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Date: October 10, 2020

Aim: To collect and classify organisms within an ecosystem

Apparatus: Paper towels, plastic containers, pair of tweezers, stick, phone and plastic bags.

Method: The selected organisms were collected from my backyard and was observed then
classified. After being classified, the organisms were placed in the respective homes.

Observation: The features of the organisms are similar if they share the same class.

Discussion: Classification is the grouping of organisms with similar characteristics. Some

features used to classify these organisms are number of legs, amount of segments, body size,
texture of skin, colour and number of wings. A shrub can be distinguished in a grassy field by
observing its leaves, they tend to be broad, the stems are woody and unlike grasses, shrubs
have a lot of stems.

Conclusion: Organisms can be classified based on shared characteristics.

Precaution: The containers in which the organisms were placed had holes, they were able to
breathe. None of the organisms were killed or harmed and they were placed in their
respective ecosystems.

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