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1. What types of companies would you like to work for?

There are various types of corporations to choose but perhaps I’d like to work for a private limited
company which has a small number of shareholders, whose shares are held within a relatively small circle
of owners and are not traded publicly on the stock exchange. PLCs have more than 2 and less than 50
members and their liability is limited or unlimited depending on the type of the company it is. Therefore,
with such a limited number of employees and a low level of competition, my ideas can quickly get noticed
and I will have opportunities for advancement. In addition, working at a small-scale company may also
mean that employees face less pressure on their daily tasks.
2. Which business sector do you want to work?

3. Would you like to run your own company ? Why? Why not?
To be honest, I really want to run my own company. There is no denying that prirate business requires a
lot of effort, even sacrifice many things, but it also brings great experiences. Owning a business comes
with a lot of perks and great rewards. Firstly, running your own company means that you can own your
destiny. In simple terms, when you own a business, you will work for yourself, not anyone else. You can
run everything in the company yourself and decide the direction of your business now and then.
Moreover, when you start a business, you will make a small contribution to social and economic
development. At the same time, it helps you gain more experience, skills and courage when dealing with
many large-scale business, customers and partners,…
4. What is dotcoms?
A dotcom company is a company whose business model is based primarily on a website on the Internet
5. What are the differences between flat and steep hierarchy?
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of steep hierarchy?
* Ads:
- Narrower spans of control
- roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and everyone know their role
- A clear management structure
- Clear progression and promotion ladder
* Disads:
- Longer lines of communication
- Subordinates feel less motivated as there are so many managers
7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of flat hierarchy?
- It is cost efficient
- It promotes faster decision making
- It allows clear communication
* Disads:
- Management can easily lose control
- Work-relationship could struggle
- Less motivation
8. What is the definition of steep and flat hierarchy?
- steep hierarchy is an organisation with high number of management levels and therefore a lot of
organizational units. It is more cumbersome and less flexible than flat hierarchy
- Flat hierarchy is an organisation that has a low number of management levels and simple organizational
9. What are advantages and disadvantages of multinational companies?
* Ads:
- It has became vehicle of technology to the developing countries
- Greater employment and career oportunities are provided by the MNCs
- Variety a goods and services produced for local customers
-MNCs make commendable contribution to invention in the host country
* Disads:
- MNCs technology is designed for world wide profit maximization not the development needs of poor
- MNCs may destroy competition and acquire monopoly powers
- They retard growth of employment in the home country
- The transnational corporations cause fast depletion of some of the non-renewable natural resources in
the host country
10.Would you prefer to be a freelance worker or employed with a fixed salary?(Advantages and
disadvantages of each situation)
To be honest, I’d like to become a freelance worker. Freelancer means someone who works for different
companies and is not employed by one. Regularly, most people want to have a stable life so they choose
to be employed with a fixed salary. But in my opinion, we should also try taking risks instead of staying in
safe zone due to some benefits. One of the greatest advantages of freelance work is the ability to work
from home. No more need for work clothing, commuting time, commuting expenses, sharing an office.
Another great advantage is the ability to be your own boss. No more being assigned projects you don’t want,
having to work with team-mates you don’t respect or worrying about who is looking over your shoulder and gaining
the freedom of choice without any restrictions. Also, freelancing allows you to use a variety of skills on a variety of
projects all at the same time. This can be fantastic for individuals who enjoy diverse tasks and topics and work best
when they have multiple balls to keep in the air. Individuals who work well under pressure and are well
organised may find freelancing a great idea as they take on all responsibilities for every project,
something that is not for the faint of heart. Moreover, freelances makes you more mature because you
have to be mature enough to pursue the job and achieve success. In short, a freelance work brings many
benefits that I really want to gain from it.

1. What are the roles of leader?
Most leaders aren’t ready when they step into a leadership role, so if you are feeling out of sorts,
don’t worry just yet. Everything takes time. Instead of worrying that you will never get up to
speed, focus your energy on improving.

Here are the 1o roles every leader must fill (even the new ones) that are most important to the
success of the team and organization as a whole.

3. How does managers motivate staff?

4. How does managers monitor progress?

5. What is the secret of a good leadership?
6. What are the qualities of a good leaders?
7. What fear make people work hard?
8. Which management style is more effective?
9. In what way can successful leaders win the respect of subordinates and exercise authority over
There are some ways for successful leaders win the respect of subordinates and exercise authority over them. In
order for your team to respect you, you must, in turn, show them that you respect them too. Moreover, employees
are more likely to respect you as a manager if you are technically strong, have superb skills and have proven
yourself in your chosen field. If they are experiencing difficulty with a certain client, project or task, it’s great if you
can step in and assist. If you are not capable of doing the work your team members have been allocated, to an
equal or higher standard, you will never really have complete authority. In addition, managers ought to find out
what motivate your subordinates. Employees will work more efficiently if they are motivated. Keeping staff happy
at the same time is every bit as necessary. You should create a positive working environment where workers feel
valued and trusted.

