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B-TASK2 1. In general/Khdi quét These are ways to paraphrase the most common words in IELTS Writing Task 2. {used for every topic] - Ais a cause of B + A result(s) in/ lead(s) to/ bring(s) about B + A is often associated with B + A paves the way for B + Ais a catalyst of B + A is the precursor of B + A correlates with B +A makes a significant/substantial/valuable/great contribution to B +A is a key/contributing factor influencing B + A has/exerts an effect/impact/influence on B Dich dai ¥ 1. Khai quat Duéi day 1a nhting cach dé paraphrase nhiing tir thong dung nhdt trong IELTS Writing Task 2. (ding cho moi topic) - A la nguyén nhan cia B + Adin dénB +A thuong lién quan téi B + A mé during cho B +A la chat mic tc cia B +A la tién than cia B + A tuong quan véi B + A déng mét phan quan trong téi B + A la yéu t6 chit chdt cia B + A.cé anh hudng ding ké dén B Example: + Spirituality is often associated with a reduced perception of stress in one's life. + From 1960 to 2009 slow economic growth has made a contribution to the persistence of poverty. + From 1929 to 1933, the Depression Era was the catalyst for the high unemployment rate, + Political reforms pave the way for economic development. + Corruption is often associated with a decline in public morals. + An unhealthy diet correlates with a risk of heart disease. + The hard work of the employees has made a great contribution to the company’s success. + Having children is a contributing factor in building happy marriages. + Strict penalties for drivers who break the law exert a great impact on the reduction in the number of road accidents. Dich dai Vi dy + Yéu t6 tinh than thudng lién quan dén viée gidm cdm nhén v 4p luc trong cudc séng. + Tir nim 1960 dén 2009, ting trudng kinh 8 cham da gép phan cho sy nghéo dai ding. + Tir 1929 dén 1933, thdi ky Khiing hoang la nguyén nhan cuia ti Ig that nghiép tang cao. + Cai cach chinh trj mé dudng cho phat trién kinh té, + Tham nhiing thuéng c6 lién quan dén sy suy thodi dao dite x4 hGi. + M6t ché 46 &n khong lanh manh dan téi nguy co bénh tim. + Su chim chi ctia céng nhan da déng gép rét lén cho sy thanh cong cla céng ty. + Cé con 1a mt yéu t6 déng gép cho viée xdy dyng hén nhan hanh phic, + Vige phat nghiém Khic cdc Idi xe vi pham phép luét da gay ra sitc anh huéng rat 1én cho viée gidm sé lung tai nan giao théng dirdng bé. - To do something for one’s sake/ for social benefit + For one’s own sake + for/in one’s own interest + as a social responsibility eer tegeEE + not (only) for individual gain but (also) as a community duty. + social rather than personal benefits Dich dai ¥ - Lam cdi gi vi ai/ vi loi ich x4 hoi + Vi loi {ch cia rigng ai + Vi méi quan tam ctia ai + trach nhiém xa hoi + khéng chi cho Igi ich cé nhan ma cn vi loi ich cong ding + Igi ich céng déng hon 14 cé. nhan Example: + Voluntary work should be done as a community duty, not for individual gain. + Taking regular exercise is something that people ought to do for their own sake. + Responsible parenting must be seen as a social responsibility. + Taking a gap year before entering university is in one’s own interest, provided that one uses that time wisely. + The environmental movement stresses the importance of recycling for its social rather than personal benefits. Dich dai ¥ Vidy + Viée tir thién nén duge thye hign nhw la nghia vy cong déng chit khéng vi Igi ich cd nhan. + Tp thé duc thing xuyén 1a diéu ma moi ngwdi nén lam cho chinh ban thdn minh. + Chim séc con cai ¢6 tréch nhiém can duge coi Ia trich nhiém xa h6i + Nghi 1 nim trade khi vio dai hoc 1a tty vao sé thich cé nhan, min la ho cd thé sir dung thdi gian dé mét cach khén ngoan, + Phong trao méi truéng tp trung vao sur quan trong cia viée tai ché vi Igi ich cng ddng hon 1a cé nhan. - To get benefits from something + To gain/derive/ get/ obtain/ enjoy benefits + To benefit greatly/enormously/considerably....from something rrr renee enna + there are many benefits of doing something Dich dai ¥ - C6 loi tit cdi gi +6 duge/ dat duge/ lay duec...lgi ich + Duge Igi dang ké tir cAi gi + Co rat nhidu loi ich tir viée Lim gi do Example: + The whole global economy benefits enormously from reductions in energy consumption and cost savings in industry processes. + The motor industry will be one of the first to enjoy the benefits of the recovery. + There are important benefits of walking for at least 30 minutes each day. + Most people enjoy jogging as well as deriving health benefits from this gentle exercise. Dich dai y Vid + Kinh té toan cdu duge loi déng ké tir viée gidm tiéu thy ning hrong va tiét kiém chi phi san xuét, + Nganh céng nghiép mé t6 sé 14 m6t trong nhing nganh céng nghiép duge Igi nhdt tir sy hdi phyc (kinh t€). + Cé nhiéu Igi ich dang ké tir viée di b6 it nhdt 30” mdi ngay + Hau hét moi ngudi déu thich di bé ofing nhu 06 duge nhting Igi ich site khde tir bai tp nhe nhang nay. - To meet the requirement + To meet/ satisfy the need offthe demand for sth + To fulfil a requirement/condition/obligation Dich dai y - Dat yéu cau + Dat/ théa man yéu cdu/ nhu cdu cia cai gi + Théa man yéu cau/ diéu kién Example: rt ror + In many rural villages in Vietnam, the supply of underground water which has been in use for hundreds of years, is now incapable of meeting the growing demand of the expanding population. + Students must fulfil many requirements before going to college, hence the decrease in the number of people getting educated. + The market had to satisfy the demand for rice of the consumers, which resulted in the growth of production. Dich dai y lang néng thén Vigt Nam, ngudn nude ngim vén duge ding hang trim nim, nay dé khéng thé théa man nhu cau ctia dan sé dang bing né. + Sinh vién phai thoa min nhiéu yéu cau dé duge vao dai hoe, tir 46 din dén sy sut gidm sé hrong ngudi duge di hoe. + Thi trrdng cin théa méin nhu cdu vé gao ciia ngudi tiéu dig, tir d6 din dén sy ting trudng san 4 xuat. -To try + to make every endeavor to do something + to make an effort + to attempt + to struggle to do sth + to apply oneself to sth + to exert oneself Dich dai y - Cé ging + Ding hét moi cé ging lam gi +N6 luc + Vat va (déu