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Real-Time Monitoring and Logging of Ionospheric

Scintillation and Total Electron Content

Hina Magsi Arslan Ahmed Arif Hussain

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Sukkur IBA University Sukkur IBA University Sukkur IBA University
Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan

Abstract—This paper presents a study on ionospheric scin- wind containing charged particles from the sun also known
tillation and total electron content (TEC) in real-time over as heated plasma strikes the Earth’s magnetic field which
Pakistan by using a Septentrio Polarx5s multi-frequency and in result causes a geomagnetic storm [3]. The geomagnetic
multi-constellation Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) storm may be of minor to severe intensity depending on the
receiver. The ionosphere is the main cause of affecting the size and speed of solar wind striking the Earth’s magnetic
performance of a GNSS receiver due to being upper most layer in
the Earth’s atmosphere consisting of electrically charged particles
field. During the course of a geomagnetic storm, the signals
such as free electrons, atoms and molecules. The presence of passing through the ionosphere may undergo severe amount of
these electrically charged particles in the ionosphere degrades fluctuations (ionospheric scintillation) [4]–[7] in the amplitude
the trans-ionospheric signals by producing rapid variations in and/or phase of the signals propagating through the ionosphere.
the amplitude and phase of the received signals such as GPS. The strong ionospheric scintillation is a major cause of error
These variations in the amplitude and phase are termed as in the navigational systems [7], [8] such as GPS. Severe
ionospheric scintillation. The effects of scintillation are different scintillation may result in loss of lock at the tracking loop
at different latitudes and severe scintillation is usually observed of the GPS receiver due to cycle slip and the signal may
during the peak of the solar maximum period or during a severe be considered absent even if there is a signal present with a
geomagnetic storm. The effects of scintillation on satellite signals strong carrier-to-noise ratio [9], [10]. In order to study the
has urged the need to understand the scintillation morphology at
all latitudes. This paper presents the ionospheric scintillation and
effects of scintillation on GPS receivers, real time monitoring
TEC variations over Pakistan by logging the real time GPS data. of ionospheric scintillation is desirable for reliable positioning
The data is collected by installing a Septentrio multi-frequency services. An elaborative study on the occurrence of scintillation
GNSS receiver at Sukkur, Pakistan (Latitude 27.73◦ N, Longitude and TEC variations must also be done to understand the effects
68.82◦ E). This is the first ever space weather monitoring station of scintillation on RF signals first.
installed for research purposes anywhere in Pakistan. The main
aim of this paper is to efficiently log scintillation for understand- This paper presents the real-time monitoring and analysis
ing the scintillation occurrence patterns over Pakistan and to of TEC variations and ionospheric scintillation over Pakistan
analyze how the scintillation can affect the performance of GNSS using GPS signals for the first time. For this purpose, real-
receivers. This paper uses a data set of a single day, i. e.,24 time data has been logged by installing a Septentrio Polarx5s
hours only but this can be extended for more thorough study on multi-frequency GNSS receiver at the Department of Electrical
ionospheric scintillation by taking a long dataset if desired. Engineering, Sukkur IBA University, Sukkur, Pakistan.
Keywords—Ionospheric Scintillation, GNSS, GPS, amplitude
scintillation, phase scintillation. II. P OLA R X 5S GNSS R ECEIVER D ESCRIPTION
The Polarx5S is a multi–frequency multi–constellation
GNSS space weather monitoring station that is purposely built
The ionosphere is a layer of the Earth’s atmosphere that to study the ionospheric scintillation. It has 544 hardware
lies 75 kms above the Earth’s surface and extends more channels for instantaneous tracking of all satellites in view
than 1000 kms. Any type of disturbance in the ionosphere and can log data as low as 50 Hz measurement rate. The
results in the degradation of the signals propagating through signals that can be locked by the Septentrio receiver are
the ionosphere. This disturbance occurs mainly due to the GPS (L1C/A, L1P, L2P) etc. Here the letters in the brackets
presence of time-varying electron density irregularities as represents the frequency bands associated with that particular
a result of a geomagnetic storm or increased solar activity navigation system. The PolaRx5S has the capability of logging
which is due to the solar coronal holes at the Sun’s surface real-time TEC data and ionospheric indices (S4 , σφ ) for all the
[1], [2]. The disturbance in the ionosphere causes serious available GNSS frequencies. The interference events in radio
problems for the trans-ionospheric signals such as GPS etc. The signals are more and more incorporated and are challenging
most common problems faced by the satellite systems due to to distinguish from scintillation. The PolaRx5S has built-in
disturbed ionosphere is the amplitude and phase variations spectrum analyzer for monitoring of interference. There are
in the received signals. These variations are also known some smoothing algorithms for mitigation of multipath such as
as ionospheric scintillation and arises as a result of space A Posteriori Multipath Estimator (APME+) to mitigate the short
weather phenomena. The space weather results when the solar delay multipath which increases the quality of measurements

