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NAME: _______________________________________________

1.FUTURE TENSES. Fill in the gaps with WILL, BE GOING TO, the
1. A: I can’t move this table, it’s too heavy. B: Wait, I ________________ (help)
2. A: Did you know that we ___________________ (travel) to Rhodes in June?
B: No, I didn’t know anything about it. It sounds great! A: Yes, it does. We
_________________ (stay) at a beautiful hotel on the beach. I’m sure we
_________________ (have) a great time!
3. A: What ______________________ (Paul do) tomorrow? B: He
_________________ (take) his driving test at 9.00am. I hope he
________________ (pass) it!
4. A: ___________________ (you go) to the concert tomorrow night? B: Yes,
we bought the tickets three weeks ago! A: What time ____________________
(it start)? B: At nine. I can’t wait!!
5. Hurry up! The train __________________ (leave) in two minutes!
6. We _____________________ (not play) tennis this weekend. Bill is busy.
7. She ___________________ (not think) her parents __________________
(allow) her to go to the concert tomorrow.
8. A: I ___________________ (not know) how to use this camera. B: It’s very
easy. I ___________________ (show) you.

2. VERB TENSES. Fill in the gaps with the most suitable tense of the verbs
in brackets. ( 5 marks )
1. My mum _______________________ (play) basketball since she was ten
years old. By the time she was 15, she _____________________ (already join)
her school team. Later, she __________________ (become) a professional
player. She ___________________ (not compete) any more, but she still
_______________ (play) for fun at weekends. Last night there ____________
(be) a basketball match on TV. While we ____________________ (watch) it,
the lights ______________ (go) off, an mum _______________ (get) really
angry because her favourite team __________________ (win) and she
________________ (want) to know what the final score of the match was.
2. A: Yesterday, Jason ________________ (break) his leg while he
__________________ (fix) the roof. Luckily, a neighbour _______________
(see) him and ________________ (call) an ambulance. He ________________
(be) in hospital since yesterday. I ___________________ (just speak) to him.
He’s upset about his leg, but he ____________________ (feel) OK now. I
_________________ (visit) him tomorrow. B: I think I _______________
(come) with you.
3. CONDITIONALS. Fill in the gaps with the most suitable form of the
verbs in brackets. ( 2’5 marks )
1. He always wears a helmet when he _________________ (ride) his
2. If Jan _________________ (jump) 1.80 metres, she’ll win the competition.
3. If I had taken my umbrella, I _______________________ (not get) wet.
4. She _____________________ (go) hiking with us if she had comfortable
5. If I _____________________ (take) your advice, I wouldn’t have made a
6. If you don’t play tomorrow, we ____________________ (not win) the match.
7. How _______________________ (you feel) if you got a medal?
8. __________________________ (we play) football tomorrow if it rains?
9. If we hadn’t lost the game yesterday, we _______________________ (play)
in the championship.
10. In golf, a player _________________ (win) when he gets the lowest score.

4. VOCABULARY. Fill in the gaps with the most suitable word from your
vocabulary list. ( 1 mark )
1. I like living in a _________________________. I don’t want shops and
offices on my street.
2. We saw some beautiful paintings at the ____________________ last night.
It’ll only be open until next weekend.
3. Tim and Sue are not shy. They _____________________ easily, that’s why
everybody knows them.
4. The skater lost her ____________________ for a moment, but she didn’t fall.
5. Our __________________ sends messages to the rest of our body.
6. This table is very heavy. You will need a lot of _________________ to lift it.
7. When he was hurt in the accident, he lost a lot of _________________.
8. He fell off his bicycle but he didn’t get hurt. Luckily, he had his
_______________ on.
9. Try hard and do ___________________ in the exam.
10. Is running on a ___________________ easier than running outside?

5. TRANSLATE the following sentences into English. ( 24’5 marks )

1. A: Miraràs la competició atlètica aquest vespre? B: És clar, a quina hora
comença? A: A les vuit. L’ambient será fantàstic perquè Usain Bolt intentarà
batre el rècord mundial de velocitat. Està en molt bona forma perquè fa mesos
que s’entrena per millorar (improve) la seva resistència i coordinació. C: Si
tingués temps, jo també miraria la competició, però demà he d’entregar (hand
in) un treball sobre les central nuclears a Catalunya i encara no l’he començat.
2. A: Si en Frank no s’hagués tret la seva carrera d’Economia, no hauria
començat el negoci que va obrir fa cinc anys. B: Tens raó. A diferència de la
seva germana, en Frank sempre s’ha esforçat al màxim per tenir èxit (suceed).
Encara treballaria a la granja si no fos tan treballador (hard-working). A: I la
seva germana, què fa? B: És una artista de carrer. La vaig veure fa dues
setmanes, mentre feia les compres. Estava actuant a la plaça del poble (Town).

3. A: Si l’entrenador no fos tan estricte (strict), estaríem en molt mala forma.

Ahir vam córrer descalços pel camp de futbol, tot i que feia dues hores que
plovia i feia massa fred. B: Us dóna permís per sortir el dia abans d’un partit
important? A: No, diu que, si vols ser el millor, has de fer molts esforços. Ell no
hauria fet mai tants (so much) diners si no hagués treballat tan dur. B: Sempre
obeiu (obey) les normes que fa? A: Sí. Si trenques les seves normes, no
jugues el proper partit. (6’5)

4. A: Jugaràs a golf aquest cap de setmana? B: Sí, he quedat amb en Jack

aquesta tarda perquè volem comprar pals de golf nous. A més de golf, quins
altres esports fas? A: Faig aixecament de pesos i corro a la cinta tres cops a la
setmana. Si no fes esport, estaria en baixa forma. B: Tens raó, em faria bé
estar en forma. Jo visc en el desè pis d’aquell gratacels. Em sembla que, en
comptes de (instead of) agafar l’ascensor, pujaré les escales a peu. (6)

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