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Unit 1 Lesson 3
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Deadline:  2022-09-09, 10:00 pm

59 / 59 points (100%)

7 / 7 exercises (100%)


Language in Action: Dialogue – Expressing opinions

2022-09-03, 11:57 pm
6 / 6 points (100%)
A Mmm. Smell that! I really love the smell of freshly baked bread.
B Mmm. Me too. It's a wonderful smell.
A I'm feeling hungry now. Should we get something to eat?
B Yeah, OK. Can you smell that amazing smell of fresh coffee? It's coming from this coffee
A Yeah, it smells great. I love the smell of coffee.
B Let's go in. We can have coffee and cake.
Language in Action: Dialogue – Agreeing and disagreeing
2022-09-03, 11:58 pm
7 / 7 points (100%)

A I can't stand the smell of garlic.


B Me either. It's a horrible smell.


C Actually, I think it's a delicious smell.


A Do you like this picture?


B No, I don't. It's silly.

A I agree. It's very silly.

A What do you think of these shoes?


B They look really uncomfortable to me.


A I disagree. I think they look very stylish.


A What do you think of that hairstyle?


B It's absolutely awful.


A Really? I disagree. I think it's cool.


A I love the smell of lavender. It's incredibly relaxing.


B Me too. It's a wonderful smell.


Grammar – Reflexive pronouns

2022-09-04, 12:05 am
7 / 7 points (100%)
Kate's brother usually makes breakfast, but sometimes she makes it herself. 
I hardly ever make my husband a cup of coffee. He usually makes it himself. 
Don't criticize yourself so much. You're very intelligent. 
We never hire a company to do our marketing. We do the marketing ourselves. 
First, the teacher demonstrates the exercises. Then the students do them  themselves. 
I type the words and the computer auto-corrects them. That is, it does the
corrections itself. 
I made the cake myself. I hope you like it.
Vocabulary plus – Subjects
2022-09-04, 12:06 am
20 / 20 points (100%)
Vocabulary plus – Subjects
2022-09-04, 12:07 am
7 / 7 points (100%)
keyboard, drums, violin – music
problem, sums, answer – math
drawing, painting, sketching – art
punishment, court, lawyer – law
tennis, basketball, soccer – sports
past, presidents, old buildings – history
mind, memory, brain – psychology
Vocabulary plus – Uncountable nouns
2022-09-04, 12:08 am
7 / 7 points (100%)

A Can you tell me about Samuel Adams?

B I'm sorry, we don't have much information about him in the library.


A Do you have any furniture for the apartment?

B No, we don't.

A Do you have many memories of your father?

B Yes, I have a lot of good memories of him.


A Is there much traffic tonight?

B No, there isn't. The roads are pretty quiet tonight.


A Can I give you some advice?

B Yeah, of course.

A There aren't many more problems to solve.

B Oh, that's good.


Vocabulary plus – Phrasal verbs with up & down

2022-09-04, 12:09 am
5 / 5 points (100%)

A Can you give up chocolate?

B No, I can't. I like it too much.


A I write down all the new words in my notebook. It helps me to remember them.

B That's a good idea.


A I hope the room warms up soon. I'm freezing.

B Yeah, it's very cold in here.


A I always look up new words on the online dictionary.

B So do I.

A Don't turn down that job offer. It's a really good offer.

B I know, but I don't want to move to Denver.


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