tranh) 48 lam gi +6 hét minh Example: + The government made every endeavor to help those affected by the earthquake. + The students struggled to do their homework. + She attempted to work with the government. + Making an effort to stay in a foreign country can be difficult. + In London, for example, the government has attempted to reduce traffic in the city by introducing a congestion charge. + While there may be an element of luck in exams, students who apply themselves to their coursework will generally achieve good grades. Dich dai y + Chinh phi 44 ding moi né lye dé tre gitip nhiing ngwdi bj anh hudng cia dong ddt + Hoe sinh da vat va dé lam bai tap vé nha + Cé Ay né lye lim viée véi chinh pha. +N6 luc sinh sdng tai mét quéc gia nude ngoai cé thé rdt kho khan. + Vi dy, tai London, chinh phi da né Ine gidm Ingng giao théng tai thinh phé bing vige dua ra phi tic dudng. + Di 6 yéu té may min trong cac Ki thi, nhin chung, nhiing sinh vién cd hét minh cho bai kiém tra thurdng sé dat diém tét. - To have difficulty + to have difficulty/ trouble/ problems + Ving/ in Ving + to struggle to V Example: + Many young people have problems getting a job in this competitive labour market. + Successive governments in the USA have struggled to control illegal immigration. + City authorities often have trouble in meeting the demands for housing, as migrants from rural areas flock to the cities looking for work. Dich dai y - Gp khé khan + Gp khé khin/ ric réi/ vdn dé trong chuyén gi/ lam gi + vat va lam gi Vi du eA Ei SISSIES + Nhidu ngudi tré gap van dé trong vige tim vide trong thi trrdng lao dng canh tranh hién nay + Chinh phi Hoa Ky vat va dé kiém sodt nan nh4p eu trai phép. + Chinh quyén thanh phé thuéng gap khé khin trong vige dap (mg nhu cdu vé nha 6 khi nhiing ngudi di cu tir ving néng thén d6 ra thanh phd dé tim vige. - To choose + to make a choice + to opt (to make a choice, especially of one thing or possibility instead of others) + to select + to decide to do something + to decide on Example: + Mothers often select clothes for young children when they send them to schools. + If the government decided to raise the tax on petrol, there would be fewer vehicles on the roads. + When making a choice of a future career, it is not always wise to opt for the job with the highest salary. + When choosing a career, people should decide on something which they find interesting and satisfying. Dich dai y - Lya chon + dya ra lya chon + chon Iya + quyét dinh Vidu + Cc ba me thudng chon quan do cho con nhé khi dua ching dén trudng. +Néu chinh phi quyét dinh ting thué xing dau sé cé it phuong tién di chuyén trén dudng hon. + Khi Ilya chon nghé nghiép tong lai, Iya chon m6t céng viéc cé mite Ivong cao nhat khéng phai Ie nao cfing 1A khén ngoan. + Khi lya chon nghé nghiép, ngwdi ta thudng quyét dinh chon viée ma ho thy himg tha va mang Iai cam gidc théa man. cere Ss USES ReneS - People + the public + the population +many/ some/most + mankind Example: + The public were angry at the king. + The population of Vietnam, for example, has been forced to adjust to profound economic and social changes. + Most considered the government’s program a failure. + For many, money plays an important part in their life. + If people continue to destroy the planet, mankind will be the next species to become extinct. Dich dai y - Moi ngudi/ Ngudi din + Quan ching/ nhan dan + Nguoi dan + Nhidu ngudi/ mét s6/ hau hét + Loai ngudi/ con ngudi Vidu + Nhan dan tite gidin véi dite vua. + Vi du, ngudi din Vige Nam da bj budc phai thich nghi véi nhiing thay adi kinh té xa hdi quan trong. + Ba s6 déu cho ring chong trinh cia chinh phi 1a mét that bai. + Voi nhiéu ngudi, tién dong vai trd quan trong trong cudc doi ho. + Néu con ngudi tip tuc pha hiy hanh tinh nay, lodi ngurdi sé 14 loai tuyét ching tiép theo. 2. Particular words/ M6t sé tir phd bién 2.1 Children +achild + youngsters + offspring Example: + Parents sometimes find it difficult to discipline their teenage offspring. + The role of parents is vital in determining how a child develops in the future. + A child will often fall under the influence of peers, so parents must discourage their children from mixing with youngsters who behave badly. Dich dai ys 2.1. Tré em + mot dita tré + thanh thiéu nién + thé hé sau Vi dy + Cha me d6i khi cdm thay khé khan trong viéc ky luat nhimg dtta con tudi vj thanh nién. + Vai trd cia cha me 1a rét quan trong trong viée quyét dinh mét dita tré sé phat trién ra sao trong tuong lai. + M6t dita tré thudng bj anh hudng béi nhiing ngudi di trudc, vay nén cha me phai ngin cén con cai choi véi nhiing thanh thiéu nién c6 hanh vi x4u. 2.2. School + educational institutions + places of learning + the classroom Examples: + Funding for educational institutions must be high on the list of government priorities. + Inall places of learning, from nursery school to sixth form colleges, discipline is essential in the classroom. + Computers will never completely replace teachers in the classroom. ne Dich dai y 2.2. Trudng hoc +T6 chite gido duc +noi dé hoc + lép hoc Vidy + Gay quy cho céc t8 chite gido dye cn duge dit 1én déu danh sdch wu tién cia chinh pha +O moi trubng hoe, tir truéng mau gido cho t6i loai hinh cao ding thit 6, ky luat la rt quan tron, e trong dp hoc. + Vi tinh khéng bao gid cé thé thay thé gido vién trong lép hoc. 2.3. Government + the authorities + national and local authorities + the state Examples: + There are effective measures which the authorities can take to prevent re-offending when prisoners are released. + I would argue that it is the responsibility of individuals, not the state, to decide what food they choose to eat. + Funding should be provided by national and local authorities to control the rise of crime in cities. Dich dai 2.3. Chinh phi + Chinh quyén + Chinh quyén dia phuong va quéc gia Vidy + Cé nbiing bign phdp higu qua ma chinh quyén cé thé sit dung dé ng’n can viée tai pham cia nhiing pham nhan da timg duge phéng thich. + Téi cho rang dé 1a tréch nhiém cia cé nhan, khong phai cia chinh quyén, khi quyét dinh Iya chon thite 4n ma minh an. Ne ESO ETN + Chinh quyén dja phuong va quéc gia cn cung cdp quy dé kiém sodt sy