution, and the of false security, grouting of cables should only
maximum value of the principal stress is found to be done by specialists.
fall within permissible limits for the foundation
material, an adequate factor will be assured. In this Cementation Co. of England has pioneered
calculation, no allowance should be placed on ten­ devel»pments in both stressing and the design of
sile stresses and the section AB should be permitted cables. One system now available includes multi­
to crack as far as is required. wire cables coated with polypropylene and
For a reasonable stress distribution the depth anchored in a rapid setting plastic compound.
of the aneborage should be not less than the With such attention to detail it appears
width of the base of the dam. An anchorage is reasonable to assume that the life of a modem
often 3-4 m ofgrouted cable at the bottom of the prestressed dam will compare favourably with
hole. Whether the depth of the anchorage is that of other types of dam.
measured to the bottom of the hole or to the mid­
point of the grouted portion will be decided by
the Engineer having regard to the nature of the
10.9 Special Gravity Dams
For prestressing, either small-diameter high­
tensile wires or high-tensile steel bars can be
used. The advantages of wires over bars are: The Penzance Dam," 22.5 m high, in
Cornwall, U.K., is founded for the greater part of
The allowable working stress in high tensile its length on sound granite, but in the middle of
wires is usually greater than in bars; the valley, near the original river bed, excavation
Wire cables can be fabricated on site in one revealed a zone of decomposed granite, about
length, avoiding ,the use of couplers th~ are 30 m long, which was considerably larger than
necessary with bars and are a source of anticipated. It was completely decomposed in the
trouble; central 20 m, consisting ofwhite China clay with
Cables can be accommodated in drilled holes residual quartz grains intersected by numerous
whereas barS with couplers usually require quartz veins in near vertical directions. These
larger pits. were believed to be the result ofpneumatolysis-­
the injection from below of volatile gases into
In Catagunya Dam each cable is 80 mm
cracks and fissures fonned in the already solidified
diameter and is composed of 102 parallel wires
each 5 mm diameter. The cable is capable of rock when cooling.
carrying a working loa~ of 200 tonnes. Each Bearing tests on 300 by 300 mm and 600 by
600 mm plates gave resistances of 275 kPa,
cable, weighing about 1 tonne, was fabricated on
whereas the cross-section of the dam had been
a bench 9n the right abutment, and wound on to
designed for a maximum pressure of 480 kPa.
a 5.5 m diameter 'homing' wheel; the wheel and
its stand were lifted by the cableway on to the Over a length of 36 m the section of the dam was
dam and the cable lowered down the 117.5 mm modified to extend the 18 m base by 9 m in an
hole, Fig. 10.46. Each reinforced cable head was upstream direction. This lowered the maximum
loaded by" three coupled hydraulic rams,
Fig. 10047. Creep was reduced in the cables by
four preliminary tensionings up to 234 tonnes
and released to a small residual load. Between 2 Fig. 10.46 Catagunya prestressed gravity dam,
Australia-'Homing' wheel
and 4 days after stressing the cables were tested"
by being jacked off their packers and the residual Fig. 10.47 Catagunya Dam, Australia-Stressing a
tension was calculated. To pass the test the ten­ cable
, !


Eel( . , i " Ii
-------_.. ,\"e
: ~ ~
l' -1 :

280 ,!

pressure to 214 kP.. Over this length the radius of 213 m, reliance was placed on arch 11
monoliths were built 4.6 m ,wide instead of action to counteract significant sliding. U
15.2 m as used elsewhere for the dam.
A very deep cut-()ff trench was provided to :"1
decrease the hydraulic gradient, and a carefully
10.92 i~
: - j

designed filter was provided under the tailbay Varkhotov!3 reports an interesting form of

apron, Fig. 10.48. Since the dam is curved to a construction to save concrete. Precast concrete

panels were assembled on site on precast or cast [1

in situ bases to form concrete cells 3 by 4 m and 4
by 5 m. These cells were then filled with earth to fl
provide the necessary weight. The sealing of Ji
joints would be a major problem but this prin­
Normal profile of dam ~'"l
ciple might well be adapted to small dams in wide ; .t,
valleys; the rectangular shape of the cells might ~J
Subsoil relief well be modified to interlocking shapes.

Special filler
92m 17.7m ,'-'1I
Gravity dams are often curved for aesthetic " J
Cut-off french reasons and to provide an additional factor of
I . safety against ultimate failure. A radius of 250 m
:r.,1 ,
t.-Grout curtoln
I,' ,30m deep
will increase the crest length by about 10 per ,
cent; for an overflow dam this could represent a j

valuable increase in discharge capacity and could ,-,

Fig. 10.48 Penzance Dam, U.K. result in overall economy. ;1

:] ,
) J
1. 'Some Dams of the Ancients', Eng. News Rec., 6th New York, Section 10-0. C. Zienkiewicz, 'The U
Oct., 1921­ Finite Element Method'.
2. M.Mary, Barrages Voules-Hiswrique Accilknls el 11. (a) Loc cil, Section 9-C. V. Davis; 'Concrete
Incidents, Dunod, Paris, 1968. Dams, Basic Principles of Design', pp. 9.16 and ;:r,'l
3. D. C. Henry, 'Stability of Straight Gravity ~J
9.17; (b) Water Power, June 1961­
Dams', Trans. A.S.C.E., 99, 1934. 12. Ente Nazionale per L'energia Elettrlc. Venice,
4. Final Report of Subcommittee on Uplift in
Masonry Dams, of the Committee on Masonry
'Pian Palu Dam', 10lh ICOLD Congress,
Montreal, 1970, IV, p.158.
Dams of the Power Division A.S.C.E., 1951, 13. (0) G. Gentile, 'Study, Preparation and Placement
Paper No. 2531, Trans. A.s.C.E., 117, 1952. of Low Cement Concrete with Special Reg1lrd to ,
5. L. F. Harza, 'The Significance of Pore Pressure in its Use in Solid Gravity Dams', 81h ICOLD I
Hydraulic Structures', Trans. A.S.C.E., '114, Congress, Edinburgh, 1964, Q.16, R.30. I
1949, pp. 193-289; Discussion by R. M. Riegel, (b) A/po GeM Dam, Rassegna Technica ENEL,
p.250. Torino, Nov.-Dec. 1964, No. 59. >::"_.
6. Proc. I.C.E., cxvm, 1899. 14. F. J. Carter, 'Monitoring of Concrete Gravity
7. L. A. B; WadI!, 'Dam Construction in New South Dams', Symposium on Moniloring of Dams, The
Wales (Australia)', Proc. I.C.E., CLXXVIII, Australian' Geomechanics Society, 11th Oct.,
1908-9, Part IV. 1972, I.E. Aust., Sydney, Australia.
8. W. Cain, 'Stresses In Masonry Dams', Trans. 15. T. B. Nicol, (a) 'Warragamba Dam', Proc. I.C.E.,
A.S.C.E., LXIV, Sept. 1909. . Paper No. 6721, 27, March 1964, pp.491-546;
9. O. C. Zienkiewlcz, 'The Stress Distribution in Discussion, 31, 1965, pp.361-383; (b)
Gravity Dams', Journ. I.C.E., London, Jan. 1947. 'Warr_gamb. Dam', Journ. I.E. AUSI., 36, 1964,
10. C. V. Davis and K. E. Sorensen, Handbook of pp. 239-262.
Applied Hydraulics, 3td edn., 1969, McGraw-Hili 16. O. C. Zienkiewicz and R. W. Gerstner, 'Founda­

tion Elasticity Effects in Gravity Dams', Paper 35. 1. Babusha and L. Mejzlik, 'Calculation and
6475, Proc. [.C.E., 19, June 1961, pp. 209-215. Measurement of Thermal Stresses in Gravity
17. I. E. Houk and ... K. B. Keener, 'Masonry Dams', 61h [COLD Congress, New York, 1958,2,
Dams-i\. Symposium. Basic Assumptions', Proc. Q.21, R.59.
AS.C.E., May 1940, p.813. 36. A. K. Chopra and P. Chakrabarti, 'The Earth­
18. K. Terzaghi, 'Simple Tests Determine quake Experierice at Koyna Dam and Stresses in
Hydrostatic Uplift', Engng. News Ree., June 1936,
p.872. .
Concrete Gravity Dams', Earthquake Engineering
and Structural DynamiCs, Vol. I, pp. 151-164,

19. S. Leliavsky, 'Pore versus Crack as Basis of Uplift Joim Wiley, New York, 1972.

31. S. S. Saini, J. Krishna and A. R: Chandrasekaran

Concept', Jrd [COLD Congress, Stockholm, 1948,
Q.8, R.l3; 'Experiments on Effective Uplift Area ci4
'Aseismic Strength of Kolkewadi Dam', loe.
in Gravity Dams', Trans. A.S.C.E., 112, 1947, pp. 225-240.
p.144. 38. 'Chavanon Dam" Le Genie Civil, 20th Feb. 1926,
20. L. F. Harza, 'The SignifiCance of Pore Pressures p. 178.
on Hydraulic Structures', Proc. A.S.C.E., Dec. 39. G. E. Pearce, 'Hiwassee Dam, Basic Design Con­
1941, p.1501. siderations', A.S.C.E. Civil Engng., June 1940,
21. D. McHenry, 'The Effect of Uplift Pressure on p. 340, and July 1940, pp.433--436. j.

the Shearing Strength of Concrete', Jrd [COLD 40. B. W. Steel, 'Height Limits of Dams without
Congress, Stockholm, 1948, 1, Q.8, RA8. Longitudinal Joints or Cracks', Proc. of Sym­
I,; 22. uplift in Masonry Dams, Final Report of the Sub­ posium on Mass Concrete, A.C.l. SP16; 14th and
committee on Uplift in Masonry Dams of the 15th March 1963, pp.65-7.6.
Committee on Masonry Dams, June 1952, 41. Hungry Horse Dam, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,
Separate 133, p. 10. Engng. Mono. No. 24. .
23. W. Weaver, 'Uplift Pressures on Dams', Journ. 42. Ca) 'Fontana Dam', A.S.C.E. Civil Engineering,
July 1943, p. 306; (b) 'Measurement of Structural
Math. Phys., June 1932.
Behaviour of Fontana Dam', Tennessee Valley
24. E. W. Lane, 'Flow Net and Electric Analogy', Authority Tech. Memo 69, 1953.
A.S.C.E. Civil Engineering, Oct. 1934, and L. F. 43. J. D. Van Buren, 'Notes on High Masonry Dams',
Harza, 'Uplift and Seepage under Dams on Sand', Trans. A.S.C.E., 34, Dee. 1895, The Discussion
L. : Trans. A.S.C.E., 100, 1935, p. 1352 quoted from Annales des Ponts et Chaussees,
25. Swiss National Committee on Large Dams, June 1895.
'Concrete and Earth Dams in Switzerland Today 44. A. Coyne, 'Perfectionnement aux barrages-poid.
(1964-1966)" Behaviour of Large Swiss Dams, par I'adjonction de tirants en aeier', Le Genie
Zurich, 1967. Civil, 97(8), 186, 1930.
26. F. A. Noetzli, 'Modern Types of Gravity Dam 45. M. Drouhin, 'Consolidation de barrage des
with Relation to Uplift', Eng. News Rec., 4th Dec. Cheurfas par tirants metaliques mis en tension',
1930, p. 884. Annales de; Pants 81 Chaussees, 105(8),253, 1935.
27. G. 1. Brooks and J. H. A. Bratz, 'Stresses and 46. J. A. Banks, 'AlIt-na-Lairige Dam', 51h [COLD
Reinforcement Steel around Circular Openings in
Concrete Dams', U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Tech.
Memo No. 457, May 1935.
Congress, Paris, 1955, 11, R.68, pp. 341-357, and
Proc. [.C.E., 6, March 1957.
47. C. Jaeger, 'Stresses around Anchorages at AlIt-na­
I 28. D. L. Houghton, 'Concrete Volume Change for Lairige Dam', 7th [COLD Congre;s, Rome, 1961,
Iii Dworshak Dam', Journ. Power Division, Paper 111, Q.)6, R.6, p. 173.
'I I
,'.,1 6825; Proc. A.S.C.E., No. PO.2, Oct. 1969,
48. H. H.Thomas, 'The Use of Prestressing in Dams
i in Tasmania', Engineering Foundation Research
I, 29. 'Komaki Dam', lSI [COLD Congress, Stockholm,

Conference, 1972, A.S.C.E,' Special Publication

,i ;. 1933, 11, p. 132.

Eeonomit ConslrueJion of Concrete Dams. '

30. 'Chavanon Dam', Le Genie Civil, 20th Feb. 1926,
p. 178. 49. G. T. Colebatch and J. K. Wilkins, 'Design of
31. 'Sarrans Dam', Engineering (London), 10th Nov., Catagunya Prestressed Dam', 7th [COW Con­
lst Dee., 15th Dec. 1933. gress, Rome 1961,3, Q.26, R.17, pp. 261-288.
32. 'Chambon Dam', The Engineer, 26th April, 29th 50. O. C. Zienkiewicz and R. W. Gerstner, 'Stress
May 1936; Eng. News Rec., 26th Dec. 1935. Analysis and Special Problems of Prestressed
33. J. C. M. Beja Neves, L. Moreira Lobo and J. M. Dams', Proc. A.S.C.E., 87, Jan. 1961.
Oliveira Nunes, 'Some Considerations Made on 51. C. V. Davis and K. E. Sorensen, Handbook of
the Studies Carried Out on.the Concrete ofThree Applied Hydraulics, 3rd edn., 1969, McGraw-Hill,
Dams(in Portugal', 8th [COLD Congress, Edin­ New York, Section 16--0.C. Zienkiewicz,
burgh\1964, Q.30, R.23, 111, p. 369. 'Prestressing in Dams'.
34. G. Gentile, 'Alpe Sera Dam', Engn. Foundation 52. P. B. Mitchell, 7th [COLD Congress, Rome, 1961,
Research Conference, 1970, A.S.C.E. Special 111, pp. 56-59. .
Publication, The Rapid Censtruction of Concrete 53. T. Varkhotov, 7th [COLD Congress, ROllle, 1961,
Dams. 111, pp. 90-93. .
(1' l:~.
:.:: ,


J. H. A. Bratz, 'The Stress Function and Photo pp. 47-64, and Warer Power, 12, No. 12, Dec.

Elasticity Applied to Dams', Trans. A.S. C.E., 101, 1960, pp.463--469.

1936, p. 1240. J. K. Wilkins, M. D. Fitzpatrick and R. Marshall,

J. H. A. Bratz, 'Pressures Due to Percolating Water 'Catagunya Prestressed Dam-Structural Model
and their Influence upon Stresses in Hydraulic of Anchorage', Journal I.E. Ausr., 34, 1962,
Structures', 2nd ICOLD Congress, 1936, 5, p. 43. pp.275-281.
K. B. Keener, 'Uplift Pressures in Concrete Dams',
Trans. A.S.C.E., 116, 1951, pp.1218-1264.
L. N. Jamieson and E. V. Ockenden, 'Post Ten- .
sioning-Hume Dam', I.E. Aust. Civil Engng.
, J

R. W. Carlson, 'Permeability, Pore Pressure and Tram., 4, 1962, pp. 1-10.

Uplift in Gravity Dams', Trans. A.S.C.E., 122, O. C. Zienkiewicz et a!., 'Comparison of Analytic.l '...:.CO.]
1957, p.587. and Experimental Results in the Design of a ;
R. Sabljak, S. Trsic and O. Dalkir, 'Le Systeme de Hollow Gravity Dam', 9th ICOLD Congress, Istan­
drainagedu Barrage-poids', 10th ICOLD Congress, bul, 1967, Comm. C.15, V, pp. 533-553.
Montreal, 1970, Communication C.12, V, E. W. Lane, 'Security from Underseepage', Tram.
A.S.C.E., 100, 1935.

pp. 633-651.
R. S. Sandhu, 'Shear and Normal Stresses in Straight
Prestressing Technique in Dam Building', South Concrete Dams', Civil Engng and Public Works
African Mining and Engineering Journal, 73, No. Rev., 57, No. 667, Feb. 1962, p.213.
3641, 16th Nov. 1962, pp. 1137-1138. B. Nath, 'Coupled Hydrodynamic Response of •
J. K. Wilkins and J. Fidler, 'CatagCnya Prestressed Gravity Dam', Proc. I.C.E., 48, Feb. 1971,
"nam', I.E. Aust. Civil Engineering Trans., 1, 1959, pp.245-258.

. .'

. t:

Arch Dams

n.t. History 1537, first raised in 1611 and on several oc­
casions over the next 3 centuries.'
Writing from the Antipodes, r am conscious of Probably the earliest arched dam in North
the risk of making statements regarding history America is at Jones Falls,> near Kingston,
of the 'old world'. However, in the course of my Canada. Built in 1832 and still operating, it is
research, some interesting information has come 19 m high, 6.5 m thick at the crest and 8.4 m '"
to my notice and I think that it is worth record­ thick at the base; it is curved to a radius of 54 m. t~':
ing, as some tribute to the pioneers in dam It is of special interest in that, on its upstream
\ ~
building. side, the masonry dam is backed up to its full
. 'I .It seems probable that the Romans applied the height by an earth embankment.
~~ I principle of the arch to dams, but what has been The Zola Dam' was the first arch dam in ;l
termed 'the first historically proven arch dam' France--built between 1843 and 1854; its max­ ;;,"
was built on the Turkish-Syrian border during imum height is 42.5 m and crest length 66 m. ,;
the reign of the By-~antine emperor Justiman The thickness of the dam at its base is 12.8 m
(A.D. 527-565). It was built for flood control and and at the crest 5.8 m. The radius of curvature is
water supply. I 48 m. The maximum compressive stress in this
The Almansa Dam, Spain, Fig. 11.01, is dam by the cylinder formula is 1.5 MPa.
described in some detail by Smith;' according to One of\the earliest arch dams in. which the
l ,--: the ICOLD World Register of Dams, this was combined action of arches and cantilevers was
i 1 probably built. in 1384 (but it could have been mentioned was Bear Valley Dam, U.S.A., Fig..
.I :
i ' J
1584). The Ponte Alto Dam> in Italy was another 11.02, built in 1884.' It is interesting to note that'· ...;
very early arch dam, probably commenced in when, in 1931, serious seepage occurred in the

Ii Outlel

,t.. channel !

