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10, 1997

Glutamine-Enhanced Bacterial Killing by

Neutrophils From Postoperative Patients



From the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Date accepted: 7 February 1997

Neutrophils play an important role in host defense by phagocytosing and destroying invading bacteria. A recent investigation
revealed that glutamine (Gln) augmented the in vitro bactericidal activity of neutrophils from bum patients. However, it is unclear
whether Gln enhances the function of neutrophils in postoperative patients. This study was designed to investigate the effect of
Gln on the in vitro Escherichia c&i-killing activity of neutrophils from postoperative patients. Nine randomly selected patients
were included in this study. On the morning of the first postoperative day, blood was drawn and neutrophils were isolated. Eight
healthy volunteers served as controls. E. coli was opsonized with pooled normal serum. Neutrophils (5 X 106), together with
opsonized E. coli (5 X 105), were incubated for 2 h at 37°C in Hanks’ balanced salt solution supplemented with 0, 100,500, or
1000 nmol/mL of Gln. The bactericidal function of neutrophils was determined by counting the number of viable bacteria. Tumor
necrosis factor (TNF)-(Y, interleukin (IL)-lp, IL-8, and granulocyte elastase levels in the cell culture supematant were measured.
Plasma C-reactive protein (CRP), cortisol, and amino acids were also analyzed. The plasma concentration of Gln was
significantly lower in the postoperative patients than in the controls. Following culture with patient neutrophils, the number of
viable E. coli decreased by 26% as the in vitro Gln concentration was increased from 500 to 1000 nmol/mL (P < 0.01). We
defined the Gln lOOO/Gln 500 ratio of the number of viable bacteria as the number of viable E. coli at an in vitro Gln
concentration of 1000 nmol/mL divided by the number of viable E. coli at an in vitro Gln concentration of 500 nmol/mL. A
positive correlation was thus demonstrated between the plasma Gln level and the Gln lOOO/Gln 500 ratio of the number of viable
bacteria in the patients (r = 0.69, P = 0.04). This finding indicated that as plasma Gln fell, there was an enhancement of
neutrophil E. coli-killing activity by neutrophils in in vitro tests when the Gln concentration was increased from 500 to 1000
nmol/mL. Gln supplementation caused no appreciable changes in TNF-a, &l/3, R-8, or granulocyte elastase levels in cell
culture supematants. A negative correlation was recognized between the patient plasma Gln level and the Gln lOOO/Gln 500 ratio
of the cell culture supematant IL-8 level (r = -0.73, P = 0.025). In conclusion, Gln supplementation enhanced the in vitro
bactericidal function of neutrophils from postoperative patients. Nutrition 1997;13:863-869. OElsevier Science Inc. 1997

Key words: glutamine, neutrophils, bacterial killing, Escherichia coli

INTRODUCTION Host defense mechanisms are impaired following surgery.4

Despite major advances in surgical techniques and periopera- Neutrophils play a pivotal role in host defense by phagocytosing
tive care, infectious complications remain the major cause of and destroying invading bacteria.5 Neutrophils isolated from pa-
postoperative morbidity and mortality.’ Currently, antibiotic ther- tients after surgery,6s7 bums,s and trauma* show depressed bacte-
apy, adequate nutrition, and debridement of infected tissues are ricidal function. However, little information is available concem-
the major means of reducing infectious complications following ing means of augmenting the bactericidal activity of neutrophils.
surgery.* However, postoperative infectious complications still Gln has been shown to enhance the functions of lymphocytes
occur at a high incidence. Thus, new approaches are needed. and macrophages.9 Moreover, a recent study revealed that Gln
Recently developed specific nutritional substrates have been augmented the in vitro bactericidal activity of neutrophils from
shown to augment host immune function and improve survival.3 bum patientslO However, it remains unclear whether Gln en-
Glutamine (Gln) is one of these new substrates.3 hances the function of neutrophils in postoperative patients. This

Correspondence to: Satoshi Fumkawa, MD, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo, 7-3-l Hongo, Bunkyoku, Tokyo, Japan.

