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The process of taking in the sense or meaning of letters or symbols.

Leu and Kinzer (1987) defines reading as a development,

interactive, and global process involving learned skills.


1. Pre-reading Stage
The individual is also trained auditory and visual discrimination,
listens to, tells, and discusses stories and learns basic work and study habits.

2. Initial Reading Stage

The individual begins to use picture, context, and configuration
clues to recognize words and then goes on to beginning instruction in
phonetic and structural analysis techniques.

3. Stage of Rapid Progress

The reader extends his use of a variety of word-recognition
techniques and begins to use the dictionary for word meaning, spelling,
and pronunciation.

4. Stage of Extended Reading Experience and Rapidly Increasing Reading

The individual, at this stage, uses word-recognition techniques
automatically, and is almost completely independent in reading.

5. Stage of Refinement in Reading Abilities, Attitudes, and Tastes

The individual reader has acquired independence in locating and
utilizing a variety of materials, is aware of varied purposes for reading, and
has developed skills of critical evaluation of material read.


 Extensive Reading
Reading for pleasure any topic of interest.

 Intensive Reading
Careful and in- depth reading

1. SCANNING - a reading technique to be used when you want to find

specific information quickly. In scanning you have a question in your
mind, and you read a passage only to find the answer, ignoring
unrelated information.

Steps for scanning

 Look for key words, or words that are repeated.
 Look for definitions.
 Look for highlighted words, eg words in bold or italic.
 Look for numbers, eg dates and statistics.
 Look for examples, including diagrams.

Ex. A google search list on the internet to find the right website to
answer your question
To find a date, amount or fact that you know is in an article
A bus / airplane schedule

2. SKIMMING - Skimming is a reading (sub-)skill in which a reader quickly

goes through a text in order to get the gist and general idea or

 Quickly identify main ideas of a text

 Skimming is 3 to 4 times faster regular reading
 Used when there is a lot of material and a short amount of time
 Also called rapid-survey reading

Steps of Skimming
 Read the title - it is the shortest possible summary of the content
 Read the introduction or lead-in paragraph
 Read the first paragraph completely
 If there are subheadings, read each one, looking for relationship
among them
 Read the first sentence of each remaining paragraph
a) the main idea of most paragraphs appears in the first sentence
b) if the author’s pattern is to begin with a question or anecdote,
you may find the last sentence more valuable.

Types of Skimming
Skimming to overview
Skimming to preview
Skimming to review

Degrees of Skimming

3. EXPLORATORY READING - Exploratory reading allots more time into

getting a fairly accurate picture of a material's presentation of ideas.

Exploratory reading aims to get the accurate picture of the whole

presentation of ideas. on How the whole selection is presented. mainly It
is referring to structure or method of paragraph development.

Ex. Reading a long article from a magazine, reading short stories and
descriptive texts.

4. STUDY READING - Understanding of the main ideas and their


Steps for Study Reading

 Survey - to prepare for reading
Examine the chapter titles, headings and sub headings and
reading the introduction, conclusion, abstract or summary
 Question - answering the who, what, when, where, why, how of
the selection.
Convert headings or sub-headings to questions or ask questions
such as: what was the reading about? What are the key parts, arguments,
or examples given? How does readings connect to your other reading?
Then looking for the answers while reading.
 Read - taking time to read
 Record - Take notes
Summarize the main ideas by your own words to understand it
 Recite - recall
Some people read aloud info or mentally recall, partner up for
Q&A to memorize the information they recieved.
 Review- repeating the steps
Is to repeat some of the steps to achieve understanding
5. CRITICAL READING - Question, analyze and evaluate the text. Uses
critical- thinking skills.


Separating Facts from Opinion
Detecting Propaganda
Recognizing Errors in Reasoning
* Circular Reasoning
* False Cause
6. ANALYTICAL READING - Has careful attention to each word

7. INFERENTIAL READING - Ability to process written information and

understand the underlying meaning of the text.

8. DEVELOPMENTAL READING - When a reader is under a comprehensive

reading program which consist of several stages.


 Reading is good for your brain

 Reading introduces you to new ideas and invites you to solve
 Reading makes you a better writer
 Reading improves your conversational skills
 Reading strengthens worldview and convictions
 Reading improves your self-discipline and consistency
 Reading increases your knowledge of history
 Reading increases cultural knowledge (without an expensive
plane flight)
 Reading challenges your imagination
 Reading increases your skill in an area of interest
 Reading inspires you
 Reading reduces stress

Abke, A. (n.d.). Why you should read (at least) 12 books this year. Retrieved April 18, 2021, from

Garcia Internship at ABS–CBN Follow, G. (2012, January 21). Kinds of reading. Retrieved April 18, 2021, from
reading?fbclid=IwAR1XqjHks0xPjQI8iz7CEtGWiCbfr9RXFPnMqpcMUVKDn8ydRUD 3xqtl0Gw

What are the five stages of Reading Development? (2019, March 12). Retrieved April 19, 2021, from

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