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Multi-scale models of lung fibrosis

Julie Leonard-Duke a, Stephanie Evans b, Riley T. Hannan c, Thomas H. Barker a,

Jason H.T. Bates d, Catherine A. Bonham e, Bethany B. Moore f,
Denise E. Kirschner b and Shayn M. Peirce a,g
a - Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, PO Box 800759, Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA
b - Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
c - Department of Pathology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA
d - Department of Medicine, Vermont Lung Center, University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, VT 05405, USA
e - Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA
f - Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, and Department of Microbiology and
Immunology, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
g - Robert M. Berne Cardiovascular Research Center, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA

Corresponding to Shayn M. Peirce: Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, Health System, PO
Box 800759, Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA.

The architectural complexity of the lung is crucial to its ability to function as an organ of gas exchange; the
branching tree structure of the airways transforms the tracheal cross-section of only a few square centimeters
to a blood-gas barrier with a surface area of tens of square meters and a thickness on the order of a micron or
less. Connective tissue comprised largely of collagen and elastic fibers provides structural integrity for this
intricate and delicate system. Homeostatic maintenance of this connective tissue, via a balance between cat-
abolic and anabolic enzyme-driven processes, is crucial to life. Accordingly, when homeostasis is disrupted
by the excessive production of connective tissue, lung function deteriorates rapidly with grave consequences
leading to chronic lung conditions such as pulmonary fibrosis. Understanding how pulmonary fibrosis devel-
ops and alters the link between lung structure and function is crucial for diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy.
Further information gained could help elaborate how the healing process breaks down leading to chronic dis-
ease. Our understanding of fibrotic disease is greatly aided by the intersection of wet lab studies and mathe-
matical and computational modeling. In the present review we will discuss how multi-scale modeling has
facilitated our understanding of pulmonary fibrotic disease as well as identified opportunities that remain open
and have produced techniques that can be incorporated into this field by borrowing approaches from multi-
scale models of fibrosis beyond the lung.
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Introduction process is hijacked by heightened and/or prolonged

inflammation, leading to differentiation of fibroblasts
Fibrosis is a condition where excess fibrous con- into myofibroblasts that deposit extracellular matrix
nective tissue forms in an organ during a reparative (ECM) in non-homeostatic ways [13]. Whether
(or reactive) process. Fibrosis occurs often in the manifested locally by an identifiable trigger (e.g.,
lung, and is associated with a myriad of diseases, tumors or tuberculosis granulomas) or in a more
from lung cancer to certain infections to idiopathic spatially distributed fashion throughout the lung by
pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Lung fibrosis ensues when an unknown trigger (e.g., IPF), the main “output” of
the remodeling phase of the natural wound healing lung fibrosis  stiffening of lung tissue  is thought

0945-053X/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Matrix Biology. (2020) 00, 116
2 Multi-scale models of lung fibrosis

to be the same, although the mechanisms driving terminate, leading to the extended presence of
this behavior may differ between conditions. Conse- proinflammatory factors, such as interleukin-1 (IL-1)
quently, lung fibrosis is a complex process that has and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), and ele-
multiple inputs that may vary across diseases and vated levels of matrix-modifying enzymes, such as
include biomolecular signals, mechanical signals, matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) [9]. The inflamma-
and different interacting cell types that operate and tion stage typically overlaps temporally with the pro-
intersect with one another over a broad range of liferation stage, meaning while inflammation is
length and time scales. upregulated, fibroblasts in the affected area may be
Since the lungs are difficult tissues to study, par- stimulated to produce excess collagen, which stif-
ticularly during fibrotic processes, alternative fens the ECM. Notably, inflammatory processes are
approaches have become increasingly useful to complex and can lead to other outcomes that do not
tease out the intricacies of lung disease. We will involve fibroblasts, such as abcess formation [10],
summarize in this review how pairing computational but when fibroblasts are activated, alteration of the
modeling with wet lab studies has proven to be a chemo-mechanical characteristics of the ECM can
powerful tool for studying lung fibrosis by elucidating affect many other cells in the tissue niche, including
new mechanisms of disease that span spatial and cells of the microvasculature (e.g. endothelial cells)
temporal scales and by providing quantitative and that are critically responsible for ensuring adequate
predictive frameworks for identifying and evaluating tissue perfusion [2]. Several computational models
potential new treatments [4-6]. Computer models have been created in attempts to understand the
integrate what is known and/or hypothesized about dynamics of the wound healing cascade and the
a system to predict something not yet known. Spe- manifestation of fibrosis in tissues outside the lung,
cifically, they are able to combine different types of such as skin [1113] or liver [14,15].
experimental data (e.g., collected from in vitro mod- Fibrosis can occur in the lung as an end result of
els, in vivo models, or clinical specimens) using many different diseases (e.g. cancer, infection, bron-
physical laws and theories (e.g., momentum or diffu- chiolitis obliterans, COPD, scleroderma, rheumatoid
sion) that have mathematical implementations to arthritis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis and IPF).
calculate the outcomes for simulated biologically rel- Interestingly, some of these diseases (e.g. sclero-
evant scenarios. In making predictions that are derma and rheumatoid arthritis-associated interstitial
rooted in both data and theory, computer models lung disease) have systemic manifestations causing
extend scientific discovery beyond the set of experi- fibrosis in multiple organs but other diseases, such
mentally testable questions thereby accelerating as IPF seem to be uniquely localized to the lung
and enriching the discovery process. [16]. The reasons for such differences in disease
The present review summarizes how computa- manifestations are not clear.
tional modeling has been applied to the study of Fibrosis in the lung tends to follow this general
fibrosis and different fibrotic lung conditions and the wound healing paradigm, but there are some mech-
insights that have been garnered from them. We anisms of fibrosis that are unique to the lung. The
specifically highlight an emerging and powerful cate- architecture of the normal lung allows for efficient
gory of computational models, multi-scale computa- gas exchange, while also providing barrier function
tional models, which integrate mechanisms of against inhaled particles and pathogens [17]. The
disease across the molecular (e.g., microscopic), lung contains of a variety of cell types including type
cellular (e.g., mesoscopic), and tissue and organ (e. I and II alveolar epithelial cells (AECs), endothelial
g., macroscopic) levels [7]. Our review also dis- cells and fibroblasts. The alveoli of the lung are lined
cusses the challenges that lung fibrosis research with thin type I AECs that are in close proximity to
faces, particularly regarding current experimental endothelial cells which allow for efficient gas
limitations, and how computational modeling could exchange. Type I AECs are thin and cover over
be deployed in conjunction with experiments to over- 90% of the surface area of the lung [18], while type II
come these challenges and yield breakthroughs in AECs generate surfactant which has lipid compo-
understanding that may have substantial clinical nents that reduce surface tension during breathing
benefits. and protein components that provide host defense
functions [18-20]. Fibroblasts provide flexible struc-
ture supporting the epithelial and endothelial cells.
The biology of lung fibrosis Fibrosis is believed to develop in response to a lung
injury. In the lung, this generally refers to an injury to
Fibrosis has been regarded as the prolonging, or the type I and/or type II AECs. Limited damage to
dysfunction, of the final phases of the body’s normal type I AECs is repaired by proliferation and differen-
wound healing cascade, which progresses along tiation of the type II AECs to reestablish the epithelial
four well-characterized stages: hemostasis, inflam- barrier [21]. If damage is minimal, this heals without
mation, proliferation and remodeling [8]. Fibrosis scarring; however, if damage is more severe, then
can occur when the inflammation stage fails to other types of progenitor cells (e.g. Keratin 5þ basal
Multi-scale models of lung fibrosis 3

