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This is, perhaps, the most popular story in our capital city.

• Some years ago, the famous two-story house was demolished and rebuilt, due
to internal damage to its structure; but the mystery that the round does not
disappear and continues to be a matter of conversation until now.
• The name of Matusita arose from a hardware store that occupied the first floor
of the house for around 50 years in the 20th century, which is why until now,
the entire building is popularly known as “Casa Matusita”. Already in the 21st
century, a banking business occupied this place and both the workers of this
business and those of the previous one, indicated that they had heard strange
sounds coming from the mysterious second floor ... But how did the myth

• The legend began more than 250(TWO HUNDRED FIFTEEN) years ago. It is said
that in 1754(SEVENTYN IFTY FOUR), the Holy Inquisition took a woman of
Persian descent, named Parvaneh, who was dedicated to the healing of
incurable diseases, which caused her to be considered a sorceress. After
relentlessly torturing her, she had to admit to being a follower of the devil, for
which she was sentenced to die at the stake. But it is said that before her
death, the woman cast a curse on the house that she inhabited at that time,
which is nothing less than the house currently known as Matusita.
• After this, the house remained uninhabited until the 19th century, when a
Japanese family began to live there. It is said that this is when the curse began.
There are several theories about what happened in the house at that time,
among them is that voices were heard and shadows were seen in an
uncontrollable way which made the situation untenable, so much so that the
father of the family went crazy and he mistreated his employees both
physically and psychologically. That is why the butler and the maid of the house
decided to murder and dismember the man. After performing this heinous act,
they tried to set the house on fire, but in the end, it was not completely
destroyed, and they were arrested and taken to a mental institution.
• Another version indicates that the father of the family discovered his wife's
infidelity, so full of anger and jealousy, the man decided to kill her and
dismember her. He put the woman's members in every corner of the house and
when his sons arrived and saw the scene, the father decided to kill them too.
Having murdered his entire family, the tormented man decided to take his own

• From these alleged murders, the legend was born that if someone dared to
enter the house for more than 5 minutes, they could see the dead, as well as
hear the screams and sounds of the heartbreaking events that happened there.
Since then, many stories have been woven around this building, which have
only fed the mystery and enigma of this place in Lima.

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