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Business Report – Week 2 Project

1] Almost 5.02 % of the customers have made a claim in the current exposure period.

2.1] New column named ‘claim_flag’ is created.

2.2] Value of ‘claim_flag’ is set to 1 when ClaimNb is greater than 0 and to 0 otherwise.

3.1] Average exposure period for those who have claimed is 0.642495175948072

3.2] People who claimed has more average exposure period than those who haven’t claimed.

4.1] Percentage claims by bucket E1 is 32.86 %, E2 is 19.36%, E3 is 13.64%, E4 is 34.12%. All these percentage are
approximated up to 2 decimals.

4.2] E4 bucket has maximum claim rate, then E1, then E2 and E3 has the least claim rate.

5] F area has highest number of average claims.

6] In all the areas claim rate is way larger for E4 exposure bucket than all the other buckets.

7.1] Average vehicle age is more for those who didn’t claim than for those you claimed.

7.2] If we average vehicle age, it decreases from area A through E.

8] For each bucket average vehicle age is lesser for those who claimed than for those who didn’t claim.

9.1] Claim_ct flag is created as a new column.

Claim_Ct Average(BonusMalus)
1 62.8371558207471
MT1 67.5531349628055
No Claim 59.5850411443071
9.2] Average BonusMalus is maximum for those who claimed multiple times and minimum for those who didn’t

10] Average of density column grouped by Claim_Ct given below.

Claim_Ct Avg(Density)
1 1947.32404127043
MT1 2297.45483528162
No Claim 1783.20605541088
Average density is maximum for those who claimed multiple times and minimum for those who didn’t claim.

11] Vehicle brand B1 and regular gas combination have the highest number of average claims.

12] Top 5 region and exposure combination from claim_rate’s perspective.

region Exposure_bucket Claim_rate

R24 E4 15.3405754550793
R82 E4 6.62947739283617
R53 E4 4.67410452143277
R93 E4 3.72284204345273
R24 E3 3.58485026423958

13.1] There are no case for illegal driving i.e. underage folks driving and committing accidents.

13.2] A bucket on drive age is created in a new column as given in the question. Average of BonusMalus grouped by
age group category is given below.
DriveAge Bucket Average(BonusMalus)
1-Beginner 93.0093582887701
2-Junior 79.4330688927232
3-MiddleAge 59.4059998188556
4-Mid-Senior 53.9518476577847
5-Senior 52.8022145154416

14] Major difference between unique constraint and primary key is:

1. Primary key cannot have null value but unique constraint can.
2. A table can have only one primary key but multiple unique keys.

15] There will be 50 records in result set.

16] Inner join result in intersection of two table where left outer join gives all records from left table and matched
record from right table.

17] The record count of output will be 5.

Having clause only applies to groups as a whole, but where clause applies to individual rows.

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