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Hadji Azis, Nor-Faidah September 3, 2020

XII - Responsibility RESEARCH

1. Differentiate Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research.

Quantitative research is the systematic empirical investigation of observable phenomena via
mathematical, statistical, or computational techniques. While, Qualitative Research are based on
unstructured and non-numerical data to understand opinions, experiences and concepts.

2. Give an example of a Quantitative and Qualitative Research (1 sample each).

 Quantitative Research:
The survey conducted to understand the amount of time a doctor takes to tend to a patient
when the patient walks into the hospital.
 Qualitative Research:
A student who is routinely asked to create computer-generated presentation during high

3. Name few types of Qualitative Research.

 Focus group interviews
 1-on-1 in-depth interviews
 Observe

4. What are the characteristics of Qualitative Data?

 Open-ended questions “What, How, When…”
 Can’t be quantified (counted)
 Uncovers motivations, feelings, preferences
 Uncovers in-depth info, relatively low-cost
 Not representative, interpretation subjective

5. Name few types of Quantitative Research.

 Observations
 Experiment
 Questionnaire

6. What are the characteristics of Quantitative Data?

 Can be counted/measured, is quantifiable
 Close-ended questions, predefined answer options
 Can be representative and objective
 Can’t uncover in-depth/detailed response, is relatively costly

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