Nutrition 13:863-869, 1997

OElsevier Science Inc. 1997 0899-9007/97/$17.00
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved. ELSEVIER PI1 SO899-9007(97)00271-2



Preoperative Operative Intraoperative Intraoperative WBC on

Patient Associated serum Alb time blood loss transfusion POD Postoperative
age/sex Diagnosis disease Operation (g/dL) % IBW (min) (mL) (mL) 1 (/mm3) complications

1. 46 Arteriosclerosis DM Aortobifemoral 4.0 102.8 325 400 0 15 800 (-)

M obliterans bypass
2. 64 Esophageal DM Subtotal 3.2 85.1 350 250 600 14 100 (-)
M cancer esophagectomy
3. 66 Pharyngeal (y) Total 3.7 76.2 720 2000 840 22 900 (-)
M cancer laryngectomy
4. 59 Ulcerative DM Total colectomy 3.5 91.2 330 1040 400 14 600 anastomotic
M colitis leakage
5. 71 Pharyngeal (-) Middle 3.9 113.1 590 760 0 13 700 (-)
M cancer pharyngectomy
6. 41 F Breast cancer (-) Modified radical 4.2 90.8 275 350 0 9900 (-)
7. 66 Arteriosclerosis (-) Femoropopliteal 3.8 104.4 210 250 0 9200 (-)
M obliterans bypass
8. 75 Rectal cancer (-) Low anterior 3.5 93.9 190 260 0 8400 (-)
M resection
9. 67 Sigmoid colon DM, LC Sigmoidectomy 3.5 93.6 220 500 0 10900 (-)
M cancer

Alb, albumin; DM, diabetes mellitus; IBW, ideal body weight; LC, liver cirrhosis; POD, postoperative day; WBC, white blood cell count.

study was therefore designed to investigate the effect of Gln on the pass, low anterior resection, and sigmoidectomy. Operative time
in vitro Escherichiu c&killing activity of neutrophils from pa- ranged from 190-720 min with an average of 357 min. Intraop-
tients undergoing various kinds of major surgery. erative blood loss ranged from 250-2000 mL, averaging 646 mL.
Production of interleukin-2 (IL-2) by concanavalin A-stimu- One patient (patient 4) undergoing total colectomy developed
lated rat lymphocytes depends upon the Gln anastomotic leakage. There were no postoperative mortalities. We
Moreover, the ability of murine peritoneal macrophages to secrete conducted the same measurements in eight healthy, male, fasting
IL-l also depends on the Gln level.11 However, the effect of Gln volunteers with an average age of 33 y.
on neutrophil production of cytokines has not been studied exten-
sively. On the other hand, granulocyte elastase has been shown to Blood Sampling and Isolation of Neutrophils
be a component of neutrophils, and this enzyme contributes to the
nonoxidative bacterial killing capacity of neutrophils.5 Therefore, Blood was drawn at 0700 h on the first postoperative day
we measured the levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-cq IL-l& (POD). No amino acid solution had been included in the postop-
B-8, and granulocyte elastase in cell culture supernatants to erative parenteral nutrition regimens prior to the blood draw. At
elucidate the mechanism by which Gln enhances the bactericidal the time of blood drawing, at least 8 h had passed since the last
function of neutrophils. administration of intravenous prophylactic antibiotics. The mean
peripheral white blood cell count on POD 1 was 13 300/mm3,
PATIENTS AND METHODS ranging from 8400-22 900/mm3. The percentage of neutrophils
was counted using an automatic counter (Blood Cell Analyzer
Patients 8200, HITACHI, Tokyo, Japan) and varied from 52-81%.
We randomly selected nine patients who had undergone vari- Neutrophils were obtained by a modification of the methods of
ous kinds of operations. Informed consent was obtained from each Ogle et al.iO At 0700 h on POD 1, we drew 20 mL peripheral
patient. Clinical and laboratory data on the patients are shown in blood into a syringe containing 4 mL 6% dextran (Midori Juji,
Table I. Patient ages ranged from 41 to 75 y. Diagnoses included Osaka, Japan) and 0.6 mL heparin sodium (1000 U/mL) (Novo
arteriosclerosis obliterans, esophageal cancer, pharyngeal cancer, Nordisk A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark). Similarly, at 0700 h, we
ulcerative colitis, breast cancer, rectal cancer, and sigmoid colon collected from the controls 40 mL peripheral blood in a syringe
cancer. All but patient 2 could eat normally before the operation. containing 8 mL 6% dextran and 1.2 mL heparin sodium (1000
Patient 2 was given a 1500 kcal/d elemental diet. The average U/mL). The controls had fasted for 8 h prior to the blood drawing.
preoperative serum albumin level and percent ideal body weight The syringe was placed upright for 45-60 min to allow for
were 3.8 2 0.1 g/dL and 95 ? 4%, respectively. Associated separation of red cells and plasma. The plasma layer was then
diseases were diabetes mellitus in four patients and liver cirrhosis removed through a bent needle and collected in a 50-mL centri-
in one. fuge tube. The plasma layer was underlaid with 10 mL Ficoll
The operations included aortobifemoral bypass, subtotal (Pharmacia Biotech A/B, Uppsala, Sweden) and centrifuged at
esophagectomy, total laryngectomy, total colectomy, middle phar- 500 X g for 30 min at 27°C. After centrifugation, the mononuclear
yngectomy, modified radical mastectomy, femoropopliteal by- layer was removed and the pellet containing the neutrophils and a

