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Journal of

Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 859–871

Environmental change and social dynamics in the second–third

millennium BC in NW Iberia
R. Fábregas Valcarce a,*, A. Martı́nez Cortizas b, R. Blanco Chao c, W. Chesworth d
Departamento de Historia I, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Departamento de Edafoloxı́a e Quı́mica Agrı́cola, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Departamento de Xeografı́a, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Land Resource Science Department, Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1
Received 18 January 2002; received in revised form 9 May 2002; accepted 11 October 2002


Analysis of different sediments in NW Spain suggests that a series of abrupt climatic changes occurred between 3500 and 1000
BC. These involved some episodes of cooling and others of drought. There were also changes to the coastline of Galicia. Taken
together, these would have offered new opportunities to Copper Age communities who had already embarked on a process of
agricultural intensification. The result was a growth of internecine competition.
 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Northwestern Iberia; Chalcolithic; Geochemical signals; Environment; Climate change; Agricultural intensification

1. Introduction actively, through several phases of evolution. The ulti-

mate effect on the total ecosystem may be considered in
The impact of scientific techniques and technologies terms of critical load [23]. During periods of low critical
on Archaeology accelerated considerably after the load, the ability of the environment to buffer the effects
Second World War. ‘Prehistoric Europe: The Economic of human activity decreases, and processes of change are
Basis’, Clark’s pioneering synthesis of the 1950s was intensified.
followed by an increasing reliance on natural science, In the present paper, our objective is to outline the
with the dawn of the ‘New Archaeology’ at the end of environmental evolution (climate, continental landscape
the 1960s. Vigorous debate as to the relative importance and coastal environment) in NW Iberia since the end of
of external (i.e. environmental) pressures versus internal the fourth to the end of the second millennium BC (Fig.
(i.e. socioeconomic) pressures, in societal change, date 1). The focus is on the consequences of alternating
essentially from this period. colder and warmer periods and their influence on human
Often the debate has been in rather simplistic, activities. This contrasts with the work done by other
either/or terms. We believe (see Refs. [14 p. 8, 31, scholars, which has tended to examine the material
p. 182]) that feedback needs to be considered. The expansion of the culture of this era, more in terms of
physical environment presents human beings with both internal factors.
challenges and opportunities. The human response to
these, in turn precipitates environmental change, which
2. Records of environmental changes: archives and
in turn impacts upon human settlement and so inter-

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +34-981-563-100; In the earth sciences, the interpretation of past en-
fax: +34-981-582-144.
E-mail addresses: (R. Fábregas Valcarce),
vironments depends on a detailed knowledge of prod- (A. Martı́nez Cortizas), (R. Blanco ucts and processes in the present environment (principle
Chao). of uniformitarianism). The present shows us how to read
0305-4403/03/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
860 R. Fábregas Valcarce et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 859–871

Fig. 1. Location of the places/areas from which environmental evidence has been obtained.
R. Fábregas Valcarce et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 859–871 861

