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For a better understanding of the reader, let’s have an overview of the company and its

Amid the relentless pace and fierce competition of the contemporary workplace, corporate
training leaders have become linchpins for professional growth. One such luminary in this
sphere is Prakash Rohera, a distinguished figure with over three decades of expertise in
coaching, leadership, and skills development. As the driving force behind The Redwood Edge,
his own corporate training consultancy, Prakash has etched his name as an international trainer
and speaker of repute.

With an unwavering commitment to empowering individuals, Prakash has impacted the careers
of around 200,000 professionals globally. His training methodology is uniquely enriched with
current and relevant global examples, coupled with actionable takeaways, establishing him as a
foremost figure in the industry. In a world where staying ahead is imperative, Prakash Rohera
emerges as a beacon, guiding professionals toward unlocking their full potential and triumphing
in the challenging terrain of their careers.

ADG Online Solutions is a firm that specializes in digital transformation, providing

comprehensive strategies and technological solutions designed to help companies adapt to the
digital age. By leveraging the power of digital tools and platforms, ADG Online Solutions aims to
facilitate businesses in streamlining their operations, enhancing customer engagement, and
ultimately driving growth.

Digital transformation encompasses a wide range of activities, from updating legacy systems to
implementing cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing,
Internet of Things (IoT), and big data analytics. Companies across various sectors are looking to
digital transformation to improve their competitiveness, and efficiency, and to foster innovation.

2. Brief us on the inception story of the company.

Our journey began in 2008 with a mission to facilitate industry innovation. We started with a
small team of passionate individuals. Over the years, we have grown into a global company with
over 400 employees and offices in India, Canada, and the USA.

3. How have you kept a balance between your personal life and professional one?

Balancing personal and professional life is a universal challenge that many people face. Here
are some strategies that people often use to maintain this balance:

Set Clear Boundaries: Decide on what hours will be devoted to work and what hours will be kept
for personal time. Stick to these boundaries as strictly as possible to ensure one doesn’t spill
into the other.
Prioritize Tasks: Both at work and at home, prioritize tasks to make sure that the most important
things get done first. This helps in managing time effectively and reducing stress.

Learn to Say No: This can be difficult, but it’s important to turn down requests or opportunities
that would overwhelm your schedule or encroach on your personal time.

Delegate: Whether at home or work, delegating tasks can help distribute the workload and free
up time for important personal activities or rest.

Make Time for Self-Care: Ensure to carve out time for self-care activities, such as exercise,
meditation, or hobbies. This helps maintain mental and physical health, which is crucial for
performance in both personal and professional spheres.

Use Technology Wisely: Leverage technology to stay organized and efficient but also be mindful
of the potential for digital devices to invade personal time.

Flexibility: Be flexible with how you manage time, understanding that sometimes personal life
needs more attention, and other times work might require additional focus.

Communicate: Discuss your schedule and needs with family and colleagues so that they
understand your commitments and can support you in maintaining balance.

Regularly Re-evaluate: Life changes, and so should your approach to balancing it. Regularly
assess whether your current strategy is working or if it needs adjustment.

Plan Downtime: Schedule breaks and vacations just like you would any other appointment. This
ensures that you have a block of time set aside for rest and rejuvenation.

4. Being a Business Leader, is your story of struggle any different from others?

Every business leader's journey is unique, marked by a personal narrative of challenges,

setbacks, and triumphs. While there are universal themes in the struggle for success—such as
dealing with failure, overcoming financial obstacles, or innovating in the face of competition—
each leader faces a distinct combination of circumstances and makes choices that set their
story apart.