gia ting ctia ti pham trong thinh phé. 2.4, Society + the community + the general public + civilisation Examples: + It is true that some prisoners who have been released have continued to be a danger to the community. + The new laws have been passed to protect the general public from terrorist attacks. + A nuclear war would mean the end of civilisation, + A program of care in the community for alcoholics and drug addicts has proved effective in many European countries. Dich dai y - XAhGi + Céng ddng + quan ching néi chung + nén vin minh/ dan téc Vi dy + Nhiing t6i pham due phéng thich van 1a méi nguy cho x4 hdi + Ludt méi da dugc théng qua dé bao vé quan chiing nhan dan khéi khiing bé tén cng. + Chién tranh hat nhan sé 1a két thiic cho ca nén van minh. + MOt chuong trinh chiim séc céng dong cho ngudi nghign rugu va nghign thuéc 3 chtmg minh higu qua tai nhiéu nude Chau Au. 3. Particular topics - Crime + Offenders = criminials = delinquents = law-breakers = law-violators = wrongdoers rE + Criminal = delinquent = illegal = unlawful = law-breaking= law-violating = law-offending + acts = actions = activities + to engage in = be involved in = participate in = get involved in = commit = perpetrate + crimes + juvenile criminals/delinquents = young criminals = criminals at a young age + to put sb into prison = to imprison sb = to put sb in jail = to send sb to prison = to sentence criminals to prison = to impose a prison sentence on sb + criminals who re-offend/commit crimes repeatedly = habitual criminals = repeat offenders Dich dai y + Ngudi pham 191 + cdc hanh dng pham 160i + dinh liu/ lién quan dén t6i pham + ti pham vj thanh nién + cho vio ti + tOi pham vj thanh nién Examples: (bé sung vi dy) + Criminal activities increased during the Depression Era in the USA and Europe. + The number of people participating in criminal activities increased, which led to many law- breakers being sent to prison + Imprisoning some criminals is getting harder, as it is easier for them to flee to other countries than in the past. + I would argue that long prison sentences should be imposed on wrongdoers who commit violent crimes. + Institutions for young offenders ought to provide vocational training courses, to give these juvenile criminals a chance to earn an honest living when they are released. + Re-offending is a serious problem, as many prisoners return to a life of crime after serving their prison sentence. Dich dai ¥ Vidu + Céc hogt d6ng pham t@i da ting [én trong thai ki khing hodng tai My va Chau Au, + Sé lugng ngudi tham gia vao cdc hoat dng t6i pham da ting lén, din dén viée nhiéu ké pham 101 bj bé ta. + Vige bé ti mét sé t6i pham da tr nén khé khan hon, vi ching chay trén ra nude ngoai d& hon truée kia. + Téi cho ring cdc ban dn ti lau nam can duge 4p dung cho nhting ké pham t6i bao luc. + Céc t6 chite danh cho t6i pham vi thanh nién can duge cho hoc cdc khéa dio tao. nghé, 48 cho nhiing tré vj thinh nién ndy mét co hdi kiém séng chan chinh khi chting duge tha ra. + Tai pham ti 14 mdt van dé nghiém trong khi khd nhiéu 9i pham da quen lai cugc séng pham t6i sau khi duge phéng thich. THUC HANH EDUCATION — PARAPHRASING university graduates = people who graduate from university = people graduating from university = people with a university qualification: nhing nguai tét nghiép dai hoc academic qualifications = degrees: bing cdp hoc thuat university education = tertiary education = third-level education: gido duc dai hgc concentrate on ... = focus on ...: tap trung vo ... get higher grades = achieve better academic results: o6 dugc két qué cao hon core subjects = important subjects = main subjects: cdc mén hoc ndng cét online courses = distance learning programmes = internct-based learning: cdc khéa hoe online/ vige hoc tir xa go to college or university = continue (their) studies: hoe have access to more and better job opportunities = have more opportunities to get a well-paid job: cé co hdi viéc lam tét hon study abroad = study overseas = study in a foreign country: di du hoc learn problem-solving skills = learn how to deal with difficult situations more iép tuc con dudng hgc van bac dai take part in = participate in: tham gia vao ... curriculum = learning programmes: chuong trinh hoc many subjects = a wide range of subjects: nhiéu mén hoc to be better prepared for their future career = facilitate their future career preparation: chun bj tt hon cho sy nghiép twong lai Iearn important skills = develop essential skills: hoc dugc nhiing ky nding quan trong should have the right to ... = should be allowed to ... = should have the freedom to +t nén.c6 quyén kim gi feel bored and stressed = suffer from boredom and stress: cam thdy chin nan va cing thing tuition fees = education costs: hoc phi to be free = to be free of charge = to be provided for free: mién phi spend a larger amount of time on .... = devote more time to ...: dinh nhidu thai gian hon vio ... subjects related to science = science-based subjects: nhitng mén hoc lién quan dén khoa hoc students entering university = undergraduates: nhiing sinh vién dai hoc take a year off between school and university = take a gap year before entering tertiary education = spend a year working or travelling before going to university: dinh 1 nam dé di lam hay du lich trudc khi hoc dai hoc Example Vidal I NS Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. + Some people think — It is thought that: Mét sé ngudi nghi -> Nguoi ta nghi ring + it is better to — it is more beneficial to: T6t hon li nén -> Lam viéc gi dé thi cé Igi hon + educate boys and girls in separate schools —> send boys and girls to single-sex schools: Cho nam nif hoc riéng -> Day hoc sinh 6 truéng don gid — It is thought that it is more beneficial to send boys and gitls to single-sex schools. Vi dy2 Others, however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools. + Others, however, believe that > Other people, however, argue that: Tuy nhién nhiing ngudi khée Iai cho ring * boys and girls benefit more — they gain more benefits: nam va ntf s& c6é nhiéu Igi ich hon from attending mixed schools — by entering mixed-gender schools: khi di hoc & trudng c6 cd hai gidi/ed ca nam