the record of past environmental change [21]. The two tous in the atmosphere and its accumulation in peat
key concepts here are ‘archive’ and ‘signal’. bogs has been shown to depend mainly on the
Any superficial formation (lake or ocean sediment, temperature at the time of deposition; under cold
accumulation of peat, glacier ice, and others) is an climates Hg deposition is enhanced and thermal
archive or record of environmental change. The change stability of the accumulated Hg compounds is low;
itself leaves signals in the archive—structural, textural, while under warm climates part of the Hg deposited is
mineralogical, biological, and chemical signals, for re-emitted, resulting in a lower accumulation but a
example—which we attempt to interpret. Geochemical greater thermal stability. The basics of this approach
indicators of environmental change have been empha- to high resolution records of paleotemperatures can
sized in work in northwestern (NW) Spain, over the last be found in Refs. [30,32].
15 years, and in this context three main areas have been A humidity index: Hg may also be an indicator of
developed. These are characterization of climate atmospheric humidity (i.e. rainfall) particularly in
changes, evolution of the landscape, and past atmos- warm climates. For cold climates over the last 5000
pheric pollution [24–28,33,41]. years the humidity index based on Hg reflects a total
Here we present a synthesis of this research, including rainfall similar to, or lower than today, but the signal
new perspectives. The time span covered is roughly is ambiguous in that Hg may not be sensible to
3500–1500 BC. This provides a wider framework within humidity for cold periods [30]. Consequently, we rely
which to discuss social dynamics during the third here on Br fluxes, which seem to depend exclusively
millennium BC. on total rainfall in the area where the record
was obtained (Xistral Mountains located in North
2.1. Methodological aspects Galicia, only 25 km south of the coast). Bromine is an
element of marine origin, present in the atmospheric
As archives of environmental change in NW Iberia, marine aerosols, and its deposition in land ecosystems
ombrotrophic peat bogs, lake sediments, soils and sedi- occurs mainly when it is washed out by rainfall.
mentary formations have proven most useful. Those Additionally, it is preserved in organic-rich deposits.
referred to in this paper are spread over the entire region In short, the flux of Br in oceanic peat bogs is directly
(see Fig. 1) and cover the time span since the Late proportional to rainfall.
Pleistocene (30–40,000 BP) until the present day. These An index of wind strength: Atmospheric transport of
archives are of two types: continuous (peat bogs, lake particulate matter depends on wind strength. Strong
sediments) and discontinuous (cumulic soils, polycyclic winds are capable of transporting particles of larger
soils, sedimentary deposits in small basins, coastal size and higher density than low strength winds. Some
sediments, for example). They differ in terms of time elements are depleted in the fine fractions (as, for
resolution, number of events indicated and time span example, Zr, Rb, Sr, Y) and some are enriched (as,
recorded, but the Holocene period is basically covered in for example, Ti, Pb, Hf) [35,47]. Thus the ratio
all the areas. On them, we have studied pedogenetic between two elements with opposite behaviour in the
signals (soil constituent cycles, soil properties related dust deposited in a peat bog after atmospheric trans-
to pedogenetic processes), sedimentary signals (eolic, port, will reflect wind intensity. For example, Zr is
marine, and continental facies) and geochemical signals enriched in silt and sand particles and depleted in
(trace element accumulation and fluxes in continuous clay, while Ti is enriched in clay. High Zr/Ti ratios
archives). No explanation is needed for traditional will therefore indicate strong winds bringing coarser,
Quaternary research but a brief explanation of the Zr-enriched particles to the bog. Low values will
basic principles of the use of geochemical indicators is indicate lower wind strength bringing finer particles
necessary. to the bog.
The flux of a geochemical indicator from its source,
We also introduce an index of soil erosion. It is based
through the atmosphere, to an archive is controlled to a
on the trace elements recorded in peat bogs. Lithogenic
greater or lesser extent by environmental conditions
elements are accumulated in ombrotrophic peat bogs by
(atmospheric circulation, temperature, humidity, human
deposition of soil dust. Gallium (Ga) is an element
activities, and so on). Using high resolution archives it
present in trace amounts in NW Iberian soils that can be
should be possible to model the environmental factors,
used for that purpose. The changing fluxes of this
from the trace element signal preserved in the archival
element result from variations in the dust load in the
atmosphere which in turn is proportional to soil erosion.
Three proxies of climatic change will be presented
Increased soil erosion induced by clearance of the veg-
etation by humans will be reflected on the records by an
A temperature index, based on Hg accumulation and increased accumulation of Ga. On the other hand, this
thermal stability: As a volatile element Hg is ubiqui- process will not affect the signals we use to reconstruct
862 R. Fábregas Valcarce et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 859–871

