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Interferon Gamma Inhibits Adipogenesis In Vitro and Prevents

Marrow Fat Infiltration in Oophorectomized Mice
Ageing Bone Research Program, Sydney Medical School Nepean, The University of Sydney, Penrith, NSW,
Australia; bCalcium Research Laboratory, Department of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Key Words. Adipogenesis • Mesenchymal stem cells • Interferon gamma • Osteoporosis • Aging • Osteoimmunology

Interferon gamma (IFNc) has been reported to induce osteo- treatment at the same doses that have been reported to have
blastogenesis from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) both in a strong osteogenic effect in vitro. Furthermore, DNA bind-
vitro and in vivo. With ageing, adipocytes outnumber osteo- ing of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma
blasts within the bone microenvironment leading to a was significantly lower in IFNc-treated differentiating MSC.
decrease in bone formation. Since both osteoblasts and adi- Subsequently, ovariectomized C57BL6 mice were treated
pocytes are of mesenchymal origin, we hypothesized that with osteogenic doses of IFNc three times a week for 6
IFNc treatment might negatively affect adipogenesis while weeks. In distal femur, treated mice showed significantly
stimulating osteoblastogenesis in human MSC. To test this higher hematopoiesis concomitant with lower levels of fat
hypothesis, human MSCs were induced to differentiate into volume/total volume, adipocyte number, and expression of
adipocytes in the presence or absence of osteogenic doses of adipogenic markers when compared with the vehicle-treated
IFNc (1, 10, and 100 ng/ml). IFNc-treated MSC showed a mice. Together, these findings demonstrate that, at osteogenic
decrease in adipocyte differentiation and lipid deposition doses, IFNc also acts as an inhibitor of adipogenesis in vitro
when compared with vehicle-treated controls. Additionally, and prevents marrow fat infiltration while favors hematopoi-
adipogenic markers were significantly decreased by IFNc esis in ovariectomized mice. STEM CELLS 2012;30:1042–1048
Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest is found at the end of this article.

cuing oophorectomized (OVX) mice from osteoporosis [9]. In

INTRODUCTION addition, IFNc significantly increases the expression of osteo-
genic markers in differentiating mesenchymal stem cell
The maintenance of bone mass and the prevention of fractures (MSC) into osteoblasts in vitro, including runt-related tran-
relies on two synchronized (coupled) events, resorption by scription factor 2 and osteopontin [8].
osteoclasts and bone formation by osteoblasts, a process Overall, the effects of IFNc on bone remain complex [11]
known as bone turnover [1]. The cellular components of the with some investigators reporting contrasting findings about
bone marrow milieu (hematopoietic, immune, bone, and adi- its effect on osteoclastogenesis [10] and bone resorption [3,
pose) play an important role in the regulation of bone turn- 12–15]. High doses of IFNc have been used as treatment in
over [2] either through their own activity or through cell-to- patients with osteopetrosis [16] to induce bone resorption and
cell interactions. The particular relationship between the reduce bone mass. Other studies report that IFNc directly
immune and musculoskeletal systems has been described as inhibits osteoclast differentiation [9, 13] and induce osteoclast
osteoimmunology [3, 4]. The study of this interaction has apoptosis [17]. In addition, the effect of IFNc on osteoclast
demonstrated that both, cytokines (tumor necrosis factor differentiation and function could be affected, among
alpha, interleukin-6 [IL-6], etc.) [3] and adipokines (leptin, others, by estrogen deficiency, inflammation, and bacterial
adiponectin, etc.) [5–7], play an important role in the regula- toxins [12, 18].
tion of bone turnover and could be responsible for the In contrast, the anabolic effect of low doses of IFNc on
changes seen in age-related bone loss and osteoporosis. bone is quite consistent [8, 9], thus suggesting that IFNc
One of those cytokines, interferon gamma (IFNc), was could become a useful therapeutic approach to age-related
recently reported to promote osteoblastogenesis and bone for- bone loss in the near future. However, to understand the
mation both in vitro [8] and in vivo [9]. The anabolic effect potential therapeutic effect of IFNc on osteoporosis and age-
of IFNc is mediated by increasing both osteoblastogenesis and related bone loss, it is essential to assess its effect on other
osteoclastogenesis [10] with a predominant stimulatory effect cellular components of the bone marrow milieu and specifi-
on the osteoblast lineage, thus increasing bone mass and res- cally on marrow fat. High levels of fat infiltration are the

