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Name : Tami Sakinah

NIM : 2004412

Class : 3A2

Course: Writing in Professional Purpose

Watching Games on TV is Much Way Better than Watching It in the Stadium

Many people used to watch games, for instance football, in a stadium. However, we actually
have another way to watch it without going out of our house. We can watch the game on TV
which gives us a lot of advantages, such as cheaper cost, greater comfort, and superior
electronic technology.

Firstly, watching a game on TV is cheaper than watching it in a stadium. When we want to go

to the stadium, we have to cost a lot of money for the transportation, the ticket, and some
other resources we need to support our favorite team. However, if we watch the game on TV,
we can reduce our expenses because we do not need to be worried about the transportation,
parking lot fee, ticket fee, and even food. We just need to turn on the television and sit infront
of it while eating food from our refrigerator.

Secondly, watching a game on TV is more comfortable than watching it in a stadium. There

are a lot of reasons to support that argument. First, if we watch the game on TV, we can sit on
comfortable places such as our sofa, or bed, or even on the floor. It is much way better than
sitting in a stadium because we likely to get a non strategic seat. There are so many
possibilities of us getting a seat behind a taller person, for example, which makes us cannot
watch the entire game clearly. The second one is the convenience. When we watch the game
in our house, we can go to the bathroom freely and eat what we like peacefully (we can even
eat noodle which is a bit troublesome to eat at a stadium).

Beside cheaper cost and greater comfort, watching the game on TV also offers superior
technology, which makes a televised game better than the real thing. In the actual location
(where the game takes place), there must be a lot of cameras in every angle which shoots the
entire game and somehow edited in such a way to make the amazing event air beautifully on
It is actually up to you if you want to watch your favorite game whether on TV or in a
stadium. But considering a lot of advantages we can get from watching it on TV; in our house
(rather than watching it in a stadium) which are cheaper, more comfortable, and better to
watch (because it offers superior technology); you need to think of it twice to go to the

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