U o SOm

Fig. 11.01 A1mansa Dam, Spain

!! ;1 283

i 'J


multiple-arch dam that had been built Fig. 11.03 Medrow Dam, Austraiia-1906
downstream from the original dam and the reser­
voir was lowered for repairs, the old dam was Fig. 11.04 Tamworth Dam, Australia-1898
pressed into emergency service. Fig. 11.05 Cootamundra Dam, Au.tralia-1898.
Upstream face--1973

blood-;:urdling sensation'. However, these dams

are still storing water and as regards the Medlow
Dam it is reported* that 'no cracks are visible on
the concrete surface, although there are deposits,
... there has never been any discernible leakage
E and no repair work was done between 1938 and
'" In many of these dams vertical cracks
appeared. The 19 m high Tamworth Dam, Fig.
11.04, was completed at the end of a summer,
freezing conditions occurred in the winter with
very little rain and it was reported: 'there was a
crack 10 mm wide running from "the top nearly
to"the bottom. Some of his (c. W. Darley, their
I, 6"7
originator) officers were alarmed and
--12.13 L­ recommended grouting, but he refused to have
Med low Dom 8eor Volley Dam grouting done and ordered the crack to be
AustroHo U,S. A.
covered so that nothing could get into it, believ­
Fig. 11.02 Early arch damll~ ing that as the water rose the crack would close.
When rain came he went to see the full reservoir,
Some time prior to 1898 an arch dam was and as he had expected, it was absolutely closed
built in South Africa" of height 37.6 m and crest with no indication of weeping. Later on it got
radius 84 m. The crest thickness was 2.13 m and tighter, all pores becoming closed'.
the base thickness 11.1 m. Four points are of further interest concerning
In 1899 Bachmann7 calculated deflections of these early thin arches:'
arches and cantilevers in an arched gravity dam.
In the same paper it is reported that Lieckfe1dt 1. A deflection of 18 mm was measured at the
showed that the proportion ofload carried by the Cootamundra Dam, Fig. 1 L05;
carch in such a dam was particularly small. 2. Pennycuick queried the shearing and sliding
In the years 1896-1900 nine thin arch dams factor of thin arch dams;
were built in Australia. s Another five were built 3. The interaction of arches and cantilevers was
in the following 6 years. These were designed by mentioned and Schyler expressed the opinion
the cylinder formula. The cross-section of one of that 'gravity and arch action must go hand in
these--Medlow Dam--Fig. 11.03, is compared hand';
with that of Bear Valley Dam in Fig. 11.02. It is 4. de Burgh favoured contraction joints in arch
to be noted that the upstream face of Medlow dams.
Dam is vertical, whereas the downstream face of The Upper Otay Dam, U.S.A., a thin
Bear Valley Dam is vertical for its upper 14 m. cylindrical arch dam, 25.6 m high, was com­
Due to the different radii the maximum pleted in 1901,'·9 Fig. 11.06. It was only 1.22 m
(cylinder) stress in Medlow Dam is 1.3 MPa com­ thick at the crest and 4.25 m thick at the hase.
pared with 5.3 MPa in Bear Valley Dam. 'I ts strength was increased by the lavish use of
In Discussion on the" Australian dams," Sir
Alexander Binnie commented that 'to look at the * Private communication from Council of the City of
cross-sections (without the plans) produced a Blue Mountains, dated 2nd March, 1973.

. --------n;lr



I 1
1.63 -t+,
2.10 -+-+­
, 1 o
I " I I I-
5 10m
3.35 1 I
3.66 I, Ii
4.27 I I

Fig. 11.06 Upper Otay Dam, U.S.A.-1901 (After M. Mary;

reproduced by permission Dunod, Paris)

iron wires at the base-the first example, it

would appear, 1 of a concrete dam being rein­
In 1900 Lake Cheeseman Dam was probably Radii to I,lps!reom
9.4 m and downstream faces
the first dam in U.S.A. to Ix: designed by a load varies with elevation,"
distribution method; it was completed in 1906. 10 appro•. 20.6 and 17.6 m.
Ithaca Dam, U.S.A., 11 was designed in 1904 for a
height of 28 m, but local opposition limited the
height to 10 m, Fig. 11.07. The distinct overhang
was supported on buttresses. 5.5m
The U.S. Reclamation Service (the predecessor
of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation) came into ex­
istence in 1902, and almost immediately com- Fig. 11.07 Ithaca Dam, U.S.A.

.\: iI
'. !
· ,

> fl
1 i-,l
.. ,


Fig. 11.08 Ridgeway Dam, Australia-1914-1918 From 1918 onwards many arch dams were

II meneed the design of an arch dam by a load­

built; Camarassa Dam in Spain 100 m high
curved to a radius of 140 m; Montsalvens Dam
in Switzerland of height 55 m and crest length
distribution method. n Due to similarity of sites 155 m. The Montejaque Dam in Spain" was
the design was applied to the 65 m high built 1923-25; it is a variable-radius arch of
I Pathfinder and the 100 m high Shoshone (now maximum height 83 m, crest length 81 m, crest
j Buffalo Bill) Dams (1903-1910). Wisner and thickness 1 m and base thickness 5.1 m. It is in­
. j
Wheeler" at this time showed a clear comprehen­ teresting that steel forms-for 1.2 m lift-were
sion of the structural behaviour of arch dams in used for the upstream face of this dam. In Brazil
their design by the 'arch and crown cantilever the de Pedra Dam was completed in 1926 to a
method'. height of 51 m with crest length 173 m.
The Roosevelt Dam, U.S.A. (1906-1911), was Interest in arch dams was SO great that the
investigated to determine the load on the can­ Stevensons Creek Dam was built in U.S.A.
tilevers, whilst the Halligan Dam 14 was similarly purely for investigation of the behaviour of,thin
analysed. This dam is of maximum height 28.6 m arches.'8 It was built 18.3 m high, for later rais­
with crest thickness 0.61 m, tapering to 8.2 m at ing to 31 m when it was expected that distress
depth '22 m; the radius to the upstream face is would appear. It was 2.28 m thick at the base,
100 m: These were followed by the 107 m high tapering to 0.61 m at a height of 9.2 m and
:1 Arrowrock Dam in 1910-1915 and many others. 0.61 m thick from there to the crest.
At this time (1913-14) theCorfino Dam, Italy, Grimsel Dam, Switzerland," was built in
I was designed by the cylinder formula. IS This dam 1928; it is of the constant-radius type 114 m high
is 37.5 m high, of crest thickness 1.5 m and base with radius to the upstream face 90 m. The crest
thickness 7 m. length of the arch between forked abutments is
In the years 1914-18 the Ridgeway Dam, 177 m. The upstream face slope is 1 in 10 and
Tasmania, Australia, Fig. 11.08, attracted atten­ the downstream face 1 in 2. The average stress
tion as a thin arch built between gravity by the cylinder formula was only 1 MPa,
abutments, and designed by the cylinder for­ although the design was by the trial load method.
mula. l6 Its maximum height is 61.3 m, crest The dam was designed with transverse joints
.f thickness 1.83 m, base thickness 173 m. The
length of the arch is 71 m and the radius to the
only, but due to cracking, longitudinal joints
were included resulting in columns about 15 m
upstream face 61 m, Fig. 11.09. The arch was square. Gaps 1 m wide were left at the contrac­
II 'reinforced' with 27 kg steel rails to form a mesh
at 1.8 m centres at each face. An extra four rails
tion joints and these were filled later and
ran the length of the dam below the coping. The early 1930s marked the general accep­




Fig. 11.09 Ridgeway Dam, Australia-Main dimensions c'.. "I;.
I: "
L ~

• I

'I i


[] I j
[1 i
l1 . !'
\ :

I !



,' '.1


tanee of the trial-load method of analysis. 19 •21 As T.W.L.417m

its name implies, it is a method of trial in dis­
tributing the load between the arches and can­
, tilevers until the deflections of common points
i are in agreement. At this time, small-scale model
tests for arch dams were initiated by the U.S.
Bureau of Reclamation and the Aluminum Com­ 90m
pany of America, the ~.N.E.C., Portugal,
I.S.M.E.S. of Italy, and others.
Up till this period many quite large dams had ~Props cos! 10 foce
been designed by the thin-;;ylinder formula with
average arch stresses from 2.5 to 3 MPa, i.e. the
119 m Diablo Dam, the 95 m Ariel, and the Bose
113 m Pacoima in U.S.A. The average stress in
Mareges Darn, France, was between 3 and 4 Fig. 11.11 Mareges Dam, France--Maxi­
MPa, whilst it was as high as 6 to 7 MPa in the mum section
Salamonde Dam, Portugal. This higher stress an alternative to the arch dam at Mareges-a
was accepted over the next 20 years in such dams series of thin arch dams," of progressively less
as the 83 m high Rossens Dam in Switzerland, height in a downstream direction, Fig. 1l.12(A).
the 180 m high Tignes Dam and the 61 m La
Palisse Dam in France. The outstanding thin
dam by Coyne was Le Gage wherein the average
cylinder stress was 10 MPa.
In 1937 Coyne discussed" the probable
behaviour of arch dams in wide valleys, with
special reference to the cofferdam, built in 1924,
for St. Etienne Candales Darn. The cofferdam (A) ( B)
had a height of 15 m and a crest length of95 m,
Fig. 11.12 Laminated dam-Proposed by
i.e. a ratio of over 6 with a very wide river bed. Mesnager (Al; Noetzli (B)
This exceeded by far the ratio of 3 to 4 for other
arch darns of that era. His idea was to fill the intervening spaces with
Coyne also proposed decreased fixity at the water so that the thin arches would be under
base of arch dams in order to minimize tension at approximately uniform load. Noetzlj23 suggested
the base of the cantilevers; this was directly op­ that the arches might be in contact, as a spring
!. posed to increased fixity that had been in­ leaf, an idea that has been again proposed by
troduced at the Jogne Dam in Switzerland and Komendant,z4 I do not know of such a dani hav­
11 the Diablo and Pacoima Dams in U.S.A. Coyne ing been built, although the original studies for
I designed the Mareges Dam (1925-1929), Fig. the 136 m high Sautet Dam in France included
11.10, the first cupola dam in France, of max­ two alternatives:
imum height 90 m and chord length 240 m, with
a maximum upstream overhang of 7 m. The A so called 'active arch' varying in thickness
largest monoliths were supported on concrete from 3.1 m at the crest to 17 m at the base, to
I' .'
props with a dry joint between the prop and the be built of co~ete containing 220 to 270 kg
J foundation, Fig. 11.11. Strain meters placed of cement per cubic metre, backed with a
.j:' . . '! across these joints failed to show any lifting when massive block of poorer concrete (180 kg of ce­
; ~
the dam came under load.·: ment per cubic metre) bracketed into the ca­
Around 1930 many novel types of arch darn nyon walls. The poorer concrete was to be
were suggested. Mesnager (1927) proposed-as deposited in layers 0.3 m thick and con­
solidated by vibration;"
A comparatively slender constant-angle arch dam
Fig. 11.1 0 Mareges Dam, France--ShQwing con­ followed downstream by a smaller arch to
crete props under central monoliths reduce the effective head on the upper dam. 26

"'-, ,< '~",rJ",,,( _ _ _ _....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

-.:....~- .


In fact a gravity dam was finally built at the site. dams approaching the ultimate degree of
Two dams by Coyne were made exceedingly slenderness, viz., Le Gage Dam, France, 1953
thin" so as to provide a full-scale check on the and Tolla Dam, Corsica, 1959, Fig. 11. 13(A). In
validity of theoretical analyses when applied to order to retain the latter dam in service, after
severe cracking had appeared in the haunches, a
Cresl lengthH '<i]""",,-.­ massive secondary structure was built against its
Crest length 143m downstream face between 1963 and 1965. Within
71m this mass of concrete an active arch can develop,
rodius to woler j

foce of crest supported by the rock abutments, Fig. 1 L 13(B).

The 168 m high Tignes Dam, France, was
35m 85m built on massive quartzite in a gorge of which
2A3m--! the width at top of water level is only twice the
85m max.thickness depth. It is a constant-radius (150 m) arch dam
radius to water
face Crock with vertical upstream face, Fig. 11.14, and was
completed in 1952.
Possibly the outstanding thin arch dam of re­
-1 "I 2.6m
cent times is Vaiont Dam, Italy (1946-50); of
LE GAGE Franc, lI953J TOLLA Corsica lI959 J
(strengthened loter)
maximum height 265.5 m its crest length is only
190.5 m, Fig. 11.15. It is founded on massive
Fig. 11.l3(A) Two of the thinnest dams built
dolomitic Jurassic limestones, Fig. 11.16. The
RN. 560 remarkable strength of the cupola dam was
560 demonstrated by the remarkable overtopping
described in Chapter 3.
In 1958 the Institution of Civil Engineers ap­
540 arch pointed a Research Committee to consider the
relative merits of different methods of analysing
522.70 arch dams,zs these included shell theory, finite
., .~.-.!.- differences, finite elements, dynamic relaxation
and models, whilst the Bureau of Reclamation
510 collaborated with full details of the Trial Load
Method of analysis.
In 1964 a symposium was held at the Univer­
490 sity of Southampton, England, and the thirty-six
papers were edited by J. R. Rydzewski and
published as Theory of Arch Dams by Pergamon
470 Press, Oxford, 1965.
j Several arch dams about 100 m in height have
been built in Europe siece 1970, whilst in 1974
the highest arch dam in Asia was completed."
This is the Idikki Dam in India, a thie double­
curvature parabolic concrete arch 165 m high,
7.6 m thick at the crest and 23 m thick at the
base. The Gordon Arch Dam, Australia, was
topped out in November 1974, of maximum
height 140 m, crest thickness 2.7 m and max­
imum thickness 16.3 m, Fig. 11.17.
An outstanding arch dam under construction
is 'Auburn Dam, U.S.A. Its maximum height will
be 207 m, whilst its crest length of 1066 m will
make it the longest arch dam in the world,
Fig. n.13(B) Tolla Dam, Corsica-Strengthening Fig. 11.18.


TWL 1790m 04

(a ) ( b )



0.1625 m ...J..=-.-:...,;;;.

... -,-.'.;..:0:t.._
I o 50m
/ To new Tignes village
Fig. 11.14 Tignes Dam, France--1946-1952
Right Left


\- .

' ..
010 30 50m ,,
_f ! ! 1, ! 1 t /
.,0 I Plug
J; ( .1

Cross~sect!on longitudinal section
(Downstream view)

Fig. 11.15 Vaiont Dam, ltaly-1946-1950

294 ''1
., "

Under the auspices of the International Com­ That water load on the reservoir walls does not
mission on Large Dams a symposium has been cause differential movements at the damsite;
arranged for, 1975 on the subject 'Design Criteria That foundation deformations are independent
Assumptions for Dams, using Modern Methods of the shape of the foundation;
of Design' and this should summarize design That tensions are relieved by cracking so that all
methods to this date. loads are carried by compression and shear in
the uncracked portions;
That the dam acts as a monolith, i.e. that con­
11.2 Design Concepts and Criteria
traction joints or slots have been tightly
The earliest concept for the arch dam was that grouted and that all shrinkage of the concrete
the load would be carried to the abutments by has taken place before this.
horizontal arches; so long as a conservative value
Since none of these is strictly true, the effect of
was adopted for the permissible compressive
such assumptions should be understood before
stress in the thin cylinder formula then the dam
one accepts the design of a large dam. In par­
would be safe. This stress has been increased
ticular, designers should be aware of the shape of
from 1 MPa to 7 MPa since 1900. In a few cases
the stress-strain curve after the elastic range is
it was as high as 10 MPa,
passed; if increasing strain is associated with
Although the distribution of load between the
decreasing stress, then catastrophe would be im­
arches and cantilevers was suggested at least 70
minent; it is wise, therefore, to be far enough
years ago, the method of distribution appears to
within the elastic range to feel confident of an
have been developed by Stucky in Switzerland30
adequate factor of safety. Where deflections (or
and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation at about the
deformations) are small, and care has been e!<er­
same time (1922). With realization that the
cised both in treatment of foundations and in
problem was three-dimensional came various
construction procedures, the assumptions are
methods of distributing the load-the arithmetic
sufficiently accurate to be accepted for arch dams
process being iteration until the deflection of
of average heights. Each should, however,
conjugate points on arches and cantilevers were
receive consideration by the Engineer in its
in agreement. The introduction of the digital
relevance to the particular dam.
computer has changed a method of analysis into
Turning then to the design, we have certain
one of design; it has also made possible fmite ele­
parameters that will control decisions. Apart
ment methods of analysis of dome structures
from the actual geometry of the shell, these in­
with varying degrees of ftxity.
Lest we should become over-confident in the
results of mathematical analyses, the assump­ The loads on the dam, i.e. anything that may

tions that an; usually made deserve close con­ affect the state of stress in the structure;

sideration, viz., The degree of ftxity to foundation and

The concrete in the dam and the rock foun­
The properties of the component materials of the
. ,dations are homogeneous and isotropic;
dam and the foundations.
Stresses are within the elastic limit for both con­
crete and the rock formations, and that stress Because none of these can be allotted a defmite
will be proportional to strain; value, it is obligatory upon the Engineer to un­
That plane sections hefore bending remain plane derstand the effects of any simplifYing assump­
after bending; tions that are necessarily introduced.
That direct stresses vary linearly between the
upstream and downstream faces, in both arch
and cantilever elements; Fig. 11.16 Vaiont Dam, Italy
That the modulus of elasticity of concrete and Fig. 11.17 Gordon Dam, Australia-Haulageway
the modulus of deformation of the foundation for access to galleries and valley floor
are the same in tension as in compression; Fig. 11.18 Auburn Darnsite, U.S.A-Artist', im­
That temperature stresses and strains are propor­ pression of completed dam (By courtesy of U.S.
tional to temperature changes; Bureau of Reclamation)




, ,
" I ,~
.• .1


298 r-j'
I •
,i j.
The loads that may apply to an arch dam are curacy of calculations that are based on premises i
similar to those for other dams, i.e. that cannot be defined accurately.
Dead load, including construction loads; Although the ICOLD definition includes as ~ '. 'Ii
Water, ice and silt loads; arch dams all curved dams where the base
Uplift in foundations and maybe in the dam; thickness is less than 0.6 times the height, more
Shrinkage of concrete; specific definitions might be:
Temperature rise and fall-due to internal and
Thin arch-thickness less than 0.2 h
external causes;

Medium arch-thickness 0.2 h to 0.3 h JI

Effects of grouting contraction joints.

Thick arch-thickness greater than 0.3 h
Arch-gravity-thickness exceeds 0.5 h.
The effects of these, especially in a thin arch
dam, can be significantly different from those on It does not appear necessary to provide face. I
massive dams. This applies particularly to reinforcement in arch-gravity or thick arch
temperature effects, whether they be internal,
related to the quantity of cement and to con­
dams. On the other hand, I favour its use in thin
dams; each case must be examined but nominal
II 1
struction procedures, or external, due to daily or reinforcement might comprise:
seasonal conditions.
It is assumed that the structure will be
Extrados vertical steel-25 mm bars at
300 nun Ji
monolithic, i.e. that all shrinkage will have
.:taken place before the contraction joints are
. grouted-but, at the same time, that the process
Intrados vertical steel-19 mm bars at
300 nun
Extrados horizontal steel-19 mm bars at
of such grouting has not introduced prestressing 500 mm spacing
into the arches. In a double-curvature dam, with
pronounced overhang, the mass of concrete will
Intrados vertical steel-19 mm bars at
500 mm ~
induce stresses during the building operation and
these should be examined carefully for both their Since the provision of such steel in a 90 metre
temporary and permanent effects. high dam might cost a third of a million dollars,
Whether steel reinforcement should be used it could mitigate against the adoption of a thin
near the faces of arch dams is a contentious sub­arch. For the medium arch the decision might
ject. Steel, as reinforcement in place, is expensive
well depend upon the magnitude and location of
whilst the installation, say 150 mm from each tensions indicated by analysis or model tests, as
face, will reduce the working width by at least
300 mm, and interfere with uniform consolida­
well as external factors such as rapidity of
temperature drop or seismic activity in the
tion of the concrete. The first is always relevant,
region. The Art in such cases must be guided but
1\ J
whilst the second can be serious on a thin dam. not ruled by the Science. ~l
One must ask why reinforcement is necessary, Uplift is not usually of importance in thin arch ?1t
and what risk would be involved in its omission? dams, but in thick dams provision is often made
Cracking in the faces of an arch dam may result
for internal drainage, as for gravity dams. If the
design assumes that the concrete will crack if ten­
sions exceed say 0.4 MPa, then it is consistent to


Excessive tensile stress due dam geometry; assume that full hydrostatic pressure can act in
Secondary tension resulting from high com­ such cracks. In fact, care must be exercised in the ;
pressive forces in thin members; location of a gallery; if too close to the upstream
Secondary tensile stresses at the arch haunches face cracking may result from high stress con­
and parallel to the abutments; centrations, and this could lead to serious leakage
'Hang up' of concrete adjacent to a near vertical into the gallery.

abutment; I t must be the aim of designers to eliminate

Temperature effects--either due to hydration of tensile stresses in the dam, i.e. the arch thrusts
the cement or climatic conditions. should approximate to the arch centre line and
dead weight should counter cantilever tensions.