Author contributions: C.V., R.K., and G.D.: concept design, in vivo and in vitro experiments, data collection and analysis, and
preparation of the manuscript; S.B., W.L., and D.H.: in vivo and in vitro experiments, data collection and analysis, and preparation of
the manuscript.
Correspondence: Gustavo Duque, Ph.D., M.D., F.R.A.C.P., Sydney Medical School Nepean, Level 5, South Block, Nepean Hospital,
Penrith, NSW 2750, Australia. Telephone: þ61-2-47344278; Fax: þ61-2-47341817; e-mail: Received
November 16, 2011; accepted for publication January 26, 2012; first published online in STEM CELLS EXPRESS February 13, 2012.
C AlphaMed Press 1066-5099/2012/$30.00/0 doi: 10.1002/stem.1063

STEM CELLS 2012;30:1042–1048

Vidal, Bermeo, Li et al. 1043

result of increased adipogenesis that occurs in aging bone

along with a decrease in the number of osteoblasts due to a Table 1. Oligonucleotide primers used for real-time PCR
clonal switch in differentiating MSC [19–21]. It would be Primer sequences 50 –30 Accession
then expected that the anabolic effect of IFNc on bone would (forward and reverse) number
be associated with a reduction in marrow adipogenesis. In PPARc2 TCCATGCTGTTATGGGTGAA NM_015869
fact, other molecules that have an anabolic effect on bone TCAAAGGAGTGGGAGTGGTC
such as alendronate [22], vitamin D [23], and parathyroid hor- Adiponectin GGCCGTGATGGCAGAGAT NM_004797
mone [24] have been reported to increase osteoblast differen- TTTCACCGATGTCTCCCTTAGG
tiation while decreasing adipogenesis. Therefore, considering CEBPa AAGAAGTCGGTGGACAAGAACAG NM_004364
that IFNc has been just recently reported as a bone anabolic, TGCGCACCGCGATGT
in this study we assessed the effect of osteogenic dose of aP2 AAAGAAGTAGGAGTGGGCTTTGC NM_001442
IFNc on adipogenesis both in vitro and in vivo. CCCCATTCACACTGATGATCAT
Thermal profile for all PCRs: 40 cycles; denaturation 95 C/15
Cell Differentiation and Treatment seconds; annealing 60 C/15 seconds; extension 72 C/30 seconds.
Abbreviations: CEBPa, CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha;
For adipogenic differentiation of MSC, human MSCs (PT-125 GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; LPL,
Lonza, Basel, Switzerland, [25] were lipoprotein lipase; PPARc2, peroxisome proliferator-activated
seeded at a density of 5  105 cells per square centimeter in 56 receptor gamma.
cm2 Petri dishes containing basal medium (MSCGM BulletKit
PT-3001, Lonza, Basel, Switzerland). These primary cells are
commercially available and are obtained from bone marrow of
healthy young donors (age 24–30-year old) [25]. This model has MTS Viability Assay
been used in our previous studies [8, 23] and is preferred over To test whether treatment with IFNc has any effect on cell sur-
cells from older donors due to their excellent differentiation vival, differentiating MSCs were seeded in 96-well plates. At
potential. After reaching 60% confluence, cells were transferred 60% confluence, media were replaced with AIM containing either
to six-well plates and stimulated to differentiate into adipocytes IFNc (1, 10, and 100 ng/ml) or vehicle alone. At timed intervals
alternating between adipogenic induction media (AIM), contain- (24, 48, and 72 hours), 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxy-
ing 0.1 lM dexamethasone, 10 lg/ml insulin, 0.2 mM indometha- methoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium (MTS)-Forma-
cin, 0.5 mM 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, 10% fetal bovine se- zan cell viability assays (Promega, Madison, WI, http://www.
rum, 0.05 U/ml penicillin, 0.05 lg/ml streptomycin, and were performed and corrected for cell number.
adipogenic maintenance medium ([10 lg/ml insulin, 10% fetal Briefly, a stock solution of MTS was dissolved in PBS at a con-
bovine serum, 0.05 U/ml penicillin, and 0.05 lg/ml streptomy- centration of 5 mg/ml and was added in a 1:10 ratio (MTS/Dul-