1. What is planning process ?
2. What is strategic objection ?
3. What is SWOT analysis ?
SWOT analysis (or SWOT matrix) is a strategic planning technique used to help a person or organization
identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to business competition or project
4. What is the PEST analysis ?
PEST Analysis (political, economic, social and technological) is a management method whereby an
organization can assess major external factors that influence its operation in order to become more
competitive in the market.
5. What are differences between SWOT analysis and PEST analysis?

1. What does the “ fat cat “ image refer to ?

2. What is golden parachute ?

The term “golden parachute” in business describes that a large payment made to an executive if they are
kicked off from their company
3. Who design the pay goals for CEOs ?
4. What does an enormous pay packages consist of ?
5. How can we measure CEO performance ?
6. Do you think all pay should be based on performance ?
In my opinion, the company should pay for everyone whose remuneration is based on their
performances. When workers’ salary depend on their performances, they will try their best to work. It can
make a fair working environment and create a good relationship between senoirs and staff. After all,
every performance have the onl purpose which is making more profits that can motivate subordinates
1. What is MECD?
2. What is LECD?
3. What benefits have economic development brought to both MECD and LECD?
4. What is the conflict between economic development and pollution?
5. What is Camisea project?
6. How has the life changed in your country over the last 10 years?
7. What do young people have today that their parents didn’t have?
8. What do you think will happen to the Camisea project? Why?
10. What is OECD?
1.What is marketing mix? ( 2.What are the 4Ps? )
The marketing mix refers to the set of actions, or tactics, that a company uses to promote its brand or
product in the market. The 4Ps make up a typical marketing mix - Product, Price, Promotion and Place.
The first P is Product which refers to the item actually being sold. Getting the product right means
identifying the right features and benefits to meet the needs of the target market. The scope of a product
generally includes supporting elements such as warranties, guarantees and support. The second P is
Price. This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts. The price need not be
monetary – it can simply be what is exchanged for the product or services, e.g. time, energy, psychology
or attention. The price is linked with the positioning of the product; people may be willing to pay high prices
for products that are perceived as upmarket or upscale. Promotion is the next P. Promotion needs to be
linked to the positioning of the product. This includes advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and personal
selling, branding and refers to the various methods of promoting the product, brand, or company. The last
P needs to be mentioned is Place. Place relates to the distribution of the product. It answers for questions
“how does the product reach the customer? Who is involved in the distribution channels? What is the
relationship between wholesales, distributors, resellers and/or retails?”

3. What is competitive advantage?

Competitive advantage refers to factors that allow a company to produce goods or services better or
more cheaply than its rivals. These factors allow the productive entity to generate more sales or superior
margins compared to its market rivals.
Competitive advantages are attributed to a variety of factors including cost structure, branding, the
quality of product offerings, the distribution network, intellectual property, and customer service.
4.Why do companies have to gain competitive advantages?
Competive advantages allow the productive entity to generate more sales or superior margins compared
to its market rivals.
5.Why do company need to create brands?

6.What are the five most important characteristic of a brand?

- be distinctive
- be easy to memorise
- be easy to pronounce
- fit the image of the product
- and communicate the right emotonal appeal to the target customer
7.What do you think about celebrity endorsement? Effective or not effective? Why?
Celebrity endorsements are used by countless businesses of all shapes and sizes as a marketing strategy.
While some critics state that they have little positive impact on business sales, others assert that by using
them, the benefits that a company can enjoy are countless. Here is a few reason why you should employ
celebrity endorsement as a marketing strategy for your products or services. Companies enjoy enhanced
credibility by choosing and endorsing the right celebrities and celebrity endorsement for their products.
celebrity endorsement have their specialized niche which ranges from music and film, fitness, fashion,
sports, etc. Therefore, as a business, you ought to take advantage of this and hire a celebrity whose
specialization is in line with the product or service you seek to endorse. For example, a fitness trainer or
author will work well at endorsing a health and fitness product or service. So note that customers will
take your business and product more seriously if the right celebrity endorses your product. In addition,
choosing a celebrity to endorse your products could be great as this will give your product the ultimate
exposure across the market. For example, if you design and sell a waist trainer and a celebrity is seen
training with one of these, fitness enthusiast will want to know more about the waist trainer and the
brand. Before you know it, prospective customers will be calling, tweeting and messaging asking to learn
more about the product and how they can get it. Ultimately, this relates to increased brand awareness as
well increased sales. Last but not least, celebrity endorsements tend to add significant value to a
company’s PR as it quickly attracts the attention of paparazzi and the media in general. As a business, the
greatest tactic you can use to promote your product is by getting a celebrity to talk about it. When a
celebrity does this, your product will receive media hype and lots of attention from the general public.
Without all these, your company runs the risk of staying in the shadows and losing out on hugely
profitable sales. In conclision, If used appropriately, celebrity endorsements can make an excellent and
exceptionally viable marketing strategy. That being said, the right celebrity must be chosen who is
enthusiastic about your brand and will positively endorse your product and ultimately boost your sales.
8.Young people no longer believe in advertisements. Do you agree?
9.What does influence young people’s buying decisions?
1. Why is it more and more difficult to attract customers nowadays?

