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Comparative adjectives as….

as / not as…as Superlatives

1. Complete with a comparative adjective and all the necessary words.

1. The blue car is _____________________ the red car. (fast)

2. Peter is ________________________ Fred. (not/tall)
3. The violin is ________________________ the cello. (not/low)
4. This copy was _______________________ the other one. (bad)
5. Oliver is ________________________ Peter. (optimistic)
6. Today it's________________________ yesterday. (not/windy)
7. The tomato soup was ______________________ the mushroom soup. (delicious)
8. Grapefruit juice is ______________________ lemonade. (not/sweet)
9. Nick will be ________________________ Kevin. (brave)
10. Silver is _________________________ gold. (not/heavy)

2. Make sentences comparing these things, as in the example.

1. English / maths (important) English is as important as maths
2. A lion / a zebra (fast) ..............................................................
3. My friend / I (handsome) ..............................................................
4. Chocolate milkshakes could / lemonade (good) ...........................................................
5. A rabbit / a tiger (not / dangerous) ...............................................................
6. The North Pole / South Pole (cold) ...............................................................
7. Skating / swimming (easy) ...............................................................
8. The Eiffel Tower can / my house (big) ...............................................................
9. A feather / a stone (not / heavy) ...............................................................
10. Cars / planes (fast) ...............................................................

3. Write the superlative form.

1. big .......... 6. good ..........
2. happy .......... 7. easy ..........
3. expensive .......... 8. great ..........
4. intelligent .......... 9. interesting ..........
5. boring .......... 10. bad ..........

4. Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences using superlatives.

1. Jupiter (big) __________________________________ planet in our solar system.
2. Elephants (large) __________________________________ land animals on earth.
3. We bought (expensive) __________________________________ TV in the store.
4. Which sports do you think (dangerous) __________________________________?
5. My cat (lazy) __________________________________ animal I know.
6. This restaurant serves (good) __________________________________ food in town.
7. I think math (difficult) __________________________________ subject.
8. What (long) __________________________________ word in English that you know?
9. He (strange) __________________________________ man in the story.
10. Last week, I had (bad) __________________________________ time of my life!
11. Which place (hot) __________________________________ place on earth?
12. I think it (funny) __________________________________ show on television.
13. My friend (interesting) __________________________________ person I know.
14. Who (famous) __________________________________ person in your country?
15. I (tall) __________________________________ person in my family.

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