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Unraveling Affairs

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga,
Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jihoon
Character: Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Jimin
(BTS), Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Taehyung | V, Park
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Mating Cycles/In Heat,
Mating, Mating Bond, Mating Bites, Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut,
Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Strangers to Lovers, Past
Relationship(s), Past ViMin, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a
Happy Ending, Happy Ending, Arranged Marriage, Same-Sex Marriage,
Cheating, Affairs, Forgiveness, Trust Issues, Reconciliation, Mates,
Unrequited Love, Falling In Love, Love Triangles, jeongguk is bad with
feelings, Jeongguk Is An Asshole But Jimin Loves Him Anyway, jikook
endgame, Alpha Jeon Jungkook, Omega Park Jimin (BTS), Alpha Kim
Taehyung | V, Omega Park Jihoon, Alpha Kim Namjoon | RM, Omega
Kim Seokjin | Jin, Alpha Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Omega Min Yoongi |
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Alpha/Beta/Omega Adventures
Stats: Published: 2019-08-29 Completed: 2019-11-10 Chapters: 12/12 Words:

Unraveling Affairs
by x_Hobi_x


Jimin knew that Jeongguk didn't love him, their marriage had been an arranged one, after

But seeing his husband with another woman hurt Jimin like nothing before.

*** Park Jimin finds out that his husband, Jeongguk, is having an affair, and goes through
the struggles of forgiveness, trust, and confronting the truth.



See the end of the work for more notes


Jimin breathed in the frigid, cold air, a scarf wrapped snuggly around his neck. Winter had always
been his favorite time of year, silently hoping for a bit of snow, just so he could sit next to the
window overlooking the city. Work had held Jimin back a bit longer than he had intended, so he
was mildly worried that he might have missed Jeongguk for dinner. It’s not like the alpha really
joined the eager omega on those lonely nights, but still, Jimin could hope.

Knuckles were already turning pink from the cold, holding on tightly to a grocery bag, having
decided to stop by and pick something up to take back to the apartment. Using his free hand, Jimin
reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his cellphone, browsing for Jeongguk’s number.

He glanced up in time to dodge some passerby, before he finally pressed the phone to his ear.
Surely Jeongguk was out of work now, there really shouldn’t be much reason for him to go home

Anticipation gnawed at Jimin’s insides, before he gasped out happily upon Jeongguk’s answer.

As always, Jeongguk’s voice was distant and unwelcoming, as if he was forced to deal with an
annoyance by the name of Park Jimin. The omega had to fight back sickening feeling in the pit of
his stomach, swallowing thickly. After four months of marriage, Jimin had the undying hope that
the alpha would warm up to him and see him in a new light.

Even if their marriage was an arrangement between their families, Jimin went in rather enthused
and full of eagerness; happy to have been given a chance to find a companion to share his life with.
After twenty-six years and with a record of failed relationships, Jimin could not believe his luck
when he met his potential mate.

Despite the small age difference, Jeongguk’s posture and aura screamed male; dominate and ready
to fulfill. It had been enough to send Jimin’s omega’s reeling with satisfaction and determined to
submit and please his mate. He had witnessed a few friends who have long been married and
mated, starting their new life and placing several steps towards their future.

Sometimes, Jimin’s career appeared enough for the omega to take his mind off things, but he was
typically lonely. When he was young, he always had the fantasy that he would meet that loving
prince, an alpha to love and be mated to so that he could live the rest of his life in happiness.
Childish dreams always seemed possible at the time, but nowadays, Jimin had to face the reality
that his chances were far better in an arranged situation, then letting something naturally flowed.

Would Jimin had preferred meeting someone on his own accord? Absolutely.

But Jeongguk…

There was just something about the alpha that Jimin simply couldn’t let go of, accepting the
marriage proposal that Jeongguk also had agreed on.

“What is it?” Jeongguk’s icy tone had Jimin shivering a bit more than he already was.

Breathing out gently, the omega replied, “Are you home? I’m a bit late myself, but if you’re
hungry, I can make something for us?” The omega tried not to let his quivering voice betray him,
holding his breath.

The alpha did not hesitate to respond. “I have a lot of work here. New client. Don’t wait up for

A sharp click soon followed, before Jimin deflated slightly.

Jeongguk didn’t love him, Jimin knew. Most arranged marriages didn’t even consist of love,
Jimin’s parents could attest to that, but that didn’t mean the omega couldn’t dream about
something more that just signatures on a paper.

The alpha had a stable career, working for a company that worked in photo-shooting, filmmaking,
and whatnot. He was making a name for himself, his creativity catching the eyes of many rivaling
companies. It was only natural for the alpha to take a mate, to marry and expand his social circle in
order to continue his climb. That’s why Jimin had been the perfect candidate, someone who had
made his own name in interior design.

Even though Jimin had a long way to go before getting assigned his own project, the omega was
proud to admit that he had worked under immense talent, and all he could do was keep moving
forward. It wasn’t an uncommon thing for omegas to set off and start careers, but the public norm
did require them to embrace their true role.

It something he and his parents always bickered over, especially when Jimin refused to be a stay-
at-home omega that simply cooked, cleaned, and bore children for his alpha. As much as he would
love to start a family with Jeongguk one day, it was simply impossible to completely leave a career
Jimin worked so hard for. He loved his job and the people he worked with.

But even so, there was a storm that raged inside of Jimin’s heart as his eyes gazed at his phone.

Jeongguk treated their relationship as if were nothing more than some work contract.

They were married, but not mated; Jeongguk had yet to claim Jimin as his omega, and after four
months of nothing but snippets of conversation and sleeping in separate bedrooms, Jimin was
starting to think that he would never be able to experience anything intimate with his husband.
Jeongguk and his alpha didn’t want him, and Jimin was on the verge of beating himself up over it.

Too humiliated to confide in his friends and family, Jimin sadly accepted such conditions, despite a
couple of situations where Jimin was a little too hopeful.

A quiet sigh left his cold lips, dropping his phone back in his pocket as he decided to walk back to
the apartment. Jimin had only gone a few steps, before doubling back, hand still clutching the
grocery bag tightly.

Jeongguk said he would be late, but that didn’t mean Jimin could drop off some food at his office,
after all, the alpha’s workplace was just a few blocks away. Besides, he wouldn’t mind getting to
see where Jeongguk worked and maybe peek at some of the projects he was working on. Then
again, Jeongguk had never bee warm and welcoming to Jimin; he will most likely berate the omega
for interrupting him.

But damn, Jimin had it bad, and he couldn’t contain the need to please his alpha, even just a little.
The omega wanted the alpha to see that he could be quite reliable, only wanting the best for the
other. His friends would call him foolish, falling for an alpha that had no interest in him. Still,
Jimin was always the kind to have a bit more faith than most people.

So, Jimin lightly jogged down the sidewalk, his heart swelling at the thought of seeing Jeongguk.
Home didn’t feel at home with the alpha’s constant absence, and every time Jeongguk returned to
the apartment, he would always simply shower and retire to his bedroom. He hardly glanced at
Jimin or even asked the omega about his day.

But things would be different this time. They just had to be.

“Finally.” Jimin caught sight of the large building, his eyes growing wide with mirth. There were
still a few lights on, so he was sure Jeongguk was in one of those offices. Securing the bag, he
paused on the other side of the street, waiting for a chance to cross in order to reach the entrance.

A tall figure, however, captured Jimin’s attention, and the omega perked up slightly when he
recognized who it was.


Immediately, Jimin raised a hand, watching as his husband stood on near the curb, attention
elsewhere. Odd. Jeongguk said he was staying late, was he already on his way home? Even better,
that meant that Jimin could probably catch a ride with the alpha.

“Jeongguk!” There was an eagerness in Jimin’s voice, but the omega didn’t care to disguise it, his
eyes resting solely on the twenty-four-year-old alpha. Even from across the street, Jimin still made
out the perfect, little details of Jeongguk’s handsome face, seeming a bit at ease and relaxed; a side
that Jimin hardly ever sees.

Just as the omega was about to rush across the street in order to greet him, his shifted towards
another person approaching the alpha.

She was beautiful, slender, and took grace-like steps towards Jeongguk. Her body was covered in a
gorgeous, white coat, the sleekness of her black locks cascading over her shoulders rather
perfectly. It was an omega, no doubt, and when she pulled a hand from of her pocket to reach for
Jeongguk, Jimin felt himself grow tense.

The alpha gazed at the strange omega rather expectedly, before he accepted her outstretched hand.
Fluidly, Jeongguk pulled her closer to him, before he allowed on of his hands to caress her back
rather slowly, until finally securing an arm around her waist. The omega seemed pleased and Jimin
felt gutted, dropping the grocery bag at his feet.

Staring in disbelief, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight, as Jeongguk hailed for a cab. A
lump had appeared within Jimin’s throat as the pair slipped into the back of a vehicle, but not
before Jimin took in Jeongguk’s playful smirk as he watched the woman disappear into the back


He had lied to Jimin in order to meet up with a woman.

Jeongguk didn’t love him; their marriage was arranged. However, it still hurt Jimin like nothing

One Month Later

People say that work was the best distraction, and Jimin took it all in like a drug. Call it
desperation, but ever since he found out that Jeongguk was cheating on him, it was all Jimin could
do in order to keep himself from falling apart completely. Naturally, most would probably confront
the issue at hand and even demand a divorce, but it was a lot harder than Jimin had anticipated.

More than once, he had been on the brink of facing the alpha; wanting to tear the answers to his
questions from his very throat.

But it wasn’t as easy as the movies made it seem. Jeongguk was in the wrong and a part of Jimin
couldn’t bring himself to forgive the alpha even if he did go along with exposing the truth. Just
once, he wanted to see the look on Jeongguk’s face if Jimin ever pointed out his disgusting affair.

God, how it took all Jimin’s willpower that night to not pack up all his belongings and storm out of
his apartment. Jeongguk had humiliated and hurt the omega in the worst possible way. It was one
thing to not have any sort of affection towards Jimin and his omega because of circumstance, but
he always thought the alpha had the decency enough to stay loyal to their marriage. Now
everything felt like a farce, a big, fat joke that life was throwing at him.

Since his marriage, people would often compliment Jeongguk; that he was so successful, so
handsome. That Jimin was fortunate to have found someone immensely respectful.


Jeongguk was the perfect example of shattered dreams, and Jimin’s heart still thundered painfully
against his chest every time he thought back on that night, and every night after that. Every time
Jeongguk would inform Jimin that he would be home late, the omega felt the words hit his chest
like hot acid, because he was painfully aware of what Jeongguk was really doing. There were some
occasions that Jeongguk would return smelling faintly of the omega, and it was enough to make
Jimin nearly snap.

So why didn’t he?

Jimin immediately shook his head, blinking blearily at his portfolio, and shoving those thoughts
away before he made himself sick.

Just as the omega was about to settle back down with an idea he was going to draw out, he noticed
a shadow cast over the template he was working on. Glancing up, he gazed at Eun rather

“Jimin, your eleven o’clock is here, don’t tell me you forgot?” She seemed exasperated and Jimin
was already jumping to his feet with a yelp.

Shit! Shit!

Eun quickly aided Jimin in gathering his notes, shuffling it into a folder. It was all Jeongguk’s
fault; the omega was usually on top of things regarding meetings and appointments, but everything
has been all jumbled up for him as of late, that it slips his mind. The client he was supposed to
meet with, was rumored to be very important, and had wanted to meet with Jimin personally.

The omega wasn’t sure on whether to feel unnerved or excited.

If all went well, it could be his very first solo project, and not even Jeongguk’s shitty affair would
be enough to wash away the feeling of elation that would accompany such an opportunity.
“How do I look, Eun?” Jimin’s words were rushed as he brushed back his dark brown locks.
Pinching her lips together, Eun reached forward to fix Jimin’s shirt, before nodding.

“You always look good, Jimin. Don’t stress, you’re amazing at what you do.” Word of
encouragement were always welcomed, and a warmth blossomed within Jimin’s chest as he
nodded. Exchanging a friendly smile, Jimin finally grabbed his folder, and briskly made his way to
one of the main meeting rooms on his floor.

Jimin couldn’t afford to mess up career opportunities; even if his marriage is a failure, the omega
was determined to succeed in his job. Maybe one day, he’ll gather enough confidence to confront
Jeongguk and perhaps leave him. One thing that he was tremendously disappointed about,
however, was the fact that his wolf still begged for some meager chance in working something out.
Not know the full extent of the affair and for how long it’s been going on, Jimin couldn’t help but
be filled with questions.

“Not now. Not now.” Cursing at himself, Jimin forced the thoughts away as he approached two
large, black doors. The meeting room was always spacious, and it was the second largest one of
the building, the executive room being the biggest, and Jimin only visited it once.

Quickly, he fixed his dress shirt, tossed around a few strands of hair here and there, before finally
making his way inside.

“Sorry I’m late, had to gather a few things.” Jimin was quick to call out, feeling a bit flustered, but
not at all incapable of handling the situation. Curious eyes quickly took in the figures in the room.
Namjoon, his superior, didn’t seem at all put off by Jimin’s tardiness, welcoming the young omega
with a smile.

Jimin was grateful to the alpha, giving him many chances throughout the extent of his career.
Nimbly, the omega placed his folder on the table, orbs connecting with a soft pair of hues. Judging
by the sweet, floral scent, the male was an omega. Any other day, Jimin would have gushed over
the other’s adorable features, seeming so kind and innocent. However, he didn’t even have a
moment to call out a greeting, when another body was suddenly colliding with his own.

A surprised cry left his lips as he felt his body getting crushed by someone he couldn’t quite make
out, since his face was getting squished into someone’s chest. Naturally, Jimin would probably
freak out at the sudden action, but it was the stranger’s scent that sort of had Jimin perking up in
curiosity more than anything else.

Feeling as if he had been punched in the gut, Jimin snapped his head back, eyes wide as he took in
a certain alpha’s handsome face.

It was as if the omega found himself falling back into a pool of time, images and memories
flashing across his mind as he took in the chocolate colored eyes that were always so full of
warmth and innocence. Honestly, the omega never thought he’d ever come across such a loving
gaze again, now at a loss of words as he took in every detail about the alpha before him.

“Jimin-ssi! You’re here, just as they said!” The alpha barked out a happy laugh, before dragging
Jimin back into a bone-crushing hug.

“H-Hyung! Let him go, he’s probably in a bit of a shock!” Jimin could hear the other omega’s
voice, sounding a bit strained as the alpha refused to let Jimin go.

It was then, that Jimin gasped out, pulling back slightly, “Taehyung! What on earth?” It was all he
could manage, before the alpha released Jimin from his grip.
Just like many times before in their teenage days, Taehyung always had a habit of making Jimin’s
heart soar, thinking back on everything. Jimin was certainly ill prepared for the encounter, since he
didn’t think he would ever cross paths with Taehyung again, since that faithful day.

Yet, there he was.


“I had no idea you two knew each other.” Finally, Namjoon cleared his throat, standing up in order
to shuffle towards the pair.

Always the quick one to respond, Taehyung released Jimin from the hug, but confidentially
wrapped an arm around the omega’s shoulders. “Jimin-ssi and I go way back; he’s the one that got

Namjoon blinked in mild surprise, the heavy meaning of the words leaving behind a thick air of
awkwardness. Even after years of not seeing each other, Jimin wasn’t sure about how he felt that
Taehyung was still as open and as shameless as ever.

Wanting to clear the air, since he could sense the other omega becoming quite uncomfortable,
Jimin quickly maneuvered himself away from Taehyung’s happy hold. “We dated back in school,
but that was almost ten years ago, before he started off his career as an idol.”

Jimin had always thought he and Taehyung would live the rest of their lives together; the omega
was head over heels for his first, honest love. Back then, it was easy to plan a future with a person
he once considered his soulmate, especially after growing up together before either of them even
presented into their respective roles.

Loving and being with Taehyung was such a natural bliss, so one could only imagine Jimin’s
heartbreak at the news that Taehyung had been accepted to be a trainee for a small company. Sure,
at first Jimin encouraged Taehyung to follow his dreams; he had the talent to be successful. But it
didn’t take long for the alpha to be swamped by school and training, cutting deeply into their

Jimin didn’t have the strength to watch it bleed out.

Thinking back on it now, Jimin couldn’t help but faintly wonder if breaking up with Taehyung had
been the best idea. However, thinking about the enormous success he’s had, the concerts, the
fandom, and the awards; Jimin reassured himself that it was probably the best decision he had
made at the time.

Taehyung had accepted Jimin’s decision with a heavy heart, and soon after school was finished,
they both went their separate ways. Communication between the two had died out in the first year
of their separation, and Jimin only caught glimpses of Taehyung on the television or heard his
sweet, beautiful voice on the radio.

Their relationship almost felt like a dream and Jimin almost succeeded in convincing himself that it
hadn’t been real, but…

“What are you doing here? I’m sure this isn’t some casual visit, considering the time and place.”
Jimin could feel a heat settle in his cheeks as Taehyung looked over at the omega with a fondness
that almost made Jimin cry. It had been so long.

“Well, yes, we’re here on business.” Suddenly, the other omega moved in, his eyes trained on
Jimin as he spoke. “I’m a partner of sorts, and Hyung and I were looking to get some help with
some interior design for a bar we are opening up here in Seoul.”

Soon after, the omega politely bowed. “I am Park Jihoon, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Throughout the exchange, Jimin could feel Taehyung’s eyes burning deep holes into him, and even
after retreating the safety of his own chair next to Namjoon, Jimin’s wolf still felt mildly restless at
the attention.

“They asked for you specifically so I think it would be appropriate for you to take the reigns on
this one, Jimin.” Namjoon encouragingly nodded as Jimin shifted through his folder of information
and few preview pieces he had come up with after reading a few profile details. He almost felt
stupid for not catching on the name before, but then again, he had been wrestling with the
Jeongguk fiasco for the past month now.

“We’ve seen some of your work, Jimin, when we were researching for our own establishment. The
company you work for really comes up with amazing designs worthy of envy, and when Hyung
realized you worked here, well…” Jihoon sheepishly stated as Taehyung grinned.

“I was over the moon.”

Taehyung always had this power to embarrass someone with his childlike innocence, and Jimin
was incredibly happy that the alpha hadn’t lost such a beautiful quality.

Namjoon sat in humble silence, not at all bothered with the conversation was soon taking place,
and Jimin was a bit more reassured by having his superior there. It’s not like Namjoon didn’t trust
Jimin, but the higher ups probably had him sit in for the sake of the meeting itself, since Taehyung
wasn’t just any client.

“Well, we’re honored that you decided to give us a chance to work with you on this project, and I
hope we are able to satisfy your qualifications.” Jimin felt a bit more confident now, a surge of
professionalism hitting him as he secured a few items from the folder. Taking out some samples,
he spread out a few penciled-out details that he figured would align well with what Taehyung and
Jihoon were going for.

However, before the omega could continue, Taehyung was leaning forward slightly. “So, you are
married? When mom told me, I wasn’t too sure if you went through with it, since I didn’t hear
much about it.”

The sudden turn of topic had Jimin fumbling slightly, and Jihoon was shooting Taehyung a
desperate look. “Was it recent?”

Feeling Namjoon shift a bit in his own chair, Jimin swallowed thickly as his stomach began to
churn uneasily. “Yes, I’ve been married a few months now.” Jimin tried to clear out the dryness of
his throat as Taehyung regarded him with a regretful stare.

He wasn’t sure why Jimin felt a bit guilty at having revealed such a personal piece of information,
but he had been completely off guard when Taehyung had asked. “Does your husband work here
with you?”

Jihoon was quick to interject, helping Jimin save face, “Hyung, I don’t think right now is a good
time. We’re here to discuss things about the bar, maybe catching up with an old friend could be
done at another time?” The young omega didn’t seem at all sharp or rude, gifting Jimin an
apologetic glance.

Taehyung said nothing, but Jimin didn’t miss the way his eyes scanned over the bareness of
Jimin’s neck, evidently noting the fact that Jimin had not been claimed despite his status. It was
something that Jimin always felt humiliated about; it was clear to people what his marriage to
Jeongguk meant; that love wasn’t involved, except for the sole purpose of establishing social
footing. Maybe that’s why Jihoon had decided to spare Jimin further embarrassment, especially
when he knew there was no hiding from Taehyung scrutinizing gaze.

The alpha wasn’t stupid, after all.

Jeongguk silently laced his shoes back up, sitting on the edge of the bed as he felt Soo-Min
stretching luxuriously. From beyond the window, the alpha was able to tell just how late it was, but
he was in no hurry to leave, really. By this time, Jimin expected late, seemingly having accepted
the continuous excuse that Jeongguk worked late.

“You never stay longer with me.” The omega whined as Jeongguk finally stood up, not even
glancing at the woman he had taken to bed earlier, and like most nights after he was finished with
the workday.

Jeongguk’s response was clipped and to the point. “There’s no need to. We’re physically
compatible, that’s the only thing keeping us together. We both agreed that this would only be just
sex.” As he slipped on his shirt, he was quick to add, “You should be happy I decided to keep this
up even after you and I married our selected partners.”

“Yes, but you could maybe put a little more effort in being somewhat affectionate. It wouldn’t kill
you.” Soo-Min’s tone had changed from her earlier, sultry coated words, the ones that always knew
how to work up his alpha.

But that was all it was. Pure, carnal desire. Jeongguk wouldn’t hide the fact that he was only in it
for the hook-ups, it’s not like he kept it secret from his longtime lover. Every time Soo-Min hinted
at something more than just a lustful getaway in the sheets, Jeongguk was quick in shooting it all
down. Being with Soo-Min didn’t really benefit him in any way, simply enjoying the thrill that
came with having an affair.

He’d bed her, but he wouldn’t wed her.

“I don’t understand why you still return to him, especially when it’s me you lust for.” A coyness
settled over her words, but Jeongguk didn’t take the bait. She soon added. “Don’t you remember
your wedding night? You left him in order to fuck me.”

A scoff left Jeongguk’s lips as he buttoned up his shirt. “You were the one that came searching for
me. Or are you offended at the fact that I had no interest in looking for you at yours?”

That one hit its mark, and Jeongguk listed with satisfaction as Soo-Min hissed angrily at him.

It just didn’t matter if both she and Jeongguk met up for their occasional fling, marrying Jimin was
not a regret, and he would gain a lot more from being with the omega than he would getting it on
with the wife of one of his superiors.

“I already told you this many a times before, Soo-Min. I’m not leaving Jimin for you. It’s not
worth it and if you can’t accept that, then I supposed things are better ended now.” Jeongguk was
serious; as much as he enjoyed sex with the beautiful omega, he was not going to lose Jimin or the
benefits of his family over some tasteless affair.
Soo-Min called out sharply, “I don’t want us to break up!”

“Then be smarter about this. I need to go.” The alpha turned to face the wounded omega, watching
as she thickened the scent of her pheromones as if to try and entice him to stay. Maybe any other,
typical alpha would fall for it, but Jeongguk was spent, and he never really found a second round
with Soo-Min at all tempting or appealing.

Without another word and ignoring the omega’s pitiful whimpers, Jeongguk was already out the
door, but not before grabbing his coat upon his exit.

Each time, he thought he would anger Soo-Min enough to have her not seek him out again, but time
and time again, he was proven wrong. And time and time again, he would take her to bed at the
nearest hotel, without a single care in the world for the omega waiting for him at home.

“Go home.”

Startled, Jimin jumped in his seat as he whirled around to see Namjoon all packed up and ready to
head out for the evening. Much like him, Namjoon often stayed behind late in order to finish up
with work, but Jimin currently held the record for the employee with the most after hours. It’s not
like he was doing so against his will, but lately, work was his only saving grace, and each night he
dreaded going home to lonely apartment he shared with an indifferent alpha.

“I will, as soon as I finish up with some of these last prints from last week’s photograph sets. I’m
close to sealing this deal with one of our clients, so better now than later.” Jimin breathlessly stated,
pulling up one of the final pieces to a café he had been helping with for the past two months now.

“No, Jimin. Now.” Namjoon was one to really snap and berate his employees, so no one ever got
used to the seriousness of his tone when he was trying to get a message across. “You’ve been
working yourself to the bone for the past couple of weeks, taking on more work when you don’t
need to. Go home.”


“Or I’ll reassign some of your current projects to other teams.” The alpha never made empty
threats, and considering he was doing so for Jimin’s benefit, was enough for the omega to relent,
his shoulders sagging. A sigh fluttered into the air around them as Namjoon patted his shoulder.
“You’re an incredible worker, Jimin, and your designs stand out. I’d hate for you to burn yourself
out. Go home and come back early tomorrow.”

A tired smile danced across Jimin’s lips, before he leaned back with a small groan. “It’s been a
long day, you’re right, I should take it easy for a bit.” Jimin wasn’t too happy about the idea, but
Namjoon seemed satisfied with it.

“Actually.” Namjoon paused as he set down his briefcase in order to fish for something from one
of his coat pockets. Jimin watched curiously as the alpha took out his wallet, opening it hastily in
order to further seek out what he was looking for. “As you know, my husband owns a production
company and one of his clients gifted him with tickets to some popular musical here in Seoul.”

“Oh, right, Jeongguk works there.” Jimin found himself saying, probably another reason as to why
Jeongguk probably married the omega in the first place. Namjoon was married and mated to the
CEO of the company Jeongguk currently worked for. And even now, Namjoon was a prime
example of what Jeongguk once said about ‘reaping the benefits.’

“Which is why I thought it would be nice if you joined Seokjin and I next weekend to the showing.
I know my husband has been dying to go out with another couple for a while; everyone has been
stressing over work.” As Namjoon offered the tickets, Jimin swallowed thickly as he graciously
accepted them.

This was huge and it would help Jeongguk immensely on his way to the top, but at the same time,
Jimin didn’t own the alpha any favors.

“You don’t have to go, but Seokjin trusts my circle of friends more than his own. Since you’ve
been working a lot, a weekend getaway wouldn’t be so bad. If not, just let me know before hand
and I can offer them to someone else. Talk with your husband about it; you have my number.”
Namjoon beamed at him as he took hold of his briefcase once more, and it took all that was Jimin’s
willpower to not cry to the alpha right then and there.

Because things were not good with Jeongguk at all, and Jimin simply couldn’t find anyone to
confide in. Namjoon was such a kind soul, and Jimin couldn’t help but think that this was a silent
invitation for Jimin to speak up about what was troubling him.

Why couldn’t he have married someone as kind as Namjoon?

“Wow, thank you. This is probably what I need. I’m sure Jeongguk will appreciate the offer and
accept, but if anything comes up, I’ll let you know for sure.” Jimin regretted the words that slipped
from his mouth, since he didn’t have the energy to tag along and keep up some façade for the sake
of Jeongguk’s career.

But Namjoon has done so much for him already, and Jimin learned plenty from him since he first
started working with the elder. The least he could do was suck it up and take the alpha up on his
offer; besides, it wouldn’t just be him and Jeongguk, the omega would be able to distract himself
with the other couple if need be.

The alpha waited for Jimin to gather up his things for the night, making sure his computer was
well shut off. Taking some work home was something Jimin always did, so he figured he would
stay up a bit later; it’s not like he would be able to sleep anyway. So, once everything was secured,
Namjoon accompanied him towards the elevator, and it wasn’t until the doors were closing that
Jimin realized how tired he really was.

A humble silence fell over the two of them as they made their way across the lobby soon after.
Breathing in the cold air, Jimin then shivered as they were met with an icy gush of wind. “I heard it
might start snowing, would be nice; snow always makes things look even more beautiful this time
of year.” The alpha sighed in contentment as Jimin nodded in agreement.

“Well, let me know what the final decision is, I look forward to your answer.” Namjoon was quick
to offer a wave as Jimin did the same, before he reached up to fix his scarf.

“I will. Have a nice night!” After parting ways, Jimin began his trek back home, hoping not to run
into Jeongguk that evening.

Work, Taehyung, and now a looming opportunity to mingle with some well-known figures; Jimin
just didn’t have the energy to really deal with anything else that night.
Jimin was starting to think that wishing for stuff got him the opposite of what he asked for, because
he found the alpha lounging in the kitchen when Jimin finally walked through the door. Jeongguk
glanced up from some papers he was looking over, hair wet from a shower as he settled for a large
tee and loose sweats.

“This is the latest I’ve seen you get home.” He spoke up as Jimin sighed, setting all his stuff down
on the coffee table in their living room. Dropping his bag next to the couch, Jimin began to peel off
his outer layer of clothing, groaning slightly as his limbs cried out in pain. Maybe he was outdoing
himself, his muscles felt so pained and his eyes were dreadfully heavy.

“I got a new client today, and it’s a big account so I’m putting in extra hours to make sure it all
goes smoothly.” Jimin’s voice was guarded and just as indifferent as Jeongguk’s. It’s honestly all
they really talked about; work, work, and more work. Conversations were never about themselves
unless work was involved in some way; Jimin had learned in the first, few days of their marriage
that Jeongguk wasn’t a bit interested in getting to know Jimin on such a deep, personal level.

“Is it your own project?” Jeongguk continued to question, and Jimin curtly nodded, pulling his shirt
out from where he had it tucked in. At the silent response, the alpha then added, “They’re finally
recognizing your talents.”

Now this was something Jimin had not expected at all; Jeongguk hardly ever complimented him on
anything, and whenever he came home late from work, or from messing around with his mistress,
they merely exchanged a few words before he retired to his room. The omega didn’t want to seem
pleased, but it was rather difficult to resist the urge to do so, when he still craved for the alpha’s

Despite all the disappointments.

Feeling idiotic for even giving in to a possibility of breaking the ice they were both on, Jimin made
his way towards Jeongguk, eyes idly glancing around the pages of his current project. Even if he
didn’t respect their marriage, at least he took his job seriously. Sensing his proximity, Jeongguk
looked up in time to see Jimin holding out the tickets Namjoon had given him.

“What’s that?”

“My boss, Namjoon, and his husband Seokjin, invited us to a weekend getaway. I don’t know the
exact details, but it wouldn’t hurt to go.” While speaking, Jeongguk was already taking the tickets
from his hands, raising his brows slightly as if impressed. Of course, the news would make the
alpha happy, this would be a good opportunity for him to get closer to Seokjin, and thus, opening
several doors for him.

Nodding, Jeongguk set the tickets down, rubbing his knee as he did so. “This is a golden window
for us, Jimin, we’d be stupid to pass something like this up.”

Jimin couldn’t help but bristle at that, frowning deeply at the insinuation that all Jimin ever care
for, was getting to the top. “Namjoon is a friend, Jeongguk, I would love for us to actually enjoy
spending time with them without ulterior motives in mind.”

“Without ulterior motives? Why do you think I married you for?” Jeongguk briskly replied, and
Jimin recoiled at the sudden knife that had lodged itself into his heart.


The omega was as stupid as he thought. To think he could at least get something in return from the
alpha, some sort of inkling that Jimin was more than just ticket to higher, social circles. Because
when Jimin agreed to marry, he had done so because he wanted a partner, a companion; to attempt
a normal life.

But all of that was just wishful thinking, and Jimin couldn’t help but feel the shame and
embarrassment wash over him, as his omega retreated. He felt his scent turn sour, the distress that
covered his omega like a second skin, had Jimin on the verge of spitting out all the venom he had
held back the past month.

Maybe it was the way his eyes stung with unshed tears, or the way his omega cried out in
heartbroken rejection, but he noticed the way the alpha suddenly seemed off put and restless. He
shouldn’t feel proud at that kind of reaction, but it was the most Jimin had ever gotten in the past
several months they have been together.

“This was more than just some business transaction to me, Jeongguk.” Jimin’s words were a
whisper, before he finally turned on his heel. Stupid. He was so stupid. Not a word was uttered
after that, and the omega was quick to take his things and flee to his room, without even sparing
his dear ‘husband’ a glance.

Working with Taehyung was proving to be nearly impossible, especially when the alpha was
always a little too eager around him. To be quite honest, Jimin had to give himself kudos for not
falling victim to the man’s charms, even when he was doing his best to win Jimin over on several
occasions. It’s not like it was the only thing Taehyung ever did, there were a couple of times when
the pair would revisit old, childhood memories.

Their friendship was something Jimin would love to restore and judging by how easy it was to be
himself around Taehyung, the omega knew it would only be a matter of time before both eased up

But Jimin wasn’t blind to Taehyung’s advances, and he almost felt sorry at the way Jihoon would
regard both with a troubled, pensive expression. Maybe back then, Jimin would have been all the
happier to rekindle a relationship that only served to bring the omega nothing but genuine joy.

However, Jimin was married now, and even though his husband was anything but caring and
loving, the omega couldn’t bring himself to stoop down to the alpha’s level. And much to his
everlasting frustration, Jimin simply could not shake off the feelings he held for Jeongguk, despite
the deeply rooted pain within his aching heart.

He couldn’t love Taehyung, not the way the alpha wanted him to. Not like before.

“I love this color.” Once both Jimin and Taehyung were settled in the meeting room the following
week, Jimin had breathed out in relief at the approval in the alpha’s voice. “Well, I’ll have to check
with Jihoon, but I’m sure he’ll agree.”


Watching the quiet omega was something Jimin often did, trying to figure out what his relationship
with Taehyung truly was. At first, Jimin naturally assumed the two were together, but upon better
inspection, he realized that Taehyung never regarded Jihoon as more than a friend and partner.

Not blind to Jihoon’s evident affection, Jimin could not escape the immense guilt he felt whenever
Taehyung treated him with an old, smoldering love that had yet to fizzle out. Jimin liked to think
that Taehyung acted the way he did because of their sudden reunion, praying that he alpha
wouldn’t try to take things farther.

Any married wolf would highlight the fact that they are taken and not at all available, but that
wasn’t something Jimin was able to go with, since both he and Taehyung knew all too well that
Jimin and his husband were not emotionally tied down by mutual feelings.

Still, he connected with Jihoon so easily and the young omega was so nice to talk to, the least
Jimin could do was hint to the other that he was not at all interested in Taehyung in that way and
hope that Jihoon would catch on.

Jimin was no stranger to unrequited love.

“I’m working with your husband.” Taehyung suddenly spoke up, and it was enough to make Jimin
suddenly choke on air.

It was just the two of them in the meeting room; Jihoon had gone to grab some coffee with
Namjoon, so Jimin would have to hold the fort down for a while. At first, everything was going
was going extremely well, both alpha and omega focusing on the job at hand.

“Ah, small world.” Jimin sheepishly chuckled, trying to put on a smile, but failing rather
miserably, so instead, he returned to the files.

“Yeah, we’re doing a production thing for my next comeback, so he’s overseeing a lot of stuff.
Doesn’t talk much, pretty stiff.” Jimin wanted to snort at the words, picturing Jeongguk’s person
rather perfectly. That was just like him, honestly, but at the same time, he couldn’t help but wonder
if Taehyung mentioned anything about their past love life.

“There’s a meeting with him today, I’ll be heading over there after we’re finished here.” The air
was getting extremely awkward, and Jimin struggled to hold down the need to panic. This was
dangerous territory; even if he knew that others were aware of his situation with his husband, Jimin
wouldn’t be able to survive such a topic.

“You’re not happy, are you?”

And there it was.

“Can we not?” Jimin’s words were a little too sharp, and Taehyung pursed his lips together,
forming a very tight line. “That’s my personal life, Taehyung, I would appreciate it if you didn’t
nose around in it.”

Jimin was already walking on the edge, feeling himself cutting close to breaking down fully, and at
work. The omega always took pride in separating his work life from his private one, but when
Taehyung was able to see through him, and on top of that, point it out, well, Jimin wasn’t sure
what to feel.

Judging by the meek silence, Jimin wasn’t sure if the rest of the meeting was going to go well, and
he could already feel the shift in his scent as he was starting to get uncomfortable with it all. As he
took cover in the quietness, Jimin swallowed thickly, shoving the papers together, trying to find
something to.

Not long after, he noticed Taehyung’s hand inch towards him, before he finally took hold of one of
Jimin’s hands completely.
“I’m sorry, Jimin-ssi. I can’t help but worry. I stepped over the line.” There was a small pause,
before the alpha opened his lips once more. “I think I started on the wrong foot here, with you.
How about we go out for coffee sometime? Catch up?”

Jimin couldn’t ignore the warmth of the alpha’s touch, the way his pheromones tried to calm his
now restless wolf.

It was hard, there was no denying it. Jimin wanted nothing more than to come home after a long
day and spend an evening with his mate; to be comforted and be treated like he mattered. That his
value was not just on his career, but as himself, as Jimin.

Jeongguk has done nothing to really make Jimin feel like he was important, even more so now that
Jimin discovered the alpha’s infidelity. He had almost forgotten what it felt like to be cared about
by a significant other. Finding comfort in the other’s touch, Jimin allowed himself to ease the
tension in his shoulders, but his mood didn’t improve.

“That would be nice, Taehyung. Just…” Jimin sighed as he finally pulled his hand away from the
alpha. “Our time together is something I will never forget, but that was years ago. Things are not
the same anymore, and they never will be.”

Taehyung visibly swallowed, before he forced a smile. “I know. I guess seeing you again just,
made me revisit the past, especially at how it all ended.”

“I’m sorry, Taehyung, that one is on me.”

The alpha was already shaking his head, as if rejecting such an idea. “I’ve never held that against
you, Jimin, I understand why you did it. Look, let’s not touch on that now; how about coffee, like I

Taehyung had this charm that just tugged at a person’s heartstrings, and it was difficult to resist
such a kind soul. Smiling genuinely, Jimin finally nodded. “Fine; coffee will be nice.”

It was probably what Jimin needed right now, a friend. Taehyung had always been that kind of
friend to him, and even though life had gotten in the way, Jimin knew that the alpha would provide
what he needed. True companionship.

Jimin had friends; he’s made plenty at work and some remained in touch even after uni. But no one
was as close to the omega as he would have liked. That’s why talking to Taehyung seemed so easy;
they were friends first before they were a couple, and to this day, Jimin didn’t think he would ever
find someone who knew him as much as Tae did.

“I feel like the colors should be darker; it doesn’t set well with the current backdrop. Maybe try a
different pallet.” Jeongguk suggested as he glanced over some of the concept photos. Nothing was
final, so he still had some room to play around with a few things here and there.

“Mind if we all go take a break and grab some snacks or something? I could use something in my
stomach right about now.” One of Jeongguk’s co-workers called out as he stretched fully. The
alpha couldn’t blame them, everyone has been working nonstop for a good portion of the day, so
he nodded.

Setting aside the photographs, Jeongguk rolled his shoulders a bit, before following two others
away from their current work area.

Their break room was spacious, so Jeongguk didn’t feel the need to mingle much with the others as
they settled for some drinks and snacks already on the table. The alpha made his way to grab a
water, catching some movement from the corner of his eye.

“Ah! Hey, Jeongguk~!” A rather deep, but joyous voice rang out towards him. He didn’t really
need to look up to know who it was that was currently calling out his name. Unfastening the bottle
cap, Jeongguk took a swing from his bottle, before turning to face Taehyung.

It was a bit much, all things considered; the guy was a well-known idol, but that didn’t stop the
alpha from getting a little too friendly with him. He was direct, and his way of thinking was a little
uncommon when compared to others. Still, that didn’t mean the alpha wasn’t clever in his own

Why else would Taehyung be giving Jeongguk a look that his wolf standing on guard. The other
wasn’t throwing anything malicious at Jeongguk, but the way his eyes glinted with a knowing
flash, had the alpha growing a bit tense.

Words weren’t exchanged at first, as Taehyung munched on what appeared to be some grapes.
Jeongguk wasn’t really a fan of the unsettling silence that mingled between them, so he made the
first move. “I didn’t see you on set much of this morning; working on other things, is my guess?”

For a moment, Taehyung regarded the young alpha with a mild, condescending look, enough to
make Jeongguk bristle, before the older male beamed. “Oh, some personal stuff. I hired Jimin to
work on my bar, I’m sure you’ve heard of what my friend and I have been wanting to do.”

Jeongguk didn’t forget; he had overheard talk about the young idol, seeming quite eager to get
things started on some of the interior work. The alpha had been too busy with work, it hadn’t
dawned on him that Taehyung most likely sought out the works of Jimin’s company.

“Jimin is wonderful to work with.”

The alpha wasn’t sure why Taehyung meant it as a jab, furrowing his brows slightly, but careful to
not betray much emotion. “My husband did mention he was working on something new; I didn’t
imagine it would be with you.”

He made a direct point to remind the other alpha that Jimin was married, though, a part of him
wondered why he even needed to establish that with Taehyung. Maybe it was the way the other
alpha was treating him with a sudden coolness that left Jeongguk feeling a bit annoyed.

“I asked for him. Jimin and I go way back.” Popping another grape in his mouth, the idol offered a
smile that Jeongguk didn’t read as sincere. “We shared a lot of things together.”

Jeongguk contributed to the conversation with a frown, so Taehyung took it upon himself to clarify
what he meant, exactly. “As in, I was his first in a lot of things. I love to refer to Jimin as the one
that got away.”

The young alpha didn’t need more than that in order to understand what it was that Taehyung was
getting at, and for a splitting second of unbound emotion, Jeongguk added in a clipped tone. “Is
that right?”

“Yeah, of course. I invited him out to some coffee and to catch up; hope you don’t mind my
stealing your husband for an afternoon.” Taehyung let out a laugh, masking the tension that soon
took its place between both alphas.
“No, not at all.” Jeongguk added rather tersely, “Jimin is free to do what he wants with friends.”

Lifting a hand, the other wolf lightly pushed Jeongguk’s shoulder, making the alpha grow tense at
the sudden contact. Taehyung seemed satisfied with the outcome, before he added with enthusiasm.
“Glad we see eye to eye.”

With a wink, Taehyung finished what he had been eating, grabbing a bottle of water for himself.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of him.”

Jeongguk noticed the way the other scoffed under his breath, before finally stepping away, leaving
a rather unhappy alpha behind.

‘Are we not meeting tonight?’

It was Soo-Min.

Jeongguk glanced down at his phone, bitterly. The thought of meeting with Soo-Min only served to
annoy him more, growing a bit frustrated as he allowed his mind to run back to Taehyung’s earlier

He didn’t appreciate the way the other alpha crossed the line a bit, making it explicitly clear that he
and Jimin had a history, and that he, by no means, had forgotten about the omega. Shifting
uncomfortably in the cab, Jeongguk watched the buildings fly by as the vehicle continued down
the street.

Taehyung was no one to worry about, and Jeongguk had no reason to feel threatened.

The idol had simply stepped out of line and the young alpha reacted towards it, that was all.

That’s all it was.

So why was his alpha feeling particularly restless to the point that Jeongguk had to tackle down the
feeling of needing to get back to the apartment. Jimin had been coming home later than usual, an
excuse he often used whenever he decided to meet up with Soo-Min for the evening.

And it all started around the same time that Taehyung returned to the city for promotional and
comeback work. If Taehyung and Jimin were indeed lovers sometime in the past, who’s to say they
wouldn’t want to rekindle something?

Jeongguk was acting hypocritical, but there was no fighting the nature of his alpha, and the wolf
inside him was not too happy with the shady encounter that transpired between himself and

Would Jimin be home even now?

Jeongguk knew what he was. What he did. He knew he was unfaithful to Jimin, but he didn’t think
the omega would be the type to do the same. It never even crossed his mind that the omega would
go as far as do the same to him; Jimin just didn’t seem the type. He was, after all, the better of the

The alpha knew of his faults, yet, still acted on them. At least Jimin seemed to be the moral
compass of their marriage, but it’s not like Jeongguk really offered more for the arrangement,

He’s never been in love, nor did he think he was capable of such a thing. A firm believer that
marriages were nothing more than some social contract, he thought he was doing the right thing in
following his father’s footsteps. Any other omega would have been perfect for such a case, but
Jimin had been different.

Accepting Jimin as his marriage partner, had also been based on…

“Here.” The cab driver’s dull voice pulled Jeongguk deep from his thoughts, finally realizing that
they were at the front of his apartment building. “Thank you.”

After paying his fee and making his way inside, Jeongguk found himself pushing the door open
and being greeted by the warm lights of the living room lamp.

Everything was turned off, and for a moment, Jeongguk thought he was only one at the apartment
and that they had forgotten to turn off the lamp. However, as he stepped closer to the sofa after
taking his shoes off at the door, he was able to take in Jimin’s working form.

Deep in his work, the omega didn’t even glance up or verbally welcome Jeongguk home,
murmuring to himself as he took notes.

Jeongguk vaguely wondered if Jimin was getting stuff done for his project involving Taehyung’s
bar. Thinking back on it all, left a bitter taste in the alpha’s mouth, as he proceeded to shrug off his
coat and loosening the buttons of his shirt. In his pocket, the vibrations were loud enough to be
heard in the quiet atmosphere.

“You’re home early; don’t you usually have somewhere to be?” It was Jimin’s voice that drifted
into the air soon after, and Jeongguk couldn’t help but glance over his shoulder, an uneasiness
settling within his stomach.

The omega was giving him a look that was like that of Taehyung’s from earlier in the day, only this
time, Jimin seemed a bit more indifferent than usual, as if expecting a reply to a question he
already knew the answer to.

Something cold slithered its way down his spine, feeling a bit unhinged as he fully faced the
omega. At first, nothing was said, but Jeongguk played it off coolly. “I didn’t have much work

Jimin’s scent was anything but sweet and pleasant, and Jeongguk wanted to assume that it was the
stress of work that was affecting Jimin in a certain way.

The alpha didn’t want to think of much else, nor did he want to explore the idea that Jimin might
know a lot more than he led on. Did he know about the affair? But then again, the two of them
haven’t been on good terms for the past couple of weeks, as if Jimin’s initial faith and enthusiasm
about their marriage had taken a hit.

“Mhm.” It was all that Jimin voiced out, before returning to his work, leaving Jeongguk to fend off
whatever confusion he was suddenly dealing with, and he wasn’t sure if it was because of Jimin,
Taehyung, or both.
Chapter Notes

Sorry I couldn't update sooner! I forgot it was a holiday weekend for me a few days
ago, so I was late in updating the story. I hope this chapter was worth the wait! I'll try
to update earlier next time.

Oh! I had to split up two chapters because I thought it was too long, so the story will
now have five chapters instead of four. Hope that's okay!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Freezing winds struck Jimin in the face as he tried his best to shield himself from the coldness of
the outside. He was grateful that Taehyung had chosen a small coffee shop close to the omega’s
home, but the walk was still rather torturous.

Having promised the alpha that he would meet him for some coffee the following weekend, Jimin
found himself leaving the apartment quite early, and missing Jeongguk by an hour or so. Good, he
really wasn’t in any mood to face the alpha, anyway. It’s not like Jimin’s weekends consisted of
anything important, not counting the weekend trip he would be taking next week.

Jimin would do some house chores and run a couple of errands and take care of grocery shopping,
while Jeongguk covered laundry, before he retired to his room. One thing that Jimin did notice,
however, was that Jeongguk always spend the weekends at home; he didn’t even go out to hook up
with his mistress.

It was confusing for Jimin and trying to wrap his head around everything was enough to make his
head hurt, so he just didn’t bother with it. Right now, he was about to meet up with an old friend,
and honestly, Jimin could use the company.

And the omega couldn’t contain his smile upon turning the corner and spotting Taehyung huddled
outside of the coffee shop they had agreed to meet up at. “You should have waited inside for me.”
Jimin tried to scold him, but it all died down when Taehyung’s eyes lit up with endearment.

“S’fine, I love the cold, anyway. Perfect time of year for taking pictures.” As he spoke, the alpha
opened the door for Jimin as the two of them slipped inside the shop.

“Oh, is that a hobby?” The omega asked with genuine curiosity as the pair approached the barista,
gifting the young beta with a smile.

“Yeah. I started to take pictures when I began to travel, so, I kind of developed a love for it.” The
alpha was already taking out his wallet, and Jimin didn’t have any time to protest about getting his
coffee paid for.

Already, Jimin felt a bit uneasy, but after thinking back on the multiple times Jeongguk probably
went out with the mysterious woman, whatever guilt he had begun to feel, soon washed away.

The omega didn’t say much while they placed their coffee orders and basked in the delicious scent
of pastries. Jimin couldn’t quite decide what he wanted with his order, so the alpha was more than
happy to choose something for him.

“Can we have about a dozen hodu-gwaja, please? Actually, make that two dozen.” Taehyung held
up two fingers, grinning as Jimin blinked at the alpha.

“That’s a lot, Tae!”

Waving him off, the alpha didn’t seem at all worried. “Don’t worry, I’ll eat whatever you don’t get
to finish.”

“Glad to see your huge appetite hasn’t changed.” Jimin gave off a small laugh, accepting the basket
of treats while Taehyung finished paying at the front. “I’m going to get us a table.”

Shuffling away from the counter, the omega glanced around the shop, his eyes landing on a cozy,
little corner next to one of the windows. Perfect. Jimin always enjoyed watching the bustling
streets of Seoul whenever he was relaxing with some coffee. It always helped in distracting him
from all the other things currently bothering him.

As he settled down in one of the chairs, Jimin removed his scarf and jacket, relishing the warmth
of the coffee shop, and are the wonderful scents it came with it. So warm and inviting me, far more
different than what home felt like; if he could even call it that nowadays.

Taehyung soon approached with two coffees, taking his place in front of Jimin. “Have you had
one, yet? I swear they’re really good.” Nodding towards their treats, the alpha soon picked a large
one from the basket and popping it in his mouth.

“I know, I just wanted to wait for you.” Jimin admitted, taking hold of his coffee, and sighing as
the warmth spread over cold fingers. Soon after, he helped himself to a piece of treat, feeling the
fluffiness. He could make out he walnut, rolling the ball between his thumb and forefinger, before
he placed it in his mouth.

As the delicious taste of walnut and red bean paste hit his tongue, he suddenly remembered back
when he and Taehyung would share a bag of them while out on dates. The memory made it hard to
swallow, eyes shifting down towards his coffee.

“Good, but not as good as old man Chol.” Jimin couldn’t help but perk up at the name that
Taehyung had voiced out, dropping a smile.

“Ah, true. He always made the best hodu-gwaja and always gave us extra when we bought.” How
could he forget such a kind, old man? It was one of many memories that Jimin dearly carried with
him, and it felt nice to be able to relieve such a thing with Taehyung.

“Do you think he still has his little, pastry shop open?” Jimin then added.

Tae nodded as he munched on another sweet ball of fluff. “I heard from Mom that it’s still up and
running; his granddaughter helps him out now.”

Leaning forward slightly, Jimin couldn’t believe his ears. “You mean Jisoo? Little Jisoo?”


“But last time I saw her she was very young.” The omega then sipped at his coffee, shivering in
delight at how good it tasted.

By then, Taehyung was chuckling happily, “She’s seventeen now.”

“No way!”

This is what he needed, a day where he could forget about work, the stress of his marriage, and just
about everything else. The last thing Jimin wanted to do, was give Taehyung any hope, despite
enjoying the alpha’s company immensely, and talking about everything they touched ground on.
Nothing could really compare to the comfort of a friend, and it saddened Jimin somewhat to realize
just how abandoned he felt.

It was a nice change to be in the presence of someone that enjoyed having the omega around. As
much as he hated to admit it, Jimin wished Jeongguk would at least be as affectionate. Knowing
better than to seek out a fantasy, the omega settled for what Tae was more than happy to offer,
even thought Jimin wouldn’t let things go farther than just friendly get-togethers.

But relieving moments from their past, did help in returning that spark Jimin had been missing for
the past several months; a bubble of positive attitude he thought had been long gone. How
amazing, the way people were able to pick another up from a slump; to support them and
encourage them. That’s what Taehyung was; he was the embodiment of positivity, a gentle soul
that found beauty in the smallest things.

Even now, as Jimin spoke, the omega struggled to keep his focus as the alpha relished in the quiet
conversation, seeming content.

He didn’t prod about Jimin’s marriage, and the omega was thankful for that; he didn’t want their
time to turn sorry, simply because Jimin didn’t want to face reality, just yet. Maybe that’s what he
needed, for someone to kick his ass into gear, but he just couldn’t.

Jimin wasn’t sure what it was that was holding him back so much; was it pride? Affection? Did he
still have some sort of useless hope that, by some miracle, his marriage would work out?

Ugh. He was doing it again.

Jeongguk continued to muddle Jimin's thoughts, and he was so engrossed with what was frustrating
him, that he was late in registering the click of a camera.

Blinking wolfishly, Jimin flickered his gaze upwards, noticing the way Taehyung was holding his
phone up in triumph. Gawking at the other, Taehyung let out a heartful laugh, turning his phone
around. “Sorry, but you looked so pensive and the lighting was just right.”

The camera had captured Jimin in a vulnerable state, eyes downcast as he loosely clutched his
coffee, but despite how gloomy he seemed, Taehyung wasn’t lying when the light hit just right,
giving off this glow that highlighted his sadness, but did so in such a beautiful way.

“Oh, wow.” Jimin was impressed, and Tae looked more than pleased at what he was able to

“I can send it to you, if you want?”

A mild smirk kissed Jimin’s lips as he leaned back, momentarily pushing Jeongguk towards the
back of his mind, “Is this some sly attempt in getting my number?”

“No, but now that you’re bringing it up, I’d love to give you mine.”

Jimin had to laugh at that, throwing his head back slightly, settling deeper into his chair. “Always
so bold.”
“Well, I have some old stuff here from when we were younger. Do you remember this picture?
Pink Jimin was really cute.” As the words drifted from his mouth, he held his phone up once more,
and Jimin sucked in his breath.

There he was, sporting bright pink hair, a gentle blue, sweater hugging slender shoulders. The
background depicted a small park, and Jimin couldn’t remember the last time he smiled so
genuinely before. Everything seemed so easier back then; when the only thing he had to worry
about was whether he turned in his homework or not.

He was younger and a little chubbier around the cheeks, but it was still him.

“You kept this?”

“Why wouldn’t I? It’s a favorite.” Tae’s voice rang out with honesty, affection dripping from each
word. It was all enough to make Jimin’s heart ache terribly. Without hesitation, he released his
coffee and guided both of his hands towards the alpha’s.

Jimin gripped one of Tae’s hands rather tightly, squeezing it gently. Tae’s hands had always been
so big compared to Jimin’s, and often enough in the past, the alpha would tease him for it. The
omega knew he was about average size, but whenever he allowed Tae to engulf his own with large,
warm fingers, Jimin felt protected. He felt safe.

Lacing their fingers together, Jimin watched as Tae squeezed him in return, and for a moment,
Jimin considered taking it all back; discovering that love once lost.

But at the same time, all he could think about in that moment, was how much he wanted it to be

In the end, it would always be Jeongguk.

“There’s no going back, is there?” This time, Taehyung’s voice was soft, and Jimin’s lips trembled

“I’m sorry, Taehyung…”

Maybe Jimin would have felt better if the alpha regarded him with anger and distaste; to leave him
to his own devices. However, Taehyung wasn’t like that, and all Jimin could do was watch as the
alpha clutched one of his small hands with two large ones.

His eyes stung with unshed tears as he allowed the alpha to press a kiss against Jimin’s shivering

“It’s okay.” Taehyung held on tightly. “It’s okay.”

Something was amiss.

Jeongguk couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but Jimin seemed to be under a lot more stress than he
normally was when work was involved. It’s not like they talked about it, but Jeongguk’s alpha
couldn’t ignore the way the omega’s distress signals spiked every now and then.

Something like that never happened before in the past, so Jeongguk, much to his utter confusion,
found himself heading home earlier than when he used to. The alpha concluded that it was all pure
instinct; it was the only explanation he could come up with.

Despite lack of intimacy in the relationship, the omega was still his husband and Jeongguk didn’t
deny the fact that he needed to look after the omega; provide for him and whatnot.

It wasn’t an ideal circumstance, he knew their marriage was rough on the edges and Jeongguk
couldn’t forget about what Jimin had said that night when they talked about a potential, weekend

The omega had looked so vulnerable that night, his scent anything but sweet the following days.
An unnatural, cold atmosphere had settled over the entire apartment, and the warmth that had once
accompanied Jimin, was gone.

Clipped responses and wary glances were all Jeongguk would get from the omega, before Jimin
would excuse himself away from the alpha’s presence. The alpha felt isolated and ignored in his
own home, and the wolf within was not a fan of the sudden treatment.

Is this what Jimin had to deal with daily?

Jeongguk had wanted their relationship to be built on a foundation of mutual understanding, had
assumed Jimin was on the same page regarding what the definition of their marriage was. It
seemed that Jimin finally grasped the concept of it all, but why wasn’t Jeongguk satisfied?

Did he unknowingly grow a dependency on Jimin’s former, complacent nature? He remembered

when the omega was always so eager contribute to the marriage, even though Jeongguk didn’t
move a finger to meet the other halfway. Still, Jimin never seemed to give up on the notion, up
until recently when the omega began to treat the alpha just as coldly.

Jeongguk had always been a difficult person to get along with, but with Jimin it had been different,
like he accepted it all.

Nowadays, Jimin seemed like he couldn’t stand the sight of him.

The alpha’s phone suddenly went off, forcing Jeongguk away from his current thoughts in order to
make his way over to the nightstand located right next to his bed. One look at the name had
Jeongguk growling in annoyance, before answering.

“I thought we agreed not to be in contact over the weekend.” His tone was hushed, not wanting to
alert Jimin, whose room was just down the hall.

Soo-Min’s voice was dripping with venom. “I wouldn’t go to these extremes if you would just
answer me during the week. You’ve been putting off our nightly get-togethers. Why?”


“Oh, don’t give me that excuse, I’m not as stupid as your husband.” She spat back, and it only
served to anger the alpha in a way that felt so unnatural to him.

Throwing one look at his door, he finally retorted. “Shut up.”

Soo-Min made an affronted noise from the other end of the phone, but Jeongguk didn’t give her a
chance to respond, instead, he fiercely continued. “I want this to be the last time you call me.”

He hung up at her shrill cry, and as soon as he did so, a knock came at his door. Quickly throwing
his cellphone into the pocket of his pants, Jeongguk made his way to open the door.

The omega seemed ready to go, wearing a long sleeved, button down shirt that he had tucked
neatly into his pants, and noticed the way it accentuated his waist quite well. Jimin may be a bit
shorter than Jeongguk, but he wasn’t petite; he wasn’t broad, either. Yet, there was a slenderness to
his body that made him appear smaller whilst next to Jeongguk.

The alpha wasn’t sure why he even cared to pay attention to those details now, but they were there,
and he couldn’t turn a blind eye to the fact that Jimin carried himself fashionably well.

“Are you done with packing? We’re supposed to meet Namjoon and Seokjin in about an hour.”
And just like that, Jimin walked off before the alpha could get a word in.

Cursing under his breath, the alpha took one look around the room to make sure he hadn’t
forgotten anything, before zipping up his duffel bag.

When they were told it was going to be a getaway weekend, neither Jimin nor Jeongguk imagined
they would be going away for the entire weekend. It came as a bit of a surprise to Jimin when he
had called earlier in the week to confirm their plans. Apparently Seokjin thought it would be a nice
idea to make other plans for the rest of the weekend, and they weren’t able to say no.

Then again, it was time spent away from their busy schedules, and it also meant that Jeongguk
would be able to assess the situation even more. Jimin has been arriving home late, smelling of
Taehyung, but he didn’t have the nerve to ask the omega about it. It was a known fact that both the
alpha and omega were on working terms, so of course Jimin was going to carry the other alpha’s

But that didn’t mean Jeongguk had to like it.

Feeling foolish, he tried to ward off the unpleasantness of the situation as he turned off the lights to
his room, bag in hand as he made his way towards the entry hall. Jimin was already slipping on his
coat, securing it well over his body before working on his scarf.

“I’ll take this.” Jeongguk spoke up, grabbing Jimin’s bag and ignoring the withering look that the
omega was giving him. So much for trying to appeal to the omega, it seemed that Jimin wasn’t at
all impressed with the offer.

Still, he said nothing, fixing the sleeves of his coat as Jeongguk was quick to put on his own winter
ware. Soon after, he effortlessly took both bags as Jimin proceeded to open the door.

“Phone, keys, wallet…” Jimin murmured as he locked up the apartment door, before finally
leading the way towards the elevator that would take them down the main lobby.

“Do you have the address?” The alpha asked and Jimin curtly nodded, not a single word spoken.

Maybe the weekend will be a tad better.

The cab ride was a silent one, with both alpha and omega sitting on either side of the back seat.
Jimin was struggling to decide if his attitude towards Jeongguk was the right course of action. He
didn’t owe the alpha anything, but it bothered the omega when the alpha attempted small talk and
he would just clamp up.

They had no reason to talk before; back then, Jeongguk would shut down all attempts at mild
conversation, so it was a bit unfair for the alpha to suddenly want to throw in a couple of words
here and there. Honestly, it made Jimin irritated at the hypocrisy of it all, and he hoped that
Jeongguk would at least realize how he had been treating Jimin all this time.

Coming directly home after work, did nothing to ease the shattered trust the omega had for the
alpha; even if it seemed like Jeongguk was cutting back time with his lover, Jimin didn’t dare get
too comfortable with the idea. For all he knew, Jeongguk could be seeing this woman at different
parts of the day in order to throw off his scent.

Still, he didn’t have the luxury to brood about it now; if they were going to be guests and in the
presence of other couples, Jimin would have to suck it up and be cordial towards the alpha. Even
Jimin didn’t want others to get the vibe that both Jimin and Jeongguk were not on good terms.

For now, he would have to lighten up.

“Impressive.” Jeongguk suddenly spoke up and Jimin blinked at his husband, noticing the way he
was gazing out the window.

Curiosity got the best of him as Jimin scooted closer in order to see for himself.

Jimin’s jaw slackened in evident surprise, taking in the beautiful villa that towered over its
surroundings. The omega had never visited such a place before, so he was taken aback at the
luxurious property, visibly gulping and feeling severely underdressed.

To think they had been invited to stay at a place that only seemed to exist in movies and
magazines; so, this is what it seemed like to have money. He knew that Namjoon had married into
a rich family, but he hadn’t expected for it to be this extreme. After all, his boss was a humble man,
Namjoon wasn’t the type to flaunt his assets around.