With these must be considered the overall inac­ This is not always possible since an irregular II



cross-section can generate local stress con­ together downstream a dangerous situation
centrations, and necessary. excavation of might develop" especially when related to tile
abutments beyond the design limits will alter the dipping resultant thrust. The presence of seams
geometry of the dam, and possibly affect. the or joints could further' en~l!g~r such' an
assumed degree of fixity.,/ ...
abutment, but waviness in the joints (in sound
I' Although the components of the concrete are rock strata) ~ay' improve their frictional
known, the properties of the concrete are not resistance and should be examined. '
necessarily finite or uniform, Le. concrete in the 1t is fairly common practice t~ specify that the
bottom of the dam will be older and have a abutmeni:-'snall be excavated to provide a radial
different strength and modulus of elasticity from surface of contact with the arch-''-the line AB,
that in the upper parts when the dam comes Fig. 11.20. More correctly the surface should be
under load, and the increase in modulus with age normal to the resultant thrust, the line AC-but
is not always proportional to the increase ,in this would be unduly conservative. Provided that
strength. there is no posSIbility of sliding along the contact
The rock formations are rarely in accordance surface, then a non-radial abutment, towards the
with pf.edictions; the effects of long-term loading position AD, will reduce rock excavation and
and of saturation, as well as the magnitude of in­ concrete volume and usually result in lower
ternal rock stresses, may quite seriously affect stresses or thinner arches for the same ,intrados
the stress distribution within the dam. arc.31 Each case must be analysed having due
A particularly important design criterion is the regard to the type and quality of the rock
angle which the resultant of arch stresses makes abutment. If the angle between the line of thrust
with the surface of sound rock in the abutments. and the normal to the rock face is too great, then
In some cases this fS'-specified as the minimum high shear stresses will be generated in an area
angle, 0:, between the tangent to the arch centre close to tlj.e-rock surface where there is little con­
line at the abutment and the surface of sound fining pressure to ensure adequate shearing
rock. Values qll.9.~~ are usually about 30°, but resistance. The stability of the abutment must
some authoritil:;s differentiate between elevations therefore be checked at zones of calculated high
in the darn, i.e. a minimum angle approaching stress and ,at zones of potential weakness.

) I
40° is required near the crest of the darn. More
correctly, the specified angle should be related r
to the direction of thrust-the angle p,
j \
,I Fig. 1l.19(A). The rock contours must be in­
,I vestigated thoroughly, since it is. not uncommon

for an arch darn to abut a spur of rock,

Fig.ll.l9(B). Should 7oC'k contours corne


,, '

I f
Fig, 11.20 Non-radial aburment-The
line AD

j Stress Criteria. The allowable stresses in arch
" dams do not vary greatly between. countries and
would approximate to values in Table 11.01.
(A) ( B) In a few darns t/le maximum principal stress
has exceeded 8 MPa-but at this date this would
Fig. 11.19 Arch abutmerirs--Indination of arch be the exception rather than the rule.
thrust to sound rock contours Fixing the ratio of the principal stress (tension)


I ,i
.. )

300 . , '1

Table 11.01. Arch Dams-Stress Criteria at the upstream face to that (compression) at the
Stress Allowable value downstream face is not universally adopted, but
is one method of minimizing the depth of
1. Maximum compression based propagation of a crack that may occur at the
on strength of concrete'
-Normal loads . upstream Tace.
0.20 to 0.25 f"
-Abnormal loads 0.30 £" Many authorities accept vertical tension at the
upstream face as high as 700 kPa without analys­
2. Arch stresses
Compression ing secondary (cracked) cantilevers when the cor­
Without temperature loads 6MPa responding compression at the downstream face
. With temperature loads 1MPa does not exceed 3500 kPA. Horizontal tension at
Tension the upstream face may be as high as one-third
Without temperature loads 100kPa of the corresponding compression at the
With temperature loads 1000kPa
downstream face without considering secondary
3. Cantilever stresses arches-so long as the sum of the tension and
Compression compression numbers does not exceed 4200 kPa.
Without temperature loads 6MPa
With temperature loads 1MPa In order to improve tb.e stress distribution the

Tension-Up,tream faa! shape of the dam may be modified-an increase f1

.. "j ": ..
Max. water level without· in thickness towards the abutments or the in­ "---,.I

temp. 100kPa troduction o(fil!ets_ between concrete and rock.

Max. water level with For the latter to be· effective both the topography

temp. 1000 kPa

Reservoir empty without and geology must be very definitely defmed.

temp. 100kPa To counter by dead weight thevenical tension

in cantilevers due to water load, dams are shaped
Reservoir empty with
temp. 1000 kPa to give both upstream and downstream !
j ,
Tension-Downstream face overhangs; this has the effect of decreasing the
Max. water level without
temp. 100 kPa -·base thickness and rotational stiffness. Although
Max. water level with the Mareges Dam did not lift off its pads, there is
temp. 100 kPa a present-day tendency to incorporate a horizon­
Reservoir empty without tal joint at the- base ~f a larg~ -;rch dam. This
temp. 100kPa would tem:!i_nJl-.!~ at a gallery and would be sealed
Reservoir empty with
temp. 1000 kPa near the upstream edge by one or more metal
seals, Fig. 11.21.
Principal stress under maximum
conditions--<:ompression 8MPa
Rati" ofprincipal upstream tension
to principal downstream com­
pression 0.35
Sliding on foundation-tangent of
the true angle between the
resultant force and the normal Shall not exceed
to the surface 0.75
Shear-friction factor within
-Assuming a value for
cohension Not less than 5
-Adopting measured values Fig. 11.21 Dry joint at base of arch dam
for cohesion and angle of
shear Not less than 4
......~------------ The provision of a pad or pulvino under the

dam, Fig. ff:22, will spread the load from the

* The strengrh of concrete this purpoSe is usually thestress dam on to a poor foundation. Such a pulvino can

'at failure of 150 x 300 mm cylinders at the age of 91 -days. the be constructed well in advance of the dam-so

concrete having been taken from the mixer, or after placement on

the dam-and with aU aggregate exceeding 37 rom wet~reened simplifying the programming of the dam proper,

from the mix. Fig. 17.07,_ Often the joint between the dam and


less than 3, then an arch deserves first con­

sideration. An exceptional site is Vaiont, Italy,
-j Downstream where the crest length of the dam is 190.5 m and.
Arch . face
the height 265.5 m, i.e. a ratio of 0.7. .'
Mrantinje Dam, Yugoslavia, has a ratio of 1.2
and Gordon Dam, Australia, 1.4, whereas Glen
Pulvino: Canyon, U.S.A., Mia, Italy, and Santa Eulalia,
Spain, have the ratio about ,2. ,Mareges Dam;
France, and Tumut Pond Dam, Australia, Fig.
Fig. 11.22 Simple perimetral joint
11.24, have the ratio 2.5. A review of most of the
world's arch dams e~ceeding 60 m in height
shows the commonest ·value for this ratio to be
about 2.5, Fig. 11.25. Naturally this ratio is only
filler block
an index; the actual decision· must . depend
upon the geology. The-Warr-agamba Gorge,
Australia,Jl has a ratio of width to depth of 2.5
for the selected full supply level. Like the Glen
Canyon the basic rock is sandstone-but the
characteristics of the rock formations are v~I
, different. At Warragamba the deformation
I ~.",-,-
jOlilt •
IOmm d,a. modulus varied from 1800 to 3400 MPa, the
compounds lower values applying below river bed. Assuming
,1 that strains might increase by 50 per cent under
~ ")
- Coppe, ,.e.,s
IOmm thick
sustained load it appeared that the' effective
modulus might be as low as 1200 MPa; this was
!'I considered inadequate to support a 100 m high
arch dam and a straight gravity dam was built;
II Fig. 11.23 Lumiei Dam-Details of the peri­
metral joint Fig. 10.35.
The 111 m high Ikehara Dam, Japan, Fig.
I, the pulvino is grouted so that freedom to rotate is 11.26, is an example of an arch dam with the
• restricted. On the other hand, a 'hinge' bas crest length to height ratio of 4.2. The cross­
! sometimes been built into the pulvino in an section of the gorge is almost symmetrical-a
j I:}.1deaY.Q!!.r to reduce base fixing moments to wide U~haped valley, Fig. 11.27. The bedrock is
zero, Fig. 11.23. very hard mesozoic sandstone. Non~ymmetrical
curvature with four centres was adopted to
reduce the volume of excavation at the right
11.3 Valley Shape
abutment, Fig. 11.28. The dam was analysed for
The influence of the valley shape in the selec­ 'cracked' conditions in the cantilevers and
tion of the type of dam was discussed in Chapter designs were checked with both statically and
5.62. That was, of course, a first approach based dynamically loaded models.
primarily on general topography. The second The Kariba Dam, Rhodesia, of maximum
step can only be taken when contours are height 125 m has a crest length of 615 m or a
available of rock considered to be adequate to ratio 4.9. This dam is of the constant-radius type
sustain the thrusts from an arch dam-accepting with a central angle of 128 0 38', Fig. 11.29; the
that 'dental' or other local treatment will quantity of concrete was only 60 per cent of that
probably be necessary, Chapter 17. The decision required for a gravity dam.
to build an arch dam can therefore only be made The 42 m high Repulse Dam, Australia, has
when the geology of the site is known and under- the same ratio, 4.9. It is an overflow dam­
stood. flanked on the right. side by an earth' embank-
If the sound rock cop,tours provide a V-shaped--ment and meeting a forked abutment on the left
profile and the ratio of crest length to height is bank, Fig. 11.30. , .....


J1 !!
302 ,
;1"1 i

,,/ The Auburn Dam, u.s.A., now under con­ Fig. 11.24 Tumut Pond Dam, Australia-Height "...;
struction will have this ratio slightly greater than 86 m; Crest length 218 m (By courtesy of S.M.H.E.A.) " 1
-. i :
5, Fig. 11.18.
Fig. 11.25 Arch dams-The ratio crest length to
The Pieve di Cadore Dam, Italy,)) of height height for dams exceeding 60 m '-"1,
34 m, has a ratio in excess of 5; it is of particular
interest in that the arch was built on a pulvino to Fig. 11.26 1kehara Dam, Japan . :.:
ensure arch action in such a long dam. Bangala
Dam" built in 1961, of height 45 m, has a ratio Fig. 11.27 Ikehara Dam, Japan-Wide V-shaped T"1 !
valley ,
of crest length to height of 6.7.
Perhaps the outstanding arch dam in a wide Fig. 11.28 Ikehara Dam, Japan-Ratio of crest
valley is the H~Il.driIi'\rerwoerd Dam in South
Africa, Fig. 16.13(E), of height 90 m and com­
length to height = 4.2 (From Dams in Japan, 1970) (1
Fig, 11.29 Kariba Dam, Rhodesia-Ratio of crest
pleted in 1963; this dam has a ratio of 11. It is of length to height = 4,9 1;-"'"
interest that the circular arch cofferdam at this :~
site had an extreme value of 16 for this ratio. Fig, 11.30 Repulse Dam, Australia-Ratio of crest (j
Advances in the application of arch dams to length to height = 4.9
wide valleys has been prudent-the ratio of crest
length to height increasiliii'"from 5 to 11 over a
period of 40 years. The effect of valley shape on
Fig, 11.31 Valley profiles and dam cross-sections

dam profile is well illustrated by two dams i1I

designed by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, earthquake furces here cause stronger reac­ iJ
presumaQly to the same design criteria/' Fig. tions;
11.31. The Hungry Horse site is a wide V-shaped The rock overburden is less-providing less nor­ "j
valley with a shape factor of 4.6 (Chapter 5.6), '1
mal loading on possible sliding planes; " J
w~~!eas< the Yellowtail site is more U-shaped
The direction of the resultant forces from the :-
with relatively steep sides and a shape factor of dam often meet the abutments at less
3.5. ,­ ,I
favourable angles. <~J

Due to the downward inclination of the resul­

tant forces, the safety in the abutments of double
:, 1,
11.4 Abutments-Stability and

curvature dams is higher than that of cylindrical LJ
dams.36 However, the actual direction in which
the resultant will act is of vital importance, [1
11.41 Stability (j
remembering that it will be Inclined both
It is essential for the Engineer to have a clear downstream and downwards from the tangent to
understanding of the three-dimensional nature of the arch centre line.
At one site it was necessary to place backfill
forces acting within and upon the abutment and
of the geological formations that will resist such concrete which extended into the arch abutment.
forces. The state of stress in and adjacent to this backfill
In the rock body the following are involved: was determined by a finite element analysis, Fig.
11.32. The effect of eccentricity is marked in the
The weight of the rock;
resulting distribution of compressive stresses,
Forces having their origins within the rock
whilst the ~.t.ent of tensile stresses upstream
mas&--either static tectonic stresses or
from the dam is important relative to possible
dynamic stresses due to seismic action;
cracking of the abutment and.entry, of reservoir
Hydrostatic thrusts and buoyancy after filling of
water. This is a factor rarely disclosed in
the reservoir;
literature but one to be considered'in de;;igmug
Forces transmitted from the dam.
the layout of the grout .curtl!in and drainage
Minimum safety is usually found in the upper system.
part of double curvature dams because: For Gordon Dam, Australia, fmite element
analyses were made of the stress distribution in n
The upper zones of the valley are less tight, and the dam and abutments. This was used as a guide 'I
E 25
<I> 20
J '"E

J 0
<I> 10

'J U

00 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ratio _ crest length
1 1l'.25

. ;


9,500m 3 /s

11.29 I



"" '·,'1

// ~l.,
~/ 'J
--. Hungry Horse


11.31 Yellowtail Hungry Horse





Arch fhrus1
Dipping 22°

Principol slresses
Tension shown ~.1-, ---..,

Compression shown "'- - - -..

Fig. 11.32 Backfill at abutment-Finite element analysis of stress


\ :
Rock plug in occess ad it n01 10 be
excav«ted lIntii required for
tunnel plLlg construction
Adit 6

... :


c:= New drain lJdits

r---- Exisling lnvesHgolion edirs i,
~:E( Graul 'ChamMrs:
It-~~,- Backfill concrete

Fig. 11.33 Gordon Dam-Arrangement of drainage adits, investigation aruts and access tunnels

.·_~··'t""~_ _ _ _ _ W'_ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



for the location of the drainage system that in~

corporales a comprehensive screen of 75 mm
'holes drilled from and between a system of 3.1 by
dam, Fig. 11.35. Design criteria will normally
limit the maximum inclination for the resultant
from the normal to the rock contact surface.
:; 1
2.1 m drainage adits, Fig. 11.33. However, one must be prepared for unforeseen
Lande" has pointed out conditions arising due to misinterpretafiono(
geological evidence.
'that the in situ permeability of a rock mass (that in­
cludes discontinuities) can be drastically altered by
the load applied at the surface, such as the thrust of
an arch dam. The practical consequence is a new
At one site it was known that a 150 mm wide,
partly open joint existed behind a large mass of
rock about 50 m high just downstream of the
~: _ I

approach for the design of grouting and drainage spillway apron"and approximately parallel to the
curtains in finely fissured rocks' (Fig. 11.34). river. Excavation of the river bed revealed an ex­
tensive overhang of the c1iffs~Thi;;;;as baCkfilled
with concrete-post-tensioned into sound rock
of the 'iIlside. ~

Vertical section Horlzonfol se<:'ton n

I Graul curtain 4 Arch dom , U
2 Drainage curlain 5 Zone made wolerlight by
dam !htll$j
3 Seepage flow farces

Fig. 11.34 Typical arrangement of grout and []

drainage curtains in rock abutments (As pro­
posed by Londe")

It has also become evident that frequent varia­

tion of loading on a fissured foundation-by I OAse Tefrahedron limited by planes PI' P2' P3

2 W Weight

rapid emptying and filling of the reservoir-may

3 Q Thrust of Dam

lead to a continuing increase in l?ermeability. 4 U!' UZ'U 3 Woler farces

Continuous monitoring is essential under such

conditions. Fig. 11.35 Three-<limensional analysis of

stability of arch abutment

Percolation of water under pressure may affect

the strengthof a rock abutment:
Later excavation of the right abutment at mid­
Saturation frequently decreases the strength of height of the dam revealed a vertical clay-filled
rocks, probably due to infiltration of joint about 1. 7 m inside the line of the intrados.
'.' microcracks; .., This joint had been identified on the surrace;-~i: 'Cl
Natural rock stresses will be· modified by the was assumed to follow a safe direction into the i..'Ij
water pressure, and hillside. Fortunately test openings were driven
Shearing resistance may be decreased. and these revealed thllt the joint turned in a
downstream direction to be almost parallel with

Although the subject of water movement in

the valley and only a short distance under the : I
micro- and macrocracks is not fuUy understood,
it is now considered a factor that favours the
provision of drainage of the abutments"'of arch Fig. 11.36 Abutment-Devils Gate Dam
, '

dams. The presence of water under pressure Fig. 11.37 Devils Gate Dam-Treatment of joint
within the abutments, when combined with !
loading from the dam, may lead to their in­ Figs. lL38(A) and eB) Hegset Dam, Norway. (A) ;J
stability." Particularly in jointed or bedded General arrangement; eB) Photograph (By courtesy
of T. Moxness) ,,
abutments IDetic.ll~ studies should be made of
wedges of potential failure downstream from the Fig. 11.39 Tori Dam, Japan-Massive left abutment


Plan view


ltA I




R "
;/­ Overhang
",I, \ ~-,

" .
J ,
\ .._-----",





, '.

