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All parts of this system are important. If one part of the system is removed, lots of
other parts can be affected. What is this geographic area called where plants,
animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work together to
form a bubble of life? They react to major changes in the environment, especially
climate changes.


Brownfields are often abandoned, closed or under-used industrial or commercial

facilities. Iligan City used to be called the “Industrial Center of the South”. But due to
unsound political decisions of the past governments, it ceased to be such. Which
among these brownfields are located in Iligan City?

b. fertilizer plant

Formal Elements are created when architects arrange the lines and shapes to
create a composition that is balanced and unified. On the list below are the sensory
elements that appear on a building. Which of these are produced by the patterns
given to the lighting of the surface through the way the materials are worked? They
create associations of movement, giving rhythm to the surface.

d. Textures

In architecture , what is referred to as creations made when architects arrange the

lines and shapes to create a composition that is balanced and unified?


Technically, this is a mixture that contains minerals, organic matter, and living
organisms. But broadly speaking, this can refer to any loose sediment. What is
this important element essential for the survival of living organisms?


This site planning is done by arranging the compositional elements of landform,

planting, water, buildings and paving in site plans. It refers to the organizational
stage of the landscape design process. It involves the organization of land
use zoning, access, circulation, privacy, security, shelter, land drainage, and other
factors. What is referred to as the design of outdoor areas, landmarks, and
structures to achieve environmental, social-behavioral, or aesthetic outcomes?


These life systems are formed in tropical marine areas usually, 30 degrees north
and south of the equator. They act as the home of many tropical fish and other
animals. What is this fragile ecosystem that needs warm, sunlit water to live? They
often grow close to the top of the water.

d. coral reefs
Fugitive emissions are gases and vapors accidentally released into the atmosphere.
Most fugitive emissions come from industrial activities, like factory operations.
These emissions contribute to climate change and air pollution. What is the other
name of fugitive emissions?


Technical controls to lessen the effect of noise, include an active or passive gas
venting system that comes as a natural or man-made feature such as a berm, wall,
barrier, planting, topography, trench, fence or other structures. What is a method of
control used to prevent or minimize the adverse effects of incompatible land uses
and may be in the form of a land area or intervening space sufficient to provide the
necessary distance separation?

b. Buffer

Through the process of photosynthesis, plants capture energy from light and use it
to combine carbon dioxide and water to produce carbohydrates and oxygen. Total
photosynthesis is limited by a range of environmental factors. These include those
in the list below. Which of these is needed by the plant to capture light?

b. the amount of leaf area a plant has

The main goal of today’s architects is to reduce the fossil fuel consumption of
buildings as well as produce buildings that act in conjunction with natural forces
and not against them. Architects today must not only design buildings to collect
energy from the sun to provide lighting, but also to reject solar energy when is can
lead to overheating of the building. What is this architectural design approach


Clearing a piece of forest for timber can expose the upper layers of the soil to the
sun’s heat, causing erosion and drying. It can cause a lot of animals and insects that
depended on the shade and moisture from the tree to die or migrate to other places.
What is the main reason for this?

a. habitat destruction

The factors needed for a complete site analysis are categorized below. For the
purpose of energy-efficient design, natural factors need to be investigated and
understood. Which of these is most important for thermal comfort in a building?

d. climate and microclimate

This is the detailed site development planning of all areas surrounding a
building/structure and/or a group of buildings/structures but only within the
property limits of the land on which such buildings/structures are to be erected.
What does site planning create in arranging the structures on the land? From the
following list check out which is not a creation of site planning.

b. Improves precipitation and orientation

What is this activity that involves measuring the needs of a new project against the
merits of a potential location? It involves evaluating a proposed site for achieving
the customer’s objectives.

c. site selection

Life is possible on earth due to the presence of water. Nearly three-fourths of the
earth’s surface is covered with water. Water is also found below the earth’s surface.
It is present in air in the form of water vapor. The bodies of all plants and animals
contain water. The sources of water is listed below. Which water source, due to high
pressure, sprouts out in the form of springs?

d. underground water

Adapting a plan designed to existing site conditions and the natural features of the
landscape can greatly reduce the project’s environmental impacts. Enumerated
below are the processes that will be used during construction when developing the
site plan. Which of these can affect the building foundations, the most?

b. Grading

Site development can impact on their setting through many factors like those
enumerated below. Which of these relates to easements?
b. Setbacks, Space between buildings

This phenomenon may vary from place to place inside the site itself and thus have
to be checked from a few different places especially if it is a large site. If we are to
design a climatologically responsive building, it will be important to consider this so
that it can be channelized through the interiors. In planning, what aspect plays a
major role in the placement and size of openings?


