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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Materials and Manufacturing Programme

Anabilim Dalı : Herhangi Mühendislik, Bilim

Programı : Herhangi Program

JUNE 2012





Department of Mechanical Engineering

Materials and Manufacturing Programme

Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Cevat Erdem İMRAK

Anabilim Dalı : Herhangi Mühendislik, Bilim
Programı : Herhangi Program

JUNE 2012





Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı

Malzeme ve İmalat Programı

Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Cevat Erdem İMRAK

Anabilim Dalı : Herhangi Mühendislik, Bilim
Programı : Herhangi Program

Murat KOCAMAN, a M.Sc. student of ITU Graduate School of Science student ID
503081330, successfully defended the thesis entitled “Product Design Assembly
Application, Traffic Design and Simulation on Double Deck Elevator Systems”,
which he prepared after fulfilling the requirements specified in the associated
legislations, before the jury whose signatures are below.

Thesis Advisor : Prof. Dr. Cevat Erdem İMRAK ..............................

İstanbul Technical University

Jury Members : Prof. Dr. Adnan DİKİCİOĞLU .............................

İstanbul Technical University

Ass. Prof. Dr. Cüneyt FETVACI ..............................

İstanbul University

Date of Submission : 04 May 2012

Date of Defense : 05 June 2012

To my family,


Double deck elevators are essential systems especially for high-rise buildings. Hence
the systems are the complex systems, they are needed to be developed as design and
building traffic. This thesis contains double deck elevators with design and traffic
studies. A standard elevator car is tried to be developed by applicating DFMA rules
depend on Boothroyd Dewhurst method and traffic behaviour of the system for a
high-rise building was simulated via the related software. The results of the studies
were discussed in detail.
I would like to thank to my advisor C. Erdem İMRAK for the supports about this
thesis and special thanks to my family for everything.

June 2012 Murat KOCAMAN



FOREWORD ........................................................................................................ ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... xi
ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................. xiii
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ xv
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................... xvii
SUMMARY ..........................................................................................................xix
1. INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................1
1.1 Related Works Done Before About Double Deck Elevators ............................. 2
1.2 Objectives ........................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Structure of the Thesis ...................................................................................... 7
2. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ...........................................................................9
2.1 Product Development Cycle ............................................................................. 9
2.2 Product Developments Methods ......................................................................14
2.2.1 Sequential engineering .............................................................................14
2.2.2 Concurrent engineering ............................................................................14
2.2.3 Advantages and disadvantages of concurrent engineering .........................19
2.3 Role of Manufacturing in Design ....................................................................20
3. DESIGN FOR MANUFACTURING AND ASSEMBLY ................................ 27
3.1 What is DFMA? ..............................................................................................27
3.2 Why Use DFMA? ........................................................................................... 28
3.3 DFMA : Historical Evaluation......................................................................... 30
3.4 DFMA Principles ............................................................................................ 31
3.5 DFMA Methodologies .................................................................................... 32
3.5.1 Design for assembly (DFA) ......................................................................32 Manual assembly ............................................................................32 Automatic assembly ........................................................................33 Robotic assembly ............................................................................34 The Hitachi assemblability evaluation method ................................38 Lucas DFA evaluation method ........................................................38 Boothroyd-Dewhurst method ..........................................................38 Design guideleness for part handling ...............................................43 DFMA and CAD ............................................................................48
3.5.2 Design for manufacturing (DFM) .............................................................53
3.6 DFMA : Depend on the Used Material ........................................................... 54
3.7 Standardization in DFMA ............................................................................... 57
3.7.1 Achieving part standardization .................................................................58
3.7.2 Group technology .....................................................................................58
3.8 DFMA : Computer Methods...........................................................................58

4. SYSTEM DESIGN IN BUILDING .................................................................. 65
4.1 Performance Evaluation on Lift Systems......................................................... 67
4.1.1 The lift dimensions................................................................................... 67
4.1.2 The lift speed ........................................................................................... 67
4.1.3 The lift number ........................................................................................ 67
4.1.4 The lift handling capacity ......................................................................... 67
4.1.5 The lift shape ........................................................................................... 67
4.1.6 Elevator number per group ....................................................................... 67
4.1.7 Escalator and other moving system properties .......................................... 68
4.2 Design Parameters .......................................................................................... 68
4.3 Design Team................................................................................................... 68
4.4 Traffic Parameters of a System ...................................................................... 69
5. CIRCULATION ON LIFT SYSTEMS ............................................................ 71
5.1 Circulation Concept ........................................................................................ 71
5.2 Circulation Factors.......................................................................................... 73
5.2.1 Handling capacity factor .......................................................................... 74
5.2.2 Corridor capacity factor ........................................................................... 75
5.2.3 Stairs capacity factor ................................................................................ 76
5.2.4 Escalator capacity factor .......................................................................... 77
5.2.5 Lift capacity factor ................................................................................... 78
5.3 Round Trip Time ............................................................................................ 79
5.3.1 Calculation of the round trip time for the high call reversal floor .............. 83
6. DOUBLE DECK ELEVATORS ...................................................................... 85
6.1 Double Deck Lift Designs ............................................................................... 88
6.1.1 Deriving of the terms for double deck elevators........................................ 89
6.1.2 High call reversal (Hd).............................................................................. 89
6.1.3 The expected number of stops (Sd) ........................................................... 89
6.1.4 Stop coincident to both cabs ..................................................................... 91
6.1.5 Stop non-coincident to both cabs .............................................................. 91
6.1.6 Passenger loading time ............................................................................. 91
6.1.7 Passenger unloading time ......................................................................... 91
6.1.8 Figure of merit ......................................................................................... 93
6.2 The Expression of Interval, Handling Capacity and RTT for Double Deck
Elevators ................................................................................................................ 93
6.3Poisson Approximation on Double Deck Traffic Analysis ............................... 94
6.3.1 Probable number of stops ......................................................................... 95
6.3.2 Lowest and highest reversal floors (L and H) ........................................... 96
6.3.3 Capacity factor ......................................................................................... 97
DECK ELEVATOR SYSTEM ............................................................................ 99
7.1 Simulations and Calculations .......................................................................... 99
7.2 Work Properties for a 66 Floor Building ....................................................... 102
7.3 Simulation Results ........................................................................................ 103
DECK ELEVATOR CAR .................................................................................. 107
9. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................. 115
REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 117
APPENDICES .................................................................................................... 119
CURRICULUM VITAE..................................................................................... 199


DFMA : Design for manufacturing and assembly

DFA : Design for assembly
DFM : Design for manufacturing
CE : Concurrent engineering
GT : Group technology
CAD : Computer aided design
DD : Double deck elevator
CIM : Computer integrated manufacturing
RTT : Round trip time



Table 2.1: Ability of manufacturing process to produce shapes in fig. 2.15............. 22

Table 2.2: Relative cost of material process suitability ...........................................24
Table 2.3: Rating scale for ranking manufacturing processes .................................. 25
Table 3.1: Alpha and beta symmetries determination table ..................................... 41
Table 3.2: Design and manufacturing characteristics considered in GT. ................. 58
Table 3.3: DFA analyse result for motor drive assembly ........................................ 61
Table 3.4: DFA analyse result for redesign motor drive assembly. ......................... 62
Table 4.1: Sub-groups of each parameter for the transport systems ......................... 70
Table 5.1: Flow of the persons for transport systems .............................................. 76
Table 7.1: Elevator analysis data table for Elevate ................................................ 102
Table 7.2: Double deck general analyse results for 12 elevators ........................... 103
Table 8.1: Design efficiency table for the original double deck ............................ 110
Table 8.2: Design efficiency table for the revised double deck ............................. 113
Table 8.3: Original and revised systems design efficiencies .................................. 114
Appendix table A: Manual handling times table .................................................. 120
Appendix table B: Manual insertion times table .................................................. 121


Figure 2.1 : Product development cycle.................................................................10

Figure 2.2 : Product development spiral ................................................................11
Figure 2.3 : Product development & total cost relation ..........................................12
Figure 2.4 : Product development flow ..................................................................13
Figure 2.5 : The variation of the sales during the product life cycle .......................14
Figure 2.6 : Design and redesign path ...................................................................15
Figure 2.7 : Illustration of the sequential engineering across the wall approach .....15
Figure 2.8 : Sequential engineering cycle ..............................................................16
Figure 2.9 : Concurrent engineering approach .......................................................17
Figure 2.10: Product development concurrent approach .........................................17
Figure 2.11: Distribution of product development cost ...........................................18
Figure 2.12: Distribution of design changes across the lifecycle of a product .........18
Figure 2.13: Cost of design change ........................................................................19
Figure 2.14: Interrelations of design processes, materials and processing to produce
a product .............................................................................................20
Figure 2.15: A classification system for basic shapes in design ..............................21
Figure 2.16: Process selection depend on range of size (mass) ...............................23
Figure 3.1 : A flow diagram of the Boothroyd Dewhurst DFA method ..................29
Figure 3.2 : The revolution of manufacturing as the cost .......................................30
Figure 3.3 : The assembly cost run for manual assembly .......................................33
Figure 3.4 : The assembly cost run for automatic assembly ...................................34
Figure 3.5 : The assembly cost comparisons ..........................................................35
Figure 3.6 : Some design features that improve assembly ......................................36
Figure 3.7 : Original and re-designed part sub-assemblies .....................................39
Figure 3.8 : Design efficiency relation with part number .......................................40
Figure 3.9 : Effect of part thickness on handling time ...........................................41
Figure 3.10: Effect of part size on handling time ....................................................42
Figure 3.11: Two assembly designs ........................................................................42
Figure 3.12: Geometric features affecting part handling .........................................43
Figure 3.13: Some other features affecting part handling ........................................44
Figure 3.14: Incorrect geometry can allow part to jam during insertion ..................44
Figure 3.15: Provision of air –relief passengers to improve insertion into holes ......45
Figure 3.16: Design for ease of insertion-assembly of long stepped bushing into
counter-bored hole...............................................................................45
Figure 3.17: Provision of chamfers to allow easy insertion .....................................45
Figure 3.18: Standardize parts ................................................................................46
Figure 3.19: Single axis pyramid assembly ............................................................46
Figure 3.20: Provision of self-locating features to avoid holding down/alignment ..47
Figure 3.21: Common fastening methods ...............................................................47
Figure 3.22: Insertion from opposite direction needs repositioning of assembly .....48
Figure 3.23: Geometric modeling schemes .............................................................49
Figure 3.24: Alternative feature models of the same object, (a) Example part Feature
models (b) Design (c) Machining (d) Deburring (e) Inspection ............51
Figure 3.25: Interactive feature definition ..............................................................53
Figure 3.26: Feature extraction .............................................................................. 53
Figure 3.27: Traditional cost accounting relation with total cost............................. 56
Figure 3.28: Initial design of the motor drive assembly .......................................... 59
Figure 3.29: Redesign of motor drive assembly based on DFA analyse .................. 62
Figure 5.1 : Density flow at lift systems ................................................................ 72
Figure 5.2 :View of the corridor flow at lift systems ............................................. 75
Figure 5.3 : Escalator flow at transport systems .................................................... 78
Figure 5.4 : 16 persons view in a elevator car ....................................................... 79
Figure 5.5 : RTT components for single deck elevator systems ............................. 81
Figure 5.6 : Illustration of Round Trip Time concept ............................................ 82
Figure 6.1 : Sectional rendering of double deck elevators ..................................... 85
Figure 6.2 : Double deck elevator car in the early 1930s ....................................... 86
Figure 6.3 : Reference models for DDs of the related companies .......................... 87
Figure 6.4 : Adjustable floor height system DD system drawing ........................... 88
Figure 6.5 : The fixed (left) and flexible DD systems ............................................ 88
Figure 6.6 : Highest and lowest reversal floors ..................................................... 98
Figure 7.1 : Elevate general screen ..................................................................... 100
Figure 7.2 : Analysis data screen of Elevate 8 ..................................................... 100
Figure 7.3 : Building data screen of Elevate 8 ..................................................... 101
Figure 7.4 : Building data floor names screen of Elevate 8 .................................. 101
Figure 7.5 : Elevator data screen of Elevate 8 ..................................................... 102
Figure 7.6 : Passenger demand graph for a 66 storey building ............................. 104
Figure 7.7 : Car loading on departure for a 66 storey building ............................. 104
Figure 7.8 : Average time and time to destination graph for a 66 storey building 105
Figure 7.9 : Distribution of passenger waiting times for a 66 storey building ...... 105
Figure 7.10: Distribution of passenger transit times for a 66 storey building ........ 106
Figure 7.11: Distribution of time to destination .................................................... 106
Figure 8.1 : Original design of the double deck elevator car ................................ 108
Figure 8.2 : Exploded view of the single of the original double deck................... 109
Figure 8.3 : Revised design of the single of the double deck elevator car ............ 111
Figure 8.4 : Exploded view of the revised design ................................................ 112



The object of this study is defining double deck elevator systems and evaluating
them as traffic analysis and easy design on assembly and manufacturing by using the
method called design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA) that is an element of
concurrent engineering (CE). The criterions of the method are discussed in detail and
determined results are evaluated for virtual models for both traffic and CAD designs.
There are nine chapters in this study and the first chapter contains general
information on double deck elevators for both mechanical and traffic designs. The
need of developments is evaluated depend on the whole system. Also, some of the
related works of the double deck are given with the abstract.
In the second chapter, the basic factors of product design are defined and approaches
of the method and its sub-groups are mentioned. General flows of concurrent
engineering and its effects on products are explained with the advantages and
disadvantages. A definition of manufacturing effect to design is given with
classification table and the table is considered in processing of the product.
Flexibility, quality of product and cycle time informations are given in tables.
The third chapter includes DFMA method that will be used for double deck elevator
car. Definition of the is given first and the aim of usage of the method is discussed.
Principles and methodologies that occur DFMA are explained. Boothroyd-Dewhurst
method is focused in detail hence it’s the used method on the application. Some
features affecting the handling is discussed with figures. Possible faults than can be
encountered generally are shown with figures and standardizing assembly types are
explained. Fastening methods are given depend on increasing cost and time.
Repositioning state and CAD relation with DFMA is discussed with feature effects.
Standardization in DFMA is also given. The general application used before are
given for defining DFMA practically. DFMA depend of the used material subject is
discussed with a statistical information. Design features that improve assembly
processes are another subject of the related chapter.
The fourth chapter gives the main approaches of system design for the pedestrian
flow. Performance criterions follow the main definitions of lift systems. Design
parameters and implementations of the whole design with design team are discussed
at the end of the chapter. The role of design team for the related product is shown
with general explanations and all the groups related to the others are given in table.
The groups contains the list of the related parameters.
Circulation concept is discussed in the fifth chapter. The factors that have the effect
on circulation are tried to be explained. Density effects are tried to be defined with
density flows. The titles of traffic analysis are explained with the related formulas.

There are some assumptions that effect the round trip time concept are shown and
calculation parameters are discussed at the end. Illustrations show the general
situation of round trip time concept.
Sixth chapter is the chapter that has the subjects of double deck systems, double deck
lift designs and traffic design calculations. Traffic design concept is evaluated in two
different approach of analytical and Poisson’s. Some elements are not evaluated and
shown in the related sub-chapter. Round trip time is one of them and it is evaluated
in analytical approach only by giving Kavounas formulate taken from the text of the
Kavounas work.
Seventh chapter contains simulations and calculation results for the 66 floor high rise
building. Distance travelled to reach rated acceleration (m), time elapsed to reach
rated acceleration (s), speed at rated acceleration (m/s), distance travelled to reach
rated speed (m) and time elapsed to reach rated speed (s) values are given with the
results of ELEVATE analyse. The analysis are given according to the results of
ELEVATE 6 and ELEVATE 8 programs. ELEVATE program usage is also given
with screens and explanations. Simulation result tables are given and commented in
this chapter. The calculations are based on calculating the probable number of stops
and average reversal floors of a lift during its round trip. Lifts may be zoned to take
into account the passenger split between different groups of lifts which may not be
the same size, same speed or which may not serve the same floors.
In the eighth chapter, double deck elevator cab is given as original and revised
designs that are designed by using Solidworks 2011 program as CAD software are
compared depend on the part number and another specific rules of Boothroyd-
Dewhurst method. Efficiency for design is tried to be improved in related study of
this work. The results that are reached in the application of double deck elevator car
design study are discussed. Also, the results are given in tables for handling time and
total assembly time for seconds with part elimination evaluation factor that is
explained with detail at chapter three. The handling time and assembly time for each
part are given and the values of them are reached with the related appendix given
with this study. Total part number for each design can be seen at the tables of the
chapter for both designs.
The ninth chapter is the final chapter and general results of the methods and
applications that are mentioned in previous chapters are given and validity of them
are discussed.



Günümüzde çok katlı binalardaki dikey taşımacılık kavramı özellikle kat sayısı
arttıkça daha da önem kazanmaktadır ve çok yüksek kat seviyelerine ulaşıldığında
mevcut taşıma sistemlerinin yetersiz olduğu görülmektedir. Bu yetersizliğin önüne
geçebilmek için asansör teknolojisinde çift katlı asansörler kullanılmaya
başlanmıştır. Yapının özelliklerine bağlı olarak tek ve çift katlı asansörler birlikte de
Bu çalışmanın amacı; çift katlı asansörlerle ilgili genel bilginin verilmesi, günümüze
kadar yapılmış olan çalışmalara genel bakış atılması, mevcut yüksek katlı yapılar
içerisindeki tasarım zorluklarının önüne geçebilmek adına yapılmış örnek bir
çalışmanın sunulması ve yapının özelliklerine bağlı olarak trafik dizaynının
yapılmasına örnek bir çalışmanın sonuçlarıyla beraber sunulmasıdır.
Çalışma toplam dokuz bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde, çalışmanın
konularından biri olan montaja ve imalata uygun tasarımın temellerinden
bahsedilmektedir. Çift katlı asansörlerin bu yönteme ihtiyaç duyduğu noktalar
belirtilmiştir. Çift katlı asansörlerle ilgili bugüne kadar yapılmış olan bazı
çalışmalardan bahsedilmiştir.
İkinci bölümde, genel olarak ürün geliştirme kavramından bahsedilmiş ve bu
kavramın döngüsel olarak içeriği ele alınmıştır. Hangi aşamada hangi kavramın etkili
olduğu belirtilmiştir. Ürün geliştirmenin aşamaları adım adım gösterilmiş ve akış
şeması verilmiştir. Satış hacminin ürün ömrüne bağlı olarak nasıl değiştiği
gösterilmiştir. Maliyet ve zaman kavramlarının ürün geliştirme ve imalat
süreçlerindeki yeri detaylı olarak incelenmiştir. Ürün geliştirme yöntemlerinden sıralı
ve eş zamanlı mühendislik yaklaşımları ele alınmıştır ve bunların işleyişi hakkında
bilgi verilmiştir. Bölümün sonunda eş zamanlı mühendisliğin artı ve eksilerine
Üçüncü bölümde, montaja ve imalata uygun tasarım (DFMA) yöntemi ele alınmıştır.
Yöntemin ne olduğu açıklanmış ve neden kullanıldığına değinilmiştir. Günümüze
kadar geçen süreçte yöntem üzerindeki gelişmelerden bahsedilmiştir. Montaja ve
imalata uygun tasarım yönteminin esasları açıklanmıştır. Montaja uygun tasarım ve
imalata uygun tasarım yöntemleri değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada uygulaması da
olan Boothroyd-Dewhurst yöntemi detaylı olarak ele alınmıştır.Bölümün sonunda
montaja uygun tasarım ve imalat yöntemi kullanılan malzemeye bağlı olarak

Dördüncü bölümde, bir yapıdaki asansör sistemlerinin genel olarak tasarlanmasıyla
ilgili faktörlerden bahsedilmiştir. Sağlıklı bir sistemin nasıl tasarlanabileceği
açıklanmıştır. Asansör sistem tasarım çalışmalarının etrkilendiği faktörler
değerlendirilmiştir. Asansör trafik kavramının açıklaması yapılmaya çalışılmıştır.
Yapıya ait hangi değerlerin sistem tasarımında etkili olduğu belirtilmiştir. Asansör
sistemlerindeki genel performans kriterleri belirtilerek değerlendirilmiştir.
Performans artışın, performans kriterlerine bağlı olarak belirtilmiştir. Çift katlı
asansörlerin gerektirdiği ek sistemler ele alınarak mevcut sisteme dahil edilmesiyle
ilgili genel bilgiler verilmiştir. Bölümün ilerleyen kısımlarında tasarım kriterleri ve
sistemde varolan tasarım parametreleri ele alınmıştır. Bu parametrelerin çok yüksek
katlı binalardaki etkileri belirtilmiştir. Binadaki tasarımı gerçekleştiren tasarım
ekibinin görevlerinden ve tasarlama kriterlerlerinden bahsedilmiştir.Trafikte etkili
olan sistem elemanlarına ait parametreler tablo halinde verilerek karşılaştırma
yapılmıştır. Genel trafik analiz çalışmalarından bahsedilmiştir.
Beşinci bölüm, asansör sistemlerinin bulunduğu yapılardaki trafik döngüsünün
tartışıldığı kısımdır. Genel olarak sirkülasyon kavramı ele alınmış ve bu kavramı
etkileyen faktörlerden bahsedilmiştir. Asansör sisteminin taşıma kapasitesine bağlı
olarak taşınabilecek kişi sayısı tartışılmıştır. Toplam sistemi oluşturan tüm elemanlar
ele alınmış ve her birinin akış üzerindeki etkileri ayrı ayrı ele alınmışıtr. Asansör
kabin kapasitesinin sistem üzerindeki önemine değinilmiş olup; sistem için gerekli
olan enerji, maliyet ve zaman kavramlarından bahsedilmiştir. Asansör trafik
hesaplamalarında çok önemli bir kavram olan gidiş-dönüş süresi (RTT) kavramı da
bu bölümde tartışılmıştır. Kavram öncelikle temel olarak açıklanmış, daha sonra ise
detaylı şekilde anlatılmıştır. Bir döngünün sahip olduğu süreçler adım adım
anlatılmış olup akışın detayı grafik olarak verilmiştir. Tek katlı asansörlerdeki gidiş-
dönüş süresinin hesabı için kullanılan formül verilerek her bir bileşenin hangi
kavrama ait olduğu açıklanmıştır.
Altıncı bölümde çift katlı asansörler tanımlanmıştır. Çift katlı asansör sisteminin
yapısı detaylarıyla beraber veilmiştir. Çift katlı kabini oluşturan yapılar açıklanıp, tek
ve çift katların kullanımında gerekli olan ekstra yapılardan bahsedilmiştir. Çift
asansörlerin kullanıldığı yapıların tek ve çift kat detayları şekil olarak verilerek,
sistem ilgili görsel üzerinden açıklanmıştır. Çift katlı bir asansör görseli üzerinden
kabinin sistemdeki durumu belirtilmiştir. Bir çift katlı asansörün avantaj ve
dezavantajları sıralanmıştır. Çift katlı asansör tasarımlarındaki trafik hesapları detaylı
olarak tartışılmıştır. Sistem analizlerinde alınan varsayımlar belirtilerek, ilgili
kavramların formülizasyonu gösterilmiştir. Formüllerdeki her bir değerin detaylı
olarak açıklaması yapılmıştır. Mümkün olan değerlerde çift katlı asansörlere ait
değerlerin, tek katlı asansörlerdeki değerlerden nasıl türetilebileceği açıklanmıştır.
Çift katlı asansörlere ait gidiş-dönüş süresi, ortalama aralık, taşıma kapasitesi
değerlerinin formülleri verilmiştir. Analitik yaklaşıma ek olarak Poisson olasılık
yaklaşımıyla ilgili hesaplar belirtilmiştir. Her bir değerin türetilmesiyle ilgili genel
bilgiler verilmiştir.
Yedinci bölümde 66 katlı bir yapıdaki çift katlı asansör sistemiyle ilgili hesaplamalar
ve bunların sonuçları verilmiştir. Hesaplamalarda ELEVATE 6 ve ELEVATE 8
programları kullanılmış olup, simülasyonlar da aynı program kullanılarak
yapılmıştır. Analiz sonuçları tablolar halinde gösterilmiştir. Simülasyon sonucu

ELEVATE 8 çıktısı olan grafikler de bu bölümde tartışılmıştır. Her bir grafikteki
veriler açıklanmıştır. Çift katlı asansörlerdeki genel analizler ELEVATE 6
kullanılarak yapılmış olup analiz sonuçları simülasyon sonuçlarına bağlı olarak
değerlendirilmiştir. Bu uygulamada simülasyondaki sistem tasarımının mevcut yapı
için uygunluğu, yapıdaki toplam grup sayısı arttırılarak optimize edilmiştir.
ELEVATE programının kullanılması sırasında karşılaşılan ekranlar açıklanmıştır.
Sekizinci bölüm eş zamanlı mühendislik uygulamalarından olan ve ilk bölümlerde
açıklanan montaja ve imalata uygun tasarım yöntemlerinden biri olan Boothroyd-
Dewhurst yöntemiyle yapılmış bir çift katlı asansör kabin uygulamasını içermektedir.
Solidworks 2011 yazılımı kullanılarak, standart bir kabin tasarlanmıştır. Bu tasarım
DFMA yöntemlerinden Boothroyd-Dewhurst yöntemi kullanılarak değerlendirilmek
üzere aynı yazılımla tekrar tasarlanmış ve eski ve yeni tasarımlar karşılaştırılmıştır.
Karşılaştırmalar yapılırken her iki tasarıma ait parça sayıları belirlenmiş olup,
tasarım verimlilik katsayısını arttırmaya yönelik iyileştirmelerin katsayı üzerindeki
etkisi incelenmiştir. Her bir parça için taşıma ve takma süreleri ilgili tablolardan elde
edilerek toplam montaj süresi değerine ulaşılmıştır. Orjinal kabindeki her bir
parçanın elenebilir özellikte olup olmadığı değerlendirilmiştir ve bunun sonucunda
tasarım verimlilik indeksi formülündeki ilgili değer elde edilmiştir. Ortalama parça
montaj süresi sabit varsayılmış olup tablolardan elde edilen toplam montaj süresinin
saniye cinsinden değeri formülde yerine konularak tasarım verimliliğine ulaşılmıştır.
Yapılan hesaplarda toplam ağırlığın da yeni tasarımda yarı yarıya azaldığı
görülmüştür. Yenilenen tasarım değerlerine de aynı formüllerle ulaşılmıştır ve
ulaşılan değerler orjinal tasarımınkilerle karşılaştırılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar tablo
halinde verilmiştir.
Dokuzuncu bölümde bütün çalışmanın genel bir değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Yüksek
katlı yapılardaki sistem hesaplamalarındaki değerlendirmelerden bahsedilmiştir.
Sistem değerlendirmesi yapılırken yapılması gereken trafik tanımlamaları
açıklanmıştır. 66 katlı binadaki sistemle ilgili yapılan çalışmada elde edilen
sonuçların dğeerlendirme kriterlerinden bahsedilmiştir. Çift katlı asansör kabininin
orjinal ve revize edilmiş tasarımlarının değerlendirme kriterleri belirtilmiştir. Yapılan
değişikliklerin zaman ve maliyet kavramları üzerindeki etkileri belirtilmiştir.
Özellikle çok parçalı ürünlerdeki tasarım değişikliklerinin önemine değinilmiştir.
Ekler bölümünde trafik analiz ve simülasyonlarına ait sonuçlarla, Boothroyd-
Dewhurst yönteminde kullanılan elle taşıma ve elle takma tabloları bulunmaktadır.


Every multistory building needs enough elevator capacity to meet the requirement of
good service above the main floor of a building. Total area of the elevator hoistway
in a building should be arranged effectively without taking too much space. Double
deck elevator systems are one of the solutions to overcome this problem.

Today, double deck approach is attractive for the benefits like shorter trip times and
more people to carry in the same time with the conventional. As buildings become
taller, elevators take longer to reach upper floors. Since the elevators make fewer
round trips in a given time period, a taller building must have more cars. All the
hoistways may consume so much rentable area, especially on lower floors. By the
increasing of construction costs and land prices, elevator planning to optimise
building and elevator system properties assumes even greater urgency. The
requirement becomes most acute in a high rise buildingoccupies largely one
organization that people starts work and leaves for home at about the same time and
create exceptionally heavy traffic peaks for elevators to handle.