cin]) every 3 days for 2 weeks, until obtaining an adipogenic phe- becco’s modified Eagle’s medium) to each well, incubated at
notype as previously described [25]. During differentiation, cells 37 C for 2 hours, and the optical density was determined at a
were treated with either vehicle or IFNc (Sigma-Aldrich, Co., St. wavelength of 490 nm on a microplate reader model 3550
Louis, MO, at three different doses (FLUOstar; BMG Labtech, Durham, NC, http://www.bmglabtech.
(1, 10, and 100 ng/ml), as previously described [8]. com). The percent survival was defined as [(experimental absorb-
ance  blank absorbance)/control absorbance  blank absorb-
Oil Red O Staining ance)]  100, where the control absorbance is the optical density
Oil red O (ORO) staining was used to assess adipocyte differen- obtained for 1  104 cells per well (number of cells plated at the
tiation as an indicator of intracellular lipid accumulation. On day start of the experiment), and blank absorbance is the optical den-
15, culture medium was removed from tissue culture well and sity determined in wells containing medium and MTS alone. This
cells were rinsed with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) once, fol- experiment was replicated three times.
lowed by fixation using 10% formaldehyde in PBS for at least 1
hour. The fixative was then aspirated and cells were washed with Real-Time PCR and Western Blotting
60% isopropanol before being allowed to dry completely. Cells Total RNA and proteins were extracted from the same cell pellet,
were stained for 10 minutes at room temperature with a diluted collected at the end of the second week of differentiation using the
solution of ORO (66.6%) prepared from a 0.5% (w/v) ORO dis- specifications of PARIS protocol (Ambion Inc., Austin, TX, http://
solved in isopropanol. Cells were then washed four times with Briefly,
running tap water to remove excess stain. Photomicrographs were treated cells were kept on ice rinsed with PBS and directly dis-
taken using an IX50 Olympus inverted microscope (Olympus, rupted by adding a cell disruption buffer. Proteins were protected
Tokyo, Japan, and a Digital by adding halt protease and phosphatase inhibitors (Thermo Fisher
Sight DS-5M Nikon camera (Nikon Instruments, Inc. Melville, Scientific Inc., Rockford, IL,, col-
New York, NY, To quantify lected using a rubber spatula and stored at 80 C until further
lipid deposition, ORO was eluted with 1 ml 100% isopropanol analysis. RNA in the lysate was treated with b-mercaptoethanol
for 10 minutes and absorbance measured at 490 nm [26]. (Sigma-Aldrich, Co.) and guanidinium thiocyanate (provided) and
linked to a filter cartridge according to the PARIS manufacturer
Measurement of Glycerol in Culture Media conditions. RNA and protein concentrations were estimated based
Determination of free glycerol concentration in culture media was on UV absorbance (260 and 280 nm, respectively) readings by
measured by coupled enzymatic reactions catalyzed by glycerol spectrophotometry. First strand complementary DNA (cDNA) syn-
kinase, glycerol phosphate oxidase, and peroxidase (Sigma; cat# thesis was performed using 200 ng of total RNA, 50 ng random
F6428). Ten microliters of supernatant or standard was added to hexamers, and 50 units reverse transcriptase at 42 C for 1 hour, as
800 ll of free glycerol reagent and incubated for 5 minutes at described by manufacturer (Bioline Australia Pty, Alexandria,
37 C. Absorbance was measured at 540 nm and glycerol concen- NSW, Australia,; cat# BIO-65025).
tration determined using a standard curve. All tests were done in Real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for expressed
duplicate. genes as markers for adipogenesis was performed in duplicate in a
1044 Effect of Interferon Gamma on Adipogenesis