cells [22]) can be mobilized to effect repair which is obstructive if tumor(s) or TB granulomatous infiltra-
often disordered. Significant damage to either type I tion causes air trapping, resulting in high lung vol-
or type II AECs disrupts the homeostatic signaling umes, or dynamic airway collapse with exhalation,
between AECs and fibroblasts allowing for the mes- resulting in low air flow [4042]. Less commonly,
enchymal cells (fibroblasts) to expand, become acti- cancer or TB presents with restriction (abnormally
vated and begin synthesis of extracellular matrix. low lung volumes and high air flow) due to pleural
The initial injury leads to the release of damage disease or diffuse spread of tumor or granulomas
associated molecular pattern molecules or DAMPs [43,44]. In contrast, all ILDs, including IPF, presents
which trigger innate immune receptors to initiate with restrictive physiology, or sometimes restriction
inflammatory responses resulting in release of che- mixed with a mild to moderate amount of overlap-
mokines and recruitment of inflammatory cells [23, ping obstruction. ILD is an umbrella term for approxi-
24]. The repair and fibrosis process are influenced mately 200 different forms of pulmonary fibrosis in
by the phenotypes of the monocyte-macrophages which fibrosis is not reactive to a specific pathologic
that are recruited and also by the release of pro- nidus as in cancer or TB, but rather occurs diffusely
fibrotic growth factors such as transforming growth in the interstitial connective tissue compartment
factor (TGF)b and cytokines such as IL-13, IL-4, IL- between alveoli [16]. This results in classic restric-
17 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)a [25]. tive physiology, with small, stiff lungs and high air
For many fibrosing interstitial lung diseases flow on exhalation due to increased elastic recoil.
(ILDs), what is not known is the inciting injury. Viral Pulmonary fibrosis in patients with ILD may be asso-
infections [26], genetic mutations [27], acid aspira- ciated with systemic connective tissue diseases
tion [28] and inhaled particulate matter [29] are such as scleroderma or rheumatoid arthritis, envi-
hypothesized as causes of initial injury and possible ronmental exposures such birds or mold antigen, or
exacerbating factors in IPF, which is one canonical drugs such as methotrexate [45]. IPF is one form of
form of idiopathic progressive ILD. These factors ILD with no known cause [46]. It is the most fre-
exacerbate both the intracellular, through endoplas- quently studied ILD today due to the historical forma-
mic reticulum stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, tion of key research cohorts, and its poor median
and extracellular, through recruitment of inflamma- survival rate of 3 years after diagnosis in most
tory cells and activation of fibroblasts, environment patients [47,48]. Whereas fibrosis in diseases such
[24,3032]. In other cases of lung fibrosis, the incit- as cancer or TB is limited and may be functionally
ing agent is well-known (e.g. silica dust, Mycobacte- beneficial, patients with ILD suffer from diffuse man-
rium tuberculosis (Mtb), bleomycin chemotherapy). ufacture of extracellular collagen matrix that is physi-
While the fibrotic response is certainly beneficial for ologically and functionally maladaptive. This results
the host as a mechanism for walling off infections (e. in highly diminished exercise capacity and poor oxy-
g. TB [33]), progressive interstitial fibrosis is certainly gen diffusion across alveolar membranes; hence,
detrimental to the host via impairment of efficient gas shortness of breath on exertion and oxygen desatu-
exchange and reduction in lung compliance. The ration with ambulation are two key bedside findings
mechanisms that promote progressive fibrosis are in patients with ILD [48].
also poorly understood, but a common theory is that The fundamental differences in fibrotic disease
the accumulating matrix causes mechanical stiffen- mechanisms has led to the development and use of
ing of the tissue, which in turn may promote ongoing distinct computational models for each disease.
activation of mesenchymal and epithelial cells via Therefore, we will review a variety of computational
mechanotransduction [34,35]. Little is understood models that have been developed to study healthy
about the biology of progressive fibrosis presenting lung function and two major lung diseases where
the need for computational modeling to study poten- fibrosis is a critical component, idiopathic pulmonary
tial cellular interactions and the potential impacts of fibrosis (IPF), and tuberculosis (TB). In so doing, we
therapies. will point out the differences and similarities across
In clinical pulmonary medicine, diseases of the the range of computational modeling approaches
lung are grouped into obstructive versus restrictive that have been used to simulate lung fibrosis. We
physiology, based on measurement of total lung will also suggest opportunities for future adaptation
capacity and dynamic airflow through the bronchi and integration of computational models to study
and bronchioles using pulmonary function testing lung diseases that differ from that which they were
[36,37]. In diseases such as cancer, tuberculosis originally devised to investigate.
(TB), or other infection such as pulmonary abscess,
fibrosis occurs in a patchy distribution directly adja-
cent to the areas affected by the primary disease Computational models of lung fibrosis
process. This form of fibrosis is reactive to the
underlying disease and thought to have some adap- Computational models provide researchers with
tive function by walling off infection or tumor invasion tools for interrogating complex biological systems 
[33,38,39]. Physiology is often normal or may be offering both quantitative descriptions and predictive
4 Multi-scale models of lung fibrosis