few contaminating erythrocytes was resuspended. The erythro- Analyses of Plasma C-reactive Protein, Cortisol, and Amino
cytes were lysed with distilled water. The neutrophils were Acids
washed once with Hanks’ balanced salt solution (HBSS) (without Blood samples were centrifuged at 1700 X g for 10 min at
calcium and magnesium; Nikken Biomedical Laboratory, Kyoto, 4°C. The plasma was separated and stored at -20°C until analy-
Japan) supplemented with 0.1% gelatin (Iwaki Glass, Tokyo, sis. Plasma C-reactive protein (CRP), cortisol, and amino acids
Japan) and 10 mM HEPES (Cosmo Bio Co., Tokyo, Japan). The were measured by turbidimetric immunoassay, radioimmunoas-
cells were then suspended with HBSS containing 0.1% gelatin and say, and high-performance liquid chromatography, respectively.
10 mM HEPES. The neutrophils were >95% pure and viable as
determined by microscopic observation. Live neutrophils were Statistical Analysis
counted by trypan blue exclusion and adjusted to 1 X 107/mL.
Results are expressed as the mean ?SEM. To achieve a normal
distribution, viable bacterial counts were transformed, if neces-
Preparation of Bacteria
sary, to a logarithmic scale before statistical analysis. An unpaired
E. coli (American Type Culture Collection 25922) were cul- Student’s t test was used for the plasma amino acid concentrations
tured in a brain-heart infusion broth (Nissui Pharmaceutical Co., of both patients and controls. Concerning the number of viable E.
Tokyo, Japan) for 18 h at 37°C. The culture was centrifuged at coli in the culture medium, a test with a one-way, repeated-
1700 X g for 10 min at 4°C to pellet the E. coli, then washed twice measures analysis of variance model showed that significant dif-
and resuspended in sterile normal saline. A lOO-PL suspension ference(s) existed among the four in vitro Gln levels in the patient
was serially diluted with sterile saline, plated on sheep blood agar group. Therefore, a contrast test was carried out within the patient
plates (Nissui Pharmaceutical), and incubated for 18 h for deter- group to determine the Gln concentration at which viable bacterial
mination of the bacterial concentration. The remainder was stored counts differed from those at other Gln concentration(s). Linear
at 4°C until use. Just before use, the bacterial suspension was regression analysis was also used. A P value of CO.05 was
adjusted to 1 X 10’ colony-forming units (CFU) /mL. considered significant.

