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Trin and Marny: Trins house is outside of town, when you arrive a Perc 10 notices Marny

running around the house being chase by a BOAR.

Phinick, the goblin

Phinick is a coward, Diplomacy 15 or Intimidate 12 to get him to spill the beans.

Hallod bullied him into adding some “spice” to Bort’s porridge as a little payback for a deal
gone wrong. Phinick fled the bar during the fight but started to come back then he heard
Bort had died from poison. Sheriff wants Phinick in jail and punished, though you can speak
to the judge for leniency.
Rolth is terrified of Hallod, which is why he hasn’t done anything about the mans constant
bullying of everyone in town. His deputies, however, are the perfect choice to go deal with
the huge scary mean bad man.

DEAD WILLOW (ufgood)

F1: Hallod lives in the abandoned house near the giant Dead Willow. The second story has
collapsed into the first floor. The front door hangs open a foot, secured by a frayed rope to
keep from swinging all the way open. Survival 15 shows tracks leading to the front door,
circling the house to the back, and from the back to the stream. Crit tells you no footsteps
lead in the front door.

F2: Front Door

A spear trap greets people opening the front door. Stealth 20 vs perception to find. Thievery
18 to disarm.
F3 Hidden Window

Perception 16 to notice the shutter for the hidden entrance, Thievery 16 or Athletics 18.

F4: Crawlway and Hatch

This room is covered in debris. You can crawl through, 5 ft per stride, small can move full
speed. When you turn the corner, IT’S A TRAP!

Around the corner, you come to a closet. A hatch is

built into the floor. It’s not locked, though it is very
rusted. Opening it sneakily is Thievery 18, if oiled 12.
The hatch opens to a chute. Uneven handholds
descend, DC 18 Acro/Athletics to climb down in dark,
12 in light.

F5: Basement Kennel

If any traps were set off, then Hallod has a couple nasty surprises set up. This stone room
smells like old wood, oil, and wet dog. Or, like one of Mangos libations. An iron grate to a
dark corner holds back 5 guard dogs. Hallod has covered the squares surrounded the door
with oil and a torch dripping burning pitch hangs above the door.

Searching the boxes barrels, etc, Perception 16, two lesser alch fires. Crit finds murky brown
vial, crafting or alchemy 19 to know its corpse blood.

F6 Hallods Home

Refuse pit has small bottles, silvery liquid that smells of iron and something acrid. Alch or
craft 15 it’s a Juggernaut mutagen, crit tells you there is a sweet smelling something in there
that is not part of the standard mix. Some mundane treasure

There is a chest under his cot. He has the Key, otherwise it is three successful Thievery 20
before 3 failures. The box, however….is TRAPPED!

Also there is a map, handily labeled HIDEOUT and DROP POINT. Cool.

F7 Snake Pool. Why’d it have to be snakes? Because Vilree gave him one to guard him.
There is a body in the pool, half calcified. 20
minutes of work nets you a low-grade silver

F8 Hallods Ambush

10 more minutes of travel reveals some dim light and the smell of grass, five minutes more
and you are in the mouth of a cave. Hallod has set up and ambush here, with some obvious
traps to launch spears. He is a big brute of a man with a nasty scar on his face. He tosses
back a jar full of silvery red liquid and says “ I wondered when Borts lackeys would arrive.
Lets. Do. This!” As his muscles bulge and his face turns red.

Hallod has the key to the chest, but it’s still trapped. You can find 50gp of alchemical
reagents a runestone of shadow, and 2 everburning torches. You also find a note that reads
as follows:

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