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Prepared by
Shahzad Hassan

Reg #

Prepared For
Sir Bilal Javed
Position Statement:

For consumers who wants to have TV series and Movies available instantly for streaming.
Netflix is the market leader in the video streaming service industry. Having an immaculate
customer support and expanding into different countries with consistency in their service. Netflix
having the widest range of content available and having their own production house sets them
apart from its competitors.

 What is it?

Netflix is a streaming service that allows people to watch movies and TV shows in a wide
variety to choose from.

 Who is it for?

Netflix targets people between the ages of 17 to 60.

 What problem does it solve?

It allows its consumers to stream and watch TV series and movies anytime, anywhere while
being outdoors or in the comfort of your home.

 What’s the value?

Netflix provides recommendation as the consumers don’t know what to watch and are terrible in
making decisions.

 How is it different from others?

It is different because it has a much wider range of content to watch and has its own production
house which tops all its competitors.

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