One of the essential functions of the functional building area is elevator carrying
capacity. Larger carrying capacity provides greater properties for the system flow.
For the travel in comfort, there are some values of the needed area and increasing
platform area or the number of elevators takes more space for the hoistway. Double
deck elevators have an upper and lower cab in a car frame about twice the usual
height. Entrances are almost the same with the conventional. Passengers enter the
respective cabs from two lower terminal levels and the lower terminal may be a split
level lobby with elevator entrances half flight above street level and half flight below
or entrances may be at street level. Peoples that are going to odd numbered floors use
one terminal level and the even users use another. The two levels may be linked by
escalators, stairs etc.

1.1 Related Works Done Before About Double Deck Elevator Systems

There are some works done before about double deck elevators. Some of them are
given as abstract below;

*Effects of passenger’s arrival distribution to double-deck elevator group supervisory

control systems using genetic network programming

Lu YuWaseda University, Kitakyushu, Japan, Jin ZhouWaseda University,

Kitakyushu, Japan, Shingo Mabu Waseda University, Kitakyushu, Japan, Kotaro
HirasawaWaseda University, Kitakyushu, Japan, Jinglu HuWaseda University,
Kitakyushu, Japan, Sandor MarkonFujitec Co. Ltd, Hikone, Japan

The Elevator Group Supervisory Control Systems (EGSCS) are the control systems
that systematically manage three or more elevators in order to efficiently transport
the passen-gers in buildings. Double-deck elevators, where two cages are connected
with each other, are expected to be the next generation elevator systems. Meanwhile,
Destination Floor Guidance Systems (DFGS) are also expected in Double-Deck
Elevator Systems (DDES). With these, the passengers could be served at two
consecutive floors and could input their destinations at elevator halls instead of
conventional systems without DFGS. Such systems become more complex than the
traditional systems and require new control meth-ods Genetic Network Programming
(GNP), a graph-based evolutionary method, has been applied to EGSCS and its
advantages are shown in some previous papers. GNP can obtain the strategy of a new
hall call assignment to the opti-mal elevator because it performs crossover and
mutation op-erations to judgment nodes and processing nodes. In studies so far, the
passenger’s arrival has been assumed to take Ex-ponential distribution for many
years. In this paper, we have applied Erlang distribution and Binomial distribution in
order to study how the passenger’s arrival distribution affects EGSCS. We have
found that the passenger’s arrival distribution has great influence on EGSCS. It has
been also clarified that GNP makes good performances under different

* Optimal control of double-deck elevator group using geneticalgorithm

J. Sorsaa KONE Corporation, P. O. Box 677, 05801 Hyvinkaa , Finland, M-L.

Siikonena KONE Corporation, P. O. Box 677, 05801 Hyvinka a , Finland, H.
Ehtamob Helsinki University of Technology, Otakaari 1, 02150 Espoo, Finland

We shall introduce the principles of optimal routing of double-deck elevators. The

elevator routing problem is formulated as an integer programming problem and it is
solved using a genetic algorithm in a real-time system. The optimal routes of double-
deck elevators have not been considered earlier in the literature. The simulation
results are analyzed with discussion about the significance of the method.[2003]

*A traffic-flow-adaptive controller of double-deck elevator system susing genetic

network programming

Jin Zhou Non-member, Lu Yu Non-member, Shingo Mabu Member, Kaoru Shimada

Member, Kotaro Hirasawa Member , Sandor Markon Non-member

The double-deck elevator system (DDES) has been invented firstly as a solution to
improve the transportation capacity of elevator group systems in the up-peak traffic
pattern. The transportation capacity could be even doubled when DDES runs in a
pure up-peak traffic pattern where two connected cages stop at every two floors in an
elevator round trip. However, the specific features of DDES make the elevator
system intractable when it runs in some other traffic patterns. Moreover, since almost
all the traffic flows vary continuously during a day, an optimized controller of DDES
is required to adapt to the varying traffic flow. In this paper, we have proposed a
controller adaptive to traffic flows for DDES using Genetic Network Programming
(GNP) based on our past studies in this field, where the effectiveness of DDES
controller using GNP has been verified in three typical traffic patterns. A new traffic
flow judgment part was introduced into the GNP framework of DDES controller in
this paper, and the different parts of GNP were expected to be functionally localized
by the evolutionary process to make the appropriate cage assignment in different
traffic flow patterns. Simulation results show that the proposed method outperforms
a conventional approach and two heuristic approaches in a varying traffic flow
during the working time of a typical office building.[2008]

* A double deck elevator systems controller with idle cage assignment algorithm
using genetic network programming

Shing o Mabu, Lu Yu, Jin Zhou, Shinji Eto , and Kotaro Hirasawa, Graduate School
of Inforation, Production and Systems , Waseda University, 2-7 Hibikino,
Wakamatsu-ku, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 808-0135, Japan

Many studies on Double-Deck Elevator Systems (DDES) have been done for
exploring more efficient algorithms to improve the system transportation capacity,
especially in a heavy traffic mode. The main idea of these algorithms is to decrease
the number of stops during a round trip by grouping the passengers with the same
destination as much as possible. Unlike what occurs in this mode, where all cages
almost always keep moving, there is the case, where some cages become idle in a
light traffic mode. Therefore, how to dispatch these idle cages, which is seldom
considered in the heavy traffic mode, becomes important when developing the
controller of DDES. In this paper, we propose a DDES controller with idle cage
assignment algorithm using Genetic Network Programming (GNP) for a light traffic
mode, which is based on a timer and event-driven hybrid model. To verify the
efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed method, some experiments have been
done under a special down-peak pattern. Simulation results show that the proposed
method improves the performance comparing to the case when the cage assignment
algorithm is not employed and works better than six other heuristic methods in a
light traffic mode. [ 2010]

* Double-deck elevator group supervisory control system using genetic network

programming with ant colony optimization

Kotaro Hirasawa,Member, IEEE ,Toru Eguchi, Jin Zhou, Lu Yu, Jinglu Hu, and
Sandor Markon,Member, IEEE

Elevator group supervisory control systems(EGSCSs) are designed so that the

movement of several elevatorsin a building is controlled efficiently. The efficient
control of EGSCSs using conventional control methods is very difficult due to its
complexity, so it is becoming popular to introduce artificialintelligence (AI)
technologies into EGSCSs in recent years. As anew approach, a graph-based
evolutionary method named genetic network programming (GNP) has been applied

to the EGSCSs, and its effectiveness is clarified. The GNP can introduce various
apriori knowledge of the EGSCSs in its node functions easily, and can execute an
efficient rule-based group supervisory control that is optimized in an evolutionary
way. Meanwhile, double-deck elevator systems (DDESs) where two cages are
connected in a shaft have been developed for the rising demand of more efficient
transport of passengers in high-rise buildings. The DDESs have specific features due
to the connection of cages and the need for comfortable riding; so its group
supervisory control becomes more complex and requires more efficient group control
systems than the conventional single-deck elevator systems (SDESs). In this paper, a
new group supervisory control system for DDESs using GNP is proposed, and its
optimization and performance evaluation are done through simulations. First,
optimization of the GNP for DDSEs is executed. Second, the performance of the
proposed method is evaluated by comparison with conventional methods, and the
obtained control rules in GNP are studied. Finally, the reduction of space
requirements compared with SDESs is confirmed. [2007]

* Double-deck destination control system

Janne Sorsa E-mail:, Marja-Liisa Siikonen,


Double-deck elevators are used in tall buildings to reduce the core space occupied by
elevators. The handling capacity with double-deck elevators is approximately 1.5
times the handling capacity of single-deck elevators when considering different
traffic patterns. In an up-peak situation, double-deck elevators stop at every other
floor thus reducing the number of stops during the round trip to about half compared
to single-deck elevators. If a destination control system is used with double-deck
elevators, the number of stops during the round trip can be decreased further. In this
article, a destination control system for double-deck elevators is presented and its
performance is compared to conventional double-deck elevators as well as to single-
deck elevators. [2006]

1.2 Objectives

Narrow hoistway of a building causes harder installation of the elevator car system.
For this reason, new approaches are needed to be developed for healthy systems.
Manufacturing and design works are essential on elevator system installations to
meet the requirements of an effective system.

Manufacturing of a product has a lot of steps up to the final product and these steps
contain some others. Planning, product design and product development, material
selection, management marketing are some of these processes. These processes
involve the design process and designers need to use systematic approaches for the
great design. For this reason, user involvement has become a widely accepted point
of the usable systems.

The most common purpose of the design and manufacturing works is reducing the
cost and time factors. So, reaching to the final product will be easy with the decrease
of time and cost. Design and manufacturing phases of a product are related to each
other. Optimising these concepts automatically helps to improve the simplicity of
the operations.

There are great number of methods that provide the desired features on design and
manufacturing. Design for manufacturing and assembly method is one of them and it
is generally evaluated as using the basis for concurrent engineering. The aim of the
usage of the method is reducing the costs of manufacturing and assembly steps,
simplifiying the product structure by redesigning it with the fewer parts and th ease
of manufacturing. The method is the combination of Design for Manufacturing
(DFM) and Design for Assembly (DFA) methodologies. DFM means the ease of
manufacturing and DFA is the assembly design of the product.

The works of manufacturing and design developments contain every areas of

products. Transportation area is also one of the developable areas with new
technologies and elevator industry is essential for especially high rise buildings.
Sometimes, conventional systems can not meet the requirements for high rise
buildings. Double deck elevators were developed to avoid this negotion.

By the increasing complexity of the transport in a building, The traffic of the flow
becomes more complex. The lift system of he building is needed to be designed
properly by the responsible team. There are some calculations to design the traffic of
the building and the related considerations provide healthy system for the building.
The number of lifts, the types of the transportation element such as escalators etc. are
determined via the calculations.

1.3 Structure of the Thesis

The following is a short overview of the structure of the thesis.

Chapter 2 gives general information for product development. The main concept of
the product development will be explained first and the properties of product
development concept will be associated with design for manufacturing and assembly
method. The sequential and concurrent approaches will also be the content of the
related chapter. The history of design for manufacturing and assembly, the effects of
some factors on the method and considerations will be discussed.

Chapter 3 contains the detail of the method called design for manufacturing and
assembly. Basics of the method will be discussed and every sub-groups of system
will be given. The relation with material usage is the part of the chapter.

Chapter 4 and 5 contain the study of pedestrian flow and circulation of the people in
a building. The related factors with traffic design of a system will be discussed and
main elements of traffic analysis will be given with explanations and formulas.

Chapter 6 discusses general properties and elements of double deck elevator systems
and deriving traffic patterns for the double deck.

Chapter 7 and 8 include the studies of ease of double deck lift design and double
deck traffic study for a 66 storey high rise building. Both chapters have the detail
about related works. Chapter 7 contains a study of double deck traffic via the
software Elevate 6 & 8. The results of the Elevate study will be given with the graphs
and tables.

Chapter 8 discusses the Boothroyd-Dewhurst application on a double deck elevator
car. The results are given in tables and efficiency of the new design will be


Products are used by people because of the properties they have and functions they
may perform. Product design is the process of devising the plans that are needed for
the manufacturing of the product. There are a lot of factors to consider product
design such as cost and material selection.

For design engineering, it is a system that must function efficiently .The industrial
designer of a product considers the product as an object that functions in the related
areas. A product contains the designer team’s own ideas for the related reasons that
needed in the specific or general areas.

Manufacturing team has to produce the product; often in large numbers, cheap as
possible, prefarably fast and with minimum fault in the product. Also, the product
accuracy is expected to be high. The marketer of the product, considers it a
commodity with added value. So, the consumer evaluate it to buy and use in healthy.

The design team is responsible for evaluating the probable used processes on the
product modelling. After the demand of the customer, the design team determines the
customer satisfaction.

2.1 Product Development Cycle

The cycle of product development starts with developing the concept of the product
and it continues with design evolving, product engineering and manufacturing of the
product. Marketing and service steps follow the development and manufacturing.
Figure 2.1 shows the product development cycle.

Figure 2.1 : Product development cycle. [1]

After the determining the system properties, the probable question of the designer is
the system requirements. It’s important who needs the system and what it purposes.
These two topics are evaluated in system definition phase. [1]

Engineering the product consists of process planning, design of tools, facility design,
planning of capacity, quality assurance activities, procurement, assembly planning

System analysis are another part of the definiton of the system. It’s mostly about the
system qualifications for the product. Also; cost analysis, using technologies and the
other operational processes can be evaluated through this step. [1]

Product design can be evaluated as a multidisciplinary concept. So, the process steps
are evaluated depend on the related project. With a multidisciplinary approach it
follows that the product design is done with the support of many people working in
one or many teams that may be centralized even spread around the world and in
many different organizations. In such a development environment the capability for
describing the emerging product or products and communicate effectively and

efficiently around demanded requirements, design solutions, how to produce and
make the product available to the customers become critically important.

Getting a product fastly is very important part of marketing. It sometimes takes a

long time just for one product and this can lead to unintended consequences.

The product goes through a series of continuous improvements. The feedback than
marketing and services leads to improvements in design phase. Figure 2.2 shows the
spiral form of product development activities.

Figure 2.2 : Product development spiral. [1]

Product development contains an approach used for improving the reaching final
product time factor by making it as fast as possible with high-efficiency and at the
end the final product has the related specifications. So, the product meets the
probable customer expectations with lower costs and high efficiencies. The new
processes on the product development of a product, have the risk of unexpected
cheapness depend on the uncontrollable problems, usually encountered at the
intermediate stages. In product development stage, combinations of features are used
to evaluate the whole product. If the design is more important compared to the
traditionals, importance of the product development increases. Product development
phase follows the final idea step and after this step, the aimed product begins to
appear. [1]

The development phase aims to bring all the product related datas into a single place
and this situation increases the effectiveness automatically. Cost and time are two
concepts wanted to be inversely proportional. It means, the higher cost with the
lower time is the best combination for the productivity on the manufacturing
processes of the related product. [1] The relation between the cost of the product and
product development processes can be seen graphically at figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3 : Product development & total cost relation. [2]

The graph shows that the cost always increases with the passed time. At the concept
and the design phases, the increasing is lower. After these stages, the increasing of
the value becomes higher and holds this case up to the production point. After that
point, the final product becomes to take its final shape and would be ready for the
end user in a short period.

It’s through testing and iterations that increase the product usability and provide
value to the final product design for the end user. At this stage, focusing on the
marketing step is important. So, the probability of the possible risks that can be
occured at the final step are reduced. The basic steps of product development are as
the follows; [1, 3]

New idea

 Design
Performance evaluation
 Prototype
Support and Maintenance
 Manufacturing
 Marketing

New product development processes includes the steps up to the marketing and all
the stages have the decision steps among them. So, the design team decides to the
manufacturing moves for the highest value of the productivity for the related
processes of the product. Figure 2.4 shows product development flow.

Figure 2.4 : Product development flow. [4]

Considering the sales of the product also plays the important role for the product.
The volume of the sales vary depend on the time. At the beginning, it increaes
regularly and there is a point of saturation on the increase. Figure 2.5 shows the
variation of the sales during the product life cycle.

Figure 2.5 : The variation of the sales during the product life cycle. [1]

The sales volume is seems picked up gradually and peak after some time. The
product continues to sell for some time abd the sales start gradually declining owing
to availability of products in the market.

2.2 Product Development Methods

There are two methods for product development;

1-Sequential product development

2-Concurrent product development

2.2.1 Sequential engineering

Sequential engineering is the traditional product development process at prototype

development step. Sequential approach includes product design, manufacturing
process development and testing & quality activities. Design of the product,
manufacturing process development and tests on quality are considered one after
another. It means that each step is determined in a certain order. Changes in design
may be called for when the manufacturing department is unable to meet design
specifications and assembly design problems. These changes are however
incorporated in design. The design phase are sent back to the design department for
incorporating changes. [1] The design / redesign path is shown at Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6 : Design and redesign path. [1]

There are design, planning, manufacturing, quality and marketing departments that
are working interactiveliy. Service, marketing and customer feedback departments
also work in the same.

Figure 2.7 illustrates the stages isolated for sequential engineering.

Figure 2.7 : Illustration of the sequential engineering across the wall approach. [1]

As seen at figure 2.7, all the steps are isolated at sequential engineering. It is often
called as “across the wall method” hence there is no ineteraction between each
group. Marketing, design, planning, manufacturing, quality, sales and service
departments are working Sequential engineering flow is shown at figure 2.8.
Feedback steps compose the cycle.

Figure 2.8 : Sequential engineering cycle. [5]

Once the first step is completed, the work team moves on the next step of the project.
At the first step, the product is defined and the other steps are outlined. Design,
verification and prototype processes follow the first step. The related steps are
evaluated by the design team and after the completion of the design stage, the
product would be verified and prototyped again before testing. Manufacturing and
production stages follow the test stage. [1]

Sequential engineering is a simple method and has enforced discipline approach. But
there are some disadvantages that the method causes the uncertainity at the begining.
Also, the extra cost and time that occur at the advanced stages of the project makes
the approach disadvantaged. [1]

2.2.2 Concurrent engineering

There is a cross functional team approach on concurrent engineering.

Several teams work on different parts of the product and design at the same time
simultaneously. In opposite to the sequential approach, there are no cost and time
risk because of the simulataneous work type. The concurrent engineering approach is
shown at figure 2.9.

Figure 2.9 : Concurrent engineering approach. [5]

In concurrent engineering approach, the departmants such as the design,

manufacturing and quality are integrated and they are in a compatible environment.
Design modifications at the later phases of the work is possible hence the all
departments work simultaneously. It provides that there are no extra costs and times
at the late stages of the production. The work of the different disciplines
simultaneously is shown at figure 2.10. [1]

Figure 2.10 : Product development concurrent approach. [1]

The factors like delay the time-to-market and reduced product quality can be avoided
with concurrent approach.[1]

Distribution of product development cost during the product development cycle can
be seen in figure 2.11.

Figure 2.11 : Distribution of product development cost.[1]

It can be seen at figure 2.11 that thought only about 15% of the budget is spent at the
time of design completion. The remaining 85% is already committed. [1]

The reduction in design chance request with CE is less at the later stages of the
product development phase. Figure 2.12 shows the distribution of design changes
across the life cycle of a product. [1]

Figure 2.12 : Distribution of design changes across the lifecycle of a product. [1]

Figure 2.13 shows the cost of design change for a product.

Figure 2.13 : Cost of design change. [1]

The cost of introducing a design change for a product increases through design and
manufacturing. [1]

2.2.3 Advantages and disadvantages of concurrent engineering

Concurrent engineering (CE) is not a new method and is a concept that was created
with the gathering of the methods each were known and used before by the related
persons systematically. By this method, a process is taken whole and this approach
provides advantage. The benefits of approach are; [7]

*Products that have a lower cost and higher quality

*Developments at the engineering area
*The shorter product development time
*Lesser variety of parts and suppliers
*Shorter duration of the product to the market
*Shorter product development processes

Besides many advantages, there are also a lot of difficulties of the method. The main
factor of the difficulties is that the focusing of each sub-group on their own system,
moving away than the main idea of concurrent engineering for a product.

2.3 Role of Manufacturing in Design

Producing the design has many steps and manufacturing is one of the important
processes in product. It starts with a creative idea and ends with a product in the
marketplace. Figure 2.14 shows that design, materials selection and processing are
inseperable. [6]

Figure 2.14 : Interrelations of design, materials and processing to produce a

product. [6]

There are some factors needed to be evaluated on process and part selection.
Required part quantity is one of them. All manufacturing processes have a minimum
number of pieces that must be justify their use. Some processes are inherently high
volume processes. Installation time is long relative to the time needed to produce a
single part. [6]

Shape and feature complexity is a factor that refers to the part shape and type.
Number of features that the part contains is evaluated for the complexity. In general,
parts have a three-dimensional shape although sheet metal fabrications are two-
dimensional. Figure 2.15 shows shape classification system.

Figure 2.15 : A classification system for basic shapes in design. [6]

It can be seen that the complexity of shape increases from left to right in fig. 2.15.
Geometric complexity increases to the right. From the solid shape R0 (shape in
column 0 of the R(ound) row) to the hollow shape T0 (shape in column 0 of the
T(ube) row), one additional dimension added. Table 2.1 associates the shapes
defined in fig. 2.15 for some abilities of manufacturing process to create them.[6]

When designing a new part to be manufactured, designers traditionally had to define

the shape they wanted and then pick the material that could support that shape (based
on strength, flexibility, etc.). That is, they designed the piece separate from picking
the materials. For more complex products, designers had to decompose the product
into semi-independent parts that were designed and manufactured separately and
then assembled with screws, welding, clips, glue, and so on. [6]

Table 2.1 : Ability of manufacturing process to produce shapes in fig. 2.15.

Different manufacturing processes vary in the limitaions of them for producing

complex shapes. Some processes have limitations on how thin the wall thickness can
be or need the part to have uniform wall thickness. An example, extrusion processes
need a parts that are axially symmetric.[6]

Figure 2.16 shows that each process has a range of part sizes to be economical to use
that process.

Figure 2.16 : Process selection depend on range of size (mass). [6]

Material selection processes effect on the available manufacturing processes. The

melting point of the material used and its level of determination resistance, ductility
are important factors on material selection. The melting point effects the casting
processes and materials that are too brittle are easy to deform. [6]

Material process suitability is one of the effective factor that is evaluated for many
studies. Related works shows some values for general process and they can be seen
at table 2.2. [6]

Nature designs and grows the entire tree in a progressive, additive fashion, and
largely from one material. Nature starts with a material (e.g., cellulose is the material
for trees) and deploys that material in various densities, shapes, thicknesses, and
modified formulations to create an integrated object. [6]

Table 2.2 : Relative cost of material process suitability.

Relative cost associated with material process suitability (workability or

fabricability) is a value that can be calculated depend on the cost coefficient for the
part design that takes into account shape complexity, thickness of section, tolerance,
surface finish and material workability. This cost includes the value of the
coefficients shows at table 2.2. [6]

Part quality is also an important factor on manufacturing processes and it is

evaluated in three characteristics. These are;[6]

-Freedom from the defects that are internal and external

-Surface finish
-Dimensional tolerance and accuracy

Material workability and formability influence the product quality. While different
materials shows different workability in the related process, the same material may
show different property in different process. [6]

The surface finish of a part effects the appearance and it effect the assembly process
of the part with others. The surface roughness is needed to be controlled because of
its influence on fatique failure and wear.[6]

Dimensional accurancy and tolerance of a part effect on the behaviour of the material
on processing. Solidification processes must allow the shrinkage that occurs on metal

The manufacturing cost of a product is the most important factor on selecting the
processes and materials. All factors up to the final product are effective on total
manufacturing cost and it should be evaluated in detail on design phase.[6]

Availability of the production equipment is another critical process factor. Also, the
lead time to make tooling and expected delivery reliability is critical for
manufacturing. Complexity of manufacturing process effects all the factors above
and these effects should be evaluated on design phase.

Table 2.3 shows the rating scale for ranking manufacturing processes. The
evaluations are flexibility, quality, equipment, cost and utilization of material.[6]

Table 2.3 : Rating scale for ranking manufacturing processes.

For the last 20~30 years, manufacturers have seen a large amount of effort devoted to
the integration of design and manufacturing cost and improving product quality. The
developed processes and procedures have become known as design for manufacture
or design for manufacturability (DFM). Another closely area that is associated with
this is design for assembly (DFA). These methods are evaluated in same process and
the field is simply described by the abbreviation DFM/DFA or DFMA.[6]

Design for manufacture shows an awareness of the importance of design as the time
and cost. Basically, to achieve the goals of DFM requires a concurrent engineering
approach. [6]

Next chapter gives the detail on design for manufacturing and assembly method.


Design for Manufacturing and Assembly method is basically the combination of

Design for Manufacturing and Design for Assembly methodologies and for the
whole concept, these two methodologies work together.

3.1 What is DFMA?

Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) is a method using for simplifying
the manufacturing and assembly processes of the product by using related principles
and facilities of the system. [7]

It is an extensively utilized system using in a lot of areas of industry and became

evolving at early 1990s. DFMA is started to be used during the product development
phase in many companies and it aims to minimize the component count by changing
the design in accordance with the used manufacturing method. DFMA integrates the
two systems: [7]

1 - Design for Manufacturing (DFM)

2 - Design for Assembly (DFA)

Design for Assembly is the method for simplifiying the assembly step of product.
Thus, assembly cost and assembly time can be automatically reduced. Also, the
number of assembly steps minimize. So, it leads to a simplification of structure and
processes used on manufacturing and selection of the most suitable materials for the
product as cost and function. [7]

Design for Manufacturing is about to reduce the part production cost. It reduces the
complexity of the part operations and helps to improve the ability of the design to
have easily manufactured and assembled parts. At new product development phase,
by considering the principles of the system, the ease of the producibility will

be improved automatically. So, DFM is the meaning of easy manufacturing and DFA
means the ease of assembly and the main activities of the whole system could be
defined as the follow; [7]

1- Raw material : Choosing the appropriate material for the beginning is one of
the foundation for a good design. Economical use of raw material also improves the
total product quality on optimising.

2- Machines & Processes : The right processes applied on the raw material is
essential to reach the final product meeting the desired requirements.

3- Assembly control : Applying DFMA concept to the product on assembly

step, controlling the related principles will be possible and the final product meets
the desires.

The final product is expected to be high quality by applying the related method.[7]

3.2 Why Use DFMA?

Product manufacturing is the second step of the final product. First step is design and
it also contains raw material, systematic flow of manufacturing and used methods
with the highest level of efficiency. Design for manufacturing and assembly totally
meets the requirements to have the most optimised manufacturing processes. [7]

Low assembly and manufacturing costs are probably the most important reasons to
select DFMA. Having the final product with the little spending helps to the
optimisation of a total product design processes. DFMA helps to control the cost for
a totally sytem at the early stages of design and manufacturing.

The assembly times become shorter DFMA. Thus, the method ensures that the
transition among the design and the production phases of the related product.

By using DFMA, the reliability of the product system increases. Lowering the
number of parts increases the reliability. So the failure probability decreases and
product usability increases. Lowering the part counts increases the control on the
structure and the totally desired product is achieved. [7]

Since the product developed by using DFMA provides the fastest and smoothest
transition into the production phase. So, the time from the initial phases to the
consumer meeting phase is reduced. This is one the desire of the system. The result
is a more complete and workable design at the first time and the time to market is
shorter. The more controllable phases, provide the advantages on tolerances,
dimensions, marking, tooling points and special points. [8]

As explained above, Design for manufacturing and assembly is a totally beneficial

method on product design and manufacturng steps. [7]

DFMA is appliciable, while the system passes the design concept step. By
completing the design concept step, the system is ready for the evaluate with DFMA
method. It allows to define appropriate material selection and calculate the system
cost estimates of a product. Products are often design for a large quantities. The use
of DFMA provides, obtaining the small quantities of the product. [7]

DFMA has the advantage of systematic step by step procedure that can be applied at
any stage of the product. Flow diagram can be seen at the figure 3.1 and it shows the
flow for the work of Boothroyd Dewhurst method that will be evaluated in detail at
chapter 3.5. [7, 8]

Figure 3.1 : A flow diagram of the Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFA method [9]

3.3 DFMA : Historical Evaluation

DFMA can be said to be available in the early 1970s by Boothroyd & Dewhurst and
formal methods began in late 1970s. For handling parts, there were several emprical
studies and essential developments on assembly times. Also, manufacturing costs
were effected by these developments. Especially, by the development of new kinds
of materials, there were a lot of new method on standard manufacturing processes.
Designers started to use these methods and developed them by using their
experienced manufacturing knowledges. Plastics were one of the most effected
materials on the stage because of their different material behaviours like large
deformation interval without failure. It was used on many areas and there would be
provided different material properties on new products. Also, they provided
decreased cost in addition to manufacturing benefits.

The most economical product assembly processes are developed first in 1977 and
they were used to aim to analyze ease of manual and automatic assembly processes.
The effects of weight, size, thickness, flexibly etc. are determined.

Figure 3.2 shows the relation between cost index and time factors.