978-1-7281-1955-7/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

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and Advanced Interference Mitigation (AIM+) to overcome the connected to a PC which is showing the live ionospheric
interference before it can affect the ionospheric scintillation scintillation and TEC information. The antenna is mounted
indices [11]. on the rooftop of the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Sukkur IBA University, Sukkur as shown in Fig. 3. There
Polarx5S receiver has built-in web user interface that is are different interfaces on the PC screen in Fig. 2. The main
accessible over network or Wifi connection. This Web User interface is the RxControl which is used to make a connection
Interface provides secure access to all settings and status with the Septentrio receiver and then for data logging RxLogger
information of receiver, storage of data and fast and robust is used.
upgrading of firmware as shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1a shows
the information about receiver i.e receiver position, Uptime
(time since last power cycle), total number of tracked satellites,
temperature and applied voltage. Fig. 1b shows the receiver
position which is fixed, Wifi icon ,overall signal quality ,internal
logging and external logging. Fig. 1c indicate the signal quality,
CPU load and RF antenna power. Fig. 1d shows the GNSS
signals tracked by receiver and used in PVT(Position Velocity
Time). The green color line shows that these satellites are
tracked and used in PVT whereas blue line shows that satellites
from these systems are being tracked but not used in PVT.
Fig. 1e shows the logging status and capacity of disk. Fig. 1f
gives information about data streams, receiver logged data in
internal disk (USB1) and (USB2).

Fig. 2. Septentrio PolaRx5S receiver set-up and data logging in PC.

B. PolaNt Choke Ring B3/E6 Antenna

The estimation of ionopsheric scintillation and TEC can
have severe implications due to multipath. The effect on signal
amplitude and phase due to multipath cannot be regarded as
scintillation and therefore must be removed. To lower the effects
of multipath, a Polanet Choke ring B3/E6 antenna is used.
The antenna is mounted at the rooftop having clear sky view as
shown in Fig. 3 and is capable of receiving the GPS, BeiDou,
GLONASS, IRNSS and Galileo signals.

Fig. 1. Information about the Septentrio Receiver status and its connectivity.
a) location of the receiver along with latitude and longitude; b) Receiver
status and and overall quality of the tracked satellites; b) Quality indicators
of the receiver processor and antenna; d) GNSS systems being used in PVT;
s) Logging and recording of data into internal disk storage; f) Data stream
logged by the receiver for scintillation data.

The ionospheric scintillation and TEC data can be logged us-

ing different data formats such as SBF (Septentrio Binary File),
RINEX (Receiver Independent Exchange), ISMR (Ionospheric
Scintillation Monitoring Record), BINEX (Binary Exchange Fig. 3. Choke Ring Antenna mounted on the rooftop at Sukkur IBA University,
Format), NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) and Sukkur, Pakistan.
RTCM (Radio Technical Commission for Maritime). Each data
format can log different data streams so care must be taken The Choke ring antenna is integrated with low-noise
when logging scintillation data to avoid wrong logging of data amplifiers, powerful filters to reject out of band interference to
as the data may not contain the scintillation indices. reject multipath. The radome structure of the antenna makes
it powerful to receive satellite signals even in severe weather
A. Deploying the Polarx5S Receiver conditions. It is high precision geodetic multi-frequency multi-
constellation choke ring antenna to use with PolaRx group and
The receiver setup for recording the scintillation and TEC has capability of receiving GNSS signals like BeiDou B3 and
parameters is shown in Fig. 2. Here, we have a receiver Galileo E6.

