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Coaching Guide U11 & U12

Weekly Training Guide U11/12
Ball Mastery and Dribbling

Session Time – 60 minutes

Equipment – Disc cones, 1 ball per player, Pinnies, corner flags
Focus – Ball familiarity. Turns, tricks and touches

Part 1 – Warm-ups and coaches meeting (10 minutes)

Each team will have a coach meet with the Master Coach to discuss the training session plan
The other coach will warm-up the players using dynamic stretching such as: light jogging, high knees, kick
your behind, open the gate, close the gate, lunges, jogging backwards, karaoke, etc.

Part 2 – Skills Square (Ballnastics) (10 minutes)

Players move around the area keeping the ball close. The coach teaches them various turns and fakes i.e.
pull back, Scissors, inside hook etc.
Ensure that each player has many chances to repeat the skills.
Coaches can also add in movements such as toe taps, big toe little toe etc.

Part 3 – Team Beat the Cone (10 minutes)

In a relay race format two teams race against each other, each player must perform the task twice for their
team to be done. The player approaches the cone, performs a fake or turn and then continues their run.
Change the turn or fake each race

Part 4 - Dribble Around the World (10 minutes)

Players enter the area through a gate; they must dribble into the centre square and perform a set skill then
exit through another gate. How many times can they do this in one minute? Change the skill in the middle
each minute and keep adding up the points.

Part 5 – Four Goal Game (10 minutes)

Players play 1v1, on the coaches command the first players race around a top cone and whoever gets into
the middle of the field first gets the ball. They can score by dribbling the ball through any of the four goals.
If the ball goes off the field that game is over and the next two go

Weekly Training Guide U11/12
Ball Mastery and Dribbling

Skills Square (Ballnastics)

Area 20x20

Team Beat the Cone

Dribble around The world

Area 20x20
Gates 5 yards wide

Four Goal Game

Area 20x20
Gates 5 yards wide

Weekly Training Guide U11/12
Ball Mastery and Dribbling

Session Time – 60 minutes

Equipment – Disc cones, 1 ball per player, Pinnies, corner flags
Focus – Ball familiarity. Turns, tricks and touches

Part 1 – Warm-ups and coaches meeting (10 minutes)

Each team will have a coach meet with the Master Coach to discuss the training session plan
The other coach will warm-up the players using dynamic stretching such as: light jogging, high knees, kick
your behind, open the gate, close the gate, lunges, jogging backwards, karaoke, etc.

Part 2 – Skills Square/ Ballnastics (10 minutes)

The same warm up as last week. Test the player’s knowledge by seeing which fakes, turns and skills they
can remember. Add in any fakes and turns you did not have time to teach them last week and correct any
players who are performing them incorrectly.

Part 3 – Skills square with defenders (10 minutes)

Put all the players in pairs, this is their “defending team”. Each of the pairs have one minute to steal as
many soccer balls as possible, once they get a ball they pass it to the coach (give it back to the player who
lost it). If the attackers perform a set skill when the defender presses them the defender cannot take their
ball. Change the skill each time.

Part 4 – In and Out (10 minutes)

Split players into groups of three, these are their defending teams. Attacking players must enter through a
gate and leave through another without losing the ball. Defenders try to steal the ball and pass it to the
coach (give it back to the player who lost it), Defenders can only steal the ball when the attackers are inside
the area. Switch defenders – 2 minutes

Part 5 – Four Goal Game (10 minutes)

Players play 1v1. On the coaches command the first players race around a top cone to enter the field.
Whichever player gets onto the field first gets the ball. They can score by dribbling the ball through one of
the oppositions goals. If the ball goes off the field that game is over and the next two go

Weekly Training Guide U11/12
Ball Mastery and Dribbling

Skills Square (Ballnastics)

Area 20x20

Skills Square with Defenders

Area 20x20

In and Out
Area 20x20

Four Goal Game

Area 20x20
Gates 5 yard wide

Weekly Training Guide U11/12
Ball Mastery and Dribbling

Session Time – 60 minutes

Equipment – Disc cones, 1 ball per player, Pinnies, corner flags
Focus – Ball familiarity, Shielding, Turns, tricks and touches

Part 1 – Warm-ups and coaches meeting (10 minutes)

Each team will have a coach meet with the Master Coach to discuss the training session plan
The other coach will warm-up the players using dynamic stretching such as: light jogging, high knees, kick
your behind, open the gate, close the gate, lunges, jogging backwards, karaoke, etc.