Figure 3.2 : The revolution of manufacturing as the cost. [10]

The graph above shows that the concurrent engineering concept has an extra ordinary
effect on relative cost index. Without DFMA and as seen on the curve appears on the
graph, there is an effective difference between CE and pre-DFMA cost indexes.[8]

By the decreasing of total production time, alternative methods became more

popular for companies around the world. Because, they were providing faster
manufacturing time and it meant more product in the same time. So, there was a need
of decreasing the design change requirements. These requirements were also
including the other product processes and the aim of the process was decreased
designer responsibility. This aim was reached by the appearing of the new concept
called “Concurrent Engineering”. Concurrent Engineering (CE) concept became
popular to increase total product time and reduce the cost.

3.4 DFMA Principles

The product designed using DFMA has higher quality than the one developed by
using traditional methods. Reliability property of the product will also be higher
compared to the traditional one. DFMA principles will allow to have grater products
by using the principles of the method and the rate of applicability of the principles
will improve the quality of the related product.

It’s important to understand DFMA principles and how they apply in design phase of
the related product. The basic principles of DFMA are; [8]

*Minimising the number of parts used in assembly

*Minimising the types of parts used in assembly
*Standardising on material usage, processes, tooling etc.
*Avoid difficult components
*Modular assemblies
*Using multifunctional parts
*Minimising reorientation
*Using self locating features
*Avoiding special tooling on the product
*Provide accesibilityfor assembly
*Minimising process steps

3.5 DFMA Methodologies

DFMA occurs than the two methodologies;

1-Design for assembly

2-Design for manufacturing

3.5.1 Design for assembly (DFA)

Once parts are manufactured, they need to be assembled into sub-assemblies and
products. The assembly consists of two operations. The first operation is handling
that involves grasping, orienting and positioning. Handling operations are followed
by insertion and fastening operations. [6]

Some products have a large number of components and these components cause a lot
of assemblies and sub-assemblies. Manual, Automatic and Robotic assembly
methods are the three groups of the basic assembly methods. [10] Manual assembly

For manual assembly, the product components are worked to assemble manually. A
human operator at a workstation reaches and grasps a part from tray, moves, orients
and pre-positions the part for insertion. After these processes, the part is ready to
place together with other parts and fastening, often with a power tool.

There is a standart way of assembly cost per product as seen at figure 3.3. [6]

Obviously, the following guidelines depend on the skill of the worker:

*Ensure accessibility and visibility.

*Eliminate the need for assembly tools and gauges (i.e. prefer self-locating parts).
*Minimise the number of different parts - use "standard" parts.
*Minimise the number of parts.
*Avoid or minimise part orientation during assembly (i.e. prefer symmetrical

*Prefer easily handled parts that do not tangle or nest within one another.

Figure 3.3 : The assembly cost run for manual assembly. [11]

The assembly cost per product is nearly constant and the production volume is
independent for manual assembly. This method can also be categorised as a flexible
method. The production volume has an upper limit and labour costs for hand tools to
be used by the workers are higher compared to the automatic assembly per product. Automatic assembly

In automatic assembly, the parts are handled by the related devices and usually there
are machines used for the assembly. The flexibility of production is minimised but
the cost per product decreases directly.

The methods traditionally used for manual assembly are not necessarily the best
methods for automated assembly.

Figure 3.4 shows the relation between cost per product and production volume on
automatic assembly. [6]

Figure 3.4 : The assembly cost run for automatic assembly. [11] Robotic assembly

There is also a robotic assembly method and its values for the cost and the volume
are between manual and automatic assembly. The handling and insertion of the part
is done by a robot arm with control of a computer. The assembly cost per product
decreases but the volume of production increases. [6]

Robotic methods in manufacturing and design processes provide the ability to easily
design around the process/application instead of forcing a “standard “designed
machine or limited function devices onto the process. Assembly errors can occur in a
robotic assembly system. A method that predicts an assembly error is needed to be
determined in detail before the propose. It considers that assembly errors occur under
the condition that the geometric trajectory of a mated part and the relational position
and orientation of a base part are outside the allowable tolerance. [6, 11]

The relations between the assembly methods also include Robotic assembly can be
shown as a single graph at figure 3.5.

Figure 3.5 : The assembly cost comparisons. [11]

Design for Assembly mainly aims to simplify the assembly processes of a product.

The cost of assembly can be determined with the number of the assembly parts and
the ease of part handling, inserting and fastening. Reduction of parts can be achieved
by eliminating of parts. [8]

Eliminating can be done by replacing screws with press fits and by combining
several parts into a single component. Ease of insertion and handling is achieved by
designing with symmetry in mind. So, the parts can not become tangled or nested in
each other. The parts can be choosen as not require end to end orientation prior to
insertion. If a part has complete rotational symmetry around the axis of insertion, it is
best to choose. Operations with automatic handling are better by making the part
highly asymmetric if it can not be made symmetrical. Parts with chamfers provide
ease of insertion. Clearances should be generous for reducing the resistance to
assembly. [8]

Figure 3.6 shows the features that improve assembly.

Figure 3.6 : Some design features that improve assembly. [7]

On DFA, there are three classes as groups as general, handling and insertion.In

Reduction in part number can be provided with the evaluation if the part is required
by the design or not. If it is not required, it doesn’t need to be assembled. The part
that is essential for the proper functioning of the product is evaluated not to be
eliminated. These parts are also called as theoretical part. Criterias for a theoretical
part are;

-The part must show relative to another part that is declared essential.
-There is a fundamental reason for the part to be made from a different material than
the all other parts.
-The assembly operation would not be possible unless this part is seperate and there
are essential connection between parts.
-Parts used for fastening or connecting other parts are prime candidates for
elimination. [7]
Minimizing the assembly surface can also improve the ease of design. Subassemblies
provides economical improvements in assembly since there are fewer interfaces.
Products with subassemblies can be evaluated as easy to repair by replacing the
defective subassembly. [7]

Components that are designed to be assembled in one way are the best ones. They
provide lower mistake on assembly operation. It shouldn’t be capable of being
assembled in the reverse direction. Orientation jag, asymmetrical holes and stops in
assembly fixtures are common ways of mistake. [7]

On handling operations, avoiding seperate fasteners and minimising the cost of them
provide better assembly. Fasteners may amount 5% of the material cost for a product.
The labor cost they require for proper handling in assembly is higher almost fifteen
times. The screw usage in product design causes higher values of costs. Snap fit
usage can provide better cost value if it is possible to use. Also, using fewer large
fasteners instead of small and several ones provides the better. Descreasing the
number of type of fastener can increase the ease of design by providing the use use
of automatic machining process for insertion of fasteners. [7]

Achieving easy joinability and positioning also improves the ease of assembly
depend on the handling process. [7]

For the insertion process, minimizing the assembly direction provides efficient
assembly operation. All products should be designed to be assembled than one
direction. Rotation of the assembly requires more time. The best condition can be
provided if parts are added in a top-down manner to create a z-axis stack. [7]

Providing unobstructed access for parts and tools on assembly processes increases
the ease of design automatically. The required time for assembly decreases with this
improvement. In product design, excessive assembly force may be required when
parts aren’t perfectly made. This is another guidelines for insertion to apply the
method for a product. [7]

These factors have essential role on effective operations and finally the final product
has been produced advantageously. [7]

There are three methods of applying the DFA processes to a product. These are
Hitachi, Lucas and Boothroyd Dewhurst methods. The Hitachi assemblability evaluation method

The Hitachi assemblability evaluation method is used by faciliting design

improvements. Weaknesses in a product are identified at the early stages of the
design and manufacturing. It’s the first method that was developed for the works of
design for assembly. [1, 7] Lucas DFA evaluation method

Lucas method was developed in the early 1980s. Difficulties seen on assembly such
as part fastening, process direction, insertion etc. are evaluated with the method and
the sum of the taken scores of the analysis for each process gives the factor of the
whole processes. [1, 7] Boothroyd-Dewhurst method

The Boothroyd-Dewhurst method is a widely used method of the design for

manufacturing and assembly and the objective of the method is minimising the
assembly requirement for existing products. This can be achieved by reducing the the
number of parts to have assembled for the product. Also, the shape and complexity
tried to hold on the minimum. [7]

The procedure of Boothroyd-Dewhurst method can be divided into the three steps.
The first one is assembly type selection. The assembly type selection stage is
determined with the factors such as complexity, shape and tolerance. The next issue
is ensuring that the remaining parts are easy to asemble. The last factor is reducing
the number of individual parts that must be assembled. [7]

In the Boothroyd-Dewhurst method, the works generally contains the original and re-
designed works of a product and they are compared depend on assembly cost, part
number, handling time and insertion time factors. The flow of the application is
shown before at figure 3.1. The final revised design is expected to have lesser value
of the design efficiency coefficient. [7]

Figure 3.7 belowshows the sub-assembly group of an original and re-designed

(a) Original part sub-assembly.

(b) Re-designed part sub-assembly.

Figure 3.7 : Original and re-designed part sub-assemblies [7]

The parts of the new design are considered with their elimination situation. It can be
eliminated or there is a combination with another parts of the related assembly. After
applying the method to the product, there are;

-Lowered part numbers and assembly varieties

-The symmetrical parts and ease of handling. So, design efficiency increases
-Minimised number of the fault for the assembly of a product

Design efficiency can be calculated by formula 3.1. [7]

EM=AMxNM/TM (3.1)

AM is the basic assembly time for each part. On the calculations; the number of the
each part, manual handling time of the parts, manual insertion times, total operation
time, operation cost and the decision that if the part can be eliminated or not are
used. Operation cost is a function of operation time (0.4 x operation time). TM is the
sum of the operation times, CM is the sum of the operation costs and NM is the total
number of the parts that will not be eliminated. Figure 3.8 shows the relation
between the part number and design efficiency. Operation times are calculated with
sum of part number times sum of total handling and insertion times. AM generally
takes the value of 3 as an assumption. [7]

Figure 3.8 : Design efficiency relation with part number. [7]

TM, CM and NM are choosen than the related tables. This tables are manual
handling and manual insertion tables. Manual handling table can be seen at appendix
A and manual insertion table is at appendix B. Insertion time can be determined via
the assembly difficulties. The table has the angle values for alpha and beta
symmetries. Alpha symmetry is rotational symmetry of a part about an axis
perpendicular to its axis of insertion and beta symmetry is rotational symmetry of a
part about its axis of insertion. [7]

Alpha and beta rotational symmetries for part shapes can be determined by using
table 3.1.

Table 3.1 : Alpha and beta symmetries determination table. [7]

Part thickness and shape also have an effect on determining the handling time. Figure
3.9 shows the relation between handling time and part thickness.

Figure 3.9 : Effect of part thickness on handling time. [7]

Figure 3.10 shows the effect of part shape to the handling time.

Figure 3.10 : Effect of part size on handling time. [7]

This method contains the improvement with the part considerations on elimination
possibility of the parts and combinations between the parts. The assembly
improvement can be seen at figure 3.11

Figure 3.11 : Two assembly designs. [7]

It’s obviously seen that the assembly becomes easier with the new design. By
changing the assembly, efficiency of the design is considered and the improvement
of the new design is given in percentage.

The process of manual assembly can be divided into two categories. These are
handling (acquiring, orienting and moving the parts) and insertion (mating a part to
another part or group of parts.[7]

42 Design guideleness for part handling

Design guideleness factor is another important factor. Figure 3.12 shows geometric
features affecting part handling. [7]

Figure 3.12 : Geometric features affecting part handling.

For ease of part handling, related person shoul attempt to;[7]

1. Design parts that have end-to-end symmetry and rotational symmetry about
the axis of insertion. If this cannot be achieved, try to design parts having the
maximum possible symmetry (Fig. 3.12a).
2. Design parts that, in those instances where the part cannot be made
symmetric, are obviously asymmetric (Fig. 3.12b).
3. Provide features that will prevent jamming of parts that tend to nest or stack
when stored in bulk (Fig. 3.12c).
4. Avoid features that will allow tangling of parts when stored in bulk (Fig.
3. 12d).
5. Avoid parts that stick together or are slippery, delicate, flexible, very small, or
very large or that are hazardous to the handler (i.e., parts that are sharp,
splinter easily, etc., Fig. 3.12)

Figure 3.13 shows some other features affecting part handling.[7]

Figure 3.13 : Some other features affecting part handling.[7]

For ease of insertion, related person should attempt to;

1. Design so that there is little or no resistance to insertion and providechamfers to

guide insertion of two mating parts. Generous clearance should be provided, but care
must be taken to avoid clearances that will result in a tendency for parts to jam or
hang-up during insertion (Figs. 3.14 to 3.17).[7]

Figure 3.14 : Incorrect geometry can allow part to jam during insertion.[7]

Figure 3.15 : Provision of air-relief passengers to improve insertion into holes.[7]

Figure 3.16 : Design for ease of insertion-assembly of long stepped bushing into
counter-bored hole.[7]

Figure 3.17 : Provision of chamfers to allow easy insertion. [7]

2. Standardize by using common parts, processes, and methods across all models and
even across product lines to permit the use of higher volume processes that normally
result in lower product cost (Fig. 3.18).

Figure 3.18 : Standardize parts.[7]

3. Use pyramid assembly—provide for progressive assembly about one axis of

reference. In general, it is best to assemble from above (Fig. 3.19).[7]

Figure 3.19 : Single axis pyramid assembly. [7]

4. Avoid, where possible, the necessity for holding parts down to maintain their
orientation during manipulation of the subassembly or during the placement of
another part (Fig. 3.20). If holding down is required, then try to design so that the
part is secured as soon as possible after it has been inserted. [7]

Figure 3.20 : Provision of self-locating features to avoid holding down/ alignment.

5. Design so that a part is located before it is released. A potential source of problems

arises from a part being placed where, due to design constraints, it must be released
before it is positively located in the assembly. Under these circumstances, reliance is
placed on the trajectory of the part being sufficiently repeatable to locate it
consistently (Fig. 3.11).

6. When common mechanical fasteners are used the following sequence indicates the
relative cost of different fastening processes, listed in order of increasing manual
assembly cost (Fig. 3.21)

Figure 3.21 : Common fastening methods.[7]

7. Avoid the need to reposition the partially completed assembly in the fixture (Fig.

Figure 3.22 : Insertion from opposite direction needs repositioning of assembly. [7] DFMA and CAD

Computer aided design (CAD) systems and computer graphic based studies provides
increasing on design works. There is obvious interest between DFMA analysis and
CAD based design environment. Some of the required information for DFMA is
geometric and and may be available directly from the CAD data.[7]

The way in which a CAD workstation is used is somewhat at odds with theemphasis
in DFA on analysis by multidisciplinary groups, and it is important toconsider this
aspect when links between CAD systems and DFMA software areproposed. There is
a more obvious relationship between the geometry creationprocess carried out in a
CAD system and detailed DFA or the early estimation ofpart manufacturing costs.
Considerations of product structure simplification andpart count reduction can to
some extent be treated independently of the detailedgeometry of the items being
analysed. The manner in which the parts andsubassemblies are related to each other
in the CAD system data structure is ofmore significance. Much of this information is
available in a bill of materialsand/or assembly structure chart of the product.[7]

There are number of different geometry representation schemes used in CAD

systems. Figure 3.23 shows the geometric modelling schemes.[7]

Figure 3.23 : Geometric modelling schemes.[7]

At figure 3.23, (a) is wire frame model. It contains only vertices and edges, which are
the intersections of the surfaces of the object. No other information about the
surfaces of the object is carried, and thus wire frame models lack the surface
definition for many of the analyses that might be required on the defined objects. (b)
is surface model and it may be a collection of surfaces that do not completely define
a physical object. Information concerning the inside or outside of the object may not
be available; thus attributes such as the object's volume or mass properties cannot be
determined. Two main types of surface model are commonly used:[7]

1. Face or tessellated models
2. Sculptured surface models

As seen at 3.23 (b), it is very simple representation and the data used to define the
object is a set of face, edge and vertex tables. This type of model is very commonly
used for visualization of the object described, since this approximation enables fairly
efficient algorithms for hidden detail removal and surface rendering to be used,
which are the basis for realistic computer-generated images of objects.[7]

3.23 (c) is constructive solid geometry (CSG). the geometry is stored as a binary tree
of Boolean operations (union, difference, and intersection) applied to a limited set of
fundamental shape primitives. The initial range of primitives available limits the
range of objects that can be described. [7]

3.23 (d) is boundary model representation (B-Rep). the object geometry is

represented by a collection of faces, together with the connectivity (topology)
between them. Such representations are not well suited to analytical operations, such
as center of gravity determination or mass properties calculation. [7]

3.23 (e) shows the sweep representation. Sweep representations use an entity of
lower order, such as a closed profile or curve, plus sweeping information (rotation or
translation) to describe a volumetric object. Sweep models are easily stored and are
particularly useful for symmetrical objects, but are less useful for asymmetrical
geometries. Sweep models are not generally used for internal representations, but
may be part of the procedures available for initial description of the geometry.
Boundary representa-tion models are readily derived from sweep models. [7]

Feature based models are commonly used in relation to CAD systems. consider an
object in the CAD environment in terms of something more immediately meaningful
or useful, often in a manufacturing sense, than the points, lines, circles, surfaces or
solid primitives that are currently the basis of geometry definition within most CAD
systems. It is unfortunate that, in common with most new developments, the terms
"feature" and "feature-based" have different meanings to different people. In
addition, what is meant by these terms in the marketplace may in fact be even more
confused, as CAD vendors feel the necessity to introduce this terminology to
describe the latest developments of their particular systems. [7]

Features represent shapes and technological attributes associated with manufacturing
operations and tools.[7]

Features are groupings of geometric or topological entities that need to be referenced


Features are elements used in generating, analyzing, and evaluating design. A feature
is a classification of object characteristics, which has a significance in a domain. A
common thread is often that features represent the engineering meaning of the
geometry of a part or assembly. Feature-based models possess additional information
levels not found in conventional geometric models. Thus features have a specific
meaning in connection with a particular technology and as such become technology
specific. Figure 3.24 shows four different possible feature representations of the
same object for different technological domains. [7]

Figure 3.24 : Alternative feature models of the same object, (a) Example part.[7]

Figure 3.24 (cont.) : Feature models (b) Design (c) Machining (d) Deburring (e)
Inspection. [7]

Figure 3.25 and 3.26 show interactive feature definition and feature extraction.

Figure 3.25 : Interactive feature definition.[7]

Figure 3.26 : Feature extraction.[7]

When dealing with a specific manufacturing process, the availabilityof a suitable

feature description language will be of benefit to the type of DFManalysis described
previously, particularly if this allows data required for thisanalysis to be captured at
the initial input stage, rather than having to develop specific procedures to interpret
this information from an existing CAD database describing the parts.[7]

3.5.2 Design for manufacturing (DFM)

On a typical production stage, there are usually a lot of methods for manufacturing
but the main problem is to find the most appropriate method on having a product.
There are a large number of factors on considering the manufacturing of a product
but the most important ones are reducing complexity of the product and minimising
the final product costs. [7]

There are some special cases for the special functioned products and for that cases,
the needs of the cost reduction and the minimised complexity become unnecessary.
So, the evaluations of the manufacturing of a product should be done depend on the
related demands of the customers.[7]

On DFM stage;

-Reduced manufacturing costs

-Easy reachable material sources

-The operation requirements for the design are met
-After design phase, there are no needs to change any planned operational stages
-The needs for the special material considerations reduced. For some cases like
military applications, there are some situations on time between design and
manufacturing. Parts may be no longer available and suitable replacements and it
effects negatively on production. [7]
-Safety analysis are needed and there is no risk after production stage or it becomes
-The used equipments and materials are safe enough to find and use.
-The whole manufacturing phases meets the needed production requirements so the
related life time requirements would be defined for the related system, assembly and
-Defining the environmental conditions improves the reliability
-Especially for some special cases, availability

As a genaral view, manufacturing system includes some sub-system groups.Some of

them are listed as the follow; [7]

-Raw materials

3.6 DFMA :Depend on the Used Material

Material is defined as all the parts and raw or bulk material (like coating, paint,
grease etc.) that goes into the product, as well as bulk material that may be used
during the processes for manufacturing and assembly of the related product.

Actual influence on total cost gives the total effect of each parameter to the whole
manufacturing processes. Design, material, labor and manufacturing are the seen
parameters to be determined. [1, 6]

Direct labor costs can be specifically attributed to a particular unit produced. Direct
labor costs can be difficult to determine on a "job order" or "special project" basis,
which is a special order job requiring specific requirements. For example, a special
order to manufacture an auto part within specific tolerances requires a quality control
employee to make certain the equipment is functioning properly and the tolerances
are maintained. In this case, the employee is still considered among the indirect labor
costs, while the individual operating the machine producing the product is considered
a direct labor cost. [1, 6]

Determining and valuing two types of labor costs provide good management skills
and understanding of how companies generate revenue and control the costs
associated with generating revenue. [1, 6]

General labor costs are going to exist regardless of whether direct labor is producing
a product. Indirect labor costs that are encountered generally such as management
salaries, research and development personnel and project design employees exist
because they are the core of business operations. [1, 6]

Figure 3.27 shows how companies usually accounts for the life cycle costs of the
product where the material cost can be 50 %. This value, reaches to the 80 % in some
products while the engineering cost is only 2 to 5 % over the life of the product line.
Furthermore, 70 to 80 % of the cost of the product is determined in the design phase
of the whole product, mainly in material and how the product is put together.

Figure 3.27 : Traditional cost accounting relation with total cost. [8]

3.7 Standardization in DFMA

Design process can be evaluated as a creative process. It’s not very different than the
past work. There are obvious benefits in saved cost and time by capturing the best
practices. They have higher efficiency , safety, interchangeability and compatibility.
Codes are used for standardizations and they are also available for DFMA. These
codes help to describe standards for the related processes as dimensions, materials or
parts. Dimensions and sizes can be evaluated in standardization concept. Standard
term can be used interchangeably with specifications. [6]

Part standardization plays important role in DFMA. There are four areas that the
benefits of standardization occur: Cost reduction, quality improvement, flexibility of
production and manufacturing responsiveness. [6]

Cost reduction can be achieved by standardization of parts by reducing the part

number. Thus, parts will be bought in larger quantities and there are large savings in
procurement costs in outsourcing. Also, if the parts can be standardized to a single
size of sheet metal, stock of bar and tubing, cost will be reduced. This provides a
chance to use automated equipment with a minimum cost for tool and fixture
changing and setup. Feature standardization is another case for cost reduction. This
means that there are standard hole sizes for nthe parts that are used for drilling,
reaming, threading or bending. Inventory reduction also decreases the cost.[6]

Quality improvement is the second benefit of standardization. Having fewer parts of

a given type greatly reduces the chance of using wrong part in assembly operation.
Also, there is no requriment for extensive testing on using the part for new product.
There are fewer outside suppliers of parts on standardization. This improves the part

The third benefit is flexibility. Material logistic and reliable delivery of standard low
cost parts effect standardization. Flexibility also available for manufacturing

Finally manufacturing responsiveness can be evaluated on standardization. It

contains part availability, quicker supplier deliveries and financially suppliers.[6]

3.7.1 Achieving part standardization

The sources ofthe cost are needed to be considered on standardization. There is real
cost in ordering, shipping, inspecting, receiving, warehousing and delivering the part
to the assembly line.[7]

For areas where the weight is important, the way to achieve a minimum cost design
is to create minimum weight design.[7]

3.7.2 Group technology

Group technology (GT) is a term in which similar parts are grouped together in to
take advantage of their common characteristics. Grouping is done depend on part
families. Manufacturing processes and processing steps are considered. Table 3.2
shows considered typical design and manufacturing characteristics.[7]

Table 3.2 : Design and manufacturing characteristics considered in GT[7]

Group technology provides standardization of part design and elimination of part

duplication. About 20% of design is orginal design and new designs can be
developed by using previous designs. After considering, usually there is a great
saving in cost and time. Process plans for part families can be standardized for
future use. Setup times are reduced and quality improves. Tooling costs are reduced.

3.8 DFMA : Computer Methods

The most common method on assembly methodology is DFA: Boothroyd Dewhurst.

It has analysis and re-design phases.[7]

In analyse phase, the time required for handling and insertion fıor each part in the
assembly is found by using the related tables (Appendix A and B). The values are

derived from part size, weight of parts and geometric characteristics of parts. If the
part needs extra time for reorienting after being handled, it is also included. Each part
is evaluated as being essential or having elimination potential. The decision on the
minimum number of theoretical parts is determined by applying the criteria listed at
chapter 3.6 of this study. Then the estimated time is determined. Design efficiency is
estimated by using formula 3.1. At last, original and re-designed designs are
compared depend on the results of the calculations.[7]

Figure 3.28 shows a motor drive assembly design.

Figure 3.28 : Initial design of the motor-drive assembly. [7]

At figure 3.13, The rigid base is designed to slide up and down the steel guide rails
(not shown). It also supports the linear motor and the position sensor. Two brass
bushings are pressed into the base to provide suitable friction and wear
characteristics for sliding on the steel rails. The end plate is fitted with a plastic
grommet through which pass the connecting wires to the motor and the sensor. The
box-shaped cover slides over the whole assembly from below the base and is held in
place by four cover screws, two attached to the base and two passing into the end
plate. In addition there are two stand-off rods that support the end plate and assorted

screws to make a total of eight main parts and nine screws, for a total of 17 parts.
The motor and sensor are outsourced subassemblies. The two guide rails are made
from 0.5 in. diameter cold drawn steel bar stock. Because they are clearly essential
components of the design, and there is no apparent substitute, they are not involved
in the analysis. Now DFA criteria can be used to identify the theoretical parts, those
that can not be eliminated, and the parts that are candidates for replacement.[7]

The base is clearly an essential part. It must move along the guide rails, which is a
“given” for any redesign. However, by changing the material for the base from
aluminum to some other material there could be a savings in part count. Aluminum
sliding on steel is not a good combination. The bushings are part of the base and are
included in the design to provide the function of low sliding friction. However, it is
known that nylon (a thermoplastic polymer) has a much lower sliding coefficient of
friction against steel than aluminum. Using nylon for the base would permit the
elimination of the two brass bushings. [7]

The end plate functions to protect the motor and sensor. This is a vital function, so
the redesigned end plate is a cover and is a theoretical part. It must also be removable
to allow access for servicing. This suggests that the cover could be a plastic molded
part that would snap onto the base. This will eliminate the four cover screws. Since it
will be made from a plastic, there is no longer a need for the grommet that is in the
design to prevent fraying of the electrical leads entering the cover. [7]

Both the motor and the sensor are outside of the part elimination process. They are
clearly essential parts of the assembly, and their assembly time and cost of assem-bly
will be included in the DFA analysis. However, their purchase cost will not be
considered because they are purchased from outside vendors. These costs are part of
the material costs for the product. Finally, the set screw to hold the sensor in place
and the two screws to secure the motor to the base are not theoretically required.
The time for manual assembly is determined by using lookup tables or charts 37 to
estimate the handling time, which includes grasping and orienting, and the time for
insertion and fastening. For example, the tables for handling time list different val-
ues depending on the symmetry, thickness, size, and weight of the part, and whether
it requires one hand or two to grasp and manipulate the part. Extra time is added for
parts with handling dificulties such as tangling, l exibility, or slipperiness, the need

for optical magnication, or the need to use tools. For a product with many parts this
can be a laborious procedure. The use of DFA software can be a substantial aid not
only in reducing the time for this task, but in providing prompts and questions that
assist in the decision process. [7]

Tables for insertion time differentiate whether the part is secured immediately or
whether other operations must take place before it can be secured. In the latter case it
differentiates whether or not the part requires holding down, and how easy it is to
align the part. [7]

Table 3.3 shows the results of the DFA analysis of the initial design.

Table 3.3 : DFA analyse result for motor drive assembly. [7]

The theoretical part count is 4 out of a total of 19 parts. Therefore, according to

design efficiency equation, the design eficiency for the assembly is quite low, 7.5
percent, indicat-ing that there should be ample opportunity for part elimination. [7]

Figure 3.29 shows the redesign of motor drive assembly based on DFA. [7]

Figure 3.29 : Redesign of motor drive assembly based on DFA analyse. [7]

All the sub-parts of whole design can be seen at the figure for redesigned

Table 3.4 : DFA analyse result for redesign motor drive assembly

The assembly efficiency increased from 7.5% to 26%. There is a commensurate
reduction in the cost of assembly from $ 1.33 to $ 0.384. The three nonessential parts
are all crews that theoretically could be eliminated but have been retained for
reliability andquality reasons. The next step is to do a design for manufacture
analysis to determine whether the changes made in material and design have carried
over to reduced part costs. This example shows the importance of DFA in design.
Even though assembly follows part manufacturing, the DFA analysis contributes
much more than reducing thecost of assembly, which rarely exceeds 20 percent of
the product cost. A major contribution of DFA is that it forces the design team to
think critically about part elimination through redesign. A part eliminated is a part
that does not require for manufacturing. [7]

DFMA analysis helped reduce the overall number of parts by 48%, fluidic
connections by 60% and the cost by 22%. The designers also found trade-offs in
molding snap fits and holes for screws or fasteners that helped reduce cost. The
difference between the old 200 series and the new 800 series is dramatic. The new
model contains fewer components, most of which are self-aligning.

