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Kathryn Mercer, Kari D.

Weaver, Rachel Figueiredo, and Caitlin Carter

Critical appraisal
The key to unlocking information literacy in the STEM disciplines

S cience is an essential social institution

and a building block in advancing human
societies. At the core of scientific discovery
ingful experience finding or using primary
scientific literature and with engrained, yet
underdeveloped, information-seeking be-
and problem solving is innovation to improve haviors built from prior experiences in high
the human condition, within and beyond the school classrooms and daily life. 5 Many
institutions of higher education that shape sci- engineering students are focused on their
entific minds. Research in any field, beginning professional future, and therefore do not
in undergraduate education, is fundamentally understand the need to learn to research,
about information—finding, understanding, since their goal is not to be an academic. Ef-
generating, discussing, influencing, contradict- fective communication around professional
ing, contextualizing, disproving, and communi- responsibilities of finding and using informa-
cating it; the ability to do so generally referred tion is equally important to communicating
to as information literacy.1 Parallel to this, information literacy skills.
everyday life increasingly requires navigating Training STEM students to properly
an overwhelming amount of complex scientific navigate the current information landscape
information, and misinformation. is foundational to their academic and profes-
There has been a long-standing assump- sional success. The social and academic role
tion by professors that many students enter of information seeking in science education
into college tech-savvy, and, adjacent to is often taken for granted, and frequent as-
those skills, there is an assumption they are sumptions are made around how, when, and
able to navigate information seeking in the where science, technology, engineering, and
same way.2,3 Similarly students are overcon- mathematics (STEM) students are finding
fident in their abilities to find information, scientific information. Receiving even less
which has often been experienced by us consideration is the learning required to ac-
hearing students say, “We’ll just Google it” curately contextualize information within the
as a benchmark for how they find what they current environment of overload, saturation,
perceive as good information. Parallel to this,
in the applied sciences, like engineering, we Kathryn Mercer is science and engineering librarian,
have experienced a disconnect in perception email:, Kari D. Weaver is
around what we understand as necessary learning, teaching and instructional design librarian,
email:, Rachel Figueiredo is
foundational information to practice, and engineering and entrepreneurship librarian, email:
what students perceive research necessary, and Caitlin Carter is
to make decisions.4 pharmacy librarian, email:, at
the University of Waterloo
When students begin college in science
disciplines, they often arrive without mean- © 2020 Kathryn Mercer, Kari D. Weaver, Rachel Figueiredo, and Caitlin Carter

March 2020 145 C&RL News

and misinformation. Professors often think valid methods? Are they applicable to the
about teaching the specific subject of their population in question?”18 Readers are further
discipline, and often teaching students ten- encouraged to examine whether the research
ants around information-seeking and literacy question is important, analysis is appropriate,
is left out of traditional science courses.6 and conflicts of interest are transparent. This
Information literacy, though a term used question-based evaluation approach aligns
widely in the library context, has failed to closely with information evaluation models
effectively resonate within the academic used in information literacy instruction,
discourse in the STEM fields.7,8 Within STEM, such as RADAR19 or CRAAP.20,21 The process
there is an abundance of terms used for the asks individuals to probe evidence using a
concept ranging from science communica- questioning approach, including the need to
tion and data information literacy9 to sci- establish the relevance of any information
ence media education10 and STEM literacy consulted to the task at hand, an issue that
for learning.11 This indicates that while the Michael J. Carlozzi22 establishes as lacking in
ideals of information literacy are important to student information synthesis.
the STEM fields, the lack of consensus around Critical appraisal is taught to students in
terminology limits effective discussion and healthcare professions through curriculums
educational intervention. This absence of that incorporate evidence-based practice.23
consensus is compounded by the concern As an example, first-year pharmacy students
that information literacy rarely resonates at the University of Waterloo complete a
with STEM faculty, a gap STEM librarians required drug information fundamentals
face with communicating and supporting course, cotaught by the librarian and pro-
science faculties due to less than 30% of fessor, dedicated to finding, interpreting,
STEM librarians having a subject-specific evaluating, and applying health research.
degree, and the implicit connection of the This course was developed through librarian
term literacy exclusively with books.12 Sci- and faculty collaboration, and favors the use
ence faculty members and students often of the term critical appraisal versus the term
come from academic cultures that rely heavily information literacy, as the course places
on in-lab or personal networks and profes- emphasis on the importance of acquiring
sional associations for much of their own the skills necessary to assess the validity of
information seeking.13,14,15 Finding the right information found on the Internet and in the
terminology to connect with faculty helps published research. In addition to critiquing
open the conversation to the library’s value the published research, students are tasked
in supporting STEM research by placing our with critically evaluating the credibility of a
skills within the scientific scope. website related to opioid prescribing, draw-
In the health disciplines, the use of in- ing from the RADAR24 approach.
formation for clinical decision-making is Using the pharmacy course as a guide-
core to professional practice and research. line, in 2017, engineering librarians at the
Called critical appraisal, health fields use University of Waterloo adapted key elements
a systematic process to delineate strengths from this course into a single lesson for a
and weaknesses of research while ascer- required first-year engineering communica-
taining the applicability and validity of the tions course, followed in 2018 with a similar
content to the research or clinical task.16 course for first-year science students led by
Critical appraisal at its core is the process of the science librarians. Likewise, the focus
systematically assessing scientific evidence of these two lessons was on giving students
to judge its trustworthiness, value, and rel- tools to acquire the skills they need to assess
evance.17 Traditional critical appraisal tools the validity of information they find, regard-
evaluate information by asking “Does the less of the source. Through field-specific
study address a clear question? Does it use examples, we have successfully approached