“Let’s go home.” Jimin whimpered, and for some reason, it made Jeongguk laugh ever so slightly.
Had Jimin not been so overwhelmed by the extravagant property, he would have been quite
shocked at how good Jeongguk looked with a smile on his face.

He was already handsome to begin with, but there was something in the light of his smile that only
amplified it all, especially when the front of his teeth protruded cutely.

“You can drive up to the gate, they’re expecting us.” Jeongguk then instructed the driver, and
Jimin found himself sitting back in his usual spot.

Soon enough, the gates were opening for them, the cab making its way along the long driveway,
curving at the entrance of the villa. Standing just outside two large, front doors, was Namjoon and
another male that appeared to be his husband.

Jimin remembered the omega from a company dinner that both he and Jeongguk went to but never
had a chance to meet. Then again, at the time, Seokjin seemed like an unreachable person, being
part of his own, private circle. It was interesting that someone as handsome and as straightforward
with confidence, would end up with Namjoon, an alpha that was the complete opposite.

Well, he did hear that opposites attract, so Jimin shouldn’t be quick to judge.

Prying his door open, Jeongguk was the first to get out of the car, before helping Jimin to do the
same. The omega didn’t protest, his eyes focused on the pair that were already making their way
down the steps.

“You’re finally here, I’ve been dying to meet you!” Seokjin was already stretching out his hand for
Jimin to take, and the younger did so, bowing politely after doing so.

“Thank you for having us. I’m Park Jimin, and this is my husband, Jeon Jeongguk.” Jimin reached
for the alpha’s arm after he came forward, bags in hands. Namjoon was quick to take one of the
duffel bags in order to lessen the load and for him to properly introduce himself to the omega.

“Ah, yes, of course. I know a good worker when I see one. We’re lucky to have someone as
talented as Jeongguk working for us.” Seokjin began to usher everyone inside, the cold getting a bit
unbearable the more they all stood outside.

Jeongguk doubled back in order to take care of the cab fare, before quickly joining everyone else.

Jimin was relieved to finally be out of the cold, his eyes taking in the interior of the villa itself. The
omega couldn’t contain a thrill from coursing through him, evaluating each detail of the design,
taking in the colors, the furniture, the lighting; everything meshed together so well, he couldn’t
help but take mental notes for future works. Such a beautiful touch for a gorgeous place.

“I can practically hear those gears turning.” Namjoon chuckled as they shuffled about at the
entrance, removing their shoes, before stepping further into the cozy, yet amazing living room area.
“I’m glad to see you like what I did to the place.”

Jimin’s eyes widened as he took in Namjoon’s rather proud expression. “You designed the interior
of this place? That’s so amazing, it’s absolutely stunning.”

“He has an extraordinary taste for interior fashion and design; when I bought the place, I gave him
free range.” Seokjin chimed in, taking the lead as he guided everyone up some stairs.

“We have other guests here, they’re waiting for us in the den; it was such a short notice, so we
hope you don’t mind.” Namjoon spoke up as they ascended to the second floor.

“Not at all, we’re happy you invited us.” Jeongguk politely added in and Jimin nodded in
agreement, placing his hand on the wooden banister as he followed the married couple. As they
walked, Jimin continued to marvel at his surroundings, the villa seeming just as large on the inside
as the outside.

Upon turning a corner, Jimin sucked in his breath, eyes growing wide once more as he glanced
down at the lower floor. “Incredible…”

Seokjin hummed, following Jimin’s gaze. “The indoor pool is my favorite feature. It’s not as big as
our outside one, but it’s not like we’ll be able to swim out there in this weather.”

The omega couldn’t even describe how eye-popping the pool was, fitting perfectly well with the
ivory furniture, the water so clear, he could make out the tile design at the bottom of the pool. At
the front of the pool, there was closed off section specifically for the hot tub, large enough to fit
many people.

“This door here is your room.” Seokjin called behind him, walking up to two double doors. After
opening it, he gestured for everyone else to follow.

The room was extremely spacious; beautifully decorated and matching with the rest of the villa. It
was the king-sized bed that welcomed them first, adorned in a beautiful, ivory colored comforter.
Jimin couldn’t help but walk over and press his hand over it, relishing the softness of the mattress.
“Bathroom is that door over there, big enough for two.” Seokjin wiggled his brows as Jeongguk
coughed a bit at the insinuation. “Beyond those doors there, is a small living room area to relax, as
well as a mini-fridge and a television. We stocked it up for the weekend.”

“It’s so beautiful, it’s nearly overwhelming.” Jimin sheepishly admitted, prompting Namjoon to

“You’ll get used to it. I’ll set your stuff here. Feel free to use the closet and dresser.” The alpha
stated, setting down the duffel bag and Jeongguk soon followed suit.

Seokjin was already making his way back to the door as he spoke. “We’ll give you about half an
hour to settle down then I’ll come up and get you so you can meet the others. We can go to dinner
afterwards. We have a big day tomorrow and Sunday, so we’ll take it easy for today.”

“Ah, sounds like a plan. Thank you.” Jimin nodded, already pulling away at his coat and scarf.
With a small wave, Namjoon followed his husband out, closing the door behind him.

Jeongguk and Jimin were finally alone, but the alpha immediately went to work in unpacking his
bag. He worked in silence as Jimin sighed, dropping his stuff on the side of the bed, before
throwing himself on the comfortable bed, fingers caressing the soft comforter.

Just as he grabbed a pillow to snuggle into, something crossed Jimin’s mind, making him shoot
straight up in bed. He hadn’t thought about the sleeping arrangements; Jimin and Jeongguk didn’t
share a room in their apartment, they never slept in the same bed before.

In a mild panic, he glanced over at the alpha, watching as he calmly pulled out some of his clothes,
sitting cross-legged on the floor as he did so. Jimin figured the alpha hadn’t thought about the
situation either, so Jimin cleared his throat, struggling with the awkwardness of the situation.

“Jeongguk. There’s one bed. What are we going to do for later in the night? Are we taking turns
with the bed?” Jimin voiced his concerns, but Jeongguk had looked up from his task, brows
knitting together as if he didn’t understand where Jimin was coming from.

“What are you talking about? We’re both sharing the bed.”

“That’s the thing, Jeongguk, we never shared one. Part of your royal decree was that we have our
own rooms.” Jimin winced at how malicious the last comment appeared to be, and even Jeongguk
stilled his movements for a brief second.

“I can take the couch, then.” His voice seemed distant, returning to what it was that he was doing,
but at the same time, Jimin felt something ugly fester in the pit of his stomach.

“No…” The omega relented. “It’s okay, we can share it. It’s just for the weekend, anyway.” He
tried to smooth things over, but the alpha’s shoulders still seemed a bit tensed. It didn’t really make
sense, it’s not like Jeongguk was ever bothered with anything relating to Jimin, anyway.

Not wanting to make a mountain out of a mole hill, Jimin went ahead and followed Jeongguk’s
lead and began to work on his bag of stuff. It was kind of funny, compared to the alpha, Jimin
started to think he packed a little too much for a weekend getaway, setting aside four different set
of outfits.

Jeongguk was a bit more simplistic, and when he turned his head in order to take in Jimin’s load,
the alpha was giving the omega a quizzingly look. “All that for about two days?”

“You wouldn’t understand, Jeongguk, I need to try out more than one thing before going out. Not
that you would really know, since we rarely go out to begin with.” Jimin couldn’t help himself, the
snide remark sneaking past his lips.

“Actually, you take forever to change for work, and there are times where you have to take a cab in
the morning because you know you wouldn’t be able to make your train on time.” There was a sort
of amusement in Jeongguk’s tone as Jimin sputtered about in embarrassment at how well-aware
the alpha was.

“As for the going out part, maybe we could manage some time. At this rate, I can afford a bit of a
splurge.” The words sounded so casual, Jimin had to turn the entirety of his body to make sure he
was really talking to Jeongguk.

It just didn’t make sense, and Jimin couldn’t help but verbally react, “What’s gotten into you,
today? Are you that happy you’re getting a chance to mingle with some well-known figures or
something that you feel the need to reward me?”


Jimin pushed himself up from the floor, feeling incredibly annoyed, “God, you’re unbelievable.”

Taking some of his bathroom necessities, the omega stormed off towards the bathroom in order get
away from the offending alpha, trying his best to ignore Jeongguk’s bewildered expression.

He knew they needed to act respectful towards each other in order to not draw unnecessary
attention to themselves, but it hurt Jimin when Jeongguk pretended to give a shit when they were
alone. The stupid alpha didn’t need to go that far to put up an act.

“Ah, fresh meat.” It was the first thing Jimin heard upon entering the den; he blinked in confusion,
clutching his coat a bit tighter to his chest. He decided to bring it along since he knew they would
be heading out soon.

Jeongguk was right beside him, thought, curiously staring at a pair of new faces sitting down on
one of the couches. They seemed quite young, and dare Jimin admit, handsome. It was clear to him
that they were mates, the one who spoken smelled greatly of omega.

There wasn’t any tension, and the alpha that was sitting right next to the other, was already smiling
brightly at them, the light of his eyes growing brighter. Whereas the omega seemed laid back and
somewhat indifferent, the alpha was practically glowing with excitement. What a cute couple;
opposites, but their scents seemed to mingle so well with each other.

“Don’t mind him; he’s a big softie once you get to know him.” The alpha spoke up, being the first
to rise from where he was sitting. Jeongguk was the first he greeted, reaching to shake the young
alpha’s hand. “I’m Jung Hoseok and that’s my husband, Min Yoongi.”

The blond gave a lazy wave at the introduction, and Jimin could make out a drink in his hand.

Introductions went smoothly, though, Jimin felt just a tad out of place; he had never been close to
other couples before. Not like this at least, and not with the intention of getting to know each other
in hopes of becoming friends. The omega didn’t think he would ever be able to experience such a
thing, especially with a husband that wasn’t a bit interested in spending time with him.
Sadly, he was then reminded as to why they were there in the first place, and even though Jimin
wanted to befriend them all and maybe establish lifelong friendships, he knew Jeongguk had other
plans. It was enough for Jimin to feel immense guilt, but before he could feel worse about the
entire thing, Jeongguk was slipping an arm around the omega’s waist.

Jimin stiffened at the action, seeming so out of the blue and not giving the omega anytime to react.
It seemed like such a natural thing to do, and the alpha didn’t even look at him while doing so,
instead, he was preoccupied with exchanging some words with Hoseok.

Did Jeongguk somehow sense his discomfort?

“Hoseok and Yoongi are well known producers in the music industry. We sometimes do projects
together, though, they work under different names.” Namjoon explained, heading over to a small,
make-shift bar and grabbing a couple of glasses.

“Yeah, yeah, but more on that later. I’m hungry and I’m ready to go.” He dismissed the topic of
discussion, but Seokjin was already waving at him as if to shush the omega.

“Don’t be so impatient.”

Jimin heard Hoseok chuckle as everyone, apart from Yoongi, began to gather for a quick drink.
“Don’t mind him, he never has a filter. Always a bit direct.” Eyes shifted towards the blond, taking
in Yoongi’s slouched form, seeming disinterested.

First impressions were always important to Jimin, but this seemed like a special case. Judging by
appearances should be the way to go, anyway. There was always more to the story with some
people, since the omega tried not to be too intimidated.

However, judging by the calm and welcoming atmosphere, the others didn’t seem too worried.
Yoongi seemed like the type who came off as a better person the more you got to know him.

So, instead, he settled with the others as Namjoon passed on drinks: whiskey.

It was nice, considering that it helped warm up the body, something to loosen the tongue and make
them all relax a bit, before braving the coldness outside. Jimin wasn’t much of a drinker, but he did
love alcohol and was always open for a glass or two.

Amid it all, he noticed the way Jeongguk took Jimin’s coat, but the omega didn’t protest, despite
his initial confusion. The alpha kindly took a drink for himself and the two remained silent while
the others conversed.

It’s not like they didn’t have much to talk about, but Jimin always enjoyed observing first, smiling
and laughing along slightly as the other interacted. Everyone seemed very open, except for Yoongi,
who hung back while Seokjin led the conversation.

Seokjin was a very confident omega, already comfortable with them all, turning out to be the eldest
of the group. Jimin sometimes heard of Seokjin from time to time, usually on the news and media.
He wasn’t just the owner of the company Jeongguk worked for; the omega was a well-respected

In their time and era, it wasn’t a bad thing for an omega to get far in the business industry, but it
still was rather uncommon. Jimin couldn’t imagine the difficulties that Seokjin probably had to
face on the daily, especially when close-minded people that looked down on omegas still existed.

Jimin had to admire that, because even in his own line of work, the omega would come across
clients that preferred someone like Namjoon over himself. It was frustrating, but that’s how the
world was; seeing someone like Seokjin taking on every obstacle, was something that Jimin had to

Hoseok and Namjoon seemed just as heart-warming and wonderful to talk to. Jimin already knew
Namjoon personally because of work, and even though they had just met, Hoseok was already
eager to include both Jeongguk and Jimin.

Before, Jimin and Jeongguk would attend some social events that came with either of their jobs, but
never like this. This get together was a bit more personal and intimate; Jimin didn’t want to mess
up his chance in making friends. Things at home were never great and the omega often found
himself alone, so it was a nice change.

Maybe some things were starting to look up.

Yoongi was cooking the pieces of meat as mild chatter filled the table at the barbeque place that
they all agreed to have dinner at. Jeongguk didn’t realize how hungry he was feeling, until the
aroma of food began to fill the air around them.

They were all at a big table but tucked well in the corner of the restaurant so they could enjoy a bit
more of privacy as they ate and conversed. He was almost certain they would have settled for a
fancier setting, but after Yoongi’s bouts of protest about wanting to go somewhere casual,
everyone had heartedly agreed to the request.

If anything, it helped make things even more comfortable for himself and Jimin, having noticed
that the omega was a bit nervous at first due to the new faces.

However, that was soon washed away as the evening passed, since people like Seokjin and Hoseok
didn’t give anyone an open opportunity to feel shy and sit around in silence. Jeongguk was grateful
at how smoothly everything was going, finding himself between Namjoon and Hoseok, while
Yoongi sat across from him and Seokjin and Jimin on either side.

Even if things were a little rocky between Jeongguk and his husband, he couldn’t contain the sense
of relief upon seeing how Jimin was easily able to settle within the bubble of conversation, leaning
forward as Seokjin talked.

“I love him, but I still can’t get over the fact that he broke nearly every dish in that sink.” Seokjin
continued as Namjoon slapped his forehead.

“It was one time! I had this heavy pan, okay, my hands were wet, and it slipped from my hands. I
tried catching it, but I barely missed it. It could have happened to anyone.” The alpha was quick to
defend himself but Seokjin was already pointing at his husband accusingly.

“It was your second time! The first time it happened, you tried to hide the broken plates by tossing
them in the outside bin. Admit it. Admit it you animal!”

Yoongi didn’t seem at all affected by the chaos, but he snorted in amusement as Hoseok howled. It
was comical to say the least and Jeongguk coughed slightly as he tried to hold back a chuckle.
Namjoon sputtered in surprise, not at all expecting Seokjin to have pointed out his desperate secret
while his omega seemed smug at the reveal.
However, despite everything, Jeongguk watched Jimin in amusement the most, the omega
throwing himself back in his seat as he grabbed his sides, his laughter ringing in the alpha’s ears.

This was a first.

He couldn’t remember the last time Jimin was that invested, his full body laugh adding to the
easiness of their little gathering. The omega was too distracted by the conversation, that he wasn’t
paying any attention to Jeongguk, but the alpha didn’t mind. After weeks of unexplained coldness
and distance from the omega, it was a bit relieving to see Jimin smiling again.

Jeongguk wasn’t going to act blind to the fact that he probably had a lot to contribute to Jimin’s
deteriorating attitude towards the alpha, thinking back on all the times he probably hurt or insulted
the omega. But up until recently, Jimin didn’t seem all that bothered by the arrangement of their

He noticed the slight change a few weeks ago, even more so when a certain alpha returned to Seoul
in order to work on promotions and a new comeback. The revelation that the idol and Jimin had a
history, still didn’t sit well with Jeongguk and he couldn’t help but feel that Taehyung had
something to do with the sudden decline of the state of his marriage.

As such thoughts ran across Jeongguk’s mind, his eyes were focused solely on Jimin’s form, taking
each detail of the omega, the way his eyes disappeared as he fell into a fit of giggles every time the
others continued to banter. It was a nice sound and one Jeongguk didn’t think Jimin carried with
him, that is, until he realized that Jimin didn’t have a good reason to be happy about something
until now.

Even the omega’s scent had sweetened considerably, erasing whatever trace of distress and worry
that clung to him; something Jeongguk noticed that Jimin was constantly under, even when he was
at home.

Jeongguk tried not to be bothered by the fact, but it’s not like he could get his alpha to ignore the
fact that the omega was not happy and only getting worse the longer they were together. That’s
why it was a bit difficult to carry on with his life, when he constantly had to deal with a wolf and
the instinct of his nature.

In the end, it was all determined by instinct.

For a moment, Jimin’s eyes flickered towards the alpha, but Jeongguk wasn’t at all bothered that
the omega caught him as he quietly stared. The omega even shifted slightly in his seat, reaching up
to lightly scratch his neck, a movement that Jeongguk followed, eyes trailing over the smoothness
of his neck.

“Do you have any hobbies, Jeongguk? I’m sure work is not all that you do.” Hoseok turned
towards the young alpha, forcing him to tear his eyes away from the omega. Even if his attention
had been elsewhere, Jeongguk had still followed the conversation, so he was able to sit back rather

“I like to do a lot of video editing, some photography. I haven’t really done much of it lately, since
I’m always busy with work but it’s nice.” Jeongguk added as he nodded his head.

Seokjin hummed in response, “Your work is centered with film production, but not really hands on
stuff, right?”

“Yeah, I overlook a lot of projects, but I don’t really do most of the work that comes with the
editing. I took classes for it, but it wasn’t the center of what I was pursuing.” Jeongguk explained
his orbs settling over the meat that was sizzling on the grill.

“Why not?”

Blinking, Jeongguk glanced up to meet Jimin’s questioning gaze, the omega resting his chin on his
hand. Oh, that’s right, it’s not like he and Jimin had any moments of deep conversation; Jeongguk
never really gave Jimin a chance for any of that.

It seems like Jeongguk never gave Jimin any sort of chance at anything.

“I have strict parents. I let them dictate almost everything that I did; I guess that was one of my
biggest mistakes.” Jeongguk was surprised at how easily he was able to admit such a thing, and a
part of him worried he would dampen the mood at the table, considering there was momentary
silence that fell over them all.

As he was about to apologize, Yoongi was already speaking up, “Aish, I know what you mean. My
mom would throw away all my notebooks and stuff that I wrote back when I was younger. It got to
the point where I had to hide my music notes in my schoolbooks.”

Hoseok scoffed, “My dad wanted me to be a schoolteacher. Can you imagine it? Me, a

“I know, I’m sure parents would pay not to have their kids be taught by you.” Yoongi added
mercilessly and Namjoon choked on his drink.


Another wave of laughter hit the table and Jeongguk found himself chuckling along, seeming a bit
more at ease than when the evening first started.

“How about now? You’re an adult, you can make your own decisions now. Ever thought about
getting back into old interests?” Namjoon soon asked and at the time, Yoongi was already finishing
up with the meat, so some of them were already serving themselves food.

“Not really, if I’m honest. I never looked back on a lot of things.” It was strange just how off that
all sounded, frowning a bit as he thought about his earlier years. Jeongguk always kept to himself
even back then, always focusing on his studies, going home, studying some more, trying please his
father. Young, naive, and with a mindset that success came from a good job and a good social

At least, that’s something his father and mother constantly drilled in him.

Especially his mother. She didn’t care about how many times his father would step out of line in
their marriage, if he was bringing home the money and providing his family with a stable home, it
didn’t matter how their relationship was.

“Well, it never hurts to try stuff out, again, reconnecting with yourself is never a bad thing.”
Namjoon spoke as he took his chopsticks in order to grab at some pieces of meat, while Hoseok
nodded in agreement.

“I used to dance a lot, but when I was younger, Dad would always be furious with me because I
would end up skipping classes to attend little competitions. I kind of turned my back on it soon
after finishing school, but Yoongi encouraged me to try it again sometime after we met.”
“Oh! What kind of dancing? I used to do a lot of contemporary dancing while growing up. I kind of
left it behind after graduating uni.” Jimin softly spoke up, seeming unsure on whether it was an
appropriate time for such a revelation.

Jeongguk had to sit up slightly at that. He had no idea Jimin had been a dancer, it wasn’t
something he ever brought up, and the more the alpha thought about it, the more he realized just
how little he knew about the omega he had married.

“You dance? The musical we’re going to tomorrow has a lot of contemporary dancing, from what
I’ve heard. You should give us a piece of what you know!” Seokjin interjected, seeming elated at
the news, and Jimin immediately flushed.

“No-no, ah…” He sheepishly smiled as he shook his head. “It’s been years, I’m probably rusty by

“A dancer never stops being a dancer.” Jeongguk found himself saying, much to Jimin’s surprise.

“He’s right, though, especially if you’ve been doing it for a majority of your life.” Hoseok added in.
The alpha then pointed at Yoongi who was already munching away at his food, seeming quietly
happy. “For example, Yoongi is an amazing cook; doesn’t look like the type but he is.”

“I like food.” Yoongi nodded.

Seokjin then placed a hand on his chest. “Not as good as me, of course.”

“You’re so shameless, my god.” Hoseok spat at the elder, but Seokjin didn’t seem at all affected, as
if he was already used to such a reaction.

“I think you could call it self-confidence.” Jimin added, his tone teasing as Seokjin seemed visibly
pleased at the words.

“Someone who understands, finally!”

Jeongguk finally began to help himself to some food, occasionally looking over at Jimin as they
spoke and ate, though, Jimin didn’t meet his eyes anymore after that.

The alpha wasn’t sure about whether to feel disappointed at that or not.

Shutting off the water, Jeongguk wiped the water out of his eyes, before reaching for his towel. He
was starting to regret eating a lot at the restaurant, because he was on the verge of keeling over and
crashing as soon as he hit the bed. Not to mention the weather made him want to bury himself
under the covers even more.

But there was one thing on his mind, and that was the fact that Jimin was probably already in bed;
the same bed they would have to share for the entire weekend.

It was certainly a first, since they never really shared a room, let alone a bed. Even on their
wedding night, Jeongguk didn’t really consummate their marriage or even claim Jimin as his mate.
He had left the omega alone on the pretense that he had to leave to take care of work, when in the
end, he met up with Soo-Min that very night.
Thinking back on it now, Jeongguk couldn’t help but grip the towel tightly in his hands, something
ugly nestling deep in the pit of his stomach and making him feel sick. He just wasn’t sure if it was
at himself.

It most likely was.

A faint knock startled Jeongguk out of his thoughts, listening as Jimin’s voice drifted through the
door. “Hey, are you done? I need to brush my teeth.”

“Oh, yeah, one sec.” Jeongguk was quick to dry himself, dragging the towel over his wet locks
soon after.

After slipping on some of his sweats, he went ahead and opened the door in order to let Jimin in.
Immediately, the omega slipped inside the bathroom, ducking his head as he did so and avoiding
any form of eye contact with the alpha. Jeongguk wasn’t sure what it as that was affecting Jimin in
such a way.

Then again, maybe he just wasn’t used to this, sharing a room and all. They were constantly in
each other’s presence, and it’s not like Jimin could avoid the alpha without making the others
suspicious or uncomfortable. It was something they both had to work through, and it seemed that
Jimin’s solution was to avoid any form of contact, keeping the words between them both short and
simple when they were alone.

Still, instead of leaving Jimin to his own devices, Jeongguk reached for his own toothbrush,
uncapping the paste upon grabbing it just Jimin was about to. The omega seemed slightly put off,
but he didn’t reject Jeongguk’s offer as the alpha smeared toothpaste on Jimin’s own brush.

Soon enough, both alpha and omega were staring in the mirror, brushing their teeth as they did so;
whereas Jeongguk was staring directly at Jimin, the omega was looking at something else other
than the alpha.

Jeongguk then removed his gaze from the mirror in order to drift his eyes over the back of Jimin’s
neck, the omega’s wet hair from his earlier shower leaving behind drops of water. It was then that
the alpha suddenly focused on Jimin’s scent gland, the skin appearing tighter around the area,
untouched and unclaimed.

Soon after, Jeongguk was rinsing his mouth and Jimin followed suit, both taking a small hand
towel in order to wipe away any excess water. Straightening up slowly, Jeongguk’s attention
returned to the omega’s neck.

Jimin’s sweet scent of vanilla hit Jeongguk stronger than usual, most likely a lasting effect of the
joyous time the omega had with newfound friends. It was enticing and Jeongguk could almost taste
it on his tongue, an unrecognizable urge to lick and nip it at the source.

When he glanced back up, Jimin was looking at him directly through the mirror, eyes wide as if in

And it was then that Jeongguk noticed the way his own scent had thickened in response,
challenging the omega to try and flee from the alpha’s sudden spike in interest. Jeongguk wasn’t
really in full control of his wolf, and honestly, he didn’t think anyone could ever get the best of
their instincts, despite all the logic in the world.

In the end, everyone always surrendered by some primitive nature, and when it came down to it,
Jimin and Jeongguk were nothing more than alpha and omega.
And when the omega made a small, sudden movement, the alpha unleashed a low, warning growl
and it was enough to make the omega freeze. Leaning forward, the alpha’s nose nudged at the
omega’s neck slightly, and in response, the omega tilted his head ever so slightly.

A satisfied rumble erupted from the alpha’s chest at how complacent the omega was, giving
himself in to the scent that suddenly pleasuring the alpha immensely.

The omega whimpered softly, and the sound was exhilarating.

Caging the omega between his arms, the alpha gripped the bathroom sink, pushing his nose fully
against the omega’s scent gland, wanting to take in as much as of the honied smell as possible, the
air around him swirling with that wonderful, vanilla trace.

The longer he indulged in the omega’s gentle whines and wonderful fragrance, the more the alpha
began to succumb to a dizzying frenzy.

Never had the alpha come across an omega that smelled so fucking delicious, and to think the
omega was right under his nose the entire time. Only then did the alpha realize just how suppressed
his omega had been.

He heard the clatter of some of their things spilling across the sink counter as the omega’s hands
tried to seek something to grip, but the alpha didn’t care, seeking the omega’s warmth as he
pressed himself flush against the other.

The alpha sought to align his hips with omega’s own, feeling the other shuddering, his scent
turning even sweeter and making the alpha ache.

But even through the heated mist that took over the alpha’s mind, his ears picked up on the sound
of someone knocking on their bedroom door. At first, the alpha wanted to ignore the annoying
sound, but when it came sharper than before, he felt the omega pushing him back.

“Jeongguk…” Out of breath and a bit frantic, Jimin’s voice served to pull Jeongguk from his dazed
state. Staring at Jimin, Jeongguk wasn’t sure how to react to what had just happened, but Jimin was
having none of it, shakily shoving the alpha out of the bathroom and slamming the door shut in just
a matter of seconds.

It wasn’t until he was out of the bathroom that Jeongguk was met with the coolness of the
bedroom, touching his heated flesh.

Staggering slightly towards the door, Jeongguk was hesitant to open it at first, but did so, anyway.

Seokjin was on the other side, holding fresh towels in his arms and giving Jeongguk a rather
knowing look. The alpha felt the heat creep up the length of his neck as the omega held up the
towels for Jeongguk to take.

“Sorry for interrupting. I wanted to give you these before tomorrow.”

“Ah, thanks…”

Seokjin simply laughed under his breath as he walked off, leaving Jeongguk to stand around rather
sheepishly, before he closed the door.

This was unexpected.

Jeongguk couldn’t even wrap his mind around what had just occurred in the bathroom, only now
realizing that his heart was beating profusely in his chest. Swallowing thickly, he tried to clear his
head, but couldn’t quite get around the omega’s scent as it clung to his shirt.

The alpha wasn’t sure how he was going to get through the weekend.

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading! I'm so excited for this story, so please tell me your thoughts! I
look forward to what you all have to say. ^^
Chapter Notes

Sorry if this is shorter than the other chapters! I promise the other ones will be longer!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jimin sat silently on the bathroom floor, his back against the wall. He was heaving, trying to catch
his breath as he attempted to calm the rapid beating of his heart. Even though his Omega was more
than thrilled at the Alpha’s attention, Jimin wasn’t as happy about the sudden occurrence in the

Burying his face in his hands, Jimin felt the anger swell up inside him, feeling awful and feeling

Maybe it wasn’t Jeongguk’s fault entirely, his Alpha probably reacting to Jimin’s scent and
proximity at the time, but it didn’t erase the ugly sensation that overtook his body. Perhaps any
other time, Jimin would have felt a bit hopeful at the outcome of what had just happened. His
husband was paying attention to him, reacting to him; finally, after months of seeking something
that would tie him to the Alpha.

But it was different now; things were not good and Jimin didn’t think he would ever be. He wanted
to leave, and he wanted to run, the fury seeping into his very bones as the image from earlier
replayed in his mind.

Jeongguk was a hypocrite.

He was a liar.

Even when everything was happening, he acted as if he didn’t have another omega at his heels. As
if he didn’t seek her out during the night in order to indulge in her company. Always leaving while
Jimin was left waiting. Worrying.

A humorlessly chuckle left Jimin’s lips, throwing his head back slightly as he did so. Thinking
back on it now, he couldn’t believe how stupid and blind he was; always looking forward to going
home, wanting to have their apartment warmed up and ready for when Jeongguk got home. Even
days upon days of the Alpha ignoring all his sentiments, Jimin still tried, tried, and tried.

So why now?

What brought on this new attitude and why so suddenly? What could have possibly happened for
Jeongguk to suddenly treat him differently? Jimin wasn’t going to stupidly assume that he had a
sudden change of heart, no one changed for the better that quickly.

The only explanation he could come up with, was the damn weekend getaway they had been
invited to. This was an opportunity of a lifetime, of course Jeongguk wanted to leave a good
impression with the others, why else would he be treating Jimin so fairly? Only for what? Only for
Jeongguk to think that he had some leeway in how he handled the omega?

Shakily, the omega slowly rose from his spot, clenching his fists as he felt the adrenaline shoot
through his veins, making his heartbeat escalate suddenly.

Maybe he was naive before, but not now. He wasn’t going let his cheating spouse have any sort of
power over the omega or have Jeongguk believe he had a right to anything. Back then, Jimin would
have been more than willing to give himself over to the handsome alpha, the very object of his
current affections.

But no amount of sentimentality or feelings was going to erase the crime that Jeongguk committed
towards their marriage as well as Jimin’s trust. It was one of those things where he wished he could
stomp out what he felt for the alpha, but he had no power over it. Many didn’t have the will to let
go of someone that easily, but at least Jimin had logic on his side, and Jeongguk wasn’t going to be
easily forgiven.

Furiously, he opened the bathroom door, storming out and catching the young alpha by surprised.
He seemed a bit out of place himself, sitting on the edge of the bed as if in deep thought, only for
his attention to be stolen by Jimin’s enraged scent.

Suddenly becoming guarded, the alpha was on his feet in a matter of seconds, but the unexpected
hostility had the wolf eyeing Jimin with caution.

This was dangerous ground, very dangerous.

Jimin couldn’t afford to really pick a nasty fight without it becoming physical, and as much as he
hated the thought, he knew that Jeongguk wouldn’t have any qualms in putting the omega in his
place. That little detail only served to piss off Jimin even more, a threatening hiss lodged in his
throat, but desperate to rip the air between them if need be.

“Just what the hell was that? Who do you think you are?” Jimin was the first to spew his anger,
and the words seemed to jostle the alpha a bit, leaving him a bit shocked at the accusation.

Blinking wolfishly, he seemed genuinely put off by the attack, but Jimin wasn’t going to fall for it.
“Jimin, I…”

“What? You think I lack that much self-respect to let you manhandle me? We’re married but even
in marriage you don’t have the right to touch me however the hell you want.” Oh, he wanted to tell
him, wanted to yell at the alpha that he knew everything. He wanted to see the alpha shrink as
Jimin told him his truths.

But he couldn’t.

Now wasn’t the time, and even if Jeongguk deserved every bit of venom thrown at him, he
couldn’t kick start an argument of that caliber. Despite everything was currently happening, Jimin
has enjoyed himself; he was making friends and he didn’t want to do anything that jeopardized his
newfound friendships.

Jeongguk’s eyes widened at what Jimin meant, making him speak up hurriedly. “There may be
differences between us, Jimin, but I would never do that to you. I don’t know why it suddenly
happened. I’m sorry, I’m really sorry…”

The omega was suddenly struck with an inexplicable urge to take his previous words back,
especially when Jeongguk looked so beside himself with remorse. It was certainly a first, since
Jimin was used to seeing the alpha so closed off and indifferent.

But if Jimin let him off the hook so easily, whose to say he wouldn’t just keep doing it in the
future. Even if a tinge of ache tugged at his heartstrings at the sight, Jimin steeled himself as he
clenched his fists so tight, he was sure his knuckles were turning white.

“I’m just finally following the rules you established, Jeongguk. This is a business transaction,
nothing else. You don’t touch me. Ever. Get what you want from this marriage, but you can do it
without stepping over my boundaries.”

Something akin to regret flashed across Jeongguk’s large orbs, but Jimin sure as hell wasn’t going
to stick around to find out exactly why. Quickly, he turned away from the alpha, heading for his
side of the bed in order to grab his phone as well as a towel from a stack that was sitting neatly on
the sheets.

“Where are you going…?” Jeongguk managed to force out just as Jimin had reached the door.

“To breathe, Jeongguk.” Jimin snapped, before leaving the room, wanting to slam the door shut
just to emphasize how angry he was, but thought better of it, as it might alert the others. Still, he
descended the stairs, eager to just get away from it all, bare feet padding against the cool floors
after reaching the bottom.

He only had one destination in mind, and as he approached the pool, he could already feel the
anger slowly begin to disperse, leaving behind an empty feeling, followed by the sharp edge of
sadness and confusion.

Lashing out at Jeongguk felt good, but Jimin certainly wasn’t happy about it. He doubted anyone
could really feel satisfied in causing another person pain; even if someone deserved it. Then again,
Jimin wasn’t the type to wish such ill-will towards anyone, and he was bitter that Jeongguk pulled
such a horrendous side out of him.

Just another disappointment to add to his small book of misfortunes.

Sighing, the omega reached the edge of the pool, carefully taking a seat. Thankful for choosing to
wear some shorts, Jimin tested the waters with a foot, shivering at the coolness of it. Still, his body
would eventually adjust, deciding to dip his feet into the water, before the rest of his legs followed.

Silently, the omega glided his legs beneath the surface, his phone on his lap as he contemplated on
messaging Taehyung or not. He had made it clear to the alpha that they couldn’t possibly go back
to how their relationship was before, but they could still be friends. Jimin was hesitant; it was late,
after all, and Taehyung had a busy schedule to begin with.

It wouldn’t be fair for the other to have to wake up just so he could listen to the omega rant. Not
only that, but he didn’t want Taehyung to be upset about something going on in Jimin’s personal
life; now that would be a disaster.

So instead, Jimin decided to just take this moment to try and relax, to not think about Jeongguk and
further dampen his mood. The omega used his alone time to take in his surroundings and
appreciate it more. Namjoon was good at what his did, literally everything he touched, he turned to
magic; the villa was a perfect example. On many occasions, Namjoon would be offered a higher
position, one well-earned and would require him to overlook many projects. But, Jimin could tell
how much he loved the field work, designing and adding that artistic touch; everything that Jimin
learned, he got from Namjoon.

The omega could relate tremendously well that passion to do what one loved, and he would never
stop being thankful to have a mentor like Namjoon to show him the ropes.

Passion over ambition.

Closing his eyes, Jimin promised himself that he was not going to fall short from doing what he
loved, and as much as his predicament with Jeongguk hurt him, he wasn’t going to let the alpha
break him apart entirely.

At least, he hoped so.

“You know I can’t handle the hard stuff.” Hoseok complained as he loosened his tie, everyone else
apparently doing the same after returning from musical that evening.

After his little bout with Jeongguk, Jimin had been quite terse and stiff with the alpha throughout
the day. As much as Jimin didn’t want to make it obvious that there was something wrong to the
group, he could tell the air around himself and Jeongguk was one that was hard to miss. Still, the
others were polite enough to turn the other way, still trying to make the time seem amiable and

Most of the Saturday morning and afternoon, consisted of the couples doing a bit of shopping and
eating some brunch; it was the perfect time for talking and conversing, and one that Jimin needed,
especially after the rough night just the day before.

The night following his argument with Jeongguk, Jimin had returned to their room sometime later,
though, he wasn’t in the mood to face the alpha again. However, when he got there, he realized
that the alpha had moved towards the sitting area, the television on as he spotted Jeongguk gazing
at the screen.

Nothing was said, and after Jimin had dried up his feet and legs, discarding the used towel, he
hesitantly found himself nestling on the soft bed. He had contemplated about the new problem,
unsure of what to even think, since he had agreed with Jeongguk that they would share the bed;
now, it just felt awkward considering recent events.

The omega struggled to catch some sleep, wondering when Jeongguk would turn off the television
and join him in bed.

But he never did.

And when Jimin woke up the next morning, Jeongguk had already left the room, his side of the
bed undisturbed.

The omega tried not to feel bad in having created a situation where Jeongguk felt the need to sleep
on the couch, instead, but it was proving to be pretty hard when the alpha didn’t even try to defend
himself when Jimin was being particularly mean to him whenever he had the chance.

It’s not like Jimin really did it on purpose; the feeling sort of just came to him and he couldn’t quite
help it. He felt annoyed and sour, bitter and hurt that things were only getting worse instead of
better. Jeongguk only added more to the negativity, by taking it all and making Jimin feel like he
was some unjust bully.

Initially, he didn’t even plan for any of that stuff to happen, but it came naturally and Jimin wasn’t
sure if he was justified in his attitude. All in all, Jimin wasn’t happy and he was continuously
struggling to keep all his emotions at bay.

So, when Seokjin suggested some drinks to along with their take-out, Jimin was happy to take part
in something that could take his mind off things. He had high tolerance for alcohol, and he had
decided he wasn’t going to go overboard with the drinking. Jimin just needed to take the edge off,
and as Namjoon poured liquor into some glasses, the omega was eager for it.

“Just let lose for tonight, drinking a bit won’t kill you.” Yoongi spoke up as he offered Hoseok a
glass, the alpha pursing his lips as he accepted the drink rather reluctantly.

“You know, that musical wasn’t bad; the dancing was well done and tied together with the music
nicely.” As Namjoon spoke, everyone began to take their respective glasses, and as soon as his
fingers grasped the glass, Seokjin was already taking it all in one go.

Yoongi did the same, and Jimin had to chuckle; it was going to hit them fast. It’s why he simply
took small sips, allowing the drink to relax him, making him sigh at how good it felt as it ran down
his throat.

“I feel like I’m going to be baby-sitting tonight.” Namjoon sighed, before laughing slightly as his
omega returned the glass for the alpha to refill.

Jimin drifted towards the couch, happy with his glass as he watched the others mingle together at
the makeshift bar. It had been a tiring day, but Jimin appreciated a chance to unwind and enjoy
good food with a nice drink.

“How about you pop open a bottle of vodka, Joon? Hit us with the real hard stuff.” Yoongi
suggested, pointing at a bottle that was nestled neatly in one of the cabinets. Hoseok sputtered at
the words, shaking his head as he grew mildly pale at the suggesting.

Jimin had to laugh at the sight, grabbing the other’s attention. “I’m guessing he doesn’t hold his
liquor well?”

“No, I’m a light-weight. I get drunk easily.” Hoseok seemed exasperated, but Namjoon was
already grabbing the bottle, unfastening the top of in and grabbing a shot glass. “Ugh, here we

“It’s not so bad, loosen up those shoulders and relax.” Seokjin reached over to pat Hoseok on the
back, before moving forward to massage his shoulders. “Actually, let’s all take one! Jimin, come
over here and get your share.”

“No, no. The last thing I want is to drown myself in drinks.” As Jimin spoke, Namjoon was already
pouring Jeongguk his serving, and the young alpha was staring at the glass with wide eyes.

“I don’t get why everyone is suddenly feeling intimidated.” Yoongi replied, passing Hoseok his
glass, and the alpha muttered something under his breath, as if trying to talk himself into braving
some sort of storm. Namjoon backed out from the vodka, and Jimin had to admire his
determination to be the smart consumer of the group.

In that instant, Jeongguk was taking the shot and everyone glanced at him in surprise; even Jimin
had to blink as he watched the alpha force it down, making a face in the process. Yeah, it looked
like it was a struggle.

Seokjin, on the other hand, seemed quite thrilled. “See? The youngest is showing us up; we need to
catch up. Hoseok, your turn.”

Hoseok looked like he shrunk in size, being pelted by his husband and overly confident friend. All
the while, Namjoon was serving Jeongguk another round, and there was something in the alpha’s
eyes that painted a picture of determination; as if he was just as eager to let go as everyone else.
And that’s how it was.

A couple of drinks in, with some music and food, the six of them were sprawled out on the couch
and floor, laughing the evening away; stress free and with a pleasurable need to forget about
current troubles and live in the moment. Not to mention that Jimin was already in a fit of laughter,
with people like Seokjin for company, it was never boring.

Something just seemed like it was missing, but Jimin wasn’t sure what it was.

The omega was drunk; he was far from it. Both he and Namjoon drank along with the others, but
they didn’t go overboard. Seokjin was a lot more direct and louder than usual, and Yoongi, whom
was usually docile and quiet, was laughing along quite a bit.

It was Hoseok that was the most amusing. The alpha was normally very talkative and eager to take
part in the conversation, but because the alcohol hit him a lot earlier than the others, Hoseok
simply sat in silence. Occasionally, he would speak up, but his look was vacant and unfocused,
seeming a bit serious. Honestly, it was kind of funny how alcohol affected everyone as a whole; but
at least nothing was too awkward.

Carefully, Jimin flickered his gaze over to Jeongguk, the young alpha several drinks in and smiling
goofily at the eldest male in the room. His well-controlled exterior had fallen entirely, harboring a
child-like innocence that only heightened as he laughed along with the group.

Jimin swallowed rather painfully, his throat clenching at the sight.

He never had the luxury of seeing Jeongguk in such a way. His clothes were disheveled, dark hair
sticking up slightly from where Seokjin had ruffled his head earlier, and his eyes were wide and
doe-like. Jeongguk’s gaze was anything but focused, his form swaying slightly even as he sat
down. The alpha’s mouth was slightly agape, taking in the conversation currently going on with
genuine interest, even if it appeared hard to grasp.

To think that he was the same alpha that was causing him so much turmoil and discomfort, and all
Jimin could think about, were the ways he snapped at the alpha remorselessly. Jimin wasn’t in the
wrong for feeling what he felt, but maybe he was treating Jeongguk a little too harshly. The alpha
cheated on him, and Jimin was sure if he still was.

But at the same time, Jimin could allow himself to waste away under so much negativity,
especially when Jeongguk doesn’t know the truth about what Jimin knows. He was punishing the
alpha without even telling said wolf why he was so angry.

Still, that didn’t meant that Jimin was going to easily forget and eagerly forgive; Jeongguk’s
infidelity will always cling to the omega like a second skin, and the time it will take to heal from
such a wound, well, Jimin wasn’t sure if he was ever going to heal.

Not needing to ruin his happy mood, Jimin decided to change the conversation after taking a quick
swing from his glass. “So, I’m curious. How did the two of you meet?”

Jimin pointed between Hoseok and Yoongi, and while the alpha seemed a little too out of it, the
omega didn’t seem at all troubled to answer such a thing.

“Work brought us together. We bother were just starting off with some pieces, but the company
that hired us really liked what we did. I was first, then Hoseok came around not long after.” Yoongi
pointed at his mate, and Hoseok reached up to rub his eyes, but it was no use. The alpha was drunk,
and he was going to be like that for a while.
“It was actually a project that brought those two and Seokjin together. Hoseok and Yoongi would
go and watch some of the filming, so the three were always together.” Namjoon helped to explain,
and Jimin sat a bit straighter in order to take the story in.

“All of this was before I took over the company, so I always mingled around different departments
and just taking it all in.” Seokjin was quick to add.

“Yoongi thought I was annoying at first, so we didn’t quite get along.” Hoseok drawled, before he
leaned heavily against his mate after doing so, and Yoongi rolled his eyes.

“I didn’t think he was annoying, I’m just not that much of a talker, so.” Yoongi shrugged with one
shoulder as Jimin sipped at his drink. “He grew on to me after a while, even if work was a little
unbearable, at first.”

“Looks to me that the two of you have the perfect dynamics.” Jimin chimed, and Yoongi didn’t
appear bothered at all by it. Instead, the omega secured a faint smile over his features as he patted
Hoseok’s knee.

“Guess you could say that. We bump heads from time to time but, Hoseok is great. He always
seems to know what I need without my having to really voice it out.” Yoongi turned to glance at
his mate, but it seemed that Hoseok was already dozing off.

Such a sweet sentiment and it was enough to have Jimin wish he had been that lucky. For most of
the time he spent with his new friends, he always wondered how Hoseok and Yoongi made it
work, but seeing them now, was enough for Jimin to know that most of their love and affection
happened behind closed doors.

At this, Jimin chanced another look at Jeongguk, and the young alpha was rubbing his eyes,
seeming deeply troubled and uneasy about something. Even Jimin could smell it all off him, and
he wasn’t sure on whether to help the alpha somehow.

“Everything happens for a reason, I’m sure. Happiness comes in the unexpected, maybe not all the
time, but it does.” Namjoon stated rather softly, but his eyes lingered on Seokjin and the omega
simply smiled at the other.

And that’s what did it.

Suddenly Jimin didn’t really feel like drinking much anymore and being surrounded by couples
that had love and intimacy in their marriage wasn’t really helping. Being around constant
reminders didn’t help his mood. Jimin was about to get up, but before doing so, he noticed
Jeongguk was beating him to it.

“Hey, you okay?” Namjoon reached up to grab Jeongguk’s arm in concern, while everyone stared
on curiously.

“Ah.” Jeongguk blinked furiously, as if struggling to comprehend. “Yeah.”

Yoongi snorted, “The kid’s done; I think he drank the most out of everyone here.”

Jeongguk was already trying to walk around the couch, his movement sluggish as he staggered
wordlessly. Realizing that Jimin was going to have to jump in, he quickly rose from the couch.
“Sorry, I should probably get him in bed.” Setting the glass down, Namjoon was getting up

“Should we call it a night?”

Seokjin finished up the last of his drink, before adding rather boldly, “I think you and I both know
that it’s far from over.”

Namjoon sputtered and Yoongi grunted.


Jimin didn’t have the opportunity to stick around and laugh about it, since Jeongguk was having
trouble with the stairs, and as much as Jimin wanted to be mad at him, he didn’t want the alpha to
slip and split his head open.

Walking a few steps behind him, he carefully watched the alpha make his way towards their room,
teetering back and forth and making Jimin a bit unnerved. Maybe he shouldn’t have let the alpha
drink so much, he clearly didn’t have a high tolerance for it. But at least he was getting sick over it,
and maybe they all really needed a good night of drinking.

Jimin had to hold back a laugh when Jeongguk slammed face first into the door after failing in
twisting the handle correctly. Honestly, how much did he drink?

“Here.” The omega opened the door to the room, listening to the last bit of chatter happening
downstairs, before finally guiding the alpha into the room.

Heading towards one of the lamps, he quickly flicked it on, eyes glancing at Jeongguk after doing
so. The alpha was already tugging at his dress shirt, and it was then that Jimin realized he had left
their coats downstairs. Oh, well, he’d go get them later.

“Do you need help?” Jimin raised a brow as Jeongguk tried to tackle the buttons with great
difficulty, all while unable to gather his balance as he stood. It was almost all too amusing, seeing
the alpha in such a state, and Jimin knew he wasn’t going to last much longer. So, the omega
decided to step forward and undo the buttons for the alpha, and while Jimin was preoccupied, the
alpha held his hands up throughout the process.

“I’m not…touching you…” Jeongguk breathed, and it took Jimin only a moment to realize what it
was that the alpha was saying, exactly.

Immediately, he was taken back to the previous night, when Jimin snapped at the alpha for his
actions. But he couldn’t help but feel a faint sense of guilt up realizing that Jeongguk was
attempting to stick to his word and not touch him. Maybe Jimin could have conveyed what he
meant with a little less hostility.

“Thanks for remembering.” Jimin slowly slid Jeongguk’s shirt off, his mouth feeling incredibly dry
as he tried his best not to let his eyes roam.

It’s not like he hadn’t seen Jeongguk shirtless before but having him so close and letting the omega
remove his clothing, made his heart skip a couple of beats. Jeongguk, on the other hand, looked
like he was about to keel over and pass out, so it was what Jimin needed to focus on getting the
alpha to bed.

Just the night before, he let his frustrations known; now, he was making sure that Jeongguk was
getting taken care of. He should be disappointed in himself, but no amount of anger was going to
keep Jimin from helping someone who needed it; it was just in his nature, even if it meant helping
the alpha.

“Sit right here on the bed and I’ll get you some shorts to wear. See if you can take your pants off.”
Leading the alpha to the bed, Jimin knelt in order to pry off his socks. He heard Jeongguk groan
slightly, probably feeling the discomforts of the alcohol after drinking so much.

Soon after, Jimin was pulling himself back up on his feet, reaching one of the drawers located in
the room, and shifting through some of their clothes. His ears picked up on the rustling sound of
pants and mild grunts that Jeongguk as he tried to pull them off.

After locating some shorts, Jimin tossed them to the alpha, watching the shorts land neatly on the
other’s lap. While Jeongguk finished up with dressing, Jimin visited the small fridge in their room,
taking out some water for the alpha in order to help hydrate him.

When Jimin returned to the bed, Jeongguk was already settling down against the pillows,
evidentially tired and eager to sleep. Setting the water down near the bedside table, the omega went
ahead and decided to strip as well. He was ready to get out of his own clothing, slipping into some
sleep-ware, but only momentarily. Jimin still needed to go wash up, but not before he made sure
the alpha was well asleep.

Jeongguk looked like he was about to pass out as Jimin climbed on the bed. Reaching over his
husband, the omega grabbed the water bottle, before settling down cross-legged on the bed. The
alpha reeked of alcohol, his rolling from side to side, before groaning once more. “The room is

“Yeah, drinking a lot does that to you.” Jimin then made sure to make Jeongguk sit up slightly, so
that he could sip on some water, to which the alpha seemed grateful for. With a sigh, he allowed
himself to drop back into the pillow, dreary eyes moving to meet with Jimin’s.

It was a bit unnerving, since Jimin wasn’t sure what to do exactly now that they were alone and in
bed. The omega didn’t have the heart to dump the drunk alpha on one of the couches, so he’d
sacrifice the bed for the night.

Still, he couldn’t seem to shake off Jeongguk’s stare, until the omega finally poked the alpha about
it. “Is there something on my face?” He didn’t mean it in a rude way, simply joking dryly in order
to avoid creating some tension.

Blearily, Jeongguk furrowed his brows, eyes glistening from how strained they probably were.
“No…” The alpha visibly swallowed. “I’m sorry for…being a bad husband.” His words slurred at
the end, but Jimin didn’t miss them.

Jimin felt like he wanted to be swallowed up by some hole and never return. He wanted to
disappear forever, especially when he felt the back of his throat clench painfully, his eyes stinging
slightly. This was certainly not what he had been expecting, and he never thought Jeongguk would
be the type to admit his faults.

But that sentence alone could mean a lot of things. Was he sorry for treating Jimin coldly? Was he
sorry for cheating on him with another omega? What if that wasn’t what he meant at all and he was
still holding on to that mistress?

All in all, it wasn’t something Jimin could quite forgive, not when the pain of such a horrible
betrayal, decided to stay and follow him.

Jeongguk was so drunk, he didn’t think the alpha would remember anything that transpired
between them, and for that, Jimin struggled to accept the sincerity of his words.

He wanted to make things work so badly, but his pain couldn’t be ignored; his trust couldn’t
magically be fixed with just a few chosen words.
Even if, in the end, Jeongguk meant it all, it did nothing to soothe Jimin’s insecurities.

A troubled sigh fell from his lips, as he stared at the alpha, noticing that he was on the verge of
dozing off. Jimin said nothing as he waited, until he made sure the alpha was sleeping soundly,
and leaving Jimin alone with his thoughts.

Once he was in the clear, Jimin allowed a few tears to splash on his cheeks, before he quickly
wiped them away.

“There are some things you can’t fix with a simple apology, Jeongguk…”

Home’s been awful.

“Are you hungry? I can order something.” Jeongguk called from the kitchen as Jimin sat at the
coffee table.


Jimin’s reply was quick and sharp, and Jeongguk didn’t miss the way it dripped with irritation.

It’s been that way ever since they returned from the weekend getaway they had been invited to.
The Alpha knew he played a part in Jimin’s worsening mood, especially after stepping over the
line that one night. That was something he wasn’t proud of, and every time he was in Jimin’s
presence, all he could think about was the discomfort and shame of what he did.

The omega never brought up the incident anymore after that, and honestly, Jeongguk wasn’t sure
how he would be able to deal with such a thing if the omega ever blew up on him again. At this
point, he didn’t know what to do anymore; it was as if each, passing day only got worse and worse,
and the more Jeongguk attempted something small, like mild conversation, Jimin seemed to be
infested with annoyance that was directed at him.

Jeongguk didn’t have any friends that he could call up and vent about his own frustrations, feeling
a bit too self-conscious to call anyone from the weekend get-together. Everyone parted ways, but
not before exchanging numbers with Jimin and Jeongguk, something that sort of sealed their place
in the pack.

The weekend had been pleasant, with a few difficulties here and there with Jimin. Jeongguk told
himself that maybe things would be a little different at home once they settled back into their
regular schedules.

But it seemed like Jimin returned from the weekend even more frigid than before. Jeongguk’s
attempts to mildly reach out to the omega, proved to be futile, always getting some form of hostile

At first, Jeongguk thought that he was pestering Jimin too much, but even after a couple of days of
giving the omega some space, it did nothing to lighten up the suffocating atmosphere that was
always in their home. Something must have happened with Jimin, something that he refused to tell
Jeongguk and the alpha wasn’t sure if he should wait for the omega to bring it up or find out

“Well, I’m going to place an order. Are you sure you don’t want anything?” Jeongguk attempted
one final time.

The omega bristled at the words, but said nothing in return, choosing to ignore the alpha as he
continued to focus on one of his notebooks. Jeongguk lingered in the kitchen feeling out of place
and embarrassed, so he decided to retire to his room, knowing when the battle was lost.

He wasn’t really feeling that hungry, anyway.

Upon entering his room, he grabbed his phone and glanced at the notifications. There were
messages from a group chat he had joined, one that Seokjin created soon after their departure. The
last message had been sent a few hours ago, some sort of meme that Hoseok wanted to share. It
was active when some of them weren’t that busy, and there were times where Jeongguk found
himself smiling in solitude. At least he could enjoy some of their antics.

It was a place where Jimin seemed to act happy and himself.

At least Jeongguk had that to make things feel a bit more bearable.

Just as he was about to send a message into the group chat, another notification flashed across his
phone, and it was enough to make his stomach drop with annoyance and disgust. For the past
several days, he had been ignoring Soo-Min’s texts and calls, since she was the last person he
wanted to deal with.

Letting out a stressful groan, he knew he couldn’t put it off any longer. Severing ties with Soo-Min
was not going to end smoothly, but it was something that Jeongguk couldn’t stomach anymore, nor
did he wish to continue. Whenever he came home to Jimin’s indifference, he was always constantly
reminded of how he equally treated the omega.

Nearly every night he would return from Soo-Min’s embrace, Jimin always up to greet him.
Always waiting.

Nowadays, when he had a lot of work, he would return to a darkened apartment late in the night,
Jimin already asleep. There was no warm welcome, no eager omega wishing to share dinner
together. Nothing.

There was nothing and Jeongguk found it hard to stomach it all.

Jimin hated him, there was no doubt about it. Jeongguk was the only one to blame; after spending
so much time treating the omega the same way he was currently being treated, Jeongguk knew he
was just reaping what he sowed.

But even if his relationship with Jimin were on the rocks, Jeongguk still came home when he
could, hoping to at least catch a hint of a smile; that same smile he shared multiple times with their
new friends.

So, as he stared down at his phone, Jeongguk realized that the only person he probably had left,
was Soo-Min, and it didn’t sit well with the alpha at all.

Even if it’s been weeks since he had been with Soo-Min, he knew that he had to cut her out of his
life once and for all. She was a secret and a lie, and Jeongguk knew that the truth would eventually
be found out and he at least wanted to be the one to tell Jimin of what he had been doing behind his

He knew what that would mean; he knew Jimin would file for divorce the moment he found out
about the affair he had with another omega.
Jeongguk deserved that and much more. And even though the thought of Jimin leaving and when
things were already so bad between them, Jeongguk couldn’t shake off a painful feeling from
nestling in his heart. There was a small ache in his chest that he was too scared to acknowledge, but
he knew he would eventually have to face it.

His first step was Soo-Min.

Pursing his lips together, a thought formed in his mind and found himself dropping to his knees at
the foot of his bed. With a mild grunt, the alpha reached under the bed in order to grab a black
case, pulling out with little effort.

A bit of dust had accumulated on the surface, but as Jeongguk wiped it all off with the sleeve of his
hoodie, he couldn’t contain a sad smile from forming on his face.

“You think it’s that easy? Calling me up and just announcing that it’s over? No! No, Jeongguk!”
Soo-Min’s shrill shriek made Jeongguk wince as he sat huddled up on a park bench one Saturday

Jimin was nowhere to be found when he woke up, so Jeongguk had bitterly assumed he had gone to
meet up with a certain friend. He knew he was the last person who had any right to feel anything
negative about anything where Jimin was concerned, but he couldn’t fight off such a feeling, to
chase it from the depth of his gut.

So, instead of moping around in a lonely apartment, he decided to take out one of his old cameras
and set out for a walk in the park. Filming and editing had always been something he loved, so
when the others sort of urged him to pick it up again, Jeongguk couldn’t deny the feeling that came
from touching his camera.

He figured it would be the perfect opportunity to call Soo-Min, then spend the rest of his day just
capturing daily life with his camera. Before, he didn’t really do much on the weekends, except look
over some work stuff or catching up on some shows; he realized only now just how many
opportunities he had to spend them with Jimin, and couldn’t help but berate himself for being such
a fool about a lot of things.

And now, well, he had to deal with a very angry woman on the phone, making him feel tired just
by listening to her voice. When he assumed ending the affair would prove to be stressful and hard,
Soo-Min didn’t disappoint in that aspect.

“I don’t want to see you anymore. We agreed that either of us could end it if we wanted to. You
had no qualms over it, so I’m here now.” The alpha tiredly state, shivering slightly against the
cold, burying his other hand deep into his coat pocket.

“Things are different now, Jeongguk. All this time spent together, and you just want to throw it all
way? People change. I’ve changed!” There was a sort of franticness in her voice, and Jeongguk
noticed the way it wavered.

“Soo-Min, I’m not sure what you were expecting from this, but I don’t want you. I don’t want to be
with you. I never did.” As he said it out loud, he knew how harsh it all sounded, and he could not
contain the feeling of dissatisfaction from knifing him in the chest. Soo-Min was a woman who
made it hard for people to be sympathetic towards her, but even so, she was human, too.
“You have a husband. I think it’s time we ended this and just went our separate ways.” Jeongguk
added soon after, but he heard the woman scoff in response.

“Don’t tell me this has to do with that omega. I’m right, aren’t I? Why else would you be acting
like you suddenly have a conscious. Ending things with me isn’t going to change the fact that you
cheated on your husband with me.”

Her words sent a ripple of unease throughout Jeongguk’s body and before he could get a word in,
Soo-Min was already ending the call. Her malicious words still swam within his head, and it killed
him that she was right.

It didn’t matter what he did now; if were to tell Jimin, the omega would surely put an end to their
marriage, and just thinking about that was enough to make him feel so pathetic.

But at least he would be prepared; at least he would have some time before he let the truth out.
Jeongguk would give himself a chance to gather his thoughts, to think about how he was going to
tell Jimin that he had been having an affair with another omega for the longest time. He knew there
were going to be questions, accusations, and even unimaginable pain. However, if the alpha didn’t
do this for himself, he doubted he’d ever bring himself to face his mistakes again.

At least the thought of a bit more time gave him a bit of confidence and reassurance over the entire
situation, and he only hoped Jimin would at least give him an opportunity to speak. But, to speak
about what? It’s not like he was going to try and defend his actions, to make it seem like what he
did was because of pure instincts and nothing more. There was no excuse for what he did, but he
still selfishly hoped that maybe he could be given a chance to start over, to make things like they
were supposed to be.

And maybe, through it all, he could re-discover a bit of himself that he had closed off for years. It
all seemed like a good opportunity, those first few steps that needed to be taken.

Jeongguk thought he had a little time.

But he was wrong. So wrong.

Because he was anything but prepared one night and as he rested on the couch after a long day at
work, taking in the sound that his phone made upon receiving a notification. The name he saw, was
one he wanted to forget; to move on and never talk to anymore. For the first couple of days, it had
been quiet, and even though things between himself and Jimin were still not good, at least
Jeongguk would be able to proceed with a clearer conscious.

However, someone had other ideas, and as Jeongguk read the message on the screen, he couldn’t
help but feel incredibly sick.

Sitting up from where he was resting, Jeongguk read the message repeatedly, feeling his heart stop
as dread took over the entirety of his form.

Soo-Min’s message was short and to the point:

You hurt me. I hurt you.

“No. No. No. No…” Jeongguk was already typing a response, but Soo-Min wasn’t answering, and
when he attempted to call the woman, she simply sent him to voice-mail.

Already, everything felt like it was crumbling, and all he could do, was worry about whether Jimin
knew about Soo-Min or not. She had not given any hints or anything else for that matter, and
Jeongguk racked his brain as he tried to think up of ways that Soo-Min would try to hurt him.

Almost everything that came to mind, was Jimin.