Figure 1. IFNc inhibits adipogenesis in vitro: (A) human mesenchymal stem cells were committed to differentiate into adipocytes and treated
for 2 weeks with either IFNc (1, 10, and 100 ng/ml) or vehicle alone (C ¼ control). At week 2, cells were fixed, stained with oil red O (ORO),
and counterstained with hematoxylin to assess adipocyte differentiation. Lower magnification (10) shows higher amount of fat droplets (red)
and differentiated adipocytes in untreated cells (A, upper panels) when compared with IFNc-treated cells at a dose of 10 and 100 ng/ml. At
higher magnification (100, A, lower panels), the amount and distribution of fat droplets are highly affected by IFNc where lipid droplets (red)
are unable to reach confluence when compared with untreated cells. (B): ORO was extracted using isopropanol and the optical density was meas-
ured at 492 nm confirming the strong dose-dependent effect of IFNc on fat production in differentiating adipocytes. *, p < .01 versus vehicle-
treated cells; #, p < .01 versus lower dose of IFNc (1 ng/ml). (C): The capacity of secreting glycogen in the culture media was also impaired af-
ter treatment with IFNc in a dose-dependent manner. *, p < .01 versus vehicle-treated cells. (D): Treatment with IFNc did not show any effect
on cell survival at three timed intervals (24, 48, and 72 hours). Abbreviation: IFNc, interferon gamma.

total reaction volume of 25 ll, 10% of which was cDNA (or water linked immunosorbent assay-based PPARc activation TransAM kit
for nontemplate control), 3 mM MgCl2, and 250 nM each forward (Active Motif, Rixensart, Belgium, as
and reverse-specific primer for target genes and normalizer (Table previously described [28]. In brief, each one of the 96 wells in the
1). All PCRs were performed in a Corbett Rotor-Gene 3000 (QIA- Trans-AM PPARc-Kit contains the immobilized oligonucleotide
GEN Pty, using SYBR green with no- containing a PPARc consensus-binding site (50 -AACTAGGN-
ROX reaction mix and a standard thermal profile as described by CAAAGGTCA-30 ). PPARc, if present, specifically binds to this oli-
supplier (Bioline Australia Pty; cat# QT6750-02). Quantitative RT- gonucleotide. The primary antibody used in the probe recognizes an
PCR data were defined by threshold cycle (Ct) normalized for the accessible epitope on PPARc protein upon DNA binding. The sec-
housekeeping gene glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase ondary HRP-conjugated antibody provides a sensitive colorimetric
(GAPDH). Quantification of relative differences of expressed genes readout easily quantified by spectrophotometry (450 nm). To quan-
between different adipogenic conditions was calculated using REST tify PPARc activity in the cell lysate, 10 lg of proteins was added
software (QIAGEN Pty) [27] correcting for PCR reaction efficien- to the wells, incubated 1 hour at room temperature, and revealed by
cies (>0.90). A statistical significant change in relative expression posterior addition of primary and secondary antibodies. After wash-
between treated and untreated cells was taken at p < .05. ing steps, developing and stop solutions were added, as recom-
Protein samples for Western blotting were reduced with dithi- mended by manufacturer.
othreitol 50 mM in NuPAGE lithium dodecyl sulfate Sample
Buffer 1 and were run on a NuPAGE Novex Bis-Tris mini-gel Animal Tissue Preparation
using the XCell SureLock Mini-Cell and blotted to a nitrocellu-
Eight-week-old virgin female C57BL/6 mice (Charles River,
lose membrane using the XCell II Blot module (all reagents and
Quebec, Canada, were OVX under gen-
equipment from Invitrogen Corporation, Carlsbad, CA, http://
eral anesthesia. Two weeks after surgery, mice received intra- After membrane
peritoneal injections of either 2,000, 5,000, or 10,000 interna-
blocking with 5% bovine serum albumin, they were incubated
tional units (IU) IFNc (R&D Systems Inc., Minneapolis, MN,
overnight at 4 C using monoclonal antibodies directed against or vehicle (PBS) three times a
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARc) 1 and
week for a total of 6 weeks. Mice were housed in cages in a
2, CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha (CEBPa), and adipo-
limited access room. Animal husbandry adhered to Canadian
nectin (Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc., Santa Cruz, CA, http://
Council on Animal Care Standards and all protocols were The linked antibodies were detected with the
approved by the McGill University Health Center Animal Care
corresponding secondary antibodies conjugated with horseradish
Utilization Committee. One side femur from each animal in
peroxidase (HRP). Blots were developed by chemiluminescence
each group was removed at the time of euthanization, fixed in
using the Quantity One 4.4.0 software (Bio-Rad Laboratories,
70% ethanol, dehydrated, and embedded undecalcified in methyl
Hercules, CA, and the Super Signal
methacrylate (J-T Baker, Phillipsburg, NJ, http://www.jtbaker.
West reagents (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.). In all experiments,
com). At 50-mm intervals, longitudinal sections 5- and 8-mm
GAPDH gene and protein expression were used as internal con-
thick were cut using a Polycut-E microtome (Reichert-Jung
trol. These experiments were repeated three times.
Leica, Heerbrugg, Switzerland,, placed on
gelatin-coated glass slides, deplasticized, and stained with von
PPARc Activity Kossa. For fat quantification, after von Kossa staining, fat frac-
PPARc activity as a transcription factor, binding to the peroxisome tion (fat volume vs. total volume), adipocyte number, adipocyte
proliferator response element, was determined using the enzyme- diameter, and adipocytic/hematopoietic (A/H) ratio were
Vidal, Bermeo, Li et al. 1045

