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Our art piece is titled Nourish Your Brain. We used Juxtaposition in our piece with the worms
and maggots inside the school lunch food. This is to catch people's attention with a dramatic
representation of school lunch at public schools. Our use of color for the red apple and the
bright title was also used to bring attention to specifically how clean the apple is. We think
many people can agree that the school lunches at school aren’t always the most healthy or
appetizing, but because of the new rule requiring students to take fruit with them, we always
have very nice fruit when eating our underfunded school lunches. Finally, we used symbolism
in this work to show how schools expect for students to be attentive and awake in school, but
the food they provide is either unhealthy or too small of portions to energize the children for
the rest of the day of school work and classes. There is a large issue of the underfunding of
public schools, specifically in poorer areas economically. This heavily affects the students and
their learning experiences, including their breaks, lunches, sports, etc. Our target audience
was school administrators, as we want more money allocated for healthy, good food for the
students that don’t have the time or money to bring their own lunch to school every day. Our
purpose was to start a conversation and hopefully lead people into the direction of supporting
higher funding for school lunch.

Work Count: 245

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