Jimin and only Jimin. What else would Soo-Min do? She already knew that Jimin was a major
influence in his decision to leave her, and whatever she chose to do next, would be out of spite;
revenge for being scorned.

And didn’t help that Jimin wasn’t answering his calls, especially when the evening grew later and
with no sign of the omega.

For a wild second, he thought Soo-Min would actually be capable of causing Jimin some sort of
physical harm, and the more time he wasted on worrying, the more he realized that it wasn’t
helping the omega out at all if he really was in danger.

With only a few options left, Jeongguk decided to scroll through his contacts and call Namjoon, the
one who could possibly know Jimin’s whereabouts and where he might have gone after work.

Yet, even the alpha seemed to be a bit too preoccupied to take his calls. Unnerved and unsure of
what to do, Jeongguk decided that it would probably be best to message the group chat and ask for
help. Just as he was in the middle of typing out a message, it was then that he heard the jiggling of
keys as someone tried to unlock the door.


As he was slipping into the hall to greet the omega, relief washing over him that he was safe, the
sight he was met with was something that chased everything away. All that was left of the alpha,
was a cold, uneasy feeling that was now running through his veins as Jimin finally entered the

The stench of alcohol was not missed and Jeongguk caught the way Jimin walked sluggishly. A
very large lump latched itself to the back of the alpha’s throat as the omega dropped his things at
the door, moving closer into the light of the apartment.

He took in the omega’s scent, instantly knowing that something was hideously wrong. Distress was
a clear indication that Jimin was not okay, that his omega was drowning in a pain that Jeongguk
couldn’t chase away.

The omega was distraught, eyes brimming with uncertainties, unfocused and pained. He looked
like he was hanging on by a thread and Jeongguk couldn’t possibly think about what Soo-Min
could have told him; what all did she say and what all didn’t she say?

Finally, Jimin met his gaze, his eyes steeling over with unfathomable emotion, lips parting slowly.

“I want a divorce.”

Chapter End Notes

ATTENTION! Don't worry! I'm planning to show the interaction between Soo-Min
and Jimin; there's a lot going on there and I wanted to dedicate a chapter for it. I might
add another chapter to the story in order to make it six chapters, but I'm not sure yet. If
one of the chapters appears to be too long then I'll split it in half. I hope you enjoyed
Chapter Notes

This chapter is LONG. Well, it turned out to be the longest so far, so I hope that
doesn't keep you from reading! Anyway, writing this chapter made me cry so here it is
and I hope you like it. Enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

When the clock was about to strike four, Jimin was finishing up with gathering the material he
would need for his appointment. Since his project with Taehyung and Jihoon was finally starting to
wind down, Jimin entertained the fact that he could probably take on one more job; what with how
things were, he needed the distraction.

So, after grabbing his tablet, he made his way towards the meeting room, breathing out a sigh as he
rolled his shoulders slightly due to the stress.

He tried not to let his mind wander the problems at home, work being his only escape. It was
frustrating, to say the least; he and Jeongguk were in constant circles, unable to find some peaceful
footing to work with. Not like there was much to work with in that matter; Jimin was still stuck
with the knowledge of Jeongguk’s infidelity.

They say time is a healer of all things, but he wasn’t sure why time was doing nothing on Jimin’s
behalf. Unless, of course, he was doing something wrong.

“Stop it, Jimin.” The omega groaned, shaking his head slightly. This is exactly what he was trying
to avoid. Luckily, his meeting was about to start, so Jimin found himself prying the doors open and
stepping inside.

The person who had made the appointment had not arrived yet, so Jimin had some time to set up a
couple of his stuff in order to allow the meeting to go far more smoothly. He was hoping the
meeting would take a while, since he wasn’t all the eager to get home, anyway. Jeongguk was
there; he’s always at home, nowadays.

Jimin would have been happy to have his husband at home, had the fact that he cheated didn’t
linger. But, oh well, life was like that.

The omega was finishing up with a couple of notes when the doors to the meeting room finally
opened. He felt the presence of a female omega, took note of her sweet, rosy scent. It was a
pleasant aroma, but something about her was suddenly making his omega uneasy, and when Jimin
looked up, he halted.

Just as she was taking a seat, the woman was regarding him with a sickeningly sweet smile and one
that didn’t reach the depths of her chocolate covered eyes. She was certainly beautiful, and smelled
extremely good, even to Jimin, but that wasn’t what had the male omega so floored.

It was the fact that he had seen her before.

“I’m sorry if I’m a little late. Traffic, you know.” Setting her purse on the table, the woman
hummed in mild amusement, sliding her phone to the side. She was quick in tossing her silky,
black locks over one of her shoulders, but every casual movement had Jimin on edge.

With his heard dropping to his stomach and being overwhelmed with an urge to run away, Jimin
wasn’t sure how to proceed with the evident fact that the woman before him, was Jeongguk’s

How could he possibly forget how the woman looked like? Images of that night were painfully
etched into his memory, nearly consuming him and the main cause of his distress, anger, and hurt.

Jimin was caught completely off guard, and as the woman leaned forward in her seat, she was
continuing to gift him with that frivolous smile, as if she knew exactly who he was, and Jimin
never felt more exposed.

“I’m Soo-Min. Ah, Choi Soo-Min.”

“It’s a pleasure, I’m Park Jimin.”

The woman let out a small laugh, seeming pleased. “I know who you are.”

Jimin felt sick.

He couldn’t do this; it was just too much. The omega had not expected this kind of encounter, and
that fact that she was suddenly sitting before him for a consultation couldn’t be coincidence. She
had specifically asked for him, out of anyone she could have been interested in hiring.

Something was wrong.

The omega could sense the air about them grow heavy with anticipation, and Jimin’s omega was
restless and just as put off by the other omega. The fact that he knew full well who she was and her
involvement with Jeongguk, did not help in the slightest. No amount of professionalism was going
to hide the open sore, and there was no denying the hiss that was hovering within his throat.

Something in her expression changed, probably because Jimin was releasing pheromones that
served to convey to the other omega that he saw her as a threat. He could see the way her posture
tensed, her eyes growing guarded; so, whatever it was she was trying to coax from him, was
working and he hated it.

“Well. I guess there’s really no use in ignoring the elephant in the room is there? Judging by
your…scent, I can sense that you already know who I am.” Soo-Min didn’t drop the ridiculous
smile, apparently enjoying what was happening a little too much.

Jimin didn’t want to humor her; he didn’t want to sit around and have her rub in his face what he
already knew. He couldn’t possibly think up of anything that would have led to this unpleasant
encounter. As Jimin racked his brain, he could only come up with a few scenarios that would have
probably prompted the other omega to act on her own accord.

“What do you want, then? You can’t possibly reveal to me what I already know.” Jimin slid his
hands to the edge of the table, gripping it tightly as if to serve for some type of anchor. It was
scary, having so many feelings flooding into his being, many of them seeking to do something that
would make her hurt.

Hurt like he was hurting.

“Look, sweetheart. I’m not going to be a petty woman here and lie to you.” Soo-Min leaned back in
her chair, crossing one leg over another. “Jeongguk and I haven’t seen each other in weeks. But I
just couldn’t scratch that itch to see that look on your face. How did you find out, by the way? Did
you listen in on a call? He’s very vocal, you know.”

So, this is what she was after; she wasn’t here to hurt him with information. Soo-Min was a little
too cunning and a little more ambitious than that. She was here to torture Jimin with details of a
truth he already knew about, and already, he couldn’t even begin to stomach it.

“You didn’t even waste any time in throwing your venom. How quaint.” Jimin spoke rather tersely
and Soo-Min seemed very much amused.

“Did I already get under your skin that easily? How boring, I was hoping for a bit more of a

Jimin’s was sharp and cold. “Is this all that you came to do? Because if so, I’m leaving. I have
better things to do than listen to you.”

Soo-Min replied with feint innocence. “I just wanted to talk to you. And, I came here with good
intentions; I came to warn you about Jeongguk.”

The omega scoffed as, unable to believe the woman sitting across from him. He couldn’t even
begin to understand how someone like Soo-Min could ever stoop so low. Well, Jeongguk was at
the same level as her; maybe they are meant for each other. And even if what she was saying was
true, about them not being together in weeks, it did nothing to soften the impact of Jeongguk’s
betrayal in the first place.

“I know enough, and I already know the kind of people the both of you are. Nothing you say and
nothing he says, is going to change what you both did.” Jimin gripped the table even tighter,
anything to keep himself rooted to the spot and way from any bad decisions that could land him in
even bigger trouble.

“Nothing I say? Well, in that case, you already knew that we’ve had this ongoing affair since
before he was married. I’ve never met a man who would walk into a marriage with another woman
on the side.” Soo-Min hummed and Jimin flinched.

“No? How about the fact that I showed up on your wedding day? So cute, by the way. Such a quiet
little ceremony.” The woman chimed, and all Jimin could do, was swallow thickly.

He didn’t want to think about any of it. Ever since he found out that Jeongguk was cheating, all
Jimin would ever do, was torture himself with thoughts about where and when Jeongguk could
have possibly continued or started the affair. Where did it all start and was there even an end?

Listening to everything now, he wanted to hold on to the possibility that Soo-Min was lying and
saying all of this to hurt him and bring him pain. But deep down, Jimin knew that it was all so
heartbreakingly true, and he was surprised he was able to make it this far.

“How about when he decided to spend his wedding day with me? I was very honored he chose me
over you that night.”

“That’s enough.” A sharp, penetrating voice pierced the air, forcing both omegas to glance towards
the door.

The two of them had been so engrossed with each other, they hadn’t even noticed that Namjoon
had opened the doors to the meeting room, his words slicing through the air in a tone Jimin didn’t
think the alpha even possessed.
But in that moment, it didn’t matter, because Jimin could tell he was visibly shaking, feeling
something in him crumble and fall apart and he didn’t even have the will to catch the pieces.
However, as the woman began to wordlessly gather her things, Jimin’s voice forced itself out.

Uneven and broken, but still his words, nonetheless. “He left you, didn’t he? He used you like he
used me and you’re here out of spite. I know that feeling all too well. I guess in that aspect, Soo-
Min, you and I are evenly matched.”

Jimin didn’t even look at her, but he noticed the way her scent turned sour, the way her movements
became staggered with the timing of his words. However, instead of going on her way, she
momentarily paused in order to spit out a response.

“Don’t act like you can relate to me. I know him more than you do.”

He wasn’t really listening anymore; his mind muffling his surroundings, making out Namjoon’s
irritated bark but unable to make out the words. Eyes lingered on the conference table in front of
his, feeling like he was getting tunnel vision as her presence began to fade, their meeting cut short
because of a certain alpha.

But nothing mattered in that moment anymore, because everything that Jimin had been struggling
to hold up, suddenly came crashing down all around him, the last piece of his sanity giving away as
he gave into his uncontrollable trembling.

It didn’t help any that he was suddenly short of breath, trying to take in gulps of air in order to calm
himself down, but nothing was seeping into his lungs, it was as if everything was getting lodged in
his throat as an unsettling feeling settled over his chest. It was painful and could feel his heart
escalate in pace.

“Jimin?” Namjoon’s voice was coated in worry, but it did nothing to make the omega feeling any
better; suddenly sensing his body fall into a panic as he tried to catch his breath but couldn’t.

He couldn’t breathe. Jimin couldn’t breathe.

His mind began to race when he suddenly felt Namjoon gripping his arms, trying to catch his
frantic gaze. “Deep breaths Jimin, deep breaths. Go slow, go slow…”

The omega was confused, feeling dizzy as he tried to scramble out of his chair, but the alpha held
him down, continuing to instruct Jimin to focus as the omega looked at him wildly. It wasn’t until
he felt Namjoon’s pheromones began to coax him, did Jimin finally begin to follow the alpha’s
direction, slowing down his desperate need for air. Instead of aiming for quick, short breaths, he
finally began to inhale through his nose and exhaling out his mouth.

“Just like that. There you go, keep breathing deeply and slowly.” As the alpha spoke, he began to
stroke Jimin’s shoulders, trying to ease the tension in his muscles as Jimin weakly nodded, finally
taking in the proper air that he needed, helping the insane beating of his heart.

He wasn’t sure how long he sat there, trembling and breathing, with the alpha providing much
needed comfort throughout the process. It was probably just a few minutes, but it felt like an

And finally, after his body seemed to relax enough to finally allow his mind to catch up with
whatever it was that was happening. Unsure of what happened, Jimin really wasn’t in the mood to
ask questions, instead, he took in Namjoon’s pained expression as everything came rushing back to
Jimin like a raging storm.
It hurt. It shouldn’t hurt, but it did.

Not only that, but Namjoon was an unwilling witness to what had just happened, and Jimin could
feel the searing burn of humiliation wash over him, but in that moment, he couldn’t bring himself
to hold his head up high. His face fell into his hands as he teetered forward, but he felt his friend
suddenly grab him, still attempting to comfort the distressed omega.

And it was then that Jimin just didn’t have the strength to really hold anything in.

He cried.

Ever since he found out about Jeongguk’s affair, the omega struggled to maintain his composure,
even when around his cheating spouse. However, he took mild pride in not breaking down
completely over it. They were never intimate and affectionate with each other, it shouldn’t even
feel like a loss, so Jimin could never understand why he was always hurting so bad.

Maybe deep down both he and his wolf were hoping for something to flourish over time, but now,
he realized that he had been holding on to something that was never going to happen. Even after
knowing about his husband’s disgusting secret, a part of him still held on to the possibility of
something and Jimin felt so stupid. So, so stupid.

Just like before. Just like he’s always been.

And so, he cried. Finally. After so long of holding everything in, after dealing with it all on his
own, he found himself crying into the alpha’s shoulder, his arms clinging around the other’s neck
for dear life, scared of letting go and falling even further than he already was.

He could feel Namjoon’s arm tight around Jimin’s quivering form, continuing to present the omega
with a caring, safe scent that help in keeping him from losing himself entirely. And as Jimin
continued to sob, while Namjoon silently hugged him, the omega finally gasped out in a voice
caked with tears.

“They made a fool out of me, Hyung…”

The bar was quiet, with maybe a few stragglers wishing to drink away the day’s stress. Either way,
the atmosphere was fitting; Jimin wasn’t really in any mood to deal with a place full of people,
especially when he was sure he looked like a real wreck. His eyes stung from all the crying he did
earlier, a finger gently massaging the puffiness of his eyelids.

He was probably an eyesore.

Jimin watched wordlessly as the bartender refilled his glass with another triple, the alcohol slowly
swishing within the omega’s stomach, mind feeling a bit fuzzy. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea
to drink in his state, but at least Namjoon was there with him, so he didn’t quite care about going
overboard. The omega wasn’t a light weight and he always knew how to regulate his drinking; but
right now, all he wanted was to drown in liquor.

Shortly after Jimin was able to gather himself up from Namjoon’s arms, the alpha had offered to
take the omega home, though, as he spoke, the alpha seemed hesitant. After all, everything was
happening because of Jeongguk, and he wasn’t all too sure if Jimin even wanted to head back
If that’s what the alpha had been assuming, then he had been right, because Jimin was quick to
suggest a bar because he wanted a drink. What he had failed to tell the alpha, was that Jimin had a
mission to get drunk; he wanted to let lose and let it all go.

Because that’s what he had finally decided on.

For a long time now, he had held on to the marriage even after finding out about Jeongguk’s affair;
he had realized just how much of a bleeding heart he was. The alpha didn’t deserve anything of
Jimin. He didn’t deserve his trust, his hopes, his affections, and certainly not his tears. Why the
omega waited so long, he still struggled to comprehend, but not anymore.

Maybe before, he needed a bit more of a wake-up call; he needed to face reality and he finally did
so in the form of Soo-Min.

A part of him probably thought that it would all go away eventually, that time will heal all if he
just kept trying for anything. Why did he let himself get manipulated by his own emotions so
easily? The truth had been in front of him the whole time; but each goddamn time, Jeongguk halted
him in his tracks.

Perhaps Jimin was an idiot to think there was something deep within Jeongguk worth waiting for.
If there was one thing he had come to learn about the alpha, was how heavily impacted his life was
due to his parents; it was no secret that his family cared more about the benefits of their marriage
than anything else.

Jimin knew, he had met them, after all. It’s not liked the omega’s parents were any different;
always egging Jimin on to find a mate and to be married. The only difference between himself and
Jeongguk was that Jimin lived defying his parents. Growing up had always been filled with
disagreements between himself and his parents. Everything they fought about always had to do
with activities, schooling, friends, universities.

Maybe if Jeongguk hadn’t let himself be controlled for so long by his parents, he wouldn’t have
made such shitty choices. But then again, Jeongguk was an adult with a good comprehension of
what was morally right and wrong. Jimin was done making excuses for the alpha, and he was done
in making them for himself, as well.

Not this time.

“I’m going to go make a call. I’ll be right back.” Namjoon informed the omega, before finishing up
his own drink. Jimin merely nodded, saying nothing as the alpha pulled away as he took out his

The omega welcomed the rich burn in his throat, wincing slightly, but it didn’t detour him from
continuing to order more drinks.

Jeongguk continued to invade his thoughts as well as Soo-Min. Jimin then thought a lot about
himself, about all the times Jeongguk treated him with a cold shoulder. His thoughts lingered on
their wedding day, how the alpha only placed a brief kiss to the omega’s brow, the only intimate
action he ever got from the other.

And the fact that he went as far as to meet up with that woman on their wedding night. The very
night that Jimin had tried his best to prepare himself in order to present himself to the alpha as a
mate should, only to find Jeongguk half-way out the door.

Jimin had forgiven him for that, just how he had forgiven Jeongguk for many of his delinquencies
within their marriage. But not this one. Not this time.

By the time Jimin felt like he couldn’t even pick up the glass probably, a hand descended and took
it away from him. Startled and offended at the same time, Jimin blearily glanced up at the figure
standing next to him.


“Hyung?” Jimin had to blink several times in order to make out the older omega in such a dim

“That’s enough, Jimin. I’m taking you back to our place.” As he spoke, he picked up the glass and
offered it back to the bartender, before he began to pull out his wallet from his suit jacket. At that,
Jimin tried to stand up, but swayed dangerously, before gripping the bar top for support.

“Wait, no, Hyung…”

Seokjin ignored him as he pulled out a card for the bartender to take, to which the man did so
without question. Jimin figured Namjoon had called him, because the alpha wasn’t anywhere to be
seen. He didn’t like the idea of being baby sat, and he wasn’t chummy with the fact that Seokjin
was now paying his tab.

“Namjoon called me, said he needed to wrap up a couple of things for you at the office since he
had to pull you out early. I’m taking you home with us for the night, sleep all of this off.” Seokjin
was quick to explain as he waited for payment to be processed.

However, Jimin’s head was swimming with incoherency, and it was a huge struggle trying to keep
up with whatever it was that the omega was saying. Jimin wanted to argue, but he felt like he
didn’t have much of a say on the matter, because Seokjin seemed dead set on the decision.

It’s the most serious Jimin had ever seen Seokjin, and for a moment, the omega breathed out
timidly. “I’m sorry…”

At the words, Seokjin turned to Jimin, his face falling into something softer. Seokjin’s scent was a
pleasant one; something like coconut pastries, and Jimin noticed the way it turned even sweeter.

“Don’t be sorry, Jimin. Not over something like this. I’m just worried about you, that’s all.”

Call it a blessing or luck for Jimin to have found people who genuinely cared for him. He didn’t
even want to think about how he would have ended up had Namjoon had not been there to deflect
the approaching storm that was brewing due to his meeting with Soo-Min. And now, Seokjin was
cleaning up his tab and helping him out of the bar, but Jimin didn’t feel shame in that moment.

He felt safe and cared for.

“I don’t even know…what to say…” Jimin slurred, trying to keep himself from crying for the
second time that day.

“You don’t have to say anything right now.” Seokjin said once they were both safe in the elder’s
car. Jimin figured it was his drunken state that kept Jimin from feeling shy and embarrassed around
the other. Whatever walls he had up before, were all down and Jimin was exposed completely and

Still unsure of how he felt about that, Jimin settled with silently gazing out the window, fighting
off that need to doze off. However, as Seokjin was making a turn, it was then that Jimin shot up in
his seat, glancing at Seokjin.

“W-Wait! You need to take me back to my apartment.” Jimin stumbled to speak but at least
Seokjin managed to understand what it was that he was saying.

Confusion was sown onto his face as he turned to look at the omega. “Right now? I don’t think
that would be such a good idea. I’ll take you home with me and let you rest. After you get a clear
head, you can head home.”

Jimin, however, was already shaking his head vigorously, his mind made up. “No. I’m…not going
back. I want to get my things. I want to leave…” Jimin felt his lips tremble as he finally whispered.
“Please, Hyung…I don’t want to go back.”

Maybe he should have listened to Seokjin.

Because right now, staring at Jeongguk’s lost and panicked expression had Jimin feeling a lot
angrier than he has ever felt in his entire life. Despite everything that has happened between them,
the alpha had the audacity to look affected by what Jimin had just delivered to him? Honestly,
Jeongguk was the last person who felt like he deserved to feel something on the matter.

It seemed that the alpha was struggling to get the words out, but Jimin wasn’t having any of it,
letting out an angry and defensive hiss, one that omega reserved for anyone they considered a

Jeongguk had hurt him so many times, why wouldn’t he be considered a threat?

Normally, an alpha would respond with a defensive action in return, but not this time. It seemed
like Jeongguk didn’t harbor any need to be on guard about anything, flinching slightly at how
furious Jimin appeared to be in that moment. It’s not like he feared for his life, in the end, an alpha
would always be able to overpower an omega if they really needed to.

But they both knew that Jimin’s anger was justified. It was no secret anymore.

“Soo-Min dropped by at my workplace today, but I’m sure you already knew that. She and I had a
bit of a talk.” Sarcasm painted Jimin’s words and as soon as he opened his mouth, he knew there
was no way of stopping the hurricane that was about to pass.

Visibly swallowing, Jeongguk spoke up slowly. “Jimin…”

“No! No, Jeongguk, no, no! No!” Jimin finally snapped at the alpha. “You get to say NOTHING!”

Jimin didn’t even recognize his own voice as he yelled, fists clenched, feeling his body shake.
“There is nothing you can say that will ever justify what you and that woman did to me!”

The omega stood his ground, glaring up at the shocked alpha, only fueling that need to just rage at
the other, something he never had a chance at doing for months.

“You know what’s funny? I already knew about it.” For some odd reason, he found Jeongguk’s
reaction to that bit of news, a bit satisfying. The way the alpha’s eyes widened in evident surprise
at the revelation, was just the start of what Jimin wanted to obtain.
“Yes, Jeongguk, I knew. I’ve known for almost two damn months! And I even put up with your
disgusting habits even after finding out, know full well that your excuses for coming home late
were absolute bullshit!”

Stepping forward, a pale-stricken Jeongguk found himself avoiding the other by moving out of the
way, and it was enough to make Jimin laugh humorlessly. “Poor, stupid Jimin, right? Always at
home waiting and waiting, hoping and wishing like a goddamn idiot!”

“Going into this marriage I knew that there was nothing between us, that we had no history except
for the fact that our families knew each other! But I was still willing to go through with it because I
had this stupid idea in my head that we could somehow make it work!” He didn’t care how loud he
was being, didn’t care if neighbors even heard them, Jimin was too far gone to care about anything
else at all in that moment.

All he saw was red, red, red; running on pain, fueled by anger.

“You couldn’t even bring yourself to respect me! And our wedding night? Really?” The omega
didn’t even bother to take in Jeongguk’s reaction at that, forcing his way past the alpha, determined
to get to his room. Being drunk was only making things difficult, yelping in pain when he
accidentally bumped into one of the lamp tables located near the hall that led to their rooms.

He could feel Jeongguk suddenly following him but kept his distance as Jimin stumbled into his
room watching everything suddenly blur and feel as if his surroundings were spinning. However,
the omega fought through it all in order to reach his closet.

Fuck. Fuck.

Jimin could feel his cheeks growing wet as he realized that he was crying yet again. Hastily, he
wiped his eyes, not wanting Jeongguk to see any of his tears.

With angry grunts, he pulled on the handle of a suitcase, the same one he had used after marrying
Jeongguk and moving in with him. Never did he think that everything would start and end with that
same suitcase.

“Where are you going?” Jeongguk’s voice was quiet but did nothing to damper Jimin’s riled up

“Away from you!”

“Jimin, I know I don’t have a right to say this, but…you shouldn’t leave in this state, you’re
drunk.” The alpha’s tone was filled with worry, and for some reason, it only made Jimin feel even
more indignant.

“You’re right, you don’t have a right to say anything!” Jimin snapped as fingers struggled to get the
damn suitcase open. “You’re not my husband, you’re not my mate, you’re not even a friend; you’re
nothing of mine!”

Finally, after getting the suitcase opened, he began to open his dressers, one by one and trying to
gather as many clothes as possible. Shirts, pants, shorts, socks. Whatever he could possibly need.
He wanted to get everything in one go so that he wouldn’t have to return, but even in his drunk
state, he knew that wouldn’t be possible.

“Jimin, please…”

The omega scoffed. “Please! Please, please, please! That’s all I ever did! I always silently begged
for you to treat me better, to not make me feel like shit every time you were around me!”

He hadn’t realized how heavy his suitcase was until he tried to pick it up. But that wasn’t going to
be a main problem, since he found a solution in dragging it, Jeongguk moving out of the way as
Jimin fought against the weight of it. God, he really should have listened to Seokjin, but what did
that matter now? Nothing really mattered now.

There was a strain in his arms as he shuffled down the hall, but the dizziness in his head hit his
with such great force, he gasped as everything around him began spinning again, only to realize it
was because he was falling. Losing his grip on the suitcase, the omega stumbled before hitting the
carpet, gasping loudly at the impact.

But immediately after, he felt strong arms suddenly gripping his form, lifting Jimin back up and
securing him well on his feet. There was no blocking the alpha’s woodsy scent, taking in the
warmth that covered Jimin like a blanket as the other held on to him. Maybe he liked to think that
the alpha’s touched lingered, but it’s not like it was going to make much of a difference.

Everything was too little too late.

“You know…” Jimin finally found himself whispering as he pulled away from the alpha. His
throat ached, probably from all the yelling and the crying, so his words came out a little hoarser
than what was intended.

“I wanted our marriage to me something more than just some one-way ticket into social circles. I
thought that maybe, we could meet halfway and just be together.” He reached to pick up the
suitcase once more but refused to look at the alpha while doing so.

The confession was something he never thought he would have to tell the alpha, always giving the
other too much credit and falsely believing that everything would fall into place eventually. But in
the end, he came out looking like a fool and now all Jimin wanted to do, was to get as far away as
he possibly could.

“I don’t love you, Jeongguk, and I know you don’t love me. I guess I held some attraction for you,
thinking that maybe we would get some chance to actually be happy despite the circumstances of
our marriage.”

“But I’m tired and I just don’t have the strength for anything anymore. I used to regret a lot of
things, but I think my biggest regret was marrying you.” Jimin forced down that need to cry, but he
could feel the way his throat clenched up the way it always did when he was about to just let out a

“I don’t want to see you and I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t want anything from you except a
divorce. Everything is too much and I’m too fucking drunk to think straight but, I can’t be here. I
don’t want to be here.” Jimin continued his way to the door, eyes welling up in tears, but he refused
to look back. He couldn’t bring himself to look back.

It was over.

But the most heart-breaking thing about everything was, it had never really started to begin with.

A penthouse really wasn’t Namjoon’s style, but it was the smallest that Seokjin would go
compared to other living arrangements. Still, that didn’t mean that the alpha had let go of the
possibility of getting something humbler, it was all of matter of time, after all. He’d convinced his
husband eventually. It was better than the villa, having convinced Seokjin that it was maybe better
used for a getaway location than a home.

At least the view of Seoul was nice from where he was sitting.

He glanced up when he heard tired footsteps, Seokjin sighing slightly as he made his way towards
the sitting alpha. His mate looked tired and worn out and Namjoon felt guilty for having left his
husband in charge of caring for the distressed omega while he returned to the office to wrap up
some stuff.

“How is he?” Namjoon asked with concern, offering a glass towards his mate. Seokjin took the
drink with visible gratitude, sagging against the couch, before he peered over his shoulder for a
few seconds. After a trickling silence, the omega responded tiredly.

“The poor guy fell asleep immediately after taking a bath. It’s been quite an evening.”

Namjoon pursed his lips, shifting his gaze towards the very large windows that provided the
perfect view of the city, the lights adding to the beauty that was Seoul.

“I can’t possibly imagine what all he’s been dealing with; he had a panic attack at work. I didn’t
realize what was going on until I saw that he couldn’t catch his breath. That woman…” Namjoon
shook his head, clicking his tongue instead of continuing with what was really on his mind in that

Seokjin already knew the details, he had told the omega everything he needed to know when he
called him from that bar just some hours ago. He wouldn’t have gone far as to call in Seokjin for
help, but he couldn’t quite leave everything at the office how it was. Namjoon understood Jimin’s
need to get away from the place, but the higher ups wouldn’t take so kindly to his absence.

It was the only thing he could do for Jimin at that moment so his work wouldn’t be jeopardized.

“I shouldn’t have let him drink so much, maybe he wouldn’t be in this state had I intervened some
more.” Namjoon murmured but Seokjin reached over to stroke the alpha’s knee.

“Jimin is an adult; he doesn’t need us to baby him so much. Besides, he knew what he was going to
get himself into as soon as he walked into that bar. The least we can do is provide a roof over his
head while he figures all of this stuff out.”

He had to admit that Seokjin was right, but Jimin was a friend now and seeing the omega break
apart earlier at the office, shook the alpha quite a bit. Namjoon was surprised he was able to
calmly get Jimin through his attack. “I had no ideas their problems ran that deep.”

“I did.” Seokjin whispered, his own eyes settling on the city view. “I knew as soon as I met them
that something wasn’t right. I just didn’t think it would be something like this.”

“Jeongguk didn’t seem the type…” Namjoon added sadly, disappointing masking his features as he
reached up to scratch his brow.

“No one ever seems the type.” The omega took a swing from his drink, letting out a satisfied sigh
after doing so.

A momentary silence fell between the two, something that often happened when they discussed
sensitive topics. It was as if both filed through thoughts and emotions, finding comfort in each
other’s presence and making certain situations much more bearable. It was rather terrible what their
friend was going through, that’s not something Namjoon wished on anyone.

“I’m going to be checking up on Jeongguk.” Seokjin finally spoke up and despite everything, the
alpha found himself chuckling faintly.

“I’d be surprised if you didn’t.” Turning to face the omega, he noticed the way Seokjin had a grim
look on his face, as if struggling with the decision, or, something else. Namjoon figured it was the

“Don’t get me wrong, what Jeongguk did was horrible and I don’t justify his actions but…”
Seokjin’s face fell. “Jeongguk. He’s a good kid.”

Namjoon gifted his husband with a tiny smile. “I know.”

It was something they both noticed about meeting Jeongguk. There was something innocent and
insecure buried beneath his cool, collected demeanor. People like him always had something to
hide, and even though it did nothing to excuse them for certain things, it certainly explained a lot of
unanswered questions.

That weekend they all spent together, Namjoon was able to gather a bit of insight from the real
Jeongguk, a young man feeling like he’s found a path of life but couldn’t appear more lost and
dissatisfied with the outcome of his chosen career. And everything else regarding it, for that matter.

“I don’t think Jeongguk ever got a chance to grow into himself. His true self, that is. I think his
way of thinking was probably branded on him at such an early age.” The alpha spoke his thoughts
as Seokjin nodded slowly.

The omega pinched his lips together, but finally replied, “I can relate to the situation.”

And there it was.

“Maybe, but the circumstances are a bit different this time.” Namjoon leaned closer to his husband,
however, Seokjin shook his head, not wanting to accept excuse or reasoning.

“You and I both know that it doesn’t matter what the circumstance is. That’s why I want to help
him, too, not just Jimin. Give him a chance, just like you did me. You gave me a chance when
everyone else, my friends and family, turned their backs to me, and you were the one I had hurt the

At the words, Namjoon set his glass aside, wishing to have both hands as they moved to soothe
over Seokjin’s shoulders, prompting the omega to shift his position and lean against the alpha.
After doing so, Namjoon then wrapped his arms around the other’s middle, pressing the omega
protectively against his chest.

“Everyone is deserving of a second chance if they’re genuinely willing to change.” As Namjoon

spoke, he pressed his mouth to the top of his mate’s head, breathing in his wonderful scent.

“Word is going to get out at some point. People are going to talk about him; hate him. Be
negative.” Seokjin sighed, and just thinking about it all, had Namjoon feeling utterly uneasy. “That
woman you told me about; her name rang a bell and sure enough, she’s the wife of someone that
works in the company.”

“She was willing to tell all with Jimin when they met up. I doubt she cares much about the
repercussions if she talks. I think her goal is to hurt Jeongguk as much as possible.” At his words,
the omega growled unhappily, so Namjoon squeezed him even tighter.

There was a strained pause, before Seokjin replied slowly.

“I’m going to ask Jeongguk for his resignation. It’s the only way I can protect him from the
onslaught he will most likely receive at work.” When Seokjin spoke the words, Namjoon couldn’t
help but be shocked at such a thing.

He knew that Seokjin wanted to help the young alpha, but he didn’t think firing Jeongguk was
going to be one of those things. “Are you sure?”

“Choi Soo-Min is the wife of one of my executives. When he finds out, I doubt Jeongguk will be
safe in my own company; and I can’t really pick sides because Jeongguk is a friend. I don’t think
he is naturally a bad person, but Jeongguk needs to start learning that his actions have
consequences. This isn’t just on Soo-Min; she’s not a villain here, just a woman probably going
through the same kind of pain, albeit, dealing with it the wrong way. He’s as much to blame as she

“If Jimin finds out, he’ll probably feel even worse. I mean, sure, he’s angry now but I don’t think
he really wants anything bad for Jeongguk, either.” Namjoon spoke softly, thinking about the type
of person Jimin is; how always eager he was, caring and self-efficient, but most of all, the way his
kindness made him shine.

“He doesn’t have to know. This is about Jeongguk, after all, and I think Jimin already made up his
mind about the kid. And besides, Jimin is so much like you.” Seokjin added, a smile in his tone.


“Yes, you. So selfless and eager to help. Always so kind. Jimin, he has every reason to hate
Jeongguk, but that man isn’t capable of hate. So much pain he’s holding, but still so attentive about
everyone around him. You two are one and the same. But I can relate to Jeongguk the most, and
right now, I feel like I need to catch the kid before he falls apart completely.”

Seokjin let a few seconds pass by before he continued. “And if he’s anything like me, Jeongguk
will probably spend the rest of his life punishing himself, and I don’t think I have the heart to
watch the both of them tear themselves up.”

Kissing the top of his husband’s head, Namjoon sighed. “You should give yourself more credit. I
just wish I could do something to help.”

At this, Seokjin sat up slightly, maneuvering his gaze so that he could connect his eyes with
Namjoon’s, “Maybe there is. Do you remember that offer you were given? About going overseas?”

“I do.”

“Well, why not take Jimin? You’re allowed a team, right?” That wasn’t something Namjoon had
put too much thought in.

It wasn’t the first nor would it be the last time he was offered to do something away from Seoul,
after all, their company was expanding, and it wanted to branch out to potential clients. Namjoon
had always been regarded with respect for his enormous skill and offers like those always brought
in more experience and money, as well as recognition.

However, it always meant that Namjoon would have to leave Seokjin for months on end, maybe
even years, depending on the number of clients. It’s the only reason why Namjoon would decline
such offers in the first place.

“I know that look, and it doesn’t have to be for long. You can ask for the shortest term. I just think
it would do Jimin good to get away, ease his mind.” Seokjin tried to reassure the alpha, even going
as far as to press a kiss to his lips while doing so.

Seokjin was right, just like how he was right about most things. Namjoon still wasn’t sure and it
could take some time before preparations are even complete if he did accept certain proposals. But,
for Jimin’s sake, Namjoon wouldn’t mind sacrificing time with his omega. However, he’d have to
talk to Jimin about it first just to see if the omega was up for such an idea.

“Alright, I’ll ask him. It won’t happen right away if he accepts, but you’re right, this could help
him.” Namjoon smiled as Seokjin fell back against him, seeming happy with the decision.

“I love you.” The omega breathed.

“I love you, too.”

She was always so kind, with this loving smile on her face that made Jeongguk feel safe. He always
felt at ease with the elder woman, always reached up to count the wrinkles on her face as she

Spending time with her was the best. She would take his hand on walks and reward him with treats
when he ate all his food. Bath time was so much fun because he would get to play in the water
while she washed his hair.

And whenever it stormed, she would let him hide beneath her covers as she hummed something
sweet to distract him from the raging winds and rain.

“You be a good boy, Ggukie. I will see you again really soon, my child.”

Her voice was always so soft.

“Stop babying him, Ma. And his name is Jeongguk.” His father barked, gripping the boy by the
base of his neck as he steered Jeongguk away. “C’mon, boy. And leave this.”

Jeongguk cried when his father pulled his stuffed rabbit from his arms, shoving it towards his
grandmother before being tugged away. He reached out for the woman, but all she could do was
hold the animal in her arms, her expression sadder and more aged than before.

But soon didn’t come quick enough.

And not long after their final farewell, she was gone.

Jeongguk opened his eyes slowly, taking in the darkness of his room and the silence of the
apartment. Turning his head slowly, he noticed that it was still early in the morning, the sky
lightening up but not yet bursting with color from the sun.
But that was fine, it’s not like the alpha could get much sleep anyway; he hardly slept nowadays.
Lately, he’s been remembering a lot of things from his childhood, things that used to be good but
always turned sour in the end. He couldn’t quite recall ever having anything happy last, his
grandmother being the last person alive to really present him with any affection.

However, it’s not like Jeongguk was using any of it to feel sorry for himself; he really wasn’t in
any position to feel anything at all.

Instead, Jeongguk forced himself up from his bed, deciding to just wash up and get started with his
day. Basic routine, nothing new.

Shuffling down the hall to get to the bathroom, Jeongguk passed Jimin’s room, but couldn’t bring
himself to really glance at the door. He still called it Jimin’s room, even after it’s been more than
two weeks since the omega had left the apartment, never to return, Jeongguk still regarded it as

It was pathetic on his part, it’s not like he wasn’t to blame for everything that was currently
happening in his life. Jeongguk didn’t allow himself to really feel torn up about all that was
happening, he figured it would be an insult to everyone that once cared for him.

Too little too late.

Days of solitude meant more time for himself to think back on all his decisions, his mistakes, how
he acted and how he treated those around him. To think that he once took pride in it all, always
seeking praise and rewards for what it was that he did. All he ever did, was for the family, with his
father’s curt nod of approval being the only affectionate thing he got from the man while growing

But thinking on it now, Jeongguk realized how much a cynical asshole he was regarding
everything he thought he needed to know; how people with ambition always got to the top, as his
father used to say.

And in exchange for what?

A broken marriage, an omega’s disdain, and a failed career?

Months ago, had someone told him that he would end up alone and jobless, he would have had
quite the laugh at such a ridiculous thing.

How ironic.

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, Jeongguk shuffled to the kitchen, sniffing slightly as
he opened the fridge. Inside, he found a few containers with food from Seokjin. The omega would
stop by from time to time to make sure that Jeongguk was eating, since the alpha often forgot about
meals as he slouched on the sofa most of the time.

Not long after he was asked to resign, Seokjin had offered the alpha some recommendations,
saying he could put in a good word in if he needed to. However, Jeongguk refused, since he really
wasn’t deserving of any of the help he was being offered. He was the one who got himself in such
a mess, so he was the one who had to get himself out.

Something like that proved to be difficult, because Jeongguk couldn’t even find the will to do
anything at that point. All he could think about was how much of a piece of shit his was, his mind
always taking him back to the night when the omega finally walked out of their apartment and out
of his life.
And Jeongguk hadn’t realized how big the apartment felt now that Jimin was gone.

What was worse, was the fact that Jeongguk was aware of all the tiny details now; things he never
thought even mattered back when Jimin was still with him.


Not with him. Lived with him.

Jimin had never been his to begin with.

Every time he opened a certain, kitchen cabinet, he would come across Jimin’s favorite mug.
Jeongguk knew this because he suddenly recalled all the times Jimin would drink out of it. The
alpha bought the same kind of dish soap and laundry detergent that the omega would always buy,
thinking back on how Jimin once voiced how they were the best for cleaning.

Jeongguk would never miss a day in watering Jimin’s plant, one he remembered the omega getting
from a friend who was leaving Seoul due to work transfer. He had even started reading some of
Jimin’s books, since the omega had a whole shelf full of them in their living room, wanting to feel
his presence somehow.

He would sometimes buy Jimin’s favorite ramen from the convenience store close to the
apartment, thinking back on some of the nights Jeongguk would return home to a working omega
with a ramen cup sitting on the coffee table as he worked.

Just the little things.

Jeongguk felt so lost and confusion, unable to pinpoint when everything started to change for him;
when things suddenly started to matter. Maybe it was the way Jimin would regard him with
saddened eyes as he came home from work, or the way his icy demeanor chilled him out of his
shell, suddenly aware.

He didn’t know. He didn’t know.

And he was so angry at himself for it, because it didn’t matter what he thought or how much he
detested himself for what he did, it was not going to change anything. Jeongguk did the worst
possible thing he could do to someone who trusted him and there was no going back. He didn’t
deserve anything of Jimin’s, but he was selfish, and he was a coward, so he keeps whatever little
thing he could find that was Jimin’s.

He didn’t know what the omega was even up to, hasn’t heard a word from him since his departure.
Seokjin would sometimes comment on Jimin every now and then, that he was staying at the
penthouse with them. That he was back on his feet and working.

But nothing more than that.

Many times, Jeongguk was on the verge of messaging the omega, maybe even call him and
pretend that the call was an accident. Anything. But Jimin had long left their group chat and no one
else was really talking. It wouldn’t surprise Jeongguk if they had created another chat room
without him. He didn’t blame them.

Each time he was close to doing so, however, he thought back on Jimin’s words, how he didn’t
want to see Jeongguk anymore, didn’t want to have anything to do with him.

That his biggest regret was marrying him.

Words like that, Jeongguk was never going to forget, and good on him. Jeongguk deserved it all, he
was done fighting against it. Jimin was the only good thing he had in his life, that and his friends,
but it was all deteriorating, day by day, with Seokjin being the only one to check up on him and
make sure he wasn’t skipping any meals.

Seokjin shouldn’t be wasting his time on someone like Jeongguk, since the alpha has made it clear
just what type of person he really was.

Even now, after leaving the kitchen without any food, Jeongguk found himself sitting at the foot of
the couch, head buried in his knees as he clutched his arms around his legs. He didn’t deserve a
strand of pity or sympathy, if anything, Jeongguk had to live with what he did on his own, and if he
could take it all back, he would.

There were so many things he did differently now.

Yet, his remorse was late to come and all he had now was a dark, empty apartment with mementos
of a person he wished he had treated better.

Jeongguk had become his father and honestly, he accepted that punishment.

The alpha felt like a parasite, holding on and just hurting a person as he did so, sucking them dry
until he had his fill. Jimin had not been his only victim, and think back on it now, he could
remember all the faces of all the people he has ever hurt and used to get to where he was. But
Jimin had been different; the omega was going to be his change, but Jeongguk snuffed the light out
before he even realized it.

Too little too late.

Looking up from where his face had been hidden, Jeongguk flickered his tired eyes towards the
table, swallowing thickly. He was a parasite.

He’s hurt a lot of people for personal gain, but Jimin was going to be the last. Nothing was going to
take away the pain he had caused the omega, there was nothing Jeongguk to right the wrongs of
his affairs, betrayal like that was almost never forgiven.

Jeongguk needed to man up for once and do something to rid himself from Jimin’s life for good.

So, he slowly got up, his eyes still on the table as he made his way back to the kitchen. Opening
one of the drawers they used for easy access to pens, clips, and all that sort of thing, the alpha
rummaged through it until he found a pen that worked and some scissors.

Shutting the drawer with one of his hips, Jeongguk removed the top as he sat down at the table.
With a painful tugging of his heart, he slid a folder closer to him, one that he had gotten a few days
ago but left on the table. He hadn’t wanted to face the truth of it all, hoping that maybe ignoring it
would make it go away, but he knew that was far from it.

So, as he flipped the folder open, his eyes scanned the documents, shuffling through the pages until
he reached the last one.

With a heaviness settling over his chest, Jeongguk finally signed the paper, his signature resting
right next to Jimin’s own, finally severing all ties with the omega once and for all.

The least he could do, was give Jimin his freedom.

Closing the folder up, Jeongguk stood up from the table, scissors in hand.
Even if the house no longer carried Jimin’s scent, as Jeongguk opened the door to his room, he was
met with the faint fragrance that served as a reminder that Jimin had once been there and had once
called the apartment his home.

Now, it was just an empty room filled with some boxes of a few things that Jimin used to own but
no longer wanted. Seokjin had told him that Jimin said to do whatever he wanted with whatever
had been left behind; it hurt, but it was nothing compared to what Jimin was probably feeling or
felt throughout the entire ordeal.

Taking one box, Jeongguk dug into the contents and fished out something that never failed in
making him ache with so much regret.

It was a picture frame, and one that held their wedding photo from all their months ago. Jimin
looked stunning, bright and happy so eager and unknowing of all the pain he was going to face.
Next to him, Jeongguk stared at himself, the alpha from the photograph looking so triumphant of
his prize.

Pissed off, Jeongguk suddenly smashed the picture frame against the bedside table, hearing the
glass shatter due to the impact, shards hitting the carpet. But that was the least of his worries as
fingers worked to remove the picture from the frame.

Taking the scissors, the alpha began to cut the photo in half, making sure he created a fine line
between himself and Jimin. Soon, he gripped Jimin’s picture in one hand, crumbling up his own
image in the other.

Getting up from the bed, Jeongguk made his way back to his room, leaving the glassy mess behind
as he walked up to the large mirror of his dresser. Gently, he slid Jimin’s picture between the small
space between the frame and mirror, stepping back slightly in order to take in the omega’s
endearing smile.

It was the only picture he had of the omega, and since he was never going to see Jimin again after
the finalization of their divorce, then this was the next best thing. He was undeserving of it, but
Jeongguk was going to learn to cherish it.

He just wished he hadn’t been too little too late.


I’m writing this because I feel like I left a lot of things unsaid that night. As you well remember, I
was drunk and running on my emotions, and I probably said things that were very upsetting and
equally unfair. I bet if most people knew about what all transpired between us, they would most
likely not be so happy that I’m writing this sort of thing.

But I’m done lying for people and lying to myself. I’m going to be honest with you here because for
once, I want to breathe calmly for myself and think for myself. I know what you did is probably
something a lot of people will never forgive, and quite frankly, I’m not ready to forgive you just yet.
A part of me probably never will, but that’s just how this thing goes.

This isn’t about what people think, this is about us.

You and I jumped into a loveless marriage so foolishly and so quickly; you had one mission in
mind while I lived on senseless dreams. We are both to blame for this painful outcome, and even if
you came around a bit in the end, I’m afraid regret and remorse alone is not enough to fix
something that already started broken.

I was so ready to blame you and Soo-Min for everything, but I also realized that I was being unfair
in just playing the victim.

I had always assumed that things would shape into how I wanted them to, and I know now that was
selfish on my part. I painted out something only I saw and didn’t see the bigger picture. Yes, what
you did was horrible, but it couldn’t be worse than what I was doing to myself.

I lived in denial for the better part of two months, knowing the truth but never facing it. I let this
fester and I knew I should have confronted you about it as soon as I found out rather than letting it
drag on. I can’t say for sure if we would have been able to save our marriage then, but thinking on
it now, I think this divorce was the best for both of us.

Jeongguk, I don’t hate you, and as much as I tried, I just couldn’t. Had we made it work, I honestly
think I would have fallen in love with you, and I think I’m hurting because of that. This letter is of
no means some sort of thing to make you feel bad, I’m sure you’re going through your own pains.

We have a lot of growing up to do, even if it seems impossible, given our age. But I don’t think
people really stop growing, and I like to think this is just one of those things that we could use to
shape our lives for the better.

I don’t want you to lose yourself in your pain and regret, I want you to use this chance to get to
know yourself a bit more, the real you. Even under everything you’ve put me through, I think most
of my attraction came from the idea that there is more to you than what you put out, something
kind and special, and Jeongguk, I want you to find that.

Rediscover yourself and shape yourself in your own image, not in what your family forced you to
become for the sake of some job.

I’m leaving Seoul to continue my work, it’s not a permanent leave, but I can’t say I’ll be back
anytime soon. I’m leaving with the intention of never seeing you again, but somewhere deep in my
heart, I have this feeling that it’s not a forever good-bye. If Fate ever decides to have us cross
paths again, then I won’t fight it.

Please, Jeongguk, try to find your happiness and don’t block people out like you did me. I don’t
want to make assumptions about your life and why you acted the way you did in the beginning. In
the end, that’s your journey to take, just how I’m about to take mine. I hope this helps you in some
way, because I just want the best for you.

You hurt me but despite all the odds, I want you to find happiness, even if that happiness isn’t with

Our divorce is final, we are both free to do what we want. No more lies, Jeongguk. I hope one day
you can use this to reflect. I don’t want to be something negative in your life; use me for something

Marrying you was not my biggest regret. I never should have said that because it isn’t true.

My biggest regret was not confronting the truth.

I think I could have saved us both from a lot of pain, but that’s something I will carry with me and
eventually forgive myself for. Namjoon-Hyung said that everyone is worthy of forgiveness and if
you ever encounter a person who wants to use your mistakes against you, Jeongguk, don’t listen.

Don’t listen because venomous words used against you when you’re trying to change for the better
are not worth paying attention to. The worst thing a person can possibly do, is kick you while
you’re down and if you have that mind to be someone better than you once were, than I can’t hate
for you for that.

These will be my last words to you, Jeongguk.

I didn’t want something hurtful to be the last thing you have of me. I hope Jin-Hyung can deliver
this safely. Take care of yourself.


He cried.

Even after hours of receiving the letter, Jeongguk still cried, unable to keep the tears from hitting
his cheeks as he reread Jimin’s letter repeatedly throughout the day. It was over, but Jimin had
reminded him that it was just the beginning.

Their failed marriage shouldn’t define them, and Jimin had come to terms with their separation.
Jeongguk should do the same.

Wallowing in self-pity wasn’t going to get him anywhere, it wasn’t going to change the fact that
both he and Jimin were now divorced and heading down different paths. The least he could do,
was carry Jimin’s words with him and try to be better than who he was before. Just because things
with Jimin ended, didn’t mean it was the end for Jeongguk.

So, as he folded up the letter, Jeongguk kissed it gently, before getting up in order to tuck it safely
away in one of his drawers.

Jimin may be out of his life, but that didn’t mean Jeongguk couldn't continue to live it.

Wiping his eyes, the alpha returned to his bed, kneeling like he had done before all those weeks
ago. Taking out the black case from under the bed, Jeongguk unclasped it and opened it, gazing
down at the camera he had purchased years ago. It still worked, despite its age, and even if
Jeongguk was already making plans on getting new and better equipment, this was just going to be
a start.

Jimin was right, he was going to come across people who would think the worst of him for doing
what he did, but despite all of that, Jimin believed in him. He had hurt Jimin in the worst possible
way and still, the omega wished for his happiness and he did so with the upmost sincerity.

Whether he would ever see Jimin again, Jeongguk wasn’t sure, but he was going to use the time to
do something for himself. And as he picked up the camera in his hand, Jeongguk glanced up
towards his dresser, taking in the Jimin’s photo. He couldn’t take back what he did, but he could
strive for self-forgiveness and maybe someday, somewhere, Jimin would forgive him to.

But for now, he knew it was time to finally take full control of his life once and for all.
“I promise, Jimin.”

Chapter End Notes

THIS IS NOT THE END! I know it probably feels like the end, but it's not! Don't
forget to read the tags, this is a Jikook endgame! And I hope JK can redeem himself in
some of your eyes, it hurts to see so many people hate him. :( I can understand why,
but still. We are halfway there! Tell me what you thought about the chapter! See you
Chapter Notes

ATTENTION! Be sure to read the notes at the end of the chapter for a little talk!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Three Months Later

Lights casted such a beautiful glow, basking the venue in a gentle color. Jeongguk admired the
mixture of laughter, chatter, and music as bodies mingled with each other. The atmosphere was
nice and inviting, full of joy and all kinds of happy, positive emotions that wafted through the air.
Jeongguk had to take a moment to take in all the details, before finding the perfect angle of the
bride and her father.

The wedding ceremony itself had been beautiful, Jeongguk finding himself at the very front with
his video camera, while his assistant handled the photography. Well, the young alpha wasn’t
necessarily an official assistant. He was a university student Jeongguk had met when he posted a
job offering a few weeks ago.

It was the middle of June, and Huening Kai had just gotten out for summer break and eager to get a
job before the start of his next semester. Jeongguk didn’t really need anyone professional to do
some of the camera work, just someone who could help him with equipment and set up. However,
it was a nice bonus to have an assistant with a goal in photojournalism and very handy with the
camera work.

And it was…nice to have such an innocent and gentle soul to have around and work with. He
wasn’t sure what it was about Kai, but the young male was always so passionate and eager, and
very talkative.

“She looks very pretty, hyung…” He had whispered loudly during the ceremony, and Jeongguk
had to shoot him a look.

Kai had been helping Jeongguk for a while now, balancing both classes and jobs that Jeongguk
managed to get throughout the past few months. However, now that the young alpha was entirely
free until September, Jeongguk had a feeling he was going to be seeing the young alpha around a
lot more often.

Still, the company was welcomed and even if Kai had a habit of stressing Jeongguk out, it was the
good kind; the distracting kind.

Jeongguk lowered the camera down after a few shots, noticing that Kai was standing right next to
him and already nudging at this arm. At this, the older male beckoned for the younger to follow,
and Kai did so with a kick in his step. He was sure they got plenty for the bride and groom, but
Jeongguk wanted to gift them with plenty of memories of their special day.

“Let’s see what you got.”

“Okay!” Kai dashed around their table, sitting down enthusiastically as Jeongguk made his way to
catch up with the other. Finally taking his seat, the young alpha took the video camera in his hands,
as Kai began to talk. “I played with the lighting here; I remember what you told me about using the
lights to our advantage, especially with points over here.”

The one thing that Jeongguk enjoyed about being with the younger, was watching Kai’s
improvement over time, always open to constructive criticism. Jeongguk knew that he had a talent
for what he did, already taking in examples of Kai’s personal portfolio whenever he was seeking
opinions on his work.

Jeongguk still had struggles and continued to have certain thoughts haunt him, but he liked to think
that taking on these jobs had helped considerably. It wasn’t anything like his old job before back in
Seokjin’s company, but he was doing something he loved, even if it didn’t pay as much.

The alpha couldn’t have had it any other way, and if he could go back and pursue his passions
rather than what his family wanted, then maybe he wouldn’t have wasted so many years.

At first, he wasn’t sure what he had wanted to do; but Seokjin had once booked a job for him after
seeing some of the stuff the alpha had been working on regarding videos and photography. It was a
small, family reunion, but they wanted to capture several moments as it was something that only
happened yearly.

Jeongguk had been hesitant at first, but after taking the job, he realized just how much he had
loved the experience. Days after, he was deep in editing getting photographs ready and couldn’t get
enough of it.

Seokjin helped a lot in getting him in touch with clients, and it wasn’t long before people started to
contact Jeongguk for his services, which prompted the alpha to invest in better equipment. Now
with summer hitting and everyone seeking someone to do camera work for parties, ceremonies, et
cetera, Jeongguk had it pretty good.

It was still somewhat hard, especially when he landed jobs for weddings. Sometimes he thought
back on his own ceremony with Jimin; it was nothing big, just small with personal friends and
family. Honestly, it could have been something better, more special but it hadn’t been. Jimin
looked utterly happy and satisfied, but he had deserved so much better.

Still, beating himself over it wasn’t going to change anything; Jimin was gone and Jeongguk hadn’t
heard from him since the letter he had given the alpha. He was sure that the omega kept contact
with Seokjin and the rest of their friends, but they made sure not to mention the omega unless
Jeongguk asked.

Jeongguk hardly asked.

He really wasn’t deserving to know what Jimin was up to, he just hoped the omega was doing well
with his career and happy. Seokjin didn’t mention Jimin’s whereabouts, but he had talked about
Namjoon settling down in Paris, so Jeongguk silently assumed the omega was there, as well.

Whatever the case, at least Jimin was doing something he loved and somewhere new.

The night was late when the reception was nearly over; the bride and groom had left the scene, but
many still lingered, though, Jeongguk had decided to call it a night. So, along with Kai, both alphas
packed up their equipment, said their farewells, and finally left the venue.

Despite how late it was, Kai was over the moon, walking ahead of the older alpha as he chatted
quite lively, walking backwards as he did so and giving Jeongguk plenty of anxiety as he watched
the kid. “Kai, my god, eyes forward, I feel like you’re going to fall back and bust your head open.”

“You worry too much, hyung, I’m…whoa!” He teetered back dangerously and Jeongguk’s heart
dropped as he snapped his hand forward to grab the young alpha as he began to wave his arms.

However, just as Jeongguk was about to get ahold of him, Kai suddenly straightened up with a grin
on his face, “Nah! Just kidding!”

“You little shit.”

Despite his words, Jeongguk had to chuckle slightly in relief as he shook his head. The equipment
wasn’t that hard to carry, so they could easily grab a cab and just part ways. “Is your place far from
here? Want to crash at my place?” Jeongguk offered.

Kai immediately lit up at that. The young alpha was going to the university at Seoul, but most of
his family, as well as his parents, lived in the United States. Jeongguk was sure Kai’s family
helped him with expenses, including living arrangements within the city, but he knew that it could
get awfully lonely, especially for someone young and alone in such a large city.

“Can we order some food?” He asked, feeling a bit giddy and Jeongguk sighed.

“We ate at the wedding.”

“But I’m hungry again.” The kid almost whined, but it didn’t bother Jeongguk, not in the slightest.

Jeongguk turned on the lights to the apartment, with Kai in tow. This wasn’t the first time Kai
crashed at his place, so the young alpha was already making himself at home as soon as he entered
Jeongguk’s home. As Kai made way towards the living room, Jeongguk was in the middle of
taking off his shoes as he called out, “I’m home! Where’s the love of my life?”

He could hear Kai snort from somewhere in the living room, but at the same time, a tiny jingle of a
bell could be heard coming from his room. Soon enough, a slender, calico cat came rushing down
the hall, eager to greet Jeongguk after being gone for hours.

“Hey, beautiful.” Jeongguk grinned as she stood on her hind legs in order to press her front paws
against one of his legs, gazing up at him with her single eye.

Promise. That was her name.

Jeongguk had found her on the side of the street two months ago, injured after having been struck
by something, most likely a car. He instantly took her to the vet, hoping he had come by in time to
save her since she already seemed to be in such a terrible condition.

However, luck must have been on their side that day, because they were able to pull her out of her
critical state. Promise had a small limp due to the accident, but that didn’t seem to cripple her
playfulness and eagerness. She was the perfect playmate and wonderful for cuddling; Jeongguk
had fallen in love with her instantly, so after he was able to take her home, it turned into a
permanent stay.

Jeongguk hadn’t forgotten about the promise he had made to Jimin, that he was going to try and be
a better version of himself; to prove that he could change. Sometimes, he liked to think that
Promise came into his life because of it and found the name suiting for such a beautiful creature.

The veterinarian had informed him that Promise was blind from one of her eyes, and Jeongguk
figured that was the case when he looked at the white, glossy sphere, but it did nothing to mar her
image in anyway. She was perfect.

She was trilling, and Jeongguk felt like melting; she was too cute.

“What do you feel like eating? You’d be surprised what’s open this late at night.” Jeongguk finally
asked Kai as he walked into the living room with Promise in his arms. The young alpha already had
the television on but was suddenly pondering about what would sound good to eat.

“While you think on it, I’ll go take a quick shower and change; do you want to borrow something
to wear?”

“I’ll probably raid your closet later.” Kai grinned and Jeongguk had to roll his eyes, but a smile
hovering over his lips.

After kissing her head and setting Promise down, Jeongguk made his way to his room, sighing in
relief to finally be done after a long day.

Jeongguk had moved into Jimin’s old room, deciding to strip down his previous room and make it
into a working space for most of his jobs and projects. Now that Kai was helping with most of it,
he figured it was the best decision at the time. However, he also wanted to feel just a tiny bit closer
to the omega that once lived there.

It was hard, getting used to the absence, but he knew it was something that he caused, and he could
never bring himself to move on from the awful thing he had put Jimin through months ago. His life
didn’t feel so suffocating, but it was somewhat empty.

Still, he was dealing with it one day at a time.

Jeongguk and Kai spent the next several days developing photos and doing video editing for
clients, and after one particularly long day, both alphas were stretching out tired limbs. They had to
stop a bit early since Kai had evening plans with his friends, so Jeongguk was more than happy to
give the young alpha his freedom for the night.

He was already flying out the door before Jeongguk had to yell at the younger to stop. “You want
to get paid, don’t you? Got the payment from one of our clients.” As he spoke, Jeongguk was
handing Kai an envelope that contained his share, so the younger male was quite excited to be paid
on a night planned out with friends.

“I’ll try not to spend all at once, thanks, hyung!” Kai called as he finally darted out of the

“You will.” Jeongguk laughed.

“Yeah, I will.”

Waving the young alpha good-bye, Jeongguk finally headed towards the kitchen after closing the
door. Since he had the evening free, he decided to take some photos while taking a walk,
something he often did when he needed some fresh air.

Promise was waiting for him on the counter, obviously expecting for her food to be served, so
Jeongguk wasted no time in opening a can of cat food. “I’ll be out for a little bit, but I won’t take
long.” He informed her, though, Promise seemed to care more about the scent of food than
Jeongguk at the time.

Humming to himself, he didn’t keep his beloved waiting, scraping it all out into her bowl, and
allowing her to start nosing around in it. When he made sure she was eating well and that her other
bowl had fresh water, Jeongguk began to get ready for his walk.

He decided to leave the kitchen light on for Promise as he stepped out with his camera hanging
around his neck.