Guidelines or qualitative procedures can lead to increased product complexity

because they are usually aimed at simplifying the individual component parts,
resulting in a design that has a large number of parts and poor quality and involves
greater overheads due to larger inventory, more suppliers, and more record keeping.
Rather, the objective should be to utilize the capabilities of the individual
manufacturing processes to the fullest extent in order to keep the product structure as
simple as possible. [7]


Elevator is a type of system that efficiently moves people between the levels of a
building or other structures. Elevator usage is essential for high rise buildings and by
the increasing number of floors in a building, the need for an elevator system
becomes higher. For multi-high-rise-buildings, the need for an elevator system is

Elevators in vertical buildings are complex systems. They are effected by almost
every factor relevant to the building structure.

On vertical transportation systems, the elements below are needed to be determined

carefully for the healthy building systems; [12]

The number of lifts, escalators, stairways and other systems providing the motion in
the building

• The number of floors

• The aim of usage of the building
• The height of the building
• The probable number of persons for each floor
• The hoistways in the building
• The numbers
• Size
• Shapes

The factors listed above especially have an effect on circulation of the building and
control of the circulation provides healthy flow of the circulation for the related
building .

Hoistways are needed to be controlled carefully while setting the system design.
Otherwise, they can lead to unexpected problems on the system.

Enclosing the all sides of the elevator hoistways on new installation systems except
for the necessary sides will be useful and their probable effects that decrease the
building usefulness can be lowered. [12]

Elevator system design studies aim to reach to the suitable building properties.
Building properties can be structural or they specify the circulation situation of the
construction. The effect of the circulation in a building system is needed to be
investigated. The investigations are made by using traffic analysis.

The elevator traffic concept describes the flow of the circulation in a building. It
varies according to the type and usage of the building. Building type is used to set
appropriate traffic and it helps to reduce the circulation complexity.

When sizing an elevator system for a building, it is essential that knowing the main
dimensions of the building. The number of the shaft and their sizes are important,
too. Especially for multi-high-rise buildings, design chaos become more complex.
So, the degree of design chaos shows an increase.[12]

Traffic analysis are effective calculates and are used to find the suitable elevator
number and design by simulating the system via the related methods. Evaluating the
performance for an elevator system requires the value for some concepts. These
concepts are set depend on the encountered problems before and they are relevant to
the performance of the system directly. The healthy design for a building traffic
includes the population distribution data of the building and pedestrian flow within
the related period of time.

All the problems that were encountered before are needed to be evaluated to reach
the healthy cases for a building. These experiments can be considered and the
building system properties can be enhanced systematically.

Pedestrian flow concept is evaluated depend on pedestrian movement, pedetrian

ramps, building circulation and building ramps. The shape of the building is another
important factor on circulation in the related building.

4.1 Performance Evaluation on Lift Systems

Performance evaluation is another concept that has a critical effect on lift design for
either low-rise or high-rise buildings and the performance is determined with the
effective factors. The main factors are listed with the details below; [12]

4.1.1 The lift dimensions

Dimensions of lift are set depend on the size of the structure and the pedestrian
density of the building. It becomes larger by increasing amount of density. [12]

4.1.2 The lift speed

The lift system with more speed provides moving more people in a constant time. It
has a positive effect on traffic flow, naturally.[12]

4.1.3 The lift number

The more lift means the more people to move. So, the ciruclation flow becomes

4.1.4 The lift handling capacity

The lift handling capacity is effected with many factors and each factor that effects
the building stucture and circulation in a building is also effected on handling
capacity. Providing more person to move in shorter times provides the increased
handling capacity effect on the traffic of the building.[12]

4.1.5 The lift shape

The more traditional designs usually provide the higher circulation. So, the lift shape
should be evaluated on design phase of the lift. [12]

4.1.6 Elevator number per group

The increased number of elevator systems in a building provides the increased

person flow values. It should be evaluated depend on the structure parameters. [12]

4.1.7 Escalator and other moving system properties

The need of other moving systems related to the building is evaluated on design
phase and the circulation can take the appropriate values for the healthy traffic flow.
For some systems, the need of escalators is highly required. For instance, the
buildings with double deck systems must be designed with escalators, inevitably.[12]

“Dimension” and “Speed” concepts are important while defining the traffic design.
The extra dimensions mean the more people to transport and it mainly provides rapid

4.2 Design Parameters

Vertical transportation systems are important part of vertical buildings. All high-rise
buildings need vertical transportation systems and vertical transportation systems
contain the following elements;[12]


At high rise buildings, the importance of vertical transportation systems increases by

the increasing height of the buildings. High rise designs need to response to aim of
usage of the building. They need to be planned with care in the early phases of the
design. Otherwise, unexpected problems can occur after design phase and they
sometimes cause complicated problems and these problems may have no solution
depend on the building complexity.

4.3 Design Team

The design of the elevator system is undertaken by the design team and the design
team is responsible for designing the system of building and all the design
calculations that needed to be carried out.

The design team comprises the following: [13]

-Analysing the building operations
-Finding initial solutions that suit the magnitude and the nature of the traffic in the
-Examination of the architect calculations
-Identifying the most suitable arrangements for the building
-A number of iterations on the elevator traffic analysis to arrive at the optimum
solution in conjunction with the architect, client and the design team.
- Development of related drawings for the lifts, that can be inserted by the architect
into the project drawings.
-Development of full dimensional schedule for the systems
-Development of structural schedules
-Producing a comprehensive report that includes all the above by using the support of
necessary background informations and analysis.

The need to specify appropriate number of lifts, their capacity and speed has led to
the study of lift traffic analysis. But lift performance results from lift traffic analysis,
have no better quality than the estimated passenger traffic patterns, that are used in
the simulations and related calculations.

4.4 Traffic Parameters of the System

Defining of the traffic parameters for the building and the elevator system is
important. These parameters are defined, depend on the building and the probable
elevator system. There are four main factors to be defined, before the analysis and
simulation calculations:

-Building parameters
-Elevator parameters
-Escalator parameters
-Passenger traffic parameters

The shown of the sub-groups of each parameter can be seen at table 4.1.

Table 4.1 : Sub-groups of each parameter for the transport systems. [14]

Lift designs are generally based on up-peak calculations. For the related building, the
number of floors and height for each floor need to be given for traffic design.


People circulation in a building that has vertical transportation systems is a complex

case and it especially becomes higher with increasing capacity. So, the situation of
high rise buildings is needed to be examined in detail. It’s affected with many
factors. As a basic view;[12]

•People generally walk horizontally, but when they want to reach to another level of
the building they are in, they use the transportation systems like escalators and lifts.
This indicates to their mode of movement that can be horizontally or vertically.

•People move by walking or by using the conveyors like ramps, escalators or lifts.
This indicates the type of movement. Type of movement divides into 2 categories:

-Naturally assisted
-Mechanically assisted

•Because of the complexity, the movement of people around a building calculations

are complex calculations.

5.1 Circulation Concept

Identifying the circulation of people in the building is an important part of the

elevator traffic studies. It’s the meaning of the considering all circulation routes and
areas in the building. These routes are set as clear and obvious. So, the movement of
people or goods is improved for the building. On the other hand, the main aim for the
subject is to minimise the amount of the total movement around the building.

As the dimension and the space view, there are some standards used for the
calculations and analysis. There are different values for the spaces for different side
of the world but the standards are used for the general results. The waiting areas and

the used standard here for a passenger is 600 mm wide and 450 mm high. So, the
related area per a person is 2,7 m². [12]

On the desirable density value (0,4 persons /m²), the passenger moves are wherever
they want to go freely and there is no interaction with the others. The interaction
density becomes higher while approaching to the crowed one. (4 persons / m²) On
the dense value, the colliding probability among the persons is higher. Figure 5.1
shows the flow of the density for the lifts. [12]

(0,4 persons /m²)

(1 person / m²)

(2 persons / m²)

Figure 5.1 : Density flow at lift systems


(3 persons / m²)

(4 persons / m²)

Figure 5.1 (cont.) : Density flow at lift systems

5.2 Circulation Factors

Circulation factors vary depending on the function and the design of the related
building. The shape and the complexity of the building are the two factors on
circulation. Also, human specifications are determined on circulation works.
Circulation efficiency for a building has some factors and these are as below; [12, 14,
•Number of cars of the elevator system in the building and their capacity
•Location and configuration of elevators
•Travel length, stop numbers and maximum acceptable waiting time
•Arrangement with the combination of elevator, escalator and other stairs

in the building
On lift design, pedestrian movement is more efficient factor for circulation and it is
affected with a number of factors. Some of these factors are; [12, 15]

•Pedestrian density
•Pedestrian dimensions
•Pedestrian velocities
•The type of flow
•Cross flows
•Waiting patterns
•Environmental conditions
•Statutory requirements

The flow type can be unidirectional and bidirectional. So it is taken into account
depend on the movement state. [12]

5.2.1 Handling capacity factor

Total number of passengers that are transported by the system within a certain time
period is the value of “Handling Capacity”. Handling capacity is evaluated seperately
for different systems but generally it takes the value of 5%. So the defining becomes
the number of people that the lift carry between the floors within 5 minutes during
the related peak.[12]

Comparing the handling capacities of the related building elements is another

important part of the studies. The evaluation of the capacity factor also contains;

-Portal capacity
-Stairway capacity
-Escalator capacity
-Lift capacity

The portal can be the gateway, swing door or resolving door in a building and the
flow on them as the number of persons per hour is considered value on the

5.2.2 Corridor capacity factor

Handling capacity of a straight is defined with the dimensions of the corridor and the
pedestrian density in the corridor. The flow design is determined by defining of the
corridor state. Number of persons per minute is calculated to reach the value of flow
design. Walking speed of the pedestrians in a building varies depend on the type of
population as age, gender and purpose of the pedestrians in the building. It is
important to specify the pedestrian type to have the healthy results on traffic analysis
and calculations.

While studying on the calculations, the capacity can be found by the following

Cc = 60.v.D.W (persons / minute) (5.1)

For 5.1;

Cc = Handling capacity as persons per minute

v = Avarage speed of a pedestrian (m/s)
D= Avarage density of a person (person/m2 )
W = Wideness of the corridor (m)

Figure 5.2 (a, b) shows the corridor flow.[12]

(a) Free flow for corridor Cc

v ~ 1,2
~0,3 persons per m2
Figure 5.2 : View of the corridor flow at lift systems

(b) Full flow for corridor Cc
v ~ 0,7
~1,4 persons per m2
Figure 5.2 (cont.) : View of the corridor flow at lift systems

5.2.3 Stairs capacity factor

Stair capacity factor is determined as the speed of the persons in related building. It
shows an increase by increasing age of the persons on the stairs. [12]

In a free flow case; there is averagely approximately 0,5 persons /m² and the speed
value is approximately 1 m/s. This value may also vary depend on the age factor. For
elder persons, the speed factor is lower and the circulation becomes more complex in
the building. For the speed value above (1 m/s) the flow takes the value of
1600~1700 persons / hour. For the elders, the speed value is reduced by half and the
flow also shows the same behaviour. Table 5.1 shows the changes for different

Table 5.1 : Flow of the persons for transport systems [12]

For free design flow ;

Speed Flow
Young people : ~0,8 ~24 (1620 persons per hour)
Old people : ~0,5 ~15 ( 900 persons per hour)

For full design flow;

Speed Flow
Young people : ~0,6 ~60 (3600 persons per hour)
Old people : ~0,4 ~40 ( 2400 persons per hour)

5.2.4 Escalator capacity factor

Escalator capacity is effected with four factors:[12]

-Speed (~0,55 m/s)

-Incline (~0,8 m)
-Alighting area
-Average step widths

Escalator capacity calculations include the values of speed (m/s), people density
(people per escalator step) and step number of escalator system.

The handling capacity for an escalator can be calculated similarly to the corridor
handling capacity discussed above;

Ce = 60.V.k.s (5.2)

Ce = Escalator handling capacity (persons per minute)

V = Speed along the related incline
k = Average density of the persons
s = Number of steps on the escalator
k is the people per escalator step .Its value varies depend on the escalator widenesses.
By the increasing value of the escalator width, k becomes higher as seen below;

1 person per escalator step of width 600 mm  k=1

2 persons per escalator step of width 1000 mm  k=2
3 persons per escalator step of width 1400 mm  k=3

For the escalator step of width is 800 mm and the number of person per escalator
step is 1.5, the view of an escalator for the k value of 1,5 can be seen below on fig.

Figure 5.3 : Escalator flow at transport systems [12]

5.2.5 Lift capacity factor

Lift capacity factor is a major factor effected on vertical transport system. The
purpose of the handling capacity requirement is to allow designer to experiment with
different lift system configurations and to determine the optimum size, speed and
number of elevators for a building on its peak use periods.
If the lifts are too small, slow and the number of the lifts is inadequate, passengers
have to wait for excessive periods for a lift to arrive in answer to landing calls but the
probable cost of the over-lifted building is so expensive as the design of the system
and they need higher enegy to operate the related system, compared to small and
slow ones.[12]

Figure 5.4 shows the 16 persons in a lift and it’s obviously seen that the lift cab is not
effective for the number of person.

Figure 5.4 : 16 persons view in a elevator car [12]

Lifts should be positioned at locations that provide easy access to the building for all
the residents. Also, lift grouping should be convenience for the healthy use of the
system. Especially in high-rise buildings, the handling becomes more complex and
the contained problems are needed to be solved in alternative ways. [12]

Improving the number of person transported among the floors of a building provides
the efficient handling capacity and it requires the lift that have more spaces for
carrying more persons in the same time. Double deck lifts are designed to provide
greater handling capacity per shaft compared to the single deck. The upper cab
serves to the even floors and lower cab serves to the odd floors. It provides more
efficiency and more people can reach to the related floor in the same system. [12]

One of the disadvantages of the system is that the person in the odd floor needs to
use the escalator in the building to reach to the even floors. It makes the circulation
more complex but as the whole system approach, it has a positive effect. [12]

5.3 Round Trip Time

In lift system, the required time for the elevator to serve car calls sent from the
entrance floor and return back to the lobby is known as Round Trip Time (RTT). As
a basic defining, RTT is the average time required to take full load of passengers
from the lobby, discharge them to the upper floors and come back to the main lobby
as ready for the new trip. So, it starts when the doors open in the lobby and ends
when the doors open for the next trip again.

Round trip time is effected with some factors like the speed of the lift and the
building parameters that have the effect on the usage of the lift. The cabs with the
wide entrance and the shape of narrow type of the cabs decrease the round trip time
with the environment around the building area. [12]

Round trip time is related to the handling capacity directly and it’s important for
traffic analysis. It’s not the same during the related period. On RTT calculations,
there are a number of assumptions as below; [12]

• The morning up peak traffic for 5 minutes is assumed as the busiest one.
•The traffic profile is assumed as ideal.
•Each floor population assumed as the same.
•The heights between the each floor are assumed equal.
•The traffic management is ideal.
•The arrive of the passengers is assumed as uniform.
•The load of the lift car is assumed as 80% for each trip.
•The lift acceleration and deceleration is assumed as equal.
•There is no impeding call and floor call.
•Lost times such as dispatch intervals, loading intervals are insignificant.

RTT is the sum of the moving times and stop times of the related trip. Moving times
contain the upward and downward elements like acceleration and decleration and the
stop times are added to the total moving times to reach the value of RTT. The lift
completes a trip step by step as explained below;

The doors of the lift are opened and the passengers enter the cabin.

The cab doors are closed and the lift accelerates, moves and decelerates before
stopping at the next stop in the building.

After stopping the doors are opened again and passengers alight. The steps for
subsequent stops are the same until reaching the highest stop.

At the highest stop of the call, the doors of the lift are closed and the lift goes back to
the main terminal .

The complete flow is known as a round trip and the related time is the round trip
time. Figure 5.5 shows the components of RTT. [12]

Figure 5.5 : RTT components for single deck elevator systems

According to the graph above; door opening time, door closing time and passenger
unloading time factors have important effect on round trip time concept. This is a
general approach and the assumptions contain the properties of single deck elevator
system traffic. At the up journey, there are some floor calls but at the return there is
no call than the floors of building.

Figure 5.6 shows the RTT concept for single deck elevators. The case that there are
no call at the returning period can be seen obviously. [12]

Figure 5.6 : Illustration of round trip time concept. [16]

5.3.1 Calculation of the round trip time for the high call reversal floor

For the high call reversal floor case, the calculation of round trip time can be
possible with derivation of some concepts. The transit time between two floors
Round trip time to the highest call reversal floor can be calculated by (5.3). [17]

RTT = 2Htv + (S+1)ts + Ptl + Ptu (5.3)

the equation comprises three parts. Each part comprises a time independent variable
(H, S, P) and a time dependant variable (tv, ts, tp). It is these six parameters which
must be evaluated in order to determine the round trip time equation. Each variable
will now be taken in turn in the following sections and typical values indicated.
Installed systems may have different values.

H is the highest call reversal floor and for up and down journey without stops, the
value needed to be taken is 2H. The transit time between two floors with no stops
for the journeys up and down takes its value with 2Ht v.

the variable H and S can be reduced by either limiting the number of floors a lift
serves or by advanced traffic control systems.

The first and last (third and fourth) terms of the round trip equation are significantly
less than the middle (second) term. This is generally so and means that for each
second saved or added to the middle term reduces or increases the value of the round
trip time.

This can be developed into a general rule of thumb that for a one second change in
the performance
time, there is a consequential change in the handling capacity of about 5%.

S is the expected number ofstops above the main floor and additional time for stops
for acceleration, deceleration and the door times is given with (S+1)t s. P is the
number of passengers in car. So, the passenger loading and unloading times are Pt l
and Ptu. These are the third and fourth terms of the equation 5.3 seen above.


Double deck elevators are the systems that designed with two elevator cars and one
car is attached on top of the other on the whole system. Both cabs are connected to a
single carcass and a drive system together. The lower deck and the upper deck serve
two adjacent floors and it allows the passengers on two consecutive floors to be able
to use the elevator simultaneously. During a trip, the two decks are arranged to serve
odd and even floors. The passengers at the even and odd floors use the related deck
to reach to the destination that they want. Double deck elevator systems require
escalators or stairs for the transportation of the passengers from ground floor to the
upper floor. Figure 6.1 shows the common system for the double deck. [12]

Figure 6.1 : Sectional rendering of double deck elevators.

The double deck elevators were invented in early 1930s. They were first placed in
North America. After 1990, they became popular in Europe and Asia. Double decks
are usually used in very tall buildings. An exemplary system from the early 1930s is
shown at figure 6.2.

Figure 6.2 : Double deck elevator car in the early 1930s.

Double deck elevators provide greater passenger capacity compared to the single
decks and the handling capacity becomes higher automatically. Especially in tall
buildings, requiring less core space in a building improves the total performance of
the system. There are some other advantages and disadvantages of the double deck
lifts as listed below; [12, 17]


-The handling capacity is improved compared to the single deck in the same
hoistway ~ 1,5 times compared to the single decks
-The lower number of lifts
-The needed velocity is lower
-Reduced number of stops ~half
-Smaller car sizes
-Lower rated speeds
-Shorter trip times

-Greater assembly time
-Reduced maintenance costs


-The number of the passgenger should be higher to meet the system requirements
-Larger zone populations are neeeded
-The demand of the floors that even and odd cabs serve is needed to be balanced.
-Lobby exists need to be larger
-Distances between the floors must be the same
-Extra system requirements such as escalators etc.

There are fixed and flexible types of double deck elevators. The flexibles provides
increased freedom in design. Reference models with related companies can be shown
at figure 6.3.

Figure 6.3 : Reference models for DDs of the related companies.

The work of DD with adjustable floor height can be seen at figure 6.4.

Figure 6.4 : Adjustable floor height system DD system drawing

The Difference between fixed and flexible types of DD can be seen at figure 6.5. The
flexible system provides adjustable floor height feature.

Figure 6.5 : The fixed (left) and flexible DD systems.

6.1 Double Deck Lift Designs

There are two seperate cars on double deck elevators as the even and the odd. The
number of passenger in the odd and the even ones are Po andPe. Each car is
considered seperately and they serve the floors above the main floor. The number of
passenger is assumed as the same for the two car for the calculations. So, P o = Pe.

6.1.1 Deriving of the terms for double deck elevators

In a building; if there are 2N floors, the number of stops is evaluated as the N above
the main floor for the double deck. The total door opening and close times t d, average
passenger loading time t l and average passenger unloading time t u are evaluated as
the constant values. So, they take the same values with the single deck

Time of flight value at the rated speed is t v for the single deck. Since there are double
floor jumps between the floors at the double deck, the transit time between two
floors will be considered as 2t v at the rated speed. [17].

Some values are taken from the related tables on the calculation. Between two
adjacent stops, jump performance time is shown by the t f for the single deck. For
double deck elevators, it becomes tf 2. It’s a calculable value but the value also can be
taken than the acceleration tables.

6.1.2 High call reversal (Hd)

High call reversal is considered averagely and if the value of the number of
passengers in each car are not equal, its value is taken as the number of passenger of
the fuller car. So, it’s shown as maximum [H odd, Heven]. In practical, the number of
passenger of the both cars are assumed as equal. The expected High Call Reversal
floor is calculated by 6.1. [12]

N 1 p
H N (6.1)
u / cN N
i 1

6.1.3 The expected number of stops (Sd)

For a building with N floors above the main terminal, if the probability that one
passenger will leave the lift at any particular floor is 1/N, the probability that the
passenger will not leave the lift at any particular floor will be as seen at equation 6.2;
1 N 1
1 (6.2)

The probability that no passenger will leave the lift at any particular floor is shown at
6.3. [12]

N 1
1 (6.3)

For the calculations of the double deck, the value of P is considered as P odd+Peven.

The expected number of stops is calculated with N times of the probability that the
lift stops at any particular floor. So, the probable number of stops (S) for the N floor
is expressed by 6.4. [12]

N 1
S N 1 (6.4)

If U is the total building population above the main terminal, the population of the ith
floor is shown by Ui. The value of the Ui equals the U/N.
Average number of passengers is shown as the 80% rated car capacity. It’s expressed
by 6.5. [12]

P=0,8xCC (b) (6.5)

For double deck systems, CC is considered as the same for the both decks. The
traffic patterns are also considered as the same for the two decks.

Double deck lift systems serves to 2 times more floor above the main terminal. So,
the total number of passengers becomes 2P and the probable number of stops
expression becomes 6.6. [12]

Sd formula can be expressed as an equationin terms of S as seen at the 6.7;[12]

6.1.4 Stop coincident to both cabs

During an up-peak period; if the both decks load at the same time, coincident stops
will occur.

The number of the average coincident stops(Sc) can be found by using the equation
6.8. [17]

Sc = So + Se - S d (6.8)

So and Se are the average number of stops that the odd and even cars would have
made. If P=Pe=Po, S=Se=So and Sc can be expressed by 6.9. [17]

Sc = 2S - Sd = (6.9)

6.1.5 Stop non-coincident to both cabs

If the number of non-coincident stops is shown with Sn, it equals the difference of S d
and Sc. [17]

6.1.6 Passenger loading time

Double deck elevators are considered that they load both decks at the same time. So,
the passenger loading time can be at 6.10; [17]

Passenger loading time (Pt l)= maximum (P e, Po)t (6.10)

It’s assumed that the value of Pt l =Pe =Po.

6.1.7 Passenger unloading time

In a building, if the all stops are coincident and the number of passengers that leaves
the both cars at each stop, the minimum time that the passengers leave the car is
passenger unloading time and shown with the Pt u. If no stop is coincident, the
maximum passenger unloading time is expressed by 6.11; [17]

Max. Passenger unloading time = (Pe + Po)tu = Pt tu (6.11)

If Pe = Po, the unloading time equals the 2Ptu. Generally, the value of the the passenger
unloading time is assumed as between Pt u and 2Ptu.
For a single deck elevator, average number of passengers leaving the car per stop is
shown with Q and Q equals P/S. For the even deck, it’s evaluated as the P e/Se. Po/So
is for the even. Passengers leaving the car at coincident stops(P c) can be expressed as
shown at 6.12. [17]

Pc = QoSc + QeSc = PoSc/So + PeSc/Se (6.12)

If Pe=Po=P and Se=So=S, it is obvious that Qe=Qo=Q. Therefore, Pc can be shown

6.13. [17]

Pc = QeSc + QoSc = 2QSc = 2 (6.13)
Since the passengers are exiting simultaneously, the consumed time becomes the
half. It’s shown as seen at 6.14. [17]

Pctu / 2 (6.14)

The remaining passengers leave the elevator at the non-coincident stops. The number
of the passengers that leave at the non-coincident is calculated 6.15. [17]

Pe + Po - Pc = Pt - Pc (6.15)

If the time that the passengers consumed leaving the lift at the non-coincident stops
is tu, the unloading time from both the coincident and the non-coincident is expressed
with 6.16. [12, 17]

Pctu / 2 + (Pt – Pc)tu = Pttu – 0.5 Pctu (6.16)

Practically; Pt equals the 2P. So, total unloadibg time is calculated by 6.17.
Total unloading time = P (2 - ) tu (6.17)
Passenger transfer efficiency value is shown by Pt p and if there is no coincident stop,
the value becomes 2Pt p. [12]

Unloading transfer time t u can also be calculated by 6.18. [12]

6.1.8 Figure of merit

For double deck lifts, the percentage of stops that are coincident to both lift cabs
gives the figure of merit value. It’s given by the value of the S c /Sd . It’s expressed in
percentage.6.19 shows the expression of the percentage of coincident stops with
respect to all stops. [12, 17]

Sc 1
x100% (6.19)
Sd 1 2N / S

At the non-coincident stops, the doors of the one car will not open. So, the
percentage of coincident stops will be expressed with 50%. This occurs generally in
morning up-peaks. For a round trip, the average number of stops per passenger that
unload at non-coincident stops can be expressed by 6.20. [17]

[(Se + So ) / 2] Sc
Sx (6.20)
If Se=So=S, the equation becomes 6.21. [17]

S S2 S S
Sx= (1 ) (6.21)
2 2N 2 N

The system with less Sx or with the value of S/6 is a good one.

6.2 The Expression of Interval, Handling Capacity and RTT for Double Deck

The expression of RTT for the double deck can be seen at 6.22.[17]

RTT(d.d.) = 2Hd2tv + (Sd+1)ts + max (Po,Pe) t1 + (Pt – 0.5Pc)tu (6.22)

Round trip time (RTT) can also be found by 6.23.[12]

Capacity factor for a lift refers to the fullness of the elevator for the average round
trip. It’s evaluated as the mass % and area %. In general, it is assumed that the lift is
80% full at the beginning of the round round trip. Without assumptions, the capacity
factor is calculated with identifying the average number of passengers in the lift
while leaving at each floor. After determining the average number of passengers in
the lift at the time that it leaves each floor for up and down journeys, the result of the
higher value is divided by the lift capacity in persons. The achieved value is capacity

The expression of interval and handling capacity can be found by using 6.24. [17]

Average interval = RTT(d.d.)/L (6.24)

6.25 shows the five minute handling capacity expression; [17]

300Pt L 600PL
Five minute handling capacity = = (6.25)
RTT (d .d .) RTT (d .d .)

6.3 Poisson Approximation on Double Deck Traffic Analysis

Double deck traffic calculations can also be expressed by poisson approximation.