5. What kind of clients do you serve, any special mentions?

We serve a wide range of clients, from SME, Enterprise, and Fortune 500 to Government. Our
clients come from a variety of industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, technology,
finance, etc

6. How do you keep up the pace with the changing market trends?
To keep pace with the rapidly evolving market trends, I have cultivated a disciplined approach to
continuous learning. This includes dedicating time each week to read industry-specific
publications, attending webinars, and participating in think-tank sessions that focus on emerging
trends and technologies. I also actively engage with my professional network to exchange
insights and perspectives on market shifts, which often provide early signals of changing

Additionally, I make it a point to listen closely to our customers, gathering feedback through
various channels to understand their evolving needs, which often serves as a compass for
navigating market changes. Internally, we run periodic strategy review sessions to align our
business model with these insights, ensuring that our offerings remain relevant and competitive.
By combining these practices, I can anticipate and adapt to new trends, thereby positioning the
business effectively for the future

7. Do you believe R&D is essential for the growth of the company?

Absolutely, I firmly believe that Research and Development (R&D) is not just beneficial but
essential for the sustained growth and success of a company. R&D is the backbone of
innovation, allowing a business to develop new products and services, improve existing ones,
and streamline operations. It fosters a culture of creativity and forward-thinking that can set a
company apart from its competitors. Through R&D, a company can anticipate customer needs
and technological advancements, ensuring it stays ahead of the curve.

Additionally, investing in R&D can improve efficiencies and reduce costs over the long term, as
well as open new revenue streams that are crucial for long-term growth. Ultimately, R&D is an
investment in a company's future.

8. Do you feel CEOs today face equal competition or is there an ‘it’s okay’ attitude to it?

I believe that there is no room for an "it's okay" attitude in business today. CEOs need to be
driven and ambitious to achieve their goals. They need to be willing to take risks and push the

9. How necessary do you feel is it to keep your employees content, how do you ensure it?

Employee contentment is essential for the success of any company. When employees are
happy and engaged, they are more productive and innovative. They are also more likely to stay
with the company, which saves money on recruiting and training costs.

I ensure that my employees are content by creating a positive work environment, providing them
with opportunities for growth and development, and recognizing and rewarding their hard work. I
also make sure that they have a good work-life balance.
10. Who do you look up to and what do you convey further to the ones who look up to you?

There are several individuals I look up to, each embodying different qualities that resonate with
my personal and professional values. These include industry leaders who've shown remarkable
foresight, innovators who've pushed the boundaries of technology, and thinkers who've shaped
the way we approach modern challenges.

From each, I draw lessons on leadership, resilience, and creativity. To those who look up to me,
I convey the importance of lifelong learning, ethical decision-making, and the pursuit of
excellence. I encourage them to remain curious, to question the status quo, and to not fear
failure, as it is an integral part of the journey towards success.

I also stress the value of empathy and teamwork, as no one achieves greatness in isolation.
Finally, I remind them that the path to success is not a straight line but a winding road filled with
learning opportunities, and it is how we navigate this journey that defines us

9. What are your thoughts on Business Leaders’ participation in the entrepreneurial world?

Business leaders' participation in the entrepreneurial world is pivotal. They bring a wealth of
experience, resources, and networks that can significantly contribute to the vibrancy and
dynamism of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Leaders can act as mentors, investors, or
advisors, guiding startups through complex business challenges and offering strategic insights
that are invaluable for young companies. Their involvement can also bridge the gap between
established corporations and innovative startups, fostering partnerships that can lead to
disruptive innovation and growth.

Moreover, business leaders can advocate for policies that support entrepreneurship, thereby
strengthening the infrastructure that startups rely upon. In essence, their engagement is a
catalyst for progress, not just for individual enterprises but for the broader industry and economy

10. What message do you want to give to those Business Leaders who give up on their dreams
because of some stereotypes?

To business leaders contemplating giving up on their dreams due to stereotypes, my message

would be one of encouragement and resilience:

"Do not let the narrow perceptions and stereotypes of the world dictate the boundaries of your
ambition. The path of innovation and entrepreneurship is often laden with challenges, and
societal stereotypes can add an extra layer of complexity. However, it is your unique vision and
determination that will ultimately shape the future of your business. Remember that many
successful leaders have faced and overcome similar hurdles, rewriting the rules and forging
new paths that once seemed impossible.
Hold steadfast to your dreams and consider these stereotypes as obstacles to navigate rather
than barriers that confine you. Use them as fuel to drive your passion and commitment to your
goals. Build a support system of mentors, peers, and allies who share or respect your vision.

