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Local businesses have set up a fund to pay for a community facility in the area where you

live, for expample a theatre, a nature reserve or perhaps an ice rink. The organisers have
asked residents to give their opinions about how the fund should be used. You decide to
write a proporsal suggesting a facility, justifying your choice and explaining why you think it
would be beneficial for the community.

Write your proporsal.


This proposal is intended to outline how to invest the local businesses’s funds, and suggest
ways that a course could help the community to deal with some issues. The last section makes
recommendations on what should be included in the course curriculum.

Problems of my community

Interviews were conducted with 20 people who have always lived here. The majority of this
people were of the opinion that overcoming the lack of knowledge in some fields, such as
economy, is the biggest challege for them, and nearly half also said that they could not go to
school when they were young. The results of this survey suggest that the introduction of a
financial course would seem to be the best solution.

Ways a course could adress these issues

A course could prepare some people of my community for the moment when they decide to
buy a house, for example, by teaching economy. In addition, to aid participants with their lack
of knowledge, this course could include some useful books for free. The course could also
include a discussion about how to get a mortgage.


I would like to make the following recommendations:

- Invite some people of my community who have previously estudied at university to

share their experience and encourage them.

- Provide a list of useful books, together with suggestions of useful resources for
economy learning such as websites, blogs or e-books.

- Facilitate a discussion about engaging with people to face up their learning difficulties.

Unless these suggestions are implemented, it is unlikely that there will be any improvement in
the short term.

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