If the probability of n passengers travelling from the ith to the jth floor in the time
interval is shown by p(n)i,j at 6.26. [18]

For the calculation,

μi => Passenger arrival rate at floor i (person s-1)

T => Interval (s)

di,j=> Probability of the destination floor of a call from i being the jth floor
(both i and j must be odd or even for di,j ≠ 0). [18]

6.3.1 Probable number of stops

On the probable number of stops calculations of the double decks, a round trip
includes that the lift may stop at a floor two times. For the most efficient operating
mode of the lift system, it is assumed that the probability of the destination floor of a
call from i being the jth floor equals zero. So, there are no passengers allowing to the
lift during the trip and the equation of the calculation is seen at 6.27. [18]

The probability that the lift will stop at the lowest floors is shown at 6.28.

It’s important to consider the probability of the calls to or from the odd / even floors
to the lower/upper cabs. So, probability that the lift stops at intermediate floors on
the related trip for the j equals lower cab stop floor is shown at 6.29. [18]

The probability that the lift stops at the highest floor for the bottom cab floor (N – 1)
and upper cab floor N is shown at 6.30. [18]

The probability that the lower cab stops at intermediate floor on the down, the lower
cab stops at the floor j is shown at 6.31 for j=3, 5.. (N-3).[18]

The probable number of stops including the terminal floors is the sum of the all
probabilities above can be expressed by 6.32. for [18]

6.3.2 Lowest and highest reversal floors (L and H)

For double deck system that the upper deck is at the Nth floor and the lower deck is
at the (N-1)th floor of the building, the probability that the jth floor is the highest
reversal floor is provided with the probability that there are calls from the lower
floors to or from the jth or (j+1)th floors.

The probability of being no calls to or from the floors above (j+1) can be found with
6.33, 6.34, 6.35.[18]

For the equations above, pHn gives the probability that the nth floor is the highest
reversal floor and n means the lower floor of the double deck.

Hrf is the average highest reversal floor of the lower cab and it gives the probability
of each floor. It’s shown by 6.36 for j= 1, 3..N-1. [18]

With a similar approach, the probability that the jth floor is the lowest reversal floor
is provided with the probability that there are calls from the higher floors to or from
the jth or (j+1)th floors. The probability of being no calls to or from the floors below
j can be found by 6.37, 6.38, 6.39.[18]

(For j=3, 5.. N-3)

pLn gives the probability that the nth floor is the lowest reversal floor and n is the
lower floor of the double deck.

Lrf is the average lowest reversal floor of the lower cab. It gives the probability of
each floor and it can be expressed by 6.40. [18]

6.3.3 Capacity factor

At the ith floor, the number of the passenger that join the lift on the journey up is
determined by the UpJoini as seen at 6.41. [18]

At the top floors of the building, there are no passengers that join the lift. So, for the
building that has N floors, the number of passengers to go up equals zero.

After the lift completes its trip on the up peak, the average number of passengers that
leave the lift is calculated by 6.42 for i= 3, 4..N. [18]

At the ith floor, the number of the passenger that join the lift on the journey down is
determined by the DownJoini as seen at 6.43. [18]

As the values equal zero for the up peak at the top floors of the building, for the
down journey, the values for the bottom floors equal zero.

At the ith floor, the number of the passenger that leave the lift on the journey down is
determined by the DownLeavei as seen at 6.44. [18]

Figure 6.6 below, shows the extent of travel for average journey. Highest and lowest
reversal floors can be seen at the figure.

Figure 6.6 : Highest and lowest reversal floors.

Kavounas gives the formulate to calculate the up-peak performance and handling
capacity for double deck lifts. Formulas that are shown in this chapter allow analysis
of any peak traffic flow for any practical configuration of double deck lifts. The
approach taken for double deck lifts could be extended to triple and more deck lifts if
required. [12]


Traffic analysis for a 66 floor high rise building will be given at this work.

7.1 Simulations and Calculations

Elevator traffic simulations are based on the virtual passenger flows that are created
with the random generators and real algorithms are defined on them physically. So,
the results of the expected values are taken from the related program.

Calculation methods are based on the theoretically given formulas and the formulas
contain the assumptions defined before. So, the formulas reflect only theoretical
assumptions and they shouldn’t be compared with the results of the simulations.

Elevate is the used software for the analysis of double deck traffic design. Figure 7.1
shows the general screen of an Elevate simulation. Appendix D contains detailed
usage of ELEVATE program.

General screen shows the number of floor for the choosen system design and the
values of the number of pedestrian in the building are defined to the program.
Demand for upper and lower floors can be seen at the program screen on simulating
and analysing the project.

Figure 7.1 : Elevate general screen.

After defining the work properties at the first screen, the analyse is choosen from the
analysis data screen that can be seen at figure 7.2.

Figure 7.2 : Analysis data screen of Elevate 8.

Simulation mode for double deck elevator was choosen at this work. The simulation
parameteres can be adjusted, if desired. The analyse type was choosen double deck
mode with Up-Peak.

The building data screen can be seen at figure 7.3. It helps to define building
properties such as number of floors, floor heights etc. Also, absenteeism and express
zone properties can be arranged if desired.

Figure 7.3 : Building data screen of Elevate 8.

Building data speed fill screen is shown at figure 7.4. It is used to set the floor names
of the building for the related work. It was choosen as Level 0 is the entrance floor.

Figure 7.4 : Building data floor names screen of Elevate 8.

Elevator data screen is used for adjusting of system properties via the related lift
system. Number of elevators, Lift type, capacity, Car area, door times, speed of the
lift and accleration/deceleration values are set to the related places. The screen can be
seen at figure 7.5.

Figure 7.5 : Elevator data screen of Elevate 8.

7.2 Work Properties for a 66 Floor Building

Elevator properties are choosen as seen at table 7.1.

Table 7.1 Elevator analysis data table for Elevate.

No of elevators : 12
Type : Double Deck
Capacity : 2000 kg
Car area : 4.20 m2
Door pre opening : 0
Door opening time : 1.80 s
Door closing time : 2.90 s
Speed : 5 m/s
Acceleration : 1.20 m/s2
Jerk : 1.60 m/s3
Start delay : 0.50 s
Levelling delay : 0
Home floor : Level 1
Height of a floor : 3,6 m
Height of the building :234 m
Passenger loading time : 1,2 s
Passenger unloading time : 1,2 s
Average passenger mass : 78 kg
Stair factor : 0 %
Arrival rate: % pop. in 5 mins

The floor populations were given as 130 persons per floor for the higher 10 floors
that are between the 57 and 66th. Appendix C has the results of ELEVATE for this
study and appendix D shows the usage of ELEVATE program.

For the general analysis of double deck, to have taken values can be seen at table 7.2.

Table 7.2 : Double deck general analyse results for 12 elevators.

Probable number of stops : 5.3

Lowest reversal floor : 1
Highest reversal floor : 64.6
Interval : 14.7 s
Capacity factor (%): 36.7
Figure of merit (%) : 0
Flight time: 51.72 s
Car capacity: 25 persons
Average passenger transfer time : 1.2 s
Round trip time : 163070 miliseconds
Time consumed when stopping : 10.1 s
Distance between reversal floors : 229.2 m

Express zone can be defined to the analysis, if desired. Analysis results show that the
lowest floor not served by elevators is level 3 and the highest one is level 56. All the
analysis are assumed that there are no absenteeism for the building.

7.3 Simulation Results

Simulations results via Elevate are shown with the figures. Passenger demand graph
is one of the given graph at the end of the analyse with simulation.

Passenger demand is given as graphically. It shows representation of a step

profile. Traffic level is increased %1 in every five minutes. Figure 7.6 shows the
passenger demand for a 66 floor building with 2000 kg 4 elevators. It shows that the
traffic level starts at 2 % and ends at 20 %.

Figure 7.6 : Passenger demand graph for a 66 storey building.

Figure 7.7 shows the car loading on departure from home floor. It shows the
occupancy rate of the lower deck at the beginning of a round trip. The dashed line
indicates the average loading and the continuous one shows the highest loading per
five minutes.

Figure 7.7 : Car loading on departure for a 66 storey building.

Average waiting and time to destination graph can be seen at fig. 7.8.

Figure 7.8 : Average time and time to destination graph for a 66 storey building.

The continuous line is average waiting time and the other is time to destination. The
difference between them gives the value of passenger transit time.Elevate also gives
the values of worst average waiting and transit times per 5 mins. Figure 7.9 shows
distribution of passenger waiting times.

Figure 7.9 : Distribution of passenger waiting times for a 66 storey building.

The longest waiting times graph for a the building can be seen at figure 7.9 and
figure 7.10 shows the time between the doors begin to opens for the related building.

Figure 7.10 : Distribution of passenger transit times for a 66 storey building.

Distribution of time to destination can be seen graphically at 7.11. Time to

destination is evaluated as the sum of passenger transit and waiting times. Average
and the longest times to destination are given at the graphs by Elevate.

Figure 7.11 : Distribution of time to destination.


Double deck elevators are the systems that one car is attached on top of the other.
There are two cars together and generally the both have the same dimensions.

The designed system for this study is evaluated for narrow types of elevator
hoistways. For these cases, the complex structure of the car causes hard installation
and it causes more time and cost. The new design with lower part number and mass
provide more efficient system and the calculations that are done depend on the
Boothroyd-Dewhurst rules and the result are compared for the original and the
revised design.

There are a lot of parts in the original design of the elevator car. Both cars are
evaluated as the twin to have efficient system for the design. There is a shaft for the
elevator car system. The shaft design for the original and the revised cars are the
same for this study.

In this work, a double deck car will be determined depend on the Boothroyd-
Dewhurst method and the factors of the design for the original and revised designs
will be compared.

The thickness of the ground of the cabs are 3 mm. The other sheets have the 1.5 mm
for the side sheets, modular sheets and the top of the car for the original and the
revised car designs.

Figure 8.1 shows the original design of the double deck and it is obviously seen that
the higher number of the fasteners causes more complex structure on the original

Figure 8.1 : Original design of the double deck elevator car.

It’s for the single deck of double deck car and for the calculations, the number of
parts are needed to be considered as 2 times. Handling and insertion values that can
be seen at table 8.1 and 8.2 are determined depend on the appendix A and appendix

The part numbers show the related part at the tables for the original and revised cars.
The exploded view of the original car is seen at the figure 8.2.

Figure 8.2 : Exploded view of the single of the original double deck.

The numbers seen on figure 8.2 are the part numbers. Part number list can be seen at
table 8.1. The sheet part are inserted in the chassis. The view with chassis can be
seen at figure 8.1.

Table 8.1 : Design efficiency table for the original double deck.






1 TOP SHEET 2 99 9 92 5 1 28

2 TOP SHEET FL 1 4 30 1,95 97 12 1 55,8

3 TOP SHEET FL 2 4 30 1,95 97 12 1 55,8

4 TOP SHEET FL 3 4 30 1,95 97 12 1 55,8

5 TOP SHEET FL 4 4 30 1,95 97 12 1 55,8

6 DOOR SLIDE RIGHT 2 30 1,95 92 5 1 13,9

7 DOOR SLIDE LEFT 2 30 1,95 92 5 1 13,9

8 DOOR RIGHT 2 99 9 92 5 1 28

9 DOOR LEFT 2 99 9 92 5 1 28

10 BOLT ISO 4017 - M6 x 16-N 306 10 1,5 10 4 0 1683

11 HEXAGON NUT ISO - M6 306 01 1,43 38 6 0 2273,58

12 WASHER ISO 7089 - 6 306 11 1,80 06 5,5 0 2233,8

13 BOLT ISO 4017 - M6 x 35-N 66 10 1,5 38 6 0 495

14 NUT ISO 4034 - M6 66 01 1,43 38 6 0 490,38

15 WASHER ISO 7089 - 6 66 11 1,80 06 5,5 0 481,8

16 MODULAR SHEET 14 99 9 92 5 1 196

17 BACK SHEET -R 2 99 9 92 5 1 28

18 BACK SHEET -L 2 99 9 92 5 1 28

19 GROUND FRAME BEAM-1 4 83 5,6 97 12 1 70,4

20 GROUND FRAME BEAM-2 4 83 5,6 97 12 1 70,4

21 GROUND FRAME BEAM-3 10 83 5,6 97 12 1 176

22 GROUND SHEET 2 99 9 92 5 1 28

23 FRONT SHEET- 2 99 9 92 5 1 28

24 FRONT SHEET - FLANGE L 2 30 1,95 97 12 0 27,9

25 FRONT SHEET - FLANGE R 2 30 1,95 97 12 0 27,9

26 FRONT SHEET- FLANGE TOP 2 30 1,95 97 12 0 27,9

TOTAL 1188 17 8701,06

At table 8.1, E is the part eliminate value. If the part is decided to be eliminated it
takes the value of zero for that part. Total number of the parts is the sum of the
column of quantities. For the original design, total number of parts for double deck
elevator car is 1188. There are 26 types of parts.

The other design is for the revised double deck can be seen at figure 8.3. The original
one was with screw design and there were too many parts on the car. So, the cost and
assembly time were higher. The revised car was designed to reduce the number of
parts and so the cost became lower at the new design. The revised elevator car has
570 parts totally and it contains 27 types of parts.

Figure 8.3 : Revised design of the single of the double deck elevator car.

The exploded view of the revised deck can be seen at figure 8.4.

Figure 8.4 : Exploded view of the revised design.

Table 8.2 shows the parts of the revised design.

Table 8.2 : Design efficiency table for the revised double deck.







1 GROUND SHEET.T 2 99 9 92 5 1 28

2 DOOR SLIDE LEFT 2 30 1,95 92 5 1 13,9

3 DOOR SLIDE RIGHT 2 30 1,95 92 5 1 13,

4 DOOR RIGHT 2 99 9 92 5 1 28

5 DOOR LEFT 2 99 9 92 5 1 28

6 WASHER ISO 7089 120 11 1,80 06 5,5 0 876

7 HEXAGON NUT -M6 120 01 1,43 38 6 0 891,6

8 ISO 4017 - M6 x 16-N 120 10 1,5 10 4 0 660

9 BACK SHEET 2 99 9 92 5 1 28

10 SUPPORT 12 83 5,6 96 12 1 211,2

11 ISO 4017 - M6 x 35-N 46 10 1,5 10 4 0 253

12 HEXAGON NUT M6 46 01 1,43 38 6 0 341,78

13 WASHER ISO 7089 46 11 1,8 06 5,5 0 335,8

14 SIDE SHEET LEFT 2 99 9 92 5 1 28

15 SIDE SHEET RIGHT 2 99 9 92 5 1 28

16 TOP SHEET 2 99 9 92 5 1 28

17 TOP SHEET FL 1 4 30 1,95 97 12 1 55,8

18 TOP SHEET FL 2 4 30 1,95 97 12 1 55,8

19 TOP SHEET FL 3 4 30 1,95 97 12 1 55,8

20 TOP SHEET FL 4 4 30 1,95 97 12 1 55,8

21 FRONT SHEET 2 99 9 92 5 1 28
22 2 30 1,95 97 12 0 27,9
23 2 30 1,95 97 12 0 27,9
24 2 30 1,95 97 12 0 27,9
25 4 83 5,6 97 12 1 70,4
26 4 83 5,6 97 12 1 70,4
27 10 83 5,6 97 12 1 176

TOTAL 570 18 4444,88

Total mass of the revised deck is almost the half of the mass of the orginal
design. So, the same functional product is designed with the half mass. This is a
benefit of the related method.

Equation 3.1 will be used to find design efficiency factor for the both designs.

Table 8.3 : Original and revised systems design efficiencies.

Total assembly Design efficiency

Part number time %
Original design 1188 8701,06 s 0.586
New design 570 4444,88 s 1.214


Double deck elevator systems were the subject of this study. They were evaluated as
mechanic design and lift system design in a high rise building.

At first, the double deck were studied as a lift system. The effect of the
increasing number of the cabin was explained and it was evaluated depend on the lift
traffic concept. How doubling the number of cab in a building effects on the whole
building system traffic was described. It was conluded that the handling capacity was
needed to be increased to meet the requirements of high rise building. The system
was tried to be simulated via the related software and the elements of the given
results were explained one by one. The theoretical formulas were given for the
double deck were explained. Analyse results were given quantitatively and lastly the
graph results were tried to be explained in a general concept.

Secondly, double deck car was designed by using the related software for this study
and it was examined depend on the ease of design. The spended cost and time were
evaluated and the values of cost and time were tried to be reduced under the specific
rules of design for manufacturing and assembly processes. Boothroyd-Dewhurst
approach was applicated to the original parts of a double deck car. Old and new
designs were compared depend on the design efficiency. The principles of the system
were explained and the design work was done. However, the relation between design
and cost factors were examined. It was observed that the change of the design has an
important effect especially for the multi-parted products. The assemblies of the new
and old designs were also compared and the new and they were examined depend on
the assembly facility. It’s obviously seen that total assembly cost is an important
factor on manufacturing.


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[11] Url-5 <> date retrieved 05.01.2012

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[13] Url-6 < xExmJnQdP

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[18] Peters RD (1998) Vertical Transportation Planning In Building, A Portfolio

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Appendix A : Manual handling times table

Appendix B : Manual insertion table
Appendix C : Elevate analyse and simulation results
Appendix D : Elevate user’s guide

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Please note that all results are ideal and do not include any Start Delay component.

Trip distance (m) 234

Speed (m/s) 5
Acceleration (m/s²) 1,2
Jerk (m/s³) 1,6


Flight time (s) 51,72

Maximum speed achieved during trip (m/s) 5
The elevator reached rated speed during this trip


Floor Name Distance (m) Flight time (s) Max speed (m/s)
Level1 (Home) 0 0 0
Level2 3,6 4,29 1,68
Level3 7,2 5,71 2,52
Level4 10,8 6,8 3,18
Level5 14,4 7,72 3,73
Level6 18 8,53 4,22
Level7 21,6 9,27 4,66
Level8 25,2 9,96 5
Level9 28,8 10,68 5
Level10 32,4 11,4 5
Level11 36 12,12 5
Level12 39,6 12,84 5
Level13 43,2 13,56 5
Level14 46,8 14,28 5
Level15 50,4 15 5
Level16 54 15,72 5
Level17 57,6 16,44 5
Level18 61,2 17,16 5
Level19 64,8 17,88 5
Level20 68,4 18,6 5
Level21 72 19,32 5
Level22 75,6 20,04 5
Level23 79,2 20,76 5
Level24 82,8 21,48 5

Level25 86,4 22,2 5
Level26 90 22,92 5
Level27 93,6 23,64 5
Level28 97,2 24,36 5
Level29 100,8 25,08 5
Level30 104,4 25,8 5
Level31 108 26,52 5
Level32 111,6 27,24 5
Level33 115,2 27,96 5
Level34 118,8 28,68 5
Level35 122,4 29,4 5
Level36 126 30,12 5
Level37 129,6 30,84 5
Level38 133,2 31,56 5
Level39 136,8 32,28 5
Level40 140,4 33 5
Level41 144 33,72 5
Level42 147,6 34,44 5
Level43 151,2 35,16 5
Level44 154,8 35,88 5
Level45 158,4 36,6 5
Level46 162 37,32 5
Level47 165,6 38,04 5
Level48 169,2 38,76 5
Level49 172,8 39,48 5
Level50 176,4 40,2 5
Level51 180 40,92 5
Level52 183,6 41,64 5
Level53 187,2 42,36 5
Level54 190,8 43,08 5
Level55 194,4 43,8 5
Level56 198 44,52 5
Level57 201,6 45,24 5
Level58 205,2 45,96 5
Level59 208,8 46,68 5
Level60 212,4 47,4 5
Level61 216 48,12 5
Level62 219,6 48,84 5
Level63 223,2 49,56 5
Level64 226,8 50,28 5
Level65 230,4 51 5
Level66 234 51,72 5

Door to door time is only calculated if you have SPECIFIED the door times in Elevator Data.


Distance travelled to reach rated acceleration (m) 0,11

Time elapsed to reach rated acceleration (s) 0,75
Speed at rated acceleration (m/s) 0,45

Distance travelled to reach rated speed (m) 12,29

Time elapsed to reach rated speed (s) 4,92


Time Distance Velocity Acceleration

(s) (m) (m/s) (m/s²) Jerk (m/s³)
0 0 0 0 0
0,1 0 0,01 0,16 1,6
0,2 0 0,03 0,32 1,6
0,3 0,01 0,07 0,48 1,6
0,4 0,02 0,13 0,64 1,6
0,5 0,03 0,2 0,8 1,6
0,6 0,06 0,29 0,96 1,6
0,7 0,09 0,39 1,12 1,6
0,8 0,14 0,51 1,2 0
0,9 0,19 0,63 1,2 0
1 0,26 0,75 1,2 0
1,1 0,34 0,87 1,2 0
1,2 0,44 0,99 1,2 0
1,3 0,54 1,11 1,2 0
1,4 0,66 1,23 1,2 0
1,5 0,79 1,35 1,2 0
1,6 0,93 1,47 1,2 0
1,7 1,08 1,59 1,2 0
1,8 1,25 1,71 1,2 0
1,9 1,42 1,83 1,2 0
2 1,61 1,95 1,2 0
2,1 1,81 2,07 1,2 0
2,2 2,03 2,19 1,2 0
2,3 2,25 2,31 1,2 0
2,4 2,49 2,43 1,2 0
2,5 2,74 2,55 1,2 0
2,6 3 2,67 1,2 0
2,7 3,27 2,79 1,2 0
2,8 3,56 2,91 1,2 0
2,9 3,85 3,03 1,2 0

3 4,16 3,15 1,2 0
3,1 4,48 3,27 1,2 0
3,2 4,82 3,39 1,2 0
3,3 5,16 3,51 1,2 0
3,4 5,52 3,63 1,2 0
3,5 5,89 3,75 1,2 0
3,6 6,27 3,87 1,2 0
3,7 6,66 3,99 1,2 0
3,8 7,07 4,11 1,2 0
3,9 7,48 4,23 1,2 0
4 7,91 4,35 1,2 0
4,1 8,35 4,47 1,2 0
4,2 8,81 4,59 1,15 -1,6
4,3 9,27 4,7 0,99 -1,6
4,4 9,75 4,79 0,83 -1,6
4,5 10,23 4,86 0,67 -1,6
4,6 10,72 4,92 0,51 -1,6
4,7 11,21 4,96 0,35 -1,6
4,8 11,71 4,99 0,19 -1,6
4,9 12,21 5 0,03 -1,6
5 12,71 5 0 0
5,1 13,21 5 0 0
5,2 13,71 5 0 0
5,3 14,21 5 0 0
5,4 14,71 5 0 0
5,5 15,21 5 0 0
5,6 15,71 5 0 0
5,7 16,21 5 0 0
5,8 16,71 5 0 0
5,9 17,21 5 0 0
6 17,71 5 0 0
6,1 18,21 5 0 0
6,2 18,71 5 0 0
6,3 19,21 5 0 0
6,4 19,71 5 0 0
6,5 20,21 5 0 0
6,6 20,71 5 0 0
6,7 21,21 5 0 0
6,8 21,71 5 0 0
6,9 22,21 5 0 0
7 22,71 5 0 0
7,1 23,21 5 0 0
7,2 23,71 5 0 0
7,3 24,21 5 0 0
7,4 24,71 5 0 0
7,5 25,21 5 0 0

7,6 25,71 5 0 0
7,7 26,21 5 0 0
7,8 26,71 5 0 0
7,9 27,21 5 0 0
8 27,71 5 0 0
8,1 28,21 5 0 0
8,2 28,71 5 0 0
8,3 29,21 5 0 0
8,4 29,71 5 0 0
8,5 30,21 5 0 0
8,6 30,71 5 0 0
8,7 31,21 5 0 0
8,8 31,71 5 0 0
8,9 32,21 5 0 0
9 32,71 5 0 0
9,1 33,21 5 0 0
9,2 33,71 5 0 0
9,3 34,21 5 0 0
9,4 34,71 5 0 0
9,5 35,21 5 0 0
9,6 35,71 5 0 0
9,7 36,21 5 0 0
9,8 36,71 5 0 0
9,9 37,21 5 0 0
10 37,71 5 0 0
10,1 38,21 5 0 0
10,2 38,71 5 0 0
10,3 39,21 5 0 0
10,4 39,71 5 0 0
10,5 40,21 5 0 0
10,6 40,71 5 0 0
10,7 41,21 5 0 0
10,8 41,71 5 0 0
10,9 42,21 5 0 0
11 42,71 5 0 0
11,1 43,21 5 0 0
11,2 43,71 5 0 0
11,3 44,21 5 0 0
11,4 44,71 5 0 0
11,5 45,21 5 0 0
11,6 45,71 5 0 0
11,7 46,21 5 0 0
11,8 46,71 5 0 0
11,9 47,21 5 0 0
12 47,71 5 0 0

12,1 48,21 5 0 0
12,2 48,71 5 0 0
12,3 49,21 5 0 0
12,4 49,71 5 0 0
12,5 50,21 5 0 0
12,6 50,71 5 0 0
12,7 51,21 5 0 0
12,8 51,71 5 0 0
12,9 52,21 5 0 0
13 52,71 5 0 0
13,1 53,21 5 0 0
13,2 53,71 5 0 0
13,3 54,21 5 0 0
13,4 54,71 5 0 0
13,5 55,21 5 0 0
13,6 55,71 5 0 0
13,7 56,21 5 0 0
13,8 56,71 5 0 0
13,9 57,21 5 0 0
14 57,71 5 0 0
14,1 58,21 5 0 0
14,2 58,71 5 0 0
14,3 59,21 5 0 0
14,4 59,71 5 0 0
14,5 60,21 5 0 0
14,6 60,71 5 0 0
14,7 61,21 5 0 0
14,8 61,71 5 0 0
14,9 62,21 5 0 0
15 62,71 5 0 0
15,1 63,21 5 0 0
15,2 63,71 5 0 0
15,3 64,21 5 0 0
15,4 64,71 5 0 0
15,5 65,21 5 0 0
15,6 65,71 5 0 0
15,7 66,21 5 0 0
15,8 66,71 5 0 0
15,9 67,21 5 0 0
16 67,71 5 0 0
16,1 68,21 5 0 0
16,2 68,71 5 0 0
16,3 69,21 5 0 0
16,4 69,71 5 0 0
16,5 70,21 5 0 0
16,6 70,71 5 0 0

16,7 71,21 5 0 0
16,8 71,71 5 0 0
16,9 72,21 5 0 0
17 72,71 5 0 0
17,1 73,21 5 0 0
17,2 73,71 5 0 0
17,3 74,21 5 0 0
17,4 74,71 5 0 0
17,5 75,21 5 0 0
17,6 75,71 5 0 0
17,7 76,21 5 0 0
17,8 76,71 5 0 0
17,9 77,21 5 0 0
18 77,71 5 0 0
18,1 78,21 5 0 0
18,2 78,71 5 0 0
18,3 79,21 5 0 0
18,4 79,71 5 0 0
18,5 80,21 5 0 0
18,6 80,71 5 0 0
18,7 81,21 5 0 0
18,8 81,71 5 0 0
18,9 82,21 5 0 0
19 82,71 5 0 0
19,1 83,21 5 0 0
19,2 83,71 5 0 0
19,3 84,21 5 0 0
19,4 84,71 5 0 0
19,5 85,21 5 0 0
19,6 85,71 5 0 0
19,7 86,21 5 0 0
19,8 86,71 5 0 0
19,9 87,21 5 0 0
20 87,71 5 0 0
20,1 88,21 5 0 0
20,2 88,71 5 0 0
20,3 89,21 5 0 0
20,4 89,71 5 0 0
20,5 90,21 5 0 0
20,6 90,71 5 0 0
20,7 91,21 5 0 0
20,8 91,71 5 0 0
20,9 92,21 5 0 0
21 92,71 5 0 0
21,1 93,21 5 0 0
21,2 93,71 5 0 0

