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PARAPHRASE IELTS WRITING TASK 1 (expressing the same things in different words) 1. In general You can try using different subjects to make your writing more flexible. For example, instead of saying “the number of people who learn English increased in 1950s”, you can say that “in the 1950s, more people tended to learn English than in the past.” It is very important to note that the words and expressions below are not lists of synonyms. A few examples are given here, but look for these expressions when you are reading, to see how they are used. To take just one example: made = produced sometimes, but not all the time. We can say that Rice is produced in India, but we cannot say that Rice is made in India. In other words, always notice how and when words and expressions can be used. You should also note that you can repeat key words from the task 1 diagram in your report, but try to avoid doing this too often. If you study the vocabulary, you will be able to make the vocabulary and structure of your reports more varied. Dich dai ¥ 1. Khai quat Ban cé thé sir dung chit ngit khac nhau dé lam bai viét tré nén linh hoat. Vi du, thay vi viét “s6 Iwong ngwoi hoc Tiéng Anh da ting lén trong nhimg nim 1950”, ban co thé viét 1a “trong nhig nim 1950, nhiéu ngwdi cé xu huéng hoc Tiéng Anh hon truée day.” Ching ta cin chi ¥ ring cde tir vung va cum tir du6i day khéng phai 1A m§t danh sich cdc tir ddng nghia. Minh cé dua ra mét sé vi dy @ day, nhung ban hay cé ging fim nhing cum tir nay khi ban dgc tiéng anh dé xem ching durge dung nhw thé nay. Vi dy, made cé thé sir dyng nhw produced, nhung khéng phai hic nao cing nhw vay. Ta cé thé viét Rice is produced in India, nhung khéng thé viét Rice is made in India, N6i cach khéc, hay luén chi ¥ cach dimg tir va cum tir khi c6 thé. Ban ciing can lu ¥ ring ban cé thé lip lai tir khéa khi miéu ta biéu dd 6 Task 1, nhung cd ging tranh lam dyng. Néu ban hoc tir vung, ban cé thé linh hoat hon va khién tir ving cfing nhw cdu tric bai viét cia ban da dang hon. - Subject refers to figures — Verb refers to increases/ decreases +The number off The figure for/ The proportion of/ The percentage of people who ... (relative clause) - + The number off The figure for people + V-ing/ (reduced relative clause) + There was an inerease/ rise/ the number of... noun + V-ing or V-ed + There was a decrease/ drop/ fall/ the number of...noun +V-ing or V-ed Dich dai + Sé lugng/ Sé ligu/ Ti 1é/ Phan trim nhting ngudi + who (ménh dé quan hé) + Sé lugngy Sé ligu nhiing ngudi + Ving (ménh 48 quan hé rit gon) + Co mét sy tng lén trong sé Iuong cia ....+ danh tir + Ving/ Ved + Cé mét sy gidm trong sé lung ciia...+ danh tir + Ving/ Ved Example: (Phan vi dy em bé sung thém nhiéu vi dy nita nhé) + In 1999, the proportion of people using the Internet in the USA was about 20%. + There has been an increase in the cost of coffee. + The number of people going to college rose to 5 million. + The proportion of people shopping at Wal Mart was 5%. + The figure for people who like to go to Mexico in the summer increased last year. + There was a rise in the percentage of children born by C-section. + There has been a growth in the number of countries affected by drought this year. + There was a decrease in the number of hospitals. Dich dai y Vidu + Nim 1999, phan trim nhing ngudi sit dyng Internet tai My 1a khoang 20%. + Cé sy tang [én trong gid ca phé. + S6 luong nhitng ngudi hoc dai hoc ting lén dén 5 trigu ngudi. + Phan trim nhiing ngudi mua sam tai Wal Mart la khoang 5%. + Sé lugng nhiing ngudi thich dén Mexico vo mita hé da ting lén. + C6 mot sy ting Jén trong phan trim nhiing dita tré duge sinh bing cdch sinh mé. (C-section = Caeserean section — sinh mé) + C6 mét sy ting lén trong sé hong nhting quéc gia bi anh huéng béi han h4n nam nay. + C6 mét sy ting lén trong sé lugng bénh vién. - Subject refers to the chart ~ Sir dung chit ngit chi biéu 43 + The chart/ graph/ illustration/ map/ table...shows/ illustrates/ gives information about/ provides information about/ compares... Example: The chart shows a change in the percentage of international students among university graduates in different Canadian provinces between 2001 and 2006. Dich dai y + Biéu 4/hinh minh hoa/ bang. ..thé hign/ minh hoa/ cung cp théng tin/ so sinh... + Vi dy: Biéu dé trén cho thdy mét sy thay ddi trong phan trim nhiing sinh vién quéc té trong sé nhting ngudi t6t nghiép dai hoc tai cde ving khdc nhau cia Canada tu 2001 dén 2006. - Subject refers to what is shown in the chart + People tend to + V + X is the most popular .... + Company A reduced its waste production + The ...