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Name: ___________________________ Date: _____________________________

Unit 1 Week 2: Vocabulary

1. Every year, I celebrate my birthday with my friends and family.

We eat cake. We sing “Happy Birthday.” Everybody gives me
What does celebrate mean?
a) do something everyday
b) do something boring
c) do something special

2. A tiger came to my house. The tiger wanted to eat me. My dad

beat the tiger. The tiger ran away. My dad is very brave. My dad
has a lot of courage.
What is courage?
a) watching something difficult or dangerous
b) not being afraid something difficult or dangerous
c) being afraid of something difficult or dangerous
I feel a lot of
I want to go to the park today, but I can’t because it is raining. I
have to stay inside. This makes me very unhappy. I feel a lot of
disappointment because I can’t go to the park today.
Which word below means almost the same thing as disappointment?
a) happy
b) sad
c) sick

4. I am my father and mother’s only child. I am very important to

them, so they take very good care of me. I am very precious to
them, so they take very good care of me.
What does precious mean in the sentence above?
a) costing a lot of money
b) very special
c) a lot of trouble
I feel a lot of pride!
I am the smartest student in my class. This makes me feel very
happy. I feel a lot of pride because I am the smartest student in my
When you feel pride, you feel very about something
a) satisfied
b) unhappy
c) angry

6. This morning, my mother told me to clean my room. This morning,

I didn’t clean my room because I forgot to clean my room. This
afternoon, my mother reminded me to clean my room. She told me
again to clean. My mother often reminds me to clean my room
because I always forget to clean my room.
What does remind mean?
a) to do something for somebody
b) to tell your mother to do something
c) to help somebody remember to do something
The Chinese flag is a symbol of China.
The Chinese flag means China. When I
see the Chinese flag, I think of China and
not other countries.
Which of the below is a symbol of China?





8. During Spring Festival, Chinese families often eat dumplings together.

Eating dumplings is a Spring Festival tradition in China. Most
Chinese families eat dumplings every year at Spring Festival.
Chinese families have been eating dumplings at Spring Festival for a
very, very long time.
Which word is a synonym for tradition?
a) festival
b) custom
c) food

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