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Q.1 Circle the correct homophone.

1. The king's (throne / thrown) was made out of solid gold.

2. A male deer is called a buck and the female is a (dough / doe).

3. My parents and I are very (clothes / close).

4. I saw a girl whose hair came down to her (waste / waist).

5. I like the (scent / cent) of this perfume.

6. I (wear / where) a suit and tie for work.

7. The Eiffel Tower is a famous (sight / site) in Paris.

Q.2 Complete each sentence by choose the correct homophone and writing in it.

1. Our whole family packed our beach clothes and took a trip to the ____________(see/sea).

2. Jimmy’s mom let him _________________________(great/grate) the cheese for the pizza.

3. I often wished for a ________________________(maid/made) to clean my house for me.

4. Melissa has been a _____________________(dear/deer) friend of mine for many years.

5. The _________________(sent/cent/scent) of pancakes filled the air as we made breakfast.

6. Grandma put some __________________(flower/flour) into the bowl to make some dough.

7. Many of the children were wearing _______________(knew/new) shoes for school.

8. After many hours on the computer, I had to take a _____________________(break/brake).

9. The princess and the ______________________(prints/prince) are children of the king.

10 They had to stay in bed for two days when they got the ________________(flu/flew)

Q.3 Complete each sentence by choose the correct homophone and writing in it.

1. My daughter ate the _________________ box of chocolate.

whole/ hole
2. There was a small _______________ in my new cardigan.

1. They needed a ______________ to help clean the house.

2. The baker ________________ a fresh bread.

1. This ________________ we are planning to visit Paris.

2. James felt very ________________ this morning.

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