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If I were to choose a paid streaming service that I use, it would certainly be

Netflix. With over five thousand films and hundreds of series, from a significant
variety of genres and cultures, Netflix manages to provide a great form of
One noteworthy advantage of the streaming services provided by Netflix is
most likely its ability to provide movies and shows suitable for everyone.
Furthermore, another strength is the visual quality of the videos which is
impeccable, there is little to no buffering and its interface is facile to navigate.
Last, but not least, Netflix also has the option to download content on your phone,
in order for it to be watched offline.
On the other hand, Netflix has a couple of notable downsides. One of the
main disadvantages of this streaming platform is the compromised ad-based tier,
which interferes with the users’ experience, by interrupting films or episodes.
Apart from this, Netflix is also the most expensive on-demand streaming service,
but it doesn’t manage to make its content available worldwide despite people
bearing the same costs everywhere.
Taking everything into consideration, I believe Netflix is worth the cost
involved. Despite its weaknesses, the wide variety available and the high quality of
films manage to outshine these downsides. Besides, there is currently no better
option available when it comes to these facilities available.

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