The seasonal differences in the daily path of the sun are due to the tilt of the earth’s
axis. In designing buildings and structures, architects have constantly focused their
attention towards the sun. Architects today must not only design buildings to collect
energy from the sun to provide heating and lighting, but also to reject solar energy
when is can lead to overheating of the building. What is this design method that
aims to reduce the fossil fuel consumption of buildings and act in conjunction with
natural forces and not against them?


This is the first thing that one needs to look at in site planning. This should be
related to existing roads and landmarks. Time and distances from major road
should be recorded. What is this parameter in site planning?

c. Location

Due to constantly changing cloud cover, the amount of illumination from the sun
varies from time to time. It is almost impossible to predict what the interior
daylighting conditions in any building will be like at any given moment. The architect
has to design a building according to the sun’s behavior at a particular latitude.
There are ways in which architects control the effects of the sun on buildings as
shown below. Which is the foremost one?

c. orientation of the building

What are called as the leakage of gases or vapors from pressurized equipment due
to some flow and other unintended or irregular releases of gases, mostly from
industrial activities? These emissions are not point sources and may come from all
other sources. They may include odor, noise, vibration and particulate such as dust.

e. fugitive emissions

Humans have been polluting the environment for hundreds of years, especially
since the advent of the industrial revolution in the 19th century. Some of these
pollutants are called fugitive emissions. They come in many forms , as shown
below. Which of these are the aerosols commonly used in modern medicine?

c. Nebulizers

Conservation of the environment, which is capable of supporting life, is a basic

requirement of all land-use planning which is sorted out at the strategic planning
level. The fundamentals to human survival are on the list below. Which of them
relates to abodes located in environments, that will support social and economic
ways of life?

d. Shelter

This is a recognizable natural or man-made feature used for wayfinding. It is also

defined as an external point of reference that helps orientation in a familiar or
unfamiliar environment. What are these distinctive sites that provide direction for
people in an area, and which also define the character of a neighborhood?
c. Landmark

Site planning in landscape architecture and architecture refers to the organizational

stage of the landscape design process. On the following list are enumerated the
different activities involved in it. What is on the list that pertains to regulating the
kind of proposed development in any site?

c. land use and zoning

This sense is often linked with taste. It is the most evasive sense to describe. What
is this sense that always escapes? It is formless; it cannot be articulated, it cannot
be defined in static terms.

b. Olfactory

On the following list are the laws that affect site consideration. Which of these is the
principal enabling law that provides for the sustainable management and
development of all the country’s resources, particularly land? It provides for the
purpose by which the country’s resources should be managed, used, developed,
owned and disposed.

a. Republic Acts

This is a property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be

complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance,
pollutant, or contaminant. When sites remain vacant, toxins present on the land
continue to impact air and water quality, and in turn, human health. What is this
piece of real property?

b. Brownfields

Landscape architecture is the design of outdoor areas, landmarks, and structures to

achieve environmental, social-behavioral, or aesthetic outcomes. Listed below are
the activities of a landscape architect. Which of these involve restoration of
abandoned industrial areas?

c. reclamation of degraded landscapes such as mines or landfills

Microclimatic conditions depend on such factors as temperature, humidity, wind and

turbulence, dew, frost, heat balance, and evaporation. The can affect our comfort in
our place of habitation. Which of the following natural phenomenon is not influenced
by microclimatic conditions?

d. Seismicity

This means the position of the site in relation to the cardinal points. Site orientation
refers to the direction that a building faces which can impact views, interior
temperatures, natural lighting, exterior landscaping, resistance to wind damage,
access points, energy costs and emissions and many more. Which one on the list is
vital in selecting a north-facing orientation to avoid harsh heat in certain times of
the day?
a. the sun’s path,

A site plan is a graphical depiction showing the layout of a project. Aside from
location and structures, site plans typically include those on the list below. Which of
these refers to water coming natural sources, aboveground?

wastewater management systems, utilities, and other infrastructure

The term may refer to areas as small as a few square meters like a cave or as large
as many square kilometers. What is referred to as a local set
of atmospheric conditions that differ from those in the surrounding areas, often with
a slight difference but sometimes with a substantial one? They can exist, near
bodies of water which may cool the local atmosphere, or in heavy urban areas
where brick , concrete, and asphalt absorb the sun's energy, heat up, and re-radiate
that heat to the ambient air.