power that is unattainable through experimental represent the change in concentration of a variable
investigation alone. Pairing of computational models (e.g. protein) over a spatial or temporal scale (e.g.
with experimental data is essential to specify and protein concentration over time in a system). PDEs
constrain them for biological relevancy, computa- explicitly represent changes in space and over time.
tional models of the lung have been developed to A common method for solving PDEs is finite element
simulate processes that occur at specific levels of modeling where the geometrical space can be
spatial scale, including molecular [49], cellular [50], mapped to smaller elements that are easier to solve
and tissue [51]. These models require the use of the PDEs over. These models are ideal for modeling
specific computational modeling techniques to rep- large geometries, such as a pair of lungs, to study
resent the biological processes at a unique level of perturbations on a macro-scale [53,54]. Finally,
scale, and these techniques necessarily abstract or agent-based models can be solved over space and
coarse grain the biological details from higher and/or time like PDEs but do so by enforcing a set of “rules”
lower levels of scale that are not explicitly repre- on individual “agents”, such as cells or cytokines.
sented by the model. For example, in their paper Rules can be in the form of differential or algebraic
evaluating the role of airway heterogeneity in equations, probabilistic expressions, and/or logic-
asthma, Tgavalekos et al. abstract the molecular based conditional statements. The environment the
and cellular details of the condition to focus on the agents interact with is partitioned into a grid where
whole tissue airway interactions that leads to each grid-space has its own ruleset which it obeys
changes in lung mechanics and ventilation distribu- when interacting with agents or over time [55,56].
tion [52]. These modeling techniques and others have been
Computational modeling approaches can be used to model lung fibrosis and will be discussed in
broadly divided into two categories based on how the next section of this paper.
the biological components of the system (e.g., mole- An emerging class of computational models can
cules or cells) are represented by the model: (1) dis- simulate mechanisms that bridge spatial and tempo-
crete models represent individual biological ral scales, and these are termed “multi-scale compu-
components using a one-to-one mapping between tational models” [53]. Multi-scale computational
the biological component and a simulated represen- models provide insights into how events at one level
tation of it, and (2) continuum models use generaliz- of scale (e.g., changes in cytokine concentrations at
able descriptions to represent the effects of the molecular scale) affect outcomes at another
biological components that can reasonably be level of scale (e.g. diameter expansion of a multi-cell
assumed to be homogenous to the extent that their TB granuloma) by representing the interconnections
contributions to the biological processes being mod- between spatial scales (Fig. 1B). Given the variety
eled are sufficiently similar. Within these two catego- of mechanisms that play out across the molecular,
ries, there are many different mathematical and cellular, and tissue scales to drive different fibrotic
computational techniques to simulate biological sys- lung diseases, it is easy to appreciate how multi-
tem, including ordinary differential equations scale models can help researchers simulate and
(ODEs), partial differential equations (PDEs), and learn more about lung fibrotic disease progression.
agent-based models (ABMs), among others [53] Modeling interconnections between mechanisms
(Fig. 1). ODE models are continuous and typically across spatial scales and temporal scales is typically

Fig. 1. Visual overview of different types of modeling. A) Recreation of process modeled by Hao et al. [6]. B) Recreation
of agent-based model set up from Warsinske et al. [38].
Multi-scale models of lung fibrosis 5

achieved by coupling different types of computa- flow signals measured at the entrance to the lungs
tional modeling approaches together, and examples of a mechanically ventilated patient, for example,
of this will be provided in the following sections. As a can provide estimates of the elastance of the unit
result, these models fall into the category of “hybrid and the resistance of the conduit, which represent
models”, which intentionally combine discrete and stiffness of the lung tissue and resistance of the air-
continuum modeling approaches within a single ways [57]. Models of greater complexity may provide
model framework (Fig. 2). Just as multi-scale mod- more accurate representations of lung behavior, but
els present new opportunities for exploration, they at the expense of increased ambiguity about the
also present unique challenges, not the least of physiological meaning of their more numerous
which is that they tend to require a tremendous parameters as well as reduced confidence in their
amount of computing power. best-fit parameter values. In fact, the number of dis-
tinct compartments that can be identified in an
Computational models of healthy lung function inverse model of the lungs is never more than a
handful, even with the most precise experimental
Modeling the lung can be approached, broadly data [57], so the amount of structural detail that can
speaking, in two distinct ways  inverse modeling be linked to function is very limited. Forward model-
and forward modeling [57]. Inverse modeling ing, on the other hand, is not constrained by any limi-
involves fitting structurally simple models to appro- tations on structural complexity, computational
priate data sets in order to evaluate parameters of expense aside. All that is required to make a forward
physiological interest. At the most basic level the model of arbitrary complexity is knowledge of the
lung can be viewed as a linearly elastic homoge- equations that describe its individual components
neous unit served by a conduit of fixed resistance to and their interactions [58-60]. From a basic science
airflow; these two structures representing the paren- perspective, however, it is perhaps forward model-
chymal tissues and conducting airway tree of the ing that has the most to offer in the future. There are
lung, respectively. Fitting this model to pressure and a number of hypotheses about mechanisms that