It had turned into something he loved to do, and breathing in the summer air was always great,
helping it all just clear his mind. His friends had advised him to take pictures for his portfolio and
post them online in order to attract more clientele, and it was great to see results in all of it.

Jeongguk specialized in people, in the bustling life of the city; of course, he always kindly asked
for permission to get their photo taken, offering his card if they were ever interested in reviewing
his work. His hobby was enjoyable, and he would meet potential clients, sometimes new
acquaintances, and it helped with being more social. He had no complaints.

As he cut across a park, he noticed a figure sitting on one of the benches, simply taking his
surroundings. He wasn’t sure why, but the lighting just seemed perfect, and Jeongguk wanted to
get a good profile of the male’s side, snap a few pictures.

Making his way towards the unsuspecting male, Jeongguk had to clear his throat slightly in order
to grab their attention. “Ah, excuse me?” Jeongguk finally called out, and the person turned his
head, blinking up curiously.

Jeongguk almost did a double take, since he hadn’t been suspecting such a familiar face.

“Jeongguk-ah?” The omega called out, seeming pleasantly surprised.

“Wow, Jihoon. Hey.”

Park Jihoon, he remembered interacting with the omega occasionally back when he still worked at
Seokjin’s company. He was always accompanying Taehyung, and even though he and the alpha
didn’t quite get along and spoke, he did exchange a couple of words and mild conversation with the
omega every time he visited the idol.

Ever since he resigned from the company, Jeongguk hadn’t seen or heard of either Taehyung or
Jihoon. The young omega was giving him a genuine smile, scooting over on the bench as if to offer
the alpha a spot. Accepting the invitation, Jeongguk took a seat with a sigh, before giving the other
a small smile of his own.

“I wasn’t expecting to run into you, it’s been a while.” Jihoon beamed, “Taking a walk?”

“Yeah, just taking some photographs here and there. I was going to ask if you wanted your picture
taken, since I go around killing time and adding to my portfolio.” As he explained, Jeongguk
pointed at his camera and Jihoon glanced at it with interest.

“Oh, is it a hobby now? I didn’t know that’s what you liked to do. New kind of job?” The omega
asked, shifting slightly in his seat. “I’m asking because I haven’t seen you at the company and
someone mentioned your resignation.”

It would make sense for Jihoon to notice his absence, so Jeongguk felt a bit sheepish about running
into someone who often spent time at the company. If Jihoon knew, then that meant that Taehyung
knew, as well. Jimin and Taehyung had a project together, and if they were still on speaking terms,
then that meant the other alpha probably already knew of the divorce.

Jeongguk didn’t make it a mission to tell everyone he and Jimin separated, but if the topic ever
came up, the alpha would talk about it with great difficulty. So, it was nice that Jihoon wasn’t
really bringing it up, since the omega probably knew of the circumstance and was being polite.
Either way, it’s not like there was much to hide, Jeongguk no longer had his ring on his finger.

He had that around his neck and tucked nicely within this shirt.

“Yeah, it’s something I actually really love doing. I’m also working with alongside someone,
taking on jobs and projects. It’s nice. But, how about you? Last I heard of you and Taehyung, you
guys were working on a bar?” Jeongguk winced slightly at the mention of it, since he knew that
topic could lead to other forms of conversations.

“Ah, yes. It’s been open for a few months now; Jimin did a wonderful job with the interior design.
Staff is great and I spend most of my evenings there, talking with the manager. I never realized it
could be a lot of work, but it’s been a success so far.” Jihoon breathed, seeming quite happy with
the outcome.

Jimin’s name sent a ripple of regret, something that was never going to go away, but Jeongguk was
learning to cope with it. He didn’t fully prod on the issue and could feel a blanket of quietness fall
over them, before Jihoon spoke up again.

“You said you wanted to take pictures of me, did you still want to?” The omega asked, and it was
the sudden change of topic Jeongguk needed. Nodding enthusiastically, the alpha took hold of his

“I’m just going to tell you how to position yourself, nothing drastic.”

Jihoon was quite the pretty omega, Jeongguk had to admit; there was something angelic and sweet
about the male and his smile was quite contagious. He looked good in every angle, and as he
snapped a couple of shots, he had a feeling Jihoon’s pictures would be an instant hit.

As he laughed along with the omega, Jeongguk couldn’t help but think about something, and the
more he lingered on it, the more he grew curious. Jihoon was beautiful and he smelled incredible,
he was certain the omega had the ability to attract potential mates; but he didn’t smell like alpha
except for the mild presence of Taehyung’s scent.

“Can I ask you something really personal? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”
Jeongguk asked, sitting back on the bench. Jihoon inclined his head slightly, as if giving the alpha
permission to shoot his question.

“You and Taehyung. Are you two together?” As soon as the words left his mouth, Jeongguk
realized it was probably inappropriate. It’s not like he was interested in Jihoon, that wasn’t the case
at all, but he couldn’t contain the urge to know where the omega stood regarding it all. He was
always seen with Taehyung, but he never really noticed them connect in that way.

Jihoon’s cheeks went up in flames, clearly not expecting such a question and Jeongguk was already
telling himself off because of it. “I’m sorry, that’s a bit too personal; I can’t but be curious since I
always see you guys together and…”

“No, no, it’s okay. You’re not the first who has asked, nor do I think you’ll be the last.” The omega
finally laughed, but he did so with a bit more sadness in his tone. “But no, we’re not together.”

Another quietness filled the air, and Jeongguk merely nodded, feeling a bit awful for bringing
something up that made things a tad awkward. He figured he could show Jihoon some of his
pictures, so Jeongguk filed through them, about to show the omega before the other spoke up

“Well, I mean.” He seemed a bit put off, but he finally slouched in his seat. “I like him, but he only
sees me as a friend. I’m sure most people noticed it, but Taehyung hasn’t. He’s a bit oblivious.”
Jihoon’s smile returned, though, not as strongly.

“We’re good friends and I know he and I will have each other’s back for a long time. I guess I’m
just waiting and hoping he’ll wake up one day and see me differently.”

Something about the words struck Jeongguk to the core, his head snapping up towards the omega
and taking in Jihoon’s faraway look, seeming hopeful, yet, on the verge of giving up. He
recognized that look, one that he failed in acknowledging to the point where he watched it fall
apart. Even though Taehyung probably treated Jihoon far better than how Jeongguk had treated
Jimin, the similarities were uncanny.

How many times did he come home to that same look? How many times did he push someone to
the brink of indescribable sadness, seeing the hope in a certain person’s eyes slowly deteriorate?

“I’m…I’m not an expert on this sort of thing, I never was. If anything, I screwed up so many times
but…” Jeongguk sighed, turning to face the other. “You should tell him. I know something like
that seems impossible or really hard to do but, I think you should take a chance and confess instead
of being trapped by the ‘what-ifs.’”

Jihoon said nothing, eyes glossy with emotion, though, Jeongguk knew that the omega was taking
in his words; he had never really spoken about such a thing nor did he think he had any right in
voicing his opinion. However, it’s not something Jeongguk could bring himself to ignore, even if
he and Jihoon weren’t that close to begin with.

Still, Jihoon breathed out another sigh, seeming slightly defeated. “It’s not like I haven’t thought
about it, but I’m always so scared of losing what I have with him now. If he doesn’t feel the same
way, then I risk it all.”

“But would you be free?” Jeongguk gently murmured, but loud enough for Jihoon to hear.

“Always chained to the unknown and continuously questioning yourself if you’re doing something
right or if you’re doing something wrong; can you really live with that? I can’t bring myself to
watch another person go through something like that.” The alpha continued, fiddling with his
camera as he spoke.

He wasn’t sure how much time passed, and it’s not like he was in any rush to get away. As he
continued to brush his hands over his camera, he noticed Jihoon’s movements from his peripheral
vision. Judging by the way his hand was moving towards his face, turning his head slightly away,
he knew the omega was probably crying.

“I’d offer you a handkerchief, but I think that kind of thing only exists in movies so…” Maybe it
was what Jihoon needed, because he quickly fell into quiet laughter, wet orbs flickering towards
the alpha. Jeongguk took in the way Jihoon’s lashes were damp, followed the way his fingers
quickly wiped away at the wetness of his cheeks.

Noticing that a tear was caught on the corner of one of the omega’s eyes, Jeongguk reached up to
gently brush his thumb over Jihoon’s eye as the other slowly closed his them.

“Am I interrupting something, or should I continue walking?” A clipped tone made both Jeongguk
and Jihoon jump apart as if they had just been electrocuted. He had been so preoccupied with
Jihoon’s grievances, that he had not noticed the scent of another approaching alpha.

Jihoon was the first on his feet as he hastily rubbed his eyes, cracking a faint yawn that had
Jeongguk grimacing at how bad it sounded. However, the alpha wasn’t even looking at Jihoon, he
was more focused on Jeongguk and noticing the way the other alpha measured the distance
between Jeongguk and the omega.

Stepping away slightly, Jeongguk cleared his throat as he tried to look at anywhere else but
Taehyung’s burning gaze.

“Hyung! Sorry! Um, Jeongguk-ah and I sort of ran into each other and had a bit of a small talk and
everything else just slipped my mind. Jeongguk-ah, I had been waiting on Taehyung when you
came around, I forgot to mention. He was going to get food for us after he got off from filming.”
Jihoon struggled to explain, seeming breathless, glancing at Taehyung as he spoke.

“S’been a while, eh?” Taehyung finally spoke up, his guarded expression melting away to
something a little too kind and inviting; Jeongguk wasn’t sure whether to feel unnerved or cautious.

“Yeah…” Jeongguk swallowed, his mind reeling and thoughts running around a mile a minute.

Jeongguk and Taehyung hadn’t quite been on good terms and even when they were forced to work
together, there was no turning back on the intensity of the air that ran between them. He knew
Taehyung didn’t like him because of Jimin months before, he didn’t want to know what the alpha
currently felt about Jeongguk now.

“He was going around taking photographs with his camera, said he was going to show me mine.
But it has been quite some time, hasn’t it? Jeongguk-ah, do you want to join us for dinner? Would
be nice to continue to catch up.”

That was a big, fat no.

Even if Taehyung seemed pretty easy around the edges currently, it didn’t mean that he was fond
of Jeongguk or that he suddenly forgot about everything that had transpired between them. It
wouldn’t lead to anything good, Jeongguk had a gut feeling about it all.

“Oh, uh, I don’t want to impose. It’s alright.” Jeongguk was quick to decline, clutching his camera
tightly in his hands as he spoke. Jihoon immediately seemed visibly disappointed and Jeongguk
couldn’t help but feel guilt gnawing at his insides at the sight.

“Nonsense. Join us. I’m dying to catch up too, Jeongguk.” Taehyung chimed, but Jeongguk
couldn’t help but think the alpha had something hiding behind his smile.
“Shoot…” Jihoon pursed his lips in mild annoyance after walking back from his kitchen. Both
Jeongguk and Taehyung were sitting around a decent sized coffee table in the middle of the living
room, food plates spread out evenly for them.

“What did you forget?” Taehyung questioned as Jeongguk meekly rubbed his knees. He felt
incredibly out of place, unsure of what to even say or do, questioning how he even allowed the pair
to get him to tag along. Still, at least Jihoon was around, it made Jeongguk feel a bit more at ease
knowing that he wasn’t entirely alone with the other alpha.

“I need to head to the convenience store; I don’t have any drinks.”


“Ah, okay. Want me to go with you?” Taehyung asked, but Jihoon was already shaking his head as
he made his way towards the front door, making Jeongguk’s stomach feel a bit uneasy.

“It’s only two blocks from here, I won’t take that long.” And just like that, the omega was
slamming the front door shut, leaving both alphas behind and with an eerie silence settling over
them. Jeongguk shouldn’t have accepted the invitation, he should have gone straight home, but no,
he had to fall for Jihoon’s pleading gaze.

Finally, Taehyung leaned forward slightly, a smirk adorning his lips. “Out of all people, I didn’t
think I would end up seeing you around, especially after you and Jimin, well, you know.”

Taehyung didn’t necessarily stab Jeongguk fiercely with the statement, but he might as well have.
He wasn’t sure the reasoning behind the jab, but Jeongguk could only assume that Taehyung was
getting a few licks in, making the younger alpha appear rather sheepish.

Jeongguk knew he fucked up, so having Taehyung wordlessly remind him, wasn’t really helping
the situation, either.

“Photography then, huh? Is that what you do, nowadays? Do you like it?” Taehyung was quick to
shoot all the real questions, not really giving Jeongguk time to properly respond to them, as the
alpha sitting across from him was gifting Jeongguk with quite a few things he needed to think

“Yeah, it’s the focus of my work now. I took a couple of classes for it back in the university, so I
figured I would put it all to good use.” Jeongguk nodding, hoping to keep the conversation casual
and not further add to the tension.

Jeongguk didn’t have anything against small talk, but he knew there was something in the air that
was keeping both alphas from continuing with the evening in peace, and he had a feeling he knew
what it was. He did appreciate the fact that Taehyung was willing to have him over, even if it was
Jihoon’s place; he didn’t have to put up with Jeongguk if he didn’t want to, yet, there he was.

The alpha knew he needed to own up about it, even if Taehyung had a pretty good idea about
everything that probably went on. With a deep sigh as the other alpha simply stared him down, he
finally spoke up, “

“Regarding the elephant in the room; I know Jimin was important to you and what I did is
unforgivable. I don’t want to be here and act like it’s not something worth talking about.” Jeongguk
chose his words carefully, gripping the edge of the table rather tightly for self-support.

He felt Taehyung’s scent shift into something unpleasant and couldn’t bring himself to look away
from the alpha’s hardening gaze. If things turned physical; if their wolves took over in a brief lapse
of primitive instinct, Jeongguk didn’t think he would even put up a fight, not after everything.

“So, you’re acknowledging that you’re a piece of shit? At least you’re becoming self-aware.” At
the insult, Jeongguk bit the inside of his cheek, but he made no effort to give off a defensive retort.

Leaning forward on the table, Taehyung clasped his hands together on the surface, his eyes dark
with intent. “You know I wanted him back, right? I made it clear to you and I made it clear to him,
so I’m not going to skip over that detail.”

Jeongguk nodded, but felt his shoulders grown tense. But what right did he have to feel offended?
He had an affair with another woman; he had caused the omega a tremendous amount of pain. If
Jimin had wanted, he could have gone to Taehyung and extracted some form of revenge and
Jeongguk wouldn’t even hold anything against him had he done so.


“Jimin isn’t like me.” Jeongguk finally muttered, his eyes glossing over the table in front of him,
pulling away from the thundering gaze that the other alpha was torturing him with.

A very faint growl could be heard coming from Taehyung, but it was gone as soon as it had come.
“You’re right, he’s not. He’s better.”

Jeongguk silently agreed.

Swallowing thickly, the younger alpha forced himself to speak up, “Did you go looking for him?

He really was curious; if anything, Taehyung was the best option. He knew Jimin for years, had
been his first love, worked well together. From what Jeongguk was able to gather, the two of them
had loved each other selflessly. It would have been natural for the two of them to reconnect,
especially after the divorce.

Yet, Taehyung was here and Jimin was gone.

“There was no point. After meeting with him one day, I realized that what we used to have, was
long over.” Taehyung rested his chin on his palm when an elbow came to rest on the table. His
eyes never left Jeongguk, so the younger male was forced to lock eyes with the other again.

“I’m sure you could have…fought for him or something. Was it really that necessary to back out?”
Jeongguk furrowed his brow.

At the question, Taehyung added in with an amused tone. “Why the sudden interest? I always
figured the ex would be the most opposed to the idea of their former spouse getting it on with
another person. Especially when the separation wasn’t a mutual thing.”

“It was mutual…”

“Then why do you look so torn up about it, even after so long?” The other wolf added with a smirk.

“Because I regret what I did.” Jeongguk suddenly became defensive, the one thing he was fighting
against doing so since arriving at Jihoon’s place.

“Because you want him back.”

“No. If anything, I want him as far away from me as possible so that he can be happy.” Jeongguk
shot back, feeling a little cornered an aggravated, especially when Taehyung showed no signs of
stopping his onslaught of comments as if he was trying to trap the younger alpha.

Jeongguk was selfish, he knew; he tried not to think about the nights where he had wished things
had been different, where things would have worked out before the divorce. There had been times
where he thought about what life would have been like had he not had his head so far up his ass.

The alpha would linger on thoughts of what could have been, but he denied himself such a thing
constantly. Jeongguk punished himself day and night, always fighting with himself, telling himself
off. He would always give in and tear Jimin’s picture off the mirror, only to return it back into
place because he couldn’t go an hour without seeing his face.

“That’s a little too noble of you, Jeongguk. Do you really want Jimin happy? Or just happy with

“God damn it, what do you want me to say?” Jeongguk finally spat, feeling the anger inside him

Shrugging, Taehyung seemed unfazed at Jeongguk’s evident annoyance, “Maybe drop the act that
you actually care about Jimin’s wellbeing.”

“It’s not an act!”

“Save me the Prince Charming façade, Jeongguk, it just makes you look like a bigger dick.”

Instinctively, Jeongguk slammed his fists on the table, feeling his wolf teeter on the edge, barely
hanging on a thread. “Yes, okay? Is that what you want me to say? Yes! Yes, I do want Jimin back
for the love of fuck! I wish I could turn back time and take back all of the bullshit I ever did!”

“But I know what I did, and I know what I put him through! I know! I know! I see him everywhere
I go; in everything I do and in everything that I think about!” Jeongguk’s chest heaved, feeling his
words spill like vomit and he no longer held any kind of control. “I want him so badly, but I can’t
have him, and I don’t deserve him, so for fuck sake, let me fucking deal with it!”

He pushed himself away from the table, arms flying to his head as he tried to control the rapid
beating of his heart, thoughts still flying around in his mind, nearly everything in shambles. He
couldn’t believe he allowed himself to take the bait and fall for Taehyung’s tugging, but he just
didn’t have the strength anymore.

He wanted Jimin back, but he couldn’t have him. Repeatedly, he told himself that Jimin was better
off with someone else, to be free to live his life; but even if he knew that Jimin was better off
without him, he still needed him. Still wanted to make things right and be with him.

“How do you feel now? Better?” Taehyung’s voice suddenly appeared soft and even, and Jeongguk
whirled around in order to catch sight of the alpha’s welcoming gaze. It was a complete turn
around from what Jeongguk had witness before that he found himself choking with surprise.

However, he did feel better…

Such an odd feeling, but for some reason, Jeongguk’s chest felt lighter, as if he could breathe a lot
easier. Wordlessly, he watched as Taehyung got up to his feet with a mild grunt, rubbing his knees
after doing so. “Just because you’ve come to terms with your mistakes and you’re determined to
fall into the pits of self-punishment, doesn’t mean you should deny how you really feel.”

Making his way to stand in front of Jeongguk, the young alpha couldn’t help but widen his eyes as
Taehyung sighed. “Trust me, I’ve been there. It sucks. It feels like you’re suffocating. You think
you’re not doing someone justice by having those kinds of feelings, but you can still try to redeem
yourself even with selfish thoughts.”

Maybe he was right. Jeongguk was constantly stressing over his thoughts and feelings concerning
Jimin, thinking he had no right to any of it. All he wanted to do, was push the omega into some box
and never touch it, but constantly found himself peeking into it, unable to stay away. It was so

“And Jeongguk?” Taehyung suddenly called, pulling the alpha back to the surface.

When the alpha fully faced Taehyung, he was suddenly met with a blistering, hot pain. It was
instantaneous, feeling his entire face explode with agony, seeing stars burst within his vision as he
stumbled back, obviously discombobulated as his mind raced to catch up with what had just

He felt the back of his knees hit the couch, but instead of falling on it, he stumbled to the side,
before falling over completely, his face suddenly warm.

But nothing compared to the sudden throb of his nose, hands instinctively reaching up to cradle it,
only to realize that fingers touched something thick and warm.

Jeongguk was dazed and he wasn’t sure what happened, unable to even gather his bearings to even
get up.

Yet, as he struggled to regain his footing, he felt strong hands grip him from underneath his arms
and hoist him up with little effort. Still feeling something wet on his face and stuck in a momentary
state of confusion, he could hear Taehyung’s voice from somewhere in the distance as the young
alpha was plopped down on some soft, couch cushions.

“Does it hurt?”

Jeongguk weakly nodded, unable to speak while blinking profusely, tears forming in his eyes.

“Yeeeah, it’s supposed to hurt.”

It took Jeongguk several seconds to finally shake off the daze he was in, wincing as he felt the pain
settle on his face, especially his nose. Finally, he removed his hands and blearily glanced down at
his palms and fingers, noticing the crimson color of his own blood. The alpha paused as he stared
stupidly at his hands, eyes running down the front of his shirt and realizing the mess he was
making down his front and the living room floor.

When Taehyung returned with damp towel and a cool compress, did Jeongguk finally piece
together what happened.

“Did you…punch me?”

Taehyung didn’t seem at all bothered by the accusation, instead, he chuckled as he massaged the
knuckles of his right hand. “That’s for Jimin.”

He grinned and Jeongguk stared at him, stunned.

But for some reason, everything just sort of fell off his shoulders, and as Jeongguk pressed the
compress against his nose, he couldn’t contain the bubble of laughter that rose up from his chest.
Taehyung was quick to join, as both alphas took in how outrageous everything just panned out, and
for some reason, Jeongguk felt a lot more relief than he has ever felt in the past three months.

“I needed that…”

“I’m sure I’m not the only one who wanted to punch you. It felt good, asshole.”

As the laughter died, however, Jeongguk only then began to realize what Taehyung had done for
him and coming from someone who owned the alpha nothing after hurting someone he loved,
Jeongguk couldn’t help but feel worse. The fact that Jimin’s ex-boyfriend had to drag everything
out of him in one sitting, had Jeongguk struggling to keep himself from crying.

He felt so stupid and so indignant with himself; he could never do anything right.

“I know what it’s like to hurt someone you care about, maybe the feeling came late for you, but it’s
still there and I can’t ignore it. What you did to Jimin, I should hate you for it, but I know giving
you hell is something Jimin doesn’t want. And seeing you now, I think you’re already doing that
plenty well yourself.”

Jeongguk closed his eyes, his body swimming with pain as his mind was overwhelmed with
emotions that sliced his very core.

There was a momentary silence, but Taehyung finally spoke up again. “I would have gone after
him, you know, after you guys separated, but like I said, it was no use.”

“Why?” Jeongguk croaked, despite trying to keep his tears at bay.

With a sigh that sounded like resignation, the alpha then replied, “Because he had already met

Jeongguk knew he shouldn’t be holding his head up when he had a bloody nose, but it was the only
way to keep his tears from falling, his throat clenching up painfully as the struggle became nearly

Seeming to notice Jeongguk’s struggle, Taehyung then added, “You don’t have to be shy about
crying in front of me. I won’t judge you for it; I can relate in a way. Jimin let me go, too.”

Let him go.

Because Jimin wasn’t the kind to leave a person; he let them go. Even in the end, the omega
sacrificed what he cared about with great difficulty, and even though he had every right to turn his
back on Jeongguk, he never really did.

Not long after that, Jeongguk’s blood welcomed the fall of his tears.

Paris, France.

Such a beautiful place.

If Jimin would have been told that he would be spending the next several months in such a
wonderful city, he wouldn’t have believed it. Hitting the ground running, Jimin didn’t hesitate to
pack up and follow Namjoon for an experience of a lifetime. He had never been outside of South
Korea, and that fact that he was now sitting on his balcony, gazing at the Eiffel Tower, was a short
way away from a fairytale.

There were some setbacks, for instance, not knowing a lick of French and getting lost a few times
on his way to work; but as time passed, he gradually became used to the people, the places, and
most importantly, his career.

Seoul would always be home, and there was no way he would forget about Busan; however,
change of scenery, time away, it was exactly what he needed. To think, to heal, and hopefully
move on.

It’s not something that Jimin wanted to rush, he knew that emotions and troubles of the heart was
not something one could just will away, so he wasn’t going to pressure himself and decided to just
let things flow as they go. Leaving had been the hardest things he had to do, but he had to look out
for himself, and he didn’t think he was ever going to be able to repay Namjoon back fully for all of
the help and opportunities he had given Jimin.

He provided Jimin with a way out, something he could do and tackle as he resolved everything that
lingered within his heart and mind. So, when he arrived in Paris, the omega instantly knew that he
had made the right choice, already ready to blend in and do what he loved.

It’s not like he tried to keep himself from thinking about the things that happened in the past, about
his friends, and about Jeongguk. Honestly, that was something that shaped him and was going to
stay with him forever, however, the most Jimin could do, was use it all for a more positive outlook
in life.

Sure, there were personal losses, but he also gained a lot, and one of those things, was a certain
number saved in his phone.


Something deep down told Jimin he was never going to forget about the alpha, despite the amount
of pain he had to go through because of him. Stuff like that, people just couldn’t control, and he
wasn’t about to torture himself struggles over something he had no power over.

But for the past hour, he had been fumbling with his phone, eyes furrowed as he gazed at the
number he had gotten earlier. It’s not like it belonged to anyone he didn’t know; the alpha he had
been having drinks with, was a fellow co-worker by the name of Lee Minhyuk.

It had been a nice surprise for Namjoon and his team to be given a proper translator for their work
in Paris, and Jimin was instantly struck by the alpha. Still, it’s not like things went off instantly,
Jimin wanted to keep his workplace professional, despite having an alpha that was helpful, kind,
and quite handsome.

Worries about the language barrier were quickly washed away, and Jimin had found himself taking
a few lessons at work concerning the language, with Minhyuk more than happy to help with some
every day phrases used within the country.

All in all, the experience was great, and Jimin wasn’t truly alone, having rented a nice apartment
with Namjoon for the duration of their stay.

And it felt good to return to the apartment, welcomed by the warmth of a home. Namjoon would
sometimes head home a little bit before or after Jimin did, but if he was ever first, he always made
sure to stay up to wait for the omega before retiring for the night. And Jimin did the same.

He was quite fortunate to have such a kind-hearted friend, so for once, it didn’t feel lonely.
And as life continued, his attraction towards Minhyuk increased, with the alpha responding in
mutual agreement. The feeling was wonderful, to have feelings reciprocated, to be looked at with
affection and excitement; to be wanted and accepted for who he was instead of what he was.

However, at the same time, Jimin was scared, unsure of what the future might bring or if he was
even ready to take a step in that direction. He constantly questioned every outcome, wondered how
he would deal with the ups and lows, if he should even pursue something, he wasn’t yet sure

He liked Minhyuk, but could he really give in to him completely?

A sigh left Jimin’s lips.

“Seems like you have a lot on your mind.” Namjoon’s tired voice came from behind where Jimin
was sitting, prompting the omega to gaze up at the alpha. Despite how exhausted he looked, the
alpha still gifted Jimin with a kind look, taking a seat on one of the balcony chairs. Both took in the
setting sun, silently enjoying the last bit of daylight before Paris was met with the nightlife.

At this point, Jimin didn’t have any need to hide anything from the alpha, smiling faintly as he
faced the elder male. “Minhyuk invited me out tonight, hyung. I’m just thinking about whether I
should go or not.”

Namjoon seemed pleasantly surprised, but it quickly smoothed out to something akin to fondness.
“Why not? A date would be fun, especially an evening out in Paris. It is a date, right?”

Jimin had to laugh sheepishly, his cheeks growing warm. “Only if I accept.”

Leaning forward slightly, Namjoon raised a brow, seeming genuinely curious. “So, what’s holding
you back? You like him, don’t you? I see the way you two look at each other.”

“Yeah, but…” Jimin hesitated slightly, “It’s not fair to him, hyung. I still have a lot of thoughts
about, you know, all of that. I can’t really see myself committing myself to another person.”

A tranquil silence fell over them as they decided to continue to bask in the beauty of setting sun,
but he knew Namjoon wouldn’t leave him alone with his doubts for long. And sure enough, when
the sun was already dipping so low, it was about to disappear at any second, the alpha worded his
thoughts, “I mean, you don’t have to commit yourself in that way. Accepting a date isn’t
immediately sealing your fate. You’re free to go out and have fun, meet someone new. If things
work out, they will, if they don’t, at least you’ll have a wonderful experience.”

“I know…” The omega beamed, feeling his shoulders relax. He wasn’t sure what would come his
way, as many like him probably feel. One thing he was certain about, was that Minhyuk was
certainly into him as Jimin was into the alpha.

“Call him. Go out. You’re allowed to be happy; you’re free to do what you want.” As Namjoon
spoke, Jimin was looking over his phone again, and even if ghosts from a troubled past still clung
to him, he didn’t see why he couldn’t attempt at a little happiness.

Four Months Later

“Did Namjoon-hyung make it home safely?” Jimin asked, peering into the camera as Seokjin made
himself a bit more comfortable. It was the weekend and the only time he was able to video chat
with his friend, and given the time difference, Jimin had to hop on early in order to catch the other
omega at an appropriate time.

He didn’t mind, he missed his friend dearly, and he wasn’t the only one he talked to when he
could. Hoseok and Yoongi would call him together when they were not busy, and Taehyung would
do the same, albeit, not as frequently given his schedule. However, it kept Jimin sane, and as much
as he loved France and the people he’s met through his work and bubbling social life, nothing
really washed away the need to be back home.

Namjoon had left with some vacation days under his belt so that he could visit and spend time with
Seokjin after so many months apart, but Jimin opted to stay, taking over some projects so that
Namjoon wouldn’t have to worry about a workload upon his return.

“He did, he’s sleeping right now. He wants me to wake him up around the evening time so that we
can go out.” Seokjin explained and Jimin was relieved.

“That’s good, I asked him to let me know when he arrived, but I think he was really excited to see
you.” Jimin laughed and even Seokjin seemed pretty pleased with the fact.

“Well, it has been a while; seven months?”

“Yeah.” Jimin breathed, unable to believe it’s been that long since he had left Seoul behind. The
first thing he did, was delve into his work and Namjoon helped, and despite being away from his
husband for so long, Jimin was happy to notice that the alpha was just as passionate about the
projects as Jimin was.

But no amount of passion can erase that need to be home, and he knew how much Namjoon longed
to return to his omega. He would watch as Namjoon would tuck away his vacation days, letting
them pile up, working extra to prepare himself for his departure. It wasn’t a permanent leave,
Namjoon was going to return, but not for a couple of weeks.

It was the least they could do for him, he was a star worker, after all; business always boomed with
Namjoon and there were always clients eager to have such a talented designer bring their
businesses to life. The alpha always gave Jimin appropriate credit, even when Jimin didn’t ask for
it, but it made him feel good, nonetheless.

Even now, he would sometimes get his own, personal projects and recognized, his career was
taking off. His social life was great, the number of friends he had was amazing and he couldn’t be
more blessed.

He had a loving boyfriend.

But even then…

“You seem really distracted.” Seokjin tilted his head slightly as he spoke, gazing at Jimin,
“Something bothering you?”

Of course, he was always an open book to everyone, Jimin was terrible at hiding how he felt,
especially when it was etched on his face. “Yes and no?”

Seokjin waited for Jimin to elaborate, so the omega further added.

“Hyung, I love it here. My time here, it’s been incredible, and I’ve learned so much. I learned and
discovered things about myself that I didn’t know even existed. I wake up everyday to such a
beautiful city, and the people I’ve met here, and Minhyuk, are such a blessing.”

“But?” Seokjin slowly replied, prompting Jimin to sigh as he brushed his hair back.

“But it’s not home. Don’t get me wrong, I love working here, but at the same time, it’s not enough
to really fill up this little crevice I have. I miss you guys, I miss Seoul.”

Then, something surfaced from deep within Jimin, something that he had recently began to
struggle with, but was unsure of how to face it and deal with it. It was something that made him
feel guilty and stressed with concern, because he couldn’t quite figure out what he should be
feeling and if he even had the right.

“That’s not the only thing. You know Minhyuk, right?” The omega questioned as Seokjin sat up a
bit straighter.

“The hunk of an alpha you told me about and showed to me, yeah.” Jimin had to snort at that, but
merely shook his head.

“Hyung, Minhyuk, I like him a lot. He treats me with so much respect and affection and I adore
him. He’s every omega’s dream. But at the same time, despite all that he does for me…” Jimin
licked his lips slowly, before uttering out a terrible confession. “He’s not Jeongguk…”

Jimin couldn’t bring himself to look at Seokjin’s reaction, feeling his stomach crawl as he felt sick,
but mostly at himself for thinking such a thing. It was unfair, truly unfair, and it was one of those
instances where Jimin wished he could give his all for Minhyuk because the alpha deserved that
and so much more.

He went into the relationship with a lot of hope, eager for what the future would bring, but even as
time passed, it did little to do away with the presence of the other alpha. Jimin wasn’t sure what it
was, and even though both Jimin and Jeongguk were no longer in each other’s lives, didn’t mean
Jimin’s wolf no longer ached for the memory of the other.

Even if the outcome in the end was terrible, and Jimin had not yet forgiven Jeongguk for what he
did, there just wasn’t stopping certain feelings from charging at him.

It made Jimin feel awful.

“Hyung, does this make me a bad person?”

At that, Seokjin sucked in a sharp breath, “No, Jimin, of course not. That’s not something we ever
have control over; the heart is such a mysterious thing; you can’t really stop forcing yourself form
feeling something just because you want it to. Does Minhyuk know about Jeongguk?”

Jimin nodded, “I tell him everything. He knows about Jeongguk and about how I’m currently
feeling, but at the same time, he still wants to be with me. This is something I can’t keep from him,
so it’s devastating to see him so involved in my life even though I can’t fully give him everything.”

Something sad flashed across Seokjin’s eyes, as if recalling something, but didn’t quite say what.
“Do you see a future with him?”

“I do.” Jimin truthfully stated, and he did; he saw a future with Minhyuk, saw himself marrying the
alpha; he saw it all and wanted it all. “But with Jeongguk, he made me dream. He hurt me so bad,
yet, he made me want to give myself to him completely; heart and soul. I didn’t love him, but I was
ready to.”

“Jimin, that isn’t anything to feel guilty or ashamed about.”

“How is it not, hyung?” The omega gave an exasperated sigh at Seokjin’s words. “I feel like I’m
betraying myself.”

“In what way, Jimin? Look at you, look where you are and what you’ve done. You took a very
hard step in a direction towards your future. You left for yourself and to rediscover yourself. I’m
going to be frank with you, Jimin. Had you stayed and forgiven Jeongguk, I think that would have
been the true betrayal.”

He felt the words pull at his heartstrings, quickly pressing his fingers to his eyes in order to keep
himself from tearing up, because this had been frustrating him for a while.

“You’ve come a long way, Jimin, in just seven months. You are so honest and open with yourself,
don’t let something like this set you back. Yes, what Jeongguk did brought you a lot of pain, but
don’t ever beat yourself up for caring the way you did and for continuing to do so.” Seokjin’s voice
was soft, his eyes earnest while he spoke.

There was a short pause, before Seokjin breathed, “And don’t hold yourself back from asking
about him.”

Something about the statement had Jimin freezing up, words suddenly lodged in his throat as he
stared at the other omega with wide eyes.

“Wanting to know how Jeongguk is doing is not a bad thing, Jimin. Just because your experiences
with Jeongguk were bad, doesn’t mean your actions and thoughts are as equally bad. That doesn’t
make you a bad person, Jimin. It’s okay to care about people, don’t ever question yourself over
something like that.”

A few stray tears splashed against Jimin’s cheeks as he felt a terrible weight get lifted from his
chest and shoulders, allowing him to breathe.

Maybe that’s why he had been so frustrated; feeling bad for something he couldn’t help. One
would think that, after so much time, they’d be able to forget. But Jeongguk wasn’t anyone Jimin
could forget, because good or bad, he had impacted Jimin’s life tremendously. Jimin didn’t love
nor hate Jeongguk, but it’s not like he could turn a blind eye to the importance of the alpha; Jimin

He cared a lot.

“How is he?” Jimin was soft-spoken, but he was sure Seokjin heard him, and sure enough, as the
omega was using his sleeve to wipe his eyes, the elder hummed.

“He’s finally doing what he loves, making a name for himself here in Seoul. I’ll send you the link
to his official site after we end the call.” Seokjin seemed proud, but again, something swam across
his eyes, and Jimin couldn’t help but want to know why Seokjin looked the way he did.

A quiet sadness crept through Jimin’s form, seeming finally realize what it was that Seokjin was
bothered by. As much as Jimin was happy to know that Jeongguk seemed to have taken the reigns
to his own life, there was just something else that didn’t seem right.

“He’s not happy, is he?” Jimin dared himself to ask, and it was then that he got his answer. Seokjin
didn’t need to say a word, but Jimin could make out the tiredness of his eyes, as if it’s something
he had to see and live with every day.

“He hasn’t forgiven himself.” Jimin whispered and Seokjin offered up a small, reassuring smile.

“Jimin, something like that is not an easy thing to forgive yourself for, no matter how much time
has passed. Every day you wake up seeing yourself in the mirror and thinking, ‘Another day as
me.’” Glancing down, Seokjin sounded bitter, and Jimin didn’t think he would ever get used to
seeing Seokjin as he is now.

The confident man always full of laughter and jokes, speaking his mind and lighting up the room;
seeing him so disheartened was something Jimin couldn’t even begin to describe.

Jimin wanted to ask, felt like he needed to, but there was something in the depths of Seokjin’s eyes
that told the omega that the elder was carrying something he’s held on for years.

“It doesn’t matter how many times you’re forgiven, it does nothing to lessen the pain of seeing the
face of the person you hurt and being constantly reminded of something you can never take back.”
Seokjin then whispered, more to himself than Jimin, “If Jeongguk somehow finds the answer to it
all, then I hope he tells me, because I still feel lost.”

It was then that Jimin knew he no longer had to ask.

Perhaps the young omega and Namjoon were a lot similar than he thought…

Present Day

Jimin felt a little jittery, maybe excited; watching as several passerby walked on, the airport packed
given how early in the morning it was. He was waiting on one person, and after checking his
watch, he knew there was still plenty of time before his flight.

It had been so long and now he was going home. The decision to return was one that took such a
long time, but Jimin felt at ease with himself, happy and ready to take on new obstacles that
awaited him. Not only that, but it meant he would be seeing his friends, and the thought was
enough for him to tear up with genuine excitement.

As he stood just beyond the entrance of the airport, he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, and Jimin
glanced up to lock eyes with Minhyuk. The alpha was smiling, his eyes glowing with mirth, the
kind that Jimin loved so much and never could get enough of. There was no way he could leave
without saying good-bye to a man that has helped him with so much.

“You’re ready to jump off the walls. Do you have someone waiting for you when your flight
arrives?” He asked, shivering slightly despite finally being out of the cold. At the words, Jimin
nodded with enthusiasm, knowing that Namjoon and Seokjin were just as eager.

Namjoon had returned a lot earlier than Jimin, finishing up a few last projects before calling it
good and returning to his husband. Not Jimin, however, in Namjoon’s absence, he had been offered
the position, and with a lot of encouragement from the alpha, the omega took it.
What had turned into a couple of months, turned into years, and never regretted such a decision.
However, there was something he wished he could change, and that was the alpha standing right in
front of him.

“I have some friends who will be there.” Jimin reassured the other and Minhyuk nodded, seeming
more at ease with the information.

Jimin wasn’t good with good-byes, he would always get so emotional. Jimin was returning to
Seoul, but he wasn’t going to return to Paris, at least, not for work. It’s not like the omega was
burned out by the country, if anything, he was going to miss France dearly, but for Jimin it wasn’t

“Thanks for giving me the chance to bid you farewell.” The alpha stated quietly and Jimin gifted
him with a gentle smile.

“Minhyuk, as if I could leave without saying anything. I know things didn’t work out for us in the
end, but you’ve done so much for me; you made me believe in things I was ready to give up on.”
Jimin reached up to softly touch the alpha’s cheek, taking in his handsome features.

He thought back on all their dates, their intimate nights, their hardships and their growths as a
couple. Jimin never thought he would ever be able to experience such a beautiful, blissful thing
with a man that loved him unconditionally. If he could return everything Minhyuk had given him
tenfold, Jimin would do it in a heartbeat.

“When you ended things a year ago, I understood where you were coming from. You’ve always
been honest with me, and I don’t want you to leave with any doubts. I love you, Jimin, even if you
couldn’t love me back, what you gave me is something I will carry with me always.”

The omega couldn’t help but smile widely, happy for the words as he leaned in to hug the alpha.
“You could always come with me, you know.”

Minhyuk laughed at that, his own arms sliding around the omega’s form. “Paris is my home, just
like Seoul is yours. My family is there, though, I can always swing by and visit.”

At the words, Jimin’s eyes brightened, nodding. “Of course, please don’t hesitate to call.”

The alpha leaned forward and pressed his brow against Jimin’s own. “Jimin, time with you was
life-changing, don’t belittle yourself, you’d be surprised of the number of people you’ve influenced
in a positive way.”

“I know.” Jimin replied, arms sliding to wrap around the alpha’s neck. “I’m through with doubting

“One for the road, you know, for old time sake?” Minhyuk suggested and Jimin raised a finger in
order to press it against the alpha’s lips, shaking his head.

“No.” He smiled, opting to press a kiss to the other’s cheek, instead. “You’re a great friend,
Minhyuk. Don’t be a stranger.”

As they pulled apart, the alpha asked one final thing as Jimin went to grab his suitcase. “I just need
to know, Jimin, things with Jeongguk…” He trailed off, seeming just a tad sheepish for bringing
something up at such an inappropriate time, but the omega knew that Minhyuk was asking out of
worry. He knew the question had been at the tip of the alpha’s tongue, and Jimin had long thought
about his eventual encounter with Jeongguk.
“I’m returning to Seoul, but not with the intention of making things work with Jeongguk. I miss my
home. There’s no guarantee that I won’t see him, we have the same group of friends after all. But
I’m seeing the bigger picture now.”

“I just don’t want you to lose that shine in your eyes.” He confessed, and Jimin was grateful that
the alpha had so much concern for him. “How long has it been? Being away from Seoul? Quite a
while, right?”

“Over two and a half years. And honestly, I’m ready to go home.”

Chapter End Notes


Before I start, I have a new Twitter if you guys are interested in saying hi or checking
for updates. Find me on @HobiOnA03

So, I went in circles with this chapter, trying to figure out what content would be good
and if I would be able to cover certain points. No, this isn't the end of what I wanted to
convey, there are still chapters left to the story and I'm going to cover a lot.

But I don't know, I feel like the ending of this chapter didn't click with me. I know
where I wanted to go with it, but I'm not sure if I was able to deliver it correctly. It's
not the end and a lot more has to happen, so I hope this was a good chapter before the
real action starts, so thanks for sticking around!
Chapter Notes

I had to split this chapter into two parts, but don't worry! The second half will be
posted in a few days, not a week!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jimin had a twelve-hour flight ahead of him, but he didn’t mind it; he was well prepared for the
long hours. Normally he would take a nap in order to help pass the time, but he was just a little too
excited to even think about sleep. If all went well, he could be back in Seoul late in the evening,
and he couldn’t contain the butterflies that came with the thought.

As soft eyes glanced out the window, the plane cutting across a magnitude of clouds, Jimin took a
moment to marvel at the scene taking place below him, music spilling from his earphones as he
attempted to fully relax. Thoughts trickled within his mind about his friends and family and the
ache that came from such a long separation.

Everyone understood his decisions, his time away; they never held anything against him or tried to
make Jimin feel guilty of anything in order to get him to miss home. Jimin wasn’t sure what he did
in a previous life to be blessed and gifted with such wonderful people, everyone so positive and
supportive. Even as the music played, Jimin took the time to skim through his album, a small smile
touching his lips as he took in the many pictures Seokjin and the others would send him over the
span of nearly three years.

Jimin had planned on staying in Paris for the solid three years, but he didn’t really need to, not
when he finally felt like his life was finally put together. Sure, he still had some worries and
insecurities, but that’s what made everyone human. The omega had discovered a self-confidence
he never thought he had before, and now he was returning home with a better outlook in life.

Pausing his music, he revisited a video, one that Seokjin had sent, one of many. Some videos the
elder omega had recorded, was done with the others’ knowledge, while some captured moments
that always left Jimin grinning.

Birthdays, holidays, vacations; everything that Jimin had missed and didn’t have the opportunity to
spend time with his friends, was always given to him anyway. It’s as if it didn’t matter, he was
miles away, or for how long he had been absent in their lives; they always made sure to include

And Jeongguk, he was always there.

Ever since his talk with Seokjin, he had been more open in accepting Jeongguk’s presence, and he
didn’t curse it. It was nice to know what the alpha was doing, Jimin asking about him every now
and then. As he had told Minhyuk before at the airport, he had no intention of trying to make
things work with Jeongguk, that wasn’t the reason for his leaving in the first place.

He had read plenty of books on romance, taking in the different plots and scenarios, even came
across some readings that shared his same experience. However, unlike the ending of some love
story, where the couple came together for some happily ever after, Jimin was only reminded that
his life did not revolve any of that.

Jimin wasn’t going to let a failed relationship detour his goals in life, and even though the process
of healing over the pain was a long and difficult road, he was proud to say he got a better grasp of

Many stories contained betrayal and some need for revenge in order to quench that thirst to deliver
the same kind of pain. However, Jimin couldn’t solely relate to such a thing; he knew who he was
as a person, and even if he was constantly told that he would be justified in his actions, Jimin
couldn’t bring himself to hurt another individual.

In the eyes of another person, perhaps he would be called weak for not wanting to taint his hands
with something so negative. And honestly, the omega was tired of all the negativity; he was tired of
the pains, the fears, the horrid thoughts that plagued his mind. He was tired of letting it all grab
hold of him and try to drown him. But not this time. Not anymore.

Whatever Jimin chose to do regarding Jeongguk and any other life decision, was up to him. The
omega was not going to allow others to belittle his perceptions of life.

He needs to grieve.

She will get what’s coming to her.

I want him to hurt.

I want her to suffer.

Time and time again, he would come across such comments, in social media, in books, in blogs of
personal experiences. Everyone expressed pain differently, everyone wanted some sort of justice,
to vent their anger, pain, and frustrations.

Jimin didn’t judge them for their need to voice their ache, especially when being betrayed in such a
cruel way.

But at the same time, he wasn’t going to let people paint him into some portrait of weakness, as
some stupid omega who was blind. Forgiveness was another form of strength, and if Jimin ever got
to the point where he was ready to forgive Jeongguk for his actions, then he would do it with his
head held up high.

No one else was going to tear him down; he knew who he as and he loved himself for it.

So, he was happy.

He was glad to see the alpha still mingling with their friends, still enjoyed the videos sent to him
despite his ex-husband being present. What Jeongguk did, Jimin was no longer going to let it mar
his life, not like before. Jimin’s mistake was to place Jeongguk at the center of his universe, but
now, Jimin was satisfied with being to look at the alpha and not fall completely apart.

Jimin wasn’t sure how their encounter was going to be like. Almost three years with nothing
between them except for a couple of videos that was obviously shared by Seokjin. He was going to
admit to himself that he was feeling a bit nervous; there had been no spoken words between them
since that night Jimin fled the apartment.

All he had left the alpha, was a letter; a letter that hopefully set the alpha free as much as it did
Jimin upon writing it.
Jeongguk would meekly wave in the video, and sometimes when he didn’t know he was being
recorded by Seokjin, he would be laughing and grinning, his nose wrinkling just right; but it didn’t
matter how many videos Jimin saw of him, happiness never quite reached the alpha’s eyes.

Jimin had the hope that Jeongguk would one day find the strength to forgive himself.

And he hoped with the utmost sincerity.

“Guess who just saved the day?” Jeongguk called out as soon as he pushed the door to the studio

Five heads snapped up, before they all threw their hands in the air and cheered, clearly happy that
the food finally arrived and that the alpha covered the entirety of the cost.

Well he had completely forgotten that he was supposed to treat Kai and his friends to a free dinner
in order to celebrate Kai’s invitation to share his personal portfolio at a special exhibit. It was
honestly a huge deal, but Jeongguk was under the impression that he was supposed to buy dinner
next week, and when he got a call from Kai earlier, found himself flying out of his office.

“Taehyung will be a little late, filming got delayed.” Jeongguk explained as Soobin got up from the
floor in order to help him with the bags of food. “He’ll be here, though.”

“It’s okay, hyung, it already means a lot that he’s gonna be here despite how busy he gets.” Kai
chimed up, reaching for one of the bags as Soobin walked by.

Having dinner at the studio was starting to become a regular thing, everyone sitting around to just
eat and talk. Most of the time, it was only Jeongguk and Kai, rewarding themselves with dinner
after a long day of work. Whenever Kai had to be absent due to classes, the alpha would take on
jobs on his own, but the younger alpha never failed in meeting up with Jeongguk even after a long
day of classes or studying.

Their lives became integrated as the years passed, eventually being tugged into the young alpha’s
group of friends. One by one, Jeongguk met them; Soobin would tag along during one of their jobs,
or Yeonjun would crash with Kai at Jeongguk’s place.

Taehyun and Beomgyu came soon after that, and it wasn’t long before Jeongguk found himself
looking after the boys. And even if the young males were all bustling, university students, apart
from Yeonjun, whom graduated the previous year, he still saw them as kids.

His kids.

They weren’t that far in age from Jeongguk, but the alpha couldn’t contain that need to take care of
them in a way. Maybe it was some sort of brotherly instinct, but he didn’t mind it; Jeongguk
welcomed the feeling. Nowadays he couldn’t see his life without them, and he hoped they felt the
same in some way.

“Have you decided on what you’re going to present at your exhibit? I know it’s not until
December, but that’s still about two months away.” Jeongguk asked once everyone began to dive
into their food. He didn’t miss the way Kai’s mouth twitched slightly, something he did out of
habit when he was either worried or insecure.
“Ah…I can’t say for sure. I have a lot of photographs, but since the exhibit is just around the
corner, I’m stressing a little. I need to present my entries at the end of the month.” He spoke as
Jeongguk rolled a chair over in order to take a seat.

“The fact that you were asked by your professor, is a big feat on its own. But I get feeling nervous.
You must have a lot on your shoulders, but don’t forget that we are here for you.” Soobin replied,
and everyone nodded their heads vigorously.

It was moments like these that Jeongguk was grateful for.

Years ago, he never would have pictured this; sitting in his studio, in the company of young men
still figuring out their lives but happy. Back then, all Jeongguk cared about was meeting the right
people, getting into those social circles, collecting beneficial contacts that could help further his

He had been ready to step on anyone and to push away anyone that appeared inferior to him, and
yet, he found himself surrounded by enthusiastic chatter, with laughter stringing perfectly together
and adding to the warmth of his surroundings.

His father always told him that a good career and an influential, social life should be a man’s goal.
Under that vehement dictation, Jeongguk wanted nothing more than to please, molding himself into
something he thought would make him worthy. However, in the end, it just left him with a cold,
empty feeling, snuffing out beautiful light in the process because of his own ignorance.

Work, money, social status; none of that could compare to what he had been gifted with now. He’s
had his share of difficult times, still struggling with a few aspects of himself he wasn’t happy with.

But this. This was something he never wanted to lose.

“What’s dinner without dessert? I got ice-cream!” Taehyung’s voice soon drifted into the studio
some time later, making his way to the cheering males. He kicked Jeongguk’s chair out of the way,
and the younger alpha rolled off as Taehyung took the center of attention while the others swarmed
the bags.

He could never lose this.

“They sure know how to make a mess.” Taehyung chuckled softly as he helped Jeongguk pick up
the trash left behind by the boys. It’s not like they didn’t know how to clean up after themselves,
but it was getting late, and Jeongguk wanted them on their way before it got even later.

“You should see my place when they’re all over.” The young alpha joked as he stuffed trash into
one of the plastic bags Taehyung had open and waiting for him. The night had been a good one, but
he couldn’t wait to get home to Promise and maybe treat himself to a bath.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

“So…” Taehyung trailed off as he tied up one of the bags, kicking it towards one of the studio
doors in order to take it out after they finished up.

“So?” Jeongguk raised a brow, grabbing a broom from one of the tiny closets. He figured he could
sweep up some since he was already there, anyway. As he began sweeping, he noticed the way
Taehyung was shifting slightly where he stood, before the older alpha finally leaned against one of
the desks in the room.

“Jimin flies in tonight.”

Jeongguk felt himself stiffen at the comment. It’s not like he didn’t know. Everyone knew that
Jimin was coming home and that he was going to be picked up by Seokjin and Namjoon. Honestly,
everyone was quite happy to finally have the omega back home, however, it didn’t keep the alpha
from feeling nervous and anxious.

He could feel Taehyung’s eyes heavily on him, and it made Jeongguk a bit more unnerved about
everything. Over the years, he’s only gotten snippets of Jimin through videos he would send
Seokjin. In some of them, he would be wishing them well on holidays or birthdays; he always
seemed so happy and eccentric. The years did the omega good.

But even then, neither of them uttered a single word towards each other. Both were aware of the
other, but it was never directly acknowledged. Jeongguk simply didn’t know how to even act or
what to even say about Jimin; even after years, he couldn’t shake off the feeling of the past, sensing
it resurface like many times before. Always coming back, like being shackled down and dragged
beneath the waters of his insecurities.

“You’re doing it again.” Taehyungs voice was heard a lot closer than before, and Jeongguk had to
blink in order to realize what it was that he had been doing. Avoiding the other alpha’s gaze,
Jeongguk swallowed thickly as he attempted to return to the cleaning. “Jeongguk, I get what this
means, but continuing to beat yourself up shouldn’t be your main focus.”

There was a painful pause, before Taehyung sighed.

“What I mean to say is that, don’t just linger on the past. Look forward to the future. You and
Jimin have come a long way. I mean, look at this place.” Taehyung spread his arms wide,
gesturing towards the studio.

“You opened this place up a year ago and business is booming. You and Kai worked to the bone to
get your work noticed. When we first met, I thought you were nothing but a jerk, and here you are
now, picking up after some guys you see as your little brothers.”

At his words, Jeongguk felt his neck grow hot, mostly due to being slightly embarrassed and
feeling a bit sheepish. He was grateful for Taehyung’s words, the alpha always carried a sincerity
about him that Jeongguk never could ignore, so he knew the older alpha meant everything that was
being said.

“You fucked up, but you can’t turn a blind eye on the guy you are now. We all see that, Jimin will
see that. You should see that.” As he spoke, Taehyung gripped one of Jeongguk’s shoulders,
shaking him slightly as if trying to get him to relax.

As much as Jeongguk appreciated the sentiment, it was a lot harder to do so. “It’s not as easy as
you think it is, hyung.” Moving away, he decided to cave and fall on the same chair he had used
before. “Every time I think about Jimin, I just think about all the stuff I ever did, all that I ever

“Where would I even start?”

“Be yourself.” Taehyung moved forward in order to place his hands on Jeongguk’s shoulders once
more. “Just come to the dinner tomorrow and you’ll see that it won’t be so bad. Meet Jimin and
just see how everything flows, alright? Don’t throw in the towel just yet.”

“Do you really think I’m a lot different than before?” Jeongguk pinched his lips together, his eyes
gazing at Taehyung rather expectedly, as if needing some type of reassurance from the older alpha.

A ghost of a smile drew itself across Taehyung’s lips, before replying with a soft tone. “Jeongguk,
when I watch you with Kai, I can see how much that kid means to you. A heartless man wouldn’t
go above and beyond the way you do for him. You just need to learn to see it.”

It’s not like the other alpha was wrong in anyway; Jeongguk had to get a grip and not let his walls
of self-doubt get the best of him. He had always wanted a chance to stand before Jimin again, even
if a part of him constantly told him that he didn’t deserve that right. Constantly torn between what
he thought was right or not, was taking a toll on him.

Jimin was coming home, the least Jeongguk could do was get on his feet and face the omega; if he
decided that he didn’t want to have anything to do with the alpha, then that would be it. Nodding,
Jeongguk scratched the back of his head, trying to let Taehyung’s words act like a fuel.

“You’re right, hyung, you’re right.” Jeongguk breathed, glancing up at the older alpha.

“I can do this.”

“I can’t do this, hyung.” Jeongguk immediately deflated as they approached the restaurant
everyone was supposed to meet up at in order to celebrate a reunion with Jimin. The previous night
went well, with Taehyung encouraging the younger alpha, to the point where Jeongguk went home
with a kick in his step.

He went to bed well enough, got up and had an easy morning. Jeongguk even found it in him to
take up a few hours of work in order to kill time and make the day go by faster. Most of the work
was nearing completion, something he purposely made happen so that he could have the weekend

However, now that the time was at hand, the alpha wasn’t exactly as confident as he had hoped he
would be. Thoughts about Jimin were inevitable, there was no going around it; not long after that,
the past resurfaced. Time and time again, he was told to not linger way too much on what already
happened and to focus on what’s to come.

And he tried. Even now, Jeongguk was trying his best to not allow himself to be swallowed up by
his nerves. Jimin had left him with very little to go by; with nothing more but a letter that Jeongguk
could call his own. Everything else, he didn’t have the luxury to really mark any moment with
Jimin as his. They never talked after that, only saw each other through a camera.

Words were never exchanged, just polite nods and smiles, and that was it. That was all Jeongguk
had to go by in their present state, with a letter in a drawer that marked the end of their marriage.

“What if he doesn’t even want me there? What if he’s just being nice?”

At that, Taehyung stopped in his tracks, shaking his head at Jeongguk’s apparent stubbornness,
“Jeongguk, the best thing you can do for Jimin right now, is to give him a chance. Give him a
chance to take it all in and to see you and to decided for himself on what he feels about you. Don’t
you think Jimin deserves that sort of thing?”
“You guys haven’t seen each other in nearly three years, I think it’s okay to see each other after so
long and just know where you stand. That would be closure for you, wouldn’t it? You once told me
that you wanted Jimin back, well, he’s back. Take this chance, too.” While he spoke, Taehyung
had marched behind the young alpha and pushed him forward.

With each step taken, the knot in Jeongguk’s stomach only tightened, his eyes wide as he
welcomed the sight of a humble restaurant that became a quick favorite. Jeongguk had been there
many times, ate with his hyungs on multiple occasions. He couldn’t even count the times he would
look forward to the rowdy dinners, the loudness of their banter nothing more than music to
Jeongguk’s ears.

Memories, both joyful and sad, were tied to that place; a friendly atmosphere that never failed in
both greeting them and bidding farewell.

This time, new memories would be made, with a certain omega at its center. Already, he could
imagine how it would all be, how different, and yet, so right. With Jimin gone, it didn’t feel as
complete as it should have, and even with the addition of Jihoon and Taehyung, did nothing to fill
up the hole that Jimin left behind.

But maybe it wasn’t just a whole; there was a presence there that couldn’t possibly be replaced.

Jimin had finally returned to take his rightful place.

And despite his current worries and feelings, that little detail made Jeongguk’s heart flutter against
his chest.

“Deep breath.” He heard Taehyung whisper in his ear as they approached the doors of the
restaurant; this was it. Already, the feeling in his heart dropped to his stomach, making him
swallow, though, his throat felt incredibly dry.

Deciding to stick close behind Taehyung, the alpha sheepishly followed the elder towards their
usual spot.

Hands felt clammy and he suddenly got hot all over. Jeongguk was sure how to wrestle down all
his emotions when he spotted heads of hair that he recognized. Just as Taehyung had told him
when he stopped by Jeongguk’s apartment, everyone else was already there. Now he knew why
Taehyung went out of his way to go get him, the alpha probably had a feeling Jeongguk would try
to bail.

He caught Hoseok’s eyes first, followed by Yoongi’s own as the omega sat beside his mate.
However, it was Jimin’s voice that rang out, forcing Jeongguk to seek out the source.

And there he was, with the brightest look on his face that Jeongguk had ever seen. For years, he
had kept the omega’s saddened expression buried deep into his memories, always thinking back on
how crestfallen and upset Jimin appeared to be at the peak of their fallout.

Not even the happy smiles from videos, could counter the negative effect of Jimin’s sad eyes from
before; it was something that Jeongguk had carried with him always. But now, it was utterly
mesmerizing at how easy the omega was able to melt those images away like nothing.

Years did nothing to Jimin, every detail of his face still the same. His lips were spread in a wide
smile, gentle eyes sparkling with mirth, most likely due to the emotion that came from being with
friends after the longest time. Jeongguk couldn’t believe just how genuinely happy Jimin seemed
now, his focus on Taehyung as the alpha swooped in to drag the omega up on to his feet, not caring
about a sitting Seokjin that was currently in the way.

The only difference that Jeongguk could make out, was that Jimin’s hair was a tad longer, his locks
now sporting the color of black and making him look incredible.

All other noise was blocked out, only taking in the omega’s chiming laughter as he embraced his
longtime friend, seeming so at ease, the warmth of his smile bright and sincere.

He’s never seen Jimin like this; so full of joy and so undeniably free.

And, in an instant, Jeongguk felt relieved. He felt good and just so relieved.

The alpha couldn’t even count the times he would toss and turn in bed, could not even think back
on the numerous occasions where his mind would wander towards Jimin and Jimin alone. Often
enough, he would always question himself, wonder if the omega was happy and well. A part of
him wanted to know if he had permanently damaged the omega in some way that obstructed his
road to happiness.

Jeongguk didn’t think he would be able to live with himself had Jimin wilted away over the years,
being haunted by a cruel betrayal, an empty marriage, and a cold husband.

But Jimin was strong, it was clear even now, that he was stronger than Jeongguk himself. The
omega that was now before him, brimmed with an overwhelming confidence that shifted the air
about them, leaving behind a sense of wonder and joy.

Elation. Delight.


And the loving embers behind Jimin’s intense gaze, didn’t shudder or break when eyes shifted
towards him. The alpha was not met with something cold and angry; he didn’t see disappointment
or distaste. Everything that should have been there, all the indifference that Jeongguk deserved to
be met with, wasn’t there. He couldn’t make out anything that would signal to the alpha that he
was not welcome.

He saw nothing of the sort.

“Jeongguk.” Jimin’s voice cut through Jeongguk’s suffocation effortlessly as he stepped forward.