Opsonization of E. coli RESULTS

E. coli (1 X lo*), together with 1 mL pooled normal serum and Plasma Amino Acid Concentrations
2 mL HBSS containing 0.1% gelatin and 10 mM HEPES, were
The plasma concentrations of the following amino acids on
cultured for 15 min at 37°C. The culture was centrifuged at
POD 1 were significantly lower in patients than in controls:
2500 X g for 10 min at 4°C to pellet the E. coli, then washed once
threonine (P < O.OOOl), serine (P < 0.05), asparagine (P < O.OS),
and resuspended in HBSS supplemented with 0.1% gelatin and 10
Gln (P < O.OOl), glycine (P < 0.05), alanine (P < 0.05), citrulline
mM HEPES. The final concentration of the opsonized E. coli was
(P < O.OOl), valine (P < O.OOl), isoleucine (P < O.OOOl), leucine
adjusted to 5 X lo6 CFUlmL. As our intent was to examine the
(P < O.Ol), omithine (P < O.OOl), lysine (P < O.OOOl), and
bactericidal function of the neutrophils themselves, we opsonized
histidine (P < 0.001) (Table II).
the E. coli with pooled normal serum, rather than with subject
serum. Bactericidal Function of Neutrophils at Various in vitro Gin
Measurement of Bactericidal Activity of Neutrophils
Following culture with neutrophils from patients, the number
Our preliminary examination showed the most appropriate of viable E. coli decreased by 26% as the in vitro Gln concentra-
neutrophil to E. coli ratio for assessing neutrophil bactericidal tion was increased from 500 to 1000 nmol/mL, and this decrease
function to be 1O:l. Neutrophils (5 X 106), together with 5 X 10’ was statistically significant (P < 0.01) (Table III). Gln supple-
opsonized E. coli, were incubated in HBSS containing 0.1% mentation caused no appreciable changes in the number of viable
gelatin and 10 mM HEPES supplemented with 0, 100, 500, or E. coli cultured with neutrophils from healthy volunteers. There
1000 nmol/mL Gln in a final volume of 1 mL. After a 2-h was no difference in the number of viable E. coli between the
incubation at 37”C, the reactive mixtures were vigorously vor- patients and the volunteers at any of the Gln concentrations used.
texed and a 0. I-mL aliquot from each sample was added to 9.9 mL
sterile saline. This dilution and one more 1:lOO serial dilution Correlation Between Plasma Concentrations of Gln and
were plated on sheep blood agar plates and cultured for 18 h at Bactericidal Function of Neutrophils
37°C. Viable E. coli counts were then determined. In handling a There were no statistically significant correlations between
large number of samples at one measurement, isolated neutrophils plasma Gln levels and the number of viable E. coli at any of the
may lose viability, thereby diminishing the validity of the exper- supplementary Gln concentrations used, in either patients or con-
iment. Therefore, we determined viable bacterial counts in cell trols. We defined the Gln lOOO/Gln 500 ratio of the number of
culture supematants of the samples on four separate days. Cell viable bacteria as the number of viable E. coli at an in vitro Gln
culture supematants were separated and stored at -20°C until the concentration of 1000 nmoYmL divided by the number of viable
measurement of TNF-(Y, IL-l& IL-8, and granulocyte elastase E. coli at an in vitro Gln concentration of 500 nmol/mL. Thus, a
levels, as described below. positive correlation was demonstrated between the plasma Gln
level and the Gln lOOO/Gln 500 ratio of the number of viable
Assay of TNF-a, IL-Ifi IL-& and Granulocyte Elastase bacteria in the patients (r = 0.69; P = 0.04) (Fig.1).
TNF-(r, IL-l& and IL-8 levels in the cell culture supematant
were measured using commercially available enzyme-linked im- White Blood Cell Count, Plasma CRP Values, and Plasma
munosorbent assay methods (TNF-c~ and IL-lp from Genzyme Corns01 Levels
Immunobiologicals, Cambridge, MA, USA; IL-8 from TORAY, T ere were positive correlations between the peripheral white
Tokyo, Japan). For each assay, a standard curve using recombi- bloo $ cell count on POD 1 and the number of viable bacteria at all
nant cytokine was constructed. We measured granulocyte elastase concentrations of Gln studied (Gln 0 nmol/mL, r = 0.71; 100
levels in the cell culture supematant by chromogenic substrate nmoYmL, r = 0.74; 500 nmol/mL, r = 0.72; 1000 nmol/mL,
assay using S-2484 (Chromogenix A/B, Molndal, Sweden). r = 0.67; and for all concentrations, P 5 0.05) (Fig.2). The mean