21,3 94,21 5 0 0
21,4 94,71 5 0 0
21,5 95,21 5 0 0
21,6 95,71 5 0 0
21,7 96,21 5 0 0
21,8 96,71 5 0 0
21,9 97,21 5 0 0
22 97,71 5 0 0
22,1 98,21 5 0 0
22,2 98,71 5 0 0
22,3 99,21 5 0 0
22,4 99,71 5 0 0
22,5 100,21 5 0 0
22,6 100,71 5 0 0
22,7 101,21 5 0 0
22,8 101,71 5 0 0
22,9 102,21 5 0 0
23 102,71 5 0 0
23,1 103,21 5 0 0
23,2 103,71 5 0 0
23,3 104,21 5 0 0
23,4 104,71 5 0 0
23,5 105,21 5 0 0
23,6 105,71 5 0 0
23,7 106,21 5 0 0
23,8 106,71 5 0 0
23,9 107,21 5 0 0
24 107,71 5 0 0
24,1 108,21 5 0 0
24,2 108,71 5 0 0
24,3 109,21 5 0 0
24,4 109,71 5 0 0
24,5 110,21 5 0 0
24,6 110,71 5 0 0
24,7 111,21 5 0 0
24,8 111,71 5 0 0
24,9 112,21 5 0 0
25 112,71 5 0 0
25,1 113,21 5 0 0
25,2 113,71 5 0 0
25,3 114,21 5 0 0
25,4 114,71 5 0 0
25,5 115,21 5 0 0
25,6 115,71 5 0 0
25,7 116,21 5 0 0
25,8 116,71 5 0 0

25,9 117,21 5 0 0
26 117,71 5 0 0
26,1 118,21 5 0 0
26,2 118,71 5 0 0
26,3 119,21 5 0 0
26,4 119,71 5 0 0
26,5 120,21 5 0 0
26,6 120,71 5 0 0
26,7 121,21 5 0 0
26,8 121,71 5 0 0
26,9 122,21 5 0 0
27 122,71 5 0 0
27,1 123,21 5 0 0
27,2 123,71 5 0 0
27,3 124,21 5 0 0
27,4 124,71 5 0 0
27,5 125,21 5 0 0
27,6 125,71 5 0 0
27,7 126,21 5 0 0
27,8 126,71 5 0 0
27,9 127,21 5 0 0
28 127,71 5 0 0
28,1 128,21 5 0 0
28,2 128,71 5 0 0
28,3 129,21 5 0 0
28,4 129,71 5 0 0
28,5 130,21 5 0 0
28,6 130,71 5 0 0
28,7 131,21 5 0 0
28,8 131,71 5 0 0
28,9 132,21 5 0 0
29 132,71 5 0 0
29,1 133,21 5 0 0
29,2 133,71 5 0 0
29,3 134,21 5 0 0
29,4 134,71 5 0 0
29,5 135,21 5 0 0
29,6 135,71 5 0 0
29,7 136,21 5 0 0
29,8 136,71 5 0 0
29,9 137,21 5 0 0
30 137,71 5 0 0
30,1 138,21 5 0 0
30,2 138,71 5 0 0
30,3 139,21 5 0 0
30,4 139,71 5 0 0

30,5 140,21 5 0 0
30,6 140,71 5 0 0
30,7 141,21 5 0 0
30,8 141,71 5 0 0
30,9 142,21 5 0 0
31 142,71 5 0 0
31,1 143,21 5 0 0
31,2 143,71 5 0 0
31,3 144,21 5 0 0
31,4 144,71 5 0 0
31,5 145,21 5 0 0
31,6 145,71 5 0 0
31,7 146,21 5 0 0
31,8 146,71 5 0 0
31,9 147,21 5 0 0
32 147,71 5 0 0
32,1 148,21 5 0 0
32,2 148,71 5 0 0
32,3 149,21 5 0 0
32,4 149,71 5 0 0
32,5 150,21 5 0 0
32,6 150,71 5 0 0
32,7 151,21 5 0 0
32,8 151,71 5 0 0
32,9 152,21 5 0 0
33 152,71 5 0 0
33,1 153,21 5 0 0
33,2 153,71 5 0 0
33,3 154,21 5 0 0
33,4 154,71 5 0 0
33,5 155,21 5 0 0
33,6 155,71 5 0 0
33,7 156,21 5 0 0
33,8 156,71 5 0 0
33,9 157,21 5 0 0
34 157,71 5 0 0
34,1 158,21 5 0 0
34,2 158,71 5 0 0
34,3 159,21 5 0 0
34,4 159,71 5 0 0
34,5 160,21 5 0 0
34,6 160,71 5 0 0
34,7 161,21 5 0 0
34,8 161,71 5 0 0
34,9 162,21 5 0 0
35 162,71 5 0 0

35,1 163,21 5 0 0
35,2 163,71 5 0 0
35,3 164,21 5 0 0
35,4 164,71 5 0 0
35,5 165,21 5 0 0
35,6 165,71 5 0 0
35,7 166,21 5 0 0
35,8 166,71 5 0 0
35,9 167,21 5 0 0
36 167,71 5 0 0
36,1 168,21 5 0 0
36,2 168,71 5 0 0
36,3 169,21 5 0 0
36,4 169,71 5 0 0
36,5 170,21 5 0 0
36,6 170,71 5 0 0
36,7 171,21 5 0 0
36,8 171,71 5 0 0
36,9 172,21 5 0 0
37 172,71 5 0 0
37,1 173,21 5 0 0
37,2 173,71 5 0 0
37,3 174,21 5 0 0
37,4 174,71 5 0 0
37,5 175,21 5 0 0
37,6 175,71 5 0 0
37,7 176,21 5 0 0
37,8 176,71 5 0 0
37,9 177,21 5 0 0
38 177,71 5 0 0
38,1 178,21 5 0 0
38,2 178,71 5 0 0
38,3 179,21 5 0 0
38,4 179,71 5 0 0
38,5 180,21 5 0 0
38,6 180,71 5 0 0
38,7 181,21 5 0 0
38,8 181,71 5 0 0
38,9 182,21 5 0 0
39 182,71 5 0 0
39,1 183,21 5 0 0
39,2 183,71 5 0 0
39,3 184,21 5 0 0
39,4 184,71 5 0 0
39,5 185,21 5 0 0
39,6 185,71 5 0 0

39,7 186,21 5 0 0
39,8 186,71 5 0 0
39,9 187,21 5 0 0
40 187,71 5 0 0
40,1 188,21 5 0 0
40,2 188,71 5 0 0
40,3 189,21 5 0 0
40,4 189,71 5 0 0
40,5 190,21 5 0 0
40,6 190,71 5 0 0
40,7 191,21 5 0 0
40,8 191,71 5 0 0
40,9 192,21 5 0 0
41 192,71 5 0 0
41,1 193,21 5 0 0
41,2 193,71 5 0 0
41,3 194,21 5 0 0
41,4 194,71 5 0 0
41,5 195,21 5 0 0
41,6 195,71 5 0 0
41,7 196,21 5 0 0
41,8 196,71 5 0 0
41,9 197,21 5 0 0
42 197,71 5 0 0
42,1 198,21 5 0 0
42,2 198,71 5 0 0
42,3 199,21 5 0 0
42,4 199,71 5 0 0
42,5 200,21 5 0 0
42,6 200,71 5 0 0
42,7 201,21 5 0 0
42,8 201,71 5 0 0
42,9 202,21 5 0 0
43 202,71 5 0 0
43,1 203,21 5 0 0
43,2 203,71 5 0 0
43,3 204,21 5 0 0
43,4 204,71 5 0 0
43,5 205,21 5 0 0
43,6 205,71 5 0 0
43,7 206,21 5 0 0
43,8 206,71 5 0 0
43,9 207,21 5 0 0
44 207,71 5 0 0
44,1 208,21 5 0 0
44,2 208,71 5 0 0

44,3 209,21 5 0 0
44,4 209,71 5 0 0
44,5 210,21 5 0 0
44,6 210,71 5 0 0
44,7 211,21 5 0 0
44,8 211,71 5 0 0
44,9 212,21 5 0 0
45 212,71 5 0 0
45,1 213,21 5 0 0
45,2 213,71 5 0 0
45,3 214,21 5 0 0
45,4 214,71 5 0 0
45,5 215,21 5 0 0
45,6 215,71 5 0 0
45,7 216,21 5 0 0
45,8 216,71 5 0 0
45,9 217,21 5 0 0
46 217,71 5 0 0
46,1 218,21 5 0 0
46,2 218,71 5 0 0
46,3 219,21 5 0 0
46,4 219,71 5 0 0
46,5 220,21 5 0 0
46,6 220,71 5 0 0
46,7 221,21 5 0 0
46,8 221,71 5 0 -1,6
46,9 222,21 4,99 -0,16 -1,6
47 222,71 4,97 -0,32 -1,6
47,1 223,2 4,93 -0,48 -1,6
47,2 223,69 4,87 -0,64 -1,6
47,3 224,18 4,8 -0,8 -1,6
47,4 224,65 4,71 -0,96 -1,6
47,5 225,12 4,61 -1,12 -1,6
47,6 225,57 4,49 -1,2 0
47,7 226,01 4,37 -1,2 0
47,8 226,45 4,25 -1,2 0
47,9 226,86 4,13 -1,2 0
48 227,27 4,01 -1,2 0
48,1 227,67 3,89 -1,2 0
48,2 228,05 3,77 -1,2 0
48,3 228,42 3,65 -1,2 0
48,4 228,78 3,53 -1,2 0
48,5 229,13 3,41 -1,2 0
48,6 229,46 3,29 -1,2 0
48,7 229,78 3,17 -1,2 0
48,8 230,1 3,05 -1,2 0

48,9 230,39 2,93 -1,2 0
49 230,68 2,81 -1,2 0
49,1 230,96 2,69 -1,2 0
49,2 231,22 2,57 -1,2 0
49,3 231,47 2,45 -1,2 0
49,4 231,71 2,33 -1,2 0
49,5 231,94 2,21 -1,2 0
49,6 232,15 2,09 -1,2 0
49,7 232,35 1,97 -1,2 0
49,8 232,55 1,85 -1,2 0
49,9 232,72 1,73 -1,2 0
50 232,89 1,61 -1,2 0
50,1 233,05 1,49 -1,2 0
50,2 233,19 1,37 -1,2 0
50,3 233,32 1,25 -1,2 0
50,4 233,44 1,13 -1,2 0
50,5 233,55 1,01 -1,2 0
50,6 233,64 0,89 -1,2 0
50,7 233,72 0,77 -1,2 0
50,8 233,8 0,65 -1,2 0
50,9 233,85 0,53 -1,2 0
51 233,9 0,41 -1,15 1,6
51,1 233,94 0,3 -0,99 1,6
51,2 233,96 0,21 -0,83 1,6
51,3 233,98 0,14 -0,67 1,6
51,4 233,99 0,08 -0,51 1,6
51,5 234 0,04 -0,35 1,6
51,6 234 0,01 -0,19 1,6
51,7 234 0 -0,03 1,6

Elevate Version 8.10 (Build 1154)

Page: 1 of 6
Job: Experience
Job No: 7
Calculation Title:
Made By: 503081330
Check By: -
File/Date: 66 STOREY UP PEAK.elvx 16 Feb 2012 20:20:02
Analysis Type Simulation
Measurement system Metric
Dispatcher Algorithm Double Deck Traffic mode: Up peak
Time slice between simulation calculations (s) 0.10
No of time slices between screen updates 10
No of simulations to run for each configuration 10
Random number seed for passenger generator 1
Energy Model Off
Elevate Version 8.10 (Build 1154)

Page: 2 of 6
Job: Experience
Job No: 7
Calculation Title:
Made By: 503081330
Check By: -
File/Date: 66 STOREY UP PEAK.elvx 16 Feb 2012 20:20:02
Floor Name Floor Height (m) No of people Area (m²) Area/person Entrance Floor
Level 1 3.60 0 - - Yes
Level 2 3.60 0 - - Yes
Level 3 3.60
Level 4 3.60
Level 5 3.60
Level 6 3.60
Level 7 3.60
Level 8 3.60
Level 9 3.60
Level 10 3.60
Level 11 3.60
Level 12 3.60
Level 13 3.60
Level 14 3.60
Level 15 3.60
Level 16 3.60
Level 17 3.60
Level 18 3.60
Level 19 3.60
Level 20 3.60
Level 21 3.60
Level 22 3.60
Level 23 3.60
Level 24 3.60
Level 25 3.60
Level 26 3.60
Level 27 3.60
Level 28 3.60
Level 29 3.60
Level 30 3.60
Level 31 3.60
Level 32 3.60
Level 33 3.60
Level 34 3.60
Level 35 3.60
Level 36 3.60
Level 37 3.60
Level 38 3.60
Level 39 3.60
Level 40 3.60
Level 41 3.60
Level 42 3.60
Level 43 3.60
Level 44 3.60
Level 45 3.60
Level 46 3.60
Level 47 3.60
Level 48 3.60
Level 49 3.60
Level 50 3.60
Level 51 3.60

Level 52 3.60
Level 53 3.60
Level 54 3.60
Level 55 3.60
Level 56 3.60
Level 57 3.60 130 - - No
Level 58 3.60 130 - - No
Level 59 3.60 130 - - No
Level 60 3.60 130 - - No
Level 61 3.60 130 - - No
Level 62 3.60 130 - - No
Level 63 3.60 130 - - No
Level 64 3.60 130 - - No
Level 65 3.60 130 - - No
Level 66 130 - - No
Express Zone
Lowest floor not served by elevators Level 3
Highest floor not served by elevators Level 56
Absenteeism (%) 0.00
Elevate Version 8.10 (Build 1154)
Page: 3 of 6
Job: Experience
Job No: 7
Calculation Title:
Made By: 503081330
Check By: -
File/Date: 66 STOREY UP PEAK.elvx 16 Feb 2012 20:20:02
No of Elevators 4
Type Double Deck
Capacity (kg) 2000
Car area (m²) 4.20
Door Pre-opening Time (s) 0.00
Door Open Time (s) 1.80
Door Close Time (s) 2.90
Speed (m/s) 5.00
Acceleration (m/s²) 1.20
Jerk (m/s³) 1.60
Start Delay (s) 0.50
Levelling Delay (s) 0.00
Home Floor Level 1
Data table too large for standard Elevate print routines.
If print out required, please use spreadsheet.
Elevate Version 8.10 (Build 1154)
Page: 4 of 6
Job: Experience
Job No: 7
Calculation Title:
Made By: 503081330
Check By: -
File/Date: 66 STOREY UP PEAK.elvx 16 Feb 2012 20:20:02
Elevate Version 8.10 (Build 1154)
Page: 5 of 6
Job: Experience
Job No: 7
Calculation Title:

Made By: 503081330
Check By: -
File/Date: 66 STOREY UP PEAK.elvx 16 Feb 2012 20:20:02
Elevate Version 8.10 (Build 1154)

Page: 6 of 6
Job: Experience
Job No: 7
Calculation Title:
Made By: 503081330
Check By: -
File/Date: 66 STOREY UP PEAK.elvx 16 Feb 2012 20:20:02

Appendix D

Introducing Elevate

An Overview

Elevate is software used by designers worldwide to select the number, size and speed of elevators for
all types of buildings both new and old. Elevate can also be used to demonstrate that modernizing an
existing elevator installation can improve service for passengers.

Elevate’s main features.

Analysis of elevator performance in offices hotels hospitals shopping centres residential

buildings car parks mixed use buildings airports public buildings sports and leisure
complexes schools and colleges. This is achieved by techniques ranging from up peak round
trip time calculations through to full dynamic simulation.

Dynamic simulation incorporating a graphical display of elevators responding to passenger

An easy to use Windows interface. Enter basic information for a quick analysis or
comprehensive data for a detailed model.
Kinematics calculations are applied to generate accurate elevator speed profiles.
Fully comprehensive help system and online user support.
A facility to demonstrate your own dispatcher control system using Elevate Developer
Interface. This facility is useful to test and develop dispatcher algorithms.

A more comprehensive list of features of the features included in Elevate is shown overleaf.

Warning! Elevate is an extremely powerful traffic analysis tool. However, it will not make the user
an elevator traffic analysis expert. For details of training courses, recommended books and examples,
please visit

Using Elevate

You can start Elevate in several ways:·

press Start, then select Programs, Elevate

double click on the Elevate icon on the desktop
double click on any Elevate document.

Optionally, you can create a new Elevate document without starting Elevate. Right click in a blank
part of your desktop and select New, Elevate Document. Elevate documents have an .elvx extension.
When Elevate has completed an analysis or simulation, it generates a corresponding .elvr file which
contains the results. You can view the latest version of the manual at any time by selecting Elevate
Manual from the Help menu.

We recommend that you read this manual and try out the features discussed before using Elevate on
actual projects. Advanced mode sections can be skipped if you are only using the basic functions of

This guide assumes that you are familiar with the version of Windows you are using. If you are not,
please refer to Windows documentation and help systems before using Elevate.

The Elevate Screen

Figure 1 Elevate screen

Main Display Area

The main display area provides a graphical representation of the building. When a simulation is
running, the elevators and calls placed on the system are displayed. When a Round Trip Time
calculation is being performed, a progress report is displayed. This is discussed in more detail in
Chapter 11, Running the Analysis. Once the analysis is complete, the main display area provides a
preview of the data and results that can be printed. This is discussed in Chapter 12, Viewing the

Accessing Elevate Commands

Commands can be accessed from the menu system in the conventional manner using the mouse.
Alternatively, shortcut keyboard commands can be used, e.g. press Alt plus F to select file menu, then
P to select print (the underlined letter denotes the shortcut key). Some frequently used commands can
also be accessed from the Toolbar. A description of each button’s function is displayed when the
mouse pointer is placed on the button (without clicking). The Toolbar can be dragged to a new
position if required (point to a blank portion of the Toolbar, click and drag).

File Menu

The File menu offers the following commands:

Creates a new document.

Opens an existing document.

Closes an opened document.


Saves an opened document using the same document name.

Save As

Saves an opened document to a specified document name.

Page Setup

Edits the number of lines per page for the results print out. This increases/decreases the font sizes


Prints a document.

Print Preview

Displays the document on the screen as it would appear printed.

Print Setup

Selects a printer and printer connection.


Exits Elevate.

The File menu also provides a numbered list of the four most recently used documents. Select from
this list for quick access to these documents.

Edit Menu

The Edit menu offers the following commands:

Job data

Information about the job.

Analysis Data

Information about the analysis.

Building Data

Information about the building.

Elevator Data

Information about the elevators.

Passenger Data

Information about the passengers.

Report Options

Options that select which results are presented.

The contents of these dialog boxes are discussed in the following chapters. Once you have opened
one of these dialog boxes, you can switch between them quickly by using the Next and Back buttons.

Analysis Menu

The Analysis menu offers the following commands:


Runs the analysis.

Run Fast

Runs the analysis as quickly as possible.


Pauses the analysis.

Pause Look

Pauses the analysis and review the status of the elevators and calls.


Stops the analysis.

Run Batch

Select a folder and batch run all the Elevate files in that folder.

Delete Result

Deletes the analysis results.

Tools Menu

The Tools menu offers the followingcommands:


Provides analysis of a trip according to the specified speed, acceleration and jerk.


Starts the Elevate Passenger Count application.


Stimulation Provides a list of calls in a format that can be used to stimulate a real elevator system.


Starts the Elevate Motion application.


Select this option to record the next simulation to a video file.

Elevate Live Web Control

Starts the ELive Web Control application.

Elevate Live Fetch Log File

Retrieves ELive Historical web logs.

View Menu

The View menu offers the following commands:

Zoom In

Magnifies the view of the display.

Zoom Out

Reduces the view of the display.

Summary Results

Displays a summary of all results if a range of configurations has been analysed.

Next Results

Displays the next set of results if a range of configurations have been analysed.

Previous Results

Displays the previous set of results.

Results Spreadsheet

Transfers the current set of results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Results Word Processor

Transfers the current set of results to a Word document.

Results pdf

Generates a pdf file of the Elevate report.

Results Graphs

Presents a dialog in which you can view results graphs individually.


Shows or hides the toolbar.

Status Bar

Shows or hides the status bar.

Window Menu

The Window menu offers the following commands:


Arranges windows so that they overlap.


Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles.

Arrange Icons

Arranges icons at the bottom of the window.The Window menu also provides a numbered list of the
documents that are currently open. Select a document from this list to make it the current, active

Help Menu

The Help menu offers the following commands:

Elevate Manual

Accesses the latest version of this manual via the Internet.

Elevate on the web

Opens Peters Research Ltd web pages for Elevate.

About Elevate

Displays Elevate’s About box.

Saving your own default data

Each time you start a new Elevate document, a standard set of default data is loaded. To create your
own default data:

Start a new Elevate document.

Make any changes you want (e.g. U.S. units instead of metric, lists of standard elevator
capacities, number of lines per page for the print out).

Save the file as default.elvx in the directory in which Elevate is installed (normally C:\Program

This data will now be loaded each time you start a new document. If you delete default.elvx, the
program will revert to using Elevate’s standard defaults.

Job Data

Entering Job Data

You can access Job Data by selecting Edit, Job Data, or by pressing the button on the Toolbar.

Figure 2 Job Data dialog

Job data allows you to record details of the project and who has performed the calculations. This
information, together with the date and document name, is included in the header of all Elevate

By default the Elevate logo will be displayed on the top right of printouts. If you prefer to use your
own Logo image file, click on the select button to choose any bitmap, jpeg or gif available from your
computer. For best results use a logo with a similar aspect ratio to the Elevate logo. If your logo
looks very small on the print outs, this is because the image file is larger than the logo itself. To solve
this, resize the image file to have a minimal border using a program such as Windows Paint. If you
want your logo to be loaded every time you start a new Elevate document, refer to Saving your own
default data in Chapter 4.

Analysis Data


You can access Analysis Data by selecting Edit, Analysis Data, or by pressing the button on the

Figure 3 Analysis Data dialog

This dialog contains general information about the analysis you want to perform. The Analysis type
selected here determines what data is entered in Building Data, Elevator Data and Passenger Data.

Analysis Type

The Analysis type determines what type of calculation will be performed by Elevate. Select between:


In a simulation Elevate models the whole process of passengers arriving, pressing the hall call buttons,
getting into the elevators when they arrive, and then getting out at their destinations. By monitoring
every passenger, Elevate provides an analysis that includes Passenger Waiting Times and Passenger
Transit Times.

Up peak

In an up peak calculation it is assumed that all passengers get into the elevators at the lowest, “main
terminal” floor. The destinations of passengers are determined by the population of upper floors, as
entered in Building Data. Elevate uses formulae to calculate the Interval and Handling Capacity of
the system. This analysis method will provide similar results to most other elevator planning software
and hand calculations providing consistent input data is used.

Enhanced up peak

This performs the same calculation as the Up peak analysis type, but required Handling Capacity to be
entered. Capacity Factor is adjusted automatically during the analysis so that the required Handling
Capacity is achieved. This is a much quicker method of finding solutions when designing to a
specified Handling Capacity and Interval.

General analysis

This analysis method gives similar results to the Enhanced up peak, but it does not restrict passengers
to loading the elevators at the lowest floor in the building. Passengers can get into the elevators at any
or all floors. This is particularly useful for buildings with multiple entrance floors, car parks and
basements. Elevate uses formulae to calculate Interval and Capacity Factor for the system.

Double Deck General analysis

This analysis method is the equivalent of the General analysis, but for double deck elevators.
Passengers can get in at any or all floors. Passengers may only travel from odd to odd or even to even
number floors.

For more information about the analysis techniques used by Elevate, please select Elevate on the web
from the Help menu.

Measurement System

Choose whether you want to use Metric or U.S. (Imperial) units for this analysis. Your selection here
will determine whether Elevate uses “metres and kilograms” or “feet and pounds” in the other dialog
boxes, and for output of results.


These inputs are only applicable and active when the Analysis type is Simulation. The dispatcher
algorithm determines how the elevators will serve the calls placed on the system by the passengers.

Select either Standard or Custom Algorithms. Custom algorithms are only available if you have
chosen to implement your own algorithms using the Developer interface.

Select the chosen Algorithm, Mode and Advanced Options. For Standard algorithms, the available
options are discussed below.

Group Collective

A control system that allocates hall calls by (i) estimating the expected travel distance between hall
calls and each elevator; (ii) allocating the call to the “nearest” elevator. Allocations are regularly
reviewed in case a delay to one elevator means that another could answer the call sooner. A load
bypass feature is included to avoid the elevator stopping to pick up passengers when it is already full.

In Up peak 1 mode, “idle” cars are returned to the Home Floor with a parking call that does not open
the elevator doors on arrival. This strategy normally improves up peak traffic handling. Using this
algorithm elevators are loaded one at a time. This encourages people to fill one elevator rather than
part fill two or more elevators.

In Up peak 2 mode “idle” cars are returned to the Home Floor with a parking call which opens the
elevator doors on arrival. This strategy improves on Up peak 1 for particularly heavy traffic situations
when it is advantageous to load more than one elevator at a time. If this is not the case, the algorithm
is normally less efficient than Up peak 1.

In Down peak mode, the served floors above the Home Floor are divided into sectors, where the
number of sectors is equal to the number of elevators. Elevators are dispatched to the sectors in turn.
When the elevator has served the down calls in its allocated sector, it is allowed to stop for additional
hall calls in its path on the trip back to the Home Floor. This strategy normally improves performance
when the predominant traffic flow is in the down direction towards the home floor.

In Auto mode, up and down peak detection is used to turn the Up peak and Down peak modes on and
off. The detection parameters are accessed by clicking on the Advanced settings button.

For, Up peak detection, when a car leaves the Home floor, the dispatcher tests if the load exceeds the
Load switch detection level (%). The Up peak detection counter is incremented by 1 when a car
leaves with a load above the Load switch detection level and is decremented if the load is below that
level. When the counter reaches the On level, the up peak program is switched on. A blocking
system ensures that the up peak detection counter does not exceed the On level. If the up peak
program is on, the Clock inhibit timer decrements the Up peak detection counter by 1 at fixed time
intervals, as defined by the Clock rate. When the up peak detection counter reaches the Clock inhibit
level, the Clock inhibit timer is switched off. When the Up peak detection counter reaches the Off
level (always set at 1), the up peak program is turned off.

Down peak detection operates as per the up peak detection system, except that the load is measured as
the car arrives at the home floor; the down peak as opposed to up peak program is initiated.

Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)

A control system that allocates halls calls to the elevator with the lowest Estimated Time of Arrival.

In Up peak mode, “idle” cars are returned to the Home Floor with a parking call that does not open the
elevator doors on arrival. This strategy normally improves up peak traffic handling. Using this
algorithm elevators are loaded one at a time. This encourages people to fill one elevator rather than
part fill two or more elevators.

In Heavy up peak mode “idle” cars are returned to the Home Floor with a parking call that opens the
elevator doors on arrival. This strategy improves on Up peak for particularly heavy traffic situations
when it is advantageous to load more than one elevator at a time. If this is not the case, the algorithm
is normally less efficient than Up peak.

In Down peak mode, the served floors above the Home Floor are divided into sectors, where the
number of sectors is equal to the number of elevators. Elevators are dispatched to the sectors in turn.
When the elevator has served the down calls in its allocated sector, it is allowed to stop for additional
hall calls in its path on the trip back to the Home Floor. This strategy normally improves performance
when the predominant traffic flow is in the down direction towards the home floor.

In Auto mode, up and down peak detection is used to turn the Up peak and Down peak modes on and

Early car announcement can be turned on or off. When turned on, it is assumed that as soon as a
passenger places a hall call, the allocated car is “announced” with a gong and or/light. This can assist
in passenger loading, which can be modelled in Elevate by reducing Passenger Loading Time.
However, when a call is announced it can no longer be re-allocated. This generally impairs the
performance of the dispatcher.

Load bypass can be turned on or off. Turned on, this feature will prevent hall calls from being
allocated to full cars. The Load bypass threshold determines how full a car is before load bypass
comes into operation.

Coincident call bonus reduces the calculated ETA for a hall call if the elevator is already stopping at
the same floor for a car call. This normally reduces the overall number of stops made by the elevator,
and consequently improves performance.

Number of cars loading simultaneously during up peak allows you to specify the maximum number of
elevators you want to be able to load at the same time, during an up peak, from the Home Floor.
Normally a system would only load one car at a time. But in heavy traffic situations it can be
advantageous to load more. The based on people counter at home floor option assumes that there is a
people counting device at the home floor. This device decides how many people are waiting, and uses
this information to decide how many elevators to load simultaneously.

Destination Control (ACA)

Destination Control or Adaptive Hall Call Allocation (ACA) requires every passenger to enter his or
her destination on the landing. When a call is entered the system makes an allocation, and
immediately displays the selected elevator to the passenger.

When a new call is introduced, the system calculates every passenger’s remaining waiting and transit
times for each possible allocation. The allocation is made according the selected Cost Function,
which is either Minimum Waiting Time or Minimum Journey Time.