And Jeongguk was already reaching forward, welcoming the embrace that Jimin was already
gifting him with. There was no room to react, no time to question anything as the alpha was stuck
with Jimin’s sweet scent, taking in the quiet hum that illustrated the omega’s comfort.

Arms roped around the omega gently, forcing back the urge to bury his face in Jimin’s shoulder
and squeeze him as tight as he would be allowed to. Any other time, Jeongguk would properly
relish the tenderness of the hug; to breathe in Jimin’s scent properly and just enjoy the touch that
was expressed between them.

But he couldn’t forget that there were others present, and he couldn’t quite keep Jimin from pulling
away, either. Struggling to not let his disappointment known, Jeongguk murmured under his breath
as he smiled faintly at the other.

“Welcome home.”

Taken by the comment, Jimin seemed pleased as he nodded, “Thank you. It’s good to see you.”
“Same here, you look great. You look happy.” Jeongguk remarked, something that made Jimin
smile even wider.

“I am.”

Shortly afterwards, Taehyung slipped between them, ushering both alpha and omega to find proper
seats so that they didn’t block the walkways. Seokjin slid over in his seat to make room, while
Hoseok motioned for the alpha to take his place next to him.

Finally, all seven of them were sitting comfortably, Jeongguk noting that Jimin was not located
right across from him as Taehyung took it upon himself to sit next to the omega.

“Jihoon couldn’t make it, said he had a lot of stuff to go through at the bar.” Taehyung was
suddenly announcing, before adding, “But he did say we can all head over afterwards for some
drinks; said it was on the house.”

“I’m sold.” Yoongi called out instantaneously.

Whatever nervousness Jeongguk had initially felt, slowly began to slip away; it’s not like he had
any chance to really delve into his nerves, since the table was quite active with chatter. When
Jeongguk was finished with a chapter of a conversation, he would immediately get pulled back in
by one of the elders.

He had nothing against it, it was nice to keep his mind off bad things for once, stealing a few
glances here and there whenever the omega was too engrossed in conversation or his food to
notice. It got to the point where Taehyung kicked his shin from under the table, forcing the young
alpha to slightly jump and look away before it got too obvious.

But he couldn’t help it; Jimin was so vibrant and so…ethereal.

Jeongguk wanted to drown in it all, to savor it and just get lost in all the good that just came with
Jimin’s presence alone.

He had no right to crave such a thing, but he did; even more so now than ever before.

“You pierced your ears.” Jimin’s words had Jeongguk flickering his eyes towards the omega in
front of him. Sure enough, Jimin was pointing at the alpha’s ears and Jeongguk instinctively
reached up to stroke one of his earrings, recalling the very night he got them.

“Oh, yeah.”

At this, Taehyung delivered a triumphant response. “He lost a bet with me. I beat his ass in
Overwatch once; was pretty funny.”

“I was drunk!” Jeongguk fired back, seeming a little indignant that Taehyung would bring
something up so embarrassing; there were some things he did with the older alpha that Jeongguk
was not proud of.

Like the time he got so wasted and ended up vomiting all over the sidewalk right outside of the bar.

But that was besides the main point.

“You know, you’re acting a little ungrateful here, I could have made you get that tattoo, but I was
actually feeling sorry for you that night.” At this, Jimin was already giggling uncontrollably as
Jeongguk sputtered at the outrageous lie.
“Namjoon-hyung saved me that night, not you! You were dead set and making me get a tattoo!”

Namjoon leaned forward slightly. “He’s right, it was chaotic.”

“Thank you, hyung.” Jeongguk then turned to Taehyung. “You’re full of shit.”

“For all it’s worth, they look good on you.” Jimin voiced out before both alphas could really get
into it, the laughter painting his words, but honest, nonetheless. It was all in good fun, Jeongguk
knew, but it still made him feel good and at ease. Jimin didn’t allow things to get awkward, being
very open and inviting with Jeongguk, despite their sordid past.

He really didn’t deserve this.

“After this, we better go get our free drinks, I don’t want any of you to wimp out and head home
early after this.” Yoongi announced to the group, before he raised an arm in order to wave someone
down. “In fact, let’s get started early, I’m itching for a drink.”

Amid the chorus of cheers, Jeongguk found himself catching the omega’s eye, before he offered
Jimin a thankful smile.

Jimin saw it all the time in movies; that tearful reunions would suddenly be picture perfect ending
everyone was probably expecting. And yes, he had to admit that he got a bit emotional at the end,
struggling with great difficulty to not shed happy tears when his friends broke out into a song well
into the night of casual drinking and fun.

It was exactly what Jimin had missed terribly and now that he had it back, he couldn’t possibly
think of anything else that would make it better.

However, as he remembered that night, he also thought about Jeongguk, how the alpha looked and
how he appeared to be very warm and inviting. Who would have thought, that the young man
would be the type to often find himself in the center of most of their conversations? Child-like
antics would follow the alpha, teasing the others, recalling humorous stories.

If someone would have told Jimin about the Jeongguk he witnessed at the restaurant years before,
he wouldn’t have believed it. Jeongguk didn’t even feel like he was the same alpha from years ago;
he wasn’t standoffish, and certainly not quiet. Jimin couldn’t figure out if Jeongguk flourished on
his own or if the others had a major influence over the youngest of the group.

Regardless of Jeongguk’s story and how he was shaped throughout the years, Jimin was
tremendously happy to have been given the chance to see such a sight.

Still, just because Jeongguk seemed like an entirely different alpha than the one he had previously
married, didn’t mean that Jimin would suddenly melt at the alpha’s feet. Even though it was a nice
change and surprise to be able to look at Jeongguk and not see any harshness in his large, doe-like
gaze, it didn’t mean things would suddenly fall together perfectly and they would be together

Getting back together with Jeongguk wasn’t part of the plan and not something Jimin was shooting
for; he didn’t spend all those years in Paris just to return and see if he could re-establish his
relationship with Jeongguk. Jimin was way over that.
But he did feel like he gained a better insight of Jeongguk, saw a side of him that fit with his
character perfectly, as if he was meant to be like that all along. It was as if Jeongguk had finally
found his own person to be, and that’s something that Jimin had wanted from the start; if Jeongguk
really found his path, then that was enough for the omega.

Still, he was not going to deny how good it felt, to embrace the alpha without any fear and no
remorse, his wolf noticing that Jeongguk had a wonderful, relaxing scent of wood and pine, a smell
that had been lost to him for years but suddenly able to enjoy again.

And the alpha still had the same, handsome features, hair a lot longer but still the same, natural
color it had always been. He smiled a lot more now, even laughed and grinned naturally with the
others; it was enough to make the alpha appear way younger and adorably innocent. Jimin couldn’t
even begin to explain how refreshing it all felt.

But Jimin’s return didn’t mark a new beginning for them, and realistically speaking, it’s not like
Jimin saw much of Jeongguk since that night. Jimin had had his life to live and so did Jeongguk,
they were no longer married, no longer coming home to each other in the evenings or heading out a
couple during social events.

Jeongguk had a business to take care of and Jimin had to return to work the following days, diving
back into projects and meeting with potential clients. Both alpha and omega were no longer
connected by marriage, so that meant that Jimin didn’t see much of Jeongguk except for when they
all got back together for a fun dinner night.

However, despite the time apart, Jimin was at least happy to see that he could be around Jeongguk
without any qualms, and even though the scar of his betrayal remained, the omega was proud that
he didn’t hold a nasty grudge towards the alpha. He was sure the others knew the full extent of
their history, but despite all hardships and obstacles, everyone else didn’t seem to hold anything
against Jeongguk, and the omega was relieved that the alpha didn’t alien himself from potential
friends in the past.

So Jimin was able to continue with the days in peace, meeting up with friends and colleagues on
free days, settling down with a good book on days he had the penthouse to himself, searching
listings for his own apartment. Life was great and he couldn’t be happier, but even with everything
slowly falling into place like he had initially hoped, there was always something that appeared to
be missing.

And he couldn’t quite figure out what it was.

It was something that Jimin didn’t want to stress over, deciding to let everything naturally flow and
happen as time went on. There were so many things that needed his attention, he was sure he could
afford to set some feelings aside in order to focus on what was important.

For now, he made his way to a small coffee shop like the one that he had visited with Taehyung a
long time ago.

And much like before, the omega was greeted with the wonderful scent of coffee and pastries,
perfect for the chill as December neared and the days grew even colder. However, Jimin wasn’t
there to have coffee on his own, his eyes searching for another omega within the cozy
establishment, welcoming the gentle sound of conversation of other people.

Turning his head slightly, eyes immediately fell on Jihoon’s form, the omega waving at him with
genuine enthusiasm. With a wide smile painting across Jimin’s face, the omega set off to greet his
friend. Jihoon slid out of his chair, arms already outstretched as Jimin slipped into them for a hug.
“Jimin-hyung!” Jihoon exclaimed happily as Jimin found himself chuckling at how Jihoon seemed
utterly taken by his friend.

He had met with Jihoon a couple of times since Jimin’s arrival; one of those moments being at the
bar after his group of friends set off to take up the young omega’s offer in being gifted with free
drinks. Jimin didn’t drink a lot, wanting to catch up with Jihoon instead, but even then, the young
omega was a bit busy and they didn’t have much time to converse.

The evening at the bar was warm and casual, the perfect place to settle down and relax after a long
dinner of laughs and banter. Jimin had found himself in between Hoseok and Yoongi, falling into
casual conversation, while the others split off on other topics.

Honestly, it was the most fun Jimin’s ever had.

Since then, he chatted with everyone via a large group chat, to which Jihoon had invited him out
for some lunch. It was then that Jihoon and Jimin hit off as friends on a more personal level that
didn’t involve work, like before.

On this day, Jihoon had wanted to get some coffee and Jimin happily agreed to spend some time
visiting a friend.

“So how is the apartment hunting coming along?” Jihoon asked some time later after they had
gotten their drinks and something to nibble on. Jimin enjoyed the heat that came from his coffee
cup, soothing his cold fingers as he sipped on it.

“Not so great; I guess I’m just a little too picky. I can’t seem to find anything that just strikes me as
home. Seokjin-hyung and Namjoon-hyung have reassured me several times that I’m welcomed to
stay with them for as long as I need to, but I really don’t want to burden them too much.” Jimin
explained but smiling softly while doing so.

He owed Namjoon and Seokjin a lot and couldn’t even bring himself to think about what his life
would have been like without the love and kindness of his friends. Jimin wasn’t sure what he could
do in order to give back for all that they have done for him, but he wasn’t going to give up until he
thought up of something.

“Yeah, they’re an incredible pair. Well, all of them are; when I first started to hang out with them,
they wasted no time in making Taehyung and I part of the group. They made me feel like I was a
long-time friend as opposed to someone they just met.”

“They have this compassion about them that just makes you feel at home.” Jimin agreed, taking in
the way Jihoon hummed with joy at the thought. “But tell me, how’s the bar? Do you have any
other plans for the future?”

Jihoon seemed thoughtful at the question, seeming to mull over some things, before piping up.
“Not really, I actually like where my life is now. Whatever comes will come, but I can’t say I have
anything else in mind. The bar is great, and you did such a wonderful job with the interior design;
just walking into the place makes me want to just melt in a chair.”

Jimin was immensely pleased with the success, filling up with a small amount of pride that his
work was recognized and contributed to an atmosphere many probably used to destress after long

“Maybe somewhere in the future, I can always work on your bar again, add some touch-ups. It
never hurts to add something new every now and then; it’s what helps keep a place spruced up and
interesting.” Jimin watched with satisfaction as Jihoon lit up with the idea of such a thing, already
seeming to jump onboard.

“Ah, hyung, that would be really nice of you! I would appreciate that a lot, actually.”

“Of course, Jihoon, I’m sure it will help with bringing in more customers.” Jimin nodded before
seeking to drink from his cup once more. “How’s Taehyung? I know you guys are business
partners, does he help?”

At the mention of the alpha, Jihoon beamed considerably, “He’s mostly busy nowadays because of
his schedule. He has a tour in the spring, so he’s doing a lot of stuff for the show, but he’ll get a
small break soon, so that’s good. And he helps where he can, even if his presence isn’t there

Jimin didn’t miss the sparkle embedded in Jihoon’s eyes, making the omega smile knowingly into
his coffee. After a while, Jimin found himself asking, “So tell me, how did you and Taehyung hit it
off? As far as I know, he had absolutely no clue about what you felt.”

Jimin has heard the story before, but only in snippets of conversation between himself and
Taehyung when he wasn’t busy; but he had a feeling that the alpha was leaving out important parts,
and judging by the way Jihoon’s cheeks flushed red, he figured he was right.

“What all has Taehyung told you guys?” Jihoon appeared to be testing the waters, seeming
embarrassed and rather wary.

Jimin had to laugh, throwing his head back slightly at how cute and innocent Jihoon seemed
regarding everything concerning Taehyung and what happened between them while Jimin was
away in Paris.

Jihoon’s cheeks bloomed with an even deeper color of pink and red, forcing the omega to hide
behind his hands, though, he too seemed to be laughing at the situation he was currently in.

“Now you have to tell me!” Jimin set down his cup in order to reach over and pry Jihoon’s hands
away from his flushed face. The omega shook his head, clearly shy with the sudden topic, but
Jimin was the nosey kind, sometimes, and needed to know.

“It’s not necessarily a traditional way of getting together with someone.” Jihoon finally sputtered
and Jimin had to hold down a burst of giggles, because he could only assume what that meant. He
wasn’t sure why he felt so elated for Jihoon, but he did; maybe because he had to witness the way
Jihoon would silently adore and love Taehyung from afar, while the alpha was too preoccupied
with everything else to notice.

It was saddening, really.

Yet, both he and Jihoon were sitting at a corner of the coffee shop because neither of them could
really believe how it all unfolded in the end.

“Just don’t laugh, it really is kind of embarrassing.” Jihoon finally breathed after his fit of laughter.

“I can’t really promise something I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep.” Jimin answered rather
honestly, but Jihoon waved him off playfully.

“I’m surprised he hasn’t told you the full story; I figured he would, being the kind of shameless
guy that he is.” Jihoon paused for a moment, before adding. “Well, I wouldn’t say shameless, more
like, overly confident.”
“Sounds about right.”

After a few seconds of trying to settle down, Jihoon patted his cheeks slightly before parting his
lips, “I told him how I felt the night before went on one of his tours. I did it because I wanted him
to leave with that in mind and use the time away from me to think about what he possibly felt about

Jimin knew about that; Taehyung had explained how he felt completely floored at the confession,
thankful that Jihoon didn’t demand for an answer right away. Still, that sort of thing wasn’t
something Taehyung could really shake off, especially when he had no idea that Jihoon had
feelings for him.

Time away for the tour provided a lot of thinking space, and Jimin was glad Jihoon had decided on
that course of action, rather than hope for something to happen right away.

“He left and I stayed behind, but we still remained in contact. We didn’t really talk about that sort
of thing when we called, however, the feeling of the confession was always there. We didn’t
completely ignore it, since we knew we both hat to re-touch that topic eventually.”

“Taehyung did tell me that he wasn’t too sure about his own emotions, but he suggested you guys
give it a try, regardless.” Jimin spoke up as Jihoon nodded.

The omega paused in order to indulge in some coffee, before continuing. “Yeah. I was scared at
first, because as I said, he wasn’t sure about how he felt. But he wanted to give it a chance, so we
kind of met up after he returned from tour. He had a good break ahead of him, so we took
advantage of that and set off to spend a week together away from Seoul.”

Jimin leaned closer, completely engulfed with what Jihoon was telling him. “Did you notice an
immediate change, I mean, when he came back. You guys weren’t leaving with the intention of
spending time together as friends.”

Jihoon bit back a smile, “He was more open to the idea of being something more so he kind of
approached me differently than how he normally would. I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t like it;
I loved his attention a lot. He made me feel good.”

There was a mild hesitation after that, however, something that was making Jihoon stumble, so
Jimin shamelessly prodded the flustered omega. “But?”

Wordlessly, Jihoon reached up to gently stroke the side of his neck, fingers pressing along his
scent gland, as if revisiting a ghost of a touch that still had the omega visibly affected.

“After about two weeks of being away, something unexpected happen. I’m not sure if it was
because of me or not but, Taehyung, he…” It was then that Jihoon’s face turned pink, the heat
rising all the way up from his neck, to his ears. “He went into his rut a lot earlier than expected.”

At that, Jimin’s eyes widened considerable and he watched as Jihoon sunk further into his chair.
Judging by the redness of his cheeks, Jimin knew that Taehyung didn’t spend his rut alone.

“Was…was it consensual?” Jimin had to ask and Jihoon immediately sat up at the words.

“Y-Yes, of course. I wanted to help him. We far away from home and I couldn’t really take him
anywhere in his rut, not without risking others or letting it get out to the public.”

Jimin had to agree; an alpha’s rut was very much like an omega’s heat. They were stripped of all
logical thinking, their bodies going into overdrive and their mentality getting completely taken over
by their wolves and primitive needs. There was probably nothing much left of Taehyung while
undergoing his rut, and even though alphas could spend their ruts alone, it’s not like an omega
could really resist once an alpha had them in their grasp.

He couldn’t rule out the fact that Taehyung was an idol whose fame spread to several parts of the
world; Jimin didn’t even want to think about what it would have looked like if it got leaked that
Taehyung fell into his rut far from the comforts of his home and to be seen with Jihoon at the time
it happened.

There would be talk, and a lot of it.

“Did things get weird, you know, afterwards?”

Pinching his lips together, Jihoon nodded, “At first, I mean, hooking up the way we did because of
his rut, it can leave anyone feeling unsure and confused. When we got back to Seoul when his rut
passed, we didn’t talk for days. I think Taehyung felt really guilty for using me the way he did; but
I didn’t feel used, per se.”

“Still, if you place yourself in Taehyung’s shoes, I can kind of understand what he was feeling.
Especially when the two of you went away with the hope of figuring out your relationship and start
something new; Taehyung probably felt like all of that got painted in a bad light.” Jimin added in
with a softness in his tone that was meant to reassure Jihoon, even if things ended up working out
in the end.

“I still felt sick over it; I thought I lost Taehyung for good because of it. That maybe, I don’t know,
it was all my fault. I’ll be honest, I felt really miserable because of it, but just when I was starting to
think that nothing could be saved, Taehyung showed up at my doorstep.”

At this, Jihoon’s face softened a bit, as if recalling all the events that led to that point. Jimin said
nothing, his heart going out to the omega.

“He was shocked that I didn’t hate him; I guess he assumed what he did was so bad that it had hurt
me terribly. Taehyung, he has such a good heart, and I know he may seem a bit rowdy at times but
he’s always been so good to me, I just wish he would have talked to me instead of spending all that
time away, feeling horrible about something I didn’t blame him for.”

“But you guys finally sat down and talked, right?”

“Not only that, but we picked up where we left off and…” Jihoon couldn’t contain the delight that
danced across his face. “And here we are, almost a year and a half later.”

“Has it really been that long?” Jimin blinked in humble surprise.

“It has; but Taehyung makes everything feel timeless. And he’s finally mine.”

Jimin was such a sucker for stories such as that of Jihoon and Taehyung, unable to hold down the
grin that split across his face. “You have no idea how happy I am for you, Jihoon, really. You and
Taehyung are perfect for each other, always at each other’s side.”

Jihoon didn’t even try to contain the joy that was lighting up his current expression, breathing out
slowly. “I owe it all to Jeongguk, actually.”

Now that was certainly something that Jimin wasn’t expecting, and Jihoon caught the deep
confusion on the omega’s face, because he was quick to explain. “Jeongguk and I ran into each
other at the park years back, and he’s catches on to a lot of stuff, so he brought up my relationship
with Taehyung.”

“What did he say, exactly?” Jimin whispered, brows furrowed slightly.

“He told me that I should basically be honest with my feelings and tell Taehyung how I felt,
instead of waiting around and hoping for something to happen. Had Jeongguk not encouraged me, I
honestly don’t know where I would be with Taehyung right now; maybe still waiting.”

Jimin tried to imagine Jeongguk conversing with Jihoon, providing advice that the omega dearly
needed for his troubling love life. It was a difficult think to think about, because even if Jeongguk
was different now, images of an older Jeongguk still wormed its way into Jimin’s thoughts every
now and then.

It wasn’t something Jimin was going forget easily, though, he learned to live a lot better because of
it. A bittersweet outcome.

“I know Jeongguk wasn’t the best kind of person in the past, especially towards you, but who he is
now; I feel like that’s the person he was always meant to be but never had the chance to.” Jihoon’s
words were soft, and as Jimin met his friend’s eyes, he smiled ever so faintly.

“I know, but phantoms of the past never really leave you, Jihoon.”

“Are you sure about this?” Jimin breathed in the icy air as Jihoon led him to the bar; it was still
early in the day, so it wasn’t open yet, but Jihoon had an appointment to handle regarding
promotion for the bar.

It was no secret that Jeongguk was helping with capturing images for the promotion, so it’s not like
Jimin was going to be surprised to see the alpha there. He just didn’t want to get in the way of his
work or anyone else’s for that matter, but Jihoon was quick to shoot down his worries.

“Don’t worry, it’s just Jeongguk and some of my employees prepping for the evening. It’s an in
and out job so it won’t take long. I just figured it would be fun for you to see how it all worked.
Jeongguk is really good in what he does.” As they approached the bar, Jihoon was happily
humming, rubbing his cold nose in the process.

Still, Jimin was still a bit wary. He wasn’t a stranger to Jeongguk’s work, following his stuff on
social media and taking in pieces of his work; his talents with the camera and editing of videos.
Jimin could sense the love Jeongguk had for his passion, applying every bit of his soul into such
beautiful pieces of visionary art.

He never would have imagined the alpha had such a love for something like that and wished he
had pursued his dream rather than seek praise and approval from his family.

Then again, it was never late to follow your passions, and he was glad that Jeongguk at least found
the path he was always meant to be on.

The first thing he heard upon entering the bar, was the alpha’s voice.

Jeongguk could be seen near one of the tables located away from the bar, camera already in hand as
he focused the lens on a drink settled neatly on the surface of the table. “Move it a little to the left
so it’s not so centered.”
Another young man that had been on his side, was quick to move the glass per Jeongguk’s request.
Jimin’s omega immediately realized the other male was an alpha that appeared a bit younger than
Jimin himself. He had cute, boyish looks, but his features were serious as he helped Jeongguk.

“Perfect, Kai.” Jeongguk complimented the other, before Jimin heard the shutter of the camera,
pictures getting captured in that moment.

“It seems like Jeongguk was quick to get to work. I’m going to set my stuff in the back and check
on the employees. I’ll be right back, Jimin.” Jihoon flashed Jimin a smile, waving at the many
chairs. “Feel free to sit anywhere.”

Jimin’s eyes momentarily left Jeongguk’s firm as he nodded at his friend.

“Jeongguk-ah! Jimin is here, too! I invited him over for a bit, hope you don’t mind.” Jihoon called
out to the alpha as soon as he straightened up, but Jimin was sure that Jeongguk had already
realized the omega’s presence way before Jihoon even said anything.

“No, it’s fine. Jimin-ssi, hey.” Jeongguk waved Jimin over as he released the camera into the
other’s hands. “Kai, mind setting up the next bar scene, we still have quite a bit to take.”

“Sure thing, hyung.” Kai was quick to scatter, seeming eager, and Jimin couldn’t help but feel
captured by the kid. However, he was already gone before Jimin had a chance to introduce himself
and it was enough for Jeongguk to cough slightly.

“Oh, ah, sorry about that; I thought he would at least stay to say hi.” Jeongguk clicked his tongue
and for some reason, Jimin found the action to be quite endearing.

“It’s okay, I can tell he’s pretty excited. Kai? Is he the partner you were telling me about? He’s still
in the university, isn’t he?” Jimin questioned as Jeongguk began to clear the table, reaching for the
glass that Jimin could only assume was something from the menu. “I don’t want to get in your
way, so just let me know if you need me to step back. Jihoon suddenly invited me, so…” At that,
Jimin trailed off.

Jeongguk, on the other hand, was already shaking his head. “Don’t worry, I don’t mind in the
slightest. Gives us a chance to catch up; I don’t really get to see you apart from our dinner nights
with the others.”

“That’s true.” Jimin shrugged, feeling a bit more at ease.

Jeongguk then took a swing from the drink and Jimin snorted, “A little too early for a drink, no?”

The alpha wiggled his eyebrows in a cartoonish manner, “It’s five o’clock somewhere.”

Jimin tried to playfully shove him back, but Jeongguk was quick to dodge, side-stepping him
easily, but the omega laughed slightly regardless. “I’m guessing Jihoon called in a favor for this? I
can’t wait to see what all you guys manage to come up with.”

“Yeah, Jihoon is a good friend so it’s on me. He’s done an amazing job with the place, so I wanted
to lend a hand with the promotion.” Jeongguk rolled his shoulders slightly, before popping his neck
in order to probably get rid of some strain.

It was then that Jimin remembered his earlier conversation with Jihoon and about Jeongguk, and
how the alpha offered some light on the situation that helped in bringing the omega and Taehyung
together. He knew Jeongguk did it because he cared for Jihoon, but it’s not like Jimin could be
quiet about something so thoughtful.
“Jihoon told me about what you did for him; back then in the park. We talked about Taehyung and
how you gave him that push he needed. Jihoon really cares about Taehyung deeply, so it makes me
really happy that he was able to make it work with him.” Jimin sighed, before a smile adorned his
lips. “Thanks for that; it means a lot that you were able to do that for him.”

Jeongguk seemed mildly taken aback by the sudden onslaught of gratitude, but Jimin didn’t regret
it. He sincerely was thankful for something so selfless, especially after Jihoon went into further
detail of what transpired between them on that day.

Nothing was said for several seconds, but Jeongguk managed to reply quietly, “There’s no need to
thank me. That day, Jihoon reminded me a lot about someone that was going through the same
thing, someone I considered important to me at the time. Still do.”


“Before I didn’t realize much of what was going on, but after talking with Jihoon, I couldn’t really
keep quiet. He was suffering in silence.” Sorrow pooled into Jeongguk’s softening orbs, and Jimin
felt an inkling of something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.

“But who were you reminded of, if I may ask?”

The alpha stared at Jimin for a long while, enough to make the omega wonder if asking such a
thing was a little too private.

However, Jeongguk regarded Jimin with a fond, yet regretful look.

“You, Jimin. He reminded me of you.”

Chapter End Notes


So, I split chapter 6 into two parts because I didn't want the chapter to be jumbled up
with a bunch of scenes, especially when I wanted the focus of the chapter to be a
certain thing.

Don't worry, after this, it will be nothing but Jikook, I just didn't want to rush right into
everything. I have quite a bit planned so I'm excited for you to read what I have in
store! Please let me know what you think, the story is almost at an end and I already
have a new story in mind! Thank so much!

And for all of those that leave comments, especially the really long ones, thank you
SO much! I love reading all of your comments, even if I don't always reply to them;
they make me so happy! So thank you, thank you, thank you!

Also, a reminder, I am now on Twitter. So, you can find me @HobiOnA03, I like
posting stuff about my stories there and talking to readers. Hope to talk to you all
Chapter Notes

As always, read the end note!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jimin sat at the bar, his eyes following Jeongguk’s movements as the alpha returned to working on
the project currently at hand. A small shiver coursed down the omega’s spine as he recalled the
alpha’s earlier words. Nothing else was said regarding what Jeongguk had said, but it still had
Jimin feeling a little fuzzy.

It wasn’t something he was expecting, so he wasn’t sure how to make of what he was currently
feeling. What the alpha said wasn’t an odd thing to say, but Jimin didn’t think he’d have that much
of an effect on Jeongguk. Maybe he was thinking too much into it, but the omega couldn’t help but
feel like there was plenty more about Jeongguk that he wasn’t sharing.

The omega didn’t want to appear too shaken with it all, so he decided to try and relax, taking in the
casual atmosphere of the bar. Watching Jeongguk was entertaining in a way, still unable to grow
used to seeing the alpha so engrossed in what he was doing and loving every second of it.
Everything felt so refreshing and the omega breathed out a small sigh as he made himself more
comfortable in his chair.

“Hey.” Someone called out, forcing Jimin’s attention away in order to crane his neck slightly.
Taking a seat right next to him, the omega noticed Kai smiling at him rather enthusiastically. The
young alpha looked incredibly innocent and cute, and Jimin couldn’t recall seeing him without a
smile on his face since arriving at the bar.

“Oh, hello. Kai, right?” Jimin asked offering a friendly smile. “Nice to meet you, I’m Park Jimin.”

“Awesome. Sorry about earlier, I didn’t introduce myself properly.” The alpha seemed apologetic,
but all Jimin could do was chuckle slightly. He waved the other off, not at all troubled by it.

“Don’t worry, you’re here now. I’ve heard about you; did you ever see yourself doing all of this
with Jeongguk?” Jimin asked, wanting to know a bit more about the young alpha.

Kai didn’t answer right away, mulling things over, before grinning. “Honestly, no. I applied for a
job he was offering, and he accepted me. Ever since then, he’s been looking out for me and
teaching me.” Folding his arms over the bar top, he then added, “I never thought he would consider
me a partner.”

Jimin recognized that look; unsure, more for himself than anything else. He had been where Kai
was before; so young, eager, full of life and excitement for the future. “Why not? You don’t think
you contribute enough?”

A wave of hesitation hit the young wolf’s face, before he replied in a low tone, “I’m not as
confident as I like to come off as. I’m always scared of disappointing Ggukie-hyung.”

Any other time, Jimin would have faltered and gushed at the nickname, but he wanted to reassure
the young alpha that he was doing no wrong in voicing some of his concerns. Glancing over his
shoulder, the omega noticed that Jeongguk was still preoccupied, so his attention returned to Kai.

“I don’t think that’s possible; it’s clear that Jeongguk really adores you. When you admire
someone, it’s always easy to question your ability to make them proud. But trust me, you’re not
giving yourself enough credit.”

The omega witnessed Kai’s shroud of insecurities fall away; he knew it was going to take more
than just a few words, but Jimin felt good that he was able to provide a different perspective on
things. A pleasant silence, one that illustrated their comfort perfectly, blanked over the alpha and
omega, and Jimin was content that the flow of conversation was easy.

“Thanks.” Kai finally uttered, tapping his fingers against the bar top, rubbing his hands together
afterwards. Judging by the way Kai’s scent still carried a type of uncertainty, Jimin reached out
once more.

“Something on your mind?”

Kai stiffened and for a moment, the omega became quite worried about what the young alpha was
probably dying to say. Suddenly, he darted his eyes towards the older alpha not far of from where
they were, so Kai leaned forward in order to whisper at the omega. “Well, it’s just that, I’m not
sure if I have the right to say because I don’t know what all happened, but…”

Before he could finish, however, Kai jolted up in his seat, swallowing thickly. Kai didn’t appear
fearful or anything of the sort, he just seemed awfully secretive and it was clear that it had
something to do with Jeongguk. Jimin wasn’t going to pry too much, especially when he felt
Jeongguk’s scent suddenly grow stronger.

Sure enough, a few moments later, the alpha appeared at Jimin’s side, hands holding his camera.
“So, as I was taking pictures, I got this idea.” He began, before pausing. Jeongguk tilted his head
slightly as he glanced between Jimin and a transfixed alpha, raising a brow at the younger. “I
didn’t interrupt, did I?”

“Nope!” Kai answered a little too quickly, getting off his chair as he patted his front after doing so.
“What’s the idea, hyung?”

Jimin eyed Kai curiously but decided to help the young wolf and humor him. Idly, Jimin lifted his
hand in order to brush back his hair, but out of the blue, the alpha grabbed wrist, halting the
omega. More confused than anything else, Jimin’s eyes grew wide as the heat of the alpha’s touch
flushed across the length of his arm.

“A model. I had the thought running through my head and I figured that maybe some pictures with
someone in an actual bar setting would highlight he drink more.” Jeongguk seemed pleased with
the idea as he spoke, and Jimin awkwardly sat in place, his wrist in the alpha’s grasp as he talked
with his partner.

He wasn’t sure if Jeongguk was just touching him out of excitement or not, but before he could
even get a word out, the other alpha snapped his fingers as if being struck with the same kind of
epiphany. “How about with signature drinks?”

“That’s exactly what I was thinking, too. Jimin will help.”

At the mention of his name, the omega had to blink profusely, throwing the alpha a puzzled look,
and it was then that Jeongguk finally turned to face him. “Yeah, so, sorry for springing this on you,
but it would help us a lot.”

“Wait, wait. I mean, sure, I would love to help. But Jeongguk, I don’t really think I’m really
dressed or even ready for professional pictures.” Jimin was quick to share his thoughts on the issue
at hand, but as he spoke, Jeongguk stroked over Jimin’s hand with his own and it was enough to
make the omega sputter slightly.

“It’s fine, you’re prefect already. We don’t need some super model. I think it will look more
realistic this way; the way you are now.” As he spoke, he nodded towards Kai. “Can you go get
Jihoon? We can start getting ready for the next set.”

“Sure thing, hyung!” Kai was quick on his feet, leaving both Jimin and Jeongguk alone, much like

“Jeongguk.” Jimin began, but he stopped when the alpha’s fingers danced over his arm.

The alpha tossed Jimin a wolfish smile, before rolling at the omega’s sleeve. “Sorry, sometimes I
just get inspired by an idea without warning.”

There was no blaming the alpha for that sort of thing, he was seeing a vibrant side to the alpha, and
Jimin just didn’t have it in him to really put on damper on that. “Tomorrow night I’m going out to
take pictures for my portfolio; would you like to come?”

Jimin was certainly not expecting such an invitation, so he had to question the reason behind it, as
he and Jeongguk hadn’t done anything together outside of the group dinners. “That’s a little
sudden, why just invite me?” It’s not like he didn’t like the idea, he wanted to know more about
Jeongguk, since they hardly had much of a chance to interact.

“Just as a thanks for letting me do this without even consulting you.” As he grinned, the omega
noticed the way Jeongguk scrunched up his nose slightly, as if he was enjoying being a brat now.

“Not really a traditional way of giving thanks, but I accept.”

Jimin really made sure to bundle up as much as he could the evening after he had agreed to meet
up with Jeongguk at the park, almost regretting it as the harsh cold greet him mercilessly.

Winter had always been a favorite season for Jimin, enjoying the thought that snow was like
crystal tears shed onto the earth. Deadly, but very beautiful, depending on the day itself. Muttering
nothings under his breath, complaining here and there, but never really finding it in himself to hate
the frosty days.

Cold winds nipped at exposed flesh, and Jimin pleasantly shivered, thinking about going home
later and sinking into warm sheets and pillows. Just thinking about it had Jimin feeling giddy,
already eager for the night and wondering how it was all going to unfold upon meeting with the

Previously, on the night before, Jimin had been looped into a mini photoshoot by both alphas. It
wasn’t anything like you would think to see on the television; it all felt very casual and fun. Not
once did either Kai or Jeongguk make him feel uneasy, warming up to the idea of posing for some
pictures, even if the focus was not on his face, but on his hands.
Jeongguk had promised to show him some of the pictures in due time, so Jimin looked forward to
the work he ended up helping quite a bit with. Kai was a dream to work with and he had quite the
sense of humor, especially if it was at the expense of Jeongguk. Not longer after Jeongguk got
some shots he was content with, Jihoon rewarded all the hard work with free drinks. What was
supposed to be a day with Jihoon, turned out to be a lot better than Jimin had anticipated.

Now he was on his way to meet up with Jeongguk, and who would have thought he would end up
heading towards a park in the middle of the night and when it was snowing quite a bit. Jimin
wasn’t the kind to really detour, anyway, even his body was protesting quite heavily.

An involuntary shudder from the omega had him hissing as he took a seat on an icy, cold bench,
licking his drying lips as he pushed his scarf higher to his face. Jeongguk had messaged him earlier
that they would meet at that occasion, but it seems that the omega had to wait for a bit longer as he
took in the passerby.

He wasn’t the only one braving the cold, spotting several people making their way across the
beautifully lit park, Seoul providing a lot light for them all. From where he was sitting, Jimin
welcomed the gentle snowfall, taking in the way some festive lights were already strung along the
park. They didn’t celebrate Christmas, really, but that didn’t mean people didn’t sometimes
decorate locations with beautiful, colorful lights.

The spirit of celebration was always present.

Jimin breathed in slowly, inviting the crisp, cold air as it hit his lungs, before exhaling evenly,
watching the mist of his breath disappear into the chilly air.

Suddenly, he perked up at the sound of several clicks of a camera, snapping his head towards the
direction of the sound. Had there been some indication that Jeongguk had been close by, Jimin
certainly didn’t pick up on it; the cold was even affecting his ability to catch on a scent. So, he was
in a momentary stupor when the alpha graced him with a smile that harbored a shadow of mischief.

Registering the camera resting in his hands, it only began to dawn on the omega that the playful
alpha had captured him on camera; unaware and unprepared. Jimin bristled, more out of slight
indignation but not at all upset about it.

“Aish, you should have told me you were going to take my picture, Jeongguk!” The omega pouted
slightly, put off in thinking about how out of place he looked; red faced and trying to shield himself
from the cold.

“The best moments are the natural ones. You were doing me a favor.” Jeongguk spoke up rather
confidently, brown eyes seeming to grasp mirth at Jimin’s expense. Frazzled, the omega was
silently glad the cold could be used as an excuse to cover the heat rising to his cheeks, already pink
from the frosty air.

Clicking his tongue, Jimin crossed his arms as Jeongguk took a seat beside him, seeming
unperturbed by what had just transpired between them. “I got something for you. Just so you’re not
looking from the sidelines.”

At this, Jimin turned and only then, did he notice that Jeongguk was carrying a bag. Shifting away
to grant the alpha more room, Jeongguk used the space provided to probably set the bag down and
open it. “It’s another camera, for you to use. I didn’t want you to just walk around following me.”

Jimin would be lying if he didn’t feel warm about the sentiment, watching silently as Jeongguk set
the camera up, pressing a few buttons and playing around with the settings. It’s not like Jimin
didn’t know how to work a camera, but it was necessarily a simplistic one, so he didn’t openly

“I think that should do it; all you have to do is click away; just be sure to place this around your
neck.” It wasn’t long before Jimin welcomed the camera in his hands, ducking his head slightly as
Jeongguk went ahead and looped the camera strap around his neck.

“Do you really trust me with this?” Jimin raised a brow at the alpha after standing up in order feel
the camera for himself and how it felt to have it secured around his neck and in his hands.

“No, but I know I can get double for it if you break it.”

The joke prompted Jimin to jab at the alpha’s shin with his foot.

When he had first met Jeongguk, he was the exact image of his father; rigid, quiet, coldly
collected; still, Jimin was entranced. He was an enigma, the alpha, quiet and polite when spoken to.
Family dinners were an often occurrence back in Busan, after Jimin had relented the continuous
fight with his parents about his relationship status and how he wouldn’t be marrying anytime soon.

The omega didn’t expect to be enticed so quickly, his wolf falling first before Jimin could even
have time to consider anything. He had been so foolish and hopeful back then, blinded but what he
wanted instead of what he needed.

In the end, he had experienced a magnitude of indifference that instilled in the omega insecurities
he never wanted to revisit again nor harbor within himself. What Jimin had felt at the time, he still
struggled to understand, always turning it over in his head, seeking answers or for some logic
behind everything.

But that’s just the thing; feelings and logic were often like oil and water. If there was one thing that
a person rarely had control over, were issues of the heart, time and time again, Jimin had attempted
to push away all that he felt for the alpha, but it always proved to be impossible. Even if, in the end,
he decided to go with what he knew was the best decision for him, he still left with a heavy storm
in his heart. Everyone thought and felt differently, and even if at times, one wished to feel anger
and resentment towards another living being, it just didn’t prove to be possible.

Jeongguk hurt him, tremendously so, but if Jimin had held on to something akin to hate, he knew
he would have eventually destroyed himself in the process of trying to feel something he simply
could not. What he felt back then was like what he was currently feeling, however, he was doing so
with a clearer mind, with a lighter conscious, and without remorse as to why he still felt what he

Maybe there had been a connection from the start; the idea wasn’t an impossible one. It was a
common thing for wolves to feel a bond way before any logical thought could take place.
However, a bond didn’t always mean a beautiful and intimate outcome, especially when the person
was not yet conscious of the existence of it.

They were people, but people with primitive nature in their blood. Descendants of those that
walked and belonged to a preliterate, nonindustrial society; packs. Millions of years ago, the
existence of shifting even occurred; despite the evolutions of their kind, they still maintained that
same mentality. They presented, they mated, they imprinted and bonded; maybe the act didn’t
appear to be as animalistic as before, but it was still there.

Rooted to the core of their being.

None of them could escape the reality of their origin, no matter how much they tried to appear

Jimin didn’t want to brush everything away as some sort of unnatural attraction, because the idea
wasn’t an impossible one. He fought with every ounce of willpower against his wolf the moment
he made the difficult choice to leave, and even when he stepped out of Jeongguk’s life and their
marriage years ago, he could feel the tug of the alpha even then.

Perhaps as people, they parted, but their bond as wolves had never been severed.

And the idea of that possibility left Jimin feeling slightly restless.

There was a warmth but uncertainty that Jeongguk carried with him, greatly differing from the
cold, proud alpha he had known years ago. Beautiful pools of brown were always filled with
remnants of grief and remorse, shadows of doubts and self-loathing. Jeongguk was suffering in
silence and Jimin was painstakingly aware of it.

But despite the aching darkness that hovered over the alpha like a blanket, Jimin was not blind to
the change or the shift. He couldn’t act like he didn’t see the way Jeongguk was so near, but so far;
barring himself but evidently wishing to act on his feelings, whatever they were. Jimin wasn’t sure
if this was some sort of self-punishment, watching quietly as Jeongguk would point and talk about
the pictures, close but never touching.

Perhaps the alpha was just being respectful of Jimin’s personal space, but even so, there was
always a hesitance that mingled between them; more so from Jeongguk than Jimin himself. It’s not
as if the alpha wasn’t being open and conversing with him; compared to when they were married,
it was something that Jimin was enjoying immensely, being granted a look at who Jeongguk was.

However, he wished Jeongguk would do so without thinking twice about how to act around the
omega. Ignoring the difficulty wasn’t something Jimin was going to do, he couldn’t begin to
imagine the struggles that Jeongguk had to deal with every day and what held him back.

Jimin himself didn’t know what it all entitled, it’s not like he was shooting for anything, but he
wasn’t blocking possibilities, either. If there was something beneath the ashes of their former
relationship, then Jimin wasn’t going to try to snuffle it out, so why was Jeongguk going out of his
way of doing so?

It’s clear that the alpha didn’t hold any ill-will towards Jimin; did Jeongguk’s pains cut far deeper
than what the omega initially expected?

He didn’t allow such thoughts overwhelm him or to distract him from the time currently being
spent with the alpha, but still, they remained. The worst thing Jimin and Jeongguk could possibly
do, is act like nothing was there, as if there was no need to discuss anything. Eventually, both alpha
and omega would have to retouch the painful subject that led to their separation years ago. Jimin
had written it off as a closed chapter in his life, but the omega realized that it wasn’t something that
could be done so easily.

However, he was also aware that trying to pry and get the alpha to open would be unfair and selfish
on Jimin’s part; he’d rather they be honest with each other on a mutual footing, both ready to speak
up and face the issue.


For now, Jimin indulged in the presence of the other, counting the way Jeongguk’s nose wrinkled
up every time he smiled over something he thought was embarrassingly cute. The way large hands
delicately brushed over his own when he was aiding Jimin with some of the camera work. There
was no running from the feeling of endearment when the alpha carefully fixed his beanie so that
the tips of his ears were protected from the cold.

Jimin could tell these were unconscious actions from the alpha, since he did so wordlessly, not
seeming to catch to what he was even doing to begin with.

“This is perfect.” Jeongguk whispered, trapping the tip of his tongue between his teeth as he
breathed in.

Jimin couldn’t help but hold his breath as the alpha focused the lens of his camera, taking in the
scene before them. Lights collided with each other so wonderfully, bursting with life as they
drenched parts of Seoul with visions of pleasure. It really was breathtaking, and Jimin had never
really taken it upon himself to stop and gaze on in wonder of what the city provided on such nights.

Sure, the cold was a bit unbearable, but Jimin was given a chance to look through the eyes of
Jeongguk, and what the alpha saw was splendid; to think that such an innocence was almost lost,
the omega couldn’t possibly imagine such a thing.

He waited for the sound of the camera, and after several seconds of waiting for something that
never came, the omega turned to give the alpha a curious stare. “Is something wrong?”

Jeongguk said nothing at first, his eyes reflecting the lights and people that gathered on such a
cold, yet beautiful evening. “You see so many things worth capturing on camera, but there are
times where that alone isn’t enough. Sometimes you just need to live in the moment.”

Jimin parted his lips, wanting to comment on such a beautiful perspective, but at that moment, he
felt like he didn’t need to.

Not many words were exchanged between both alpha and omega throughout their walk, often
exchanging knowing looks, but letting a comfortable silence guide them through the night. For
Jimin, it felt more intimate, wordlessly speaking in volumes, their wolves carefree in every form of
the word.

Jimin slipped his arm around the alpha’s, ignoring the way the other stiffened at the action. The
omega nestled closer to Jeongguk, humming faintly as eyes took in the sea of colors, noting that the
alpha was right about what he had said. Not every picture or video captured the beauty of every
scene; didn’t do any of them justice.

Everything was still unclear, and Jimin wasn’t sure if what he was doing was even a good thing,
but it certainly felt right. But something was there, something buried deep that still needed to be
explored, touched, discovered, and he was sure that Jeongguk felt something similar.

And just as Jimin was about to press himself closer to Jeongguk’s side, something sour and
unpleasant filled his nose, making both alpha and omega tense up at the sudden intrusion. It was
unlike anything Jimin had ever felt; pure, shuddering malice, threatening his sense of security. The
alpha seemed undoubtfully shaken, and Jimin was confused as to why Jeongguk wasn’t acting on
the threat that clearly emitted from somewhere.

The discharge of distress coming from the alpha, placed Jimin’s omega on high alert, a hiss at the
ready as something deep in his bones vibrated with something that screamed for him to run.

“Go.” Jeongguk suddenly spoke softly, tone caked with a seriousness that made Jimin tremble.
“Jeongguk, where is it coming from?” However, as the words left his mouth, that’s when he saw
shadows paint across their forms, bleeding within his vision and giving Jimin little time to react to
what was currently happening.

“Jimin, go, I’ll catch up.” Something in the alpha’s voice sounded tired, as if it wasn’t the first
time, he had experienced a similar situation.

But Jimin couldn’t, not when his eyes fell over three other alphas, their scents packed with
pheromones that were meant to challenge the alpha Jimin was currently hanging on to, but
Jeongguk made no movement to take the bait.

In that instant, something sweeter breached the thickness of the air, sending an ungratifying chill
down the entirety of Jimin’s back. It was one that the omega couldn’t bring himself to forget, as
much as he wanted to. Three alphas had their eyes on Jeongguk, and one of them was sneering with
unmatched hostility, but that did nothing to pinch at Jimin’s attention when the source of the scent
soon came walking out from behind the other alphas.

“I simply cannot believe I would see you again, Jimin.” Soo-Min’s voice was surgery but clearly
uninviting. “There’s no mistaking the stench.”

There were many things that could change in the span of three years, but Soo-Min was certainly
not one of them; even if her physicality differed from when Jimin last exchanged words with her,
the omega could still make out the same, frosty exterior that brightened up the depths of black in
her eyes.

Her was far shorter, auburn locks kissing her shoulders, heavily coated in an expensive fur. Red
lips were stretched out into a vile smile, but even from where he was standing, Jimin noticed the
way her eyes wavered at the sight of both Jimin and Jeongguk, as if it was the least thing she
expected to see.

“Back in town? Word on the street was that you had gone away on business?” Soo-Min’s attempt
at conversation had Jimin feeling sick to his stomach, and he could sense the discomfort coming
from Jeongguk’s form. How she possibly knew of Jimin’s departure, was beyond him, but he
figured Soo-Min was the kind of omega that often required what she wanted.

“Yes, but I’m back to stay.” Jimin murmured in a clipped tone, eyes shifting warily back at the
alpha that seemed to only have eyes for Jeongguk. Soo-Min seemed to witness the ordeal, because
she added with a bit of amusement clinging to her words.

“How rude, forgive me dear. This is my husband, Choi Shiwoo, he’s an executive at the company
your husband worked for.” There was a startled pause that left Jimin’s throat feeling dry, but Soo-
Min pipped up as if she had forgotten something, “Sorry, ex-husband.”

The alpha snorted in amusement, and Jimin could tell that the man appeared to be twice the age as
the female omega herself, the other two alphas seeming to be the couple’s company. Everything
screamed unpleasantness and bad intentions, so Jimin gently tugged at Jeongguk’s arm.

“It’s rude to not introduce yourself.” The alpha’s gruff response had Jimin freezing in place, finally
feeling the older male’s hardened gaze on him, but in that moment, Jeongguk let out a penetrating
growl that only served to turn the atmosphere even colder.

“Leave him out of this.”

“He’s as much part of this as you are, you piece of shit.” The words cut deep, and Jimin found
himself getting pushed back behind Jeongguk’s broad form. Before, it seemed that the young alpha
had resigned himself to dealing with the unfortunate situation at hand, but now that Jimin seemed
amid it all, he knew the alpha was on a protective guard.

“What are you here for? You here to start something with me? We settled this long ago, I even let
you get a couple of nicks in with your buddies here.” Jeongguk nodded gravely at the others and
Jimin didn’t even want to think about the meaning behind such a thing. Clinging to the back of his
coat, Jimin refused to tear himself away from Jeongguk’s side, taking in as the other alpha stepped

“You slept with my wife, there’s nothing that will settle any of this. Every time I get a look at your
face, I’m remind of how you manipulated her.” Even from where he was standing, Jimin could
make out the foul smell of the alpha, making him grimace.

“Jeongguk, let’s just go.” Jimin dug his fingers into Jeongguk’s back, releasing his own
pheromones that he hoped would pull the alpha away from the atrocious setting they were in, the
wonderful fantasy from before suddenly shattered with the realization of Jeongguk’s past suddenly
making itself known.

“I didn’t do anything she didn’t want to do.” Jeongguk’s words were even, but they were enough to
make the other alpha’s face flare up with rage, going purple in the face as Soo-Min let out a shrill

“He’s lying! He took advantage of me; he knew that you and I were going through a rough patch in
our marriage and enticed me. He forced me!”

Something in Jimin’s stomach suddenly plummeted, before it came back full force, hot and angry;
something white and scorching that left the omega stunned with outrage. He knew what Soo-Min
went through, he knew what Jeongguk did was not justified in any way and that he did use the
omega for pleasure and escapades; but the female omega was just as much to blame as Jeongguk.

Seeing her throw unbelievable words at Jeongguk’s direction in order to placate her husband and
redirect the blame on the alpha, was enough to make Jimin seethe at the audacity.

“You’re disgusting, Soo-Min.” Jimin felt himself say, the female omega throwing him a dirty look.
“I can understand being scorned by a lover but going as far as to accuse someone of forcing you
into something is the epitome of horror.”

“Of course, he defends the alpha.” Soo-Min quivered.

“Stay out of this, Omega.” Shiwoo stiffly let Jimin off with a warning, but Jimin was too angry to
feel threatened by it, because he didn’t think anyone so ignorant existed.

Jeongguk was quick to shoot out, “His name is Jimin. And like I said, your issue is with me, not

“What did you tell him, you self-righteous, little bastard? Do you think after all this time you
would be able to redeem yourself in some way? Not even Seokjin can cover for all of this, you
really gave him trouble at work.” The alpha eyed Jeongguk as he spoke, a sneer cutting across ugly
features. “Protecting the cheater.”

Tension formed on Jeongguk’s back at the words, but it wasn’t because of the insult, Jimin knew;
it was because of Seokjin.

“Did you think no one would find out about what you did? Forcing my wife to take part in your
repulsive habits? Taking advantage of her weakened state? Do you think someone like you has a
right to anything? Do you actually believe you’re deserving of second chances?”

Shiwoo then waved at Jimin, “Now you drag this omega in your revolting pits? Everywhere he
goes, people will know of what kind of alpha he associates himself with.” Harsh words spilled
from the alpha’s vile lips.

Jeongguk said nothing, which prompted Shiwoo to continue, only this time, his eyes landed on
Jimin, “Tell me, you little whore, how many times did he take you to bed for you to take him

The first thing that Jimin heard, was the shattering of a camera as it crashed against the asphalt,
splinters of it shooting everywhere as it skated across the road after being flung away. He felt
Jeongguk’s body lurch forward and Soo-Min let out a shriek of surprise.

But Jimin was quicker, and as the group of alphas jumped back, the omega grasped Jeongguk
around the waist with his arms, using all his strength to force the alpha back from his sudden need
to attack. He sensed it, he sensed all Jeongguk’s rage and pain slipping through the cracks of a
crumbling wall. Jimin could feel the way Jeongguk’s body quivered with disbelief at the sudden
attack that Jimin had been forced to endure.

Words that were meant to hurt him, but Jimin felt nothing; he didn’t allow such a thing affect him,
especially coming from a group that only sought to hurt and humiliate them. But Jeongguk wasn’t
like him, Jeongguk was always hurting, always on the verge of falling apart and all Jimin could do
was hold him back; to call his name over the heart-wrenching snarls that fell from the alpha’s

“An animal, as I’ve always known. Let’s go.” Shiwoo’s were pure acid, but Jimin refused to loosen
his grip, muscles screaming against the strain of Jeongguk’s movements, the alpha continuing to
try and reach the other wolf, but Jimin dug his heels hard into the sidewalk, planting his feet firm
as he buried his face in the alpha’s back.

“Jeongguk, don’t! Let it go, just let it go!”

He wasn’t sure for how long he held onto Jeongguk, how many pheromones he had to release in
order to calm the alpha that was close to succumbing to his rage. But it wasn’t long before
Jeongguk was breaking free, Jimin weakened by trying to detain the alpha. At first, Jimin
panicked, thinking that Jeongguk would race off to sedate his need to harm the other alpha, but
instead, Jeongguk heaved angrily, pulling himself completely away from Jimin.

“I told you to leave! What the hell were you thinking? And you even went as far as to try and stop
me, Jimin, I could have hurt you!” Jeongguk was already rearing his angry head, and Jimin was
glad the streets were nearly empty, unsure of the attention the furious alpha would gain.

Still, Jimin was anything but intimidated or scared as he glared at the alpha before him. “And what
would that have accomplished, Jeongguk? Absolutely nothing! They wanted to bait you; they
wanted a fight!”

“He insulted you!”

“I don’t care!” Jimin’s voice rose, but it trembled, not because he was afraid of Jeongguk, because
he could see in the alpha’s eyes that he was far from okay; this wasn’t supposed to happen, why
did this have to happen?
Exasperated, Jeongguk reached to clench the ends of his hair in frustration. “I just don’t get it!”

“Jeongguk, people like that never change; and Soo-Min, her accusations are unforgiveable and just
so awful. They’re horrible people.” Jimin quickly conveyed, urging his words to try and soothe the

“Not them, Jimin, you!”

That was something he had not expected at all and it was enough to make Jimin halt, freezing in
place as he choked out in confusion, “Me?”

“I just don’t get it, Jimin! Why are you here for? I just…” Now Jeongguk wasn’t making any
sense, so the omega called out without hesitance.

“You invited me out, Jeongguk.”

At this, the alpha let out a humorless laugh, shaking his head. “No, Jimin, why did you even bother
coming? Why don’t you hate me? You should hate me! I hurt you, I treated you like absolute
garbage! And now because of me people think the worst of you!”

“Jeongguk…” Jimin felt like he was hit by a truck, watching as the alpha threw his hands over his
face, feeling the distress getting stronger and fiercer and his omega began to panic as a result. He
couldn’t tear his eyes away from the way Jeongguk’s mouth trembled, before he heaved out a sob
that was coated with so much frustration and distraught, that it had Jimin quickly making his way
over to him.

However, as his hands touched Jeongguk’s front, the alpha was quick to push himself away, eyes
already red from the salted tears, “Don’t.”

“Please, let’s just go talk.”

“No, Jimin! Leave me alone! Just go!” His words pierced through Jimin like an icy knife, the alpha
raising his voice several octaves so that his wolf froze up at the alpha’s furious demands, unable to
go against the nature in his blood; afraid to defy the alpha that was now storming off.

But not before Jeongguk kicked the remnants of his camera as he crossed the street in a hurry,
sending his love and passions crashing against the cold, hard surface of a curb and destroying it

When Jimin returned home, he was a bit shaken. He could still hear Jeongguk’s words echoing in
his ears, unable to shake away the deep, broken look that the alpha surprised him with. Even
thinking about it now, Jimin could feel his heart stumbling around in his chest as he thought back
on what all took place.

The sadness that Jeongguk emitted, the way pheromones slowly began to rise; however, before a
proper trigger could be given, the alpha had halted all of it with mere words, but those that had
deeper meaning. There was no fighting the disappointment that surged within the omega, but at the
same time, he understood why Jeongguk did it.

Leave me alone!
Would they have been lost completely had things gotten out of control? Jimin’s legs were still
shaking slightly as he made his way to the kitchen, breathing deeply as he licked his lips. Water.
He needed water.

There was so much pain, but was there any release from it?

If they would have given in to their wolves, Jimin was sure they would both be filled with
complete regret and everything they had built over the span of several weeks, would have been
shattered to pieces. Jimin didn’t want to risk a friendship over something that occurred due to an
ugly altercation with Soo-Min, her lies, and her husband’s blatant hatred.

They would be taking several steps back instead of forward.

Jimin was getting a headache with thoughts on everything that transpired between himself and
Jeongguk since that moment in the park, beneath the shadow of snow. The omega was still shaken
by the alpha’s cries, his piercing questions, and the way large, tormented eyes lingered over his

He looked so lost and broken. Confused.

Jimin couldn’t even begin to imagine what all coursed within Jeongguk’s mind, how often did he
beat himself up and how much did he convince himself to be true? That he was a monster? Selfish?

How long did Jeongguk suffer over the years?

Jimin struggled to get the water down after filling up a glass, unable to keep his throat from
clenching painfully as he continued to picture Jeongguk’s quivering form. He was such a strong
alpha, and back at the park, Jimin got a taste of what it felt like to be in the presence of such a
dominating form. His wolf reveled in it, but he couldn’t ignore the alpha’s current pains.

It made Jimin ache, and it made his wolf ache.

Fingers tapped gently against the glass, Jimin about to allow himself to fall deeper into his
muddled thoughts, until he heard a door open and someone making his way down the hall. Jimin
stilled and waited, eyes glancing upwards as Namjoon came into view.

He didn’t look tired in any way, so Jimin could only assume that the alpha had not already been

“Still awake? I just got back from hanging out with Jeongguk; he had to head off a little early.”
Jimin lied, struggling while doing so but hoping the elder alpha wouldn’t notice his discomfort as
Namjoon shuffled into the kitchen.

It’s not like he didn’t trust Namjoon, but he wasn’t sure what to do now and he was sure Jeongguk
wouldn’t appreciate a sudden invasion of privacy from worried friends because of the omega’s
current worries.

“Yeah, Seokjin sent me a message earlier, I’m glad you weren’t stranded somewhere you’re not
familiar with, there’s supposed to be a very bad snow storm coming in the next hour or so. I’m glad
you got home, safely.” As he spoke, he beamed, seeming a bit more relaxed than usual.

“Is Seokjin-hyung coming back tomorrow, or was his flight delayed again?” As Jimin asked,
Namjoon could be seen turning on the stove as he worked around the kitchen to get some tea
“He’s coming in early tomorrow, now that the weather has lightened up a bit. Crazy storm, eh?”
Namjoon sighed, rubbing one of his eyes before getting out some tea leaves.

Jimin watched the alpha, taking in the detail of the other’s form as he maneuvered the kitchen,
finally getting his cup ready and seeming more at ease. And as Jimin observed the other, he
couldn’t quite shake off a thought that suddenly came to mind.

Seokjin’s face was painted across Jimin’s thoughts, thinking back on a certain video call they had
so long ago. The omega’s expression was one of deep, penetrating sadness, one that Jimin often
found in Jeongguk whenever the two mingled together. The similarities were uncanny, and the
more that Jimin thought on it, the heavier his heart felt as he took in Namjoon’s calm features.

It was a real struggle, a question in the back of his mind always resurfacing but never getting a
chance to talk about it. At first, Jimin had the intention to ask Seokjin directly about it, but the
more he followed Namjoon with his gaze, the more Jimin assumed that the alpha could relate to
him more than anyone else.

The assumption was a terrible one, but if Jimin didn’t feel the way he felt, he wouldn’t constantly
be thinking about it.

Perhaps now was his chance.

“Um, hyung.” Jimin spoke up evenly as Namjoon decided to take a seat at the table in order to
offer the omega some company. He felt tremendously guilty, especially if his assumptions turned
out to be wrong. Nonetheless, it was something that plagued Jimin’s mind and there was no better
way to be rid of them than to confront the truth.

“Hm?” Namjoon raised his brow, slowly sipping on the piping hot tea in his hands.

There was hesitation and now that Namjoon was giving Jimin his full attention, the omega wasn’t
sure if he should even go with such a thing. However, it would be unfair to continue to have
something eat at him the way it did, feeding into his suspicions without opting to talk it out.

Seokjin and Namjoon had always been honest and open with him, he knew they wouldn’t hold
anything against the omega if the topic proved to be too sensitive.

Jimin chewed on his lower lip, before breathing out heavily. “Hyung, for a long time now, I had
this rising suspicion about something concerning you and Seokjin-hyung. It’s not really my place to
ask, but given how I feel like I could relate, I thought I would ask. Feel free to let me know if it’s
something you don’t wish to talk about.” Jimin was quick to add.

However, something marked his suspicions as correct the second he noticed Namjoon’s face
crumble at the words. Instantly regretting bringing up such a thing, Jimin was about to apologize
for being so inconsiderate, before Namjoon nodded.

“I think I know what you’re talking about, and I think it was about time you caught on.” Namjoon
suddenly sounded tired, as if talking about such a thing still pained him.