Lin nit —+ Other people, however, argue that they gain more benefits by entering mixed-gender schools. Vi dy3 Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. + Some people think that — It is thought that// It is argued that// It is believed that: M6t s6 ngudi nghi ring -> Newii ta nght ring + all university students — all students entering university// all students entering tertiary education// all students entering third-level education: Tat ca sinh vin dai hoc -> Tit cd sinh vién tiép tue con dung hoc van cao hon * should study whatever they like + should study whatever that they have an interest in// should choose the courses that they have a passion for: Nén hoc nganh minh wa thich -> nén chon chuong trinh hoc ma minh thich —* It is argued that all students entering university should choose the courses that they have an interest in. 4. A lot of young people who leave school choose to take a year out to get more experience of the world before entering university. * Allot of young people who leave school — Many school-leaversi/ Numerous young people leaving school: nhiéu ngudi tré sau khi ra trudng/nhieu sinh vién moi tét nghigp © choose to take a year out- opt to take a gap year’/ prefer to take a gap year: chon cach nghi ngoi mét nim * get more experience of the world — broaden their horizons// gain wider experience: 48 trai nghiém thé gidi bén ngodi — mo mang hidu biét/ ldy thém kinh nghiém — Many school-leavers opt to take a gap year and broaden their horizons before entering university. 5. Many people believe that the subjects studied by youngsters aged 11-16 should prepare them for jobs after they leave school. * Many people believe that — It is widely argued that/ It is widely considered that: Nhiéu ngudi tin ring ¢ the subjects studied — the curriculum studied//the curriculum followed: Chuon| ig trinh hoc * by youngsters aged 11-16 — by secondary school students// by pupils in secondary schools: cho hia tudi tit 11-16 — It is widely argued that the curriculum followed by secondary school students should prepare them for jobs after they leave school. 6. Some people criticise exams because they think that it is fairer to assess students on their work throughout the year. + Some people criticise exams because — The critics of formal examinations argue that// Those who criticise exams argue that: Nhiing ngudi phan d6i cdc ki thi cho ring © itis fairer —a fairer system is// a more just system is: céng bing hon thi phai dénh gid... ¢ to assess students on their work throughout the year — continuous assessment of students//to assess the work of students continuously over the year: thong qua qué trinh né hye hoe tap trong sudét nim hoc ~ The critics of formal examinations argue that a fairer system is continuous assessment of students. 7 A growing number of people think that those who leave school will have access to more and better job opportunities if they go to college or university. A growing number of people think — There is an increasing body of opinion which argues that/ An increasing body of opinion supports the view that: Sé ngudi cho rng...dang ting lén ~ $6 quan diém cho ring ... dang ting lén/ $6 quan diém ing hd ¥ kién ... dang ting lén * those who leave school — school-leavers// pupils who finish school: hoc sinh da tét nghiép THPT * will have access to more and better job opportunities — will enhance their career prospects// will improve their career chances: sé cé nhiéu co hdi vide lam tét hon © go to college or university — enter higher education// follow a college or university course: néu tiép tuc con dudng hoc vin cao hon ~ An increasing body of opinion supports the view that school-leavers will enhance their career prospects if they enter higher education. Some people think that in future teachers will adapt their methods to interaction online with students using the internet, not in a classroom. * Some people think that in future — It is widely predicted that// It is forecast that: ‘Mét s6 ngudi cho ring trong twong lai — Nhiéu ngudi dy dodn ring/Ngudi ta dy bao ring © teachers will adapt their methods — teachers will tailor their teaching styles to// teaching styles will be tailored to: phuong phap day hoc sé duge sita déi thanh... « interaction online ~ interactive learning// learning via the computer: Tuong tac tryc tuyén — hoe tre tuyén/hoc qua may tinh Ee EE EERE with students using the internet, not in a classroom — in a virtual classroom// in a virtual environment, not a real classroom: trong méi trudng lép hoc 40 ~ It is widely predicted that teaching styles will be tailored to interactive learning in a virtual classroom, WORK - PARAPHRASING 1. Some young people prefer to gain knowledge of a specific profession when they leave school, and then to make progress in that career by stages. + Some young people...when they leave school — Some school-leavers/A number of school-leayers: Mét s6 ngudi tré méi rdi ghé nha trudng prefer to gain knowledge of a specific profession ~ choose to gain experience in a specific career/prefer to acquire experience in a chosen eareer: Chon tich luy kinh nghiém & mét cdng viée cy thé + and then to make progress in that career by stages — and then to move up the career ladder/and then to progress up the career ladder: Sau dé tién lén ndc thang sy nghiép Some school-leavers prefer to acquire experience in a chosen career, and then to move up the career ladder. 2. In many factories, shops and offices, hours of work that can be changed by agreement between employers and employees are common, and this does not seem to affect the amount of work which is done. * In many factories, shops and offices — In many workplaces/In many places where people work: G nhiéu noi lim viéc: nha may, cira hing, vin phong * hours of work that can be changed by agreement between employers and employees are common — agreed changes for employees to working hours are common/flexible working hours are common: Thoda thudn thdi gian lim viée linh d6ng gitta nhan vién va nguidi thué lao dgng kha phé bién * and this does not seem to affect how much work is done — and this does not seem to affect the amount of work carried out/and this does not seem to affect labour productivity: va diéu nay duéng nhu khéng anh huéng dén nang sudt lim viée In many workplaces, flexible working hours are common, and this does not seem to affect labour productivity. 