(noun: consumption, spending...) is highest + People show their preference for... + People have a tendency to do sth Dich dai y + Moi ngudi cé xu hudng + dGng tir (lim gi d6) +X 1a bién nhat + Céng ty A da gidm lugng nuéc thai cua cong ty + ...14 cao nit + Moi ngudi cho thay sw yéu thich vdi... + Moi ngudi c6 xu hung lam gi Example: (bé sung vi dy) + In 2005, Intemet usage in both the USA and Canada rose to around 70% of the population, while the figure for Mexico reached just over 25%. + People in Britain spent just over £170,000 on photographic film, which is the highest figure shown on the chart, By contrast, Germans were the lowest overall spenders, with roughly the same figures (just under £150,000) for each of the six products. + Corn was the most popular food in Texas during the 60s. + The consumption of chocolate in the Middle East was higher than in India. + During the 1950s, the consumption of alcohol was highest in the USA, followed by Russia and Germany. + People showed their preference for travelling to work by car, rather than by bus or train. + People have a tendency to shop in their neighborhood, which often benefits the local grocery stores more than it does supermarkets. Dich dai ¥ + Nam 2005, viée sir dung Internet tai My va Canada déu ting lén khoang 70% dan sé, trong khi 86 ligu nay ctia Mexico chi khoang hon 25%, + Ngudi dan 6 Anh tiéu khoang hon 170000 bang cho phim anh, sé liéu cao nhdt duge thé hién trén biéu dé. Nguge lai, ngudi Dit 14 nhting ngudi chi tiéu it nhdt cho tat cd cdc sin phdm, voi s6 ligu nhu nhau, duéi 150000 bang cho mdi san phdm trong sé 6 sin phim trén. +Ngé la thy phim phé bién nhat tai Texas nhiing nim 60. + Luong tiéu thy socola & ving Trung Déng cao hon 6 An D6. + Trong nhiing nim 1950, luong tiéu thy rugu tai MY 1A cao nhit, theo sau la Nga va Dite. +Ngudi dan cho thay sw wa thich ding 6 t6 4é di lam hon La bus hay tau. + Ngudi din thudng cé xu hudng di mua sim ngay gin nha, diéu nay o6 loi hon cho cc ctra hang tap héa théng thudng hon la cdc siéu thi. 2. Particular words - A period of time + during the period between X and Y + between X and Y + from X to Y + during the 1950s + within five fears from X to Y + over the period from X to Y + over a petiod of 17 years + during the researched/ observed period + at the beginning/ end of the period shown Dich dai ¥ + trong khoang thoi gian gitta X va Y (nlm X va Y) + gittaX vaY +trX dén Y + trong nhitng nim 1950 + trong vong 5 nam tir X dén Y + trong khoang thdi gian tir X dén Y + qua 17 nim + trong thdi gian nghién ctrw/ quan sat + giai doan daw/ cudi Example: (bd sung vi dy) + In contrast, the divorce rate peaked in 1980, at nearly 1.5 million divorces, before falling (back) to 1 million at the end of the period. + The bar chart compares the cost of an average house in five major cities over a period of 13 years from 1989. + London experienced by far the greatest changes in house prices over the 13-year period. + The First World War took place between 1914 and 1918. + During the 1950s, the US economy quickly developed, making it the biggest economy in the world. + Within 6 years from 1920 to 1926, hundreds of factories were established. + Many schools were founded over a period of 25 years from 1900 to 1925. + During the period shown in the graph, the quantity of ice cream consumed in Italy fell by about 25%. Dich dai y Vidu + Nguoe lai, ti 1¢ li hén cao nhét vao nam 1980, gan 1.5 trigu vy li hon, trude khi giém xuéng con 1 trigu vao giai doan cudi. + Biéu dé cOt so sdnh chi phi nha 6 tai 5 thanh phé én trong thdi gian 13 nam ké ti: nam 1989. + London da trai qua nhiing thay déi lon nhat vé gid nha trong