“We don’t have to talk about it, hyung. This is a feeling I’ve had with me for a long time, but I
couldn’t bring myself to ignore it. I had the hope that maybe I would be able to gain a little more
insight on how you handled yourself. How I should handle me…” Jimin felt an inkling of shame
show its ugly head, feeling his heart lurch painfully in his chest as Namjoon regarded him with a
knowing look.

“Did something happen between you and Jeongguk, Jimin? Is that why you’re back earlier than

Ugh, there was no hiding from Namjoon; he was very observant and insightful about a lot of thing,
and right now, both Jimin’s and Namjoon’s pain mirrored each other. But, Jimin had a feeling that
maybe if he talked with Namjoon about his past, he would be able to know what proper action to

Because he wasn’t sure how much longer he would be able to keep up with watching Jeongguk
falling apart from the inside out.

However, now that he was away from the disaster that took place earlier, Jimin found himself
breathing a bit more evenly, the emotions he had been holding back from spilling over, finally
breaking through his exterior.

Quickly, Namjoon was standing up, rushing to grab a clean hand towel from the kitchen as Jimin
felt hot, angry tears falling over his cheeks. He didn’t think he would be reduced to tears so
quickly, glad that Jeongguk didn’t have to see him in such a way, for fear of making the alpha feel
utterly worse about everything.

“We ran into Soo-Min and her husband and they…they said horrible things and Jeongguk, he…”
Jimin let out a shuddering breath as Namjoon heaved through his nose, clearly not happy with that
little detail. Jimin watched the alpha’s jaw clench, seeming to think about several things a minute,
so the omega was quick to grasp his hand as if seeking for help.

“Please, hyung; I need to know. I need to know what I can do to help Jeongguk.”

The air around the penthouse was cold, colder than Namjoon has ever felt it. It was something he
was sadly getting used to, but he didn’t want to put too much thought into the situation; didn’t want
to bring up things that would lead to another fight.

Seokjin was always on edge, and even though his boyfriend was usually very vibrant and carefree,
nowadays, the omega treated him with angry indifference. It wasn’t his fault, Namjoon knew he
was to blame for the enormous gap between them; always too tired to talk, wanting to avoid a fight.

His omega always waited up for him, soothed his aches and pains, but for a good while now,
Namjoon only returned to a darkened place.

Seokjin already in bed; turned away from him.

Namjoon was frustrated, stressed; work was getting tougher, always demanding more of his time,
projects landing on his lap, attending meetings all over Seoul. Seokjin knew of the workload
Namjoon was in for now that he had been hired after struggling to find work after graduating from
the university.

But Seokjin was there, his boyfriend was always so supportive, reassuring the alpha that he was
doing wonders, that he would make it to the top; make a name for himself.

And then finally, Namjoon would feel like he was worthy of Seokjin.

That he wasn’t some deadbeat as he was often called by the omega’s family.
Seokjin begged. He would beg Namjoon countless times to not stress over their words, that he
didn’t care what his family thought of their relationship. So many times, did Seokjin cry, wanting
nothing more than to assure the alpha that the only person he had to prove himself to, was himself.

But Namjoon was stubborn. Call it love. Call it bliss or ignorance. Whatever it was.

So, he worked and worked; he would come home late, would miss dinner, would miss Seokjin. The
omega would voice his concerns, that Namjoon’s job was cutting into their time, their relationship.
That he was missed.

It hurt, it always did, but Namjoon felt that need to continue, to reach his goals so that Seokjin
didn’t have to be shamed or scorned for choosing him; for loving him. It was painful for them both,
but Namjoon knew it would be worth it; he knew Seokjin would understand some day why he did
what he did, even if he was told that he didn’t need it.

But as they both feared, the distance between them grew; Seokjin felt alone, ate alone, went to bed
alone. Namjoon pushed the worries aside because he knew they were simply the hurdles of their
current situation, that things would get better as soon as he was finished, as soon as he got to
where he needed to be.

Yet, his home felt colder and Seokjin was even farther from his reach. It made Namjoon rethink
several of his choices, made him wonder if his omega had been right all along, that the negligence
was harming them both.

Seokjin always told him but Namjoon never listened.

“I’m going out drinking with a friend.” Seokjin had called, so Namjoon wasn’t worried when he
had arrived at an empty home. Well, it’s not like it hadn’t felt empty before, even with the omega

However, when he woke up in the middle of the night, Seokjin had still not come home, and when
he called, the omega’s phone had been turned off. Namjoon had been incredibly restless, pacing
their room, sitting on the couch, watching some television.

So late, so very late.

Seokjin was never gone for so long.

Namjoon called again and again, and still nothing. He wanted to call Hoseok and Yoongi, but it
was so late.

He didn’t think his entire world would turn upside down the following morning, when he woke up
to the sound of the front door. His body ached from sleeping weirdly on the couch, but when he
took in the scent of his omega, something made his throat clench painfully.

Even before Seokjin even entered the living room, Namjoon could smell it on him; could smell the
alpha all over his boyfriend, reeking of him, claiming Seokjin.

“What…?” It was all Namjoon could manage, as he was met with Seokjin’s torn gaze. The tears in
his eyes had been evident, the guilt and the anger that made his orbs swim with unwavering

The omega sunk to the floor, but Namjoon couldn’t bring himself to catch him.
“I neglected my omega to the point where I drove him into the arms of another alpha.” Jimin could
hear the watery tone within his tortured tone. “He was there when I wasn’t. He provided what I
couldn’t. And in the end, he ended up taking what was given.”

“Oh my god…” Jimin covered his mouth, the tears continuing to run their course as he struggled to
say something, anything; but did he really need to? Even from where he was sitting, he could make
out Namjoon’s sadness, the way his eyes diminished in color as the recollected Seokjin’s affair and
how much it affected him. Affected them both.

“Seokjin was very drunk, it’s not like he had some ongoing relationship, but he did feel close to the
alpha. He probably felt secure, maybe needed someone there. It only happened once, but once is all
it took.” Namjoon continued to explain as Jimin’s shaky hands attempted to brush away his tears.

“I was to blame for our fallout, but Seokjin wouldn’t let me; he took the entire blame. Not once did
he allow me to feel like I was part of the cause. So many years since then and my husband has yet
to stop from letting it all eat at him.” The alpha sighed, reaching up to rub his eyes. “He left me
and kicked me out, said there was nothing left of us, that he ruined it all.”

“Hoseok and Yoongi weren’t forgiving and turned their backs on him, his family still disregarded
him despite our break-up, and I felt like a part of me had died.” Namjoon shook his head.

“I think my punishment is having to witness Seokjin carry on with his life harbored by the pain and
guilt of what he did. Had I not reached out to him; I don’t think Seokjin would have ever found his
way back to me.”

Jimin sniffed, patting his cheek slightly, “Why do you say that?”

“I think people like Seokjin and Jeongguk will always feel undeserving of a happiness they once
shattered; wouldn’t you think so?”

Jimin’s eyes widened at what Namjoon revealed, thinking back on all the hesitance, the shoving
and pushing, the insecurities; the lingering sadness that never faded. The self-torture, the self-
punishment; the need to kick himself continuously every time he tried to lift his head up.

Standing up in lightning speed, Jimin bumped into the table, making it shake enough to make
Namjoon’s hands scurry in order to grab his cup and hold it still. Confusion spilled across the
alpha’s face, chasing away the pain of his earlier confessions. “Jimin?”

“I have to go!” Jimin bolted towards the door, swiping up his coat in the process.

“What? No, Jimin! There’s a storm coming!” Namjoon yelped, but Jimin was already quickly
putting on his shows, feeling desperation clog up his logic. There was so much that had been left
unsaid, and Jimin had accepted the fact that he needed to talk to Jeongguk, that he needed to clear
up all that he could with Jeongguk.

Maybe he wouldn’t be able to get past him on the first try, but he needed to do something, he
needed to help the alpha from drowning.

He needed to save him.

“I’m sorry, hyung! I’m sorry!” Jimin gasped out a Namjoon’s stricken expression, rushing out and
slamming the door behind him, racing in order to get to an elevator. He wasn’t disregarding all that
Namjoon had told him, taking all the words that alpha struggled to share, but did so, nonetheless.
He knew he would have to revisit such a painful talk with Seokjin and Namjoon together, but right
now, he needed to get to Jeongguk before the alpha fully damaged himself; before he fell so deep
into the abyss, that he wouldn’t be able to resurface.

Jimin didn’t know where he and Jeongguk stood, didn’t know where it would all lead, whether to a
stable future or differing paths. All he knew, is that he needed to make sure Jeongguk was around
enough to see what all waited for him. Jimin needed to remind him that he mattered, that his
mistakes shouldn’t condemn his future, especially if he truly showed remorse.

He could hear the voices of every person that probably tore him down, of the people that reminded
him of how he messed up, of how screwed up he was. What all did he have to deal with in the
course of three years? What all did he hide from his friends?

But where should he go? Was Jeongguk home? Did he set off to the studio to let off steam? Jimin
had to decide; and standing outside of the apartment complex wasn’t helping. Since his return from
where Jeongguk had left him, the winds had grown harsher, and heavy snow was falling, blowing
in Jimin’s face.

However, that didn’t stop him, waving for a cab and hoping one of them would at least aid him
before the storm really hit.

Jimin only had one shot, so he made up his mind as soon as he was able to attract a cab and get the
door open. Breathless and shivering extremely, the omega shuddered slightly before making eye
contact with the driver. “I need to beat the storm; I need you to take me somewhere as fast as

Jimin hoped he wasn’t too late.

Chapter End Notes

Sooooo, almost at the finish line! I have a bit of surprise at the end of chapter 9 when
it get it posted so look forward to that! Ahhh, I'm so excited for all that's about to
come, so you know what, I can't even bring myself to feel bad over negative
comments! I have a lot to say, but I will wait until the story is finished in order to
voice out my thoughts. ^^
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It’s not like he didn’t deserve it.

Jeongguk deserved every ounce of scorn, of hate, of belittlement; it was all a result of his mistakes,
of his sins. He counted every soul he had used, every person he had stepped on to reach the top.
All for what? To please his old man and honor his family’s name? How could he possibly think all
of that was something to be proud of?

The shadow of his mistakes was always going to follow him, there was no escaping it. What an
idiot he was, to believe that he could seek refuge in the possibility of a nice life with good friends.
Was he even being fair to all the others who probably didn’t have a chance at the same thing;
whom all did he ruin and not even know about it?

Demons of every kind tarnished Jeongguk completely, making his mind swim with incoherence as
he tried to keep a stable footing; any minute now, he would slip further into his madness, and
maybe, just maybe, he won’t resurface ever again.

Jimin came to mind several times, his presence lingering as the alpha tried to brandish it all away,
wanting to pull away from it all and succumb into himself. Jeongguk couldn’t revisit what had
happened earlier, not without being met with humiliation and regret that was near unbearable to
swallow. The omega was attacked, and it was all because of him, Jeongguk was so stupid to have
placed Jimin in such a situation.

Hope had blinded him, so his wolf jubilant and happy at the fact that the omega had accepted his
invitation. For a good while, Jeongguk and his wolf lost themselves in their bliss, head too high in
the clouds to even consider the possibility of dreadful encounters. To think that Jimin had to
witness his failures and experience the consequence of them; Jeongguk couldn’t bring himself to
forgive such a thing.

The alpha wasn’t even aware of the time, still curled up in bed, his head pounding as ears picked
up on the raging winds that attacked the city of Seoul. Already the apartment was getting colder,
despite the heating system provided by the building. Storms such as the one Jeongguk was
currently witnessing, were rare and he found it a bit funny that the weather matched the one tearing
through his heart.

He hoped Jimin got home safely, at least.

There was no denying the wish to take his words back, knowing full well that the omega had only
wished to help him; but at the given time and circumstance, he really couldn’t bring himself to even
look at the omega.

But it was better this way; Jimin was far better off without him. His wolf was tormented at the
thought, but Jeongguk willed himself to try and convince his subconscious that it was true.

With a shuddering sigh, Jeongguk closed his eyes, trying to chase some sleep, even if he knew
such a thing would be futile.

Promise jumped on to the bed, her quiet purrs infiltrating his muddled thoughts. Gently, Jeongguk
reached over with his hand, watching as she softly bumped the tips of his fingers with her nose,
before she finally brushed against his hand affectionately. It was enough to make the alpha smile
sadly, scratching Promise behind the ears.

“Sometimes I feel like you and I are just better off together and alone.”

Sharp, frantic knocks suddenly drifted through the apartment, making Jeongguk tense up in
surprise as Promise darted of the bed. The alpha stilled, wondering if he heard right, before the
knocks could be heard again in rapid succession. Odd. Jeongguk wasn’t expecting anyone and it
was already rather late.

Grunting, Jeongguk pulled himself out of bed, trying to find his way in the dark as he reached the
hall. It wasn’t until he reached the kitchen that he turned on the lights, hearing another wave of
knocks coming from the store. Gathering his bearings and trying to get a better focus of his
surroundings, the alpha finally did away with the locks of the door, swinging it open.

And almost immediately, he blanched.

Jimin was visibly trembling, face a dark pink from the bite of the cold, snow already melting from
his coat, soaking it. The omega appeared to have braved the storm, but eyes were flared up with
determination; nothing offering any sort of diversion as he heaved a sigh.

Jimin was a vision.

“I wasn’t sure where you would be, so I took my chances and came here.” Clearly, he appeared to
be out of breath, lips parting slightly as if waiting for something from the alpha. When the stunned
silence ensued, Jimin poke up once more in order to add, “May I come in? I said we needed to talk,
so we’re going to talk.”

If there was one thing that Jeongguk adored about Jimin, was his refusal to stand down, even
beneath the scorching gaze of an alpha, aware of his actions but not fearing the consequences of
certain lines being crossed. Perhaps it was a major struggle for Jimin, fighting against his instinct
to submit and comply to an alpha, especially to the ones who are feeling territorial and threatened;

Jeongguk was sure that Jimin had risked getting stranded outside in a storm in order to reach his
place, and the alpha couldn’t help but note the recklessness of such a thing. Unhappy and bothered
by the intrusion, the alpha had attempted to suppress the omega with disapproval, in hopes of
driving the other away.

Jimin needed to stay away, why couldn’t he see that Jeongguk was a lost cause?

But even when the alpha pressed his scent and pheromones harshly into the air about them, hoping
for a retreat, Jimin faltered, but stood his ground. Already, Jeongguk could feel the air of challenge
from the omega, and his wolf was overcome with a thundering need to put the omega in his place.

A hand gripped the door tightly, trying to force back the wolf that wanted to snap at the other, but
instead, bit his tongue.

“I told you to leave me alone.”

Jimin’s face hardened and it placed his alpha on high alert, his will heavily straining itself to leave
the omega be and back away. But still, the omega did not wane. “Fine, then I guess I’ll have to
find my way back in this storm.”

That was unfair and Jeongguk knew that the omega was playing extremely dirty.
Turning on his heels, Jimin seemed to force his way down the hall, before Jeongguk bellowed out
rather bitterly. “Alright, come on in; don’t do anything stupid.” The alpha couldn’t help it, he was
angry, and his wolf wasn’t keen on the omega’s defiance, but he had his hands tied. No matter how
much he wanted Jimin to walk away and leave him, there was no way he would purposely let
Jimin place himself in danger.

“Try losing that little clipped tone of yours, Jeongguk, I’m not here for a fight.” The omega pointed
out, making Jeongguk feel incredibly frustrated in being boldly called out; but that’s just who
Jimin was and Jeongguk loved it.

Yet, he didn’t miss the way Jimin began to visibly relax, the shuddering lessening upon stepping
into the apartment. Jeongguk wasn’t sure the kind of cold the omega had to endure just to see him,
making something in his stomach clench painfully. Most of his anger and discomfort immediately
trickled away to nothing, unable to stay mad when Jimin had braved a storm to see him.

“Sorry, I’m just a little overwhelmed right now.” Jeongguk admitted, watching as Jimin pulled off
his coat, the alpha stepping forward in order to help with the process. The pair hovered near the
doorway, the narrow hall giving them little room to work with, until Jimin pulled off his shoes.

“I think we’ve all been running on emotions, lately.” Jimin breathed, allowing the alpha to aid him.

Having Jimin in the apartment, had Jeongguk stumbling over the rush of nostalgia that suddenly
overtook home. It was like nothing he’s ever felt before and he became slightly unsettled in not
knowing what to make of the situation. Almost three years since Jimin had left what used to be a
home they shared together; the alpha couldn’t even begin to imagine what the omega was probably
thinking in that moment.

He did notice the way Jimin’s movements slowed once he was free of his outdoor ware, as if
finally realizing where he was and what it once had been.

Jeongguk didn’t change much of their old home; a lot of the stuff was still in the same place, with
some pieces of furniture replaced here and there. Not having the heart to really get rid of anything
that reminded him of Jimin, Jeongguk just left what he could and for as long as he was able.

There was no denying the way his heart jumped from within his chest, orbs following the omega
as he slowly crept deeper into the apartment. Never did he thing he would see Jimin within a home
they once shared, and a bubble of regret threatened to burst and chase away the inkling of joy he
had wanted to hold on to. Without meaning to, he could feel his scent change and turn bitter;
having Jimin back home was such a hard pill to swallow.

What he shared with Jimin in the apartment was anything but beautiful and good, wanting to laugh
at himself for wanting to feel happy when Jimin had nothing but tarnished memories of the place.

“No more of that.”

Startled out of his thoughts, he felt cool hands spill over his face, making Jeongguk blink profusely
as eyes focused on Jimin’s gentle orbs. The alpha hadn’t caught on to the fact that his mind had ran
off in order to cripple him with negative thoughts; not thinking that his scent would give him away
so easily.

Fingers drifted along the length of his neck, feeling the way the omega soothingly massaged
Jeongguk’s skin, thumbs caressing his throat; the gesture was electrifying, make the blood rush to
his ears at the action. Jimin was probably doing it to comfort him, but Jeongguk couldn’t help but
notice the opposite affect he was having because of it.
But Jeongguk was left with no room to say anything, as Jimin stepped closer to the alpha, his
breath fanning over Jeongguk’s collarbone due to the growing proximity. Holding his breath,
Jeongguk’s eyes widened as he felt himself freeze on the spot. The omega said nothing when he
ghosted his fingers towards the back of Jeongguk’s neck, pulling him slightly forward and bury his
face in the alpha’s neck.

Instantly, he felt his heart shoot through the roof at the action, the blood in his veins growing hot as
his heart began to pound relentlessly at the sensation of having Jimin’s warmth brushing over
already heated flesh.


“You need this.” His immediate reply was solid and full of purpose. Rooted to the spot, he could
feel the omega nose around closer to his scent gland, as if wishing to pinpoint it. Jeongguk couldn’t
find it himself to pull away, feeling the omega’s cold cheek settle against his scent gland, making
the alpha shiver quite a bit, and he wasn’t sure if it was because of Jimin or the way his skin
collided with Jeongguk’s own.

He knew that Jimin’s touch was still cold from being outside, but he knew that it wouldn’t be long
before the heat licked over the chill and fanned the flames.

But he realized why the omega was doing it, could smell the way his comforting scent hit
Jeongguk’s nostrils, making him breathe deeply. Jimin’s sweetness slowly swept away the
bitterness of the alpha’s own scent, pheromones growing thick, feeling his limbs grow pliant.

Jeongguk wasn’t going to lie and say he wasn’t shocked; scenting was such an intimate action
between wolves, usually reserved for mates. It was another form of claim, but at the same time, it
soothed away any distress a wolf could be having.

And Jeongguk felt himself melt; falling into the warm, comforting atmosphere that Jimin was
offering, brushing his cheek over his gland repeatedly, prompting Jeongguk’s wolf to rise to the

Closing his eyes, the alpha allowed the omega to pull him away from all his troubled thoughts, the
air around him feeling easy and without worries to jeopardize his current sanity. He had been right,
Jeongguk really did need such a thing, allowing his own head to fall against Jimin’s welcoming

Arms draped around the omega’s waist, wanting nothing more than to be guided away from his
current pains, relishing in an embrace that Jimin fully welcomed. He could feel the omega’s hand
stroking the back of his neck, fingers massaging circles into him.

There were going to be several questions afterwards, talks that needed to happen, but for now.

For now, he just wanted to be at ease for once in his damn life and allow himself to be carried by
something that was making him feel so safe. His hold only tightened, pressing Jimin harder against
him as the omega continued the gentle task.

Jeongguk could feel his scent start to fade, could make out the intensity of Jimin’s own scent as it
took over, leaving a calming affect that the alpha hadn’t felt in such a long time. No protest could
be heard on behalf of his bone-crushing embrace, so it meant that Jimin didn’t mind how tightly
Jeongguk was holding on to him.

“Don’t question it for now, just relax.” Jimin sounded a little breathless, but the alpha could still
feel the caress of Jimin’s soft cheek, could feeling the drum of the omega’s own heart.

Is this what bliss felt like?

Jeongguk pulled his head back slightly, enough to press his lips against Jimin’s soft hair. “You
don’t have to do this.” The whisper was faint, but loud enough to reach the omega’s ear.

For a moment, Jimin said nothing, as if contemplating his next move. Slowly, he shook his head
slightly, moving away from the alpha, though, he didn’t step out of Jeongguk’s hold. “Yes. Yes, I
do, Jeongguk.”

The alpha couldn’t bring himself to say a thing, Jimin dropping his hands in order to finally pry
away at Jeongguk’s arms. It was a lie to say that he wasn’t disappointed, that his wolf wanted
nothing more than to marvel and seek refuge in the omega’s touch, to soak in his gratifying scent.

“Let’s go sit down.” There was a tender tug to his hands, with Jimin offering up an easy-going
smile. There was no fear, no hesitation; there was no caution in the omega’s beautiful, chocolate
spheres. Jeongguk wanted to cry again, only this time, he was afraid to.

Wordlessly, the two of the sank down on the couch, hands still locked together.

Searching for something within the depths of his tired eyes, the omega parted is lips slowly, quiet
words flowing into the air between them. “Now that you’re a little calm, I figured we can talk for a
moment, maybe clear the air?”

Clear the air? What was there to clear?

“There’s really nothing to clear here, Jimin, this is all on me. What happed earlier, that was me,
what I did.” He hadn’t realized how tired his sound, how sore his throat and eyes felt after having
cried within the confines of his room.

Pursing his lips, Jimin breathed in deeply, and it was clear that thoughts were forming in his head,
delving through them all. “I always told myself that I would have to talk to you about everything
that needed to be talked if we ever crossed paths again. I’m not going to go back on that, especially
not now.”

“I appreciate the sentiment, Jimin, but this isn’t something that can be fixed with just a talk.”
Honesty dripped from each word, trying not to let the disappointment get the best of him, taking
back his hands in order to stroke over his knees. Jeongguk averted eyes, unsure of what he would
find in Jimin’s eyes; if the omega would be equally let down.

“Jeongguk I know that look in your eye. You’re so quick to lose yourself in your thoughts, to think
the worst. But that’s why I’m here, I’m here to tell you that you are not as horrible as you paint
yourself to be.”

“Can we not do this right now?” Jeongguk was on his feet in a matter of seconds, feeling himself
throw himself towards the edge like before. Because of Jimin, he wasn’t quick to douse himself in
negativity, but he knew that he needed to get a clear head before he lost it again, fell to his

He hated being so weak and vulnerable; he wanted to at least be able to look Jimin in the eye.

“If not now, then when?” The omega sighed, but Jeongguk refused to answer, didn’t even want to
look at him without feeling stressed all over again.
Before, he always told himself that he would have to revisit the subject at hand, but now that he
had a chance; now that Jimin was close, he couldn’t bring himself to go through with it. Jeongguk
wasn’t sure where the feeling even came from. It was just there.

Jimin didn’t want to put Jeongguk on the spot; he knew as much as the omega pinched at his chin,
deep in thought. He didn’t want to seem ungrateful; he knew that omega had his best interests right
now, but Jeongguk still struggled to wrap his mind around everything.

“Okay, new plan.” Jimin’s voice was soft, almost alluring as he stroked Jeongguk’s arms from
behind, before gliding hands up towards his shoulders. “How about we just eat something? Tackle
things as they come.”

Fingertips danced down towards his back, palming at him appealingly, and it had Jeongguk
shivering once more; he didn’t think Jimin knew how his touch alone was making the alpha’s
insides grow slightly chaotic. Warmth bloomed from his back when the omega suddenly hugged
him fully from behind and Jeongguk knew he had to place some sort of line between himself and
the omega before things got out of hand, and fast.

Swiftly stepping away and turning around, Jeongguk gripped the omega by his shoulders as he
struggled to even out his breath due to the closeness of the omega, his wonderful heat, and sweet
scent. “What you’re doing, Jimin, I can’t thank you enough for it, but…” Jeongguk swallowed as
Jimin regarded him with a curious look. “You’re making it really hard for me right now.”

He wasn’t sure what was more humiliating, admitting it out loud or the realization dawning on
Jimin’s face, making his cheeks blossom in a pink color.

“Oh, ah, sorry…”

Now that he got a taste of it, Jeongguk was sure his mind was going to start reeling and the craving
would set into its fullest degree. For years, his apartment had suffered in the absence of the omega,
but given the unexpected circumstance, he had almost forgotten what it felt like to have Jimin
home again, even if just for a while.

A gentle trill disrupted the awkwardness between them, and it was then that Jeongguk remembered
Promise, turning around to watch his precious cat fearlessly make her way towards Jimin.

Clearing his throat quickly, he alpha was extremely happy for the interruption. “This is Promise,
she’s been with me for some years now. Promise, say hi to Jimin.”

Jimin was already on the floor, his eyes bright and vibrant, utterly taken with the calico feline.
Promise loved the attention, seeking head scratches and gentle, loving hands to groom her. She
didn’t need to ask for long, as the omega was already scooping her up in his arms in mere seconds,
gushing happily. “Jeongguk, she’s absolutely beautiful, oh my god! I love cats!”

The sight was one that had his heart aching slightly, Jimin cooing with delight as Promise began to
release a chorus of purrs, welcoming the nuzzling face of the omega.

“She lives for the attention.”

Giggling slightly, Jimin held up Promise, a wide smile painting across full lips, “Then I guess you
and I are the same, Promise.”

For some reason, Jimin’s words seemed to have nailed something down inside of him, gazing at
the pair in silence as they bonded quickly. Attention was something he never gave Jimin, and to
have the omega openly admit such a thing, hurt. It hurt bad.
Still, he shouldn’t dampen the mood, so he tried to shake it all off, even for a moment.

“She must be hungry; I haven’t fed her yet. Let’s all eat.” Jeongguk suggested and he was met with
a genuine smile by the omega, seeming very pleased.

“That sounds like a great idea.”

“It seems like the storm is going to get worse; they said no one should be on the roads.” Jimin
furrowed his brows as he watched the news report while Jeongguk did his business in the kitchen.
“Sorry, Jeongguk, I may have to crash here until the storm passes.”

Jimin hadn’t intended to overstay his welcome; he really had wanted to talk to Jeongguk, but even
that had proved to be a little difficult. The alpha was still not so keen on talking about stuff yet, but
Jimin knew that they would have to reach that point eventually. There was no putting it off, no
matter how hard the alpha probably found it to be.

“That’s fine, I wasn’t going to let you leave, anyway, it’s horrible outside.” The alpha called from
the kitchen, “There have already been reports about outages, wouldn’t be long now before we lose
power, too.”

The howling winds were a testament of the raging snowstorm that had stuck Seoul. Just minutes
before, he had to call Namjoon in order to reassure the alpha that he was safe and away from the
storm, feeling bad for leaving a worried Namjoon behind. Still unhappy with Jimin’s brash
decision, the alpha finally wished Jimin luck before ending the call.

Ditching the television, Jimin hummed as he approached Promise, now perched on the counter,
watching Jeongguk with great intensity. “What do you feed her; she looks like she can’t wait.”
Jimin laughed softly as he opted to scratch the gentle feline’s ear. Again, Jimin’s heart turned into
a puddle of mush, adoring the cat and how adorable she was.

“Ah, I give her wet food in the evenings; check the lower cabinets, her stuff is usually there.”

Apparently, Promise didn’t care who fed her, if she got food, she was over the moon. When she
noticed that Jimin was making his way towards her food cubby, she began to mewl with
enthusiasm. Honestly, it made Jimin want to coo at her all night.

After pulling out a can of wet food, Jimin laughed in delight when Promise was already pawing at
the thing and urging Jimin to hurry up. He had always wanted a pet, but he was always on the
move and back then, he didn’t think Jeongguk cared to have an animal at the apartment. But,
seeing Promise and just how much Jeongguk appeared to love her, was enough to send Jimin’s
heart into a frenzy.

“What’s your story with her? What made you want a cat?” Jimin asked after Promise welcomed
her bowl of food, watching the calico cat eat with fervor.

The scent of ramen reached Jimin’s nose, reminding him of his own hunger.

“She had been hit by a car and was on the side of the road when I found her. I took her to the vet,
and they managed to save her; I took her home and fell in love instantly.” It was a touching and
Jimin couldn’t help but feel like his heart would burst at the seams, stroking Promise’s back as she
ate, purring contently.
“What of her eye, was she already like that when you found her?”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t stop my best girl.” Jeongguk glanced over his shoulder, smiling warmly,
before he returned to the pot, stirring the noodles as the water began to bubble.

Jimin bit his lower lip as he stared at the alpha’s back, wondering what all he could say and do
without making the alpha feeling any kind of discomfort. He didn’t forget the way Jeongguk
admitted that Jimin’s touch was making it hard for him, though, he didn’t specify in what way. At
first, he thought physical comfort would help the alpha, but he had been greeted with that reaction.

Jimin found it to be cute.

“Smells delicious, Chef.” The omega toyed, peering from around one of Jeongguk’s arms, clear as
day that he was only teasing.

“Just wait until I add the…” He whipped out a powder packet with dramatic effect. “Flavor.”

Laughing with Jeongguk felt so natural, as if the man he was before never existed; it made Jimin
feel extremely good. The omega wanted nothing more than to tap his nose as the alpha wrinkled it
in a way that Jimin was starting to love.

Small talk was a luxury they never had; never eating together, never getting to know each other
despite all the months they spent married and living under the same roof. So many things Jimin
had wished he had done differently, but none of it really mattered in the end. The outcome would
have been the same, regardless; neither of them had been ready for the marriage to begin with.

So, this was nice; it was nice to catch up and learn all that he could about Jeongguk. Jimin asked
about the studio; about Kai and his friends. He wanted to know where he and Taehyung stood as
friends, and nearly choked on his food when the alpha mentioned that they bonded over a punch to
the face.

It was almost saddening, how they both had a chance to make their relationship blossom, had the
circumstances been different. The attraction was present; thick and at the ready. Jimin couldn’t
deny the way their eyes would occasionally meet, how smiles often softened to something more
affectionate. The omega could sense it in the air, could feel it in the heat that came off the alpha in

There was no denying any of it.

But there was still so much stuff that needed to be touched; that needed to be said. As much as
Jimin wanted to delve deeper into such a new and unknown feeling, he knew that there was far
more to that. Stepping forward without speaking about what was necessary, almost proved to be

But how to get Jeongguk to talk openly to him?

“So, Taehyung went to you for help?” Jimin asked as he reached over with his chopsticks in order
to steal a piece of meat from Jeongguk’s plate, something they had tossed in the microwave to

The alpha didn’t mind.

Sometime after getting food ready, they had drifted towards the coffee table in the living room and
Jimin couldn’t help but be remined of all the times he would spend his time working there.
“Yeah, it was a pretty big mess. I wasn’t expecting that outcome between him and Jihoon; they
obviously had a thing for each other but.” Jeongguk then added with a shrug. “Imagine my shock
when he told me that he and Jihoon were together for his rut.”

“I would have been in the same boat. But I’m glad he had you to help him through that.” Jimin
glanced downwards when he felt Promise rise from his lap in order to spring herself up on the
couch, curling up.

“He really looked distraught; that’s the first time I ever seen Taehyung so besides himself with
regret. He really thought he had manipulated Jihoon somehow.” Jeongguk shook his head as he
took in some noodles from his bowl.

Taehyung, even though he smiled all the time and had the perfect duality; Jimin knew he was quite
the sensitive guy. There were many things that Taehyung treasured and quite a few people he
considered close friends; Jimin didn’t have to pretend like he didn’t know how the alpha could
have possible felt, because he already had pretty good idea.

“Well, I’m just glad it worked out in the end; they seem really happy. I wouldn’t mind going out
with just them one of these days.” Words didn’t click with Jimin as soon as he let them out, only
catching up late at how intimately it sounded. Cautiously, his eyes flickered towards the alpha, but
Jeongguk was so engrossed in his food, it appeared that he didn’t catch a second meaning to the

…going out with just them…

It almost sounded like Jimin had been insinuating a double date.

One hand rose upwards to gently rub one of his heated cheeks, trying to seem collected.

“You and Tae; were you guys really close when you dated?” Jeongguk’s question had Jimin’s
mind tumbling out of place, unsure if he was registering the words incorrectly and just hearing
wrong. But Jeongguk’s eyes were heavily on him, and Jimin realized that the alpha had been
sincere about his question.

“Well, yes, but that’s because we were best friends, first. We grew up together and everything just
naturally clicked together.” It was true, Jimin could always recall times with Taehyung and they
always left Jimin feeling nostalgic. Even though things didn’t work out in the end, he was happy to
say that Taehyung remained as a royal friend.

“But why do you ask?”

“I’m not sure, I just feel like he makes it so natural and easy; talk with you, that is.” It was clear
that Jeongguk was struggling with wording himself, scratching the side of his head as he continued.
“I’m not the easiest person to talk to, let’s just leave it at that.”

Jimin fought off a smile, happy to know that Jeongguk was at least aware of what needed to be
said; but Jimin wouldn’t gain from making the alpha nervous.

“All with due time.”

Suddenly, out of the blue, the lights flickered uncontrollably, before going out completely. Both
alpha and omega were seated on the floor, surprised at the impact of the storm.

It was pitch black, and Jimin noticed the way his eyes attempted to adjust to the dark. What rotten
luck, if the storm wasn’t an issue, he and Jeongguk would have been able to trek further into
conversation. Not only that, but Jimin was having a good time, his omega simply at ease in the
presence of the alpha.

Jeongguk was so funny, warm, and inviting. It was such a tragedy that the alpha was haunted
continuously, never fully happy, though, seemed like he was trying to be.

“I’ll go get a flashlight and some candles. I’m always prepared for this sort of thing.” Jeongguk
was already on his feet, but not before something banged against the table, making it shake as the
alpha hissed. “Shit, well, fuck me.”

“Are you okay?” Jimin reached over on instinct, brushing his fingers over what he hoped was
Jeongguk’s leg. He caught a hold of his knee, and the alpha didn’t pull away at the touch.

“Yeah, just hit my knew pretty bad, I’ll be okay, though.”

Jimin finally pulled away when he felt Jeongguk move away in order to seek out what was needed.
Footsteps could be heard, echoing across the apartment now that it stood dark and quiet. All that
could be heard, was the way the winds continued to harshly blow outside the windows. Curtains
were drawn, but Jimin could already picture the amount of snow that was falling.

As he waited, Jimin thought back on the details he took in earlier from the apartment. He had seen
the changes that took over the span of three years, and it almost felt weird being back in an
apartment he once called home. But, Jimin couldn’t ignore some of the things that stuck out to him,
making him wonder what all Jeongguk kept of his.

He noticed his old shelf of books, not even one out of place, but he could tell that Jeongguk kept it
tidy and clean, and it made the omega wonder if he even read some of them. Some of the furniture
differed, but all in all, the alpha didn’t make many changes.

His plant was gone, but Jeongguk had mentioned in passing that it had died after reaching its life
expectancy, and he felt something in his heart take wing at the thought that the alpha had taken
care of it. Little things, he just noticed small things, but couldn’t help but wonder if the alpha held
some stuff dear to him as Jimin once did.

Still did.

Pools of light hit the living room as Jeongguk shuffled back towards the omega, holding several
candles in his arms as he balanced a flashlight in one hand. “Found the candles, let’s place them
around and get some more light in here.”

Jimin was eager to help, taking some candles from the alpha.

One by one, each candle was carefully placed around the apartment, tiny flames providing some
light and basking the apartment in a gentle, orange glow. Something tingly shot up Jimin’s spine,
not wanting to look deep into the atmosphere that was being created, but he couldn’t quite shake
off the feeling.

However, Jimin did notice how colder it got, far more than when he first arrived at Jeongguk’s
apartment. It was probably the power going out, the central heating and cooling systems down
because of the storm. None of it was looking good and the omega was beginning to shiver slightly,
arms wrapping around himself.

“I think we should wrap up dinner, can’t do much with no power and it’s really late, anyway.”
With a mild huff, Jeongguk stood in front of the omega, eyes already trailing down Jimin’s form.
He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t feeling a bit self-conscious, his wolf keening at the intention and
hoping the alpha was somewhat pleased at the sight.

God, what was wrong with him?

“Do you want to change into something more comfortable? It’s only going to be colder from here, I
can dig something up for you, maybe something warmer.” As he spoke, Jeongguk was moving
away, giving Jimin a chance to breath, clearing his throat slightly.

“You don’t have to do that, Jeongguk. I’m fine with what I have on.” Jimin called out as he
followed the alpha, the hallway dark like the other half of the apartment. Jimin and Jeongguk did a
good job of decorating the living room area and kitchen, but they had yet to touch the rooms and
the bathroom.

“Nah, it’s fine, I’ll get you something.”

“Water is going to be limited, but I think we have enough for the toilet.” Jeongguk’s voice came
from somewhere, but Jimin had to feel around the walls of the hall in order to get around without
bumping into anything.

It was funny how he still had a good memory about the place, almost making his heart hurt a little
at how much he had come to realize that he missed his old home. It wasn’t perfect in the
beginning, but it was still a humble, little place. It had been his.

Suddenly reaching a doorframe, he moved to enter, but was quickly met with the alpha’s hard
chest, heat rippling off him and sending the omega for a loop. Jeongguk grunted in response,
quickly grabbing Jimin by the arms in order to steady him. “Sorry, I can’t see, my eyes are still
having trouble.”

“It’s okay.” Jeongguk’s voice was at his ear and the omega felt himself swallow at the way his
breath tickled the shell of it.

Just then, he returned to the room, and the omega followed.

He didn’t need lights to know which room they were in; it was Jimin’s old bedroom, and he was
surprised Jeongguk was still using it as some sort of guest room; had it been him, he would have
turned it into something more personal, like an office.

“Will I be taking my old room?” The omega hummed, feeling his way to the bed in order to sink
down in it. His old room; it really had been so long, too long. But he did find it odd that Jeongguk
kept his clothes there, unless he needed the space.

Something in the alpha’s scent changed, telling the omega that he was a little put off by the

“Ah…” Jeongguk’s voice was small, almost seeming like he was embarrassed. “No, there’s only
one room in the apartment. This is actually my room now.”


“I turned my own room into an office for my work. But’s okay, I’ll be taking the couch tonight.”
Jeongguk was quick to respond, finally seeming to make his way back towards the omega. Slowly,
his eyes adjusting, being able to make out Jeongguk’s silhouette as arms held out a pile of clothes.

“Why my old room?” He realized it was a stupid question, the answer obvious. Jeongguk probably
made arrangements that suited him better; maybe he needed more space so he took the smaller one;
there could be many reasons.

So why was Jeongguk taking forever to respond? It had gotten so quiet, that Jimin could even hear
the beating of his own heart as blood rushed to his ears, making his mouth run dry with
anticipation. He couldn’t even see the alpha’s expression, couldn’t see the emotion in his eyes,
whatever it was that was there, he just felt something.

“Because, Jimin, I wanted to feel closer to you, somehow.”

Jimin felt himself freeze up, his heart shooting through the roof as it was an answer he had not
been expecting, though, faintly hoped for.


“I felt bad for the longest time, because of what I did to you. I still feel like I’m at my worst. But
even now, just like then, I wanted you back. I wanted you here.” Jeongguk’s tone had dropped into
a gentle rumble, something so soothing that Jimin felt his omega want to meet the alpha halfway.

“But I knew I didn’t deserve anything of yours and I tore myself up even more; but in the end, I
realized that I can still want things, that I shouldn’t deny thoughts and feelings because I feel like
I’m unworthy. Does that make sense, does any of this make any sense?”

This was it, what Jimin had been hoping for all night, but now that he was there with the alpha, he
wasn’t sure what direction to proceed; it was almost too much; Jeongguk’s scent was so thick,
emotions running wild.

“Yes, it makes sense.” Jimin wasn’t agreeing because he wanted to offer a source of reassurance;
he wanted the alpha to feel like he wasn’t alone. That what he was saying did not make him weak
or turn him into something shameful. “Come, sit.”

He felt Jeongguk fall onto the bed, his scent still betraying his emotions as Jimin shifted closer to
the insecure alpha. “Jeongguk; you’re not the only person to blame here. Some of it is my fault,

“Don’t stay that; I cheated.”

“Yes, you did. And I am not going to make excuses for you, but the least I can do, is let you know
that you should not take the full blame. I expected too much of a relationship and thought things
would fix themselves. That wasn’t fair to you and it wasn’t fair to me.” Jimin tried to explain, but
Jeongguk growled in what appeared to be adamant disapproval.

“I should have treated you better.”

“And I should have ended things sooner.”

Jeongguk heaved a sigh. “You’re not going to let me have this one, are you?”

“I’m not saying these things to make you feel better, I’m telling you these things because they’re
true. I set myself up for the fall and tried to pin it all on you at some point; and honestly, many
don’t forgive this sort of thing, but Jeongguk, you’ve shown me countless of times that you’re not
who you’re used to be.” The omega allowed himself to lean against the alpha, breathing in gently.

“Jeongguk, I know somewhere in the future, I will be able to fully forgive you. Maybe not now, but
I know I will.” Jimin paused as a thought came to mind. “To be frank, Jeongguk, had you done this
to me while we had some kind of intimacy, then I don’t think I would be here with you.”
It’s one thing he was grateful for. Had Jeongguk been intimate with him, had created a foundation
based off affection, Jimin didn’t think he would have been able to recover from such a thing so
easily. The only thing that had tied the omega to the alpha in the past, was a marriage certificate.

When Jeongguk settled for silence, Jimin found his back, stroking him soothingly, tracing his spine
with gentle fingers. Beneath his fingertips, Jimin could feel the small shivers that flooded across
the alpha’s form, making Jimin wonder if he should continue or spare the alpha.

“What are you thinking about?” Jimin voiced out rather quietly after the silence became a little too
much for him to withstand. Jeongguk sniffed slightly, and for a quick second, the omega thought
he was crying, until he spoke.

“I’m just unsure and confused, Jimin. I’m happy you’re back, but at the same time, I’m always
questioning myself.”

Jimin continued to rub the alpha’s back. “That’s not always a bad thing; questioning yourself can
be a good thing, especially when you use it to reflect; just as long as you remind yourself that it
doesn’t always have to be bad.”

Jeongguk was still seemed to be in turmoil, judging by the way his scent continued to shift,
highlighting current emotions. Wanting to distract the alpha for a moment or two, Jimin hummed
as he dropped the tone of his voice even lower. “Do you want me to scent you, again?”

At this, there was an instant sputter from the alpha, feeling him sit up from the bed almost
comically. “N-No, that’s fine. Ah. I’ll go get extra blankets. You should get dressed.”

The omega had to pinch his lips together in order to keep from laughing, knowing that he still had
more to say, but he figured he would let Jeongguk think on what they had just shared. So, instead,
Jimin dove into a struggle that involved taking off his clothes and putting new ones on while still
suffering from the dark.

With not even the moon being able to pry itself away from dark, storm clouds, Jimin had to strain
his eyes even more in hopes of getting his clothes on right.

So, imagine his gratitude when Jeongguk returned, candles in his hands. Chasing away the dark,
the cables were placed on the dresser, providing a much-needed glow. “Figured this would help.
Shirt’s on backwards.”

“Yes, thanks for the informative conclusion.” Jimin snorted, reaching for the hem of the shirt
given to him; without much thought, he pulled it off him, skin gaining chilled bumps from the
impact of the cold air.

“Warn a guy!” Jeongguk gasped, whirling around after having witnessed Jimin’s little stunt.

Well, shit. He hadn’t really thought about Jeongguk’s, having carelessly just stripped in front of
the alpha, even if it was just a shirt. Any other time, Jimin would have been self-conscious about
the whole thing, too, but he was tired. He was cold and he was tired, and he needed sleep before he
ended up doing more reckless things now that his mind working slower due to lack of rest.

“My fault, my fault.” Jimin laughed, quickly putting the shirt back on and sighing. It felt good to be
in something more comfortable, despite his initial protests. Jeongguk’s scent was all over him now;
Jimin’s wolf celebrating in being soaked in the alpha’s wonderful smell. The shirt was a bit loose
around his shoulders, but nothing Jimin couldn’t manage.

“Here are some extra blankets, since I know the temperature is just going to continue to drop from
here.” Jeongguk finally forced himself to say, shuffling forward in order to dump the blankets he
had been carrying under his arm. “I’ll be in the living room if you need anything.”

Crossing his arms at that, Jimin frowned. “Are you serious?”


“I’m not going to let you sleep in the living room on a night like this. We’re sharing, c’mon.” Now
that Jimin was in comfortable socks, sweats, and a tee, he was ready to jump into bed, knowing he
shouldn’t be feeling too at home.

Jeongguk was already leaving the room.


“Good-night, Jimin.” The alpha reached for the doorknob, shaking his head as he went on to try
and close the door, but Jimin called out quickly before he did so.

“I’m just going to follow you wherever you go, so you might as well settle somewhere
comfortable.” Sitting cross-legged on the bed, he then patted the mattress, smiling at the alpha who
was now glaring at him, unamused, but Jimin didn’t care.

The alpha gestured at the space between them. “This is going to be a problem, Jimin, if you keep
pulling stunts like that.”

At this, Jimin raised an innocent brow, “Keep pulling? You’re talking as if this isn’t going to be the
last time, Jeongguk-ah.” Jeongguk seemed so indignant at the teasing, that Jimin couldn’t help but
notice how cute he was when he was heavily flustered. Maybe he shouldn’t test the alpha so much;
they were alpha and omega, after all, Jeongguk only had so much control.

It probably wasn’t easy to have Jimin coming into his home, sharing his food and clothes. Now, he
was in the alpha’s bed, and Jimin’s wolf seemed so thrilled at the thought of nesting there, buried
in wonderful scented sheets and blankets.

Jimin shouldn’t get too comfortable.

“Sorry, I’ll just end up worrying about how cold it’s going to get and you’re alone in the living
room. It’s just for the night; we can make a wall of pillows if you want.” Jimin had lost his playful
tone and he noticed the way the alpha hesitated, before breathing out in defeat.

“Okay, let me just blow out some of the candles. I’ll be back.”

At the acceptance of the offer, Jimin couldn’t help but feel butterflies erupt from the pits of his
stomach. Strings of excitement tied up his insides, making the omega shudder delightfully, before
plunging deep within the covers of the bed.

Again, he was met with the alpha’s smell.

The sheets were cold, but it would only be a matter of time before the heat of his body kissed at the
blankets and warmed the bed up for him; more so when the alpha joined in, as well.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, Jeongguk was back in the room, Promise tucked under one arm.
“Hope you don’t mind; she always sleeps with me.”

“Not at all!” Jimin sat up fully, arms stretched out in order to welcome the cat in his arms.
Jeongguk turned away to close the bedroom door while Jimin caressed the soft cat, smiling to
himself as she began to paw at the blankets, trying to secure a spot to curl up on.

When he noticed that the alpha wasn’t getting into bed, Jimin’s attention was momentarily pulled
away, his eyes seeking out the other male. Standing at the edge of the bed, Jimin was met with an
intense stare. Jeongguk’s eyes smoldered, something Jimin couldn’t recognize flickering within
them. It was enough to make the omega become highly aware of the alpha’s presence, trying not to
seem too affected.

“Something wrong?” Jimin softly breathed, and after doing so, watched as the alpha finally slipped
beneath the covers.

“No, just thinking about something.”

Jimin wanted to ask about what, but he didn’t want to push it. Instead, both shuffled in bed some,
throwing several more blankets on top, until they both seemed satisfied.

Promise took her place at the foot of the bed, while Jeongguk and Jimin faced each other, each
secured on their side of the bed. Already, Jimin began to feel the wonderful heat take over his
body, making him melt further into the bed as he found shelter from the cold. Jeongguk, on the
other hand, still had his eyes on the omega.

They were still a good way apart, even if they were sharing a bed, but Jimin wasn’t sure what all
could entail once they fell asleep.

Jimin moved a lot in his sleep.

“I’m sorry. For earlier.”

The omega hummed at Jeongguk’s apology, smiling softly. “It’s okay, I wasn’t that upset; I was
more worried for you.”

“But I still acted out of line. I yelled at you and you had to go through all that bullshit. I horrible,
Jimin, you have no idea what all went through my mind in that moment.” As he spoke, Jimin
scooted closer to the alpha, wanting to drive away whatever was starting to bubble at the surface,
wanting to stop it before it got worse.

“I already told you that I don’t care. Jeongguk, you must understand; it’s going to take more than
just hateful words from people who don’t know me to tear me down. Maybe before, I let them
affect me, but not anymore.”

A hand found its way towards Jeongguk’s neck, trailing upwards for fingers to brush into his hair.
Jeongguk was openly surprised at the action, attempting to move away, but Jimin held on rather
firmly. “Stop trying to run away, Jeongguk, it can get annoying after a while.”

“No, Jimin, you don’t get it.” Jimin could see the way he swallowed, licking his lips slowly, but
mostly out of evident nerves.

“It’s okay, Jeongguk. Stop straining yourself, it’s fine. I’m not afraid.”

Jimin took it upon himself to fully nestle into the alpha, tucking his head so that he could rest
beneath the alpha’s chin. Namjoon’s words infiltrated his mind, thinking back on exactly what the
alpha had meant when he said that Seokjin wouldn’t have been able to find his way back. He
needed to do the same with Jeongguk.
Jeongguk was always going to try and pull away, to tell himself that he shouldn’t step over his
boundaries and to keep as far away as he possibly good. But the omega was going to make damn
sure not to let the alpha get that far.

“Relax and try to get some sleep. We’ll have more to talk about in the morning.” Jimin tried to
reassure the other.

Jeongguk didn’t pull away this time, tentatively slipping an arm around the omega as Jimin was
flush against the other, hoping his scent would bring forth some sort of comfort. Languidly, his
hand danced down the length of the alpha’s back, hoping that the alpha would find some rest.

For once.

Chapter End Notes

Nothing much to say, as I said before, I have a lot I want to talk about when the story
is over. These are the last chapters coming up so I hope you guys enjoy them!

I am on Twitter now, you are able to find me at @HobiOnA03 so I hope to see you
there! Thanks for all of the support so far and thanks for being here until the end. See
you soon!
Chapter Notes

Sorry for taking long to update! It's been really busy on my end, but I hope you like it!

See the end of the chapter for more notes


The alpha heard the whisper, but he scrunched up his face, trying to brush it off because he was
feeling tired and wanted to sleep. He was half-way through falling asleep, seeping in the wonderful
warmth and scent that came off Jimin in waves. Honestly, not even the cold could make him
chilled, especially when the omega was tucked so comfortably under his chin.

However, Jimin was already tapping his chest, feeling a finger kissing down the length of his front
soon after. Jeongguk could feel his body react to such a thing, the fluttering feeling of his heart
pulling the alpha back from beneath the surface of sleep.

Still, he tried to fight the omega, growling gently at the disturbance as he tightened his grip on the
omega. He felt a gentle tremor ripple across Jimin’s form, perhaps in response to the alpha’s
sudden need to secure Jimin well against him. Either way, the omega fit perfectly well in his arms,
and Jeongguk didn’t want Jimin wiggling away from him any time soon.

“I haven’t brushed my teeth yet; do you happen to have a toothbrush to spare?” Jimin’s voice was
so small, and Jeongguk could feel his breath on his neck.

Of all the times.

“It’s so cold, why get out of bed now, we’re already here.”

“I don’t want to wake up with my mouth all gross.” Jimin huffed, and he was suddenly prying
himself away from and Jeongguk wanted to groan at the absence of the other, feeling Jimin rustling
up in bed, before getting off. “Do you have an extra toothbrush or not?”

Jeongguk curled up into himself, feeling a bit groggy but finally allowing his wakefulness to take
over. “Yeah, in one of the bathroom drawers.”

Hearing the omega pad out of the room, was enough to have Jeongguk sighing, waiting several
seconds and wondering if Jimin was going to call for help in getting water. However, he got
nothing, and after receiving nothing but silence, the decided to finally throw off the blankets.

Chill erupted all over when he was met with the cold air, feet growing cold as he stepped on the
carpet. Rubbing his eyes, the alpha set off to find the omega, only catching him walking back from
the kitchen with a candle in hand that Jeongguk didn’t notice Jimin taking. Balancing some bottles
of water, Jimin hummed as he passed the alpha.

“Glad you were more than prepared, Jeongguk. Sorry, but I really can’t sleep without brushing my
teeth.” Following the omega into the bathroom, Jimin set the water bottles down, before placing
the candle on the sink.
It wasn’t that much of an illuminator, but it was enough for Jimin.

“It’s fine, I need to brush my teeth too.”

Normally, any other time would have been casual, brushing away at their teeth in the near dark;
Jeongguk standing behind the omega while Jimin went about his business with his own brush.
However, Jeongguk was suddenly taken back to three years ago, a similar situation having crossed
his mind, only that time, things had already been rocky, and it resulted with an angry Jimin and
Jeongguk sleeping on the couch.

You don’t touch me. Ever.

Jeongguk winced at the memory, trying his best to not think about the misconduct he committed
years ago, upsetting the omega and just making their relationship that much colder. But everything
was like a bad rash, something just resurfaced and Jeongguk wanted nothing more than to just bury

However, maybe it was because he hadn’t fully confronted such a thing, that he was feeling very
put off about it.

The alpha slightly shook his head as he returned to brushing his teeth, glancing upwards at the
mirror, and catching Jimin’s knowing stare. Unlike before, the omega’s face wasn’t coated in
surprise; their pheromones were not high like before and the omega wasn’t submitting to the
alpha’s presence.

It was just Jimin and Jeongguk.

“This is taking you back, isn’t it? It’s funny how things eventually make a full circle.” As he
spoke, Jeongguk was quick to make his way to the sink in order to use water from the bottles to
help rinse, Jimin having finished up before him.

But he couldn’t mask the way his scent sharpened, unable to deny Jimin’s observance because the
omega knew full well that they had both been thinking the same thing. Jeongguk didn’t know what
to say, his words catching in his throat; that’s another thing he couldn’t quite forgive himself for.

“Jeongguk, it’s okay.”

Putting up his toothbrush, Jeongguk felt his jaw clench up. “Don’t, Jimin. Don’t do this. Not with

“Well, I am, because this is one of those things we need to touch on, too.” There he was, adamant
again and refusing to let Jeongguk run and hide; not letting him have something to kick himself
about. He just couldn’t understand why Jimin wasn’t at least giving him some type of grief over
something he did; Jeongguk couldn’t decide on either to feel grateful or frustrated.

“There’s nothing to touch on, Jimin. I crossed a line. I disrespected you.”

“We acted on behalf of our wolves, that’s basic nature, it’s not something we could have possibly
fought against had our intentions been stronger that night. I don’t hold anything against you, and
you shouldn’t pin it all on yourself, either.” Jeongguk couldn’t believe they were having such a
conversation so late at night, it’s really something he didn’t want to get into.

Not now, at least.

Jeongguk moved to get away, but he felt Jimin catch his shoulders, closing in as hands glided over
the alpha’s neck in a soothing manner that had the alpha doubling back slightly. The power that
Jimin had, the way his scent changed and shifted to kiss over the alpha’s distress, comforting him
and beckoning to him.

As if guiding the alpha back to him.

“What’s this?”

At the question, Jeongguk immediately froze, eyes widening slightly as Jimin’s brows furrowed in
confusion. The omega’s fingers traced over a chain that Jeongguk had secured well under his shirt,
and though he was sure Jimin noticed it, it was only now that the omega paid real close attention to
what he had around his neck.

Jeongguk had no words, feeling his heartbeat escalate into something like a thundering storm in his

Jimin shifted his fingers beneath the chain, tracing the length of it, pulling it out from the cover of
his shirt. The alpha couldn’t bring himself to tear his eyes away from the omega’s face, witnessing
the way Jimin’s eyes faltered slightly upon taking in the wedding band that Jeongguk once had on
his finger.

It was the one thing he just couldn’t get rid of; something he wanted with him always.

“You kept this all this time?” Jimin’s hands closed around the ring, his voice wavering slightly, as
if he was openly struggling to believe such a thing. Jeongguk wasn’t sure what the omega was
thinking, if he was upset with over such a thing, but the alpha could tell that he was truly affected
by it.

“I just…I wanted to carry the only thing I had left of our marriage.”

The omega shot Jeongguk a looked that betrayed his emotions, swimming with genuine affection.
Slowly Jimin pulled at the chain, and for a moment, Jeongguk wasn’t sure what to do, thinking
Jimin wanted to tell him something.

But as the alpha inched forward, Jimin slipped his arms fully around his neck and dragged himself
up against him. Engulfed by both the omega’s heat and wonderful scent, Jeongguk was unprepared
when he felt soft, fully lush lips pressing over his own.

Jeongguk was slow to register what was even happening, until the taste of Jimin’s sweet lips
penetrated all thoughts, capturing him completely.

The alpha reciprocated the kiss, a hurricane of unexpected emotions rising within him as his arms
sought to desperately pin the omega against him. Current, logical sense was nowhere to be found,
his heart bursting at the seams as he thoroughly savored Jimin’s perfect lips.

His hands had been gripping Jimin’s waist, before allowing them to drift upwards. Lips broke apart
for mere seconds as Jeongguk cupped the omega’s face, before mouths connected for another
deepening kiss.

Jeongguk was already addicted, unable to believe how things turned out, the unraveling of certain
events taking everything by storm. No other thought could come to mind, unable to think properly
as Jimin’s delicious scent filled his nose, urging the kiss forward.

He wanted to bruise those plush lips, claim them repeatedly and sufficiently.
Jimin’s lips parted slowly against his own, hearing a shuddering breath pass over Jeongguk’s
mouth. But even as his mind fogged up, even as his hands rushed to caress the omega’s gentle
throat, to enjoy the wonderful heat that began to arise…

What was left of his sanity, pulled him away from Jimin’s soft mouth, listening as the omega
whimpered gently at loss of contact.

“Wait, Jimin…”

Jimin was already shaking his head, gripping the front of the alpha’s shirt, mouth seeking another
kiss. “It’s okay, Jeongguk. I want this.”

“But maybe we should think through this.” Jeongguk’s alpha was snarling at his own words,
berating him for keeping the wolf away from his omega; from his desired mate. It ached Jeongguk
too, but he didn’t want something to build on an unplanned passion, one that was already licking at
his insides, wanting to make him groan.

“Jeongguk.” Jimin pulled back enough to fully gaze at him, his eyes burning with necessity, an
intensity that struck Jeongguk to his very bones. “Stop being so scared of touching me. I’m
stronger than you think, you won’t hurt me…”

In the candlelight, Jimin looked beautiful, the way the glow kissed at his flushed cheeks, lips
swollen just right due to their kisses; eyes were aflame with a smoldering need that made
Jeongguk’s body awake and blistering.

Jimin was so alluring and Jeongguk was utterly devastated.

“Just let me know if you want me to stop.” Jeongguk breathed, before surging forward with a
newfound desperation that had his wolf and himself, raving with a passion that Jimin was so easily
able to ignite.

And even though a part of him will always bitterly remind him of how undeserving he was;
Jeongguk knew that Jimin wouldn’t have asked for such a thing if he didn’t mean it.

Not long after, both alpha and omega burst back into the bedroom, lips locking feverishly together
as they tumbled on top of the sheets with heavy impact. Jeongguk felt Promise jump off the bed,
clearly startled at the interruption; he could even hear her dart out of the room, but the alpha
couldn’t bring himself to think much on it now, especially with Jimin in his arms.

Jimin’s scent was assaulting all Jeongguk’s senses, making the alpha groan in anticipation as he
began to harbor in the smell of the omega’s first dews of slick. Already, he could feel Jimin’s
hands on his back, delving beneath the alpha’s shirt.

Jeongguk took in Jimin’s breathy moans, and the alpha had an unwavering desire to pull away from
his lips in order to caress his throat wanting to feel such sweet sounds vibrating against his mouth.

Jimin’s scent was the sweetest he’s ever experienced, could even taste it on his tongue; it was as if
the omega was fully enticing him, pheromones thickening as it blanketed all around him. His
omega beckoned the alpha, but Jeongguk knew there was more to Jimin than just that, and even
though his alpha was blistering up with a need to dive into the omega’s warmth, Jeongguk knew
his desire to caress, kiss, and love Jimin’s body, was even greater.
“Are you cold?”

“No…” Jimin whispered, a rippling wave of pleasure overtaking his form, arching slightly as
Jeongguk ran his mouth over his collarbone. Was it even possible at this point? So far deep in
desire, a fire licking all over his skin, Jeongguk’s kisses branding him so deliciously.

The burn felt too good.

How many times did he wish to be held like this? Far too long…

Moments ago, the alpha and pulled away at Jimin’s shirt, having him well pinned down against the
pillows after the pair decided to properly shift on the bed. Now he was in the alpha’s mercy, the
other’s wolf scratching at the surface, begging to be released; Jimin could see the scorching red
hues that began to burn through Jeongguk’s beautiful brown eyes.

It was something that had Jimin submitting to his own wolf; both minds equally connected, despite
his body and instinct tugging at the alpha wolf that hovered over him. But even beneath the ardent
stare that the alpha gifted him with, Jeongguk was still present, and he was doing a fine job of
making Jimin melt against the sheets with his touch alone.

There was no denying the way his slick began to accumulate, soaking the inside of his thighs as the
alpha’s heat teased and urged the omega to further succumb into his desires. Hands reached to
stroke over powerful shoulders as Jeongguk sucked against his skin, groaning as he did so and
sending Jimin over the moon. He felt the alpha’s teeth pinch and pull at his flesh, his tongue
gliding across the tight skin of his scent gland.