the paleoclimates. As mentioned earlier, Br fluxes do not Such rapid, in a sense, catastrophic events, will have
depend on continental sources and soil erosion does not a more immediate impact on human society, than
significantly affect the atmospheric concentration of Br. uniformitarian changes.
Only total rainfall dictates the amount of this element
deposited in the bogs. With respect to the temperature
4. Environmental evolution in NW Iberia from the fourth
record, it is based on the thermal stability of the Hg (the
to the second millennium BC
proportion of Hg desorbed upon heating) which again is
independent of the total accumulated Hg, but directly 4.1. Climate changes
depends on atmospheric conditions.
The climate proxies described previously for temper-
3. Environmental change in the coastal systems ature, humidity and wind strength are shown for the
region and period of interest in Fig. 2 . The temperature
Coastal environments were of great importance for index measures the departure from present conditions
the different human groups living in NW Spain. Conse- for any given period. A comparison with other pub-
quently, it is appropriate to include some information lished data (e.g. Ref. [9]) suggests that temperature
on the coastal evolution, although the present state of began to drop by the end of the fourth and the beginning
our knowledge is not so well developed as for other of the third millennium. This marks the end of the
sub-systems of the paleoenvironments. Holocene optimum (the Hypsithermal period) and the
The evolution of coastal systems must be studied in onset of the Neoglaciation period. The decrease in
terms of different time scales and rates of change. Since temperature seems to have been continuous till 2500 BC,
a coastal system is defined as the interface between reaching a minimum of about 2 (C lower than now.
continental, atmospheric and marine sub-systems, the Overall, there was a drop of about 5 (C. Temperature
first cause of change, and one with wide temporal and then rose by about 1 (C remaining stable until a cooling
spatial amplitudes, are the oscillations of mean relative trend set about 1600–1400 BC. This was followed by a
sea level (m.r.s.l.). The major changes relate to regressive dramatic rise to higher temperatures than present by
and transgressive episodes linked to glacial/interglacial about 1200 BC. We must point out that these changes
cycles over different time scales during the Pleistocene. in temperature have a temporal but also a spatial
These affect hundreds of kilometres of coast. Smaller expression (Fig. 3 ).
temporal cycles are superimposed on this general trend. Humidity, proxied by the Br fluxes (Fig. 2a), shows
Regarding rates of change, the various components notable changes, though the fluxes for the whole period
of the coastal system (sea cliffs, shore platforms, are below those characteristic of present times (which
beaches, estuaries and lagoons) respond to the transfer are 6–9 µg m2 year1). Again, we think that relative
of energy and sediment at different speeds. In this variations from precedent conditions are more meaning-
context we also need to consider the importance of high ful than absolute values. As with temperature, humidity
intensity and low frequency events (i.e. heavy storms) in seems also to have dropped more or less continuously
coastal development. This is especially important in during the Neoglaciation period, from the end of the
areas like the Atlantic European coast. The relevant fourth millennium until 2700 BC humidity reached the
paleoenvironmental evidence in coastal systems is both lowest observed values. This represents a decrease
morphological and sedimentological. The first relates of 23% from the previous phase (and for the sake of
mainly to the shape of coastal features, their position comparison, note that the total rainfall was of the order
with respect to the area of wave action, and their of 50–65% lower than present). From 2600 to 2300 BC
correspondence with present morphogenetic conditions. rainfall increased by about 45% over the previous stage.
The sedimentological evidence involves an examination By 2200 BC it reached a maximum for the period, 74%
of the relationship between facies and position of coastal greater than the minimum. By then it was of the order of
sediments and a comparison with present environmental present total rainfall in the area. By 2000 BC rainfall
conditions. Any inconsistencies arising from the com- decreased again to a minimum, slightly higher than the
parison provide a valuable measure of environmental previous one. A rapid recovery followed in 1400–1300
change. BC and remained almost constant after that.
Of course, care needs to be exercised for making such Wind strength, estimated using Zr/Ti proxy, is shown
interpretations. The disequilibrium between morphology in Fig. 2b. In general the proxy reflects a sharp decrease
or facies in coastal features does not imply the occur- in wind strength since the middle of the fourth millen-
rence of eustatic or isostatic variations in sea level. An nium until 2200 BC. If the ratios were strictly propor-
isolated, high intensity storm event, may cause a greater tional to wind strength this would indicate a 4.5-fold
retreat in a rocky shoreline, or deposit and redistribute decrease in wind strength (a combination of a reduction
huge amounts of sediments over the mean upper level of in wind velocity and frequency). For this particular
wave action than the usual slow change over centuries. period the ratios reach their greatest values for the last
R. Fábregas Valcarce et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 859–871 863

Table 1 summarizes the main climatic periods of the

time span comprising the second half of the fourth
millennium and the third and second millennia. To
conclude this section, climatic conditions for the period
were characterized by cold temperatures, although
significant changes cannot be ignored. Important vari-
ations in humidity flux (i.e. total rainfall) and in wind
strength—very high until the end of the third millen-
nium, to low and very low for the rest of the period—are
indicated. In general terms, humidity and temperature
were coupled in the sense that elevated humidity fluxes
coincided with high temperatures and low humidity
fluxes with correspondingly low temperatures. Neverthe-
less, the increase in humidity seems to have occurred
before the recovery of temperatures.