Part 2 – 1v1 steal the pinnie (10 Minutes)

Players face of 1v1. They tuck a pinnie into the side of their shorts and the aim of the game is to steal the
other players pinnie before they steal yours. Each time they manage to steal a pinnie they get a point.
Switch partners after every go.

Part 3 –Deal with it (10 minutes)

Split the group into number 1’s and 2’s. 1’s are in the area with a ball 2’s are outside the area without a
ball. When the coach says go the players on the outside enter the area and try to steal a ball, those on the
inside try to keep it. After 30 seconds stop the game, whoever has a ball gets a point. Repeat this and who-
ever has the most points at the end wins

Part 4 – Get to the cone (10 minutes)

Put players in pairs and give them a disc cone. The aim of the game is to get to the cone, one attacks and
one defends. If the defender wins the ball they become the attacker straight away and vice versa. To get a
point the ball must be dribbled into the cone. First one to two points wins. When a player gets to two
points switch everyone’s partners.

Part 5— 1v1 with two goals (10 minutes)

On the coaches command players race around the top cone and enter the field, the first person to get onto
the field gets the ball. To get a goal the player must beat the other player and dribble through their goal. If
the ball goes out of the field the game is over and the next two go.

Weekly Training Guide U11/12
Ball Mastery and Dribbling

1v1 steal the pinnie

Area 20x20

Deal with it
Area 20x20

Get to the cone

Area 20x20

1v2 with two goals

Area 20x20
Gates 5 yards wide

Weekly Training Guide U11/12
Ball Mastery and Dribbling

Session Time – 60 minutes

Equipment – Disc cones, 1 ball per player, Pinnies, corner flags
Focus – Decisions of when to pass and when to dribble and shooting with the laces

Part 1 – Warm-ups and coaches meeting (10 minutes)

Each team will have a coach meet with the Master Coach to discuss the training session plan
The other coach will warm-up the players using dynamic stretching such as: light jogging, high knees, kick
your behind, open the gate, close the gate, lunges, jogging backwards, karaoke, etc.

Part 2 - Juggle Challenge (10 minutes)

Ten minutes on juggling. Whoever can get the highest amount of consecutive juggles wins. Extra points can
be given for combinations i.e. Thigh – foot or Head – Thigh etc.

Part 3 – Pass or dribble? (10 minutes)

Put players in pairs and in a rotation circuit they go 2v1 against a defender wit the aim to go past the de-
fender and get through to the other side without losing the ball. Once you are through join the back of the
next line and go again. Each time a team successfully gets through they get a point. Rotate the defenders
every two minutes

Part 4 – Pass or dribble….FINISH! (10 minutes)

The same as the game before except at the end of the there is now a goal with a goalie. Players get a point
if they can beat the defender and two extra points if they can score. Rotate the defenders and goalies every
two minutes.

Part 5 – 2v2 with goalies (10 minutes)

On the coaches command players race around a top cone and enter the field. Whichever team is on the
field first gets the ball. Players play 2v2 against each other with a goalie. If the ball goes off the field that
game is over and the next four go.

Weekly Training Guide U11/12
Ball Mastery and Dribbling

Juggle Challenge

Pass or Dribble
Area 20x20
Lanes 20x10

Pass or Dribble and FINISH

2v2 with goalies

Area 20x20
Gates 5 yards

Weekly Training Guide U11/12
Passing and Control

Session Time – 60 minutes

Equipment – Disc cones, 1 ball per player, Pinnies, corner flags
Focus – Using the inside of the foot, communication, good first touch

Part 1 – Warm-ups and coaches meeting (10 minutes)

Each team will have a coach meet with the Master Coach to discuss the training session plan
The other coach will warm-up the players using dynamic stretching such as: light jogging, high knees, kick
your behind, open the gate, close the gate, lunges, jogging backwards, karaoke, etc.