It was almost too much, and Jimin couldn’t even begin to try and regain any sort of composure.
Jeongguk’s scent was everywhere, overpowering the omega’s own as Jimin welcomed the woodsy
smell of the alpha. Jeongguk’s bare chest slid over Jimin’s as the alpha sought another kiss.
Imploringly, Jimin dug his nails into the alpha’s skin, seeking to be relived of the unbearable ache,
but Jeongguk paid no mind.

The omega felt another growl spill from the alpha, feeling the rumble crawl across Jimin’s chest,
making him shiver as he continued to savor the alpha’s hungering kisses.

“You smell so good…” Jeongguk moaned, prying himself away from Jimin’s lips in order to bury
his face within the omega’s welcoming neck. Simultaneously, they both released breathy groans
when Jimin shifted his hips in order to roll upwards into the alpha’s own. He could feel the
hardness of the alpha’s arousal teasing Jimin through the sweats that were now thoroughly soaked.

The friction felt so incredible that Jeongguk responded to the action by gifting Jimin a slow, but
hard grind, making the omega whimper at the pleasure that slammed into him so unexpectantly.


Jeongguk jumped between evident passion and genuine affection, occasionally slipping into his
alpha needs, but pulling out of it in order to shower Jimin’s face with soft, gentle pecks. Jimin
wasn’t sure how to even describe the way his heart swelled at the attention, his omega keening at
being showered with warmth from its desired mate.

The grind was still slow, but hips continued to claim the other, pants leaving both of their lips.
“Please.” Jimin gasped, feeling Jeongguk’s hands kiss over his sides, every touch leaving behind a
burn had the omega reacting, on the verge of begging the alpha even more.

“I know.” Jeongguk sounded breathless, sitting back on his haunches and leaving a disappointed to
shiver against the mattress. However, Jeongguk was gliding his fingers across Jimin’s hips,
brushing over the edge of his sweats. The mere action had Jimin’s heart suddenly racing, pounding
his chest profusely as the alpha went about his business.

He took in the way the scent of his slick intensified; striking the air around them as the alpha
pulled away at the sweats, gripping what was left of Jimin’s articles of clothing and peeling them
off. Moving his legs, Jimin helped in maneuvering out of the offending pieces, wanting to be free
an offer himself properly to the alpha.

Jimin, however, did feeling a bit self-conscious, especially now that there wasn’t anything
shielding the alpha’s view. The omega greeted the alpha with his blatant arousal, tip leaking
slightly and feeling almost embarrassed at how turned he really was. If anything, Jeongguk’s
hungering gaze only made Jimin stiffen even more, noticing the way the alpha’s orbs darkened

“Hoping for more?” Jimin asked in a hushed tone, forcing back the urge to cover himself, his
omega worried about disappointing the alpha.

“No, you’re beautiful. You always have been. I just wish I could have told you more often.” There
was something in his words that had Jimin swallowing down a thickness in his throat. He wasn’t
sure what to make of the feeling, but he loved it and he needed more of it; hoped for it.

All he had ever been met with was coldness in the past; no fire in Jeongguk’s eyes, no interest; but
there was always some sort of pull despite all the distance. There was always something just there
that remained undiscovered and untouched, and Jimin was starting to think the uncovered it all. He
felt like he was drowning beneath the alpha’s desire, his eyes hosting a myriad of emotions; all for
Jimin and Jimin alone.

“Beautiful.” Jeongguk whispered, dropping his mouth in order to pepper Jimin’s abdomen with
light kisses, parting his mouth just right in order to attack Jimin’s skin with his hot breath.

Words sounded heavenly and his wolf was in a state of utter euphoria. The alpha trailed kisses
over Jimin’s naked torso, rough hands kneading the flesh of his hips, feeling his fingers digging
into his skin. “I want to hear more of your pretty moans.” The alpha nearly demanded, and in a
matter of moments, Jimin found himself gasping.

Jeongguk’s hot grip took hold of Jimin’s hardened member, palming it slowly before squeezing
just right. The pleasure hit his very nerves, hips rolling upwards in response as he chased that
friction, slick continuing to pool from his hole, probably already soaking the sheets. Strokes ignited
a harsher fire within the omega, arching his back slowly as moans spilled from quivering lips.

He could hear the alpha’s grunts, full of gratification as he appeared to enjoy the indulgence of
Jimin’s pleasurable sounds. It was as if Jeongguk seared himself onto the omega, his powerful
scent making Jimin dizzy as his chest heaved.

He couldn’t take it anymore; the touches, the kisses, his words. Jeongguk was torturing him in the
most sensual way, tugging at his lust and heart at the same time.

Jimin felt Jeongguk press a thumb over the tip of his cock, making the omega shudder in delight,
before calling out, “Stop, I’ll come if you keep it up…” Jimin couldn’t recognize his own voice;
deep and needy, on the verge of collapse and felt incredibly exhilarating.

“Please, Alpha.”

The omega hadn’t planned on such a thing, but he was too far gone in his need to even care; his
wolf was dying to be claimed and Jimin could only hold back so much. Jeongguk let out a desirable
rumble and one that served to shake the omega to his core.

Closing his eyes, he welcomed more of Jeongguk’s teasing strokes, rocking along with the pleasure
that cascaded over him. Finally, he felt the alpha remove his hand, listening as he wrestled with his
own bottoms, only making Jimin’s heart jolt up in excitement.

Prying his eyes open, the omega took in Jeongguk’s throbbing arousal, squirming at the size and
girth. Jeongguk really did sell off his dominance, despite his soft demeanor from before. Jimin
even let out a surprised squeak when the alpha suddenly gripped him by the hips and pulled him
closer, dragging the omega over slick covered sheets, so that Jeongguk’s thick girth was pressed
right against Jimin’s entrance.

Jeongguk’s arms wrapped around Jimin’s thighs as he pulled his hips upwards slightly and rather
effortlessly. There was a strain on Jimin’s back, but he couldn’t even bring himself to care much
about it, not when the alpha was rubbing his length against Jimin’s soaked hole.

The alpha ceased his movements, however. “Wait, Jimin.”

Jimin wanted to cry.

He really couldn’t take much more of this, wanting Jeongguk to go ahead and just take him
already, honestly; he didn’t think he’d last this long.

“Jimin, I don’t have any condoms.”

Jimin was already at the stage where something like that was of no concern, especially when his
omega was dying to be taken already and was getting rather miffed that his alpha was not taking
the obvious hint.

“It’s fine, I’m on the pill.” Jimin tried to reassure the other, sounding rather hurried and kind of
desperate. Jeongguk, however, frowned at the words.

“Jimin, those don’t work all the time.”

“Neither do condoms, Jeongguk, are we really doing this right now?” Jimin exasperated; Jeongguk
was being incredibly cruel.

The alpha seemed momentarily stunned at the fact, seeming to be in the shadows of disbelief.
“Yes, they do, they would put a warning like that on the box if it didn’t.”

“It is on the box, you dolt.”

“Are you serious?”

Jimin huffed. “You’re killing my boner.”

The slide was easy, something Jeongguk was grateful for as his cock was met with a wet heat that
nearly had the alpha faltering. Jimin’s walls constricted naturally around his girth as he pushed
deeper into the omega’s tightness, body nearly giving out at just how good it felt.

His eyes never left Jimin’s face, watching in awe at the way Jimin’s beautiful face flushed hotly,
his body responding perfectly at the connection. It was hard to even think, especially when Jimin
squeezed around Jeongguk’s cock so deliciously, prompting Jeongguk to snap his hips forward and
getting a delightful moan from Jimin in return.

He held on to Jimin’s hips tightly, feeling his fingers imprint onto his skin. The omega rolled his
hips, feeling his walls massage Jeongguk, another groan leaving his throat as he felt a fire licking at
his insides, wonderful sensations coursing through him as he delved deeper into Jimin.

Initial thrusts dragged along slowly, granting them both a slow burn that only work itself into
something hotter, something so lustful, it nearly had Jeongguk wanting to just pound Jimin hard
into the mattress.

“More, Jeongguk…” He heard Jimin whisper out needlingly, despite the wonderful sounds that
fluttered from lush lips.

It’s not like Jeongguk could really deny such a request, anyway.

The alpha didn’t know what felt better, watching Jimin falling apart because of him, or witnessing
his beautiful spine as he muffled his cries into the pillows.

Either way, the pleasure was immense, sensations he had never experienced before as his body
began to melt as the intensity of their coupling grew. Jeongguk drove into Jimin’s tightness,
panting heavily as he was met with mind-dazzling friction, his cock doused in slick and relishing at
how good Jimin felt around his aching arousal.

Jimin was so good; always knowing when to move, positioning himself just right, and receiving
Jeongguk’s cock and knowing how to throw his hips perfectly in order to meet his own. And fuck,
was Jimin a sight when he was delicious with pleasure, the way his body moved so naturally, and
especially when Jeongguk was taking him feverishly from behind.

Not to mention the way Jeongguk’s hands fit perfectly well over Jimin’s hips, as if they were made
to for him.

Jeongguk would release bouts of unrelenting thrusts that had Jimin screaming out satisfaction
when Jeongguk occasionally struck the bundle of nerves that nearly had Jimin coming undone. But
just before the omega could even come close to releasing, Jeongguk would deny him; he felt bad
when Jimin let out near-sobs of indignation, chasing that release, but the alpha wanted more.

He couldn’t get enough; couldn’t get enough of Jimin’s body, the way his slick coated his cock or
how the air around them was always filled with such alluring, sexy sounds that Jeongguk wanted to
be the only one to hear.

The omega’s wonderful ass was in full view, encouraging the alpha to drift his hands in order to
grab at the soft, rippling flesh. He noticed the way Jimin’s arms shook, the omega struggling to
keep himself up as the alpha pounded into the squelching wetness of his cavern.

Not wanting to see his omega in any discomfort, Jeongguk pinned Jimin flush against the bed.
Jimin whimpered as Jeongguk momentarily ceased his movement, before the alpha descended on
the omega’s hot form, his chest flat on Jimin’s back. The position only served to give the alpha
great difficulty, as Jimin’s walls grew even tighter.

He knew he wouldn’t be able to hold off much longer, his own cock itching to release. Still, he
pressed sloppy kisses all over Jimin’s naked shoulder, before he began thrusting into the omega
once more, their moans lacing perfectly together as the heated pleasure returned. “You feel too
good…” Jeongguk stated

Jimin whined, seeming pleased.

“Fuck, Jimin.” Jeongguk allowed his hips to move feverishly, Jimin vocalizing his satisfaction,
reminding the alpha that the omega’s arousal was trapped between himself and the bed. Jimin
wasn’t going to last long, either.

Jeongguk couldn’t pull away, not when the incredible sensations fueled his hunger, flames licking
at his insides. Seeking more, Jeongguk drove harder and deeper into the omega, something that the
other seemed to enjoy with fervor, feeling the way Jimin responded by clenching around the
alpha’s driving thickness. The burn was too much and the fleeting need to rack up into a frenzy
outmatched the rest of his self-control.

“Don’t pull out…don’t pull out…” Jimin was practically begging, his voice above a whisper,
sounding like absolute sin and Jeongguk lived for it. However, mere seconds after, he felt the
uncontrollable tremors that suddenly erupted from the sweet, beautiful omega beneath him.

Jeongguk wanted nothing more than to rip away the pillows in which Jimin cried out into as he
came, to hear his sexy, unfiltered whines as the alpha continued to take him through his orgasm.
However, he knew they had neighbors and lack of electricity left everything eerily quiet; Jeongguk
didn’t want to have to deal with a complaint in the morning.

So instead, the alpha redirected his vocal pleasures to the back of the omega’s neck, his last few
thrust a bit wild and uneven as muffled moans kissed Jimin’s damp skin. The base of his cock
began to swell as his body prepared for his longing release, feeling his muscles bunching up
slightly as he held his omega in place.

Exhausted whimpers escaped Jimin, being taken beyond the borders of over-sensitivity, but both
knew that Jeongguk was too far gone to stop now.

And with a possessive growl, Jeongguk found himself shoving deeply into Jimin’s quivering form,
before a long, drawn out moan fell from the alpha’s lips upon feeling his knot pushing into Jimin’s
tightness, before locking them in place as Jeongguk felt himself come in several, hot spurts.

The intensity of his release had wonderful currents of pleasure clawing at the entirety of his form,
rocking his hips slowly as he continued to fill Jimin’s hole, his knot holding everything in place
perfectly and praying for there to not be any sort of repercussion due to his failure to provide his
end of protection.

Either way, Jeongguk loved every second of it; claiming Jimin, and the way the omega was so
pliant and submissive, had Jeongguk’s alpha swelling with satisfaction.

With a shuddering breath, he took hold of Jimin carefully, slowly pulling the sluggish omega onto
his side as Jeongguk followed suit, carefully trying not to tug at his knot in order to not bring the
omega any discomfort. Settling down on their sides, Jeongguk began to feel the slight chill finally
descend on their bodies, now that the heat of their coupling was slowly ebbing away.

As a result, he felt Jimin shiver, so Jeongguk felt around for a blanket in order to pull it up in order
to shield them.

“You really made a mess there.” Jeongguk softly joked, not wanting the silence to last too long as
he wasn’t sure how else to proceed. Sex could mean a lot of different things; it could mean just a
one-time thing, or something more than that. It’s not like they really had time to talk about
something that happened spontaneously and the more that the alpha thought on it, the more wary
he became.

Because he didn’t want this to be just a sex thing…

“Who was the jerk that wouldn’t let me finish? Case and point, it’s your fault.” Jimin sounded
tired, but Jeongguk could make out the playful tug in his tone, and he couldn’t keep himself from
pressing his face into the omega’s soft shoulder. Even through the scent of sweat and sex, Jimin
still smelled like Jeongguk, the woody aroma clinging onto Jimin like a second skin.

So, just to further strengthen his scent, Jeongguk moved his head, so that he could drift towards the
omega’s scent gland. Jimin complied with ease, craning his neck slightly to give the alpha a bit
more room to trace over what Jeongguk had been seeking. He took in the way Jimin hummed in
content, and figured it was a good thing, especially when the omega nestled further back into the
alpha’s chest.

“I really wish I could take a shower now; I probably smell disgusting.” Jimin laughed slightly,
before he sighed, seeming quite at ease.

“You smell incredible. But I’ll help you clean up a bit when my knot goes down. Rest your eyes
for a while.” Jeongguk watched as Jimin turned his head some, angling himself just right in order
to for the alpha to press a rather affectionate kiss to his soft lips and one that Jimin didn’t hesitate
to reciprocate.

The first thing that Jeongguk noticed, was the empty spot where Jimin should have been.

Groaning, he pulled an arm over his eyes, an ache settling on his back as he settled into a state of
wakefulness. Images of last night came flashing through his mind, making his chest heave and
heart falter slightly as he thought back on what all had transpired.

Both alpha and omega had drifted back to bed and fell asleep after cleaning up the night before.
Jeongguk tried his best to help Jimin clean up despite lack of water, before they both changed the
sheets and settled into some warm clothes.

Jeongguk couldn’t even remember the last time he slept so great, but now, he couldn’t help but feel
his stomach lurch unpleasantly at the fact that Jimin wasn’t in bed with him. Did he go home?

Sitting up, the alpha rubbed his eyes, trying to chase away the last bouts of sleep, before looking
around the room. It was then that he noticed the clock, how the hour was blinking at him, making
the alpha stare at it wolfishly, before throwing the blankets off him. The power must have returned,
but when?

Jeongguk guessed powerlines were probably worked on once the storm subsided, so it’s probably
only been a few hours. It wasn’t as cold as the night before, but the air was still a little chilly. He
then took notice of his phone and the charge port, assuming that Jimin probably set his phone to
charge before leaving the room.

His throat felt dry, not liking the fact that Jimin probably slipped out of the apartment before
Jeongguk got a word in about anything, because the last thing he wanted, was for the omega to
believe that what happened between them the previous night, was just some one night fling. It
certainly wasn’t the case for Jeongguk, at least.

However, as he made his way out of the room, he could hear the television, could make out the
sound of the morning news even from where he stood. Shuffling towards the living room,
Jeongguk came across Jimin’s sitting form.

The omega had his hair wet, which means he had showered as soon as the power returned; now,
Jimin was curled up on the couch, buried under a blanket, with Promise snoozing at his side. He
was so engrossed with the report of last night’s storm, he didn’t even notice Jeongguk upon his

He couldn’t even begin to describe the relief he felt to know that Jimin had not left, that he was still
home and had made himself quite comfortable. Still, that didn’t mean they weren’t going to
eventually talk about what happened between them and what it all entitled for the two. The thought
alone made Jeongguk a little uneasy, because he still wasn’t sure where Jimin stood with it all.

“Good morning.” Jeongguk finally spoke up, capturing Jimin’s attention instantly as he made his
way to the omega.

Sitting up, Jimin shot the alpha a smile as he took a seat, “Good morning.”

What happened next was not something that Jeongguk was expecting, but it made him happy,
nonetheless. Before Jeongguk had any time to really delve into casual conversation, Jimin was
already pressing a kiss to his lips; however, it was small, almost casual, and the warmth that
bloomed over Jeongguk’s chest, was enough to reassure him that there was a chance for something

“How’d you sleep?” Jimin asked after pulling away, much to Jeongguk’s disappointment.

“Amazingly well, but this is still sleep weather, so I might fall asleep again later.” He grinned
slightly as Jimin leaned against him, focusing back on the television.

“I know, I wanted to get back in bed after the shower, but I wanted to see if there was any serious
damage from the storm. At least power is back on.” As he spoke, Jeongguk reached over to stroke
Promise, her gentle purrs seeping into the air and making him smile.

“Bad aftermath?”

“Hm, not really, but some train stations are closed, and roads are blocked in some areas. There’s
more snow fall coming but not as bad as the storm.” Sure enough, Jeongguk took in the reports that
were happening around the city; statements for public safety being issued as images of working,
city civilians took to the streets in order to engage in unblocking some of the roads.

“Does this mean you’re staying?” Jeongguk suddenly asked, prompting Jimin to raise a brow.

“Is that a nice way of trying to kick me out?”

“No! No.” Jeongguk coughed, “I was actually hoping you’d stay longer.”

Admitting it only made him feel slightly embarrassed, but Jimin chuckled slightly, “Well, it’s
Sunday and I don’t have to worry about work until tomorrow; if there’s any work, that is.”

This was it; he wasn’t sure how he was going to do it or how he was going to speak up about the
issue. Jeongguk, he longed for a new started, wanted to think about a future with Jimin, to explore
all the things he was too stupid and blind to give a chance to.

He wanted morning like these; to wake up and watch television on the couch; to talk and converse
and catch up. Jeongguk wanted to make breakfast, wanted to experience running to the
convenience store for coffee on late mornings; he wanted them to go grocery shopping together
and plan dates and trips. The alpha wanted to have late night dinners after a long day of work, to
vent his worries and frustrations; he wanted it all.


“Hm?” The omega still had his eyes on the screen, but Jeongguk still went for it.

“Last night; was that just a one-time thing?” He winced at his wording, and he could feel Jimin’s
body stiffen up in response. Not wanting to feel panicked right away, Jeongguk took a deep breath,
his still on Jimin, waiting and hoping for answer that will help him take that next step.

Wordlessly, the omega finally turned to Jeongguk, his brows knitted together slightly in worry. It
was then that Jeongguk was met with a look he knew all too well. Jimin seemed a little less
confident and a bit insecure, something that Jeongguk always came home to back then; back when
all he cared about was himself.

It was a look that Jeongguk wanted to erase completely.

“Do you want it to be just a one-time thing?” His words were soft, and Jimin visibly swallowed.

“No.” Jeongguk leaned closer, before continuing, “I want this to be more than just a one-time

He watched as Jimin’s orbs shimmered with a new light, seeming both relieved and happy with the
answer; the last wisps of insecurity that lingered in his eyes, vanished and Jeongguk couldn’t be
happier with the result.

However, Jimin said nothing, pulling away from the other, though, a smile painting across his face.
Jeongguk could make out the way his face brightened considerable as he rose from the couch, “I’m
hungry. How about you go shower and I get some coffee started?”

Not waiting for an answer, Jimin left behind the blanket in order to make his way towards the
kitchen, leaving a slightly confused Jeongguk behind. Still, for once, he wouldn’t have to think
about how things could have been and start seeing it as how things could be. Jeongguk ignored
Jimin’s suggestion as he followed the omega into the kitchen.

For years, he was left wondering and searching for answers; thinking back on how things should
have ended. But not this time; he wanted to hear it straight from Jimin’s mouth. Jeongguk didn’t
want to run anymore, he didn’t want to hide; for once, he wanted to be selfish and indulge in a
possible chance at a life that he wanted, a life he didn’t know how to appreciate in the past.

“I know this isn’t the most traditional way of doing things, Jimin.” Jeongguk began, but at that,
Jimin snorted slightly, leaning against the counter upon reaching the kitchen.

“What is considered traditional nowadays, anyway? I don’t think it’s the beginnings that make a
relationship; I think that falls on the person.” Words easily fell from Jimin’s lips as he slowly
glanced up towards the alpha, his smile soft but still present.

“Besides, if we are talking about the unconventional way that we hooked up last night, I think
Jihoon and Taehyung have us beat.” It was a joke, clearly, but one that made Jeongguk feel a bit
better regardless.

“I just didn’t want you to think it was just sex for me or something.” He took in the way Jimin’s
eyes grew soft, using his hands stroke Jeongguk’s arms in a soothing manner. It was remarkable
the effect he had on the alpha, always knowing how to calm him while using his gentle scent.

“With the way you held me last night, Jeongguk, that’s the last thing I thought about.”

Arms danced around Jimin’s waist, his words igniting a fire in him that he couldn’t escape from,
nor did he wish to. Jimin didn’t fight against the sudden pull, melting against Jeongguk’s hold as
their wolves collided.

Jeongguk wanted to kiss him, to claim the omega all over again and have tremble at his touch. A
searing need to drown in the incredible warmth that the beautiful omega provided.

But he didn’t.

Instead, he slid a hand across Jimin’s smooth throat, his thumb caressing the line of his jaw. The
omega’s eyes flickered with intensity, a blueish hue kissing the soft brown in his eyes. The alpha
was left breathless, emotions surging forward as he took in the omega’s loving gaze.

“Do you feel it, too?” The omega questioned, making Jeongguk’s heart swell with unrecognizable

“Yes, and I don’t know how to explain it, honestly.” Jeongguk truthfully stated, before he finally
broke away from Jimin’s gaze, seeking refuge in his neck. Finally, they embraced fully and
Jeongguk relished the omega’s sweet scent, breathing in deeply as he sighed.

Pulling back, he sought for a kiss, but the omega was quick to duck away. Jimin broke lose from
Jeongguk’s hold, shaking a finger at the alpha, his face full of both tease and affection.

“Go wash up. I’ll meet you back here in a few.”

Jeongguk wanted to complain, but the omega was already throwing him a smirk as he walked
towards the fridge, opening it up in order to see what all Jeongguk had to offer. He did make it an
effort to jut his ass out so that the alpha rolled his eyes at the action.

“You really don’t play fair.”

To say that his heart was beating fast was an understatement; Jimin tried his best to breathe in and
out in order to keep himself from being to obvious. So far, he has been doing quite well in acting
well and collected around the alpha, but there was only so much he could handle, especially when
it was just the two of them at the apartment.

Everything that he had experienced so far with Jeongguk, had been magical; he couldn’t believe
they would come together in such a way and without any warning. It all just happened, as if it was
meant to be, and Jimin couldn’t bring himself to question it too much, not when Jeongguk was
looking at him the way he was.

Fingers traced the rim of his favorite mug, the scent of coffee dancing around his nose and helping
him relax. The find had been a delightful one, unable to describe the joy he felt when he came
across the mug in one of the cupboards; he never could find a proper replacement for it, and it
touched Jimin that Jeongguk kept it at all.

Most people would go out of their way to get rid of any memory left by a partner or significant
other, maybe not all the time, but still.

“Same thing next weekend?” Jeongguk called out, and Jimin glanced up to lock eyes with the
alpha, sporting a boyish grin that had Jimin feeling particularly warm. If had been told he would be
here, the morning after being held so passionately by the alpha, he wouldn’t have believed it.
Nowhere did he see the same alpha from back then, the one that was so detached and so frigid,
who always made him think he wasn’t good enough, that he would never be good enough.

“Shouldn’t you take me on a date, first?” Jimin chimed as the alpha made his way towards him,
marveling at the way he looked with his hair damp, drops clinging to his neck, traveling towards
his shirt before disappearing.

“I thought it was okay not being traditional?” Jeongguk raised a brow and Jimin had to let out a
laugh, shaking his head.

“Don’t be an asshole.”

Fingers rose up to brush against Jeongguk’s neck once the alpha was close enough to touch, and
the way Jeongguk seemed to love such a thing, had Jimin’s omega preening. To think that
Jeongguk wanted him, had taken the omega into his arms and made him feel so loved; thought
back on the words that were said, how it felt to be caressed in all the right places.

Who would have thought?

Jeongguk chuckled, fully wrapping his arms around Jimin, initiating a hug and one that Jimin
wholeheartedly accepted.

This was another thing that Jimin utterly enjoyed; during such time and in front of his friends,
Jeongguk seemed really laid back. He loved annoying the elders, and whenever they met up for
dinners and bar nights, he was always cracking jokes and just being carefree.

Around Jimin he was so careful and a bit shy, but kind and considerate with a few jokes in

But times like last night, Jimin caught sight of the alpha in his purest form; Jimin lived to make
Jeongguk feel sheepish, but last night, the omega witnessed an alpha; powerful and dominating,
taking in the red tint in his eyes. It had been exhilarating, wanting nothing more than to please his
alpha, to submit and feel the strength in his claim.

It was a side only Jimin wanted to see. No one else.

“Well, we can go ice-skating.” Jeongguk murmured into his hair, dragging Jimin back from his
thoughts, taking in the way the alpha breathed in his scent and silently hoping he smelled better
than yesterday.

“You ice-skate? The idea doesn’t sound bad, actually.” He felt Jeongguk’s hold on him grow even
tighter, and Jimin would be lying if he said he didn’t like the feeling, something hot bubbling in the
pit of his stomach.

Jeongguk’s scent…no one could compare to something that always had his omega on its toes.
Even after everything that happened, he couldn’t run away from what he felt for the alpha, the
attraction that came with it all. He felt closer, and Jeongguk left him with no room to feel insecure
or bad; earlier, he grew nervous at the question that fell from the alpha’s lips.

But now, as Jeongguk spoke, he took note on how the alpha’s affectionate words struck him to his

He delved in the reassurance, allowed the alpha to stroke his back with large hands, fingers
pressing into the omega’s shirt.

And that’s when the tickling happened, and Jimin bolted to get away, but Jeongguk effortlessly
picked him up in order to pin Jimin back into his arms. Jimin let the laughter seep into his bones, to
envelope his heart and mind as the alpha pulled him back into the living room, letting him fall
against the couch.

Not long after that, the omega allowed his hands to grip Jeongguk by the waist and tickle him in

Chapter End Notes


First of all, you may now find me on Twitter! My @ is @HobiOnA03, so I hope to see

So, after looking over the story, I was finally able to determine that the story is indeed
going to be 11 chapters!

I hoped you liked this one, I really enjoyed it! If it appears short, I'm sorry for that. :(

I have also decided that I will be doing a sequel of Unraveling Affairs, but it won't be
long, maybe like 4 or 5 chapters of things happening post story. So there's that. I also
want to do a side story about what all happened in the 3 year gap between Jeongguk
and Jimin. It will mostly show the lives of all the other couples, so there's that if you
guys are interested.

After Unraveling Affairs is finished, I will be posting a one-shot before I kick off the
next story, so hope to see you there!

Please let me know what you think; comments are encouraging to me! Until next
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Jeongguk scratched his neck as he stared at the many assortment of boxes on the shelf, feeling a bit
self-conscious about what it was that he was doing. He had visited the store in order to pick up a
couple of things for himself and Taehyung, since the other alpha was going to meet up with him
for some gaming and he didn’t have much to snack on.

However, as he was making his way throughout the door, Jimin always found a way to invade his
thoughts, a pleasurable and refreshing way. It had been almost a week since the weekend, still on
his mind and remember every detail. Sunday was spent cuddling on the couch, exchanging lazy
kisses as they watched television; it had been utterly amazing.

There was no fighting the disappointment he felt when the omega finally went home in the
evening, with the promise of a date for the following Saturday. Days dragged on with Jeongguk
feeling like a teenager with a heavy crush.

Late night texts always had his stomach in a knot, feeling both excited and nervous; grinning to
himself whenever his phone would vibrate and light up with a message from the omega. He had
wanted to invite the other over for dinner or maybe grab some lunch, but Jeongguk was so new to
this, he didn’t want to come off as overbearing.

Jimin never made him feel like he was going about things the wrong way, so the alpha simply
assumed it was all just nerves.

But if both alpha and omega were going to continue their chosen path, that meant that Jeongguk
had to be a bit more responsible and more prepared. He wasn’t sure when he and Jimin might
come together again, but it didn’t hurt to be on the safe side this time.

Taking a box in his hand, Jeongguk felt his face heat up as he took in the lettering, thinking back on
the night both he and Jimin gave into each other completely.

“Condoms~!” A sing-song voice suddenly reached Jeongguk’s ear, making the alpha yelp
suddenly; the box flying out of his hand as he watched the thing skid across the glossy store floor.

Whirling around, he caught sight of Taehyung throwing his head back as he laughed, seeming to
enjoy the way Jeongguk was visibly flustered at the invasion of space. The young alpha quickly
went to snatch up the box he had been staring at and hastily placed it back on the shelf, face

“Hyung, what the hell? I thought I told you to wait for me at the apartment!” Jeongguk tried not to
sound too indignant, but he couldn’t help it, considering how Taehyung appeared out of nowhere
and throwing Jeongguk into a pit of embarrassment.

Taehyung was dressed casually, the bag that held his gaming laptop was strapped across his chest
as he gave Jeongguk a teasing smile. “Ggukie is buying condoms, awwww!”

“Shut up! And why are you here, again?”

Shrugging, Taehyung didn’t seem at all bothered at the sharpness of Jeongguk’s tone, “I was going
to head over there but since you said you were at the store, I figured I’d tag along.” As he spoke,
the older alpha grinned as he nodded towards the shelf of condoms Jeongguk had been sheepishly

“Are you hoping to score with Jimin tomorrow?”

Jeongguk bristled slightly at how suggestive Taehyung was sounding; he told his best friend what
had transpire between Jimin and himself, simply venting about how the situation unfolded.
Taehyung wasn’t someone he couldn’t talk to; the older alpha always provided a seriousness when
Jeongguk needed someone to confine in.

Yet, there were times when the alpha would simply tease Jeongguk mercilessly until the younger
male was knees deep in a pool of humiliation. He knew that Taehyung meant no harm, but there
just times where Jeongguk couldn’t wrestle the way his face and neck turned red at the way
Taehyung pointedly exposed him.

“Just so you know, that’s not all it is. I just want to be prepared for anything.” Jeongguk huffed,
clutching the store basket tightly in his hand, wanting to disappear.

“Here, I’ll help.” Taehyung stated nonchalantly, stepping up towards the shelf as if he had enough
experience in the matter.

“God no, hyung.”

The other alpha pointed to a box, his turning serious as if he was about to go into a deep lecture of
sorts. “I heard these are the best, Jihoon likes these; skin to skin condoms feel like nothing is

“Oh my god…”

Taehyung tapped a different box. “This one helps you last longer; the condoms are covered in
some kind of dick desensitizer, so you don’t come as quickly.” Right when he said those words,
Jeongguk spotted another alpha walking by and he didn’t miss the way the guy was giving them
weird looks.

Jeongguk wanted to die.

“These ribbed ones; Jihoon says he’s not a fan but trust me, he just doesn’t like to admit that they
feel really good when I hit – hey!” Taehyung called out when Jeongguk turned to walk away,
rubbing his brow and wondering what on earth he did in another life to land himself that kind of

Something smacked the back of his head before hearing Taehyung call out, “Don’t forget your

“Are you still mad?” Taehyung cooed as both he and Jeongguk entered his apartment; the alpha
wasn’t necessarily mad, per se. He was probably more upset at the fact that he ended up buying the
condoms anyway, and there was no wiping away the stupid face that Taehyung made when he
picked out the ‘skin to skin’ kind.

“Whatever. Go set up, we can decide on dinner later.” Jeongguk gestured towards the living room
as Taehyung proceeded to the coffee table. It was where they always set up their gaming stuff, and
Jeongguk was thinking about getting something bigger for the occasion. Jeongguk placed the bags
on the counter, noticing the way Promise followed Taehyung, trilling at his heels.

Because of Taehyung’s schedule, they didn’t meet as often as Jeongguk would like in order to play,
and they were probably a little too old for that stuff anyway, but it’s not like Jeongguk really cared
to give it up. Despite Taehyung’s constant teasing, the alpha always enjoyed the company, and he
looked forward to the deeper conversations when they were both burned out from gaming and just
chilling with some drinks.

“Are you off all weekend, hyung?” Jeongguk asked, listening to Taehyung getting everything

“Yeah, there was a scheduling issue with a photoshoot, so it’s been delayed until Tuesday. It rarely
happens, but I’m glad for the break. But I do have to go in for a fitting on Monday, apparently,
they’re not happy with some of the concept’s wardrobe details. They gotta add a couple of things.”

It was probably hard; Jeongguk couldn’t even begin to imagine all the work Taehyung had to go
through; rehearsals, voice conditioning, photo-shoots, promotions, Vlives, et cetera. Jeongguk
found it hard to picture how Taehyung dealt with it all and how stressful it probably was to have
little time for himself or for Jihoon, for that matter.

“Are you going to do some catching up with Jihoon?” Jeongguk grabbed some snacks from the
bag, making his way towards the living room as Taehyung was turning on his laptop.

“Well, kind of. I offered to spend time with him today, but he insisted I didn’t bail on Game Night.”

Jeongguk frowned, “I’m not worth skipping out on your boyfriend.”

“That’s what I told him.”


Taehyung shot him a playful grin, as Jeongguk doubled back towards the kitchen for some drinks.
“Well, how about you invite him over for dinner later? Would be nice.” At the suggestion, the
older alpha seemed rather enthused.

“Maybe you can invite Jimin over, too?”

Jeongguk really loved that idea, so he quickly whipped out his phone to send him a message. Jimin
was probably still at work, but it was Friday night so he didn’t think the omega would put in extra
hours. “I’ll shoot him a text and see if he’s down.”

[Jeongguk] 11:23 a.m.

Hey :)

Dropping his phone back into his pocket, he decided to head to his room in order to grab his own
laptop he used for such days. Jeongguk and Taehyung had been playing together for years, so
everything was pretty much muscle memory when it came to settling down in order to delve into a
world of online gaming.

With work being done ahead of time and his schedule cleared for the weekend, Jeongguk was
looking forward to some time off; that and, well, he had put in the extra work earlier in the week so
that he could focus on Jimin and their date.
So even as he booted up his laptop, he was hoping Jimin would respond to him soon, because it
had been a good week since he’s seen the omega and Jeongguk’s, along with his wolf, were
missing him. Jeongguk had to laugh at himself at how needy he was being, but after having Jimin
in his arms, holding him, kissing him, conversing with him, he couldn’t really help it.

He figured the omega was busy, considering that he didn’t a response yet, but that was fine with
Jeongguk, now fully engrossed with the game as both he and Taehyung began tossing orders back
and forth as they teamed up on several matches of Overwatch.

“Are you nervous?” Taehyung suddenly asked when pair decided to take a few minutes to relax.


“You and Jimin; I know we talked about this before but given tomorrow and your date.” Taehyung
leaned back slightly from where he was sitting, stretching out his legs beneath the coffee table and
groaning slightly.

Jeongguk nodded slightly, “Well, yeah, I mean I don’t want to screw this up. I want to be with him,
so I don’t want to ruin a potential relationship.” And sure, they slept together, but Jeongguk needed
to fortify everything, wanted to make it more than just sex alone and prove to the omega that the
alpha had lifelong intentions, if he were given the chance.

Feeling his pocket vibrate, he quickly took his phone out.

[Jiminie] 12:54 p.m.

Hey! ^-^

Sorry for the late reply

I didn’t realize I had a text

[Jeongguk] 12:54 p.m.

It’s okay

I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner

Tae is going to invite Jihoon, he’s here

“Wow, you have it bad.” He heard Taehyung say and Jeongguk blinked up rather wolfishly at the
other, seeming a tad confused. “You’re grinning like an idiot, already.”

Jeongguk sputtered, but it’s not like Taehyung was wrong with his little observance. His phone lit
up once more.

[Jimine] 12:56 p.m.

That sounds like fun, sure

Do you want me to pick up dinner?

“Nice, Jimin is in. He offered to pick dinner up, though.” Jeongguk replied a little too quickly,
wanting to move away from the previous topic.

“I’ll message Jihoon really quick, tell him about the plans. I’m sure he’ll say yes.”
He didn’t think his life would ever turn out to be such a way; for years he only had one thing in
mind, and it led to a lot of mistakes and heartache. Jeongguk had been blindsided by his parents
and almost lost such a wonderful opportunity to live a life full of friends and potential love. The
alpha didn’t think he would ever be able to escape the shadows of his mistakes, but at least he was
surrounded by those who reminded him of his values.

Of his worth.

So, he was pretty happy when he finally heard someone knocking on the front door at the end of
the day, and Jeongguk felt his heart skip several beats knowing that Jimin was surely on the other

Taehyung was the first to reach the door, with Jeongguk at his heels. Ever since the omega had
agreed to joint them for dinner, the alpha had been excitedly expecting him, trying not to seem so
happy. The last thing he wanted to do, was come off as a silly alpha so wrapped around the omega,
he didn’t care for much else.

Vaguely, it made Jeongguk wonder if Jimin even noticed the effect he had on the young alpha; if
he did, he certainly didn’t show it.

When the door was swung open, Jeongguk caught sight of both Jimin and Jihoon, their faces
lighting up in response to the alphas now lingering by the door. Earlier, Jimin mentioned that he
was going home first to change out of his work clothes, and Jeongguk nearly cursed the omega for

Beneath the cover of a large jacket, Jeongguk could make out a long, white shirt of sorts, probably
a long sleeve, accompanying some black, skinny jeans that really outlined his body perfectly. It
was so casual and so Jimin, but the alpha couldn’t pull his eyes away from the omega, until he
heard Jihoon cry out in surprise.

At that, he blinked and noticed the way Taehyung had wrapped his arms around the other omega,
hoisting Jihoon up effortlessly as the younger attempted to secure the bag of food. “Careful with
the bag!” The alpha didn’t seem to care, carrying Jihoon off like nothing before the omega could
even take off his shoes.

Jeongguk turned to Jimin as the omega chuckled while removing his shoes, another bag in his
hands while doing so. Deciding to help, the alpha took the bag so that Jimin could do away with
the large jacket, shivering slightly as he did away with it; all the while, Jeongguk was watching
him with slight hesitance, listening on Taehyung and Jihoon. Jimin noticed his staring and let out a
small laugh as he hung his jacket.

“Don’t worry, you don’t have to carry me.”

The alpha returned the smile, finding Jimin completely endearing as the omega stepped forward to
properly greet Jeongguk. Unable to contain the tease in his voice, the alpha breathed out, “You
look amazing; did you dress up just for me?”

Jimin smelled incredibly sweet, his vanilla fragrance always knowing how to entice Jeongguk
without even trying. The omega puckered his lips slightly at the question, and the alpha would
have assaulted those beautiful lips immediately if they didn’t have other company over.

“I don’t know, did I?” The omega smirked faintly, before making his way past the alpha, taking
the bag from his hand as he did so.

Jihoon rejoined then in the kitchen, his face flushed but he looked happy. Setting the bag he was
holding down, he shot Jeongguk a smile, “Thanks for having us over, it’s been awhile since I was
able to get away and spend time with friends.”

“Has the bar life been busy?” Jimin asked as he began to hunt down for plates, easily making
himself at home and Jeongguk couldn’t help but smile quietly at that.

“More or less. Speaking of which, guess who I saw at the bar?” As Jihoon spoke, he quickly made
his way to the front door in order to finally remove his own shoes, as Jeongguk set off to help
Jimin set the table.

“Who?” The other alpha suddenly appeared as Jihoon returned to the group.


At this, Jihoon knitted his brows slightly together, and Jeongguk noticed that it wasn’t typically a
normal run-in with a friend. Even Jimin seemed a bit put off by Jihoon’s trouble expression. “Is he
okay? You don’t look too happy about the encounter.”

“Let’s get ready for dinner and I’ll explain what’s happening.” Jihoon quickly stated, ushering
everyone to return to the task at hand before they broached a topic that could potentially be
something quite serious.
However, they didn’t talk about it right away, and Jeongguk assumes they wanted to enjoy the
evening a bit before delving into a topic that would probably require their immediate attention.
Jeongguk only hoped that it wasn’t something super serious, especially considering the fact that
Hoseok seemed like the last person to have problems.

Jeongguk opted to distract himself with casual conversation, Jimin sitting right next to him, though,
felt his hand grasping the alpha’s knee from beneath the table. It wasn’t suggestive, if anything,
Jimin probably did it sub-consciously, laughing along with Taehyung and his antics. Honestly,
Jeongguk couldn’t chase away the euphoria that bloomed in his chest, grinning as he watched the
omega lean back with a smile on his face.

“But why did you decide to stop pursuing dance? From what Tae told me, you used to really love
it.” Jihoon tilted his head slightly, and Jimin’s smile faltered slightly, as if not expecting such a

“I didn’t have much of a choice; I sustained a bad injury due to an accident and I couldn’t continue
professionally anymore. It was hard to swallow at first, but I managed to delve into other

The omega didn’t seem like he struggled to talk about such a thing, but Jeongguk could make out
the way his eyes ghosted over with painful memories and the alpha wanted nothing more than to
pull him into a protective embrace. However, Jimin blinked slightly, washing it all away with a
genuine smile, seeming content with how things were now.

“But it’s like they say, when a door closes, a window opens.”

“It’s a beautiful way of looking at things.” Jihoon breathed, visibly happy and at ease with Jimin’s
answer. “You’d be surprised at the number of people that look at a glass as half empty rather than
half full.”

Tae sat up slightly, reaching to stroke Jihoon’s back, “Babe, that reminds me; you saw Hobi-hyung
earlier. What happened with him?”

Both Jeongguk and Jimin stilled as Jihoon’s eyelids fluttered, sitting up straight. “Ah, that’s right.
It was odd; he didn’t look quite himself. He was sitting alone at the bar and for a moment, I
thought Yoongi-hyung was with him, but I never saw him.”

Jihoon paused as if trying to remember what all happened, before licking his lower lip. “I talked to
him, especially after noticing that he didn’t seem to be doing well. He didn’t go into full detail, but
apparently things are not going well between him and Yoongi-hyung.”

A startled silence fell over them and Jeongguk suddenly felt extremely uneasy at the revelation.
“But, those two are always getting along so well; you would think they don’t have any issues
within their marriage.” Jeongguk murmured, and Jimin frowned at the news.

“I thought so too, but from what he told me, Yoongi-hyung has been treating Hobi really coldly and
the poor guy doesn’t know what he even did wrong.” Jihoon’s voice grew small as Taehyung
placed an arm around the omega’s shoulder, seeming equally put off.

“And he didn’t say anything else?” Taehyung asked.

Shaking his head, Jihoon sighed, “No, shortly after, he paid his tab and left. I didn’t want to
pressure him into talking.”

“I have noticed that Yoongi-hyung and Hobi-hyung have been really quiet in the group chat; I
didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t want to run on assumptions.” Jimin added in, concern
evident on his face. It really was something troubling, but at the same time, it’s not like they could
really go seeking out answers.

Despite being close to Hoseok and Yoongi, the pair were very private and most of their stuff
happened behind closed doors.

All they could do, was hope that things smoothed out for both alpha and omega.

Again, they remained quiet for a moment, each one probably thinking about their friends; Jeongguk
could make out the way Jimin’s eyes became distant, withdrawing into himself as he delved into
his thoughts. Taehyung, however, was the first to speak up, trying to seem optimistic as he rubbed
his hands together.

“How about a movie? Jeongguk and I talked about picking something out; let’s try not to linger on
this too much. They’ll come around and include us when the time is right.”

Frustration was clear on all their faces, since they didn’t want to go about their life when an issue
wasn’t resolved, but Taehyung did have a point. There was a time and place for everything, and if
Hoseok and Yoongi felt ready to share their troubles, they would; the least they could do, was wait
until one stepped forward.

Jeongguk only hoped he would be able to catch them all.

“You’re staying then?” Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows as Jimin curled up against the couch,
poking his head from under one of the blankets used during the movie. The omega hid his smile
beneath the covers, not giving the alpha a proper response.

Jihoon poked his boyfriend’s side after slipping on his jacket. “Don’t tease them.”

“Good-bye, hyung.” Jeongguk huffed and Jimin couldn’t help but think how cute the flustered
alpha seemed as he tried to shove a singing Taehyung out the door. Jihoon turned to wave at Jimin,
to which the elder happily returned.

“Coffee sometime this week?” Jihoon turned and Jimin enthusiastically nodded.
“I’ll text you!”

Jimin was already sitting up and stretching by the time Jeongguk returned from seeing Taehyung
and Jihoon out; the alpha rolled his eyes as the omega chuckled, “You should have been here,
earlier, he was unbearable.”

“Maybe, but Taehyung is that unfiltered force we need every once and awhile.” Jimin felt his face
heat up when the alpha returned to the omega’s side, leaning into a kiss that Jeongguk pressed
against the softness of his cheek. “You’ve been holding back.”

“I just didn’t want to give Taehyung new stuff to torture me with. Like I said, earlier was a

Jimin raised a brow. “It couldn’t have been that bad.”

“Oh, it was bad.”

The omega’s soft chuckle was snuffed out by the alpha’s hot mouth, having missed the incredible
sensations that erupted along Jimin’s form. Going throughout the week had been a difficult one,
especially when all Jimin could do, was think about Jeongguk and what they shared the past
weekend. Everything was still fresh in his mind, further fueled by current touches and kisses.

Jeongguk didn’t push past that, however, settling for tantalizing kisses were a short breath away
from something that teetered on the edge of desire. Jimin was fine with this, happy to just be with
the alpha again after days of nothing but nightly texts and an occasional call. The omega clutched
tightly at the blanket to keep himself from touching the alpha too much, his wolf agonizing for a
lot more than delicious kisses on a couch.

“I love this.” Jeongguk whispered when they broke apart for a momentary catch of breath. At his
words, he felt the alpha press a thumb against the skin of Jimin’s throat, stroking an area slowly.
“You have a mole right here that makes me want to just nip it to oblivion.”

“Don’t talk like that, Jeongguk.” Jimin shivered, but it had nothing to do with the slight chill that
lingered in the apartment.

“Why not? Does it make you feel hot?”

Jimin couldn’t bring himself to answer.

Jeongguk had the perfect grip on duality; when they were alone, Jimin noticed the way the
younger man’s wolf took over, seeking for a submission that the omega was more than eager to
give. Mouths meshed once more, just a bit more feverish than before, the omega parting his lips
slowly in order to seek an even deeper kiss, heart already thundering hard against his chest.

He felt Jeongguk pull away and it took all Jimin’s willpower to not whimper softly at the lack of
contact, before he sighed when he felt the alpha thumb over his lower lip. His touch alone was
sensual, making the omega’s skin grow flush with needy intentions, still struggling to keep his wolf
at bay.

The alpha’s lips glazed over Jimin’s throat not long after, making the omega preen at the touch,
tilting his head back in order to allow Jeongguk more space to mouth along heated skin.

This was far different from the gentle make-out session they experience on the couch before, but
slower than the passion filled night they lived through on the night of the storm. It was a slow kind
of burn, a build up that had Jimin aching for more, yet, still had a window of opportunity to stop it
before they both tipped over into a pool of lust and desire.

Not only that, but Jimin was rapidly growing warmer, the heat trickling down towards his well fit
jeans and prodding at his arousal. It didn’t help that Jeongguk had the omega falling back, easily
slotting himself between Jimin’s legs and fitting himself perfectly against the omega.

“You really did dress up for me, didn’t you?” A low, pleasurable growl vibrated along Jeongguk’s
throat, exhilaration coursing through Jimin’s veins as the alpha drifted his hands towards the
omega’s waist. Without another word, hard fingers delved beneath Jimin’s shirt, a quiet moan
suddenly dragged from the omega’s throat.

“Jeongguk, I don’t want my clothes covered in slick.” Jimin struggled to breathe, already feeling
his arousal flaring up and pressing hard against his pants, feeling himself grow moist upon sensing
the alpha’s pheromones grow thicker upon taking in the omega’s scent, his slick adding to the way
Jeongguk grew harder against him.

“It’s okay, we can throw it in the wash.”

The alpha really did have a solution to everything, didn’t he?

Jimin knew that Jeongguk wouldn’t hesitate to stop if the omega really wanted him to, but that was
just the thing. Jimin didn’t want Jeongguk to stop.

Their connection was probably a lot stronger than what Jimin had initially anticipated, sensing the
way he always gave himself to the alpha so easily. It was impossible to deny the way he loved
feeling Jeongguk’s mouth on his, melting beneath his alpha’s affectionate touch. The desire was
clear in the alpha’s hold, and Jimin couldn’t bring himself to pull away.

And Jeongguk took him, again, right there against the couch.

But the alpha didn’t appear desperate, paying even more attention to Jimin’s needs as the omega
allowed soft cries to fall from quivering lips. Jeongguk’s thrusts weren’t as intense as before, but it
felt just as good and still had the omega falling apart beneath him.

Jimin traced his fingers along Jeongguk’s strong back, making out the way his muscles moved and
tensed up with each bout of pleasure they were both hit with; he took in the way the alpha groaned
hotly against his ear, face buried against the heat of his neck. Jimin would roll his hips to meet the
alpha’s own, but it was proving difficult to concentrate when the pleasure overtook his nerves.

The searing heat between his legs had Jimin in a haze, marveling at the way Jeongguk moved and
dragged his cock against his walls, pushing deeper so that the omega unraveled completely.

There was no turning back from this, it just wasn’t possible…

“What are you thinking about?” Jeongguk quietly asked as he pressed soft kisses along Jimin’s
naked back, following the length of his spine. Jimin had to take a moment to close his eyes and just
enjoy the hotness of the alpha’s mouth, sighing in contentment. The omega was resting face down
on the bed, finding comfort in the soft pillows after the pair had migrated towards the bed after
their heated, little session in the living room.

The silence that enveloped them had been a tranquil one; Jimin resting his aching body while his
alpha caressed and kissed all his sore spots. Honestly, it felt heavenly, and all Jimin could do, was
drown in the feeling, before fluttering his eyes open once more in order to take in the moon that
currently lingered in the darkened skies.

“Just thinking about how perfect this feels.” Jimin stated truthfully, his voice a bit strained from
earlier, but it was a good kind of pain.

He was being truthful; everything felt so good. Felt so right for the omega.

Words didn’t even come close to describing how he felt, nor did he even think ‘perfect’ was a good
enough word to express the blissful emotions that floated around his heart.

Jimin heard Jeongguk give off a satisfied growl, placing kiss along Jimin’s shoulder blades as he
did so; it was enough to make the omega sigh, stretching slightly as arms slipped beneath the
pillows. Jeongguk gave the omega room to adjust, before he continued glide his mouth along
Jimin’s exposed back.

The omega would have drifted off right then and there, with the alpha soothingly caressing every
inch of him; but neither him nor the alpha missed the way a sharp knock came from the front door.
It had been so loud that it had made its way to the bedroom and Jimin immediately sat up in
surprise. Jeongguk was quickly in throwing the blankets over the omega’s form, already on high

Chancing a look at the clock, Jimin realized it was nearing one in the morning, so he was mildly
put off at the fact that someone was knocking frantically.

“Stay here.” Jeongguk whispered, already slipping out of bed. The alpha flipped on the lamp on
the bedside table, quickly grabbing some clothes in order to hastily dress. In a matter of seconds,
Jeongguk had disappeared from the room, and all Jimin could do, was listen as the alpha quickly
made his way to the front door.

Jimin would have probably followed despite the alpha asking him to stay in the room, but all of his
clothes were in the living room, and he was berating himself for being so careless.

He would have curled up deeper into the covers had he not smelled it.

The scent of distress of another omega.

Just thinking of another omega stressing and seeking out his alpha, was enough to tug Jimin out of
bed in an instant. Raiding Jeongguk’s drawers, the omega quickly threw on the alpha’s clothes
before rushing out of the room himself; call it basic instinct, but already the omega was out of line
and Jimin’s wolf didn’t appreciate the fact that one was seeking something from Jeongguk’s

However, as he made his way down the hall, his wolf caught whiff of the sour scent of someone he
actually knew very well; even if his omega was still on his toes, Jimin felt himself rush towards
the where Jeongguk and the omega most likely were.

And sure enough, as he approached the pair, the main hall doused in light, Jimin took in the other
omega’s troubled gaze.

Yoongi’s dark orbs were swimming with apprehension, seeming lost and so beside himself with

Jimin had never seen the omega in such a state before and it only served to chase away the
omega’s instincts upon finding out that the person who seemed to be in trouble, was a dear friend.
Jeongguk’s face was grim, and Jimin couldn’t fight off the slight panic that filled him as he took in
Yoongi’s shivering form.

“What’s going on?” The omega breathed.

Jeongguk was about to reply, but Yoongi beat him to it, “I can’t find Hoseok. He hasn’t come
home and he’s not returning my calls or texts. My phone died when I went out to look for him so I
couldn’t call ahead.”

It was clear that Yoongi was trying his best not to sound anxious, but when an omega couldn’t
locate their mate or vice versa, of course they would feel panic. “I came here hoping he would at
least be crashing with you.”


“It’s my fault, I told him to leave and I didn’t think he would.”

Jimin was already placing his hands on Yoongi’s shoulders, trying to calm him down as Jeongguk
stepped to the side, “Come in, hyung, sit down for a minute and we can go over everything.”

However, Yoongi was already shaking his head, pulling away from Jimin’s hold as he turned to
head back out into the hall, “I can’t, I need to go find him. I just don’t know where he could have

At this, Jimin shot Jeongguk a pleading look, wanting nothing more than to help Yoongi and
evidently worried for Hoseok’s disappearance as well. The alpha took one good look at Jimin’s
expression, before nodding silently. Seeming to know what it was that Jimin wanted, the omega
didn’t hesitate to rush towards the coat hanger, already taking his jacket.

“We’ll go with you then, hyung. It’s late and we don’t want you out there alone. Give us a minute.”
Jeongguk was quick to respond, helping Jimin with his jacket before he moved to grab his own.
Soon after, the pair wasted no time in dressing up into warmer ware before braving the cold.

Neither of them allowed Yoongi to protest, Jimin already leading Yoongi out of the apartment as
Jeongguk locked it up.

There really was no use in trying to hide the worry the trio was facing, but at least they were
together, and Jimin was grateful to have someone like Jeongguk at their side. Jihoon’s words
replayed in Jimin’s head, thinking back on the conversation and if Hoseok was drinking away his

Not long after, they stood in the lobby, Jimin gripping Yoongi’s arm, though, he could tell the
omega wasn’t really paying attention to most of his surroundings. Pursing his lips together, he
watched as the alpha stood outside, seeking for a cab, having told the omegas to take shelter from
the cold until he got them a ride.

As they waited, Jimin rubbed Yoongi’s arm, “What happened, hyung? Last I heard, Jihoon saw
Hobi-hyung at the bar.”

Snapping his head up, Yoongi turned his attention to Jimin, “He did? Did he say where Hoseok

Jimin couldn’t contain the disappointment from bubbling up within him as Yoongi’s eyes grew
downcast after he shook his head. “I’m afraid not; but he couldn’t have gone far. Do you know of
any places he could have gone? Maybe tell us some of the stuff he likes to do when he’s under
stress? It could give us some insight on where to go.”

“I got us a cab.” Jeongguk called out to them and Jimin didn’t miss a step. He led Yoongi out of the
building, the alpha holding the cab door open for them as he helped both omegas into the back,
before he slipped inside, himself. Soon enough, Yoongi was sitting between them, sighing deeply
as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

As if to answer Jimin’s earlier questions, Yoongi licked his thin lips. “I don’t know where he could
have gone; I know he won’t be at his office, and he work-outs when he’s under stress. Do you
think he could have gone to a gym somewhere?”

“It never hurts to look…” Jeongguk breathed.

Despite their efforts, the night only grew colder and it was getting later and later by the minute.
Whatever stress that Yoongi was going through, was hitting him at full force, and Jimin found was
trying to soothe other omega so as not to make the cab driver and Jeongguk uncomfortable.

Jeongguk worried immensely for his friend, but even then, he couldn’t quite ignore the way
Yoongi’s distress signals put him on edge. It was common nature; Jeongguk’s wolf knew that there
was no place for him there, especially if the omega was not his mate and he was calling out to the
missing alpha. Pain and anxiety like that could be felt through Yoongi’s own scent, and Jeongguk
felt an inexplicable need to gather some fresh air.

But he held it in, and as he watched Jimin stroking the omega’s shoulders, Jeongguk got hit with an
urge to seek out some answers.

“Hyung, we searched at many gyms and even called the others, but still no Hobi-hyung. Maybe tell
us what happened so that we can better grasp what he might be going through and give us a clue as
in how to find him?”

It was clear that Yoongi was struggling internally to talk about something that was really putting
him in a painful position and one that Jeongguk struggled to witness because Yoongi was someone
they deeply cared for.

To many people, the omega was probably someone that was hard to get along with or to
intimidating to talk to; that he didn’t have too much of a care for the world and what surrounded
him. But what others didn’t see, was the way Yoongi suffered, laughed, and loved like the rest of
them; maybe it was more subtle, but it was there. Seeing the omega on the brink of falling apart
over something he was having troubling conveying, was almost too much.

Hoseok and Yoongi were apparently suffering in silence and Yoongi had the answer to the reason
that caused both alpha and omega to drift apart.

But finally, Yoongi ran his fingers through his hair, before mouth falling slack.

“I’m pregnant…”

Jimin’s stroking hands faltered then halted at the revelation as Jeongguk felt like the wind was
suddenly knocked out of him, but for entirely different reasons. His mind struggled to catch up
with what to properly say, but Jimin was the first to recover from the blow, swallowing thickly as
he whispered softly.

“And Hobi-hyung doesn’t know…?”

At this, Yoongi closed his eyes before finally shaking his head. “It’s all my fault, I didn’t know
how to deal with this. When Hoseok and I got married, we both agreed that we weren’t going to
have any kids. It was my one condition when he asked me to marry him. It’s the only thing I
required for me to say yes.”

With a heavy sigh, Yoongi rubbed his temples. “We were always careful, but when I took that
pregnancy test, I wasn’t expecting the result. I went to a specialist and he told me that an omega’s
heat sometimes burns through the contraceptives; that it was just natural order.”

Jeongguk knew about this, he remembered going out with Hoseok one night for dinner after a
work-out, listened as the older alpha vented out his feelings about the issue, making it known what
Yoongi didn’t want, but he accepted the condition regardless. It made Jeongguk wonder if it was
genuinely a mutual thing, made him question if Yoongi even knew about what Hoseok kept to
himself for Yoongi’s sake.

Jeongguk met Jimin’s wavering gaze, his orbs filled with a pain that only intensified with each
passing second, seeming at a loss for what to even say at that point.

“It stressed me out; I’m scared out of my fucking mind. I took it out on Hoseok; couldn’t even
bring myself to tell him.” Yoongi’s voice cracked, but he didn’t cry; it was visible to Jeongguk that
the omega was using every ounce of his strength to not tear himself down, and he could only
imagine the need in wanting to be with his mate.

Yoongi drove Hoseok off with his silent bouts of fear and was not stressing heavily over the
situation; it couldn’t be healthy for him and the stress would probably affect the baby if he wasn’t

Jeongguk wasn’t blind to Yoongi’s pain, years of knowing the omega gave the alpha an insight of
how Yoongi’s life used to be. Before Hoseok, his life had been a difficult thing to live through,
depression and mental health taking a toll on the omega; suffering in solitude.

Barred from the comfort of living in his own skin; always in agony.

The alpha understood the fear of being a parent, especially if someone like Yoongi lingered on the
negative aspects of giving birth to another life. He was scared and it was natural for him to lash out
at the closest person within his reach; but he was breaking down with remorse heavy on his

“I…I get it, hyung.” Jeongguk whispered, reaching over to grasp Yoongi by the knee, giving him a
comforting squeeze.

Yoongi didn’t look up, but that didn’t mean Jeongguk was going to keep from talking, “I know
what it’s like to live in the dark; whether it’s because of your mistakes or because of something you
have no control over. People say children will often mirror their parents, but I like to think it’s not
entirely true.”

“Hobi-hyung, he loves you. He…he wants a family but at the same time, he knew what you didn’t
want, and he still went for it because he wanted to be with you. Just know that he will be with you
no matter what you decide to do about the baby; just don’t fear being open with him.”

Yoongi didn’t want kids for fear of having to see them go through the same thing he went through;
the omega was willing to sacrifice a family in order to shelter anyone else from that kind of

As Jimin reached to gently rub Yoongi’s back, the omega nodded slowly, his voice wavering.
“Hobi-hyung loves you so much, this is hard for you both, but I know he would never truly leave

Jeongguk felt Jimin’s words tug at something inside him, a feeling blossoming to life as he leaned
over towards the cab driver, who had been silently helping them throughout the entire night.

“Wait, I know where to go.”

“We haven’t found Hoseok yet, why are we heading back to my place?” Yoongi didn’t bother to
hide the strain in his voice anymore as the cab pulled up to his street. Even Jimin was confused
with Jeongguk’s sudden need to change course and have them head on back when they haven’t
received a word from the alpha.

