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English for Academic Purpose

1. What is monkey pox?

Monkeypox is an illness caused by the monkeypox virus. It is a viral zoonotic

infection, meaning that it can spread from animals to human, humans to other
humans, and environment to humans. Monkeypox symptoms are similar to smallpox
symptoms, but milder, and monkeypox is rarely fatal. It is primarily occurs in central
and west Africa, often in proximity to tropical rainforests, and has been increasingly
appearing in urban areas.

2. Why the disease threatened the human life globally?

Because monkeypox can be transmitted through direct contact with infected

animals and through blood or body fluids. So this makes it easier to spread globally.

3. What are the characteristics (symptoms) of monkey pox?

* Fever
According to the Indonesian Association of Dermatology and Venereology
(Perdoski), fever is an early sign of monkeypox. These symptoms can appear from the
time the patient is exposed to the virus that causes monkeypox for up to about five
* Severe headache
In addition to fever, in the early stages of the disease, monkeypox sufferers will also
experience severe headaches.
* Weak
Like other viral and bacterial infections, monkeypox sufferers will also feel weak.
* Swollen lymph nodes lymphadenopathy
The characteristics of monkeypox that are typical and not felt by people with
chickenpox or other smallpox are swelling of the lymph nodes. These swollen lymph
nodes can be felt in the armpits, neck, or groin.

4. How people should react to face the out breaks?

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