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Nowadays --> TODAY, more and more employees choose to dedicate THEMSELVES in --> TO

large companies instead of working in small companies. This essay discusses the merits and
drawbacks of working for big companies.

There are numerous merits for everybody to work in a large enterprise. To begin with, I believe
the first advantage is THAT you --> WE will have A better background and resume --> résumé.
For example, an employer needs to recruit a staff having Audit experience.

If you are working --> A PERSON WORK in --> FOR THE Big-4, your --> HIS curriculum vitae will
be more attractive and -->, AND you --> HE will be a strong candidate.

(Rephrase: If a person works for the Big 4, his curriculum vitae will be more attractive, making
him a substantial candidate.)

Furthermore, working in big companies will provide you  WORKERS WITH a professional
working environment with modern facilities and better infrastructure. On top of that, high
salary and good benefit packageS are also a plus in  WHEN working for big businesses as the
small one usually offers lower.

However, having a career in large companies  HAVING CAREER IN A LARGE COMPANY also
has some drawbacks that cannot be ignored. The primary disadvantage is multi tasks will be
assigned for one person so that you will be limited to have  HAVING better --> PROFOUND
experience in a specific function and become expertise  EXPERTS.

(Rephrase: The primary disadvantage is that multi tasks will be assigned for one person. The
worker will be limited to having profound experience in a specific function to become an expert
in a job.)

Another drawback should be mentioned that  IS THAT the scale of businessES will decide the
number of positions in THE organization chart so you  EMPLOYEES will have
less  FEWER opportunities to promote to higher levels even if you have better  GOOD

(Rephrase: Another drawback of being an employee at a LARGE company is the unclear

promotion schemes. In other words, CORPORATIONS have formed a straightforward process,
which does not have exact names of positions for employees. Therefore, it is hard for them to
evidence their progress in working performance.)

Moreover, THE decision-maker for each specific issues  ISSUE will be based  BE
CONSIDERED BY on the different positions and , AND sometimes it takes much time for
internal procedures or getting  TO GET approval.
(Rephrase: Moreover, decisions are usually considered by many sections WITHIN THE
COMPANY, which TAKES A considerably time OF internal procedures to get approval.)

In conclusion, working in large businesses have both disadvantages and advantages. Except 
EXCEPTING FOR the disadvantage like limiting yourself in expertizing or promoting and having
A lengthy process, there are some existing advantages which everyone can see that is  IS
THAT you will have A better background, benefits together with a chance to work in A
professional environment.

(Rephrase: In conclusion, working in corporations has advantages for a professional career

background and modern working space. However, some disadvantages that cannot be ignored
are lacking opportunities to dig deeper into the occupation and challenging promotion.)

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