3. Nowadays, there are few chances for young people to have a good career, ot even to have a job which is likely to last for a long time. + Nowadays — In today’s world/In the modern world: Ngay nay/Trong thé gidi hign dai * there are few chances for young people to have a good career — there are few opportunities for young people to have good job prospects/there a few chances of good job prospects for young people: Ngudi tré 6 rét it co hdi dé co hudng di tét/cong vige tét © oreven to have a job which is likely to last a long time — or even to have a permanent job/or even to have a steady job: Hoic thm chi la oé cng viée cé dinh In the modern world, there are few opportunities for young people to have good job prospects, or even to have a steady job. 4. An increasing number of people are not motivated to be successful and are not interested in the chance to move to a more important position at work, + An increasing number of people — Increasingly, people../A growing number of people: $é ngudi ... dang ting lén * are not motivated to be successful — have no carcer ambitions/are not ambitious: Khéng cé tham vong vé sy nghiép * and are not interested in the chance to move to 2 more important position at work — and have no interest in promotion opportunities/and are not interested in promotion opportunities: Khéng quan tim dén co hdi thing tién A growing number of people have no career ambitions and are not interested in promotion opportunities. Dich dai: 5. People who work in an office experience working conditions that are safe, but boring. * People who — Those people who/Those who: Nhiing ngudi/Nhting ngudi ma... * work in an office — work at a desk/have a desk job: Lam vin phong/lim céng vige bin sidy * experience working conditions that are safe, but boring — experience a working environment that is safe but tedious/have a working environment that is safe, but boring: Lam vige trong mdi trong an nhan nhung céng viée lai nham chén Those people who have a desk job experience a working environment that is safe, but tedious. 6. In any job, working alongside people who give help and encouragement enables you to feel good about the job that you do. + Inany job— In all jobs/ In whatever job: Di la bat ki cong viée no rr ERT + working alongside people who give help and encouragement — working with supportive colleagues/being alongside supportive work colleagues: Lim viée cing nhing dng nghiép luén khuyén khich va hé tro minh + enables you to feel good about the job that you do — enables everyone to enjoy work satisfaction/enables everyone to be more satisfied at work: Sé gitip moi ngudi cé cdm gidc thoai mai khi lam viée In whatever job, working alongside supportive colleagues enables everyone to enjoy work satisfaction, 7. In order to save money, some firms encourage older employees to leave work a few years earlier by offering them extra money or other benefits, * In order to save money — In order to economise/In order to cut down on wages: Dé tit kigm tidn + some firms encourage older employees to leave work a few years earlier — some companies encourage older employees to take early retirement/some companies encourage older employees to retire early: Mét s6 céng ty khuyén khich nhan vién lon tudi nghi huu sém mét vai nim + _ by offering them extra money or other benefits — with an offer of a retirement package/by offering them a retirement package: Bang cach tra thém tién hay dua ra cdc phiic Igi khac In order to cut down on wages, some companies. encourage older employces to take carly retirement by offering them a retirement package. 8. Some countries have laws which state the lowest wage that a business is allowed to pay, and which guarantee money for those who are unemployed. * Some countries have laws — Some countries have legislation/A number of countries have legislation: Mét s6 nuéc cé quy dinh + which states the lowest wage that a business is allowed to pay — which states the minimum wage/which stipulates the minimum wage: Néu ra mitc long t6i thigu ma mdi céng ty phai tri + and which guarantees money for those who are unemployed — and which guarantees unemployment benefit/and which provides unemployment benefit: Va dim bao tro cdp cho lao d6ng that nghiép Anumber of countries have legislation which states the minimum wage and which guarantees unemployment benefit. CRIME ~ PARAPHRASING 1. Some people think that governments should deal with crime severely, and that every illegal action should be punished, even if it is not very serious. * Some people think that - There are those who argue that/Some argue that: Mot s6 ngudi cho ring * governments should deal with crime severely — governments should adopt tough policies to deal with crime/governments should be tough on crime: Chinh phi nén dp dung chinh séch nghiém minh dé gidi quyét vin 48 t6i pham * and punish every illegal action, even if it is not very serious — and punish even minor crimes/and adopt a policy of zero tolerance: xix phat tét ca hanh vi tréi php Iuat di hanh vi dé khéng nghiém trong ~ There are those who argue that governments should be tough on crime and adopt a policy of zero tolerance, 2, There are many reasons why people start committing crimes, but the law must be applied strictly in all cases, without any excuses. + There are many reasons why — A number of factors explain why/Several factors explain why: C6 nhiéu Ii do tai sao... * people start committing crimes — people turn to crime/people become criminals: con ngudi thye hién nhiing hanh vi pham t6i * but the law must be applied strictly in all cases, without any excuses — but the letter of the law must be applied in all cases/but the strict application of the law is essential in all cases: tuy nhién trong bat cir hoan canh nao, phép luat cling déu phai nghiém minh — Several factors explain why people turn to crime, but the letter of the law must be applied in all cases. 