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III. S CINTILLATION AND TEC M EASUREMENTS The time rate of change of TEC, i. e., ΔT EC can be
computed as
A. Measuring Ionospheric Scintillation
The GPS signal in the absence of ionospheric scintillation ΔT EC = T EC1 − T EC2 (8)
can be modelled [12] as
where T EC1 is the TEC at time t1 and T EC2 is the TEC at
time t2 .
s(t) = Ad(t)c(t)cos(ωt + φ) + n(t) (1)
where A represents amplitude, d(t) denotes the navigation
data in the signal, ω is the carrier frequency, c(t) is the Once the experimental setup starts working and all the
C/A(Coarse/Aquisition) code of satellite and n(t) is the parameters are set for scintillation and TEC measurements, the
noise. In the presence of scintillation, the signal can be modelled data is logged at 50 Hz rate and the same has been used for
as the TEC as well. The logged data is stored as an SBF files
on hourly basis. So, in a day, a total of 24 files are created
for post-processing. It must be noted that the data logging
s(t) = A.δAd(t)c(t)cos(ωt + φ + δφ) + n(t) (2) will only initiate when the Polarx5s receiver is attached to the
PC and tracking enough satellites for position estimation. The
where δA represents the amplitude fluctuations and δφ rep- following information is used for estimating the scintillation
resents the phase fluctuations in the signal. From (2), the and TEC values in the form of blocks of data.
amplitude scintillation index, S4 , can be calculated as
a) MeasEpoch: It is a reference point from which
 GPS time is measured. This M easEpoch block includes all
I 2  − I 2  measurement data set for all tracked signals over specific epoch.
S4 = (3)
I The parameter that includes in measurement data set are: the
pseudorange, the carrier phase, the Doppler, the C/No (carrier-
where I = δA2 is the signal intensity that indicates the variations to-noise ratio) and the lock time.
in received signal power and brackets  represent the average
over a certain time interval. The phase scintillation, (σφ ), on the b) MeasExtra: This is used for internal correction pa-
other hand can calculated by taking the standard deviation of rameters applied during pre-processing, and the noise variations.
(δφ) over 60s [13]. From [5], [14], the TEC can be calculated c) IQCorr: The IQCorr block contain the GPS signal
as real and imaginary parts after the tracking for navigation data
 extraction every 20 milliseconds.
φ= Ne ds0 (4) d) ReceiverStatus: This block provides the status of the
2cεme f (2π)2 rx receiver i.e CPU load or time since last reset which is helpful
 sat in estimating the block percentage of the NLOS satellites.
where TEC = rx Ne ds0 indicates the integral of election e) ChannelStatus: This block is used for logging the
density (TEC) along the satellite and the receiver path, me is status and health of active receiver channels. The active channels
mass of an electron, q is the charge of an electron, ε is the are those that a satellite has been allocated. The status of the
permitivity of free space, c indicates the speed of light and f active channel is defined as idle ,search, sync or tracking. The
is the signal carrier frequency. By substituting constant values, health is indicated as healthy, unhealthy or unknown.
(4) can be re-written as
f) ReceiverSetup: This block contain the information
40.3 about the eceiver set-up like antenna offset,receiver firmware
φ= T EC (5) version ,receiver name and receiver serial number.
g) GPSNav, GLONav, GALNav, BDSNav and QZSNav:
In case the dual frequency based TEC measurements The decoded navigation data for each satellite is included in
are required which are much more accurate than the single these blocks.
frequency TEC measurements as given by (5), then it can be
calculated as [4] The above data contain loads of information and it is not
always useful to log the data at the navigation data rate which
  is 50 Hz (20 ms). Some of the information in estimating the
1 1 scintillation and TEC values are required every 20 ms such as
P2 − P1 = 40.3T EC − 2 (6)
f22 f1 the IQ data whereas receiver or channel status are not required
so frequently. Logging all the information at 20 ms would lead
where P1 and P2 are the group path lengths of the L1 to over burdening the receiver and it might goes into halt state
and L2 signals and f1 and f2 are the L1 and L2 frequencies due to heavy amount of data. A complete list of timestamp for
respectively. Re-arranging (6), the TEC can be given as each data recorded is given in Table I.
 2 2  Once the parameters shown in Table I are logged, they
1 f1 f2 have been used to estimate the scintillation and TEC values
T EC = (P2 − P1 ) (7)
40.3 f12 − f22 along with C/No , elevation angle etc. as shown in Fig. 4. This

