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The Relationship of Statistic and Probability


Statistics and Probability are concepts in mathematics that help people in their daily lives. Both
are used in several ways such as for who will win the election, percentage of the people suffering
from poverty and so many more. So how Statistics and Probability is defined. Statistics is
defined as the science concerned with developing and studying methods for collecting,
analyzing, interpreting and presenting empirical data (What is Statistics?, 2019). While
Probability is the branch of mathematics that studies the possible outcomes’ relative likelihoods
and distribution. (Probabilty, 2019). In simple terms, a chance that a particular event is going to


Statistics and Probability has a certain relationship of cause and effect. Statistics is used to infer
causes while probability predicts data or outcomes from the possible causes (Relationsihip
Between Statistics and Probability, 2014). From the predictive analysis point of view, Statistics
are applied to historical data that will be used as a reference to determine the possible outcomes
of certain situation or the probability that that a certain event can occur. For example, in weather,
there are several months in a year that rains and several months that are hot. On rainy season, the
department that is in charge of the weather uses the statistical data from the previous year to
predict the possible number of typhoons that are going to enter our Philippine Area of
Responsibility and during the summer period, using the previous data they have, they analyze it
and they can also predict the day or week summer is going to start. Another example, a store
sells clothes, the store owner analyzes the quantity of sales per day and what type of clothing
sells the most, from that data the owner has, he can predict the possible number of sales in his
store. The owner can also use that data as a guide to when he/ she needs to buy stocks of clothes.
This are just few example that explains the relationship between statistics and probability and
how people use it on our daily lives.

There are many ways Statistics and Probability can be used in our daily lives. It can affect us in
so many ways, like making us ready for possibilities in the future. In conclusion, the relationship
between statics and probability, can help a lot of people in a lot of ways. People just have to get
data, analyze them and look for the possible future outcomes from it.

Probabilty. (2019, Feb 5). Retrieved from Wolfram Math World:
Relationsihip Between Statistics and Probability. (2014). Retrieved from
What is Statistics? (2019). Retrieved from UCI Department of Statistics:

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