4.2. Landscape evolution

Studies of landscape evolution in NW Iberia show

that soil erosion began to be widespread at least from
the beginning of the fourth millennium BC. Soils located
in areas of deposition were buried by colluvium derived
from A horizons upslope. The result was a shift from
stable to unstable conditions [20]. These episodes seem
to have been anthropic in that they are synchronous
with forest decline [42]. In addition, some soils show
charcoal lines, which point to the use of fire. For
example, in the Atlantic ranker of Currobedo (CBD)
(Xistral Mountains, Lugo) the buried surface of the
oldest paleosol has a radiocarbon age of 4950 cal. BC
(2 5145–4775 BC) [29]. At Coto da Fenteira (CTF)
(Redondela, Pontevedra) the paleosol has a radiocarbon
age of 4460 cal. BC (2 4615–4340) [17,31]. At Mougás
one of the paleosurfaces is buried by a colluvium which
contains a charcoal line at its base dating from 4355 cal.
BC (2 4465–4310). In the Valadouro basin (Lugo) trees
of an age of 4460 cal. BC (2 4545–4435) were found
Fig. 2. (A) Proxies for climate changes occurring in NW Iberia from under 1–2 m of sediments and in the upper slopes of the
the mid of the fourth until the end of the second millennium BC area a buried A horizon with an age of 3360 cal. BC (2
(temperature index: departure from present average temperatures in 3510–3320) (Franco Maside, 1999) was found. In other
(C; humidity proxy: Br flux in µg m2 year1). The dashed line in the
TI indicates the estimated trend for the end of the fourth millennium. words, most of the soils were stable until the fourth
(B) A proxy for wind strength in NW Iberia since the end of the fourth millennium, after which induced erosion started that
to the end of the second millennium BC (log of the Zr/Ti ratio). (C) A increased with time.
proxy of soil erosion rates in NW Iberia since the end of the fourth to
the end of the second millennium BC (flux of gallium by 100, in At the start, the intensity of erosion was somewhat
µg m2 year1). variable with geochemical indicators suggestive of a low
to moderate intensity, while elsewhere sedimentological
and geomorphological features indicate local severe
erosion. A common aspect in all areas studied is that the
5000 years and the maximum was three times greater natural equilibrium of the soils on the slopes was
than the present. This suggests very strong winds. disturbed, and erosion was enhanced even to the point
For the next 1000 years the winds remained almost that saprolites and rocks were exhumed. In the lowlands
constant or showed a decreasing trend to values com- sedimentary deposition of the disturbed material created
parable to present times. The second millennium BC new landscape surfaces.
ended with an event of strong winds, a 3.5-fold increase The stripping of the surface soils caused a reduction
compared to previous conditions, again assuming strict in water retention and an increase in water runoff. This
proportionality. elevated the water table and transformed some lowland
864 R. Fábregas Valcarce et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 859–871

Fig. 3. Temperature changes in NW Iberian Peninsula during the period considered. (A) At the beginning of the third millennium. (B) At the end
of the second millennium.

soils into hydromorphic soils (known locally as brañas). surface of the CBD ranker occurred sometime after 4900
In some places, the almost permanently high water table and before 2290 cal. BC. In the nearby fen of Pena Vella
triggered the formation of basin peat fens. For instance, (no more than 500 m away) peat accumulation began
as already mentioned, the burying of the oldest paleo- shortly before 3860 cal. BC (2 3970–3790) over a basin
R. Fábregas Valcarce et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 859–871 865

Table 1
A synthesis of climate periods from the second half of the fourth to the second millennium BC, based on conditions reconstructed using the
temperature, rainfall and wind strength proxies described in the text (values in parenthesis are relative deviations from the preceding stage)

Period (in cal. BC) Temperature Rainfall Wind strength

3500–3100 Cold Moderate Very high
3100–2700 Very cold (1 (C?) Low (23%) Very high
2700–2200 Very cold (0.3 (C) High (+45%) High
2200–2000 Cold (+1 (C) Very high (+20%) Low
2200–1600 Cold (similar) Low (38%) Low to very low
1600–1400 Very cold (0.5 (C) Low (similar) Low to very low
1400–1000 Cold to warm (+2.5 (C) High (+35%) Low, high at the end