C&RL News March 2020 146

contextualizing research within the context of the librarian and the value of active assess-
of being a professional engineer, aligning it ment of resources used by students. Because
with expectations of engineering professional critical appraisal at its core is a process, it is
practice to find, use, and share ethically sound readily adaptable for nonacademic literature
information. For the science students, the librar- that must be evaluated for use in the design
ians focus on the students becoming effective process for engineering fields and technical
scientists—you need to be able to understand documentation prevalent in science and tech-
not only the lab-based experiments, but also to nology. Furthermore, because the method of
understand the process through which scientific evaluation aligns with existing approaches
discovery has happened. used in the library field, there is a significant
In the engineering courses, we introduce body of resources that can help librarians
students to critical appraisal, through the RA- make the shift to critical appraisal without
DAR framework and use this approach to eval- radically redesigning classroom activities and
uate both an online source and an academic approaches.
article that they find, around an engineering For education to be effective, it must meet
topic of their choosing. In the science courses, individuals where they are and build from
framing the topic as critical appraisal gives their existing knowledge base. Using the
students a framework for finding and contex- terminology critical appraisal allows librar-
tualizing information as part of building their ians, particularly those who support STEM
understanding of science. With this in mind, disciplines, to more effectively open discus-
we introduce these skills through interactive sions around information literacy. Though
lecture and discussion and then reinforce them seemingly insignificant, changing our rhetoric
through a RADAR activity, where students must from information literacy to critical appraisal
appraise a librarian-provided peer-reviewed has had a huge impact on our ability to con-
article. Both of the activities focus on critiqu- nect with STEM faculty and students. Using an
ing the information students are using to established process that is validated in health
demonstrate that ease of availability does not research (and therefore aligns with the scien-
equate accuracy or credibility, while offering tific method) moves STEM students away from
opportunity for the approach to be scaffolded literacy and its connotation with their ability
throughout the curriculum. For example, in to read books, and towards a critical mindset
one of the engineering programs, the librarian around information. As librarians seek to ef-
works with professors through each year on fectively communicate value in the modern
increasing levels of critical appraisal through academic landscape, we must align our efforts
design projects in the curriculum. with established processes and perceptions of
As interventions are further developed, science faculty and learners to foster innova-
within one program we see significant po- tion and drive scientific discovery.
tential to implement broadly across other
programs, and is currently being adapted for Notes
mathematics students. By using the term criti- 1. L. E. Briggs and Skidmore, “Beyond
cal appraisal and having students draw their the blended librarians: Creating full partner-
own conclusions when working through the ships with faculty to embed information
RADAR framework, we have seen some suc- literacy in online learning systems” in Using
cess in navigating students away from online Technology to Teach Information Literacy,
search engines and towards scholarly materials edited by T. P. Mackey and T. E. Jacobson
with a more open mind. (New York, NY: Neal-Schuman, 2008),
Moreover, this strategy has been extremely 87–109.
effective in working with STEM faculty to 2. S. F. McEuen, “How Fluent with In-
integrate into the curriculum. It has opened formation Technology Are Our Students?”
conversations around the role and importance Educause Quarterly 24, no.4 (2001): 8–17.