Fig. 2. A subset of references cited in this review, organized according to condition, and classified by the biological
scales they span. [Evans, submitted to Frontiers in Immunology].
6 Multi-scale models of lung fibrosis

forward modeling can help to investigate, especially Multi-scale models also allow researchers to test
in IPF which will be discussed in the next section. different potential drug targets before using an ani-
mal model or evaluate the pathways of drugs cur-
rently on the market. Hao et al. built a mathematical
Computational models of idiopathic pulmonary model to achieve these, including key molecular and
fibrosis cellular pathways that lead to the formation of scar
on the tissue level. A schematic of the interactions
In the context of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis included in the model can be seen in Fig. 1A. The
(IPF) models are inherently multi-scale as there is authors used a simplified model of a lung as a cube
currently no single overwhelming factor controlling containing spatially distributed smaller cubes con-
disease initiation or progression. For that reason, taining the smallest level of cube representing the
many models attempt to model interactions between alveoli. Equations are then derived for macrophage
different biological scales to elucidate what compo- density, AEC density, fibroblast density, myofibro-
nents are crucial to the diagnosis of IPF. blast density, ECM density, scar formation, MCP-1,
Wellman et al. chose to use a hybrid physics and and cytokine concentrations (PDGF, MMP, TIMP,
agent-based model to recapitulate the peripheral TGF-b, TNF-a and IL-13). Each equation is then
“honeycomb” structure seen in computed tomogra- homogenized by assuming that all variables have
phy (CT) images of IPF lungs. To test their hypothe- zero flux on the boundary. The system spans two
sis that this pattern arose from spatial interactions dimensions and is solved by the Runge-Kutta
between fibroblasts and stiff ECM, the authors mod- method in the time direction and using a finite differ-
eled alveolus cross sections from a single lobe of ence scheme in the spatial direction [6].
the lung as a two-dimensional pre-stretched springs The simulations were validated using human lung
that were aligned hexagonally and surrounded by a tissue samples from patients with IPF and healthy
border of springs representing the pleura. The patients. Simulations demonstrate that MMP 7 con-
agents in this model were fibroblast cells that could centration is four times higher in IPF accompanied
travel between nodes of the network and modify the by doubling in levels of MMPs 1,2,9 and 13. TIMP
stiffness of a spring based on a set of rules. Agents concentration also increases 20% over the thirty-
moved in a random walk and were activated over day model period. TGF-b levels are twice the levels
time through interactions with physiologically stiff tis- seen in a healthy patient in the IPF patient, however,
sue which resulted in the deposition of collagen and it is noted that the model cannot confirm if the TGF-
stiffening of the agent’s current spring. Agents also b is activated post transcriptionally or just produced.
randomly undergo apoptosis and are replaced by a Additionally, PDGF and TNF-a concentrations
deactivated fibroblast agent when removed from the increase in the IPF patient simulations as expected.
system. In order to compare model results with CT The authors repeated this simulation for a longer
images the resulting networks were coarse-grained time span of 300 days and saw similar trends
and transferred to a square grid. Authors defined although the disease progressed at a slower rate [6].
two adjoining pixels with Hounsfield Units (HU) Five potential treatments were tested: anti-TNF-a,
greater than 650 as an area of fibrosis or high- anti-PDGF, anti-IL-13, anti-TGF-b and a combina-
attenuation area (HAA) and used this value in a tion treatment of anti-IL-13 and anti-TGF-b. These
power law equation to calculate the cumulative num- were chosen based on treatments that were in clini-
ber of clusters [61]. cal trial or approved to treat IPF at the time of publi-
The primary goal of this paper was to provide cation [6]. Treatment was simulated for both mild
insight into why the honeycomb pattern in IPF is and severe cases of IPF for 300 days after an initial
most prevalent on the periphery. The current hypoth- 100-day simulation to get the model into equilibrium.
esis is that the fibrotic signal begins on the periphery Treatment efficacy was measured by concentration
which is confirmed by the model in the higher HAA of ECM over time. Both the mild and severe cases
probability distribution with longer tails at the pleural responded best to anti-TGF-b as well as the combi-
border indicating that they are larger than those nation treatment of anti-IL-13 and anti-TGF-b. Both
in other areas. If agents started the simulation treatments appear to slow or stop the formation of
already activated, then the formation of fibrosis was fibrosis, possibly even reducing ECM concentration
distributed throughout the lung rather than the over time. The combination treatment proved to be
sub-pleural pattern that is characteristic for IPF. In the most effective and had not yet been used in clini-
cases of severe fibrosis, there were larger HAAs cal trials at the time, introducing a new potential ther-
which resulted from the inverse relationship of the apy [6].
power law exponent for HAAs and the overall A recent article in The Journal of Clinical Investi-
degree of fibrosis. Overall the authors combined cell gation Insight used a data driven computational
and tissue dynamics to correctly recapitulate the model to correlate results from histology, RNA
“honeycomb” phenotype used to clinically diagnose sequencing and microRNA analysis in healthy and
IPF [61]. IPF lungs at different stages of disease progression.
Multi-scale models of lung fibrosis 7

