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1. Why is it important to know a person's communication style

- Personal and professional relationships benefit greatly from a basic awareness of one's own
style. Working with coworkers whose communication styles differ from yours may be a
source of friction. As an alternative, you may have a communication style that other people
find difficult to comprehend, which implies that you may have a tough time conveying your
point. Knowing your communication style allows you to teach others how to connect to you
in a way that opens rather than shuts doors. You will also learn how to assess others'
communication styles and change your own to successfully communicate with others.
Understanding how you communicate with others could help you build strong relationships
and reach your goals without causing unnecessary stress.

2.  How does it affects our way of communicating in a multicultural setting?

- Effective communication in a multicultural setting requires structuring your discourse in a
manner that is understandable to all parties. When we speak, we make assumptions about
the meaning of words and concepts. These are based on your own and common views and
experiences. If you're conversing with someone who has a distinct set of views and
experiences, the words may have a different meaning. If you are unable to account for this
possibility, your communication will fail. Being mindful' entails considering what you are
saying, comprehending your audience, and changing your message to facilitate
comprehension. We do this to ensure successful communication.

3. After knowing your dominant communication style, how are you going to deal with your
strengths and weaknesses?
- As an person who have a considerate communication style ,some of my strength that I
think I am proud of, are being a good counselor or listener, builds trust and uses
supportive language. While my weakness as a person who have considerate
communication style are overemphasizes feelings, prefer what’s comfortable. To deal
with this kinds of strengths and weaknesses it can be overcome by checking whether
it is good time and place to communicate with the person, being clear and using a
language that the person understands, communicating one thing at a time,
acknowledging any emotional responses the person has to what you have said and
lastly respecting a persons desire to not communicate.

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