March 2020 147 C&RL News

3. Leah Thompson and Lisa Ann Blankin-
ship, “Teaching Information Literacy Skills to -career-advancement/stem-librarians-face
Sophomore-Level Biology Majors,” Journal -gap-with-audiences-survey-indicates/.
of Microbology and Biology Education 16, 13. Gloria J. Leckie and Anne Fuller-
no. 1 (2015): 29–33, accessed December 12, ton, “Information Literacy in Science and
2019, Engineering Undergraduate Education:
4. Kathryn Mercer, Ariel Stables-Kennedy, Faculty Attitudes and Pedagogical Prac-
and Kari D. Weaver, “Understanding Under- tices,” College & Research Libraries 60, no.
graduate Engineering Student Information 1 (1999): 9–29.
Access and Needs: Results from a Scoping 14. J. Edmund Maynard, “A Case Study
Review,” paper presented at ASEE Annual of Faculty Attitudes Toward Library Instruc-
Conference, Tampa, Florida, June 2019. tion: The Citadel Experience,” Reference
5. Heather Brodie Perry, “Information Services Review 18, no. 2 (1990): 67–76.
Literacy in the Sciences: Faculty Perception 15. L e s l i e Wa r d a n d M i s e o n
of Undergraduate Student Skill,” College & Kim,“Faculty Perception of Information
Research Libraries 78, no. 7 (2017): 964–977, Literacy at Queensborough Community Col-
accessed December 16, 2019, https://doi. lege,” Community & Junior College Libraries
org/10.5860/crl.78.7.964. 23.1-2 (2017): 13–27.
6. K. Bain, What the Best College Teach- 16. Jane M. Young and Michael J. Solo-
ers Do (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University mon, “How to Critically Appraise an Article,”
Press), 2004. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatol-
7. Thomas P. Mackey and Trudi E. Ja- ogy 6, no. 2 (2009): 82.
cobson, “Reframing Information Literacy as 17. Ibid.
a Metaliteracy,” College & Research Libraries 18. Ibid.
72, no. 1 (2011): 62–78. 19. andalois, “RADAR: An Approach
8. Loanne Snavely and Natasha Cooper, for Helping Student Evaluate Internet Sourc-
“The Information Literacy Debate,” The es,” Journal of Information Science 39, no.
Journal of Academic Librarianship 23, no. 4 (2013): 470–478.
1 (1997): 9–14. 20. Sarah Blakeslee, “The CRAAP test,”
9. Jacob Carlson, Michael Fosmire, C. C. LOEX Quarterly 31, no. 3 (2004): 4.
Miller, and Megan Sapp Nelson, “Determin- 21. Dawn Emsellem Wichowski and
ing Data Information Literacy Needs: A Study Laura E. Kohl, “Establishing Credibility in
of Students and Research Faculty,” portal: the Information Jungle: Blogs, Microblogs,
Libraries and the Academy 11, no. 2 (2011): and the CRAAP Test,” in Online Credibility
629–657. and Digital Ethos: Evaluating Computer-
10. Hans C. Schmidt, “Media Literacy Mediated Communication, pp. 229-251. IGI
Education from Kindergarten to College: Global, 2013.
A Comparison of How Media Literacy is 22. Michael J. Carlozzi, “They Found
Addressed across the Educational System,” It—Now Do They Bother? An Analysis of
Journal of Media Literacy Education 5, no. First-Year Synthesis,” College & Research
1 (2013): 3. Libraries 79, no. 5 (2018): 659.
11. Alan Zollman, “Learning for STEM 23. Paul Glasziou, Amanda Burls, and
Literacy: STEM literacy for learning,” School Ruth Gilbert, “Evidence Based Medicine and
Science and Mathematics 112, no. 1 (2012): the Medical Curriculum,” BMJ 337:a1253
12–19. (2008), accessed December 9, 2019, https://
12. Marc Songini, “STEM Librarians
Face Gap With Science Audiences, Survey 24. Songini, “STEM Librarians Face
Indicates,” Jove (Blog), August 10, 2018, Gap With Science Audiences, Survey Indi-
accessed December 11, 2019, https://www. cates.”

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