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Respect for Life

A call to respect your own life and the life of others. To do no harm and violence, and to
protect one another from destruction.
We all know that our life is a gift from God, created in His image and likeness, which gives us
worth and dignity as individuals; thus, we must respect life. However, society nowadays seems
to be making decisions on who should live and who should die, wherein laws are being made
every day about death penalties, abortion, suicide, and gun use. Respect for life is important
and needs to be promoted by everyone. And we can do many things to honor human life every
One of the things that we can do to promote respect for human life in our society is to become
more active in fighting for causes. We should know what is happening in the society we live in.
People nowadays, especially the young ones, worry about their attire, games, social status, and
internet friends. Instead of wasting a lot of time on the social media o sa mga bagay na walang
kwenta o wala namang nagiging ambag sa buhay natin, why not take advantage of the time we
have to help people in need, do charity works, be a good individual, socialize with people and
share our knowledge with them. Sabi nga nila actions speak louder than words. Act upon what
you say, and this will bring more respect to the ones who need a better life. If we become more
educated on the causes that are available and understand the causes, society would be
Another way that we can promote respect for life is by starting with ourselves. If we respect
ourselves as human beings we’ll embrace life. We should honor each other in a meaningful way
just as God has taught us. If we are unhappy about the life we are living, we should not feel
scared to reach out to a friend or family member to talk about it. We should not keep it to
ourselves; it’s hard to reach out but it would be the right thing to do. At kapag may kaibigan,
kapamilya or kakilala tayong nahihirapan sa buhay, we should not hesitate to help them. And
we can help them by simply listening and not judging them.

One last way that we can promote respect for life is to deepen our relationship with God. We
should come closer with God by going to church and incorporate the message in our daily lives.
God has given us the gift of life; we should use this gift wisely. He did not give it to us so that we
may judge one another but respect and love one another.
It may be so hard for us to understand the reasons why life is so difficult, but we are not too
young to volunteer for causes, listen to our friends ‘problems, and pray. Respect for life is
something all of human kind can do; we just have to acknowledge where life came from and
who are we to take it away.
That’s all for RESPECT FOR LIFE. And now may we listen to Miss Angela Garcia and Caila
Gonzales as they will discuss the order/work.

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