soil [43]. This suggests a relationship between soil ero- 2880–2620) and 1620 BC (2 1820–1420). Recursive
sion, increased water flux to the basin and peat for- erosion episodes mediated by forest fires, are therefore
mation at the beginning of the fourth millennium BC. indicated from the third to the second millennium. Not
The shift to a colder climate, and to a drier and far from this site, Camposancos in the southeast of the
windier environment (referred to previously) accelerated area in the Saa valley, infillings dating to 2030 BC (2
the changes over the next two millennia. The accumu- 2210–1870) were buried by a first generation of (prob-
lation of lithogenic elements in ombrotrophic peat bogs ably) man-made terraces dating to 1330 BC (2 1520–
(exemplified by Ga in Fig. 2c) suggests increased rates of 1150 BC). A consistent chronology was also found for
soil erosion between 3500 and 3200 BC since the flux distant areas. At Arcucelos (Verin), for example, a
was four to five times greater than the minimum ob- paleosol, buried under a sand deposit 6 m thick, has an
served, for the next two centuries (3200–2900 BC). After age of 1620 BC (2 1750–1500). This is also consistent
2900 BC and until 2500 BC erosion seems to have with extensive soil erosion in NW Iberia during the third
increased again, with soil dust fluxes 2.5 to four times and second millennia [34].
greater than this minimum. From 2500 to 2300 BC
accumulation was again very low. In the next century 4.3. Recent evolution of the NW Iberia coast
fluxes increased dramatically, suggesting intense soil
erosion. Although the fluxes eventually decreased after To understand the Holocene evolution of the coast in
this period, erosion was very high during the second NW Iberia it is necessary to consider a longer time scale,
millennium and showed a steady increase to maxima, with a resolution which is far coarser than that attained
five to six times greater than the minimum. for climate. Many of the rocky landforms of the coast
We need to always bear in mind the ambiguities when were developed during the last interglacial transgression
interpreting that type of data. For example, most of the (isotopic stage 5e, Eemian). They are now close to its
third millennium was characterized by high to very high position to the present mean high tide level, which
wind strengths. Yet it is reasonable to assume that a corresponds to a m.r.s.l. 2–3 m higher than today [48].
relatively small area would be able to generate greater During the glacial regression afterwards, the dominant
dust fluxes under windier conditions than a bigger area role of cold climate processes resulted in a high slope-
under low winds. Consequently, accumulation rates may unstability and the formation of thick deposits which
not be strictly related to the proportion of land having buried most of the abandoned coastal landforms. Vari-
no vegetation cover. The constancy of the winds is also ous settings, and the differing characteristics of the
of relevance, since constant winds can have a more source area (elevation, slope, distance), produced a
marked effect on dust transport. Nevertheless, even with variety of facies, but always with a great heterometric
these constraints, we feel that the relative variations composition, and a high proportion of coarse sediments
among periods give good indication of different rates [6–7,40,48]. Thus, the Holocene transgression represents
of soil erosion and landscape transformation. Thus, the beginning of a paraglacial dynamic, in which the
whereas most of the third millennium was characterized continental deposits that fossilized the Eemian coastline
by high to very high wind strengths, by the end of the are being eroded. Given the differences in extension,
third and the whole of the second millennia, winds were thickness and facies of these deposits, the retreat
of low strength, so that the elevated dust fluxes have to occurred in several phases controlled by variations in sea
be interpreted as the result of more intense landscape level as well as by the volume and nature of the
changes. sediments entering the coastal system (Fig. 4 ).
Studies of archaeological sites also support this inter- The Holocene transgression reached its maximum
pretation. For example, at Coto da Fenteira [31], two around the fourth millennium BC [1,36,44], and al-
charcoal lines were found with ages of 2760 BC (2 though marine erosion of the more extended deposits
866 R. Fábregas Valcarce et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 859–871

Fig. 4. Schematic view of the sequence of fossilization and exhumation of coastal landforms, in the case of shore platforms and cliffs. (A) Landforms
developed during the Eemian, (B) fossilization during the glacial transgression, (C and D) exhumation of coastal landforms during the Holocene.