quantified using von Kossa stained sections, as previously

described [29].
The details of these methods were described previously [9].
Briefly, for immunohistochemistry, sections were incubated over-
night at 4 C with a goat polyclonal antibody IgG against either
PPARc2 or CEBPa (Santacruz Biotechnology Inc.). Primary anti-
body was detected by incubation with an anti-goat IgG secondary
antibody conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (1:300 in BSA
1%, Sigma-Aldrich). Antibody complexes were visualized with
DAB, a 3,3-diaminobenzine solution containing hydrogen peroxide
(Zymed Laboratories Inc., San Francisco, CA, http://www.invitro- and then counterstained in 1% hematoxylin.
Photographs were taken under an Olympus fluorescence micro-
scope controlled by an IPLab system. Brightness and contrast
adjustments were performed in Photoshop (Adobe). Levels of
PPARc2 and CEBPa expression were quantified as percentage of
bone marrow surface using the Bioquant Image Analysis Software.
Statistical Methods
All results were expressed as the mean 6 SE. Differences of the
structural and static parameters of bone histomorphometry
between different groups of mice were determined using Lev-
ene’s test for homogeneity of variances and the unpaired t test
for equality of means. In all experiments, a value of p < .05 was
considered significant.

Lipid Accumulation In Vitro Is Impaired
by IFNc Treatment Figure 2. Effect of IFNc on adipocyte-specific proteins: cells were
As shown in Figure 1A, the proportion of cells having easily induced to differentiate and treated as previously described. At week
2, protein extracts and mRNA were obtained, and levels of gene and
identifiable fat globules (adipocytes) was inversely related to
protein expression of adiponectin and CEBPa were determined by
the IFNc concentration in the media. To assess lipid deposition, real-time polymerase chain reaction (left panels) and Western blot
ORO was eluted and quantified by measuring the absorbance (right panels), respectively. The figure shows that treatment with
at 490 nm by spectrophotometry (Fig. 1B). Whereas cells IFNc reduced the levels of mRNA and protein expression of both
treated with the lowest dose of IFNc showed no difference transcription factors at week 2 of differentiation in a dose-dependent
when compared with vehicle-treated cells, higher concentra- manner. *, p < .01 versus vehicle-treated cells. Abbreviations:
tions of IFNc in the media induced a significant decrease in CEBPa, CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha; GAPDH, glyceral-
lipid deposition (p < .01). In addition, IFNc treatment induced dehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; IFNc, interferon gamma.
a significant reduction in glycerol secretion by differentiating
cells in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. 1C). Finally, treatment tein (aP2) (Fig. 3D) and lipoprotein lipase (Fig. 3E) in the
with IFNc had no effect on cell survival (Fig. 1D). IFNc-treated cells.
Effect of IFNc on Transcription and Protein
Expression of Adipogenic Factors IFNc Treatment Decreases Marrow Fat and
To assess the effect of IFNc administration on differentiating Increases Hematopoiesis in OVX Mice
adipocytes, we tested two major adipogenic genes by quantita- We treated OVX and SHAM mice with IFNc, as described
tive real-time PCR. As shown in Figure 2, gene relative expres- before, and marrow adipogenesis was determined by means of
