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Not all snoring is sleep apnoea. But very loud snoring, because of the obstructed airways, is sometimes a sign of it. Other
symptoms are as follows: daytime sleepiness, morning headaches, high blood pressure, and abrupt awakenings or periods
when someone else notices that you have stopped breathing.

Untreated sleep apnoea has been linked to problems with glucose control that can lead to diabetes and with
cardiovascular problems, such as an increased risk of high blood preasure. In addition, there is another potentially deadly
effect: traffic accidents caused by sleepy drivers. It is not clear exactly how many such crashes there are, but sleep experts in
Europe estimate around 20 per cent.

The concern about accidents has led a working group for the European Commission on Sleep apnoea and Driving to
recommend that the EU require drivers with sleep apnoca to get it under control, or else risk losing their licenses. The good
news? "it has been demonstrated clearly now that effective treatment of sleep apnoea removes any excess risk of an auto
accident." Says the chairman of the working group Dr. Walter MeNicholas, dircetor of the Pulmonary and Sleep Disorders Unit
at St Vincent’s University Hospital in Dublin.

Two decades ago, ago as few as four per cent of men and two per cent women had sleep apnoea, but those numbers are
increasing, in part because more people have risk factors far at such as obesity, McNicholas says. Genetic factory may also play
a role. “figure in the regions of five to ten per cent are now regularly talked about as prevalence figures for significant sleep
apnoea.” he says. That translates to between 35 and 70 milions Europeans.

With more cases, comes anather concern. “when you consider that you diagnose such people by the monitoring of their
breathing while they sleep, then the logistics of that are immense, “notes McNicholas. As a result, a good deal of a research is
focused on ways to easily and effectively find steep apnoea, both in steep labs and in the home, Devices that can detect sleep
patterns, or portable monitor that can track sleep while worn to bed at home, are two promising solutions.

Treatment can be another story. Probably the most familiar-and at the same time most common and most cefective-
treatment today is CPAP, which slands for continuous positive airway pressure. The system involves a small air pump tube, and
mask that cover the nose (or nase and mouth) during sleep to direct air gently in to the upper airway.

The though of sleeping wilh a mask for the rest of anes life certainly off-putting to some, puertas says. After a while, same
peaple even develop and attachment to their devices. Says McNicholas, “they actually go to bed and snuggle up with the CPAP
mask." he believes it is the body's subconscious reaction to being able finally to relax and have a restful night's sleep after
months or years of untreated sleep apnoea.

1. Which af the following reflects the idea of relationships between apnoea and its treatment using CPAP?
A. Staying awake late and sleepiness
B. Losing weight and balanced diets
C. Studying hard and poor grades
D. Regular exercise and health
E. Working hard and thirst

2. In which other paragraph is the cause of apnoea introduced in paragraph 1 discussed?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6

3. Paragraph 5 implies that ....

A. It is expensive to distribute a large number of apnuca monitoring devices
B. An urgent effective and efficient method of diagnosing apnoea is needed
C. The best way to diagnose apnoea is by the the help of steep laboratories
D. A portable device is the most effective method for detecting, apnoea
E. Research has found the best way of diagnosing apnoea

Bimbel JILC Indonesia JILCMEDIA jilc.official

JILC Perintis (Pusat) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 8 No. 21-22 Makassar, (0411) - 580982
4. The characteristics of people with apnoea are best illustrated In paragraphs ...
A. 1 dan 2
B. 1 dan 4
C. 3 dan 5
D. 2 dan 6
E. 3 dan 7

5. Which of the following sentences best restates ideas in paragraph 7?

A. Though disturbed, eventually people with apnoea will be used to wearing CPAP
B. At last, people with apnoea will have to develop themselves their own mask
C. After years of using masks, people with apnoea will be able to sleep soundly
D. Sadly speaking, CPAP medication will certainly take years to cure apnoea
E. Fortunately, the mask will definitely be needed only during night times

Berlin (Reuters)–No more Coca-Cola or Budweiser, no Marlboro, no American whiskey a growing−or even
American Express cards number of restaurants in Germany are taking everything American off their menus to protest
the war in Iraq.

Although the protests are mainly symbolic, waiters in dozens of bars and restaurants in Hamburg, Berlin, Munich,
Bonn and other German cities are telling patrons, "Sorry, Coca-Cola is not available any more due to the current political

The boycotts appear to be part of a nascent worldwide movement. One Web site,,
calls for boycotts of 27 top American firms from Microsoft to Kodak while another,, urges the
"millions of people against the war" to "Boycott Brand America."

Consumer fury seems to be on the rise. Demonstrators in Paris smashed the windows of a McDonald's restaurant
last week, forcing police in riot gear to move in to protect staff and customers of the American fast-food outlet. The
attackers sprayed obscenities and "boycott" on the windows.