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S CINTILLATION AND TEC DATA IN S EPTENTRIO R ECEIVER to elevation angle. The +ve signs in the skyview plot shows
the GPS satellites along with their numbers whereas the five
S.No. Parameters Logging Rates
20ms(50Hz) 1sec(1Hz) 10sec OnChange
small boxes above each satellite represents the GPS signal
1. IQCorr  frequencies from L1 to L5 locked by the receiver. The first
2. MeasEpoch  box represents the status of L1 frequency signals, second box
3. MeasExtra 
4. ReceiverStatus 
is assigned to L2C frequency signals, third to L5 signal, fourth
5. ChannelStatus  box to L1P(Y) signal and the fifth box shows the L2P(Y) signal
6. ReceiverSetup  status. If the color of a box assigned to a particular satellite
7. GPSNav 
8. GLONav 
signal is yellow then it means that the receiver is searching the
9. GALNav  signal on that frequency, blue color indicates that the satellite is
10. BDSNav  tracked and locked but may not be used in positioning solution
11. QZSNav  due to low carrier-to-noise ratio or other factors. Similarly, a
green color box shows that the satellite is tracked and used
in positioning solution. In this study, we have used results of
figure is the processed data and is in SBF format which is the satellites that are above fifteen degrees elevation angle in
then converted to Ionospehric Scintillation Monitoring Record order to avoid effects of multipath as they create problems in
(ISMR) file. The ISMR file contains 62 columns each columns estimating the ionospheric scintillation.
represent different parameter like Col. 1 is GPS week number,
Col. 2 is GPS Time in seconds and Col. 8 is S4 Index and so
on [11].

Fig. 4. Post-processing of data for generating the SBF files Fig. 6. Skyview Plot of GPS Satellites on 23rd April 2019 from 10:00 to
11:00 hours

Fig. 7 shows the amplitude and phase scintillation plots on

23rd April, 2019 for some of the satellites that were visible on
the day. The scintillation shown with respect to elevation angle,
lock time and rate of change of TEC. In all of the satellites
shown in Fig. 7, the amplitude scintillation values are tend to
be higher than the phase scintillation values. This is due to
the fact that Pakistan is located over mid-latitude regions close
to low latitude and there is always a probability of getting
higher amplitude scintillation values as compared to the phase
scintillation values as cited by many researchers [1], [15].
The second graph from the top in each satellite represents
the loss of lock at the L1 frequency. There is no discontinuity
observed in any case which shows that no satellite lost lock to
the signal during the recording time. Normally, there is a loss of
Fig. 5. Ionospheric Scintillation Monitoring Record (ISMR) file after lock whenever there is a moderate to strong scintillation usually
processing the SBF file
above 0.5. In our case, no satellite faced scintillation (either
amplitude or phase) above 0.5 so no loss of lock was observed
V. R ESULTS on any satellite which was quite obvious. The third and fourth
graph shows the elevation angle and TEC variations respectively.
The ionospheric scintillation and TEC results for 23rd April, The reason for showing the elevation angle is its relationship
2019 are shown in figures below. Fig. 6 shows the skyview plot with the time rate of change of TEC and amplitude and phase
of all the visible satellites locked by the Septentrio receiver scintillation values. It has been observed that when the elevation
on 23rd April 2019 from 10 to 11 hours UTC. The skyview angle is below 20 degrees, the ΔTEC and scintillation values are
plot shows the actual locations of the satellites with respect higher. This relationship shows that these values are definitely

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)
Fig. 7. GPS Satellites from April 23,2019. S4 Index, σφ , Lock Time, Elevation angle, ΔTEC

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due to multipath effect. That’s why most of the researchers [5] R. Tiwari, H. Strangeways, S. Tiwari, and A. Ahmed,
suggest that if ionospheric scintillation and TEC variations are “Investigation of ionospheric irregularities and scintillation
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real time GPS data over Sukkur, Pakistan. A very descriptive receivers/reference-receivers/polarx5s
study starting from logging to recording to analyzing the [12] A. Ahmed, “Scintillation on global navigation satellite signals and its
mitigation,” Ph.D. dissertation, Newcastle University, UK, 2015.
scintillation data and the parameters used in the estimation
of scintillation and TEC has been discussed along with its [13] T. L. Beach and P. M. Kintner, “Simultaneous global positioning
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that Pakistan is more likely to be affected by the amplitude Science, vol. 52, no. 9, pp. 1214–1222, 2005. [Online]. Available:
scintillation as compared to the phase scintillation. Although,
the study also uses the lock time of the receiver but due to weak
scintillation, it cannot be concluded from this study that what
scintillation range will lead to effect the receiver performance
in terms of loss of lock.

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