Minimum Journey Time is generally applied during the morning up peak. Either function may be
applied at other times of the day.

Minimum journey time with waiting time constraint is a Minimum Journey Time function. However,
a penalty is applied if the dispatcher anticipates the waiting time will exceed the specified threshold

Reduction in number of stops can be applied to increase the chance of people travelling to/from the
same floors being allocated to the same elevator.

For a detailed discussion of this algorithm, please refer to the Elevator Traffic Handbook by Dr Gina

Allow allocations requiring doors to re-open is an option which determines whether or not the
dispatcher is allowed to allocate a new destination call at the elevator’s current floor. Re-opening the
doors delays the passengers already in the car, but may reduce the new passenger’s waiting time

Destination Control can dramatically improve performance during up peak traffic.

Caution! This improvement is not consistent across all traffic conditions. If you select less, slower,
or smaller elevators because of the performance improvements realized by destination control, it is
very important to analyse other peak traffic conditions (e.g. down peak and lunchtime traffic).

Please also see Mixed Control (Enhanced ACA) which is based on ACA, but includes enhancement
reflecting the ongoing improvements in this technology achieved by developers in recent years.

Double Deck

A control system for double deck elevators that allocates hall calls to the car with the lowest
Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA). Traffic must be arranged so that passengers only travel (i) from
odd numbered floors to other odd numbered floors, and (ii) from even numbered floors to other even
numbered floors.

In Up peak mode, “idle” cars are returned to the Home Floor with a parking call which does not open
the elevator doors on arrival. This strategy normally improves up peak traffic handling. Using this
algorithm elevators are loaded one at a time. This encourages people to fill one elevator rather than
part fill two or more elevators.

In Heavy up peak mode “idle” cars are returned to the Home Floor with a parking call that opens the
elevator doors on arrival. This strategy improves on Up peak for particularly heavy traffic situations
when it is advantageous to load more than one elevator at a time. If this is not the case, the algorithm
is normally less efficient than Up peak.

Double Deck Destination Control

A control system for double deck elevators that requires every passenger to enter his or her destination
on the landing. When a call is entered the system makes an allocation, and immediately displays the
selected elevator to the passenger.

When a new call is introduced, the system calculates every passenger’s remaining waiting and transit
times for each possible allocation. The allocation is made according to the selected Cost Function,
which is either (i) Minimum time to destination, (ii) Minimum waiting time or (iii) Minimum 3x
waiting time + transit time, for which waiting time is deemed to be three times as important as transit
time when choosing which car to allocate.

Allow allocations requiring doors to re-open is an option which determines whether or not the
dispatcher is allowed to allocate a new destination call at the elevator’s current floor. Re-opening the
doors delays the passengers already in the car, but may reduce the new passenger’s waiting time

Mixed Control (Enhanced ACA)

Mixed Control (Enhanced ACA) is based on Destination Control (ACA), but includes enhancements
reflecting the ongoing improvements in this technology achieved by developers in recent years.

The system is “mixed” because it is possible to select which floors have destination call stations, see
Elevator Data. For a full destination system select all floors to have destination call stations.


A number of interfaces have been developed so that Elevate communicate with other software
including Elevate Live monitoring. If you would like to interface with Elevate, please contact
technical support. For more information about Elevate Live, please visit

Time Slice Between Simulation Calculations

This input is only applicable and active when the Analysis type is Simulation.

Elevate runs a time slice simulation. It calculates the status (position, speed, etc.) of the elevators,
increments the time, re-calculates status, increments time, and so on. The time slice between
simulation calculations is the time increment in this loop.

No of Time Slices Between Screen Updates

This input is only applicable and active when the Analysis type is Simulation.

Elevate does not have to update the screen after each time slice. Increasing the No of time slices
between screen updates will speed up the simulation, but the display will be less smooth during the
run. This variable has no effect on the final results calculated by Elevate.

If you want to turn off the simulation display completely, set this variable to 999.

Random number seed for passenger generator

This input is only applicable and active when the Analysis type is Simulation.

When Elevate runs a simulation, it takes the information entered in Building Data and Passenger Data
to make a list of people. For example, if you have a total arrival rate of 10 persons per five minutes,
and a simulation running for 5 minutes, then a list of 10 people will be generated.

A random number generator is used to determine at what time these people arrive. For example, one
person may arrive after 10 seconds, another after 23 seconds, another after 1 minute 23 seconds, and
so on.

By changing the random number seed, the simulation will have the same number of people generated,
but they will arrive at different times.

Number of simulations to run for each configuration

This input is only applicable and active when the Analysis type is Simulation.

There is a chance element in simulation which means that changing a parameter, such as speed or
handling capacity, can sometimes lead to performance results getting worse when you expect them to
get better (or vice versa). For example, consider two simulations with exactly the same data, except
one had 2.5 m/s elevators and the other 1.6 m/s. In a single simulation with 2.5 m/s elevators, a group
of passengers may miss an elevator by less than a second, where as in the simulation with 1.6 m/s
elevators they catch it. So, sometimes the faster elevators perform worse. Of course, in the long run,
the faster elevators will perform better. By running multiple simulations for the same data, Elevate is
mimicking real life. It is as if we are simulating Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. The results are
then averaged for all the simulations, so overall we can see the benefit of the improved performance.


This input is only applicable and active when the Analysis type is Up peak, Enhanced up peak,
General analysis or Double Deck General Analysis.

Some designers add a % to the calculated value of Round Trip Time (RTT) to allow for controller
inefficiencies and people holding doors, etc. To increase RTT in this way, enter a value here.
Alternatively, enter zero.

Energy model

This input is only applicable and active when the Analysis type is Simulation.

Select either energy model off or energy model on. The Energy model options are selected in Elevator

Building Data


You can access Building Data by selecting Edit, Building Data, or by pressing the button on the

Figure 4 Building Data dialog

The Building Data dialog contains information about the building and about the passengers using the

To speed up your data entry, all Elevate tables are designed to operate like Microsoft Excel

Your selection of Measurement System in Analysis Data will determine whether Elevate asks for data
in Metric or U.S. units. Metric units will be assumed for discussion in this chapter.

Floor Name

You must give every floor in the building a unique floor name, entering the floors in sequence.

You can enter the floor names in the table individually. However, we recommend that you use one of
the speed-fill functions. Either use the Speed fill table button or

Click on the cell in row 1 under the Floor Name column.

Type in Basement, Ground, or Level 1 depending on how you want to identify the lowest floor
in the building.
Keep pressing Enter on the keyboard until the number of floors matches the building being
With the mouse, click any cell other than the current one to stop the auto-fill.

You could start the auto-fill at another cell, for instance by typing Ground in row 4, having entered the
names of four basement floors.

You can insert additional floors at the beginning or middle of the table by highlighting and dragging
cells as you would in a spreadsheet.

Floor Population, Area and Area/person

Enter the population of each floor in the table. Or enter the area and area per person allowed. For
example, entering 800 m² area and 10 m²/person would be the same as entering a population of 80

The population is used to determine passenger destinations. For example, if the population of floor x
is 50 people, and the population of floor y is 100 people, a passenger travelling from floor z is twice
as likely to want to travel to floor y as he/she is to floor x. An exception is when Passenger Data is
being used in Advanced Mode; in this case, passenger destinations are determined by the destination
probabilities which are entered.

The population entered here is also used for some graphs where the results are presented as a
percentage of population.

Floor Level and Floor Height

First use the radio buttons to the right of the table to specify whether you want to enter the height of
each floor (e.g. 5 m, 3.6 m, 3.6 m.) or the level of each floor (e.g. 0 m, 5 m, 8.6 m, 12.2 m).

You can enter floor levels or heights individually. However, we recommend that you use one of the
speed-fill functions. Either use the Speed fill table button or, if entering floor heights:

Enter 3.6 in row 1 of the Floor Height column and press Return.
Click again on the cell in row 1 of the Floor Height column to select it.
Point to the bottom right hand corner of the cell (the pointer will turn into a small cross).

Click and drag the black cross down the table.

Speed fill table

This is normally the fastest way to fill the Building Data table.

The Speed fill table button allows you to select from a number of pre-defined floor name series, then
specify the number of floors and floor height (or total travel). The Edit series option allows you to
define your own series.

Figure 5 Building Data Speed fill dialog

If you define your own series, and want these series to be available in future documents, please refer
to Saving your own default data.

Entrance Floor

You must indicate which levels are entrance floors. Where the analysis type allows for multiple
entrance floors, the floors you select here will be available in the Entrance Bias table in Passenger

To do this click on the cell in the entrance floor column against the corresponding floor level.

Lowest first or highest first

You can specify whether you want the floor information to be entered lowest first (e.g. ground, level
1, level 2) or highest first (e.g. level 2, level 1, ground). If you swap between the modes Elevate will
adjust the floor names and heights accordingly.

The highest first option is most useful when the floor information has been provided in this way by
others in a spreadsheet format. This data can be cut and pasted directly into Elevate.

The speed fill functions in Elevate assume lowest first data.


The percentage of the total building population that may be absent owing to home working, sickness
or holidays and hot desking. These people are excluded from the analysis.

Express zone

Select the lowest floor not served by the elevators, and the highest floor not served by the elevators to
specify an express zone.

If your Analysis Type is a Round Trip Time calculation (Up peak, Enhanced up peak, General
analysis or Double Deck General analysis), it is important to tell Elevate if you have an Express zone
so that the calculation is able to make its best estimate of the average distance between stops. In
simulation it is not essential to tell Elevate that there is an express zone provided that passengers are
not sent to or from un-served floors. However, for consistency, we suggest that you always specify
any Express zone in Building Data. Please see the examples provided.

Elevator Data


You can access Elevator Data by selecting Edit, Elevator Data, or by pressing the button on the

The Elevator Data dialog contains information about the elevators. There are two modes:


This provides a quick and easy way to enter data, which is sufficiently detailed for most cases. If you
use any Select options, Elevate will run in sequence a separate analysis for each possible
configuration. If you use only Specified options, Elevate will run a single analysis.


This mode can only be used when the Analysis type is Simulation. Parameters are specified
individually for each elevator, so in the same group, elevators can have different speeds, capacities,
etc. Elevate runs a single simulation in Advanced mode.

You can change between the modes by clicking on the radio buttons labelled Standard and Advanced.
All the variables are discussed in the following sections. Your selection of Measurement System in
Analysis Data will determine whether Elevate asks for data in Metric or U.S. units. Metric units will
be assumed for discussion in this chapter.


Figure 6 Elevator Data dialog, Standard Mode

Number of Elevators

The number of elevators in the group. This can be Selected over a range, or Specified to be an exact
number. Elevate will analyse of a group of up to 12 elevators (it is unusual to have more than 8
elevators in a single group). Please contact Technical Support if you need to analyse a group of more
than 12 elevators.


The elevator type could be “single deck”, “double deck” or “2 cars per shaft”. In the general release
version of Elevate this input is fixed to single or double deck depending on the analysis type and
dispatcher algorithm selected in Analysis Data. Elevate can be used to develop custom dispatcher
algorithms which can be used for more than one lift type, which is why this option is included. If the
custom algorithm can manage more than one type of elevator, this option becomes active.


The rated (contract) load, in kilograms, of each elevator car. This can be Specified to be an exact
number, or you can Select over a range. A list of standard capacities is used for the Select option. To
modify this list, click on the button marked list.

For double deck elevators, the capacity entered here is the capacity of each deck. For example, 1000
kg would indicate that each of the two cars has a 1000 kg capacity.

Car Area
The floor area of each car measured in m². For double deck elevators, the value entered here is the
floor area of each deck.

Door Times

The door pre-opening, opening and closing times. These can be selected Automatically, or Specified
to be exact numbers.

Door pre-open is the improvement in door opening time achieved by overlapping the levelling
operation with the first part of the opening of the doors, in seconds.

Door open is the time, in seconds, from the instant of the elevator car being level at a floor to when
the doors are fully open. Elevate assumes passenger transfer begins at the end of the door open time.
If, like some designers, you want to assume that passenger transfer begins before the doors are fully
open, you can take the door open time to be from the instant of the elevator car being level at a floor
to when the doors are (say) 800 mm open.

Door close is the time, in seconds, from the instant the car doors start to close, to the time when they
are locked closed.

If the Auto option is used, Elevate uses the Capacity to decide door width, from which door times are
selected as follows. The open and close times chosen are typical of high speed centre-opening doors.

Table 8.1 Automatic door selection for Metric units analysis

Table 8.2 Automatic door selection for U.S. units analysis

Speed, Acceleration and Jerk

Elevate uses a speed reference generator to calculate flight times between floors, and to track the exact
position of elevators during a simulation.

Figure 7 Example speed profiles

You can control this speed profile completely by entering your values for:

Rated (contract) speed, in m/s. This can be Specified to be an exact number, or Selected over a range.
A list of standard speeds is used for the Select option. To modify this list, click on the button marked

Acceleration in m/s². This can be selected Automatically or Specified as an exact value. If the Auto
option is used, Elevate uses the table below to select an acceleration appropriate to the elevator speed.

Jerk in m/s3. This can be selected Automatically or Specified as an exact value. If the Auto option is
used, Elevate uses the table below to select a jerk appropriate to the elevator speed.

Table 8.3 Automatic acceleration and jerk selection for Metric units analysis

Table 8.4 Automatic acceleration and jerk selection for U.S. units analysis

Start Delay

The Start Delay is measured from the time when the elevator doors are fully closed until the elevator
actually starts moving. Start up delay may include time to pre-torque the motor, close the door locks,
lift the break, etc.

Levelling Delay

The Levelling Delay is the additional delay to each trip if the elevator does not follow the ideal profile
as it slows down to stop at a floor. Elevators which have a levelling operation rather than travelling
directly into the floor can have a significant Levelling Delay. Sometime the Levelling Delay is
compensated for by Door Pre-Opening.

Home Floor

The default floor to which the elevator returns when allocated a parking call (e.g. in up peak mode),
and its starting point at the beginning of a simulation or a round trip time calculation. For example, if
you had an office building with a basement and 2 car parking floors below ground, you could set the
Home Floor to be ground.

If the Analysis type is Up peak or Enhanced up peak, the Home Floor is fixed at the lowest floor in
the building as this is an assumption required by the calculation.

Destination Call Stations

This input is for dispatcher algorithms which can operate installations with a mix of destination input
and conventional up and down landing call buttons. It will only be active if the selected Dispatcher
has this functionality. If available, the select button will open a dialog box allowing selection of
which floors are to have Destination Call Stations.


This input is only applicable if the Analysis type is Simulation. The Energy Model must be turned on
in Analysis Data.

Select the drive type for analysis. The available options are: Hydraulic, MRL (Machine Room Less),
Modern Drive Regenerative, Modern Drive Non Regenerative, and DC with Motor Generator Set.
According to the drive selection Elevate makes assumptions about the energy consumption of the
elevators at different loads in the up and down direction. It then calculates the energy used for each
trip and sums these results.

The assumptions made about the energy consumption of the elevators can be examined by switching
to the Advanced mode and accepting the invitation to fill the tables based on Standard mode inputs.
Assumptions are based on actual measurements. However because of the number of different
configurations that Elevate can model, values for each individual configuration have to be estimated.
Elevate does not attempt to prevent impractical selections (e.g. it will not prevent you from
analysising a high speed hydraulic elevator). The results should be used for general guidance only.
For improved results, use actual measurements and apply them in Advanced mode.


Figure 8 Elevator Data dialog, Advanced Mode

Advanced mode can only be used when the Analysis type is Simulation. In Advanced mode, data is
entered in a table. As in Building Data this table operates like a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet; you can
use formulae, speed fills, drag and drop, etc. to help with data entry.

When you change from Standard to Advanced mode the data Elevate gives you the option of filling
the Advanced mode tables based on the data you have entered in Standard mode.

Caution! In Advanced mode, Elevate allows you to have elevators in the same group with different
sizes, speeds, etc. (which is unusual, but an occasional requirement). Some manufacturers’ control
systems cannot cope with this level of complexity, so check with your suppliers before specifying this
type of system.

The following additional inputs are available in Advanced mode.

Door Dwell Times

Elevate uses two dwell times:

Door Dwell 1 is the time, in seconds, that the doors will wait until closing if the passenger detection
beam across the door entrance is not broken.

Door Dwell 2 is the time, in seconds, that the doors will wait until closing after the broken passenger
detection beams are cleared.

Door Dwell 1 is automatically set to 3 seconds, and Door Dwell 2 to 2 seconds when you are using
Standard mode. To use alternative values, you must use Advanced mode.

The inputs Home Door Dwell 1 and Home Door Dwell 2 allow you to set a different door dwell times
for the Home floor.

Max door re-openings

The Max door re-openings parameter mimics some elevator controllers, which limit the number of
times doors will re-open in response to passengers arriving and pressing a hall call button while the
elevator doors are closing. Some dispatchers may override these settings. Unless you specifically
want to research the impact of the door re-openings, we suggest you leave this parameter at its default
value, “unlimited”

Shutdown and restart time

These options assist in modelling installations where an elevator becomes unavailable if it remains
idle for a specified Shutdown time. If the dispatcher allocates a call to an elevator which has
shutdown, it will not respond until the restart time has expired. This mimics the operation of older
installations with motor generator sets. It can also be used to model the energy savings associated
with modern controllers which have a low energy, standby mode.

To disable the feature, set both shutdown time and restart time to 0.


This input is primarily for use when Elevate is being used to monitor actual elevator installations
rather than simulations. Elevate may be used to report when cars go in and out of service.

Some dispatching algorithms in Elevate will recognise this input so that designs can be tested, for
example, with a car out of service.

Floors Served

Advanced mode also allows you to define a group of elevators where not all elevators serve all floors.
For example, in a building there may be a group of four elevators, but only one serves the basement.
Select the Floors Served tab if this option is required. This feature should not be used to model
express zones, which is can be defined in Building Data.

To indicate that the elevator serves the floor with a front entrance, enter f. For a rear entrance, enter
r. If the elevator has both front and rear entrances on the same floor, enter, fr.

Not all dispatching algorithms in Elevate can manage rear entrances.

For passengers to use the rear entrances, the appropriate inputs need to be set in Passenger Data,
Advanced mode.

Caution! If not all the elevators serve all the floors, then a person may press a hall call button, and
have their call answered by an elevator which does not serve their destination. As a default, Elevate
assumes that the person will get into the car, travel to the nearest floor to their destination, and then
walk the rest of the way.

Energy Model

These inputs are only available when the Energy Model has been turned on in Analysis Data. For
each car the power consumed during a journey can be defined for different loads (0%, 25%, 75%,
100%), in both up and down directions.

The kW Drive on input is the energy consumed when the car is idle. Some systems have a standby
mode which takes less power; this can be modelled by specifying a different kW Drive off value.
Elevate models the system going into and out of the standby mode using the shutdown time and restart
time inputs.

Passenger Data


You can access Passenger Data by selecting Edit, Passenger Data, or by pressing the button on the

Figure 9 Passenger Data dialog, Standard Mode

The Passenger Data dialog contains information about the passengers using the elevators. There are
three modes in which you can enter your data:


This provides a quick and easy way to enter data which is sufficiently detailed for most cases.


Advanced Data can only be used when the Analysis type is Simulation or General analysis. Use this
for detailed modelling, when you need to define passenger destinations more precisely, consider
changing traffic levels, or introduce different types of loads.


This option is only available when the Analysis type is Simulation. It allows you to specify a list of
passengers entered in a text file rather than use Elevate’s passenger generator.

You can change between the modes by clicking on the radio buttons labelled Standard, Advanced and

Your selection of Measurement System in Analysis Data will determine whether Elevate asks for data
in Metric or U.S. units. Metric units will be assumed for discussion in this chapter.



To operate efficiently, it is sometimes necessary to restrict how passengers use the elevators. For
example, double deck elevators maximum efficiency will normally correspond to the lower cab
serving odd numbered floors and the upper cab serving even number floors. The Arrangement options
allow the traffic generated by Elevate to be restricted in this way.

The Conventional arrangement has no restrictions.

The Double Deck with no odd to even floor traffic arrangement assumes that entrance floors are in
pairs. Passengers travelling to/from odd floors load at the lower entrance of the floor pair. Passengers
travelling to/from even floors load at the upper entrance of the floor pair. Interfloor traffic is restricted
to passengers travelling between odd-to-odd floors and even-to-even floors.

Other arrangements are appropriate to other systems (customised versions of Elevate may have other
arrangements available). The first floor served above upper zone variable relates to a proprietary
system and is not active in the general release version of Elevate. If you are designing a system that
benefits from traffic being arranged in a specific way, please contact Technical Support.


This input is only applicable and active when the Analysis type is Simulation. Using the floor
population you have entered, Elevate will generate traffic based on the selected template.

Some templates require additional parameters. Additional parameters are greyed out unless they are

A description of all the templates and their parameters is given in Appendix A.

Demand (% pop per 5 mins)

This input is only applicable and active when the Analysis type is Enhanced up peak, General analysis
or Double Deck General analysis. It is also used for some of the Simulation templates, as discussed in
Appendix A.

Handling Capacity is the % of the given population wanting to use the elevators in a 5 minute period.

If the Analysis type is Enhanced up peak, all traffic is assumed to originate from the lowest floor of
the building, and travel up the building.

If the Analysis Type is General analysis or Double Deck General analysis the traffic may be divided
into the following components.

% incoming

the part of the total traffic that corresponds to passengers arriving at the entrance floor(s), and
travelling up the building, or down to any floors below the entrance floor(s).

% outgoing

the part of the total traffic that corresponds to passengers arriving at floors above (or below) the
entrance floor(s), and travelling to the entrance floor(s).

% interfloor

the part of the total arrival rate that corresponds to passengers travelling between floors other than the
entrance floor(s).

The population of individual floors is used to determine (i) the attraction of each floor as a destination
for incoming traffic, (ii) the origin of outgoing traffic and (iii) the origin and destination attraction of
interfloor traffic.

The %incoming, %outgoing, %interfloor terminology is also used in some of the simulation

Loading Time

The time taken, in seconds, for a single passenger to load the car.

Unloading Time

The time taken, in seconds, for a single passenger to unload from the car.

Passenger Mass

The nominal mass of a passenger in kilograms.

Capacity Factor by Mass

Capacity Factor by Mass (%) allows for passengers not loading the elevators to their rated capacity.

When the Analysis type is Enhanced up peak or General analysis you do not need to enter a value. As
you are entering details of how many passengers are using the elevators, Elevate will calculate the
resulting Capacity Factor by Mass. When the Analysis type is Simulation, if the Capacity Factor by
Mass is x%, a passenger will not enter the car if, by doing so, the car will be greater than x% full by
weight. In these instances, Elevate assumes that passengers will wait for the elevator doors to close,
and for the elevator to depart before re-registering their hall call.

Passenger Area

The nominal car area of assigned to each passenger in m².

Capacity Factor by Area

Capacity Factor by Area (%) allows for passengers not loading the elevators to their rated capacity.

In elevator traffic analysis and simulation, the maximum number of passenger that will fit into a car is
often based on a calculation using Capacity, Passenger Mass and Capacity Factor by Mass. However,
in reality, the passenger decision whether or not to get into a car is more often based on the Car Area

and the Passenger Area already taken by other passengers already in the car. In some instances both
are significant. For example, with heavy loads (e.g. if you are modelling heavy goods items as
passengers) an overload condition is detected based on mass.

If you do not want to consider area, Elevate will ignore area calculations if the Passenger Area is set to
0 m².

When the Analysis type is Enhanced up peak or General analysis you do not need to enter a value. As
you are entering details of how many passengers are using the elevators, Elevate will calculate the
resulting Capacity Factor by Area. When the Analysis type is Simulation, if the Capacity Factor by
Area is x%, a passenger will not enter the car if, by doing so, the car will be greater than x% full by
area. In these instances, Elevate assumes that passengers will wait for the elevator doors to close, and
for the elevator to depart before re-registering their hall call.

Stair Factor

Stair Factor provides a quick and easy way to make an allowance for stair (or escalator) usage in your

If you enter a Stair Factor of x, Elevate assumes that x% of the passengers will walk when travelling
one floor, (x% of x%) will walk when travelling two floors, and (x% of x% of x%) will walk when
travelling three floors. For example if you enter a Stair Factor of 40%, Elevate will assume the
following split of passengers between the stairs and the elevators:

Table 9.1 Example division of stair and elevator usage for a stair factor of 40%

If the assumptions of the Stair Factor are not appropriate, use a value of 0% and modify the floor
populations or arrival rates and destination probabilities instead. You should always use a Stair Factor
of 0% if the building includes an express zone.

Entrance level bias

This input table is only applicable and active when the Analysis type is Simulation, General analysis
or Double Deck General analysis.

Entrance level bias defines the relative demand of incoming and outgoing traffic to the entrance
floors. The entrance floors must be selected in Building Data before they will appear in this table.

If the “Ground” is the only entrance/exit, then set the % bias for this floor to 100. If there is a
“Basement Car Park” it is likely that some passengers arrive and leave by this entrance. If, for
example, the bias is set to 30% for the “Basement Car Park” and 70% for the “Ground”, then Elevate
will divide incoming and outgoing traffic between the floors on this basis.

For double deck elevators, the Entrance level bias is presented in groups of two floors. For example,
the bias for “Level -1 and Level –2” could be set to 30%, and the bias for “Level 0 and Level 1”
could be 70%.


Advanced Data can only be used when the Analysis type is Simulation, General analysis or Double
Deck General analysis.

Entering Passenger Data in Advanced mode allows you to enter separate destination probabilities for
passengers travelling from each floor.

If the analysis type is Simulation, you can also define a number of periods each with their own set of
arrival rates and destination probabilities. Each period has a start time, end time, loading times, and
passenger mass, etc. Periods may overlap in time. This allows Elevate to model changing levels of
traffic, and to introduce refreshment trolleys, goods loads, etc. into the passenger traffic flow.

When you change from Standard to Advanced mode the data Elevate gives you the option of filling
the Advanced mode tables based on the data you have entered in Standard mode.

In Advanced mode, data is entered in a table. As in Building Data this table operates like a Microsoft
Excel spreadsheet; you can use formulae, speed fills, drag and drop, etc. to help with data entry.

Figure 10 Passenger Data dialog, Advanced Modem, All Periods tab

Click on the All periods tab to select this page. Enter the Start Time, End Time, etc. (see preceding
Standard mode section for definitions).

The Notes column is normally used for reference, but can also be used to define special passenger
behaviour. Multiple commands can be applied separated by a space. If the special behaviour is
needed for multiple periods, the command must be repeated in each row.

Table 9.2 Commands for special passenger behaviour

Figure 11 Passenger Data dialog, Advanced Mode, Periods 1 tab

For all rows completed in All Periods, you must complete the corresponding arrival rate and
destination probability table, which can be selected by clicking on the 1, 2, etc. tabs.Arrival rates are
entered in persons per five minutes.

Destination probabilities are entered as percentages, e.g. if the arrival rate is x persons per five
minutes and the destination probability to the nth floor is y%, then y% of the x persons per five
minutes are travelling to the nth floor. Note that destination probabilities from any level to the same
level must be zero as passengers do not take an elevator from one floor to the same floor.

For double deck elevators, destination probabilities from odd to even floors (and vice versa) will
normally be zero as it is assumed that the lower car serves levels 1, 3, 5, etc. and the upper car serves
levels 2, 4, 6, etc.

Passengers are created for the simulation using a random number generator, and applying Arrival Rate
and Destination Probability data.


File mode can only be used when the Analysis type is Simulation. In this mode Elevate will load a list
of passengers from a comma separated text file when a simulation is run. This mode is normally used
for testing control systems, rather than for traffic analysis. For each passenger you are required to

Arrival time

The time the passenger starts his or her journey, in seconds past midnight.

Arrival floor

Where the passenger starts his or her journey, where 1 corresponds to the lowest floor as defined in
building data.

Destination floor

Where the passenger is travelling to, where 1 corresponds to the lowest floor as defined in building


The mass of the passenger (kg).

Capacity factor by mass

The capacity factor by mass that this passenger will base his/her decision on when deciding whether
or not to get into the car or wait for another elevator.

Loading time

The passenger loading time (s).

Unloading time

The passenger unloading time (s).