may have started prior to this maximum, the radio- lagoons and dune systems [6,10,12,20,46,49], likely
carbon age of 4350 cal. BC (2 4460–4310) obtained at started in this way in a similar fashion to the Portuguese
110 cm from the top of the deposit of Mougás [7], coast [11]. However, continental sedimentation was still
indicates maintenance of continental sedimentation. active, as shown by datings of 3580 cal. BC (2 3660–
This suggests that the front of the deposit remained far 2270) and 1620 cal. BC (1750–1440) in Porto Canela [5],
from its present high-tide position. After the maximum, and was enhanced by the erosion of slope soils related to
with the relative fall in sea level, sediment incorporated human activities [20]. In the coastal environment, this
into the coastal system during the former phase was resulted in the formation of considerably thick alluvial
probably redistributed. The development of the main facies and stone lines [7,22] and provided an extra supply
sedimentary complexes of the Galician coast, such as of material, especially in river mouths. There is also
R. Fábregas Valcarce et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 859–871 867

evidence of continental sedimentation until historic (Table 1) should represent an increase in the frequency
times [48], which suggests a very recent date for the and/or intensity of storm events. The speed of retreat of
retreat of the deposits and exhumation of ancient coastal the deposits and cliffs, and as a result the balance with
landforms. the sediment delivered to coastal systems may have been
Holocene paraglacial dynamics imply that the pro- intensely affected by such relatively short catastrophic
cesses operating on the coast are controlled by three changes.
main variables: the configuration of the previous land-
forms, the amount and type of sediments that covered 4.3.2. Mainly sedimentary, low wave energy sectors
the coastline during the regression, and the energetic The irregular shape in the plan of the NW Iberian
environment. The three factors are site-specific, since coast, at all scales, leads to the existence of alternating
both the conditions of sedimentation during the regres- areas of high and low energy environments, that is rocky
sion and the exposure to wave action vary with location. sectors alternating with sectors favourable to the devel-
Though data are scarce, some useful generalizations can opment of sedimentary complexes. Slight reductions in
be made in the light of the factors just cited. exposure to the dominant wave regime may lead to
reduced erosion thereby allowing a continuous sedimen-
4.3.1. Rocky sectors, exposed to high energy wave tation. This may occur in areas that in a broad sense are
conditions exposed, like many lagoonal complexes, though it will be
In these environments, there are areas that were easier in well-protected sectors such as the bottom of
fossilized (i.e. buried) by thick deposits, especially in rias and embayments. The latter were once linked to
those places backed by mountains (e.g. most of the fluvial systems, and are formed at the interface between
Costa da Morte, the region between Baiona and A marine and fluvial water-movement. Most are located in
Garda, as well as in many areas scattered along the areas that were unfavourable to the development of
western and northern coast of NW Iberia). Here the cold-climate processes of the type that operated during
sedimentation remained active simultaneously with re- the glacial regression, since these processes were strongly
cession of the bluffs. The speed of retreat at the bluffs controlled by the presence of high mountains near the
was controlled mainly by their exposure. Faster retreat coast. This suggests that the bulk of the sediment in
occurs of course, in areas highly exposed to wave action, these areas may be fluvial in origin, although it may
where continental sedimentation was reduced. Alterna- originate by near shore, coastal transport, especially
tively, where wave energy was less active—river mouths, where the sedimentary systems are flanked by rocky
for example—sediment accumulation (derived from cliffs as at Traba.
human-induced erosion) was evident. This behaviour, and previous work that suggests a
Since the paraglacial evolution implies the exhu- stage of maturity was reached by some lagoonal com-
mation of previous landforms, some other factors may plexes during the third millennium BC, may indicate
have reduced wave action. This is the case of shore that the sedimentation was almost continuous since the
platforms, in which the wave energy is spent before maximum transgression. However, there is also evidence
reaching the remaining bluffs or, where bluffs have of intense aeolian activity, which we can link to those
eroded, the cliffs. periods of high wind intensity that occurred from the
A small regression (from the Holocene maximum) end of the fourth to the end of the third millennium.
occurred in the third millennium and delayed erosion of Also, the evidence that many dune systems are stabilized
the deposits. In rocky sectors with cliffs, where deposits today supports the idea of a lack of correspondence with
were scarce or absent, sedimentation was not very present wind regime.
notable at medium spatial scales. Again, conditions after It is clear that the increase in storm events already
the maximum probably represented only a reoccupation cited, must have left an imprint on the sedimentary
of Eemian landforms, so that the erosive balance was complexes. But the response of a sedimentary coastal
close to a quasi-equilibrium and was controlled mainly system is different from that of a rocky environment,
by storm events. since the former unlike the latter, is able to maintain an
Where cliffs formed over relatively soft rocks (e.g. equilibrium with at least some events of medium to large
schists or shales as in the northeastern coast) a pattern periodicity. Change of beach profiles or transfer of
dominated by erosion is observed. Vertical, flat–top sediments between intertidal and nearshore areas, are
scarps result, that were probably never covered by possible examples.
deposits. Only a frontal talus occurs and is easily eroded In places in which the wave energy is very low (e.g.
during the transgression and by wave action. the bottoms of rias or embayments), sedimentation
In all cases, since the coastal environment is strongly would be expected to be continuous since the maxi-
controlled by wave energy distribution, and waves mum transgression. These localities changed from a
are controlled by climatic conditions, the evidence of continental-type environment (e.g. river mouths), some-
periods of high wind intensity referred to earlier times favourable to fluvial sedimentation, to a coastal
868 R. Fábregas Valcarce et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 859–871

