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Welcome to the Saturday Morning Foundation Meeting of the Primary Purpose Group
of Sex Addicts Anonymous.
We welcome all newcomers. The purpose of this meeting is to Study the Big Book of
Alcoholics Anonymous in order to help the sex addict know what sex addiction is,
what the SOLUTION is and HOW to take the ACTION that is necessary to avoid
death or insanity by selfish sexual behavior, i.e. to get from the PROBLEM to the
My name is _________. and I am a recovered sex addict. On the meeting with me
today is _____________Today I will be talking about the problem and
_____________ will be talking about the solution.
We would like to make sure that everyone has a Big Book. If you don't you can
access it on-line
To avoid distractions from background noise this call is muted.
While in the meeting, we invite you to listen closely. You may want to have pen and
paper available for notes. We will be giving out names and phone numbers of people
willing to sponsor. Please note this is not a discussion meeting. After the speakers
have shared, we will open the meeting for fellowship at which time you are welcome
to comment and ask any questions you may have. Our aim is to help you find the truth
about whether or not you belong here.
Now let us open this meeting with the Set Aside Prayer:
The Set Aside Prayer (or lay aside prayer)
Dear God, 
please set aside everything I think I know 
About myself, 
this book, 
this disease, 
these 12 steps, 
and especially about you dear God,
so that I might have an open mind And a new experience with all these things.
Please help me to see the truth.
(If you are opening and NOT the speaker, please say): I now turn the meeting to
_______, who will be talking about the problem.

Thank you, to both of our speakers. As a quick review of the meeting: We learned that
we have a physical allergy and a mental obsession, and that our mind is the main
problem. We learned that there is a solution; that we must experience an entire
psychic change if we are ever to solve our problem. And most importantly, we learned
that we can find the directions that will finally allow us to recover through the 12
steps in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.
       “Our book is meant to be suggestive only. We realize we know
only a little. God will constantly disclose more to you and to us. Ask Him in
your morning meditation what you can do each day for the man who is still sick.
The answers will come if your own house is in order. But you obviously cannot
transmit something you haven't got. See to it that your relationship with Him is
right, and great events will come to pass for you and countless others. This is
the Great Fact for us.”
       “Abandon yourself to God as you understand God. Admit
your faults to Him and your fellows. Clear away the wreckage of your past. 
Give freely of what you find and join us. We shall be with you in the Fellowship
of the Spirit, and you will surely meet some of us as you trudge the Road of
Happy Destiny.
“May God bless you and keep you until then.”
   Our 7th Tradition states that every group ought to be fully self supporting
declining outside contributions. S.A.A. meetings around the world normally pass the
basket at this time to accept the voluntary contributions of its members. Since that is
not possible in a telemeeting, we ask that you make a contribution to the Telemeeting
Intergroup. That can be done on-line via PayPal at or you can send a check to :
Telemeeting Intergroup
PO Box 434015
St. Louis, MO 63143
The Telemeeting Intergroup supports all of the telemeetings by maintaining the 
www.saatalk.orgwebsite, scheduling our meetings with the teleconference provider
and in many other ways. Their costs are minimal and all excess funds go to the ISO.
We would additionally like to direct you to for further information
about our Big Book study meetings and about recovery from sex addiction through
the 12 steps.
For those of you who on the call today who are still suffering from a seemingly
hopeless condition with no ability to stop acting out permanently, we recommend you
get with a sponsor who is recovered, a sponsor whose directions come from the
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book, precisely as it is written, a sponsor who has had a
psychic change. We recommend you do this if you do not want to suffer any longer.
Will all those who have recovered and are willing to work with others please give
your name and number now: (remember to press *6 to unmute)
Thank you. Please remember that this meeting is specifically designed and dedicated
to all newcomers. If you are new to this meeting or new to SAA, we welcome you. If
you would like more information , have a desire to start your journey of recovery or
would like an outreach call, now is the time to leave your name and number so a
recovered member can contact you. (pause) Please press *6 to unmute.

Before begin our period of fellowship, will you please join me in closing this
meeting with the Serenity Prayer, “God, grant me the Serenity to accept the
things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can and the Wisdom
to know the difference.”

Thank you for joining us today. We will now take any comments or questions – or let
us know if you need any numbers repeated, we can do that now.
Press *6 to unmute. (repeat this often)

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