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incessant : triéinmién k dust

1. Democracy died after a period of ________(cease) ceaseless wars, imperial expansion abroad, and the rise of
demagoguery at home.
't 'h épbuo?c
2. The consequences of ________ compulsive (compel) gambling are comparable to those of any other addictive
co in

disease and are not simply those of financial loss.

Slf phitchoi
3. The prison service has the twin goals of punishment and rehabilitation ________ (habit).
? hiéusai
4. The first misconception
________ (conceive) is that legal study at university is exclusively for students who intend

becoming solicitors or advocates. d- a' lo

5. Too late, she remembered the ________ unsettling(settle) effect such comments would have on Johnny.
6. Some economists are now predicting the danger of ________ (run) inflation.
✗ ra

coin chuyén runaway

7. The ________
narrative (narrate) in this book plays second fiddle to the excellent photographs.
viii. qua
.k the
8. They were now faced with seemingly________(mount) insurmountable technical problems. binh phé
9. When you come down on him too hard, you may only intensify his own ________ self criticism -(critic)
? loin 1- ro n
10. Your speech should not have been ________ interlaced (lace) with these facts beside the point.

11. Their views lie outside the ________ (stream) of current medical opinion.
✗ U

thien vi.
12. The teachers are fair and avoid ________ favouritism (favour) and scapegoating.

viii. ng Vaio
13. She has become ________(mesh)enmeshed in a tangle of drugs and petty crime.
14. Do not set your goals too high or else you will always be failing and there is nothing more
iaimnan long
demoralising(moral) d- a'ng KÉ
15. The demise of the industry has caused ________(tell) Untold misery to thousands of hard-working
tradesmen. hÉi sinh
16. Attracting the banks are the resurgent ________ (surge) economy and reforms that have opened up industries
to foreign capital.
17. The ordinary reader is impressed by the tone and manner of publication, and the words chosen to
d- iéudé
headline (head) a story. nghéo
18. At all events, it was this group of the ________ dispossessed(possess) that gave the first successful impetus to
the Revolution.
Chinh Sadhna gia d- étiéudiétdoithu

19. ________(prey) pricing by large supermarkets was threatening the livelihood of smaller businesses.

20. He is a ________(voice)
voicing critic of the president's stance on abortion.
Iain moi't
21. She made several ________ disparaging (par) remarks about the manager she dislik​
22. As women we tend to be ________ effacing(face) and make light of what we have achieved.
khiém + in

self -

23. GEW lamp dimming promise uptime at least 1500 hours, raised productivity and reduces ________ downtime

(time) keep →
keepsake :
cud mais moi,

24. Would you mind if I took one of the pictures as a________(keep)? keepsake
25. Mania usually alternates with depression, to form a ________ ?nh
(pole) disorder.
be train cain

26. This was too wide a ________ loophole (hole) for the tax planners: no wonder inheritance tax is called a
voluntary tax. ké his
bait biñh
27. The teacher said that he found it difficult to cope with a class of ________ disaffected (affect) teenagers.
twin lain
28. He is ________
unfailingly (fail) polite and tries desperately to understand other people’s views.
29. The court ________ overturned (turn) that decision on the grounds that the Prosecution had withheld crucial
evidence. II.toto
30. Some of these statements are misleading and some downright ________ mendacious (amend)
saisu that

31. The state ________
steadfastly (fast) refused to settle this matter at any time.
32. What is illustrated by these photographs is as much the culture of shamelessness as the reigning
admiration for ________
unapologetic(apology) brutality.
Iain giambi't
33. The judge found that in her case there were________(mitigate) circumstances.
: uyénthoim mitigating
34. He impressed his audience by the ________ profundity (profound) of his knowledge.

35. The causes of social ________(stress)
distress include inadequate housing.
36. He was in the ________ (envy) position of having to choose between imprisonment or exile.
37. He was ________
incapacitated(capacity) by old age and sickness.
38. The bank is ________voino
insolvent (solve) and will be unable to live up to its obligations.'t
39. Natalie considered herself very ________ virtuous (virtue) because she neither drank nor smoked.
40. Their refusal to ________ curtail (tail) spending plans and to increase the burden on poll tax payers is
41. Rather than a benevolent "socialist" super power China, whose population is made up over 90%
Han Chinese, will ________bestride (stride) the world as a racially homogeneous, and communalistic "Middle
42. Broadly speaking, on-line shopping experiences can be categorized into two distinct dimensions: dung
urilitaiian (use) and hedonic value.