This is basically the positioning of a building with respect to the sun, usually done to
maximize solar gain at the appropriate time of the year when required in cold
climate and to minimize solar gain in a hot climate. While planning the house , what
factor plays an important role in designing a good edifice?

b. Orientation

This is an inventory completed as a preparatory step to site planning, a form of

urban planning which involves research, analysis and synthesis. It is the completed
inventory of parameters as a preparatory step to site planning, What is this very
important activity before we initiate our construction?

This is more scientifically defined as the study of sensory or sensori-emotional

values, sometimes called judgments of sentiment and taste. What is a branch of
philosophy that deals with the nature of beauty, art, and taste, and with the creation
and appreciation of beauty? More broadly, scholars define it as the critical reflection
on art, culture and nature.


This site is an undeveloped land that can be used for commercial or residential
development. These sites offer several potential benefits for developers, including
the opportunity to create new infrastructure from scratch, room to expand
operations, and shorter construction timelines. What is referred to as a site where
contractors build from scratch with no pre-existing issues to address?

Most of the information on natural physical features can be derived from the
topographic features on the site. A contour map is a very important component on
this aspect. What part of the site development is most impacted by these natural

a. Drainage

This is primarily the boundary between the site and the road onto which the site
abuts. Its utility and its preference depend from project to project. What is this
important space especially for commercial establishments, that is ideal to allow for
some temporary parking space which can help attract and hold some more


An ecosystem is a community of living organisms together with the nonliving

components of their environment, interacting as a system. What is this category of
an ecosystem called that includes minerals, climate, soil, water, sunlight, and all
other nonliving elements ? Linking these constituents together are two major forces:
the flow of energy through the ecosystem, and the cycling of nutrients within the


This is the detailed site development planning of all areas surrounding a

building/structure and/or a group of buildings/structures but only within the
property limits of the land on which such buildings/structures are to be erected.
What is the art and science of arranging the structures on the land and shaping the
spaces in between.

Government acts as a watchdog to regulate the market forces of demand and
supply operating in the market. Knowledge of national and local laws is very
important. What government guideline is the chief planning tool of local government
to guide the future development of their community and protect neighborhoods from
obnoxious uses?


What sensuous quality of a site enlightens people about being into the world? It is of
a sensorial snail, as it does not capture the qualities of entities momentarily. This
sense gives a gradual discovery of the outer world. It is considered as the sense
that has the most potential in developing democratic spaces.

a. Haptic

What type of construction allows the production of free-standing homes, thru the
prefabricated construction technology? The use of prefabricated modules is a
modern type of construction wherein the components were produced, assembled in
the factory, and delivered on site for connection to the other parts of the building.


Environmental planning must form the basis for all site development decisions if
the physical and natural environment needs are to be met. The fundamental
principles, which establish the need for environmental planning for site
development are on the following list. Which of these relates basically to
responsible mining?

c. Care in the exploitation of the earth’s non-renewable resources.

Land uses which are known or expected to cause environmental problems for one
another, when in proximity, are deemed incompatible and are protected from one
another by separation and/or other means. What is referred to as an existing or
committed land use or activity that can co-exist with a neighboring use/activity or
uses/activities, without either creating or experiencing one or more off-site
'adverse effects?


Land-use planning requires that high-grade agricultural land should be retained as

a natural resource of the highest long-term value to society. This means that prime
agricultural lands should be retained as such, and should not be developed into
residential, commercial , institutional and industrial areas. What is the guiding
principle to this end?

b. guarantee food security

Natural or built environment can be a part of this site. What is this land use that
may consist of a building, amenity area or outdoor space where routine or normal
activities occurring at reasonably expected times would experience one or more
adverse effects from contaminant discharges generated by a nearby facility?


In the field of road transport, this is a grade-separated junction to allow for the
movement of traffic between two or more roadways or highways, using a system of
interconnecting roadways. What is another system of movement that differs from a
standard intersection, where roads cross at grade?


Gross floor area of land is the sum of the area of the horizontal surface of the
several floors of a building measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls. What
is defined as the area of a lot within which a structure can be placed and remaining
after the minimum yard and open space requirements of the zoning ordinance have
been met?

c. buildable area
This the quality of a location that can be reached or readily entered. What is this
situation where the site is properly connected with proper roads, and public
transport facilities like buses and cars?