•• ~



t -~_'

surface; it was probably a continuation of the has an imponant geological significance. In all
open joint at the lower levels. Two adits were stages of investigation and design every effort
driven at different levels to intersect and follow should be directed towards understanding why
the joint to the abutment, Fig. 11.36. The cenain values of deformation modulus are ob­
upstream ends of these adits and the ~P9~re, of tained-the effects of micro- and macrocracks, .[1j ,
the joint in the excavation were plugged with of joints and of the infilling in all discontinuities.
concrete to permit concreting of the dam to The deformation medulus of a rock mass will
proceed. The adits were left open to drain the usually increase with vertical depth, particularly 11·'
joint and the abutment. The spillway apron was in a gorge where relief cracks parallel the river.
then constructed over the abutment slope These are usually -open at the surface, probably
downstream from the dam. Instead of providing fIlled with detritus of erosion, but are closed at
normal anchorage to withstand impact from the depth. However, -'in a horizontal direction in
nappe, prestressing cables were passed through abutments the extent of relief cracking will de­
the apron and homed in massive rock beyond the pend upon the age and depth of the gorge and
joint. After the cables were stressed the joint was the nature of the rock. In many cases there will
grouted. For a small irl~!emental cost con­ be minimal improvement in modulus with dis­
siderable additional ~urity was obtained, Figs. tance excavated horizontally. It is therefore es­
11.37 and 8.37. sential to determine the modulus of deformation
When the line of thrust would meet the abut­
in the direction of the forces that will be applied .
ment at an unfavourable angle it is common by the dam.
practice to provide a .forked abutment, Fig. The deformation of the foundation and
11.30. A wing wall is constrilcted from the arch abutments will affect both the magnitude and
to the valley wall to !,lieve the abutment block of
water load. The resultant arch thrust is then
tangential to the arch centre line and can be
distribution of stresses within the dam.
Variability of the foundation may accentu~t~ the
non-linear stress distribution and may-cause high
carried down into the abutment through a
local stresses that could exceed the strength of
gravity thrust block. If necessary this block can
the concrete. It is therefore essential to under­
be prestressed into massive rock. The grout cur,
stand the site geology-preferably to a depth
tain is turned to follow the line of the wing wall' comparable with the height of the dam.
into the hillside.
Geophysical methods are most useful in assess­
At Hegset Dam, Norway-a very economical
ing variability within a rock mass. At Niedzica
arch 52 m high was made possible by the con­
Dam, Poland,3s such methods were used to
struction of an exposed thrust block-with a
produce a contour map Qf foundation moduli.
curved gravity wing wall built to accommodate
the gated spillway, Fig. 11.38. - . . .. Many low values of modulus coincided with
The 101 m high Tori Dam, Japan, is in a steep known boundaries of rock strata and decompQsed
zones. It was therefore possible to seleCtfrOm the
V-shaped valley (Ilk = 2.2) of hard andesite.
contour map all areas that warranted detailed in­
However, the upper part of the .Ieft abutment
vestigation and treatment. Based upon the
flattens out and geologically the bedrock is
measured values of modulus, finite element
sliglitly weathered creating a problem in the
analyses were carried out to assess the stresses in­
acceptance of arch thrust. It was decided to con-
I duced in the darn by the variability of foundation
struct a large thrust block to reduce stresses on
the rock and at the same time to make the dam
As mentioned in Chapter 19, model studies
symmetrical, Fig. 11.39. Concrete paving was
used to protect the abutments durIilgspITlway
discharge. .
were made of the effect of a very weak zone
under Repulse Dam. A portion of the left abut­
ment around mid-height was progressively
removed and stresses were measured on the
! .
model-for water loading only. The changes in
11,42 Deformability
stress pattern were examined for the removal of
The important thing to remember is that the 13.4 and 26.8 m of the foundation. The most
modulus is not simply a mathematical figure. It noticeable effect occurred immediately over the

"'-.-------..--.. -"-2:71::'l:2'-"-'-% _-,:teK t 7''':
= &"}$ Y ?Xu....



foundation defect. In the 26.8 m case a biaxial increased. This latter is in agreement with
compression0ff.7 MPa and 0.5 MPa changed to Swaminathan,l9 who stated 'large stress increases
uniaxial tension of 3.3 MPa; there was also an in­ at the c!o,.yu near the crest when yielding oc­
crease in biaxial tension normal to the major arch curred in the foundation near the quarter point'.
axis. There was comparatively little change in
stresses for the removal of 13.4 m of the foun­ 11.5 Shell Geometry
dation. The thickness of the dam at this level is
The simplest form of arch dam is that with a
about 5.5 m. Rocha has suggested that a dam
vertical cylindrical upstream face and a uni­
could span one-and-a-half times its thickness--or
formly inclined downstream face, i.e. the
8.2 m in this case.
constant-radius arch, Figs. '11.40 and 11.53.
I If the ratio of E. (modulus of elasticity of con­
Although this type of dam was 'the most common
i crete) to Er (modulus of deformation of the foun­
in earlier days it lost favour when it was shown
dation) is constant at less than 2 and only varies
that considerable savings in concrete resulted by
slowly along a foundation, it will have little in­
changing the geometry. However, for' wide
fluence on the stresses. If the ratio exceeds 10
valleys this type of dam is still competitive and it
then conditions could be dangerous for an arch
appeals to construction personnel by virtue of its
I dam and alternative designs should be con­
simplicity, especially the possible use of slip for­
I sidered. Between these values detailed studies
should be made--mathematically or by models
Two other shapes gradually evolved, the cons­
(see Chapter 19). Studies at Kariba Dam showed
tant angle-arch,'o Fig. 11.41, and the variable­
a considerable change in tensile stresses in the
radius arch, Fig. 11.42. However, each of these
dam when the assumed ratio of E. to Er was
can produce dams of complicated shape. For ex­
changed from 1 to 4, i.e. the indicated tensile
ample, Letaj Darn in Yugoslavia, Fig. 11.43, is
stress decreased from 4.5 to 0.6 MPa. This tends
35m high with a crest length of 78 m. It was',
to agree with work done on a long arch dam in
designed as a constant-angle arch dam. Its base
, i
Australia which indicated that when the, ratio ex­
ceeded 3 there was a decrease in tensile stresses
near the foundation ~trado~. However, tensile
thickness is 4.5 m and crest thickness 1.5 m. I'i
'Its middle portion is strongly inclined downstream
stresses along the intrados near the crown were for better adaptation to the abutments and with I,


-------- --_

- 1-­ --­
--­ ------ ---­

Sec1ion on £.

Fig. 11.,40 The, constant-radius arch dam

'11 nnT S FER


Seclion 3-4

Fig. 11.41 The constant-angle arch dam


Section on £.
Fig. 11.42 The variable-radius arch dam

.considerable ~avings in concrete. The foundation i. a

model studies so that the mode of failure can be
'.' calcareous rock of high strength and compactness.
understood. Although there may appear to be.
The six bays of the overran spillway can pass
175 m'Is.'4! ample factor of safety against final collapse it is
possible that initial fracture may occur at much
Dams of extreme overhang such as thir-and lower loads. The prototype dam may also be sub­
Moogerah Dam, Fig. 4.08-should be subject to· jected to sudden temperature changes that could :.II·
~J, "


centre line

1. Oem
2. Spillwcy
3. Gctehouse
4. Grout curtoin


Fig. 11.43 Letaj Dam, Yugoslavia

induce cracking, so that it may not then behave early example of this principle was the 76 m high
in strict accordance with the model. Water Coolidge Dam-completed as a multiple-dome
pressure in such cracks could produce secondary dam in U.S.A. in 1928.
effects not reflected in the model tests, with con­ Initial determination of shell geometry
sequent reduction in the factor of safety. depends upon experience since the present
The double curvature--or cupola-type of mathematical approach is one of analysis rather
dam is of more complex shape; vertical curvature than design. It is usual to study other successful
being introduced so that the weight of the dam dams at somewhat similar sites, modifying their
will offset vertical tensions water load. An shapes to suit local requirements. Rubber

II .....


membrane models are also used. These are made The design of the double-curvature. dam
to conform to the valley shape and are then presupposes that the final dam will act as a
loaded. The rubber will assume a shape such that monolith; for this reason the contraction joints
all parts are in tension. Considering the inverse should be grouted. This is not always simple,
of this-if such a shape were loaded on the firstly the concrete must be cooled to provide a
reverse shape the membrane should be wholly in gap of about 0.7 mm for successful grouting and
compression-is the goal of all dam designers. It secondly the weight of concrete will tend to close
is not, of course, as simple as this since the the joints in the upper regions of the dam, par­
membrane does not account for weight or ticularly away from the abutments.
temperature stresses. It can, however, be a good On SOme recent dams, therefore, a spacing of
starting shape for an assymetrical dam. Horizon­ about 15 m between contraction joints has been
tal arches are not restricted to single-centred maintained from the base up to 30 or 40 per cent
arcs; the adoption of three-centred circular, ellip­ of the dam height. At this level every second joint
tic or parabolic arches will lead to reduction in is discontinued-with provision to prevent the
bending moments and considerable savings in joint propagating upwards as a crack.
concrete. 3I ,42-44 In a wide valley, with normal fixity to a rock
The improvement in stress distribution by this foundation, the cantilevers will carry the major
thickening of the arches towards the abutments portion of the load. At some modern dams a dry
is further enhanced by a thickening towards the joint is built into the base of the dam to reduce
base. This has led to the introduction of fillets cantilever bending moment. This joint usually
between dam and foundation though the possible extends from the upstream face to a gallery
benefit therefrom is not universally accepted. within the dam which acts as a stop against
Gehin" has related the savings in arch dams further cracking, Fig. 1l.21-adequate reinforc­
relative to gravity dams for various valley widths, ing also being provided. This idea is not new-it
Fig. 11.44. Naturally the savings will vary with was reported" in 1930 from Ashland Creek
time and country but the data emphasize the Dam, U.S.A., Fig. 11.45(A). This arch dam is 34 m
economies possible by variation of shell high of variable radii ranging from 70 to 48 m.
geometry. The crest thickness is 2.1 m and base thickness
!..Or------------------~ 7.6 m. The hinge was provided along a length of
60 m in the highest section of the dam. At
Vargforsen Dam, Sweden, Fig. 16.07, a somewhat
similar joint was provided in 1961; two copper
seals were included with provision to grout the
space between them with asphalt.

6m ,n 1

o 100 200 300 400 500
Volle~ widlh 01 cresf (m 1
Fig. 11.44 Comparison of concrete volumes I
-Arch and gravity dams. Mean arch stress 19mm square bars i I
over downs1reom foce I I !
5 Mra; slope of downstream gravity dam = ond most of upslreom !....1J-1_L~___ _1
0.8 • face I I I ' I I
With large overhangs-both upstream and I I I I I I Copper
downstream-it becomes· necessary to examine I I I
carefully the stresses likely to be induced I I
progressively during construction. It is essential
. to avoid horizontal cracking of the relatively new
concrete, and reinforcement may be required. Fig.l1.45(A) Ashland Creek Dam-Base hinge joint

.' j
-:-1 , "II

25mm rise H

Waler stop ~ 25mm drop
---------------~ ~ 1..
I' '1 '
. . ,,­
Grophited .
Varies: 1.6 m 1\ Apron Copper
~ --'­ osbufos sheet

_ ......-.-J,t,
.. , \\1"'7<_,,­
/I \\
n ~
.C \\
Typica! sedion
Copper vroler stop

Fig. 11.45(B) Matilija Dam

joints Perimelrol joint

El430-Cres1 1

Pi lot holes ...

o, 20
, 40 60 eo. '00 m
Max:. depfh 40m I ! I

Fig. 11.46 Mis Dam, Italy-Perimetral joint and arrangement of grout curtain (Ref. 65c)
i At MatHija Dam, U.S.A.,47 Fig. 11.4S(B) the it to a thickness of 1.6 mm and sheets of
I design endeavoured to eliminate gravity action graphite-impregnated asbestos fibre 3 mm thick
from the arch section. A horizontal shear plane spread on top to form the joint surface. Water
I divides the lower portion, which was designed as
a gravity section, from the upper portion of this
and grout stops of copper were provided to keep
the joint clean and dry.
I arch dam, which is S8 mhigh. The joint is The pulvrno (socleor base slab), Fig. 1.1.46, has
located 10.6 m above the lowest elevation of the been developed to serve many purposes:
dam which is in a U-shaped gorge. In a thin arch
dam-at this site--deflections near the base To avoid vertical tension. at the base of the
could be quite large and could cause an horizon­ upstream face--and any secondary efJ;l;Cts
tal crack to develop. The shear plane allows . that could result from reservoir water ente'ring
movement and is considered to permit relief of cracks that might otherwise occur;
undesirable stress conditions at the base. The To spread the load from the dam to the extent
surface of the gravity section was ground necessary for the particular, foundation con­
t.· smooth, a layer of graphite paste was spread over ditions;

.. ­

To pennit early detennination of shell Fig. 11.49 Kurobe (No.4) Dam, Japan
geometry-any additional excavation found
Fig. 11.50 Murray (No.2) Dam, Australia
necessary being made good in the pulvino.
Where a pulvino is not provided, the actual
dimensions of the shell are not known until ex­
cavations have been completed and in some
cases a redesign of the dam might then be
.-.' necessary.
Since the pulvino can be built when convenient,
the concreting of the dam can be planned as a
smooth operation, not delayed by isolated foun­ Mox.imum heigl'll 31 m
dation difficulties.
At Zlalibor Dam, Yugoslavia, such a pad was
provided, Fig. 11.47, to permit construction of
an arch dam on a site where the rock had a com­
pression modulus less than would normally be Woierstop
acceptable for the foundation of an arch dam."
The 186 m Kurobe (No.4) Dam, Japan,
Fig. 11.48, is a very fine example of a double cur­
vature arch dam, modified to suit poor foun­
dations, but without increasing the volume of
concrete for the dam. It is founded on granite; Fig. 11.47 ZlaJibor Dam, Yugo­
there was a large weak zone in the lower left slavia

Moio section and Laterol view : '1:

\ lJ

General plan


~ r-.


,- . I 11.
Upper dr.ilMgc J.~I ery
J\OWitf O(Q,"uge qallQfy
~"=~"' ,I
~ ,
Left bonk

'" 5
,\" Outlet
1'3i5~.5i W o 50m
Moitl ill'speetioA 9lJllery ~ t:'~.
J/ - '--'

., !
.. .­ ;1
t - -~

Developed elevotion of downstream foce

Fig. 11.48 Kurobe (No.4) Dam, Japan-General arrangement

.. 1





. I

abutment caused by hydrothennal alteration due on the downstream face may be eliminated. With
to a hot spring. Some 40 000 m 3 of material was this in mind several large dams have been
removed and replaced with low-grade concrete. designed with the crest roadway carried on
Both banks had low bearing capacities in the buttresses built into the upstream face. ,, "'t
". ,
upper 50 m; in the right abutment joints were When the upper arches provide significant ..
highly developed and chloritization was well ad­ rigidity the effect of vertical curvature of the
vanced; in the left abutment the rock was sound dam should be considered. Neglect of this may n I,
but there were many- open joints. The design account for the fact that model tests usually
denote greater compression at the base of a dam
modification involved the elimination of arch
action in the upper portions of the dam by omis­ than that predicted from the normal analysis. A
sion of end monoliths, regarding the upper por­ proper balance between crest and base stiffness
tions of the remaining monoliths as columns of might lead to further economy in arch dams
varying height cantilevering from the lower without increased stresses.
three-dimensional shell. Independent gravity TJ
c_c wing walls were provided at each end of the dam, 11.6 Methods of Analysis j

Fig. 11.49. The new design took advantage of the

principle of 'plunging arches' within the dome. A
As mentioned in Section 11.1, the earliest rll rI
very interesting feature was the great care exer­
arch dams were considered as portions of thin
cylinders, on the assumption that radial water
cised during filling. Storing of water commenced
load would be carried by the circular arches in :1
in October 1960 and the water level was per­
compression. Normally maximum cylinder I
mitted to rise 70 m. Regular _observations and
stresses were less than 2 MPa. Since the concrete
measurements were made of behaviour of the
would probably have withstood 20 MPa in com­
dam and the water level was allowed to rise 10 to
30 m (average about 20 m) per year. Full reten­
tion level was reached in August 1969.*
pression and maybe 2 MPa in tension, it is no
wonder that such dams were successful, despite
bending stresses that would have been induced
For the Murray No. 2 Dam, Australia, Fig. by rib shortening, shrinkage and temperature
11.50, a two-stage construction was adopted to J
varIatIOns. The problems of concrete
enable the lower portion--complete with three temperature were probably minimized by the
large diversion openings-to be completed
before the commissioning of a power station a
little distance upstream. The first stage of con­
thin sections and a relatively slow rate of con-
There have, however, been engineers in recent
struction included all foundation excavation for
the second stage. In the upper right abutment ~]

this excavation exposed a sheared zone striking

at about 90 0 to the crest of the dam and dipping
towards the stream bed. Poor material was ex­

cavated and backfilled with concrete. This con­

crete was built up to form a socle to maintain q
symmetry of the arch foundations and gravity :J
abutment blocks were added in line with
recommendations made structural model
tests at LNEC, Lisbon.
The upper portion of an arch dam should
receive as much attention as the base. Often the
provision of 'a roadway or spillway profile will
cause unwanted stiffness in the top arches that
nonnally sustain no water load. If excessive
stiffness can be avoided vertical tensile stresses

'* Private communication from Japanese Committee on Fig. 11.51 Dam as Independent Rings--by
Large Dams. Boeuf49

: 1 1
.' ~
, 321 d
, .i
I 'k
,.:i if
times who have been enthusiastic on the con­ though without taking any precautions for the i:~i
tinuance of cylinder dams. Boeuf.-around bottom drainage, the dam was submitted, , i,
1921-built a dam 42 m high as a series of in­ through a lateral tunnel, to such extraordinary

dependent horizontal rings, separated by lead
plates 20 mm thick, but with no provision for
vibrations that wave measurements of 50 and
80 mm were registered at the crest. Mter treat­

release from ftxity at the abutments. This dam ment of the vibration, no damage to the arches :: ~]
j .,
was reported as still satisfactory in 1955. Later was found.' :~ ,,~

on a 40 m high cofferdam was built in twelve The Matka Dam in Yugoslavia" is a rein­
rings e~ch 3 m high, the independence of the forced concrete structure consisting of ten arches J€
rings being arranged by their intermediate sup­ each 3 m high. The thickness of the lowest is.
'I, port oncylinders of asbestos cement, Fig. 11.51. 1.6 m and that at the crest 1 m. The various rings li:~
I 'The result was also extremely favourable'" have different curvature to suit the abutments, :11
:~ 1$

I ;iii
,,!,i' ;:

I L Dam
2, BoHom outlet
3, Spillwo>,
4, Intoke slructure

I ,,' I')


I "

I I:,I

.i H'


I i~~:~
i morlal
and thin zinc sheet

r lt

1 ~

I ,


I Section
oI 5
Fig. 11.52 Matka Dam, Yugoslavia f:~



< I
]. ,

t t· . , '1.0' " ...... ,
t ~.. .«




the central angles being between 155 and 148 0 • strain gauges it was impossible with the small
Between each arch are layers of bitumen and zinc models to obtain true values adjacent to the con­
II sheet. Copper water seals are provided between
rings. The upstream face was covered by a layer
crete-rock interface of the dam. This has
gradually been overcome--with miniature
of cement monar on wire net fastened to the gauges, more accurate modelling and the model
II dam, Fig. 11.52. It is interesting that this dam is
only 14 km from Skopje and in an earthquake
representation of the actual foundation con­
ditions. Since the construction of such models is
active zone. expensive they have been used mainly as means
I! The' constant-radius arch-i.e. cylindrical
upstream face--is the next simplest form. The
of checking mathematical analyses. It is not,
however, difficult to make minor changes to a
downstream face can be defined by concentric model and repeat observations for comparison.
Ij arcs of decreasing radius, in some cases thickened
towards the abutments, Fig. 11.53, or by multi­
Although the advent of the computer has
revolutionized mathematical methods of analysis,
centered arcs, by ellipses or parabolas. it is still strongly recommended the model studies
II By adopting variable-radius arches and cur­
vature in vertical planes, the quantity of concrete
be made of large dams or dams that are hI any
way unique.
can be decreased significantly. Overhang of the The accuracy of results from the trial load

Il dam is incorporated, to counter by weight, the

tension induced in the cantilevers by water load.
method of analysis depends upon the amount of
work that can be justified for the particular"
We are· then faced with a three-dimensional dam. ,0 For preliminary studies it is usual to un­

II problem in the distribution of the loads on the

dertake a 'crown cantilever analysis', which con­
sists of an adjustment of radial deflections at the
Until recently the 'Trial Load Method of crown cantilever with corresponding deflections

Ii Analysis' was the method most widely adopted in

the design of arch dams. Having been suggested
of the crowns of the arches. For this analysis it is
usual to assume a uniform distribution of radial
by several Engineers more than 70 years ago it loads from the arch crowns to their abutments
was developed in Europe and America around and neglects tangential shear and twist. For small
11 1930. For the design of such a structure as the dams, and for dams in narrow V -shaped valleys,
Hoover (Boulder) Dam considerable expenditure this may be adequate, it often being simpler to
was justified to guarantee its safety and to arrive use construction materials inefficiently rather
IJ at an economical solution. The U.S. Bureau of than undertake more refined designs. However,
Reclamation published many Reports at that
time--in particular Part V, Technical MOJ:imum conlileller element
11 Investigations Bulletin No.1, 1938. This publica­
tion has formed the basis for the method
throughout the world.
Realizing the complexity of the three­
dimensional analysis, several centres have
specialized in model representation, the load
I'] being applied by either mercury to small models i·r. ;,
or by hydraulic jacks to larger models. Firstly
only the water load was considered, then the
U weight of the dam was included. More recently
temperature effects have been added and the
geological formations of the foundations have (crown cantilever)

IJ been represented. Earthquake stresses have also

been studied by subjecting the models to

ArCh element

vibrations. Due to the relatively large size of


Fig. 11.53 Clark Dam, Australia-Constant-radius Fig. 11.54 Trial load analysis--Arrangement of
arch arches and cantilevers

\ ;

cl Dom 10.2 "'


E!evo!!on CrOU_$ecliQI'I

o 50m
L '_ _ _- "

Fig. 11.S6(B) Gordon Dam, Australia-Valley profile and sections

have pointed out the difficulties in applying shell loads without losing too much realism. Essential
theory to the boundary conditions of a dam. steps in the analysis are.:
They undertook studies by methods of finite
Making the 'model'; that is, representing the real
differences and fmite elements. The extension of
structure by a combination of elements so that
this latter method from tw<Klimensional to
all essential features are included. This phase
three-dimensional studies has been made possible
is the most difficult, requiring judgment and
by the modern large digital computer." The
experience to know just how crude or fine the
structure is represented by a number of 'building
representation must be;
blocks' of finite size connected to each other at
points called nodes,* Fig. 11.58(C). The number Formulating the response characteristics of an
of elements must be sufficient to represent the individual element when loaded through its
boundary adequately and to allow a good in­ nodes-known as forming the element
terpretation of the deformed shape; the loads are stiffness matrix. The formulation will deter­
applied at the nodes of the elements and conse­ mine the characteristic of the element, i.e.
quently there must be sufficient nodes to allow whether it is elastic (specified by modulus and
for distributed loads to be represented by point Poisson's ratio) or whether it can accept non­
linearities with respect to material properties
or rates of loading; I.I
* Private communication from Dr S. Giudici. Combining the element properties to give the
" -',~ ',-, .: ~>.. ;:"'.:":' -~\ ',,;.,
~ .---~~" ;~-"'
"C • __ - ,

Crown cantilever m Crown contile~et

-'\ I

7­ ! .1­


i r­
--; .! 1-­ 2138

,,_' t '_I 2115





Principal stresses on upstream face ~ Earthquake effects not


Principal stresses on upstream face ~ Earfhquake effect by Zanga,s

included. method inchJdec1
Profile on altis looking downstream (de~eloped) Profile on alti$ looking downstream (developed)

'--_ _ _.r.
Crown contile~er


I0-----<Il Compression




- \....
Crown <tlever


+ ~
J •




Principo! stresses on downstream face- Earfhquake effects nof

included. Principal stresses on downstream face- Earthquake effect by

Prafl!e on a~is looking downstream (developed) Zangars method included.