sion of the adipogenic markers, adiponectin and CEBPa, was quantification of fat fraction (fat volume/total volume), adipo-
significantly reduced by IFNc treatment in a dose-dependent cyte number, and adipocyte diameter. As shown in Figure
manner (p < .05). In addition, Western blot analysis showed 4A--4E, treatment with IFNc significantly reduced the amount
that levels of adiponectin and CEBPa were significantly of marrow fat (fat fraction) and adipocytes number in a dose-
reduced upon treatment with IFNc (p < .05) (Fig. 2). dependent manner when compared with vehicle-treated OVX
Furthermore, we performed a comprehensive assessment mice (p < .001). In contrast, adipocyte diameter was not
of the effect of IFNc administration on PPARc, a transcrip- affected by IFNc treatment. Finally, A/H ratio was signifi-
tion factor essential for marrow fat differentiation. Treatment cantly decreased in the IFNc-treated group in a dose-depend-
with IFNc induced a significant decrease in PPARc gene ent manner (p < .001).
(Fig. 3A) and reduced PPARc2 protein expression without To further assess a potential mechanism for the reduction
affecting protein expression of PPARc1 (Fig. 3B). In addi- in adipocyte parameters induced by treatment with IFNc, we
tion, cells treated with IFNc showed lower levels of binding assessed the changes in PPARc2 and CEBPa expression
of PPARc to DNA (and hence ability to initiate transcrip- within the bone marrow of OVX mice treated with either
tion) in a dose-dependent manner (p < .05) (Fig. 3C). IFNc or vehicle. As shown in Figure 4F--4H, after 6 weeks of
Finally, and concomitantly with the lower levels of DNA treatment, IFNc significantly reduced the levels of PPARc2
binding of PPARc, we also observed a reduced expression and CEBPa expression within the bone marrow when com-
of the PPARc target genes adipocyte fatty acid binding pro- pared with vehicle-treated animals (p < .01).
1046 Effect of Interferon Gamma on Adipogenesis

Figure 3. IFNc treatment inhibits PPARc expression and activity in differentiating mesenchymal stem cell: cells were induced to differentiate
and treated as previously described. At week 2, protein extracts and mRNA were obtained and levels of PPARc gene and levels of protein
expression for both PPARc1 and 2 were determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction (A) and Western blot (B), respectively. The figure
shows that treatment with IFNc reduced both levels of mRNA for PPARc and protein expression of PPARc2 at week 2 of differentiation in a
dose-dependent manner. *, p < .01 versus vehicle-treated cells. (C): PPARc DNA-binding activity was determined using enzyme-linked immuno-
sorbent assay-based PPARc activation kit and quantified by colorimetry. The figure shows the levels of activity after treatment with either IFNc
(1, 10, and 100 ng/ml) or vehicle alone. Higher doses of IFNc (10 and 100 ng/ml) significantly reduced the activity of the PPARc complex in the
nuclei. Values are mean 6 SEM of six wells per group in three independent experiments. *, p < .01 versus vehicle-treated cells. (D, E): The
reduction in PPARc DNA-binding activity was associated with reduced levels of protein expression of the PPARc target genes adipocyte fatty
acid binding protein (aP2) (D) and LPL (E). *, p < .01 versus vehicle-treated cells. Abbreviations: GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehy-
drogenase; IFNc, interferon gamma; LPL, lipoprotein lipase; PPARc, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma.