3. People who support the policy of punishment by death believe that it will protect those who obey and respect the law. + People who support the policy of — Supporters of the policy of/Those who advocate the policy of: Nhiing ngudi tin thanh chinh séch... A NT + punishment by death - the death penalty/capital punishment: An phat tit hinh * believe that it will protect those who obey and respect the law — believe that it will protect law-abiding citizens/believe that it will protect everyone who abides by the law: tin ring didu nay sé bao vé cong dan tun theo phap Indt - Supporters of the policy of capital punishment believe that it will protect law-abiding citizens. 4, Former prisoners should have a chance of living a normal life when they have finished their time in prison. + Former prisoners — Ex-prisoners/Ex-offenders: Pham nhan sau khi ra tit * should have a chance of living a normal life - should have a chance of rehabilitation/should have a chance of leading a normal life: cn dugc trao co hGi dé séng mét cudc doi binh thudng + when they have finished their time in prison - when they have served their prison sentences/when they have served their time in prison: sau khi chap hanh xong mite phat ti — Ex-offenders should have a chance of rehabilitation when they have served their prison sentences. 5. Many people think that it is right to punish people who act illegally with the strictest punishment possible. * Many people think that — It is widely believed that/It is widely thought that: Nhiéu ngudi nghi ring — Nhiéu ngudi tin ring/Sé déng cho ring * itis right to punish people who act illegally — it is right to punish wrongdoers/it is correct to punish wrongdoers: Xi phat ngudi vi pham phap luat 1a hop ly/dang dn * with the strictest punishment possible — with the full weight of the law/with the most severe punishment available: hinh thie xt phat nghiém khic It is widely believed that it is correct to punish wrongdoers with the full weight of the law. 6. Some teachers used to think that punishing children by physically hurting them made them less likely to misbehave in future. * Some teachers used to think that — One view among some teachers used to be that/One view among some teachers was that: Mét sé giao vién cho ring + punishing children by physically hurting them — hitting children as a punishment/corporal punishment of children: Ding don roi dé phat hoe sinh — Dénh dap hoe sinh + made them less likely to misbehave in future — acted as a deterrent/stopped them from misbehaving in future: Sé lim ching sau nay khéng tai pham nia — la bign phdp ngan chin hoe sinh tai pham hanh vi sai trai sau nay — One view among some teachers was that corporal punishment of children acted as a deterrent. 7. There are other options to prison, such as sentences which are not served in prison, which may involve offenders seeing an official regularly to check on _their good behaviour. * There are other options to prison — There are alternatives to imprisonment/There are alternatives to going to prison: Cé nhiéu hinh phat kha ngoai phat ti * such as sentences which are not served in prison — such as non-prison sentences/non-custodial sentences: Ching han nhu phat cai tao khong giam gitt * which may involve offenders seeing an official regularly to check on their good behaviour - which may inyolve an offender being put on probation/which may mean that offenders are put on probation: Trong 46 nhiing ngudi pham t6i sé bi quan ché - sé c6 nhan vién xem xét thai 46 hop tic 46i v6i nhiing ké pham tdi ~ There are alternatives to imprisonment, such as non-custodial sentences, which may mean that offenders are put on probation. 8. Scientific tests to show that someone has carried out a crime are often used to prove criminals guilty. * Scientific tests to show that— Scientific evidence to show that/Forensic evidence to indicate that: Cac cugc thir nghiém cho thay * someone has carried out a crime — someone has committed a crime/someone has committed an offence: Ké pham tdi ne SE * is often used to prove criminals guilty — is often used to convict criminals/is often used to convict offenders: da ting pham t6i trade 46 ~ Forensic evidence to indicate that someone has committed a crime is often used to convict offenders. THE ENVIRONMENT — PARAPHRASING 1. Many people now agree that we need to reduce air pollution from vehicles as part of the struggle to prevent changes in our climate. * Many people now agree that we need — It is now widely agreed that it is necessary/There is now growing agreement that it is necessary: Hign nay, nhiéu ngudi dng ¥ 1a ching ta ci - S6 déng hién nay déng y ring can phi + to reduce air pollution from vehicles — to cut down on car emissions/to reduce vehicle emissions: Giam khi thai xe c6 * as part of the struggle to prevent changes in our climate — as part of the fight to combat climate change/in order to fight climate change: cing la m6t phan thach thtre trong cudc chién mg pho véi bién déi khi hau — There is now growing agreement that it is necessary to cut down on vehicle emissions in order to fight climate change. 2. Unless we try to reduce our consumption of oil, coal and gas, we will only achieve economic development by destroying our natural resources. © Unless we try — Unless an effort is made/If no effort is made: Néu ching ta khong nd lye * to reduce our consumption of oil, coal and gas — to reduce dependence on fossil fuels/to reduce reliance on fossil fuels: Gidm thiéu tigu thy du mo, than dé, khi ga/ gidm Ig thudc vao nhién ligu hod thach * we will only achieve economic development by destroying our natural resources — it will be impossible to achieve sustainable development/the achievement of sustainable development will be impossible: ching ta sé kh6ng thé phat trién bén ving Unless an effort is made to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, it will be impossible to achieve sustainable development. 