He knew that Yoongi was at his wit’s end, but Jeongguk didn’t budge from his earlier decision,
voicing out a few directions when the cab driver arrived at a small street of houses. However,
Jimin decided to trust the fiery determination within Jeongguk’s eyes, nodding curtly to the
driver’s words when he asked a few questions.

Jimin could sense Yoongi’s stress spiking to dangerous levels and he knew his attempts in
comforting the omega was proving to be useless.

But Jeongguk finally turned to Yoongi, grasping his hand tightly as he pointed out the window.

By then, it was snowing again and Jimin was sure the wind was a lot more frigid and merciless
than earlier, but despite the harsh weather, the omega could still make out a lone figure, standing
beneath a light pole, huddled into his cold in an attempt to shield himself from the nasty winds. At
first, Jimin wasn’t sure who he was looking at, but as the cab pulled up to the curb, it was then that
he realized just who it was that lingered outside in the cold.

“Seok-ah…” Yoongi didn’t even wait for the cab to get to a complete stop, already trying to
scramble out of the backseat despite Jeongguk being in the way. The alpha hurriedly opened the
door and got out so that Yoongi could follow suit.

Hoseok had a confused look on his face, visibly shivering but still battling the icy winds. It wasn’t
until Yoongi was in full view, that the alpha’s eyes widened considerably. Jimin honestly couldn’t
believe it, feeling his heart get lodged within his throat as he witnessed the omega barely able to
catch his breath when Hoseok was suddenly wrapping him up in his arms.

“I had half a mind to come looking for you, I didn’t know where you went, and I nearly lost it
when I came back and you weren’t home.” Hoseok sighed, crushing Yoongi against him, but the
omega didn’t seem to mind, burying his face into the alpha’s shoulder before shuddering in evident

Upon closer inspection, Jimin noticed that the alpha had been crying, and knowing how emotional
the alpha got when overwhelmed by concern, the omega couldn’t begin to imagine how long
Hoseok stood out in the cold with tears in his eyes.
“I shouldn’t have told you to leave, Seok-ah, this is all on me.”

Jimin slowly made his way towards Jeongguk, the alpha falling quiet and only acknowledging the
omega when he took refuge by clutching the back of his jacket.

“I felt like I was putting you under a lot of stress lately, so I just went to take a breather. I shouldn’t
have turned my phone off had I known you were going to grow this worried; I never would have
left. I’m so sorry, I’m so, so sorry. I’m just glad you’re okay.” Hoseok then cupped Yoongi’s
cheeks and pressed long kiss to his brow, brows furrowed but relief clear on his face.

This had to be the only time Jimin saw raw intimacy between the two; pure and unfiltered. They
probably took shelter in the privacy of their home, so Jimin felt like he was intruding by witnessing
such a delicate scene.

“I panicked when I thought you left for good, especially after all that I’ve been putting you through
the past several days. I should have trusted you; I should have waited.”

“We’ve been going through a rough patch; I don’t blame you for feeling so insecure. I was going to
head out and look for you myself, but I figured I’d wait for you here in case you came back.”
Hoseok provided another kiss, his nose red, cheeks matching the same color due to the frosty

Yoongi shivered but Hoseok blocked the sharp winds, protectively dropping securing the omega in
a tighter hold. “Seok-ah, how long have you been out here?”

“Not that long.”

“Aish, you’re such a liar…”

Jimin felt Jeongguk suddenly seek out his hand; pulling his attention away from the married
couple, the omega turned to lock eyes with the alpha. “Come one, let’s go.” His voice was soft and
Jimin simply nodded, stepping towards the cab alongside the alpha.

Jeongguk allowed for Jimin to enter first, but before he could join his omega, Jimin heard Hoseok
call out to him.

“Jeongguk-ah.” The younger alpha paused, and Jimin could make out the way Yoongi was peering
at Jeongguk with a similar look of gratitude that Hoseok had. “Thank you.”

There was something about Hoseok’s voice that had Jimin’s heart clenching painfully, an
onslaught of unrestrained emotions hitting him with so much force, he felt a wetness catch his
eyes. Jeongguk said nothing, simply nodding, but his face was soft, a smile adorning his features.

The omega watched as Hoseok guided his mate away from the storm as Jeongguk finally took his
place next to Jimin.

It wasn’t until they were pulling away from the street, heading back to Jeongguk’s apartment, that
Jimin finally found it within himself to speak. He was just full of so many questions.

“How did you know to come back here after we spent a lot of time looking with no luck?”

Jeongguk had been looking out the window, a distant look in his eyes, but at the tug of Jimin’s
words, he spoke up, “I remembered a time where Yoongi-hyung and Hobi-hyung got into a terrible
fight; I wasn’t there for it, but I know that they were both greatly affected by it. To this day, I don’t
know what it was about, but Yoongi-hyung ended up leaving to spend a few days with his brother,
to get away.”

Jimin remained silent as Jeongguk paused for a moment, his eyes still looking out the window.
“Hobi-hyung, he waited for Yoongi-hyung to come back; he was told that he would return in the
evening, but Hobi-hyung was never told how long his husband was going to be gone.”

“So, Hobi-hyung decided to wait for him. Every evening, he would go out there and stand outside
his house just waiting.” Jeongguk breathed out rather unevenly. “Every day…”

The alpha’s voice wavered, “One day I went over to check up on him and it had been raining
dreadfully that day. But he was out there, and he had been out there for hours, waiting for Yoongi-
hyung; under an umbrella that did a poor job of keeping him dry. And that day, I cried because, it
just showed me how much he loved him. He loved him so much.”

“And I thought…if I were to fall in love, I would want to love like Hobi-hyung. Because love isn’t
just about being happy with someone or helping them heal in a way. Yoongi-hyung struggles every
day but Hobi-hyung still loves him so much, still willing to wait for him to come back.”

Jimin had to reach up in order to gently pull cup the alpha’s chin; Jeongguk didn’t fight it, turning
to face the omega, his beautiful, sad orbs shimmering with unshed tears. As soon as their eyes
connected, Jeongguk allowed his face to crumble and tried to hide his face with one of his hands,
but Jimin was already wiping at his tears with a sleeve.

“You’re quite a sensitive alpha, aren’t you?”

Jeongguk shook his head as if to fight the statement, but Jimin was already bumping the alpha’s
brow with his own. “I just feel weak when I cry.” The admittance was enough to make Jimin’s
heart ache, reaching up to fully brush his palm over Jeongguk’s wet cheeks.

“If crying for your friends is the weakest part of you, Jeongguk, then that just makes you the
strongest person on this earth.”

At his words, the omega watched as the alpha pressed a kiss to his palms, nuzzling slightly into
Jimin’s touch. “Can I keep you?”

Something in Jimin’s heart grew warm, bursting from his chest and washing over him. “Jeongguk,
I’m already yours…”

Chapter End Notes


Hello, find me on Twitter! @HobiOnA03

Anyway, this is the second to last update of Unraveling Affairs! As you can see, there
will be 12 Chapters, but that's because the last update will be two chapters instead of
one in order to celebrate the story ending. Don't worry, though, there will be a sequel
to this story that focuses a lot more on fluff.

I hope you guys like the ending once it's updated and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Thanks to all of you who followed me on this journey and I can't wait to see you guys
at the end of UA. Please comment if you can, it makes me happy seeing your words of
Chapter Notes

I figured I would post this since it was already finished! Sorry! The last update won't
take a week, it will be posted in a few days!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The plaza was a bit full that afternoon, but Jimin didn’t seem to mind, so Jeongguk was relieved
about that. As promised, the alpha took his omega out on their anticipated date, despite all that had
happened the previous night. Jeongguk had half a mind to take Jimin back home, but the omega
insisted on heading back to the apartment.

Melting into the omega’s arms that same night, the alpha was grateful for the much-needed sleep
after the stress they had to experience.

He did, however, accompany Jimin back to Namjoon’s and Seokjin’s place, allowing the omega a
chance to shower and get dressed, before they headed out again to get some breakfast.

Morning had been great, and the day was just getting better, and Jeongguk was sure it was because
of Jimin; because of what transpired last night. Sure, he still thought about his hyungs, but after last
night, he was sure that they would be able to get through it all. Jeongguk had faith in their love,
and he was sure Yoongi would come around and be open with Hoseok so that the two of them
could settle their differences.

For now, he just wanted to enjoy the warmth of Jimin’s hand as they skated across the surface of
the ice, the omega taking the lead as the tugged the alpha with him. The crisp wind brushed over
their faces, making Jeongguk shudder slightly due to the cold, but it did nothing to erase the heat
that was building up in his heart.

He would occasionally meet Jimin’s burst of a smile, taking in the way his eyes were glazed over
with an affection that left Jeongguk breathless. Never will he ever forget to remind himself of how
close he had come to losing Jimin completely, yet, there they were.


For a moment, Jimin released his hold on the alpha, pushing himself forward in order to catch
more speed, seeking that need to cover more ground his he kicked his legs forward. Jeongguk
watched in content, studying Jimin’s fluid form as he skated around the outdoor rink, easily
dodging moving bodies.

Jeongguk did notice the way Jimin secured his balance with ease, and it only served as a testimony
to the omega’s former life as a dancer. He talked about his injury, but even that wasn’t enough to
keep the omega from gliding along the ice without a worry, seeming like he was ready to fly.

He nudged Jeongguk in passing and the alpha had to chuckle at the tease, realizing that he could
watch Jimin for hours and never grow tired.

His Jimin.

The omega had confirmed it with no hesitation, and seeing him now, with arms in the air and a
smile on his face, Jeongguk couldn’t be luckier.

A few moments later, the omega was taking his hand again, lacing their fingers together so that he
could pull Jeongguk closer. They slowed down some, allowing Jeongguk to slip behind his omega
and gently grip his waist; Jimin seemed to enjoy the touch, hearing him breathe out happily
because of it all.

He couldn’t quite pull the omega flush against him, not when the two of them were trying their
best to keep their balance, but Jeongguk would occasionally pull Jimin to the side, away from the
throng of people. Kisses would ensue; soft and inviting, warm enough to keep the cold at bay.
After getting their fill, the alpha would allow the omega to pull him along again, and he was more
than happy to follow.

“Hands are cold.” Jimin hummed as they made their way out of the ice rink some good time after.
Jeongguk took hold of the omega’s hands and placed them against his cheek, feeling his cool

“You’re right, they are.” Rubbing them slowly, Jeongguk attempted to warm them up, kissing the
tips of his fingers while doing so. There was no missing the way Jimin was gazing at him with eyes
full of endearment, as if unable to believe that Jeongguk could do such a thing.

“Baby, you’re making me cringe.”

Jeongguk snorted at the words, before he laughed at the omega’s jab. Maybe he was a little high on
emotion, but it’s not like he cared to really fight it; after years of being away from Jimin, there was
no way the alpha was going to skip out on the affection. “I just love spoiling you, I guess.”

“Spoil me with hot chocolate, then.”

“Absolutely.” Jeongguk murmured, dropping his hands in order to encase the omega in his arms,
seeking his warmth as he hugged the other tightly. There was a small stumble on Jimin’s part due
to the skates, but the alpha was quick on his feet, grinning sheepishly as he steadied the omega in
his arms. “Let’s get these skates off, first.”

The coffee shop they visited soon after, wasn’t quite full and Jeongguk was a little happy about
that. He heard Jimin hum rather joyfully as he drifted towards a booth on the far end of the tiny
shop. Jeongguk lingered around in the front as his order completed, stealing glances every now and
then towards the omega as Jimin fiddled with his phone.

He couldn’t suppress the smile that touched his lips, accepting his order gratefully as he began to
make his way towards his omega.

“Hot chocolate as promised.” Jeongguk slid into the booth right beside him, taking in the way
Jimin’s precious scent mixed well with the sweetness of the chocolate aroma. The omega seemed
visibly pleased, pulling Jeongguk closer as the two of them huddled into each other.

“I’ve been craving something like this all morning.” Tentatively, Jimin took a sip from his cup as
the alpha with satisfaction as the omega nestled against him, seeming quite content and at ease.

“You should have told me something earlier, I would have taken you out for some sooner.”

Jimin shook his head slightly, “It’s okay, Alpha, I’m happy either way.”
Jeongguk wasn’t sure what it was about the statement that had him reeling with joy, but there was
no denying how warm he felt at the sincerity of Jimin’s words. There were times where he would
stop and question himself, but Jimin would always swoop in and reassure him, even if it wasn’t
with words alone.

“Are you still on the hunt for your own place, or have you found something?” Jeongguk initiated
the topic of conversation, feeling Jimin slip his arm around the alpha’s.

“I found something, actually. I’ll be able to get the paperwork in order on Tuesday; I already have
some stuff for the apartment set aside so hopefully I’ll be able to move in starting on Friday.”

It’s not like Jeongguk didn’t think about offering Jimin a place to stay, but with their relationship
being fresh, he didn’t think the omega would be too keen on moving in so quickly. Things were
going well, sure, but nothing was fully set in stone when it came to the topic of their future; the
alpha wanted nothing more than to provide his omega with a home, but this was something he
wanted to do right and with the right amount of patience.

“Close to your job, is my guess?”

“Hm, yes. It’s not a full commitment, I’m only signing a lease for six months. Afterwards, I’ll see
where to go from there.” Jimin hinted at something that Jeongguk caught immediately. Honestly, it
was enough to make his alpha excited, because he knew what that meant.

Jimin was already planning his future; anything could happen in six months, and if everything
went well within their relationship, he was sure the possibility of moving in with the omega when
the time came, would happen.

He wanted to say something, wanted to delve in the possibility of someday sharing a life together,
but it was too soon, and he figured it was still a sensitive issue. Maybe he would be able to brush
up on the topic without hesitance, but he decided to follow Jimin’s example and allow time to help
settle things into place.

“Well, if you need any help with the heavy lifting, I’m your guy.”

The omega stifled a small laugh, “Who am I to pass up a chance to see you put those muscles to

“Stop embarrassing me, you know they’re non-existent.”

Another bubble of laughter left the omega’s lips, straightening up well enough to reach for
Jeongguk’s chin. Their lips met and they melted into another kiss easily, and Jeongguk didn’t care
that they were in a public place. It’s not like the shop was full of people to begin with, so small
kisses in a small booth went well with the hot chocolate and served to warm up the rest of him.

“Do you want to crash at my place tonight?” Jeongguk breathed rather quietly and he could smell a
tiny spike in the omega’s scent at the suggestion.

Jimin lightly tugged at his lower lip with his teeth, and the alpha was nearly tempted to help him
with it.

“Fine, but no funny business.”

Jeongguk pouted.

“I mean it, Jeongguk, cuddling is just as good as sex.” At the words, a woman passing by through
them a startled look and Jimin ducked at having been heard.

“How about a massage later, then?” The alpha quipped.

“And seduce me with your hands? No thanks.”

There was just something about Jimin that was so addicting; incredibly alluring. Jeongguk couldn’t
quite put his finger on it, but he was always filled with some inexplicable urge to just spoil him,
and not just physically.

He wondered if this is what other alphas meant about wanting to please their omegas, if it was
some sort of primal need to house and protect their mate. Was this the feeling other alphas got in
terms of an omega they were fully captured by? Jeongguk couldn’t quite pinpoint the reason, but
there was no denying the need that filled him every time his eyes settled on Jimin’s form.

There was no fighting off the thirst to touch him, to scent him; utterly captivated as his wolf
continued to discover plenty of things to imprint upon. Jimin had the softest skin and the sweetest
scent; he had the most beautiful pout and a set of kissable lips that always left the alpha hungering
for more.

Jimin always made the sexiest sounds when he unraveled beneath the alpha’s touch; but also had
the most contagious laugh.

The omega was incredibly observant, and he never failed in comforting those around them when
they needed it. Jimin was just light; pure love and the epitome of acceptance. He was the perfect
mixture of desire and affection; gifting Jeongguk with a side of him that had the alpha sweltering
with lust and only to him. As well as dousing the alpha with an affection that had Jeongguk
suffocating in a good way.


It was Jimin’s quiet voice that had the alpha’s swimming thoughts disperse, making the alpha
aware of the omega that was sitting beside him. Taking a good look at Jimin, Jeongguk saw the
way his eyes flickered slightly at the tension filled air. Jeongguk hadn’t realized how stifling his
scent had become, all due to Jimin invading every corner of his mind and making it impossible for
Jeongguk to fully focus on anything else.

There was no ignoring the way Jimin shifted, catching wind of how his omega’s scent sweetened
in response to the alpha, taking in the pheromones that engulfed the two of them, sealing them in
their own, little world.

“What are you thinking about?” Jimin then asked.

There was a deafening pause.

“I think you already know the answer to that question, Jimin.”

A delicate hand pressed over Jeongguk’s chest, the omega’s fingers pressing into him rather gently,
but caressing him all the same. Jimin’s demeanor had changed, seeming a bit shy at the sudden
wake of Jeongguk’s alpha, not that it hadn’t been aware of Jimin before, only that his wolf was
coated in a desire to cling to its mate.

“It’s amazing how you can go from zero to a hundred as an alpha and always throw me off guard.”
The omega confessed, eyelids fluttering slightly. “You’re sweet, shy, and adorable most of the
time, so when your wolf takes over, I’m usually always unprepared.”
“Well, you should take responsibility for that, because I’m like this due to you.”

He heard Jimin’s breath hitch, eyes widening slightly at the flurry of words that were falling from
Jeongguk’s lips, and quite shamelessly.

“I want you so badly and all the time; not just physically. Sometimes I’m so overwhelmed that I
just want you have you all to myself and want you to see me and only me; I want to lose myself in

There was no denying what he felt and what he wanted to discover with Jimin at his side; couldn’t
pull away from the wholesome look on the omega’s face. It was evident that Jimin struggled to
seek out the proper words to say, clearly overwhelmed with Jeongguk’s words and trying not to
seem too enticed.

“And you have me, Alpha.”

He felt Jimin drag one of his hands to the alpha’s waist, pulling himself closer in order to kiss
Jeongguk’s throat, but rather discreetly, nuzzling into him slightly after doing so.

Jeongguk never felt more alive.

“Do you have an extra charger?” Jimin called from the bedroom, listening as the alpha fumbled
about in the bathroom. As promised, the alpha respected Jimin’s desire to just rest and cuddle for
the night, even if the afternoon had been a bit heated for the two of them. Luckily for Jimin, the
fresh sot had been able to clear their minds and bring them down from their high.

It’s not like Jimin didn’t want to have the alpha; but he really did have a strong urge to just shield
himself from the cold and lose himself in his alpha’s arms. That’s what he craved more than
anything, currently.

As well as to talk. He felt like there were still quite several things that needed to be said, not to
mention the issue involving Hoseok and Yoongi.

“In one of the drawers.” Jeongguk called, and Jimin proceeded to reach for the bedside table, hand
pulling at the knob and opening one of the drawers. Peering into it, he rummaged through it,
fingers brushing over a box; curiously, the omega pulled it out, staring at the box of condoms.

He raised a brow, feeling his cheeks flush slightly at what it meant for Jeongguk to invest in a box.
It wasn’t an abnormal thing, sexual health was just as important and he was grateful that the alpha
was trying to be responsible, considering the past two times they copulated. Jimin couldn’t fight
off the tiny smile, almost finding it hard to believe that they’ve come thus far.

“Did you find it? Oh…”

Jimin held up the box as the alpha entered the room, unable to keep from chuckling slightly at
Jeongguk’s surprised expression. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” There was no way Jimin
could hold back his laughter due to Jeongguk’s face. It’s not as if the alpha had anything to really
be embarrassed about; Jimin was flattered that he was thinking about their well-being.

“Just a little embarrassed, I guess.” Jeongguk mumbled as he shrugged. It was almost hard to
believe that the alpha was twenty-seven years old and not some teenager caught with his first
condom. Placing the box back into the drawer, the omega stretched leisurely on the bed, sighing

“Oh, come on, Jeongguk, it’s not like you haven’t used them before.” Jimin meant it as a joke, but
for some reason, he smelled the way the alpha’s scent scoured considerably, surprising the omega.
Eyes sought the alpha, but Jeongguk was already ducking out of the room, as if trying to get away
from the situation at hand. It was confusing to say the least, the omega hadn’t expected such a
reaction from the male.

“Babe?” Jimin called once he reached the hall, catching some noise coming from the kitchen.
Slightly worried at having upset Jeongguk in a way, Jimin scurried towards the source of the
sound, catching the alpha mingling around the kitchen, putting up some dishes.

Such an odd alpha.

“Jeongguk…” Jimin sighed, leaning against one of the countertops, knowing that the alpha seemed
a little tensed up. The omega tried to rack his brain to see what it was that he said that had
Jeongguk seeming so put off; he really didn’t think he said anything to offensive.

“It’s not you, Jimin, I’m sorry. It’s just…I was just suddenly reminded of everything from the



Realization hit Jimin like a truck, making him seem a bit sheepish at what exactly Jeongguk meant
by it. Without realizing, Jimin had gifted Jeongguk with a sense of guilt; he had chosen his words
poorly and was starting to regret opening his mouth in the first place.

It’s not like they really talked about his affair in detail, he only got some of it through Soo-Min and
she wasn’t necessarily a credible source, even if what she said turned out to be true. There was no
fighting the silence that fell between them and Jimin watched Jeongguk’s back as he worked. It
sort of made him wonder about how many partners he’s had in the past, if Soo-Min had been his
only one before Jimin.

If there had been anyone else during their separation. So many questions that have yet to be
answered and this was exactly what Jimin had prepared himself for.

“I think it’s about time we talked about that, don’t you think?” Jimin breathed out slowly but he
could see the way Jeongguk’s back stiffened at the words. However, Jimin knew that Jeongguk
had no room to refuse, it was as if the alpha had accepted such a thing long ago.


At the response, Jimin slowly stepped forward, placing his hands on the alpha’s back. Fingers
stroked him soothingly, wanting to reassure Jeongguk that there was nothing wrong with what they
would end up discussing. Maybe it would make the two of them breathe a little easier, something
they surely needed.

Jimin massaged the alpha’s sides until the younger male finally turned around to face the omega.
With a tiny smile tugging at his lips, Jimin shuffled forward in order to embrace Jeongguk, sighing
against his warmth and loving the way his arms felt around the omega. For a moment, they both
found security in each other’s hold, until Jimin pulled away slightly, but not without taking
Jeongguk’s hands.
“Come, let’s go back to bed.” As they turned to leave, Jimin cooed at the cat that was sprawled out
on the couch. “You too, Promise, let’s go.”

The trio made their way back towards the bedroom, with Jimin closing the door behind them. He
watched as Promise took her place at the foot of the bed, curling up on the comforter. All the
while, the omega was tugging for his alpha to settle on the bed next to him. Jeongguk was hesitant
at first but decided to relent and finally take his place at the omega’s side.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking when I said those words.” Jimin murmured, reaching up to delve his
fingers through Jeongguk’s locks. The alpha said nothing at first, simply allowing Jimin to stroke
his hair as he rested back on the pillows. The omega didn’t want to pressure the alpha too much,
wanted to give him just a bit to regain his composure.

“There’s no need to apologize, Jimin, I just overreacted.” He closed his eyes, obviously enjoying
the touch that the omega was gracing him with. So, it was then that Jimin decided to open up the
topic slowly, not wanting the alpha to feel rushed with anything.

“So, when did you and Soo-Min meet?” The question was far better than demanding or asking
about when the affair itself started. Jimin was curious about the other woman, what did she mean
to the alpha and why did they get to a certain point. Why didn’t they stay together?

Jeongguk didn’t reply right away, his eyes fluttering open and gazing at Jimin, clearly unsure of
how to proceed. With a small smile, the omega leaned forward and kissed the alpha’s brow, all
while rubbing his chest gently as if to encourage the young wolf. “It’s okay, Jeongguk, I’m with
you now; don’t be scared of losing me, just be honest.”

Licking his lips slowly, Jeongguk sighed. “We met shortly after I joined Jin-hyung’s company.
Fresh out of college and way before meeting you. It was an after party of sorts, celebrating a big
deal. I was part of the team at the time, so I went.”

“And she was there?” Jimin asked softly, still caressing the alpha’s hair.

“Yeah. She was someone’s date. But after we met and talked, we returned to her apartment and
from then, things sort of kicked off.”

Jimin didn’t let the words affect him. Why should they? It was all behind them, but he knew it was
a bridge that needed to be crossed and he had a feeling that Jeongguk needed that type of closure.
“Was she your first?”

It was highly unlikely, but not impossible. Jeongguk stated he had just gotten out of college when
he began working at the company, so it was only natural for his wolf to have some sort of
connection to the other omega, even if it wasn’t an attraction shared by potential mates.

“No, ah, I’ve had dates and partners in the past. She was my first…long-term?” Jeongguk raised a
brow, but Jimin nodded, understanding what he meant. “I’ve never had a real relationship and I
wouldn’t call what I had with her a relationship, but we kept it going for a long time.”

As he spoke, Jeongguk shifted on his side and Jimin welcomed his hand as it drifted to press over
the omega’s arm. Jeongguk’s touch was soft, delicately brushing the length of Jimin’s arm and
Jimin could tell by his scent that the alpha was slowly calming down. “I guess it only natural to
continue it despite other commitments?”

At the question, Jeongguk pursed his lips together, his eyes saddening considerably, but Jimin
expected as much. One couldn’t really delve back in painful memories without at least feeling
some time of hurt. “It doesn’t matter how we look at it, Jimin, nothing justifies what I did. But
yeah, even after you and I were engaged, I didn’t leave her.”

“It’s not like I can put the full blame on you, Jeongguk, you didn’t feel anything for me, whilst with
Soo-Min, you did have something. Even if it was just physical.”

“Why do I get the feeling that you’re trying to justify me either way?” Jeongguk added in a clipped
tone, seeming rather unhappy with Jimin’s words.

At this, the omega leaned forward to press a kiss to the alpha’s lips, nuzzling into his neck soon
after. “I’m not, I just understand your choices, even if they were wrong.” Fingers laced together as
Jeongguk tucked their hands against the heat of his chest, shaking his head.

“You’re unbelievable.”

They were quiet for a moment and Jimin made himself more comfortable by placing his head
against the alpha’s chest. A happy purr hovered within his throat as he took solace in the sound of
Jeongguk’s beating heart, finding himself smiling warmly. He felt Jeongguk tighten his hold on the
omega, their hands still entwined.

He wasn’t sure what Jeongguk was thinking, but it wasn’t long until he was speaking again.

“My parents always told me that once a wolf presented, they had to immediately fulfill their
respective roles. My father was a firm believer that the alpha had to be respected, made all the
decisions, and provided for the family.” He paused slowly.

“And my mother always said that an omega had to take care of the household and service their

Jimin had to frown at this, a mixture of feelings settling in his heart.

Society would always be divided in such a way, honestly, Jimin didn’t think there will ever be a
time where everyone would be on the same page with certain topics. The world was diverse, and
where some celebrated equality between presented roles, others didn’t share the same mindset.
Jimin was grateful that Seoul was a bit more ahead of the times, but even so.

There was no running from some families that were deeply rooted in traditional upbringings.
Jeongguk probably had that way of life, and thinking back on when they first met, he even noticed
the way Jeongguk was too serious and too stiff; dominating and righteous, like any proper alpha
would be. Perhaps it was something that had always been drilled into Jeongguk since he was a kid.

“For a while, I would stay with my grandmother, from my father’s side. With her, I felt like was
able to be a kid without having my father breathing down my shoulder constantly. With her, I was
happy.” Jeongguk swallowed thickly, “But she passed away when I was young, and I was alone
after that.”

“Oh, babe.” Jimin felt his heart go out to the alpha, unable to imagine how he must have felt like a
child after having lost a loved one. How lonely he must have felt without his grandmother’s love.

“Home was always cold, but I never lacked anything. Dad was a strict, emotionless man, but he
provided for us. Mom and I never had to worry about not having what we needed.”

“Not long after, I began to think that maybe life at home would be better if I pleased my parents. I
started to think that maybe Dad was right; maybe I was being too soft and if I didn’t act on my
own, people would just take advantage of me.”
Jimin quietly played with Jeongguk’s shirt, his forefinger lightly tracing his front. “Did your father
have affairs outside of his marriage?” The omega’s voice was so soft, he almost didn’t think
Jeongguk heard him, but seconds later, the alpha was swallowing thickly, before nodding.

“He did.” There was no missing the disappointed sigh that left his lips. “Mom knew about it but
she didn’t seem affected by it, she didn’t care. She once told me that whatever Dad did outside our
home was his business, as long as he continued to bring home the money.”

“Did it bother you?”

“A lot, actually…” Jeongguk admitted. “It’s a reason why I didn’t initiate anything with you,
Jimin. I didn’t realize it at first, but it came to me during the time we were apart.”

Jimin had to lift his head slightly in order to meet Jeongguk’s penetrating gaze, “What do you

Brown eyes grew soft before he answered, voice woven together with sincerity. “I just couldn’t do
what my dad did, no matter how much I was told it was okay. How could he be with other omegas
and come home and lay with my mother, as well?”

He shook his head, “I couldn’t bring myself to be with both you and Soo-Min at the same time.”

All the lack of intimacy, the refusal to touch him and bed him; not wanting to claim him. A
majority had to do with the fact that Jeongguk felt nothing for him, but to think that Jeongguk’s
subconscious was keeping him from initiating anything because he didn’t want to be like his
father; not fully. Perhaps not at all.

“Mom always said it was okay, but even as a kid, I could tell she wasn’t. And as much as she tried
to appear unbothered, there was no masking her scent when he was away. When we divorced, I
spent a lot of time thinking about how much of my father I was and –.”

“You’re not like your father.” Jimin interrupted, feeling his heart ache, finding it difficult to process
the alpha’s pain, but he wasn’t blind to it. No, there was no justifying what Jeongguk did; he lied to
Jimin, in the form of infidelity. A lot of people would vehemently refuse to even look at Jeongguk
if they had been in Jimin’s shoes.

Jimin was not going to make excuses for the alpha.

But he wasn’t going to allow Jeongguk to drown himself, either.

Sitting up slightly, the omega gazed down at Jeongguk’s wolfish gaze, the alpha seeming a bit
confused and uncertain at Jimin’s sudden comment. Soft hands cupped Jeongguk’s face and there
was no denying the omega’s confident tone. “You’re not like him, Jeongguk.”


“You once said that people say children will often mirror their parents, but that you didn’t think it
was entirely true. Why not, Jeongguk?” He could see the way Jeongguk’s eyes faltered, did not
miss the way they swam with indescribable emotion. “Because you knew you didn’t want to be
anything like him.”

Jeongguk gave off a shuddering breath. “You think so…?”

The omega affectionately stroked the alpha’s jaw, voice gentle, “I knew there was more to you
than what you were putting out, Jeongguk. This is what I wanted for you from the beginning. When
I left, I had the hope that you would find yourself, the real you; to no longer be oppressed. And
here you are, Jeongguk.”

“You’re doing something you love and surrounded by wonderful friends; you’re here with me.
You have me. You wouldn’t be here if you were like your father. If anything, you’re everything
your grandmother would have wanted you to be.”

He felt Jeongguk’s arms spread slightly and Jimin didn’t skip a beat, falling against the alpha fully
and hugging him tightly. “I wouldn’t be here with you.”

Jimin welcomed the way the alpha buried his face in his neck, shivered delightfully as the alpha
prodded at his scent gland. A tender kiss was placed on the curve that connected his neck and
shoulder, before nuzzling against him. Already, Jimin was beginning to feel overwhelmed by the
alpha’s scent, overtaking his own and laying his claim.

He didn’t mind; he knew that the alpha needed the comfort.

Could feel his elation.

After a moment of much needed cuddling, Jeongguk breathed out a confession, “I couldn’t bring
myself to be with anyone else since you left. I had the faint hope that I would get another chance
with you, and here you are.”

Jimin couldn’t force down the way his heart swelled, couldn’t bring himself to fight against the joy
and affection that came with such words.

“With you.”

“With me.”

Jimin was still sound asleep when Jeongguk made his way to the kitchen, with Promise at his
heels. He smiled down at her, scratching her head as she made her way onto the countertop.
Jeongguk noticed that he a light in his step, and he wasn’t going to deny that it was all because of
Jimin and time spent cuddling on the bed.

More talking had ensued, but in the end, the couple had delved into making out quietly on the bed,
before deciding to finally settle for some sleep.

The alpha had realized that his initial worries were easily smoothed over by the omega and he
couldn’t be more grateful to have Jimin at his side. He did occasionally fear that they would hit
bumps that contained issues on his past, not wanting to drive Jimin away with painful memories.

But at this point, he needed to place more faith in Jimin; the omega wasn’t going to leave him, and
if it ever reached a point where he had to, he knew Jimin wouldn’t be harsh about it. Jeongguk was
tremendously lucky to have someone incredibly kind and understanding at his side.

What he hadn’t been expecting after serving Promise her breakfast, was the faint knock that came
from his door. He wasn’t expecting company, and Jimin would have mentioned if someone was
coming over, so Jeongguk approached the door a bit cautiously.

Slowly, he opened the door and peered out, his eyes growing wide when he saw Yoongi standing
rather sheepishly in the hall. “Hyung?”

Yoongi gave a curt nod, before reaching up to rub his neck. “Sorry, this is really sudden, but I
figured it would be better if I just came personally. May I come in?”

Jeongguk knew that the omega wouldn’t go out of his way to visit him personally unless there was
a legitimate reason. The alpha only hoped that what Yoongi had to share, wasn’t anything bad; but
he had the nagging feeling it had to do with Yoongi’s current predicament.

“Of course, hyung. I was about to start some coffee; would you like some?” The omega shuffled
into his apartment but was already shaking his head at the offer. Jeongguk followed him to the
kitchen, motioning for Yoongi to sit down as the alpha took his seat in front of him. He knew that
Yoongi was out of his comfort zone, so Jeongguk was hoping to make the omega as comfortable as

“Jeongguk-ah, I came here because I wanted to talk to you about the other night. I feel like I came
off as ungrateful and there’s some things I want to share with you.” Judging by the tone in the
omega’s voice, he could tell that Yoongi was hoping for a swift exit.

He did pause however, frowning slightly as he appeared to take a whiff at his surroundings. “Do
you have company over? Jimin?”

Jeongguk blinked furiously before sputtering slightly. “Yeah, but it’s okay. He’s just sleeping right
now, it’s no bother.” The alpha tried to reassure the other, so Yoongi simply nodded, slouching
slightly in his seat.

“But, anyway, hyung. You wanted to talk?”

Yoongi pursed his lips slightly before continuing, “Yeah, like I said, I didn’t want to seem
ungrateful. I did a lot of thinking, since then; Hoseok helped a lot that night.”

“Did you tell him?” Jeongguk’s eyes widened slightly but the omega was shaking his head.

“Not yet, but I will, tonight. There’s just some stuff I wanted to say regarding everything. I’m
scared of this whole thing; I feel like I’ll fuck up somewhere.” Yoongi looked down at his hands as
he spoke. “And you’re right, the last thing I want is for this kid to come out to be just like me, or
maybe even worse.”

Of course Yoongi would be scared, who wouldn’t be? Parenthood was something entirely
different; in a matter of months, Yoongi would be the father of a child that would be depending on
him and Hoseok, if they ever decided to keep it. It wasn’t something that was going to be taken
lightly and whatever they decided on, would affect them tremendously either way. Jeongguk could
only hope that Hoseok and Yoongi would be strong enough to deal with the situation and he was
prepared to offer any kind of support in order to make things easier for two people that meant a lot
to the young alpha.

“But what was it that you thought about, hyung?” The alpha voiced out quietly, eyes lingering on
Yoongi’s troubled face.

At the question, however, the omega’s expression softened slightly, as if thinking about something
that was currently reassuring him. “It’s not like I feel any different than before, I’m still scared
shitless, but at the same time, I kind of came to the realization that…this baby isn’t just mine, it’s
Hoseok’s as well.”

Leaning forward, Yoongi’s brows furrowed slightly as if in deep thought. “When we first met,
Hoseok came off as someone unbearable; he was so loud and annoying, so in my space. There was
no getting away because we had to do a lot of partnered work.”

“There were times where I was pretty shitty towards him, too, but even if I hurt him, he still
managed to smile at me. Like he didn’t want to give up on me…”

“You’re starting to piss me off.” Yoongi drawled in irritation and Hoseok glanced up in mild
surprise, seeming innocently confused at the omega’s choice of words. Honestly, the omega wasn’t
sure if to feel angrier at Hoseok’s self-entitlement.

“I was just told that you’re finalizing the project. That’s my job, who the hell told you to nose into
my business?” Yoongi didn’t get angry often and even if he did, he fumed in silence; however, this
was something he couldn’t quite ignore, and given the past several months of both he and Hoseok
dancing around each other, the omega felt all the tension finally spill over.

At the accusation, Hoseok frowned, seeming unaffected by the reason behind Yoongi’s offended
state, “You were overworking yourself, Yoongi-ssi. Anyone can wrap up the project, you already
did your part.”

“That’s not up to you, the fuck? Ever since you got here you’ve been forcing yourself into my stuff
and it’s frustrating me. I don’t need you to look after me.” The office had grown eerily quiet and
Yoongi was kind of grateful they were the only ones there that night. He knew that Hoseok meant
well, but he had done things on his own for the longest time, he didn’t need some flamboyant alpha
to screw up his routine for him.

“Well, why not?”


Hoseok rose up from his chair, dropping his pent against his open notebook. “Why don’t you let
people look after you? You’ll fall apart at this rate, it’s not good for you.”

Yoongi was affronted, unable to believe the nerve of the younger, “That’s not your fucking

“Watch it.”

And that’s when he felt it, for the first time since meeting the alpha. Hoseok wasn’t the type to
assert his dominance, to make his respective role known; that’s what set Hoseok apart from the
rest, he always had a skill in holding back his wolf. Yoongi often questioned why the alpha allowed
himself to be pushed around, but he figured it had a lot to do with patience and self-control, but
things were different now.

The male before him reeked of alpha, his scent turning harsh as seriousness fell over Hoseok
almost instantly. There was a strong pull, something that made the omega both alert and with a
need to pacify the alpha that was now before him. Yoongi always took pride in facing off toe to toe
with other alpha’s but there was just something about Hoseok that kept him from doing so.

There was something different.

“Yoongi.” There was a finality in Hoseok’s tone, and the omega didn’t even bite back at the
alpha’s lack of honorifics. The omega side of him refused to displease the alpha male in front of
him and it wasn’t something he could really control, either. “Stop fighting me and let me take care
of you for once.”

“He was the first to really take charge in a way; I found myself unable to fight him and honestly, I
didn’t want to. That day changed a lot of things between us.” A hand fell against his abdomen,
fingers clenching at his shirt. “Always taking care of me, looking after me to make sure I don’t go

“I owe him a lot, and I know that despite how this baby turns out to be, he will continue to take
care of me. Of us. Who am I to take this away from him?” Yoongi whispered, eyes shifting
towards the table. “It’s going to take a lot of me to fully come around, but I can say that I want this.
I’m uncertain but I want it.”

Jeongguk had realized he had been holding his breath, exhaling slightly upon hearing Yoongi’s
words. There was no describing the relief he was currently feeling, watching as the omega before
him swell with a bit more confidence. “I’m so happy, hyung. I was so worried at first…”

“That’s why I’m here, I wanted to thank you; I don’t know what I would have done had I not had
your help. I don’t even want to think about the missed opportunities if I had given into my

“Hyung.” Jeongguk leaned forward slightly. “You don’t have to thank me; I will always support
you where and when I can.”

“But you provided a different perspective for me; even if it feels like you didn’t do much, your
words served as a reminder. I don’t know where this road leads, but I do know who I want to trek it
with. So, thank you, Jeongguk.”

Reaching up, the omega slowly rubbed the bridge of his nose, obviously a bit sheepishly. “I would
have just called but I figured doing it in person would be better.”

“Ah, it’s okay, hyung. It means a lot that you decided to come all this way and I’m even happier
that you have decided to look on the positive side when it comes to the baby. I’m sure Hobi-hyung
will be thrilled.”

At the mention of the alpha’s name, Yoongi managed a small smile, “Yeah, I can already see it.”

How much did his husband sacrifice on his behalf? Their relationship had always had ups and
downs, always having to be dealt with behind closed doors. Hoseok always had to adjust to
Yoongi’s style of living, supported him in every way possible. The alpha didn’t lose his touch,
always holding him and touching him, reassuring the omega whenever he had bouts of insecurities
that ate away at him.

Every day was an obstacle, every day he struggled with being himself in terms of accepting who he
was and who they were. He had more doubts than hope, always fearing the worst, gazing into the
dark, shielding himself from the outside.
But there was always a light birthed from darkness and it was in the shape of Hoseok.

The alpha didn’t pressure him into anything, but he made Yoongi comfortable in his little space,
their little world. He didn’t try to change the omega in anyway, always gifting him with adoration
and affection that left his wolf seeking for more; wanting that refuge.

Accommodations always made for him; conditions met just for him.

Always giving, always sacrificing.

But not this time.

And as fingers raked through the alpha’s hair, there was no ignoring the way his scent grew strong
with joy, engulfing the omega completely. Hoseok gave off a rumble of pure, unspeakable
happiness, his head pressed gently against Yoongi’s abdomen and it was enough to have the omega
melting silently at his mate’s actions.

He wasn’t sure what the future held, but he had a been a fool to question it.

“Are you afraid?” The alpha breathed as he nuzzled into the omega slightly.

“All the time.”

The alpha didn’t move from his place, desperate to gain as much closure as he could to their pup.
He thought back on all their shared joys, remembered moments of unrivaled happiness, and love
filled passions.

Two wolves on opposite ends of the spectrum; completely different but purely compatible. They
came together perfectly, and no amount of memories came close to competing with the suffocating
joy that came from Hoseok upon being told that he was going to be a father.

Don’t hide your excitement, Hoseok. Share what you feel; I need to know.

He had told his husband.

“Don’t worry.” He whispered, stroking a hand over Yoongi’s belly. “I’ll take care of both of you.”

“What do you think the future holds?” Jeongguk asked and Jimin glanced up from where he had
been kicking the snow with his shoe. The omega allowed his head to fall back in order to meet the
alpha’s questionable gaze. He had been secured on a swing, both enjoying the last few minutes of
the sun, before it hid behind evening clouds. Jimin would be going home soon, another weekend
spent with the alpha, but Jeongguk realized that it was never enough.

He always wanted to be with Jimin.

However, he learned to gratefully accept what he was given and right now, he was happily placing
a kiss to Jimin’s brow. Chuckles erupted between them, before Jeongguk sought to kiss the
omega’s soft lips, slightly cold from the air, but nothing Jeongguk couldn’t warm up.

“Not sure, but I think we shouldn’t overlook the present.” There was truth in the omega’s words.
“There’s a lot of good happening right now, I think the future is just part of the vision.”
Another kiss connected their mouths together, the warmth going well with the crispy, winter air.
“So, do you think we are in a good place?” Jeongguk wasn’t sure why he was asking such a thing,
maybe his conversation with Yoongi earlier triggered something within the alpha that had him
seeking out answers.

But like always, Jimin was always there to provide a wonderful, yet differing perspective.
Jeongguk was always introduced to different possibilities, had him visit parts of himself he thought
he had long buried.

Jimin just made him see a lot of things differently.

“I think you should call Soo-Min.”

Now that was certainly something Jeongguk had not been expecting, startled out of his mind as
Jimin turned around in order to face the alpha fully. For a crazy moment, the alpha thought that he
was just hearing things, perhaps his mind still lingering on the conversation he had with Jimin not
that long ago.

But the longer he stared at the omega, the more he grasped the reality of what Jimin had just said.
At loss of words, the alpha only gaped at the omega, trying to piece together his confusion, as if
the expression on his face wasn’t enough to convey how lost he was.

“Listen, I know that it’s rather strange of me to say.” Jimin spoke up, but the lump only grew
larger, nestled within Jeongguk’s throat and keeping him from saying anything. “But it’s what you

Heaving a shuddering sigh, Jeongguk finally found his voice, words coming out in a choked
manner. “What I need? Why would I possibly need something like that? You were there, Jimin,
you were there and witnessed firsthand what she’s capable of.”

Jeongguk was unsure why he was feeling irritated at the idea, annoyance seeping into his scent and
turning it stale and unwelcoming. However, it seemed that Jimin had given a thing plenty of that,
because he didn’t seem too affected by Jeongguk’s reaction. “I know what she did and the kind of
person she is, but there’s always more to a person than what they put out. I get this feeling that this
is something you need to do.”

“But –…”

“Jeongguk, just now you asked me what the future held, and I can’t answer that for you, nor for
myself. But I am confident about the present, and Soo-Min is much your future as she was once
your past. I think a part of you knows that you can’t fully move on without facing her. Properly.”

A pained expression suddenly crossed the omega’s features, averting his gaze for the first time that
day, and Jeongguk wasn’t sure how to stomach such a thing. He wasn’t sure what Jimin had
coursing through his mind, but he knew that the omega wouldn’t say or do things without a proper
reason and right now, Jeongguk wasn’t confident about the circumstances.

“I’ve been meaning to do this since last night, after we talked about nearly everything under the
sun. This isn’t the last of your obstacles but it’s one you have to face.”

A painful pause soon followed, before Jimin continued with a wavering tone. “And I can’t fully
forgive you until you do, Alpha.”

Something within Jeongguk’s chest constricted painfully, his heart clenching before it dropped to
his stomach, unsure of how to properly react to such words. All the while, Jimin was gazing at
him, seeming torn, but confident and determined, as if it was something that needed to be done.

“I think you’ll know what to do once you see her.”

Standing up slowly, Jimin brushed his pants, before he slowly rubbed his hands together.

“Wait, Jimin, this all too sudden. Why spring this up on me now? I thought we were fine…”
Jeongguk felt his throat grow dry, finding it harder and harder to let his words out. The omega
moved forward to brush cold hands over Jeongguk’s face, his thumb caressing the alpha’s
trembling lips.

“We are fine, Jeongguk but I see something you have yet to discover for yourself, and this is
something I can’t help you with. Find Soo-Min, talk to her. I’m sure everything will fall into place
once you do. Then come find me.”

Hands trailed down the alpha’s neck and Jeongguk found himself gripping Jimin’s arms, desperate
to keep the omega from leaving, to keep him there with him. He was still unsure of what it was that
Jimin was talking about, and his mind was reeling with how unexpectedly he was being struck with
such words.

But Jimin was kissing him, mouths colliding and illustrating the passion and affection that still
lingered between them, that burned even hotter and refused to be put out. Jeongguk still wasn’t sure
exactly what Jimin was asking for, but as he savored the omega, pulled him closer and deepened
their connection, he knew that he couldn’t be without him.

He had never come across someone who could manage to root themselves so deep in his heart, but
after Jimin, Jeongguk and his wolf didn’t have the strength to be apart from their omega. Their

Jeongguk needed Jimin like he needed air; wanted to experience every joy and every pain with
him, wanted to provide and protect and simply to have and to hold.

And now, Jimin was parting from him again, not permanently, but still breaking away from the
alpha. It was almost too much, seeking to bruise Jimin’s lips, to have him for as long as the omega
allowed, before he tugged out of Jeongguk’s hold, seeming to be struggling just as much.

“Come home with me.” Jeongguk almost pleaded, but Jimin was already shaking his head, their
breaths mingling together, lips centimeters apart. “Please. I can’t lose you again.”

“You won’t. This isn’t the end. But until you do what I know you need to do; I don’t want you
looking for me.”

Jeongguk felt like he was on the verge of falling apart at the words, but Jimin breathed out in
evident reassurance. “My Alpha, I am not leaving you. Do this and only then will we be able to
talk about a future. Trust me. Just trust me.”

Arms slid around the alpha’s neck, pulling him flush against him. Jeongguk buried his face in the
other’s shoulder, his grip on the omega tight as he took in as much of Jimin’s honey coated scent as
he could. Even if the omega tried to soothe Jeongguk’s fear, it did nothing to calm the ache that
stormed within his heart.

Jimin had asked to trust him and so far, he hadn’t disappointed Jeongguk. He needed to delve into
the same kind of faith and not let his insecurities swallow him up. Whatever Jimin saw, Jeongguk
needed to seek out, too, and only then, they would be able to meet each other in the middle.
Only then will Jeongguk be free of the last of his shackles.

Chapter End Notes

Find me on Twitter! @HobiOnA03

So, I wanted to spoil my readers and decided to grace them with this update instead of
having the wait long for the both chapters to be posted. I love them a lot! XD

But the last chapter won't be as long and as I told my readers, I will not end it on a note
of finality. There will be a sequel, this is just a chapter of Jikook's lives that is ending,
with a new one on the way. I hope you enjoyed this, and I hope to see you when the
final chapter is posted! See you soon!
Chapter Notes

Please read the end note!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jimin was no longer in his arms.

One moment, he had been holding the omega tightly, caving into the other’s warmth and softness,
making quickened promises. He didn’t want to lose Jimin; couldn’t afford to lose the omega.
However, all Jeongguk could do, was stare at the nothingness that lingered, placing him in a
panicked state.

Did he fail?

Where was Jimin?

Jeongguk glanced around from where he had been standing, taking in the lifeless snow as it
sprinkled down over everything. Jimin had just been there, telling him they would be fine, that
everything was going to be okay, that he needed to do one more thing. Just one.

The alpha was confused, the ache in his heart building up into something that illustrated his sudden
fear. Wild eyes surveyed his surroundings, but the once populated park was now empty.
Everything had gone eerily quiet.

No one was around.

Jimin was gone.

But where did he go?

Jimin said they were fine.

Why weren’t they fine…?

“Jeongguk…” Jimin’s breathy whisper could be heard and the alpha’s eyes flew open, his chest
suddenly heaving as eyes struggled to gain focus from within his dark surroundings. Sleep still
clung to his mind and he was still having trouble getting composure when the room was suddenly
splashed with light.
The room reeked of his scent, coated with distress and it took him a moment to realize that he had
just been pulled out of a dream.

Immediately, the omega released calming pheromones, seeming worried but gently stroking the
alpha’s front. Jeongguk wasn’t sure what it was exactly that had him feeling so unsettled, so
confused and upset; if it had been a dream, it had been so vivid. So real.

That’s when he felt Jimin’s hand on his face, felt the way fingers wiped away at the wetness that
clung to the alpha’s cheeks, only noticing just now that he had been crying. Eyes flew to Jimin’s
face, taking in the omega’s equally scared expression, seeming just as confused and perturbed at
what all was happening.


He could even see the way Promise was gazing at him in expectancy, as if trying to figure out he
was acting the way that he was. But at the sound of his name, the omega’s soothing voice called
out to him. “I’m here, Jeongguk. It’s okay, Alpha. You were dreaming.”

A hand reached out to grasp Jimin by the arm, taking in the details his beautiful face, eyes still
heavy and puffy with sleep. Even his face was a bit flushed, probably having been startled away
from Jeongguk’s sudden distress, scaring his wolf in the process. Even so, Jeongguk had to breathe
out a trembling question. “You’re here?”

Puzzlement painted over Jimin’s features, brows knitting together in heightened confusion. “Of
course, I’m here, where else would I be?”

“But you said…”

And he stopped, blinking furiously as a recollection of events finally trickled into his troubled
mind, fully settling within his reality. They never were at the park.

Did he really dream all of that up?

“You’re scaring me, Jeongguk, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

A sigh of utmost relief fell from his lips and he felt like crying again. Instead of replying to Jimin
right away, the alpha slid his arms around the omega and pulled Jimin against his chest. There was
no resist, but he could still sense the omega’s caution. However, as Jeongguk sought the cover of
the omega’s neck, Jimin relented. Slowly, his omega coaxed Jeongguk, hands gracing his back as
he massaged the alpha’s taut muscles.

All the while, Jeongguk breathed in Jimin’s welcoming scent, heavy with pheromones and seeking
to soothe the alpha. He nosed against Jimin’s scent gland, took in the way Jimin shivered, feeling
the way Jimin’s hand gently brushed upwards towards his neck. Soft fingers caressed Jeongguk’s
damp skin, before moving farther upwards to bury themselves in his hair.

He thought about the previous night, how he and Jimin were in bed, talking. Jeongguk remembered
Yoongi visiting and hearing the omega out the following morning; how Yoongi had been grateful.

Then he remembered how Jimin stayed; how they watched movies and snuggled on the couch,
ordering a late dinner.

Jeongguk recalled the way he convinced the omega with soft kisses to stay just a bit longer;
playfully begged for him to call in a sick day at work and enjoy another day with the alpha. He
recalled the way Jimin pleaded to be touched as they pressed against the cool sheets.
His Jimin. The real Jimin.

The one with him now.

“Sorry, I guess the dream overwhelmed me a lot more than I want to admit…”

Slowly, he pulled away, albeit reluctantly. His mind was still in a mist of confusion, but at least he
knew that what he had experienced was nothing more than a dream. Jimin didn’t ask anymore
question, simply focusing on making Jeongguk feel better, probably in hopes of getting the alpha to
eventually talk. He knew that he owned Jimin an explanation, especially after putting him through
an unexpected scare.

Licking his lips slightly, Jeongguk took in the grace of the omega’s soft eyes, full of genuine
concern and concentrated on the alpha’s face.

“I had a dream where you left me.” At the words, Jimin’s gentle orbs grew soft, wavering slightly
at the tone of Jeongguk’s torn voice. “We were in a park and you told me that we couldn’t really be
together unless I did this one thing. Then suddenly you were gone, and I thought it was because I
failed you.”

Something in Jimin’s gaze flickered, shadowing over with unmatched emotion. Jeongguk wasn’t
sure if it was sadness, disappointment, or something else. Whatever it was, the alpha didn’t like,
couldn’t stand leaving Jimin in such a state.

And it hit him. Harshly.

The omega in his dreams, was that a manifestation of his own fears?

His Jimin, the one gazing at him now; he would never feed into Jeongguk’s insecurities. The alpha
had been ready to follow blindly, to prove himself worthy, but is that what Jimin wanted? The
omega was here, in his bed, under his sheets, sleeping with him, seeking comfort for him. Jimin
had every opportunity to make demands; to make Jeongguk feel horrible or to use his mistakes
against him.

He had a chance to take revenge, to manipulate Jeongguk’s guilt. To mold him into something that
he wasn’t just to benefit Jimin.

But he didn’t.

Jimin had always been honest with him; their talks have always been long. Even before coming
together in intimacy, Jimin had extended his friendship; had regarded Jeongguk as who he was
now and not what he did.

The omega never once pressured him to change; didn’t demand retribution. They touched on
subjects they’ve experienced together, was always inviting and considerate when Jeongguk was
open to him about his thoughts and feelings. Jimin was there and refused to give up on him, didn’t
allow Jeongguk to seek out the shadows of guilt if he knew it was something they could work
through together.

Jimin never held forgiveness as a hostage. Didn’t use it as some play card.

Did Jeongguk really need to beat himself up over it?

Jimin was with him for a reason; spent time with him, allowed the alpha to hold him and to kiss
him. In his presence, the omega didn’t seem scared or hesitant; Jeongguk couldn’t see reluctance in
his gaze or sensed discomfort. If Jimin didn’t want to be with him, he knew that the omega would
let the alpha know.

“What was it that I was telling you to do?” Jimin’s voice was unbelievably soft, clearly troubled
that he was the source of Jeongguk’s current state. However, the alpha was already kissing his
brow, seeking to reassure the omega that he was not to blame for his fears.

“Just something; something I know you wouldn’t put me through.”

“So why do you think you had a dream like that?”

Jeongguk reached up to stroke Jimin’s jawline with his fingers, kissing the length of his jaw as he
caught whiffs of the omega’s scent, the same aroma of honey, only tainted with an air of
uncertainty. So, the alpha trailed his fingers towards the length of his neck, massaging them gently
into the skin surrounding the omega’s scent gland.

Instantly, Jimin relaxed as Jeongguk breathed. “It was just my own insecurities, Jimin. I did wrong
by you and I’m sorry…I guess I’m still afraid of doing something wrong. Of losing you if I don’t
do the right thing.”

At this, Jimin leaned closer, his own hand gracing Jeongguk’s neck. “Alpha, I just want you to be
the best that you can be as yourself. I don’t want you bending over backwards for me, especially if
it’s something you feel like you should do for the sake of our relationship.”

“I wish I could reassure you about our future, Alpha, but we can’t know what it will bring. We
might even come across differences that will drive us apart, but if something like that happens, I
want you to be comforted with the fact that we gave it the best that we could.”

Arms fully slid around Jeongguk’s neck, much like in his dream, only this time, he felt better.

There was no ache.

Jeongguk welcomed the hug with enthusiasm, and if he was holding on a little too tightly, Jimin
didn’t seem to mind. There was no complaint.

“Losing you scares me.” Jeongguk confessed.

“That may be, but losing yourself because of me, Jeongguk, that’s my fear.” Jimin pulled back just
enough in order to press his forehead against the alpha. “Please just be yourself; where we are
now, this feels right. I just want to be with you; everything else we will face together.”

Guilt was something that Jeongguk had always carried with him, but there was just something
about Jimin’s genuine affection that pierced through it, dampening it over time. Whether Jimin had
forgiven him or not, Jeongguk didn’t know, but he was confident in Jimin’s feelings. He trusted the
omega in his arms.

“Whatever it is that I told you to do, Jeongguk, don’t do it for me. If you don’t want to do it, then
don’t, if you feel like it’s something you need to do, then go ahead. That’s not for me to decide. I’ll
support you the best that I can.”

Jimin sealed that promise with a kiss, delicate but honest, full of fondness and warmth. Jeongguk
tasted the sincerity of his words and the pledge of a potential love, should they ever find it in the
future. For now, Jeongguk was just happy in knowing that Jimin, his Jimin, cared for him as he
He wasn’t leaving.

Jimin was there to stay.

For as long as Fate allowed.

[My Alpha] 5:24 p.m.

Late night?

You usually text me when you’re out

[Jimin] 5:26 p.m.

Baby :(

Not that late

I just forgot to edit a proposal

[My Alpha] 5:27 p.m.

About how long, love?

Want me to pick you up?


No more than an hour

And you don’t have to, babe

I’ll text you when I’m out

Jimin felt giddy and warm as he smiled down at his phone, always astounded at how easily
Jeongguk made him smile. His alpha; a man he once thought was too cold, only to witness the
kindness that harbored within the alpha’s eyes. Jeongguk, so selfless and pure, the most
sentimental alpha Jimin had ever come across, but his all the same.

The omega had returned to Seoul with a determination to focus on himself and not seek out the
alpha, to just let things fall into place on their own. He had even concluded that he had yet to
forgive Jeongguk but considering all the time spent; the words expressed, the sincerity that the
alpha carried with little effort, Jimin couldn’t even think of such a notion.

He had long forgiven Jeongguk before he fully realized it.

The alpha had painted himself across Jimin’s soul; touched his wolf and claimed him.

Maybe they were true mates.

Connected, and allowed to be able to one day, love fiercely.

How could an alpha, who had once showed him bitter indifference, shower him with so much
affection? His essence burned Jimin in a good way, and he was swept away by the intensity of it
all, because Jeongguk was an alpha born to love, and Jimin was happy Jeongguk had found
himself. For himself. Could live as himself.

And Jimin, he was lucky to have been chosen by such a beautiful soul.

And when the omega finally stepped out of the building, he couldn’t contain the smile from
blooming over his face as he caught sight of Jeongguk, waiting for him on the sidewalk, a bag in
his hand.

It was then that Jimin was taken back. Back to how it all began, the unraveling affair that took
them by a storm, yet, brought them closer than they had ever been.

He thought back on when he first laid eyes on Jeongguk and Soo-Min, bag in hand and eager to
meet his once husband, but now partner. The ache, the pain, the way his heart shattered but still
managed to piece back together on his own. Jeongguk, now a positive reflection of those times, his
own smile kissing his handsome face, eyes on Jimin and him alone.

The omega took a few steps towards the alpha, “Hello, boyfriend.”

“Hello, boyfriend.” Jeongguk echoed, kissing Jimin’s lips, a sensation pooling across his chest,
before an affection even greater than before, anchored itself in Jimin’s heart.

“Jeongguk, I told you that you didn’t have to pick me up.” The omega pouted slightly, before
deciding to nose in on Jeongguk’s bag that appeared to be from a convenience store.

“I know, but I couldn’t help myself. Besides, I figured we could go have dinner, I got something on
the way over here.” The alpha opened the bag for Jimin to have a better view.

Snorting playfully, Jimin chuckled, “Convenience store ramen?”

“Don’t act like it’s not your favorite.” Jeongguk countered with a laugh, before offering his arm to
the omega, and Jimin couldn’t contain the joyful purr that rumbled through his chest. Without
wasting another second, Jimin slid his own arm around the alpha’s, linking them together.

Immediately, Jimin melted against Jeongguk’s side as the alpha began to guide them away, down
the sidewalk and towards home. Wherever it was.

Jeongguk was home.

And if for whatever reason, Jeongguk decided he needed to ask Jimin about his forgiveness; if for
any moment, the alpha needed some sort of verbal reassurance, the omega would give it to him.
But right now, the alpha was at ease, seemed happy, and the darkness that once clung to his eyes,
vanished within a light that Jimin would never get tired of seeing.

If Jeongguk ever asked if he had been forgiven, Jimin would give him just one word.


End Part One

To be continued in:

Threaded Bonds

Chapter End Notes


Find me on Twitter: @HobiOnA03

There will be a sequel! "Threaded Bonds" is the title name of the sequel to Unraveling
Affairs so please look forward to it! It will go more in depth of the relationship as well
as more fluff than angst! Please look forward to Part Two!

Thank you SO much to everyone who supported this story! I honestly am so happy
that so many people were fans of this piece of fiction! It hurts that UA is over but it's
not the end of their story, it will certainly continue! Thanks to all of the kind words and
critics and thanks for giving this story a chance! You guys have inspired my writing so
much and I hope to see you in Threaded Bonds! Please comment and let me know
your feelings!

See you soon! And keep an eye out to my next story, "Obsidian Eyes."

Much love!


End Notes

Please let me know what you think! And don't worry, Jeongguk will come around, you'll
see. ;)

I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I loved writing it! Sorry for any mistakes you see,
I'll go back and fix them later!

Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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