Amino acid concentration (nmol/mL)

Patients Controls
Amino acid (n = 9) (n = 8) P value

Phosphoserine 11.8 t 2.0 10.8 +- 0.8 NS

Tatnine 57.1 t 8.4 54.2 k 2.9 NS
Aspartate 12.1 ? 5.5 8.9 2 3.0 NS
Threonine 79.0 2 5.8 125.4 k 3.3 <O.OOOl
Serine 91.3 -c 7.4 113.4 2 2.9 co.05
Asparagine 36.5 k 3.7 47.2 ? 3.0 co.05
Glutamate 61.8 2 7.7 70.1 ? 10.8 NS
Glutamine 506.9 2 20.6 616.9 2 12.2 <O.OOl I I I
Proline 119.8 2 17.8 169.5 ? 17.1 NS 400 500 600
Glycine 191.8 2 12.4 241.1 _’ 13.9 co.05
Plasma Glutamine (nmol/ml)
Alanine 312.9 2 33.5 416.7 2 23.4 co.05
Citrulline 21.4 2 3.1 37.5 k 2.0 <O.OOl
Valine 181.1 2 12.2 261.0 k 13.0 <O.OOl FIG. 1. Correlation between plasma glutamine (Gin) level and the Gln
Cysteine 32.9 -c 6.8 17.4 2 3.7 NS lOOO/Gln 500 ratio of the number of viable bacteria in the patients (n = 9;
Methionine 19.6 2 2.8 26.0 2 0.9 NS r = 0.69; P = 0.04). Gin lOOO/Gln 500 ratio of the number of viable
Isoleucine 47.3 2 5.1 83.7 2 4.3 <0.0001 bacteria equals the number of viable E. coli at an in vitro Gln concentration
111.9 2 8.3 152.2 k 7.3 co.01 of 1000 nmol/mL divided by the number of viable E. coli at an in vitro Gln
concentration of 500 nmol/mL.
Tyrosine 59.5 5 6.6 70.5 _’ 7.0 NS
Phenylalanine 77.5 2 9.7 64.6 k 2.7 NS
Ornithine 45.4 2 3.2 80.0 k 7.2 <O.OOl
Lysine 129.6 5 8.7 188.3 ?z 6.6 <O.OOOl at any of the Gln concentrations tested. The number of viable
Hi&dine 53.3 2 4.5 77.3 2 3.1 <O.OOl bacteria showed no significant correlation with either operative
Arginine 57.2 k 13.1 88.3 ? 7.5 NS time or intraoperative blood loss.
TNF-a, IL-I/3 IL-8, and Granulocyte Elastase Levels in Cell
Values are mean + SEM. NS, not significant.
Culture Supenatants
TNF-a, IL-l& IL-8, and granulocyte elastase levels in the cell
culture supematants did not differ significantly, in patients or
plasma CRP values in the patient (POD 1) and control groups
were 12.2 and 0.1 mg/dL, respectively (P < 0.0001). In the controls, as the in vitro concentration was changed (Table IV). In
patients, a positive correlation was recognized between the plasma the patients, a negative correlation was demonstrated between cell
CRP level and the number of viable E. coli at all Gin concentra- culture supematant granulocyte elastase levels and the number of
tions studied (Gln 0 nmol/mL, r = 0.74; 100 nmol/mL, r = 0.72; viable bacteria (Gln 0 nmol/mL, r = -0.67; 100 nmollml,
r = -0.85; 500 nmoYmL, r = -0.73; 1000 nmol/mL,
500 nmol/mL, r = 0.72; 1000 nmol/mL, r = 0.68; and for all
concentrations, P < 0.05) (Fig. 3). The mean plasma cortisol
values in the patients and controls were 16.5 and 13.2 pg/dL,
respectively. No correlations were recognized in either group
between the plasma cortisol level and the number of viable E. cob