Samples from ten IPF lungs and six healthy donor isolate infected tissue from healthy tissue and
lungs were classified by principal component analy- also lower bacterial burdens [63]; however, fibro-
sis of surface density and collagen I and III volume sis also leads to lung scaring that negatively
fractions then clustered based on expectation-maxi- impacts breathing and lung contraction/expansion.
mization. IPF was divided into three groups early- Little is known about the role of fibrosis in TB and
stage with normal lung histology (IPF1), moderate- what drives its formation. A combination of non-
stage (IPF2), and late-stage (IPF3). A linear mixed- human primate models and systems biology
effects model was used to identify genes that were approaches have begun to shed light into both
differentially expressed in at least one IPF group cause and effect [38,64].
compared to the control. The Dynamic Regulatory To begin to explore the role of fibroblasts and
Events Miner (DREM) uses a graphical model- myofibroblasts Warsinske et al. used a computa-
based machine-learning method to identify branch tional agent-based model, GranSim, that describes
points in gene expression profiles where co- the formation and function of lung granulomas in
expressed genes begin to be expressed differen- TB (,
tially. Branch points are classified by specific tran-
scription factors or microRNAs that serve as [38,65,66]. GranSim captures spatio-temporal
regulators [62]. dynamics of the immune response to infection with
The major insight provided by the model was that Mtb. This model was updated to include fibroblasts
genetic differences occur in IPF cells before tissue and myofibroblasts types along with TGF-b1 [38],
level changes become evident. It was found that (called GranSim-Fibrosis, or GramSim-F). Applying
908 genes were common across samples from all sensitivity analysis to this model (through the calcu-
stages of IPF, even early IPF where the tissue lation of partial-rank correlation coefficients
appears histologically normal. Unsurprisingly, sixty- (PRCCs)) [67], they demonstrated that fibrosis in
seven of the most overexpressed genes were granulomas is associated with anti-inflammatory
related to collagen and ECM, with COL1A1 being response, and that myofibroblast and fibroblast
the highest expressed gene in all stages of IPF. In numbers correlate with levels of TGF-b1 produced
analyzing microRNA changes the authors targeted by activated macrophages [38]. However, the same
those they deemed significant (P<0.05 and a 2-fold study showed that the total amount of TGF-b1 could
change in expression in IPF compared to the con- not explain the development of fibrosis. The authors
trol) 4 microRNAs were identified and were able to concluded that the spatial distributions of active
downregulate 20 genes from the core gene set. The TGF-b1 in specific areas of a granuloma may be key
DREM analysis then organized these changes in to whether or not fibroblasts proliferate or differenti-
gene expression and microRNAs into thirteen possi- ate to become a collagen-producing myofibroblast.
ble pathways originating from one of four nodes in Additionally, they showed that active TGF-b1 is a
the IPF1 phase. An in-depth discussion of each necessary but not sufficient condition for inducing
track and its unique pathway can be found in the fibrotic outcomes. The role of other anti-inflamma-
original manuscript. Shifts in cell populations that tory cytokines has also been highlighted in the con-
may have contributed to each of these tracks was text of granuloma-associated fibrosis. In early TB
also studied. Finally, the authors prove their model infection, the roles of the cytokines IL-10 and IL-13
is mechanistically relevant by doing a case study on have been shown to be associated with increasing
POU2AF1, a key regulator in node 6 of their model, levels of fibrosis within granulomas in a non-human
demonstrating that POU2AF1 knockout mice were primate model of TB [64].
more resistant to bleomycin induced pulmonary One common theme to granuloma-associated
fibrosis than their wildtype litter mates [62]. Data fibrosis is that fibrosis tends to be associated with
driven models offer unique insight through the use a peripheral pattern, surrounding a granuloma
of statistical methods to identify emergent patterns [33]. This is true in many, but not all cases. A fur-
in large data correlations between experimental ther computational study focused on peripheral
parameters sets that may not be achievable through granuloma-associated fibrosis. In this work the
mechanistic modeling alone. GranSim-F model [38] was extended to include
non-fibroblast origins for myofibroblasts in the
Computational models of fibrosis in tuberculosis granuloma and lung environment via Macrophage
to Myofibroblast Transformation (MMT). Like the
Fibrosis in TB occurs at the level of lung granu- previous studies, this work also identified a link
lomas. Granulomas are spheroid collections of between anti-inflammatory cytokines and fibro-
immune cells, ECM, and bacteria that serve to blast counts suggesting that in the case of TB
physically contain and immunologically restrain fibrosis is a healing, and not disease exacerbat-
M. tuberculosis the bacterium that causes TB. ing response [Evans, submitted to Frontiers in
Fibrosis in TB is associated with both good and Immunology]. The computational results in this
bad disease outcomes. Fibrosis serves to both work were supported by non-human primate
8 Multi-scale models of lung fibrosis

(NHP) studies, and identified macrophages that Using sensitivity analyses on this model [67] the
have previously received inflammatory signals as authors demonstrated that the strength of PGE2-
a potential candidate for MMT in the granuloma. induced inhibition of adhesion signaling is the most
This study also demonstrated, using GranSim-F, important factor in regulating fibroblast differentia-
that traditional fibroblast to myofibroblast differen- tion, and that high levels of PGE2 inhibit fibroblast
tiation produced a fibrosis phenotype representa- proliferation. In addition, the model predicted that
tive of lung fibrosis; however, without rates of active TGF-b1 degradation and receptor
recapitulating peripheral granuloma fibrosis. With recycling are also important to fibroblast differentia-
the addition of MMT, peripheral fibrosis could tion. These specific parameters contribute to either
manifest. Sensitivity analysis via PRCCs showed the actual concentration of TGF-b1 and PGE2 in the
that inflammatory cell types were negatively cor- media or to concentration levels at which the recep-
related with fibrosis, whereas anti-inflammatory torligand interaction becomes saturated. Taken
cytokines such as active TGF-b1 were positively together, this suggests that PGE2 and TGF-b1
correlated. receptorligand signaling dynamics simultaneously
contribute to fibroblast regulation and together dic-
tate the differentiation of the cell. The authors con-
Case study on signaling and fibroblast clude that treatment strategies to reduce tissue
differentiation damage in fibrosis need to target multiple mecha-
nisms, rather than individually, to affect epithelial
The molecular mechanisms of fibrosis represent a cells as well and fibroblasts and myofibroblasts.
vast field. Here we discuss a case study whereby at The results of the previous study were echoed by
a molecular scale, a combination of in vitro experi- a similar study that used mathematical modeling
mentation, mathematical modeling, and statistical alongside in vitro co-culture experiments of fibro-
analyses are combined to identify key mechanisms blasts and epithelial cells to predict that simulta-
driving fibroblast differentiation and dysregulation neous targeting of fibroblasts and epithelial cells is
[4]. Warsinske et al. developed a nonlinear ordinary necessary for treatment of pulmonary fibrosis [5]. In
differential equation model that tracks the temporal this work, a hybrid-multiscale agent-based model
concentrations of three molecules known to be influ- describing the behavior of both fibroblasts and epi-
ential in the development of fibrosis; aSMA, prosta- thelial cells in culture was developed. This study had
glandin E₂ (PGE2), TGF-b1 and contains a single two main aims, which included identifying molecular
term for the free surface receptors for TGF-b1 [67].

