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Do things right or do right things.

Let me start with a story. Once a man wanted to go to the south, but his carriage was heading
north. A passer-by asked him: “If you are going to the south, why is your carriage heading
north?” The man answered, “My horse is good at running, my driver is highly skilled at
driving a carriage, and I have enough money.” But think about it, could would the man
succeed? The answer is no, since he didn't consider the direction he was travelling in might be
wrong. The better his conditions were, the further he was away from his destination.

So, what's the different difference between doing things right and doing right things? It seems
that they're made up with of the same words, but they are difference different concepts. They
mean are two different, but necessary skills. One shows the judgment and decision, the other
examines the ability of working effectively.

Doing right things is the basis of doing things right. It’s important to know what's the right
thing to do in each situation, as each phase situation has is different. For example, students’
right thing the right thing for students to do is to be hardworking in study, whereas parents’
right thing the right thing for parents to do is to take good care of us. In fact, it's more difficult
to do right things than do things right. The wiser people have no difficulty in fluently
effectively finishing the things right, while however they need to carefully find the right
things which agree with their dreams or goals. Nowadays, most people pay attention to who
can do things right. They think these people are sounder because of their high-quality work.
Frankly speaking, it is only once we know what the right thing to do is, that this ability can
make sense is truly useful. Otherwise, the efforts are in vain like the man in the story.

Doing things right focuses on the way how you do things, whether you are adept or inept at
them. It exactly plays the leading part becomes the most important aspect after you choose the
right things to do. There will be is an obvious comparison when two persons work together.

In a word conclusion, doing things right or doing right things is not a choice, none neither can
be dispensed with neglected. We should combine ideals with reality and understand ourselves
to choose the right things and start it at first. Then, we must clear identify what’s the correct
way and insist on it to carry it out. Besides, Being good effective at making full use of our
time and planning time properly will help your to make our work more efficient.

Thank you!

Do things right or do right things.

Let me start with a story. Once a man wanted to go to the south, but his carriage was heading
north. A passer-by asked him: “If you are going to the south, why is your carriage heading
north?” The man answered, “My horse is good at running, my driver is highly skilled at
driving a carriage, and I have enough money.” But think about it, would the man succeed?
The answer is no, since he didn't consider the direction he was travelling in might be wrong.
The better his conditions were, the further he was from his destination.

So, what's the difference between doing things right and doing right things? It seems that
they're made up of the same words, but they are different concepts. They are two different,
but necessary skills. One shows judgment and decision, the other examines the ability of
working effectively.

Doing right things is the basis of doing things right. It’s important to know what's the right
thing to do in each situation, as each situation is different. For example, the right thing for
students to do is to be hardworking in study, whereas the right thing for parents to do is to
take good care of us. In fact, it's more difficult to do right things than do things right. The
wiser people have no difficulty in effectively finishing things right, however they need to
carefully find the right things which agree with their dreams or goals. Nowadays, most people
pay attention to who can do things right. They think these people are sounder because of their
high-quality work. Frankly speaking, it is only once we know what the right thing to do is,
that this ability is truly useful. Otherwise, the efforts are in vain like the man in the story.

Doing things right focuses on the way you do things, whether you are adept or inept at them.
It becomes the most important aspect after you choose the right things to do. There is an
obvious comparison when two persons work together.

In conclusion, doing things right or doing right things is not a choice, neither can be
neglected. We should combine ideals with reality and understand ourselves to choose the right
things and start it at first. Then, we must identify what’s the correct way to carry it out. Being
effective at making full use of our time and planning time properly will help to make our
work more efficient.

Thank you!

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