Profile on axis looking downstream (developed}

5t...s scale f 10 MPo

I Lineal scole 0 mu S 8 R
-U.S.A. . ...

Fig. 11.57 Morrow Point Dam-Principal stresses



•• '.,_ ••••> ••• " . .•....,'"'.. ". .,-,',',-""" ',,,'



It is therefore possible to include:

, All construction stages of the dam and filling
\ stages of the reservoir;
The influence of temperature variations;
Asymmetry of the structure; and
~ ~ Anisotropy, viscoelasticity, heterogeneity and
(ol (b)

discOl"inuities in foundations, etc.

Cylindrical shell Double curvoture shell

rectangular elements triangular elements

On the other hand, with the finite element
method in its present state of development, it is
not such a useful design tool as the Trial Load
Method. This is due to the fact that the usual
'packages' give results in the form of stresses in
the x, y and z directions, whereas Engineers
more easily visualize thrusts and moments in.
Typical element
orthogonal directions. To produce results in this
of 2.0 nodes form would make the programmes much more
lengthy. At this time the Trial Load Method is
Double curvature Dam
Solid elements proven for arch dam design, its accuracy being
,j dependent solely on the capacity of the computer q
Fig. 11.58 Finite element representation of an available. The Finite Element Method in its pre­ . J:,

arch dam sent application to arch dams is mainly for the

researcher who wishes to delve more deeply into
response of the structure as a whole to the theoretical stress distributions.
loading; i.e. ensuring compatibility and Some details of two very different double cur­
equilibrium with the boundary conditions im­ vature arch dams are of interest.
posed. The Repulse Dam, Australia, Figs. 11.30 and
Algebraically, the process means the solving of 11.59, is 36.6 m high, founded on fractured
a large number of linear simultaneous equations weathered dolerite in a wide valley. Even after
having as unknowns the deformations of the improvement by cement grouting, the modulus
structure. Loading conditions may be static or of deformation of certain areas of the foundation
dynamic. Once a particular element has been for­ was very low-from 2000 to 4000 MPa or a ratio
mulated the second and third steps are repetitive of Ee to Er of between 5 and 10.
and hence suited to the computer. Most com­ The concrete arch is flanked on the right by an
puter bureaux have finite element 'packages' earth embankment and on the left by a forked
from which the user may choose the elements he
wishes to use to construct his model; the coding Cresl of ,.''''".__~t:,;,'f

.,of the model being through pro-forma charts. spillway

Among the principal advantages of the finite

element method are:
The possibilities it gives to include quite complex
shapes in an analysis;
The variation of element size to cater for areas of

,1r l'
stress concentration-such as around drains
or re-entrants in a gallery; Length of arch eresf (t) =153m
Maximum height {h 1 ::: 3S.6m
The flexibility of loading patterns. possible in the l/h=4,2
one analysis;
Since the elastic properties of elements can be
individually different, discontinuities of
Length of Dom cresl
lLl' 210m
materials-such as the concrete-rock inter­
face--present no difficulty.
Fig. 11.59 Repulse Dam, Australia­
Cross--section [J


Repulse Dam stress analysis

Thin damj Ec lEt = 5; Allowable tension -0.7 MPa.

100year flood, 3°C temp. drop, Grouting temperature 9.5 0 C



I El. 89.4 m

Arch stresses Extrados MPa (Tension shown negative)

1.25 3.67 4.25 -4.89 3.90 3.68 1.23

-0.78 1.93 3.26 3.75 3.09 I. 88 -0.76
-0.57 1.53 1.99 I. 52 -0.65
-1.54 1.44 -I. 57

i Arch stresses Intrados MPa

2.92 2.84 3.53 2.86 3.70 2.70 2.97
2.59 2.06 2.39 2.16 2.53 2.16 2.52
1.82 0.90 0.81 0.74 2.06
I. 76 -I. 28 1.75

Cantilever stresses Extrados MPa

I 0.68
-2.08 -1.86 -1.91

Cantilever stresses Intrados MPa

:j ,l
2.20 .
3.84 3.53 3.69 I"
3.96 i:
Fig. 11.60 Repulse Dam stress analysis---Thin dam !,I.
abutment. The first design involved 15 300 m' of present they were within the criteria and
concrete in the arch. Analysis of the section by probably would not occur in the actual dam.
the Trial Load Method-including radial and When the ratio of Ee to Er was increased to 10
I tangential adjustments-revealed the stress dis­ the cantilever tensions approached zero. The
i tribution shown in Fig. 11.60. High tensions temperature of the dam for joint grouting was
were indicated at the bases of the arches along also reduced to 6.6°C to improve the stresses
the extrados and over a large area of the further. Although the joint grouting pressure
upstream face of the cantilevers. The stress was 0.2 MPa at the top of each zone, it was con­
criteria permitt~d 0.7 MPa tension but values sidered that any prestress effect from this would· ,.
were up to three times that. Although model tests be dissipated by shrinkage and creep.
indicated a factor of safety against rupture of 8 Devils Gate Dam, Australia, Fig. 17.18, is
the zones of tension were considered to be too ex­ 84 m high and the maximum thickness is 4.6 m,
tensive. except near the base and abutments where it is a
The dam was thickened generally by about little thicker. The ratio thickness to height is
1.6 m, increasing the concrete quantity to therefore 0.055-i.e. a very thin dam, Figs.
30 000 m'-but with the stress distribution 11.62 and 11.63. The ratio of crest length to
shown in Fig. 11.61. Although tensions were still height is 1.6, the abutments are generally sound

Repulse Dam stress analYSIs

Thick Dam, Ec/E, :::5) Allowable lension -O.7MPa
Moximum flood, 3°C temp. drop. Grouting femperature 9,5°C
Joint grout pressure 0.20 MPa
EL 125m

113 m

EL.89.4 m

A reb stresses - Eltlrodos MPa (Tension shown negative 1

; j

0.77 2.18 2.86 3.26 3.02 2.34 1.41

-0.61 1.05 2.02 2.54 2.05 1.15 -0.78 "I
-0.57 1.15 1.41 1.07 -0.34 d.
-0.72 1.66 -0.81

Arch stresses Intrados MPa '·1

L ,

2.70 2.03 1.89 1.60 1.82 1.95 1.83

1.92 2.09 1.26 0.87 1.24 1.25 2.17
1.85 0.23 0.12 0.38 lAO
1.73 -0.75 1.78

Cantilever stresses Extrados MPo

C [1

0.03 0 a a 0.03
0.11 0.32 0.43 0.37 0.11
-0.28 0.15 -0.21 -0.22 -0.25
0.20 -0.16 0.22
-0.06 ·, ,!
Cantilever stresses Introdos MPo

0.06 a o o 0.06
,];:. .

060 0.42 0.31 0.39 0.61 L

1.50 1.47 1.64 1.58 1.48

1.78 1.86 1.70

Fig. 11.61 Repulse Dam stress .nalysis-Thick dam

except under the left abutment which was permitted tensions of 0.7 MFa under normal con­
therefore prestressed to sound rock. Due to the ditions and 1 MPa under special loading. The
overhang of the upper parts of the dam the con­
traction joints were only grouted up to 33'm
tensile stresses at the bases of the cantilevers ij., ,i
, i

were considerably in excess of 0.7 MFa, whilst

'above foundation. This was done with the con­ high tensions were indicated in the arch extrados
crete 3°C below mean annual temperature. For near the abutments. : I

stress calculations it was assumed that the in­ Model tests were conducted by the Hydro
• I
". 'I'

trados would follow the air temperature whilst Electric Commission with two plaster diatomite
the extrados would be at water temperature. This models made to scale 1 to 192, and ratio Ee to Er
led to a temperature differential through the dam
of 14°C. The combination of weight, water at Fig. 11.62 Devils Gate Dam, Australia-Left abut­
crest level and temperature drop. gave maximum ment
stresses shown in Fig. 11.64. The stress criteria Fig. 11.63 Devils Gate Dam-Plan and section


Crest length 134m
Height 84m

};' L/h = 1·6

I ~

r .¥~~
~*: 11.63
:~0; Spillway apron not shown

I .1
I Vii
I S"H-t-ConSOlidOlion grout holes
I .
I"L----Drain holes
I 1'-...... Curtain grout holes


Loading - Weight 1 woter at crest leve! I temperature fall

Arch stresses Ex.trados MPa

Elev, I 22m -0.80 -0.23 0.77 0.91 1,47 1.82 2,00

110 -0,80 0.49 2.19 2,94 3,92 4.60
94,6 -1.64 1.37 3.20 4.08 4.96
77,7 -1.28 2.14 4.56 6.rO
62.3 -1.06 2.80 5.92
48,2 -1.69 2.59

Arch stresses Intrados MPo "1

122 0.48 1.28 1.76 1.76 1.00 -0.06 -1.10 i. 1
110 1.77 2.71 2,80 2.17 1.36 1.36
3.73 2.94
1.92 UI I,

48.2 2.51 -1.88

Cantilever stresses Extrados MPa

0 0 rl!
1.03 0.79 0.91 °
°0.53 :jl
{.' l
.94,6 -1.14 0,82 0,78 0.87 0.87 I
77.7 -2,02 -0.23 -0,29 -0,25 ?~I
62.3 -1.38 1.31 1.60 ::~I'
48.2 -0.36 2.51
44.2 -0.73

Cantilever stresses 'J nlrodos MPa

0 0 0
-0.44 -0.13 -0.30 -0.14 °
94,6 2.21 0.52 0.76 0.85 1,00
77.7 3.71 2.26 2.83 3.17
62,3 3.42 1.49 2.21
48,2 3.38 1.62
44.2 5.33

Fig. 11.64 Devils Gate Dam-Stress analysis

of I, The results supported the arch dam little effect on the stresses in the dam. As a
programme results but indicated lower tensile precaution, the two central monoliths were built
stresses which were thus less severe at critical on a separate plinth with a copper water seal near
points. When combined with own weight stresses the upstream face. Under the indicated stresses
from the programme all stresses were within the the criterion was met that a principal tensile
H.KC. criteria. The extrados was completely in stress at the upstream face should not exceed 0.4
compression for water at crest level and the max­ times the principal compressive stress on the r " 1
: I
imum intrados xension was only 0.30 MPa. Since
strain gauges could not be placed on the model
downstream face for dead load and maximum
flood level or 0.5 for dead load, plus the 100 year
it ,,~

closer than 2m prototype measurement, higher flood, plus temperature load. :I

tensile stresses may have been present near the It was also considered that horizontal tensile
boundary. Due to poor rock under the left abut­ stress along the arch extrados--if real-would
ment the model foundation was drilled out, Fig. be relieved by opening of the contraction joints
19.21, to provide a ratio Ee to E, of 7. This had which were provided with copper water seals.

The reservoir was first filled in 1969, has been order to introduce some compression into the
overtopped by floods many times-see Fron­ arches.
cispiece--has deflected in accordance with A warning is necessary against assuming, for
calculations, and is in excellent condition after 6 design purposes, that prestressing by the
years. grouting pressure is simple; the random settling
In order to assess the safety of a dam, provided of the cement can easily upset any assumption of
foundation conditions are satisfactory, it is uniform pressure distribu tion across a joint, and
.\ ' I necessary to know: long-term creep of concrete and foundation rock
i is unknown.
The stresses in the dam, and

Following what has been general practice for

The ability of the concrete to resist such stresses.

gravity dams, rebates have usually been provided

I Conditions may sometimes exist which prohibit a
in the contraction joints of arch dams. This has
meaningful evaluation of stresses by
probably been done to provide a factor of safety
mathematical methods. In such cases the stress'
against ultimate failure. Provision of the keyways
relief approach suggests a solution"
adds to the cost of formwork,makes more dif­
ficult the installation of the grou t injection
'This method is based on the relatively simple
theoretical relationship of the deformation of a drill system since this must make provision for
hole in an isotropic elastic body to the cor­ washing out the joint prior to grouting and for
responding change in stress. If a small volume of escape of air as the gap is filled with water and
the body containing the drill hole is cut away from then grout, Fig. 11.66.
the main body, it may be assumed that all stresses Each joint is usually divided by horizontal
are relieved in the cut-away portion and the change
in stress is numerically equal to the stress existing
grout stops so that zones from 10 to 15 m high
in the main body. This method was applied to three may be grouted progressively to ensure stability
Salt River Dams in Arizona, U.S.A." A borehole of the completed sections against inadvertent
gauge was inserted into a 37 mm drill hole, and in­ overtopping by floods, Fig. 11.67.
itial readings obtained. This hole was then over­ The following excerpts would be typical of a
cored to relieve stresses around the gauge and the
resulting deformation determined. Principal specification for Joint grouting.
stresses ranging from 0.1 MPa to 5 MPa were
measured.' Typical Procedure for Joinc Groucing
The Grou ting schedule shall be furnished by
the designers and shall include:
11.7 Contraction Joints
The maximum levels to which the various blocks
It has been normal practice to provide radial of the dam may be constructed prior to
contraction joints in arch dams at approximately grouting a particular grout zone.
15 m spacing, Fig. 11.65. This 'dimension has The sequence in which the grout zones shall be
evolved from experience since cracks often grouted.
appeared in monoliths of 20 m or more in length, The concrete temperature for each grout zone at
where full control of concrete temperature was the time of grouting.
either impracticable or uneconomical; cracking The concrete temperature for zones above and
occurred particularly at sites subject to sudden below the zone to be grouted at the time of its
and large falls in ambient temperature. For grouting. . .
constant-radius arch dams the joints are radial The maximum grouting pressure for each joiin
and plane (usually with rebates), whereas for in every grout zone--usually not exceeding
double-curvature dams they are frequently 700 kPa.
warped; in some cases they are formed to leave For each block within each grout zone, the
the rock almost normal to the contact surface. calculated change in radial deflection cor­
Since monolithic action is required in the arch, responding to the maximum permissible grout
provision is made for the injection of cement pressure.
grout into the joints after the concrete has cooled For each joint within each grout zone, the
to mean temperature, or has been artificially calculated increment of joint opening and dif­
cooled to a little below mean temperature in ferential radial deflection between adjacent

~.- j , _,"'_A ¥.


,~,~ ']
, '

: i

Top of gfout lone -:Hq..~

Grout slops

Venlgroove heodersy-:;.­
"..//' rp I

"",,=i=+I:;:'-~ J
Groul oulle's:-'
( in contraction joint surface) I I
~I I
I 1 I I

Woier stop-+""I ~
1 I I
~ ~ I
Grout risers -=t=1if==I:----J
I @ ,

I ,
BoUom of gfout lone
@ I

Lift join1s

Groul supply and 'II­ Wash groove

return headers .,:. of?

~"';-:;."''''' (Vent groove not shawn in lower lone)


Wasil groove heoders

\ nol 10 scole 1 :':

Fig. 11.66 Typical contraction joint features-Rebates not shown

blocks, corresponding to the maximum per­ the pressure as measured at the bottom of the
missible grout pressure. grout zone shall not exceed 200 kPa. Air shall
Guides as to cooling water temperature and the not be injected into a contraction joint, except
time required to achieve certain temperature under extreme circumstances, where blockages
falls. cannot be cleared with water within the per­
missible pressure.
Each contraction joint shall be washed out and
Following joint washing, all joints within the
water tested along the following lines:
grout zones shall be injected with water and
Immediately before any zone is grouted it shall the pressure in each joint in turn shall be in­
be tested with water. The conditions set out in creased in two or three increments until the
the Joint Grouting Schedule must be satisfied specified grouting pressure is reached.
before water testing of a grout zone com­ At this stage additional washing may be carried
mences. out on those joints which exhibited unusual
Each joint in the grout zone shall in turn be characteristics while being washed in accor­
filled with water and washed. During washing, dance with the second paragraph above. At no
time during such washing shall the pressure
'anywhere in any joint fall by more than
Fig. 11.65 Gordon Dam, AuStralia-Water seal, 200 kPa from that existing before washing
grout stops and rebates on contraction joints commenced.



, .