Fig. 3. Venn diagram summarizing the current state of the multi-scale modeling field with focus on multi-scale modeling
of lung fibrosis.
Multi-scale models of lung fibrosis 9

and cellular scale mechanisms driving fibroblast pro- Few computational models of lung cancer exist,
liferation and differentiation as well as epithelial cell one notable study being that of Wang et al. which
survival in the context of fibrosis. Their results dem- used an agent-based model to evaluate metastasis
onstrated that periodic dosing with PGE₂ temporarily in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Each cell
renders fibroblasts incapable of differentiation and functioned as an agent and within it contained a set
resistant to TGF-b1 stimulation, increasing epithelial of kinetic equations describing their internal molecu-
cell and fibroblast cell death and reducing the rate of lar signaling, specifically the Epidermal Growth Fac-
fibroblast proliferation for a temporary period. Con- tor (EGF) and Phospholipase Cg (PLCg) pathways.
versely, periodic dosing with TGF-b1 in the pres- These molecular signals were influenced by the con-
ence of PGE₂ induces a reduced signal response centrations of external cues: glucose, EGF and oxy-
that can be further inhibited by the addition of more gen tension; and resulted in one of four tumor cell
PGE₂, and causes the death of epithelial cells. This phenotypes: proliferation, migration, quiescence
study concludes that regulation of both TGF-b1 and and death. There were four primary rules dictating
PGE₂ signaling levels are essential for preventing agent behavior based off of the resultant concentra-
fibroblast dysregulation. Both of these studies high- tion of PLCg and Extracellular signal-regulated
light the utility of combining mathematical modeling kinase (ERK), a downstream signal of EGF, the last
studies with in vitro experiments to help elucidate of which was varied in the study to either preference
mechanisms of fibrosis development at cellular and migration or proliferation. The model was found to
molecular scales. be more sensitive to the migration preference over
proliferation as it corresponded with experimental
data from human breast cancer cells. Another
intriguing finding was that cells exposed to the high-
Computational modeling beyond lung est levels of nutrient source underwent a phase tran-
fibrosis sition resulting in abolishment of a proliferative
phenotype, resulting in a strong migratory pheno-
Different computational modeling approaches type. It has been shown previously that EGF stimu-
have been used to study other lung conditions in lation increases the spatial expansion of cancer
addition to fibrotic disease and this can provide systems which explain this emergent phenomenon
insight to improving models studying fibrotic lung of the model [70].
disease. Fig. 3 summarizes some of the major areas In the field of cystic fibrosis, much of the current
of this research research is focused on mucus transport dynamics
and the microbiota present in the mucus that lead to
Multi-Scale modeling of lung outside of fibrotic infection [7173]. In the computational modeling
disease space, there have been many studies investigating
different aspects of CF from large scale studies of
There have been many studies utilizing multi- airway constriction at birth [74] to small scale protein
scale modeling to evaluate lung diseases that do not folding [75] and microbiota metabolomics models
focus on the role of fibrosis. For example, other mod- [76]. All of these have the potential to contribute to
els of TB in lungs not focused on the fibrosis process the formation of fibrosis in CF but no models have
have been studied for 15 years [56]. Asthma and investigated the link directly.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) A final area of consideration for multi-scale model-
are popular topics for computational modeling utiliz- ing in the lung is the inhalation of substances,
ing finite element or computational fluid dynamics whether they are small molecules for treatment or
methods. One example of multi-scale model is the harmful particles. Modeling of fibrosis after exposure
model of airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma to harmful particles, such as tobacco smoke or air
developed by Politi et al. At the lowest level there is pollutants, was performed by Brown et al. found that
a sliding filament model of smooth muscle cell acti- the percentage of exposure time could be used to
vation by Ca2þ which results in an active force at the break up the fibrosis into three distinct states: self-
cellular level that influences the airway-lumen radii resolving, localized damage and persistent damage.
at the tissue level. At the macroscopic level, the The persistent damage stage was marked by a
organ model uses finite element methods to account steep increase in macrophages, collagen deposition
for deformations in the lung from breathing and grav- and fibroblast fluctuation. The primary agents in the
ity. Both of these then influence the cell and tissue model were particulate matter, macrophages and
level, respectively. The cell and tissue levels fibroblasts which could react to TNF-a and TGF-b
exchange information about contractile velocity and distributions along the patches by either secreting
force generated to yield the emergent phenomena more cytokines or laying down collagen. This was
that led to the hyperresponsiveness [68]. For further an interesting model of lung fibrosis that simulated
reading on computational modeling in these condi- similar cellular and molecular processes as the mod-
tions, please refer to Burrowes et al. [69]. els discussed previously [77]. For further reading on
10 Multi-scale models of lung fibrosis