This economic advantage, in turn, is used to sponsor terror and killing in Islamic countries such as Afghanistan and
Iraq. When product boycott was carried out by consumers in the Middle East and some in the European countries, sales
of these companies is reported to be decreased by 10% and this amounted to big numbers for giant companies. Thus, it
is a rational for Muslim especially in Malaysia to take similar action. Furthermore, Of late, many other products are
available as an alternative for the boycotted products. For example, we have Mukmin toothpaste instead of Colgate etc.
and Fab or Breeze could be replaced with Daiya, Puteri Emas etc.
There are a few questions arise in regard to the boycott such as how effective is the approach and why not
boycotting all the products altogether. In answering these questions, Sabasun has reiterated to look at collapse of the
apartheid regime in South Africa as the best example.
To answer the question in regard to why not boycotting all the products altogether, Sabasun has taken an
approach to do what can be done when one cannot do all. Hence, a few products that are really needed by consumers
are offered on a limited floor space and no promotion is done for the product. While products that are boycott
completely will not even get space on the shelves let alone floor space. During the early phase after the campaign was
in progress, the effect of the boycott is very obvious when Sabasun suffer a loss of nearly RM 150,000.

6. Both passages are similar in terms of

A. The problem underlying in both passages
B. The writer’s point of view
C. The effect of the problem discussed
D. The area the problem taking place
E. The reason leading to the problem

Bimbel JILC Indonesia JILCMEDIA jilc.official

JILC Perintis (Pusat) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 8 No. 21-22 Makassar, (0411) - 580982
7. The difference between the first and the second passage is that the latter
A. Asserts the economic advantage resulted from boycotting while the former claims the cause of boycotting
B. Exposes the disserve impact of boycotting for Islamic countries while the former shows the situation in
C. Affirms the need for boycotting American products while the former depicts the activity of boycotting in
D. Repudiates the boycott toward American products while the former presents the reason of boycotting
E. Points out the limitation of the activity while the former clarifies the need to do the activity

8. From the second passage, it can be inferred that the topic discussed before the text B is
A. The basic reason for repelling American products
B. The terror for Islamic countries
C. The motivation for not boycotting all the products altogether
D. The effectiveness in carrying out the program
E. The economic advantage of the American firms

9. The most suitable word to least change the word “nascent” in “The boycotts appear to be part of a nascent
worldwide movement.” in the first passage is
A. Newly born
B. Rising
C. Perilous
D. Vital
E. Fretting

10. This project is a huge construction project which needs the use of high technology; it is therefore most likely that
the government will have an established foreign company do the job.
From the above sentence we many conclude that

A. the government seems to be incapable of doing the job

B. the construction project should be completed within a short time
C. there are not enough technicians to be involved in the project
D. the government may not have the necessary financial resources
E. the project is performed based on a 40 – 60 share

11. That vase is such a beautiful antique that people were willing to pay a lot for it at the auction.
From the above sentence we may conclude that …

A. people do not like antiques

B. the vase is too expensive
C. many people buy such a vase
D. the vase is very precious
E. it is a very modern vase

12. The aim if BONUS program is to develop a science basis for better policy-making, designed to secure the … of the
ecosystem services of the Baltic Sea.
A. sustainable
B. sustainability
C. sustain
D. sustaining
E. sustainment

Bimbel JILC Indonesia JILCMEDIA jilc.official

JILC Perintis (Pusat) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 8 No. 21-22 Makassar, (0411) - 580982
Regardless of our personal values, we base most of our self-esteem on the fulfillment of the dominant values of
our culture. For the past hundred years, researchers have mostly assumed that individuals base their self-esteem on the
fulfillment of the values they personally perceive as being most important. However, a worldwide survey casts an
element of doubt on that widely-accepted by hypothesis.

The survey involved more than 5.000 teenagers and young adults. It was launched in 2008. The survey covered
19 countries in Eastern and Western Europe, the Middle East, South America, Africa dan Asia. The results show that the
young respondents did not base their self-esteem on their own personal values. Rather, they based it on the fulfillment
of the value priorities of other individuals in their cultural environments.

The survey covered about 200 secondary school pupils in each country. Most of them were between 16 and 17
years of age. The researchers noted that their respondents’ self-esteem was based, in all cultures, on four key factors.
They are controlling one’s life, doing one’s duty, benefiting others and achieving social status.

Nonetheless, the relative importance of each of those items for individual self-esteem varies between cultures.
One example is participants in the survey who live in cultural contexts that prize values, such as individual freedom and
leading a stimulating life. They mostly came from Western Europe and certain regions of South America. These
participants were more likely to derive their self-esteem from the impression of controlling their lives. An opposing
example is those living in cultures that value conformity, tradition and security. These participants mostly came from
certain parts of the Middle East, Africa and Asia. They were more likely to base their self-esteem on the feeling of doing
their duty.
Seen in this light, self-esteem seems to be mainly collaborative. ….. Those findings suggest that the system for
building self-esteem is an important channel for individuals to internalize their culture’s values. This also happens at an
implicit level, even if they claim not to subscribe to these values when explicitly asked. These subtle processes can
encourage people to act according to the expectations of the society they live in. However, it helps maintain social

13. The paragraph preceding the passage most likely discusses….

A. Different cultures around the world

B. The nature of self-esteem
C. How personal values determine self-esteem
D. Personal values as opposed to collective values
E. The dominant values of particular cultures

14. The author would apparently agree that the phenomenon of self-esteem and culture discussed in the passage is
similar to that of ….

A. Teenagers and peers

B. Debtors and lenders
C. Employers and workers
D. Teachers and students
E. Society and government

15. The author brings up the determinants of self-esteem irrespective of cultures in paragraph…

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

Bimbel JILC Indonesia JILCMEDIA jilc.official

JILC Perintis (Pusat) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 8 No. 21-22 Makassar, (0411) - 580982

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