Part 2 – Pass and follow (10 minutes)

Split the group into two teams. In a relay style race the players pass to their teammate in the opposite line
the follow it and join the back. How many passes can they do in one minute? The team with the most pass-
es gets a point. Change the challenge each time i.e. right foot pass, left foot ball, control with the outside
and pass, passing across each other etc.

Part 3 – Pong (10 minutes)

Put players into pairs and set up small gates randomly around the area. Players find a gate and stand 3
steps away on each side, they play two touch and the players pass the ball through the gate to each other.
After consecutively completing 10 successful passes they both take one big step back. If they miss the gate
they reset to 0.

Part 4 – Many Gates (10 minutes)

Using the gates from Pong players the players pass the ball through a gate and then move to the next one.
How many gates can they get to in one minute? Change the task by introducing challenges such as only us-
ing the left foot, player must do a pull back when they receive the ball etc.

Part 5 – Keep away “Rondo” (10 minutes)

Players stand in a circle with a defender on the inside, how many good passes can they complete without
the defender getting the ball. Every time the defender gets the ball they get a point, change the defender
every minute.

Weekly Training Guide U11/12
Passing and Control

Pass and Follow

Area 20x20
Cones 10-15 yards part

Area 20x20
Gates 3 feet wide

Many Gates
Area 20x20
Gates 3 feet wide

Keep away “Rondo”

Area 20x20

Weekly Training Guide U11/12
Passing and Control

Session Time – 60 minutes

Equipment – Disc cones, 1 ball per player, Pinnies, corner flags
Focus – Passing technique, first touch, choice of pass, communication

Part 1 – Warm-ups and coaches meeting (10 minutes)

Each team will have a coach meet with the Master Coach to discuss the training session plan
The other coach will warm-up the players using dynamic stretching such as: light jogging, high knees, kick
your behind, open the gate, close the gate, lunges, jogging backwards, karaoke, etc.

Part 2 – Show us your tricks - (10 minutes)

Split the players into two, half with a ball and half without. Players move around the area focusing on
spreading out. When a player receives the ball they must do a skill (Fake or turn) and then look for some-
body without a ball to pass too. Each time they get a ball can they do a different trick

Part 3 – One- Two Trick (10 minutes)

Players are split into two, half on the outside without a ball and half on the inside with a ball. Players on the
inside must do a One Two pass with an outside player, do a skill and then find a different outside player to
do a One Two with. Add in competition i.e. who can get to the most people within a minute, how many
different tricks can you do etc.

Part 4 – Team Interception (10 minutes)

Put the players into pairs, these will be their defending teams. Each team has a minute to defend and see
how many times they can steal the ball. When they steal it they pass to the coach who passes it back to an
attacking player. The Defenders cannot tackle they can only intercept a pass. Attackers must pass within 5
seconds of receiving the ball

Part 5—Keep Away (10 minutes)

4 v 1 keep away, each player has a minute to be a defender. They get a point every time they can steal the
ball. Attackers must pass the ball around and keep it away, a point is given to the attackers for every 5 suc-
cessful passes
Weekly Training Guide U11/12
Passing and Control

Show us your tricks

Area 20x20

One Two Trick

Area 20x20
Middle box 8x8

Team Interception
Area 20x20

4v1 Keep Away

Area 10x10

Weekly Training Guide U11/12
Passing and Control

Session Time – 60 minutes

Equipment – Disc cones, 1 ball per player, Pinnies, corner flags
Focus – Passing and movement, first touch, communication, Check your shoulder, Decisions

Part 1 – Warm-ups and coaches meeting (10 minutes)

Each team will have a coach meet with the Master Coach to discuss the training session plan
The other coach will warm-up the players using dynamic stretching such as: light jogging, high knees, kick
your behind, open the gate, close the gate, lunges, jogging backwards, karaoke, etc.

Part 2 – Pass and Check (10 minutes)

In a relay style race two teams face each other. The first player dribbles to the middle cone, passes to the
opposite line and then checks out of the way so the person they have passed to can do the same. One the
whole team has done this three times they are finished. Change the challenge i.e. only left foot, skill and
then pass etc.

Part 3 – Pass and move (10 minutes)

Create teams of three. Each team has a ball and they must pass it around between themselves avoiding the
other teams. You can add challenges such as can you do an overlap?, can you do a one two? And you do a
first touch pass?