computational models of aerosol deposition in the membranes and muscle integrity and mechanics.
lungs, please refer to the review by Rostami et al. The agent-based model generated randomized
[78]. Overall, these models and others [79,80] pro- muscle fascicle cross-sections whose initial condi-
vide valuable insight on techniques for incorporating tions, including density of transmembrane proteins,
lung mechanics at the macroscopic level as well as variation of fiber cross-sectional area and pseudohy-
signaling pathways at the microscopic level that can pertrophy, contributed to fibrosis formation and fat
aid in future development of computational models infiltration into the muscle. In order to use this geom-
of lung fibrosis. etry in the finite element model it was mapped to an
initialized finite-element mesh and smoothed. For
Multi-scale modeling of fibrosis in other organ the constitutive model the authors assumed the
systems muscle fibers, ECM and boundary layer to all be
transversely isotropic, nearly incompressible, and
Just as computational and mathematical models hyper-elastic. This model serves as an excellent
of lung diseases in addition to fibrosis can provide example of how many layers of interaction multi-
both computational, mathematical and biological scale modeling can potentially combine, spanning
insight examining published models of fibrotic dis- from transmembrane proteins to an overall muscle
ease in other organs (beyond the lung) can also pro- cross section, and what connections can be eluci-
vide valuable information. For example, extensive dated with a more complete snapshot of these inter-
modeling has been done on cardiac fibroblasts and actions. Results showed that the nature of fibrosis
the formation of fibrosis in the heart [81]. One recent and density of transmembrane proteins affected the
study focusing on cardiac fibroblast signaling com- overall stiffness of the muscle and its sensitivity to
bined a logic-based differential equation (LDE) membrane damage [83].
model of intracellular signaling cascades in fibro- Computational modeling has been used exten-
blasts with an ABM of multi-cellular remodeling by sively to study the liver from large-scale models of
fibroblasts to study the formation of fibrosis tempo- metabolism [84] to identifying correlations between
rally and spatially. The extensive molecular scale genetic markers and fibrosis progression [14]. One
model contained 10 signaling pathways with 11 bio- multi-scale agent-based model evaluated how fibro-
chemical or mechanical cues in a 91-node network sis progressed into cirrhosis in the liver after toxic
connected by 142 reactions. These signaling cas- injury and the effects of two possible treatments on
cades led to the activation of myofibroblasts causing progression. Interactions between live and dead
ECM remodeling. This was coupled with an ABM hepatocytes, inflammatory cells, structural elements
where each fibroblast agent was exposed to differ- and collagen-producing cells such as fibroblasts led
ent environmental cues including collagen and to the secretion of diffusible factors that further prop-
inflammatory cytokines. At each one-hour time step agate a fibrotic response and force some agents
the ABM inputted extracellular cues into the LDE exert on one another. CCl4 was the toxic agent used
model which in turn signaled for the agent to secrete to induce hepatocyte apoptosis and the cascade of
latent TGFb, IL-6, deposit collagen and migrate. downstream events including phagocytosis of dead
Authors found that collagen deposition correlated to hepatocytes by Kupffer cells. In addition to modeling
changes with parameters affecting production, acti- the progression of fibrosis the authors tested two
vation and degradation of TGFb as it affects mRNA potential therapies, anti-TNF-a and enhancement of
activity downstream that lead to collagen I and II Kupffer cells expressing M2 phenotype. Anti-TNF-a
deposition. The study validated experimental results treatment successfully lowered activation of fibrotic
by demonstrating the antagonist effect of IL-1b on cells, however, an M2 phenotype shift had the oppo-
TGFb- induced collagen I mRNA. Another intriguing site effect and worsened fibrosis. These results
result was that the collagen profile was affected by accurately reflected what had been found in previ-
the speed of migration of the fibroblasts, with slower ous experiments demonstrating that the model was
speeds resulting in more heterogenous profiles than robust [15].
faster migration speeds. However, the overall colla- Overall, there has been great progress toward
gen content was dependent only on fibroblast den- developing multi-scale models of fibrotic diseases in
sity. This model exemplifies how connecting across other organs and lung function in different diseases
molecular and cellular scales can provide significant which can help aid our design process in creating
insights into fibrosis [82]. new multi-scale models of lung fibrotic disease. As
The hierarchical structure of muscles from actin- we have demonstrated it is crucial to consider
myosin bridges to muscle fiber bundles has made it modeling different spatial and temporal scales, from
an attractive subject for multi-scale modeling. In their microscopic signaling pathways to large scale finite
paper from 2015 Virgilio et al. used a combined element models, as the more holistic the model is
agent-based and finite element model to identify able to recapitulate disease, the better it can guide
how microstructural changes as a result of Duch- future modeling and experimentation. Fig. 3 organ-
enne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) affect stress in cell izes the current literature in the field of lung fibrotic
Multi-scale models of lung fibrosis 11

disease modeling and the areas from which this field The uncertainties, complexities, and limitations in
can draw to further accelerate discovery. There are available experimental and clinical data create new
many models that do not address fibrosis [8590] or opportunities for discovery that can be accessed by
utilize multi-scale techniques [9194] that were not marrying computational and mathematical modeling
discussed in the present review but still offer insight with experimental approaches. In particular, many of
to the field. the major unanswered questions in the field of fibro-
sis — and lung fibrosis, in particular — relate to the
fact that there is prevailing uncertainty about the
identification and definition of fibroblasts as a unique
cell population. Fibroblasts are broadly defined as
Challenges to studying lung fibrosis and cells with a pronounced tissue remodeling pheno-
opportunities for computational and type, usually demarked by elevated amounts of
mathematical modeling to help engaged integrins and secretion of ECM, as well as
overcome them a responsiveness to TGF-b. However, epithelial,
endothelial, perivascular, hematopoietic, and other
Researchers in the field of lung fibrosis are faced mesenchymal populations also demonstrate this
with a number of challenges stemming from the fact chemo-mechanical responsiveness and extracellu-
that fibrosis is a complex, multi-cell process that lar remodeling capacity that classically defines fibro-
involves dynamic interactions between different cell blasts [103,104]. Moreover, there are few, if any,
types and biochemical and mechanical cues in the reliable surface makers for fibroblasts (that can be
environment that are spatially heterogeneous. More- targeted in flow cytometry and immunohistochemis-
over, experimental models tend to fall short of accu- try with labeled-antibody, for example) that uniquely
rately representing all aspects of disease. For label them [105]. And, the most widely used markers
example, standard cell culture models oversimplify for fibroblasts (smooth muscle alpha-actin, for exam-
the micro-anatomical organization of cells and lack ple) are often unreliable because their expression
the diversity of cell types (e.g., epithelial, endothelial, levels vary widely with the phenotypic state of the
mesenchymal, and inflammatory and immune cells cell [106]. Indeed, the variety of cells which can take
[46,95]) and the dynamic interplay between them on characteristics of fibroblasts, according to the
that is present in vivo. While lung organoids devel- definition above, is driving intense study of fibroblast
oped from stem cells, lung on a chip platforms and heterogeneity, which uses new high-throughput
other 3-D culture types are gaining traction as more screening techniques to more fully characterize the
sophisticated in vitro experimental model systems, remarkably diverse populations of fibroblasts [107].
carrying out longer-term mechanistic studies with Moreover, the specific responsiveness of fibroblasts
these models systems are prohibitive [96-98]. In to remodeling cues  their sensitivity to stiffness,
vivo models may more authentically recapitulate the cytokines, and other local chemo-mechanical factors
more complex disease state during injury and  has been found to vary greatly between and within
inflammation; however, murine models are often tissues, and heterogeneity can develop even within
self-resolving and fail to develop honeycomb cysts clonal fibroblast populations in vitro. The variety of
and fibroblastic foci that are characteristic of human outcomes in fibroproliferative diseases and the
IPF, for example [99,100]. diversity in their underlying etiologies likely has
Despite these limitations in the experimental much to do with these tissue- and site-specific heter-
model systems, the field of lung fibrosis is rapidly ogeneities [108,109].
expanding and evolving. But, translation of under- Computational modeling, however, is not without
standing from the research bench to the clinic (and its limitations and challenges. Defining the scope of
back) remains a challenge because the clinical pre- a computational or mathematical model remains a
sentation of lung fibrotic disease progression is major challenge in the field, as no model is able to
highly variable from patient to patient (e.g. due to account for the copious amount of interactions that
genetic differences between patients), and attempts happen at every physiological and temporal scale in
to sub-classify IPF into different disease phenotypes a biological system. More importantly, models are
have been made to categorize different manifesta- not intended to be a reflection of reality but an
tions of pathology [101]. Bronchoalveolar lavage or abstraction, similar to an in vitro experiment. Com-
lung biopsy procedures were research goldmines puting power is another factor, as researchers must
for determining potential pathogenic mechanisms balance creating biologically relevant models with
[24]. However advances in radiologic classification computational time required to run simulations. As a
of IPF have made it less likely that patients will be result, biological questions being addressed drives
subjected to these procedures. Recently there has determination of both physical scale and time con-
also been a push to determine reliable biomarkers straints of a model. Interactions deemed less essen-
that can be measured non-invasively to corroborate tial are excluded from the model to prioritize those
findings from CT scans [102]. most relevant to the model outcomes under question
12 Multi-scale models of lung fibrosis