In vitro glutamine concentration (nmol/mL)

0 100 500 1000

Patients (n = 9) 3.6 2 1.4 3.4 r 1.2 3.7 k 1.3 2.8 ” 0.9t
Controls (n = 8) 3.0 2 1.3 3.0 5 1.3 2.7 5 1.1
10000 15000 20000
3.0 2 1.1
Peripheral White Blood Cell Count (/mn?)
Values are mean t SEM.
* X 16 colony-forming units of E. coli per milliliter of cell culture FIG. 2. Correlation between peripheral white blood cell count on postop-
supematant. erative day one and the number of viable bacteria at an in vitro glutamine
7 P < 0.05versus in vitro glutamine 500 nmoVmL in the patients. concentration of 0 nmol/mL (n = 9; r = 0.71; P = 0.03).

6 Patients (n=9) 0
HI.74 0
1 p.o.02 /

4 0
15’00 2600 2ioo
Cell Culture Supernatant Granulocyte Elastase (t-g/ml)

FIG. 4. Correlation between cell culture supematant granulocyte elastase
5 15 20 levels and the number of viable bacteria in the patients at an in vitro
PIas: CRP( mg/dl ) glutamine concentration of 1000 nmol/mL (n = 9; I = -0.78; P = 0.01).

FIG. 3. Correlation between plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) level and the divided by the IL-8 level at an in vitro Gln concentration of 500
number of viable bacteria in the patients at an in vitro glutamine concen- nmol/mL. A negative correlation was demonstrated between the
tration of 0 nmoVmL (n = 9; r = 0.74; P = 0.02). CFU, colony-forming
plasma Gln level and the Gln lOOO/Gln500 ratio of the cell culture
supematant IL-8 level (r = -0.73, P = 0.025) (Fig. 5).
r = -0.78; and for all concentrations, P 5 0.05) (Fig. 4). In the In the present study, the in vitro bactericidal function of neu-
patients, there was no relationship between the plasma Gln con- trophils from postoperative patients was significantly greater at
centration and the cell culture supematant level of TNF-(Y, IL-lp, 1000 nmol/mL than at 500 nmoYmL of Gln.
IL-8 or granulocyte elastase. We defined the Gln lOOO/Gln 500 The bactericidal function of neutrophils after surgery has been
ratio of the cell culture supernatant IL-8 level as the IL-8 level in shown to be depressed as compared with the preoperative level
the supernatant at an in vitro Gln concentration of 1000 nmol/mL and to be lowest on POD 1.6.7Therefore, we examined the effect
of Gln on the in vitro E. co&killing activity of neutrophils on POD
1. The serum Gln level decreases after surgery,iz trauma,i3 and
TABLE IV. bums.9 Our results confirmed this decreased serum Gln concen-
tration in surgical illness. Depressed serum Gln in critically ill

In vitro Gln Healthy

concentration Patients volunteers
Pawsi (n=9)
(nmol/mL) (n = 9) (n = 8)
TNF-(Y (pg/mL) 0 158? 53 186 2 45
100 132 f 33 225 5 49
500 169 2 57 223 t 45
1000 141 + 41 253 ? 55
IL-l p (pg/mL) 0 405 2 107 292 2 65
100 405 % 99 297 + 74
500 397 ? 119 273 2 59
1000 366 5 108 246 t 56
IL-8 (pg/mL) 0 940 2 274 1163 f 251
100 979 + 234 1041 2 228
500 937 -t 233 1089 2 241 t I I