kho’ng 13 nam cho tdi nay. + Thé chién thir nhat dién ra tir nim 1914 dén 1918, + Trong nhiing nim 1950, kinh t€ Hoa Ky phat trién nhanh chéng, tro thanh nén kinh té 1én nhét thé gidi. + Trong vong 6 nim ké tir 1920 dén 1926, hang tram nha may da duge thanh lap. + Rét nhiéu trudng hoc duge sang lap trong khoang thai gian 25 nam tir 1900 dén 1925. + Trong khoang thdi gian dugc thé hién trén biéu 44, sé Iuong kem duge tiéu thu tai Y da giém Khodng 25%, ~ Age group + between X and Y years old +X - to Y-year-olds +X - to ¥-year-old students + people (who are) aged X to Y. + people who fall into the X to ¥ age group + people who belong to the X to Y age group + in their forties (40 — 49 years old) Dich dai ys + gifta X va Y tudi +X- Y wi + nhiing hoc sinh X -Y tudi + nhiing ngudi cé tudi tir X dén y + nhiing ngudi roi vao nhém tudi tir X dén Y + nhiing ngudi thudc nhém tudi X dén Y + 46 tudi 40 (40-49 tudiy - Old people: the elderly = elderly people = senior citizens - Young people: the young = teenagers = youngsters - Middle aged people = people aged 40 to 60 - People in early adulhood = people who fall into 20 to 40 age group Dich dai - Ngubi gia: ngudi gid = ew dan cao tuéi - Ngudi tré: ngudi tré = thanh nién - Nguoi trung nién = nhiing ngudi cé tudi 40 ~ 60 ~ Ngudi tré = nhiing nguii cé tudi tir 20-40, Example: + 12% of those aged between 14 and 16 years old were current smokers. + There was a fall in the number of 16-19 year olds studying in higher education in Greece. + The majority of students aged 16 to 18 were doing vocational courses. + People in their forties went to the cinema more frequently than elderly people. + While 60% of people who fell into the 30-50 age group owned at least one car, this proportion fell to 40% among those who belonged to the 50-60 age group. + The period between 1980 and 1990 saw a dramatic increase in the number of youngsters and people in early adulthood who had motorbikes. - Spending + Noun: Spending = expenditure/ spender = consumer + Verb (active form): spend =use one’s money + Verb (passive form): be spent on = be allocated for = be used for = be expended = be paid out for Dich dai y - Viée chi tiéu + Danh tir: spending = expenditure/ ngwoi chi tiéu = ngudi tiéu ding +Déng tir (dang chi déng): chi tiéu = ding tién cia ai + DOng tir (dang bj dng): duge chi tiéu cho cdi gi = duge phan bé cho = duge diing cho = duge tra cho Example: + Around $800 per person was spent on IELTS books by Vietnamese consumers in 2017. + Germans were the lowest overall spenders, with roughly the same figures Gust under £150,000) for each of the six products. + Spending on IELTS books increased dramatically to $800 in 2017. + Among US consumers, in 1990 $1 billion was spent on clothes, while the expenditure on holidays was almost double this figure. + Almost half of government spending was allocated for health and education. Dich dai 3 vi du + Khodng 800$/ ngudi duge ngudi tiéu ding Viét Nam chi tiéu cho séch IELTS nim 2017. + Ngudi Ditc 1A nhiing ngudi chi tiéu it nhdt tng thé, vai sé ligu gin nhu giéng nhau (duoiws 150000 bang) cho mdi san phdm trong sé 6 san phim. + Chi tiéu cho sich IELTS da tang lén dang ké, 1én tdi 800$ nim 2017. + Voi ngudi tiéu ding MY, nim 1990 c6 1 ti 46 durge chi tiéu cho quan Ao, trong khi tiéu ding cho cdc ky nghi gin nhu gp di sé ligu nay. - Consumption + Noun: X consumption = X use/ the amount of X used/ consumed + Verb: consume = use Example: + The charts compare the amount of water used for agriculture, industry and homes around the world, and water use in Brazil and the Democratic Republic of Congo. + We can also sce that water consumption was considerably higher in Brazil than in the Congo. + The amount/The quantity of ice cream consumed fell from 5000 litres in 2004 to 3750 litres in 2007. Dich daiy - Tigu ding + Danh tit: Tiéu ding cho X = Viéc sir X/ Lugng X duge dimg/ tiéu thy + Déng ti: Ding = tiéu thy Vi dy + Céc biéu dé trén so sinh Ixgng nude duge sir dung cho néng nghigp, céng nghiép va hd gia dinh trén khp thé gidi, va viéc sir dung nuéc tai Brazil va Cong hda dan chi Congo. + Chiing ta 06 thé thdy ring vige tiéu thy nude tai Brazil