Postural and movement information are communicated via sensory systems by

tension and compression of the muscles in the body. What is referred to as the
sensory input that occurs within the body? This is the ability to know accurately the
positions and movements of one's skeletal joints. Even when the body remains
stationary, this sense can monitor its position.


This entails the study of both natural and man-made features on the land, such as-
hills, valleys, water-bodies, roads, bridges, parks, wetlands, etc. It helps us with
information regarding the viability of the site with respect to our utility, supply
and services. What is referred to as the arrangement of the natural and artificial
physical features of an area?


Site plans deal with the allocation of functions in a piece of land to derive efficient
utilization of resources. Useful spaces with respect to functions are being created in
the process and the character of the site is accentuated. These plans locate objects
and activities in space and time. Listed below are some of these activities. Which of
these is not the concern of site plans?

d. allocation of protected areas

What is this activity that comprises the organization of the external physical
environment to accommodate human behavior? It involves the allocation of
functions in a piece of land to derive efficient utilization of resources.

a. Site planning

This is water that originates from precipitation, including heavy rain and meltwater
from hail and snow. This can infiltrate into the soil and becomes groundwater, be
stored on depressed land surface in ponds and puddles, evaporate back into the
atmosphere, or contribute to surface runoff. What is this important resource as
human population and demand for water grow?


This zone is land alongside creeks, streams, gullies, rivers and wetlands. These are
unique and diverse, and are often the most fertile parts of the landscape. They can
support diverse vegetation, help maintain bank stability, and increase ecological and
economic productivity. What are these areas that support cleaner water, reduce
disease and pests, and retain important nutrients and soil?
b. Riparian zone

The temperature difference is usually larger at night than during the day, and is
most apparent when winds are weak. On the following list are the causes of the
urban heat island effect. Which is the foremost of them all?

c. the modification of land surfaces

The average temperature of the area, as well as the monthly average temperature
has to be studied to determine the temperature range and the fluctuations, which
will impact our design. Whose direction of movement tells one which will be the
side from which the maximum heat will be coming, especially in the afternoons?


What is the science that studies interactions between individual organisms and their
environments, including interactions with both specifics and members of other

Zoning classifications are very important considerations before constructing
buildings. This are embedded in zoning ordinances that stipulate setbacks, height
restrictions, allowable site coverage, uses, and other requirements. What agency of
government in our country regulates the height of buildings? Input in full, the name
of this government agency, not the acronym.


This comprises land that is underused real estate. The term applies specifically to
buildings and land in towns and cities that is underused and could be intensified by
the addition of other developments. What are these sites that does not require
remediation in order to unlock value to an investor? The hidden value comes from
underlying infrastructure such as plumbing and sewerage, electrical systems,
foundations, etc.
As an integral part of land-use planning, this will take into consideration a given
range of land uses on the site in question and others around it. What is the
deliberate and systematic process of guiding development of land through
determination of the detailed layout of an area in relation to the natural environment
and human requirements?

c. site planning
In site planning, the uses of streets, roads, alleys, sidewalks, and plazas are
important in the inventory step. It is not necessarily an analysis of these elements
but more an analysis of what occurs on these gateways. What is this man-made
feature that facilitates movement of people and goods?

c. circulation
What is this parameter in site planning that plays a very important role in the siting
of the building? The design of houses should be in such a way that all rooms get the
maximum benefit of the sunlight whether the occupants desire it or not.

What are these marine invertebrates that typically have a central disc and usually
five arms, though some species have a larger number of arms? Many species are
brightly colored in various shades of red or orange, while others are blue, grey or
brown. One of its kind is a voracious predator of coral throughout the Indo-Pacific
region, and is considered to be one of the world's 100 worst invasive species.

Soundscapes in the city represents a variety of social , cultural and political roles.
A space can be demarcated by sound. It may act as linkage or barriers between
places. The sense of sound may act as an audio-control to foster or hinder certain
social interactions. Which of those in the list below are forms of natural sound

d. buffers
On a globe model, our earth has lines of latitude composed of circles of different
sizes. The largest circle is the equator, while at the poles; at latitudes 90° north and
90° south, the circles shrink. What is called as the lines, or arcs that extend from
pole to pole of our earth?


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