1000 792 2 202 1048 t 230 400 500 600

Granulocyte elastase 0 1743 I 192 1827 -c 124 Plasma Glutamine (nmol/ml)
100 1749 2 135 1638 f 105
500 1762 2 132 1721 ? 124 FIG. 5. Correlation between plasma glutamine (Gln) level and the Gln
lOOO/Gln 500 ratio of the cell culture supematant interleukin-8 (IL-8) level
1000 1867 + 142 1625 ? 121
in the patients (n = 9; r = -0.73; P = 0.025). Gln lOOO/Gln 500 ratio of
IL-8 level equals IL-8 level at an in vitro Gln concentration of 1000
Values are mean ? SEM. nmoYmL divided by IL-8 level at an in vitro Gln concentration of 500
Gln, glutamine; IL, interleukin; TNF, tumor necrosis factor. nmol/mL.

patients might be partly explained by the increased consumption tigation is needed to determine cytokine productions resulting
of Gln by lymphocytes,14 macrophages,i5 and intestinal epithelial from an incubation period of more than 2 h.
cellsi Gln depletion results in Thus, it Neutrophil activation by TNF-(Y, IL-l, or IL-8 in vitro in-
appears that Gln supplementation in critical illness enhances the creases the production of reactive oxygen metabolites.23 We did
function of lymphocytes and macrophages. Gln has, in fact, been not determine reactive oxygen metabolite levels in cell culture
shown to augment the in vitro activity of lymphocytes and mac- supematants. Thus, the possibility remains that Gln supplementa-
rophages.9 tion increased the formation of reactive oxygen metabolites by
A recent study revealed that Gln augmented the in vitro bac- neutrophils. However, the enhancement of oxidative burst produc-
tericidal activity of neutrophils from bum patients. lo We demon- tion, if any, may not be directly mediated by TNF-cr, IL-lp, or
strated herein that the in vitro bactericidal function of neutrophils IL-8 based on our results.
from postoperative patients was significantly greater, i.e., by 26%, We demonstrated a negative correlation, in the postoperative
at 1000 nmol/mL than at 500 nmoVmL of Gin. Thus, Gln clearly patients, between cell culture supematant granulocyte elastase
enhances the bactericidal function of neutrophils. levels and the number of viable bacteria. This finding indicated
The large SEM of the bacterial number shown in Table III may that as the cell culture supematant granulocyte elastase level rose,
be attributable to the sample measurements having been done on there was an enhancement of E. co&killing activity by neutrophils
separate days. To reduce the variability due to differences among in in vitro tests. However, these granulocyte elastase levels did not
individuals (between-subject), we applied a test with a one-way, differ significantly, in the patients, as the in vitro Gln concentra-
repeated-measures analysis of variance model followed by a con- tion was changed. This observation suggests that the nonoxidative
trast test. This statistical method allowed intra-individual variation bacteria-killing capacity of neutrophils may not mediate the bac-
(within-subject) to be determined. We demonstrated that the num- tericidal-enhancing effect of Gln. Thus, the mechanisms underly-
ber of viable E. coli decreased significantly as the in vitro Gln ing the enhancing effect of Gln on neutrophil bactericidal capacity
concentration was increased from 500 to 1000 nmol/mL. are apparently not based on the increased production of the cyto-
Following culture with neutrophils from patients, the number kines studied or granulocyte elastase.
of viable E. coli decreased significantly as the in vitro Gln con- The energy source neutrophils use to produce reactive oxygen
centration was increased from 500 to 1000 nmol/mL, but not from metabolites is believed to be glucose.24 There have been no studies
0 to 1000 nmol/mL. Therefore, we chose the Gln lOOO/Gln 500
investigating whether Gln is utilized by neutrophils. However, in
ratio to interpret our results. The plasma Gln level of the postop-
a recent review, Vlessis and associatesz5 described new concepts
erative patients was approximately 500 nmol/mL. On the other
in the pathophysiology of oxygen metabolism during sepsis. The
hand, the mean plasma Gln concentration of the patients receiving
progression of sepsis limits the aerobic oxidation of glucose. In
parenteral Gln supplementation (163 mmol * kg-’ - h-t) was
contrast, aerobic oxidation of glutamate (and also Gln following
approximately 950 nmol/mL.i7 Thus, we simulated in vivo Gln