3, At international meetings, governments must use their influence to support efforts to promote clean energy that does not rely on fossil fuels. + At international meetings — At international conferences/At international summits: Tai cdc cudc dam phan quéc té * governments must use their influence to support — governments should throw their weight behind/governments must support: CAc chinh pha phai ding site anh huéng cia minh dé hé try * efforts to promote clean energy that does not rely on fossil fuels - efforts to promote renewable energy sources/efforts to promote alternative energy sources: nhiing nd lye quang ba nguén nang Iuong cé thé tai tao At international summits, governments should throw their weight behind efforts to promote alternative energy sources. 4, There must be regulations agreed by all governments to stop chemical factories from disposing of waste products which cause damage to the environment. + There must be regulations agreed by all governments — International agreements are necessary/International government regulations are necessary: Can phai cé quy inh chung 4é céc chinh phi tuan theo + to stop chemical factories disposing of waste products — to stop the discharge of chemical waste/to prevent factories from discharging chemical waste: Nhiim ngin chin cdc nha may hod cht thai cdc phé phdm/ ngiin viée thai cdc chat hod hge ra méi trudng * which cause damage to the environment — which leads to environmental degradation/which results in environmental degradation: gay ra sy tin phd d6i voi méi trudng International agreements are necessary to prevent factories from discharging chemical waste which results in environmental degradation. 5. Businesses which produce poisonous, unwanted waste should be made to accept responsibility for their actions and fined heavily. + Businesses which produce — Companies producing/Enterprises which produce: Nhiing doanh nghiép/Céng ty/Xi nghiép san xuét... * poisonous, unwanted waste — toxic waste/toxic waste products: Céc chat thai déc hai + should be made to accept responsibility for their actions and fined heavily ~ should be held accountable for their actions/should be held responsible for their actions: Sé phai chju tréch nhiém cho hanh vi cia minh va bj xiz phat nghiém Companies which produce toxic waste should be held accountable for their actions and fined heavily. 6, Individuals can take action to make environmental problems less severe, for example by supporting one or more of the organisations working to protect the environment. * Individuals can take action — It is possible for individuals to act/ Action by individuals is possible: C4 nhan cé thé... * to make environmental problems less severe - to alleviate environmental problems/to alleviate environmental impacts: giam thiéu tac dng dén mi trudng * by supporting one or more of the organisations working to protect the environment — by supporting the green movement/by joining the green movement: théng qua viée tham gia cic phong trao vi mai trwéng xanh It is possible for individuals to act to alleviate environmental problems, for example by joining the green movement. 7. Many species of animals are now very few in number, so some people think that the reproduction of these animals in zoos is the solution. + Many species of animals are now very few in number — Many animal species are ' now almost extinct/Many animal species are on the brink of extinction: Nhiéu loai dOng vat dang dimg trudc nguy co tuyét ching *. so some people think that — therefore one proposed solution is/therefore one argument is that the solution is: Vi vay gidi phap duoc dua ra la © the reproduction of these animals in zoos — captive breeding in zoos/captive breeding programmes: dp dung chwong trinh nudi nhét sinh sin d6ng vat Many animal species are on the brink of extinction, therefore one proposed solution is captive breeding programmes. 8. Some people believe that many rare plants and animals may not survive, because of damage to the places where these species live. * Some people believe that — It is widely thought that/It is widely believed that: Mét sé ngudi tin ring — $6 dong nghi ring ¢ many rare plants and animals may not survive — many endangered species may not survive/many endangered species of plants and animals may not survive: Cac loai d6ng thyc vat quy hiém sé khong thé séng sét * because of damage to the places where these species live — because of habitat destruction/because of the destruction of their habitats: Do méi trudng sdng cia chung bj tan pha — It is widely thought that many endangered species of plants and animals may not survive because of the destruction of their habitats. TRANSPORT — PARAPHRASING 1. Different ways to encourage more people to use public transport include the issue of cheap tickets, that can be used on regular journeys many times in a particular period, or the provision of documents that allow children and elderly people to travel free on buses and trains. * Different ways to encourage more people to use public transport - Various means of encouraging more people to use public transport/ Different forms of encouraging more people to use public transport: Cé nhiéu phuong phap dé khuyén khich moi ngudi sit dung phtrong tién céng céng nhiéu hon * include the issue of cheap tickets that can be used on regular journeys many times in a particular period — include the offer of cheap season tickets/ include the offer of cheap season tickets: Trong 46 bao gdm gidm gid vé thang trong nhing chuyén c6 dinh hay trong giai doan cu thé + or the provision of documents that allow children and elderly people to travel free on buses and trains — or the provision of free bus and train passes for children and elderly people/or the provision of free bus and train passes for children and the elderly: Hay dura ra cdc chinh sdch mign phi vé xe buyt, vé tau cho ngudi gia, tré em — Various forms of encouraging more people to use public transport include the issue of cheap season tickets or the provision of free bus and train passes for children and the elderly. 