Part 4— Pass past the coaches (10 minutes)

The players stay in teams of three and the coaches are defenders. The coaches try and steal the ball from
the teams and keep them, if the coach gets a ball they can pass it between themselves and the team that
lost it tries to get it back

Part 5 – Five v Five keep away (10 minutes)

5v5 keep away For every successful pass the team gets a point. If a team kicks the ball out then the opposi-
tion get it. Whoever has the most points when the master coach calls the session to an end wins .

Weekly Training Guide U11/12
Passing and Control

Pass and Check

Area 20x20
Cones 10 yards apart

Pass and Move

Area 20x20

Pass Past the Coaches

Area 20x20

5v5 Keep Away

Area 20x20

Weekly Training Guide U11/12
Passing and Control

Session Time – 60 minutes

Equipment – Disc cones, 1 ball per player, Pinnies, corner flags
Focus – Weight of pass, type of pass, communication, movement off the ball

Part 1 – Warm-ups and coaches meeting (10 minutes)

Each team will have a coach meet with the Master Coach to discuss the training session plan
The other coach will warm-up the players using dynamic stretching such as: light jogging, high knees, kick
your behind, open the gate, close the gate, lunges, jogging backwards, karaoke, etc.

Part 2—Switchy Changy Game (10 minutes)

Players at the front of the line pass to the opposite side and then switch to the back of the line next to
them. Increase the challenge by setting goals such as “Can you do 20 passes in a minute?”, left foot only,
different controls, a skill before you pass etc.

Part 3 – Find the gap (10 minutes)

Similar to monkey in the middle, a pair on each side with a defender in the middle. The defender cannot
leave their middle section and tries to intercept the ball, every time they get it they get 5 points. The
attacking players on the outside can only have the ball for 5 seconds before they have to pass. A point is
given for every successful pass

Part 4— Team keep away (10 minutes)

Split the teams into two and give them each a number between 1 and 5 (on both teams). Players pass the
ball around their area, when the coach shouts their number they go into the other teams area and try to
steal the ball. Increase the challenge by calling more than one number.

Part 5 – Four V Four with goalies (10 minutes)

A small sided game, 4v4 with goalie. Players can either do 5 passes in a row to get a goal or they can shoot
and score. Encourage the best choice, if a player can shoot they should, if there is not opportunity to shoot
encourage the players to keep the ball and get a point through passing.

Weekly Training Guide U11/12
Passing and Control

Switchy Changy Game

Area 20x20
Cones 10 yards apart

Find the gap

Area = two 10x10 boxes
divided by a 10x5 zone

Team Keep Away

Area 20x20
Split down the middle

4v4 with goalies

Area 30x20
Goals 8 yards wide

Weekly Training Guide U11/12

Session Time – 60 minutes

Equipment – Disc cones, 1 ball per player, Pinnies, corner flags
Focus – Correct shooting technique, use the laces, hit the corners

Part 1 – Warm-ups and coaches meeting (10 minutes)

Each team will have a coach meet with the Master Coach to discuss the training session plan
The other coach will warm-up the players using dynamic stretching such as: light jogging, high knees, kick
your behind, open the gate, close the gate, lunges, jogging backwards, karaoke, etc.

Part 2 – Technical practice (10 minutes)

Put players in pairs, stand them 15 yards apart and they kick the ball back and forth focusing on technique.
This is your time to ensure that they are not using their toe etc. and to teach them the correct way to kick.

Part 3 – Beat the goalie (10 minutes)

Put players into groups of three. There is a goalie in the middle and two on the outside, players take it in
turn to shoot at the goalie, the first person to score three can decide if they or their partner go in goal.

Part 4 – Beat the Cone and shoot (10 minutes)

The player starts five yards behind the coach, they approach the cone and perform a fake to create space
then they shoot the ball to their partner. Add challenge by changing the fake i.e. scissors, shoulder drop

Part 5 – 3v3 four goals (10 minutes)

Players play 3v3 with four goals and four goalies. Players can score in any of the goals. When a team gets to
3 change the goalies. Encourage the players to shoot early and hit the corners. If the ball goes out it is a
pass in to the other team.