is explained by induction of osteoblast differentiation and

DISCUSSION bone formation [9]. However, since osteoblasts and adipocytes
share the same precursors, it was tempting to hypothesize
The pro-osteogenic effect of IFNc has been previously that, as in the case of other bone anabolics [22–24], IFNc
reported both in vitro and in vivo [8, 9]. In this study, we could also have an inhibitory effect on adipogenesis, thus
tested the effect of osteogenic doses of IFNc on adipocyte dif- increasing the number of MSC suitable to differentiate into
ferentiation from MSC in vitro and on marrow fat infiltration osteoblasts.
in vivo. Our results support the hypothesis that, at osteogenic In fact, the effect on IFNc on adipogenesis has been pre-
doses, IFNc concurrently inhibits adipogenesis and marrow viously tested in differentiating 3T3-L1 murine preadipocytes
fat infiltration. [32] and in mice embryonic-differentiating fibroblasts [33]. In
IFNc is a cytokine produced by innate and adaptive cells in both studies, IFNc showed an inhibitory effect on adipogene-
the immune system [13] as well as by MSC [8]. IFNc interacts sis; however, the significance of this effect on balancing
with its receptors expressed constitutively to promote cell signal- osteoblastogenesis and hematopoiesis remained untested.
ing and transcription through Jak1/STAT1 pathway [30]. Its pro- To obtain this lacking evidence on the effect of IFNc on
duction is regulated by cytokines (positively, IL-12 and IL-18; the bone marrow milieu, in this study, we looked at the effect
negatively, IL-4, IL-10, transforming growth factor-b, and gluco- of IFNc on both a model of adipocyte-differentiating human
corticoids) to exert antiviral activity (principally) and both directly MSC in vitro and on marrow fat of OVX mice, a mouse model
and indirectly affecting a number of other biological pathways that was selected since OVX is a potent inducer of marrow fat
[30]. In terms of osteoimmunology, IFNc plays an important role infiltration [34]. In both models, we used the same osteogenic
in the regulation of both bone formation and bone resorption in a doses as previously reported [8, 9]. Our results showed that the
dose-dependent manner [3, 11]. Depending of the dose and the higher (and osteogenic) doses (10 and 100 ng/ml) of IFNc sig-
experimental model, IFNc could regulate osteoclastogenesis and nificantly reduced adipocyte differentiation and lipid deposition
osteoclastic activity either positively [15, 18, 31] or negatively in vitro. Furthermore, expression of adipocyte-specific proteins
[12]. In addition, IFNc is required in early phases of osteoblasto- was negatively affected by IFNc treatment at the transcriptional
genesis [8] while treatment with low doses of exogenous IFNc and protein levels in a dose-dependent manner. In addition,
induces osteoblastogenesis both in vitro [8] and in vivo [9]. when testing the effect of IFNc on PPARc we found that, as in
Considering that the principle of a bone anabolic is the the case of other compounds that simultaneously inhibit adipo-
stimulation of bone formation through either the activation of genesis while favor osteoblastogenesis [22–24], the effect of
osteoblastogenesis or prolonging osteoblast survival, in the IFNc was mostly targeted to PPARc2 expression. This effect is
case of IFNc, it was initially proposed that its anabolic effect relevant since the activation of the PPARc2 (with or without
Vidal, Bermeo, Li et al. 1047