As you know , creating and marketing a brand was a simple process in the past. So that it was quite easy
for any company to reach customer. And in my view point there are 3 main reasons that make creating a
brand in the past was relatively easy. The first reason was that customers thought a product which had a
logo or a brand name would definitely had the gurantee of quality and consistency so that they always get
ready to pay more for it. And also companies can promote their brand easyly just by running regular
advantagement on mass media such as TV, radio or news paper. Furthermore, there were a few competitors
in the market and shopping was still a local business at that time. So it was a wonderful opportunity for
many companies to develop a successful brand such as coca cola or microsoft and easily maintain their
high prices and position for many years. However, nowadays there are a huge number of brands in the
market and this makes companies difficult to attract customers although they have good products or
services. Customers are morw and more hard to reach and I think there are some reasons below. As you
know, in this era of technology, the living standard of people is increasingly better and better so that the
customers have changed step by step and they also have more choices to choose from. And customers can
have much selection from many online network as facebook, instagram or tweeter and a wide range of
product in the market or other companies known as competitors. All this factors make consumers become
busier and more confuse. And the next factor I think is that consumers are more knowledgeable and
experienced. They can understand clearly about the marketing strategies by many ways such as taking part
in some marketing coures and learing and watching in social media for example. So they are more cynical
anh less respond when deciding to buy something and they not believe in any advertisement anymore. And
the last reason maybe depend mainly on companies or marketers. They are using the old marketing
strategies that can not appeal to consumers in this advanced century. Today they always focus on whether
the price is too low or too high or they just pay attention to product or the making process. Alfter all, they
almost forget that customers are the main factor that can decide a success or failure of a business. And
there is a sad fact that many products, services and businesses simply come to the end of the road and there
is no longer a market for them. In short, there is no room for doubt about difficulties in drawing customers’

2. Young people seem no longer believe in advertisements. Do you agree? Why/ why not?
3. “Brands provide us with beliefs. They define who we are.” Do you agree with this statement?

1What are the advantages and disadvantages of going offshore?

Offshoring has become one of the most reliable and profitable business operations, a competitive strategy
recognised by many successful businesses. However, it also has pros and cons. First of all, I will give you the
definition of going offshore. Offshoring is the relocation of a business process from one country to anther or you
can understand it means transfering work to an outside supplier based in another country where cheap labour or
resources are available. About benefits of going offshore, the offshoring of business can have many causes, out of
which reducing costs for organisation is always prioritized. In addition to being able to keep costs down, companies
also get cheap and skill workforce. For example, Apple or specifically Iphone is made in China because there are
cheaper labour, cheaper cost and cheaper factory conditions than US. So when you unbox an Apple product, you
can see the product’s origin in China, not USA. And another profits of going offshore I can tell you such as better
cotrol, streamlines process, 24/7 support,… and you can also search more on the Internet. Besides, offshoring
seems to be quite challenging. Many workers in the host country lost their jobs and many social evils emerged.
Countries may also face barries to language, communication, geographic distance and more. Many offshoring
countries use English as an official language in business and government transactions. But there are different
degrees in the depth and understanding of knowledge of English between the workers of the offshore country and
their foreign counterparts. Due to the difference in language and understanding, the organization fails to establish
effective communication with the offshoring team. Usually the offshoring units are located in geographically distant
locations which make it difficult for the management to visit these subsidiaries often. In short, offshoring brings not
only benefits but also disadvantages.

2. What are the factors affecting the choice of a location when outsourcing?

5. What is back-office work?

6. What are the risks of outsourcing abroad?

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