43. It encouraged experimenters to propose ________ offbeat (beat) or novel approaches to problems.
44. It's a bustling ________
(eat) where the fishy fare is served in cones of butcher's paper.
45. Several spoke out against the harshly ________ -
self righteous(right) tone of the original motion.
su ! tiñtai
46. Elections are essential for the ________ sustenance(sustain) of parliamentary democracy.
skating hoa '

47. Assimilation
________ (similar) is consequently difficult, particularly as the minority groups experience
considerable hostility. 10in ten
48. Growth and maturation
________ (mature) of vascular plants are often controlled by light, usually in
conjunction with temperature.
sa suyngaim

49. The practice of meditation and contemplation ________ (temple) is life-long, reflecting this daily process of
repentance and change at heart.
50. The new policy only serves to accentuate ________ (accent) the inadequacy of provision for the homeless.
51. Pressure was applied with cool precision: women had discovered that to ________ sidestep (step) male
dominance was to avoid destructive rage.
52. I found your book absolutely ________ (thrall)!
enthralling iainsaingto
53. Listen to both sides and you will be ________ enlighted (light), heed only one side and you will be ________
(night). luiaotoiagioidiéi
54. Bertha, exaggerating the seriousness of the affair, thought it ________ charlatanry (charlatan) to undertake a
post without knowledge and without capacity.
d- uingnguyénvan
55. I write this down ________
verbatim(verb), for much the same reason I took notes in college.
56. She came to the party wearing a(n) ________ outlandish (land) costume and blond wig.
57. Opposition leaders said they would try to stage nationwide protests, but previous opposition rallies -00

have met only ________

lukewarm(warm) support. '
ha Minh
58. She gaveravébétrén
me some friendly advice without a trace of ________ (descend)

59. It's that ________
patronizing (patron) tone of hers that I can't bear.
60. And then, to the audience's ________ mystification (mystic), the band suddenly stopped playing.
61. The ________ (conspire) of the assissination of the president was brought to light in time.
62. The report is critical of attempts by________(official) to deal with the problem of homelessness.
63. The system of counties was essential to Frankish government, and a count could wield considerable
power, particularly in ________ (far) regions.
64. Jaubert had been a reasonable man to work for, had never asked her to do anything illegal or
________ (taste)
65. Darwin's theory of evolution was a(n) ________ (shed) dividing the old way of thinking from the
66. For twenty-five years he ________ (pain) amassed evidence to support his hypothesis.
67. He felt out of place, a(n) ________ (conform) in a society where conformity was highly prized.
68. She unveiled the picture with a(n) ________ (ceremony) gesture.
69. Travellers may be ________ (inquire) about the world, but they also travel to make discoveries
about themselves.
70. Both Hathor and her potential victims became ________ (exceed) drunk and merry, so she failed at
her task.
71. Operation Rescue was an organization notorious for its ________ (front) tactics and its implacable
opposition to abortion under all circumstances.
72. A(n) ________ (face) approach to sustainable construction is required for use by policy - makers,
practitioners and civil society.
73. Wage control is the ________ (corner) of the government's economic policy.
74. She's ________ (fail) cheerful no matter what the circumstances.
75. Instead of just ________ (moan) your fate, why not do something to change it?
76. For users, they are still expensive ________ (add) features and come with their own set of
integration problems.
77. Foreign observers also accused the authorities of widespread ________ (practice)
78. ________ (type) images of women are used to legitimise male dominance.
hip phaip
79. It will ________
legitimate(legal) sex - far from helping girls resist pressure, it will help boys bully girls into
sex. Chita Khai that
80. Mongolia, although poor, has considerable ________
' untapped (tap) resources of oil and minerals.
+ re con
81. Towards the end ofdothe ________(infant)
infantile period the child is becoming more perspicacious.

82. It would be ________

disingenuous (ingenuity) on our part to pretend ignorance of our book's impact, both in
sales and controversy. tiémthuic
83. I think I must have known subconsciously
________(conscience) that something was going on between them.
84. If evolution has________
hard wired (wire) into us a belief that there are objective moral obligations, then we

will believe that there are nh Cong viéc


85. You want clothes that are stylish as well as practical, versatile, multitasking ________ (task) and low
86. His failures ________
underline (line) the difference between theatre and film direction.
+inn d- Eng nhéit
87. In other words, subcultural cleavage has attenuated and cultural homogeneity ________ (homogeneous) has
extended from structural orientation into policy orientation. miétthi
88. As the inspector and others came in, she regarded them disdainfully ________ (disdain), seemingly

unconcerned about her capture. ikhoi hoii

89. The concert hall itself reminds one ________ playfully (play) of reproduction art deco and is also
acoustically first-class and adaptable. kthétranh Khoi
90. She didn't want to confront the ________
inescapable(escape) fact that she would have to sell the house.
d- O

91. He made a fortune buying ________
run down (run) houses and fixing them up to sell.
phoin Chia
92. Business schools, who currently dominate entrepreneurship teaching and research,________ compartment alise
(compartment) knowledge into functional boxes.
lain méituy tin
93. Idealism was deeply________discredited (credit) by the failure to prevent the outbreak of the Second World
thing nhoi't
94. We will reform principal local councils into a(n) ________ unitary (unit) system based on natural
communities and the wishes of local people.
95. Since deregulation
________ (regulate), banks are permitted to set their own interest rates.
s ii. tan rñ

96. These years witnessed the ________

(integrate) and destruction of the English peasantry.
ki di
97. This was really a(n) ________thought,
whimsical and I reproved myself often for the simplicity of it. (whim)
98. There seems to be a(n )________
insatiable (satisfy) demand for more powerful computers.

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