Figure 4. IFNc inhibits marrow fat infiltration in vivo: sections of plastic-embedded tibiae from IFNc (2,000 IU, 5,000 IU, and 10,000 IU) and
vehicle-treated oophorectomized mice were stained sequentially for von Kossa (VK) for fat quantification (A). Treatment with IFNc induced a
significant reduction in marrow fat fraction (B) and adipocyte number (C) with no effect on adipocyte diameter (D). In addition, adipocytic/hema-
topoietic (A/H) ratio was decreased in the IFNc-treated groups in a dose-dependent manner (E) indicating that treatment with IFNc increased
hematopoiesis independently of its effect on bone mass. Micrographs are representative of those from eight different mice of each treatment
group. Magnification 20. *, p < .01, **, p < .001 versus control. (F--H): Immunohistochemistry shows lower levels of protein expression of
the adipogenic factors PPARc and CEBPa in the marrow fat of IFNc-treated mice in a dose-dependent manner. Micrographs are representative of
those from eight different mice of each treatment group. Magnification 60. *, p < .01. Abbreviations: CEBPa, CCAAT/enhancer binding pro-
tein alpha; IFNc, interferon gamma; PBS, phosphate buffered saline; PPARc, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma.

activation of PPARc1) directs MSC differentiation toward the Interestingly, when we treated OVX animals with osteo-
adipocyte lineage at the expense of osteoblast formation [35], genic doses of IFNc, we found a dose-dependent effect on mar-
an effect that was inhibited by IFNc administration. Finally, row fat in the treated mice, which also correlated with low lev-
we also observed that the inhibitory effect of IFNc on PPARc els of expression of adipogenic factors within the bone marrow.
is not only limited to its transcription and translation but also This finding is relevant since it seems to be independent of the
limited to its DNA-binding, thus decreasing the expression of anabolic effect on bone mass as suggested by the high amount
PPARc target genes. of hematopoietic bone marrow and by the increase in A/H ratio
When compared with previous evidence on the osteogenic noticed in the mice treated with the higher osteogenic doses of
effect of IFNc on differentiating MSC [8], this evidence sug- IFNc. This increase in hematopoiesis in IFNc-treated mice is
gests that the osteogenic doses of IFNc enhance the shift of unexpected because IFNc has been reported to inhibit hemato-
human MSC from adipogenesis into osteoblastogenesis, thus poiesis through the activation of lymphocytes [36]. Considering
increasing bone formation. In addition, from a mechanistic that IFNc increases the T lymphocyte repository within the bone
correlation, the previously reported stimulatory effect of IFNc marrow in OVX mice [9], it would be expected that treatment
on several transcription factors for osteoblastogenesis [8, 9] with IFNc would also decrease hematopoiesis. In this case,
correspond with the inhibitory effect on the critical transcrip- higher levels of hematopoiesis observed in IFNc-treated OVX
tion factors for adipogenesis evaluated in this study. This is a mice could be mostly associated with the significant reduction
dual and dose-dependent action of IFNc on MSC that could in marrow adipocytes, which are known to be strong inhibitors
be used for therapeutic purposes in the near future. of hematopoiesis [37], thus confirming previous theories that
1048 Effect of Interferon Gamma on Adipogenesis

shifting the balance between adipogenesis and osteoblastogene-

sis substantially influences hematopoiesis [38]. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
This study was supported by the Australian National Health and
CONCLUSIONS Medical Research Council (NHMRC 632767), the Nepean Med-
ical Research Foundation to Dr. Duque, and by the Canadian
In conclusion, we are reporting that osteogenic doses of IFNc Institutes for Health Research (CIHR MOP 10839) to Dr.
negatively affect adipogenesis. Decreasing adipocyte differen- Kremer.
tiation and hence adipocyte numbers not only favors osteo-
blastogenesis and hematopoiesis but also improves the overall
bone microenvironment. This dual and dose-dependent effect
of IFNc on bone marrow cellularity is an important finding DISCLOSURE OF POTENTIAL
for the understanding of the effect of IFNc on bone cells and CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
for the potential use of IFNc in the treatment of osteoporosis
in older persons in the near future. The authors indicate no potential conflicts of interest.

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