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I'm a Somali student who wants to master Google drive.

I believe it will be useful to my future

employment opportunities. But I don't have a job to support myself while I pay for this course's
certificate. In this situation, it will be quite difficult for me to raise the necessary funds for the
certificate. Financial aid will enable me to attend this course without jeopardizing my monthly
necessities. So I'm in desperate need of cash assistance.

This course appeals to me because I want to Google drive. I would like to finish the Google drive
course. This course will help me find work after I graduate from my institute. It will assist me in
completing projects more efficiently and offer me an advantage over my competition.

The certificate I earn from this course will gain credibility if it is confirmed. I intend to complete
all tasks on time or early, as well as follow other necessary rules in order to complete this course.
I also plan to participate in Discussion Forums, which I've found to be a great way to enhance my
learning in past Coursera online courses. I also want to assess peer-reviewed assignments, which I
believe will be a wonderful learning experience.

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