2. We must spend money on improving things like roads, railways, bus and train stations and implement a system of timetables to connect bus and train services efficiently. + We must — It is necessary to/lIt is essential to: Ching ta phai — Can phai... * spend money on improving things like roads, railways, bus and train stations — invest in transport infrastructure/spend money on improving transport infrastructure: Dau tu tién dé cai tao dudng b6, dudng sit, tram xe buyt va ga tau — dau tr vao, eo sé ha tang giao théng/dau tu tién cai tao co sé ha ting giao thong ¢ and implement a system of timetables to connect bus and train services efficiently — and implement an integrated transport system/and implement an efficient system of integrated transport: Thuc hién hé théng 16 trinh dé két ndi higu qua dich vy xe buyt va tau hoa - thyc hign hé théng giao théng tich hop cé higu qua — It is essential to invest in transport infrastructure and implement an efficient system of integrated transport. 3. There is a lack of public transport for people who live in rural areas, and so we should improve bus and train services to make them more available. * There is a lack of public transport for people who live in rural areas- There is a shortage of public transport for people who live in rural areas/People in Tural areas often have no access to public transport: Ngwai dan séng 6 ving néng thén thwéng khéng tiép cin duge ede phuong tign cong eOng * and so we should — and so it is important to/and so it is necessary to: Vi vay, chiing ta nén... - Vi vay, diéu quan trong/cdn thiét I phai... * improve bus and train services to make them more available/upgrade and expand public transport provision/upgrade and expand the availability of Public transport: ning cép va mé rong hé théng giao théng céng cGng — People in rural areas often have no access to public transport, and so it is important to upgrade and expand public transport provision. 4, Experts have shown that traffic can move more easily in cities which have sections of the roads specifically reserved for buses and bicycles. + Experts have shown that — It has been proved that/Studies have shown that: Cée chuyén gia cho thay ring — Ho da chémg minh riing/Nghién ctru da chi ra ring * traffic can move more easily in cities ~ traffic flow can be eased in cities/traffic flow is eased in cities: Phong tién giao thng cé thé di Iai dé dang trong thanh phé/Dang xe lu théng khé thudn loi trong thanh phd * which have sections of the roads specifically reserved for buses and bicycles — which have dedicated bus and eycle lanes/which have lanes dedicated for the use of buses and cyclists: Noi cé nhiing phan dudng/lan duéng riéng danh cho xe buyt va xe dap — Studies have shown that traffic flow is eased in cities which have dedicated bus and cycle lanes. 5. We should reduce the time taken travelling to and from work by encouraging travel at times when fewer people are using public transport. * We should reduce — It is necessary to reduce/It is essential to reduce: Ching ta nén giam thiéu — Giam thiéu. 1a can thiét * the time taken travelling to and from work — travel times to and from work/commuting times: Thdi gian di lam va tan lam/thdi gian di chuyén dén chd lam * by encouraging travel at times when fewer people are using public transport ~ by encouraging off-peak travel on public transport/by encouraging travel on public transport outside peak hours: Bing cdch khuyén khich di lai vao thai gian ft ngudi st dung phuong tién céng cGng — bang cach khuyén khich di lai vio gid thdp diém bing xe buyt ~ Itis necessary to reduce commuting times by encouraging off-peak travel on public transport, 6. Most people agree that accidents can be reduced if cameras are put on roads to check that motorists are obeying the speed limits, or if raised areas are built on toads to make vehicles go more slowly. * Most people agree that accidents can be reduced - It is widely agreed that accidents can be reduced/It is generally agreed that accidents will be reduced: Hau hét moi ngudi/Sé dong ding y 1a co thé gidm thiéu tai nan + ifcameras are put on roads to check that motorists are obeying the speed limits — if speed cameras are installed/if speed cameras are placed on roads: Néu lp camera an ninh trén dudng dé kiém tra xem lai xe cd chdp hanh tc 46 cho phép * orif raised areas are built on roads to make vehicles go more slowly — or if traffic calming measures are introduced/or if raised areas are built on roads as a traffic calming measure: Hoi la xay go giam téc dé cho lai xe di cham Iai — Itis generally agreed that accidents will be reduced if speed cameras are installed, or if traffic calming measures are introduced. 7. Alot of people think that one of the most effective actions to ensure that roads are made safer is to punish severely mototists who drive after drinking alcohol, A lot of people think that ~ It is commonly agreed that/It is commonly considered that: Nhiéu ngudi nghi ring — Nhiéu ngudi déng tinh ring... one of the most effective actions to ensure that roads are made safer — one of the most effective measures to make roads safer/one of the most effective road safety rec ne NNN measures: M6t trong nhiing bién phdp/phuong phap hitu hiéu nhat dé dam bao dudng bé an toan hon * is to punish severely motorists who drive after drinking alcohol — is to punish severely motorists who drive while intoxicated/is to punish severely all motorists who drink and drive: La xt phat nghiém khic 46i voi ngudi Idi xe sau khi udng rugu bia ~ Itis commonly agreed that one of the most effective road safety measures is to punish severely motorists who drive while intoxicated. 8. More and more people are travelling internationally due to the expansion of companics offering cheap flights, and the ease of buying tickets on the internet, + More and more people are travelling internationally — International travel is growing/International travel is increasing: Cang ngay cng nhiéu ngudi di du lich nuéc ngoai ~ Du lich quéc té dang ngay cing ting lén + due to the expansion of companies offering cheap flights — due to the expansion of economy airlines/due to the growth of budget airlines: Do cic cOng ty mé rong ban vé may bay gid ré/do cing ngay cing cé nhidu vé may bay gid ré + and the ease of buying tickets on the internet — and the ease of online booking/and the convenience of online booking: Dit mua vé dé dang & tién Igi théng qua Internet — International travel is increasing due to the growth of budget airlines, and the convenience of online booking,

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