.- j


Following such washing, the joint pressure shall This may be estimated by pressure gauge and
De restored to the specified grouting pressure the quantity of grout injected.
and this pressure shall be maintained in all As soon as a joint is first filled with grout, water
joints while deflection readings are taken and shall be circulated in the same joint in adja­
measurements are being made of joint cent ungrouted zones through the wash
openings and' pressure drops through the groove in order to detect and remove any
joints. The difference in pressure, measured at grout leaking past the common grout stop.
the bottom of the zone between any two joints, Such water circulation .shall continue
shall not' .exceed 200 kPa at any time during throughout the grouting operation and for a
joint water testing. minimum of 12 hours after the completion of
"'i During the course of joint water testing, all leaks grouting that particular joint, following which
i shall be detected and sealed where possible. this water shall be drained from the joint.
Water pressure may be released and the joint If grout leakage occurs into adjacent ungrouted
drained if necessary. zones, the zones shall be thoroughly washed
out until all grout has been removed. The
Joint grouting procedure will vary with the
headers and outlets of such zones shall be
equipment available and design requirements for
tested and shall be clean before the joint shall
the particular dam. However, the following
be considered to be thoroughly washed out.
would be indicative:
Grouting shall commence by injecting No.2
At least 24 hours before grouting commences, all mix* into the grout supply header of a joint
joints within the same grout zone shall be and maintaining the specified grout pressure.
filled with water. The volume of the joint shall be estimated by
Immediately before commencing grouting, the measuring at the vent header all the water dis­
pressure of the water in the joints shall be in­ placed by the No.2 grout. Whell grout issues
creased to the specified grout pressure, and from the vent header at the top of the grout
this pressure shall be maintained in all joints zone, the grout mix shall be stiffened to the
during grouting operations and until the grout No.1 mix, and a quantity of grout not less
has been injected into and has hardened in all than the quantity of No.2 mix already in­
joints within the zone. jected into the joint shall be injected. This
The difference in pressure, measured at the bot­ shall be followed by the injection of No. 0.8
tom of the zone, between any two joints of one mix until grout of the same consistency flows
zone, shall not exceed 200 kPa at any time in a from the vent header. If grouts thicker than
grouting operation until 24 hours after the No. 0.8 mix are required to seal leaks, then
grouting of all joints in a zone has been com­ they shall be injected in succession until grout
pleted. of the same consistency flows from the vent
r-. I
The grout supply and return pipes shall extend header.
close to ihe supply and return headers of the No. 0.8 mix shall then be injected into all headers
zone being grouted and shall have a connec­ except one of the vent headers. All headers
tion to each supply and return header respec­ shall then be closed and the joint pressure
tively. Each such connection shall be regulated observed. Water or grout shall be bled from
by a valve. the vent header, and injections of No. 0.8 mix
The grouting of the contraction joints in any shall be made at the specified grout pressure at

zone may be done singly or in groups. 10 min intervals, until grout can no longer be

Grout shall not be admitted to any joint so bled from the vent header.

rapidly that the grout will not settle in the Where required to control leakage into the grout
joint. In no case shall the average rate of fill­ zone above, grout containing bentonite may
ing of the joint exceed 0.6 m/min vertically. be injected into a vent header, provided that
No. 0.8 mix grout has already been injected
: -j into the joint.
* A No. 2 mix is one composed of 2 parts of water to 1

Fig. 11.67 Monar Dam, Scotland-Water seal, grout part of cement by volume; a No. 0.8 mix indiCates a stiffer

stop and rebates on contraction joint mix of 0.8 parts of water and 1 part of cement. :':

'! .:".~'
I, iI'!"~
I I,,·ii.',:

I i
.--).:...J Of.. . ,j .,1_. .0,,1,,"_­ A4 :;i

Cement should be of high early strength and shown. At Gordon Dam, the successive thicken­
of fineness such that 100 per cent passes the ing procedure was discontinued for joint
0.15 mm screen and 95 per cent passes the grouting following tests with anti-shrinkage ad­
0.08 mm screen. The temperature of grout when ditives for the grout. Methocell-a methyl :"'''1 '
~ ~ ;
it leaves the mixers should not exceed 35°C. cellulose product-was added in the proportion Ji :
Grout should be mixed in a colloidal-type mixer of 1 part by weight of Methocell to 500 parts of
operating at 1500 to 2000 r.p.m. In general it cement, together with W.R.D.A. in the propor­
should not be mixed for more than 1 min after tion 1 to 200 by weight of cement. It was found
which it is passed through a OS 8 mm screen into that thin grouts could be injected into joint
an agitator tank. The agitator is usually of the openings as small as 0.4 mm; for openings


pi : j I
Pion surfoce .~ I


I "' J M,WL 790,6Q' R.B L,a,

790 34,311
10 '1 i

780 ~~;=Z-""~===I"=''''='1o-4Y~, IJ ;'

" '} ;,'..

760 ~~ :

Crown section. Downstreom vl&w of joints

(projection on the reference sutfoce)

Fig. 11.68 Guara Dam-Contraction joints

rotating-paddle type. The grout pump should be 0.75 mm to 2 mm the No.1 mix was used, whilst
of the screw type and capable of running for at for openings greater than 2 mm grouting was
least 12 hours under load. It is most advisable to commenced with the No. 0.8 mix.
have a spare pump available. For satisfactory in­ It is not usual to provide for a second injection
jection of cement grout a gap of at least 0.7 mm of grout into grouted joints; however, a reinje<:­
is required. table type of grout outlet is sometimes installed
The success of grouting usually depends upon in large dams where maximum temperature drop
the experience of the operiltors and, the initiative may extend over a long period (or a long time



I after completion of the dam) or where long-term 11.8 Foundation Treatment

creep may occur·in the abutments.
As discussed in Section 11.4, the foundation
Arch dams are usually sufficiently flexible to should be adequate to resist loading from the
deflect measurably under the forces exerted by dam and should be stable under any possible con­
joint grouting; the effectiveness of the grouting ditions of saturation by water under reservoir
can therefore be assessed by comparing measured pressure.
with calculated deformations. To prevent harm­ An arch dam is capable of spanning
ful overstress regular observations should be
made during grouting on joint meters embedded
appreciable weak zones-l times the base
thickness suggested-without undue effect on
in the concrete across the joints, on dial gauges the stresses in the dam. Any known weaknesses
fixed to the upstream and downstream faces· of should be removed or treated if at all possible,
the joint, on clinometers on faces of the dam and although the provision of a pad or pulvino can
galleries and on plumbobs and survey targets as provide a means of spreading the load.
convenient. 58 To minimize local stresses in the dam when a
In some recent dams every second joint has pulvino is not used, all severe irregularities in the
been discontinued, after grouting of zones to that foundation should be removed. The depth of
level has been completed. Joints are needed near general excavation will depend upon the site, but
the foundation to allow for length changes of it is reasonable to provide for the removal of
concrete due to temperature variations different between 5 and 10m of surface material. The
from those of the rock mass. Serafim" quotes properties of foundations at that depth should be
several dams designed on this principle, where tested-geophysical methods are particularly
joints are 12 to 18 m apart at the base and double useful to determine variations in rock properties
those figures at the crest. He also mentions Por­ and any anomaly should be investigated
tuguese practice of starting contraction joints thoroughly.
normal to the foundation rock, Fig. 11.68, i.e. Most foundations will require 'dent ai'
where cracks have been observed in prototype treatment, i.e. the removal of decomposJd
and model dams. material from faults or seams and replacement by
Since the forming of contraction joints is ex­ concrete--Chapters 8 and 17.
pensive and the division of the dam into small The general foundation can often be improved
I working areas is restrictive, attention is being by cement grouting and in special cases by the
given, for economic reasons, to the necessity for washing out of seams and their refilling, in part,
contraction joints. Concurrently, observations on with cement grout-Chapter 8.
many dams that lean downstream in the upper It is important to realize that the 10 to 20 m of
part have failed to reveal the opening of joints in rock immediately beyond the dam foundation in­
that zone--only near the abutments do they open. terface is the critical zone. Extreme care should
The conclusion is therefore drawn that contrac­ be exercised to minimize damage beyond the
tion joints could be safely omitted in the upper foundation line, i.e. patterns of drilling and the
central parts of double-curvature dams. Each case size of explosive charges should be planned IP
must be investigated and in thicker dams reliance avoid damage to or loosening of rock strata. At
must be placed on strict control of concrete least the last metre to foundation line should be
temperature. For internal temperatures this is removed by hand methods.
possible provided there is continuing measure­ Consolidation grouting is normally carried out
ment of temperatures, computing of stress effects over the entire base area of an arch dam-holes
and issue of and adherence to directions as to being 10 to 15 m deep, and arranged on a grid to
cooling procedures. The 'great difficulty is to suit the rock formation. The grid interval may be
combat sudden falls in ambient temperature; this about 7 m for primary injections with in­
can only be done with efficient insulation, when termediate holes drilled and grouted as indicated
required, ofall exposed surfaces of relatively new to be necessary by loss of water or excessive con­
concrete. The placing, removal and maintenance sumption of grout. Each hole should be in­
of insulation is expensive and not favoured by dividually sited and inclined to suit seams and
construction personnel. joints in the area.

"""_ _"..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,,_ _..._ _ _

:;.A""~""-'-'···? ,.,.,,""'''''"_-~

~ .

A grout curtain is normally provided-follow­ induce vertical compressive stresses upstream at ,~]
ing the upstream face and into the abutments as the heel of the dam and downstream near the L~

required. The depth and spacing of holes will be crest. Serafun has suggested that this can be
appropriate to the particular site--having due
regard to the hydraulic gradient under the darn
achieved by two processes," firstly by the in­
stallation of flat jacks to force open the end joints
upon filling of the reservoir and the computed of the shell which would deflect the dam
stresses in the rock mass surrounding the dam. If upstream and secondly by applying a radial load
a grout curtain could form a completely im­ at the crest by means of a horizontal cable to :;I
permeable barrier then, in certain strata, full deflect the upper part of the dam downstream.
hydrostatic pressure may act on that barrier. One Muller has suggested61 that 'the same result
case is known where the dam and the local might be achieved by creating near the centre of
foundation was moved en masse by such forces. the structure a rear abutment adjacent to the toe
Care~ is therefore necessary in the design of the
grout curtain.60
It is usuai to provide a screen of drain holes
more or less parallel to the' grout curtain and
and applying an external load to the arch such
as to create a controlled deflection of the arch
towards the lake', Fig. 11.69.
downstream therefrom. By providing free
drainage to the river or to a gallery within the
f1 i

dam any uplift pressures can be relieved or

limited. Provision should be made to monitor f.".l·
( :'"
leakage to indicate the necessity for any remedial
',' With a high dam the hydraulic gradient can be
!.] ,

great; leakage through igneous rock may not be v~"

serious but any access by reservoir water into the Active joinl qn Clown
conti~e ...ers
bedding of sedimentary rocks may induce uplift ;.] I
:. I
Fig. 11.69 Potential application of prestress­

with the possibility of heaving and decrease of

shearing resistance on such planes. ing to arch dams (After J. Muller) "

Drainage of the abutments is an essential A further suggestion by Muller is that prestress­

precaution to decrease the risk of their in­ ing might be introduced in the arch intrados to
stability. Drainage is usuaily provided by adits create a radial compression 'across the entire
driven at relevant levels with curtains of drilled thickness of the dam with a corresponding
holes connecting the adits. These should be beneficial effect on the triaxial state of stress',
located with due regard to the final stresses on Fig. 11.70.
the rock mass, Fig. 11.33.

11.9 Prestressing [] .
In seeking further economies in the construc­
tion of arch dams it appears to be necessary to
consider means of applying external loads to the
dam to counteract undesirable tensile stresses J
that would otherwise develop. Many dams have
now been built, with compressive stresses up to
8.5 MPa but to increase these stresses would Fig. 11.70 A proposal for radial pre­
stressing (After J. Muller)
most likely not be possible without prestressing
to counteract the higher tensions. The introduction of prestressing to thin arch
With dams less than 70 m in height in valleys dams will necessitate specialty work. This must
. where the crest length to height ratio exceeds 4 it
is almost impossible to avoid high tensile stresses.
This could be overcome by prestressing-Leo to Fig. 11.71 Almendra Dam, Spain U




.. ,~,~--
-:Ill rswwr- r--mnTY­


be done under expert supervision and it will fre­ Fig.11.73 Contra Dam, Switzerland-1965. Height
quently interfere with the concreting procedure. 220 m; Length of crest 380 m
The cost must not be underestimated by omitting
to take account of such secondary effects. design. The crest length is 380 m and maximum
Some concern will also be felt as to the per­ height 220 m, I/h ratio of 1.73. Six spillway
manence of the prestress, unless it is both openings, each 8 m wide, are provided in each
possible and convenient to maintain regular abutment, their chutes terminating in ski jumps,
observations of dam behaviour and to adjust the the flow being directed towards the centre of the
prestress as required. valley by end deflectors. Since most of the dam is
free from appurtenant works it was possible to
place the concrete in the dam in 18 months. The
11.10 Mod!,rn Arch Dams
maximum stress in the dam is 11 MPa and in the
A few modern dams will be described in order rock about 7 MPa. * The slender cross-section is
to understand how site difficulties can be over­ shown in Fig. 11.74. A mUltiple-grout curtain is
come, to realize how outside influences can affect inclined upstream from a gallery near the foun­
designs, and to compare the geometry of the dation contact. The drainage holes discharge to


dams relative to the valley shapes. this gallery.

11.101 Almendra Dam, Spain, Fig. 11.71
This was completed in 1970. Its crest length is
567 m and the ratio crest length to height is 2.8. I

The domed structure is flanked on the left side

by a massive buttress dam 30 m high and on the
right by a massive thrust block and thin asphalt­
Plumb shoft

faced rockfill structure 31 m high. The maximum

cross-section of this very well-proportioned o 50m
dam is shown in Fig. 11.72. The two spillway
chutes converge rapidly to discharge as ski jumps
orientated towards the centre of the gorge.


Fig. 11,74 Contra Dam, Switzerland-Cross-section

. .'.


11.103 Mossyrock Dam,') U.S.A., Fig. 11.75

This is 185 m high in a wide valley that was
fdled to a depth of more than 80 m with glacial
material, Fig. 1L 76. The design criteria for the
dam fixed the maximum compressive stress at 8.3
Fig. 11.72 Almendr. Dam, MPa and the maximum tensile stress at 1.6 MPa
for the loading case of maximum reservoir level,
11.102 Contm Dam," Switzerland, Fig. 11.73
* Private communication from Dr G. Lombardi of
This is an outstanding example of clean Locarno





,; !

.' _h "'k
345,.ic.1 hoi$!

Groul curtain
Section of arct dam and powerhouse


) rSPillWOYS
-FlOw ,

Upstream coffetdom

Nolu,ol river bed

, ,
~ownSlre.m cofferdam
I - - -;,.....-.,:-- \. ": :" .. ~---<-
r Glaciol till
J ~ Glaciol till

I : i


I! Section oion9 t of fiver bed

Top of Dom E1.240

I -...- .. --".----~.. '--­

[i ".

, 11

Section along Dam (lxis looking upslreom

Fig. 11.76 Mossyrock Dam, U.S,A.-Sections

dead weight and temperature, The special case crease in stresses with reservoir 5 m below max­
to cover earthquake permitted a 33 per cent in- imum level (i.e, at normal operating level). Four
spillway openings near the crest of the dam, each
Fig, 11.75 Mossyrock Dam, U.S.A. (By courtesy of
controlled by a 13 by 15.3 m radial gate, can dis­
Harza) charge 7900 m 3/s.


2m added in 1963

Fig. 11.80 Mlados! Dam, Yugoslavia

11.107 Place Moulin Dam,"s Italy, Fig. 11.81 joint that extends from the pulvino to 80 m
below the crest. '1ts faces were connected during
This was completed in 1965; it has a crest
the pouring phase with steel bars, and the joint
length of 663 m and maximum height 155 m­
itself was grouted at a later date, after shrinkage
Ilk ratio of 4.3. Its maximum cross-section is
of the downstream semi block.'* This joint was
shown in Fig. 11.82, the crest thickness being
presumably adopted in order to limit the dimen­
6.44 m and the base thickness 41. 94 m. The
sions of each monolith and SO avoid cracking of
arches increase in thickness from crown to abut­
the concrete.
ment. The dam rests on a pulvino--Fig. 17.07,
Drain pipes were included in the dam-these
that extends to the abutment. To avoid the
were almost vertical, 250 mm diameter at 2.5 m
bonding of the concrete of the pulvino to the dam,
centres near the upstream face.
the only precaution taken was that the time
interval was not less than 15 days between the * Private communication from Dr A. Rebaudi
completion of the bearing surface of the pulvino
and the beginning of concreting of the dam
Fig. 11.81 Place Moulin Dam, Italy
The unique feature is the centre lonoitudinal
c' 11 82
F'I g.. PI ace Moulin Dam-Cross-section
.• 1

; I

.-, i

n~ !
inC ~I:


oi - EI.1970

• t_.!



Two wQler
\\ '1. 11.82
~, ,
Galleries for access, inspection and drainage Holes for consolidation grouting were 15 to
were provided at about 15 m vertical intervals. 30 m deep whilst the grout curtain extended 90
The design was by the Trial Load Method sup­ to 120 m below the pulvino. The grout curtain
ported by model testing. The maximum com­ consisted of two parallel lines of holes with check
pressive strength is 7.2 MPa and maximum ten­ holes sloping 30° from the vertical iowards each
sile stress 0.66 MPa. bank.


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3. F. A. Noetzli, 'Pontalto and Madruzza Arch Arch Dams', Denver, Colorado, 1938.
Dams', Wesrern Construction News, 10th April 22. A. Coyne, 'Construction of Large Modern Water
1932, pp.451-452. Dams', The Structural Engineer, XV, Feb. 1937. . ,

4. E. Wegmann, The Design and Construction oj (A Paper read before a joint meeting of the In­

Dams, New York, 1907. ' stitution of Structural Engineers, the Institution

5. (a) F. Kreuter, 'On the Design ofMasonry Dams', of Civil Engineers, and the British Section of the

Proc. I.C.E., CXV, 1893-1894, Pt. pp.63-188; Societes des Ingeneurs Civils de France, lIth

(b) H. Vischer and L Wagoner, 'On Strains in Feb. 1937.)

Curved Masonry Dams', Tram. Tech. Society oj 23. F. A. Noetzli, 'Laminated Arch Dam with Forked
Pacific Coast (U.S.A.), Dec. 1889, p.75. Abutments', Trans. A.s.C.E., 95, 1931, p.533.
6. Engng. News Record, Dec. 1898, p.369. 24. A. E. Komendant, 'Economy and Safety of .J
7. Proc. I.C.E., cxvm, 1899, p.504. Concrete Dams', Trans. A.S.C.E., 121, 1956, pp.

8. (a) L. A. B. Wade, 'Dam Construction in New 899-924.

South Wales', Proc. I.C.E., CLXXvm, 1908­ 25. 'Sautet Dam', Encng.· News Reami, 30th May
1909, Pt. IV; (b) E. M. de Burgh, 'Some Notes on 1935.
the Construction of Curved Dams in New South 26. 'The Sautet Dam" Engng. News Record, 21st Nov.
Wales', Concrete and Constructional Engz'neering, 1935.
12, 1917, pp. 83-90. 27. A. Coyne, 'New Dam Techniques', 1. C.E. Paper
9. M. Mary, Barrages Voutes, Dunod, Paris, 1968. No. 6418, Proc. 14, Sept.-Dec. 1959.
10. Tram. A.S.C.E., LIII, 1904. 28. C. M. Roberts, L. Chitty,. D. E. Crook, 'The
11. Engng. News Record, 9th April 1904, p. 446. Application of Modern Methods of Analysis to
12. K. B. Keener, 'Dams, Then and Now', A.S.C.E. Arch Dams', 10th ICOLD Congtess, Montreal,
Paper 2606, Centennial Transactions, Vol. C.T., 1970, Q.39, R.I0, IV, pp. 167-180. .
1953. 29. 'Asia's Highest Arch Dam Just Completed',
13. G. Y. Wisner and E. T. Wheeler, 'Investigation of A.s.C.E. Civil Engz'neering, July 1974, p.16.
Stresses in High Masonry Dams of Short Spans', 30. A. Stucky, 'Study of Arch Dams', Bull. Tech.
Engineering News, 10th Aug. 1905, pp. 141-144. Suisse, Romande, 1922.
14. G. N. Houston, 'The Halligan Dam', Tram. 31. A. L. Panne, 'Design Considerations', Rapid
A.S.C.E., LXXV, Dec. 1912, p.112. ColtStruction oj Concrete Dams, pp. 151-160,
15. R. E. Glover, 'Arch Dams--Review of Ex­ Special A.S.C.E. Publication, 1970.
perience', Journal of Power Division, Paper 1217, 32. D. G. Aiken, 'Foundation Problems at
A's'C.E. Proc., 83, No. P02, April 1957. Warragamba Dam', 8th ICOLD Congress, Edin­
16. J. C. Ross, 'The Improvement of the Water burgh, 1964, Q.28, R.59, 1, pp. 1109--1131.
Supply of Hobart', Proc. I.C.E., Paper No. 4361, 33. C. Semenza, 'Arch Dams-Development in
216, Pt. 11, 1922-1923, pp. 299-313. Italy', Journal of Power Division, Paper 1017,
17. Engineering News Record, 24th July 1924. Proc. A.S.C.E., 82, No. PO.3, June 1958.
l~. The Engineering Foundation, New York, Arch 34. W. T. Minassian and P. Londe, 'How to Keep
Dam Investigations, Vol. 1 1927-'Tests on Concrete Dams Competitive', Rapid Construction
of Concrete Dam, p. 395, Special A.S.C.E.
Stevensons Creek Arch Dam'; Vol. 2
1931-'Model Tests-including Stevensons Publication, 1970. .
.;, .
Creek Model'; Vol. 3 1933--'Tests on models of 35. (a) A. Coyne, 'Arch Dams--Their Philosophy',
Gibson, Bull Run and Coolidge Dams'. Discussion by G. S. Sarkaria, p. 26, Journal of
19. (a) Engineering News Record, 17th Jan. 1933; (b) Power Division, Paper 959, Proc. A.S.C.E., 82,
Trans. I.C.O.L.D. Congress, 1936. No. P.0.2. April 1956; (b) F. D. Kim and G. S.