environment when the m.s.l. rose. Various developments By the second half of the third millennium BC, a shift
are possible—for example, estuarine systems where there may be perceived in the pattern of occupation: thus,
is a fluvial channel affected by tides (as may be the case while not abandoning the lower lands, a renewal of
in the Mandeo or the Anllons estuaries), intertidal flats settlement on the plateaus took place. A new type of
in the embayments that can develop a lagoon (O Bao pottery widespread across Europe, the Bell Beaker, is
and probably systems such as Carnota or Corrubedo) or common in open sites and also in secondary deposits in
many other intermediate or more complex systems such the many Neolithic mounds of the latter areas. Although
as the Vilarrrube spits. What seems to be clear is that the there is a significant degree of continuity during late
increase in sedimentary rates linked to human activities Chalcolithic and early Bronze Age in regard to material
must have had a considerable impact on the formation culture and the location of domestic sites, a change
and evolution of these complexes, and that this impact becomes apparent from 1900 to 1800 BC onwards.
was even greater than processes deriving from changes Apparently the funerary and domestic evidence abruptly
in the wave energy regime linked to variations in wind vanishes at this point. For some authors this corre-
strength. sponds to a crisis that lasts until 1200 BC [2, p. 147, 38,
p. 17, 45, p. 13]. One of us [14] has challenged this
4.4. The archaeological evidence hypothesis, and has proposed instead that during this
period the archaeological record is particularly opaque
While a large proportion of the megaliths built in (the more so with the unsystematic nature of the re-
the fifth/fourth millennium BC are confined to the high search undertaken in this field) and that in the middle of
plateaus of Galicia and North Portugal [8 p. 686], a the second millennium BC a ‘velvet revolution’ took
significant shift in the location of human activity can place, setting the stage for the more visible developments
be perceived from the last centuries of the fourth of the final Bronze Age. Intensive survey and excavation
millennium BC and most of the third, leading to the being done currently in the North of Portugal gives
settlement of lands at a lower altitude [13 p. 274, 15, weight to our view by showing the existence of an ever
p. 499, 39, p. 126]. Commonly, the domestic sites are increasing number of sites belonging to this ‘dark’
placed at strategic points, with a good command of the period, and also bringing out fresh paleoenvironmental
surroundings, sometimes at the expense of proximity to evidence that supports the continuity of the anthropic
better lands for cultivation. The investment in living activities [3, p. 81, 19, p. 9].
space is far greater than before, a fact shown by the
increased size of settlements, the building of stone 5. Overview
enclosures (or even of fortifications), and a distinctive
material culture, in which a lavishly decorated pottery We began this text by stressing the interest of recon-
is prominent [18]. Alloctonous raw materials are structing past environmental changes, but even more so
common and new technologies are introduced, the the importance of the feedback between those and the
smelting of copper and gold being notable examples. human activities developed along the recent prehistoric
The increase in size and complexity of the settlements times. In the light of the environmental evidence we have
may be in response to a growth in population, or to a been explaining throughout this paper that we can
move towards a clustering in areas midway between achieve a better understanding of some archaeological
the highland and the valley bottom, giving a more trends we have outlined in previous paragraphs. To start
concentrated habitat. with, the adoption of farming had probably a temporal
Regarding subsistence, the changes are also visible time-delay between the Northern and Southern regions
either in the actual vegetal and animal remains or, more of NW Iberia, a feature that probably has something
indirectly, in the artefactual record [14,16]. We see a to do with the fact that most domesticates have a
relative depletion in the percentages of arboreal pollen, Mediterranean origin and therefore would be more
coupled with a rise in pollen associated with human easily adapted (and adopted) in those areas of the
activities. From the third millennium, the remains of NW where the environmental traits (i.e. temperature,
cultivated plants (cereals and pulses among them) are regime of rains, soils) were more akin to those in the
more common. Husbandry is also more obvious (though Southernmost regions of Iberia. Taking advantage of
underrepresented for taphonomical reasons), while the exceptionally warm and wet conditions of the
hunting falls steadily in the paleontological record. Holocene Optimum, there could be a steady settlement
Progress to a more productive economy is also indi- of the plateaus, previously exploited on an extensive
cated by larger ceramic vessels, or storage pits used to basis by the last hunter-gatherers. This trend would be
hold the agricultural produce. Specialized activities in particularly noticeable in the southern areas of Galicia
the large domestic sites, including metal working, arrow and Northern Portugal, allowing for a demographic
making and the production of textiles, point to a similar increase along the fifth/fourth millennium BC. The pro-
material progress. gressive drop in temperature and particularly rainfall
R. Fábregas Valcarce et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 859–871 869

