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In the 21st century, streaming services are very popular.

There are many people debating

whether will streaming services like Netflix replace movie theaters. I personally do not believe that
Netflix will replace movie theaters.

First, Netflix can only be displayed on either smartphones or a computer, and movie theaters
have a huge screen where customers can enjoy all the tiny detail or easter eggs that show up on the
screen. For instance, a 15-inch monitor at home compared to a 45-50 feet theater screen. The movie
theater screen definitely allows us to watch any detail on screen and catch as many easter eggs as

Secondly, the audio system in a movie theater compared to a home computer watching Netflix
is a totally different experience. For example, theaters use Dolby Digital 5.1 digital audio which provides
a realistic surrounding audio experience to the audience. How much a person will need to pay to have
such a sound system on their computer or smartphone to have the same experience?

Finally, Netflix can only provide a 2D experience to the viewer or maximum a low quality of 3D.
Movie theaters can not only provide it as a 2D, but it also has multiple different gimmicks that improve
the quality of watching a movie. Such as, movie theaters have different movie styles that allow
customers to watch the movie in 3D with glasses or 4D with movable chairs, raindrops, etc…

In conclusion, I think that Netflix will not replace movie theaters, at least with today’s
technology. Different sizes of screens and audio systems already have huge differences compared to
watching Netflix at home. Movie theaters also allow customers to have a similar environment to the
first-person feelings inside the movie which brings another level of experience to enjoy watching movies
in the theater.

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