cao hon dang ké so véi Congo. + Luong kem duge tiéu thy gidm tir 50001 nim 2004 xuéng cdn 37501 nim 2007. ~ Internet usage +Noun: Internet usage + the population who used the Internet = people who used the Intemet = people using the Internet = people who had access to the Internet = people accessing the Internet = Internet users + Verb: use = access = connected to Dich dai y - Viée str dung Internet + Danh tir: sir dung Internet + dan sé sit dung Internet = ngudi dan sit dung Internet = ngudi cé két néi véi Intemet = ngudi sit dung Internet + D6ng thr: ding = két ndi = két ndi véi Example: + Almost 100% of Canadians used the Internet, compared to about 80% of Americans and only 40% of Mexicans. + Overall, a much larger percentage of Canadians and Americans had access to the Internet in comparison with Mexicans, and Canada experienced the fastest growth in Internet usage. + 50% of people using the Internet in the US are teenagers. + The number of Internet users rose sharply in Vietnam after 2002. + China witnessed an incredible growth in Internet usage over a period of 10 years. + The chart shows that in 2002, 50 million people had access to the Internet in Russia, compared with 70 million ten years later. Dich dai y Vida + Gdn 100% ngudi Canada sit dung Internet, so véi khoang 80% nguoi MY va chi khoang 40% ngudi Mexico, + Nhin chung, phan trim ngudi Canada va My cé két néi véi Internet 1én hon rat nhiéu so voi ngudi Mexico, va Canada cé sy ting traéng nhanh nhat trong viéc ding Internet. + 50% nhiing ngudi sir dyng Internet tai My IA thanh thiéu nién. + 86 lugng ngudi ding Internet tai Vigt Nam ting dang ké sau nim 2002. + Trung Quéc da ching kién sy phat trién Internet hé tinh trong khodng thi gian 10 nim. + Biéu dé cho thdy trong nam 2002, 50 trigu ngudi tai Nga da cé két ndi véi Internet, so voi 70 trigu_vao 10 nim sau. - Production + Noun: production, manufacture, generation + the amount of X produced/ the amount of X made by.../ the amount of X manufactured/the quantity of energy generated/the quantity of electricity generated + Verb: to produce = to make = to manufacture = to generate (electricity/energy) Dich dai y - Sw san xudt + Danh tir: sy san xuét, tao ra + lugng X duge sin xudt/ lam ra béi + Déng ti: sin xudt = lim ra = tgo ra (dién, nang long) Example: : (bd sung vi du) + Total electricity production/generation increased dramatically from 1980 to 2000 in both Australia and France. + The pie charts compare the amount of electricity produced/generated using five different sources of fuel in two countries over two separate years. + The amount of rice produced in Thailand increased by 25%. + The amount of leather manufactured in the Dominican Republic increased between 1970 and. 1975. +No one can predict the the number of trainers that will made by China this year. Dich dgi ¥ Vidy + Téng lwgng san xuat dién ting dang ké tai cd Phap va Uc tir 1980 dén 2000. + Cac biéu 48 hinh tron so sdnh long dign duge sin xudt nhd vige sit dung 5 ngudn nhién liéu khdc nhau tai 2 quéc gia trong 2 nam riéng biét. + Lurgng gao dugc sin xudt tai Thdi Lan da ting 25%. + Luong da duge san xuét tai Cng hoa Dominic da ting tix nm 1970 dén nim 1975, + Khong ai 6 thé dy doan duge s6 may bay dirgc sin xudt boi Trung Quée nam nay. - Sales + Noun: sales = tumover + Verb: ear = obtain = gain = make Dich dai y - Doanh thu + Danh tir: doanh thu + DéOng tir: kiém duge = dat duge = tao ra Example: : + We can see from the chart that turnover from cars increased hardly the tumover of jeans in September totalled $100,000 and sales then increased to reach a peak of $200,000 in December. over the period shown + They can obtain greater profits if they how to connect with customers In 2010, Company A obtained profits of $5 million, whereas Company B made profits of only $1 million in the same year. + The store gained a greater turnover after 7 years of conducting business Company X had a higher turnover than Company Y. + Shoe sales dropped by 12% after the new tax were introduced Earnings from sales of shoes were the same as those from sales of jeans, at $5000 in 2015. + Company A is predicted to earn $4000 next year, a