Sarkaria, 'Influence of Canyon Shape on the Special Reference to Dokan', Proc. I.C.E., 5,
Design of Concrete Dams', Civil Engineering and 1956, pp. 198-244.
Public Works Review, London, March 1955. , 54. O. C. ZienkeiwiCz and Y. K. Cheung, The Fillite
36. L. Muller, 'Safety ofRack Abutments on Concrete Element Melhod in Structural and Continuum
1 Dall1s', 71h ICOLD Congress, Rome, 1961, '125, Mechanics, McGraw Hill, New York, 1967.
I R.9O, 11, pp. 663-678. 55. H. Streit and H. Hofmann, 'Calculations of
37. P. Londe, Dam DeSIgn and INlrumemalien, Stresses and Strains for a Concrete Arch Dam
Lecture presented in Peking, May 1974. using a Computer Programme for Three Dimen­
38. K. Thiel, 'Stability Analysis of Rock Foundations sional Finite Element Method, and Comparison
1 for a Concrete Dam in Complicated Geological
Conditions', PaNIWOW< Wydawniclwo Naulwwe,
with Results Obtained from Models', 11th
[COLD Congress, Madrid, 1973, Q.39, R.8, IV,
;'1 Warsaw, 1971. pp. 139-151.
39. K. 'W. Swaminathan, 'Structural Behaviour of 56. M. D. Copen and G. B. Wallace, 'Determination
Arch Dams on Elastic Foundations', Theory oj of in-situ Stresses in Concrete Dams" loumal of
Arch Dams (Ed. J. R. Rydzewski), Pergamon, Power Division, Proc. A.S. C.E., 97, No. PO.2,
Oxford, 1965. March 1971.
40. L. R. Jorgensen, 'The Constant Angle Arch Dam', '57. W. T. Moody, Discussion on Paper 'The Borehole
Trans. A.S.C.E., 78, 1915, pp. 685-733. Determination Type of Rock Stress Measuring
41. Dams in Yugoslaflia. Instrument', E. R. Leemen'; International Journal
42. S. Okamato and I. Shibata, 'A Study in Flatterung oj Rock Mechanics, 1967.
an Arch Dam', 10Ih ICOW Congress, Montreal, 58. A. Warren Simond, 'Arch Dams; Methods and
1970, Q.39, R.3, IV, pp. 57-82. Details of Joint Grouting', Journal of Power
43. M. D. Copen, 'Design Concepts', Rapid Division, Paper No. 991, Proc. A.S.C.E., 82, No.
I Conslruclion oj Concrele Dams, p. 113, Special PO.3, June 1956.
j A.S.C.E. Publication, 1970. 59. J. L. Serafirn, (a) 'Design Improvements in
44. U.S.S.R. Booldet in English, The B. E. Velie...." Concrete Dams', Rapid Construction oj Concrete
All Union Research Inslilule oj Hydraulic Dams, Special A.S.C.E. Publication, 1970,
Engineering, 1968. .' pp. 371-393; (b) 'Alto Cavado Dam', 7th ICOLD
45. J. Gehin, 'Comparison of Quantities of Arch, Congress, Rome, 1961, Discussion Q.36,111,
Gravity and Multiple Arch Dams', 71h ICOLD pp. 31-36. . .
Congress, Rome, 1961, 111, pp.l00-105. 60. M. Rocha et al., 'Influence on the Behaviour of an
46. D. C. Henny, 'Dam Design Provides for Deflec­ Arch Dam of the Hydrostatic Pressure on the
tion by Horizontal Hinge Joint', Engineering New Grout Curtain and of Stresses in the Ground
Record, 13th Feb. 1930. Upstream', 10th ICOLD Congress, Montreal,
47. 'Horizontal Shear Plane Separates Gravity and 1970, Q.39, R.29, IV, pp. 541-558.
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10th June 1948. Practice', The ElXJnomical ConstruclionoJ Concrete
48. D. Milovanovic, 'Quelques Possibilities de Dams, pp. 397-465, Special A.S.C.E. Publication,
Construire plus rapidement et plus economique­ 1972.
! ment les barrages en beton', 11th ICOW 62. J. Lombardi, (a) L'impianto idroekllrico della
Congress, Madrid, 1973, Q.43, R.20, 111, nuova Verzasca; (b) 'Some Problems Relating to
p.1274. Rock Mechanics During, the Construction of
49. A. Pena Boeuf, 'Barrages Voutes en Anneau', 5th Contra Dam' (French), 9th [COW Congress,
, [COW Congress, Paris, 1955, Communication Istanbul, 1967, Q.32, R.15, 1, pp. 235-252.
C.43. 63. R. P. Wengler and W. Y. J. Shieh, 'Design of
50. M. D. Copen, 'Treat Load Analysis and its Mossyrock Arch Dam', Journal of Power
Application to Modern Arch Dam Design', Theory Division, Proc. A.S.C.E., 97, No. PO. 1, lan.
oj Arch Dams, pp. 383-413, (Ed J. R. 1971, pp. 25-38.
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51. A. A. Stone, 'Trial Load Analysis Confirm Arch Paper 7012, Proc. A.S.C.E., 96, No. PO.l, Jan.
Dam Model Tests', loumal of Power Division, 1970, pp.73-91.
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52. M. P. Copen and 1. T. Richardson, 'Comparison pp. 791-822. (b) G. Oberti and A. Rebaudi,
, of the Measured and Computed Behaviour of 'Bedrock Stability Behaviour with Time at the
, I Monticello (Arch) Dam', 8th [COW Congress, Place Moulin Arch-gravity Dam', 9th ICOI.D
'r' Edinburgh, 1964, Q.29, R.5, 2, pp.73-96. Congress, Istanbul, 1967, Q.32, R.52, 1,

;' i
53. D. N. de G. Allen, L. Chitty, A. J. S. Pippard and pp. 849-872; (c) 'Ente Nazionale per I'Energia
, r R. T. Severn, 'The Experimental and E1ettrica', I.e digM di ritenu/a dig/i impianri idrc­
~~j Mathematical Analysis of Arch Dams with elel/rica, Rome, 1970.


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. ,
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Mass', Theory oj Arch Dams, pp. 655-664 (Ed. J. R. 213-228.
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1973, Q.43, R.B, 111, pp. 1153-1166. pp. 362-368.


Buttress Dams


I t would appear that buttress dams were high maintenance costs and the difficulty of
developed with Man's need to conserve water in providing an adequate seal with the foun­
regions ;";here materials were scarce or expensive dations--<:f. the failure of Hauser Lake Dam,
but labour was cheap. Firstly, such dams were Chapter 3.
built in regions that needed irrigation-such as It is interesting, however, that this type of dam
'the Meer Allum Dam, I built near Hyderabad, has again been suggested-.using corrosion­
India, Fig. 12.01. This dam-built over 100 years resistant steel or such materials as fibre glass for
ago, is possibly the earliest example of a multiple­ the catenary membrane,' Fig. 12.02.
arch dam; it comprises 21 semi-circular arches of
spans varying from 21.3 m at the ends to 45 m
near the centre with a maximum height of
12.2 m. Secondly for mining purposes, where
timber and initiative were available simple dams
were built, comprised of timber trestles sup­
porting either a facing oflogs caulked wil.h,mud
or asphaltic filler or a multi-layer deck of sawn
timber. As steel became available it was used for
the trestles2 and then for waterproofing the deck.
In due course it was realized that the steel plate
( I ) ConC/e1e buttresses

could be used to better advantage by suspending { 2 ) Spout SpillWilY

il in catenaries between the trestles. A few such { 3 ) Steel Of gloss fibre sfrips

dams were built, but lost favour possibly due to Fig. 12.02 Composite multiple-arch dam
(After Coyne and Bellier) .

The reinforced concrete slab deck was

proposed by Ambursen in 19034 and various
modifications of this have' been develOped since
that time, including the massive head buttress
and the hollow gravity dam. The multiple-arch
dam was dexeloped in order to use concrete in
;; 1 PIon compression'rather than bending and, at the
'! same time, to achieve wider buttress spacing.
At some sites hinges and free bases have been

! '.


~Jl~ II

included in the arches in order to avoid tension
in the concrete under water load; unfortunately
bending will also result from thermal
hygrometric actions.
As designs have become more sophisticated,
th~ virtues and weaknesses of the buttress-type
Section AA Section as dam have become apparent, i.e.
Fig. 12.01 Meer Allum Dam, India The pressure of water on the inclined upstre~


Some buttress dams have been constructed Some examples of the massive head buttress
with the slab continuous over one or more dam are:
buttresses,. Fig. 12.03(B). In this simple form the
Alcantara Dam, Spain, Fig. 2.08, of height 90 m,
negative bending over the support may induce
hollow buttress, slope of both upstream face
cracking in the upstream face of the slab; this
and downstream face of buttresses, 1 vertical
could lead to corrosion of the reinforcement or
on 0.45 horizontal; Almendra Dam, left dyke
deterioration by chemical or frost action. The
Spain, Fig. 12.06, of height 30 m; Salta d;
continuous slab may also be subjected to indeter­
Prada, Spain, Fig. 12.07, of height 85 m, with
minate stresses due to differential settlement of
buttresses spaced at 12 m; Cruachan Dam,9
the buttresses. An alternative arrangement, used
- :-1 Scotland, Fig. 12.08, of height 46 m, with 11
, in Norway: Fig. 12.05, maintains flexibility and
buttresses at 15.2 m spacing. At this dam slots
provides a greater slab thickness over the supports.
were left between the buttress heads; Fig.
10.27-these tapered from 1.83 m wide at the
Support on buttress Copper or upstream to 1.22 m wide at the downstream
end, Fig. 12.09. The slots were filled with con­

crete after most shrinkage had taken place in
the monoliths. The joint seals consist ofP.V.C.
strip 300 mm wide in the upstream keyway
which was bitumen-lined on the downstream
:1 I
[J Butlress thickness (em) side, followed by a 230 mm diameter hole with
=. 30 + 2H where H is in metres bitumen infIlling, and a 150 mm wide P.V.C.
Fig. 12.05 Alternative continuous slab deck strip in the second keyway, Fig. 12.10.
Meadowbank Dam, Australia, Figs. 14.57 and
12.11, is a massive. head buttress type--of
height 34 m with buttresses spaced at 15.3 m,
. : selected to suit the foundations and to provide
...' 12.2 Massive Head Buttress
an overflow spillway on the dam.
To avoid tensile stresses in a thin slab, and
The quantity of concrete in a dam will vary
hence the need for reinforcement, the massive
from site to site, particularly as affected by the
head buttress, Fig. 12.03(D) was developed. In
foundations. For a height up to 20 m a flat slab
1932 Noetzli' suggested the round head buttress
dam may require 40 per cent of the concrete re­
Fig. 12.03(E), on the assumption that wate;
quired for a gravity dam; a massIve head buttress
acting radial!y on the head would cause only
or hollow gravity dam will require 60 to 75 per
compressive stress in the head. The round head
cent; a modern conventional multiple arch may
buttress has in some cases-such as Lednock
require only 30 per cent for dams up to 40 m
Dam, Scotland, Fig. 5.22-been modified using
high increasing to 60 or 70 per cent for dams
three plane surfaces instead of the cylindrical
150 m high. The relative economy of buttress
surface. It is, however, debatable whether this
dams will, however, depend upon the foun­
does decrease the cost. It is essenrial to foresee
dations, the cost of materials, and· the cost and
construction procedures with the massive head
availability of skilled tradesmen at the particular
type of dam--especially the need for support of
any overhanging concrete until it has gained ade­
For dams up to 150 m high it should be
quate strength.
possible to dimension a buttress type of dam so
In 1948 Reinus· showed that the pore pressure
that the first principal stress does not exceed
within an undrained buttress head could act
7 MPa, i.e. a stress comparable with that in a
laterally and induce considerable horizontal ten­
thin arch dam.
sile stress at the face of the round head. To
minimize this, the water stop should be located
well downstream in the joint; drains can also be
12.3 Multiple-arch Dam
provided within the head as at the 83 m high
Gioveretto Dam, Italy (1956). Closely following the Meer Allum Dam, an



Australian Engineer, J. D. Berry, advocated the Fig. 12.06 Almendra left side dyke, Spain
multiple-arch dam in 1891, resulting in the con­
struction of the 18.3 m high Belubula Dam.lO Fig. 12.07 Salta de Prada, Spain
This consists of six buttresses 8.6 m apart vary­
Fig. 12.08 Crnachan Dam, Scotland
ing in thickness from 1.5 to 3.65 m. The concrete
foundation extends for one-third of the height. Fig. 12.09 Cruachan Dam-Contraction slot
The arches are elliptical, built up in brickwork
0.5 m thick at the crest and 1.2 m thick at the Fig. 12.10 Crnachan Dam--Sealing of contraction
base. The slope of the upstream face is 60°. The slot
buttresses were also built in brickwork as arched
Fig. 12.11 Meadowbank Dam, Australia
columns--a modern concept of load support, 11
Fig. 12.12. Fig. 12.12 Belubula Dam, Australia-Arches and
The 12.2 m high multiple-arch dam at the buttresses in brickwork
Great Lake, Australia,12,D Fig. 12.13, evoked
world-wide interest at the time of its construc­ Fig.12.13 Great Lake Dam (Miena), Australia
tion, 1918-1920. It comprises 27 arches each Fig. 12.14 Ingleburn Dam, Australia
12.2 span, 300 mm thick at the crest and
560 mm at the base. The slope of the upstream Fig. 12.15 Daniel Johnson Dam, Canada (Mani­
face is 60°. Lateral bracing is provided between couagan 5)
the buttresses. Fig. 12.16 Faux-la-Montagne Dam, France
The Ingleburn Dam, Australia (1934), Fig.
Fig. 12.17 Faux-la-Montagne Dam-Braced for sta­
12.14, is possibly the simplest form of multiple bility and flexibility
arch. Its dimensions are similar to the Great
Lake Dam, i.e. maximum height 12.2 m aod span Fig. i2.18 Faux-la-Montagne Dam-Pneumatically
applied mortar
12.2 m. At this site it was decided that no lateral
bracing between buttresses was necessary.
The 88 m high Bartlett Dam, U.S.A.,>' is one
of ,,:the highest multiple arch dams-built
1936-1939. spanning the deep river channel (with the large
The Daniel Johnson Dam l4 (Manicouagao 5), arch)."
Figs. 12.15 and 5.12, is an outstanding example A remarkable multiple-arch dam is Faux-la­
of a large and modern multiple-arch dam. The Montagne completed in Fraoce in 1951, Fig.
central arch is 65 m high and 50 m span, whilst 12.16. Built some 670 m above sea level it is sub­
the other arches have a maximum height of 42 m ject to winter snow; it consists of 14 arches of
and span 23 m. At this site either a rockfill with maximum height 19 m, only 80 mm thick at the
impervious face or a concrete dam could have crest and 140 mm thick at the base. The
been built. buttresses are spaced at 6.6 m centres and are
200 mm thick, Fig. 12.17. The arches are of
'To reach the electricity production level required cement mortar pneumatically applied over the
to meet the demand, water in the reservoir had to
two layers of reinforcement, Fig. 12.18. The
. reach a determined elevation at a predicted date. As
the reservoir was very large, ftIIing had to start at buttresses are braced with straight beams and
an early date. arched beams in alternate bays to ensure stability
The rockfiIl would have required 23 million m' with flexibility. Provision is made for expansion
of material and it was almost impossible to build of the crest walkway and haodrails in the bays
such a dam to meet the required programme--eon­
that are braced with the arched beams. It is
struction being limited by the cold season. It would
have been possible to meet the programme with a reportedt that this dam has given full satisfac­
gravity dam--but only with considerable equipment tion and was in excellent condition at its second
and a prolonged season even during the half-<:old 10-yearly inspection in 1972.
period. It would have required a large quantity of
concrete and prices were very high at this site. The * Private communication from M. Yvon de Guise, Com~
multiple-arch dam used concrete to better advantage missioner, Hydro-Quehec, Canada.
than would a slab type of dam; it also simplified t Private communication from Electriclte de France.


, 'I

.' I,



300mm wide

I 150mm wide
150 mm diameter
drain hole
1 12.10

H Controction joinl 4.32
Max. HW.L. S.L. 79.1
~;.:;~;~~ Max. H.W.L. S.L.79.1

36.3x4.6 15.3 ]610

••. die. droin

240mm PV.C. wolerslop

Section A-A
N.T. W.L S.L. 43.2 SL. 43.8

/I\,oomm IOOmm dio.

GrOUI dio.drains drains
oLI_ _ _1,-_
10 20m
I curtain _,


I E f-·




,-,~ ...Ii"· l=:j~':-·ft'IlI. . )$;:;;"........ J ~:-c...,~r~., ~~~~I _~ ~~j __·~··I ____.-J '_._.:.J _..!-...:,....J ~ ___ -: ,._,--1 ___--.:- ,0';,' .'''' ._;

3- Diversion tunnels 9 - Compensafion water oulle!s 12 - Drainage curtain

4- Leon cOncrete backfill 10 gorge 7- Drainage gorJeries IQ-Buttress joints 13- Grout curtoin
5 Central arch support a- Limit of droinoge curtain il- Arch joints 14-Ground line ot bose of buttresses
15 - Alluvium in gorge

Horizonfal section
Section ~
fhtou9h abulment ..
crown of abutmenl ~ arch

36,5 lL5

Section through Horizon/ol section
crown of central lhrouqh central
arch arch

.. •.,,, ....
• U ••' <-.".?.<ff.'>'"fJ':_ ,>O:;-"~""~'7.v.-.-.r.l.·..r~_~.r_"t.~~>, ,,,,.,r/~.'.r ~,- i ,. ,.',",.' .. --~:.,~---"~~~.:..:.-:~-"~.--~ ..:.~-----.- .__ ._------------------_.. ,,- ----- --­

~l ,

12.1 R >

Rabodanges Dam, Fig. 12.19, is somewhat A modern double-curvature arch dam would
similar." Its maximum height is 17 m, the probably be within this same range of
buttress spacing is 6.4 m. The arches are 250 mm cost-illustrating that factors other than cost
thick and the buttresses 700 mm thick. can often govern the choice of type of dam.
For La Ville-Hatte Dam, France,!" a very
simple arrangement was adopted-two cylindrical
arches with vertical upstream faces, a spillway
being provided over the central buttress, Fig. r'.l
~ I
12.20. The simple arrangement is often feasible L~
in a wide valley with sound rock foundations.

~~ IJJIIIII!'ffiillllil~,f
4 -----··---------·C--­

1 j ! , !
•• , r !