from the second half of the fourth millennium (acceler- While many of the sites in the lower zones are not
ated since the fourth/third transition) would affect par- abandoned during the last part of the third millennium
ticularly the lands situated in higher places, where the and beginning of the second, we have commented earlier
less developed soils would be more easily stripped by the on the new drive towards the plateaus that takes place.
erosion (a process to which the previous deforestation This move was no doubt made easier by the slight rise in
would contribute also), being exposed, too, to a greater temperature at the time but also by a new emphasis on
extent to a drier and colder climate prevalent during the cattle-raising. In that respect it is worth noting that
most of the third millennium. human action works admirably with the natural shifts in
The southern stretches in the NW would be hit making more suitable for pasture a series of small basins
harder, not only because of the greater dependence on (locally known as ‘brañas’): the tree felling favours the
farming (with its side effects on soils and forest cover) stripping of the soil on the slopes and an increased water
but also by its susceptibility to those climatic shifts, given runoff and this, together with a certain recovery in the
the usual tendency to aridity of these areas, with a amount of rainfall, will multiply since the 2000 BC
marked seasonality in precipitation. Thus, the general the number of permanently wet soils at the bottom
tendency towards the occupation of the lands at a lower of the tiny depressions so frequent in the Galician
altitude would be in part a response to the new con- landscape.
ditions, since they provide moister soils and a better On the other hand, the alleged crisis of the second
protection from a cooler and windier climate. Presently, millennium could be viewed instead as an episode of
there is a marked altitudinal ecological gradient in the relative equilibrium and socioeconomic stability that
SW area, due to important variations in temperature and would not give so many chances as before to the elites to
rainfall linked to the rugged orography. This situation exert their coercion in its most obvious and violent
provided in the past an opportunity for human groups, forms. The relative regularity, too, of the weather con-
faced to changing climatic conditions, since they would ditions for much of the second millennium (with a brief
be able to find an optimum for each activity (cattle episode of cooling around 1500 BC) would help to the
raising, cultivation, foraging) by moving about from the ‘silent revolution’ we have talked about elsewhere and
lowlands to the plateaus and sierras. On the other hand, this period of quiet growth will be still furthered by the
this geographical mobility would be prone to the rise of significant warming and rise in rainfall taking place from
internecine conflict among the different social groups the s. 14 BC onwards.
competing for the exploitation of that area and, as we The evidence of environmental stress we have been
have pointed out elsewhere [4], one of the actual reasons outlining in the preceding pages and, above all, the
lying behind the uncanny concentration of open air rock feedback between anthropic actions/decisions and the
art in the southwestern corner of Galicia could be the climatic shifts are by no means an isolated feature but a
need for those communities of asserting the exclusive pattern that has been observed in other areas of the
rights to certain resource-rich areas. world (i.e. Refs. [37,50]). In observing these and other
The agricultural intensification of the third millen- cases the same consideration stands out: the actual
nium could be another answer to the hardening situ- impact of environmental changes on human societies
ation, a policy that, at least from the available evidence, depends to a large extent on a complex interaction
seems to be pursued with greater determination to the between the socioeconomic structure of the latter and
South of the study area. In any case, this political choice the character and temporal distribution of the first.
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