gain of $1000 on the tumover for this year. Dich dai ¥ Vidy + Tir biéu dé, ta 06 thé théy ring doanh thu cia quan Jeans trong thang 9 dat ting 1a 100000 va doanh thu sau 46 da ting 1én va dat dinh 200000 vao thang 12. + Nam 2010, Cong ty A dat duge lgi nhugn 5 trigu, trong khi cling nim dé cdng ty B tao ra loi nhudn chi 1 trigu 46. + Loi nhugn 06 duge tir viée ban giay bing véi tian kiém duoc tir bén jeans, déu 14 5000$ nam 2015. + C6ng ty A duge dy dodn sé kiém dugc 40008 vao nim sau, so véi doanh thu 1000$ cho nim nay. - Poverty + Noun: Poverty rate = level of poverty = poverty level + Noun: poor people = the poor = people who live in poverty = people who live under the poverty line Dich dai y + Danh tir: ti 1 nghéo = mirc nghéo. + Danh tir: ngudi nghéo = ngudi séng trong sy nghéo khé = ngwdi séng trong ndi nghéo Example: : + Overall, 11% of Australians, or 1,837,000 people, were living in poverty in 1999, + It is noticeable that levels of poverty were higher for single people than for couples. + The number of poor people in the UK fell by 50,000 between 2012 and 2013. + The percentage of the poor who were aged over 70 remained at 3% between 2003 and 2008, + While the poverty rate fell in the UK during the period shown, it rose in France and Italy. + The graph compares the level of poverty among the elderly in four Asian countries, Dich dai y Vi dy + Nhin chung, 11% ngudi Uc, tite 1837000 ngudi, dang séng trong nghéo khé vao nam 1999, + Dang chti ¥ 1a mite nghéo cia ngudi dc than cao hon cdc ofp déi. + Sd lugng ngudi nghéo tai A gim 50000 ngudi tir nfm 2012 dén 2013. + Phan trim ngudi nghéo trén 70 tudi van git 6 mirc 3% trong nim 2003 dén 2008. + Trong Khi ti lg nghéo tai MY gidm trong thi gian dugc thé hién trén biéu 46, ti 1é nay lai ting tai Phdp va Y. + Biéu dé so sinh mite nghéo cita ngudi gid cla 4 quéc gia chau A. ~ Unemployment + Noun: people who were unemployed = people who were jobless = people without a job = the unemployed = the jobless + Noum: level(s) of unemployment = unemployment rate Dich dai y - That nghiép + Danh tir: nhiing ngudi th4t nghiép = ngudi khdng cé viée + Danh tit: mite 49 that nghiép = ti 16 that nghiep Example: + The percentage of people without a job in Vietnam was around 18% in 2015. + The level of unemployment increased among graduates in the arts, but fell among science graduates. + The table compares the numbers of the unemployed from 2002 to 2005 in six European countries. + The jobless total decreased between 1990 and 2010 in the USA. + Unemployment rates increased dramatically during the period shown in the chart. Dich dai Vidu + Tilé nhting ngudi khéng cé viée 1am 6 VN 1a khoang 18% vao nam 2015. + Ti [6 that nghiép cia ngudi hoc nginh nghé thudt ting, nhung ti Ié nay cia nhitng ngudi hoc cde nganh khoa hoc lai gidm, + Bang sé ligu so sanh sé long ngudi that nghiép tir nam 2002 dén nim 2004 tai 6 nuée chau Au. + Téng long ngudi that nghiép tai MY da giam trong khoang thdi gian tir nim 1990 va 2010. + Ti lé that nghiép tng dang ké trong khoang thoi gian duoc thé hién trong biéu dd. - Transportation + Noun: car ownership + people who have cars/ people who own a car + people who use cars = people driving to work = people who commute by car = people who travel by car = car users = people with cars Dich dai 3 - Phuong tign giao théng + Danh tr: viée s6 hitu xe 6 16 + nhiing ngudi cé xe 6 t6/ nhiing ngudi sé hitu mét chiéc xe + Nguoi sit dung 6 t6 = nguoi léi xe di lim = ngudi di Lim bing xe 6 t6 = ngudi di chuyén bing xe 6 t6 = ngudi sit dung 6 t6 Example: + The number of people who commute by car rose slighty in the next 3 years. + The graph illustrates that car ownership in Vietnam increased greatly from 1980 to 2005. + According to the table, the proportion of people who have cars is significantly higher in India than in China, Dich dai ¥ Vidy + 86 long ngudi di lam bing 6 t6 tang nhg trong 3 nam tiép theo + Biéu dé minh hoa viéc sé hitu xe 6 t6 tai Viét Nam dai ting 1én ding ké tir nim 1980 dén 2005. + Theo nhu bang sé ligu, ti 1é ngu’si c6 xe 6 t6 tai An DO cao hon rat nhiéu so véi Trung Quéc.

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