Weekly Training Guide U11/12

Technical Work
Area 20x20

Beat the Goalie

Area 30x30
Players 15 yards away from the goal
Goals 8 yards wide

Beat the cone and shoot

Area 30x30
Players 15 yards away from the goal
Goals 8 yards wide

3v3 with four goals

Area 30x30
Goals 8 yards wide
Weekly Training Guide U11/12

Session Time – 60 minutes

Equipment – Disc cones, 1 ball per player, Pinnies, corner flags
Focus – Touch out of your feet, use the laces, pick a Corner and hit it!

Part 1 – Warm-ups and coaches meeting (10 minutes)

Each team will have a coach meet with the Master Coach to discuss the training session plan
The other coach will warm-up the players using dynamic stretching such as: light jogging, high knees, kick
your behind, open the gate, close the gate, lunges, jogging backwards, karaoke, etc.

Part 2 – Receive and shoot (rotation circuit) (10 minutes)

The players set up in a rotation circuit as shown. The coach plays the ball into the first player who then has
one touch to control and one touch to shoot. Once they have their shot they get the ball and give it to one
of the coaches before joining the back of the next line. Change the goalies every few minutes

Part 3 – Receive, shoot, defend (10 minutes)

One goalie, one defender and an attacking line are set up as shown. The coach plays the ball into the striker
who has to create space and shoot. As soon as they have their shot they become a defender and the coach
plays another ball into the next person. The last defender joins the back of the attacking line (have two ses-
sions going to reduce wait)

Part 4 – 2v1 receive, shoot and defend (10 minutes)

Same principle as before except now there are two attackers and the choice of dribble, pass or shoot
comes in. Whichever player DOES NOT shoot becomes the defender. If a player loses the ball or kicks it out
then they are the one who becomes the defender.

Part 5 – Four V Four game with goalies (10 minutes)

Small-sided 4 v 4 game with two goals and two goalies. The players can score in either goal. Encourage
them to shoot as soon as they get the opportunity and hit the corners. If the ball goes out it is a pass in to
the other team.

Weekly Training Guide U11/12

Receive and Shoot

Area 20x20
Players shoot 10 yards from the goal
Goals 8 yards wide

Receive, Shoot, Defend

Area 20x20
Players shoot 10-15 yards from the goal
Goals 8 yards wide

2v1 receive, shoot and defend

Area 20x20
Players shoot 10-15 yards from the goal
Goals 8 yards wide

4v4 small sided game

Area 30x20
Goals 8 yards wide
Weekly Training Guide U11/12

Session Time – 60 minutes

Equipment – Disc cones, 1 ball per player, Pinnies, corner flags
Focus –

Part 1 – Warm-ups and coaches meeting (10 minutes)

Each team will have a coach meet with the Master Coach to discuss the training session plan
The other coach will warm-up the players using dynamic stretching such as: light jogging, high knees, kick
your behind, open the gate, close the gate, lunges, jogging backwards, karaoke, etc.

Part 2— Many Gates in the Air- (10 minutes)

Split the players into pairs and place gates randomly around the area. One player serves the ball through
the gate in the air and the other controls it. How many gates can the pairs get to in one minute? Change
the control type after every round. Whoever has been to the most gates wins?

Part 3 – Arial control and finish (10 minutes)

Split the team in two teams, the teams select a goalie to go against the other team. Set up as shown, the
first person in each team runs out and the coach serves them the ball in the air, the player must control it
and then take a shot on the opposition keeper. Change the keeper every two minutes and change the con-
trol type. The team with the most goals wins

Part 4 – Half volley shot (10 minutes)

Same format as last time except there is no control they must try and hit a half volley. Players come out
and the coach serves them the ball, the ball can bounce as many times as they want it too but if it stops
bouncing then their shot doesn’t count. Change the goalie every two minutes.

Part 5 – Four v Four (10 minutes)

4 v 4 small sided game. A regular small sided game where the team must score in the opposition goal. If the
ball goes out it’s a pass in to the other team.

Weekly Training Guide U11/12

Many gates in the air

Area 20x20
Gates 3 feet wide

Arial control and shoot

Area 20x20
Players shoot 10 yards from the goal

Half volley shot

Area 20x20
Players shoot 10 yards from the goal
Goals 8 yards wide

4v4 small sided game

Area 30x20
Goals 8 yards wide

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