Car not service destination decision

This option is to address scenarios when not all elevators serve all floors. If the passenger’s call is
answered by a car which does not serve the destination floor, he/she may choose to either:

1. Not get in. Wait for this car to depart, then re-register the hall call.
2. Get in anyway and travel in the car as far as possible towards the destination floor. Then get out
of the car and walk the remaining floors. Set this parameter to 1 or 2 according to how you
want the passenger to behave. Note: in destination control systems, the user enters their
destination, so a car serving the passenger’s destination will be sent anyway.

A typical file with 4 passengers may look like this:


Note - there needs to be a blank line at the end of your text file, to ensure that the last passenger is
picked up by the simulation run.

Report Options

You can access Report Options by selecting Edit, Report Options, or by pressing the button on
the Toolbar.
Report Options allow you to change the results and graphs that are displayed on the Elevate standard

You can change all of the Report Options and immediately regenerate the report without re-running
the analysis.
When you are satisfied with the Report Options, print in the usual way.

Figure 12 Report Options dialog

Choosing the results to display

If you have selected a range of configurations (different numbers, sizes and speeds of cars) to analyse
in Elevator Data, you can choose to display only the results that meet criteria specified criteria. The
options available depend on the analysis type.
If the Analysis type is Up peak, results can be rejected on the basis that the configuration achieves less
than a specified 5 minute handling capacity.

If the Analysis type is Enhanced up peak, General analysis or Double Deck General analysis, results
can be rejected on the basis that the interval, capacity factor by mass or by area is higher than

If the Analysis type Simulation, you can choose to see the results for any individual run, or for an
average of all runs. You can also choose to look at the results for passengers who arrive in a specified
time frame. Based on this selection, you may also choose to reject results on the basis that the
Average Waiting Time, Average Transit Time, or Average Time to Destination is greater than
specified. The maximum queue input allows you to reject results where the total queue across all
floors exceeds a specified percentage of the building population. This variable is checked during the
simulation run, so can save time by aborting unacceptable solutions without the need to complete the

Selecting Graphs to plot

Elevate will plot a wide range of graphs, according to the boxes ticked in the Report Options table.
You can choose whether to plot graphs in black and white or colour.

For a discussion of the simulation results graphs, please refer to the Chapter 12, Viewing the Results.
By default the graphs are set to scale automatically. Select the scale tab if you want to set the scale

Running the Analysis


When you have finished entering data, you can start the analysis by selecting Analysis, Run, or by
pressing the or button on the Toolbar. You can stop the analysis before it is finished by
selecting Analysis, Stop or by pressing on the Toolbar. However, if you Stop the analysis before it
is finished, Elevate will not display any results. A pause button is also available. The Pause and
look option allows you to view a complete list of the passengers during a simulation and their
current status. The status of each elevator, hall calls, car calls, and destination floors is also available.

You can zoom in and out of the Analysis display screen by selecting View, Zoom In or View, Zoom
Out. Alternatively, press the and buttons on the Toolbar.

Your selection of Measurement System in Analysis Data will determine whether Elevate displays
values in Metric or U.S. units. Metric units will be assumed for discussion in this chapter.

Display during analysis

When an Up peak, Enhanced up peak, General Analysis or Double Deck General Analysis calculation
is being performed, details of the configuration being analysed (number of elevators, capacity and
speed) are displayed.

Figure 13 RTT Calculation Display

When a simulation is running, you are given a full visual display of the elevators’ operation.

Figure 14 Simulation Display

Floor Names

The Floor Names are displayed, as entered in Building Data. The floor-to-floor heights are drawn to
scale according to the Floor Levels, also entered in Building Data.

People Waiting

Indicates the number of people waiting at each landing at the current time.


Elevators are displayed according to their current position and door status:

Indicates that the elevator’s doors are fully closed.

Indicates that the elevator’s doors are opening or closing.

Indicates that the elevator’s doors are fully open.

Rear door status is also displayed, for example, in the following picture the front doors are opening
and the rear doors are fully open:

Hall and Car Calls

Hall and car calls are displayed according to their status:

Indicates up and down hall calls have been registered by waiting passengers.

Indicates one or more destination calls have been registered. Calls are aligned with the floors on
which they are registered.

Indicates car calls registered by the passengers travelling in each elevator. Car calls are aligned with
the floors for which they are registered.

Indicates a parking call which is used to re-locate an “idle” car. This parking call does not open the
elevator doors on arrival (see Dispatcher in Analysis Data).

Indicates a parking call which is used to re-locate an “idle” car. This parking call opens the elevator
doors on arrival (see Dispatcher in Analysis Data).


Indicates the current time of the simulation in the format, hours : minutes : seconds.


Indicates the Average Waiting Time of passengers whose calls have already been answered, in
seconds. Average Waiting Time is discussed in more detail in Chapter 13.


Indicates the Average Transit Time of passengers who have already completed their journey, in
seconds. Average Transit Time is discussed in more detail in Chapter 13.


Indicates the current direction of the elevator, as is normally indicated at landings using directional
arrows above elevator doors.


Indicates the absolute vertical position of the elevator, in metres, at the current simulation time. This
is calculated from the floor levels, taking into account the distance travelled on any particular journey.


Indicates the absolute speed of the elevator, in metres per second, at the current simulation time.


Indicates the total load of passengers in the elevator, in kilograms, at the current simulation time.

Viewing the Results


Data and results are displayed in a print preview format on the main display area once the simulation
is complete. The results are presented below the data, so you may need to scroll down the report to
see the results.

You can zoom in and out of these results by selecting View, Zoom In or View, Zoom Out.
Alternatively, press the and buttons on the Toolbar. If the fonts used are too small or too big
when you print, select File, Page Setup to adjust the number of lines per page. If you have analysed a
range of configurations using the Standard mode Elevator Data options, you can scan through these
results by selecting View, Next Results or View, Previous Results. Alternatively use the and
buttons on the Toolbar. To view a summary of data and results for all the configurations analysed,
select View, Summary Results. Alternatively, press the button on the Toolbar.

If you change any data (apart from Job Data or Report Options), the analysis results cease to be valid,
and the results screen is no longer displayed. You must run the analysis again for new results. More
technical information about the calculations performed by Elevate is available. Please select Elevate
on the web from the Help menu. Your selection of Measurement System in Analysis Data will
determine whether Elevate displays results in Metric or U.S. units. Metric units will be assumed for
the discussion of results.

Results are automatically saved to a file with the same name as your Elevate file, but with an .elr
extension. If you Save the file, and then Open it later you do not need to run the analysis again.

Figure 15 Example RTT calculation results display

Figure 16 Example simulations results display

Simulation Results


Most simulation results are presented as graphs. You can select which graphs to plot in Report

If you want to copy the graphs to another program, use the button on the toolbar. Select the graph
you want, and press the copy button. Press the data button if you would like a table of the data used to
plot the graph.

A discussion and sample of the available graphs follows.

Passenger Demand

Passenger Demand plots the traffic that has been generated as a result of your inputs in Building Data
and Passenger Data. The traffic is divided into traffic up and down the building.

Figure 17 Example Passenger Demand graph, from all levels

You can also view this graph for any floor. The following example represents the total traffic
originating from level 4 which is travelling up (upper axis), and travelling down (lower axis).

Figure 18 Example Passenger Demand graph, from single level

Total Passenger Activity

Total Passenger Activity plots the traffic that has been generated as a result of your inputs in
Passenger Data. This is a “stacked” graph. The lower line is the incoming traffic originating from the
Home floor. The second line adds on top the interfloor traffic. And the top line adds on top the
outgoing traffic, travelling towards the Home floor.

You can view this graph for any one run, or for an average of all runs.

Figure 19 Example Total Passenger Activity Graph

Passenger Transfer by Floor

Passenger Transfer by Floor plots arrivals and departures from the selected floor. This corresponds to
what you would observe if you were standing on the landing, counting people as they unload and load
the car.

You can view this graph for any one run, or for an average of all runs.

Figure 20 Example Passenger Transfer Floor graph

Queue Lengths

Queue Lengths shows how many people are waiting at elevator landings. This graph is plotted as a
scatter diagram. Each time the queue length changes, another dot is plotted.

This graph can be plotted for a selected floor, or for all floors. If you are plotting “all floors”, the
graph corresponds to the total number of people queuing on all the elevator landings.

If you plot the “Average of all runs”, the queue lengths for every run are plotted on top of each other
in different colours.

You can view this graph for any one run, or for an average of all runs.

Figure 21 Example Queue Lengths graph

Spatial Plot

Spatial Plots draw a trace of each car’s movement. Spatial plots can be selected for all cars, or for
each car individually.

You can select the spatial plot for any single run.

Figure 22 Example Spatial Plot graph

Car Loading on Departure from Home Floor

Car Loading on Departure from Home Floor shows you how full the cars are at the beginning of a
round trip. This is of particular interest during up peak traffic. The lower line shows the average
loading in each five minutes. The upper line shows the highest loading in each five minutes.

You can view this graph for any one run, or for an average of all runs.

The right hand side y axis (persons) is only displayed when Elevate determines that you have defined
all cars to have the same capacity and all passengers to have the same mass.

For double deck cars, the plot refers to the loading of the lower car only.

Figure 23 Example Car Loading on Departure graph

Car Loading on Arrival at Home Floor

Car Loading on Arrival at Home Floor shows you how full the cars are at the end of a round trip. This
is of particular interest during down peak traffic. The lower line shows the average loading in each
five minutes. The upper line shows the highest loading in each five minutes.
You can view this graph for any one run, or for an average of all runs.The right hand side y axis
(persons) is only displayed when Elevate determines that you have defined all cars to have the same
capacity and all passengers to have the same mass.

For double deck cars, the plot refers to the loading of the lower car only.

Figure 24 Example Car Loading on Arrival graph

Dispatch Interval from Home Floor

Dispatch Interval from Home Floor plots the interval in each five minutes.

The dispatch interval is the average time between cars departing from the main home floor. This is
calculated by counting the number of times a car is dispatched from the home floor in each five
minute period. Then dividing this number into 300 seconds (5 minutes).

You can view this graph for any one run, or based on an average of all runs.

Figure 25 Example Dispatch Interval graph

Note that during interfloor or light traffic the car may not stop at the home floor regularly. This
results in large values for the interval. Thus, at times when there is little traffic to or from the home
floor, interval is not a good measure of performance.

BEWARE! In simulation a good interval does not necessarily correspond to good performance. For
example, the interval may be 20 seconds, but if there are queues on the landing passengers may have
to wait two or more intervals before there is enough space for them to get into an elevator. A good
interval in a simulation applying destination control simulation does not necessarily correspond to
good waiting times, as passengers are often not allocated to the next car to depart from their floor.

Average Waiting Time and Time to Destination

Passenger Waiting Time is defined as the actual time a prospective passenger waits after registering a
hall call (or entering the waiting queue if a call has already been registered) until the responding
elevator doors begin to open. If the responding elevator doors are already open when a passenger
arrives, the waiting time for this passenger is taken as zero.

Passenger Transit Time is the time the responding elevator doors begin to open to the time the doors
begin to open again at the passenger’s destination. If the responding elevator doors are already open
when a passenger arrives, the transit time for this passenger commences at the time the passenger

Time to Destination is the Passenger Waiting Time plus the Passenger Transit Time

The Average Waiting Time and Time to Destination graph is plot for each 5 minutes. The lower line
is the Average Waiting Time. The upper line is the Time to Destination. The difference between the
two lines is the Passenger Transit Time.

Figure 26 Example Average Waiting Time and Time to Destination graph

Passenger Waiting Time Results

Passenger Waiting Time is defined as the actual time a prospective passenger waits after registering a
hall call (or entering the waiting queue if a call has already been registered) until the responding
elevator doors begin to open. If the responding elevator doors are already open when a passenger
arrives, the waiting time for this passenger is taken as zero.

Elevate plots against the right hand side y axis, a graph showing what percentage of passengers have
waiting times less than or equal to the value on the x axis. A dotted line identifies the 90 percentile.

Plotted against the y1 axis, Elevate identifies the number of passengers who have waited in each of the
specified time ranges.

Elevate also calculates the Average Waiting Time, and identifies the Longest Waiting Time. If the
Number of simulations to run for each configuration is greater than 1, Elevate presents the average
result, and a range, e.g. 30.0 (+5.1/-1.5).

Figure 27 Example Distribution of Passenger Waiting Times graph

Passenger Transit Time Results

Passenger Transit Time is the time the responding elevator doors begin to open to the time the doors
begin to open again at the passenger’s destination. If the responding elevator doors are already open
when a passenger arrives, the transit time for this passenger commences at the time the passenger

Elevate plots against the right hand side y axis, a graph showing what percentage of passengers have
had transit times less than or equal to the value on the x axis. A dotted line identifies the 90

Plotted against the y1 axis, Elevate identifies the number of passengers who have had a transit time in
each of the specified time ranges.

Elevate also calculates the Average Transit Time, and identifies the Longest Transit Time. If the
Number of simulations to run for each configuration is greater than 1, Elevate presents the average
result, and a range.

Figure 28 Example Distribution of Passenger Transit Times graph

Time to Destination

Time to Destination is the Passenger Waiting Time plus the Passenger Transit Time. Elevate
calculates Average Journey Time and Longest Journey Time.

Elevate plots against the right hand side y axis, a graph showing what percentage of passengers have
had a time to destination less than or equal to the value on the x axis. A dotted line identifies the 90

Plotted against the y1 axis, Elevate identifies the number of passengers who have had a time to
destination in each of the specified time ranges.

Elevate also calculates the Average Time to Destination and, and identifies the Longest Time to
Destination experienced. If the Number of simulations to run for each configuration is greater than 1,
Elevate presents the average result, and a range.

Figure 29 Example Distribution of Time to Destination graph

Car Service

This graph plots the availability of cars as part of the group. In simulation all cars are assumed to be
in service at all time, so this graph is only useful when using Elevate as a traffic-monitoring tool in
real installations. (To model cars being out of service in simulation you can simply delete a car in
Elevator Data.)

Energy Consumption

If the Energy Model has been turned on, this graph plots the cumulative energy consumption. The
total energy consumption and cost is recorded below the graph.

Figure 30 Example Energy Consumption graph

Spreadsheet Results

In addition to the standard Elevate report, you can transfer the data and results, as currently displayed,
to Excel by selecting View, Results Spreadsheet. Alternatively, press the button on the Toolbar.
If you use a spreadsheet other than Excel, and want to use this spreadsheet facility, please contact
Technical Support.

Figure 31 Spreadsheet output of results

Additional results provided in the spreadsheet include:

Up, down and total motor starts for each elevator.
Total up and down running time for each elevator.
Number of times dispatched from home for each elevator.
Number of hall calls up, down and total. Average response time.
Hall call analysis by time of day.
Hall call analysis by floor number.
Hall call response time distribution.
Car call analysis by time of day.
Car call analysis by floor number.
Car call response time distribution.
Passenger list – includes details of every passenger included in the simulation, what time and
floor they arrived at, which elevator they used, their waiting time and journey time, etc.

For more information about these results, please contact Technical Support.RTT Calculation Results

Figure 32 RTT results


This represents the average time in seconds between successive elevator cars arriving at the main
entrance floor(s).

Capacity Factor and 5 Minute Handling Capacity (%)

Capacity Factor by Mass (%) and Capacity Factor by Area (%) refer to the fullest the elevator will be
for an average round trip.

5 minute handling capacity (%) is the percentage of the building population transported by the
elevators in five minutes during a morning up peak.

If the Analysis type is Enhanced up peak or General analysis the inputs specify how much traffic there
is going to be and Elevate calculates Capacity Factor by Area and Capacity Factor by Mass. In an Up
peak analysis the inputs specify how full the elevator will be, then Elevate calculates the 5 minute
handling capacity. Thus only one of these two results is given according to the Analysis type selected.

Intermediate Results

Elevate also displays intermediate results calculated during the analysis. For more information about
these results, please contact Technical Support.

No Results

Elevate will abort calculations where the Capacity Factor by Mass is >100% as the configuration is
clearly unacceptable. On the results print out for this configuration the message with be displayed:
“This configuration has been rejected because the required handling capacity cannot be achieved
without increasing the size or number of the cars”.

If you are using the Report Options, Elevate will also discard configurations which do not meet any
criteria specified. On the results print out for this configuration, the message “This configuration has
been rejected due to the Report Options parameters” will be displayed.

If you have no results, adjust the Report Options, reduce amount of traffic or increase the specification
of the elevators.

If all results are either invalid, or have been rejected due to the Report Options settings, the summary
results page will display the message “All results are either invalid, or have been rejected due to the
Report Options settings”.

Low and Zero Results

Round Trip Time calculations are intended for analysis of peak traffic, when the elevators are busy. If
this is not the case, some results may be low, or even zero. This is a limitation of the calculation.
With Elevate, you can overcome this by changing the Analysis type to Simulation.

Spreadsheet Results

In addition to the standard Elevate report, you can transfer the data and results, as currently displayed,
to Excel by selecting View, Results Spreadsheet. Alternatively, press the button on the Toolbar.
If you use a spreadsheet other than Excel, and want to use this spreadsheet facility, please contact
Technical Support.

Figure 33 Example Spreadsheet output of RTT results



The Tools menu is provided for additional analysis features not directly related to the main
calculations. The following tools are available.


The kinematics tool allows you to select any trip, and the speed, acceleration and jerk.

Figure 34 Kinematics dialog

When you click on the Calculate button, an Excel spreadsheet is generated providing a detailed
kinematics analysis of the trip including:

Flight time.
Maximum speed achieved during a trip.
Details as to whether or not the elevator reached rated acceleration and speed during a trip.
Flight times and door to door times from the Home floor to all other floors entered in Building
Data using the specified speed/acceleration/jerk combination.
Distance travelled to reach rated acceleration.
Time elapsed to reach rated acceleration.
Speed at rated acceleration.
Distance travelled to reach rated speed.
Time elapsed to reach rated speed.
Numerical values allowing you to plot the distance travelled, velocity, acceleration and jerk
profiles for the specified trip.

Figure 35 Kinematics results


Count is an application to assist passenger traffic surveys. It replaces traditional clipboards and forms
for lobby and in-car surveys. The observer who controls the software logs traffic.

Select Survey, Start from the Count menu.

Figure 36 Starting a new survey with Count

First you must choose a survey output file directory.

Then choose if you are doing an in car or lobby survey. Select the car number or name of the Lobby
level. The names of levels are as defined in Building Data when you start Count.

Figure 37 Lobby survey display

For a lobby survey, select Passenger Enters each time a passenger enters a car. Select Passenger Exits
each time a passenger exits the car.

If there is a large load (e.g. hospital patient in wheelchair with carer), you can treat them as a single
large passenger using the Passenger Multiple, i.e. set to 2.5 if the load is the equivalent of 2.5 regular
passengers. Or you can use the parameter as a code, e.g. 1 for a single passenger, 2 for a passenger in
wheelchair and carer, 3 for a passenger in a bed with porter, etc.

NOTE: If large queues form in the lobby and do not clear quickly (say 5 minutes), the measured
traffic entering and exiting the car, will underestimate the peak arrival rate, which is normally
processed in 5 minute periods. In this instance, it would be more representative (but more difficult) to
log passengers joining the queue rather than entering the elevator.

Figure 38 In car survey display

The in car survey requires the observer to be standing or sitting in the elevator. Passenger entering
and exiting the elevator are recorded in the same way as they are in the Lobby Survey.

The Current floor of the car is recorded with the Car Data Up 1 floor and Down 1 floor buttons. The
names of levels are as defined in Building Data when you start Count.

There are individual buttons to record:

Parking Call

When the elevator moves to a floor without a call being registered and the elevator doors do not open.

False Stop

When the elevator answers a call, the doors open, but no passenger loads or unloads.


When the elevator answers a call, but the passenger does not load because the car is too full.

Free form comments can also be added to the log file using the Add Comment button.

System Stimulation

System Stimulation provides a list of calls in a format that can be used to stimulate a real elevator

Figure 39 Example stimulation file


Motion is a tool to assist in the comparison between ideal and actual kinematics.

Measurements using EVA 625 Ride Analyser

To measure actual kinematics you can use a stopwatch and a ride analyser, for example the EVA 625
Ride Analyser from Physical Measurement Technologies.

Using the EVA 625 Ride Analyser our suggested measurement procedure is:

1. Start Ride Analyser and stopwatch at instant that doors start closing
2. Take lap time on stopwatch when doors have fully closed
3. Take lap time on stopwatch when doors start opening
4. Halt stopwatch and Ride Analyser when doors are fully open

The measurements for distance, velocity, acceleration and jerk can then be exported from the Ride

On the opening page of Motion (with the Ideal tab selected) you can enter nominal values of distance,
velocity, and acceleration, jerk and start delay. Also enter your measured times for door open and
door close.

Measurements using Elevate Perform

Elevate Perform is an accelerometer which connects directly to the Elevate Motion application to
simplify the measurement of elevator performance. The measurement procedure is:

1. Connect the Elevate Perform accelerometer to a laptop USB port.

2. Click on the button in Motion to
connect to the accelerometer
indicate that the doors have started closing at the starting floor
indicate that the doors are closed at the starting floor
indicate that the doors have started opening at the destination floor
indicate that the doors have completed opening at the destination floor.

Motion will automatically “best fit” your Elevate Perform measurements to determine door times,
velocity, acceleration, jerk and motor start delay.

Reviewing results

Use Next and Back to switch between the inputs, plots and tabulated results.

A control is provided to allow you to select which plot to view.

Distance, Velocity, Acceleration and Jerk plots are available.

To assist in lining up Ideal and Measured plots, further controls are provided to adjust Ideal
parameters incrementally while viewing the plots together. When using Elevate Perform, Motion will
align the plots automatically.

Once the Ideal and Measured plots are aligned, the Ideal measurements can be reviewed, and applied
in Elevate simulations.

Select the Next button to see supplementary results and the data used to plot the Ideal curves.

There is some duplication between the Kinematics Tool and the Motion tool. In a future upgrade all
functionality will be provided though the Motion tool and the Kinematics tools will be discontinued.

Figure 40 Motion plot of Acceleration input of measured kinematics parameters

Elevate Live Web Control and Fetch Log File

Elevate Live provides live elevator monitoring and logging over the internet or local area network.
Analysis of traffic demand and performance is provided by Elevate.

Elevate Live Web Control provides functions to configure Elevate Live. Elevate Fetch Log File
retrieves logging files so that the operation of the elevators can be replayed and analysed in Elevate.

For more information about Elevate Live, please refer to:

Constant traffic (% building pop per 5 mins)

Elevate will produce traffic based on the Demand specified between the Start Time and End Times

The Demand is entered as a percentage of the building population per 5 minutes. Traffic is divided
into three parts, % incoming, % outgoing and % interfloor.

Between the Start Time and End Time, random numbers determine the time each passenger arrives
over the duration of the simulation.

Figure 41 Example Passenger Demand graph for Constant Traffic

Step profile

Elevate generates the traffic based on increasing Demand. At the start of the simulation the demand is
at the Minimum level. It then increases in steps until the Maximum level is reached. The Time
duration, as well as the Step height can be defined.

Traffic is divided into three parts, % incoming, % outgoing and % interfloor.

Figure 42 Example Total Passenger Activity graph for step profile

Barney one hour up peak template

Elevate generates a one hour traffic profile which rises to the required peak Demand for 5 minutes,
then drops again. Over the hour, 80% of the population are transported.

Figure 43 Example Passenger Demand graph for Barney one hour up peak template

For Dr Barney’s discussion of this template, please refer to Elevate on the web.

Barney one hour down peak template

Elevate generates a one hour traffic profile which rises to the required peak Demand for 5 minutes,
then drops again. Over the hour, 80% of the population are transported.

Figure 44 Example Passenger Demand graph for Barney one hour down peak template

For Dr Barney’s discussion of this template, please refer to Elevate on the web.

Barney one hour lunch template

Elevate generates a one hour traffic profile. The profile consists of four 5 minutes bursts of traffic at 1
times, 1⅓ times, 1⅔ times and 2 times the peak Demand. Between these four bursts of traffic, the
traffic is maintained at one tenth of the specified peak Demand.

The traffic generated is divided into three parts, 40% incoming, 40% outgoing and 20% interfloor.

Figure 45 Example Passenger Demand graph for Barney one hour lunch template

For Dr Barney’s discussion of this template, please refer to Elevate on the web.

Barney one hour interfloor template

Elevate generates a one hour traffic profile based a non-peak traffic situation. The total traffic
Demand, as a percentage of the building population, is 2% for 20 minutes, then 3% for 20 minutes,
then 4% for 20 minutes.

The traffic generated is divided into three parts, 10% incoming, 10% outgoing and 80% interfloor.

Figure 46 Example Passenger Demand graph for Barney one hour interfloor template

For Dr Barney’s discussion of this template, please refer to Elevate on the web.

Powell 2 hour lunch template

Elevate generates a 2 hour lunchtime traffic profile appropriate to the building population.

The population of individual floors is used to determine the distribution of arrival rates across the
floors, and the attraction of each floor as a destination.

Figure 47 Example Passenger Demand graph for Powell two hour lunch template

Powell 40 minute lunch template

Elevate generates a 40 minute lunchtime traffic profile appropriate to the building population.

Figure 48 Example Passenger Demand graph for Powell 40 min lunch template

Siikonen full day template

Elevate generates an example all day traffic profile based on a sample multi-tenant office building in
Paris. The traffic intensity data for this template was published by Dr Marja-Liisa Siikonen in
Elevator Technology 10, Proceedings of Elevcon 2000.

Figure 49 Example Passenger Demand graph for Siikonen full day template

Siikonen full day (24 hour) template

This is the same as Siikonen full day template except that the simulation runs for the full 24 hours
rather than between 07:00 hrs. and 20:00 hrs.

Strakosch full day template

Elevate generates an example all day traffic profile based on the traffic profile presented by Mr
George Strakosch in The Vertical Transportation Handbook. The profile is based on the requirements
of a commercial officebuilding.

Figure 50 Example Passenger Demand graph for Strakosch full day template

Strakosch full day (24 hour) template

This is the same as Strakosch full day template except that the simulation runs for the full 24 hours
rather than between 08:00 hrs. and 18:00 hrs.

Strakosch residential template

Elevate generates an example all day traffic profile based on the traffic profile presented by Mr
George Strakosch in The Vertical Transportation Handbook. The profile is based on the requirements
of a residential building.

Figure 51 Example Passenger Demand graph for Strakosch residential template

Strakosch school template

Elevate generates an example all day traffic profile based on the traffic profile presented by Mr
George Strakosch in The Vertical Transportation Handbook. The profile is based on the requirements
of a school building.

Figure 52 Example Passenger Demand graph for Strakosch school template

Strakosch hotel template

Elevate generates an example all day traffic profile based on the traffic profile presented by Mr
George Strakosch in The Vertical Transportation Handbook. The profile is based on the requirements
of a hotel building.

Figure 53 Example Passenger Demand graph for Strakosch hotel template

CIBSE full day template

Elevate generates an example all day traffic profile based on the traffic profile presented by Dr Gina
Barney in CIBSE Guide D, Transportation systems in buildings. The profile is based on the
requirements of an office building.

Figure 54 Example Passenger Demand graph for CIBSE full day template

CIBSE full day (24 hour) template

This is the same as CIBSE full day template except that the simulation runs for the full 24 hours rather
than between 07:00 hrs. and 20:00 hrs.

Peters Research (CIBSE) modern office up peak

Elevate generates an example morning up peak traffic profile based on multiple traffic surveys
undertaken by Peters Research Ltd. The profile is based on the requirements of an office building.
The simulation runs between 08:30 hrs and 09:30 hrs.

Figure 55 Example Passenger Demand graph for Peters Research (CIBSE) modern office up peak

Peters Research (CIBSE) modern office lunch peak

Elevate generates an example morning up peak traffic profile based on multiple traffic surveys
undertaken by Peters Research Ltd. The profile is based on the requirements of an office building.
The simulation runs between 12:15 hrs and 13:15 hrs.

Figure 56 Example Passenger Demand graph for Peters Research (CIBSE) modern office lunch peak


For examples, Please select Elevate on the web from the Help menu, while connected to the Internet .


Name Surname: Murat KOCAMAN

Date of Birth:08.18.1983

Address: Kadıkoy İstanbul


University : 2002 – 2008 Gebze Institute of Technology


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