transamination) is not inhibited in sepsis. Therefore, it appears that
supplementation by using the Gln lOOO/Gln 500 ratio of the
Gln is being utilized for aerobic metabolism in preference to
number of viable bacteria in this in vitro study. We demonstrated
glycolytic substrates. It was shown that glutaminase, the key
a positive correlation between the plasma Gln level and the Gln
enzyme in the utilization of Gln as an energy source, is located
lOOO/Gln 500 ratio of the number of viable bacteria in postoper-
within the mitochondria of lymphocytes and macrophages.26
ative patients. This finding indicated that as plasma Gln fell,
There are no reports, to the best of our knowledge, that neutrophils
neutrophil E. co&killing activity was enhanced in in vitro tests
possess glutaminase. However, in light of the present results, it is
when the Gin concentration was increased from 500 to 1000
tempting to speculate that Gln enhances the in vitro bactericidal
function of neutrophils by serving as a neutrophil substrate.
In contrast, supplemental Gln had no significant effect on the
bactericidal function of neutrophils from the controls. The mean We showed that as the plasma Gln level fell, there was an
age of our controls was lower than that of the patients. As age elevation of the cell culture supematant IL-8 level in in vitro tests
affects neutrophil function,” it would be worthwhile to study the when the Gln concentration was increased from 500 to 1000
effect of Gln on the bactericidal function of neutrophils from nmol/mL. Since IL-8 is a neutrophil chemoattractant, the in-
elderly, healthy volunteers. creased IL-8 level at an infected site results in more neutrophils
Opsonized E. coli are ingested and killed by neutrophils within migrating to the lesion in vivo. This migration of neutrophils is
phagocytic vacuoles, where they are exposed to an array of reac- advantageous for host defense.
tive oxygen metabolites and toxic lysosomal components.ig Thus, In the patients who had undergone various operations, there
the bactericidal-enhancing effect of Gln in this study may have was a positive correlation between the peripheral white blood cell
occurred at the level of phagocytosis, the formation of reactive count on POD 1, and the number of viable bacteria in neutrophil-
oxygen metabolites, or degranulation. Ogle et al.i” showed that killing assays at all Gln concentrations. In addition, we observed
Gln had no effect on phagocytosis by neutrophils from bum in the patients positive correlations between the plasma CRP level
patients. Therefore, Gln may enhance neutrophil bactericidal func- and the number of viable bacteria at all Gln concentrations stud-
tion by other mechanism(s) such as increasing the formation of ied. These findings indicate that as the surgical stress increased,
reactive oxygen metabolites and/or promoting the degranulation there was a decrease in the E. coli-killing capacity of neutrophils
of neutrophils. in in vitro tests. Thus, it is important to prevent this reduction in
Neutrophils produce TNF-a, IL-l, and IL-8.2o Neutrophils bactericidal activity under severe surgical stress. Ziegler et ali7
release approximately 1 ng/mL IL-8 in response to stimulation reported that bone marrow transplantation patients receiving par-
with 10 nM formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine for 2 h.21 enteral Gln had a lower incidence of infection and had a shorter
Moreover, neutrophils stimulated with 5 mg/mL lipopolysaccha- hospital stay than patients receiving Gln-free parenteral nutrition.
ride for 2 h have been shown to secrete 36 pg/mL TNF.22 There- Our results support the beneficial effects of Gln on host defense
fore, neutrophils can produce measurable amounts of cytokines against infection. Further trials are needed to clarify the immune-
with a 2-h incubation. However, in our study, Gln supplementaion enhancing effect of Gln supplementation in postoperative patients.
produced no appreciable changes in TNF-(Y, IL-l/3, or IL-8 levels In conclusion, Gln supplementation enhanced the in vitro bac-
in cell culture supematants after a 2-h incubation. Further inves- tericidal function of neutrophils from postoperative patients.

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(For an additional perspective, see Editorial Comment on page 914.)

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