[110]. Scope is also affected by the experimental be used to test the effects of different drugs (and
limitations in validating a model. When more varia- drug doses) in a high-throughput and cost-efficient
bles are considered in a model, it becomes increas- manner, without having to run as many experiments.
ingly difficult to isolate and validate each prediction Analyses of this type can reveal, for example, how
[111]. Data and software sharing also remain major drugs could invoke subtle phenotypic shifts in sub-
issues in a field with limited standardization of soft- populations of fibroblasts that might be undetectable
wares, dissemination of models and public sharing using current experimental measurement techni-
of experimental data sets [112]. While less compli- ques but are highly influential in disease progres-
cated models are able to be run on personal com- sion.
puters and laptops [5,82,113], more expansive and
complicated models require parallelization through
the use high performance computing [114], which
can be prohibitive for non-experts in the field to Conclusions
engage with computational models. Sharing of mod-
els with domain experts and non-experts has This review summarizes published computational
enabled by publicly available model sharing web- and mathematical models that have been developed
based platforms, such as SimTK [] in recent years to study different aspects and types
and Git []. of lung fibrotic disease. We contend that some of the
So, how can computational and mathematical insights that have been gained from these models
modeling help provide a more accurate and compre- could not have been obtained through the use of
hensive understanding about fibroblast identity, phe- experimental approaches in isolation, although the
notype, fate, and contribution to fibrotic disease in computational and mathematical models them-
the lung? We and others [65,113,115] have devel- selves are dependent (to various degrees) on the
oped computational models, like agent-based mod- use of experimental data to parameterize and vali-
els, that explicitly represent the phenotypic states of date them. The use of computational and mathemat-
individual cells within a heterogeneous population of ical modeling to study fibrotic diseases in the lung
cells, and we have used these models to simulate may slightly be lagging the use of computational and
and record the transitions between phenotypic mathematical modeling to study fibrosis beyond the
states that are driven by internal and environmental lung, in organs such as skeletal muscle, heart, and
signals (e.g. accumulation of collagen or DAMPs in liver. Hence, borrowing, sharing, and cross-validat-
the immediate neighborhood). These models have ing computational tools and mathematical
allowed us to examine — and track individual (simu- approaches that have been developed to study
lated) cells within a population — a broader spec- fibrosis in other organ systems may accelerate the
trum of fibroblast phenotypic identity than what can deployment of computational and mathematical
be ascertained using experimental approaches, modeling in lung fibrosis. The process of lung fibro-
which are reliant on fixed markers and stationary sis is complex, heterogeneous, and highly dynamic,
analysis time points. Computational and mathemati- and these characteristics pose challenges to study-
cal models also provide the opportunity to precisely ing and treating it clinically. By explicitly represent-
control the simulated extracellular environment (e.g. ing, through simulation, aspects of disease that are
by simulating gradients of chemokines and growth particularly difficult to track and measure in real time
factors) to evaluate how environmental cues, and (like different fibroblast phenotypic states), computa-
combinations thereof, might drive resident cells into tional and mathematical models provide the
a fibrotic program [82]. There is also opportunity to research community with a way to more deeply and
combine data driven and mechanistic modeling by thoroughly investigate the underlying drivers of lung
allowing insights gained through data driven fibrosis in different disease states.
approaches to directly impact the boundary condi-
tions or parameters for a mechanistic model. Clus-
tering analyses performed on RNASeq data
obtained from populations of fibroblasts harvested Acknowledgments
from fibrotic lung, for example, may lead to the iden-
tification of subpopulations of fibroblasts which can This research was supported by NIH grants: U01
then be used to specify different types of fibroblast HL-124052, Awarded to J.H.T.B., R01AI123093 and
agents in an agent-based model of IPF. By compar- U01 HL131072 awarded to D.E.K., HL144481
ing computational and mathematical model predic- awarded to B.B.M., K23HL143135 awarded to C.A.
tions to experimental data, we can validate (or B., HL127283-05 awarded to T.H.B. Support from
invalidate) predictions and develop more informed UVA Pinn Scholars to S.M.P and the UVA Fibrosis
hypotheses about how changes in fibroblast pheno- Initiative awarded to T.H.B. The authors would like
typic state contribute to fibrotic disease. These to thank Susan Leonard-Duke for her contributions
computational and mathematical models can also to Fig. 1.
Multi-scale models of lung fibrosis 13

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