( J }
640 ( 2 ) Footbridge
...I. ( 3 ) Normo! wale! leyel
14 lArch LA L
'0.70 ( 5 l 'Woterstop' tubber joint
( 6 ) Toe woll ;;:utoff
{ 7 1 Drain
Fig. 12.19 Rabodanges multiple-arch dam
Although pneumatically applied mortar (or l~
concrete) is of high density, strength and im­
permeability, it is e:<pensive and requires very ex­
perienced operators for a. consistent product. The
author does not know of such a dam higher than
! fl. .,
The Coolidge Dam," U.S.A. (1928) includes
three double-curvature arches, i.e. a multiple­
( l ) Excavation line
12) Spillway black

Fig. 12.20
(3) Wing W(lll
(4) Thrust block

La Ville-Halte Dam, France

o ,
dome dam of height 76 m. The buttresses are
spaced 55 m apart and vary in thickness from 6.1 Based on special site circumstances, as at the
to 18.3 m. Daniel Johnson Dam, a small multiple-arch dam
An interesting comparison of costs and quan­ is due for completion in 1975 near Mt. Isa,
tities for dams at this site at that time was made Queensland, Australia. * At this remote site two
by C. E. Oldberg of the U.S. Indian Service: factors mainly influenced the selection of type, ;
Relative volume Relative viz., the materials for concrete were very expen­ n
of concrete cost sive and the site is subject to great seasonal L~
Type of dam (per cent) (per cent) floods. The former mitigated against a mass
Multiple dome (buttresses gravity dam over which floods could have been
55 m aparr) 100 100 passed during construction, whilst the flood
Mutiple arch (buttresses
18.3 m apart) 67 102
Arch-gravity 192 120 * Private communication from McIntyre and Associates., [].

Consulting Engineers, Townsville, Australia. _



Dam axis
Max; probable flood level Non.overflow crest Overflow section 'section
Nan..overflow and survey control line
RL 267 •
RL267 crest
Low flow . (5) Aeration ,4
Full supply level {FS,Ll Overflow chute Slab¢f' Overflow crest '( opening
RL 255 Ai7,'
1.5 !
RL255 1
Overflow ~IV flow
Chule 510 b of crest Olock--' chute slob 1'1
support beam ~ I I
Rate of taper of
Arch wallihicknes.. "­
11 L~
Chute slob
Turbulence H support beam
Thicknes,s varies •.:.
Dissipa tion ,iIl control wall II lI
610mm minimum
- Oissipationacr slob I! R,L 2'33 I IT7a Erosion
RL 237

Rigid fNC, pipe

I ' -
Upsteam head

1'1' __ "' ___

__ ... >I
_ _...JI

... li __--
iV/I wall

conduits Ihro'fooling (preslressedl

for curtain grouting l-=-!_

o ~

~5 . E
1~ c
t 1
'" -'1\
__ \
t\ •
';::' -t"" '"
_, L

. I'
(I) Transition

Grout curtain• , l.. -gtn ~11) ~C buttreSSI c:: ~~

t and
I :; of arch ----H-'
Primary. holes 3.2m
Secondary h o l e s .
.' Arch barrel Q.l
':; c; -e e ti t

~ I
between primary=:--__. . I\ ..--' . u I- u0 .c:,e=" ~i

'1. Buttress--, , ' - " [' ;;:: I

L - r Overflow
.- ----- bu ttress :i3 ~
c ~ a~ ~
0 ~


"-~---+-I- Arch barrel ~ 1 :; 0 .- ------A
f: 1\

100.. __

Q. 1

, '!. 1'.1 \ ...J:::tl olf-,

\!!- .L 1 Overflow

v ! buttre-,i~t_~

Water. outlet

not shown Plan

h .c"
",< Fig.. 12.21 Julius Dam-Details of multiple-arch 0\

>.,.'- "-,'.',. ,.". ""---"."


protection of a rockfin dam would have involved mal to the axis of the arch barrels and at the

a disproportionate cost. As it happened the site same time provides a convenient weir across

was flooded in 1973 and was submerged for the the river bed to isolate the bUllress area from

extended 'wet' season in 1974. Despite these oc­ minor flows; P.V.C. seals are used between

currences, work was possible on the abutments each arch and the base;

and damage to buttress excavations was minimal. The arch barrels span between buttresses 18.3 m
Based on a maximum probable flood of apart; the intrados of each arch is of constant
14700 m'ls the principal dimensions of suitable radius (8.2 m) subtending an angle of 150°.
alternative dams at this site are as in Table 12.1: The thickness of the arch barrels which lie at
45° on the supporting buttresses, varies from
Table 12.1. Julius Creek Dam Alternatives 0.61 m at the crest to 1.07 m at the base;
Freyssinet hinges are provided at the springing
Multiple lines of the arches, heavy steel reinforcement
Rockfill arch being necessary to counter bursting stresses,
Dimension (m) (m)
Fig. 12.24;
Height above river bed (m) The arch barrels are poured in independent rings
-spillway 26 26
-non-overflow 40.S 32 of approximately 3 m longitudinal length with
Spillway crest length (m) waterproof seals between rings; this avoids
~main 100 220 tensile stresses that would otherwise occur due
-auxiliary 287 to cantilever action;
Maximum flood height Each buttress head is prestressed with a load of
above crest (m) 14.6 9.2
1000 tonnes to oppose tensions revealed in

The estimated cost of the multiple-arch dam

both conventional and finite element analyses
of the buttresses;
Buttress reinforcement is sufficient to resist
was 83 per cen t of that of the rockfill and the
accepted tender was well below the estimate. Fac­ secondary principal stresses; 1

tors favouring the multiple-arch dam at this site Contraction joints were proposed in the buttresses , .1
were: '7 approximately parallel to principal stresses,

but for simplicity only horizontal joints were

Concrete in the arch barrels is in compression


. under all conditions of loading;

In the original design of buttress footings it was
It is economical in concrete quantity, although
considered that the quartzite of the founda­
unit concrete costs are substantially higher
tion was of adequate quality to provide some
than for a gravity dam;
lateral support to buttress walls against
The sloping water face assists in stability of the
, dam; transverse loads. When the rock in the river
bed was exposed zones of poor-quality
Because of the small foundation contact area,
shattered rock were more extensive than an­
uplift forces are comparatively small;
ticipated and it was necessary to amend the
Foundation grouting can be carried out from
buttress footing design and widen it from
downstream of the arch bases after the reser­
2.4 m strip footing to a pad footing of 5 or 6 m

voir is filled;
width that required no side support;

River diversion costs were minimal.

The technique of omitting concrete downstream
Particular features of the design of Julius Dam, of a plane between the downstream toe of
Fig. 12.21, are:
The arches are cut off obliquely instead of Fig. 12.22 Model of Julius Dam, Australia
horizontally-fully in the non-overflow sec­
tion and to some extent in the overflow sec­ Fig. 12.23 Julius Dam-Triangular arch bases and
rion, Fig. 12.22, of. Calacuccia Dam ,. and excavations for buttresses (By courtesy of McIntyres
Grandval Dam; ,. Associates)
The construction of triangular arch bases, Fig. Fig. 12.24 Julius Dam-Reinforcement to resist
, "

12.23, provides a flat foundation surface nor­ bursting under Freyssinet hinges in arches
,. I,1




; I

buttresses and the summits of the horizontal elastic studies to determine the magnitude and
I arcs of the arches requires the section between direction of the principal stresses, confirms that
adjacent arches to be closed with a wall. the water load is in fact transmitted through the
Because of the high flood level above spillway bu ttresses to the foundation as through a series
level in Julius Dam a concrete gravity block is of such curved columns. Zienkiewicz, however,
founded on the upstream head of the has shown'· that the conventional assumption of
buttresses and supported on adjacent barrel linear distribution of stress on horizontal planes
I arches; these in turn support the precast can be wide of the mark if founda tion deform­
spillway chute slabs; ability is significant. This becomes increasingly .:.',
The dissipator slab is not less than 760 mm important as the height of the dam increases. !!
thick; each 10 m section being stressed with In order to avoid secondary tensile stresses, the !:
6/90 t cables anchored 12 m into rock; buttresses of many large dams have been built
A low rockfill wall will be built with excavation with contraction joints following the directions
1 spoil-some 120 m downstream-to raise of the principal stresses, i.e. Possum Kingdom.,
i tailwater level and assist in the formation of Dam, U.S.A., I I and Grandval Dam, France." At'"
an hydraulic jump at low flows. Nant-y-Moch Dam, Wales," a central inclined I···
and upper horizontal joint were included, Figs.
12.26 and 12.27.
12.4 Buttresses Inclined joints were provided at the 72 m high
Calacuccia Dam on the, Blue Nile, Sudan. ls The
For small dams the buttresses are usually
dam has four arches each of 50 m span; the
analysed as gravity blocks subject to the inclined
buttresses have a constant thickness of 5.5 m,
water load, their own weight and small uplift. A
though the last section downstream is slightly ;,;"
buttress can also be considered as composed of a
enlarged. The upstream batter is 0.7 and that
system of curved beams, each of which transmits
downstream 0.6. The buttresses are divided into
part of the water load and its own weight to the
12.5 m sections whose faces are parallel to the
foundations, Fig. 12.25. The columns can be
downstream face except for the upstream section
which acts as a load distribution stringer on to
the other sections. The .joints were made with
rack teeth 150 mm proud over 50 per cent of the
surface with provision for grouting through re­
injectable valves. The arches are 1.62 m thick at
the crest and 4.3 m at maximum depth, each
~~ '-·1
built in two sections with three injectable joints.
The Bartlett Dam, U.S.A., is a multiple-arch
dam of maximum height 88 m. The


buttresses-spaced at 18.3 m-are hollow and
include vertical keyed joints." On the other
hand, the Pensacola Dam of maximum height
Fig. 12.25 Buttress design-Hypothetical 43 m has hollow buttresses spaced at 25.6 m;
these buttresses were built with construction
proportioned to develop uniform compressive joints in two directions at 90°-approximately
stress and curved to avoid eccentricity ofioading. following the lines of the principal stresses. The
This assumes that such columns are free to act 46 m high Buchanan Dam, U.S.A., has keyed
and that no second principal stresses are present. construction joints-vertical and sub-horizontal
However, such buttresses are usually built mono­ (dipping upstream).
lithically, reinforced on both faces to resist The hollow gravity dam has been developed to
thermal as well as the second principal stresses save concrete, since a conventional gravity
that do occur. dam about one"<juarter to one-third of the con­
More precise analysis, either by conventional crete counteracts the effects of uplift. Dr C.
statics, by finite element methods or by photo- Marcello of Italy has been responsible for many


i .
370 fl
large dams of this type (Ref. 11, Section 12) such Grandval Dam"'" is a multiple-arch dam 88 m
as Bissina Dam. 23 In this case two construction high with 50 m between buttresses. These have
joints were provided-normal to the first prin­ an upstream and downstream batter of 0.7 and
cipal stress, Fig. 12.28. 0.4, respectively. During initial years of
4.62m semi~oxi'S
lJ I

~ariZOnlQr ellipse
~ ,



• ~ I


Fig. 12.26 Nant-y-Moch Dam, Wales-Showing concreting details and location ofcontraction
joints (By courtesy of Water Power)
-,,-" ---­ Concrele 3/2 'It S'Qrh;:
on lift line
~,j :

Lift lines

Typical section normal to 1in 6
lift slope
Fig. 12.27 Nant-y-Moch Dam-Detail of splayed buttress footing (By courtesy of
Water Power)


tiers of jacks were installed, one above the foun­

dations (joint 'A') and the other between the new
block and the dam (joint 'B'). These jacks are
maintained active and were operated twice
between 1966 and 1970 to compensllte for con­
crete shrinkage and creep in both the concrete
and the foundation rock.
1 At Cruachan Dam, a photoelastic glass stress
i meter was built into the interior of a buttress.
Before water load was applied the meter in­
dicated tensile stresses as high as 6 MPa,
emphasizing that thermal stresses in mass con­
crete buttresses can be very serious. Controlled
Thermal prolection cooling of such concrete, with properly located
groutable construction joints, therefore appears
to be desirable if serious cracking is to be
avoided. The location of joints is most impor­
tant-and should be decided with relation to the
Fig. 12.28 Bissina Dam, Italy shape of the buttress, the thermal stresses due to
hydration of the cement, ambient temperature
operation, cracks appeared and worsened in the changes at the site, as well as the directions and
two central overspill buttresses. In particular, magnitudes of principal stresses resulting from
there was an increasing number of failures of the water load and own weight. Since any joints will
keys locking the buttress blocks together. affect the monolithic behaviour of the buttress,
Measurements taken on the dam itself, many Engineers prefer to omit joints and rely
photoelastic studies and theoretical analyses in­ upon reinforcement to prevent cracking. Deter­
dicated that cracking was caused by high tensile mination of the pattern and quantity of such
stress due to the downstream batter being too reinforcement is largely indeterminate--unless
low, Fig. 12.29. The dam was reinforced by access is available to finite element or
lengthening the downstream footing of the two photoelastic analysis--and becomes a matter for
central buttresses and making use of the stability judgment by the Engineer-another example 'of
provided by the downstream block of each. Two the Art versus the Science in Engineering.

740 i"

730 100 bets


~ Compr.ession
720 ,.............. (fension)


.) 700



Fig. 12.29 Grandval Dam-Finite element analysis. Principal

stresses in reinforced buttress under hydrostatic thrust (reservoir
level 742)

12.5 Uplift and Sliding near horizontal bands of mudstone between

quartzite. No trial pits were dug and no in silU
A major advantage claimed for buttress
shear tests were made. When the rock was ex­
dams-including the hollow gravity dam-is
cavated it was found that the mudstone was con­
that uplift forces acting on the dam are minimal.
siderably weaker than anticipated having a
It is usual to adopt a distribution of uplift
residual angle of shearing resistance as low as
pressure, acting on 100 per cent of the area,
18°, To have changed to a gravity dam would·
somewhat as shown in Fig. 12.30. For this to be
have involved both contractual arrangements
and a much greater cost. It was therefore decided
to provide the additional resistance against
sliding by means of post-tensioned restressible
I .
p!IlIllllIDllllIDlJllITlJllITiIlIlIlmmmmmm=j1 Toilwoter cables fixed to the foot of each buttress. For a
factor of safety of 1. 5 in shear along the mud­
stone and allowing an extra 25 per cent of cables
it was calculated that 200 cables each stressed to
270 tonnes would be required .. These were in­
stalled, Fig. 12.31, increasing the cost of the dam
Fig. 12.30 Uplift pressure on buttress by 10 per cent but with no delay to the job.

factual there must be release to atmosphere, Or

tailwater pressure, around the buttress footing. 12.6 Spill-over Buttress Dams
At Gleno Dam, Italy, this was prevented by a
continuous base slab under the buttresses and the Where flood waters are to be passed over
buttress dams the following factors deserve atten­
dam failed-Chapter 3. Should the foundation
be horizontally stratified then uplift could act on
a layer of rock only a little distance below the The nappe must be adequately aerated to avoid
dam; drainage of such a foundation is therefore vibrations or pulsations that could be
essential. transferred into the dam to cause overstressing
The 31 m high Muda Dam, Malaysia, was or into the foundations to weaken their shear­
designed as a slab and buttress dam}' During in­ ing resistance;
itial investigations, a number of borings showed The nappe should impact on to reinforced con-

Fig. 12.31 Muda Dam, MaJaysia



crete slabs that are adequately anchored into

the foundations. Erosion behind the buttress
heads or arches should be prevented by provi­ 200mm
sion of a concrete turbulence control wall or
by suitable paving; E £L662
It must be possible to destroy most of the energy
of the surcharge without rupture of the river "
bed downstream from the dam. Should ex­
cessive erosion occur the shearing resistance of
the foundation could be lost.
At Meadowbank Darn, Figs. 12.11 and 14.57,
and at Julius Darn, Fig. 12.22, flood waters are Fig. 12.32 Vcssingsj'" Dam, Norway-Nca
released at crest level. At Vessingsjil Dam, project. Slab thickness: 325 mm + 25 mmlm
Norway,26 a ski jump is incorporated on the vertical; Buttress thickness: 300 mm + 30
downstream face some 12 rn below spillway level, mmlm vertical
Figs. 12.32 and 14.07. Many dams are com­
: ,: pletely covered on the downstream side of the More sophisticated spillways have been
spillway, e.g. Lednock Dam, Fig. 5.22, and Muda provided over the buttresses as at Roseires
Darn, Fig. 12.31. Dam," Fig. 12.33.

50.00 .1, 50.00 ,I. 50.00 ,I, 50.00 ,I

Plan view


,i :

Fig. 12.33 Calacucda Dam--Spillway over buttress (By courtesy of Travaux, Sept. 1967)

12.7 Prestressing provide the desired increment on the factor of

Since the aim of the designer of buttress dams safety.
is to minimize the total quantity ofconcrete, pre­ Prestressing can be applied in at least three
stressing is the obvious manner in which to manners to a buttress dam:
counteract tensions that would otherwise exist. (a) To 'pull down' the upstream face;
Prestressing of dams--or the introduction of (b) To 'jack up' the downstream toe;
stress into the structure before it supports its (c) To compact the buttress on to the foundation
design load-was developed for strengthening rock to improve the resistance to sliding of
existing dams. In the past 20 years it has been in­ dam on rock, at the same time tightening
corporated as part of the design of new dams. seams to improve the resistance to sliding
However, there is still a tendency to rely on the within the foundations.
prestressing only to ensure an adequate factor of
safety under abnormal conditions, i.e. the dam At Julius Dam, Australia, with a free-falling
may be stable under normal conditions of nappe when spilling, the downstream toe of the
loading, but under extreme flood or earthquake buttress and the innermost position of the lower
conditions the factor of safety may be unaccept­ nappe had to be reconciled if the buttresses were
ably low; prestressing is then incorporated to
> not to project into the nappe. With a buttress


-7 !
A L---il----__ . _ E A

Cui off
(A) Vetlicol section A-A Seclion 8-B

Note : Loads in "mefric tons

W :: Woter lood
1f :: Tolol COncrele ..... eight
R'E: :: Resultont without active thrust and
no water lood
ft',: :: Resullonl withoot active thrust and
mox. woler lood
T Acti\le thrust
RE: ResuHonf with acrive Ihrust ond no
woler loed
RIO ;: Resullant with aclive fhruSf and max.
waler lood

(B) 1-1.~_____---'7~0C!"m'---l-_R_'F_' _61_>0_0°-1.1

Fig. 12.34 Erraguena Dam, Algeria-{A) Typical buttress and barrel arch; (B) Typical load
: l


profile to suit these conditions analysis showed as 'The buttresses react at their downstream toe
that under maximum flood conditions, secondary against an abutment with an active joint made of
principal stresses in the upstream lower section Freyssinet jacks staggered with reinforced con­
of the buttresses were tensile. This was cor.­ crete wedges. About one-third of the total
ftrmed by finite element analysis. The most hydrostatic pressure is thus transferred through
economical method of controlling these tensile the active joint to the rear abutment which per­
stresses was to prestress the upstream head of mits an appreciable saving in concrete volume
each buttress with a total force of 1000 tonnes. whilst ensuring absolute safety of the structure
j The Erraguena Dam on the Djen Djen River against sliding and permanent comrol thereof by
in AJgeria has a maximum height of 82.5 m. The adjustment of the active joint', Fig. 12.34(A).
arch barrel thickness varies from 1.07 to 1.70 m, The resultant force on the foundations is
whilst the buttresses--spaced 35 m apart-are reduced and rotated so as to intersect the founda­
3 m thick. It represents probably the lightest con­ tion closer to the centre of the base and at a
crete dam of its kind so far built, i.e. the concrete steeper angle, Fig. 12.34(B).
volume is less than one-third of what would have The tore-shaped arches, which are stiffer than
been required in a gravity alternative. The struc­ cylindrical arches, further correct the position of
I ture has been in operation for several years and the resultant hydrostatic pressure. Prestressing
i r
I has performed extremely well structurally. was also applied 'vertically' in the heavily rein­
Muller" described the method of prestressing forced arches.


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_ l,
'1 ,
j i
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