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Chapter one: Nature of law

1: Definition of law:
➢is a general rule of human conduct.
➢Is a rule of correcting the procedures.

2: Features of law:
➢Permissive laws: Permissive laws give the right or option to their subjects
whether to act or not to act.
➢Directive laws: Directive laws gives direct orders to do or act the
subject provided in the law.
➢Prohibitive laws: Prohibitive laws stop the subject from doing the
act required not to be done.
➢Sanction laws: Sanction laws tell each and every
member ofsociety is required to follow the law.
➢Distributive justice: Ensures for distributive benefits of
➢Corrective justice: Seeks to correct the wrong things of society.
➢Social control: It controls the behaviors and norms of society.

4: Hierarchies of law in Somaliland:

➢Constitutions: Is the main sources of law in our country.

➢Proclamations: Is a legal document issued by the legislature.

➢Regulation: The parliament is responsible to make the laws to the council of

5: Classification of law:
➢Substantive law: Includes all laws that define, describe, regulate
and create legal rights and obligation.
➢Procedural law: Establishes the methods of enforcing the rights
and duties established by the substantive law.
6: Examples of substantive law:
➢Constitutional law.
➢Contract law.
➢Criminal law
7: Examples of procedural law:
➢Criminal procedure.
➢Civil procedure.
8: Legal personality: Is a subject of who possess rights and obligation personality.
9: Types of legal personality:
➢Natural persons: Refers human being created by Allah since a human being is
considering to have legal personality.
➢Artificial persons: Refers to the entities that are purely created by the operations
of law.

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