Diversity in leadership and unconventional success stories are not just inspirational—they are
essential for innovation and progress.

Lastly, by pushing past these stereotypes and succeeding, you not only realize your dreams but
also pave the way for others who might be hindered by similar challenges. Your courage can
transform obstacles into opportunities for all, setting a precedent that dreams are valid,
achievable, and worth pursuing, regardless of the stereotypes that surround us.

11. What does the company hold for it in the future (Plans)?

When discussing a company's future plans, the reply would typically outline strategic directions
and objectives. Here’s an example framework that can be customized according to the specific
company’s vision and strategy:

"Looking ahead, our company is focused on sustainable growth, innovation, and expanding our
market reach. We plan to continue investing in R&D to stay at the forefront of technological
advancements and to drive product development that meets the evolving needs of our
customers. A key part of our strategy is to enhance our digital transformation efforts, optimizing
operations, and creating a more agile and responsive business model.

We also aim to deepen our commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, recognizing
the importance of these factors to our stakeholders and the communities we serve. This
includes setting ambitious environmental targets and ensuring our supply chain practices reflect
our ethical standards.
Expanding our global footprint is another priority, as we seek to enter new markets and forge
strategic partnerships that will open up new avenues for growth and collaboration.

Furthermore, we’re dedicated to cultivating a dynamic and inclusive workforce, as we believe

that our people are the foundation of our success. We’re committed to providing opportunities
for professional development and fostering a culture that encourages innovation at every level.

In summary, our future is one where we continuously adapt, lead with purpose, and deliver
excellence, driving value for our customers, employees, and shareholders alike."

12. What milestones and achievements does the company boast of?

Our company takes immense pride in a host of milestones and achievements that mirror our
unwavering dedication to excellence, innovation, and progressive growth. We have met and
surpassed critical sales objectives, enhancing our market share and reinforcing our status as a
paragon of quality and dependability within our field.

Significantly, our portfolio now includes several patented, industry-leading products. These
products have not only garnered acclaim for their originality but have also made a substantial,
positive impact on the market, earning us multiple esteemed awards. Our research and
development endeavors have been fruitful, producing unique, patented technologies that
underline our capacity for innovation.

In the realm of human resources, our exceptional employee retention rates speak volumes
about our investment in nurturing a supportive and enriching workplace culture. This has
contributed to our recognition as one of the premier employers in our industry, alongside a
notable expansion of our talented team.

Our market footprint has also seen impressive growth, with strategic international expansion
positioning us across several new geographic regions—a testament to the ambitious scope of
our global strategy.
These accomplishments are merely the foundation for future successes. They affirm our team's
diligent effort and commitment and mark the waypoints for the lofty ambitions we strive to
realize moving forward

15. How are you giving back to society (CSR)?

Our dedication to societal contribution is enshrined in the work of the Sayal Foundation.
Through this channel, we steadfastly support various educational initiatives and charitable
causes. Our commitment extends beyond financial aid as we actively organize and partake in
community events that drive social good. We hold the conviction that corporate social
responsibility is a fundamental business ethic, and it is incumbent upon us to effectuate positive
change in the world

16. Lastly, is there a message you would like to give to Prime Insights readers?

I urge the readers of Prime Insights to embrace a lifelong journey of education and personal
development. Remain receptive to fresh perspectives and embrace the challenges that spur
growth. Dare to venture beyond the familiar confines of your comfort zone, for it is there that
opportunity often lies. Above all, hold fast to your dreams. No matter the complexity of the
obstacles before you, remember that with determination and resolve, there is no summit you
cannot reach. Trust in your boundless potential to manifest the aspirations you most earnestly

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